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HomeMy WebLinkAboutECM 2023 Financial StatementAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss COUNTY OF ANOKA I do solemly swear that the notice, as per the proof, was published in the edition of the BSLP Col Hght Frid Life with the known office of issue being located in the county of: ANOKA with additional circulation in the counties of: RAMSEY and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 08/09/2024 and the last insertion being on 08/09/2024. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By �4 Designated A nt Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 08/09/2024 Notary Public Darlene Marie MacPherson �, 4 �Notary �.- Public m , A"; -% Minnesota �J li fiv ICYmmission Expires 113112029 ^��g}�",�+�RAW"p�yw.�5;xy..oypry9iN Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $999.99 per column inch Ad ID 1412837 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGIfTS, MINNESOTA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City of Columbia For The Year Ended December 31, 2023 Heights to interested citizens. The complete financial statements may be examined at City Hall, 3989 Central Avenue N.E.,Columbia Heights, MN. Ouestions about this report should be directed to Joseph Kloiber, Finance Director, at 763-706-3627. Busssess-Type 4e0iikss-IntepasaFvals TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES lunxvtatg $nwLw' wwtu*, Stamssexa 2oidFanpaae IamndSania For The Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 Ford Find Fund U4tih•Fund LR=Fmd Fords Fmxk Total Trial Petce""t, V23 2M 2023 2022 Change opus Mmatts Revenues: Canigaliturvien st%,m V,6a4t4 SM421 liffi 9J S - s4551,349 53,0goi6 Taus S 16,310,354 S 15,153,933 15% Chrgesfauks;nactdkcaunu $T14b8i - - 9.053 a 13,274.604 14,36 Tar increment collections 1,i58,963 1,233 qq 10.2?a Tokltpemtin8mxmns 431i,DJ4. 2,bS2134 3,061,429 R,lo 9.OS4,922 14,,841553 5,165.41; Specin(assesssoets 819,8f:6 993,417-17.5°,a Licensesandpesmits 752,032 $75,141 .14.1% operamrzepeases: Intengovestramw 6,991,644 3.546305 97.4% cog atuk nmenwd8aAsaw L.Rti,i6B 5,345,7{0 3,114,97p - 8,891j79 13,ISs,421 6531,056 Chanter for services 933,415 1,10,496 •21.7% Opa"espenst W55 649 29ZO43 24914% 1a3011 4.p30;07 . Firsts and forfeitures 106,431 88,725 20A4a lkp -in 33S)P7 2;4379 33,545 55,614 144447 rL461 97,i30 Invesmstsffieuaxse: Totaleptraingepearn 3.030100 2,33373 3,44538 325.104 1.976¢37 IM91 023.79 interest and dn-Acands 650,650 239,721 172.6% Change in favvalue 384:070 (639,084) -160.1% Nttineast N a)it=aptrdims 1.345.84J 358,171 072.14 165,146 7$28i 1.775915 0,457A Otherrevenues 155,996 ni9,333 -25.5% Total revenues 21,370,441 22,889,386 24.1% N $revemes(apmses): peg"Pata 1,275 I,047 2189a Imeaneatareme. Espendrenes: lat"itaaddinilieods 55YX 26YA 43,300 29M 30,1,N 116,037 15,952 Cunaatt: General govetrassera 204,559 2,6167440 3.0% C1myitv+lse raw 33,fip 15;w1 Z59�J 17,5� 1$3C0 HEW49,E Public safety 8,932874 8,631,956 3.4% �n8°°� 11,465 106,439 - 3,102 194;W7 15,Si1 Public works 2491,699 2,808,942 .110 a 1hiedlaomas mtmus Culture and recreahm 3.328,568 3XV,09 -10% Sntaes radw6nts {1,491) {LSlij - ( 3) (37,B11) (43A . Community development 1..411,659 $13-819 735% 0t6ttdsutiaseosr tspenses - - - - GA 3O)' Cartelosdiay Totatunreper�g-s(apsues) MOO 125.140 lup 450 10,654 445,130 151-524 Genera( goverment 5,54'2?3 2,912,t�5 92.2% Public safety 41LOW 425,147 -33% Net itenne(lest)befara tuaden 1,433.IS9 44,011 (iS3,:911 41p8 189w 112LI61 i 05,843 Public wanks 4,M,938 l,SDi,106 177.1% Commtnsty development - 177,177 -IW0% Imsfas in I39,116 - - - - 119,116 3010 Debt service: Tsxsfnswa iL4,2601 193,75 (1171W, (6V51) Q55.#OSj tf ol8 Ptincipairebreta nt 970:000 1,205,f 'J -19.53o Townwi wandtapad 1016 93."S 01"'Im .�Aj (I5514% 5'.,0-'a" 31g,w framstan48scatcltaages 55t,774 523,384 5.4% Issuance cests; 100,330 - IWO% nnetassns 1,4{9,7r� 80�3 (313,S9Q Sl1,285 (E5,451) I,7X561 (1,005pB Developer incentives 2,306,184 nii'105 1753% Totaiesptnddures 33,794,42? 26,121880 29.4% iaelodassats-IrwnQ 10,675,933 w940 2,492;6,0 2,"r94 42 5.436763 28087,':10 (6,731031 Per capita 019 1.196 27.0?a Other attenuation: Tailma4asSets-Deaea)kf3l SR.R4,iS 51,158,.493 S1;M,0kI 53,01SJ21 55,370,'s02 429,281,911 (57,7�,814) Total long-t�+asdebtedness- govereasentalactnahts 23.925.000 21,480,O0 t09ab Per capita 1,071 484 S.a CITY OF IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA General Fund and Special Revenue Finds Unrestricted STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FsndBalmxe-Iecenber31 1227,ZI78 1123L032 PROPRIETARY FUNDS percapita 552 517 61a6 For The Year Ended December 31, 2023 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS December 31, 2023 B sTrrt.£ -E Fn& 8sarl'ese $bMS.- TwFaq. rears Wnur' k Srru&T Fwd Fag CtdnW lqvM Fxi§ F111, Lu23 TMu13 Cmladas!t ire MOP ktlu$9 1120s i 31.�;?2s 1!.02 7010,. §MKA. 9amsks . Odrlv bna.^ste.�cts+) Let istt�St�iP�:c»su ?OR- hs.aar Tad -tea,, 4 nuaa, CORO la4 Wine �*M-'te TdVdm 1m =.-ks! _ mapaw-, Ttidonatism- Tat mar Wea,lad eadasaat 9dzdupas= Sam irm .4��xsepa Drtrtlapswmasd wpoo-avne Xeea: Cts{eaaiAi=:apA* stmad 0.�prrd�r0s 7asaacra�ks lades it_�ebrzsstrer� B4r4marma l:xtt; eapsds meftwo Csn1�" Te�eams U41111 609 9i39i 374l4: 13115'3 - .40:. L'<�0 18'A 3T iC 19445 s;;? 1C».tr1 tt64n u3 R �: !,9l ;04 l.411 "i1 N933 ;i'bi? L'H,15! :CSd7 Lw4;0F i,ldi59 12a7j,1i 4Si0791 i5:u" Y'%9 - 3J,A ;1&XI 24485" b1"i L-17W5 1R4:+6 k,V.#u 4 f48 64*.633 Vlt9v' fr35,T LLUMA�p Ws V.1t6 3=1 18132 !1515.3'. MA 2W1.144 14,z3i_3Ei 11:+5315 43T :3fl k1 uwr ksa'n 27;�Ed tfli6 i 0XV; iIU31, tLb`3.d3t cil111F (Id):42°f5) (I&wl)Ii 84LD7i a43k'd 2333E 1R m 43"'5^^, 23161f1 157537 {4; cii iX.R Bi355 L64 w- 4.:%,n 2)31627 p133' 11517 731"1 2AT 3.112Sr "Tf' 3t%41ir S,bls.344 ssTr$t?.roars � 6sapr Eu� frQUItt bai Towkjan W'inwsad sftwmd Ford C glad laysrfsmi F06 hrd frb&ss+ aid R, No fui reetd�ma 3 3"t 4 L 2 S 131 16 143 S 4v41 sk9`14 i7 S- CsfEtamt43m... Fmdimdstss9 4d - S,l is Calpadta vasTaoakand wm w4w,, (;d;5,T4; (?41 , G,C& l T") fail Bata wstaunus 14.:1 rSs,IT9 n) (Lui l (05A)) V69i!; �I). ;tidm�8nnd>ffir6s 11tL^,415 611,"# will) C;95; qgi 2,),T1 C311 fah 6as'am m6may a'�a Twdmin Tart (124?X; (1111% li5,40j 39C 6tisra �seeaz !',iSR - 3:IL S.42 lit;; X,Nm$fsasp .'Kttil�tt' amtlCK9+'ats ^2:,x11 (Lug Wig, 9 _ (mx)-1114 :MCI Cars4ns im cada:+airdisrunn p)333, (';143; P (L34T (9<P psSTrB'tEt4 i 0; i60 Ke, n75 Yt hmtamA�d�ts- G�2'; F�sl - Ga7 (46,&9; c.Y2 . C�g,�finl�sxevsnd - 4'48 CLt7 . Tactile L8)!d 1,ltd Tmi- oa lxtc�lwsp^at��'Gs(cte6a;capadmdtdrzdxamtie. �.�St; t3RBY wm4.°,if; _L1;.81' �,k� _�1,,^�'" _ !fP 5$+: 3`sdv ii9i $'j"1 dF'16 rL3 635 W4 137 2im S'6;3 AV 1i374 ®s'S a s. ]fly Eli 4ik 53 - - il9 101lil 11r:5 PIO!6 Xe5 1;9 6rctsmrrtixr�. !P.Ow aadmddBre4 Y40 Y'll, 10 3A 31,!3 M., s5:'2 %62 tafarda iU L,V L24N rx Iw iil'IN 07 65147 ldCt��npmvd�+h)';utdmjmi;a 9 459T! d�,k3 4','Ji 0.R MAui451 i'i31 ili'S :413`k 6?.^fi Lgd!5 1;41P'i 3i455, Illy,, 10'Iis'w 0 0 0 0 1,47,JB^r lr"Z U6176 1 Ts X1~u1 6!.id& :.:d'3"4 29w.i31 13433315 19343r ` 1?2S.E 5Xt%, 5L 5; lf0m 2'Si,11: is -m s!753' C719 - 6k'» ;1SF4 5?{4; i75S3`+? Ir7111"4 LOKI !s'25 zx', t3gL, 41211:759 S m% Tsm 13:d4532i �7*'m2 5n?n (i"idi l 2ktinatet(dant) wcited tahqntbm L4i1,A;i I%,552 1113A) 334512 (3,tJ1) 1,a.* *'411 Tadeswar6taa .lraall t,i42374 SI6.a ISEiO 9:M 1117213 pmo "MA" Caw C'Aepsi!tsArei»eii rMo 9i15 MW! ilnnvn WgM Si^41d7 Published in The Life August 9,2024 1412837