HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 AML CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA AUDIT MANAGEMENT LETTER December 31, 2020                                                 ‐ This page intentionally left blank ‐  55 5th Street East, Suite 1400, St. Paul, MN, 55101 www.redpathcpas.com To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We have completed the 2020 audit of the financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota and have issued our report thereon. Our Independent Auditor’s Report is included in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Other reports included in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report are:  Report on Compliance with Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit Guide for Cities  Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards  Report on Compliance for Each Major Program and on Internal Control over Compliance and Report on the Schedule of Expenditures and Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance This Management Letter provides the City an independent review and analysis of City finances. We also issue a separate Management Letter for the Economic Development Authority. REDPATH AND COMPANY, LTD. St. Paul, Minnesota June 14, 2021                                                 ‐ This page intentionally left blank ‐  City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Report Summary 2 REPORT SUMMARY Several reports are issued in conjunction with the audit. A brief summary of each report is as follows: Report Name Elements of Report Overview Required Reports Comprehensive Annual Financial Report  Financial statements  Footnotes  Supplemental information  Unmodified (“clean”) opinion on the Basic Financial Statements Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Results of testing  Internal controls over financial reporting  Compliance with laws, regulations, contracts and grants  No reported findings State Legal Compliance Report  Results of testing certain provisions of Minnesota Statutes  No reported findings Report on Compliance for Each Major Program and on Internal Control over Compliance and Report on the Schedule of Expenditures and Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance Results of testing  Compliance for each major program  Internal controls over compliance  Schedule of expenditures of federal awards  No reported findings City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Summary of Financial Activity 3 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITY The financial statement document is very complex and individual fund information is presented in several different sections of the document. The schedule below is a financial summary of all governmental funds. Increase Interfund (Decrease) in Fund Transfers Fund Balance Fund Type Revenues Expenditures (Net) Balance 12/31/2020 General Fund $13,322,000 $12,545,000 ($275,000) $502,000 $8,377,000 Special Revenue Funds 3,739,000 4,171,000 27,000 (405,000) 3,602,000 Debt Service Funds 2,472,000 3,072,000 50,000 (550,000) 2,863,000 Capital Project Funds 3,877,000 3,590,000 574,000 861,000 15,669,000 Total $23,410,000 $23,378,000 $376,000 $408,000 $30,511,000 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 4 GENERAL FUND The General Fund of the City is maintained to account for the current operating and capital outlay expenditures common to all cities. These basic services include (but are not limited to) public safety, public works, culture and recreation, and general government. State aids and property taxes account for approximately 85% of the total revenue of the General Fund. A history of General Fund revenue is as follows: LGA & MVHC Property Taxes All Other Total Year Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent 2011 $1,067,990 11% $7,263,658 73% $1,650,362 17% $9,982,010 100% 2012 898,730 9% 7,626,258 75%1,584,537 16% 10,109,525 100% 2013 895,180 9% 8,142,980 79%1,240,267 12% 10,278,427 100% 2014 1,104,176 10% 8,551,642 75%1,744,197 15% 11,400,015 100% 2015 1,191,541 10% 8,781,533 77%1,505,143 13% 11,478,217 100% 2016 475,000 4% 8,751,484 81%1,514,087 14% 10,740,571 100% 2017 475,000 4% 8,981,751 82%1,521,447 14% 10,978,198 100% 2018 475,000 4% 9,601,516 82%1,582,277 14% 11,658,793 100% 2019 453,631 4% 10,156,071 81%1,968,842 16% 12,578,544 100% 2020 450,000 3% 11,274,608 85%1,594,916 12% 13,319,524 100% General Fund - Sources of Revenue City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 5 A graph of General Fund revenue by source is as follows: City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 6 A chart of 2020 expenditures by function is as follows: City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 7 The fund balance of the General Fund at December 31, 2020 was $8,377,213. During 2020, the fund balance of the General Fund increased by $501,459 as follows: Budget Budget Original Amendments Final Actual Variance Revenues and transfers in: Property taxes $10,963,000 $ - $10,963,000 $11,274,608 $311,608 Licenses and permits 348,100 - 348,100 334,596 (13,504) Intergovernmental 921,500 38,227 959,727 955,096 (4,631) Charges for services 620,500 - 620,500 447,822 (172,678) Fines and forfeitures 91,000 - 91,000 101,309 10,309 Investment income 75,000 - 75,000 186,334 111,334 Other 15,400 - 15,400 19,759 4,359 Transfers in 507,000 (10,000) 497,000 497,000 - Sale of capital assets - - - 2,030 2,030 Total 13,541,500 28,227 13,569,727 13,818,554 248,827 Expenditures and transfers out: General government 2,394,100 15,598 2,409,698 2,340,486 (69,212) Public safety 7,281,161 22,630 7,303,791 6,692,165 (611,626) Public works 1,847,837 - 1,847,837 1,606,427 (241,410) Parks and recreation 1,905,873 - 1,905,873 1,570,452 (335,421) Capital outlay 7,000 - 7,000 335,806 328,806 Transfers out 158,000 600,000 758,000 771,759 13,759 Total 13,593,971 638,228 14,232,199 13,317,095 (915,104) Net change in fund balance ($52,471) ($610,001) ($662,472) $501,459 $1,163,931 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 8 The City’s General Fund balance has been as follows for the past several years: Year Ended Increase December 31, Fund Balance (Decrease) 2011 $5,869,055 $526,816 2012 6,076,909 207,854 2013 6,397,277 320,368 2014 7,373,820 976,543 2015 7,011,902 (361,918) 2016 7,444,227 432,325 2017 7,701,808 257,581 2018 6,839,672 (862,136) 2019 7,875,754 1,036,082 2020 8,377,213 501,459 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter General Fund 9 Property taxes and state aids account for approximately 84% of the revenue of the General Fund. Property taxes and state aids are not received until July and December of each year (i.e., the second half of the year). As a result, the City is required to have sufficient reserves at the beginning of the year to fund operations of the first half of the year. As such, the City adopted resolution 95-40 establishing a General Fund cash flow working capital goal. This goal is an amount equal to forty-five percent of the ensuing year’s budgeted expenditures. A summary of components of the General Fund’s balance is as follows: Fund Balance Component 2019 2020 Nonspendable - prepayments $137,545 $131,857 Assigned - ensuing year appropriation 52,471 177,389 Unassigned - working capital 6,117,287 6,467,103 Unassigned 1,568,451 1,600,864 Total fund balance - December 31 $7,875,754 $8,377,213 The amount of General Fund balance at December 31, 2020 was sufficient to fulfill the City’s working capital goal. The working capital is calculated as follows: 2021 budgeted expenditures $14,371,339 Working capital goal percentage x 45% Working capital goal 6,467,103 Balance available 8,067,967 Amount of fund balance over working capital goal $1,600,864 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Special Revenue Funds 10 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The financial statements of the Special Revenue Funds are presented in Statements 19 through 31 of the 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Special Revenue Funds are a classification of funds to account for revenues (and expenditures related thereto) segregated by City policy or Federal or State statutes for specific purposes. The City maintained the following Special Revenue Funds during 2020: Revenue Expenditures Interfund Increase Fund and Other and Other Transfers (decrease) Fund Balance Fund No. Sources Uses (Net) in Fund Balance 12/31/2020 Comments 1 Special Revenue: 2 Planning and Inspections Fund 201 $351,058 $402,669 $115,500 $63,889 $417,132 2020 budget was balanced. 2020 license and permit revenue was more than budget by $25k. 3 Cable Television 225 221,810 115,144 (65,400) 41,266 1,101,638 2020 budget anticpated an decrease of $7.7k. Revenues exceeded budget by $21k and expenditures were under budget by $28k. 4 Police Forfeiture 265 4,189 - - 4,189 20,948 5 Library 240 1,023,801 994,636 (3,500) 25,665 720,124 2020 budget was balanced. Personal service expenditures were less than budgeted by $32k. 6 Special Projects 226 142,297 73,489 (10,000) 58,808 823,349 7 After-School Programs 261 1,636 2,895 - (1,259) 104,077 2020 budget anticpated a decrease in fund balance of $22k. 2020 expenditures were less than budget by $40k. 8 Downtown Parking Fund 228 18,300 23,406 10,000 4,894 16,767 9 Contributed Projects - Recreation 881 23,900 7,980 - 15,920 209,895 10 Contributed Projects - Other 883 24,326 24,621 - (295) 221,541 11 Twenty-first Century Arts 262 47,180 47,180 - - 7 12 Anoka County Comm. Dev. Programs 202 36,455 719,840 - (683,385) (616,546) 2020 expenditures relate to the cell tower settlement 13 Public Safety Grant 272 1,590,875 1,590,875 - - - this fund accounted for the CARES funding 14 Housing and Redevelopment Authority: 15 Parkview Villa North and South 203/213 - - - - - 16 EDA: 17 Economic Development Authority Administration 204 253,407 168,334 (19,500) 65,573 583,554 18 Total $3,739,234 $4,171,069 $27,100 ($404,735) $3,602,486 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Debt Service Funds 11 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Funds are a type of governmental fund used to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of interest and principal on debt (other than Proprietary Fund debt). A summary of bonded governmental fund debt at December 31, 2020 is as follows: Fund Debt Balance at Payable at Source of Bond Issue 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 Repayment G.O. Improvement Bonds: Taxable G.O. Housing Improvement Area Series 2008A (315)$250,105 $345,000 Special assessments (receivable was $279,904 at 12/31/20) G.O. Improvement / Revenue Bonds 2013A (345)107,173 85,000 Special assessments Other General Obligation Bonds: G.O. Library Bonds of 2015A (346)407,689 5,795,000 Property taxes G.O. Public Safety Center Bonds of 2017B (347)459,592 7,655,000 Property taxes G.O. Public Facilities Bonds of 2018A (348)247,630 1,935,000 Property taxes and special assessments Revenue Bonds: T.I.F. Revenue Bonds of 2016 (372)802,461 1,935,000 Total $2,274,650 $17,750,000 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Capital Project Funds 12 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS The fund balances of the Capital Project Funds were as follows at December 31, 2020: Revenue Expenditures Interfund Increase Fund and Other and Other Transfers (decrease) Fund Balance Fund No. Sources Uses (Net) in Fund Balance 12/31/2020 Comments 1 Capital Project: 2 MSA State Aid Street 212/402 $259,984 $357,988 $310 ($97,694) $506,793 This fund accounts for the use of MSA monies 3 EDA Redevelopment Project Fund 408 1,887,459 181,876 - 1,705,583 4,199,821 This fund includes a one-time sale of redevelopment property in the City's downtown area, and includes a special item for $1.6Mil 4 Capital Improvements General Government Buildings 411 771,700 237,223 623,000 1,157,477 6,045,437 2020 revenues are primarily from the allocation of $700K of state aid revenue (LGA). There was a one time transfer of $600K of surplus from the general fund to accumulate funds for future building improvement and replacements. 5 Capital Equipment Replacement General Government 431 124,929 649,025 - (524,096) 2,629,344 2020 expenditures include western star truck ($227k), front-end loader ($107k). 6 Capital Improvements PIR Fund 415 524,522 1,011,940 (49,019) (536,437) 333,455 2020 revenue is primarily special assessments. 2020 expenditures included Alley construction and street rehab zone 4. The decrease in fund balance is due to project expenditures exceeding special assessment collections. 7 Capital Improvement Development 420 102,441 1,906 - 100,535 966,844 8 Capital Improvement Parks 412 134,530 403,850 - (269,320) 110,943 2020 expenditures include boat landing reconstruction at Silver lake 9 Infrastructure Replacement 430 71,000 746,280 - (675,280) 875,999 2020 expenditures included Alley construction and street rehab zone 4 10 Total $3,876,565 $3,590,088 $574,291 $860,768 $15,668,636 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Enterprise Funds 13 ENTERPRISE FUNDS Cash Flows The financial statements include a schedule of Enterprise Funds cash flows. The cash flow schedule discloses cash generated by operating activities and the use of those cash flows for debt service and capital asset acquisition. Below is a summary of Enterprise Fund cash flows: Storm Water Sewer Refuse Sewer Liquor Total Cash flows from operating activities $1,180,446 $187,844 $79,257 $54,764 $278,315 $1,780,626 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities (102,000) (102,000) 9,495 - (86,809) (281,314) Cash flows from capital activities: Debt service (88,497) (59,199) - (62,961) (317,892) (528,549) Purchase of capital assets (1,360,043) (699,459) - (3,849) (17,909) (2,081,260) Cash flows from investing activities: Investment income 9,200 11,499 18,000 7,500 15,700 61,899 Net change in cash and investments ($360,894) ($661,315) $106,752 ($4,546) ($128,595) ($1,048,598) Cash and investments - December 31 $958,232 $569,911 $1,746,270 $502,755 $1,647,609 $5,424,777 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Enterprise Funds 14 Presented below is a graph of the year-end cash balances of each utility enterprise fund: As shown above, the year-end cash balances declined from 2016 through 2017, increased from 2018 through 2019, and declined in 2020. We recommend the City continue to consider the appropriate amount of the year-end cash balance needed in each fund. The sharp decrease in water fund and sewer fund cash from 2019 to 2020 is primarily the result of the acquisition of capital assets in 2020. The sharp increase in water fund cash from 2017 to 2018 is primarily the result of deferring the annual watermain lining program for one year. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Enterprise Funds 15 Municipal Liquor Fund 609A Comparison With Other Municipal Liquor Stores The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) annually publishes “An Analysis of Minnesota Municipal Liquor Store Operations.” The most recent report available is for 2019. The following analysis compares Columbia Heights’ liquor operations with those reported in the OSA report. It should be noted that the following comparisons are strictly a comparison of amounts reported. There are a number of factors that affect operating results that are not included in this comparison. These factors include the mix of product sold and philosophy regarding sales techniques such as high volume/lower margin. The following table shows the top 10 ranked cities in terms of gross sales for the most recent 6 years available: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1 Lakeville Lakeville Lakeville Lakeville Lakeville Lakeville 2 Edina Edina Edina Edina Edina Edina 3 Eden Prairie Eden Prairie Eden Prairie Richfield Richfield Richfield 4 Richfield Richfield Richfield Eden Prairie Eden Prairie Eden Prairie 5 Apple Valley Apple Valley Apple Valley Apple Valley Apple Valley Apple Valley 6 Columbia Heights Columbia Heights Columbia Heights Columbia Heights Columbia Heights Columbia Heights 7 Elk River Brooklyn Center Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River 8 Saint Anthony Saint Anthony Detroit Lakes Detroit Lakes Detroit Lakes Detroit Lakes 9 Brooklyn Center Fridley Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Center Brooklyn Center 10 Detroit Lakes Farmington Hutchinson Wayzata Wayzata Wayzata City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Enterprise Funds 16 An analysis of 2020 activity is as follows: Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent Operating revenues $4,339,199 100.0% $2,528,214 100.0% $717,970 100.0% $7,585,383 100.0% Cost of goods sold 3,232,383 74.5% 1,882,071 74.4% 534,871 74.5% 5,649,325 74.5% Gross margin 1,106,816 25.5% 646,143 25.6% 183,099 25.5% 1,936,058 25.5% Other operating expenses 832,026 19.2% 650,597 25.7% 172,167 24.0% 1,654,790 21.8% Net income from operations $274,790 6.3% ($4,454) (0.2%) $10,932 1.5% $281,268 3.7% 2020 TotalHeights LiquorTop Valu IITop Valu Gross Margin Analysis Gross margin measures the sales less the direct cost of products sold. A comparison to state averages for Minnesota municipal off-sale operations is as follows: Cost Gross Margin Metro Sales of Sales Amount Percent Average (1) 2014 $8,415,371 $6,343,663 $2,071,708 24.6% 25.9% 2015 8,399,943 6,338,891 2,061,052 24.5% 25.3% 2016 8,468,098 6,392,090 2,076,008 24.5% 25.6% 2017 8,422,452 6,289,295 2,133,157 25.3% 26.0% 2018 8,588,576 6,448,223 2,140,353 24.9% 26.5% 2019 8,914,878 6,686,021 2,228,857 25.0% 26.7% 2020 7,585,383 5,649,325 1,936,058 25.5% Not Available (1)Source: Minnesota Office of the State Auditor - Metropolitan Area Off-Sale Operations City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Enterprise Funds 17 Operating Expenses Operating expenses for the past seven years have been as follows: Percent of Sales Metro Year Amount City Average (1) 2013 $1,490,279 17.7% 16.8% 2014 1,536,982 18.3% 18.6% 2015 1,534,703 18.1% 19.4% 2016 1,686,513 20.0% 20.5% 2017 1,614,158 19.2% 19.9% 2018 1,708,034 19.9% 19.7% 2019 1,725,057 19.4% 20.0% 2020 1,654,790 21.8% Not Available (1)Source: Minnesota Office of the State Auditor - Metropolitan Area Off-Sale Operations Net Income from Operations Net income for the past seven years is as follows: Percent of Sales City Metro Year Amount City Average (1) 2013 $679,174 7.7%8.8% 2014 534,726 6.1%7.3% 2015 526,349 6.3%5.9% 2016 389,495 4.6%5.0% 2017 518,999 6.2%5.9% 2018 432,319 5.0%8.8% 2019 503,800 5.7%7.1% 2020 281,268 5.7% Not available (1)Source: Minnesota Office of the State Auditor - Metropolitan Area Off-Sale Operations City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Internal Service Funds 18 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing on a cost reimbursement basis of goods or services provided by one department to another department within the City. During 2020, the City maintained the following Internal Service Funds: Municipal Employee Service Information Risk Benefits Center Systems Management Fund 2020 2019 Assets: Cash $1,025,495 $541,945 $1,338,534 $1,184,462 $4,090,436 $3,985,753 Other current assets 50,822 44,379 64,561 - 159,762 125,645 Capital assets 949,354 41,549 - - 990,903 1,040,715 Total assets 2,025,671 627,873 1,403,095 1,184,462 5,241,101 5,152,113 Deferred outflows of resources: Related to pensions - - - 2,660,937 2,660,937 3,719,131 Total assets and deferred outflows $2,025,671 $627,873 $1,403,095 $3,845,399 $7,902,038 $8,871,244 Liabilities, Deferred Inflows, and Net Position Liabilities: Current liabilities $42,325 $15,205 $6,813 $ - $64,343 $96,994 Compensated absences payable - - - 1,184,462 1,184,462 1,123,708 Other postemployment benefits payable - - - 1,527,677 1,527,677 1,420,635 Net pension liability/deferred inflows - - - 9,031,244 9,031,244 7,958,096 Total liabilities 42,325 15,205 6,813 11,743,383 11,807,726 10,599,433 Deferred inflows of resources: Related to pensions - - - 3,271,948 3,271,948 6,006,578 Net position 1,983,346 612,668 1,396,282 (11,169,932) (7,177,636) (7,734,767) Total liabilities, deferred inflows and net position $2,025,671 $627,873 $1,403,095 $3,845,399 $7,902,038 $8,871,244 Totals City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Excellence in Financial Reporting 19 CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING The City submits the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for a review. The program is a review of all facets of financial reporting for disclosure, clarity and consistency with national reporting standards. The City received the award for each year since 1990. We commend the City for this achievement. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Communication With Those Charged With Governance 20 COMMUNICATION WITH THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota (the City) for the year ended December 31, 2020. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, Government Auditing Standards, and the Uniform Guidance, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our letter to you dated January 6, 2021. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit. Significant Audit Matters Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the City are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during 2020. We noted no transactions entered into by the City during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the proper period. Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management’s knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Communication With Those Charged With Governance 21 particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the City’s financial statements was management’s estimates of the net pension liability, the pension related deferred inflows and outflows of resources, and the liability reported for OPEB. Estimates related to these items are based on actuarial studies. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the estimates in determining that they are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial statement users. Determining sensitivity is subjective, however, we believe the disclosures most likely to be considered sensitive are Note 10 – Defined Benefit Pension Plans - Statewide and Note 12 – Post Employment Benefits Other than Pensions (OPEB). The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear. Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit We encountered no difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit. Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. We detected one instance of understatement of City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Communication With Those Charged With Governance 22 revenue in the Capital Improvements PIR Fund for $93,127, which was a self-correcting understatement from an overstatement of revenue in 2019. Management has determined that its effect is immaterial to the financial statements taken as a whole. In addition, none of the misstatements detected as a result of audit procedures and corrected by management were material, either individually or in the aggregate, to each opinion unit’s financial statements taken as a whole. Disagreements with Management For purposes of this letter, professional standards define a disagreement with management as a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor’s report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit. Management Representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated June 14, 2021. Management Consultations with Other Independent Accountants In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a “second opinion” on certain situations. If a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to the City’s financial statements or a determination of the type of auditor’s opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Communication With Those Charged With Governance 23 Other Audit Findings or Issues We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as the City’s auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention. Other Matters We applied certain limited procedures to the management’s discussion and analysis, budgetary comparison schedule, schedule of changes in the total OPEB liability and related ratios, schedules of employer’s proportionate share of plan net pension liability and schedules of pension contributions, which are required supplementary information (RSI) that supplements the basic financial statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI. We were engaged to report on the supplementary financial information section, which accompanies the financial statements but is not RSI. With respect to this supplementary information, we made certain inquiries of management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Communication With Those Charged With Governance 24 the supplementary information to the underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves. We were not engaged to report on the introductory and the other information sections, which accompany the financial statements but are not RSI. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. Other Reports Various reports on compliance and internal controls are contained in the Other Required Reports section of the audited financial statements document. Restriction on Use This information is intended solely for the information and use of management, members of the City Council and others within the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Appendix A 25 Revenue Expenditures Interfund Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance/ CashFund and Other and Other Transfers Fund Balance/ Net Position BalanceFund No. Sources Uses (Net) Net Position 12/31/2020 12/31/20201General101 $13,321,554 $12,545,336 ($274,759) $501,459 $8,377,213 $8,169,0752Special Revenue:3 Planning and Inspections Fund 201 351,058 402,669 115,500 63,889 417,132 425,6174 Anoka County Comm. Dev. Programs 202 36,455 719,840 - (683,385) (616,546) - 5 Cable Television 225 221,810 115,144 (65,400) 41,266 1,101,638 1,048,6936 Special Projects 226 142,297 73,489 (10,000) 58,808 823,349 859,7147 Downtown Parking Fund 228 18,300 23,406 10,000 4,894 16,767 19,9588 Library 240 1,023,801 994,636 (3,500) 25,665 720,124 738,8739 After-School Programs 261 1,636 2,895 - (1,259) 104,07799,08310 Twenty-first Century Arts 262 47,180 47,180 - - 7 - 11 Police Forfeiture 265 4,189 - - 4,189 20,948 31,95612 Public Safety Grant 272 1,590,875 1,590,875 - - - - 13 Contributed Projects - Recreation 881 23,900 7,980 - 15,920 209,895 209,39514 Contributed Projects - Other 883 24,326 24,621 - (295) 221,541 221,04115 Housing and Redevelopment Authority:16 Parkview Villa North and South 203/213 - - - - - - 17 EDA:18 Economic Development Authority Administration 204 253,407 168,334 (19,500) 65,573 583,554 599,05619Debt Service:20 G.O. Housing Improvement Area Bonds 2008A 315 107,796 99,198 - 8,598 250,105 249,70521 G.O. Public Facilities Bonds 2009A 344 - - - - - - 22 G.O. Improvement/Revenue 2013A 345 1,000 50,513 41,572 (7,941) 107,173 106,97323 G.O. Library Bonds 2015A 346 470,608 458,202 - 12,406 407,689 399,79924 G.O. Public Safety Center Bonds 2017B 347 545,943 532,958 - 12,985 459,592 450,14225 G.O. Public Facilities Bonds 2018A 348 199,693 197,266 8,896 11,323 247,630 241,12626 EDA:27 Tax Increment Bonds 376 12,879 5,930 - 6,949 612,199 300,95128 Multi-Use Redevelopment Plan 385 34,706 253,159 37,655 (180,798) - - 29 TIF Transition Block 389 60,783 55,704 - 5,079 76,307 102,95430 TIF 47th and Central Avenue 371 6,200 496,796 (37,655) (528,251) - - 31 TIF Huset Park Area Fund 372 791,317 725,098 - 66,219 802,461 1,009,66832 TIF Central Valu Center Fund 374 - - - - (2,638) - 33 TIF 47th and Grand Fund 375 197,406 190,960 - 6,446 5,404 119,06034 TIF Scattered Site 391 43,906 6,320 - 37,586 (102,656) 100 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Audit Management Letter Appendix A 26 Revenue Expenditures Interfund Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance/ CashFund and Other and Other Transfers Fund Balance/ Net Position BalanceFund No. Sources Uses (Net) Net Position 12/31/2020 12/31/202035Capital Project:36 MSA State Aid Street 212/402 259,984 357,988 310 (97,694) 506,793 482,66637 EDA Redevelopment Project Fund 408 5,879,684 4,174,101 - 1,705,583 4,199,821 3,322,76038 Capital Improvements General Government Buildings 411 771,700 237,223 623,000 1,157,477 6,045,437 6,037,28339 Capital Improvements PIR Fund 415 524,522 1,011,940 (49,019) (536,437) 333,455 395,55240 Capital Improvement Development 420 102,441 1,906 - 100,535 966,844 690,08441 Capital Improvement Parks 412 134,530 403,850 - (269,320) 110,943 137,33942 Infrastructure Replacement 430 71,000 746,280 - (675,280) 875,999 872,49943 Capital Equipment Replacement General Government 431 124,929 649,025 - (524,096) 2,629,344 2,624,34444Enterprise:45 Water 601 3,776,130 2,910,464 (102,000) 763,666 8,196,123 958,23246 Sewer 602 2,253,677 2,154,154 (102,000) (2,477) 4,499,909 569,91147 Refuse 603 2,225,685 1,969,714 (94,200) 161,771 2,291,796 1,746,27048 Storm Sewer 604 531,011 574,953 - (43,942) 2,250,191 502,75549 Liquor 609 7,605,574 7,357,604 (90,900) 157,070 5,375,909 1,647,60950Internal Service:51 Municipal Service Center 701 896,216 899,698 - (3,482) 1,983,346 1,025,49552 Information Systems 720 413,200 444,464 12,000 (19,264) 612,668 541,94553 Risk Management 884 766,227 682,596 - 83,631 1,396,282 1,338,53454 Employee Benefits Fund 890 2,185,058 1,688,812 - 496,246 (11,169,932) 1,184,46255 Total $48,054,593 $46,113,426 $0 $1,941,167 $45,887,748 $39,480,679