HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 Police Proposed Detail BudgetThe City of Columbia Heights 2021 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET 1A AL RAI 1921 POLICE Columbia Heights Police Department 2021 Budget Table of Contents Police Department Functional Area Summary Page ................. 1 101.42100 Police proposed expense & narrative ..................... 2 101.42100 Police detail expense .............................................. 4 101.42100 Police summary of cost factors ............................... 6 431.42100 Capital Equip proposed expense & narrative.......... 8 431.42100 Capital Equipment detail expense ........................ 10 431.42100 Capital Equip summary of cost factors .................. 11 Blank Pages for Notes ............................................................ 12 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2021 Police Police Capital Police Equipment 101 431 Revenue 30999 Taxes 4,673,313 - 31999 Licenses & Permits 37,000 - 32999Intergovernmental 528,377 69,074 33999 Charge for Services 293,900 - 34999 Fines & Forfeits 65,500 - 35999 Miscellaneous 24,317 6,181 36999 Sales and Related Charges - - 39199 Transfers & Non Rev Receipts 10,000 3,090 Total Revenue Expenses 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services & Charges 4999 Capital Outlay 6999 Contingencies & Transfers Total Expenses Change to Fund Balance 5,632,407 78,345 5,019,400 - 169,800 9,000 515,100 - 142,700 5,704,300 151,700 -71,893-73,355 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: POLICE 101 42100 GENERAL POLICE Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 1 2019 Adopted Budget 1 2020 Department Proposed 1 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services & Charges 4999 Capital Outlay 6999 Contingencies & Transfers TOTALS: POLICE Activity Description 3,761,526 4,023,104 4,583,000 5,019,400 5,019,400 185,923 183,625 180,900 169,800 169,800 - 440,391 487,023 481,270 515,100 515,100 - 11,582 - - - 4,387,840 4,705,334 5,245,170 5,704,300 5,704,300 This is the general budget for day-to-day operations in the Police Department, including personnel costs, general supply costs, and other services and charges. The Police Department provides public safety and crime prevention services to the citizens of Columbia Heights and Hilltop. This includes police patrol, investigations, community policing activities, the Street Crimes unit, a Drug Task Force officer, School Liaison Officers (Dist. #13), traffic enforcement, code enforcement, and administration. Objectives The Police Department's Mission Statement is: The Columbia Heights Police Department is committed to active partnerships with the community in order to protect life and property, innovatively solve problems, and enhance the safety and qualify of life in the communities we serve. Each year, the Police Department participates in planning to develop a Strategic Plan for the coming year. The strategies, objectives and action plan outlined in that plan form the framework for the department's activities in the areas of Problem Oriented Policing, Community Oriented Policing/Partnerships and Communication, Accountability, and Training. Further, budgetary planning and spending decisions are based on this plan, particularly in terms of resource allocations, spending for community -related programs, and training. Budget Comments Continued on Next Page 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 Police Budget Comments Continued Budget Comments on Proposed Budget Personnel: Personnel costs for all employees were calculated based on 2021 contract amounts, plus expected movement through salary and longevity steps. Line item 1020 Overtime was increased in an attempt to bring it more in line with actual costs. The 29th Officer position as recommended by the staffing study was added as was the second full time Community Service Officer position. Supplies: The majority of line items in this section are budgeted at or below the 2020 amounts. The exception is 2020 Computer Supplies, which is increased by $1,000 to $2,000. Line item 2282 Gas, Oil and Lubricants is budgeted at $9,000 less than 2020 due to the addition of two more hybrid patrol vehicles and a lower anticipated fuel cost for the year. Other Services and Charges: The $5,000 added to line item 3050 Expert and Professional Svcs. in 2020 for Alexandra House has been included again this year. The Anoka County Shared Costs for the Public Safety Data System in the same line item has been increased by $3,250 to $42,250 based on projections from Anoka County. Officer wellness is critical not only to themselves, their colleagues and their agencies, but also to the citizens they serve. This is why an amount of $4,500 was also added to this line item to cover the cost of each officer to visit a cop competent therapist which will be mandated by policy in 2021. Line item 3120 Educational Reimbursement has been budgeted at $6,000 to reflect that we currently have officers enrolled in advanced degree programs. Line item 4100 Rents and Leases has been increased by $5,000 to accommodate increases to our costs for the Taser Axon body worn cameras. 2021 is year 4 of a 5 year agreement on the lease and storage for body worn cameras through Taser Axon, and we will be seeing additional fees for storage of electronic files. Other line items in this section were adjusted slightly up or down to more accurately reflect our costs, and several of the line items in this category contain amounts that are set in the budget instructions. 3 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 111 GENERAL 42100 POLICE Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2011 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 1 2021 Line Item Description PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 1020 OVERTIME -REGULAR 1021 OVERTIME -PART-TIME 1030 VACATION & SICK 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 1041 COURT PAY 1043 TRAINING PAY 1045 LONGEVITY 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 1065 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 1300 INSURANCE 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 1810 COLA ALLOWANCE 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING & PRINTED FORMS 2070 TRAINING & INSTR SUPPLIES 2160 MAINT. & CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 2161 CHEMICALS 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2172 UNIFORMS 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 3050 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3105 TRAINING & EDUC ACTIVITIES 3110 TRAINING & SCHOOL 2,395,500 2,637,777 2,998,800 3,267,100 3,267,100 9 2, 394 109,311 113,900 120,900 120,900 2 06, 827 166,660 140,000 150,000 150,000 1,004 142 - 23,000 23,000 1,987 22,150 - - - 17,140 19,765 18,000 - - 5,012 3,086 10,000 6,000 6,000 40,209 39,452 44,200 42,100 42,100 38,180 - - 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 24 86 - 410,696 436,228 533,200 575,500 575,500 61,467 67,911 80,600 89,600 89,600 592 668 - - - 370,201 419,507 489,000 561,600 561,600 120,293 97,963 152,900 181,200 181,200 3,761,526 4,023,104 4,583,000 5,019,400 5,019,400 3,912 2,519 4,000 3,000 3,000 18,460 26,561 9,300 9,000 9,000 24,914 11,982 6,000 8,000 8,000 583 2,369 1,000 2,400 2,400 1,353 1,966 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,851 5,869 10,200 6,000 6,000 49 - - 7,749 7,723 10,000 8,000 8,000 29,380 24,421 20,000 25,000 25,000 27,680 28,106 34,000 32,000 32,000 6,664 7,568 8,400 8,400 8,400 3,435 3,585 4,000 4,000 4,000 8,977 15,196 18,000 17,000 17,000 47,919 45,760 54,000 45,000 45,000 185,923 183,625 180,900 169,800 169,800 65,496 73,477 83,400 87,200 87,200 32,952 25,376 33,000 33,000 33,000 n City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 101 42100 GENERAL POLICE Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 1 2020 Department Proposed 1 2021 City Manager Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 1 2021 Line Item Description 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 9,277 - 6,000 6,000 3210 TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH 6,332 4,472 4,700 5,000 5,000 3211 CELL PHONES 9,399 14,621 14,000 18,000 18,000 3220 POSTAGE 2,080 1,818 2,500 2,500 2,500 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 7,746 8,328 9,200 10,600 10,600 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 382 318 1,500 500 500 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 3,004 3,116 4,000 4,000 4,000 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 110 45 - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 108 - - - 3600 PROP & LIAB INSURANCE 69,200 71,100 78,200 86,100 86,100 3810 ELECTRIC 27,116 27,451 30,000 28,000 28,000 3820 WATER 429 497 1,000 500 500 3830 GAS 4,989 3,393 5,250 3,500 3,500 3850 SEWER 1,217 1,283 2,000 1,300 1,300 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES 29,584 33,925 25,200 25,000 25,000 4010 BUILDING MAINT:LABOR & BURDEN 29,700 31,400 31,400 31,400 31,400 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 43,248 56,641 35,900 46,000 46,000 4040 INFQRMATION SYS:INTERNAL SVC 50,000 57,600 60,500 62,200 62,200 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 22,958 27,208 26,000 26,000 26,000 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR 2,328 1,465 1,500 1,500 1,500 4100 RENTS & LEASES 20,927 23,719 21,100 26,100 26,100 4300 MISC. CHARGES 8,530 5,294 5,900 5,900 5,900 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 82 211 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,398 1,828 2,020 1,800 1,800 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 1,186 3,052 3,000 3,000 3,000 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGI 440,391 487,023 481,270 515,100 515,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 11,582 - 4999 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,582 - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS: POLICE 4,387,840 4,705,334 5,245,170 5,704,300 5,704,300 5 FUND NUMBER 101.42100 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel POLICE BUDGET 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2020 2021 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Chief of Police 1.00 1.00 135,562 44,639 180,201 139,582 46,915 186,497 Captain 2.00 2.00 227,350 84,478 311,828 245,230 88,854 334,084 Sergeants 4.00 4.00 437,416 155,860 593,276 477,322 170,956 648,278 Police Offiers 21.00 22.00 1,844,731 717,155 2,561,886 2,128,205 833,836 2,962,041 Inv/Liaison pay - - 14,400 3,487 17,887 14,400 3,553 17,953 Over -time Regular - - 140,000 33,870 173,870 - - - Office Supervisor 1.00 1.00 76,206 23,881 100,087 78,474 24,947 103,421 Lead Record Technician 1.00 1.00 66,587 25,353 91,940 72,690 27,626 100,316 Information Systems Spec. 1.00 1.00 63,034 21,790 84,824 66,734 23,077 89,811 Records Technicians 3.00 3.00 151,291 59,370 210,661 165,743 63,742 229,485 Comm. Svc. Officer 1.00 2.00 51,036 25,100 76,136 95,717 48,277 143,994 PT Comm. Svc. Officer 2.50 2.50 113,927 23,022 136,949 120,897 24,989 145,886 FTO Pay $4/hour 5,760 1,395 7,155 6,480 1,599 8,079 Insurance Benefits of - Officers Separated with Disability - 36,300 36,300 - 49,440 49,440 Rounding - - - - - 26 89 115 Total 37.50 39.50 3,327,300 1,255,700 4,583,000 3,611,500 1,407,900 5,019,400 Total 37.50 39.50 3,327,300 1,255,700 4,583,000 3,611,500 1,407,900 5,019,400 Supplies Paper, pens, notebooks, envelopes, folders 3,000 Duty ammo/Taser cartridges 12,000 Misc. small equipment e.g. Tasers 9,000 batteries, keys, misc. 1,500 Replacement/new computers + misc. needs 8,000 Gloves and antibac wipes 2,000 Printer toner, flash drives, CDs and DVDs, cables 2,400 Evidence and Intox supplies, drug kits 5,000 Printing: tow sheets, violation notices, misc. 2,000 Range and training room supplies 1,000 Training ammo, mace and Tasers, trng supplies 6,000 Fingerprinting and misc. squad supplies 1,300 DARE supplies, promo items for NNO, Comm Pgms related 2,000 Neighborhood Watch and community picnics 8,000 Animal control related 200 Uniforms for officers 30,000 Uniforms for non-sworn/Reserves 2,000 Ballistic vests/new and replacement 8,400 Food for meetings and trainings: NW appreciation, MAC meetings, Jamboree roll call, Cooking w/Cops 4,000 Vehicle repair/parts 17,000 Gas, oil, lubricants 45,000 Summary of Costs Continued on Next Page 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 FUND NUMBER POLICE BUDGET 101.42100 Summary of Costs Continued Other Services & Charges Other communications (data svcs.) 2,150 Alexandra House 5,000 Wireless internet access 7,440 Shared costs for Central Records (PSDS) 45,250 Language line 1,010 Car wash agreement 2,500 Hiring/testing fees 10,000 Educational Reimbursement 6,000 Metrolnet 5,000 Local Travel expense 500 Pet Central vet contract 4,000 Out of Town Travel expense 4,000 Transcription fees 1,000 One Call now 600 Insurance and Bonds 86,100 Veolia (gun range lead removal) 800 Wellness (cop competent therapists) 1,000 Electric 28,000 Mandatory yearly visit w/therapist 4,500 Water 500 BWC audit 6,000 Gas 3,500 Misc. (trainers for landlords, etc.) 1,550 Sewer 1,300 Konica Minolta copier 3,000 POST required training for officers 14,500 GDN quarterly charges BCA 3,100 Officer Development training 5,000 Radio repair/mtnc 3,000 Northwestern Staff and Command 5,000 Bldg. sec/fire ext/bicycle mtnc 2,700 Target Solutions 3,000 POSS Schedule 4,000 ETI Conf 1,500 One Call Now 900 Training fees for non -sworn 2,000 Time IQ 1,000 Knowledge Based and Wellness related training 2,000 CJDN quarterly charges Anoka Co 2,800 Bio-cleaning of squads 2,000 PBT repair/Repair & Mtnc gym equip 1,500 Central phone service 5,000 Shred Right 1,000 Cell phones 18,000 Postage 2,500 Building Mtnc/Labor and Burden 31,400 Building Mtnc: HVAC Mtnc/Fire monitor Vehicle Repair 1,500 Bldg./grounds mtnc, Cintas (rugs/towels) 46,000 Body Worn Camera lease program 25,000 Information systems 62,200 Outdoor range lease fees 1,100 Garage, Labor Burden 26,000 AHDTF Match 5,400 POST licenses 900 Misc. charges (compliance checks/recruiting tables 500 Vehicle licenses 2,100 Subscriptions: MN Chiefs, IACP, Anoka Co Chiefs, el 1,800 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 DEPARTMENT: POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 431 GENERAL 42100 POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 2021 City Manager Proposed 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 58,015 2999 Other Services & Charges 4999 Capital Outlay 72,264 6999 Contingencies & Transfers TOTALS: POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPP 130,279 Activity Description 7,384 9,000 9,000 9,000 283,129 184,100 142,700 142,700 290,513 193,100 151,700 151,700 The Capital Equipment budget for 2021 includes: The purchase and set-up of two marked vehicles and one unmarked vehicle Objectives The Police Department's objectives as they relate to Capital Equipment are to obtain and maintain vehicles and capital equipment in a way that meets the needs and requirements of the department, while utilizing best practices to obtain the highest value and affordability. Budget Comments Continued on Next Page CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 Police Capital Equipment Budget Comments Continued Budget Comments on Proposed Budget As a part of the Police Department Capital Equipment replacement plan to maintain a safe and dependable vehicle fleet, the Police Department requests authorization to purchase two Ford Police Interceptor patrol vehicles. The purchase of two marked squad cars per year allows the department to keep the fleet in better working order, and aids in controlling costs on replacement parts. This also allows the marked squads to be rotated out of the police fleet after five years of service, and rotated into another department in the City, who in turn get a better operating vehicle for conventional uses. The police department is budgeting for the purchase of two Ford hybrid Utility vehicles for 2021. Preliminary numbers for the current hybrid squads show an increase in fuel economy of 55%. Over time, we should still see an overall savings over the life of service of the vehicle due to the increase in fuel economy. The advantages presented by the Utility include the added space for occupants and gear and increased maneuverability in poor weather conditions. The added room will be used to better store and carry police equipment and supplies to include entry tools, first aid equipment and tactical gear. In addition, the increased size of the passenger compartment in the Utility vehicle offers better room and comfort for our larger and taller officers. The vehicle will be purchased from the dealership awarded under the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) In addition, the police department is budgeting to replace one unmarked vehicle in 2021. The vehicle scheduled for replacement is a 2014 Chevy Impala with over 70,000 miles on it. The age and mileage make this an unsafe vehicle for use in police emergency driving. The police department plans to purchase a 2021 Chevy Traverse, or similar vehicle, from the CPV. This vehicle has comparable pricing and fuel economy when compared to past vehicle purchases, and is roomier and better equipped to carry needed police equipment. Ford implemented increased squad pricing starting with the 2020 model year. This model includes a hybrid engine. The police department is budgeting to purchase the following vehicles: 2 - 2021 Ford Police Interceptor Utility vehicles $37,246.56 e. 1-2021 Unmarked Chevy Traverse or Similar $26,861.46 Total: $101,354.58 The police department is also budgeting to expend up to $50,230.00 outfitting and setting up these vehicles for patrol use. This amount includes the standard set-up as has been done in the past, plus the purchase of necessary equipment for the squads including laptop computers. The police department has seen an increase in vendor costs in this area. In addition, Ford has made changes requiring the purchase of replacement equipment. In addition, Panasonic has discontinued our current squad laptop model and there will be additional costs associated with new laptop mounts. The total budgeted for squad cars and set-up in 2021 is $151,654.58 (rounded to $151,700). 9 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2021 Budget Worksheet 411 42100 GENERAL POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Actual Expense 2018 Actual Expense 2019 Adopted Budget 2020 Department Proposed 1 2021 City Manage Proposed 1 2021 Council Adopted 2021 Line Item Description SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 50,987 - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 7,028 7,384 9,000 9,000 9,000 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - - 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 58,015 7,384 9,000 9,000 9,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 4000 REPAIR & MAINT. SERVICES - - - - 4020 BUILDING MAINT: CONTRACT SVCS 4390 TAXES & LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 54,787 101,063 99,900 101,400 101,400 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 17,477 182,065 84,200 41,300 41,300 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 72,264 283,129 184,100 142,700 142,700 OTHER FINANCING USES 7435 TRANSFER OUT TO: OTHER - - - - 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS: POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 130,279 290,513 193,100 151,700 151,700 10 FUND NUMBER 431.42100 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2021 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 2020 Adopted 2021 Proposed F.T.E. Position Title 2020 2021 Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe Total Total Total Comp Salaries Fringe & Fringe None - Subtotal 0.00 0,00 - - - - - - Total 0.00 0.00 - - - Vehicles/Build est price total Ford Interceptor Utility 34,600 69,200 Chevy Traverse (AWD) 26,900 26,900 Dlr Options Ford Interc, 2,700 5,400 CF 31 toughbook computers 4,500 9,000 Squad Build Strip Out Old Squad 650 1,300 Build New Squads 4,000 8,000 Shop Supplies 1,000 2,000 Mounting Systems 1,500 3,000 squad lights 1,600 3,200 Console 350 700 Siren Control Box 850 1,700 Secondary cage for SUV 400 800 Squad Partition 1,050 2,100 Power Tamers 140 280 secure idle 275 550 Light Bars 1,950 3,900 Utility Cargo Floor System 450 900 Squad Graphics 1,600 3,200 Auto -Charger Supplies 250 500 Seat Covers 1,450 2,900 Unmarked Lights 2,200 2,200 Unmarked Setup 2,200 2,200 Unmarked Gun Locker 1,800 1,800 41,230 101,500 9,000 41,200 151,700 11 Reviewer's Notes 12 Reviewer's Notes 13 Reviewer's Notes Lul