HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Finance Proposed Detail BudgetThe City of cli Columbia Heights 2021 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET FINANCE City of Columbia Heights Table of Contents Finance Department 2021 Proposed Detail Budget Finance Functional Area Summary Page 1 Finance Proposed Expense and Narrative 2 Detail Expense 3 Summary of Costs 5 Water Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 7 Detail Expense 8 Summary of Costs 9 Sewer Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 10 Detail Expense 11 Summary of Costs 12 Storm Sewer Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 13 Detail Expense 14 Summary of Costs 15 Information Systems Proposed Expense and Narrative 16 Detail Expense 17 Summary of Costs 18 Information Systems Capital Equipment Replacement Proposed Expense and Narrative 19 Detail Expense 20 Summary of Costs 21 Reviewer's Notes Blank Pages 22 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2021 Finance Storm Cap. Equip Finance Water Sewer Sewer IS IS 101 601 602 604 720 437 Revenue 30999 Taxes 530,288 - 31999 Licenses & Permits - 32999Intergovernmental 20,695 - - 33999 Charge for Services 1,245 339 34999 Fines & Forfeits - - - - - 35999 Miscellaneous 2,759 309 102 3 - 2,000 36999 Sales and Related Charges - 178,397 155,429 1,322 417,000 - 39199 Transfers & Non Rev Receipts 425,400 - - - - - Total Revenue 979,142 179,951 155,870 1,325 417,000 2,000 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 919,600 - - 342,400 - 1999 Supplies 7,000 3,700 3,700 - 8,000 41,000 2999 Other Services and Charges 60,700 45,700 45,700 1,200 62,400 4999 Capital Outlay - - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers - 105,600 105,600 - 4,000 5,000 Total Expenses 987,300 155,000 155,000 1,200 416,800 46,000 Change to Fund Balance -8,158 24,951 870 125 200 -44,000 Proprietary Fund Information Capital Asset Purchases n/a - - CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: FINANCE 101 41510 GENERAL FINANCE Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 1 2020 Department Proposed 1 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 808,266 850,331 887,200 919,600 919,600 1999 Supplies 9,096 8,245 6,200 7,000 7,000 2999 Other Services & Charges 53,754 57,230 60,600 60,700 60,700 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers - - TOTALS: FINANCE 871,117 915,806 954,000 987,300 987,300 Activitv Description The purpose of the Finance Department is to account for all financial operations of the City and to report on those operations. The Finance department is responsible for budgeting, financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, utility billing, purchasing, liquor operations, and information systems within city operations. Objectives The department's ongoing objective is to continually improve its work processes. In 2019-2021, particular emphasis will be on replacement of the City's financial software system. The objective is to integrate the various processes of the Finance department, and user departments' workflows to/from the Finance department, into one integrated system, ultimately with substantial reductions in both paper records and redundant data entry. The strategy to achieve this includes. Early-2019 Identify qualified vendors and a third -party consultant to assist with vendor selection Mid-2019 Prepare RFP and update related city financial policies. Late-2019 Review vendor proposals. Mid-2020 Award vendor contract Late-2020 Begin migration and implementation Late-2021 Complete implementation This departmental objective supports the City of Columbia Heights' stated mission to provide high quality services in a fiscally - responsible and customer -friendly manner. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed budget for 2021 is a net increase of $33,300 or 3.5% over the 2020 budget. This consists of a $32,400 increase in personnel costs and a modest $900 increase in nonpersonnel costs. The increase in personnel costs reflects cost -of -living increases to all positions and seniority step raises to one position, all required under council -approved labor agreements. There is no change to the budgeted hours of staffing for 2021 in this department. The increase in nonpersonnel costs reflects technology upgrades to the City network as well as inflationary increases in vendor software support agreements, offset by a reduction in miscellanous charges/bank fees as the department continues to consolidate various banking processes. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 101 41510 GENERAL FINANCE Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 1 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 1 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 580,525 611,276 638,200 659,700 659,700 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 34,313 35,101 36,000 37,100 37,100 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,745 - - - - 1020 OVERTIME -REGULAR 38 322 1030 VACATION & SICK 2,476 7,488 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 46,032 45,952 50,300 52,000 52,000 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 46,609 48,462 51,400 53,100 53,100 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 197 167 - 1300INSURANCE 89,756 98,204 106,400 112,300 112,300 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 4,575 3,360 4,900 5,400 5,400 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE • - - - 1810 COLA ALLOWANCE - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 808,266 850,331 887,200 919,600 919,600 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,393 1,066 1,000 1,000 1,000 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 383 143 500 500 500 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5,799 4,492 2,400 3,200 3,200 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 567 539 800 800 800 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 465 1,219 1,000 1,000 1,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 490 757 500 500 500 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 29 - - - 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 9,096 8,245 6,200 7,000 7,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 8,031 7,815 8,400 8,400 8,400 3105 TRAINING & EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,724 1,611 2,800 2,800 2,800 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 1,484 1,351 1,100 1,100 1,100 3211 CELL PHONES • - - - 3220 POSTAGE 2,747 2,905 3,000 3,000 3,000 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 662 765 900 900 900 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 288 372 300 300 300 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 429 400 400 400 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 882 714 2,000 2,000 2,000 3600 PROP & LIAB INSURANCE 4,200 4,600 3,900 3,800 3,800 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 17,668 18,985 18,200 18,800 18,800 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - - - - 4040 INFORMATION SYS:INTERNAL SVC 12,000 13,800 14,500 15,000 15,000 4300 MISC. CHARGES 3,304 3,031 4,200 3,300 3,300 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 29 9 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 635 600 900 900 900 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 102 242 - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 53,754 57,230 60,600 60,700 60,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - �j City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 101 41510 GENERAL FINANCE Actual Expense 2019 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - TOTALS: FINANCE 871,117 915,806 954,000 987,300 987,300 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER FINANCE BUDGET 101-41510 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Fxnlanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2020 2021 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Finance Director 1.00 1.00 136,546 33,264 169,810 140,590 34,697 175,287 Asst. Finance Director 1.00 1.00 103,026 28,136 131,162 106,098 29,348 135,446 Acctg. Coordinator 1.00 1.00 64,674 22,051 86,725 66,606 23,057 89,663 Payroll Accountant 1.00 1.00 65,447 22,163 87,610 67,391 23,172 90,563 Accounting Clerk I Utility 1.00 1.00 52,159 20,064 72,223 53,719 21,003 74,722 Accounting Clerk II Utility 1.00 1.00 57,734 20,949 78,683 59,460 21,919 81,379 Budget Coordinator 1.00 1.00 54,426 20,424 74,850 56,048 21,375 77,423 Accounting Clerk II 1.00 1.00 54,426 20,424 74,850 56,048 21,375 77,423 Accounting Clerk 1 1.00 1.00 49,713 19,676 69,389 53,719 21,003 74,722 Receptionist/Switchboard 0.70 0.70 36,049 5,849 41,898 37,121 5,851 42,972 9.70 9.70 674,200 213,000 887,200 696,800 222,800 919,600 Total 9.70 9.70 674,200 213,000 887,200 696,800 222,800 919,600 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Office Supplies 2000 Cash register rolls and desk supplies 1,000 Minor equipment 2010 Punches, calculators, organizers, etc. 500 Computer hardwr & softwr 2011 Standard replacement cycle: 2 PC per year 2,300 Monitor Replacement 300 Microsoft Office Update 600 Subtotal 3,200 Computer supplies 2020 Printer toner cartridges & backup tapes 800 Printing & forms 2030 Check stock, W2 & 1099 Forms 1,000 General supplies 2171 Various 500 Expert & prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual 7,900 CAFR external review fee 500 Subtotal 8,400 Training 3105 MNGFOA conference @1 300 non -supervisory staff:govt accting seminar 600 40 hrs continuing ed to re -certify CPA 1.900 2,800 Telephone allocation 3210 Per prep manual estimate 1,100 Postage 3220 Per prep manual estimate 3,000 Other communications 3250 Per prep manual estimate 900 Local travel 3310 Staff mileage reimb between City buildings etc. 300 Out-of-town travel 3320 MNGFOA conference @1 400 Finance Summary of Costs Continued on Next Page 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER FINANCE BUDGET 101-41510 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Finance Summary of Costs Continued Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Legal publishing 3500 State -required Financial summaries 2,000 Insurance 3600 Per prep manual estimate 3,800 Repair & maintenance 4000 Software support: ACS application software 17,000 IBM AS400 operating system prepaid for 2021 - Laserfiche 800 Hardware support: IBM AS400 prepaid for 202 - Copy machine maint: @2019 actual 800 Other maintenance: facsimile signer, etc. 200 Subtotal 18,800 Info systems: internal svc 4040 Per prep manual 15,000 Misc. 4300 Bank charges, ACH fees, stop pmts, positive pay, etc. 3,300 Subscrip & memberships 4330 Professional Associations: MNCPA @1 300 MNGFOA @2 200 GFOA @ 2 400 subtotal 900 Other equipment 5180 - Total department expenses - both pages 987,300 C• CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: WATER UTILITY 601 49440 WATER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 1 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 1 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 1,255 1,303 1,200 3,700 3,700 2999 Other Services & Charges 40,056 42,625 46,500 45,700 45,700 4999 Capital Outlay - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers 96,400 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 TOTALS: WATER UTILITY 137,711 140,428 149,700 155,000 155,000 Activity Description The Administration Department of the Water Utility Fund accounts for 33.3% of the costs associated with the utility billing process costs associated with meter reading. The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund - 33.3% and the Refuse Utility Fund 33.3%; the remaining costs for meter reading are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund. Objectives The department's ongoing objective is to continually improve its work processes. In 2021, emphasis will be on the following: • Managing customer accounts with meter repair issues indicated by unusual readings. Most meters in the City have reached the end of their 20 year planned life cycle. • Transitioning approximately 335 radios on Neptune commercial meters to next generation Sensus radios. This is a preliminary step to eventually using next generation Sensus radios on all meters, and thereby requiring only one modern hardware and software system for reading all meters. These objectives serve the City of Columbia Heights' stated mission to provide high quality services in a fiscally -responsible customer -friendly manner. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed budget for 2021 is an increase of $5,300 or 3.5% from the prior year. This includes: • A $3,600 increase in the annual transfer to the General Fund for administrative labor, under cost -of -living increases in existing labor agreements. • A $2,000 increase in credit card fees, reflecting the continuing trend of more customers paying their utility bill through the webstore. • Approximately $2,500 that was budgeted in prior years under line item 4000 for maintenance agreements for Neptune meter reading hardware and software is budgeted in 2021 under line item 2011 computer equipment, for the purchase of a current generation Sensus handheld meter reading unit. 7 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 601 49440 WATER UTILITY I ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 2018 1 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 1 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 32 580 2,500 2,500 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - - - 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 944 561 1,000 1,000 1,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 158 50 100 100 100 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 122 112 100 100 100 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,255 1,303 1,200 3,700 3,700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,384 3,451 3,700 3,700 3,700 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH - - - - 3211 CELL PHONES - - - 3220 POSTAGE 4,901 3,514 5,500 4,700 4,700 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 2,537 2,383 4,400 2,000 2,000 4040 INFORMATION SYS:INTERNAL SVC 9,000 10,300 10,800 11,200 11,200 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 427 489 500 500 500 4100 RENTS & LEASES 520 615 600 600 600 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 19,287 21,873 21,000 23,000 23,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - 4390 TAXES & LICENSES - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION - - - - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 40,056 42,625 46,500 45,700 45,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER. TRANSFER OUT - LABOR 96,400 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FD - - - - - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 96,400 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 TOTALS: WATER UTILITY 137,711 140,428 149,700 155,000 155,000 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER WATER UTILITY ADMIN. & GENERAL BUDGET 601.49440 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Funlanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed F.T.E. Position Title 2020 2021 Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe None - - ' Total " Account Name Code Additional Detail Computer Equipment 2011 Add current generation handheld meter reading unit Printing & forms 2030 U/B envelopes & perforated laser paper for bills Vehicle repair & parts 2280 Per trend Gas, Oil, Lubricants 2282 Per trend Expert & prof Svcs 3050 Audit fee per rounded prep manual estimate Postage 3220 Prep manual est (for metered & bulk) Planetpress software suppt (for bill printing) Sensus meter -read software support Maint agrmnt: folder/inserter Copy machine maint @ contract rates Repair & maintenance 4000 Subtotal Info systems: internal svc 4040 Per prep manual Garage labor & burden 4050 Per trend Rents & leases 4100 Folder/inserter lease Credit Card Fees 4310 Per trend Oper transfer out - labor 7100 Per prep manual Total department expenses 200 1,000 600 200 Amount 2,500 1,000 100 100 3,700 4,700 2,000 11,200 500 600 23,000 105,600 155,000 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: SEWER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL 102 49490 SEWER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 1 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 1,223 1,303 1,200 3,700 3,700 2999 Other Services & Charges 40,050 42,638 46,500 45,700 45,700 4999 Capital Outlay - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers 96,399 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 TOTALS: SEWER UTILITY 137,672 140,441 149,700 155,000 155,000 Activity Description The Administration Department of the Sewer Utility Fund accounts for 33.3% of the costs associated with the utility billing process and one-half of the costs associated with meter reading. The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Water Utility Fund - 33.3% and the Refuse Utility Fund 33.3%; the remaining costs for meter reading are allocated to the Water Utility Fund. Objectives The department's ongoing objective is to continually improve its work processes. In 2021, emphasis will be on the following: • Managing customer accounts with meter repair issues indicated by unusual readings. Most meters in the City have reached the end of their 20 year planned life cycle. • Transitioning approximately 335 radios on Neptune commercial meters to next generation Sensus radios. This is a preliminary step to eventually using next generation Sensus radios on all meters, and thereby requiring only one modern hardware and software system for reading all meters. These objectives serve the City of Columbia Heights' stated mission to provide high quality services in a fiscally -responsible customer -friendly manner. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed budget for 2021 is an increase of $5,300 or 3.5% from the prior year. This includes: • A $3,600 increase in the annual transfer to the General Fund for administrative labor, under cost -of -living increases in existing labor agreements. • A $2,000 increase in credit card fees, reflecting the continuing trend of more customers paying their utility bill through the webstore. • Approximately $2,500 that was budgeted in prior years under line item 4000 for maintenance agreements for Neptune meter reading hardware and software is budgeted in 2021 under line item 2011 computer equipment, for the purchase of a current generation Sensus handheld meter reading unit. 10 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 602 49490 SEWER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 3211 CELL PHONES 3220 POSTAGE 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 4040 INFORMATION SYS:INTERNAL SVC 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 4100 RENTS & LEASES 4300 MISC. CHARGES 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER. TRANSFER OUT - LABOR 7270 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP EQUIP REPL FD 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES TOTALS: SEWER UTILITY 580 2,500 2,500 944 560 1,000 1,000 1,000 158 50 100 100 100 122 112 100 100 100 1,223 1,303 1,200 3,700 3,700 3,384 3,451 3,700 3,700 3,700 4,895 3,514 5,500 4,700 4,700 2,537 2,396 4,400 2,000 2,000 9,000 10,300 10,800 11,200 11,200 427 489 500 500 500 520 615 600 600 600 19,287 21,873 21,000 23,000 23,000 40,050 42,638 46,500 45,700 45,700 96,399 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 96,399 96,500 102,000 105,600 105,600 137,672 140,441 149,700 155,000 155,000 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER SEWER UTILITY ADMIN. & GENERAL BUDGET 602.49490 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Exolanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed F.T.E. Position Title 2020 2021 Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe None - Total Account Name Code Additional Detail Computer Equipment 2011 Add current generation handheld meter reading unit Printing & forms 2030 U/B envelopes & perforated laser paper for bills Vehicle repair & parts 2280 Per trend Gas, Oil, Lubricants 2282 Per trend Expert & prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per rounded prep manual estimate Postage 3220 Prep manual est (for metered & bulk) Planetpress software suppt (for bill printing) Sensus meter -read software support Maint agrmnt: folder/inserter Copy machine maint @ contract rates _ Repair & maintenance 4000 Subtotal Info systems: internal svc 4040 Per prep manual Garage labor & burden 4050 Per trend Rents & leases 4100 Folder/inserter lease Credit Card Fees 4310 Per trend Oper transfer out - labor 7100 Per prep manual Total department expenses 200 1,000 600 200 Amount 2,500 1,000 100 100 3,700 4,700 2,000 11,200 500 600 23,000 105,600 155,000 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: STORM SEWER ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL 604 49690 STORM SEWER ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services & Charges 4999 Capital Outlay 6999 Contingencies & Transfers TOTALS: STORM SEWER Activity Description 1,128 1,128 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,128 1,128 1,200 1,200 1,200 - The Administration Department of the Storm Sewer Utility Fund accounts for costs directly associated with this fund. At this time, there are no allocated costs for the utility billing process or meter reading in this fund. Objectives Establish an internal audit program to periodically verify that the storm sewer rate applied to given property matches that property's current use. After the program has been established, the ongoing staffing required to maintain the program will be allocated to this budget from the utility billing budgets for water and sewer. This objective serves the City of Columbia Heights' stated mission to provide high quality services in a fiscally -responsible customer -friendly manner. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed budget for 2021 is the same as the 2020 budget. The only item in this budget is a small share of the City's annual audit costs. 13 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 604 49690 STORM SEWER ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,128 1,128 1,200 1,200 1,200 3105 TRAINING & EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH - 3220 POSTAGE 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 3600 PROP & LIAB INSURANCE 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 4100 RENTS & LEASES 4300 MISC. CHARGES 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1,128 1,128 1,200 1,200 1,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER. TRANSFER OUT - LABOR 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FD 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS: STORM SEWER 1,128 1,128 1,200 1,200 1,200 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER STORM SEWER ADMIN. & GENERAL BUDGET 604.49690 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed F.T.E- Position Title 2020 2021 Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe None - - Total - Account Name Code Additional Detail Expert & prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual Total department expenses Amount 1,200 1,200 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 720 49980 INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 1 2019 Adopted Budget 1 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 312,293 314,416 330,500 342,400 342,400 1999 Supplies 8,569 15,638 6,000 8,000 8,000 2999 Other Services & Charges 52,594 44,472 64,100 62,400 62,400 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers - - 4,000 4,000 4,000 TOTALS: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 373,457 374,526 404,600 416,800 416,800 Activity Description The IS department provides information system implementation, management, support, and training to the City employees at 10 locations. With the City's dependence on IS, it is imperative to have staff on hand to support and develop the system. Modern information technologies and training increase city employees' productivity and reduce overall cost of information system ownership. Major IS components: - Almost 200 desktop PCs, virtual PCs, and portable computers. - More than 270 phones with 570 phone numbers and voicemail boxes. - Almost 60 physical and virtual servers and data storage systems. - More than 40 printers, copiers, scanners. - Almost 250 network devices and components of video security, physical access control systems, and building automation systems. - 20 databases. - Laserfiche document imaging system (about 470,000 documents with 3.8 million pages). - Office applications (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, e-mail and scheduling). - Special departmental applications. - Intranet websites. Objectives 1. Ensure efficient, secure, and reliable operation of the City information system. 2. Support city Library staff and patrons. 3. Work with architects, consultants and other city departments on the new City Hall project. 4. Assist other city departments in upgrading department -specific systems. 5. Provide reliable and secure Internet access for city employees, as well as remote access to the information system. 6. Train users and IS staff to better use city information system. These internal service objectives provide critical support for all city departments to achieve the Columbia Heights mission, vision, and goals stated within the City Council's 2020 goal -setting report. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed 2021 budget for this department is 3% more than 2020 budget. Major changes: - "Personal Services" are $11,900 more due to COLA and increase in health insurance costs; - "Supplies" are $2,000 more to be closer to actual expenses; - "Repair and Maintenance Services" are $1,600 more to accommodate possible increases in support costs by vendors and additional expenses on cybersecurity; - "Equipment Depreciation" is $3,000 less. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 720 49980 INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1020 OVERTIME -REGULAR 1030 VACATION & SICK 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 1300 INSURANCE 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1810 COLA ALLOWANCE 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2070 TRAINING & INSTR SUPPLIES 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3105 TRAINING & EDUC ACTIVITIES 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 3211 CELL PHONES 3220 POSTAGE 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 3600 PROP & LIAB INSURANCE 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES TOTALS: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 235,144 242,131 249,500 256,900 256,900 6,036 -1,268 17,540 18,058 18,600 19,200 19,200 15,797 16,020 19,100 19,700 19,700 197 - - - - 35,888 38,249 41,500 44,600 44,600 1,691 1,226 1,800 2,000 2,000 312,293 314,416 330,500 342,400 342,400 25 33 100 100 100 17 2,000 100 100 100 8,386• 11,582 5,600 6,300 6,300 142 2,023 200 1,500 1,500 8,569 15,638 6,000 8,000 8,000 5,600 9,959 9,800 9,800 9,800 3,380 2,673 3,000 3,000 3,000 597 630 700 300 300 1,920 1,879 1,900 1,900 1,900 - 169 100 100 100 1,962 1,588 1,700 1,700 1,700 630 709 700 700 700 1,400 1,500 1,200 1,300 1,300 22,844 15,281 31,000 32,600 32,600 14,261 10,085 14,000 11,000 11,000 52,594 44,472 64,100 62,400 62,400 4,000 - 4,000 373,457 374,526 404,600 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 416,800 416,800 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER INFORMATION SYSTEMS BUDGET 720.49980 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Exolanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2020 2021 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe IS Director 1.00 1.00 111,402 32,465 143,867 114,731 34,313 149,044 Assistant IS Director 1.00 1.00 78,390 27,227 105,617 80,728 28,897 109,625 IS Technician 1.00 1.00 59,622 21,248 80,870 61,397 22,227 83,624 Rounding - 86 60 146 - - - 3.00 3.00 249,500 81,000 330,500 256,856 85,437 342,293 Rounding - - 44 63 107 Total 3.00 3.00 249,500 81,000 330,500 256,900 85,500 342,400 supplies Office supplies 100 Minor equipment 100 MS Office 2019 licenses for IS users 300 Minor software and computer 6,000 Misc. Computer supplies 1,500 8,000 Other Services &Charges Expert and professional services 9,800 IS staff training 3,000 IS Dept. office phones 300 IS staff cell phones 1,900 Postage 100 Internet connections 1,700 Local travel 700 Liability & property insurance 1,300 Cybersecurity products and services 14,300 Imaging system maint. 3,000 Firewall maint. 3,300 IS inventory and management 2,700 Backup software maint. 2,000 Email archiver annual license 1,700 Virtual infrastructure maint. 800 Email security appliance maint. 1,800 Storage migration software maint. 700 Adobe Creative Suite annual license 600 Misc. maint. 1,600 Copier usage 100 Depreciation 11,000 62,400 Contingencies Reserved for unforeseen upgrades and maintenance Total Expenses 4,000 4,000 416,800 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: IS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 437 499801 I.S. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies 13,643 19,328 - 41,000 41,000 2999 Other Services & Charges 4,162 3,440 35,000 - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - 36,000 - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers 50,423 24,388 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTALS: IS CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT 68,227 47,156 76,000 46,000 46,000 Activity Description Capital Equipment Replacement fund is used for IS hardware and software purchases with a cost of a unit in the amount set by city procedures for fixed assets or more and a life expectancy of one year or longer. Objectives 1. Replace Microsoft Office 2010 (support will end on 10/13/20) with Microsoft Office 2019. 2. Replace other IS components that are no longer supported by vendors and are not compatible with newer components. 3. Keep using existing IS components as long as they can be efficiently supported. Budget Comments on Proposed Budget Total cost of Microsoft Office 2010 replacement with Microsoft Office 2019 is $50,000 based on the projected number of licenses. Budgeted amount is $41,000 because $9,000 will be paid from the departmental budgets. One-time cost of Microsoft Office 2019 "perpetual" licenses is almost the same as annual cost of Office 365 G3 subscription ($46,000/year). Even after taking into account additional $10,000 budgeted for Microsoft Exchange licenses in 2020 - which won't be necessary with Office 365 - the City saves about $170,000 over five years (Office 2019 will be supported by Microsoft until 10/14/2025). 19 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 437 49980 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 13,643 19,328 41,000 41,000 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 1999 SUPPLIES 13,643 19,328 - 41,000 41,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 3,440 35,000 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 4,162 - - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 4,162 3,440 35,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 36,000 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 36,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FD - - - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 50,423 24,388 - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 5,000 5,000 5,000 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 50,423 24,388 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTALS: IS CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT 68,227 47,156 76,000 46,000 46,000 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER IS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BUDGET 437.49980 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed F.T.E. Position Title 2020 2021 Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe None - - - Total - - Suppiies Microsoft Office 2019 licenses (minus $9,000 contributed from departmental budgets) 41,000 Contingencies Reserved for unforeseen replacement Total Expenses 5,000 46,000 21 Reviewer's Notes 22 Reviewer's Notes 23 t - �_ ■— - i-- _ — --_ -- _-- tio - _ _r_ t�_ _■■ - - ■ - y- IV Aw t F ■_ - -i ■■ -■�-_ --- f ■ -_ - -=% _ - t _ F - ■� - - - _ -- -_ F -- - - _-� ■_F f ■ F_ � - t_ - ■ f_ - _ t_ t�-_f- t_■_ - _ _� ~ -■ F ~-__ � -F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ■ _ --_- -_ _ �_ - ■ -■ _ _ i _ _ Z.-_ ■ � -- ■ - ■ ■---■-1 ■ _ ■-■_ ■ - - �_ F■ - A -- - - - - - - -_ —■ -_- -■■ice-i�■��__■-i �— _ i--F�FF- �■� -�Fft - -- ■ =70_---91-0 �T-- F _ -■- -- ■ - --- - - -----~---_■_jr-_ -- — - _ -■- -- - - - _ f --m F- _