HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-25-2021 City Council Meeting MinutesOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
JANUARY 25, 2021
The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7 :00 pm on Monday,
January 25, 2021 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights,
Minnesota. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this hybrid meeting was held both virtually and in -person.
Mayor Márquez Simula called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Present: Mayor Márquez Simula; Councilmember Buesgens; Councilmember Jacobs; Councilmember
Murzyn, Jr.; Councilmember Novitsky
Also Present: Kelli Bourgeois, City Manager; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director; James Hoeft, City
Attorney; Joe Kloiber, Finance Director; Lorien Mueller; Will Rottler, Communications and Events
Specialist; Nicole Tingley, City Clerk
MISSION STATEMENT, Read by Mayor Márquez Simula
Our mission is to provide the highest quality public services. Services will be provided in a fair,
respectful and professional manner that effectively address changing citizen and community needs in
a fiscally-responsible and customer-friendly manner.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Novitsky, to approve the agenda as
presented. A roll call vote was taken. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
A. School Board Liaison Update
Lorien Mueller introduced herself as the vice chair of the Columbia Heights Public Schools
Board and liaison to the City Council. She reported that schools will begin their third
quarter using a hybrid model, with prekindergarten and kindergarten grades beginning on
February 1, first and second grades hopefully on March 1 and third, fourth, fifth and LEAP
grades on March 15. Students will attend four days per week and do their specials (art,
music, PE) from home on the fifth day. For the third quarter, secondary (sixth, seventh
and eighth grades) and high school students will participate in modified hybrid classes
from home. Winter sports kicked off in January, using necessary modifications. Third
quarter class materials will be available for pickup on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
January 27, 28 and 29. No classes will be held on Friday, January 29, being the end of the
second quarter.
She also reported that many Columbia Heights school community members are grieving
the passing of Rick Otsby, Columbia Academy assistant principal.
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January 25, 2021
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Mayor Márquez Simula, on behalf of the City Council and Columbia Heights, acknowledged
the loss of Mr. Otsby and extended sympathy to the family, and she said students “need to
be uplifted” as they go through the grieving process and are socially distant from others.
B. Centennial Celebration Update
Specialist Rottler reported that 400 Centennial calendars were ordered for 2020 and 325
have been sold to date nationwide, and he said another in 2021 may be produced. All
Centennial events are identified on the calendar with the exception of recently-added
“Music in the Park.” 48 of 60 banner spots have been taken, which will help fund some
Centennial events, and he said he looks forward to working with City businesses and
Last Friday, long-time resident Barbara (Smith) Rue wrote a story for the City website
about her visiting Kassler’s (now the Metro Transit Station) in the spring of 1953, which
Councilmember Buesgens shared on Facebook and said there have been 98 “hits” on that
site to date.
The first Centennial event of the new year, “Heights Snowblast,” will be held on Saturday,
January 30, 3:00-6:00 pm at Huset Park East. Hour sessions are being planned, with
approximately 80 to 100 attendees allowed per hour in order to adhere to social
distancing. Smores will be available through HeightsNEXT, Community Grounds will be
distributing free hot cocoa and the School District Recreation Department secured some
snowshoes for attendees to use in Huset Park West. The Boosters, Lions, Rotary and
Kiwanis are also volunteering, and Specialist Rottler thanked the Public Works Department
for flooding the ice rink and maintaining the area. The City is partnering with Dave’s Sport
Shop for “Centennial special” rates on skate rentals and skate sharpening.
Aaron Isaacs of the Minnesota Streetcar Museum will be giving a Zoom presentation on
Saturday, February 20, at 1:00 pm about the history of streetcars in Columbia Heights and
Minneapolis; sign-up information will be available on the City website within the next few
Specialist Rottler thanked the Centennial quilting group for completion of the blocks,
which have been sent to the quilter; the quilt should be completed in 6-8 weeks.
City staff has postponed Trivia Night to June or July so, hopefully, an in -person event for all
residents may be held at Murzyn Hall or outside, weather permitting.
Life newspaper will feature a six-part Centennial series about Columbia Heights and will be
interviewing long-time residents and share their stories of yesteryears.
Centennial Coloring Page Contest pages have been distributed to students, and additional
pages will be further distributed through Prodeo, ICC and Public School District. The
contest will go until March.
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January 25, 2021
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Specialist Rottler announced that a three-part “Music in the Park” series will be held on
Wednesdays: June 2, July 7 and August 4. A sign -up portal is available on the City website
and Columbia Heights bands are encouraged to apply.
Before the vote for Consent Agenda approval, at the request of Manager Bourgeois, Director Hansen
provided specifics to the Council regarding Public Works water main projects cited below and how
they would be funded and affected residents notified. Responding to Council inquiries, he said there
is no tracking of lead lines and only 20% of City water mains and 30% of sewers have been updated.
Motion by Councilmember Murzyn, Jr., seconded by Councilmember Novitsky, to approve the Consent
Agenda items as presented. A roll call vote was taken. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
1. Approve January 11, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes
MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the City Council Meeting of January 11, 2021.
2. Resolution No. 2021-09, Establishing a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Pursuant
to Minnesota Statute 274.04, Subd 3 (C)
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2021 -09, there being ample copies
available to the public.
MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2021-09, a resolution establishing a local board of
appeal and equalization pursuant to Minnesota Statute 274.04, Subd 3 (C).
3. Resolution No. 2021-10, Accepting Feasibility Study, Approving Plans and Specifications
and Ordering Advertisement for Bids for 2021 Water Main Improvements, Project 2103
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2021-10, there being ample copies
available for the public.
MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2021-10, which accepts the Feasibility Report,
approves the Plans and Specifications and orders the Advertisement for Bids for the
replacement of water main on Buchanan Street from 37 th Avenue to 39th Avenue, 39th
Avenue from Buchanan Street to Johnson Street and Johnson Street from 37th Avenue to
39th Avenue.
4. Capital Equipment Replacement: Authorization to Purchase 2021 Caterpillar 27203 Ultra
Wheeled Skid Steer with Attachments
MOTION: Move to authorize the purchase of one (1) new 2021 CAT 272 D3 Ultra Wheeled
Skid Steer with attachments off the State of Minnesota Purchasing Contract from Ziegler
CAT, Minneapolis, Minnesota at a purchase price of $120,921.40. Funding shall be
provided equally from Public Works Equipment Funds: 431-43121-5180; 431-45200-5180;
431-46100-5180; 432-49499-5180 and 433-49499-5180.
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January 25, 2021
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5. Capital Equipment Replacement: Authorization to Purchase 2021 Metal Pless 1248 -201E
MOTION: Move to authorize the purchase of one (1) new Metal Pless 1248-20LE Blade off
the State of Minnesota Purchasing Contract from Lano Equipment located in Shakopee,
Minnesota, for $35,145.25 plus shipping.
6. Resolution No. 2021-11, Declaring the Intent to Bond for Water Main Construction,
Project 2103
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2021 -11, there being ample copies
available to the public.
MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2021-11, being a resolution approving the
declaration for the official intent of the City of Columbia Heights to bond for 2021 Water
Main Construction, Project 2103.
7. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 1663, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.110 of the
City Code of 2001 to Establish Health/Fitness Clubs Not Exceeding 4,000 Square Feet in
Area as a Condition Use in the City’s LB, Limited Business Zoning District
MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1663, there being ample copies
available to the public.
MOTION: Move to approve Ordinance No. 1663, an ordinance amending Chapter 9.110 of
the City Code of 2001 to establish health/fitness clubs not exceeding 4,000 square feet in
area as a condition use in the City’s LB, Limited Business Zoning District and direct staff to
send a copy of the ordinance as presented for publication in the legal newspaper.
8. Approve Rental Housing License Applications
MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for
January 25, 2021 in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance
9. License Agenda
MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the Business License Agenda for
January 25, 2021 as presented.
10. Review of Bills
MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8, the City
Council has reviewed the enclosed list of claims paid by check and by electronic funds
transfer in the amount of $966,386.17.
Ordinances and Resolutions
11. Resolution No. 2021-12, Establishing a Penalty on Utility Accounts of Services Addresses
that Do Not Allow City Staff Timely Entry to Repair or Replace the Water Meter Required
Under City Code Section 4.312
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January 25, 2021
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Director Kloiber reported that the City is scheduling appointments to convert the
radio-and-meter head on approximately 300 commercial water meters. Installation is
going well, with approximately 18 changeouts per day. Although compliance by
commercial customers is generally very good, per his written report, staff judges that a
penalty will be increasingly necessary going forward as there are nonresident commercial
property owners from whom it can be difficult to obtain res ponses, most residential
meters have reached the end of their expected life and, at the City Council’s direction,
rarely is water shutoff used as an enforcement tool.
Motion by Councilmember Novitsky, seconded by Councilmember Murzyn, Jr., to waive the
reading of Resolution No. 2021-12, there being ample copies available to the public. A roll
call vote was taken. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Motion by Councilmember Novitsky, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to adopt
Resolution No. 2021-12, being a resolution establishing a penalty on utility accounts of
service addresses that do not allow City staff timely entry to repair or replace the water
meter required under City Code Section 4.312. A roll call vote was taken. All Ayes, Motion
Carried 5-0.
Report of the City Council
Mayor Márquez Simula was a guest speaker on a phone call of newly-elected women across
the nation; had her biweekly meeting with Police Chief Lenny Austin; attended the
Development Committee meeting with Alexander House; with the League of Women Voters,
viewed the “must-watch” TPT film “Jim Crow of the North,” about redlining in Minneapolis
and how people of color, Jews and Muslims weren’t allowed to buy houses in certain
neighborhoods in Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs; joined a group of leaders working on
inclusion issues for their cities; met with Anoka County Historical Society and discussed ways
to work together to make records of Columbia Heights’ history now and in the future; met
with MnDOT and Minneapolis Councilmembers on a public webinar to gather feedback,
answer questions and discuss upcoming changes for University and Central Avenues; went
through the City Council orientation; started a six-week League of Minnesota Cities training;
attended webinar with ISAIAH and faith leaders across the State working with elected officials
including Governor Tim Walz, Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman and
St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter; and attended the School District Finance Committee meeting.
Councilmember Buesgens attended the Booster Club meeting online, and she said th ey
appear to be doing fine, in spite of COVID -19, in putting on some of their events; and watched
the Columbia Heights High School theater play online. She said that she is still excited about
getting three water mains replaced in the City and thinks it is a good investment.
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January 25, 2021
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Councilmember Jacobs continued to volunteer weekly at SACA. She did a plow ride-along
with Public Works driver Janelle and acknowledged how helpful it was to gain her perspective
and also acknowledged Dave Cullen for his help in explaining the plowing processes being
used on City streets for snow and ice events “that put us ahead of surrounding communities”;
she cited how helpful it is when residents, as an example, place their trash bins in their
driveways rather than on the street; and offered “kudos” to all the drivers who are very
considerate and keep residents safe. She facilitated eight reach-outs from Community
members in the past two weeks and is excited to see everyone on Saturday at the
“Snowblast.” Finally, she personally extended her family’s deepest gratitude to all who
expressed their kindness on the sudden loss of her grandson over the weekend and said, “It
means more than you can imagine.” Mayor Márquez Simula said she was unaware and
offered her sympathy.
Councilmember Murzyn, Jr. attended the City Council training last week.
Councilmember Novitsky also participated in the plow ride-along in alleys and said they are a
tight fit and it would help a great deal of residents would return their trash bins in a timely
manner after removal; attended the Columbia Heights High School Zoom orientation, because
his daughter will be in high school next year, and said it went well and was informative; and
he wanted to promote the City’s website and Facebook for upcoming City events.
Report of the City Manager
Manager Bourgeois acknowledged the Public Works staff for their great work following the
recent snow event and City staff for their great work regarding upcoming Centennial events;
reminded residents about a virtual open house regarding the 37th Avenue reconstruction
project on Thursday, January 28, with the first session 6:30-7:30 pm and the second 7:30-8:30
pm, and details can be obtained on the City website. She thanked City elec ted officials for
their participation during the recent City orientation.
Report of the City Attorney
Attorney Hoeft had no update.
Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Murzyn, Jr., to adjourn. A roll call
vote was taken. All Ayes, Motion Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:39 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nicole Tingley, City Clerk/Council Secretary