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HomeMy WebLinkAboutECM Ord. 1711AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss SUMMARY OF COUNTY OF ANOKA ORDINANCE NO. 1711 BEING AN ORDINANCE I do solemly swear that the notice, as per the AMENDING CHAPTER 9 proof, was published in the edition of the LAND USE OF THE CITY CODE OF 2005 BSLP Col Hght Frid Life TO AMEND 9.101 PURPOSE, 9.103 DEFINITIONS, 9.104 ADMINISTRATION AND with the known office of issue being located ENFORCEMENT, 9.106 in the county of: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT ANOKA STANDARDS, 9.107 with additional circulation in the counties of: SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, 9.109 RAMSEY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, and has full knowledge of the facts stated 9.110 COMMERCIAL below: DISTRICTS, 9.111 A The newspaper has com lied with all of INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS, ( )P 9.113 PLANNED UNIT the requirements constituting qualifiea- DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 9.114 OVERLAY DISTRICTS, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. AND 9.115 PUBLIC AND (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS. lished in said newspaper(s) once each The City Council for the City of week, for 1 successive week(s); the first Columbia Heights, Minnesota ad - insertion being on 02/28/2025 and the last opted Ordinance No. 1711 on Feb - insertion being on 02/28/2025. ruary 24, 2025. The purpose of this ordinance is MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES to update, upon passage, Chapter Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 9 of Columbia Heights City Code to include the sections of code above. relating to the publication of mortgage These updates include changes to foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies 9.101 Purpose to encourage solar with the conditions described in §580.033, and renewable energy develop- subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's ment and reflect other city-wide guiding documents. The definitions known office of issue is located in a county of accessory structure, structure, adjoining the county where the mortgaged and building in 9.103 Definitions premises or some part of the mortgaged to explicitly state that solar equip - premises described in the notice are located, ment and installations are not structures and include definitions a substantial portion of the newspaper's for Community -scale solar energy circulation is in the latter county. system; Grid -connected solar en- ergy system; Ground -mounted so- lar energy system (Accessory Use) and (Primary Use); roof -mounted By solar energy system; Solar ener- Designated Agent gy system; and Solar photovoltaic system. Changes to 9.106 General Development Standards include al - Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before lowing solar and renewable energy me on 02/28/2025 equipment to exceed the maximum height by up to 50%, subject this equipment to accessory structure setbacks, and exempt from perfor- mance standards. Other changes to 9.106 include removing specif- ic sign regulations and relocating these to (8) Sign Design Standards Table containing standards relat- Notary Public ed to types of signage allowed by zoning district, maximum area, height, illumination, setbacks and all other applicable information in a form -based table as well as . doing the same for permitted, conditional, and accessory uses Darlerle fJlarie MaD in all zoning districts in (S) Table F F7+^ Na'lary F' ,1of Uses. Specific Development fV11r1�18SOt Standards in 9.107 are included for roof -mounted solar energy sys- My Commission E fires Jtems and ground -mounted solar energy systems. 9.109 Residential Districts, 9.110 Commercial Dis- tricts, 9.111 Industrial Districts, and 9.115 Public and Open Space Rate Information: Districts all have had their uses re- (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users located to 9.106 (S) Table of Uses. 9.113 Planned Unit Development for comparable space: amended to include "solar, renew- $999.99 per column inch able energy systems, and bene- ficial electrification" as part of (C) Ad ID 1453897 Areas of Flexibility and (D) Review Procedure to include references to guiding documents in PUD consid- eration. 9.114 Overlay Districts (D) Design Overlay Districts to include descriptions of the Central Avenue, 40th Avenue, and Highway Design Districts. This is a summary of Ordinance No. 1711. A copy of the entire text of the Ordinance is available for public inspection during regular office hours at City Hall, by stan- dard or electronic mail, or at www. columbiaheights mo.aov Amada Marquez Simula, Mayor Attest: Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary Published in The Life February 28, 2025 1453897