HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 CAFR1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ANNUAL COLUMBIA 590 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE CITY OF HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55421 FORTIETH AVENUE N.E. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1986 FINANCE DEPARTMENT William Elr,ite, Finance Director.... MEMBER OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA telephone: 768 -9221 (612) CITY COUNCIL Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor Russell D. Paulson Rita M. Petkoff Gary L. Peterson Edward M. Carlson Robert S. Socwinski CITY MANAGER FINANCE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. 1986 Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember William Elrite Director eTABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1. INTRODUCTORY SECTION ' Administrative Organization Finance Directors Letter of Transmittal ' Auitors Report II. FINANCIAL SECTION ' A. General Purpose Financial Statements ' Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, ' and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types ' Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types Combined Statement of Changes in Financial ' Position - All Proprietary Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Governmental ' Fund Types Notes to Financial Statements B. Combining and Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules ' General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds ' Capital Projects Funds Special Assessment Funds Reference Form A Form A -1 Form A -2 Form A -3 Form A -4 Form A -5 Form B Form C Form D Form E Form F Page .Number 1 -7 8 ME 11 -12 13 -14 15 -16 19 20 -33 34 -42 43 -52 53 -56 57 -60 61 -63 Page Number 64 -67 .. . 70-71 72 -81 82 -87 88 -93 94 -96 97 -101 102 -107 108 109-111 112 -113 112 -113 114 -115 116 -117 116 -117 118 118 119 120 -125 126 127 -128 129 -130 131 Reference Enterprise Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Form G - Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Fora G -1 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -2 Municipal Liquor Fund Form H Water Utility Fund Form I Sever Utility Fund Form J Refuse Utility Fund Form K Internal Service Fund: Central Garage Fund Form L Housing t Redevelopment Authority Form M Statement of General Fixed Assets Form M Statement of General long -Term Debt Form 0 III. STATISTICAL SECTION Assessed Value and Market Value of all Table I Taxable Property Table II Tax Rates Table III City Tax Rates Tax Levies and Tax Collections Table IV Special Assessment Collections Table V Revenues -Other than Property Taxes Table VI and Special Assessments Expenditures for Selected Functions Table VII Statement of.Legal Debt Margin Table VIII Combining Schedule of Bonds Payable Table IX Schedule of Investments Table X Schedule of Insurance in Force Table XI Principal City Officials and Surety Ronda Table XII Miscellaneous Statistical Facts Table XII: Page Number 64 -67 .. . 70-71 72 -81 82 -87 88 -93 94 -96 97 -101 102 -107 108 109-111 112 -113 112 -113 114 -115 116 -117 116 -117 118 118 119 120 -125 126 127 -128 129 -130 131 DEPARTMENTS DIVI S_I_ Civi Defense Regular Reserves 01 ■ Regular Volunteers ■ Reserves Accounting Services ity Clerk Fork lections Traffic tility Billing FIRE Collections Library �iquor Human Services No. 1 Off Sale Police t fire Civil No..2 Off Sale Service ■ No. 3 Off Sale Charter ■ FINANCE nspections ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT icenses 6 Permits ADMiNISTRATIV Planning SERVICES Issessing 'Engineering treets &ter Maintenance ewer Maintenance Parks - Admin. 6 l Maintenance entral Garage Civil Defense PUBLIC WORKS LIBRARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, ' LEGAL �YOF L M! CO U IA NElCNTS, rINNESOTA POLICE ADMINI STRATM • ORGANIZATION CITY OF COLUMBIA %EIGHTS, MINNESOTA HOUSING AN REDEVELOP- MENT " AUTHORITY MAYOR CITY A ELECTORS MANAGER K - - COUNCIL MEMBERS RECREATION i INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIS- SERVICES 7RICT !13 COMMISSION COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Planning and Zoning Recreation i Coemunity Services Fork Traffic RECREATION it MRA COMMUNITY Library SERVICES Human Services Police t fire Civil Service Charter Downtwn Development ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT CITY / = \ OF TY OF COLUMBIA "SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS" April 20, 1987 ' Mr. Robert S. Bocwinski City Manager City of Columbia Heights ' Dear Mr. Bocwinski: The annual financial report of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the ' year ended December 31, 1986 is submitted herewith. The organization, form and contents of this report were prepared in accordance with standards prescribed by the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, the ' American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, State Auditor's Office, State of Minnesota, and the City Charter. The format has been modified from prior years to incorporate changes recommended by the National Council on Governmental Accounting which incorporates pertinent aspects of Audits of State ' and Local Governmental Units. The report consists of three sections: Section I is the introductory section and contains the Table of Contents, Letter of Transmittal, Administrative organization and Auditors report. Section II is the financial section and contains the general purpose financial statements, notes to financial statements ' and the combining and individual fund and account group statements and schedules. Section III is the statistical section and contains comparative statistical tables and data having reference value for citizens and investors. ' ACCOU14TING SYSTEM AND REPORTS The City maintains complete self - balancing account groups for each entity of the City in accordance with the organizational chart of the City. This results in a ' classification of transactions according to specific functions, separate and distinct from those pertaining to unrelated activities. ' The City's accounting records are maintained on the accrual, or modified accrual basis, as appropriate. Budgetary control is maintained by an encumbrance system whereby purchase requests are pre- audited as to authorization and availability ' of funds prior to their release to vendors. Also inherent in this controlling Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor ' Rita M. Petkoff, Councilmember Russell D. Paulson, Councilmember Edward M. Carlson, Councilmember Gary L. Peterson, Councilmember EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER function is the management philosophy that the existence of a particular item or appropriation in the approved budget does not automatically mean that it will or must be spent. The budget process has flexibility in that, where need has been adequately demonstrated, an adjustment can be made within the department budget by the City Manager, or between departments and funds by the City Council. Therefore, there is a constant reviewal process and expenditures are not approved until it has been determined that (1) adequate funds were appropriated, (2) the expenditure is still necessary and (3) funds are available. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL FUNDS These are indexed in the preceding table of contents. In addition the header for each type of fund provides a description of the basis for establishment of the fund and another table of contents of the financial statements pertaining to the individual fund. Each statement of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds (where appliable), Enterprise Funds and Internal Services Funds are presented with comparative information to 1985. GENERAL FUND On December 31, 1986, the fund balance of the General Fund totaled $3,142,381. This fund balance is adequate, but it should be pointed out that this represents a working capital for general operations that is used extensively during the first seven months until current taxes and state aids are received. The following table shows previous year -end General Fund balances, as compared to adopted budget of the following year. General Fund Budget Beginning of Year � 2,549,629 Unappropriated Fund Balance 2,917,260 1979 3,078,785 1980 3,407,235 1981 3,978,165 1982 4,342,875 1983 4,245,909 1984 4,536,850 1985 4,443,220 1986 4,778,107 1987 5,383,121 Total of Appropriated and Unappropriated Fund Balance Beginning of Year Amount % of Budget 591,399 23.2 863,828 29.6 957,562 31.1 1,312,026 38.5 1,508,906 37.9 1,538,691 35.4 1,734,848 40.9 2,142,151 47.2 2,612,770 58.8 2,608,527 54.6 3,142,381 58.4 Estimated and actual revenues for the current year are presented in Form B-2. Revenues received for general government operations totaled $4,812,918 in 1986, an increase of $377,294 over the previous year. The following table presents an analysis of the major revenue sources of the General Fund for 1986 and its change from 1985. -2- 1-,I� From the above table, it is apparent that the major sources available for funding the general operations is the property Lax (28;7 %) and intergovernmental revenue (49.8 %) primarily state aids. Both pf-:these sources are controlled in the amount that they can increase by whatis,known as,the Levy Limitation Law. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principal remained the same. The following table summarized the City's status in complying with the law for 1986 and 1987. 1. 1986 Percent Increase (Decrease) Revenue Source Amount of Total from 1985 General Property Taxes $ 1,382,557 28.7% $ 86,964 Licenses and Permits 187,809 3.9 48,339 Intergovernmental Revenue 2,396,716 -. ..49.8 102,302 Charges for Services 114,982 2.4 (937) Fines and Forfeits 108,158 2.2 3,417 Miscellaneous Revenue 249,432 5.2 17,144 Expenditure Reimbursements 7,370 .2 (962) Transfers -In 365,894 7.6 121,027 Totals $4,812,918 100;0 1 $ 377,294 From the above table, it is apparent that the major sources available for funding the general operations is the property Lax (28;7 %) and intergovernmental revenue (49.8 %) primarily state aids. Both pf-:these sources are controlled in the amount that they can increase by whatis,known as,the Levy Limitation Law. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principal remained the same. The following table summarized the City's status in complying with the law for 1986 and 1987. 1. Adjusted 1986 Levy Limit Base 0 +2) 2. Inflation Adjustment 3. Inflation Adjustment 1987 Levy Limit Base (=314) 4. Adjustment for Growth in Population or Households (Use the larger of the following ratios) Population Households a. 1986 19,426 7,746 b. 1985 19,540 7,738 c. Ratio- (1986/85) .994 1.001 5. Population /Household adjusted 1987 Levy Limit Base _( 5X °4c -) 6. Adjustment for Decrease in Federal Revenue Sharing 7. Adjusted Levy Base 8. 1987 Local Government Aids 9. 1987 Final Levy Limitation (7 -8) -3- $ 3,386,828 1.035 $3,505,367 1.001 $ 3,508,872 $ 13,096 $ 3,521,968 $ 1,772,560 $ 1,749,408 FISCAL DISPARITIES In 1971 the legislature enacted a Fiscal Disparity Law which was not implemented until taxes payable in 1975 due to a constitutional challenge. The law provides for the pooling of a percentage of all new commercial /industrial property valuation or growth in the seven county area to be redistributed to the taxing jurisdictions according to specified criteria. Although it is difficult to determine the future impact of the law on the City, it appears that the City will gain in nominal amounts. The impact on the taxable valuations of the City for taxes collectible in 1984 through 1986 was as follows: 1986 1985 1984 City's taxable value: Personal property $ 1,547,299 $ 1,500,988 $ 1,468,278 Real estate 114,767,361 113,721,411 108,671,288 Sub Total $116,314,660 $115,222,399 $110,139,566 Areawide allocation: Contribution to "pool" $ (5,778,163) $ (4,407,361) $ (4,695,234) Distribution from "pool" 15,650,911 14,264,696 13,663,552 Net Increase $ 9,872,748 $ 9,857,335 $ 8,968,318 Combined Value $126,187,408 $125,079,734 $119,107,884 PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS It is the City's policy to offset any property taxes not received with an equal allowance for uncollectible amounts. Therefore, any delinquent taxes, or unremitted current taxes are not recognized as revenue until received in cash, and are used to finance the budget in the year in which they are received. SPECIAL REVENUE FUIIDS The Municipal State -Aid Street Fund was established to receive gasoline tax apportionments from the state which are used to construct state -aid streets. In 1981 this fund was restated in accordance with N.C.G.A. statement Number 2. Previously revenue was recorded at the time of apportionment from the State of Minnesota. Under the restatement, revenue is not recorded until it is earned. -4- The Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for the receipt and expenditure of federal general revenue sharing funds. Revenue Sharing was enacted in 1972, and covered the period from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1976, Federal amendments to the law have reauthorized appropriations. In 1987 it is anticipated that the City will receive no revenue sharing payments. In 1978 the Recreation Commission was expanded to include a Community Services function. The revised Recreation and Community Services Commission Fund is funded and directed in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 through a six member board. The activity of this fund covers year round recreation programs in the schools, city parks and outside the community. In 1986.revenues of $395,374 exceeded expenditures by $5,756 increasing the fund balance to $48,986. FIXED ASSETS The general fixed assets of the City are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions, but exclude the fixed assets of the proprietary funds. As of December 31, 1986 the general fixed assets of the City thus far recorded amount to $8,809,199• This amount represents the original cost of land, buildings and equipment and is considerably less than their present value. Depreciation of the general fixed assets is not recognized, as is customary in municipal accounting, in the City's accounting system, but depreciation of assets is recognized in the proprietary funds for rate setting purposes, etc. An appraisal of buildings, structures and which the City had cost information) was plus the original assessed cost of water City's accounting records. Replacement established from the appraisal. equipment (excluding vehicles for accomplished in 1979. These values and sewer lines were established on the values for insurance purposes were also M; Rev.Sharing Interest Capital Trf.To Fund Balance Revenue Earnings Total Projects Operations Other Fd. Total Year End 1977 159,482 6,257 165,739 108,928 25,478 134,406 73,286 1978 178,817 5,800 184,617 179,120 12,723 191,843 66,060 1979 176,635 9,584 186,219 112,904 18,189 131,093 121,186 1980 160,131 12,872 173,003 110,709 29,357 140,066 154,123 1981 160,957 20,396 181,353 135,903 3,951 139,854 195,622 1982 141,743 24,207 165,950 59,318 1,832 61,150 300,422 1983 113,225 29,368 142,593 125,750 2,737 128,487 314,528 1984 112,599 51,406 164,005 40,912 14 40,926 437,607 1985 110,091 38,667 148,758 231,408 9,918 58,500 299,826 286,540 1986 69,207 23,449 92,656 142,295 6,703 148,998 230,198 In 1987 it is anticipated that the City will receive no revenue sharing payments. In 1978 the Recreation Commission was expanded to include a Community Services function. The revised Recreation and Community Services Commission Fund is funded and directed in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 through a six member board. The activity of this fund covers year round recreation programs in the schools, city parks and outside the community. In 1986.revenues of $395,374 exceeded expenditures by $5,756 increasing the fund balance to $48,986. FIXED ASSETS The general fixed assets of the City are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions, but exclude the fixed assets of the proprietary funds. As of December 31, 1986 the general fixed assets of the City thus far recorded amount to $8,809,199• This amount represents the original cost of land, buildings and equipment and is considerably less than their present value. Depreciation of the general fixed assets is not recognized, as is customary in municipal accounting, in the City's accounting system, but depreciation of assets is recognized in the proprietary funds for rate setting purposes, etc. An appraisal of buildings, structures and which the City had cost information) was plus the original assessed cost of water City's accounting records. Replacement established from the appraisal. equipment (excluding vehicles for accomplished in 1979. These values and sewer lines were established on the values for insurance purposes were also M; C Special Assessment Funds are used to finance and account for the construction ENTERPRISE FUNDS and financing of certain public improvements such as residential streets, storm ' Liquor Operation part from special assessments levied against benefited property. The Special Total Off -Sales were $3,526,168 an increase from 1985 of $594,751. Total Net ' operating income was $213,507, an increase of $126,614. owners. ' CENTRAL GARAGE FUND WATER,SEWER & REFUSE UTILITIES The Central Garage Fund was established in 1977 to record expenses of the ' The Water Utility Fund had a 1986 net income of $25,855 compared to a net loss to maintain this fund on a self- sustaining basis with the establishment of fixed of $341 in 1985. assets and related depreciation for the garage. Retained earnings has an , ' The Sewer Utility Fund with a 7.60% decrease in revenues had a net income of rates. $312,679 in 1986 compared to a net income of $338,492 in 1985. ' The Refuse Utility had a 1986 net income of $44,889 or a 98.34$ increase in transactions except.direct investments of bonds of the City purchased by other revenues compared to a net income of $22,632 in 1985. the City, except construction accounts and the trust and agency funds, on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at , , SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS receivable, which is added to the book value of the investments. Special Assessment Funds are used to finance and account for the construction and financing of certain public improvements such as residential streets, storm ' sewers,sanitary sewers, and water mains which are to be paid for wholly or in part from special assessments levied against benefited property. The Special Assessment Funds are also used to account for assessments levied against the , individual property owners which are usually paid in installments over•a period of years. During 1986, the City collected $408,239 in assessments from property owners. ' CENTRAL GARAGE FUND The Central Garage Fund was established in 1977 to record expenses of the ' service shop and to allocate such cost to the using departments. It is intended to maintain this fund on a self- sustaining basis with the establishment of fixed assets and related depreciation for the garage. Retained earnings has an , unreserved fund balance of $111,681 as of December 31, 1986. Depreciation, although not considered in the initial years, will be a factor in future user rates. ' TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Ivestment Trust Fund , The Investment Trust Fund was created in 1974 to record all investment transactions except.direct investments of bonds of the City purchased by other funds. Interest earnings from these investments are allocated to all funds of the City, except construction accounts and the trust and agency funds, on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at December 31, at book value, is also allocated to the individual funds. The , allocation of interest earnings to December 31, includes accrued interest receivable, which is added to the book value of the investments. 6 1 Ilk ' Interest rates were slightly lower in 1986 than in the preceding year, and the average amount of idle funds increased in 1986. Interest earnings for the past ten years are as follows: ' Year EarniL�IL Yield 1976 121,051 7.75% 1977 114,186 5.69% ' 1978 119,918 6.29% 1979 181,797 9.21% 1980 229,978 11.14% 1981 324,608 12.30% ' 1982 364,565 11.40% 1983 587,366 10.69% 1984 1985 905,514 894,223 9.41% 8.01% 1986 948,378 9.21% ' The 1986 earnings were distributed to the following funds: General $ 189,733 Revenue Sharing 23,449 ' Special Assessments 173,112 Capital Improvements 97,842 ' Debt Service Liquor 145,818 105,957 Water 44,597 Sewer 147,230 ' Garage 10,363 Cable Television 10,277 ' I;Ei! LEGISLATION' ,.The 1978 Minnesota Legislature enacted Chapter 787 to standardize and improve municipal financial reporting. Beginning in 1978, the fiscal year of all ' Minnesota cities is the calendar year. Also, cities failing to meet the new financial reporting requirements will have the State Auditor's office or its appointee prepare their financial statements. Fees for this service will be withheld from the City's share of Municipal State Aid. This report meets or exceeds all state reporting requirements. Respectfully submitted, William Elrite ' Finance Director Ilk HE CIT� OF COLUM�IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NN EARAiNDEDABECEMBERP 1, 1986 CBERAL URPOSE FIXAMAL STATEMEXTS These General Purpose Financial Statements are part of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, presenting only aggregate data by fund type and account group, together with notes to the financial statements and constitutes "fair presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles." It is felt that these General Purpose Financial Statements will be a benefit to users requiring less detailed information about our City's finances. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Auditors Report 8 Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Form A 9 -10 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Form A -1 11 -12 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund 13 -14 Types form A -2 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -3 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -4 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances, Governmental Fund Types Form A -5 Notes to Financial Statements 15 -16 17 -18 19 20 -33 e BERGREN, HOLMGREN & LOBERG, LTD. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OFFICES IN: NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 Burnsville, MN St. Paul; MN 2534 E. 7TH AVE. New Prague, MN PHONE (612) 777 -1331 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ' City of Columbia Heights; Minnesota We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of ' Columbia Heights, Minnesota and its combining and individual fund and account group financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 1986 as listed in the Table of Contents. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circum- stances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Columbia Heights, ' Minnesota at December 31, 1986 and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting ' principles applied on a basis consistant with that of the preceding year. Also, in our opinion, the combining and individual fund and account group financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial ' position of the individual funds and account groups of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota at December 31, 1986 and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of individual proprietary funds for the year then ended, in conformity with ' generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistant with that of the preceding year. ' Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole and on the combining and individual fund and account group financial statements. The accompanying financial information listed as supporting schedules in the Table of Contents is presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The information has been subjected to the ' auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combining, and individual fund and account group, financial statements, and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. Our examination did not ' include the statistical information listed in the Table of Contents. ' April 2, 1987 ' MEMBERS OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 0 FQ•- M I i F� H LL t d yy yyW y � 1 I yC x 1yy71�1 t:p la. Q 1 N •i uj N f o, o v+ I I I I I II �i II cs3 cn m N T M y•� e�p m M N 1'rJ� IQi M map r NmN C� cu ��y T prM 6 1'1 ail m WD M t`7 N N N �•+ yypp .•� a0 � Y7 N N Q► .+ .•i wi T � 1 "P 2� M N .r M 1 I 1 r RJ 1 1 1 ad cn 1 1 /+dj d d M aD i In M 1 I M aG 6 1 N 1M 1 1 1 tT M �• � U] N N N .�•� I 1 I 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M �i 1 1 I I 1 I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �k l I � 01 N A to In in 6 01 � I C 01 .Wi A •Oj � ••i W r61 1 . � o 00 31, to -9- R I -9 M Garpp+ M � G � M M p LL O i N s a yy i 0 FQ•- M I i F� H LL t d yy yyW y � 1 I yC x 1yy71�1 t:p la. 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M•- Ll W u Q A A la Cra Q> r� .r• li 7 J u' COMBIIED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 REVEIUES: General property taxes Homestead credit Special assessments Licenses and permits Fines and forfeitures Interest and rents Intergovernmental revenues Charges for services Other revenue Total Revenues OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from other funds Proceeds from sale of bonds Total Revenues and Other Sources EXPENDITURES: Current: General government Public safety Public works Sanitation .Library Parks and recreation Other Capital outlay Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total Expenditures OTHER FIFANCING USES: Operating Transfers Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES` OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FU11D BALANCE AT END OF YEAR -11- 365,894 113,933 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $4,812,918 $870,995 $885,343 Special General Revenue $1,382,557 $ - 489,233 - 187,809 - 108,158 - - 33,726 1,907,483 482,259 114,982 236,915 256,802 4,162 - -- ----- - - - - -- $4,447,024 ---- - - - $757,062 365,894 113,933 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $4,812,918 $870,995 $885,343 $ 1,885,654 107,502 630,925 18,150 4,932 - 263,650 17,390 477,064 394,261 10,813 49,140 $4,158,381 $586,443 120,683 20,540 - -- ----- - - - - -- $4,279,064$606,983 ---- - - - - $533,854 - - $264,012 2,608,527 501,046 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $3,142,381 ---- $765,058 Debt Capital Special Service Projects Assessnents $892,875 $ - $ 99,948 - - 408,239 145,818 97,842 238,692 166,818 8,826 7,695 34,028 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ' $1,147,467 $105,537 $847,777 Form A -1 Total (Memorandum Only) 1986 1985 - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $2,275,432 ------ $2,352,593 589,181 577,580 408,239 361,248 187,809 139,470 108,158 104,741 516,078 645,183 2,556,560 2,047,777 351,897 289,116 311,513 348,076 - -- ------ - - - - -- $7,304,867 ------ - - - $6,865,784 405,359 411,204 667,624 1,964,014 2,965,405 ' - 2,121,611 ----- - - - - -- $1,552,826 -------- - - - - -- $516,741 ----- - - - - -- $1,515,401 ------ - - - - -- $9,268,881 ------ - - - - -- $11,952,800 $ $ $ $885,343 $851,648 ' _ _ _ 1,993,156 1,966,038 - - - 649,075 755,008 4,932 4,097 - - - 281,040 226,207 - - - 871,325 806,994 - - - 59,953 61,943 ' - 2,694,529 761,645 3,456,174 1,144,606 280,000 - - 280,000 - ' 925,856 182,227 1,108,083- 1,253,240- $1,205,856 $2,694,529 $943,872 -- $9,589,081 -- $7,069,781 '405,858 35, 000 - 7 24 185 1,306,266 2,405,908 - - - - -- --=-- - - - - -- $19611,714 -------- - - - -- $2,729,529 ----- - - - - -- $1,668,057 ------ - - - - -- $10,895,347 ------ $9,475,689 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ($58,888) -------- - - - - -- ($2,212,788) ----- - - - - -- ($152,656) ------ - - - - -- ($1,626,466) ------ $2,477,111 ' 2,068,577 2,121,496 (381,179) 6,918,467 4,441,356 -- ----- - - - - -- $2,009,689 -------- - - - - -- (91,292) ----- - - - - -- ($533,835) ------ - - - - -- $5,292,001 ------ - - - - $6,918,467 ' -12- COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AITD ACTUAL - GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 REVENUES: General property taxes Homestead Credit Licenses and permits Fines and forfeitures Interest and rents Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Other revenue Total Revenue OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from other funds Total Revenues and Other Sources GENERAL FUND Original Revised 365,894 -- Variance Budget ------ - - - - -- Budget ----- - - - - -- Actual ----- - - - - -- Over(Under) ------ - - - - -- $1,391,616 $1,391,616 $1,382,557 ($9,059) 500,000 500,000 489,233 (10,767) 144,495 144,495 187,809 43,314 60,700 60,700 108,158 47,458 146,090 146,090 216,431 70,341 1,875,318 1,875,318 1,907,483 32,165 90,150 90,150 114,982 24,832 31,200 31,200 40,371 9,171 $4,239,569 $4,239,569 $4,447,024 $207,455 370,335 370,335 365,894 -- (4,441) ------ - - -- -- ------ - - - - -- $4,609,904 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $4,609,904 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - $4,812,918 ----- - - - - -- ------ $203,014 - - - - -- EXPENDITURES: General government $987,685 $955,631 $885,343 $70,288 Public safety 1,853,091 1,911,162 1,885,654 25,508 Public works 875,370 922,519 630,925 291,594 Sanitation 12,299 7,511 4,932 2,579 Library 246,261 266,816 263,650 3,166 Parks and recreation 499,724 507,916 477,064 30,852 Other 184,150 85,870 10,813 75,057 Capital Outlay - - - - Total Expenditures $4,658,580 $4,657,425 $4,158,381 $499,044 OTHER FINANCING USES: Operating Transfers Out 119,528 120,683 120,683 - Total Expenditures and ------ - - - - -- - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- -- ---- -- ---- Other Uses $4,778,108 $4,778,108 $4,279,064 $499,044 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EhPED- TURES AND OTHER USES (168,204) (168,204) 533,854 702,058 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 2,608,527 2,608,527 2,608,527 - FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $2,440,323 $2,440,323 $3,142,381 $702,058 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement -13- I' 0 Form A -2 ' $6370318 $586,443 $50,875 $5,294,743 $4,744,824 $549,919 ' 391,921 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 371,381 512,604 TOTAL 371,381 ----- - - - - -- ' $1,029,239 ----- - - - - -- - -- ----- - - - - -- $5,807,347 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ $4,886,047 ----- - - - - -- ------ (Memorandum Only) Variance ------------------------------------ Revised Variance ' Budget - - -- - - - - - -- Actual --- - - - - -- Over(Under) ----- - - - - -- Budget - - - -- - - - - -- Actual - - - -- - - - - -- Over(Under) --- - - - - -- $ $ $ $1,391,616 $1,382,557 ($9,059) _ _ _ 500,000 489,233 (10,767) - - - 144,495 187,809 43,314 - - - 60,700 108,158 47,458 ' 30,000 33,726 3,726 176,090 250,157 74,067 597,421 482,259 (115,162) 2,472,739 2,389,742 (82,997) 205,363 236,915 31,552 295,513 351,897 56,384 ' - 4,162 4,162 31,200 44,533 13,333 ----- - - - - -- $832,784 --- - - - - -- $757,062 ----- - - - - -- ($75,722) ----- - - - - -- $5,072,353 ----- - - - - -- $5,204,086 ------ - - - - -- $131,733 ' 112,778 113,933 1,155 483,113 479,827 (3,286) ' ----- - - - - -- $945,562 ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $870,995 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ($74,567) ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $5,555,466 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $5,683,913 ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $128,447 ------ - - - - -- $7,985 $ - $7,985 $963,616 $885,343 $78,273 ' 128,692 107,502 21,190 2,039,854 1,993,156 46,698 2,450 18,150 .(15,700) 924,969 649,075 275,894 - - - 7,511 4,932 2,579 21,000 17,390 3,610 287,816 281,040 6,776 391,429 394,261 (2,832) 899,345 871,325 28,020 58,112 49,140 8,972 143,982 59,953 84,029 _ 27,650 - 27,650 $27,650 - - $6370318 $586,443 $50,875 $5,294,743 $4,744,824 $549,919 ' 391,921 20,540 371,381 512,604 141,223 371,381 ----- - - - - -- ' $1,029,239 ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $606,983 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $422,256 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $5,807,347 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ $4,886,047 ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $921,300 - - - - -- (83,677) 264,012 347,689 (251,881) 797,866 1,049,747 310,846 501,046 190,200 2,919,373 3,109,573 190,200 ----- - - - - -- $227,169 --- - - - - -- $765,058 ----- - - - - -- $537,889 ----- - - - - -- $2,667,492 ----- - - - - -- $3,907,439 ------ - - - - -- $1,239,947 -14- COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 OPERATING REVENUES: Sales Cost of sales Gross Profit OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Source of supply /Disposal charges Total OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION OPERATING INCOME NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest income Interest expense Other income (expense) - net Total Net Income before transfers Operating Transfers Out Net Income TRANSFER DEPRECIATION ON CONTRIBUTED ASSETS Income Transferred to Retained 'Earnings RETAINED EARNINGS, BEGINNING OF YEAR RETAINED EARNINGS, END OF YEAR -15- Enterprise -- - - -- $5,629,226 2,879,282 -- $2,749,944 $444,886 312,360 63,481 ---1,317_079 - $2,137,806 - - -- #612,138 1479000 $465,138 $308,752 2,269 $311,021 $776,159 651,816 - - -- $124,343 65,229 $189,572 - 4 ,790,962 4,980,534 IJ Form A -3 -16- Total (Memorandum Only) Internal Service 1936 1985 ------- - - - - -- $169,131 ---------------------------------- $5,798,357 $5,054,325 - $2,879,282 2,448,034 ------- - - - - -- $169,131 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $2,919,075 ------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $2,606,291 ------ - - - - -- 483,119 $528,005 $493,643 45,802 $358,162 371,211 8,643 $72,129 55,468 - $1,317,079 1,198,722 ------- - - -- -- $137,569 ------- - - - - -- $2,275,375 - -- $ 2 ,11-,044 ------- - - - - -- $31,562 ------- - - - - -- $643,700 ------ - - - - -- $487,247 5,450 $152,450 150,881 ------- - - - - -- ;26,112 ----- - ------- - - - - -- 41,250 - - -- $9 - ------ - - - - -- -- $336,366 $10,363 $319,115 $302,079 475 2,744 36,693 - -- ------- - - - - -- $10,333 ------- - - - - -- $321,859 ------ - - - $338,772 ------- - - - - -- $36,950 ------- - - - - -- $313,109 ------ - - - -- $675,138 - 651,816 560,672 --- +--- - - - - -- $36,950 ------- - - - - -- $161,293 ------ - - - - -- $114,466 - 65,229 65,229 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $226,522 ------ - - - - -- $179,695 -- - - -$36,950 - 74,731 - - -- - 4,865,693 ------------ 4,685,998 $111,681 $5,092,215 $4,865,693 -16- CO:IBINED STATZAENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 Enterprise SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Operations: Net income (loss) $124,343 Items not requiring (providing) working capital Depreciation 144,601 Working Capital Provided by Operations $268,944 Decrease in long term contract receivable 12,367 Decrease in deferred receivable- reserve capacity 5,108 Total Sources of Working Capital $286,419 USES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Additions to property and equipment -net 4,947 INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL $281,472 ELalENTS OF INCREASE I11 WORKING CAPITAL: Cash $386,590 Investments - Accounts receivable (36,765) Inventory 6,310 Accounts payable (114,652) Due to other funds - Due from /to other governmental units (3,869) Accrued liabilities 43,858 Net Increase in Working Capital $281,472 -17- Form A-4 7otaI ("Ieum rand um Only) ZuteruaI 3ervlo.' 15�6 1935 --------- ------------------------------------ �` �114,4�6 15C) ,C'51 14T'Og� --------- ------------- �211,3 1'� ---------- �2G1,5�5 - 12 ? 1�,3g1 --.'---- --------- --_---_------ - - - - - --- - - - - - - - ---__--__- 7,�7 - - - - - - - - - - 17,775 203'2OO --'-----` ------------- 11,��� - - - - - - - - - - �G6']]9 $419 O.3 {�t59,23 6) - - (77'545) - T 7 2T , 9,599 5,)7) 140 - ,62.� (T5) - (1/14' � --------_ /��,71J (23,1�9) 7 1; ---_---__---- --_------- �` Form A -5 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 Totals Special (Memorandum only) GeneralRevenue --------------- -- Fund Fund 1986 1985 Revenues: Taxes $36,077 Rents - Loans and grants: Community Development Block Gran - Housing and Urban Development - Obligation Bond Proceeds - Grant Drawdowns - Interest 29,969 Miscellaneous 29,337 Total Revenues $95,383 Expenditures Administration Utilities, maintenance & operations Loans and grants Rental assistance Property acquisition /site improveme Relocation assistance Legal Principal reduction - Interest - Other expenditures - Miscellaneous - Total Expenditures ---- - - - - -- $87,962 $83,479 4,453 30 Other Sources and Uses Increase in note principal Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ - $36,077 $ - 159,077 159,077 151,001 57,814 57,814 238,866 187,415 187,415 186,995 - - 136,000 1,413,694 1,413,694 648,289 16,473 46,442 - 46,989 76,326 154,905 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $1,881,462 ----- - - - - -- $1,976,845 ------ $1,516,056 $79,019 $1629498 $174,298 141,856 1411856 130,053 18,129 22,582 40,774 1,360,852 1,360,852 686,672 5,825 5,825 200,524 - 30 35,589 - - 120,201 287,527 287,527 66,794 73,307 739307 78,810 33,308 33008 - - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $1,999,823 ----- - - - - -- $2,0879785 ------ $1,533,715 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 24,649 ----- - - - --- ----- - - - --- 249649 ----- - -- - -- - ------ - - - - -- 7,421 (93,712) (86,291) (17,659) Fund balance at beginning of year (5,967) 449,914 443,947 461,606 ---- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Fund balance at end of year $1,454 $3560202 $3579656 $443,947 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 2M NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The City operates under a Home Rule Charter which prescribes the council- manager form of government. The following services are provided: public safety, highways and streets, sanitation, health and social services, culture- recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. The financial statements included in the report cover all commissions, boards, authorities, and bodies that are dependent on or controlled by the City's executive and legislative branches. The criteria used to determine the financial reporting entity are in conformance with NCGA Statement 3, Defining the Governmental Reporting Entity and Statement 7, Financial Reporting for Conponent Units within the Governmental Reporting Entity The accounting policies of the City conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. A. FUND ACCOUNTING The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self - balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into seven generic fund types and two broad fund categories as follows: Governmental Funds -- General Fund - The General Fund is the primary operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds - Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long -term debt principal, interest, and related costs. Capital Project Funds - Capital Project Funds are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Special Assessment Funds - Special Assessment Funds are used to account for financing of public improvements or services deemed to benefit the properties against which special assessments are levied. -20- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) A. FUND ACCOUNTING (Continued) Proprietary Funds -- Enterprise Funds - Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises - where the intent of the governing body is that the costs (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or, (b) where the governing body has decided that.periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred, and /or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. Internal Service Funds - Internal Service Funds are used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the City, or to other governments, on a cost- reimbursement basis. B. MEASUREMENT FOCUS The.accounting and reporting treatment applied to the fixed assets and long -term liabilities associated with a fund are determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds are accounted for on a spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current assets and current liabilities are generally included in their balance sheets. Their reported fund balance is considered a measure of "available spendable resources ". Governmental fund operating statements present increases and decreases in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of "available spendable resources" during a period. Fixed assets used in governmental fund types operations (general fixed assets) are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group, rather than in governmental funds. Public domain general fixed assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, including roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, streets and sidewalks, drainage systems, and lighting systems, are not capitalized with other general fixed assets. No depreciation has been provided on the general fixed assets. -21- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) B. MEASUREMENT FOCUS (Continued) Long term liabilities expected to be financed from governmental funds are accounted for in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group, not in the governmental funds. The single exception to this general rule is for special assessment bonds, which are accounted for in Special Assessment Funds. The two account groups are not "funds ". They are concerned only with the measurement of financial position. They are not involved with measurement of results of operations. Proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" measurement focus. This means that all assets and all liabilities (whether current or non - current) associated with their activity are included on their balance sheets. Their reported fund equity is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund type operating statements present increases (revenues) and decreases (expenses) in net total assets. Fixed assets of proprietary funds are recorded therein in historical cost. Depreciation is charged as an expense against operations and accumulated depreciation is reported on proprietary fund balance sheets. Depreciation has been provided over the estimated useful lives using the straight -line method. The estimated useful lives are as follows: Building 40 to 50 years Machinery and equipment 5 to 20 years Structures 5 to 20 years Mains & Lines 50 to 100 years Donated fixed assets are valued at the fair market value as of the date received. C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available. Substantially all sources of revenue are accrued. -22- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual ' basis of accounting when the related fund liability is incurred, except for principal and interest on general long -term debt which are recognized when due. All proprietary funds are accounted for using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they are earned, and expenses are recognized when they are incurred. ' D. BUDGETS AND BUDGETARY ACCOUNTING The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements. (a) Prior to January 1, the budget is adopted by the City Council. (b) Formal budgetary integration is employed as a management control device during the year for the General Fund and ' Special Revenue Funds. (c) Budget for the General and Special Revenue are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting ' principles. (d) Section 62 of the City Charter requires an annual budget. Budget revisions are authorized by the City Council in accordance with the City Charter at the request of the City ' Manager. The accompanying statements of revenue and expend- itures compared with the budget estimates reflect these revisions, if any. All appropriations lapse at the end of the budget year to the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered. ' E. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Cash and Investments - Cash balances from all funds are pooled and invested in allowable investments. Investment earnings are allocated to the individual funds on the basis of average cash and investment balances. Invested amounts totaled $10,293,923 and $11,168,408 at December 31, 1986 and 1985 respectively. ' Property Taxes - Property taxes are set by the City Council in October each year, and are certified to Anoka County for collection in following year. Such taxes constitute a lien on the ' property on January 1 of the year collectible. The County provides tax settlement to the City three times a year. Allowances have been provided for property taxes receivable which ' were not paid to the County by December 31. 1 -23- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) E. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Continued) Assessments receivable- Special assessments are levied against the benefited properties for the assessable costs of special assessment improvement projects in accordance with State Statutes. The City usually adopts the assessment rolls when the individual projects are complete or substantially complete. The assessments are collectible over a term of years generally consistent with the term of years of the related bond issue. Collection of annual installments (including interest) is handled by the City with only delinquent balances being certified to the County. Property owners are allowed to prepay total future installments without interest or prepayment penalties. Special assessments receivable include the following components: Unremitted - amounts collected by County but not remitted to City at December 31. Delinquent - amounts billed to property owners but not paid. Deferred - assessment installments which will be billed to property owners in future years. Inventories - Inventories of the proprietary funds are stated at the lower of FIFO cost (first -in, first -out) or market. Accumulated Unpaid Vacation and Sick Pay - Accumulated vacation and sick pay is recorded as a liability at the balance sheet date in accordance with NCGA Statement No. 4 and City policy. F. REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Certain grants received by the City require that eligible expenditures be made in order to earn the grant. Revenue for these grants if recorded in the period in which eligible expenditures are made. Utility service charges are recognized when earned. Unbilled utility service charges are included in receivables at year -end. Interest on bonded indebtedness is recorded as an expenditure when paid in the governmental fund types. -24- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 G. COMPARATIVE DATA Comparative data for the prior year have been presented to provide an understanding of changes in the City's financial position and operation. H. TOTAL COLUMNS ON COMBINED STATEMENTS Total columns on the Combined Statements are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither are such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of these data. Note 2 - Due from Other Governmental Units General Fund HRA - Oct -Dec 1985 expense 122 Anoka County - Street Maintenance 18,060 18,182 Special Revenue Funds Revenue Sharing 1,812 ' Para Transit 11999 3,811 Special assessment funds State - State Aid 144,631 144,631 Enterprise Funds Sewer Fund - MWCC 47,751 47,751 HRA Department of Housing and Urban Development 374,829 Anoka County 7,737 City of Columbia Heights 2,896 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency 11,628 Metro Council 10,565 407.655 $622,030 -25- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 3 - Proprietary Funds Contract Receivable and Deferred Receivable A. INTERCEPTOR ACQUISITION CONTRACT RECEIVABLE As of January 1, 1971, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (M.W.C.C.) assumed ownership of all existing interceptors and treatment works. Under the terms of the agreement with M.W.C.C., the City is to be reimbursed for the value at the time of transfer of such facilities. The contract represents the value of the facilities acquired by the M.W.C.C. and was determined to be $400,533 at the date of takeover by the M.W.C.C. This amount is being amortized through credits received against annual sewer service billings from the M.W.C.C. over a thirty -year period with interest at 4$. Prior to 1986, the City received credits against M.W.C.C. billings totaling $334,080, of which $152,905 was treated as a reduction of principal. During 1986, the City received a credit of $22,272, of which $12,367 was a reduction of principal. As of December 31, 1986, a balance of $235,261 remained to be collected over the next fifteen years. B. DEFERRED RECEIVABLE The City was required to advance funds to the M.W.C.C. for deferments of reserve capacity costs granted to other communities. The balance of this receivable from the M.W.C.C. at December 31, 1986 was $18,711 and is collectible over the next eight years. During 1986, the City received $6,171 related to this receivable, of which $5,108 represented a reduction of principal. Note 4 - Interfund Receivable and Payable_ Balances Receivable Payable HRA General Fund $ 13,000 $ 20,309 HRA Special Revenue Funds Downtown Development Fund 48,783 - Low Income Housing Fund - 10,424 Anoka County Community Development Block Grant Fund - 31,050 $ 61,783 $ 61,783 -26- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 5 - Changes in General Fixed Assets Changes in General Fixed Assets Account Group during 1986 were as follows: Note 6 - HP,A Property and Equipment Balance Utility Adjustments Balances Land Balance Additions and Balance Land Jan 1, 1986 Additions Retirements Dec. 31, 1986 Land $3,025,100 $ 3,400 - $3,028,500 Bldgs.& Structures 3,497,708 2,156 2,975 3,499,864 Furniture, Fixtures $2,506,486 $ 83,861 $ 2,975 $2,587,372 & Office Equip. 724,484 97,281 460,682 821,765 Machinery & Equip. 1,308,617 176,590 26,137 1,459,070 TOTAL $8,555,907 $279,427 $ 26,137 $8,8090199 Note 6 - HP,A Property and Equipment A summary of the enterprise funds property and equipment at,December 31, 1986 follows: Water Sewer Balance Utility Adjustments & Balances Land Jan 1,1986 Additions Retirements Dec 31,1986 Land $ 69,688 $ - $ - $ 69,688 Building 2,159,158 83,861 - 2,243,019 Equipment 277,640 2,229,619 2,975 274,665 Office Furniture & Equip. 23,404 $2,506,486 $ 83,861 $ 2,975 $2,587,372 Note 7 - Proprietary Fund Types Property and Equipment 460,682 A summary of the enterprise funds property and equipment at,December 31, 1986 follows: Water Sewer Central Garage Buildings & Improvements $ 25,026 Office Furniture & Equipment 741 Machinery & Equipment 73,060 $ 98,827 Less Accumulated Depreciation 70,977 $ 27,850 -27- Liquor Utility Utility Total Land $ 7,125 $ 45,223 $ 36,586 $ 88,934 Buildings 85,313 212,924 26,245 324,482 Improvments Other than Buildings 99,159 2,229,619 2,475,155 4,803,933 Office Furniture & Equip. 23,404 3,723 3,414 30,541 Machinery & Equipment 149,604 120,955 190,123 460,682 $ 364,605 $2,612,444 $2,731,523 $5,708,572 Less Accumulated Depr. 124,090 1,200,322 1,368,920 2,693,332 $ 240,515 $1,412,122 $1,362,603 $3,015,240 A summary of the Internal Service Funds, property and equipment at December 31, 1986 follows: Central Garage Buildings & Improvements $ 25,026 Office Furniture & Equipment 741 Machinery & Equipment 73,060 $ 98,827 Less Accumulated Depreciation 70,977 $ 27,850 -27- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) DECEMBER 31, 1986 +Note 8 - Long -Term Debt 1,242 333 Changes in long -term debt during the year ended December 31, 1986 are summarized below (in 000'x) 1,300 352 1,652 Balance Balance 1,670 Jan 1,1986 Issued Retired December 31,1986 Tax Increment Bonds $ 11,325 $ - $ 280 $ 11,045 Special Assessment 2,460 70 2,390 Total $ 13,785 $ - $ 350 $ 139435 Bonds payable at December 31, 1986 are comprised of the following issues. Tax Increment Bonds -- Tax Increment Bonds of 1980, 8.0 %- 8.75$, Payable in Varying Annual Amounts to 2002 $ 8,015,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds Series 1984, 7.0 % -9.4 %, payable in varying annual amounts, 1986 -1994 980,000 General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds of 1985, Series A,Payable in varying annual amounts, 1986 to 2002 2,050,000 Special Assessment Bonds of 1985, Series B, payable in varying annual amounts, 1986 to 1996 2,390,000 $ 13,435,000 The annual requirements in thousands of dollars to amortize all bonded debt outstanding at December 31, 1986, including interest payments of $9,1990000 are as follows in (000's) Year Ending Tax December 31, Increment Special Assessement Total 1987 1,242 333 1,575 1988 1,278 341 1,619 1989 1,300 352 1,652 1990 1,321 349 1,670 1991 -95 6,748 1,746 8,494 1996 -99 6,011 135 6,246 2000 -02 1,378 - 1,378 19,378 3,256 22,634 -28- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) ' DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 8- Long - Term Debt (Continued) ' $2,009,689 is available in Debt Service Funds to service the general obligation and tax increment bonds. There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the various bond indentures. The City is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions. The Tax Increment Bonds are payable from the amount of increase in the property ' taxes on the property in the Tax Increment District. The Special Assessment Bonds are payable primarily from special assessments. Any deficiencies in revenue from these sources will be provided by general property taxes. ' Note 9 - Reserved -Fund Equity .' The following reservations 1986 of fund equity have been made as of December 31, Debt Service Funds 1986 Debt Service $ 2,009,689 ' HRA Reserved for Community Development $ 654,820 Reserved for Future Operations $ 104,500 ' Note 10 - Segment Information - Enterprise Funds ' The City maintains four enterprise ended December 31, 1986 is funds. as follows: Segment information for the year Water Sewer Refuse Liquor Utility Utility Utility Total Sales, less cost of sales of $2,879,282 $ 646,886 $ - $ - $ - $ 646,886 ' Operating Revenue 775,227 8081483 519,348 2,103,058 Depreciation 26,617 51,157 69,226 - 147,000 Depreciation Transferred to ' Contributions - (26,294) (38,935) - (65,229) Operating Income 213,507 2,845 175,056 73,730 465,138 Operating Transfers Out (579,494) (21,481) (20,575) (29,846) (651,396) Net Income (259,080) 26,275 312,679 73,730 153,604 ' Property & Equip.- Additions Net Working Capital 994,200 672,638 1,932,639 67,521 3,666,998 Total Assets Total Equity- Contributed 1,455_998 2,148,891 1,014,572 3,591,527 940,682 79-253 7,275,669 19955,254 Total Equity- Retained Earnings 1,234,713 1,070,188 2,608,532 67,521 4,9809954 -29- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1986 Note 11 - Retirement Plans The Columbia Heights Police Relief Association provides a pension plan for all sworn police officers hired prior to June 15, 1972. The Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association provid "es a pension plan for all regular fire fighters hired prior to December 31, 1974 and all volunteer firefighters. All public safety employees hired after aforementioned dates, under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 374, are covered by Public Employees, Police and Fire Fund (a special fund of the Public Employees Retirement Association - P.E.R.A.). By agreement, the Fire Relief Association was split into two divisions - paid and volunteers as of January 1, 1978. The City levies annually and applies state aid for pension contributions to the associations. In 1986 the amounts were: Levy State -Aid Total Police Relief $ 73,286 $ 86,677 $ 159,963 Fire Relief - Paid 58,737 60,207 118,944 Fire Relief - Volunteer 8,391 - 8,391 140 414 $146,884 $ 287,298 The pension levy meets the minimum requirements of the Police and Firemen's Relief Association Guidelines Act of 1969, which became effective July 1, 19719 and which required that contributions shall cover the normal cost plus interest at 5% of'the unfunded liability. In accordance with the Police and Firemen's Relief Associations Guidelines Act of 1969 as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1978, Chapter 563, the annual levy includes an amount for the amortization of the unfunded pension liability by the year 2005. The following schedule of accrued liabilities was obtained from the latest actuarial surveys dated December 31, 1985. Accrued Actuarial Accrued Funded (Unfunded) Assets Liability Accrued Liability Police Relief $ 1,782,832 $ 3,578,811 $ (19795,979) Fire Relief -Paid 1,095,195 2,446,698 (19351,503) Fire Relief- Volunteer 619,590 328,492 291,098 -30- 0 I NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31,1986 Note 11 - Retirement Plans (Continued) The City participates in a contributory pension plan under the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA), Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 353, which covers substantially all employees except those qualifying as temporary or seasonal employees or those public safety police and fire personnel covered by the relief associations. The City's contribution for the coordinated plan (PERA and Social Security) to PERA is equal to 4.25% of the total salary of each individual (employee share 4 %). For the basic plan, the City's contribution is A equal to 10.5% of each individual's salary (employee share 8 %). For Police and Fire PERA, the City's contribution is equal to 12% of each individual's salary (employee share 8$). The pension cost including amortization of estimated prior service cost was $176,422 for the year ended December 31, 1986. It is State Law that the City fund this pension cost as it accrues. Prior service cost is being amortized, over a period of 40 years with full funding required by the year 1997, as a percent of gross wages by all employees participating in the state association. The Public Employees Retirement Association is divided into two funds, the Public - Employees Retirement Fund and the Public Employees Police and Fire Fund. The Association's annual report for the year ended June 30, 1986 (the most recent available) shows: Reserves needed for retired members and beneficiaries $ 1,102,235,000 $107,892,000 Reserves needed for active and deferred members 1,822,771,000 337,850,000 Total reserves needed 2,925,006,OOo 447,742,000 Assets (net) 2,148,114,000 424,936,000 Unfunded Reserves 887,892,000 22,806,000 --------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- The City's contribution to the Federal Insurance Corporation of America (Social Security) for those individuals belonging to the coordinated plan is equal to 7.15% of the first $42,000 in 1986 or total of $103,955. Note 12 - Contingent Liability The City participates in a number of federally assisted grant programs, principal of which are the General Revenue Sharing & Community Development Block Grant. These programs are subject to program compliance audits by the grantors or their representatives. The audits of these programs for or including the year ended December 31, 1986 have not yet been conducted. Accordingly, the City's compliance with the applicable grant requirements will be established at some future date. The amount, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the granting agencies cannot be determined at this time although the City expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial. -31- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31,1986 Note 13 - Claims and Litigation The City had the usual and customary types of miscellaneous claims pending at year -end, mostly of minor nature and usually all covered by insurance carried for that purpose. Note 14 - Commitment The City has leased premises for a liquor store under a five year agreement expiring in 1989 and requiring total annual rental payments of $58,250. Note 15 - Cash and Investments The City maintains a cash and. investment pool that is available for use by all funds. Each fund type's po:rtion of this pool'is displayed on the Combined Balance Sheet as "Cash and Investments ". Deposits At year end, the carrying amount of the city's deposits was $368,390 and the bank balance was $397,193 of the bank balance, $397,193 was covered by federal depository insurance or collateral held by a trust department of another bank. Investments Minnesota Statutes authorize the City to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, agencies,. and instrumentalities, commercial paper rated A -1 by Standard and Poor's'Corporation or P -1 by Moody's Commercial Paper record, bankers' acceptances and repurchase agreements. The City's investments are categorized as follows to give an indication of the level of risk assumed by the entity at year -end. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or for which securities are held by the City or its agent in the City's name. Category 2 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which the securities are held by the broker's or dealer's trust department or agent in the City's name. Category 3 includes uninsured and unregistered investments for which securities are held by the broker or dealer, but not in the city's name. -32- WN NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) DECEMBER 31,1986 Category Carrying Market 1 _+ 2 Amount Value Repurchase Agreements 1,191,2146 1,191,2146 1,191,2146 U.S. Government Securities 6,286,530 6,395,691 Certificates of Deposits held by broker 1,300,000 51,916 1,351,916 10351,916 Commerical Paper 1,295,667 1,295,667 unavailable 10,073,�443 51,916 ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ---------- -- - - - - -- 10,2314,520 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- WN HE CIT�INABCIAL OF COLUM lA HEIGHTS♦ MINNESOTA t:NUA R7 86 EAR iNDED ECEMBER to CENRAL r1.XD The Horne Rule Charter of the City of Columbia Heights provides in Section 69 Subdivision (c): "A General Fund for the support of such other funds and for the payment of such expenses of the city as the council may deem proper. Into this fund shall be paid all moneys not herein provided to paid (sic) into any othe fund." TABLE OF CONTENTS Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Page Form B 34 Form B -1 35 Form B -2 36 -37 Form B -3 38 -42 �G r Form B GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 ASSETS 1986 1985 -- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Cash: Cash and Investments Imprest cash and change funds Total Cash Taxes receivable -- unremitted Taxes receivable -- delinquent Less: Allowance for uncollectible taxes Accounts receivable: Unbilled services Other Due from other governmental units Prepaid insurance Total Assets LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued salaries and withholdings Deposits Due to other governmental units Deferred revenue Total Liabilities Fund Balance: Reserved for encumbrances Unreserved Designated for subsequent yearts Expenditures Undesignated Total Fund Balance -- Form B -1 Total Liabilities, and Fund Balance -34- $2,924,668 $2,645,844 1,140 1,240 -------- - - - - -- -------- $2,925,808 - - - - -- $2,647,084 481,435 12,222 53,140 51,764 (53,140) (51,764) 58,590 11,896 18,182 68,223 58,569 45,205 -------- - - - - -- -------- $3,542,584 - - - - -- $2,784,630 $233,440 $46,449 105,928 90,284 15,330 28,564 33,941 98 11,564 10,708 -------- - - - - -- -------- $400,203 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $176,103 - - - - -- $141,938 $ - - 231,627 3,000,443 2,376,900 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $3,142,381 $2,608,527 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $3,542,584 $2,784,630 ' Form B-1 GENERAL FUND ' STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1986 ' With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1985 1986 1985 ------------------------------ - - - - -- Variance ----- - - - - -- ' Revised Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual ' Revenues: Taxes ------------------------------ $1,391,616 $1,382,557 - - - - -- ($9,059) ----- - - - - -- $1,295,593 Licenses and permits 144,495 187,809 43,314 139,470 ' Fines and forefeitures 60,700 2,375,318 108,158 2,396,716 47,458 21,398 104,741 2,294,414 Inter3overnmental revenues Charles for current services 90,150 114,982 24,832 115,919 Miscellaneous 163,290 249,432 86,142 232,288 ' Refunded reimbursements 14,000- 7,370- ------------ (6,630) ----- ------ Total Revenues - - -- $4,239,569 - - - -- $4,447,024 $207,455 $4,190,757 ' Other Financing Sources: Operating Transfer To 370,335 ----- - - - - -- 365,894 ----- - - - - -- (4,441) ------ - - - - -- 244,867 ----- - - - - -- Total Revenues and Other Sources $4,609,904 ----- - - - - -- $4,812;918 ----- - - - - -- $203,014 ------ - - - - -- $4,435,624 ----- - - - - -- ' Expenditures: General government $955,630 $885,343 $70,287 $850,356 Public safety 1,911,162 1,885,654 25,508 1,799,231' Public works 922,519 630,925 291,594 705,051 ' Sanitation 7,511 4,932 2,579 4,097 Library 266,816 263,650 3,166 221,821 Parks 507,916 477,064 30,852 465,796 ' Other 85,870 10,813 75,057 11,352 Total Expenditures $4,657,424 $4,158,381 $499,043 $4,0579704 ' Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out 120,683 120,683 - - - - -- - ------ - - - - -- 382,163 ----- - - - - -- ' Total Expenditures and ----- - - - - -- ----- Other Uses $4,778,107 $4,279,064 - - - - -- $499,043 ------ - - - - -- $4,439,867 ----- - - - - -- Excess of revenues and other sources over ----- - - - - -- ($168,203) ----- $533,854 $702,057 ($4,243) (under) expenditures and ' other uses Fund balance at beginning of year 2,608,527 2,608,527 - 2,612,770 Fund balance at end of year $2,440,324 $3,142,381 $702,057 $2,608,527 ' -35- Forn B-2 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - BUDGET A14D ACTUAL Year Ended December 314 1986 Revised Variance Budget Actual Favorable Revenue Revenue (Unfavorable) General property taxes: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Current ad valorem $1,388,616 $1,357,255 ($31,361) Delinquent ad valorem - 15,494 15,494 Penalties and interest 3,000 9,808 6,808 Total ------ - - - - -- $1,391,616 ------ - - - - -- $1,382,557 ------ - - - - -- ($9,059) Licenses and permits: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Business retulatory licenses $62,395 $52,399 ($9,996) Mn- bu3iness licenses and permits 82,100 135,410 53,310 Total ---- -- - - - - -- $144,495 --- --- - -- - -- $187,809 ------ - - - - -- $43,314 Fine� and forefeiture3: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Court fides $60,000 $106,976 $46,976 Other 700 1,182 482 Total ------ - - - - -- $60,700 ------ - - - - -- $108,158 ------ - - - - -- $47,458 Revenue fron use of money and property: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------ Interest earnings -- Investwent Trust Fund $120,000 $189,733 $69,733 Rents 26,090 26,698 608 Total ------ - - - - -- $146,090 ------ - - - - -- $216,431 ------ - - - - -- $70,341 Revenue from other agencies: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Shared state taxes: Local government aid $1,733,733 $1,734,449 $716 Property tax relief (Homestead) 500,000 489,233 (10,767) Insurance premium tax 114,675 108,311 (6,364) Other 2,850 41,174 38,324 Anoka county: Street maintenance 18,060 18,060 - Federal aid: Civil defense reimbursement 6,000 5,489 (511) Total ------ - - - - -- $2,375,318 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $2,396,716 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $21,398 ------ - - - - -- -36- Form B -2 GENERAL FUND SCi1-DDULE OF REV :ENUES - BUDGET AND, ACTUAL (CONTI -JUED) Year Ended December 31, 1986 Revised Variance Bud -et Actual Favorable Revenue Revenue (Unfavorable) - - - -- - - - -- Ot..er revenue: Sale of land $10,000 $15,500 $5,500 rain sale equipuent - 7,350 7,350 _4i3-13 7,200 10,151 2,951 Total ___ ___ __ ____ $17,200 _ __ __ _ __ __ __ ------------ $33,001 $15,801 Charr,es for current services: ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- General - overni]ent $2,700 $5,075 $2,375 Public safety 51,750 52,894 1,144 Public works 7,800 26,491 18,691 Li *D rary 4,900 4,526 (374) Pan;rs 23,000 23,638 638 Refuse collection - - - Other - 2,358 2,358 Total - $90,150 ------ - - - - -- ------ $114,982 - - - - -- ------ $24,832 - - - - -- Refunds and rei iburse�jeiats: Construction labor rei:1burse .lent E,uinLient rental reimbursement Other reim-burse_Aents Total Total Revenue Other FinancinS Sources: Operatin- Transfers In Grand Total 9,000 3,094 (5,906) 5,000 4,276 (724) ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- - - -- $14,000 $7,370 ($6,630) - - --- ------ - - -- -- - ----- --- - -- $4,239,569 $4,447,024 $207,455 370,335 365,894 (4,441) ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $4,609,904 $4,812,918 $203,014 -37- GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1986 =-- .77;67. GO- (TERM- 1EITT: and Council: Personal services Oti,er services and charges Supplies Total City ia"a�er: Personal services Other services any cltar�,es Supplies Total Finance Clerk: Personal service Other services and charges Supplies Capital Outlay Total Elections: Personal services Other services and et r es Supplies Total Assessing: Personal services Other services and ci,arges Supplies Total Legal: Other services and charges Total Fora B -3 I 1986 --------------------------------------------------- Unencumbered Original Budget - (Overexpended) Budget (Revised) Expenditures Balance --------------------------------------------- - - - - -- $75,014 $75,902 $72,004 3,898 52,466 45,073 41,939 3,134 ,35 0 7,250 3,332 -------- 3,918 - - - - -- - - - - - -6 ----- $133,830 ----- - -2 -0- $128,225 ----- - - - - -- $117,275 $10,950 $115,035 `;124,152 6124,152 $ - 30,850 28,567 28,567 - 1,250 657 $9,096 - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $147,185 ----- - - - - -- $153,376 ----- - - -5?- -------- $153,376 $ - Fll� 209,840 220,867 215,572 5,295 61,302 53,908 33,444 20,464 3,780 5,100 5,022 78 ' 75,250 75,250 70,261 4,989 ------ - - - - -- --- $350,172 ----- ----- - - - - -- $355,125 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $324,299 ------ ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- $30,826- $1,300 $9,096 $9,096 $ 13,626 7,839 7,839 - ' 1,400 419 419 - ------ - - - - -- $16,326 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $17,354 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $17,354 $ ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- - - - - -- $31,545 $34,162 $34,162 $ 40,937 32,523 32,523 - 700 .700 100 600 ------ - - - - -- $73,282 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $67,385 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $66,785 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $600 - - - - -- $75,892 $91,408 $36,321 5,087 -- -- ------ - - - - -- $75,892 ----- - - - - -- $91,408 ----- - - - - -- -------- $86,321 - - $5,087 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- , -38- IGE11TERAL FUI4D Form B -3 I' SC7T7r) ALB OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET Add ACTUAL Year Ended Deceraber 31, .1986 1986 Unencumbered Original Bud -et (Overexpended) Budget (Revised) Expenditures Balance GE.rl =:nL GOVERIN ENT (continued). -------------------------------------------------- Plan_iin�: Personal services Ot�ier s- rvices and charges Su? )lies Total General Goverh_ient Duildin-3: Personal services Other services and char -es Supplies rideltCl �_���t -- Total TOTAL. G :i ?EF.E'_L G07EID'.rI777 PUBLIC SI TY: Police Protection: Per,,orjal services OtI?er services and char -es Supplies Cani tal Outlay Total Fire Protection: Personal services Other services sI)l charges Supplies Capital Outlay ' Total Protective Inspection: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Civil Defense: Personal services Other services and charl-es Supplies ' Total -39- 10,783 10,983 10,926 57 600 400 - 400 ----- - - - - -- - -- $11,383 ----- ----- - - - - -- x11,383 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $10,926 ----- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -- -$457- $23,030 x23,03'0 x21,332 1,698 134,402 83,893 76,661 7,232 10,250 12,520 11,014 1,506 11,932 11,932 - 11,932 $179,614 4.131 ,375 $109,007 $22,368 ----- - - - - -- x937,684 ----- - - - - -- $955,631 ----- - - - - -- -------- $885,343 - - - - -- $ 70,287 1,031,338 1,064,939 1,0649939 $ - 69,828 74,364 73,571 793 39,900 29,764 29,764 - $1,141,066 $1,169,067 $1,168,274 $793 505,053 533,800 528,323 5,477 48,611 44,202 38,781 5,421 18,048 18,047 13,380 4,667 ----- - - - - -- -- $571,712 - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $596,049 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $580,484 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $15,565 - - - - -- $99,477 $95,860 $93,058 2,802 9,034 12,956 12,956 - 1,455 -- 1,589 1,589 - ----- - - - - -- $109,966 - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $110,405 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $107,603 - - - ----- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- $2,802 -- 12,784 12,936 10,089 2,847 9,163 8,805 7,203 1,602 1,150 1,150 681 469 $23,097 ----- - - - - -- $22,891 ----- - - - - -- $17,973 ----- - - - - -- -------- $4,918 - - - - -- -39- GE HCRAL FUI0 Form B -3 SCIIEE ULE OF EXPE,DITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AID ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1986 1986 -------------------------------------------------- Unencumbered Original Budget (Overexpended) Budget (Revised) Expenditures Balance ----------------------------------- ----------------- SAFETY: (continued) Ani.:al Control: Otlier services and char es $7,000 $12,500 $11,080 1,420 St ?; 1 i es 250 250 240 10 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Total $7,250 412,750 ;11,320 $1,430 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- TOT'_ P� =L =C S_._ETY ;;1,853,091 $1,911,162 $1,885,654 $25,508 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- PUE,LTC ?0:5: Enl. neerin�: Person;al services Other services and charr;es Sulplies Ca�itai Outlav Total Street 1-Faintenance: Perso_i::l services Ot'ner services and charges Supplies Capital Outlay Total Sti -eat L i,- 'htin -: Personal services Other services and c}iar,es Total Traffic Si';nz� a_?�1 Si- -pals: Personal services Other services and ctiar--es Supplies Total Tree Tri*mling and Re-,,,oval: Personal services Other services and char -es Supplies Total TOTAL PUBLIC 1-IOR.K:S $156,906 $146,100 $7 ,880 67,220 20,099 40,088 39,208 880 16,550 12,425 7,256 5,169 - 102 102 - ----- - - - - -- $193,555 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $198,715 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------------- $125,446 ----- - - - - -- -------- $73,269 - - - - -- $197,319 $202,014 $176,587 25,427 90,065 102,133 82,778 19,355 45,850 47,100 36,023 11,077 120,650 120,650. 19,601 101,049 ----- - - - - -- $453,884 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $471,897 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $314,989 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $156,908 - - - - -- $1,005 $1,055 $509 546 75,000 73,500 70,282 3,218 ----- - - - - -- 47i5,005 ----- - - - - -- $74,555 ----- - - - - -- -------- $70,791 - - - - -- $3,764 422,503 420,358 $18,470 1,888 16,072 17,245 14,679 2,566 19,351 19,401 15,628 3,713 ----- - - - - -- �57,986 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- x57,004 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $48,777 ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $8,227 - - - - -- 421,060 $21,633 $9,744 11,889 72,055 97,890 60,963 36,927 825 825 215 610 ----- - - - - -- $93,940 ----- - - - - -- $120,348 ----- - - - - -- -------- $70,922 - - - - -- $49,426 ----- - - - - -- $875,370 ----- - - - - -- ----------- ----- - - - - -- $922,519 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- $630,925 ----- - - - - -- -------- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $291,594 - - - - -- - - - - -- -4o- ' Form B -3 GET? ERAL FUND SCLMULE OF EXP,_DITURES ( CONTINUED) BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1986 ' 1986 ' -------------------------------------------------- Original Budget Unencumbered (Overexpended) Budget -------------------------------------------------- Revised Expenditures Balance SAM T TTO?; neiuse Collection and Disposal: Personal services $ Other services and charges Supplies - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - ' Total ----- - - - - -- $ - ----- - - - - -- $ - ----- - - - - -- $ - -------- - - - - -- $ - ' Heed Control: ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Personal services $2,349 $2,481 $1,802 679 Other services and charzes 9,950 5,030 3,130 1,900 Total ----- - - - - -- $12,299 ----- - - - - -- $7,511 ----- - - - - -- $4,932 -------- - - - - -- $2,579 TOTAL C;L'771TTOTT ----- - - - - -- $12,299 ----- - - - - -- $7,511 ----- - - - - -- $4,932 -------- - - - - -- $2,579 Personal services $156,753 $170,482 $170,482 $ - Other services and charges 3 6,515 42,571 39,405 ' Supplies 52,993 53,763 53,763 -3,166 Total ----- - - - - -- $246,261 ----- - - - - -- $266,816 ----- - - - - -- $263,650 -------------- $3,166 IrT ?IIr.IPAL Ad.ginistration and Haintenance: Personal services $315,614 $306,394 $306,394 $ - Other services and char;es 122,335 139,635 134,186 5,449 Supplies 61,775 61,225 35,822 25,403 Capital Outlay - 662 662 - Tota.l $499,724 ----- - - - - -- $507,916 ----- - - - - -- $477,064 ----- - - - - -- $30,852 -------- - - - - -- -41- Form B -3 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AID. ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1986 1986 -------------------------------------------------- Unencuubered Ori -inal Budet (Overexpended Budget (Revised) Expenditures Balance -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Taxes and licenses $ - $377 $377 $ - Otner ?-,iscellaneous 184,150 85,493 10,436 75,057 - - - - -- Total Unallocated ----- - - - - -- $184,150 ----- - - - - -- $85,870 ------ - - - - -- ------- $10,813 $75,057 -- Total expenditures ----- - - - - -- $4,653,579 ----- - - - - -- $4,657,424 ------ - - - - -- ------- $4,158,381 - - - - $499,043 Other Financin.- Uses: Recreation $102,778 $102,778 $102,778 $ - PARA Transit Fund 10,000 11,155 11,155 - I.Iurzyn Hall 6,750 6,750 6,750 - refuse Fund - - - - -- ------- - - - - - -- Total Transfers ----- - - - - -- $119,528 ----- - - - - -- $120,683 ------ - - $120,683 $ - - - - - -- Grand Total ----- - - - - -- $4,778,107 ----- - - - - -- $4,778,107 ------ - - - - -- ------- $4,279,064 $499,043 -42- 1( HE C1TXX OF COLDM IA HEIGHTSo KINNESOTA '�NUALL tINA CIAL iEPJRT. EAR tNDED BECEMBER IjI9 SPECI.aL E E VEN't" E F UN D S Special sources Funds ih proceeds revenue sou or administrative regulation. The Revenue Sharing Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of general revenue sharing funds. The Paratransit Fund is established by agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to account for the receipt of state grants and rider feed /and expenditure�/for_comm_isslon r m — - - established by an ee ag ent between_ the City and I.D.S. #13 School Board. the Municipal State Aid Street Fund is maintained according to state statute for the maintenance and construction of streets On Municipal State-Aid System. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form C 43 -44 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures Form C -1 45 -46 and Changes in Fund Balance Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance: Form C -2 47- Revenue Sharing Fund Form C -3 48 Park Dedication Fees Recreation and Community Services Fund Form Paratransit Fund Form C -5 C•b 50 51 Municipal State Aid Street Fund Form C -7 51 Cable Television Fund r SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1985 -43- Park Recreation Revenue Dedication & Community Sharing Fee Services - - - - -- ASSETS --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- Cash and Investments $232,730 $ - $43,035 - - - - -- Total Cash and Investments --- - - - - -- $232,730 --- - - - - -- $ - --- $43,035 Accounts receivable - - 29,502 Due from other governmental units: Due from Federal- Revenue Sharing 1,812 - - Due from State of Minnesota - - ' - - - - -- Total Assets --- - - - - -- $234,542 --- - - - - -- $ - --- $729537 LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCE -------------------- Liabilities: Accounts payable $4,344 $ - $11,355 Accrued salaries payable - - 11,506 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. payable - - 690 Due to Other Funds Due to Other Government Units - - - --- - - - - -- Total Liabilities --- - - - - -- $4,344 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $ - --- - - - - -- $23,551 --- - - - - -- Fund Balance: Reserved for encumbrances $19,458 $ - $ - Unreserved: ,Designated for subsequent year's expenditures 210,740 - 10,000 Undesignated - - - - - - -- 38,986 --- - - - - -- Total Fund Balance --- - - - - -- $230,198 --- - - - - -- --- $ - --- - - - - -- $48,986 --- - - - - -- Total Liabilities, and Fund Balance $234,542 $ - $72,537 -43- Municipal State Cable Paratransit Aid Television Form C Totals (Memorandum Only) ------- - - - - -- -1 1986 985 ------------------ - - - - -- $8,687 $332,210 $123,693 $740,355 $476,023 --- - - - - -- $8,687 --- - - - - -- $332,210 --- - - - - -- $123,693 $740,355 $476,023 _ _ 24,764 54,266 23,760 _ _ 1,812 26,899 19999 - - 11999 507 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $10,686 --- - - - - -- $332,210 --- - - - - -- $148,457 --- - - - - -- $798,432 $527,189 $1,918 $906 $2,515 $21,038 $14,954 _ 140 - 11,646 4,776 _ _ _ 690 514 - 5,899 --- - - - - -- $1,918 --- - - - - -- $1,046 --- - - - - -- $2,515 --- - - - - -- $33,374 --- - - - - -- $26,143 $ _ $1,018 $ - $20,476 $ - - 330,146 61,800 612,685 123,713 89768 - 84',142 131,897 377,333 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $8,768 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $331,164 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $145,942 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $765,058 --- - - - - -- $501,046 --- - - - - -- $10,686 $332,210 $148,457 $798,432 $527,189 -44- SPLCI4L RF.jTIHUE FUNDS CO. 7777 " STATFiEI'IT OF REV7_!TTiES, EXPENDITURES AID CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended Deceriber 31, 1986 With Co__parative Totals for Year Ended Deceober 31, 1985 lievenueo : Reven;_?e fro _1 other aSencies: Federal St'-,:te of :ii nneoota Independent School District #13 I.,terest earninSs Fees Contributions Total Revenues Other Firlancin- Sources: Tra__sfers from other fun-,Is Total Revenues a_!! Other Sources Expen..iitures: Public Safety Street and en,ineerinS Li bar;;, Recreation General Govern).jent State -aid construction maintenance Para transit Cable Television i scellaneous Far•.;s Total Expenlitures Other Uses: Operatin„ Transfer Out Total Expenditures and other uses Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditues and other uses Fund balance at beSinninS of year Fund balance at end of year -45- ---------------------------------------- Recreation & Revenue Park Community Sharin's Dedication Services ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 469,207 $ - $8,727 - - 102,778 23,449 - - - - 176,929 4,162 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $92,656 $ - $292,596 102,778 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $92,656 $ - $395,374 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $107,502 $ — $ — 18,150 — — 17,390 - - - - 388,305 5,956 - - ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $148,998 - $388,305 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 1,313 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $148,998 $ - $389,618 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ($56,342) $ - $5,756 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $286,540 $ - $43,230 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $230,198 $ - $48,986 ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ---------- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 2 For; C -1 Municipal Totals State Cable (Memorandum Only) Paratransit Aid Television 1986 1985 ' --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $ - $ - $ - $77,934 $110,091 14, 778 286,769 301,547 33,754 ' _ 102,778 99,360 - - 10,277 33,726 47,567 50,921 236 173,197- =915- 4,16 --------- $23,843 --- - - - - -- $236,769 --- - - - - -- $61,198 -- $757,062 --- $463,969 11,155 - - 113,933 100,988 --- - - - - -- *23;6J69 --- - - - - -- $61,1?3- --- - - - - -- $870,995- ---- - - - - -- -- $564,957 ----- - - - - -- ' $ _ $ _ $ $107,502 $166,807 _ 18,150 149,957 - - - 17,390 4,386 388,305 322,315 1,2102 - 19,319 - 19,319 12,768 23,411 _ _ 23,011 16,757 i' _ _ 6,610 6,810 21,066 - - - 5,956 18,883 --- - - - - -- $23,011 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $19,319 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $6,810 --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $586,443 ---- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $614,231 ----- - - - - -- ' 3,219 - 16,008 20,540 106,257 ----- - - - - -- ' --- - - - - -- $26,230 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $19,319 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $22,818 --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $606,983 ---- - - - - -- $720,1488 ----- - - - - -- ' $8,768 $267,450 $38,380 $264,012 ($155,531) ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $ - --- - - - - -- $63,714 --- - - - - -- $107,562 ---- - - - - -- $501,046 - $656,577 ==--- - - - - -- +� --- - - - - -- $8,768 --- - - - - -- $331,164 --- - - - - -- $145,942 ---- - - - -- $765,058 $501,046 1 -46- 2 REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 319 1986 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 319 1985 Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: Federal Revenue Sharing Revenue from use of money and propert Interest earnings - investment Trust Fund Total Revenue Expenditures: Capital Outlay: Public Safety Street and Engineering Library General Government Parks Other: Public Safety Street and Engineering General Government Library Total Expenditures Other Uses: Operating Transfer Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year Form C-2 Y 25,000 23,449 ( 19551) 38,667 ---- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- $107,644 $92,656 ($149988) $148,758 $122 $1 ,050 108,150 (16,18 $1 00) 45,465 21,000 179390 39610 19981 7,985 - 79985 392 43,475 59956 37.519 18,883 _ 6,703 (6,703) 29121 _ - _ 41492 900 29405 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - ----- - $203,202 $148,998 $54,204 $241,326 ---- - - ---- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- _ 589500 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - ------ ---- - - - - -- $203,202 $148,998 $54,204 $2999826 ---- - - - - -- ---------- -- ---- -- -- ---- - - - - -- ($95,558) ($56,342) $39,216 4151,068) 286,540 286,540 — 437,608 -- $190,982 $230,198 $39,216 $2869540 -47- 1986 ---------------------------------------------- Variance Favorable 1 1985 Budget A Actual ( (Unfavorable) A Actual $82,644 $ $69,207 ( ($13,437) $ $110091 ($95,558) ($56,342) $39,216 4151,068) 286,540 286,540 — 437,608 -- $190,982 $230,198 $39,216 $2869540 -47- r Form C -3 ' PARK DEDICATION FEES STATEISENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CRA14GES IN FUND BALANCE ' Year Ended December With Comparative Amounts for Year 31, 1986 Ended December 31, 1985 ' - ----- --------------- -1986- -------- Variance Favorable 1985 - Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ------ - - - - -- Actual --- - - - - -- Revenues: Revenue from use of money and property ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- Interest earnings - Investment _ $ _ $ _ $ Trust Fund $ _ _ --------- ' Expenditures: _ $ _ $ _ $25,529 Transfer to General Fund ___ _________ ------ -- ' Excess of Revenue over _ _ $ _ ($259529) (under) Expenditures _ 25,529 Fund balance at beginning of year _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ - _ __ ------ ' Fund balance at end of year_______________ -48- RECREATION AMID ME.H IITY SERVICES FUND STAT74EPT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES III FUI1D BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Actual Haunts for Year Ended December 31, 1985 navenues: Revenue from other a encies: Inaependent School District 113 Fees i•e'eral Grant Contributions Total Revenues Other FinancinZ Sources: Op eratin, Transfers In Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures: Personal services Other services and charSes Supplies Capital Outlay Transfers Unallocated ContinScneies Other expenses: Early Childhood Education Spacial Projects Beach proora_:: Travel_in teams Adult Athletics Trips & Outin,s Senior Citizens Pre School Adaptive Prooraw !'after School Pro6rams Youth Athletics Neighborhood Centers Adult Education Continuin3 Education Fine Arts Latch Key Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues and Other over (under) Expenditures Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year Form C -4 I _43,230 - 45,563 , ----- - - - - -- -------- ------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $ - $48,986 $12,755 $43,230 -49- 1986 Variance Favorable 1985 Bud3et ----- - - - - -- Actual --- - - - - -- (Unfavorable) ------- - - - - -- Actual --- - - - - -- ' $102,778 $1D2,773 $ - $99,360 147,015 176,929 29,914 121,262 ' - 8,727 8,727 - - ----- - - - - -- 4,162 --- - - - - -- 4,162 ------- - - - - -- - --- - - - - -- ' $249,793 $292,596 $42,803 $220,622 102,778 - -- - 102,778 - 99,360 - - ' $352,571 $395,374 $42,803 $319,982 ----- - - - - -- --------- ------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- , $139,465 $147,269 ($7,804) $148,942 29,537 26,473 3,064 26,769 3,870 4,361 (491) 3,431 , 4,000 4,014 (14) 3,184 - 1,313 (1,313) - 5,200 - 5,200 - ' 46,100 53,947 (7,847) 18,137 12,050 11,174 876 13,452 7,184 8,981 (1,797) 8,708 ' 13,992 12,969 1,023 12,582 14,198 12,920 1,278 11,142 14,250 17,022 (2,772) 19,546 1,400 8,795 (7,395) 1,015 , 10,081 10,646 (565) 8,169 1,342 2,214 (872) 1,713 6,856 3,386 3,470 5,574 ' 20,949 17,932 3,017 16,826 7,000 7,167 (167) 5,076 15,533 20,448 (4,915) 14,355 ' 6,009 5,915 94 3,453 554 677 (123) 241 - 11,995 (11,995) - ' $359,570 $389,618 ($30,048) $322,315 ----- - - - - -- ($6,999) --- - - - - -- $5,756 ------- - - - - -- ' $12,755 --- - - - - -- ($2,333) ' _43,230 - 45,563 , ----- - - - - -- -------- ------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $ - $48,986 $12,755 $43,230 -49- Form C -5 PARATRAI ?SIT FUND ST1T ILIT OF REVENUES, �PEIDITURES AID CT .1 111T�T7S IN FUND BALAI ?CE Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Actual ADounts for Year Ended December 31, 1985 Revenues: Revenue fro-, other a„encies State gr =nt Paratransit fares Total Revenues Other Financin- Sources: Operating Transfer In Total ?venues and Other Sources Expenditures: Personal services Other serv-ices and clear es Total - a_penditures Other Financial Uses: Operating Transfers Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures $ Fund balance at beginning of year - - - Fund balance at end of year $ - $8,768 $8,768 10,000 1986 1,155 1,628 ------------------------------ $34,998 Variance $24,197 Favorable 1985 Budget --- - - - - -- Actual --- - -- - -- (Unfavorable) -- -- - - - - -- Actual -- -- - - - - -- $19,719 $14,778 ($4,941) $16,474 3,146 9,065 5,919 6,095- --------- $22,8065 --- - - - - -- $23,843 ---- - - - - -- $978 ---- $22,569 Expenditures: Personal services Other serv-ices and clear es Total - a_penditures Other Financial Uses: Operating Transfers Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures $ Fund balance at beginning of year - - - Fund balance at end of year $ - $8,768 $8,768 10,000 11,155 1,155 1,628 $32,865 $34,998 $2,133 $24,197 28,850 23,011 - 16,757 $28,850 -- - - - - -- $23,011 --- - - - - -- $5,839 ---- - - - - -- $16,757 ---- - - - - -- 4,015 -- - - - - -- 3,219 --- - - - - -- 796 ---- - - - - -- 7,440 ---- - - - - -- $32,865 -- - - - - -- $26,230 --- - - - - -- $6,635 ---- - - - - -- $24,197 ---- - - - - -- - $8,768 $8,768 $ - -50- Form C -6 MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Actual Amounts.for Year Ended December 31, 1985 1986 ------ - - - - -- Variance Favorable 1985 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- State of Minnesota: Gasoline tax apportionment - maintenance construction Total Revenue Expenditures: Maintenance costs Construction Other Financial Uses: Operating Transfers Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year r $179280 $17,280 $ - $179280 ' 375,000 269,489 (105,511) - -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- #392,280 --- - - - --- --- -- - - -- $286,769 --- - - - - -- ---- - - - ($1059511) ---- - - - - -- $179280 ---- - - - - -- , $17,280 $179280 (2039) 2,931 375,000 - 375,000 - --- -- - - -- --- ---- -- ---------- ---- ---_ -- $392,280 $199319 $372,961 $12,768 - $267,450 $267,450 $4,512 - - �- - - �14- - - - - -_ - -- - -- 63 71u 63 'T 59,202 $63,714 #331,164 $267,450 $63,714 I � I � I I -51- 1 CABLE TELEVISION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1985 1986 --------------------- - - - - -- Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: ' Franchise fees Revenue from use of money and property ' Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund Total Revenue 1xpenditures: Personal services 'Other services and charges Supplies Capital Outlay ' Total Expenditures Other Financial Uses: ' Operating Transfers Out Total Expenditures and Other Uses ' Excess of Revenue over (under) Expenditures fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year 1 Form C -7 Variance Favorable 1985 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $45,500 $50,921 $5,421 $45,840 5,000 10,277 5,277 8,900 --- - - - - -- $50,500 --- - - - - -- $61,198 --- - - - - -- $10,698 ---- - - - - -- $54,740 $ - $350 ($350) $ - 17,050 3,500 130550 9,091 1,600 930 670 536 40,650 2,030 38,620 11,439 $59,300 --- - - - - -- $6,810 --- - - - - -- $52,490 --- - - - - -- $21,066 ---- - - - - -- 12,506 16,008 (3,502) 14,788 --- - - - - -- $71,806 --- - - - - -- $22,818 --- - - - - -- $48,988 ---- - - - - -- $35,854 ($21,306) $38,380 $59,686 $18,886 107,562 107,562 - 88,676 --- - - - - -- $86,256 --- - - - - -- $145,942 --- - - - - -- $59,686 ---- - - - - -- $107,562 -52- HE CITX OF COLUM, IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NN A t I NA 'C I AL KEPJRT EAR iN:ED �ECEMBER S1, 198E DEBT SEHICE FUNDS Debt Service Funds are used to account for the collection of Tax levies and other revenues and to record the payment of principal and interest on outstanding General Obligation Bonds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Form D 53-5+ Form D -1 55 -56 I DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 319 1985 ASSETS Cash and investments Cash Deposited with fiscal agents Investments, at cost Taxes receivable- unremitted Taxes receivable- delinquent Less: Allowance for uncollectable taxes Due from Other Governmental Units Total Assets FUND BALANCE Fund balance - reserved for debt service -- Form D -1 -53- Tax Increment Tax Increment Bonds of Bonds of 1980 1984 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $2,003,909 5,780 - 67,574 (67,574) - ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $2,009,689 $ - $2,009,689 $ - Form D Totals Tax Increment (Memorandum Only) Bonds of --------------- 1985 1986 1985 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $2,003,909 $ 5,780 - - 2,041,805 - 13 , 453 67,574 84,949 (67,574) (84,949) 13,319 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $ - $2,009,689 $2,068,577 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- --------- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $ - $2,009,689 $2,068,577 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- --------- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -54- DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1985 Tax Increment Tax Increment Bonds of Bonds of 1980 1984 Revenues: General property taxes: Collected by• county $875,653 $ - Current ad valorem Delinquent ad valorem 17+222 - Penalties & interest - - Revenue from other sources: Property tax relief (Homestead) 99,948 - Sale of land 8,826 - Interest earnings: 145,818 - Investment Trust Fund Other Interest - - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- Total Revenues ----- - $1+147,467 $ - Other Financing Sources: Transfers from: Downtown Development - 178,115 Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 - Total Revenues and Other Sources $1,147,467 $178,115 Expenditures: $140,000 $90,000 Bonds r,�atured 659+970 87,815 Interest on bonds 527 300 Fiscal agent charges - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Total Expenditures ----- - $800,497 $178+115 Other Uses: Transfers to Other Funds 405,858 --- - Total Expenditures and Other Uses $1,206,355 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures Fund balance at beginning of year 2,068,577 Fund balance at end of year $2,009,689 2-Mil $178,115 u irk 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Form D -1 Totals Tax Increment (Memorandum Only) Bonds of --------------- -- 1985 1986 1985 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $ - $875,653 $884,758 - 17,222 172,241 - - 1 - 99,948 87,738 - 8,826 23,320 - 145,818 35,190 - - 82 $ - $1,147,467 $1,203,330 - - 1 ,183,497 227,244 405,359 107,514 $227,244 --- - - - - -- $1,552,826 ------- - - - - -- $2,494,341 ----- - - - - -- $50,000 $280,000 $ - 175,222 923,007 785,394 2,022 2,849 918 $227,244 $1,205,856 $786,312 405,858 238,576 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $227,244 $1,611,714 $1,0.24,888 ( 158,888) .1 ,469,453 2,068,577 599,124 $ - $2,009,689 $2,068,577 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --------- ------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -56- HE C1TX OR COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA t1NA�j'CIAL EP RT EAR iNDED 1JECEMBER L 1986 CAPITAL PROJECT FINDS Capital Project Funds are maintained to account for the construction of major capital facilities. Project appli- cations are a combination of several revenue sources, such as municipal state -aid streets, special assessments, sewer utility fund, other governmental units, State and Federal Grants, etc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form E 57 -55 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures Form E-1 59 -6o and Changes in Fund Balances CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1985 ASSETS Cash and Investments Accounts receivable Accrued interest Due from other government units Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities: Accounts payable Contracts payable- retained % Due to other government units Accrued salaries payable Total Liabilities Fund balance: Reserved Unreserved Designated for subsequent year's expenditures Undesignated Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance -57- Capital Capital Improvement Improvement Fund 301 Fund 308 $5,932 ($217,962) - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $5,932 ($217,962) - - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------- ------ - - - - -- $ — $10,936 16,891 903 ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $ - $28,730 ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $ - ($246,692) 5,932 ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $5,932 ($246,692) ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $5,932 ($217,962) ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ---------- ------ - - - - -- Form E ' Totals Murzyn Hall Sullivan Downtown Land Columbia Pk (Memorandum Only) ' Renovation Fund 309 Lake Fund 807 Acquisition Fund 312 Clinic Fund 314 ----------------- --------- -------------- M - -- ' $45,198 $18,910 $95,845 $124,015 $71,938 $2,527,716 ' - -- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ---- -- - - 1 8 $45,198 $18,910 $95,845 $124,015 $7 ,93 $2,527,716 $9,204 $ - $ - $36,413 $56,553 $222,160 88,883 - - - ,774 _ _ - 166,300 903 851 ' - $98,087 --- - - - - -- $ ---------- ----- - -- - -- ----------- ----- - - - - -- -----6-- 4 -- -$36,4 13- ----- - - - - -- -- $163,230$406_220_ -- - - - --- - -- $(52,884) $18,910 84 $95,845 $ _ ($184,825) $487,773 _ 18,910 $87,602 93,533 1,614,813 ' ($52,889) ----------- $18,910 - -- $95,845 $87_602- -------- ($91,292) $2,121,496- --- - - - - -- $45,198 ----- - - - - -- $18,910 ----- - - - - -- $95,845 - -- $124,015 $71,938 $2,527,716 -58- CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1985 Capital Capital Improvement Improvement Fund 301 Fund 308 Revenues: Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund $ - $ - Other Financing Sources: Operating Transfers In 5,932 2,086 Other Reimbursements - 145 Proceeds from sale of bonds - - Contributions - - - - - - -- Total Revenues and Other Sources ----- - - - - -- $5,932 ----- - - - - -- ----- $2,231 ----- - - - - -- Expenditures: Construction contracts $ - $324,001 Other project expenditures - 95,201 Bond issue expense - - ----- - - - - -- Total Expenditures ----- - - - - -- $ - $419,202 Other Financing Uses: Operating Transfers Out - - - -- - ----- - - - - -- Total Expenditures and Other Uses ----- - - $ - $419,202 - - -- Excess of Revenues and Other Sources ----- - - - - -- $5,932 ----- - - ($416,971) over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund balance at beginning of year - 170,279 - - - - -- Fund balance at end of year ----- - - - - -- $5,932 ----- ($246,692) -59- Form E-1 Totals ' - Sul 'IJ N, a CO I 7. ---------------- 7unc'l 7, 1 ij 2,1 3 1 -------------- 19 --------------------------- 1985 "91,762 $97,342 $138,830 1 '7 1i15 26 -j4,7'1 ' _ ... _. Y _ 2,121,611 7,55_ ------------- ------------ 5, 1 -r , 7G 2 ----------- *23,414,70-3, ------------ ------------ ----------- ' .,�- — :',-13s':) P,5371,347 -tl 021 717 _ 74,74() 39,93L. -- ------------ -, -- 694,5 ----------- ��! 13' '17 35,000 1,18--,---,496 7 0 '1 ------ -- *2,319,943 7! 7 ----------- ------------- rj -------- ----------- $1,094,840- ' �" - 1 g ?I� 5- ;? 1 )t!t_, ;�') 1 495 1 , 020 6 5 6 ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------ "'P 7 6 0 2 ------------- 292) ------------ .2, 121 4 96 -60- HE CITXX OF COLUM 1A HEIGHTS, MiINNESOTA hKUA t 1 hA r'C I AL KEPQQRT EAR �hDED 1JECEMBER L, 1986 SPECIR ASSESSME. T FUNDS The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to advance to local improvement funds the cost of improvements for which assessments are to be levied. Special Assessment Bonds are established according to Chapter 8 of the home rule charter and Minnesota Statutes', Chapter 429. They are used to record the proceeds of bonds used to construct public improvements which, in turn, are fully or partially assessed against individual benefited properties. TABLE OF CO11TENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form F 61 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Form F -1 62 Combining Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Form F -2 63 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1985 ASSETS Cash, and Investments Accounts receivable Special assessr:,ents receivable UnreL,itted Delinquent Deferred = _ ?.lowance for delA nquent assessments Due frog Other Gov't Units Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND. BALANCE ------------------------------- Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll Contracts payable Deposits Bonds payable Deferred revenue Total liabilities Fund Balance (deficit) Unreserved - Undesignated Total liabilities and fund balance Form F Permanent Permanent Totals Improvement Improvement (Memorandum Only) Revolving Revolving ----------------- Fund Bond Fund 1986 1985 ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------------ - - - - -- $1,684,871 $ - $1,684,871 $2,085,283 68,304 - 68,304 3,769 110,886 - 110,886 135,031 697,064 - 697,064 640,691 (110,886) - (110,886) (135,031) 144,631 - 144,631 - ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - $2,594,870 $ - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $2,594,870 $2,729,743 21 $ - $21 $ - 1,151 - 1,151 1,720 31,958 - 31,958 - 8,511 - 8,511 8,511 - 2,390,000 2,390,000 2,460,000 697,064 - 697,064 640,691 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $738,705 ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $2,390,000 $3,128,705 ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- $3,110,922 ----- - - - - -- ;1,856,165 ----- - - - - -- ($2,390,000) ($533,835) ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ($381,179) ----- - - - - -- $2,594,870 $ - $2,594,870 $2,729,743 -61- 1 1 1 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1985 -62- Form F -1 Permanent Permanent Totals Improvement (Memorandum Only) Revolving Fund Revenues: 1986 Special assessments $408,239 Interest earnin;s $238,612 Administration charges on project 80 Miscellaneous 200,845 Total Revenues $847,776 Other Financing Sources: 200,845 Operating Transfers In: ------ - - - - -- $ - Permanent Improvement ------------ $604,117 Revolving Fund 440,284 Total Revenues and Other Sources $1,288,050 Expenditures: Capital project expenditures: Construction contracts $ - Other project costs 761,645 Administration costs - Interest on bonds - Fiscal agent charges - Bond issue costs - Total Expenditures $761,645 Other Financing Uses: ------ - - - - -- Operating Transfers Out $56,561 Transfer to Permanent Improv- ement Revolving Bond Fund 667,624 Total Expenditures and other---------- -- Uses $1,485,830 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expend- itures and other Uses ($197,770) -62- Form F -1 Permanent Totals Improvement (Memorandum Only) Revolving--------------- - -- Bond Fund 1986 1985 $ - $408,239 $361,248 - 238,612 213,681 - 80 6,287 - 200,845 22,901 ------ - - - - -- $ - ------------ $347,776 ------------ $604,117 227,340 667,624 438,978 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $227,340 $1,515,400 $1,043,095 $ - $ - $ - 761,645 47,321 822 179,797 179,797 352,692 2,429 '2,429 699 - - 73,553 $182,226 $943,871 $475,087 ------------ ------------ ------------ $ - $56,561 56,438 $667,624 438,978 $182,226 $1,668,056 $970,503 $45,114 ($152,656) $72,592 Form F -2 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS CO11BINING STATEIENT OF CHANGES IN FU14D BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1985 Permanent Improvement Revolvin;; Fund Fund balance at be; inning ----- - - - - -- of year as originally reported $2,053,935 Permanent Totals Improvement (Memorandum Only) Revolving ---------- - -- - -8 Bond Fund 1986 1985 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ($2,435,114) ($3819'179) (4453,771) Excess of Revenues an? other sources over (under) i..... � Expenditures and other uses 09 ,770) ------------ ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- Fund Balance at end of year $1,856,165 ($2,390,000) ($533,835) ($381,179) -63- 0 HE CITX OF COLUMN IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA tINA CIAL KEPORT iNDEDBECEMBER EAR 51,1986 ENTERPRISE FUNDS The Authority for these types of funds is derived from Section 69 (b) of the City Charter Which allows for utility or other public service enterprise funds. Enterprise fund operations are financed solely by user charges. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form G 64 -67 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Form G -1 68 -69 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -2 70 -71 Municipal Liquor Fund: Balance Sheet Form H 72 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Form H -1 73-74 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form H -2 75 Schedule of Revenues - Off Sale Form H -3 76 -77 Schedule of Operating Expenses Form H -4 78 -79 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form H -5 80 -81 Water Utility Fund: 82 Balance Sheet Form 1 Statement of Changes in Fund Equity Form 1 -1 83 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form 1 -2 84 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form 1 -3 85 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form 1 -4 86 -87 Sewer Utility Fund: 88 Balance Sheet Form J Statement of Changes in Fund Equity Form J -1 89 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form J -2 90 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form J -3 91 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form J -4 92 -93 Refuse Utility Fund: Balance Sheet Form K 94 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form K-1 95 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form K -2 96 ENTERPRISE FUNDS - COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1985 Enterprise --------------------------------------- Water Sewer Liquor Utility Utilty Fund Fund Fund ASSETS-- - Current Assets: Cash & Investments Receivables (net of allowances for uncollectables): Accounts receivable Unbilled accounts receivable Special assessments receivable Due from other governmental units Inventories, at cost Total Current Assets Deferred Receivables: Accounts receivable Contracts receivable Total Deferred Receivables Property and Equipment: Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Office furniture and equipment Machinery and equipment Total Less: Accumulated depreciation Net Property and Equipment.. Total Assets $805,261 $580,155 $1,765,098 1,060 36,720 35,254 116,435 126,849 - - 47,751 409,160 3,039 - $1,215,481 ----- - - - - -- $736,349 ------- - - - - -- $1,974,952 ------ - - - - -- - - 253,972 - ----- - - - - -- - ------- - - - - -- 253,972 ------ - - - - -- $7,125 $45,223 $36,586 80,613 212,924 26,245 103,859 2,229,619 2,475,155 24,522 148,486 124,677 193,537 ----- - - - - -- $364,605 ------- - - - - -- $2,612,443 ------ - - - - -- $2,731,523 124,090 1,200,321 1,368,920 ----- - - - - -- $240,515 ------- - - - - -- $1,412,122 ------ - - - - -- $1,362,603 ----- - - - - -- $1,455,996 ------- - - - - -- $2,148,471 ------ - - - - -- $3,591,527 -64- Form G Totals --------------------------------------- Refuse (Memorandum Only) Utility Fund 1986 1985 ($48,353) $3,102,161 $2,715,571 27,752 100,786 105,001 99,854 343,138 341,292 - 47,751 86,016 - 412,199 405,889 $79,253 ------ - - - - -- $4,006,035 ------ - - - - -- $3,653,769 ------- - - - - -- - - 23,819 - 253,972 247,628 - ------ - - - - -- 253,972 ------ - - - - -- 271,447 ------- - - - - -- - $88,934 $88,934 - 319,782 319,782 - 4,808,633 4,803,933 - 24,522 23,404 - 466,700 467,571 ------ - - - - -- $ - ------ - - - - -- $5,708,571 ------- - - - - -- $5,703,624 - 2,693,331 2,548,730 ------ - - - - -- $ - ------ - - - - -- $3,015,240 ------- - - - - -- $3,154,894 ------ - - - - -- $79,253 ------ - - - - -- ------------ ------ - - - - -- $7,275,247 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $7,080,110 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- -65- �n: ENTERPRISE FUNDS - COMBINING BALANCE SHEET (CONTINUED) December 31, 1986 Enterprise ----------------------------------- Water Sewer Liquor Utility Utilty Fund Fund Fund ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- LIABILITIES AnD FUND EQUITY ------------------------------ Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $203,212 $45,749 $31,077 Accrued Salaries Payable 16,961 17,237 11,236 Accrued FICA /PERA Payable 634 - - Due to other governmental unit YF, 476 1,145 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Total Current Liabilities $221,283 $64,131 $42,313 Fund Equity: Contributions $ - $1,014,572 $940,682 Retained earnings 1,234,713 1,069,768 2,608,532 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Total Fund Equity $1,234,713 $2,084,340 $3,549,214 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- otal Liabilities and Fund Equity $1,455,996 $2,148,471 $3,591,527 .. ' Form G Totals ------------------------------------ Refuse (Memorandum Only) Utility Fund 1986 1985 ' --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $11,438 $291,476 $177,118 294 45,728 634 44,912 1,635 - 1,621 45,000 ' --- - - - - -- $11,732 ----- - - - - -- $339,459 ----- - - - - -- $268,665 ' --- - - - - -- ----- - - -- -- ----- - - - - -- $ - $1,955,254 $2,020,483 ' 67,521 4,980,534 4,790,962 $67,521 --- - - - - -- $6,935,788 ----- - - - - -- $6,811,445 ----- - - - - -- $79,253 --- - - - - -- ---------- ~7,275,247 ----- - - - - -- ------ --- - -- $7,080,110 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ' -67- ENTERPRISE FUNDS COADINED STATE14ENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN . RETAIND EARNINGS Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1985 Liquor OPERATING REVENUES: ------ - - - - -- Sales $3,526,168 Cost of sales 2,879,282 Gross Profit $646,886 OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services $213,399 Other services and char3es 182,907 Supplies 10,456 Source of supple /disposal charges - Total $406,762 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION $240,124 DEPRECIATION 26,617 OPERATING INCOHE (LOSS) $213,507 NOM - OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest income $105,957 Interest expense - Other income (expense) - net 950 Total $106,907 Income before transfers $320,414 OperatinZ Transfers Out 579,494 Net Income (259,080) TRANSFER DEPRECIATION ON CONTRIBUTED ASSETS -. Income Transferred to Retained Earnings ($259,080) RETAINED EARL ?INGS BEGINNING OF YEAR $1,493,793 RETAINED EARIIIIIGS, END OF YEAR $1,234,713 .: Form G -1 Totals (Memorandum Only) --------------- Water Seger Refuse 1986 1985 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------ $775,227 $808,483 $519,348 $5,629,226 $4,892,561 - - - 2,879,282 2,448,034 - - - - -- ------------ ---- - - - - -- - - - - - -- $775,227 $808,483 $519,348 $2,749,944 $2,444,527 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $130,759 $99,662 $1,066 $444,886 $415,078 62,271 48,918 18,264 312,360 312,813 25,773 17,894 9,358 63,481 48,377 502,422 397,727 416,930 1,317,079 1,198,722 ------ - - - - -- 4,721,225 ------ - - - - -- $564,201 ---- - - - - -- $445,618 ------ - - - - -- $2,137,806 ------ - - - - -- $1,974,990 ------ - - - - -- $54,002 ------ - - - - -- $244,282 -- $73,730 $612,138 $469,537 51,157 69,226 - 000 147,000 145 700 - $2,845 $175,056 $73,730 $465,138 ------ -- - -- $323,837 $44,597 $158,198 $ - $308,752 $294,832 314 - 1,005 2,269 $34,588 ------ - - - - -- $44,911 ------ - - - - -- $158,198 ---- - - - - -- $1,005 ------ - - - - -- $311,021 ------ - - - - -- $329,420 ------ - - - - -- $47,756 ------ - - - - -- $333,254 ---- - - - - -- $74,735 ------------ $776,159 ------------ $653,257 21,901 20,575 29,846 651,816 560,672 25,855 312,670, 44,889 124,343 92,585 26,294 38,935 - 65,229 65,229 ------ - - - - -- $52,149 ------ - - - - -- $351,614 ---- - - - - -- $44,889 ------ - - - - -- $1891572 ------ - - - - -- $157,814 - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $1,017,619 ------ - - - - -- $2,256,918 ---- - - - - -- $22,632 ------ - - - - -- $4,790,962 ------ $4,633,148 ------ - - - - -- $1,069,70-8 ------ - - - - -- $2,608,532 ---- - - - - -- $67,521 ------------ $4,980,534 ------------ $4,790,962 .• ENTERPRISE FUNDS - COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Year Ended December 31, 1986 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1985 SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Operations: Net Income Items not requiring (providing) working capital Depreciation Working Capital Provided by Operations Decrease in long term contract receivable Decrease in deferred receivable- reserve capacity Total Sources of Working Capital USES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Additions to property and equipment -net INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL ELEMENTS OF NET INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL Cash Accounts receivable Inventory Accounts payable Due to other funds Due from/to other government units Accrued liabilities Net increase (Decrease) in Working Capital -70- Liquor ($259,080) 26,617 -------- - - - - -- ($232,463) -------- - - - - -- ($232,463) 5,818 ($238,281) ($206,363) 486 .6,309 (79,617) 40,904 -------- - - - - -- ($238,281) 1 1 1 1 1 1 For�:� G -2 Totals (7lernorandur;a -Only ) at =r -------- - - - - -- Sewer -------- - - - - -- Refuse -------- - - - - -- 1986 -------- - - - - -- -------------- 1935 ;.25,35,5 V312,�,7� $1!- Rpm "124,343 $92,585 144,601 141,918 ------ 77,,�1�- - - - -- :37;,507- ------ ���l,83,- ��68'44� � �34'I1Jo - 12,367 - 12,367 11,8,1 - 5,10" - 5,103 2,091 77,'� 11 -------- - - - - -- ;396,982- -------- - - - - -- -- - --- "1 j.y1,'- -------- - - - - -- --- - - {-�� jh1g - -------- - - - - -- -------- - - -- ;248,435 - - - - -- (1,455) - 4,?47 204,433 r7n,tt„ r3 a,; ,t 3? !U111 $281,472 $4, +,O52 4F8,514 Y� $35,912 $336,590 ( 163,31n) (17,551) R-5,7) 24,157 (36,765) 72,292 2,`2' - (26,5 7) (11,311) (11�,3��) -1- 147,11, - - - - (T�) - - (3,86 ) (3,869) 3,861) 2,n�)7 327 - 43,858 (21,031) -------- - - - - -- 7 7 -------- - - - - -- r39 ,4 7 -------- - - - - -- '1339 -------- - - - - -- -------- fi281,472 - - - - -- ;4 ,052 -71- Form H ' MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 1985 ASSETS -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ' Current Assets: Cash: Cash & Investments $800,761 $1,005,124 ' Imprest cash and change funds 6,500 - Total Cash - - - - -- -4,500 - - - -- $805,261 -------- - - - - -- $1,011,624 ' Accounts receivable 1,060 574 Merchandise inventory, at cost 409,160 402,851 ' -------- Total Current Assets - - - - -- $1,215,481 -------- - - - - -- $1,415,049 -------- Property and Equipment: - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ' Land $7,125 $7,125 Buildings 80,613 80,613 Improvements other than buildings 103,859 99,159 Office furniture and equipment 24,522 23,404 ' Store equipment 148,486 148,486 -------- Total - - - - -- $364,605 -------- - - - - -- $358,787 ' Less: Accumulated depreciation 124,090 97,473 -------- ' Net Property and Equipment -- Form H -5 - - - - -- $240,515 -------- - - - - -- $261,314 -------- Total Assets - - - - -- $1,455,996 - - - -- - - - -- $1,676,363 ' LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS -------------------------------- Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $203,212 $123,595 Accrued salaries payable 16,961 14,547 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. payable 634 573 ' Due to other governmental units 476 43,855 - Total Current Liabilities -- - - - - -- -- $221,283 - - - - - -- $182,570 ' -------- Retained Earnings -- Unreserved Form H -1 - - - - -- $1,234,713 -------- - - - - -- $1,493,793 -------- Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings - - - - -- $1,455,996 -------- - - - - -- $1,676,363 _7 2_ MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS COMBINED ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 Totals All Stores --------------- -- 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Sales $3,526,168 $2,931,417 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit on Sales Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales Less: Operating Expense -- Form H -4 Operating Income before Depreciation Less: Depreciation -- From H -5 Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings - Trust Fund Machine commissions Other income Cash short Other expense Total Net income before transfers Operating Transfers Out Net Income Retained Earnings at begginning of year Retained earnings at end of year $402,851 2,885,591 -------- - - - - -- $3,288,442 409,160 -------- - - - - -- $2,879,282 $646,886 18.35% -------- - - - - -- -------------- $406,762 -------- - - - - -- $240,124 26,617 $213,507 $105,957 1,722 2,181 (2,953) $106,907 320,414 579,494 ($259,080) 1,493,793 -------- - - - - -- $1,234,713 -71- $397,737 2,453,148 -------- - - - - -- $2,850,885 402,851 -------- - - - - -- $2,448,034 $483,383 16.49% -------- - - - - -- -------------- $370,113 -------- - - - - -- $113,270 26,377 $86,893 -------- - - - - -- $129,639 1,560 1,499 (2,680) (2,382) $127,636 214,529 482,727 (268,198) 1,761,991 -------- - - - - -- 1,493,793 -------- - - - - -- C 0 Form H -1 STORE NO. 1 STORE NO. 2 STORE NO. 3 1986 1985 1986 1985 1986 1985 ------- - - - - -- -- $2,520,351 - ------- - - - - -- ------- $2,024,083 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- $436,313 - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- $392,399 - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- $569,504 - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $514,935 - - - - -- $287,897 $250,955 $47,326 $62,606 $67,628 $84,176 2,084,405 1,747,994 352,079 305,933 449,107 399,221 ------- - - - - -- $2,372,302 ------- - - - - -- ------- $1,998,949 - - - - -- ------- $399,405 - - - - -- ------- $368,539 - - - - -- ------- $516,735 - - - - -- $483,397 293,569 287,897 48,795 47,326 66,796 67,628 ------- - - - - -- $2,078,733 ------- - - - - -- ------- $1,711,052 - - - - -- ------- $350,610 - - - - -- ------- $321,213 - - - - -- ------- $449,939 - - - - -- $415,769 -- - - - - -- $441,618 ------- - - - - -- ------- $313,031 - - - - -- ------- $85,703 - - - - -- ------- $71,186 - - - - -- ------- $119,565 - - - - -- $99,166 17.52% 15.47% 19.64% 18.14% 20.99% 19.26% - -- $283,63P ------- - - - - -- ------- $253,835 - - - - -- ------- $57,579 - - - - -- ------- $56,334 - - - - -- ------- $65,553 - - - - -- $59,944 $157,988 $59,197 - -------- $28,124 ----- ------- $14,852 - - - - -- ------- $54,012 - - - - -- $39,222 23,342 22,684 1,462 1,862 1,813 1,831 $134,646 $36,513. $26,662 $12,990 $52,199 $37,391 -74- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 Form H -2 ' -75 - - -- -1986 - -- -1985 Sources of Working Capital: Operations: ' Net income -- Form I -1 ($259,080) ($268,198) Ite� not requiring (providing) working capital Depreciation -- Form I -5 26,617 25,095 ' -------- Total Sources of Working Capital - - - - -- -------- ($232,463) - - - - -- ($2431103) -------- Uses of Working Capital: - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ' Acquisition of property and equipment -- Form I -5 5,818- 11_383 Increase in Working Capital - - ($238,281) - - - - -- ($254,486) Elements of Increase in Working Capital: Cash & Investments ($206,363) ($386,099) Accounts receivable 1486 (14) ' Inventory 6,309 5,114 Accounts payable (79,617) 149,000 Accrued liabilities 40,904 (22,1487) ' -------------- Increase in Working Capital -------- -------------- -------- ($238,281) - - - - -- -------- -------- - - - - -- ($254,486) - - - - -- - - - - -- ' -75 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF GROSS PROFIT Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 ----------------------------- Total Liquor -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- NO. 1 Sales $2,520,351 $1,325,775 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $287,897 $237,200 Purchases 2,084,405 1,068,923 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Total Merchandise Available for Sale $2,372,302 $1,306,123 Less: Inventory, Ending 293,569 224,369 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Cost of Sales $2,078,733 $1,081,754 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Gross Profit on Sales $441,618 $244,021 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 17-52% 18.41% NO. 2 Sales $436,313 $164,313 -------- Cost of Sales: - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Inventory, Beginning $47,326 $32,063 Purchases 352,079 112,212 -------- Total 1,1erchandise Available for Sale - - - - -- -------- $399,405 - - - - -- $144,275 Less: Inventory, Ending 48,795 29,277 -------- Cost of Sales - - - - -- -------- $350,610 - - - - -- $114,998 -------- Gross Profit on Sales - - - - -- -------- $85,703 - - - - -- $49,315 -------- Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales - - - - -- - - 19.64% - -- 30.01% NO. 3 Sales $569,504 -- -------- $242,176 - - - - -- -------- Cost of Sales: - - - - Inventory, Beginning $67,628 $48,374 Purchases 449,107 163,064 -------- Total. Merchandise Available for Sale - - - - -- -------- $516,735 - - - - -- $211,438 Less: Inventory, - Ending 66,796 46,213 -- -------- Cost of Sales - - - - -- -------- $449,939 - - - - $165,225 -------- Gross Profit on Sales - - - - -- -------- $119,565 - - - - -- $76,951 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 20.99% 31-77% -76- ' Form H -3 -77- 1985----------------------------------- ----------------------- Beer - - - - -- -------------- Other Total Liquor Beer - - - - -- Other -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,119,248 $75,328 $2,024,083 $1,123,278 $836,057 $64,747 ' -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $42,997 $7,700 $250,955 $202,248 $43,508 $5,199 ' 9 64,713 ------ - - - - - -- -------- 50,769 1,747,993 977,917 727,872 42,205 $1,007,710 -- - - -- -------- $58,469 - - - - -- $1,998,948 -------- - - - - -- -------- $1,180,165 - - - - -- -------- $771,380 - - - - -- $47,404 ' 62,596 6,604 287,897 237,200 42,997 7,700 -------- - - - - -- -------- $945,114 - - - - -- -------- $51,865 - - - - -- $1,711,051 -------- - - - - -- -------- $942,965 - - - - -- -------- $728,383 - - - - -- $39,703 $174,134 $23,463 $313,031 $180,313 $107,674 $25,044 ' 15.56% 31-15% 15.47% 16-05% 12.88% 38.68% - - - -- $256,741 - - - - - -- -------- $15,259 - - - - -- -------- $392,399 - - - - -- $151,559 -------- - - - - -- -------- $226,011 - - - - -- -------- $14,829 - - - - -- $13,411 $1,852 $62,606 $42,590 ,$17,614 $2,402 ' 228,931 10,936 305,933 115,527 179,152 11,254 ' -------- - - - - -- -------- $242,342 - - - - -- -------- $12,788 - - - - -- $368,539 -------- - - - - -- -------- $158,117 - - - - -- -------- $196,766 - - - - -- $13,656 17,668 1,850 47,327 32,063 13,411 1,852 -------- - - - - -- -------- $224,674 - - - - -- -------- $10,938 - - - - -- $321,212 -------- - - - - -- -------- $126,053 - - - - -- -------- $183,355 - - - - -- $11,804 - - - - -- -- - - $32,067 - - -- -- -------- $4,321 - - - - -- $71,186 -------- - - - - -- -------- $25,505 - - - - -- -------- $42,656 -- - -- $3,025 12.49% -------- - - - - -- -------- -------------- -------- 28.32% - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- 18.14% - - - - -- - - - - -- 16.83% -------- - - - - -- -------- -------- - - - - -- -------- 18.87% - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- 20.40% - - - - -- - - - - -- ' - - - -- $307,180 - -------- $20,148 - - - - -- -------- $514,936 - - - - -- $221,286 -------- - - - - -- -------- $273,974 - - - - -- -------- $19,675 - - - - -- ' $16,149 $3,105 $84,176 $61,003 $18,168 $5,005 271,863 14,180 399,222 164,090 221,938 13,193 ' -------- - - - - -- -------- $288,012 - - - - -- -------- $17,285 - - - - -- $483,398 -------- - - - - -- -------- $225,093 - - - - -- -------- $240,106 - - - - -- $18,198 18,150 2,433 67,627 48,373 16,149 3,105 '$269,862 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- $14,852 - - - - -- $415,770 -------- - - - - -- -------- $176,721 -------- - - - - -- -------- $223,957 - - - - -- $15,093 -------- - - - - -- -------- $37,318 - - - - -- -------- $5,296 - - - - -- $99,165 - - - - -- -------- $44,566 - - - - -- -------- $50,018 - - - - -- $4,582 12.15% -- - - - - -- 26.29% 19.26% 20.14% 18.26% 23.29% -77- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES COMBINED OFF -SALE Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 PERSONAL SERVICES: Salaries - regular employees Salaries - overtime and part time employees Interdepartmental labor services City contribution to PERA and FICA Hospitalization - Life insurance Worker's and unemployment compensation Total Personal Services OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: Contractural maintenance & repair Professional services Communications Travel - subscriptions Utility Insurance & bonds Other contractural services Other charges Total Other Services & Charges SUPPLIES: General supplies Total Supplies Total Operating Expense 1986 Total NO. 1 $82,352 $82,352 103,849 49,053 2,838 (18,040) 15,893 13,335 5,327 5,327 3,140 2,160 $213,399 -------- - - - - -- -------- $134,187 - - - - -- $3,880 $1,044 23,722 19,361 4,168 1,744 1,916 804 25,691 17,004 45,383 29,791 71,560 68,498 6,587 3,496 $182,907 $141,742 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- .$10,456 $7,701 $10,456 $7,701 -------- - - - - -- -------- $406,762 - - - - -- $283,630 1 1 Form H -4 ' $1,448 $ 1 -3 07 $7,865 $5,159 $1,115 $1,591 ------- -- - -- ------- -- -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,448 $1,307 $7,865 $5,159 $1,115 $1,591 $57,579 $65,553 $370,113 $253,835 $56,334 $59,944 i 1 -79- 1985 ----------------------------- - -------------- - Total N --------------------------------------------- N0. 2 N N0. 3 -------- - - - - -- ------ - -- - - - - -- -------- - - - - --- - -------- - - - - -- --- - - - - - -- $2,463 33,987 2 20,809 8 83,573 2 23,808 3 30,285 2 29,481 2,527 1 18,351 ( (3,554) ( (7,461) ( (947) 4 4,853 1,065 1 1,493 1 14,323 1 11,854 1 1,090 1 1,379 - 9 9,261 5 5,591 1 1,584 2 2,086 623 3 357 1 1,631 1 1,058 3 337 2 235 ------ -; - - -- -------- - - - - - -- -------- - -- - - -- - ----- - - - - -- $38,124 $ $40,497 $1,386 $ $1,450 $ $4,468 $ $1,116 $ $1,564 $ $1,789 1,782 2 2,579 1 17,369 1 13,248 2 2,168 1 1,953 1,281 1 1,143 4 4,446 1 1,797 1 1,350 1 1,299 556 5 556 1 1,419 5 578 4 421 4 421 3,699 4 4,988 3 31,233 2 22,040 4 4,099 5 5,094 6,608 8 8,984 2 23,301 1 15,631 3 3,299 4 4,371 1,600 1 1,462 7 76,039 7 70,741 3 3,486 1 1,812 1,017 2 2,074 3 3,567 1 1,741 7 708 1 1,118 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - - -- -------- - - - - - -- - -------- - - - - -- -------- - - -- - -- -------- - $17,856 $1,448 $ 1 -3 07 $7,865 $5,159 $1,115 $1,591 ------- -- - -- ------- -- -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,448 $1,307 $7,865 $5,159 $1,115 $1,591 $57,579 $65,553 $370,113 $253,835 $56,334 $59,944 i 1 -79- i 1 -79- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1986 :0 Property and Equipment -------------------------------------------- Balances (Deletions) Balances 1 -1 -86 Additions 12 -31 -86 Off Sale No. 1 Store: -------------------------------------------- Improvements other than $87,645 $ - $87,645 Fixtures 978 - 978 Equipment 138,892 1,118 140,010 Total -------- - - - - -- $227,515 -------- - - - - -- $1,118 -------- - - - - -- $228,633 Off Sale No. 2 Store: -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Land $2,765 $ - $2,765 Building 32,335 - 32,335 Improvements other than 4,489 - 4,489 Fixtures 7,342 - 7,342 Equipment 6,441 - 6,441 Total -------- - - - - -- $53,372 -------- - - - - -- $ - -------- - - - - -- $539372 -- Off Sale No. 3 Store: -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Land $4,360 $ - $4,360 Building 48,278 4,700 52,978 Improvements other than 7,025 - 7,025 Fixtures 15,085 - 15,085 Equipment 3,153 - 3053 Total -------- - - - - -- $77,900 -------- - - - - -- $4,700 -------- - - - - -- $82,600 Grand Totals -------- - - - - -- $358,787 -------- - - - - -- $5,818 -------- - - - - -- $364,605 :0 ' Form H -5 ' Accumulated Depreciation ----------------------------------------------------- Balances Depreciation - - - - -- Balances -------- - - - - -- Net Asset ' 1 -1 -86 ------------------------------------------------ Taken Adjustments 12- 3 1 -86 ---- - - - - -- Value -------- - - - - -- $8 :741 $8,764 $ $17,505 $70,140 171 157 _ 328 650 15,582 14,421 - 30,003 110,007 $24,494 -------- - - - - -- $23,342 -------- - - - - -- $ -------- - - $47,836 - - -- -------- - - - - -- $180,796 -------- - - - - -- $ - $ - $ $ - $2,765 15,462 666 _ 16,128 16,207 1,660 225 - 1,885 2,604 7,137 68 7,205 137 4,365 503 _ 4,868 1,572 -------- - - - - -- $28,624 -------- - - - - -- $1,462 -------- - - $ - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $30,086 -------- - - - - -- $23,286 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $ - $ - $ - $ - $4,360 23,473 1,186 24,659 28,319 ' 3,397 339 _ 3,736 3,289 15,085 - - 15,085 - ' 2,400 -------- - - - - -- 288 -------- - - - - -- - -------- - - 2,688 - - -- -------- - - - - -- 465 -------- - - - - -- $4,4,355 $1,813 $ - $46,168 $36,433 -------- - - - - -- $97,473 -------- - - - - -- $26,617 -------- - - $ - - - -- ---- ---- - - - - -- $124,090 -------- - - - - -- $240,515 ' -81- Form I WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ASSETS Current Assets: Cash & Investments $580,155 $491,628 Accounts receivable: 116,435 128,8.82 Unbilled services Special assessments: Delinquent 36,720 - 41,824 Other Meter Inventory, at cost 3,039 3,038 -------- Total Current Assets - - - - -- $736,349 66 $665072 Property and Equipment: $45,223 $45,223 Land Buildings 212,924 2124924 Improvements other than buildings 2,229,619 2,229,619 Machinery and equipment 124,677 - - 124,093 Total - -- $2,612,443 $2,611,859 Less: Accumulated depreciation -------- 1,200,321 - - - - -- -------- 1,149,165 - - - - -- Net Property and Equipment -- Ford I -4 $1,412,122 -------- $1,462,694 - - - - -- -------- Total Assets - - - - -- $2,148,471 $2,128,066 LIABILITIES, AND FUND EQUITY ----------------------------------------- Current Liabilities: $45,749 $48,572 Accounts payable Accrued salaries payable 17,237 18,802 Accrued FICA /P.E.R.A. payable - 19062 Due to other governmental units 1,145 1,145 - - - - -- -------- Total Current Liabilities - - - - -- $64,131 -------- $69,581 - - - - -- -------- Total Liabilities -------- - - - - -- $64,131 - - - - -- -------- $69,581 -------- - - - - -- Fund equity: Contributed $1,014,572 $1,040,866 Retained earnings unreserved -- Form I -1 1,069,768 1,014619 -------- Total Fund Equity - - - - -- $2,084040 -------------- $2,0589485 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Total Liabilities, and Fund Equity $2,148,471 $2,128,066 11:3 ' MATER UTILITY FUM COI-iPARATIVE STATEMIEMT OF CHANGES 124 FUZZ EQUITY Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 'Balance, January 1 Income transferred to retained earnings Depreciation on contributed assets Balance; December 31 Form I -1 1986 1985 --------------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------- Retained Retained Contributions Earnings Contributions Earnings ------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,040,866 $1,017,619 $1,067,160 $991,666 52,149 25,953 (26,294) (26,294) ------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,014,572 $1,069,768 $1,040,866 $1,017,619 -83- WATER UTILITY FUND CO1,1PARATIVE STATF --1ENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 Operating Revenues: - -- ------ ----- Water sales $749,333 Hydrant rental - i -leter sales 8,496 Customer service 1,349 Penalties 16,049 -------- - - - - -- Total Operatin; Revenue $775,227 -------- - - - - -- OperatinS Expenses: Source of supply Distribution: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Administration and General: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Before Depreciation Less: Depreciation -- Form I -4 Operatinn, Income Nonoperatino Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnin -s - Trust Fund l'liscellaneous Interest expense Total Net Income before transfers Operating Transfer Out Net Income Transfer depreciation on contributed assets Income transferred to retained earnings -84- $502,422 130,679 50,641 25,000 80 11,630 773 -------- - - - --- $721,225 -------- - - - - -- $54,002 51 ,157 $2,845 $44,597 314 $44,911 $47,756 21,901 -------- - - - - -- $25,855 26,294 -------- - - - - -- $52,149 -------- - - - - -- -------------- Form I -2 1985 $713,769 50 3,618 1,891 16,983 $736,311 -------- - - - - -- $491,861 130,145 46,000 21,015 458 14,195 662 -------- - - - - -- $704,336 -------- - - - - -- $31,975 51 , 245 ($19,270) $42,562 1,885 -------- - - - - -- $44,447 $25,177 25,518 -------- - - - - -- ($341) 26,29+ -------- - - - - -- $25,953 -------- - - - - -- -------------- 1 1 1 1 Form I -3 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATE4EITT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Source of Workin Capital: Operations: Net income (loss) -- Form I -2 $25,855 ($341) Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation -- Form I -4 51,156 48,745 Total Sources of -------- Working Capital - - - - -- -------- $77,011 - - - - -- $48,404 Uses of Working Capital: Acquisition of property and equipment -- Form I -4 584 54,553 Net Increase in Working Capital Ele;ients of Net Increase in Working Capital: Cash Investments Accounts receivable Inventory Accounts payable Accrued expenses Due to other funds Net Increase in Working Capital $76,427 ($6,149) 88,527 (17,551) 1 2,823 -2,627 27,851 (27,438) ( 1 ) (4,754) (1,729) (78) $76,427 ($6,149) WATER UTILITY FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPI.IENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1985 Property and Equipment -------------------------------------------------- Balances Balances 1 -1 -86 Additions Deletions 12 -31 -86 -------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Land $45,223 $ - $ - $45,223 Buildings 212,924 - - 212,924 Improvements other than buildings 2,229,619 - - 2,229,619 Machinery and equipment 120,633 322 - 120,955 Office furniture and equipment 3,460 263 - 3,723 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- -rand Totals $2,611,859 $585 $ - $2,612,444 :. IForm I -4 ' Accumulated Depreciation ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- Balances Depreciation Taken Adjustments Balances 12 -31 -86 Net Assets Value ' 1 -1 -86 ----------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - -- _ - $45,223 $ $ $ $ 76,574 7,162 - 83,736 129,188 ' 968,015 38,931 - 1,006,946 1,222,673 102,530 4,729 - 107,259 13,696 2,045 335 - 2,381 - - - - -- 1,342 - - - - - -- - -- $1,149,165 -------- --- -------------- $51,157 $ ----- $1,200,322 $1,412,122 L C' SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 ASSETS Cash & Investments Accounts receivable: Unbilled services Other Due from other governmental units Total Current Assets Due from Metropolitan Waste Control Comm.: Reserve capacity Interceptor acquisition contract Total Deferred Assets Property and Equipment: Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Total Less: Accumulated depreciation Net Property and Equipment -- Form J -4 Total Assets Form J 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $1,765,098 $1,296,584 126,849 129,537 35,254 42,027 47,751 82,147 -- -------- - - - - -- $1,974,952 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - $1,550,295 -------- - - - - -- LIABILITIES, AIM FUND EQUITY ------------------------------------------- Current Liabilities: Aeeo,irts payable Accrued salaries payable Accrued FICA and PERA payable Total Current Liabilities Fund Equity: Contributions from customers Retained earnings unreserved -- Form J -1 Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities, Contributions, and Retained Earnings :: $18,711 $23,819 235,261 247,628 -------- - - - - -- -------- $253,972 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $271,447 - - - - -- $36,586 26,245 2,475,155 193,537 $2,731,523 1,368,920 $36,586 26,245 2,475,155 194,992 $2,732,978 1,302,092 $1,362,603 $1,430,886 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $3,591,527 $3,252,628 $31,077 $4,530 11,236 11,563 -------------- 42,313 -------- - - - - -- -------- $16,093 - - - - -- $940,682 $979,617 2,608,532 2,256,918 -- -------- - - - - -- $3,549,214 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - $3,236,535 -------- - - - - -- $3,591,527 $3,252,628 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 Balance, January 1 Income transferred to retained earnings Depreciation on contributed assets Balance, December 31 Form J -1 1986 1985 --------------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- Customer Retained Customer Retained Contributions Earnings Contributions Earnings -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------------ $979,617 $2,256,918 $1,018,552 $1,879,491 351,614 - 377,427 ($38,935) - ($38,935) - -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $940,682 $2,608,532 $979,617 $2,256,918 wo SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Years Ended December 31, 1986, and 1985 Operating Revenues: Sewer service charges - general customers and interdepartmental Refunds and Reimbursements: Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Interceptor maintenance S.A.C..charge refund .Total Operating Revenues Operating Expenses: Disposal -Metro Waste Control Commission Collections: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Administration: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Before Depreciation Less: Depreciation -- Form J -4 Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings Metro Wste Control Commission _interest on deferred current value credit Interest on reserve capacity deferred charges Other income (Expense) Total Net Income before transfers Operating Transfer Out Net Income (Loss) Transfer depreciation on contributed assets Income transferred to retained earnings .m Form J -2 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $789,181 $758,266 18,660 17,278 6142 1400 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $808,483 $775,*944 $397,727 $302,326 99,662 81,875 38,040 59,879 17,177 17,579 - 69 10,878 114,1469 717 626 $564,201 $476,823 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $244,282 $299,121 69,226 68,078 -------- - - - - -- -------- $175,056 -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $231,0143 - - - - -- $147,230 9,905 1,063 $158,198 $333,254 20,575 $312,679 38,935 $351,614 $120,559 10,381 2,206 (603) $132,5143 $363,586 25,094 $338,492 38,935 $3779427 INet Increase in Working Capital [I -91- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $398,437 $282,055 Form J -3 SEWER, UTILITY FUND ' COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 1985 Source of Working Capital: - --- --- - -- ---- -------------- Operations: Net income Form J -2 $312,679 $338,492 ' Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation - Form J -4 66,828 68,078 - - - - -- ' -------- Working Capital Provided from Operations - - - - -- -------- $379,507 $406,570 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Decrease in long -term contract receivable 12,367 -11,891 ' Decrease in deferred receivable - Reserve Capacity charge 5,108 2,091 ' Total Metropolitan Waste Control Commission $17_475- - - - - Total Sources of Working Capital - -- ----_-$13_982 $396,982 $420,552 Uses of Working Capital: Addition to property and equipment -- Form J -4 (1,455) 138,497 ' -------- Net Increase in Working Capital - - - - -- -------- $398,437 -; - - -- $282,055 Elements of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital ' Cash $ - $ - Investments 468,514 279,203 Accounts receivable (43,857) (3,705) Accounts payable - (26,547) 3,372 Accrued expenses 327 3,185 Due to other governmental units INet Increase in Working Capital [I -91- -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $398,437 $282,055 SEWER UTILITY FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCU?IULATED. DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1986 Property and Equipment ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------- Balances Balances 1 -1 -86 Additions Transfers 12 -31 -86 ------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------- Land 36,586 $ - $ - $ 36,586 Buildin3s 26,2145 - - 26,2145 Improvements other than buildinS 2,1475,155 - 2,475,155 Machinery and equipment 191,886 636 (2,399) 190,123 Office furniture and equipment 3,106 308 - 3,14114 ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Grand Total $2,732,978 $ 944 $ (2,399) $ 2,731,523 -92- rFora J -4 Accumulated Depreciation - -- ------ - - - - -- ' -- - - - - -- - - -- Balances ------------------ Depreciation - - - Balances Net Assets 1 -1 -86 Tahen Deductions 12 -31 -86 Value ' ------------- $ - 4------------------------- � - $ - _ ----- - - - - -- $ -- ---- - - - - -- $ 36,586 11,493 982 - 12,475 13,770 1,124,393 60,888 - 1,185,281 1,289,874 ' 164,648 6,835 (2,399) 169,084 21,039 1,556 521 - = 2,079 - - -- 1,335 ------ - - - - -- ' ----- - - - - --- $-1,302,092- - - - - --- - - - -- ----$69,226- ----($2,399) ------ - - $1,368,920 $1,362,603 ' -93- Form K REFUSE UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 -------- 1986 - - - - -- -------- 1985 - - - - -- ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - treasurer's balance ($48,353) ($84,265) Accounts receivable: 99,854 82,873 Unbilled services 27,752 20,576 Other 3,869 Due Fm.Other Gov't Units - -------------- - -------- Total Assets - - - - -- $79,253 $23,053 LIABILITIES, AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities: $11,438 $421 Accounts payable Accrued salaries payable 294 - Accrued FICA /P.E.R.A. payable - -------- ' - - - - -- -------- Total Liabilities - - - - -- $11,732 $421 Fund equity: Retained earnings unreserved -- Form K -1 $67,521 - -- -- $22,632 -------- Total Fund Equity - - - $67,521 -------------- $22,632 -------- Total Liabilities, and Fund Equity - - - - -- $79,253 $23,053 -94- i R r USE . UTILITY FUND COPfPAnATIVE STATE1NENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 Operating Revenues: Refuse Serv.Charge Federal & State Grants Total Operating Revenue Operating Expenses: Disposal - Service contract Operating, Expense: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings - Trust Fund Miscellaneous Total Net Income before transfers Operating Transfers Out Net Income Retained Earnings at beginning of year Retained Earnings at end of year 1986 $489,348 30,000 $519,348 -------- - - - - -- 416,930 1,066 18,264 9,358 -------- - - - - -- $445,618 ------ $73,730 -95- 1,005 $1,005 $74,735 29,846 -------- - - - - -- $44,889 22,632 -------- - - - - -- $67,521 Form K -1 1985 - - --- $466,567 $466,567 -------- - - - - -- $404,535 2,126 16,428 629 -------- - - - - -- $423,718 ------ $42,849 2,072 5,044 - - - - - -- $7,116 -- $49,965 27,333 -------- - - - - -- $22,632 -------- - - - - -- $22,632 Form K -2 REFUSE UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1986.and 1985 1986 1985 -------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- Source of Working Capital: Operations: 229632 Yet income (loss) -- Form K -1 244,889 -------- - - - - -- -------- - --- -- Net Increase in Working Capital $44,889 $22,632 Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: 35,912 ($84,265) Cash 24,157 103,449 Accounts receivable Accounts payable (11,311) (421) Due Fm.Other Gov't Units (3,869) 3, 9 Net Increase in Working Capital $44,889 $22,632 �1 HE C1Tx OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA t INAB�11C IAL iEPQRT EAR iNDED 1JECEMBER 3L 1986 EWER,NAL SERVICE FUND The Central Garage Fund is a self sustaining fund providing service to other departments within the city and for which user fees are paid by the using department. This fund was established in 1977. TABLE OF CONTENTS Central Garage Fund: Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Statement of Changes in Financial Position Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Page Form L 97 Form L -1 98 Form L -2 99 Form L-3 100 -101 Form L CENTRAL GARAGE FUN COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1986 and 1985 1986 1985 ASSETS -------- - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- Current Assets: Cash & Investments $132,207 Inventory, at cost 76,748 Accounts receivable. - -------------- Total Current Assets $208,955 -------- Property and Equipment: - - - - -- Buildings and improvements $25,026 Office furniture and equipment 741 Machinery and equipment 73,060 -------- Total - - - - -- $98,8�7 Less: Accumulated depreciation 70,977 -------- Net Property and Equipment -- Form L -3 - - - - -- $27,850 Total Assets -------- $236,805 - - - - -- -------------- LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $14,325 Accrued salaries payable 16,146 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. - Total Current Liabilities -------------- $30,471 Fund Equity: Contributed - other city funds $94,653 Retained earnings -------- - - - - -- Reserved for improvements $ - Unreserved 111,681 Total Retained Earnings -------- - - - - -- $111,681 Total Fund Equity $206,334 Total Liabilities and Fund Equity $236,805 -------- - - - - -- -------------- -97- $99,789 72,937 -------- - - - - -- $ 172,726 $13,795 741 71,465 -------- - - - - -- $86,001 65,527 $20,474 $193,200 -------- - - - - -- -------------- $8,818 14,576 422 -------- - - - - -- $23,816 $94,653 -------- - - - - -- $12,205 62,526 -------- - - - - -- $74,731 $169,384 $193,200 -------- - - - - -- -------------- Form L-1 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended December 31, 1986 and 1985 Billing to Departments Operating Expense: Mechanics labor Other services and charges Supplies Contractural services Total Operating Expense Operating Income before depreciation Less: Depreciation -- Form L -3 Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Sale of materials Interest income Total Net Income Retained earnings, beZinning of year Retained Earnings End of Year 1986 1985 --- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $169,131 $161,764 $83,119 $78,565 39,953 50,156 8,648 7,091 849 8,242 --- - - - - -- $137,569 - - - - - -- - $144,054 -------------- $31,562 -------------- $17,710 5,450 5,181 -------------- $26,112 -------- - - - - -- -------------- $12,529 -------- - - - - -- $475 $2,105 10,363 7,247 -------- - - - - -- $10,838 -------- - - - - -- $9,352 -------- - - - - -- $36,950 -------- - - - - -- $21,881 74,731 52,850 -------- - - - - -- $111,681 -------- - - - - -- $74,731 PRO UP Form L-2 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND ' COMPARATIVE STATE•IENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, .1986 and 1985 ' 1986 - - -- -1985 - - -- Sources of Workin,- Capital: ' Operations: Net income -- Fora L -1 $36,950 $21,881 Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation -- Form L -3 5,450 5,181 --------- - - - Total Sources of Working Capital - - -- - $42,400 $27,062 ' Uses of Working Capital: Acquisition.of property and equipment -- Form L -3 12,826 4,775 ' ------- Increase in Working Capital - - - - -- $29,574 -------- -; - -- $22,287 ' Elements of Increase in WorkingfiCapital: Cash Investments $32,418 $ 26,529 ' Accounts receivable - (16) Inventory 3,811 4,486 Accounts payable (5,507) (6,574) ' Accrued expenses (1,148) (2_138) Increase in Working Capital $29,574 - - - - - -- $22,287 ' -99- U CE14TRAL GARAGE FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT, AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1986 ITI Property and Equipment --------------------------------------- Balances Balances 1 -1 -86 Additions 12 -31 -86 Buildings --------------------------------------- $13,795 $11,231 $25,026 Office furn. and equip. 741 - 741 Machinery and equip. 71,465 1,595 73,060 Total --------------------------------------- $86,001 $12,826 $98,827 ITI r Form L -3 mine C Allowance for Depreciation --------------------------------------------------------------- Balances Depreciation Balances Net Assets ' 1 -1 -86 Adjustments Taken 12 -31 -86 Value --------------------------------------------------------------- $6,898 $ - $1,970 $8,868 $16,158 685 - 16 701 40 ' 57,944 - 61,408 11,652 - - - - -- ------------------------- $65,527 -3,464 - - - - -- - - - -- $ - $5,450 ------------------ $70,977 $27,850 mine C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HE CIT OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA INA�1CIAL KEPQQRT � i EAR iNDED 1JECEMBER SL L HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Table of Contents Page Combining Balance Sheet Form M 102 -103 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures Actual Form M -1 104 -105 and Changes in Fund Balances-Budget and Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet Form M -2 106 Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Form M -3 107 Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balance E E S. G LL Cn 2 C7 W 2 Q O x J O U W O f-- Er O S F- M Q f- z W E CL O J W W G W o: A z O z M cn O 2 1 11 En tD .1 M M CD c9 9 Ch cc I CD II 1 6 It m It kD m co c to %t ch M I to N I OJ CU '• M kD r+ tD Ch 6 I d it >, I I CO i .� I iu � 6 C I I W 0 s U7 tD to I- N O I M CU r+ r+ CU CU to fU 1 1 7 1 I G O I 1-- m 1 _ M .r to tD tD li7 M If] Cn 1!7 co i U) I it Ch II It r- i tD II G 1 M1MCnCTtDt`CUU7u]m'D U] M r- 11 E 1 tD i • i w I cD I .+MCDMf�f`- •+EMIT Ms M to i ., II £ m I m M � 6 tD M tD a f` �' +•+ i m II I I kD N CU CU i cz CU 1 I I 0 If CO I tD I II .t II M I 6 11 ,-, 5 I %D I ro w er I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Ii r. I to I cu 11 G I rna S- °J Icu 11 I"J i 1 >` I ca tT cu I it CL U I I O CU I ro N I Ch M It I r If D: a I s. m • -, I tD -T r` I co If C7 I w w w I CU cu I V7 If I 11 W F- I W •rq N I C- CU LLJ 1 05 LL a 1 u► I +a It _ = [n O I 11 Ili I I OJ in tD M Y7 N W u a 1 -y w► (U ru W co to I N 11 U a >, i ro 7 1 M d• L7 t- U7 I %D 11 z h- I M C I .• i 1 I I I I I I I I If a A 1 u w I I,') r; W co Il ► r; If z 13 1 w> I M M co .t 1 II .J Q a C I a w l OJ M I h It O IT) m) 0 I 11 n Li I Q W I I it W CL z >- ro I " F- ++ 1 _ 1 - 4'4�O�D �Cn9.� I if co II OZ E i i—� D W 0 t t7 6 f` I I I I i I I r+ 11 U� G 4 m M M G G N I f- l F I M I w l w l t0M MMU7MCT 1 n it J > i C I in ,� Q O I t o 1 0 t tl► 11 Y U N 4. O '13 � ro C w � O � M U CU m > 1-en - I m 40 S- S• w m I > c � w N Q I m z fl w au, r- v w'C N — S. m > C -P - .. Z O O fA IV w Cf1 4- w U p O ro +) .M C1, M a 4-1m .wwroL mu. w III U Gtr > Z 40 IN 00 eC J] > '17 i 4D 0 0 w c E F C w C w LI '+ N w d O 0WUEEw c+S_+Pw-P a. y O C G O $,• C 3 ++ M C c" C t wa•�0 CaM CZCz>, E E a ti C u w ^+ Z= 6 S. m a [»aaaQaja -j I=i La Q Q -102 - 1 to a m W m m M i :d it t0 6 t0 6.1 4 CD.11 V7 n I I I 6 CD N 0.1 m M NM6+ 6 m6 tD I 11 I CD d m 6 M NIn6 I— I I M I �1 11 I co I r M r+ CO CD co I wll 1 .+ it %D -Y r+ I Ih i -1• 11 H in G i I .,.+ N N d N 1 Ul 11 I I` 11 6 In h)66 tD • 4 M 1 W I" I N I M If 11 G rp i I N I N it N I M I W 11 U- A I 1 tl► II tl► 1 W 1 0 N ' I ~ m I tD -t co W 6 m t�► CD tD M 1 *+ it N 6 6 tD I CI) i m 11 S. I G-4MI- M n7N�Tr- CD I W 11 r N 6�+ 1 6 I tD h tOh7.t ASNm tDM I CD II i m I �a CD I N M r+ 4J 6 �-+ M to 1 M 11 I M II r CD w SdN In 6 �+ I to i m 11 E I v m l .,1 M tD r+ It N N tD 1`D 11 Ir' `D '"NI'nI l I N I N It N I M I S II I 1 I tl: II �F I tl► I� it ' 1 II 1 I N II 5 1 4 r- t N 11 I I 11 .+ S. 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W N Im I N ti N cn.4,x w N C X01 .14 Ill Oai -P .; S>. ' > J 1 to a •a ++ W •m o, a M m of m >, to S. •M S. m a �� Mu0 rq+tm >,ma-PS' m >, IN G m rd C ++ G"0 3 N m m 01 C +1.v CM 0 a0 m d c41 va ¢� G .r ro 0 G S_ •, , G S. w > ' S. S. 7 v S. S. m +, S. +. S. c G z w S. IN 41 0► m 41 tL 13 H LL u u 0 u tU t w- ++ U +a- IL w U m C u 3 +> IN 0 M C Z 0 3 acn►•+aAoAZ>•-rAA LL ' -103- HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1986 General Fund ------------------------------------- Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ------------------------------- - - - - -- Revenues Taxes $36,622 $36,077 ($545) Rents - - Community Develop.Block Grant - - - Department of Housing & Urban Devel. - - General obligation bond proceeds through City of Columbia Heights - - Grant Drawdown - - - Interest 23,871 29,969 6,098 Miscellaneous 29,540 29,337 (203) Total Revenue $90,033 $95,383 $5,350 Expenditures Administration $90,033 $83,479 $6,554. Utilities, maintenance and operations - - - Loans and grants - 4,453 (4,453) Property acquisition /site improvements - - - Relocation assistance - - - Legal - 30 (30) Interest - - - Development Costs - - - Miscellaneous - - - Total Expenditures --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $90,033 $87,962 - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $2,071 ----- - - - - -- Other Services and Uses --- - - - - -- --- Increase in note principal - - - --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures - 7,421 79421 Fund balance at beginning of year (5,967) (5,967) - --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Fund balance at end of year ($5,967) $1,454 $7,421 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements -104 1 Form M -1 Special Revenue Fund (Low- Income Housing Fund and Totals Downtown Development Fund) (Memorandum only) ------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - -- Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) ------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------- - - - - -- $238,808 $1,881,462 $1,642,654 --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $74,511 $79,019 ($4,508) 163,700 159,077 (4,623) - 57,814 57,814 - 187,415 187,415 40,611 - (40,611) - 1,413,694 1,413,694 10,000 16,473 6,473 24,497 46,989 22,492 $238,808 $1,881,462 $1,642,654 --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- $74,511 $79,019 ($4,508) 147,197 141,856 5,341 - 18,129 (18,129) - 1,360,852 (1,360,852) - 5,825. (5,825) 100 287,527 (287,427) 17,000 73,307 (56,307) - 33,308 (33,308) $238,808 $1,999,823 ($1,761,015) $36,622 $36,077 $ (545) 163,700 159,077 (4,623) - 57,814 57,814 - 187,415 187,415 40,611 - (40,611) - 1,413,694 1,413,694 33,871 46,442 12,571 54,037 76,326 22,289 $328,841 $1,976,845 $1,648,004 --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $164,544 $162,498 $2,046 147,197 141,856 5,341 - 22,582 (22,582) - 1,360,852 (1,360,852) - 5,825 (5,825) - 30 (30) 100 287,527 (287,427) 17,000 73,307 (56,307) - 33,308 (33,308) $328,841 $2,087,785 ($1,758,944) ' - 24,649 24,649 - 24,649 24,649 --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- (93,712) (93,712) 449,914 449,914 - --- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- -------- - - - - -- $449,914 $356,202 ($93,712) - (86,291) (86,291) 443,947 443,947 - ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- $443,947 $357,656 ($86,291) -105- Form M -2 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1986 Anoka County Downtown Low- Income Comm.Develop. Development Housing Block Grant Totals Fund Fund Fund 1986 1985 ASSETS Cash and Investments $26,573 $1370928 $70,821 $235,322 37,429 $471,638 810 Accounts Receivable 36,413 1,016 374,829 - 7,737 382,566 378,993 Due from other Government - 48,783 - - 48,783 102,170 Due from other funds - 3,555 - 3,555 1 4,184 Prepaid Insurance Total Assets $111,769 $517,328 $78,558 $707,655 $957,795 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $2,779 $21,844 $5,568 $30,191 3,514 $240,156 3,384 Security deposits - 3,514 - - 19237 10029 Taxes and Ins-Escrow 1,237 - - 1,929 1,979 Deferred revenue - Interest payable Due to Other Governments 237 9,734 ' - 9,971 41,474 149848 248,463 Due to other funds - 10,424 262,878 31,050 - 262,878 - Accrued Interest Payable - 259 - 259 - Other Liabilities - --- - - - - -- - -- Total Liabilities $4,253 ---- - - - - -, $310,582 --- - - - - -- $36,618 $351,453 $507,881 EQUITY . Fund Balance Reserved for Comm.Develop. - $ - $41,940 $41,940 104,500 $41,409 1010508 Reserved for Future Oper. - 107,516 104,500 102,246 - - 209,762 306,997 Unreserved - -- --- - - - - -- Total Fund Balance $107,516 --- - - - - -- ,$206,746 --- - - - $41,940 $356,202 $449,914 Total Liabilities and Equity $111,769` $517_328- - $78,558- $707,655- $957,795- -106- Form M -3 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1986 Revenue and Other Sources ------------------- - - - - -- Rents Comm.Develop.Block Grant Housing & Urban Development Obligation Bond Proceeds Grant Drawdown Interest Other income Total Expenditures Anoka County Downtown Low - Income Comm.Develop. Develop. Housing Block Grant Totals Fund Fund Fund 1986 1985 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $ - $159,077 $ - - - 57,814 - 187,415 - 1,413,694 - - 2,843 9,418 4,212 40,209 7 6'11- 73,307 - - - -- - $1,456,746 ----- - - - - -- - - -- $362,081 ---- - - - - -- --- - -609- $62,635 --- - - - - -- Administration $39,469 $28,883 $10,667 Utilities, maint.& operation - 141,856 - Loans and Grants - - 18,129 Property acquisition /improv. 1,360,852 - - Relocation assistance 5,825 - - Legal - - - Principal reduction - - - Interest - 287,527 - Development Costs - 73,307 - Other expenditures - - 339308 Total $1,406,146 $531,573 $62,104 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- ' Other Sources and Uses ---------------------- ' Increase in Note Principle $ - $24,649 $ - Increase (Decrease) ' in Fund Balance - - -- 50,600- (144,843) 531 Fund Balance, January 1 $56,916 $351,589 :$41,409 ' ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- Fund Balance, December 31 $107,516 $206,746 $41,940 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----------- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 1 -107- $159,077 $151,002 57,814 238,866 187,415 186,995 1,360,852 136,000 1,413,694 648,289 16,473 - 46,989 58,834 $1,881,462 $1,419,985 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- $79,019 $70,506 141,856 130,053 18,129 23,871 1,360,852 686,672 5,825 200,524 - 32,339 - 120,201 287,527 66,795 73,307 - 33,308 77,510 $1,999,823 $19408,471 ----- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- (118,361) 11,514 $449,914 $438,400 $331,553 ----- - - - - -- ----- ----------- ----- $449,914 - - - - -- - - - - -- HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA TINA�1CIAL EP RT EAR iNDED 1JECEMBER L1986 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS GROIP of ACCOBTS TABLE OF CONMITS Page Statement of General Fixed Assets Form N 108 STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1986 ' General Fixed Assets: Land ' Buildings Improvement's other than buildings Office furniture and equipment 1 Machinery and equipment Total Form A ' Investment in General Fixed Assets: General obligation bonds: Library bonds of 1966, ' Municipal building bonds of 1959 Park bonds of 1962 City garage bonds of 1972 Capital improvement bonds of 1976 ' Total General Obligation Bonds ' Grants: Federal E.D.A. and H.U.D. State Total Grants Revenue Sharing: ' Federal Anoka County ' Total Revenue Sharing Balance from current revenues and contributions Total Investments in General Fixed Assets e ' -108- Form N $3,028,500 2,767,869 a�?9 �y 731, 995 1723 9 �15- 821 ,765 F'l3 3Z u 1,459,070 __/ �, 0 rl L/ $8,809,199 9053 i/, 2' $90,000 150,000 325,000 510,000 929,475 $2,004,475 $526,290 267,203 $793,493 $1,680,577 51,550 $1,732,127 $4,279,104 $8,809,199- HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTSo MINNESOTA NNUA TINA�j CIAL EP RT EAR iNDED 1lECEMBER 1, 1986 GENERAL LONG-TER11 DEBT GROr P of ACCOBTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Statement of General Long -Term Debt Form 0 109 Schedule of Funding Available and Funds Form 0 -1 110 Required Schedule of Debt Service Requirements to Maturity Form 0 -2 111 Form 0 STATFeMENT OF GENERAL LONG- TER14 DEBT December 31, 1986 AMOUNT AVAILABLE APTD TO BE PROVIDED FOR THE PAYMENT OF GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT Amount available in debt service funds $2,009,689 Amount to be provided for retirement of: Long Terry, Debt $9,035,311 Vacation and sick leave payable 277,533 $11,322,533 GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT PAYABLE General oblization bonds payable $11,045,000 Vacation and sick leave payable 277,533 Total Payable $11,322,533 In addition to the long -term debt exhibited in this statement, the City of Colucibia Heights has a contingent liability against its full faith and credit on $2 :390,000 of special assessment bonds recorded in the Special Assessment Funds. The general credit of the municipality is obligated only to the extent that liens foreclosed against properties involved in the special assessment district are insufficient to retire outstanding bonds. M Form 0 -1 Total $2,009,689 1,241,660 1,278,420 1,299,714 1,320,945 1,360,939 1,374,455 1,377,475 1,355,940 1,279,120 1,314,370 1,268,320 1,256,960 1,176,450 1,095,000 1,012,675 365,625 $19,378,068 $21,387,757 $11,045,000 8,333,068 $19,378,068 $2,009,689 ' SCHEDULE OF FUNDING AVAILABLE AND FUNDS REQUIRED December 31, 1986 Cash, Investments and Receivables Deferred Tax Levies ------------------ Levy /Payable Years: 1986/87 ' 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 ' 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 ' 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1995/97 ' 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Total FUNDING AVAILABLE ' Bonds /Future Interest --------------------------- Payable Bonds Future Interest FUI DS REQUIRED ' BALANCE ' -110- Form 0 -1 Total $2,009,689 1,241,660 1,278,420 1,299,714 1,320,945 1,360,939 1,374,455 1,377,475 1,355,940 1,279,120 1,314,370 1,268,320 1,256,960 1,176,450 1,095,000 1,012,675 365,625 $19,378,068 $21,387,757 $11,045,000 8,333,068 $19,378,068 $2,009,689 Form 0 -2 SCHEDULE OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIRE21ENTS TO MATURITY December 31, 1986 General Obligation Bonds ----------------------------------- Principal Interest 1987 ------ - - - - -- 335,000 ----- - - - - -- 906,660 196^0 400,000 878,420 1989 455,000 $44,714 1990 515,000 805,945 1991 600,000 760,939 1992 665,000 709,455 1993 725,000 652,475 1994 765,000 590,940 1995 750,000 529,120 1996 850,000 464,370 1997 875,000 393,320 1993 940,000 316,960 1999 940,000 236,450 2000 940,000 155,000 2001 940,000 72,675 2002 350,000 15,625 $11,045,000 $8,333,068 HE CITX OF COLUM�IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA TINA�j CIAL EP RT EAR iNDED �ECEMBER 1, 1986 STATISTICAL SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Assessed Value and Market Value of all Taxable Property Table 1 112 -113 Tax Rates Table II 112 -113 City Tax Levy Table 111 114 -115 Tax Levies and Tax Collections Table IV 116 -117 Special Assessment Collections Table V 116 -117 Revenue - Other than Property Taxes and Special Assessments Table VI 118 Expenditures for Selected Functions Table VII 118 Statement of Legal Debt Margin Table VIII 119 Combining Schedule of Bonds Payable Table IX 120 -125 Schedule of Investments Table X 126 Schedule of Insurance in Force Table X1 127 -128 Principal City Officials and Surety Bonds Table XII 129 -130 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts Table XIII 131 Population Real Property Assessed Value Area -wide allot. Contribution Distribution Market Value Personal Property Assessed Value Market- commercial Total Real and Per - -- ----------------- sonal Property -------- - - - - -- Assessed Value Market Value Ratio of Total Assess - ---------------------- ed Value to Total Market Value Per Capita Valuations --------------- - - - - -- Assessed Value Market Value 1977 21,890 $68,981,490 ($1,085,236) $2,641,684 $219,125,884 $1,213,202 $2,821,400 $71,151,140 $221,947,284 :3279 3,279 10,139 ASSESSED VALUE AND MARKET VALUE OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY LEVY YEARS 1977 Through 1986 1978 1979 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 21,300 21,270 $71,601,406 ($1,491,381) $4,062,894 $288,414,300 $1,221,501 $2,840,700 $74,642,528 $251,741,743 :3504 3,504 11,819 -112- $73,741,181 ($1,840,970) $4,062,894 $355,767,800 $1,218,792 $2,834,400 $77,181,897 $291,248,700 :2650 3,629 13,693 1980 20,029 $85,721,087 ($2,000,000) $4,383,409 $399,395,650 $1,295,504 $3,012,800 $89,400,000 $358,780,600 :2492 4,563 17,913 0 1981 1982 1983 1984 ------- - - - - -- ------- 19,800 - - - - -- ------- 19,670 - - - - -- - 19,560 - - - - -- -- 19,53 0 $96,391,052 $104,783,933 $105,913,390 $108,671,288 ($3,908,286) ($4,487,006) ($5,178,793) ($4,695,234) $8,183,307 $10,544,639 $12,001,080 $13,663,552 $430,688,578 $445,177,400 $455,177,400 $462,786,700 ------- - - - - -- $1,344,094 ------- - - - - -- $1,333,301 ------- - - - - -- $1,426,869 $1,426,869 $3,125,800 $3,100,700 $3,318,300 $3,414,600 $102,010,167 $112,174,867 $114,162,546 $119,107,884 $402,521,450 $433,789,278 $448,495,700 $465,201,300 1985 19,540 $113,721,411 ($4,407,361) $14,264,696 $476,771,500 $1,500,988 $3,511,600 $125,079,734 $480,283,100 Table I 1986 19,426 $114,767,361 ($5,778,163) $15,650,911 $484,669,200 $1,547,299 $3,619,300 $126,187,108 $484,669,200 :2534 :2586 :2545 :2560 :2604 :2604 5,152 5,702 5,837 6,099 6,398 6,496 20,329 22,053 22,929 23,820 24,579 24,950 ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- -113- Table II TAX RATES Years 1977 Through 1986 Fiscal Year --- - - - - -- City --- - - - - -- School --- - - - - -- County --- - - - - -- Metro -- - - - - -- 1977 20.41 47.26 19.84 3.00 1978 22.13 46.53 22.02 2.73 1979 21.847 45.036 21.913 2.913 1980 21.101 46.727 23.349 2.990 1981 18.153 41.483 25.005 3.832 1982 17.303 48.266 24.085 3.556 1983 15.438 50.156 24.492 3.877 1984 16.610 56.227 26.088 4.197. 1985 16.300 50.487 23.868 4.250 1986 16.420 53.797 25.537 3.574 Other(A) Total r) .61 91.12 0.59 94.00 0.923 92.632 0.839 95.006 0.771 89.244 0.747 93.957 0.576 94.539 0.944 "104.066 1.048 95.953 1.330 100.658 (A) Rice Creek Watershed, Mosquito Control and 1/3 mill for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority -114- Table III .CITY TAX LEVY Years 1977 Through 1986 (A) In 1979 Civil Defense Fund became a part of the General Fund. -115- City Bonds Fiscal Levy General Police Fire Civil and Year Total Fund Relief Relief Defense (A) Interest 1977 1,441,044 1,069,044 66,300 47,000 35,700 223,000 1978 1,583,156 1,188,556 78,500 47,000 8,600 260,500 1979 1,631,608 1,261,108 78,500 47,000 245,000 1980 1,631,608 1,151,808 104,000 85,800 290,000 1981 1,631,608 1,245,108 64,500 47,000 275,000 1982 1,759,284 1,356,029 125,305 57,950 220,000 1983 1,740,623 1,453,033 92,155 55,435 140,000 1984 1,757,487 1,617,500 77,313 62,673 1985 1,825,192 1,662,532 79,700 82,960 1986 1,888,616 1,725,956 79,700 82,960 (A) In 1979 Civil Defense Fund became a part of the General Fund. -115- TAX L "•TIES AND TAX COLLECTIONS Years 1977 through 1986 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS Years 1977 Through 1986 Current Special Fiscal Assessment Becoming Due Current Special Period During Fiscal Period Assessments Collected --- - - - - -- ---------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- Percentage of Current Collected During Fiscal Period -------------- - - - - -- 1977 114,673 Collections Percentage Collection 107,635 68,029 63.2% of Current of Levy of Prior 69.0% 1980 129,773 Years Taxes Collected Year's Taxes 190,708 Year Total Tax During Fiscal During Fiscal During Fiscal Total Collected --- - - - - -- Levy* --- - - - - -- Period ----- - - - - -- Period - - -- Year - - - - - -- Collections 1977 1,136,825 1,123,704 98.8 22,470 1,146,174 1978 1,220,013 1,186,640 97.3 16,687 1,203,327 1D79 1,253,698 1,236,676 98.6 20,648 1,257,324 1980 1,150,273 1,122,161 97.6 21,268 1,143,429 1931 1,090,455 1,074,134 98.5 39,938 1,114,072 1982 1,262,780 1,236,497 97.9 19,120 1,255,617 1983 1,249,602 1,208,840 97.4 26,702 1,235,542 1984 1,285,324 1,253,908 97.6 20,640 1,274,548 1985 1,286,626 1,256,387 97.6 25084 1,281,571 1986 1,388,616 1,357,255 97.7 15,494 1,372,749 x Tax levy has been adjusted by the Homestead Credit (Property tax replacement) which is a revenue from other agencies and has been incorporated into Table VI. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS Years 1977 Through 1986 Current Special Fiscal Assessment Becoming Due Current Special Period During Fiscal Period Assessments Collected --- - - - - -- ---------------------- - - - - -- --------------- - - - - -- Percentage of Current Collected During Fiscal Period -------------- - - - - -- 1977 114,673 70,635 61.6% 1978 107,635 68,029 63.2% 1979 160,087 110,534 69.0% 1980 129,773 70,627 54.4% 1981 190,708 102,985 54.0% 1982 217,927 107,932 49.5% 1983 285,780 150,561 52.7% 1984 299,748 186,870 62.3% 1935 236,686 126,759 53.6% 1986 179,812 99,342 55.2% QURN -1 J C� I Table IV -117- Ratio ' Accumulated Ratio Delinquent of Total Accumulated Taxes to Collections Delinquent Current Year ' To Tax Levy - - - - - -- Taxes --- - - - - -- Tax Levy --- - - - - -- 1.0082 :1 59,211 .0520:1 .9863:1 64,287 .0527:1 1.0029:1 31,977 .0255:1 ' •9940:1 18,864 .0163:1 1.0217:1 25,547 .0234:1 .9943:1 12,888 .0102:1 .9959:1 49,644 .0400:1 ' .9916 :1 36,290 .02823:1 .9961:1 51,764 .04023:1 .9886:1 53,140 .03827:1 ' Table V Delinquent Specials Total Special Deferred Special Assessments Collected During Assessments Delinquent Collected Balance Fund Fiscal Period -------- - - -- (A) At ----------------- End of Fiscal Period - - - - -- Fiscal ------------------------------------- Period of Fiscal Period ' 65,345 5 - 98,553 104,930 388,481 46,218 66,142 155,037 436,962 ' 43,693 71,605 78,080 411,494 41,215 87,512 136,281 602,047 70,016 111,314 287,194 509,999 ' 94,298 94,702 301,367 1,335,493 130,298 152,744 313,682 1,048,215 119,372 154,154 236,474 857,906 140,515 132,031 92,257 640,691 118,938 110,886 223,656 697,945 (A) The City bills the property owner directly when a special assessment installment becomes due. If the installment becomes delinquent, it is certified to the county for inclusion on the following years property tax statement and is shown as a delinquent collection. -117- . i Table VI I REVENUES- OTHER, THAN PROPERTY TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Years 1977 Through 1986 (A) The Year 1977 does not include depreciation for Sewer and Water Funds Charges for Licenses (A) Fiscal Revenues from Use of Money Service and and Fines and Profits of Year - - - - - -- Other Agencies -------- - - - - -- and Property ---- - - - - -- Other Revenue ------- - - - - -- Permits --- - - - - -- Forfeitures ----- - - - - -- Proprietaries ------- - - - - -- 1977 1,883,756 144,293 342,277 71,228 50,406 128,169 1978 2,059,462 135,292 313,456 76,870 38,191 106,014 1979 2,096,084 179,135 369,891 78,164 49,067 32,521 1980 2,272,119 474,873 419,930 68,710 72,274 106,845 1981 2,857,636 966,078 997,236 104,027 67,301 835,981 1982 2,310,131 545,881 1,248,375 148,773 47,073 444,962 1983 2,990,623 530,037 1,009,358 156,410 51,870 693,691 1984 2,470,131 602,397 802,756 215,942 51,009 694,436 1985 2,625,357 645,183 637,192 139,470 104,741 675,137 1986 2,683,485 616,933 606,552 187,809 108,158 811,352 (A) The Year 1977 does not include depreciation for Sewer and Water Funds (B) The Years 1977 -1984 include Refuse Collection and Disposal F, Table VII EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED FUNCTIO14S Years 1977 Through 1986 (B) Fiscal General Public Public Sani- Parks and Year - - - - - -- Government -------- - - - - -- Safety ---- - - - - -- Works ------- - - - - -- tation --- - - - - -- Library ----- - - - - -- Recreation ------- - - - - -- 1977 406,864 981,059 577,072 233,598 109,635 537,332 1978 424,527 1,070,279 606,541 246,957 121,968 676,027 1979 460,152 1,160,243 515,417 255,693 143,018 547,525 1980 516,593 1,315,826 566,643 268,793 163,801 622,154 1981 538,618 1,380,692 576,754 336,997 188,440 652,611 1982 536,804 1,454,404 581,121 403,670 188,343 634,395 1983 548,977 1,537,897 561,632 430,126 265,803 625,030 1984 563,717 1,654,871 645,265 450,010 212,379 753,430 1985 832,847 1,776,721 702,942 4,097 221,532 790,446 1986 854,583 1,751,950 629,481 4,932 263,358 866,682 (B) The Years 1977 -1984 include Refuse Collection and Disposal F, STAT=-JE 117 Or LEGAL DEBT MARGIN ' December 31, 1986 Assessed Value Debt Limit 7 -1/3% of Assessed Value (Note A) ' Amount of Debt Limit Applicable to Debt Limit: Total bonded debt Less Note B: Tax Increment 11,045,000 ' Special Assessment Bonds 2,390,000 - - Total Debt Applicable to Debt Limit ' Legal Debt Margin 13,435,000 13,435,000- Table VIII 125,079,734 ' Note (A): M.S.A. Section 475.53 (Limit on Net Debt) Subdivision 1. Generally. Except as otherwise provided in sections 475.51 to to 475.75, no municipality, except a school district or a city of the ' first class, shall incur or be subject to a net debt in excess of 7 -1/3 percent of the assessed.value." 9,168,345 IM 9,168,345 ' Note (B): M.S.A. Section 475.51 Definitions: Subdivision 4. "filet debt" means the amount remaining after deducting from its gross debt the amount of current revenues which are applicable within ' within the current fiscal year to the payment of any debt and the aggregate of the- principal of the following: .(1) Obligations issued for improvements which are payable wholly ' or partly from the proceeds of special assessments levied upon property specially benefited thereby, including those which are general obligations of'the municipal issuing them, if.the municipality is entitled to reiwbursernent in whole or in part from the proceeds of the special assessments. (2) Warrents or orders having no definite or fixed maturity. (3) Obligations payable wholly from the income from revenue producing ' conveniences. (4) Obligations issued to create or maintain a permanent improvement revolving fund. ' (5) Obliations issued for the acquisition, and betterment of public waterworks systems, and public lighting, heating or power systems, and of any combination thereof or for any other public convenience from ' which a revenue can be derived. (6) Debt service loans and capital loans made to a school district under the provisions of sections 124.42. and 124.43. (7) Amount of all money and face value of all securities held as a ' debt service fund for the extinguishment of obligations other than those deductible under this subdivision. (8) All other obligations which under the provisions of law authorizing ' their issuance are not to be included in computing the net debt of the municipality. 1 -119- CO14BINING SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE December 31, 1986 Total Permanent Improvement Bonds -120- Interest Rates and Issue Maturity Dates Date Date - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS: -------- - General Obligation Refunding Bonds of 1985 --------------------------------------------------- Bonds issued for the purpose of refunding in 6.00% 3/1 -9/1 9/1/85 3/1/96 advance of maturity the outstanding principal 6.50% amount of the Permanent Improvement Revolving m 7.00% Bonds of 1984. 7.20% 7.40% All bonds maturing on or after March 1,1988 being 7.60% subject to redemption at the option of the 7.80% Issuer on March 1, 1987 . and any interest payment 8.00% date thereafter at par and accrued interest. 8.20% 8.40% Total Permanent Improvement Bonds -120- Table IX Annual Interest Orginal Serial Balance Balance Paid in Issue Payments 1 -1 -86 Sold Retired 12 -31 -86 Cur.Year ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $2,460,000 195,000 205,000 220,000 230,000 245,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 325,000 130,000 (87) $2,460,000 $ (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) $70,000 $2,390,000 $178,285 $2,460,000 $ - $70,000 $2,390,000 $178,285 ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -121- COMBINING SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE December 31, 1986 Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 Bonds maturing in 1991 and later years will be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the city in inverse order of serial numbers on March 1, 1990 Tax Increment Bonds of 19814 Bonds maturing on or after March 1, 1992 will be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the City in inverse order, on March 1, 1991 and any interest payment date thereafter at 100% of their principal plus accrued interest. -122- Interest Rates and Dates 8.00% 3/1 -9/1 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.Oo% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.10% 8.25% 8.4o% 8.50% 8.60% 8.75% 8.75% 7.40% 3/1 -9/1 8.00% 8.25% 8.50% 8.75% 9.00% 9.20% 9.40% Issue Maturity Date --- - - - - -- Date --- - - - - -- 9\1\80 3 \1 \02 6/1/84 3/1/94 Table IX Annual Interest Orginal Serial Balance Balance Paid in Issue Payments ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 1 -1 -86 Sold ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - Retired 12 -31 -86 Cur.Year -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- $8,175,000 $8,155,000 $ - $140,000 $8,015,000 $665,750 190,000 (87) 250,000 (88) 300,000 (89) 350,000 (90) 425,000 (91) 475,000 (92) 525,000 (93) 550,000 (94) 650,000 (95) 700,000 (96) 700,000 (97) 700,000 (98) 700,000 (99) 700,000 (00) 700,000 (01) 100,000 (02) $1,070,000 $1,070,000 $ 95,000 100,000 105,000 115,000 125,000 135,000 145,000 160,000 (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) -123- $90,000 $980,000 $88,085 COMBINING SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE (Continued) December 31, 1986 Tax Increment Bonds of 1985 Bonds maturing on or after March 1, 1992 will be subject to redemption and pre- payment at the option of the Issuer in inverse order of serial numbers, on March 1, 1991 and any interest payment date thereafter at a price equal to par plus accrued interest to the date of redemption. Total General Obligation Bonds Total Bonds Payable - All Funds -124- Interest Rates and Issue Dates Date 9/1/85 6.00% 3/1 -9/1 6.50% 7.00% 7.20% 7.40% 7.60% 7.80% 8.00% 8.20% 8.40% 8.60% 8.80% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% 9.00% Maturity Date 3/1/02 Table IX Annual Interest Orginal Serial Balance Balance Paid in Issue Payments 1 -1 -86 Sold Retired 12 -31 -86 Curr.Yr. $2;100,000 $2,100,000 $ - $50,000 $2,050,000 $175,503 50,000 (87) 50,000 (88) 50,000 (89) 50,000 (90) 50,000 (91) 55,000 (92) 55,000 (93) 55,000 (94) 100,000 (95) 150,000 (96) 175,000 (97) 240,000 (98) 240,000 (99) 24.0,000 (00) 240,000 (01) 250,000 (02) ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ------ - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $11,325,000 $ - $280,000 $11,045,000 $929,338 $13,785,000 $ - $350,000 $13,435,000 $1,107,623 -125- Table X SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1986 DESCRIPTION YIELD COUPON PURCHASE MATURITY PAR DATE DATE MAT /SOLD ----------------------------------------------- MONEY MARKET 5 55 5.55 - - - - -- 31-Dec-86 01-Jan-87 7,216 OVERIITE REPO 12.00 12.00 31- Dec -86 01- Jan -87 1,191,246 GNMA 31- Dec -86 01- Jan -87 174,573 CP RIO GRANDE RES 8.00 8.00 31- Dec -86 15- Jan -87 1,295,667 CD FDS &L 13.00 13.50 02- Apr -84 24- Aug -87 100,000 CD CROKER (WELLS FARGO) S F 12.05 11.00 26- Apr -814 16- Nov -87 100,000 CD HONE FET) 12.05 11.35 26- Apr -814 23- Nov -87 100,000 CD FARUEST 12.15 11.35 26- Apr -84 07- Dec -87 100,000 CD COLB S &L 11.35 10.50 02- Feb -84 09- Isar -88 100,000 FHLB 11.90 11.90 26- Mar -84 25- Mar -88 100,000 FHLB 7.25 7.25 26- Jun -86 27- Jun -88 1,000,000 CD ALSO S&L 11.90 11.90 19- Sep -83 19- Sep -88 100,000 CD FF S &L 11.15 11.70 20- Oct -83 28- Sep -88 100,000 FHLB 6.88 7.45 16- Apr -86 27- Mar -89 500,000 FHLB 7.40 7.140 27- May -86 25- May -89 1,000,000 FICiA 9.45 9.50 18- Jul -85 12- Jun -89 500,000 CD SVGS BK PUGET SOUND 7.11 12.70 09- Sep -86 29- Aug -89 100,000 CD HSELD Sig ASd WSRI CA 7.16 11.75 09- Sep -86 02- Sep -89 100,000 CD GOLDOME 7.12 12.75 09- Sep -86 12- Sep -89 100,000 FNAA 7.28 12.75 14- Jul -86 10- Oct -89 1,000,000 FNMA 7.00 11.15 13- Nov -86 11- May -90 700,000 CD GLEND ALE S &L 8.60 11.40 17- Mar -86 22- Jul -90 100,000 CD PHILADLPHIA SVG FIM 7.98 10.15 17- Mar -86 07- Aug -90 100,000 FNMA 7.21 8.75 14- Aug -86 10- Jan -91 1,000,000 CD MARINE MIDLAND 14.25 14.65 18- May -84 03- Oct -94 -------- 100,000 - - - - -- Total at Par 9,768,701 Unamortized Premium 370,239 Unamortized Discount (2,907) Accrued Interest 157,890 Book Value 10,293,923 HRA Investments - -------- - - - - -- 10,293,923 -126- SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1986 Type of Coverage Period Period Building from to or Structure Contents - - - - -- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- All Risk Coverage under the Public and Institutional Property Policy 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 (90p Coinsurance -$500 Deductible) 40th Avenue Liquor Store $70,000 Univ. Ave. Liquor Store 85,000 Central Ave. Liquor Store 400,000 $ $555,000 (90% Coinsurance - $1,000 Deductible) City,Hall $1,832,000 $351,982 Library 674,270 1,302,530 City Garage 1,826,000 140,792 Liquor Store -40th Ave. 109,578 90,322 Liquor Store - University Ave. 169,324 112,662 Liquor Store - Central Ave. 630,178 Community Center 1,900,000 48,405 Sullivan Park 108,129 392,478 Water Tower 346,649 -127- $6,965,950 $3,069,349 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---------- ---- - - - - -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Type of Coverage Boiler explosion Workers Compensation Comprehensive Auto Lib. Bodily Injury Property Damage Uninsured Rotorists Crime Coverage Liquor Gross Barnin -s 40th Avenue Store Univ.Avenue Liq.Store Central Ave.Liquor Store Comprehensive Gen.Liab. Policy Period From To 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 2 \13 \87 2 \13 \87 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 Table XI $100,000 per accident Statutory $600,000 $600,000 $50,000 $25,000 $40,000 $40,000 $130,000 Bodily Injury $600,000 Property Damae $600,000 $5,000 Deduct. Statuary Liq.Legal Liab. 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 $500,000 Public Official Liab. 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 $600,000 Police Professional Liab. 2 \13 \86 2 \13 \87 $600,000 $5,000 Deduct. The comprehensive general liability - includes the following additional coverages: (a) Personal injury coverage to include false arrest, libel, slander, wrongful entry or eviction or invasion of ri.abt of privacy (b) Loss of business income (c) All employees as additional insureds (d) Comprehensive glass and neon sign breakage (e) Miscellaneous property floater. -128- TABLE %II MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS (Continued) Fire Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees: Full Time 8 Volunteer 27 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees 22 Parks: City Parks 13 Playground 11 County Park 1 Schools: Senior High 1 Junior High 1 Elementry 3 Prochial Elementary 1 Employees: (as of December 31, 1986) Regular 103 Part Time and Temporary 393 496 Elections: Registered voters - last city general election 12,115 Number of votes cast last city general election 7,247 Percentage of registered voters voting 59.8% Population: 123 1900 2,968 1920 5,613 1930 1940 6,035 1950 8'175 1960 17,533 1965 (mid- decade census) 23,283 1970 (census) 23,997 1973 24,079 1974 23,503 1975 23,316 1976 22,324 1977 21,890 1978 219300 1979 21,270 1980 20,029 1981 19,800 1982 19,670 1983 19,560 1984 19,530 1985 19,540 1986 19,426 -129- Table III ' PRINCIPAL CITY OFFICIALS AND SURETY BONDS ' Year Ended December 31, 1986 Name ' - - -- Official Title -------- - - - - -- Mayor and Council: Bruce G. Nawrocki Mayor ' Russell D. Paulson Councilmember Rita M. Petkoff Councilmember Edward M. Carlson Councilmember Gary L. Peterson Councilmember Administration: Robert S. Boewinski City Manager Linda Magee Administrative Assistant William Elrite City Clerk- Treasurer - Finance Director- Liquor Operations Mgr. Ronald Kalina City Attorney Fred Salsbury Public Works /Director /City Engineer Stuart Anderson Chief of Police Donald Johnson Chief of Fire ' LeRoy Goranson Building Inspector Martin Gavic Plumbing Inspector ;.Donald Weinand Electrical Inspector Donald Jolly Superintendent of Public Works ' John Tiggas Recreation and Community Services Director Rebecca Loader Librarian ' The City has a $100,000 Faithful Performance Blank Position Bond on all City Employees. -130-. Table %II MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS 1986 Date of Incorporation March 14, 1898 Date of Adoption of City Charter. July 210 1921 Form of Government Council- Manager Fiscal Year Begins January 1 Area of City 3.52 Square Miles Miles of Streets and Alleys: Trunk Highways 3.0 County 6.2 City Streets 61.8 Alleys 18.9 Miles of Sewers: Storm Sewers 33.6 Sanitary Sewers 59.0 Watermain Miles 66.1 Building Permits: 1977 658 1978 687 1979 663 1980 555. 1981 644 1982 519 1983 540 1984 525 1985 508 1986 513 Estimated Cost: 1977 4,701,644 1978 6,9961678 1979 3,316,115 1980 3,264,460 1981 8,822,479. 1982 13 757,934 1983 7,829,198 1984 12,059,779 1985 4,938,226 1986 13,269,300 -131- Im CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MANAGEMENT LETTER FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 e 4 e. BERGREN, HOLMGREN & LORERG, LTD. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OFFICES IN: NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 Burnsville, MN St. Paul, MN 2534 E. 7TH AVE. New Prague, MN PHONE (612) 777 -1331 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We have examined the combined financial statements of THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA for the year ended December 31, 1986, and have issued our report thereon dated April 2, 1987. As a part of our examination, we have reviewed and tested the City's system of internal accounting control to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. Under these standards, the purpose of such evaluation is to establish a basis for reliance thereon in determining the nature, timing and extent of other auditing procedures that are necessary for'expressing an opinion on the financial statements. The objective of internal accounting control is to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance as to the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognized that the cost of a system of internal accounting control should not exceed the benefits derived and also recognized that the evaluation of these factors necessarily requires estimates and judge- ments by management. There are inherent limitations that should be recognized in considering the potential effectiveness of any system of internal accounting control. In the performance.of most control procedures, errors can result from misunderstanding of instruction, mistakes of judgement, carelessness or other personal factors. Control procedures whose effectiveness depends upon segregation of duties can be circumvented by collusion. Similarly, control procedures can be circumvented intentionally by management with respect either to the execution and recording of trans- actions or with respect to the estimates and judgements required in the preparation of financial statements. Further, projection of any evaluation of internal accounting control to future periods is subject to the risk that the procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions and that the degree of compliance with the procedure- may deteriorate. MEMBERS OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS To the Honorable Members of the City of Columbia Page 2 Mayor and City Council Heights, Minnesota Our study and evaluation of the City's system of internal accounting control for the year ended December 31, 1986, which was made for the purpose set forth in the first paragraph above, would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system. However, such study and eval- uation, disclosed the following conditions that we believe to be weak- nesses. Additionally,, the following section included recommendations that we believe will improve internal control procedures. Separation of Duties Although improvements have been made in the handling of cash receipts, we noted that there are still several functions controlled by the same individual so that the separation is not as complete as it should be. We recommend that the responsibilities of cashiering, reconciling and recording of cash receipts be reviewed and appropriate separation of responsibilities be established. Imprest Accounts The payroll account was established to separate payroll checks from all other disbursements made by the City which is an excellent and efficient means of handling payroll disbursements. In addition, a fixed working fund amount should be established in the checking account. All subse- quent reimbursements to that account should be equal to the net amount of the payroll checks written and distributed. At the present time the balance in that account fluxuates monthly dependent on the bank charges and manual checks written. We recommend that the amount in this account be established at a fixed amount and all subsequent reimbursements be made to retain that balance. Errors in Cash Register Entries During our examination of cash receipts, it was noted that there were numerous errors committed in the entry of cash transactions into the cash register. It was also noted that the cashier was responsible for their ultimate correction. , To the Honorable Members of the City of Columbia Page 3 Mayor and City Council Heights, Minnesota We recommend that more care be exercised in the use of the cash register and when errors are made that a person other than the cashier be respon- sible for their correction. In addition, a form should be established to explain an error, properly signed by preparer and then initialed by a designated approver. Collateralization of Funds Invested MN 118.005 subd. 2 requires governmental units to have adequate collateral. Currently, the City has adequate collateral and insurance on most of its funds. However, the City has, at various times during the year, nine to eleven $100,000 Certificates of Deposit within its brokerage account. As these Certificates accrue interest, the interest earned is not secured by federal deposit insurance or collateral pledged to secure the account since the amount will exceed $100,000.00. We recommend the City obtain pledged collateral from their brokerage house or instruct their brokerage house to purchase Certificates at a lower principal amount. Investments When investing funds MN 475.66 list criteria in which funds may be invested. One of these criteria states funds may be invested in governmental bonds, notes, bills, mortgages and other securities which are direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an Act of Congress. The City has during the course of the year over $1,000,000 invested in FNMA's. These securities are not technically guaranteed by the United States government. We recommend the City reconsider their policy in investing in FNMA's and consult with the City Attorney as to whether FNMA's are within the realm of investment criteria under MN 475.66 subdivision 3. Outstanding Checks Currently the City has outstanding checks in their bank reconciliation totaling $1,482.55 that are from one to seven -years old. We recommend the City consider the adoption of administrative policy to cancel checks outstanding over one years time, and reclassify to a liability account until such time as they are appropriately removed from the records. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Page 4 Prior Years' Recommendations The City of Columbia Heights has improved on the prior years' recommen- dations in reference to the following items: Cash Receipts - Recreation and Community Education Receipts and Deposits of Revenues Petty Cash Funds Separation of Duties - Cash Disbursements General Ledger Posting Year -End Inventory of Liquor Stores We wish to thank the City and its Staff for their courtesies and cooper- ation extended to us during our examination. This Auditors' Supplemental Letter with comments and recommendations is furnished solely for the-information of Management and is not to be used for any other purpose. April 2, 1987 j CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS REPORT ON LEGAL COMPLIANCE FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 r APRIL 2, 1987 1 V �y i ,. %:. ; BERGREN, HOLMGREN & LOBERG, LTD. To the Honorable Members of the City of Columbia CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OFFICES IN: Burnsville, MN NO. ST. PAUL, MN 55109 St. Paul, MN 2534 E. 7TH AVE. New Prague, MN PHONE (612) 777 -1331 Mayor and City Council Heights, Minnesota We have examined the general purpose financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, for the year ended December 31, 1986, and have issued our report thereon dated April 2, 1987. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions, issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office and the provi- sions of the Leal Compliance Audit Guide promulgated by the Legal Compliance Task Force pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 6.65 and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The Management of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, is responsible for the City's compliance with laws and regulations. In connection with the examination referred to above, we selected and tested transactions and records to determine the City's compliance with laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statements of the City. The results of our tests indicate that for those items tested, the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, complied with those provisions of laws and regulations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the general purpose financial statements. Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that for the items not tested the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, was not in compliance with laws or regu- lations noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the City's general purpose financial statements.. The Legal Compliance Audit Guide covers five main categories of comp- liance to be tested: contracting and bidding, deposits and investments, conflicts of interest, public indebtedness, and claims and disbursements. Our study included all of the listed categories. The results of our tests indicate that for the items tested, the City complied with the material terms and conditions of applicable legal provisions, except as reported in the Schedule of Findings and Recommendations. Further, for the items not tested, based on our examination and the procedures referred to above, nothing came to our attention to indicate that the City had not complied with such legal provisions. April 2, 1987 MEMBERS OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS