HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-2022 City Council Work Session Minutes
Amáda Márquez Simula
John Murzyn, Jr.
Connie Buesgens
Nick Novitsky
Kt Jacobs
City Manager
Kelli Bourgeois
Public Safety Bldg—Training Room, 825 41st Ave NE
Tuesday, July 05, 2022
7:00 PM
The following are the minutes for the Work Session Meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 pm on
Monday, July 5, 2022, in the Public Safety Building, Training Room, 825 41st Avenue NE, Columbia
Heights, Minnesota.
Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Novitsky; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember
Absent: Councilmember Murzyn, Jr.
Also Present: Lenny Austin, Chief of Police; Kelli Bourgeois, City Manager; Aaron Chirpich, Community
Development Director; Mitchell Forney, Community Development Coordinator; Minerva Hark, City
Planner; Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary; Matt Markham, Police Captain Dan O’ Brien, Assistant
Fire Chief; Eileen Sowry, Embedded Social Worker CHPC; Charlie Thompson, Assistant Fire Chief.
1. Embedded Social Worker 6 Month Review.
Police Captain Markham and Embedded Social Worker Sowry lead the presentation related
to the Embedded Mental Health Professional Utilization and Outcome Data from January
2022 to June 2022. Overall, the way the data has been collected has evolved since the
beginning of the program. There have been 183 individuals that the Ms. Sowry has
interacted with. Overall, they have been able to resolve calls without the use of force. They
have been able to overwhelmingly avoid using transportation holds and use of force. They
have also been able to avoid taking people to jail because of their mental health concerns.
They have been able to increase the number of voluntary admissions to the hospital as well
for mental and medical care.
Overall, there are individuals with high needs and there are repeat interactions with the
same individuals. There is good success with getting people to stop engaging with 911 and
getting them to start using Anoka County mobile crisis. Anoka County crisis has a trained
Crisis Councilor that is staffed 24/7 that can help provided assessments at any time, a
clinician can meet via telehealth and can provide immediate services and provide plans to
move forward long term as well to help provide stabilization services.
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One of the biggest impacts of having Ms. Sowry embedded with the officers and
responding with the officers is that the officers are able to better to identify mental health
and chemical dependency concerns when they are interacting with residents. They are
better able to offer resources and connect them to programs that can assist them short
term and long term and get them connected to Ms. Sowry. In additional exciting news
Captain Markham stated that Canvas Health has made an offer to our second embedded
social worker who will be working on the night shift Monday to Friday from 3 to 11pm. This
added position will be huge for us.
Councilmember Buesgens stated that having two embedded social workers will be so huge
for our community. She is so excited and is so thankful for Ms. Sowry.
Ms. Sowry touched on the 988 program for mental health calls at the National Level.
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she is very impressed with the numbers and results.
Ms. Sowry stated that she is very appreciative to be here in Columbia Heights and to be a
part of this program.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated that the community is very appreciative, and that Columbia
Heights is really a leader with this program. She asked if this information is shared with
other Police Departments.
Captain Markham stated that Columbia Heights and San Diego are the programs that are
the furthest along in the Department of Justice Program, so they just recently gave a
presentation to the other departments participating in the program. They have identified
training needs and have identified residents with repeat needs.
Councilmember Buesgens stated that she thinks it is great that there are care plans for
people who have repeat calls and repeat needs.
The second embedded social worker will be starting the week of August 8th.
2. Axon Body Cam and Taser Contract.
Chief Austin gave a brief introduction of the information re lated to the upcoming renewal
of the Axon Body Cam and Taser Contract. There are new options related to tasers, body
cameras and training. Tierney Conlon presented information related to new taser
technology and training options. Axon has developed virtual reality training to address
these concerns. There is a focus on community engagement training in these modules.
Councilmember Buesgens asked what happens when an officer gets sick from using VR.
Megan McAteer addressed the issue and stated that there are not issues with this type of
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Ms. Conlon also reviewed information related to additional features that are available.
There are real time alerts and streaming video of body warn cameras. She also reviewed
information related to the Capture Ap, and the public portal feature for people to upload
information and evidence directly to the police department. There is a transcription
assistant, and redaction feature as well. There are features for random video reviews, taser
deployments reviews.
Chief Austin stated that to replace the tasers, he needs $2,000 to replace about 37 tasers.
We have a need for everything that has been proposed. We need to do redaction more and
more with data requests and we do have a need for transcription. This would be useful for
prosecution with the County Attorney. The officers would also use the dictation option
quite a bit. Currently we are paying $26,000 a year for our current contract. It pays for ou r
cameras and our evidence storage. A renewal of the as is contract would be $46,000 per
year. The officer safety package would be approximately $499,851 for a 5 year contract for
everything included. We would like to take half of the money from the 2022 budget to
offset the cost to get it more in line with the cost of the existing budget. We would like to
enter into the contract by the end of this month or the end of next month. He
acknowledged that this is a cost difference, however this is a big opportunity to have a
camera automatically operated. If we were to add these items individually the cost would
go up exponentially.
Councilmember Buesgens thinks this is a good opportunity to bundle things we need
together, view video live and supervise things better. She does not have an issue with this.
Captain Markham stated that this is over $200,000 in savings. This is almost like having
another inhouse employee doing redaction. The investigative portion of having the option
to have people share a link and give access to a video is super helpful.
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she feels that the savings alone are worth this.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated that it looks very helpful, and it looks like it will cut down on
the workload for investigators. She inquired if the social worker could also work in the VR
Captain Markham stated that in general, the instructor would be in charge of the VR
Councilmember Novitsky stated that he thought it would be a great opportunity.
Chief Austin stated that the VR program would be available for Council and citizens to
experience as well.
Councilmember Buesgens likes that there is a warning arch.
Captain Markham stated that the taser compensates for winter clothing.
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3. Rental Density for Single-Family Rental Dwellings – Draft Ordinance.
City Planner Minerva Hark presented information related to this item. She stated that on
March 7, 2022, Staff presented the research pertaining to rental density for single-family
rental dwellings at a City Council Work Session. Staff received feedback from the City
Council and was given direction to draft amendments to City Code Section 5A, Article IV in
order to regulate the density of detached single-family dwelling rentals Citywide.
The draft ordinance intends to amend Chapter 5A, Article IV of the Columbia Heights City
Code. The purpose of the ordinance is to regulate the density of detached single-family
rental dwellings in all residential zones by allowing no more than ten percent of the single-
family lots on any City block to be eligible to obtain a rental license. The ordinance defines
“BLOCK” and introduces the concept of temporary rental licenses. It also regulates the
status of rental licenses in blocks that exceed the ten percent density.
Before bringing the ordinance forward for two readings at two regular City Council
meetings, and before we can fully implement this ordinance, Staff has identified the
following action items:
Receive input from City Councilmembers on Draft Ordinance.
Work with GIS and Planning staff to get a thorough count of lots per City block and
legal single-family dwellings in all residential zoning districts.
Finalize a Rental Density Map for Single-Family Lots per City block that is
maintained and updated on a consistent basis.
Work internally to designate new responsibilities to City staff, such as map updating
and temporary rental license application review.
Notify all current single-family rental license holders of ordinance update and what
they’re subject to moving forward.
Create a designated City website that provides information of the ordinance change
and current Rental Density Map.
Councilmember Jacobs inquired how to bring illegal duplexes into compliance.
City Planner Hark stated that those properties need to be captured when they are licensed
for rental.
Councilmember Jacobs inquired about reducing the number of lots and blocks quantified.
City Planner Hark stated that it was to keep it the language consistent. She will further
review the language and make an analysis to plan ahead.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated that she thought it looked good.
Councilmember Novitsky would like to move ahead with a PDF map.
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Mayor Márquez Simula clarified that Staff is looking for direction from Council, so Staff
knows what direction to take.
City Planner Hark stated that Fire and Community Development does not share the same
computer programing.
Councilmember Jacobs inquired about what a temporary rental license works
City Planner Hark stated that a temporary license would allow for someone to have a
license if they were working out of state on a temporary basis or on a military leave. It
could be for a resident to try having a rental license for two years.
City Manager Bourgeois stated that we need to update the type of software that we are
using for GIS. We are just now getting ready to fully staff the GIS position, this is budgeted
Community Development Director Chirpich stated that we are also trying to budget for a
planning intern or could budget for a consultant to do the work. There is more work than
what we anticipated.
Councilmember Buesgens stated that Maple Grove put a one-year moratorium on rentals
in the City of Maple Grove. She asked if we could put a limit like this here in the City of
Columbia Heights.
Councilmember Jacobs stated she would like a moratorium. She has been in favor for
several years.
Councilmember Novitsky also confirmed that he would like to move forward with the
Councilmember Buesgens stated that she would like to have moratorium.
City Manager Bourgeois confirmed that the consensus from the Council is that they would
like a moratorium. She stated that she needs to pull the City Charter language to see if
there is anything prohibiting this or putting a time limit on this.
4. Rental Licensing: Incentive-Based Licensing Program Update.
Assistant Fire Chief Dan O’Brien presented information related to incentive-based licensing.
He made an alternate point only system based on a two year look back period. Many of the
concerns that would impact landlords negatively with a point-based system are related to
repeat issues with the landlord.
Councilmember Jacobs does not like landlords getting a gold star for getting basic things
done. She would like basic things like in person attendance at meetings to be less points.
Councilmember Buesgens wants them to get credit when they are doing exemplary things
not just the basic things.
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Councilmember Novitsky would like to make sure no landlords can go into deficits or get
extra points banked for doing basic things.
Fire Chief O’Brien stated that we can focus less on the points and more on what is
important for landlords to focus on to improve tenant livability. If you review the
spreadsheets, you see that the vast majority of our landlords are good landlords. Overall he
will eliminate the “negative numbers” to more accurately reflect what the Council is
Mayor Márquez Simula asked Council if they liked overall the “lookback period”. She thinks
this is a good starting point, and this will help with an overall direction to take this.
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she is very upset with the last-minute updates that are
being brought to the Council at the public hearing for the license revocations. She would
like some updated language added to the process related to seasonal extensions and
Councilmember Buesgens stated that the landlords who screw up are not paying attention
are not going to be doing what they need to be done. There is no way to include this
language related to pay or scheduling. If there were not sixty families involved, it would not
have been the same response.
Assistant Chief O’Brien stated that he would speak with the City Attorney regarding the
Assistant Chief O’Brien asked Council about the fee structure and notice of revocation fees
(base fee and unit fees). He also asked about tenant support options (relocation
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she feels that it needs to cover at least the costs.
Councilmember Buesgens stated that she wants to see relocation and revocation
information and protections included. She likes that New Brighton and St. Louis Park has
this included. She would like to see this brought up later, this is not included in this license
information that we are discussing right now.
Councilmember Jacobs wants to know how this is enforced.
Councilmember Novitsky wants to start with the information that is being discussed by
Assistant Chief O’Brien.
Mayor Márquez Simula asked if a landlord did not relocate a tenant, could their license be
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Assistant Chief O’Brien stated that we could revoke a license for this issue.
Councilmember Buesgens asked if we check the background of corporate landlords? She
also asked about the process of transferring a rental license when a property is sold.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien stated that there is no such process. A transfer can be initiated
in 30 days, but it must be approved, and the landlord must qualify.
Assistant Chief O’Brien stated that the last piece is that is time to update our rental code.
5. Property Maintenance Discussion.
Assistant Fire Chief Dan O’Brien lead a discussion related to the properties that are of
concern related to property maintenance concerns.
4224 Second Street that will be presented to the council for consideration of declaration as a
Public Nuisance on an upcoming Regular Council Meeting. To date there has been no action to
fully correct any of the issues on the property.
3821 Reservoir Blvd NE. has a retaining wall in the alley that has not been completed. It was
brought before the Council in November and tabled because of weather concerns. This will be
brought before Council at a Regular Council Meeting. To date there has been no improvements
Discussion of Emergency Abatement board up of 4518 Monroe Street. They were illegally
renovating without permits. There were squatters at the property, and part of the property has
fallen off the back. This property has been a concern for two years.
Discussion of Emergency Abatement and board up for 4528 Tyler St NE and 4634 Tyler St NE.
These were the two apartment buildings that the property management company applied for
licensees in Minneapolis. There are squatters in the building, and there was recently an
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she drove past all properties this afternoon. She stated
all properties have not been worked on recently and they need to be handled because they
are not fit for human habitation.
6. Maintained Natural Landscape Ordinance Follow-up
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien stated that he will update the verbiage in the code related to
Natural Landscape / Lot Lines / Site Lines. Specifically related to the language for neat and
orderly and defined boards and that the City defines what is falling under these
When an inspector goes to a property there is 96 hours given, but the homeowners
property is revisited in a week. After that the property is sent to the contractor to be
mowed. Usually from the time it is posted to the time it is mowed, it can be 10 days.
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Mayor Márquez Simula asked if when a violation is left for a resident, can a printout of this
information be left?
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien stated that we could. But this is a rare exception, so it is not
needed. We always ask residents to call.
City Manager Bourgeois stated that we always ask people to call. She asked for clarification
on the timeline for when we are mowing a property.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien stated that the warning states 96 hours, but it is actually a
week. It can be as long as 10 days before we get a contractor out to mow the lawn. If the
property is disputed as a natural landscape, then the timeline is renewed. If it is a managed
landscaped, it is obvious, and we are not going to be posting a notice like this on the
Councilmember Jacobs stated that mowing your lawn is a security issue and people should
be mindful. She clarified what the status is of the “no mow May leftovers”
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien stated that the inspector is now out in the City and doing a
good job.
7. Local Business Recognition.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated that she would like to do something similar to proclamations
for local businesses. She would like to recognize businesses that are having anniversary or
milestones of hiring . She is going to have Chris at the next meeting. She was not feeling
well and was not able to attend the meeting but would have him attend the upcoming City
Council meeting to receive the business recognition.
Councilmember Novitsky clarified that this was just a heads up that the Mayor would be
doing this. He also stated that Chris was a good guy, and that he did post the meet and
greet publicly.
Councilmember Buesgens stated that there was business that had previously had an
Councilmember Jacobs clarified that this is where the Mayor had a meet and greet
scheduled. She also stated that she would prefer that this not occur during the election.
8. Earlier Council Meeting Start Times.
City Manager Bourgeois lead the conversation related to starting Council meetings starting
at 6pm. She stated that when we had out 6pm meeting the other week it was nice to have
an earlier start time. She likes that we have zoom options and other technology that helps
residents participate in meetings easily. It is very helpful for staff; they work all day and if
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there is a way to start 6pm instead of 7pm it would be helpful for them to get home to
their family.
Councilmember Jacobs stated that she is glad that the topic of conversation came back.
She would not object to starting at 5:30 pm. she wouldn’t mind starting at 6pm for all
Councilmember Buesgens stated that she would need to think this over. She would likely
be in favor of the earlier start time.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated that she is favor of it personally but wanted to speak to
some members of the community to see what their thoughts were.
Councilmember Novitsky stated that he is favor of it.
City Manager Bourgeois stated that she would also need to revisit rescheduling Council
training on July 18th . There is a Council and Mayoral forum on the evening that day and MN
DOT meetings that day as well.
Mayor Márquez Simula adjourned the meeting at 10:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary