HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 CAFREm, "I FINANCIAL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55421 590 FORTIETH AVENUE N.E. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1980 FINANCE DEPARTMENT JOHN E. SCHEDLER, FINANCE DIRECTOR MEMBER OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA telephone: 788 -9221 (612) HE CIT�INANCIAL OF COLUM9IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA EP RT EAR �NDED DECEMBER L ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTORY SECTION Reference Number Administrative Organization Finance Directors Letter of Transmittal 1 Auditors Report 9 II. FINANCIAL SECTION A. General Purpose Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Form A 10 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Form A -1 12 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types Form A -2 14 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -3 16 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -4 18 Notes to Financial Statements 20 B. Combining and Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules General Fund Form B 27 Special Revenue Funds Form C 36 HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA TINA�CIAL EP RT EAR kNDED llECEMBER 1, 1980 Debt Service Funds Form D 45 Capital Projects Funds Form E 49 Special Assessment Funds Form F 53 Enterprise Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Form G 55 Combining Statement of Revenues, Exnenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Form G -1 57 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -2 59 Municipal Liquor Fund Form H 61 Water Utility Fund Form I 71 Sewer Utility Fund Form J 77 Internal Service Fund: Central Garage Fund 'Form K 84 Statement of General Fixed Assets Form L 88 Statement of General Long -term Debt Form M 89 III. STATISTICAL SECTION Assessed Value and Market Value of all Taxable Property Table I 92 Tax Rates Table II 94 City Tax Levy Table III 95 Tax Levies and.Tax Collections Table IV 96 Special Assessment Collections Table V 96 Revenues - Other than Property Taxes And Special Assessments Table VI 98 Expenditures for Selected Functions Table VII 98 HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA�NDED T INA�C IAL EP RT EAR llECEMBER L,M Statement of Legal Debt Margin Table VIII 99 Combining Schedule of Bonds Payable Table IX 100 Schedule of Investments Table X 104 Schedule of Cash and Security for Deposit Table XI 106 Schedule of Insurance in Force Table XII 108 Principal City Officials and Surety Bonds Table XIII 110 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts Table XIV 111 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 CITY COUNCIL Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. "Sebe" Heintz Councilmember Kenneth E. Hentges Councilmember Walter S. Logacz Councilmember Gayle R. Norberg Councilmember CITY MANAGER Robert S. Bocwinski FINANCE DEPARTMENT John E. Schedler Director William Stawarski City Accountant CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT i DEPARTMENTS DIVISIONS � �s� \ e {e Regular Reserves Regular Volunteers POLICE Reserves >\<\ Accounting City Clerk Elections Utility Billing FIRE Collections Liquor Bar No. 2 Off Sale No. 3 Off Sale )FINANCE / Inspections Licenses 6 Permits ADMINISTRATIV Planning SERVICES Assessing Engineering Streets Water Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Parks - Admin. Maintenance Central Garage PUBLIC WORKS LIBRARY GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, (MINNESOTA LEGAL CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MAYOR COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTORS RECREATION b INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DIS- SERVICES TRICT #13 COMMISSION COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Planning and Zoning Recreation S Community Services Park Traffic H RA Library Human Services Police & Fire Civil Service Charter Downtown Development ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT n CITY ® OF CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 5:90. 40th Ave. N 'E' . -. .___(612)T 7aa- 9221. 1 April 27, 1981 Mr. Robert S. Bocwinski City Manager City of Columbia Heights Dear Mr. Bocwinski: Also inherent in this controlling function is the management Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. "Sebe" Heintz, Councilmember Walter Logacz, Councilmember ' Gayle R. Norberg, Councilmember Kenneth E. Hentges, Councilmember EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The annual financial report of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1980 is submitted herewith. The organiz- ation, form and contents of this report were prepared in accordance with standards prescribed by the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, State Auditor's Office, State of Minnesota, and the City Charter. The format has been modified from prior years to incorporate changes recommended by the National Council on Governmental Accounting in ' Statement 1 of Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting which incorporates pertinent aspects of Audits of State and Local Govern- mental Units. ' The report consists of three sections: Section I is the introductory section and contains the Table of Contents, Letter of Transmittal, Admin- istrative organization and Auditors report. Section II is the financial section and contains the general purpose financial statements, notes to financial statements and the combining and individual fund and account group statements and schedules. Section III is the statistical section ' and contains comparative statistical tables and data having reference value for citizens and investors. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND REPORTS The City maintains complete self - balancing account groups for each entity of the City in accordance with the organizational chart of the City. This results in a classification of transactions according to specific functions, _ separate and distinct from those pertaining to unrelated activities. The City's accounting records are maintained on the accrual, or modified accrual basis, as appropriate. Budgetary control is maintained by an encumbrance system whereby purchase requests are pre- audited as to authorization and availability of funds prior to their release to vendors. Also inherent in this controlling function is the management Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. "Sebe" Heintz, Councilmember Walter Logacz, Councilmember ' Gayle R. Norberg, Councilmember Kenneth E. Hentges, Councilmember EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER philosophy that the existence of a particular item or appropriation in the approved budget does not.automatically mean that it will or must be spent. The budget process has flexibility in that, where need has been adequately demonstrated, an adjustment can be made within the department budget by the City Manager, or between departments and funds by the City Council. Therefore, there is a constant reviewal process and expenditures are not approved until it has been determined that (1) adequate funds were appropriated, (2) the expenditure is still necessary and (3) funds are available. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL FUNDS These are indexed in the preceding table of contents. In addition the header for each type of fund provides a description of the basis for establishment of the fund and another table of contents of the financial statements pertaining to the individual fund. Each statement of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds (where applicable) Enterprise Funds and Internal Services Funds are presented with comparative information to 1979. CITY FINANCIAL ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS DURING 1980 * The payment of $392,723 in principal and interest of scheduled bond maturities. * Interest earnings were at an all time high totaling $460,816. * General Fund Revenues exceeded expenditures by $196,348. GENERAL FUND On December 31, 1980 the fund balance of the General Fund totaled $1,508,906 of which $287,030 is appropriated for the 1981 budget. This leaves an unappropriated fund balance which is adequate, but it should be pointed out that this represents a working capital for general opera- tions that is used extensively during the first seven months until current taxes and state aids are received. The following table shows previous year -end General Fund balances, as compared to adopted budget of following year. .Total of Appropriated and General Unappropriated Fund Balance Fund Budget Beginning of Year Amount % Of Budget 1975 2,179,705 107,376 4.9 1976 2,329,365 292,898 12.6 1977 2,549,629 591,399 23.2 1978 2,917,260 863,828 29.6 1979 3,078,785 957,562 31.1 1980 3,407,235 1,312,026 38.5 1981 3,978,165 1,508,906 37.9 CITY OF COLUMBIA BEISNTS, MINNESOTA 2 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I 7 7 I J u C L I L 0 Estimated and actual revenues for the current year are presented in Form B -2. Revenues received for general government operations totaled $3,510,082 in 1980, an increase of.$325,717 or 10.2% over the previous year. The following table presents an analysis of the major revenue sources of the General Fund for 1980 and its change from 1979. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. This amount of increase is stated in terms of 6% per capita. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principle remained the same. The follow- ing table summarized the City's status in complying with the law for 1980 and 1979. , Levy Limit Base Less: State aids applicable to levy limitations !%dd: Base Adjustment Levy Limit before special levies Plus: Special levies allowed: Debt Service Other Total allowable levy Total levy certified .CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 3 1980 1979 $ 2,304,871 $ 2,171,007 (1,305,720) (1,143,302) 27,400 $ 1,026,551 $ 1,027,705 290,000 245,000 438,140 491,568 $ 1,754,691 $ 1,764,273 $ 1,631,608 $ 1,631,608 ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT 1980 Percent Increase (Decrease) Revenue Source Amount of Total from 1979 General Property Taxes $ 943,972 26.9% $ (100,408) Licenses and Permits 68,710 2.0 (9,454) Intergovernmental Revenue 1,828,040 52.1 256,313 Charges for Services 353,939 10.1 19,538 Fines and Forfeits 72,274 2.1 23,207 Miscellaneous Revenue 155,993 4.4 65,512 Expenditure Reimbursements 16,119 .4 798 Transfers - In 71,035 2.0 70,211 Totals $ 3,510,082 100.0% $ 325,717 From the above table, it is apparent that the major sources available for funding the general operations is the property tax (26.9 %) and inter- governmental revenue (52.11%), primarily state aids. Both of these sources are controlled in the amount that they can increase by what is known as the Levy Limitation Law. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. This amount of increase is stated in terms of 6% per capita. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principle remained the same. The follow- ing table summarized the City's status in complying with the law for 1980 and 1979. , Levy Limit Base Less: State aids applicable to levy limitations !%dd: Base Adjustment Levy Limit before special levies Plus: Special levies allowed: Debt Service Other Total allowable levy Total levy certified .CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 3 1980 1979 $ 2,304,871 $ 2,171,007 (1,305,720) (1,143,302) 27,400 $ 1,026,551 $ 1,027,705 290,000 245,000 438,140 491,568 $ 1,754,691 $ 1,764,273 $ 1,631,608 $ 1,631,608 ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT FISCAL DISPARITIES In 1971 the legislature enacted a Fiscal Disparity Law which was not implemented until taxes payable in 1975 due to a constitutional challenge. The law provides for the pooling of 40% of all new commercial /industrial property valuation or growth in the seven county area to be redistributed to the taxing jurisdictions according to specified criteria. Although it is difficult to determine the future impact of the law on the City, it appears that the City will gain in nominal amounts. The impact on the taxable valuations of the City for taxes collectible in 1978 through 1980 was as follows: 1980 City's taxable value: Personal property $ 1,218,792 Real estate 73;741;181 Sub -Total Y 74,959,973 Areawide allocation: Contribution to "pool "$( 1,840,970) Distribution from "pool" 4,062,894 Net Increase $ 2;221,924 Combined Value $ 77,181,897 1979 $ 1,221,501 71,601,406 $ 72,822,907 $ (1,491,381) 3,311,002 $ 1,819,621 $ 74,642,528 1978 $ 1,213, 202 68,981,490 $ 70,194,692 $ (1,085,236) 2,641,684 $ 1,556,448 $ 71,751,140 Actual taxes received from the fiscal disparities allocation amounted to $85,771 in 1980, to $70,023 in 1979, and $52,756 in 1978. This represents a small amount of property tax relief to Columbia Heights taxpayers. It should be remembered that, regardless of how much "new revenue" is re- ceived from fiscal disparites, the revenue is part of the tax controlled by the levy limit within which the City must still operate. PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS It is the City's policy to offset any property taxes not received with an equal allowance for uncollectible amounts. Therefore, any delinquent taxes, or unremitted current taxes are not recognized as revenue until received in cash, and are used to finance the budget in the year in which they are received. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The municipal State -Aid Street Fund was established to receive gasoline tax apportionments from the state which are used to construct state -aid streets. In 1980, apportionments and interest earnings of $189,709 were received. The fund balance, now dedicated to construction of state -aid streets, at December 31, 1980 is $406,406. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 4 ANNUAL nNANCIAL REPORT J J J I 1 I] J u fl r C L 11 0 The Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for the receipt and expenditure of federal general revenue sharing funds. Revenue Sharing was enacted in 1972, and covered the period from January.l, 1972 to December 31, 1976. Federal amendments to the law reauthorized appropriations through September 30, 1983. The following table reflects the use of Revenue Sharing through December 31, 1980: Fund _ Balance Revenue Sharing Interest Capital Year Revenue Earnings Total Projects Operations Total End 1972 $120,859 $ - $120,859 $ - $ - $ - $120,859 1973 140,575 9,202 149,777 110,239 14,606 124,845 145,791 1974' 144,256 12,834 157,090 145,830 4,158 149,988 152,893 1975 154,036 11,530 165,566 187,572 30,488 218,060 100,399 1976 157,339 10,907 168,246 158,164 68,528 226,692 41,953 1977 159,482 6,257 165,739 108,928 25,478 134,406 73,286 1978 178,817 5,800 184,617 179,120 12,723 191,843 66,060 1979 176,635 9,584 186,219 112,904 18,189 131,093 121,186 1980 160,131 12,872 173,003 110,709 29,357 140,066 154,123 In 1981 it is estimated that the City will receive $15.2,000 in revenue sharing payments and $5,000 interest earnings. The adopted 1981 budget includes $3,380 for general operations and $237,805 for capital projects, leaving an estimated fund balance of $9,230 as of December 31, 1981. In 1978 the Recreation Commission was expanded to include a Community Services function. The revised Recreation and Community Services Commission Fund is funded and directed in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 through a six member board. The activity of this fund covers year round recreation programs in the schools, city parks and outside the community. in 1980 expenditures of $180,274 exceeded revenues by $16,709 thus decreasing the fund balance to $11,846. FIXED ASSETS The general fixed assets of the City are those fixed assets used in the performance of general governmental functions, but exclude the fixed assets of the propietary funds. As of December 31, 1980, the general fixed assets of the City thus far recorded amount to $9,157,408. This amount represents the original cost of land, buildings And equipment and is considerably less than their present value. Depreciation of the general fixed assets is not re- cognized, as is customary in municipal accounting, in the City's accounting system, but depreciation of assets is recognized in the propietary funds for rate setting purposes, etc. An appraisal of buildings, structures and equipment (excluding vehicles for which the City had cost information) was accomplished in 1979. These values plus the original assessed cost of water and sewer lines were estab- lished on the City's accounting records. In 1981 further work is planned to develop values for roads, curbs and gutters and similar assets that are immovable and incorporate these values into the General Fixed Asset group of accounts. Replacement values for insurance purposes were also established from the.appraisal. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGMTS, MINNESOTA 5 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ENTERPRISE FUNDS Liquor Operation Total sales were $1,301,856, an increase from 1979 of $81,289. Total net income was $103,614, an increase of $3,268 from 1979. Net income for the Off -Sale Stores increased (no.2 $11,119 and No-3 $13,510), while the bar net income decreased $21,367. WATER UTILITY The Water Utility Fund had a 1980 net operating loss of $13,172 on a an increase in revenues compared to a net loss of $23,775 in 1979. A 33.3% rate increase to water users' will go into effect January 1, 1981 to cover the last two cost of water increases (14.6% December 1979 and 18.2% December 1980) now charged by the City of Minneapolis. In 1980 a volume increase of 12,864,000 cubic feet to an annual usage of 92,717,300 cubic feet was experienced. The volume level rose to the second highest point in the past seven (7) years. In addition, the fund transferred $15,000 to Debt Service Funds. SEWER UTILITY The Sewer Utility Fund with a 15.3% increase in revenues had a net income of $6,961 in 1980 compared to a net loss of $43,986 in 1979. The Sewer Fund transferred $30,000 to Debt Service Funds in 1980. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS Special Assessment Funds are used to finance and account for the construction and financing of certain public improvements such as residential streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, and water mains which are to be paid for wholly or in part from special assessments levied against benefited property. The Special Assessment Funds are also used to account for assess- ments levied against the individual property owners which are usually paid in installments over a period of years. During 1980, the City assessed $41,838 of benefits to property owners. of the $422,100 deferred tax levies scheduled for collection in 1980, $132,100 was cancelled. A tax levy of $290,000 was made and 98.3% of the levy was collected in 1980. CENTRAL GARAGE FUND The Central Garage Fund was established in 1977 to record expenses of the service shop and to allocate such cost to the using departments. It is intended to maintain this fund on a self - sustaining basis with the establish- ment of fixed assets and related depreciation for the garage in 1979, re- tained earnings has a deficit balance of $20,376_as of December-31, 1980._ _ Depreciation, although not considered in the initial years, will be a factor in future user rates. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 2 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I n 1 l C u r C 0 I C I TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Investment Trust Fund The Investment Trust Fund was created in 1974 to record all investment transactions except direct investments of bonds of the City purchased by other funds. Interest earnings from these investments are allocated to all funds of the City, except construction accounts and the trust and agency funds, on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at December 31, at book value, is also allocated to the individual funds. The allocation of interest earnings to December 31, includes accrued interest receivable, which results in a cash overdraft in the fund of a like amount. Based on month end statistics, an average of 100% of total cash for all funds was invested throughout the year. Interest rates were substantially higher in 1980 than in preceding years and the average amount of idle funds increased only slightly in 1979. Interest earnings for the past six years is as follows: Year Earnings Yield 1974 $101,498 - 1975 87,612 8.34% 1976 121,051 7.75% 1977 114,186 5.69% 1978 119,918 6.29% 1979 181,797 9.21% 1980 229,978 11.14% The 1980 earnings were distributed to .the following funds: 0 General $ 65,200 Revenue Sharing 12,810 Municipal State -Aid Street 667 Capital Improvements 55,930 Debt Service 50,917 Liquor. 36,773 Water 7,681 $229,978 r NEW LEGISLATION The 1978 Minnesota Legislature enacted Chapter 787 to standardize and improve municipal financial reporting. Beginning in 1979,. the fiscal year of all Minnesota cities is the calendar year. Also., cities failing to meet the new financial reporting requirements will have the State Auditor's Office or its appointee prepare their financial statements. Fees for this service will be withheld from the City's share of Municipal State Aid. This report meets or exceeds all state reporting requirements. CITY OF COLUMBIA MEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 7 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank your office and the members of the City Council for their interest and support in planning-and conducting the financial operations of the City. The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Finance Department. Special recognition should be given to William W. Stawarski, City Accountant, who assisted in preparing this report, and to Jackie for her precise typing of this document. Respectfully submitted, John E. Schedler Finance Director CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 8 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY, P.A. A Professional Corporation of Certified Public Aeeountants 175 SOUTH PLAZA BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 ACCOUNTANTS' REPORT The City Council City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Columbia t Heights, Minnesota, as of and for the year ended December 31, 1980, as listed in Section II -A of the table of contents. Our examination was made in accord- ance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. ' In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, at December 31, 1980, and the results of its operations and the changes in financial position of its proprietary fund types for the year then ended, in conformity ' with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. ' Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements taken as a whole. The combining, individual fund, and account group financial statements and schedules listed in Section II -B of the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the combined financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The information has been subjected to the auditing proce- dures applied in the examination of the combined financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the combined financial statements taken as a whole. Our examination did not include the statistical information presented in Section III. i', 1 May 1, 1981 C u I I H 0 u 0 C 0 0 HE CITX OF COLUM WiRT HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUAINA CIAL iNDrED EAR �JECEMBER 1, 1O GE.XERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS These General Purpose Financial Statements are part of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, presenting only aggregate data by fund type and account group, together with notes to the financial statements and constitutes "fair presentation in con- formity with generally accepted accounting principles." It is felt that these General Purpose Financial Statements will be a benefit to users requirinq less detailed information about our City's finances. TABLE OF CONTENTS Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Form A Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Form A -1 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual - General and Special Revenue Fund Types Form A -2 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -3 Combined Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Proprietary Fund Types Form A -4 Notes to Financial Statements Page 10 12 14 16 16 20 C% 0 h O C _O a Z f�f O S Z Z 1" N O al i O r Z C r Z Z _A r rw �v Form A COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS December 31, 1980 Totals Government Fund Types Proprietary Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Only) Special General General Decem- Decem- Special Debt Capital Assess- Internal Fixed Long -Term ber 31, ber 31, 1980 1979 ASSETS General Revenue Service Pro'e7 cts ments Enterprise Service Assets Debt - $ 162,990 $ 74,153 Cash $ 7.285 $ (3,766)$ 8,943 $ 157,948 $ (52,182) $ 16,171 $ 1,646 $ - $ 169,407 341,490 117,225 9,126,249 2,344,894 Cash with fiscal agent 1,110,955 132,000 1,011,000 6,371,844 45,000 449,450 6,0 Investments, at cost Receivables (net of allowances 19,442 6,074 for uncollectables): 18,547 543 352 350,333 275,394 Accounts receivable Unbilled accounts receivable 54,570 87,161 295,763 8,678 95,839 80,785 Special assessments receivable 67,495 49,848 117,343 388,350 43,196 442,200 Accrued interest receivable 347,100 41,250 515,681 314,307 Due from other funds from other governmental units 9,382 472,758 33,541 124,233 48,164 172,397 138,206 Due Inventory of supplies, at cost 25,875 Restricted assets: Cash with fiscal agent 60,500 117,600 Deferred receivables: 60,500 32,630 33,953 Taxes receivable 32,630 602,047 411,494 Accounts receivable 602,047 302,683 312,457 Special assessments receivable 302,683 3,025,100 3,123,644 3,154,201 Contracts receivable 98,544 2,672,299 3,076,984 3,074,530 Land 404,685 191,431 4,722,490 4,650,064 Buildings improvements other than buildings 4,531,059 5,765 741 624,807 631,313 620,896 Office furniture and equipment 355,747 63,912 903,578 1,323,237 1,288,470 Machinery and equipment 1,740,193 1,740,193 (2,165,536) (2,050,998) Construction in proqress (2,125,768) (39,768) 1,035,023 1,035,023 418,865 Allowance for depreciation Amount available in Debt Service Funds 8,184,977 8 189,977 911,135 Amount to be provided for retirement of general long -term debt 80,695 $ 9,157,408 $9,220,000$ $17,029,241 $1,615,334 $ 601,535 $1,178,418 $6, 579,640 $ 821,653 $ 4,533,533 S TOTAL ASSETS M M M M M M ® M M ® ® ® ® M M M ® M M M M M M M M M M M ® M M ® ® ® M M M !'! Form A F" � COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS (Continued) 3 _W December 31, 1980 30 Totals 0�1 C9 Government Fund Types Proprietary Fund Types Account Groups (Memorandum Only) 30 Special General General Decem- Decem- LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Special Debt Capital Assess- Internal Fixed Long -Term ber 31, ber 31, General Revenue Service Projects ments Enterprise Service Assets Debt 1980 1979 Z Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 29,657 $ 9,518 $ - $ 180 $ - $ 23,036 $ 4,172 $ - $ - $ 66,563 $ 38,901 43,195 87,681 CD Contracts payable 38,901 13,932 2,246 87,192 49,232 4 Accrued liabilities 68,478 2,536 195, 367,365 Matured bonds and interest payable 143,395 52,182 94,966 96,780 80 56,756 Due to other governmental units 1,814 330,000 41,250 388,350 442,200 Due to other funds 17,100 5,896 5,729 Deferred revenue 5,896 55,000 9,220,000 9,275,000 1,435,000 Bonds payable 8,511 Deposit's 583 302,683 302,683 .312,457 -. Deferred credit $ 106,428 $ 29,154 $ 143,395 $ 180 $ 484,594 $ 475,867 $ 6,418 $ - $9,220,000 $10,466,036 $2,859,676 Total Liabilities Fund Equity: - - - 3,758,662 94,653 ° - - 3,853,315 3,848,502 Contributed capital - - 9,157,408 9,157,408 7,345,689 Investment in general fixed assets 299,004 (20,376) 278,628 216',783 Retained earnings Fund balance: 287,030 5,505 1,035,023 6,374,758 12,464 7,714,,780 109,346 Appropriated 1,221,876 566,876 204,702 324,595 2,318,049 2,649,245 Unappropriated Total Fund Equity 1,508,906 572,381 1,035,023 6,579,460 337,059 4,057,666 74,277 9,157,408 - 23,361,736 14,169,565 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND $1,615,334 $601,535 $1,178,418 $6,579,640 $ 821,653 $ 4,533,533 $ 80,695 $9,157,408 $9,220,000 $33,788,216$17,029,241 EQUITY X c s P �1 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. C7 7 O COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICNTS, MINNESOTA 12 �. ANNUAL IFINANCIAI REPORT Special General Revenue REVENUES: General property taxes $ 943,972 $ Homestead credit 395,801 Special assessments Licenses and permits 68,710 Fines and forfeitures 72,274 Interest and rents 116,013 13,477 Intergovernmental revenues 1,432,239 444,079 Charges for services 353,939 25,949 Other revenue 56,099 62 Total Revenues 3,439,047 483,567 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Bond proceeds Transfers from other funds 71,035 77,115 Total Revenues and Other Sources 3,510,082 560,682 EXPENDITURES: Current: General government 488,715 63,761 Public safety 1,277,400 Public works 555,918 Sanitation 268,793 Library 161,085 Parks and recreation 424,375 178,727 Other 42,227 Capital outlay 114,311 Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total Expenditures 3,218,513 356,799 OTHER USES: Transfers to other funds: 94,689 Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,313,202 356,799 EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 196,880 203,883 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 1,312,026 368,498 FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $1,508,906 $ 572,381 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICNTS, MINNESOTA 12 �. ANNUAL IFINANCIAI REPORT Debt Service $ 202,716 85,534 58,615 346,865 589,170 45,000 981,035 285,000 79,877 364,877 364,877 616,158 418,865 $1,035,023 Capital Projects 286,768 286, /bb 7,497,069 1,209 7,785,046 61,083 61,Ubi 1,696,283 1,757,366 6,027,680 551,780- ICITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Snecial 418,838 36,959 14,076 469,873 17,574 487,447 59,670 193,689 2b3,44-') 253,445 234,002 100,527 13 Form. A-1 Totals (Memorandum Only) 1980 1979 $1,146,688 $1,260,654 481,335 377,910 418,838 168,484 68,710 78,164 72,274 49,067 511,832 219,627 1,876,318 1,747,634 379,888 354,293 70,237 53,787 285,000 5,026,120 4,309,620 8,086,239 211,933 305,988 13,324,292 4,615,608 552,476 531,265 1,277,400 1,096,252 555,918 479,119 268,793 255,693 161,085 130,172 603,102 471,216 101,897 126,952 369,083 771,739 285,000 285,000 79,963 64,235 4,254,717 4,211,643 1,790,972 253,866 6,045,689 4,465,509 7,278.,603 150,099 2,751,696 2,595,554 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement ANNUAL FINANCIAL RE CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGIITS, MINNESOTA REPORT 14 GENERAL FUND Variance Budget Actual Over (Under) REVENUES: General property taxes $ 1,009,208 $ 943,972 $ (65,236) Homestead credit 335,400 395,801 60,401 Licenses and permits 60,500 68,710 8,210 Fines and forfeitures 41,200 72,274 31,074 Interest and rents 48,435 116,013 67,578 Intergovernmental revenue 1,407,540 1,432,239 24,699 Charges for services 333,000 353,939 20,939 Other revenue 8,400 56,099 47,699 Total Revenues 3,243,683 3,439,047 195,364 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from other funds 71,035 71,035 - Total Revenues and Other Sources 3,314,718 3,510,082 195,364 EXPENDITURES: General government 519,470 488,715 (30,755) Public safety 1,304,860 1,277,400 (27,460) Public works 581,825 555,918 (25,907) Sanitation 269,880 268,793 (1,087) Library 164,845 161,085 (3,760) Parks and recreation 429,090 424,375 (4,715) Other 60,540 42,227 (18,313) Capital outlay Total Expenditures 3,330,510 3,218,513 (111,997) OTHER USES: Transfers to other funds 76,725 94,689 17,964 Total Expenditures and Other Uses 3,407,235 3,313,202 (94,033) EXCESS OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES (92,517) 196,880 289,397 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 1,312,026 1,312,026 FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 1,219,509 $1,508,906 $ 289,397 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement ANNUAL FINANCIAL RE CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGIITS, MINNESOTA REPORT 14 i Form A -2 (127,688) 368,498 $ 240,810 203,883 368,498 c q7l 101 331,571 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 15 (220,205) 400,763 620,968 1,680,524 1,680,524 $1,460,319 $2,081,287 $ 620,968 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT TOTALS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS MEMORANDUM ONLY Variance Variance Budget Acutal Over (Under) Budget Actual Over (Under) $ - $ - $ - $1,009,208 $ 943,972 $ (65,236) 335,400 395,801 60,401 60,500 68,710 8,210 41,200 72,274 31,074 5,000 13,477 8,477 53,435 129,490 76,055 374,042 444,079 70,037 1,781,582 1,876,318 94,736 19,900 25,949 6,049 352,900 379,888 26,988 62 62 8,400 56,161 47,761 398,942 483,567 84,625 3,642,625 3,922,614 279,989 76,725 77,115 390 147,760 148,150 390 475,667 560,682 85,015 3,790,385 4,070,764 280,379 51,985 63,761 11,776 571,455 552,476 (18,979) 1,304,860 1,277,400 (27,460) 581,825 555,918 (25,907) 269,880 268,793 (1,087) 164,845 161,085 (3,760) 176,890 178,727 1,837 605,980 603,102 (2,878) 60,540 42,227 (18,313) 374,480 114,311 (260,169) 374,480 114,311 (260,169) 603,355 356,799 (246,556) 3,933,865 3,575,312 (358,553) 76,725 94,689 17,964 603,355 356,799 (246,556) 4,010,590 3,670,001 (340,589) (127,688) 368,498 $ 240,810 203,883 368,498 c q7l 101 331,571 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 15 (220,205) 400,763 620,968 1,680,524 1,680,524 $1,460,319 $2,081,287 $ 620,968 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 OPERATING REVENUES: Sales Cost of sales Gross Profit OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Source of supply /Disposal charges Total OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION OPERATING INCOME NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Interest income Interest expense Other income (expense) - net Total Net Income Transfers to other funds Reclassify reserve RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT BEGINNING OF YEAR RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. i CITY Or COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 16 Enterprise $ 2,466,824 868,704 1,598,120 547,996 162,313 52,416 683,048 1,445,773 109,609 59,188 (7,698) 3,175 54,665 97,403 45,000 246,601 �zi.�.r...■ ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT Form A -3 CITY OF COLUMBIA NE16NTS, MINNESOTA 17 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT TOTALS Internal (MEMORANDUM ONLY) Service 1980 1979 $ 136,884 $2,603,708 $2,310 ;544 868,704 800,721 136,884 1,735,004 1,509,823 82,128 630,124 556,694 28,854 191,167 195,866 11,378 63,794 54,121 683,048 608,875 122,360 1,568,133 1,415,556 14,524 166,871 94,267 4,929 114,538 116,231 9,595 52,333 (21,964) 59,188 46,282 (720) (8,418) (4,061) 567 3,742 12,264 (153) 54,512 54,485 9,442 106,845 32,521 45,000 (74,178) 18,405 (29,818) 216,783 240,035 $ (20,376) $ 278,628 $ 216,783 CITY OF COLUMBIA NE16NTS, MINNESOTA 17 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 Enterprise SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Operations: Net income (loss) $ 97,403 Items not requiring (providing) working capital Depreciation 109,609 Loss- disposal fixed assets Contributions Working Capital Provided by Operations 207,012 Decrease in long term contract receivable 9,774 Increase in deferred credit - revaluation MWCC Decrease in deferred receivable- reserve capacity 1,323 Water tower sur -tax Total Sources of Working Capital 218,109 USES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Additions to property and equipment -net 13,168 Reduction of due to other funds 11,550 Decrease deferred credit - revaluation gain 9.774 Increase long -term contract receivable MWCC Transfers to other funds 45,000 Total Uses of Working Capital 79,492 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ 138,617 ELEMENTS OF NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL; Cash $ (11,303) Investments 82,000 Accounts receivable 64,343 Inventory 28,998 Accounts payable (30,539) Due to other funds 42,900 Due from /to Metro Waste Control Commission (37t782) Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ 138,617 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. ICITY. OF COLUMBIA MEICRTS, MINNESOTA 18 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT TOTALS Internal (MEMORANDUM ONLY) Service 1980 1979 $ 9,442 $ 106,845 $ 32,521 4,929 114,538 116,231 13,168 345 2,088 14,371 221,383 151,185 9,774 9,398 28,133 1,323 1,230 18,405 14,371 232,480 208,351 - 13,168 14,586 11,550. 10,450 9,774 9,398 28,133 45,000 70,909 - 79,492 133,476 $ 14,371 $ 152,988 $ 74,875 $ (4,947) $ (16,250) $ (4,965) 6,000 88,000 .95,000 (19) 64,324 (542) 5,193 34,191 5,507 144 (30,395) 25,418 8,000 50,900 (24,600) (37,782) (20,943) $ 14,371 $ 152,988 $ 74,875 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGIITS, MINNESOTA 19 Form A -4 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT u n 0 u 1 I1 n C 0 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1980 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNT POLICIES Basis of Accounting. The General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and Debt Service Funds are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. All other funds use the accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, transactions are recorded in the following manner: A. Revenues are recongnized at the time cash is, or normally should be, received or when susceptible to accrual (measurable and available), although not yet received in cash. Substantially all sources of revenue are accrued, except interest on special assessments receivable, which is recognized when due. B. Expenditures are recognized when a liability is incurred, except for interest on long -term debt which is recognized when due. Budgetary Accounting. Section 62 of the City Charter requires an annual budget. Budget revisions are authorized by the City Council in accordance with the city charter at the request of the City Manager. The accompanying statements of revenue and expenditures compared with budget estimates reflect these revisions, if any. All appropriations lapse at the end of the budget year to'the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered. Pooled Cash and Investments. The funds of the city are pooled into official depositories not identified with any particular fund. Idle funds not needed for current operations are invested f om, and ,accounted for, in the Invest- ment Trust Fund through a cash overdraft account. Investments are stated at amortized cost, which approximates market. The city distributes investment earnings according to the policies estab- lished in 1974 when the Investment Trust Fund was established. Interest earnings from these investments are allocated to all funds of the city except Capital Project funds and certain trust and agency funds on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at December 31, at amortized cost, is also allocated to the individual funds. The allocation of interest earnings at December 31, includes accrued interest receivable, which results in a cash overdraft in the fund of a like amount. Receivables. Current taxes are accrued with an allowance for uncollect- ible amounts equal to 2 %. At year end actual uncollected current taxes are transferred to delinquent taxes and an offsetting adjustment is made to the uncollectible. amounts. Delinquent taxes are recognized as revenue when received in cash. All other receivables have historically never been in default, and there- fore, no allowance has been provided. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 20 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Sales and income are recognized at various times: Liquor sales are recognized at the time of sale; Utility sales are recognized when billed with an accrual at year end for unbilled services; Miscell- aneous accounts receivable are recognized when billed. Inventories. Inventories are stated at an average cost for Liquor and on a FIFO basis for Water and Central Garage. Fixed Assets and Depreciation. Additions to fixed assets in Govern - mental Funds are recorded as an expenditure of the applicable fund in the year in which the asset is purchased, and are capitalized at cost in the General Fixed Asset Account Group. Depreciation is not recorded on these assets. Fixed assets of the Proprietary Funds are recorded at cost. Depre- ciation is-provided on the straight -line method. The following table summarizes depreciable lives by type of property: Year Buildings 40 -50 Mains and lines 50 -100 Structures 5 -20 Equipment 5 -20 Fixed assets are recorded on a historical cost basis using actual cost for all assets except buildings and equipment for which a cost was developed from a 1979 appraisal. Certain "improvements other than buildings" have been excluded from our General Fixed Assets. These assets included such items as roads, bridges, curbs and gutters, sidewalks and drainage systems which are immovable and have value only to the City. Taxes. The county remits tax collections in a manner that identifies each fund which levied the taxes except the debt service levy. A pro- rated basis determined by the ratio of each debt service levy to the total debt service levy is used to allocate the current and the de- linquent taxes received. Total Columns on Combined Statements - Overview. Total columns on the Combined Statemens - Overview are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of opera- tions, or changes in financial position in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggreg- ation of this data. 2. METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION A. Interceptor Acquisition Contract. As of January 1, 1971, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) assumed ownership of all existing interceptors and treatment works. Under the terms of the agreement with the MWCC, the City is to be reimbursed for the value at the time of transfer of such facilities. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 21 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - u u n. n n . I 1 fl NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The current value receivable represents the value of the facilities acquired by the MWCC, and was determined to be $400,533 at the date of takeover by the MWCC. This amount is being amortized through credits received against annual sewer service billings from the MWCC over a thirty -year period with interest at 4 %. Prior to 1980 the City received credits against MWCC billings total- ing $200,448, of which $88,076 was treated as a reduction of principal. During 1980 the City received a credit of $22,272, of which $9,774 was a reduction of principal. As of December 31, 1980, a balance of $302,683 remained to be collected over the next twenty years. B. Reserve Capacity. The City was required to advance funds to the MWCC for deferments of reserve capacity costs granted to other communities. The balance of this receivable from the MWCC at December 31, 1980 was $32,630 and is collectible over the next ten years. During 1980, the City received $2,293 related to this receivable, of which $1,323 rep- resented a reduction of principal. 3. APPROPRIATED OF RESERVED FUND EQUITY Fund equity in the various funds have been appropriated or reserved for the following purposes: General Fund: Balance 1981 Budget $ 287,030 Recreation and Community Additions Retirements Services Fund: Land $3,055,657 1981 Budget $ 5,505 Sullivan Lake Fund: 2,798,883 64,847 1981 Transfer 2,863,730 Furniture, Fixtures and to General Fund $ 270,890 Downtown Land Acquisition: office equipment 618,780 Transfer to H.R.A. $6,103,868 624,807 Debt Service Funds: 872,369 38,426 Future debt retirement $1,035,023 Total Special Assessment Funds: $ 1,849,493 $ 37,774 Future interest on bonds $ 2,530 Contract committments $ 9,934 4. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Changes in the General Fixed Assets Group of Accounts during 1980 were as follows; CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 22 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Balance Balance Jan 1, 1980 Additions Retirements Dec. 31, 1980 Land $3,055,657 $ 1,740,193 $ 30,557 $ 4,765,293 Buildings and structures 2,798,883 64,847 2,863,730 Furniture, Fixtures and office equipment 618,780 6,027 624,807 Machinery and equipment 872,369 38,426 7,217 903,578 Total $7,345,689 $ 1,849,493 $ 37,774 $ 9,157,408 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 22 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STAEMENTS (Continued) A summary of proprietary fund type property, plant, and equipment at December 31, 1980 follows: Enterprise Internal Service Land $ 98,544 $ - Buildings 404,685 Improvements other than buildings 4,531,059 64,653 Equipment 361,512 Total 5,395,800 64,653 768 125 , 39,768 Less accumulated depreciation 2 24,885 Net $3,270,032 $ 5. LONG -TERM DEBT The long term debt obligations outstanding at year -end are summarized as follows (in thousands of dollars): Interest December 31, _ Bonds Maturities Rates 1980 General bonds 1981 -1984 3.50 -4.60% $ 1,045 Tax Increment bonds 1983 -2002 8.00 -8.75% $8,175 Special assessment bonds 1981 -1982 4.20 -4.30% $ 55 Changes in bonds payable during 1980 are summarized as follows (in thousands of dollars): Balance Balance Jan 1, 1980 Issued Retired December 31, 1980 General bonds $ 1,330 $ - $ 285 $ 1,045 Tax increment bonds 8,175 8,175 Special assessment 105 50 55 Total $ 1,435 $ 8,175 $ 335 $ 9,275 Annual Requirements to Amortize Long -Term Debt December 31, 1980 (in thousands of dollars) Year ending General Tax Special December 31 obligation Increment assessment Total 1981 $ 362 $ 673 $ 1,087 1982 369 673 5 1,047 1983 260 683 943 1984 145 682 827 1985 671 671 1986 -90 4,383 4,383 1991 -95 5,007 5,007 1996 -00 4,591 4,591 2001 -02 844 844 $1,136 $18,207 $ 57 $19,400 $1,061,193 is available in the Debt Service Funds to service the general obligation and tax increment bonds. There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the various bond indentures. The City is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 23 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT n 0 0 u n n L r u NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) City Special Assessment Bonds are backed by the full faith, credit and taxing power of the City, and are carried as debt of the Special Assess- ment Funds. All ad valorem levies for the permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund Bond issue has been cancelled to date, and sufficient cash has been transferred from the P.I.R. Fund which collects all special assessments. Approximately 20% of the ad valorem levies for the remaining three General obligation issues were cancelled in 1980 because of cash transfers from utility funds, interest earnings and /or sufficient sinking fund balances. 6. VACATION AND SICK PAY The City compensates all employees upon termination for unused vacation UP to a maximum based upon length of service. The expense for vacation pay is recognized when payment is made. The accumulated liability for unpaid vacation benefits at December 31, 1980 was approximately $94,803 (10,483 hours). City employees are entitled to sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours for each calendar month of full -time service. Sick pay is expensed as paid. In addition, there is a contingent liability for unused sick leave earned, approximately $366,561 (38,962 hours) which would be payable in the event sickness occurred or upon termination 1/3 of earned sick leave (maximum 40 days) would be paid. Certain job classifications would be entitled the 1/4 payment of earned sick leave only if termination was for the reasons of retirement or death. Additionally, after an employee has accumulated the maximum of 120 days, 1/2 of the excess sick leave earned shall be granted as additional vacation leave at the end of each year. These liabilities are stated at the 1980 rate of pay and are not recorded as liabilities in the individual fund balance sheets. 7. RETIREMENT PLANS The Columbia Heights Police Relief Association provides a pension plan for all sworn police officers hired prior to June 15, 1972. The Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association provides a pension plan for all regular fire fighters hired prior to December 31, 1974 and all volunteer firefighters. All public safety employees hired after aforementioned dates, under Minn. Stat. Chapter 374. are covered by Public Employees, Police and Fire Fund (a special fund of the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). By agreement the Fire Relief Association was split into two div- isions - paid and volunteers as of January 1, 1978. The City levies annually and applies state aid to the associations. In 1980 the amounts were: Lev' Police Relief (7) $ 86,173 Fire Relief - Paid (5) 58,887 Fire Relief - Volunteer (18) $ 145,060 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 24 for pension contributions State -Aid Total $ 42,927 $ 129,100 25,504 84,391 7,004 7,004 $ 75,435 $ 220,495 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The pension levy meets the minimum requirements of the Police and Fire- men's Relief Association Guidelines Act of 1969, which became effective July 1, 1971 and which required that contributions shall cover the normal cost plus interest at 5% of the unfunded liability. In accordance with the Police and Firemen's Relief Associations Guidelines Act of 1969 as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1978, Chapter 563, and 1978 levy payable in 1979 includes an amount for the amortization of the unfunded pension liability by the year 2005. In prior years, as allowed by State law, contributions did not provide for the amortization of the unfunded liability. The following schedule of accrued liabilities was obtained from the latest acturial surveys dated December 31, 1978: Funded Funded Reserves Police Relief $704,989 Fire Relief -Paid 413,519 Fire Relief - Volunteer 379,886 Accrued Liability $2,136,394 1,169,353 216,101 (Unfunded) Accrued Liability $(1,431,405) (755,834) 163,785 The City participates in a contributory pension plan under the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA), Minn. Stat. Chapter 353, which covers substantially all employees except those qualifying rasPtemporary or seasonal employees or those public safety police covered by the relief associations. The City's contribution for the coordinated plan (PERA and Social Security) to PERA is equal to 5.5% of the total salary of each individual (employee share 4 %). For the basic plan, the City's contribution is equal to 10.5% of each individual's salary (employee share 8 %). For Police and Fire PERA the City's contribution is equal to 12% of each individual's salary (employee share 8 %). The pension cost including amortization of estimated prior service cost was $147,576 for the period ended December 31, 1980. It is state law that the City fund this pension cost as it accrues. Prior service cost is being amortized, over a period of 40 years with full funding required by the year 1997, as a percent of gross wages by all employers participating in the state association. The amount of unfunded prior service cost attributable to individual reporting entities is not deter- minable. The City's contribution to the Federal Insurance Corporation of America (Social Security) for those individuals belonging to the coordinated plan is equal to 6.13% of the first $25,900 in 1980 or total of $59,890. MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CITY OF COLUMBIA NEI6NTS, MI 25 J H fl n u 0 L 8. a NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) INTERFUND RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES The following funds had amounts receivable from other funds, and the respective funds had equal amounts payable to other funds at December 31, 1980: General Fund - Due from P.I.R. Fund $ 300,000 - Due from State -Aid Fund 17,100 Total 347,100 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Fund - Due from Water Utility Fund 41,250 Total Interfund Balance $ 388,350 CLAIMS AND LITIGATION The City had the usual and customary types of miscellaneous claims pending at year -end, mostly of a minor nature and usually all covered by insurance carried for that purpose. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 26 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA rINANCIAL KEP 1RT EAR �NDED DECEMBER , 1980 G B Efl" A L F UND The Home Rule Charter of the City of Columbia Heights provides in Section 69 Subdivision (c): "A General Fund for the support of such other funds and for the payment of such expenses of the city as the council may deem proper. Into this fund shall be paid all moneys not herein provided to paid (sic) into any other fund." TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Balance Sheet Form B 27 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance Form B -1 28 Schedule of Revenues - Budget and Actual Form B -2 29 Schedule of Expenditures - Budget and Actual Form B -3 31 Form B GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 and 1979 ASSETS 1980 1979 Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance $ 6,210 $ 8,427 Imprest cash and change funds 1,075 1,075 Total Cash $ 7,285 $ 9,502 Investments, at cost 1,110,955 982,444 Taxes receivable -- delinquent 35,134 30,749 Less: Allowance for uncollectible taxes (35,134) (30,749) Accounts receivable: Unbilled services 54,570 47,814 Accrued interest receivable 67,495 43,196 Other 18,547 1,837 Due from other funds 347,100 346,500 Due from other governmental units 9,382 19,920 Total Assets $1,615,334 $1,451,213 LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 29,657 $ 21,581 Accrued salaries and withholdings 68,478 60,327 Deposits 583 51,550 Due to other governmental units 1,814 Deferred revenue 5,896 5,729 Total Current Liabilities $ 106,428 $ 139,187 Fund Balance: Appropriated $ 287,030 $ 92,517 Unappropriated 1,221,876 1,219,509 Total Fund Balance -- Form B -1 $1,508,906 $1,312,026 Total Liabilities, and Fund Balance $1,615,334 $1,451,213 I CITY Of COLUMBIA NEWTS, MINNESOTA 27 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -1 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 1979 [CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 28 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorabld) Actual Revenues: Taxes $1,009,208 $ 943,972 $ (65,236) $1',044,380 Licenses and permits 60,500 68,710 8,210 78,164 Fines and forefeitures 41,200 72,274 31,074 49,067 Intergovernmental revenues 1,742,940 1,828,040 85,100 1,571,727 Charges for current services 333,000 353,939 20,939 334,401 Miscellaneous 56,835 172,112 115,277 105,802 Total Revenues $3,243,683 $ 3,439,047 $ 195,364 $3,183,541 Other Financing Sources: Transfers from other funds 71,035 71,035 - 824 Total Revenues and Other Sources $3,314,718 $ 3,510,082 $ 195,364 $3,184,365 Expenditures: General government $ 519,470 $ 488,715 $ 30,755 $ 412,095 Public safety 1,304,860 1,277,400 27,460 1,096,252 Public works 581,825 555,918 25,907 479,119 Sanitation 269,880 268,793 1,087 255,693 Library 164,845 161,085 3,760 130,172 Parks 429,090 424,375 4,715 328,852 Other 60,540 42,227 18,313 62,822 Total Expenditures $3,330,510 $ 3,218,513 $ 111,997 $2,765,005 Other Financing Uses: Transfers to other funds 76,725 94,689 (17,964) 82,657 Total Expenditures and Other Uses $3,407,235 $ 3,313,202 $ 94,033 $2,847,662 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses $ (92,517) $ 196,880 $ 289,397 $ 336,703 Fund balance at beginning of year 1,312,026 1,312,026 - 957,562 Transfer to close Civil Defense Fund - - - 17,761 Fund balance at end of year $1,219,509 $ 1,508,906 $ 289,397 $1,312,026 [CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 28 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 General property taxes: Current ad valorem Delinquent ad valorem Penalties and interest Total Licenses and permits: Business regulatory licenses Non - business licenses and permits Total Fines and forfeitures: Court fines Other Total Revenue from use of money and property: Interest earnings -- Investment Trust Fund Rents Interest -- certify special assessments Total Revenue from other agencies: Shared state taxes: Local government aid Property tax relief (Homestead) Insurance premium tax Municipal state aid - maintenance Attached machinery aid State grant -- shade tree aid Other Anoka county: Street maintenance Federal aid: Civil defense reimbursement Total I.CITT OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Budget Acutal Revenue Revenue Form B -2 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 1,006,208 $ 922.,720 $ (83,488) 60,401 20,000 17,992 55,435 17,992 3,000 (125) 3,260 6,674 260 $ 1,009,208 $ 943,972 _ $ (65,236) 9,338 $ 22,400 $ 30,227 $ 7,827 38,100 38,483 383 $ 60,500 $ 68,710 $ 8,210 $ 40,000 $ 70,704 $ 30,704 1,200 1,570 370 $ 41,200 $ 72,274 $ 31,074 $ 30,000 $ 96,385 $ 66,385 18,435 19,531 1,096 97 97 $ 48,435 $ 116,013 $ 67,578 $ 1,305,720 $1,305,720 $ - 335,400 395,801 60,401 20,000 75,435 55,435 15,500 15,375 (125) 6,900 6,674 (226) 39,900 2,282 (37,618) 4,500 13,838 9,338 6,020 6,020 9,000 6,895 (2,105) $ 1,742,940 $1,828,040 $ 85,100 ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT 29 t Form B -2 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES.- BUDGET AND ACTUAL (CONTINUED) Year Ended December 31, 1980 Other revenue: Sale of land Gain sale equipment Miscellaneous Total Charges for current services: General government Public safety Public works Library Parks Refuse collection Other Total Refunds and reimbursements: Construction labor reimbursement Equipment rental reimbursement Other reimbursements Total Transfer in: Sullivan Lake Fund Grand Total Budget Revenue 1,400 $ 1,400 $ 4,400 25,150 5,000 1,950 26,500 270,000 $ 333,000 $ 5,000 2,000 $ 7,000 $ 71,035 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Actual Revenue $ 30,556 7,217 2,207 $ 39,.980 $ 2,381 25,392 7,177 3,261 27,843 287,073 $ 353,939 $ 6,344 4,308 5,467 $ 16,119 $ 71,035 $ 3,510,082 30 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) $ 30,556 7,217 807 $ 38,580 $ (2,019) 242 2,177 1,311 1,343 17,073 812 $ 20,939 $ 1,344 2,308 5,467 $ 9,119 $ 195,364 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 1980 Unencumbered Budget (Overexpended) (Revised) Expenditures Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayor and Council: Personal services $ 40,195 $ 39,757 $ 438 Other services and charges 38,065 36.,491 1,574 Supplies 970 792 178 Total $ 79,230 $ 77,040 $ 2,190 City Manager: Personal services $ 72,420 $ 71,117 $ 1,303 Other services and charges 16,645 13,987 2,658 Supplies 500 457 43 Total $ 89,565 $ 85,561 $ 4,004 Finance - Clerk: Personal services $ 70,465 $ 68,282 $ 2,183 Other services and charges 32,550 26,162 6,388 Supplies 1,300 923 377 Total $ 104,315 $ 95,367 $ 8,948 Elections: Personal services $ 7,875 $ 7,857 $ 18 Other services and charges 1,300 826 474 Supplies 500 370 130 Total $ 9,675 $ 9,053 $ 622 Assessing: Personal services $ 65,350 $ 64,111 $ 1,239 Other services and charges 3,360 2,321 1,039 Supplies 550 488 62 Total $ 69,260 $ 66,920 $ 2,340 Legal: Other services and charges $ 60,810 $ 56,809 $ 4,001 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 31 ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Form B -3 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 1980 Unencumbered Budget (Overexpended) (Revised) Expenditures Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Planning: $ 33,330 $ 33,029 $ 301 Personal services 1,855 1,076 77 Other services and charges 1,350 976 374 4 Supplies $ 36,535 $ 35,081 $ 1,454 Total General Government Buildings: $ 9,745 $ 9,921 $ (176) Personal services 50,855 44,878 5,977 Other services and charges 9,480 8,085 1,395 Supplies $ 70,080 $ 62,884 $ 7,196 Total Total General Government $ 519,470 $ 488,715 $ 30,755 PUBLIC SAFETY: Police Protection: $ 724,835 $ 723,242 $ ,593 Personal services 47,455 40,219 7,236 7 Other services and charges 29,900 29,252 648 Supplies $ 802,190 $ 792,713 $ 9,477 Total Fire Protection: $ 337,290 $ 339,944 $ (2, Personal services Other services and charges 36,740 30,773 5,967 967 Supplies 15,085 11,412 3,673 Total $ 389,115 $ 382,129 $ 6,986 Protective Inspection: $ 64,890 $ 61,956 $ 2,934 Personal services 14,675 10,642 4,033 Other services and charges 1,905 1,559 346 Supplies $ 81,470 $ 74,157 $ 7,313 Total Civil Defense: $ 14,910 $ 14,499 $ 411 Personal services 7,950 7'676 274 Other services and charges 1,225 400 825 Supplies $ 24,085 $ 22,575 $ 1,510 . Total Animal Control: $ 8,000 $ 5,826 $ _2,174 Other services and charges Total Public Safety $1,304,860 $ 1,277,400 $ 27,460 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 32 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Street Maintenance: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Street Lighting: Personal services Other services and charges Total Traffic Signs and Signals: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Tree Trimming and Removal: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Total Public Works SANITATION: Refuse Collection and Disposal: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total CITY OF COLUMBIA NEICNTS, MINNESOTA Form B -3 1980 Unencumbered Budget (Overexpended) (Revised) Expenditures Balance $ 136,730 $ 132,051 $ 4,679 7,910 6,964 946 4,040 3,838 202 $ 148,680 $ 142,853 $ 5,827 $ 176,865 $ 161,141 $ 15,724 63,455 65,036 (1,581) 45,800 45,062 738 $ 286,120 $ 271,239 $ 14,881 $ 500 $ 500 $ - 51,630 48,975 2,655 $ 52,130 $ 49,475 $ 2,'655 $ 12,130 $ 11,443 $ 687 10,030 8,390 1,640 6,015 7,008 (993) $ 28,175 $ 26,841 $ 1,334 $ 17,970 $ 22,294 $ (4,324) 48,350 43,018 5,332 400 198 202 $ 66,720 $ 65,510 $ 1,210 $ 581,825 $ 555,918 $ 25,907 $ 9,305 $ 10,278 $ (973) 257,400 255,813 1,587 900 830 70 $ 267,605 $ 266,921 $ 684 a ANNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT 33 . Form B -3 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 SANITATION (continued): Weed Control: Personal services Other services and charges Total Total Sanitation LIBRARY: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total MUNICIPAL PARKS: Administration and Maintenance: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Capital outlay Total Skating Rinks: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Total Municipal Parks CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1980 Budget (Overexpended) 'Revised) Expenditures Balance $ 2,175 $ 1,786 100 86 $ 2,275 $ 1,872 $ 269,880 $ 268,793 $ 102,795 21,335 40,715 $ 164,845 $ 228,375 95,380 19,800 56,435 $ 399,990 $ 15,000 13,600 500 $ 29,100 34 $ 99,013 21,223 40,849 $ ,227,382 98,113 19,642 52,115 $ 397,252 $ 13,580 12,575 $ 424,375 $ 389 $ 403 $ 3,782 112 (134) $ 993 (2,733) 158 4,320 $ 2,738 $ 1,420 1,025 (468) $ 1,977 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I� Form B -3 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES (CONTINUED) BUDGET AND ACTUAL Year Ended December 31, 1980 UNALLOCATED EXPENSE: Insurance Taxes and licenses Cable TV expense Vandalism Other miscellaneous Total Unallocated TRANSFERS: Recreation P.I.R. projects PARA Transit Fund Total Transfers Grand Total CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1980 Unencumbered Budget (Overexpended) (Revised) Expenditures Balance $ 28,410 $ 28,279 200 21 293 1,000 30,930 13,634 $ 60,540 $ 42,227 $ 70,890 5,835 35 $ 70,890 17,574 6,225 $ 131 179 (293) 1,000 17,296 (17,574) (390 ) $ (17,964) $ 94,033 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 0 1 u u n n J n HE CITX OF COLUMI IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA TINA CIAL KEP RT EAR �NDED �ECEMBER L 1980 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources which finance specified activities as required by law or administrative regulation. The Revenue Sharing Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of general revenue sharing funds. The Paratransit Fund is established by agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation to account for the receipt of state grants and rider fees and expenditures for service. The Recreation and Community Service Fund is governed by a commission established by an agreement between the City and I.D.S. #13 School Board. The Municipal State -Aid Street Fund is maintained according to state statute for the maintenance and construction of streets on the Municipal State -Aid System. The C.E.T.A. Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds under the comprehensive employment training act. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form C 36 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Form C -1 38 Statements of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance: Revenue Sharing Fund Form C -2 40 Recreation and Community Services Fund Form C -3 41 Paratransit Fund Form C -4 42 Municipal State -Aid Street Fund Form C -5 43 C.E.T.A. Fund Form C -6 44 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1979 Recreation & Revenue Community ASSETS SharinZ Services Cash: Treasurer's balance $ 782 $ 1,191 Imprest cash 50 Total Cash $ 782 $ 1,241 Investments, at cost 119,000 13,000 Accounts receivable 56 Due from other governmental units: Due from Federal - Revenue Sharing 41,073 Due from State of Minnesota Due from Anoka County Total Assets $160,911 $ 14,241 LIABILITIES, AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 6,788 $ 402 Accrued salaries payable 1,471 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. payable 522 Due to General Fund Total Current Liabilities $ 6,788 $ 2,395 Fund Balance: Appropriated $ - $ 5,505 Unappropriated 154,123 6,341 Total Fund Balance $154,123 $ 11,846 (Form C -2) (Form C -3) Total Liabilities,and Fund Balance $160,911 $ 14,241 CITY OF COLUMBIA MEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 36 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CITY. OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form��- Totals C.E.T.A. 1980 1979 $ (2,603) $ (3,816) $ 12,767 1,510 50 50 $ (2,603) $ (3,766) $ 12,817 $ 33,319 132,000 110,000 566,876 543 2,115 41,073 40,495 428,539 236,390 3,146 3,146 Municipal $ 601,535 $ 401,817 State Paratransit Aid $ (3,188) $ 2 $ (3,188) $ 2 487 5,035 423,504 $ 2,334 $ 423,506 $ 2,328 $ - 17,100 $ 2,328 $ 17,100 6 406,406 $ (Form 6 C -4) $ 406,406 (Form C -5) ® $ 2,334 $ 423,506 CITY. OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form��- Totals C.E.T.A. 1980 1979 $ (2,603) $ (3,816) $ 12,767 1,510 50 50 $ (2,603) $ (3,766) $ 12,817 $ 33,319 132,000 110,000 566,876 543 2,115 41,073 40,495 428,539 236,390 3,146 3,146 $ 543 $ 601,535 $ 401,817 $ - $ 9,518 $ 8,894 448 1,919 1,510 95 617 1,415 17,100 21,500 $ 543 $ 29,154 $ 33,319 $ 5,505 $ 19,700 566,876 348,798 $ 572,381 $ 368,498 $ 543 $ 601,535 $ 401,817 37 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1979 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 38 Recreation & Revenue Community Sharing Services Paratransit Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: Federal $ 160,131 $ - $ - State of Minnesota 12,337 Independent School District #13 70,890 Interest earnings 12,810 Fees 21,785 4,164 Miscellaneous 62 Total Revenues $ 173,003 $ 92,675 $ 16,501 Other Financing Sources: Transfers from other funds 70,890 6,225 Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 173,003 $ 163,565 $ 22,726 Expenditures: Public safety $ 38,426 $ - $ - Parks 12,732 Recreation 180,274 Downtown development 24,174 State -aid construction Parking lot 55,071 Para transit 22,725 C.E.T.A. Miscellaneous 9,663 Total Expenditures $ 140,066 $ 180,274 $ 22,725 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures $ 32,937 $ (16,709) $ 1 Fund balance at beginning of year 121,186 28,555 5 Fund balance at end of year $ 154,123 $ 11,846 $ 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 38 980 Municipal State Aid 189,042 667 $ 189,709 $ 189,709 2,055 $ 2,055 $ 187,654 218,752 $ 406,406 C. E. T. A. $ 11,679 $ 11,6 /y $ 11,679 11,679 $ 11,679 S - CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICNTS, MINNESOTA Form C -1 1980 1979 $ 171,810 $ 270,286 201,379 183,184 70,890 70,887 13,477 15,090 25,949 19,943 62 (51) $ 483,567 $ 559,339 77,115 72,190 $ 560,682 $ 631,529 $ 38,426 $ 42,028 12,732 50,779 180,274 142,608 24,174 10,000 2,055 .171,337 55,071 22,725 15,519 11,679 93,651 9,663 46,046 $ 356,799 $ 571,968 $ 203,883 $ 59,561 368,498 308,937 $ 572,381 $ 368,498 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 39 - Form C -2 REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 Variance Favorable 1979 Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Actual Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: Federal Revenue Sharing $121,487 $160,131 $ 38,644 $176,635 Revenue from use of money and property: Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund 5,000 12,810 7,810 9,635 Other revenue- 62 62 (51) Total.Revenue $126,487 $173,003 $ 46,516 $186,219 Expenditures: Capital outlay: Public safety $ 55,530 $ 38,426 $ 17,104 $ 42,028 Parks 13,150 12,732 418 50,779 Street and engineering 5,540 1,764 3,776 10,998 Library 8,670 2,716 5,954 9,099 Voss parking lot 55,071 (55,071) Professional services: Downtown development 25,000 24,174 826 10,000 Other general government 6,585 5,183 1,402 81189 Total Expenditures $114,475 $140,066 $ (25,591) $131,093 Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures $ 12,012 $ 32,937 $ 20,925 $. 55,126 Fund balance at beginning of year 121,186 121,186 66,060 Fund balance at end of year $133,198 $154,123 $ 20,925 $121,186 (Form C) CITY 01' COLUMBIA NEICNTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL nNANCIAL KPORT 40 Form C -3 RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: Independent School District #13 Fees Total Revenues Other Financing Sources: Transfers from other funds Total Revenues and Other Sources Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfaborable) 1979 Actual $ 70,890 $ 70,890 $ - $ 70,887 17,000 21,785 4,785 17,305 $ 87,890 $ 92,675 $ 4,785 $ 88,192 70,890 70,890 - 70,890 $158,780 $163,565 $ 4,785 $159,082 Expenditures: Personal services $142,570 $146,033 $ (3,463) $109,529 Other services and charges 14,800 12,996 1,804 14,049 Supplies 2,675 2,649 26 2,855 Capital outlay 1,590 1,547 43 244 Other expenses: Playground 2,195 2,192 3 1,756 Athletic supplies 3,400 3,313 87 3,298 Beach program 6,050 5,999 51 5,825 Traveling teams 5,200 5,545 (345) 5,052 Total Expenditures $178,480 $180,274 $ (1,794) $142,608 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures $(19,700) $(16,709) $ 2,991 $ 16,474 Fund balance at beginning of year 28,555 28,555 12,081 Fund balance at end of year $ 8,855 $ 11,846 $ 2,991 $ 28,555 (Form C) CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 41 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form C -4 PARATRANSIT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 Budget Actual Revenues: Revenue from other agencies State grant $ 11,665 $ 12,337 Paratransit fares 2,900 4,164 Total Revenues 14,565 16,501 Other Financing Sources: Transfer from General Fund 5,835 6,225 Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 20,400 $ 22,726 Expenditures: Personal services $ 4,500 $ 1,145 Other services and charges $ (2,325) 15,900 15,519 21,580 Total Expenditures $ 20,400 $ 22,725 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures $ - $ 1 Fund balance at beginning of year 5 5 Fund balance at end of year $ 5 $ 6 (Form C) Variance Favorable 1979 (Unfavorable) Actual $ 672 1,264 1,936 $ 11,586 2,638 14,224 390 1,300 $ 2,326 $ 15,524 $ 3,355 $ 3,579 (5,680) 11,940 $ (2,325) $ 15,519 $ 1 $ 5 $ 1 $ 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 42 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form C -5 MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 Budget Actual Revenues: State of Minnesota: Gasoline tax apportionment - construction $170,000 $189,042 Interest earnings - Investment Variance Favorable 1979 (Unfavorable) Actual $ 19,042 $171,598 Trust Fund 667 667 5,455 Total Revenue $170,000 $189,709 $ 19,709 $177,053 Expenditures: Construction costs $290,000 $ 2,055 $ 287,945 $ 951 Other Uses: Transfers: 5th Street paving 146,431 38th Avenue -5th to Univ- Paving 23,955 Total Expenditures $290,000 $ 2,055 $ 287,945 $171,337 and Other Uses Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses $(120,000) $187,654 $ 307,654 5,716 Fund balance at beginning of year 218,752 218,752 213,036 Fund balance at end of year $ 98,752 $406,406 $ 307,654 $218,752 (Form C) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 43 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form C -6 C.E.T.A. FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Actual Amounts for Year Ended December 31, 1979 1980 1979 Revenues: Federal grant $ 11,679 $ 93,651 Total Revenue $ 11,679 $ 93,651 Expenditures: Personal services Other services and charges Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenditures Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year CITY OF COLUMBIA NEICHTS, MINNESOTA 44 $ 11,595 $ 89,492 84 -4,159 $ 11,679 $ 93,651 p ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA�NDND NAVCIAL KEPQRT EAR DECEMBER 51,1980 DEBT SERVICE FLIDS Debt Service Funds are used to account for the collection of tax levies and other revenues and to record the payment of principal and interest on outstanding General Obligation Bonds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form D 45 Combinina Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Form D -1 47 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1979 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance Deposited with fiscal agent Investments, at cost Taxes receivable - delinquent Less: Allowance for uncollectible taxes Due.from other funds Total Assets LIABILITY AND FUND BALANCE Current Liability: Matured bonds and interest payable Fund Balance - appropriated for debt service -- Form D -1 Total Liability and Fund Balance CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIONTS, MINNESOTA 45 Storm Sewer Bonds of $ 4,796 57,210 120,000 297 (297) 41,250 $ 223,256 $ 57,210 166,046 $ 233,256 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Capital City Garage Improvement Bonds of Bonds of 1972 1976 $ 1,129 $ 2,000 53,365 6,650 65,000 216,000 99 663 (99) (663) $ 53,365 $ 61650 66,129 218,000 I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 S 1,018 610,000 $ 611,018 $ 26,170 584,848 $ 611,018 46 Form D Totals 1980 1979 $ 8,943 $ 8,165 117,225 288,308 1,011,000 315,000 1,059 1,228 (11059) (1,228) 41,250 95,700 $1,178,418 $ 707,173 $ 143,395 $ 288,308 1,035,023 418,865 $1,178,418 S 707,173 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1979 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Revenues: General property taxes: Collected by county Current ad valorem $ 55,643 Delinquent ad valorem 921 Revenue from other agencies: Property tax relief (Homestead) 23,864 Interest earnings: Investment Trust Fund 11,913 Inter -fund loans 2,178 Total Revenues $ 94,519 Other Financing Sources.: Bond proceeds Transfers from: Water Utility Fund Sewer Utility Fund 15,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources $ 109,519 Expenditures: Bonds matured 85,000 Interest on bonds 19,800 Fiscal agent charges 101 Total Expenditures $ 104,901 Other Financing Uses: Transfer to General Fund Total Expenditures and Other Uses $ 104,901 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses $ 4,618 Fund balance at beginning of year 161,428 Fund balance at end of year $ 166,046 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 47 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT City Garage Bonds 1972 Capital Improvement Bonds of 1976 Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 Totals 1980 1979 $ 15,955 $ 127,842 $ - $ 199,440 $ 212,955 308 2,047 3,276 31319 6,843 54,827 85,534 29,460 7,014 10,142 21,848 50,917 17,090 5,520 7,698 9,886 $ 30,120 $ 200,378 $ 21,848 $ 346,865 $ 272,710 563,000 563,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 30,000 30,000 $ 60,120 $ 200,378 $ 584,848 $ 954,865 $ 317,710 50,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ 285,000 $ 285,000 6,730 26,827 53,357 63,688 92 157 350 404 $ 56,822 $ 176,984 $ - $ 338,707 $ 349,092 823 $ 56,822 $ 176,984 $ - $ 338,707 $ 349,915 $ 3,298 $ 23,394 $ 584,848 $ 616,158 $ (32,205) 62,831 194,606 - 418,865 451,070 $ 66,129 $ 218,000 $ 584,848 $ 1,035,023 $ 418,865 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 48 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA TINA�dCIAL KEP RT EAR tNDED BECEMBER 1,1980 CAPITAL, I'll, OJECT FUNDS Capital Project Funds are maintained to account for the construction of major canital facilities. Project appli- cations are a combination of several revenue sources, such as municinal state -aid streets, special assessments, sewer utility fund, other governmental units, State and Federal Grants, etc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form E 49 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Charges in Fund Balances Form E -1 51 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1979 Capital Improvement Fund 308 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - treasurer's balance $ 1,727 Investments, at cost 50,000 Accrued interest receivable Total Assets $ 51,727 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ - Contracts payable Total Current Liabilities $ - Fund balance: Appropriated Unappropriated Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS) MINNESOTA 49 51,727 $ 51,727 C C;i 7 ')7 ANNUAL IFINANCIAL KPORT Form E Totals 1980 1979 $ 157,948 $ 5,418 6,371,844 570,000 49,848 $ 6,579,640 $ 575,418 $ 180 $ 1,320 22,318 $ 180 $ 23,638 $ 6,374,758 $ 71,035 204,702 480,745 $ 6,579,460 $ 551,780 $ 6,579,640 $ 575,418 Sullivan Downtown Land Lake Acquisition Fund 807 Fund 312 $ 1,045 $ 155,176 423,000 5,898,844 1 49,848 $ 424,045 $ 6,103,868 $ 180 $ - ' $ 180 $ - $ 270,890 $ 6,103,868 152,975 $ 423,865 $ 6,103,868 $ 424,045 $ 6,103,868 CITE OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form E Totals 1980 1979 $ 157,948 $ 5,418 6,371,844 570,000 49,848 $ 6,579,640 $ 575,418 $ 180 $ 1,320 22,318 $ 180 $ 23,638 $ 6,374,758 $ 71,035 204,702 480,745 $ 6,579,460 $ 551,780 $ 6,579,640 $ 575,418 50 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1979 Revenues: Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund Sale of property Insurance claim - water damage Total Revenues Other Financing Sources: Bond proceeds Transfers from - Capital Improvements Fund Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures: Construction contracts Other project expenditures Total Expenditures Other Financial Uses: Transfers to other funds Total Expenditures and Other Uses Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund balance at beginning of year Fund balance at end of year i CITY OF COLUMBIA MEI6NTS, MINNESOTA 51 6 Capital Improvement Fund 308 $ 5,887 $ 5,887 $ 5,887 $ (4,670) 11,654 $ 6,984 1,209 $ 8,193 $ (2,306) $ 51,727 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT i Incomplete Sullivan Lake Fund 807 $ 50,043 $ 50,043 $ 50,043 $ 44;073 9,289 $ 53,362 71,035 $ 124,397 $ (74,354) 498,219 $ 423,865 Projects Downtown Land Acquisition Fund 312 $ 230,838 $ 230,838 7,497,069 $7,727,907 1,624,039 $1,624,039 $1,624,039 $6,103,868 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Completed Proiect Tennis Courts Huset Park Fund 309 1,209 $ 1,209 $ 737 $ 737 $ 737 $ 472 (472 Form E -1 Totals 1980 1979 $ 286,768 $ 49,265 10,800 2,121 $ 286,768 $ 62,186 7,497,069 1,209 3,852 $ 118,736 $7,785,046 $ 66,038 $6,027,680 $ 40,140 $ (14,050) 1,644,982 132,786 $6,579,460 $1,685,122 $ 118,736 72,244 $1,757,366 $ 118,736 $6,027,680 $ (52,698) 551,780 604,478 $6,579,460 $ 551,780 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 52 HE CITx OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS,•MINNESOTA NNUAj FINANCIAL KEPQQRT EAR tNDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FINDS The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to advance to local improvement funds the cost of improvements for which assessments are to be levied. Special Assessment Bonds are established according to Chapter 8 of the home rule charter and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. They are used to record the proceeds of bonds used to construct public improvements which, in turn, are fully or partially assessed against individual benefited properties. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form F 53 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Form F -1 54 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 With Comparative Totals for December 31, 1979 Permanent Permanent Improvement Improvement Revolving Revolving Fund Bond Fund ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance (deficit) Deposited with fiscal agent Investments, at cost Taxes receivable deferred Special assessments receivable: Delinquent Deferred Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Contracts payable Deposits Matured bonds and interest payable Due to General Fund Total Current Liabilities Bonds payable Fund Balance: Appropriated Unappropriated Total Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance I CITY OF COLUMBIA UEIGNTS, MINNESOTA $ (27,607) $ 2,370 52,182 45,000 60,500 87,161 602,047 $ 661,601 $160,052 $ 38,901 $ - 8,511 52,182 330,000 $ 377,412 $ 52,182 $ - $ 55,000 $ 9,934 $ 2,530 274,255 50,340 $ 284,189 $ 52,870 $ 661,601 $160,052 53 Form F Totals 1980 1979 $ (25,237) $ 4,184 52,182 53,182 45,000 60,500 117,600 87,161 70,018 602,047 411,494 $ 821,653 $656,478 $ 38,901 $ 65,363 8,511 8,511 52,182 53,182 330,000 317,000 $ 429,594 $444,056 $ 55,000 $105,000 $ 12,464 $ 16,829 324,595 90,593 $ 337,059 $107,422 $ 821,653 $656,478 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES Year Ended December 31, 1980. With Comparative Totals for Year Ended December 31, 1979 Permanent Permanent Improvement Improvement Revolving Revolving 1980 1979 Totals Revenues: Increase in assessments $418,838 $ - $418,838 $168,484 Interest and penalties on special assessments 36,959 36,959 40,441 Administration charges to projects 16,737 16,737 22,919 Miscellaneous (2,661) (2,661) Total Revenues $469,873 $ - $469,873 $231,844 Other Financing Sources: Transfers from: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 55,500 55,500 53,000 Sewer Utility Fund 3,269 State Aid Fund 170,386 General Fund 17,574 17,574 10,467 Total Revenues and other Sources $487,447 $ 55,500 $542,947 $468,966 Expenditures: Capital project expenditures: Construction contracts $ 99,359 $ - $ 99,359 $409,724 Other project costs 61,009 61,009 78,689 Administration costs 33,321 33,321 36,259 Fiscal agent charges 86 86 143 Total Expenditures $193,689 $ 86 $193,775 $524,815 Other Financing Uses: Transfer to Permanent Improvement Revolving Bond Fund 55,500 55,500 53,000 Deferred tax levies (1980) cancelled 57,100 57,100 59,200 Adjust assessments 2,570 2,570 4,930 Total Expenditures and Other Uses $251,759 $ 57,186 $308,945 $641,945 Excess of Revenues and Other Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Uses $235,688 $ (1,686) $234,002 $(172,979) Fund balance at beginning of year 48,501 52,026 100,527 273,506 Fund balance at end of year -- Form F $284,189 $ 50,340 $334,529 $ 100,527 CITY. OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 54 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT n n D D u i 17 HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA IINAN�CIAL KEP RT EAR �NDED DECEMBER 31, 1980 E �TERrRIsE FUNDS The Authority for these types of funds is derived from Section 69 (b) of the City Charter which allows for utility or other public service enterprise funds. Enterprise fund operations are financed solely by user charges. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form G 55 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Form G -1 57 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -2 59 Municipal Liquor Fund: Balance Sheet Form H 61 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Form H -1 62 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form H -2 64 Schedule of Revenues - Off Sale Form H -3 65 Schedule of Operating Expenses Form H -4 67 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form H -5 69 Water Utility Fund: Balance Sheet Form I 71 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form I -1 72 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form I-2 73 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form I -3 74 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form I -4 75 Sewer Utility Fund: Balance Sheet Form J 77 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form J -1 78 Statement of Changes in Customer's Contribution Form J -2 79 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form J -3 80 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form J -4 81 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form J -5 82 u u r r D r HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA�NDE'D' rANCIAL KEPORT EAR DEC EMBER 311 1980 ENTERPRISE FU. �l'DS The Authority for these types of funds is derived from Section 69 (b) of the City Charter which allows for utility or other public service enterprise funds. Enterprise fund operations are financed solely by user charges. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combining Balance Sheet Form G 55 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Form G -1 57 Combining Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -2 59 Municipal Liquor Fund: Balance Sheet Form H 61 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Form H -1 62 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form H -2 64 Schedule of Revenues - Off Sale Form H -3 65 Schedule of Operating Expenses Form H -4 67 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form H -5 69 Water Utility Fund: Balance Sheet Form I 71 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form I -1 72 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form I-2 73 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form I -3 74 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form I -4 75 Sewer Utility Fund: Balance Sheet Form J 77 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form J -1 78 Statement of Changes in Customer's Contribution Form J -2 79 Statement of Revenues and Expenses Form J -3 80 Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form J -4 81 Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Form J -5 82 A 1 p COMBINING BALANCE SHEET - ALL ENTERPRISE FUND TYPES (Continued) December 31, 1980 A r C Enterprise wWater Sewer Liquor Utility Utility = LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Fund Fund Fund Current Liabilities: 4 Accounts payable n Accrued liabilities = Payable from restricted assets: z Matured bonds and interest oDue to other governmental units 4 Due to other funds Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities: Deferred credit Due to other funds Lq rn Total Other Liabilities Fund Equity: Contributions Retained earnings (Deficit) Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities and Fund Equity z c s z s z n s iz -v 90 4 Form G Totals December 31, December 31, 1980 1979 $ 20,631 $ 1,699 $ 706 $ 23,036 $ 7,042 7,109 4,007 2,816 13,932 15,295 25,875 41,145 53,821 94,966 25,237 11,550 11,550 54,450 27,740 58,401 57,343 143,484 127,899 - - 302,683 302,683 312,457 29,700 29,700 41,250 - 29,700 302,683 332,383 353,707 - 1,867,534 1,891,128 3,758,662 3,753,849 609,861 (83,291) (227,566) 299,004 246,601 609,681 1,784,243 1,663,562 4,057,666 4,000,450 $ 637,601 $ 1,872,344 $ 2,023,588 $ 4,533,533 $ 4,482,056 COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS - ALL ENTERPRISE FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 Liquor OPERATING REVENUES: Sales $ 1,301,856 Cost of sales 868,704 Gross Profit $ 433,152 OPERATING EXPENSES: Personal services 269,860 Other services and charges 83,726 Supplies 8,320 Source of supply /disposal charges Total 361,906 OPERATING INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION 71,246 DEPRECIATION 8,585 OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 62,661 NON - OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Interest income 36,773 Interest expense Other income (expense) - net 4,180 Total 40,953 Net Income 103,614 Transfers to other funds - -- RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 506,247 RETAINED EARNINGS (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR $ 609,861 CITY Or COLUMBIA NEIONTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - - - 57 Water Sewer $ 599,514 $ 565,454 $ 599,514 $ 565,454 138,001 140,135 42,971 35,616 23,519 20,577 371,097 311,951 575,588 508,279 23,926 57,175 43,586 57,438 (19,660) (263) 683,048 8,587 13,828 (2,178) (5,520) 79 (1,084) 6,488 7,224 (13,172) 6,961 15,000 30,000 (55,119) (204,527) $ (83,291) $(227,566) Totals 1980 1979 $2,466,824 $2,194,777 868,704 800,721 $1,598,120 $1,394,056 547,996 484,911 162,313 164,238 52,416 46,304 683,048 608,875 1,445,773 1,304,328 152,347 89,728 109,609 111,337 42,738 (21,609) 59,188 46,282 (7,698) (4,061) 3,175 11,973 54,665 54,194 97,403 32,585 45,000 (74,178) Hum 246,601 269,789 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 58 Form G -1 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINING STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION ALL ENTERPRISE FUND TYPES Year Ended December 31, 1980 SOURCES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Operations: Net income Items not requiring (providing) working capital Depreciation Loss - disposal fixed assets Working Capital Provided by Operations Decrease in long term contract receivable Increase in deferred credit - revaluation MWCC Decrease in deferred receivable- reserve capacity Water tower sur -tax Total Sources of Working Capital USES OF WORKING CAPITAL: Additions to property and equipment -net Reduction of due to other funds Decrease deferred credit - revaluation gain Increase long -term contract receivable MWCC Transfers to other funds Total Uses of Working Capital INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL ELEMENTS OF NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL Cash Investments Accounts receivable Inventory Accounts payable Due to other funds Due from /to Metro Waste Control Commission Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 59 Liquor $ 103,614 8,585 112,199 112,199 4,100 4,100 $ 108,099 $ (456) 95,000 (852) 29,599 (15,192) riT.T =.T.T.1 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form G -2 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Totals Water Sewer 1980 1979 $(13,172) $ 6,961 $ 97,403 $ 32,585 43,586 57,438 109,609 111,337 345 30,414 64,399 207,012 144,267 9,774 9,774 9,398 28,133 1,323 1,323 1,230 18,405 30,414 75,496 218,109 201,433 2,885 6,183 13,168 12,498 11,550 11,550 10,450 9,774 9,774 9,398 28,133 15,000 30,000 45,000 70,909 29,435 45,957 79,492 131,388 $ 979 $ 29,539 $ 138,617 $ 70,045 $ (2,294) $ (8,553) $ (11,303) $ (8,580) (28,000) 15,000 82,000 95,000 48,227 16,968 64,343 (453) (601) 28,998 (8,023) (15,253) (94) (30,539) 29,644 (1,100) 44,000 42,900 (16,600) (37,782) (37,782) (20,943) $ 979 $ 29,539 $ 138,617 $ 70,045 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form G -2 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 and 1979 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance Imprest cash and change funds Total Cash Investments, at cost Accounts receivable Merchandise inventory, at cost Total Current Assets Property and Equipment: Land Buildings Improvements other than buildings Office furniture and equipment Store equipment Total Less: Allowance for depreciation Net Property and Equipment -- Form H -5 Total Assets LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable accrued salaries payable Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. payable Total Current Liabilities Retained Earnings -- Form H -1 Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 61 Form H 1980 1979 $ 1,836 10,100 $ 11,936 355,000 164 122,367 $ 2,292 10,100 $ 12,392 260,000 1,016 92,768 $489,467 $366,176 $ 16,735 $ 16,735 169,390 169,390 66,056 63,289 1,375 1,375 75,623 74,290 $329,179 $325,079 181,045 172,460 $148,134 $152,619 $637,601 $518,795 $ 20,631 $ 5,314 5,890 4,359 1,219 2,875 $ 27,740 $ 12,548 609,861 506,247 $637,601 $518,795 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS COMBINED ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 Sales Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Mdse. Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit on Sales Totals All Stores 1980 1979 $1,301,856 $1,220,567 $ 92,768 $ 99,636 898,302 793,853 $ 991,070 $ 893,489 122,366 92,768 $ 868,704 $ 800,721 $ 433,152 $ 419,846 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 33.27% 34.40% Lessi Operating Expense -- Form H -4 $ 361,906 $ 339,705 Operating Income before Depreciation$ 71,246 $ 80,141 Less: Depreciation -- Form H -5 8,585 8,940 Operating Income $ 62,661 $ 71,201 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings - Trust Fund Machine commissions Other income Bad checks Cash short Gain /Loss on disposal of assets Total Net Income $ 36,773 $ 21,270 7,435 8,656 641 1,494 (2,455) (891) (1,441) (1,039) (345) $ 40,953 $ 29,145 On -Sale Store 1980 1979 $334,594 $351,846 $ 11,020 109,094 $120,114 12,128 $107,986 $226,608 67.73% $211,196 $ 15,412 5,177 $ 10,235 $ 12,257 6,073 230 (1,400) (433) $ 16,727 $ 10,954 112,229 $123,183 11,020 $112,163 $239,683 68.12% $199,295 $ 40,388 .5,804 $ 34,584 $ 7,090 7,492 270 (695) (412) $ 13,745 $ 103,614 $ 100,346 $ 26,962 $ 48,329 Retained Earnings at beginning of year $ 506,247 $ 405,901 Retained Earnings at end of year $ 609,861 $ 506,247 CITY Or COLUMBIA OEICNTS, MINNESOTA 62 ANNUAL FINANCIAL lirORT Off -Sale Stores Form H -1 T otals NO. 2 NO. 3 1980 1979 1980 1979 1980 1979 $ 967,262 $ 868,721 $ 426,658 $ 405,985 $ 540,604 $ 462,736 $ 81,748 $ 88,682 $ 35,065 $ 41,055 $ 46,683 $ 47,627 789,208 681,624 347,858 319,678 441,350 361,946 $ 870,956 $ 770,306 $ 382,923 $ 360,733 $ 488,033 $ 409,573 . 110,238 81,748 47,736 35,065 62,502 46,683 $ 760,718 $ 688,558 $ 335,187 $ 325,668 $ 425,531 $ 362,890 $ 206,544 $ 180,163 $ 91,471 $ 80,317 $ 115,073 $ 99,846 21.35% 20.74% 21.44% 19.78% 21.28% 21.58% $ 150,710 $ 140,410 $ 72,690 $ 69,097 $ 77,820 $ 71,313 $ 55,834 $ 39,753 $ 18,581 $ 11,220 $ 37,253 $ 28,533 3,408 3,136 1,215 1,094 2,193 2,042 $ 52,426 $ 36,617 $ 17,366 $ 10,126 $ 35,060 $ 26,491 24,516 14,180 12,258 7,090 12,258 7,090 1,362 1,164 .632 570 730 594 411 1,224 315 1,129 96 95 (11055) (196) (449) (120) (606) (76) (11008) (627) (456) (254) (552) (373) (345) (345) $ 24,226 $ 15,400 $ 12,300 $ 8,415 $ 11,926 $ 6,985 $ 76,652 $ 52,017 $ 29,666 $ 18,541 $ 46,986 $ 33,476 CITY., OF COLUMBIA NEIGHTSI MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 63 Form H -2 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 1979 Sources of Working Capital: Operations: Net income -- Form H -1 $103,614 $100,346 Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation -- Form H -5 8,585 8,940 Loss on disposal of fixed assets 345 Total Sources of Working Capital $112,199 $109,631 Uses of Working Capital: Acquisition of property and equipment -- Form H -5 $ 4,100 $ 4,869 Net Increase in Working Capital $108,099 $104,762 Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: Cash $ (456) $(13,016) Investments 95,000 90,000 Accounts receivable (852) (1,657) Inventory 29,599 (6,868) Accounts payable (15,317) 38,178 Accrued liabilities 125 (1,875) Net Increase in Working Capital $108,099 $104,762 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 64 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF REVENUES - OFF SALE Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 NO. 2 Sales $426,658 $162,062 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $ 35,065 $ 27,921 347,858 129,784 Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale $382,923 $157,705 Less: Inventory, Ending 47,736 37,402 Cost of Sales $335,187 $120,303 Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales $ 91,471 $ 41,759 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 21.44% 25.77% NO. 3 Sales $540,604 $218,622 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $ 46,683 $ 38,243 441,350 173,806 Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale $488,033 $212,049 Less: Inventory, Ending 62,502 49,978 Cost of Sales $425,531 $162,071 Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales $115,073 $ 56,551 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 21.28% 25.87% ICITY OF COLUMBIA NEI6NTS9 MINNESOTA 65 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Total Liquor TOTAL OFF SALE Sales $967,262 $380,684 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $ 81,748 $ 66,164 Purchases 789,208 303,590 Total Merchandise Available for Sale $870,956 $369,754 Less: Inventory, Ending 110,238 87,380 Cost of Sales $760,718 $282,374 Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales -- Form H -1 $206,544 $ 98,310 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 21.35% 25.82% NO. 2 Sales $426,658 $162,062 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $ 35,065 $ 27,921 347,858 129,784 Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale $382,923 $157,705 Less: Inventory, Ending 47,736 37,402 Cost of Sales $335,187 $120,303 Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales $ 91,471 $ 41,759 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 21.44% 25.77% NO. 3 Sales $540,604 $218,622 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning $ 46,683 $ 38,243 441,350 173,806 Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale $488,033 $212,049 Less: Inventory, Ending 62,502 49,978 Cost of Sales $425,531 $162,071 Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales $115,073 $ 56,551 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales 21.28% 25.87% ICITY OF COLUMBIA NEI6NTS9 MINNESOTA 65 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1980 Beer Other $571,495 $ 15,083 $ 13,538 463,430 $476,968 19,905 $457,063 $114,432 20.02% $259,244 $ 2,046 22,188 $ 24,234 2,953 $ 21,281 $ (6,198) $ 5,352 Total $ 868,721 $ 88,682 681,624 $ 770,306 81,748 $ 688,558 20.74% $ 405,985 Form H -3 1979 Liquor Beer Other $ 355,288 $ 495,924 $ 17,509 $ 72,590 $ 13,987 $ 2,105 264,472 401,426 15,726 $ 337,062 $ 415,413 $ 17,831 66,164 13,538 2,046 $ 270,898 $ 401,815 $ 15,785 $ 84,390 $ 94,049 $ 1,724 23.75% 18.96% 9.85% $ 160,979 $ 238,181 $ 6,825 $ 6,627 $ 517 $ 41,055 $ 33,378 $ 7,010 $ 1 667 208,583 9,491 319,678 116,858 196,413 6,407 $215,210 $ 10,008 $ 360,733 $ 150,236 $ 203,423 $ 7,074 9,121 1,213 35,065 27,921 6,627 517 $206,089 $ 8,795 $ 325,668 $ 122,315 $ 196,796 $ 6,557 $ 53,155 $ (3,443) $ 80,317 $ 38,664 $ 41,385 $ 268 20.50% - 19.78% 24.02% 17.38% 3.93% $312,251 $ 9,731 $ 462,736 $ 194,309 $ 257,743 $ 10,684 $ 6,911 $ 1,529 $ 47,627 $ 39,212 $ 6,977 $ 1,438 254,847 12,697 361,946 147,614 205,013 9,319 $261,758 $ 14,226 $ 409,573 $ 186,826 $ 211,990 $ 10,757 10,784 1,740 46,683 38,243 6,911 1,529 $250,974 $ 12,486 $ 362,890 $ 148,583 $ 205,079 T-9,228 $ 61,277 $ (2,755) $ 99,846 $ 45,726 $ 52,664 $ 1,456 19.62% - 21.58% 23.53% 20.43% 13.63% I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES COMBINED ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 PERSONAL SERVICES: Salaries - .regular employees Salaries - overtime and part time employees Interdepartmental labor services City contribution to PERA and FICA Hospitalization - Life insurance Workmen's and Unemployment Comp Total Personal Services OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: Contractural maint. & repair Professional services Communications Travel - subscriptions Utility Insurance & bonds Other contractural services Other charges Total Other Services & Charges SUPPLIES: General supplies Bar supplies Total Supplies Total Operating Expense CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 67 $ 3,568 $ 2,188 32,912 1980 Total On -Sale $131,496 $ 64,034 103,683 65,766 1,767 1,575 22,691 12,890 6,061 3,181 4,162 3,023 $269,860 $150,469 $ 3,568 $ 2,188 32,912 31,312 2,130 983 758 209 14,961 7,879 20,822 10,083 4,090 1,714 4,485 1,152 $ 83,726 $ 55,520 $ 4,722 $ 1,609 3,598 3,598 $ 8,320 $ 5,207 $361,906 $211,196 (Form H -1) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form H -4 1980 1979 No. 2 No. 3 Total On -Sale No. 2 No. 3 $ 33,647 $ 33,815 $ 120,561 $ 57,890 $ 31,398 $ 31,273 17,743 20,174 98,104 64,864 15,977 17,263 93 99 1,363 1,299 3 61 4,720 5,081 20,626 11,028 4,576 5,022 1,583 1,297 5,992 3,334 1,419 1,239 546 593 4,406 3,581 394 431 $ 58,332 $ 61,059 $ 251,052 $ 141,996 $ 53,767 $ 55,289 $ 541 $ 839 $ 2,420 $ 1,168 $ 1,216 $ 36 800 800 31,228 29,328 940 960 612 535 1,745 759 554 432 340 209 594 198 198 198 3,148 3,934 13,100 7,439 2,439 3,222 5,262 5,477 20,539 8,117 5,869 6,553 1,015 1,361 3,675 1,525 1,093 1,057 2,002 1,466 1,867 5,541 2,057 1,482 $ 13,184 $ 15,022 $ 78,842 $ 50,591 $ 13,791 $ 14,460 $ 1,374 $ 1,739 $ 4,907 $ 1,804 $ 1,539 $ 1,564 4,904 4,904 $ 1,374 $ 1,739 $ 9,811 $ 6,708 $ 1,539 $ 1,564 $ 72,890 $ 77,820 $ 339,705 $ 199,295 $ 69,097 $ 71,313 ' CITY COLUMBIA OF CO U HEIGHTS MINNESOTA ANNUAL .FINANCIAL REPORT 68 __ MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1980 Property and Equipment CITY OF COLUMBIA NEWTS, MINNESOTA 69 ANNUAL IFINANCIAL REPORT Balances Balances 1 -1 -80 Additions 12 -31 -80 On Sale /Lounge: Land $ 9,610 $ - $ 9,610 Building 99,130 99,130 Parking area 8,335 8,335 Improvements other than buildings 38,057 38,057 Fixtures 35,938 35,938 Equipment: Store 13,284 131284 Office 735 735 Total $ 205,089 $ - $ 205,089 Off Sale No. 2 Store: Land $ 2,765 $ - $ 2,765 Building 27,637 27,637 Improvements other than buildings 10,253 1,210 11,463 Fixtures 7,054 7,054 Equipment: Store 1,470 1,333 2,803 Office 404 404 Total $ 49,583 $ 2,543 $ 52,126 Off Sale No. 3 Store: Land $ 4,360 $ - $ 4,360 Building 42,623 42,623 Improvements other than buildings 6,645 1,557 8,202 Fixtures 14,791 14,791 Equipment: Store 1,752 1,752 Office 236 236 Total $ 70,407 $ 1,557 $ 71,964 Grand Totals $ 325,079 $ 4,100 $ 329,179 (Form H -2) (Form H) CITY OF COLUMBIA NEWTS, MINNESOTA 69 ANNUAL IFINANCIAL REPORT CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 70 Form H -5 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Accumulated Depreciation Balances Depreciation Balances Net Asset 1 1 80 'taken 12 -31 -80 Value $ _ $ - $ _ $ 9,610 48,384 1,951 50,335 48,795 1,737 417 2,154 6,181 30,001 1,379 31,380 6,677 33,587 502 34,089 1,849 6,696 844 7,540 5,744 434 84 518 217 $120,839 $ 5,177 $ 126,016 $ 79,073 $ _ $ - $ _ $ 2,765 8,429 553 8,982 18,655 4,250 393 4,643 6,820 6,426 71 6,497 557 737 164 901 1,902 263 34 297 107 $ 20,105 $ 1,215 $ 21,320 $ 30,806 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,360 14,385 872 15,257 27,366 4,465 411 4,876 3,326 11,858 740 12,598 2,193 632 148 780 972 176 22' 198 38 $ 31,516 $ 2,193 $ 33,709 $ 38,255 $172,460 $ 8,585 $ 181,045 $ 148,134 (Form H -1) (Form H) (Form H) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 70 Form H -5 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT WATER UTILITY FUND Form I COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 and 1979 ASSETS 1980 1979 Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance $ 1,546 $ 3,840 Investments, at cost 72,000 100,000 Accounts receivable: Unbilled services 194,523 144,295 Special assessments: Current 8,327 9,180 Delinquent 351 1,587 Other 188 100 Meter inventory, at cost 1,866 2,467 Total Current Assets $ 278,801 $ 261,469 Restricted Assets: Cash with fiscal agent $ 25,875 Property and Equipment: Land $ 45,223 $ 45,223 Buildings 210,987 208,787 Improvements other than buildings 2,160,892 2,160,893 Machinery and equipment 107,322 106,636 Total $2,524,424 $2,521,539 Less: Allowance for depreciation 930,881 887,295 Net Property and Equipment -- Form I -4 $1,593,543 $1,634,244 Total Assets $1,872,344 $1,921,588 LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 1,699 $ ,370 Accrued salaries payable 3,420 4,078 4 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. payable 587 913 Due to other governmental units 41,145 25,237 Due to general obligation bonds of 1965 11,550 10,450 Total $ 58,401 $ 42,048 Current Liabilities (Payable from Restricted Assets): Matured bonds and interest payable 25,875 Total Current Liabilities $ 58,401 $ 67,923 Other Liabilities (less current portion above): Due to general obligation bonds of 1965 29,700 41,250 Total Liabilities $ 88,101 $ 109,173 Contributions: Contributions from customers $1,414,534 $1,414,534 Contributions from federal grant 453,000 453,000 Total Contributions $1,867,534 $1,867,534 Retained Earnings (Deficit) -- Form I -1 $ (83,291) $ (55,119) Total Liabilities, Contributions $1,872,344 $1,921,588 and Retained Earnings CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICNTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL tE�ORT 71 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 Retained Earnings (Deficit) at beginning of year Reclassify reserve for Sur -tax tower construction (sur tax ended August, 1979) Add: Net income for the year -- Form I -2 Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Net loss for the year -- Form I -2 Transfer.to general obligation bonds: Garage Bonds Transfer to Water Revenue Bonds Total Deductions Retained Earnings (Deficit) at end of year CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 72 Form I -1 1980 1979 $ (55,119) $ (8,840) 18,405 $ (55,119) $ 9,565 $ 13,172 15,000 $ 28,172 $ (83,291) $ 23,775 15,000 25,909 $ 64,684 $ (55,119) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT. WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 Operating Revenues: Water sales Hydrant rental Meter sales (less cost of sales) Customer service Penalties Total Operating Revenue Operating Expenses: Source of supply Distribution: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Administration .& General: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Operating Expenses Operating Income Before Depreciation Less: Depreciation -- Form I -4 Operating Income (Loss) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings - Trust Fund Certification delinquent utility bills Miscellaneous Interest expense Total Net Income (Loss) -- Form I -1 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 73 Form I -2 1980 1979 $ 590,904 $ 478,392 500 500 649 1,176 918 825 6,543 2,968 $ 599,514 $ 483,861 371,097 288,872 122,998 115,821 34,047 26,836 22,424 17,155 15,003 13,093 8,924 11,542 1,095 1,045 $ 575,588 $ 474,364 $ 23,926 $ 9,497 43,586 43,437 $ (19,660) $ (33,940) $ 7,681 $ 9,455 906 1,197 79 1,864 (2,178) (2,351) $ 6,488 $ 10,165 $ (13,172) $ (23,775) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form I -3 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1980 ,and 1979 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 74 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - 1980 1979 Source of Working Capital: Operations: Net income (loss) -- Form I -2 $ (13,172) $ (23,775) Water tower sur -tax 18,405 Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation -- Form I -4 43,586 43,437 Working Capital Provided by Operations $ 30,414 $ 38,067 Contributions from customers 78,496 Total Sources of Working Capital $ 30,414 $ 116,563 Uses of Working Capital: Transfer to Water Debt Service Fund $ - $ 25,909 Transfer to Garage Debt Service Fund 15,000 15,000 Acquisition of property and equipment -- Form I -4 2,885 79,850 Reduction in amount due other funds 11,550 10,450 Total Uses of Working Capital $ 29,435 $ 131,209 Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ 979 $ (14,646) Elements of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital: Cash $ (2,294) $ (6,491) Accounts receivable 48,227 (6,152) Investments (28,000) 5,000 Inventory (601) (1,155) Accounts payable (15,253) (4,748), Due to other funds (11100) (11100) Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ 979 $ (14,646) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 74 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT - WATER UTILITY FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1980 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGMTS, MINNESOTA 75 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Property and Equipment Balances Balances 1 -1 -80 Additions Transfers 12 -31 -80 Land $ 45,223 $ $ $ 45,223 Buildings 208,787 2,200 210,987 Improvements other than buildings 2,160,893 (1) 2,160,892 Machinery and equipment 103,917 577 104,494 Office furniture and equipment 2,719 109 2,828 Grand Totals $2,521,539 $ 2,886 $e (1) $2,524,424 (Form I -3) (Form I) CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGMTS, MINNESOTA 75 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form I -4 Accumulated Depreciation Balances Depreciation Balances Net Assets 1. -1 -80 Taken Deductions 12 -31 -80 Value _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ 45,223 35,490 6,734 42,224 168,763 773,978 30,424 804,402 1,356,490 75,437 6,358 81,795 22,699 2,390 70 2,460 368 $887,295 $ 43,586 $ - $ 930,881 $ 1,593,543 (Form I -2) (Form I) (Form I) i CITY., OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 76 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SEWER UTILITY FUND Form J COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 and 1979 ASSETS 1980 1979 Current Assets: Cash- Treasurer's balance $ 2,689 $ 11,242 Investments, at cost 22,450 7,450 Accounts receivable: Unbilled services 101,240 83,285 Other 987 Due from Metropolitan Waste Control Commission operating cost adjustment 1979 and 1978 33,541 17,502 Total Current Assets $ 159,920 $ 120,466 Deferred Assets: Due from Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Reserve capacity $ 32,630 $ 33,953 Interceptor acquisition contract 302,683 312,457 Total Deferred Assets $ 335,313 $ 346,410 Property and Equipment: Land $ 36,586 $ 36,586 Buildings 24,308 24,054 Improvements other than buildings 2,304,111 2,299,298 Machinery and equipment 177,192 171,263 Total $ 2,542,197 $ 2,531,201 Less: Allowance for depreciation 1,013,842 956,404 Net Property and Equipment -- Form J -5 $ 1,528,355 $ 1,574,797 Total Assets $ 2,023,588 $ 2,041,673 LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 706 $ 358 Accrued salaries and fringe payable 2,816 3,070 Due to other governmental units 53,821 Due to Bonds of 1976 Fund 44,000 Total Current Liabilities $ 57,343 $ 47,428 Deferred Credits: Revaluation gain: Interceptor acquisition by Metropolitan Waste Control Commission $ 302,683 $ 312,457 Contributions from Customers $ 1,891,128 $ 1,886,315 Retained Earnings (deficit) -- Form J -1 $ (227,566)$ (204,527) Total Liabilities, Contributions, and Retained Earnings $ 2,023,588 $ 2,041,673 CITY OF.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA -- ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 77 � 1 i Form J -1 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 Retained Earnings (deficit) at beginning of year Add: Net income for the year -- Form J -3 Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Net loss for the year -- Form J -3 Appropriations to Capital Projects: Storm sewer projects Transfer to debt services funds Total Deductions Retained Earnings (deficit) at end of year CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICNTS, MINNESOTA 78 1980 1979 $ (204,527) $ (127,272) 6,961 $ (197,566) $ (127,272) $ - $ 43,986 3,269 30,000 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 77,255 $ (227,566) (204,527) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SEWER UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CUSTOMER'S CONTRIBUTION Year Ended December 31, 1980 Balance at beginning of year Add: Property and equipment provided by special assessments during 1980 Balance at end of year I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIONTS, MINNESOTA 79 Form J -2 $ 1,886,315 4,813 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form J -3 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 1979 Operating Revenues: Sewer service charges - general customers and interdepartmental $ 562,398 $ 486,061 Refunds and Reimbursements: Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Interceptor maintenance 2,886 2,886 S.A.C. charge refund 170 1,402 Total Operating Revenues $ 565,454 $ 490,349 Operating Expenses: Disposal - Metro Waste Control Commission $ 345,492 $ 337,505 Deduct experience adjustment for prior years (33,541) (17,502) Net Disposal Charges $ 311,951 $ 320,003 Collections: Personal services 123,431 92,565 Other services and charges 29,059 38,483 Supplies 19,479 17,802 Administration: Personal services 16,704 12,380 Other services and charges 6,557 8,535 Supplies 1,098 491 Total Operating Expenses $ 508,279 $ 490,259 Operating Income Before Depreciation $ 57,175 $ 90 Less: Depreciation -- Form J -5 57,438 58,960 Operating Loss $ (263) $ (58,870) Nonoperating Revenues-(Expenses): Interest earnings $ 360 $ 360 Metro Waste Control Commission Interest on deferred current value credit 12,498 12,874 Interest on reserve capacity deferred charges 970 1,126 Other income 41 2,234 Easement e (1,125) Interest expense (5,520) (1,710) Total $ .7,224 $ 14,884 Net Income (Loss) -- Form J -1 $ 6,961 $ (43,986) I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, NINNESOTA 80 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 0 u k l 0 0 n n Form J -4 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 1979 Source of Working Capital: - Operations: Net income (loss) - Form J -3 $ 6,961 $ (43,986) Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation - Form J -5 57,438 58,960 Working Capital Provided from Operations $ 64,399 $ 14,974 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Decrease in long -term contract receivable 9,774 9,398 Increase in deferred credit - revaluation MWCC 28,133 Decrease in deferred receivable - Reserve Capacity charge 1,323 1,230 Total Metropolitan Waste Control Commission $ 11,097 $ 38,761 Contributions from customers $ 4,813 $ 21,349 Total Sources of Working Capital $ 80,309 $ 75,084 Uses of Working Capital: Decrease in deferred credit - revaluation gain on sale of fixed assets $ 9,774 $ 9,398 Increase in long -term contract receivable MWCC 28,133 Appropriation to Capital Projects: Storm sewer projects 3,269 Transfer to debt services funds 30,000 30,000 Additions to property and equipment -- Form J -5 10,996 24,355 Total Uses of Working Capital $ 50,770 $ 95,155 Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital 29,539 (20,071) Elements of Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital: Cash $ (8,553) $ 10,927 Investments 15,000 Accounts receivable 16,968 7,356 Accounts payable (94) (11911) Due to Bonds of 1976 Fund 44,000 (15,500) Due from /to Metro Waste Control Commission (37,782) (20,943) Net Increase (Decrease) in Working Capital $ 29,539 $ (20,071) I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEICNTS, MINNESOTA 81 AMNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT SEWER UTILITY FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1980 I CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICIITS, MINNESOTA 82 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Property and Equipment Balances Balances 1 -1 -80 Additions Transfers 12 -31 -80 Land $ 36,586 $ - $ - $ 36,586 Buildings 24,054 254 24,308 Improvements other than buildings 2,299,298 4,813 2,304,111 Machinery and equipment 169,701 5,929 175,630 Office furniture and equipment 1,562 1,562 Grand Total $2,531,201 $ 10,996 $ - $2,542,197 (Form J -4) (Form J) I CITY OF COLUMBIA MEICIITS, MINNESOTA 82 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Balances 1 -1 -80 Accum Depreciation 7,437 605 827,747 46,010 119,986 10,759 1,234 64 $_ 956,404 $ 57,438 (Form J -3) 3 Depreciation Deductions CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Balances 12 -31 -80 8,042 873,757 130,745 1,298 $ 1,013,842 (Form J) Form J -5 Net Asset Value $ 36,586 16,266 1,430,354 44,885 246 $1,528,355 (Form J) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 83 HE CITX OF COLUM IA HEIGHTSo MINNESOTA NNUAj TINA CIAL EPORT EAR tNDED DECEMBER 31,1980 ENTERNAL SERVICE FUND The Central Garage Fund is a self sustaining fund providing service to other departments within the city and for which user fees are paid by the using department. TABLE OF CONTENTS Central Garage Fund: Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Retained Earnings Statement of changes in Financial Position Schedule of Property, Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation Page Form K 84 Form K -1 85 Form K -2 86 Form K -3 87 Form K CENTRAL GARAGE FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1980 and 1979 I CIT> OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 84 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1980 1979 ASSETS Current Assets: Lash- Treasurer's balance $ 1,646 $ 6,593 Investments, at cost 6,000 ' Accounts receivable 19 Inventory, at cost 48,164 42,971 Total Current Assets $ 55,810 $ 49,583 Property and Equipment: Office furniture and equipment $ 741 $ 741 ' Machinery and equipment 63,912 63,912 Total $ 64,653 $ 64,653 39,768 34,839 1 Less: Allowance for depreciation Net Property and Equipment -- Form -3 $ 24,885 $ 29,814 ' $ 80,695 $ 79,397 Total Assets LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS, AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 4,172 $ 4,358 Accrued salaries payable 1,834 1,512 Accrued social security /P.E.R.A. 412 692 Due to General Fund 8,000 ' Total Current Liabilities $ 6,418 $ 14,562 Contributions: Municipality's contribution $ 94,653 $ 94,653 Retained Earnings (deficit) -- Form K =1 $ (20,376) $ (29,818) Total Liabilities, Contributions, and Retained Earnings $ 80,695 $ 79,397 I CIT> OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 84 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CITY Of COLUMBIA MEIOMTS, MINNESOTA 85 <. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form K -1 ' CENTRAL GARAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 1979 Billing to Departments $ 136,884 $ 115,767 Operating Expense: Mechanics labor 82,128 71,783 Other services and charges 22,203 26,419 Supplies 11,378 7,817 Contractural services 6,651 5,209 1 Total Operating Expense $ 122,360 $ 111,228 Operating Income before depreciation $ 14,524 $ 4,539 Less: Depreciation -- Form K -3 4,929 4,894 Operating Income (Loss) $ 9,595 $ (355) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Sale of materials $ 567 $ 291 Interest expense (720) Total $ (153) $ 291 Net Income (Loss) $ 9,442 _ $ (64) Retained Earnings at beginning of year (29,818) (29,754) Retained Earnings at end of year $ (20,376) $ (29,818) CITY Of COLUMBIA MEIOMTS, MINNESOTA 85 <. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form K -2 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended December 31, 1980 and 1979 1980 1979 Sources of working Capital: Operations: Net income (loss) -- Form K -1 $ 9,442 $ (64) Items not requiring (providing) working capital: Depreciation -- Form K -3 4,929 4,894 working Capital Provided by Operations $ 14,371 $ 4,830 Contributions 2,088 Total Sources of Working Capital $ 14,371 $ 6,918 Uses of Working Capital: Acquisition of property and equipment -- Form K -3 $ - $ -2,088 .Total Uses of Working Capital $ - $ 2,088 Net Increase in Working Capital $ 14,371 $ 4,830 Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: Cash $ (4,947) $ 3,615 Investments 6,000 Accounts receivable (19) (89) Inventory 5,193 13,530 Accounts payable 144 (4,226) Due to other funds 8,000 (81000) Net Increase in Working Capital $ 14,371 $ 4,830 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 86 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT A_ A O r 3 as s s N Z Z �w O OD r Z C > r z z n s r s rn s M M M M = = M ® M M = = = = ® M = M CENTRAL GARAGE FUND SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT, AND ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION Year Ended December 31, 1980 Office furniture and equipment Machinery and equipment Total Property and Equipment Balances Balances 1 -1 -80 Additions 12 -31 -80 $ 741 $ - $ 741 63,912 63,912 $ 64,653 $ - $ 64,653 _ Allowance for Depreciation Balances Depreciation Balances Net Asset 1 -1 -80 Taken 12 -31 -80 Value $ 589 $ 16 $ 605 $ 136 34,250 4,913 39,163 24,749 $ 34,839 $ 4,929 $ 39,768 $ 24,885 (Form K -1) (Form K) (Form K) rh rO� 8 w I HE CITY OF COLUMDIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA�NDED INA CIAL EPQRT EAR 1JECEMBER S1, 1980 GEXERAL FIXED .ASSETS GROUP OF ACCOURS TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of General Fixed Assets Form L Page 88 i i Form L STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1980 General Fixed Assets: Land $ 3,025,100 Buildings 2,672,299 Improvements other than buildings 191,431 Office furniture and equipment 624,807 Machinery and equipment 903,578 Construction in progress 1,740,193 Total - Form A $ 9,157,408 Investment in General Fixed Assets: General obilgation bonds: Library bonds of 1966 $ 90,000 Municipal building bonds of 1959 150,000 .Park bonds of 1962 325,000 City garage bonds of 1972 510,000 Capital improvement bonds of 1976 929,475 Tax increment bonds 1980 1,624,039 Total General Obligation bonds $ 3,628,514 Grants: Federal E.D.A. and H.U.D. $ 526,290 State 116,715 Total Grants $ 643,005 Revenue Sharing: Federal $ 1,132,642 Anoka County 51,550 Total Revenue Sharing $ 1,184,192 Balance from current revenues and contributions $ 3,701,697 Total Investments in General Fixed Assets $ 9,157,408 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 88 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT HE CITE OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA t'INANCIAL KEP RT EAR �NDED DECEMBER 1, 1980 GENERAL LOIG-TER11 DEBT GROUP OF ACCOUNTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of General Long -Term Debt Schedule of Funding Available and Funds Required Schedule of Debt Service Requirements to Maturity Page Form M 89 Form M -1 90 Form M =2 91 Form M STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT December 31, 1980 AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED FOR THE PAYMENT OF GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT Amount available in debt service funds $ 1,035,023 Amount to be provided by future tax levies 8,184,977 Total Available and to be Provided $ 9,220,000 GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT PAYABLE General obligation bonds payable $ 9,220,000 In addition to the long -term debt exhibited in this statement, the City of Columbia Heights has a contingent liability against its full faith and credit on $55,000 of special assessment bonds recorded in the Special Assessment Funds. The general credit of the municipality is obligated only to the extent that liens foreclosed against .properties involved in the special assessment district are insufficient to retire outstanding bonds. CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 89 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form M -1 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING AVAILABLE AND FUNDS REQUIRED December 31, 1980 Total Cash, Investments, and Receivables $ 1,061,193 Deferred Tax Levies Levy /Payable Years: 1980/81 362,400 1981/82 1,024,170 1982/83 862,958 1983/84 857,218 1984/85 851,918 1985/86 892,658 1986/87 939,698 1987/88 971,198 1988/89 998,498 1989/90 1,047,848 1990/91 1,064,648 1991/92 1,077,248 1992/93 1,059,398 1993/94 1,118,198 1994/95 1,116,098 1995/96 1,056,563 1996/97 995,925 1997/98 934,185 1998/99 871,710 1999/00 808,500 2000/01 114,188 Total $19,025,225 FUNDING AVAILABLE $20,086,418 Bonds /Future Interest Payable Bonds $ 9,220,000 Future interest 10,122,640 FUNDS REQUIRED $19,342,640 BALANCE $ 743,778 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 90 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPO SCHEDULE OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY December 31, 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Form M -2 General Obligation Bonds Principal Interest $ 320,000 $ 715,058 340,000 702,107 255,000 687,560 150,000 676,.790 671,350 140,000 665,750 190,000 652,550 250,000 634,950 300,000 612,950 350,000 586,950 425,000 555,950 475,000 519,950 525,000 479,950 550,000 436,950 650,000 388,950 700,000 334,600 700,000 277,375 700,000 219,100 700,000 159,950 700,000 100,100 700,000 39,375 100,000 4,375 $ 9,220,000 $10,122,640 91 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ASSESSED VALUE AND MARKET VALUE OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY LEVY YEARS 1972 THROUGH 1980 (1) 1975 and subsegdent, property values include net amount allocated pursuant to the "fiscal disparities law ", Laws 1971 Extra Session. Chapter 24, from area -wide (metropolitan) ":ool ". I CITY Or COLUMBIA MEIOHTS, MINNESOTA 92 ANNUAL nNANCIAL REPORT 1972 1973 1974 1975 (1) Population 24,079 24,079 23,503 23,316 Real Property Assessed Value $ 53,793,085 $ 56,287,399 $ 57,049,639 $ 62,748,967 Area -wide allocation: Contribution $ (850,697) Distribution $ 2,619,939 Market Value $ 155,846,893 $ 162,253,840 $ 164,040,324 $ 181,360,401 Personal Property Assessed " lue $ 1,279,733 $ 1,278,820 $ 1,294,472 $ 1,230,101 Market - commercial $ 2,975,380 $ 2,973,256 $ 3,010,400 $ 2,860,700 Total Real and Per- sonal Property Assessed Value $ 55,072,818 $ 57,566,219 $ 58,344,111 $ 65,748,310 Market Value $ 158,822,273 $ 165,227,096 $ 167,050,724 $ 184,221,101 Ratio of Total Assess- ed Value to Total Market Value :3467 :3484 :3492 :3569 Per Capita Valuations ° Assessed Value $ 2,287 $ 2,391 $ 2,482 $ 2,820 Market Value $ 6,596 $ 6,862 $ 7,108 $ 7,901 (1) 1975 and subsegdent, property values include net amount allocated pursuant to the "fiscal disparities law ", Laws 1971 Extra Session. Chapter 24, from area -wide (metropolitan) ":ool ". I CITY Or COLUMBIA MEIOHTS, MINNESOTA 92 ANNUAL nNANCIAL REPORT HE CIT OF COLUM IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA tINA CIAL KEPQQRT EAR �NDED DECEMBER S1. 1980 STATISTICAL SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Assessed Value and Market Value of all Taxable Property Table I 92 Table II 94 Tax Rates Table III 95 City Tax Levy Tax Levies and Tax Collections Table IV 96 Special Assessment Collections Table V 96 Revenues - Other than Property Taxes and Special Assessments Table VI 98 Expenditures for Selected Functions Table VII 98 Statement of Legal Debt Margin Table VIII 99 Combining Schedule of Bonds Payable Table IX 100 Schedule of Investments Table X 104 Schedule of Cash and Security for Deposit Table XI 106 Schedule of Insurance in Force Table XII 108 Principal City Officials and Surety Bonds Table XIII 110 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts Table XIV 111 1976 1977 1978 22,324 21,890 21,300 Table I 1979 21,270 1980 20,029 $ 67,746,917 $ 68,981,490 $ 71,601,406 $ 73,741,181 $ 85,721,087 $ (850,697) $ (1,085,236) $ (1,491,381) $ (1,840,970) $ (2,000,000) $ 2,355,131 $ 2,641,684 $ 3,311,002 $ 4,062,894 $ 4,383,409 $ 198,140,355 $ 219,125,884 $ 248,901,043 $ 288,414,300 $ 355,767,800 $ 1,220,899 $ 1,213,202 $ 1,221,501 $ 1,218,792 $ 1,295,504 $ 2,839,300 $ 2,821,400 $ 2,840,700 $ 2,834,400 $ 3,012,800 $ '70,472,250 $ 71,751,140 $ 74,642,528 $ 77,181,897 $ 91,400,000 $ 200,979,655 $ 221,947,284 $ 251,741,743 $ 291,248,700 $ 358,780,600 :3506 :3233 :2965 :2650 :2548 $ 3,157 $ 3,279 �$ 3,504 $ 3,629 $ 4,563 $ 9,003 $ 10,139 $ 11,819 $ 13,693 $ 17,913 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 93 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table II TAX RATES YEARS 1971 THROUGH 1980 Fiscal Metro Year City School County Council Other (B) Total 1971 66.77 211.08 62.78 1.43 342.06 1972 66.59 162.66 67.59 5.01 301.85 1973 20.14 49.88 19.81 1.79 .74 92.36 (A) 1974 20.10 53.49 18.47 2.52 .99 95.54 1975 22.40 54.12 19.96 4.42 .60 101.50 1976 21.75 49.16 19.73 2.73 .69 94.06 1977 20.41 47.26 19.84 3.00 .61 91.12 1978 22.13 46.53 22.02 2.73 .59 94.00 1979 21.847 45.036 21.913 2.652 .923 92.371 1980 21.101 46.727 23.349 2.990 .839 95.006 (A) Determination of assessed valuation calculation changed by state law enacted in 1971, Extra Session, Chapter 31, as amended (B) Rice Creek Watershed and 1/3 mill for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority CITY OF COLUMBIA MEIONTS, MINNESOTA 94 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CITY TAX LEVY YEARS 1971 THROUGH 1980 General City Fiscal Levy Year Total 1971 $ 1,134,670 $ 1972 1,105,517 1973 1,120,000 1974 1,156,540 1975 1,331,715 1976 1,429,510 1977 1,441,044 1978 1,583,156 1979 1,631,608 1980 1,631,608 CITY TAX LEVY YEARS 1971 THROUGH 1980 General Police Fire Fund Relief Relief 972,960 $ 30,150 $ 24,000 846,967 50,000 30,000 874,115 67,000 36,085 899,045 67,000 42,700 1,101,925 65,850 46,000 896,270 66,000 47,000 1,069,044 66,300 47,000 1,188,556 78,500 47,000 1,261,108 78,500 47,000 1,151,808 104,000 85,800 Table III (A) All for Storm Sewer Construction except 1976 the $100,000 is for settlement of Sullivan Lake law suit. (B) In 1979 Civil Defense Fund became a part of the General Fund. CITY: OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 95 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Bonds Civil and Defense(B) Interest Other(A) $ 11,000 $ 81,560 $ 15,000 11,000 152,550 15,000 10,600 117,200 15,000 17,000 115,795 15,000 4,000 113,940 20,240 300,000 100,000 35,700 223,000 8,600 260,500 245,000 290,000 (A) All for Storm Sewer Construction except 1976 the $100,000 is for settlement of Sullivan Lake law suit. (B) In 1979 Civil Defense Fund became a part of the General Fund. CITY: OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 95 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Total Tax Collected Levy * 1974 $ 874,954 1975 1,022,810 1976 1,139,240 1977 1,136,825 1978 1,220,013 1979 1,253,698 1980 1,150,273 TAX LEVIES AND TAX COLLECTIONS Years 1974 Through 1980 Collections of Current Years Taxes During Fiscal Period $ 863,795 995,242 1,117,070 1,123,704 1,186,640 1,236,676 1,122,161 Percentage of Levy Collected During Fiscal Period 98.7 97.3 98.0 98.8 97.3 98.6 97.6 Collection of Prior Year's Taxes During Fiscal Period $ 10,136 16,563 18,377 22,470 16,687 20,648 21,268 Total Collections $ 873,931 1,011,805 1,135,447 1,146,174 1,203,327 1,257,324 1,143,429 * Tax levy has been adjusted by the 50% forgiveness (property tax replacement) which is a revenue from other agencies and has been incorporated into Table VI. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS Years 1975 Through 1980 CITY OF COLUMBIA. NEIONTS, MINNESOTA 96 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Percentage of Current Special Current Collected Fiscal Assessment Becoming Due Current Special During Fiscal Period During Fiscal Period Assessments Collected Period 1975 $ 90,045 $ 49,149 54.6% 1976 107,784 60,320 56.0% 1977 114,673 70,635 61.6% 1978 107,635 68,029 63.2% 1979 160,087 110,534 69.0% 1980 129,773 70,627 54.4% Information for a limited number of years is presented as undo effort would be required to reconstruct this information from the prior system of record keeping. CITY OF COLUMBIA. NEIONTS, MINNESOTA 96 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Ratio of Total Collections to Tax Levy .9988:1 .9892:1 .9965:1 1.0082:1 9863:1 1.0029:1 .9940:1 Delinquent Specials Collected During Fiscal Period (A) $ 71,642 67,434 65,345 46,218 43,693 41,215 Accumulated Delinquent Taxes $ 56,751 66,224 70,606 59,211 64,287 31,977 18,864 Total Special Assessments Delinquent At End of Fiscal Period $ 116,642 111,221 98,553 66,142 71,605 87,512 Table IV Ratio Accumulated Delinquent Taxes to Current Year Tax Levy .0648:1 .0647:1. .0619:1 .0520:1 .0527:1 .0255:1 .0163:1 Table V Deferred Special Assessments Collected Balance Fund Fiscal Period of Fiscal Period $ 75,305 $ 372,361 206,197 388,565 104,930 388,481 155,037 436,962 78,080 411,494 136,281 602,047 (A) The City bills the property owner directly when a special assessment installment becomes due. If the installment becomes delinquent, it is certified to the county for inclusion on the following years property tax statement and is shown as a delinquent collection. ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 97 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table VI REVENUES - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Years 1971 Through 1980 EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED FUNCTIONS Years 1971 through 1980 Fiscal General Public Charges For Licenses Government (A) Fiscal Revenues From Use of Money Service and and Fines and Profits of Year Other Agencies and Property Other Revenue Permits Forfeitures Proprietaries 1971 $ 514,253 $ 9,420 $ 282,148 $ 41,438 $ 19,920 $ 287,261 1972 817,715 44,535 311,790 33,823 13,557 238,732 1973 1,285,224 37,473 312,824 37,216 21,680 308,080 1974 1,070,363 112,407 329,122 41,259 20,181 361,747 1975 1,304,408 89,266 341,341 47,807 29,573 298,283 1976 1,635,915 172,632 295,683 62,079 47,096 261,837 1977 1,883,756 144,293 342,277 71,228 50,406 128,169 1978 2,059,462 135,292 313,456 76,870 38,191 106,014 1979 2,096,084 179,135 369,891 78,164 49,067 32,521 1980 2,272,119 474,873 419,930 68,710 72,274 106,845 (A) The years 1971 -77 do not include depreciation for Sewer and Water Funds. EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED FUNCTIONS Years 1971 through 1980 Fiscal General Public Public Year Government Safety Works 1971 $ 203,817 $ 490,800 $ 325,901 1972 226,527 605,120 357,901 1973 353,833 685,606 391,057 1974 311,850 698,704 432,422 1975 310,540 860,723 457,316 1976 374,191 875,714 511,377 1977 406,864 981,059 577,072 1978 424,527 1,070,279 606,541 1979 460,152 1,160,243 515,417 1980 516,593 1,315,826 566,643 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 98 Table VII Parks and Sanitation Library Recreation $ 175,458 $ 78,807 $ 291,204 196,700 75,500 333,047 186,850 77,300 369,402 208,752 82,500 420,323 224,569 147,851 463,877 227,055 103,280 512,066 233,598 109,635 537,332 246,957 121,968 676,027 255,693 143,018 547,525 268,793 163,801 622,154 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ' Table VIII ' STATEMENT OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN December 31, 1980 Assessed Value $ 91,400,000 Debt Limit 6.67% of Assessed Value (Note A) $ 6,096,380 Amount of Debt Limit Applicable to Debt Limit: Total bonded debt $ 9,220,000 Less Note B: Tax increment $ 8,175,000 Special Assessment Bonds 55,000 8,230,000 Total Debt Applicable to Debt Limit 990,000 Legal Debt Margin $ 5,106,380. Note (A): M.S.A. Section 475.53 (Limit on Net Debt) "Subdivision 1. Generally. Except as otherwise provided in sections 475.51 to 475.70, no municipality, except a school district or a city of the first class, shall incur or be subject to a net debt in excess of 6.67 percent of the assessed value." Note (B): M.S.A. Section 475.51 Definitions: "Subdivision 4. "Net debt" means the amount remaining after deducting from its gross debt the amount of current revenues which are applicable within the current fiscal year to the payment of any debt and the aggregate of the principal of the following: (1) Obligations issued for improvements which are payable wholly or partly from ' the proceeds'of special assessments levied upon property specially benefited thereby, including those which are general obligations of the municipal issuing them, if the municipality is entitled to reimbursement in whole or in part from the proceeds of the special assessments. (2) warrants or orders having no definite or fixed maturity. (3) Obligations payable wholly from the income from revenue producing conveniences. (4) Obligations issued to create or maintain a permanent improvement revolving fund. (5) Obligations issued for the acquisition, and betterment of public waterworks systems, and public lighting, heating or power systems, and of any combination thereof or for any other public convenience from which a revenue is or may be derived. (6) Debt service loans and capital loans made to a school district under the provisions of sections 124.42 and 124.43. (7) Amount of all money and the face value of all securities held as a debt service fund for the extinguishment of obligations other than those deductible under this subdivision. (8) All other obligations which under the provisions of law authorizing their issuance are not to be included in computing the net debt of the municipality. * Includes valuation from "fiscal disparity" legislation; Minnesota laws 1971, Extra Session, Chapter 24. See Table I. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 99 ANNUAL nNANCIAL REPORT COMBINING#SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE December 31, 1980 Interest Final Rates and Issue Maturity Dates Date Date SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS: Permanent Improvement Revolving Bonds of 1972 7 -1 -72 1 -1 -83 Non - Callable 4.20% 1/1 -7/1 4.30% Total P.I.R. Bonds of 1972 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 10 -1 -65 1 -1 -85 All Callable after January 1, 1980 in 3.50% 1/1 -7/1 inverse order at par and accrued 3.60% interest plus a premium of $50 per bond 3.60% , 3.60% Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 City Garage Bonds of 1972 7 -1 -72 1 -1 -83 Non - Callable 4.20% 1/1 -7/1 4.30$ Total City Garage Bonds of 1972 10 -1 -83 ' Capital Improvement Bonds of 1976 4 -1 -76 Non - Callable 4'.30% 4/1 -10 /1 4.45% 4.60% Total Capital Improvement Bonds of 1976 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 100 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT t Table IX Annual Authorized Serial and Payments Issued Matured Outstanding $ - $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ - 50,000(81) 50,000 50,000 5,000(82) 5,000 5,000 $ 455,000 $ 400,000 $ 55,000 $ - $ 445,000 $ 445,000 $ - 95,000 (81) 95,000 95,000 105,000 (82) 105,000 105,000 130,000 (83) 130,000 130,000 140,000 (84) 140,000 140,000 $ 915,000 $ 445,000 $ 470,000 $ - $ 400,000 $ 400,000 $ - 50,000 (81) 50,000 50,000 60,000 (82) 60,000 60,000 $ 510,000 $ 400,000 $ 110,000 $ - $ 555,000 $ 555,000 $ - 175,000 (81) 175,000 175,000 175,000 (82) 175,000 175,000 115,000 (83) 115,000 115,000 $ 1,020,000 $ 555,000 $ 465,000 CITY9 OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 101 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT _ COMBINED SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE (Continued) December 31, 1980 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Continued): Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 Bonds maturing in 1991 and later years will be subject to redemp- tion and prepayment at the option of the City in inverse order of serial numbers on March 1, 1990. Total Tax Increment Bonds of 1980 Total General Obligation Bonds Total Bonds Payable - All Funds Interest Final Rates and Issue Maturity Dates Date Date 8.00% 3/1 -9/1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.10 8.25 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.75 8.75 9 -1 -80 3 -1 -02 CITY OF COLUMBIA MEI6NTS, MINNESOTA 102 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table IX Annual Authorized Serial and Payments Issued Matured Outstanding (81) (82) 10,000 (83) 10,000 10,000 10,000 (84) 10,000 10,000 (85) 140,000 (86) 140,000 140,000 190,000 (87) 190,000 190,000 250,000 (88) 250,000 250,000 300,000 (89) 300,000 300,000 350,000 (90) 350,000 350,000 425,000 (91) 425,000 425,000 475,000 (92) 475,000 475,000 525,000 (93) 525,000 525,000 550,000 (94) 550,000 550,000 650,000 (95) 650,000 650,000 700,000 (96) 700,000 700,000 700,000 (97) 700,000 700,000 700,000 (98) 700,000 700,000 700,000 (99) 700,000 700,000 700,000 (00) 700,000 700,000 700,000 (01) 700,000 700,000 100,000 (02) 100,000 100,000 $ 8,175,000 $ - $ 8,175,000 $ 9,220,000 $ 9,275,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 103 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS December 31, 1980 Repurchase Agreement Certificate of Deposit -Home Certificate of Deposit -N.E. State Bank Cert_�_:;ate of Deposit -Home Certificate of Deposit -Home Certificate of Deposit -N.E. State Bank Certificate of Deposit -Home Certificate of Deposit -Home U.S. Treasury Bills Certificate of Deposit -Home U.S. Treasury Bills Federal Form Credit Bank U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Bills ,me Loan Bank U.S. Treasury Bills U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Notes Federal National Mortgage Assc. U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Notes City of Col. Hts. Storm Sewer Bonds 1965 U.S. Treasury Notes U.S. Treasury Notes Ginny Mae Date Yield Acquired 17.00 12 -31 -80 8.75 7 -02 -80 14.50 11 -14 -80 11.15 9 -15 -80 17.00 12 -02 -80 19.50 12 -15 -80 20.12 12 -15 -80 15.40 11 -20 -80 11.25 9 -16 -80 17.10 12 -04 -80 13.50 10 -30 -80 11.20 9 -02 -80 11.50 9 -16 -80 11.60 9 -16 -80 12.30 12 -04 -79 11.50 9 -17 -80 11.35 10 -10 -79 11.30 12 -04 -79 11.97 9 -16 -80 8.32 6 -12 -80 8.92 7 -03 -80 4.83 10 -01 -69 9.20 6 -30 -80 8.95 6 -12 -80 7.58 3 -23 -77 Maturity Par Date Value 1 -02 -81 $ 2,404,503 1 -02 -81 100,000 1 -13 -81 500,000 1 -15 -81 500,000 2 -02 -81 350,000 2 -13 -81 600,000 2 -15 -81 500,000 2 -20 -81 100,000 � -26 -81 500,000 3 -04 -81 100,000 4 -30 -81 150,000 6 -01 -81 100,000 7 -16 781 550,000 8 -13 -81 500,000 8 -25 -81 150,000 9 -10 -81 350,000 9 -30 -81 100,000 11 -30 -81 100,000 4 -12 -82 300,000 5 -31 -82 150,000 6 -30 -82 300,000 1 -01 -84 10,000 6 -30 -84 100,000 8 -15 -85 500,000 3 -01 -2006 192,100 $ 9,206,603 CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 104 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Unamortized Unamortized Book Discount Premium Value $ - $ - $ 2,404,503 132,000 Debt Service Funds 100,000 Form D 11011,000 500,000 Form E 500,000 Special Assessment Funds 350,000 45,000 Enterprise Funds 600,000 Form G 449,450 500,000 Form K 100,000 4,763 495,237 100,000 6,267 143,733 43 100,043 31,798 518,202 27,770 472,230 685 150,685 25,947 324,053 1,345 98,655 648 100,648 6,896 306,896 2,019 152,019 1,274 298,726 2,550 7,450 932 98,068 12,001 512,001 192,100 $ 102,646 $ 22,292 S 9,126,249 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 105 Table X , Summary By Fund General Fund - Form B $ 1,110,955 Special Revenue Funds Form C 132,000 Debt Service Funds Form D 11011,000 Capital Project Funds Form E 6,371,844 Special Assessment Funds Form F 45,000 Enterprise Funds Form G 449,450 Central Garage Fund Form K 6,000 $ 9,126,249 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SCHEDULE OF CASH AND SECURITY FOR DEPOSIT December 31, 1980 MARQUETTE NORTHEAST STATE THIRD STATE BANK OF BANK - COLUMBIA NORTHWESTERN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HEIGHTS OFFICE NATIONAL BANK SECURITY FOR DEPOSIT U.S. Treasury Notes $ 50,000 $ 1,500,000 Municipal Bonds 50,000 Total $ 100,000 $ 1,500,000 90% of security applicable to pledge requirement 90,000 1,350,000 F.D.I.C. and S.L.I.C. 40,000 40,000 Total Security $ 130,000 $ 1,390,000 BANK BALANCE General account $ - $ 154,788 Payroll account 21,666 Daily interest savings accounts Total Cash Applicable to Security $ 21,666 $ 154,788 Bank balances - General and payroll accounts $ 21,666 $ 154,788 Add: Deposits in transit - General Payroll withhold taxes in escrow 26,990 Deduct: Outstanding checks 47,978 166,865 Over deposits 678 Book Balance $ - $ 49,790 $ 100,000 CITY Of COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 106 ANNUAL nNANCIAL KPORT 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIDELITY BANK_ TWIN CITY Ij AND TRUST CO. FEDERAL 100,000 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS 100,000 S - 71,975 $ 71,975 $ 3U,uuu > Bank Balance by Funds General Fund -- Form B $ 6,210 Special Revenue Funds -- Form C (3,816) Debt Service Funds -- Form D 8,943 Capital Projects Funds -- Form E 157,948 Special Assessment Funds -- Form F (25,237) Enterprise Funds -- Form G 6,071 Central Garage Fund -- Form K 1,646 $ 151,765 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 107 �. Table XI TOTAL $ 1,440,000 480,000 $ 1,920,000 $ 154,788 21,666 101,975 $ 278,429 $ 278,429 61,867 26,990 214,843 • 678. $ 151,765 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1980 Policy Period Building Type of Coverage. from to or Structure Contents All Risk Coverage under the Public and Institutional Property Policy 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 (90% Coinsurance -$500 Deductible) Central Avenue Liquor Store $ 15,000 40th Avenue Liquor Store 45,000 University Avenue Liquor Store 55,000 $ 115,000 (90% Coinsurance -$500 Deductible) City Hall $ 1,259,289 $ 242,000 Library 469,275 202 3.10 City Garage 1,255,662 96,800 Liquor Store - Central 302,605 89,300 Liquor Store -40th Avenue 75,339 8,130 Liquor Store - University Avenue 116,416 12,310 Community Center 642,344 33,280 Parks (II) 798,065 2,180 Well House - LaBelle Park 11,432 Band Stand 29,314 Bath House - Silver Lake 38,803 Warming House - Silver Lake 8,800 Lift Stations (3) 57,656 Water .Tower 250,250 Pump Stations (2) 67,217 55,610 Warehouse- Cement 35,969 1,330 Warehouse -Metal 9,062 Water Meter Vault 7,950 3,630 Tema House 16,500 $ 5,451,948 $ 746,880 ($100 Deductible) Personal property consisting of road construction equipment, maintenance equipment, and other equipment stored in municipal buildings $ 991,887 ($500 Deductible on Police and Fire only) Personal property consisting of motor vehicles $ 919,839 CITY O' COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 108 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Type of Coverage Boiler explosion Workman's Compensation Comprehensive Auto Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Automotive Physical Damage Comprehensive Bus Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Com^r-chensive General Liability -odily Injury Property Damage statutory Liquor Legal Liability Policy Period from to 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 Table XII $100,000 per accident (City Hall, Field House, Municipal Service Building). Statutory $300,000 $100,000 $ 50,000 $35/300,000/200,000 ($500 deductible on Police and Fire vehicles) $100/300,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $300,000 ($250 Deductible) $ 50,000 1 -1 -80 12 -31 -80 $300,000 * The comprehensive general liability - includes the following additional coverages: (a) Personnel injury coverage to include false arrest, libel, slander, wrongful entry or eviction or invasion of right of privacy (b) Loss of business income (c) All employees as additional insureds (d) Comprehensive glass and neon sign breakage (e) Miscellaneous property floater. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 109 Name Mayor and Council: Bruce G. Nawrocki E. "Sebe" Heintz Kenneth E. Hentges Walter S. Logacz Gayle R. Norberg Administration: Robert S. Bocwinski Keith Masuda John E. Schedler Ronald Kalina Fred Salsbury George Brown Mildred Carlson Stuart Anderson Donald Johnson Max Thomas Arden Hovland Martin Gavic Arden Hovland Donald Weinand Allen Carlson Mitch DeMars .Donald Jolly Thomas Rejzer Linda Hansen Table XIII PRINCIPLE CITY OFFICIALS AND SURETY BONDS Year Ended December 31, 1980 Official title Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Manager Administrative Assistant City Clerk- Treasurer - Finance Director - Liquor Operations Manager City Attorney Public Works Director City Engineer City Assessor Chief of Police Chief of Fire Liquor Store Manager Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector Heating Inspector Electrical Inspector City Planner Street Superintendent Water and Sewer Superintendent Acting Park Superintendent Recreation and Community Services Director Amount of Surety Bond In addition to the positions listed above where bond amounts appear, the City has a $25,000 Faithful Performance Blank Position Bond on all City employees. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 110 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT. Table XIV MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS 1980 Date of Incorporation March 14, 1898 Date of Adoption of City Charter July 21, 1921 Form of Government Council- Manager Fiscal Year Begins January 1 Area of City 3.52 Square Miles Miles of Streets and Alleys: Trunk Highways 3.0 County 6.2 City Streets 57.8 Alleys 18.9 Miles of Sewers 32.7 Storm Sewers 59.8 Sanitary Sewers 65.6 Watermain Miles Building Permits: 1971 613 1972 518 1973 529 1974 485 1975 608 1976 595 1977 658 1978 687 1979 663 1980 555 Estimated Cost: 1971 $ 4,044,282 1972 2,180,740 1973. 2,032,525 1974 2,916,519 1975 3,148,524 1976 3,412,415 1977 4,701,644 1978 6,996,678 1979 3,316,115 1980 3,264,460 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEICNTS, MINNESOTA 111 AMNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS /Continued) Fire Protection: Table XIV Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees: Full time 8 Volunteer 18 Police Protection: Number of Stations 1 Number of Employees 24 Parks: City Parks 13 Playground 1 County Park 1 Schools: 83.8% Senior High 1 Junior High 2 Elementary 5 Prochial Elementary 1 Employees: (as of December 31, 1980) 6,035 Regular 108 Part time 51 Temporary 3 162 Elections: Registered voters - last general election 12,934 Number of votes cast last general election 10,827 Percentage of registered voters voting 83.8% Population: 1900 123 1920 2,968 1930 5,613 1940 6,035 1950 8,175 1960 17,533 1965 (mid- decade census) 23,283 1970 (census) 23,997 1972 24,079 1973 24,079 1974 23,503 1975 23,316 1976 22,324 1977 21,890 1978 21,300 1979 21,270 1980 (census) 20,029 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 112 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT