HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution and Ordinance Index 01-01-95 through 06-14-96;!t INDEX Columbia Heights City Council Approved and Adopted Ordinances and Resolutions beginning January 1995. 1 Keywords Number 1 995 Budget--Encumbrances R95-11 I 995 General election--Canvass R95-73 1995 Primary election--Canvass R95-62 39th Ave. N.E. overlay--Variance R96-18 4200 3rd St. N.E.--Revocation--Yeh R95-57 4050 4th St. N.E.--Lynde Investments P(96-24 4060 4th St. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-14 4100 4th St. N.E.--Lynde Investrnents R96-13 4120 4th St. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-07 3800 5th st. N.E.R95-05 4855-57 5th St. N.E.--Mcguire Estate R96-17 4204 6th St. N.E.--Beers, Douglas and Shirley 01310 647 37th Ave. N.E.--Potocnik, James J.R95-63 1137-39 37th Ave. N.E.--Smaby, Phillip C.R95-70 500 38th Ave. N.E. & 2725 5th St. N.E.--Ordinance 853 o1302 1100-02 39th Ave. N.E.--Efterfield, Steven R96-16 411 40th Ave. N.E.--Condemnation R9s-69 1221 40th Ave. N.E.--Habitat for humanity ot32r 943 42nd Ave. N.E.--Egge, James J.R95-64 840-42 50th Ave. N.E.--Thermos R96-05 721 51st Ave. N.E.--HRA or312 4217 Cenfral Ave-Sikka" Dalijit S R95-82 45 | 4 - | 6 Fillmore St. N.E. --Revocation--Caj ucom R95-10 4531-33 Fillmore St. N.E.o1297 4550 Fillmore St. N.E.--Habitat for humanity or320 4550-52 Fillmore St. N.E.R95-35 4610-12 Fillmore St. N.E.--Dessouki, Mohsen p.95-72 UPDATED 06114196 { 3723 Jackson St. N.E.R95-2s 4315 Jefferson St. N.E.--Ronningen, fuchard R95-68 4038 Madison St. N.E.--Revocation--Schleip R95-18 4556 Madison St. N.E.--Revocation--Smida R95-16 4222 Monroe St. N.E.--Witt, Robert C.R95-80 4656 Monroe St. N.E R95-34 1 340 Pierce Terrace--Condemnation R9s-75 46xx Pierce St.-Fillmore St.--Sheffield Redevelopment or323 4613-15 Pierce St. N.E.--Maahs R96-25 4619-21 Pierce St. N.E.--Maahs R96-26 4625-27 Pierce St. N.E.R96-43 3928 Polk St. N.E.--Benzinger R96-06 3727 Reservoir Blvd. N.E.--Kattlow, Larry R95-8r 4501 Taylor St. N.E.--Habitat for humanity o13t7 4535 Taylor St. N.E.--Habitat for humanity o1304 4535-37 Taylor St. N.E.or298 4549 Taylor St. N.E.--Habitat for humanity 4549-51 Taylor St. N.E.R95-36 4555 Taylor St. N.E.--Habitat for humanity 01319 4555-57 Taylor St. N.E.R95-04 4612 Taylor St. N.E.o1303 3740 Reservoir Blvd. N.E.--Revocation--Bahe R9s-56 4425 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-09 4433 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-08 4441 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-10 4707 Uruversity Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-11 4715 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-12 5121 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments R96-21 5131 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments P.96-22 5141 University Ave. N.E.--Lynde Investments ,'R96-23 Acquisition--Huset Park R96-31 Acting City Manager--Mark Winson R96-15 2 ',' UPDATED 06/14196 o1318 Adoption of Bylaws of procedures and decorum P(95-42 Alley construction--P.I.R. 921-Project 95 15 R95-33 Alley--Ordinance 853 ot299 Alley Easement--Ordinance 853 o130s Alley Easement--vacating of--Ordinance 853 01315 Alley lighting--Assessment roll R9s-30 Assessment roll--Alley lighting R95-30 Assessment roll--Local improvements project 95 18 R9s-52 Assessment roll--Local improvements project 95 19 R95-53 Assessment roll--Local improvements project 9520 R95-54 Assessments--Delinquent R95-66 Bahe--Revocation R95-56 Beers, Douglas and Shirley--4204 6th St. N.E.01310 Benzinger--3gz& Polk St. N.E.R96-06 Board Appointments R95-03 Board Recognition R95-03 Budget--City Levy--HRA Local Levy R9s-83 Budget amendment --1996 R96-30 Business and Community development loan and grant--Medtronic R96-45 Business license fee 1996 *NorE: license fee schedule is attached only to copy at library; olease refer interested citizens either to library or to Community - Development Ofice to review fee schedule R95-59 Cable Communications Commission--Ordinance 853 o1307 Cajucom--Revocation R95-10 California Street--vacating portions of--Ordinance 853 o1316 Canvass--1 995 General election R95-73 Canvass--l 995 Primary election R95-62 Central Business District--Revitalization Plan--Redevelopment proj ect R95-78 Charitable Gambling R96-46 Charter amendments o1300 City Budget 1996 R95-60 City funds--Depositories, Safe deposit access R9s-85 3 UPDATED 06/14196 \ City Levy--Budget-HRA Local Levy R95-83 City Manager--Wages R95-32 Commission Appointments R95-03 Commission Recognition R95-03 Commissions--Economic Development Authority R96-03 Community Values pro gram-- Southern Anoka County Community Consortium R95-15 Condemnation--4l1 40th Ave. N.E.R95-69 Condemnation--1340 Pierce Terrace R95-75 Conditional Use permit--Zoning amendments o1322 Council Meeting Change--May 1995 R95-24 County Road 104 R95-20 C.P. Rail (Soo Line Railroad)--Abandonment--Raidroad tracks R95-74 Curfew--Ordinance 853 o1301 Deferred assessment--Disabled persons--Seniors R95-86 Delinquent--Assessments R95-66 Depositories--City funds--Safe deposit access R95-85 Dessouki, Mohsen--4610-12 Fillmore St. N.E.P(95-72 Development Contract R95-43 Disabled persons--Deferred assessment--Seniors R95-86 Economic Development Authority--Commissions R96-03 Economic Development Authority--Enabling Authority-- Commissioners R96-01 Economic Development Authority--HRA, Commtrnity Development Department employees R96-04 Egge, James J.--943 42nd Ave. N.E R95-64 Election judge R95-44 Elections, Municipal o1300 Enabling Authority-Economic Development Authority--Commissions R96-01 Enabling Resolution--Economic Development Aqthority R96-02 Erosion--LaBelle East Bank R95-48 Estate--Kocur, Helen R96-41 T.JPDATED 06114196 / Economic Development Authority--Enabling Resolution R96-02 4 .; Efterfield, Steven--l100-02 39th Ave. N.E.R96-16 Fast Cops Fund R95-41 Fillmore St. N.E. overlay--Variance R96-19 Firefi ghters--Labor Agreement R95-37 First American Funds R95-28 First choice homes o1297 Gambling R96-46 Grants--Miruresota Housing Finance Agency R95-46 Habitat for humanity--t22l40th Ave. N.E.ot32r Habitat for humanity--4550 Fillmore St. N.E o1320 Habitat for humanity--4501 Taylor St. N.E.ot3t7 Habitat for humanity--4535 Taylor St. N.E.o1304 Habitat for humanity--4s49 Taylor St. N.E.01318 Habitat for humanity--4555 Taylor St. N.E.o1319 Hegenes--Revocation R95-07 HRA--721 5lst Ave. N.E ot3t2 HRA--Rental Assistance Program Units--HUD P(95-22 HRA and Community Development Department Employees-- Economic Development Authority R96-04 HRA Local Levy--Budget--City Levy R95-83 HUD--Rental Assistance Program Units--HRA F(95-22 Huset Park--Acquisition R96-31 Improvements--4 1 st Ave. N.E.R96-32 Improvements--43rd Ave. N.E.R96-33 Improvements--45th Ave. N.E.R96-39 Improvements--Gould Ave. N.E.F(96-32 Improvements--Leander Lane R96-36 Improvements--Mcleod St. N.E.R96-34 Improvements--Peters Place R96-37 Improvements--Royce St. N.E R96-3s Joint Powers Agreement--Police R95-29 Kahlow, Larry-3727 Reservoir Blvd. N.E.R95-81 Kocur, Helen--estate R96-41 5 UPDATED 06114196 Kocur--Lot split R96-41 LaBelle East Bank--Erosion R95-48 Labor Agreement--Firefi ghters R95-37 R95-38 Labor Agreement--Police R95-39 Lague R95-05 Landscaping--screening--Ordinance 853 o1308 Library fund R95-40 Library temporary part-time employees--Wages R9s-76 Local improvements project 95 I 8--Assessment roll R95-52 Local improvements project 95 19--Assessment roll R9s-s3 Local improvements project 9520--Assessment roll R95-54 Lot split--Kocur R96-41 Lot split--Lague R95-05 Lot split--Moran R96-40 Lot split--PlN 26 30 24 l1 0009 R9s-79 Lot splir-PlN 35 30 24 42 0013 R95-65 Lot split--PlN 36 30 24 34 0167 P(95-77 Lynde Investments--405O 4th St. N.E F(96-24 Lynde Investments--4060 4th St. N.E.R96-14 Lynde Investments--4100 4th St. N.E.R96-13 Lynde Investments--4l20 4th St. N.E.R96-07 Lynde Investments--4425 University Ave. N.E R96-09 Lynde Investments-4433 University Ave. N.E.R96-08 Lynde Investments--444l University Ave. N.E.R96-10 Lynde Investments-47}7 University Ave. N.E.R96-11 Lynde Investments--47ll University Ave. N.E.R96-12 Lynde Investments--Sl2l University Ave. N.E.R96-21 Lynde Investments--5l31 University Ave. N.E.P(96-22 Lynde Investments--5l41 University Ave. N.E. ,'P(96-23 MHFA--Rehabilitation Loans R95-31 McGuire R95-04 6 UPDATED 06/14196 Labor Agreement--Police McGuire estate--4855-57 5th St. N.E R96-17 Maahs--4613-15 Pierce St. N.E.R96-25 Maahs--4619-21 Pierce St. N.E P.96-26 Massage Therapist requirements o1296 May 1995 Council Meeting Change P.95-24 Median--Central Ave. N.E.R95-08 Medtronic--Business and Community Development Loan and Grant R96-45 Memorandum of Understanding--Public Managers Assoc R9s-14 Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund and Act R95-67 Minnesota Emerging Communications Services Act of 1995 R95-13 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency--Grants R95-46 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency--Sheffi eld R95-45 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency-Sheffield R95-47 Minnesota Police Recruitment System vs. Starks P.96-27 Minnesota State Building Code o1309 Moran, David--lot split R96-40 Nawrocki Resignation--Petkoff Nawrocki--Resi gnation R95-01 Off-street Parking--Ordinance 853 o1306 Off-street parking and loading areas--Ordinance 853 o1311 Ordinance 853--853 38 Ave. N.E. & 2725 5 St. N.E.o1302 Ordinance 853--Allev ot299 Ordinance 853--Alley Easement o1305 Ordinance 853--Cable Communications Commission o1307 Ordinance 853--Curfew o1301 Ordinance 85 3--Off-street Parking o1306 Ordinance S53-Off-street parking and loading areas o1311 Ordinance 853--Permitted accessory uses o1313 Ordinance 853--Rezoning lots 7, 8,9 o1314 Ordinance 853--screening, landscaping o1308 Ordinance 853--vacating of--Alley easement o1315 Ordinance 8 5 3 --vacating portions of-California Street o1316 7 UPDATED 06/14/96 R95-19 Ordinance I138 ot296 Ornamental light standard R9s-26 Permitted accessory uses--Ordinance 853 01313 Personnel Policy Manual--changes P(96-29 Petkoff--Nawrocki Resignation R95-19 PIN 26 30 24 11 0009--Lot split R9s-79 PIN 35 30 24 42 0013 R95-65 PrN 3s 30 24 43 0007 R95-61 PIN 36 30 24 34 0167--Lot split P(95-77 P.I.R. 921--Project 95 15--Alley Constructions R95-33 Police--Labor Agreement R95-38 Police--Labor Agreement R95-39 Police--Joint Powers Agreement R9s-29 Potocnik, James J.--647 37th Ave. N.E.R95-63 Procedures and decorum-Adoption of bylaws of R95-42 Public Manager Association--Memorandum of Understanding R95-14 Railroad tracks--Abandonment--C.P. Rail (Soo Line Railroad)R95-74 Recreation employees--Seasonal part-time--wages P(96-42 Rehabilitation loans--MHFA R95-31 Rental Assistance Program Units--HRA, HUD P(95-22 Revitalization plan--Central Business District--Redevelopment proj ect R95-78 Rezoning lots 7,8,9--Ordinance 853 ol314 Ronningen, Richard--4315 Jefferson St. N.E.R95-68 Schleip--Revocation R95-18 School Street Development--Subdivision request P(95-27 Screening--Landscaping--Ordinance 853 o1308 Sealcoating--Zone I P(96-47 Seasonal Public Works positions--Wages R95-76 Seniors--Deferred assessment--Disabled persons R95-86 Seniors--Utility rates R95-84 Seniors Rates--Water rates--Sewer rates R95-23 Sewer Rates--Water rates--Seniors rates R95-23 8 UPDATED 06114196 a Sheffield--4531-33 Fillmore St. N.E.o1297 Sheffield--4555-57 Taylor St. N.E.R95-04 Sheffield--46xx Pierce St.-Fillmore St.o1323 Sheffield--Home program R95-17 Sheffield--Minnesota Housing Finance Agency R95-45 Sheffield--Minnesota Housing Finance Agency R95-47 Sheffield--Tax increment financing R95-06 Sikka, Daljit 3.--4217 Central Ave. N.E.R9s-82 Silver Lake Study R95-21 Smaby, Phillip C.--1137-39 37th Ave. N.E.R95-70 Smida--Revocation R95-r6 Southern Anoka County Community Consortium (SACCC)R95-12 Southern Anoka County Community Consortium--Community Values Program R95-15 Street rehabilitation program R96-28 Subdivision Request--School street development P.95-27 Starks vs. Minnesota Police Recruitment System P.96-27 Stinson and 39th Ave. N.E.--Traffic Control signal R96-20 Tax forfeiture ; Noncons erv ation- -Zaidan R95-09 Thermos--840-42 50th Ave. N.E.R96-0s Traffic control signal--Stinson and 39th Ave. N.E.R96-20 Utility rates--Seniors R95-84 Vaeating of--Alley easement--Ordinance 853 o1315 Vacating portions of--California Street--Ordinance 853 01316 Variance--39th Ave. N.E. overlay R96-18 Variance--Fillmore St. N.E. overlay R96-19 Wages--City Manager R95-32 Wages--Library temporary part-time employees--seasonal Public Works positions R95-76 Wages--Seasonal R9s-02 Wages--Seasonal part-time--Recreation P(96-42 Wages--Temporary R95-02 Water rates--Sewer rates--Seniors rates R95-23 9 UPDATED 06/14196 t Watson--4535-37 Taylor St. N.E o1298 Winson, Mark--Acting City Manager R96-15 Witt, Robert C.--4222 Monroe St.R9s-80 Yeh--Revocation R95-57 Zaidart- -T ax forfeiture R95-09 Zone 1--Sealcoating Ft96-47 Zoning amendments--Conditional use permit o1322 10 LJPDATED 06114196