HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-2022 Special Assessment Hearing 5:45
Amáda Márquez Simula
John Murzyn, Jr.
Connie Buesgens
Nick Novitsky
Kt Jacobs
City Manager
Kelli Bourgeois
City Hall—Council Chambers, 590 40th Ave NE
Tuesday, October 04, 2022
5:45 PM
The following are the minutes for the Special Meeting of the City Council held at 5:45 pm on Tuesday,
October 4, 2022, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights,
Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.
Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember Jacobs; Council Member
Murzyn, Jr.; Councilmember Novitsky.
Also Present: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Direct or; Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary; Barb Thomas,
Assessing Clerk; Sulmaan Kahn, Assistant City Engineer: Jackie Zillmer, Assistant Finance Director ; Jody
Long, Resident; David DeGennaro, Resident, Nancy Kendall, Resident; Joanna Stark, Resident; Da vid
Glass, Resident; Sheal Sani, Resident.
1. Staff Report Regarding 2022 State Aid Street Rehabilitation Program.
Public Works Director Kevin Hansen gave an overview of City Project 2022, and
assessment information. He then advised Council that the assessment interest rate
can be amended to 4.5% at the time Resolution 2022-88 is approved.
2. Special Assessment – 47th Avenue Mill and Overlay.
Mayor Márquez Simula opened the public hearing,
Resident Sheal Sani asked for an explanation for the cost differential for the cost of
the avenue vs. street at Polk and 47th. She feels when they first purchased their home
there was street repair in the area.
Director Hansen stated the difference between how the street and avenue properties
are assessed on a north to south basis when repairs are made.
Resident Joanna Stark asked about how much the apartments in the area are apaying
for the work on 47th.
Director Hansen stated that the apartments are generally paying $4,100 vs
approximately $900 for other single family properties.
City of Columbia Heights MINUTES October 04, 2022
Special City Council Meeting - Special Assessment Hearing
Page 2
Motion by Councilmember Murzyn, seconded by Councilmember Novitsky to close the
public hearing of the 2022 Mill and Overlay Improvement, City Project 2206. All Ayes:
Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Murzyn, seconded by Councilmember Buesgens to waive the
reading of Resolution 2022-88, there being ample copies available for the public. All Ayes:
Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Murzyn, seconded by Councilmember Novitsky to adopt
Resolution 2022-88 being a resolution levying and adopting the assessment at an interest
rate of 4.5% for 2022 State Aid Street Rehabilitation, City Project 2206.
Motion by Councilmember Novitsky, seconded by Murzyn, to adjourn the meeting. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 6:17 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara Ion, City Clerk/Council Secretary