HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-2024 City Council Meeting Minutes
Amáda Márquez Simula
Connie Buesgens
Kt Jacobs
Rachel James
Justice Spriggs
City Manager
Aaron Chirpich
City Hall—Council Chambers, 3989 Central Ave NE
Monday, June 24, 2024
6:00 PM
The following are the minutes for the Meeting of the City Council held at 6:00 pm on Monday,
June 24, 2024, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 3989 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Heights,
Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember Jacobs; Councilmember
Spriggs; Councilmember James
Also Present: Aaron Chirpich, Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hansen,
Interim City Manager; Sara Ion, City Clerk; Scott Lepak, City Attorney; Dan O’Brien, Assistant Fire Chief;
Joe Macko, Columbia Heights Lion’s president
Columbia Heights is a vibrant, healthy and connected City. We are here to actively support the
community, deliver equitable services, build and strengthen connections, improve upon our past, and
uphold our successes. We strive to be better and ensure Columbia Heights is a great place for everyone,
today and in the future.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
Mayor Márquez Simula noted that the old Minnesota flag was still in Council Chambers but would be
getting the new flag soon. There will be a flag color posting ceremony on July 22, 2024.
Motion by Councilmember James, seconded by Councilmember Spriggs, to approve the Agenda as
presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
A. Somali American Day Proclamation.
Mayor Márquez Simula proclaimed July 1, 2024 as Somali American Day and read the City’s
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B. Information Regarding 2024 Jamboree: Joe Macko, Columbia Heights Lions.
Joe Macko, Columbia Heights Lion’s president, explained that the 2024 Jamboree would
begin on Wednesday with the medallion hunt with a cash reward. On Thursday night at
Huset Park, there will be a live band called City Nights playing. The Jamboree parade will be
on Friday night beginning at 6 pm and will start at 45th Avenue and come down Quincy
Street and then down 40th Avenue to Huset Park. At the Beer Garden, there will be a band
called DNR playing. There will be fireworks on Saturday night with live music provided by
Mr. Macko. Throughout the entire event, there will be a carnival at Huset Park. It costs $2
to get in and kids 12 and under are free.
Councilmember Jacobs asked for additional information for Item 3 of the Consent Agenda.
Interim City Manager Hansen reviewed the Consent Agenda Items. He explained that Item 3 is in
regard to the City Manager Employment Agreement. In the summer of 2023, the City Council elected
to hire an executive search for the next City Manager. Baker Tilly was hired to conduct the search for a
new City Manager. Throughout the process, it was brought down to five candidates. Staff had an
opportunity to speak with each of the candidates and the City Council conducted interviews for each
candidate. The candidate that rose to the top was Aaron Chirpich who is the current Assistant City
Manager / Community Development Director. The City Council directed Baker Tilly to begin contract
negotiations with Mr. Chirpich. The Resolution before the Council is a result of that process. The
contract is for three years and would be effective on June 25, 2024.
Mayor Márquez Simula thanked the Council for their work in the process with Baker Tilly. She added
that the Council spoke with Staff and the community on what they would like to see in a City Manager.
She thanked Interim City Manager Hansen for being the Interim City Manager for over a year.
Councilmember Buesgens congratulated Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager
Chirpich on obtaining the position and thanked Interim City Manager Hansen for jumping into the
position and doing a superb job in his role. Councilmember Spriggs agreed and added that it has been
an honor to work with Interim City Manager Hansen.
Councilmember James asked what the timeline was for the City Hall and Library parking lot in regard to
Item 6. Interim City Manager Hansen replied that work would begin in the fall and that the City needs
to advertise bids for about three weeks. The bids will come back to the Council and then the process
will begin.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Spriggs, to approve the Consent
Agenda as presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
1. Approve the June 10, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: Move to approve the June 10, 2024 City Council Meeting minutes.
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2. Adopt Resolution 2024-47, Designating Election Judges and Election Judge Salaries for
August 13, 2024 State Primary Election.
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2024-47, there being ample copies
available to the public.
MOTION: Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2024-47, approving the designation of elections
judges and election judge salaries for the 2024 State of Minnesota Primary.
3. City Manager Employment Agreement.
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2024-49, there being ample copies
available to the public.
MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No 2024-49, approving an employment contract for
the city manager position to Aaron Chirpich, effective June 25th, 2024.
4. Approval of a JPA with the City of Blaine to Assist with Security at the 3M Golf
MOTION: Move to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a cooperative
agreement with the City of Blaine regarding public safety related to 2024 3M Open golf
tournament security.
5. Proposal for Surveying and Design Services for 40th Avenue Manhole Rehabilitation.
MOTION: Move to accept the proposal from Bolton & Menk in the amount of $35,638 for
design services through bidding for the 40th Avenue Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, City
Project 2404.
6. Approving Plans And Ordering Advertisement For Bids For City Hall And Library Parking
Lot Paving, Project 2410.
MOTION: Move to Approve Plans and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for City Hall and
Library Parking Lot Paving, City Project 2410.
7. Rental Occupancy Licenses for Approval.
MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for June
24, 2024, in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code.
8. License Agenda.
Motion: Move to approve the items as listed on the business agenda for June 24th, 2024,
as presented.
9. Review of Bills.
MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8 the City
Council has reviewed the enclosed list to claims paid by check and by electronic funds
transfer in the amount of $1,016,381.71.
Councilmember Jacobs thanked Interim City Manager Hansen for all of his hard work and welcomed
Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager Chirpich to his new position.
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10. Approve Multifamily Conduit Bond Recycling and Joint Powers Agreement.
Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager Chirpich explained that this item
was brought to the Council during the most recent work session where a lot of the details
were covered. In 2022, the City issued two conduit revenue bond series’ totaling
$10,446,000 to provide the primary funding for the Reuter Walton affordable housing
project located behind the City’s Public Safety campus (the Col). These bond issuances
were not an obligation of the City, rather they are debts to be paid back by the developer.
The bonds in this case are temporary in nature and have a mandatory tender (repayment
maturity date) of July 1, 2024.
Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager Chirpich stated due to the
temporary nature of the bonds, they are eligible to be recycled (re-issued) as “volume cap”
pursuant to Federal and State tax law. To this end, the City has been approached by a
development team working on a 170-unit, $35 million+ affordable housing project in the
City of Burnsville. The project team includes the Dakota County Community Development
Agency (DCCDA), the City of Burnsville, and Roers Companies (developer). This team has
requested that the City participate by allowing the Reuter Walter bonds issued by the City
to be recycled and used for the project in Burnsville. To accomplish this goal, the City must
hold a public hearing to adopt a resolution that approves the new bond issuance using
recycled volume cap available from the Reuter Walton project, and the City also must
approve and execute a joint powers agreement (JPA) with the DCCDA that spells out the
details and responsibilities related to the transaction. Following these steps (if approved by
the Council), there is no more involvement by the City. All legal costs incurred by the City
will be reimbursed by project funds and paid at the bond closing that is scheduled to take
place in July. As part of the JPA the City will receive a .25% (percentage of total bonds
recycled) fee for participation in the deal. The Council discussed this transaction at the June
3rd Work Session and was supportive of the proposal.
Community Development Director/Assistant City Manager Chirpich noted that Staff
recommends that the Council adopt Resolution 2024-48, approving the usage of recycled
volume cap by entering into a joint power’s agreement with the DCCDA. There is a
statewide shortage of affordable housing and the City’s participation in this transaction will
help to facilitate construction of new housing in another community of need. Additionally,
there are no projects in the pipeline for the City where this funding mechanism can be
deployed in Columbia Heights.
Councilmember Jacobs reiterated that there is no financial liability or risk to the City.
Councilmember James added that there are no projects in the City for the money to go
towards. If the money is not used, then the bonds will expire and no one will be able to
benefit. Mayor Márquez Simula added she thinks it is great that the bonds can be used in a
creative way.
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Councilmember Spriggs asked if the .25% fee would go into a specific fund. Community
Development Director/Assistant City Manager Chirpich replied that he believed it would go
into a capital reserve account that be drawn from for various projects.
Mayor Márquez Simula provided an opportunity for public comment. There were no public
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember James, to close the public
hearing. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember James waive the reading of
Resolution 2024-48, there being ample copies available to the public. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to adopt
Resolution 2024-48, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights
approving the issuance by the Dakota County Community Development Agency of conduit
multifamily housing revenue bonds on behalf of Roers Burnsville apartments owner LLC,
using, in part, recycled bonding authority from conduit multifamily housing revenue bonds
previously issued by the City of Columbia Heights for the 42nd and Central apartments
project and approving a joint powers agreement for same. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
11. Consideration of Resolution 2024-050, Revocation of the License to Operate Rental Units
Within the City of Columbia Heights against the rental property at 3849 Edgemoor Place
NE for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien explained that the consideration for the revocation is in regard
to failure to renew the rental license for the property. In April 2024, Staff sent a notice to
the rental license holder. The notice stated that the license holder needed to complete an
application, pay licensing fees, and call to schedule the inspection prior to the expiration to
the license on May 31, 2024. On June 6, 2024, records showed that the license holder
failed to complete any of the necessary steps to renew the rental license. A statement of
cause and a notice for the public hearing was sent to the property owner and the tenants
of the property. The notice explained that the license holder would need to complete the
steps to obtain a renewed license by June 14, 2024. The property owner submitted the
application, paid the fees but failed to schedule the licensing inspection. On June 14, 2024,
and June 17, 2024, Staff called the property owner to attempt to get the property owner to
schedule the inspection. If the Council decides to revoke the license, it will be the only
revocation the property owner has had in the last five years and would be eligible to
reacquire a rental license in the future.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien noted that the property owner called the City this morning and
scheduled the inspection for tomorrow at 2:30 pm. Staff found that the property is possibly
in foreclosure and due to be sold at a Sheriff’s sale on May 28th. He mentioned that he
called the Sheriff and found that the sale was postponed until September 30, 2024. He
added that he encouraged the property owner to attend the City Council meeting.
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Mayor Márquez Simula asked if the property owner was in attendance at the meeting.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien replied that he did not see the property owner. City Clerk Ion
added that the property owner was not in attendance online either.
Councilmember Buesgens asked if the item could be tabled until the inspection was
completed. Mayor Márquez Simula replied that the item could be tabled. Councilmember
Jacobs stated that she is in favor of tabling the item, but would like to table it until
September to see if the property is in foreclosure or not.
Councilmember Buesgens asked if the property owner would be without a rental license
until September if the item is tabled until then. Councilmember Jacobs expressed her
concern of issuing a license to a place that goes into foreclosure and what would happen to
the license if someone bought the property.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien explained that if the property changes ownership and there is
an existing rental license, the new owner could apply for a transfer of a license or a new
rental license.
Councilmember Buesgens noted that it is a separate issue of the rental license and the
house potentially going into foreclosure. Councilmember James agreed.
Motion by Councilmember James, seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to table
Resolution 2024-050, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights
approving revocation, pursuant to City Code, of the rental license listed to the July 8, 2024
City Council meeting.
Mayor Márquez Simula mentioned that the Council does not determine the date for an
item to be tabled because it is up to City Staff.
Councilmember James stated she would amend her motion.
Substitute motion by Councilmember James, seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to
table Resolution 2024-050, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia
Heights approving revocation, pursuant to City Code, of the rental license listed as
City Attorney Lepak stated that it was fine for the City Council to put a date in the motion.
All Ayes, Substitute Motion Carried 5-0.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien noted that they can monitor the property for sale and address
it at that point.
Mayor Márquez Simula asked City Attorney Lepak if the public hearing needed to be
opened if the item was tabled. City Attorney Lepak replied that the public hearing would be
moved to the next Council meeting and the public hearing did not need to be opened
during the current meeting.
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12. Consideration of Resolution 2024-051, Revocation of the License to Operate Rental Units
Within the city of Columbia Heights against the rental property at 1103 44th Avenue NE
for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien explained that the rental license is issued to Todd Gorelick and
the property is managed locally by Bridge Homes in Saint Louis Park. The outstanding
violation was originally written up during the property's exterior license renewal inspection
on May 1, 2024. The violation was to repair or replace the deteriorated driveway. A notice
was sent to the responsible party on May 2, 2024, and the follow-up inspection was on
June 3rd. The inspection found that the violation had not been corrected and the
responsible party had not contacted the City regarding the violation. A statement of cause
and notice for the public hearing was sent to responsible parties and the tenants of the
property. The inspectors performed the final pre-Council inspect on June 17th and found
that the violation had not been corrected.
Assistant Fire Chief O’Brien noted that the single-family property is located in an area
where the density cap is under capacity. Records indicate that the block has a capacity of
six rental licenses and currently has four rental licenses issued, including the property. If
the license is revoked, the property owner may apply for a new rental license and must
apply for a renewal of the rental license. If revoked, it would be the only revocation the
property owner has had in the last five years which makes the property owner eligible to
hold a license in the City.
Mayor Márquez Simula opened up the public hearing. There were no public comments.
Motion by Councilmember Buesgens, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to close the
public hearing and waive the reading of Resolution 2024-051, there being ample copies
available to the public. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Buesgens, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to adopt
Resolution 2024-051, being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights
approving revocation, pursuant to City Code, of the rental license listed.
Councilmember James noted that it is important for rental property owners to keep up to
the exterior standards to help everyone in the City stay safe. She added that she hopes the
property owner is able to fix the violation and reapply for the rental license. She explained
that the Council does not like when people lose their housing but also need to ensure that
the rental property owner does a good job.
All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Report of the City Council
Councilmember Jacobs noted that she attended presentations on education and agriculture in
Minnesota as well as a virtual meeting on the 2050 regional population forecast. She attended the oath
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ceremony for Officer Ahmed Abdullahi, and a community info fair. She mentioned that she spent some
time in Waterville filling sand bags to help with the flooding in the area.
Councilmember James stated she attended the Sustainability Commission, a meeting with local
leaders, a Juneteenth education forum and ceremony, and the art info fair. She thanked the Council
and community members for their work during the process of hiring a new City Manager. She also
thanked Interim City Manager Hansen for his work throughout the year.
Councilmember Buesgens explained that she attended the community info fair, pool with a cop,
MWMO Bassett Creek Watershed presentation, the swearing in for Officer Ahmed Abdullahi, the
Heights art and info fair, and the Artworks fundraiser at Rail Werks Brewing Depot. She thanked
Interim City Manager Hansen and Staff for putting in the additional parking space at the Library.
Councilmember Spriggs mentioned that he met with a resident and Mayor Márquez Simula regarding
the initiative of blue zones. He added that he met with Fire Chief Thompson about providing CPR
classes for residents. Due to his work at the hospital, he asked people to wear their helmets, wear a
seatbelt, and slow down when driving.
Mayor Márquez Simula stated she attended the Northeast Bank pizza lunch at the police station, the
Sister’s City meeting to continue to plan the September 21st statute unveiling event, the art fundraiser
at Rail Werks, pool with the police, the Rotary Operation Pollination meeting, and the blue zone
meeting with Councilmember Spriggs. She added that last Friday was bring-your-child-to-work day and
thanked Staff for creating a fun day. She mentioned that she attended the Friends of the Library
meeting, the Multicultural Advisory Committee for the Police Department meeting, the Art and Info
Fair, and the swearing in for Officer Abdullahi. She noted that there are 15 trading cards for the Police
Department and when all 15 are collected, community members can bring them to the Police
Department and get a goodie bag. She stated she attended a play at Northrop called Kumbaya for
Juneteenth. She congratulated Aaron Chirpich for being the next City Manager and mentioned that it
was a unanimous choice.
Report of the City Manager
Interim City Manager Hansen thanked the City Council for allowing him to be the Interim City Manager.
He added that the choice of City Manager is also supported by City Staff. He thanked those who
organized the Art and Info Fair. He mentioned that Music in the Park begins on July 10th and is
sponsored by Northeast Bank. The first Music in the Park will be at Huset Park East from 6:30-8 pm.
Additionally he noted that there were over 79 properties that participated in the City-wide garage sale.
Interim City Manager Hansen noted that Top Value Liquor Store was voted the top liquor store in the
area. They also received the award in 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Spriggs, to adjourn. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 6:53 pm.
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Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary