HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Library Proposed Detail BudgetThe City of cliI Columbia Heights 2021 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET LIBRARY CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Library Budget 2021 Table of Contents Summary of Revenue and Expenses................................................................... 2 Proposed Expenses and Narrative...................................................................3-4 ExpenseDetail..................................................................................................5-6 Summaryof Costs............................................................................................7-8 Certification of Minimum Local Support............................................................9 Notes............................................................................................................10-12 1 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Library Revenue 30999 Taxes 1,032,936 31999 Licenses & Permits - 32999 Intergovernmental - 33999 Charge for Services 17,300 34999 Fines & Forfeits 11,000 35999 Miscellaneous 9,514 36999 Sales and Related Charges 39199 Transfers & Non Rev Receipts 11,000 Total Revenue 1,081,750 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 730,900 1999 Supplies 98,500 2999 Other Services and Charges 237,200 4999 Capital Outlay - 6999 Contingencies &Transfers 15,150 Total Expenses Change to Fund Balance 1,081,750 iA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY 240 LIBRARY 45500 LIBRARY Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 1 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 604,497 637,244 706,700 730,900 730,900 1999 Supplies 93,419 88,179 98,500 98,500 98,500 2999 Other Services & Charges 203,752 232,165 232,950 237,200 237,200 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - 6999 Contingencies & Transfers 14,711 14,700 14,500 15,150 15,150 TOTALS: LIBRARY 916,379 972,288 1,052,650 1,081,750 1,081,750 Activity Description The Columbia Heights Public Library serves the individual and the community with responsive collections, innovative programming, professional staff, and access to resources in order to nurture community, creativity, opportunity, and knowledge. The Library collects and lends materials in multiple formats including books, magazines, newspapers, recorded music, videos, and energy meters. It provides educational classes and programs including literacy -based storytimes, adult language learning and literacy programs, reading programs, arts and cultural events, and services such as a volunteer program and home delivery of materials. The Library provides free access to computer software, the internet, and online research and instructional databases. It provides space for individual work, study and public meetings. Library staff provide one-on-one and class -based computer instruction as well as research and reference assistance during 54 operational hours each week. The Library contracts with Anoka County Library for inclusion in an integrated library system to manage patron information and collection inventory, delivery of materials, and access to electronic resources such as databases, e-books, e-magazines, and downloadable audiobooks. It participates in the Metropolitan Library Service Agency (as an Associate Library), the Minftex mufti -state interlibrary loan program, the Statewide Borrowers' Compact, and METRONET. These cooperative agreements enable Columbia Heights residents to gain access to library materials, special services, and electronic resources available throughout the state of Minnesota. They also provide staff with professional development and training opportunities. Objectives In 2021, Library staff will focus on the following key objectives: 1. Sustaining a state -of -the art facility constructed in 2016 and beginning to show its age. 2_ Building collections, staff and programming that reflect the diversity of the community. 3. Providing life-long learning opportunities for patrons and ensure that library staff are adequately trained to meet the needs of customers. 4. Marketing the library's collections, services and programming in order to provide greater access to and use of an essential community resource. 5_ Forging new partnerships in order to reach out to those citizens who have not been served in the past. 6. Reviewing outdated policies and procedures. 7. Seeking public art for the building and grounds. Library Budget Comments Continued on Next Page 3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 Library Budget Comments Continued Budget Comments on Proposed Budget The proposed budget for 2021 includes a 2.76% increase over the adopted 2020 budget. Personnel Services Personnel expenses account for two-thirds of the library budget. A 3%wage increase, with commensurate increases in the cost of fringe benefits, has been extended to full-time personnel. No increases in compensation were included for part-time staff; they last received a wage increase in 2020. All full-time staff have reached the top of approved pay ranges. Limited numbers of part-time staff are still progressing through the wage steps. Staffing levels are sufficient to allow 54 hours of public service each week. Supplies The supplies section is essentially unchanged from the 2020 adopted budget. Other Services and Charges: Changes were made to this section to incorporate fee increases from Anoka County Library for sharing in integrated library system software (line 3050); additional costs for local and long distance telephone (3210); increases to the library's share of the City property and liability insurance (3600); an anticipated annual maintenance cost for a newly acquired software to manage patron computer use and capture printing revenue (4000), and additional charges for city information technology. Electricity, gas, water, and sewer were estimated at 6% over 2019 actual costs. Capital Outlaw: No capital outlay is anticipated for 2021. Other Financing Uses Charges forthe library share of city administrative staff increased 4.5%. 4 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 240 45500 LIBRARY LIBRARY Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department City Manage Proposed Proposed 2021 2021 1 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1020 OVERTIME -REGULAR 1030 VACATION & SICK 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERVICE 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 1300 INSURANCE 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 1810 COLAALLOWANCE 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2025 ACS SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 2160 MAINT. & CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 2161 CHEMICALS 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2180 BOOKS 2181 PERIODICALS, MAG, NEWSPAPERS 2182 ELECTRONIC DATABASES 2183 E-BOOKS 2184 VIDEO CASSETTES 2185 COMPACT DISCS 2187 BOOK/CD SET 2188 MICROFORM 2189 DVD 2190 DOWNLOADABLE VIDEO 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2990 COMM, PURCHASED FOR RESALE 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3105 TRAINING & EDUCACTIVITIES 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 3220 POSTAGE 390,339 407,770 428,800 442,600 442,600 73,862 81,626 114,000 114,100 114,100 582 450 900 1,000 1,000 -1,009 5,797 - 1,788 261 2,500 2,000 2,000 34,437 33,129 40,800 41,800 41,800 35,845 36,865 41,800 42,800 42,800 - 167 - - 65,119 68,602 73,900 82,100 82,100 3,533 2,578 4,000 4,500 4,500 604A97 637,244 706,700 730,900 730,900 1,331 1,190 1,200 1,200 1,200 825 1,680 S00 500 500 1,069 200 900 900 145 - 100 100 100 2,391 1,432 2,600 2,600 2,600 528 903 900 900 900 2,013 - - - 459 - - 1,7 89 1,052 1,800 1,500 1,500 4,865 4,053 5,000 5,000 5,000 67 180 100 200 200 52,310 47,365 58,000 56,000 56,000 6,050 6,140 6,000 6,500 6,500 8,190 7,215 8,000 8,000 8,000 7,251 5,636 5,500 5,500 5,500 370 400 500 500 7,325 7,317 6,000 6,300 6,300 - - 1,800 2,500 2,500 - 105 - 352 - 400 300 300 93,419 88,179 98,500 98,500 98,500 17,232 17,918 17,000 18,700 18,700 430 425 500 500 500 879 645 700 1,350 1,350 191 226 200 250 250 5 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 240 45500 FLIBRARY LIBRARY Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 I Department Proposed 2021 Gty Manage Proposed 2021 1 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 3600 PROP & LIAB INSURANCE 3810 ELECTRIC 3820 WATER 3830 GAS 3850 SEWER 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 4010 BUILDING MAINT:LABOR & BURDEN 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4040 INFORMATION SYS:INTERNALSVC 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 4100 RENTS & LEASES 4300 MISC. CHARGES 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 4380 COMMISSION & BOARDS 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHEREQUIPMENT 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER. TRANSFER OUT - LABOR 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 7435 TRANSFER OUT TO: OTHER 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES TOTALS: LIBRARY 1,772 2,431 2,bSU 2,bSU L,bw 673 809 700 700 700 150 7,800 8,300 8,100 8,700 8,700 33,934 32,291 35,600 34,200 34,200 2,610 2,626 2,700 2,800 2,800 9,610 8,577 10,100 9,100 9,100 2,805 2,876 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,213 22,138 15,000 16,300 16,300 34,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 38,200 20,214 26,952 27,000 27,100 27,100 58,000 66,700 70,200 72,100 72,100 211 392 200 400 400 - 300 300 300 570 630 600 650 650 258 30 200 200 200 203,752 232,165 232,950 237,200 237,200 14,711 14,700 14,500 15,150 15,150 14,711 14,700 14,500 15,150 15,150 916,379 972,288 1,052,650 1,081,750 1,081,750 6 FUND NUMBER 240,45500 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel LIBRARY BUDGET 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp (Position Title 2020 2021 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Library Director 1.00 1.00 119,312 30,754 150,066 122,842 32,048 154,890 Adult Services Librarian 1.00 1.00 78,304 27,213 105,517 80,646 28,893 109,539 Youth Services Librarian 1,00 1.00 78,304 24,213 102,517 80,646 28,893 109,539 Clerk Typist II - Adult 1.00 1.00 53,572 20,288 73,860 56,250 21,407 77,657 Clerk Typist II - Youth 1.00 1.00 51,493 19,958 71,451 53,032 20,895 73,927 Library Clerk 1.00 1.00 48,727 19,520 68,247 50,183 20,440 70,623 (Library Pages (11) 1.94 1.94 63,711 10,111 73,822 63,080 10,049 73,129 (Library Supervisors (3) 0.68 0.68 36,026 5,717 41,743 36,026 5,739 41,765 (Library Aide 0.35 0.35 14,238 2,260 16,498 14,982 2,387 17,369 Subtotal 8.97 8.97 543,687 160,034 703,721 5157,687 170.751 728,438 Labor Allocation To: Public Works 2,500 511 3,011 2,000 424 2,424 Rounding 13 -45 -32 13 25 38 atal &97 8.97 546.200 160,500 706,700 559,700 171.200 730,900 SLI01)lie5 office supplies and paper 1,200 Other Services and Charges display banner 500 Integrated Library System 14,000 computer equipment 900 cataloging charges 300 computer supplies 100 disc repair 200 ILS supplies 2,600 audit fees 1,600 printing 900 collection agency fees 900 program supplies 1,SW adult programs 1,000 book supplies 1,200 children's programs 700 AV cases 600 staff training 500 misc. telephone 1,350 toilet paper/paper towels 1,000 postage 250 cleaning supplies 2,000 internet charges 2,650 cleaning equipment parts 200 local travel - mileage 700 books 56,000 advertising - periodicals 6,500 insurance 8,700 electronic databases - electricity 34,200 e-books 8,000 water 2,800 compact discs 5,500 gas 9,100 cd/book kits 500 sewer 3,000 microform - copier (2) maintenance 1,100 DVDs 6,300 printer(2) maintenance 500 vehicle repair parts copier/printer overage charges 2,200 downloadable video 2,500 public pc management software 1,800 purchase for resale 300 microfilm software 100 coffee/tea/food supplies 200 check out/security gate maint. 1,370 Library Summary of Costs Continued on Next Page 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER 240.45500 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR. Library Summary of Costs Continued Other Services and CharRes AMH maintenance 9,180 fire extinguisher 50 vacuum/floor machine maint. - building maintenance - labor 38,200 HVAC preventive maintenance 10,900 SetPoint controls 2,000 carpet & upholstery cleaning 3,000 HVAC repair 2,000 window cleaning 1,620 plumbing/electrical repair 3,000 painting 1,5W landscaping 1,000 fire alarm/sprinkler testing 925 panic alarm monitoring 515 pest control 640 Information Systems 72,100 garage fees 400 credit card fees SW professional memberships 650 volunteer recognition 200 Caoital Outlay Other Financing Uses Operational Transfer - labor 15,150 LIBRARY BUDGET 8 �\ DEPARTMENT ■ ■ ■ OF EDUCATION July 2020 State Library Services 1500 Highway 36 West Roseville, MN 55113 v: 651-582-8791 f: 651-582-8752 jennifer.r.nelson@state.mn.us CERTIFICATION OF MINIMUM LOCAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT: 2021 This is to certify the 2021 minimum level of financial support to be provided for operating expenses for public library services and participation in the regional public library system programs pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 134.34 for the city of: Columbia Heights The state -certified level of library support for 2021 is: $577,535 This amount represents the equivalent of 90% of the official 2011 state -certified level of library support. 9 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Library Budget 2020 NOTES 10 1`_ CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Library Budget 2020 NOTES 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Library Budget 2020 NOTES 12