HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-24-2022 City Council Meeting Minutes CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Amáda Márquez Simula Councilmembers John Murzyn, Jr. Connie Buesgens Nick Novitsky Kt Jacobs City Manager Kelli Bourgeois City Hall—Council Chambers, 590 40th Ave NE Monday, October 24, 2022 6:00 PM MINUTES The following are the minutes for the Meeting of the City Council held at 6:00 pm on Monday, October 24, 2022, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember Jacobs; Councilmember Murzyn, Jr.; Councilmember Novitsky Also Present: Kelli Bourgeois, City Manager; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director; Jim Hoeft, City Attorney; Sara Ion, City Clerk; Erik Johnston, Police Captain; Charlie Thompson, Fire Chief; Jack Isrealson, Youth Commissioner; Mary Kunesh, State Senator; Renee Dougherty, Library Director; Eliza Pope, Youth Librarian; Paul Edner, City Resident; Mark Veronicas, City Resident; Aza Donnelly, City Resident; K Meyers, City Resident MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to provide the highest quality public services. Services will be provided in a fair, respectful and professional manner that effectively addresses changing citizen and community needs in a fiscally- responsible and customer-friendly manner. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Councilmember Novitsky, seconded by Councilmember Murzyn Jr., to approve the Agenda as presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, GUESTS A. Todd Estrem Day Proclamation Mayor Márquez Simula proclaimed October 19, 2022, as “Todd Estrem Day” and read the City’s proclamation. B. Native American Heritage Month Proclamation Youth Commissioner Isrealson read the City’s proclamation for “Native American Heritage Month” for November 2022. Senator Kunesh accepted the proclamation and stated she is a proud decent of the Standing Rock Lakota Nation. She said on behalf on the diverse number of members of City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 2 Indigenous people across the community and state, she accepts the proclamation and thanked the Council for the recognition of the indigenous people and the land they walk on. C. Introduction of Eliza Pope, Youth Librarian Library Director Dougherty introduced Youth Librarian Pope. She stated that Pope earned her Master of Library and Information Science at the University of Alabama; she brings work experience from Tuscaloosa and Saint Louis public libraries. Dougherty added that most recently she was a Teen Specialist and the manager at the Createch Lab at the Saint Paul Public Library. Youth Librarian Pope said she has enjoyed getting to know the families and youth within the City. She updated the Council on the summer reading program that happened, and said that they had 302 youth register and they read a combined 1,889 hours. She stated that the “Volun-teen” program returned, they had 16 volunteers and they volunteered 95 hours in total. Pope said they hosted a variety of art programs with their 21 st Century grant, which encouraged youth to learn new skills with new mediums. The library also hosted a screen-printing class which was led by resident and MCAD Professor Natasha Pestich. D. Citizens Justice Academy Update Police Captain Johnston said the idea of the Citizens Justice Academy began in July of this year and is going to be a broader overview of the criminal justice system from beginning to end. He said that it is five sessions and free to attend on Thursday nights beginning November 3, 2022; a meal will be provided. He stated that interested participants can sign up by contact Officer Monberg or calling the police department directly. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Councilmember Murzyn Jr., seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. 1. Approve October 3, 2022 City Council Work Session Meeting Minutes MOTION: Move to approve the October 3, 2022 City Council Work Session meeting minutes. 2. Approve October 10, 2022 City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: Move to approve the October 10, 2022 City Council meeting minutes. 3. Railroad Agreement for 37th Avenue Reconstruction Project MOTION: Move to approve an agreement with Soo Line Railroad (CP Rail) for right of entry and a construction agreement for the reconstruction of 37th Avenue; and authorize the Director of Public Works to sign the agreements. 4. Adopt Resolution 2022-97, Accepting the Feasibility Report for 37th Avenue and 37th Place Street Reconstruction and Multi-use Trail and Ordering the Public Improvement Hearing, City Project Nos. 2110 and 2306 MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2022-97, there being ample copies City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 3 available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2022-97, being a resolution accepting the Feasibility Report for 2023 Street Reconstruction – 37th Avenue and 37th Place, City Project Nos. 2110 and 2306, and ordering the Public Improvement Hearing beginning at 6:00 p.m. on January 10, 2023. 5. License Agenda MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for October 24, 2022 as presented. 6. Rental Occupancy Licenses for Approval MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for October 24, 2022, in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code. 7. Review of Bills MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8 the City Council has reviewed the enclosed list to claims paid by check and by electronic funds transfer in the amount of $1,282,813.33. PUBLIC HEARINGS ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 8. Refuse Service Contract with Walters/Haul Star Director Hansen reported that the current refuse hauling contract ends December 31, 2022. Although a two-year extension is provided in the contract, Staff notified the current hauler, Waste Management, that a new RFP will be issued early in 2022. The first step was to review and update the Solid Waste Operating Policy (SWOP), as it is the primary document that provides policy guidance for creating service vendor RFPs to perform the work as directed. The SWOP was reviewed and approved by the Council in February 2022. Director Hansen stated that an RFP was prepared by Staff for trash, recycling, yard waste, organics, and bulk services for the City. The RFP was prepared so vendors could respond to a single service or any one of the services for the city. Two vendors provided responses to the RFP: Waste Management and Walters Recycling & Refuse. Over the past year Waste Management has failed to perform the contract standards for trash collection, as well as other services, causing delays in service almost weekly. Staff asked Walters Recycling & Refuse to attend the June 27, 2022, Council meeting to review their proposal, provide company information, and be available for any qu estions from the Council. The Council then directed Staff to prepare a contract with Walters. Director Hansen said that on July 28, 2022, Walters informed the City Manager and Staff that they were withdrawing their proposal due to worker shortages and ina bility to hire drivers. Staff then contacted other vendors, including Waste Management and Republic for City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 4 providing City refuse services. Both contractors indicated interest in providing services to the City, but were specific in that they would not pick up in alleys. Director Hansen explained that due to ongoing service issues with Waste Management, Staff was able to find other contractors to perform other refuse services such as yard waste (Better Futures), bulky materials (College Hunks), and compost cart s (Haul Star). In our review of the work by Haul Star, they were providing a high level of service using rear load trucks, which are necessary to service our alleys. Staff inquired if Haul Star had an interest in or would consider providing trash and recycling service in our alleys, as the alleys require rear load packer trucks. Director Hansen said that on September 30, 2022, a proposal from Walters and Haul Star was received. They are proposing to team up on providing services to the community. Haul Star will provide services to properties collected in the alleys and Walters will provide services to all other areas. This is for trash and recycling only. Staff has prepared a contract for the Walters and Haul Star team, which has been reviewed by the City Attorney and Walters and is included. The contract is for a 4-year term, with a 1-year extension option. The pricing sheet was provided to the Council at the meeting; Director Hansen mentioned that prices in total, were going up by 24% and tipping fees increase for waste are about 34%. Staff is reviewing a contract for dumpster services and that will be presented to the Council at a future meeting. Additionally, the phased replacement of City carts will be presented at a future Council meeting for consideration. Staff recommends approving the contract with Walters Recycling & Refuse/Haul Star Sanitation for providing trash and recycling services to the City. Councilmember Buesgens thanked Director Hansen and his Staff for their work on this issue. Director Hansen recognized Public Works Refuse Coordinator Jesse Davies for his work. Councilmember Jacobs stated she was thankful that Walters came back with a proposal. Councilmember Murzyn Jr. thanked Director Hansen and Refuse Coordinator Davies for their work and that there will be a reliable hauler. Mayor Márquez Simula said that she has heard from the community about the issue throughout the last three months but there was also concern about what would happen come January 1, 2023. She thanked Director Hansen and Refuse Coordinator Davies. Motion by Councilmember Murzyn. Jr., seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to approve a refuse service contract with Walters/Haul Star; and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for the same. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. 9. Amend 2022 Budget for $2,300,000 and Award Related Purchase Agreement(s) to MacQueen Equipment Through the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) Consortium City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 5 Pricing Contract, for One Impel Pumper and One Impel 110’ Platform Bid # 989 & 990 Fire Chief Thompson reported that during the October 3, 2022, Council work session, Chief Thompson gave his budget presentation followed by a detailed capital equipment purchase presentation. The capital equipment presentation provided details on past equipment purchases and the current needs for replacement. Chief Thompson shared NFPA 1901 Annex D for replacement guidelines as outlined in the 2018 Staffing study. Chief Thompson explained that the discussion focused on two pieces of apparatus needing replacement. The aerial has failed several times in the past two years; it has failed completely at two fire scenes and had to be towed back to the fire station. This truck will reach its recommended replacement time in 2024. The current third out engine was also mentioned. It is a 1995 general safety pumper, and it has already exceeded the recommended replacement date. Cost savings was a second major cause for action presented to the Council for consideration. The replacement cost for these trucks has risen around 28% in just under two years. Effective November 1, 2022, the price will increase another 6.5%. This increase alone will raise the purchase price of both trucks $167,000.00. The third consideration for replacement is that it now takes t hree times longer to build these trucks than in the past; current timeline is 30 to 34 months. Chief Thompson stated that after reviewing this information with the Council, Chief Thompson and Director Klobier were given very specific direction. The Council wanted the 2022 budget amended to include the purchase of both pieces of apparatus in 2022 versus 2023. The Council directed the Chief Thompson and Director Klobier to present the required documents necessary to approve these trucks at the October 24, 2022, Council meeting. Chief Thompson and Director Klobier prepared several documents for the Council to approve at the Council meeting. These include a resolution amending the 2022 budget and the Council letter detailing the agreement with MacQueen Emergency group through an agreement with the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC) at Consortium Pricing for one Impel Pumper at a total cost of $828,574.00 and one Impel 110’ Platform at a cost of $1,436,255.00 for a total purchase price of $2,264,829.00. Director Klobier made note that this item was proposed for the 2023 budget so therefore it would be pulled from that budget and added to the 2022 budget with this action. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Novitsky, to waive the reading of Resolution 2022-96, there being ample copies available to the public. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Murzyn Jr., to adopt Resolution No. 2022-96 amending the 2022 budget to appropriate $2,300,000 from the fund balance of Government Equipment Fund 431 and authorize the city manager to enter into the related vehicle purchase agreement(s) with MacQueen Emergency Group unde r a City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 6 cooperative purchasing contract with the Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC.) All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. CITY COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Council Mayor Márquez Simula said that she set up a display about Poland at the library for Polish Heritage Month; she attended the Booster dinner with other Councilmembers; attended the Youth Commission meeting; she continues to make an art piece with the MWMO; toured the personal care facility open house; she taught a class on Día de los Muertos with HeightsNext at the library. She volunteered with the Every Meal program at Valleyview School; she attended the fire department open house; spoke at a Minnesota Healthcare Forum at the library; and attended the ribbon cutting at the high school for the gym that the Boosters purchased for them. Councilmember Novitsky said he attended the Booster dinner and thanked the Boosters for donating the gym floors. He said the Adopt-a-Highway was held a few weeks ago and he thanked everyone who helped for the event or donated hygiene items. Councilmember Murzyn Jr. said the fire department open house was well attended; he attended the Booster banquet; attended Todd Estrem’s 60th birthday and that a lot of people attended in support; he said the shredding event did alright. He added that the Lions Club was having their Halloween Bash Saturday, October 29, 2022, which opens at 6:30 pm; City Nights will be playing and there will be a costume contest with cash prizes. Councilmember Buesgens stated she attended the Minnesota Climate Adaption Partnership monthly webinar; she thanked Public Works for adding more ADA corners to the intersections in the City; she thanked the high school for joining the effort in recycling plastic bags and wraps; she attended the Boosters’ awards dinner; attended the high school ribbon cutting ceremony; attended the fire department open house; attended Tom Estrem’s birthday party; and attended the open house for the personal care senior living. Councilmember Jacobs said she attended Tom Estrem's celebration; attended the fire house open house; attended the open house for the personal care facility; participated in the Adopt -a-Highway; and she said that the Trunk-or-Treat will be held that weekend. She made a statement regarding the last three months and the impact to all involved; she said that “the time has come and it is her intent to return her focus to the tasks and responsibilities that over 4,200 voters elected her to.” She said that the mayor previously stated that they may not all agree with each other, but it should not prevent them from fulfilling their roles on the Council. She asked that with that in mind, that the efforts of the Council be received appropriately on behalf of the residents and not disregarded because of personal prejudice toward her. Report of the City Manager Manager Bourgeois said that Trunk-or-Treat will be held October 29, 2022, from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm at Huset Park East and listed all the activities that will take place. She said that the pet costume contest will be sponsored by Healing Hearts Rescue and the winn er will receive an exam from Pet Central and City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 7 Puppet Wagon will have shows in the afternoon. She said that November 1, 2022, is the deadline for the art submissions for the City wall calendar; the City is looking for art from residents or of City landmarks, events, or performers or photos of an artistic nature. Submissions can be emailed to photos@columbiaheights.gov, there is a maximum of three submissions and more information can be found at www.columbiaheights.gov/photos. COMMUNITY FORUM Mayor Márquez Simula opened the community forum. Paul Edner, City Resident, spoke regarding the new City Hall and apartments construction impact ing the roads. He said he was concerned that taxpayers may need to pay for resurfacing due to d amage to the roads during construction. He also expressed concern about the new parking and said that typically families have more than one vehicle and with guests additional parking will be needed; he doesn’t believe there will be enough parking, especially during the winter season when parking restrictions are in place. Mark Veronicas, City Resident, said he was also concerned about the roads near the new construction. He stated he previously spoke to someone in Public Works and that they were going to tar further up on Peters Place NE and Gould Avenue NE but they still stopped in the same spot. He added that they were also going to put up a “no parking” sign at the bottom of his alleyway so the garbage trucks could get in and out. He expressed concerns about what the end result may be because neither of these things happened, and he said that the entrances near the Heights Theater, Dairy Queen, and the church isn’t where the old ones were. Veronicas said that there hasn’t been enough communication about the changes and some of the changes don’t make sense. He also made comments regarding if residents will be having a special assessment in the future for the roads. Aza Donnelly, City Resident, thanked the mayor and the Council for their professionalism throughout the last three months while the investigation took place and said it impacted both the Council and those within the City. She said that although the censure took place, residents are distressed that there is someone sitting on the Council who has treated members of the community with some distain, and they are waiting for her to resign so they can put this behind them. Donnelly stated that it is “not over” until Councilmember Jacobs resigns. K Meyers, City Resident, stated that she is just learning about what happened with Councilmember Jacobs from the newspapers and she said that in respect to all of the Councilmember , to “grow up”. She said that she is tired of the political climate, where it is all about them; she said it’s time to move on and no one is perfect, we’ve all made mistakes or said things that we regret. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Murzyn Jr., seconded by Councilmember Buesgens, to adjourn. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm. Respectfully Submitted, City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 24, 2022 City Council Meeting Page 8 ______________________________________ Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary