HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08-2024 City Council Meeting Minutes
Amáda Márquez Simula
Connie Buesgens
Kt Jacobs
Rachel James
Justice Spriggs
City Manager
Aaron Chirpich
City Hall—Council Chambers, 3989 Central Ave NE
Monday, July 08, 2024
6:00 PM
The following are the minutes for the Meeting of the City Council held at 6:00 pm on Monday,
July 8, 2024, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 3989 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Heights,
Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember Jacobs; Councilmember
Spriggs; Councilmember James
Also Present: Andrew Boucher, City Planner; Aaron Chirpich, City Manager; Sara Ion, City Clerk; Scott
Lepak, City Attorney; Laurel Deneen, City Resident; Mohamed Mohamed, City Resident.
Columbia Heights is a vibrant, healthy and connected City. We are here to actively support the
community, deliver equitable services, build and strengthen connections, improve upon our past, and
uphold our successes. We strive to be better and ensure Columbia Heights is a great place for everyone,
today and in the future.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
Motion by Councilmember James, seconded by Councilmember Spriggs, to approve the Agenda as
presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Buesgens, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to approve the Consent
Agenda as presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
1. Approve the June 24, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: Move to approve the June 24, 2024 City Council Meeting minutes.
2. Approve the July 1, 2024 City Council Work Session Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: Move to approve the July 1, 2024 City Council Work Session Meeting minutes.
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3. Accept June 3rd, 2024, Regular EDA Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: Move to accept the June 3rd, 2024 EDA Meeting minutes
4. Approve Gambling Permit, Immaculate Conception Church.
MOTION: Move to direct the City Manager to forward a letter to the State Charitable
Gambling Control Board indicating that the City of Columbia Heights has no objection to a
gambling permit for Immaculate Conception Church to conduct bingo and a raffle on
August 18, 2024 at 4030 Jackson Street NE, Columbia Heights.
5. Rental Occupancy Licenses for Approval.
MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for July
8, 2024, in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code.
6. License Agenda.
MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for July 8th,
2024, as presented.
7. Review of Bills.
MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8 the City
Council has reviewed the enclosed list to claims paid by check and by electronic funds
transfer in the amount of $1,982,504.48.
Ordinances and Resolutions
8. Resolution 2024-052, Consideration of a Rental License Exemption for 4129 5th Street NE.
City Planner Boucher explained on July 3, 2024, the owner of 4129 5th Street NE, reached
out to the Community Development Department requesting an exemption from the single-
family rental density cap. The property is located on Block 59 with three single family
rentals out of 26 total single-family units and an allotment of three single-family rentals. He
referenced the letter that Staff received and Section 1 of Ordinance 1685.
City Planner Boucher noted as it is the homeowners’ right to appeal to the Council. Staff
brought forth the appeal along with supporting documents for discussion and review. If
approved, Resolution 2024-052 would grant a temporary rental license exemption to the
homeowner with a few additional requirements. The homeowner is required to complete
the license application process within three months from the passage of the resolution.
This puts a limit on how long they can take to bring the house into rental compliance if
needed. The temporary rental license will be valid for one year from the date that the
license is approved. This provides the homeowner and tenant the ability to rent the home
for a full one-year lease. After the term of the temporary license, the persons requesting a
temporary license must make an annual application to the City. No property owner shall
hold a temporary rental license for the same property for more than two consecutive
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Councilmember James mentioned that the agenda packet notes that the homeowner has a
job relocation that will last about 12 months and is seeking to rent out the home during
that period. She explained that the purpose for the exemption is for situations like this. She
added that she has no objections to the exemption.
Mayor Márquez Simula added that in the letter, the homeowners specifically say that they
will be employing a reputable property management service to oversee the property.
Councilmember Jacobs noted her understanding was to base the exemption off hardship.
She stated to her, that means it is outside the control of the homeowner and would take
the homeowner away from the residence, such as someone who is in the military and is
assigned outside of the area. She mentioned that a job relocation feels like a different
Motion by Councilmember Spriggs, seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to waive the
reading of Resolution 2024-052, there being ample copies available to the public. All Ayes,
Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Spriggs, seconded by Councilmember James, to adopt Resolution
2024-052, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving
the single-family rental exemption request for the rental application at 4129 5th Street NE,
Columbia Heights, MN 55421. 4 Ayes, 1 Nay, Motion Carried 4-1. Ayes: Márquez Simula,
James, Spriggs, Buesgens. Nay: Jacobs
9. First Reading of Ordinance No. 1699, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 3.315 of the City
Code Relating to the Youth Commission.
City Manager Chirpich explained that an amendment to Ordinance 1699 provides structural
changes to the Youth Commission. On October 25, 2021, the Columbia Heights City Council
approved amending the City Code to create a Youth Commission, the first of its kind in
Columbia Heights. The purpose of the Columbia Heights Youth Commission was to serve as
an advisory body to the Columbia Heights City Council, and other Boards and Commissions
as appropriate, inspire and bring to light new ideas from a youth perspective, create an
educational environment for youth looking to expand their knowledge of government and
leadership functions, and provide experience building opportunities for area youth seeking
increased community and government engagement.
City Manager Chirpich mentioned that at the City Council Work Session on May 6, 2024,
Youth Commission Staff Liaison Rottler addressed concerns Staff has with maintaining
membership on the Youth Commission and sought feedback from the Council. Suggestions
were made to amend the code to appoint Youth Commission Members to the Library
Board, Park and Recreation Board, Planning Commission, and Sustainability Commission
instead of having a dedicated Youth Commission.
City Manager Chirpich stated at the City Council Work Session of July 1, 2024, the Council
reviewed draft Ordinance No. 1699. The proposed updates incorporated into Ordinance
No. 1699 include: Boards and Commissions would have at least one and no more than two
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Youth Commission Member(s) to provide insight and give feedback from Columbia Heights
residents who are currently enrolled in high school or a home school program educational
program. These appointments would be non-voting positions, would not impact the
quorum, and the terms would be one year each from October 1 to May 31 of the following
year. Re-appointment would be required for the students if they would like to serve in the
program the following year. Preference would be given to previous appointments.
Councilmember Jacobs mentioned that it was a great move because it will provide an
opportunity for youth to become more active in the community. Councilmember James
agreed and encouraged youth to apply to be appointed since it looks good on college
resumes and can really help the community.
Mayor Márquez Simula agreed and thanked the City for taking the opportunity to include
youth into the Boards and Commissions. She mentioned that it was difficult to have a
quorum to hold a meeting since some youth members were unable to attend due to their
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember James, to waive the reading
of Ordinance No. 1699, there being ample copies available to the public. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember James, to approve first
reading and set the second reading of Ordinance No. 1699, being an Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Columbia Heights, amending Chapter 3.315 of the City Code Relating
the Youth Commission of the City of Columbia Heights for July 22, 2024. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Report of the City Council
Councilmember Buesgens welcomed new City Manager Chirpich to his first meeting as a City Manager.
She added that she attended the League of Cities conference with Mayor Márquez Simula, and the
Jamboree parade. She thanked the City and the Lion’s Club for putting on the Jamboree fireworks. She
stated that she continues to volunteer with the Blooming Sunshine Gardens.
Councilmember James thanked the Columbia Heights Lion’s Club and the volunteers who put on the
Jamboree and added that she was also in the parade with Councilmember Buesgens. She mentioned
that she has heard from many residents to “give it a rest on the fireworks” now that July 4th is done.
She noted that she helped with the dunk tank for the Firefighters Association pancake breakfast. She
attended the EDA meeting and Council Work Session.
Councilmember Jacobs added to Councilmember James’ comments regarding fireworks and noted that
there are many residents who have PTSD and can be a troubling time for them. She asked people to be
considerate of those people. She stated she attended the Jamboree, the pancake breakfast, the New
Brighton Farmers Market, and NDASA meetings where she has learned about federal legislation that is
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pending or already been passed. She acknowledged the Fourth of July and hoped everyone enjoyed
the holiday. She added that she hoped that the City would offer a proclamation for the Fourth of July
like what is done for other countries since it is important to celebrate the Country’s victories.
Councilmember Spriggs stated he was able to be in the Jamboree parade. He added that he attended
the EDA meeting, the Council Work Session, and the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. He
noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission discussed the sport court that would be coming to
Sullivan Lake Park. Mayor Márquez Simula asked if the sport court update could be included in a future
Council Work Session meeting.
Mayor Márquez Simula noted that proclamations can be requested on the City website. She stated
that she attended the League of Minnesota Cities’ conference with Councilmember Buesgens, and the
Jamboree parade. She thanked the Lion’s Club and City Staff for making the event a success and for
helping the surrounding neighborhood to keep their yards clean during and after the event. She added
that she attended the firefighter breakfast, the EDA meeting, the Council Work Session, and the
Operation Pollination meeting with the Rotary Club. She congratulated the new City Manager for his
first meeting as the City Manager. She thanked the Staff for being flexible with all of the positions
shifting during the last year and a half.
Report of the City Manager
City Manager Chirpich stated the Music in the Park series begins on July 10, 2024, with the band
Tjärnblom. The event is sponsored by Northeast Bank and will take place at Huset Park East from 6:30-
8:30 pm. The Big Red Wagon food truck will be in attendance.
City Manager Chirpich explained that residents can register their block party for National Night Out at
the City’s website. The event takes place on August 6, 2024. The City is in the works of developing a
transportation safety action plan which will evaluate safety issues for people driving, walking, biking,
rolling, and using transit in the City. With the community’s help, the plan will identify potential safety
projects and strategies to improve safety in the City. Public feedback is requested by using an
interactive comment map that can be found on the City’s website.
City Manager Chirpich mentioned that the City’s Charter Commission and Parks and Recreation
Commission currently each have one open seat. Applications can be found on the City’s website, City
Hall, or at the library and are due August 1, 2024.
Laurel Deneen, City resident, encouraged the City to see how they are engaging with the community
throughout the year. She mentioned that there is a Pride event coming up in September and
encouraged community members to attend. She added that there are things that can be done to make
the City more accepting and welcoming such as changing the City Code to include gender neutral
bathrooms, or creating stickers for businesses to use that indicate that everyone is welcomed in the
business. She mentioned that it is important for the City to think about this since it is a smaller town
that continues to grow and have a diverse population.
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Mohamed Mohamed, City resident, stated he has built two homes in the City with an emphasis on
living assistance. He mentioned when he started building the homes in the City, he went to City Hall to
see if it was permissible to do so. The City told him he was allowed to build on his property. After
completing the build, he was told by the State to get a certificate for living assistance from the City. He
was told by the City that he could not get it since there was a living assisted building a block away. He
noted that it was disappointing since his family put money into the project. He asked the Council to
look into the issue of why he was originally told he could build and now is told that he cannot receive
the certificate.
Mayor Márquez Simula replied that they would look into it and contact him.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Spriggs, to adjourn. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 6:32 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary