HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 CAFRANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55421 590 FORTIETH AVENUE N.E. FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1978 FINANCE DEPARTMENT JOHN E. SCHEDLER, FINANCE DIRECTOR MEMBER OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA telephone: 788 -9221 (612) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YFAR ENDED DECE`BER 31, 1978 TABLE OF COTFI`ENTS I. INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents Administrative Organization Letter of Transmittal Supplemental Statements Financial and Statements Schedules H. FINANCIAL SECTION Auditors' Report Notes to Financial Statements Combined Statements - All Funds: Combined Balance Sheet' - All Rands A Combined Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements - All Rands Statement of Cash and Security Deposits Statement of Investments Combined Schedule of Bonds Payable General Rand: Comparative Balance Sheet B Comparative Statement of Changes in Rand Balance B -1 Statement of Revenue -Estimated and Actual B -2 Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances Compared with Authorizations B -3 Special Revenue Funds: Combined Balance Sheet C Analysis of Changes in Revenue, Expenditures and Rand Balance - Revenue Sharing Rand C -1 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance - Anti - Recession Aid Ftasld C -2 Analysis of Changes in Revenues, Expenditures and Fund Balance - Recreation and Community Services Fluid C -3 Analysis of Changes in Revenue, Expenditures and Rand Balance - Civil Defense Rind C -4 Analysis of Changes in Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balance - Municipal State -Aid Street Rand 0-5 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance - C.E.T.A. Rand C -6 A -1 A -2 A -3 A-4 Page Number T 1 10 12 14 16 20 21 22 24 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 Supplemental Statements Financial and Page Statements Schedules :dumber Capital Prolect Funds: Combined Balance Sheet D 37 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance D -1 39 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements D -2 41 Enterprise Funds: Combined Balance Sheet E 43 k1micipal Liquor Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet F 45 Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings F -1 46 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense F -2 47 Comparative Statement of Revenue - Off Sale F -3 49 Comparative Statement of Operating Expenses -Combined On -Sale and Off -Sale F-4 51 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position F -5 53 Statement of Fixed Assets and Depreciation F -6 54 Water Utility Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet G 58 Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings G -1 59 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense G -2 60 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position G -3 61 Statement of Changes in Assets Restricted for General Bond Debt Service G-4 62 Sewer Utility Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet H 63 Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings H -1 64 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense H -2 65 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position H -3 66 Central Garage Fund: Balance Sheet I 67 Statement of Changes in Yimicipality'.s Contribution I -1 68 Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings I -1 68 Statement of Operations I -2 69 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position I -2 69 Supplemental Statements Financial and Page Statements Schedules Number Trust and Agency Funds: Combined Balance Sheet J 70 Combined Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements J -1 71 Capital Project Funds - Special Assessment Bonds: Combined Balance Sheet K 72 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance K -1 73 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements K -2 74 General Debt Service Funds: Combined Balance Sheet L 75 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance - Unappropriated L -1 77 Schedule of Funding Available and Funds Required L -2 79 General Long -Term Debt Group of Accounts: Statement of General Long -Term Debt M 81 III. STATISTICAL SECTION Page Table Number Assessed Value and Market Value of All Taxable Property I 82 Tax Rates II 84 City Tax Levy III 85 Tax Levies and Tax Collections IV 86 Special Assessment Collections V 86 Revenues - Other than Property Taxes and Special Assessments VI 88 Expenditures for Selected Functions VII 88 Summary of Debt Service Requirements to Maturity VIII 89 Statement of Legal Debt Margin LX 91 Schedule of Insurance in Force X 92 Principal City Officials and Surety Bonds XI 94 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts XII 95 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 CITY COUNCIL Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. ''Sebe'' Heintz Councilmember Kenneth E. Hentges Councilmember Walter S. Logacz Councilmember Gayle R. Norberg Councilmember CITY MANAGER Robert S. Bocwinski FINANCE DEPARTMEMT John E. Schedler William Stawarski [.CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA Director City Accountant ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ' DEPARTMENTS Regular Volunteers Reserves Accounting City Clerk Elections Utility Billing Collections Liquor Bar No. 2 Off Sale No. 3 Off Sale FINANCE Inspections Licenses & Permit.s ADMINISTRATIV Planning SERVICES Assessing PUBLIC Engineering WORKS Streets Water Maintenance Sewer Maintenance Parks Admin. & Maintenance LIBRARY Central Garage Civil Defense DIVISIONS Regular Reserves FIRE GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS LEGAL CITY OF COLUMBIA, HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE CITY MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MAYOR COUNCIL MEMBERS RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES ELECTORS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIS- TRICT #13 COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS Planning and Zoning Recreation & Community Services Park Traffic HRA Library Human Services Police & Fire Civil Service Charter Downtown Development ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT OF CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Mr. Robert S. Bocwinski City Manager City of Columbia Heights Dear Mr. Bockg;1..ski: "SERVICE IS OUR March 13, 1979 The annual financial report of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1978 1s submitted herewith. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM AND REPORTS ie :;ity maintains complete self - balancing account groups for each entity of the City in accordance with the organizational chart of the City. This results in a classification of transactions according to specific functions, separate and distinct from those pertaining to unrelated activities. A summary of significant accounting policies is contained in Note 1 of the Notes to Financial Statements. These notes are contained in the Financial Section immediately following this commentary. Budgetary control is maintained by an encumbrance system whereby purchase requests are pre- audited as to authorization and availability of funds prior to their release to vendors. Also inherent in this controlling function is the management philosophy that the existence of a.particular item or appropriation in the approved budget does not automatically mean that it will or must be spent. The budget process has flexibility in that, where need has been adequately demonstrated, an adjustment can be made within the department budget by the City Manager, or between departments and funds by the City Council. Therefore, there is a constant reviewal process and expenditures are not approved until it has been determined that (1) adequate funds were appropriated, (2) the expenditure is still necessary and (3) funds are available. ' Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. "Sebe" Heintz, Councilmember Walter Logacz, Councilmember ' Gayle R. Norberg, Councilmember Kenneth E. Hentges, Councilmember EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR INDIVIDUAL FUNDS These are indexed in the preceding table of contents. In addition, the header for each type of fund provides a description of the basis for establish ment of the fund and another table of contents of the financial statements pertaining to the individual fund. Each statement of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds (where applicable) Enterprise Funds and Intragovern- mental Services Funds are presented with comparative information from 1977. STATISTICAL SECTION The statistical section presents comparative statistical data for past years. It should be of interest to investors in city bonds and others interested in financial statistics of municipal government. The City Charter requires an annual audit. The 1978 audit will continue shortly and will be conducted by the firm of Deloitte Haskins & Sells. This report is that of the Finance Director, and when the auditor's opinion is received, it will be incorporated in this report. GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS Highlights of the City's financial activities during 1978 include: General Fund revenues exceeded expenditures and en::.:;brances by $95,320. Substantial completion of capital projects in 1978: City Hall addition and remodeling $767,851 Central Avenue urbanization 147,615 Open Fillmore 47 -49th, curb, gutter, storm sewer 214,495 Columbia Court 92,279 Other Sewer & Water Projects 70,532 Sidewalk Repair 18,497 The payment of $520,642 in principal and interest of scheduled bond maturities. GENERAL FUND On December 31, 1978 the fund balance of the General Fund totaled $957,562. Although the unappropriated fund balance appears to be adequate, it should be pointed out that this represents a working capital for general operations that is used extensively during the first seven months until current taxes and state aids are received. Even at this level of working capital, the General Fund experiences cash flow problems in early summer and late fall of each year. .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Estimated and actual revenues for the current year is presented in Form B -2. Revenues received for general government operations totaled $2,860,644 in 1978, an increase of $122,642 or 4.50 over the previous year. The following table presents an analysis of the major revenue sources of the General Fund for 1978 and its change from 1977. From the above table, it is apparent that the major sources available for funding the general operations is the property tax $32.9 %) and inter- governmental revenue (48.7 %), primarily state aids. Both of these sources are controlled in the amount that they can increase by what is known as the Levy Limitation Law. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. This amount of increase.is stated in terms of 6% per capita. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principle remained the same. The following table summarizes the City's status in complying with the law for 1978 and 1977: 1978 1977 Levy 1978 Percent Increase (Decrease) Revenue Source Amount of Total from 1977 General Property Taxes $ 941,319. 32.90 $ 45,546 Licenses and Permits 76,870 2.7 5,642 Intergovernmental Revenue 1,392,296 48.7 147,906 Charges for Services 301,971 10.6 4,318 Fines and Forfeits 38,191 1.3 (12,215) Miscellaneous Revenue 68,605 2.4 (33,950) Expenditure Reimbursements 41,019 1.4 22,598 Transfers - In 373 - (57,203) Totals $2,860,644 100.0% $122,642 From the above table, it is apparent that the major sources available for funding the general operations is the property tax $32.9 %) and inter- governmental revenue (48.7 %), primarily state aids. Both of these sources are controlled in the amount that they can increase by what is known as the Levy Limitation Law. LEVY LIMITATION The Levy Limitation Law was first implemented in 1972 and, in general, has placed a limitation on the amount of increased revenue that can be derived from the property tax and local government aid. This amount of increase.is stated in terms of 6% per capita. Since enactment, various amendments to the law have been enacted, but the basic principle remained the same. The following table summarizes the City's status in complying with the law for 1978 and 1977: 1978 1977 Levy Limit base $2,042,551 $1,873,294 Less: State aids applicable to levy limitations ( 985,716) ( 913,690) Levy limit before special levies $1,056,835 $ 959,604 Plus: Special levies allowed: Debt service 260,500 223,000 Other 265,821 258,440 Total allowable levy and amount certified $1,583,156 $1,441,044 It has been the City's practice to levy at the levy limitation. The above table shows that the City is at its levy limitation. In order to fund the present level of service, including increased costs due to inflation, the City needs to depend on increases from other revenue sources in the future if there is not a modification of the Levy Limitation Law. III .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL DISPARITIES In 1971 the legislature enacted a Fiscal Disparity Law which was not implemented until taxes payable in 1975 due to a constitutional challenge. The law provides for the pooling of 40% of all new commercial/ industrial property valuation or growth in the seven county area to be redistributed to the taxing jurisdictions according to specified criteria. Although it is difficult to determine the future impact of the law on the City, it appears that the City will gain in nominal amounts. The impact on the taxable valuations of the City for taxes collectible in 1976 through 1978 was as follows: City's taxable value: Personal property Real estate Sub -total 1976 $ 1,230,101 62,748,967 3,979,0 1977 $ 1,220,899 67,746,917 $68,967,81 $ 1,213,302 68,981,490 .$70,194,692 Areawide allocation: Contribution to "pool" $( 850,697) $( 850,697) $(1,491,381) Distribution from "pool" 2,619,939 2,355,131 3,311,002 Net Increase $ 1,769,24-2 $ 1,504,434 $ 1, 19, 21 Combined Value $65,748,310 $70,472,250 $72,014,313 Actual taxes received from the fiscal disparities allocation amounted to $52,756 in 1978, $51,268 in 1977 and $56,984 in 1976. This represents a small amount of property tax relief to Columbia Heights taxpayers. It should be remembered that, regardless of how much "new revenue" is received from fiscal disparities, the revenue is part of the tax controlled by the levy limit within which the City must still operate. PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS It is the City's policy to offset any property taxes not received with an equal allowance for uncollectible amounts. Therefore, any delinquent taxes, or unremitted current taxes are not recognized as revenue until received in cash, and are used to finance the budget in the year in which they are received. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The Municipal State -Aid Street Fund was established to receive gasoline tax apportionments from the state which are used to construct state -aid streets. In 1978, apportionments and interest earnings of $146,900 were received. The fund balance, now dedicated to construction of state -aid streets, at December 31, 1978 i:: $213,036. IV ITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA #NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT The Revenue Sharing Fund was established to account for the receipt and expenditure of federal general revenue sharing funds. Revenue Sharing was enacted in 1972, and covered the period from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1976. The 1976 federal amendments to the law authorized additional appropriations to cover the period from January 1, 1977 to September 30, 1980. The following table reflects the use of Revenue Sharing through December 31, 1978: Revenue Sharing Revenue Interest Earnings Total Capital Projects Operations Total Fund Balance Year End 1972 $120,859 $ - $120,859 $ - $ - $ - $120,859 1973 140,575 9,202 149,777 110,239 14,606 124,845 145,791 1974 144,256 12,834 157,090 145,830 4,158 149,988 152,893 1975 154,036 11,530 165,566 187,572 30,488 218,060 100,399 1976 157,339 10,907 168,246 158,164 68,528 226,692 41,953 1977 159,482 6,257 165,739 108,928 25,478 134,406 73,286 1978 178,817 5,800 184,617 179,120 12,723 191,843 66,060 In 1979 it is estimated that the City will receive $181,500 in revenue sharing payments and $6,000 interest earnings. The adopted 1979 budget includes $13,000 for general operations and $142,575 for capital projects, leaving an estimated fund balance of $97,985 as of December 31, 1979. The Anti- Recession Fund was established in 1976 to account for the receipt and disbursement of monies received due to enactment of the Public Works Employment act of 1976, Title II. The City received payments of $17,730 in 1976, $20,989 in 1977, and $8,580 in 1978. The monies were applied to salaries for patrolmen in both years. The program lost its funding in 1978. The C.E.T.A. Funds recorded employment of people under three programs - C.E.T.A., C.E.T.A. Title II and C.E.T.A. Special Projects. A total of $261,474 was received to fund these activities in 1978. In 1978 the Recreation Commission was expanded to include a Community Services function. The revised Recreation and Community Services Commission Fund is funded and directed in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 through a six member board. The activity of this fund covers year round recreation programs in the schools, city parks and outside the community. In 1978 revenues of $145,052 exceeded expenditures by $10,085 thus increasing the fund balance to $12,081. ENTERPRISE FUNDS Liquor Operation Total sales were $1,064,893, an increase from income was $53,806 an increase of $21,014 from 1977 recorded the largest gain over the previous year of $276 and No. 3 increased $405 and No. 1, which was a reduced loss by $5,682. V CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1977 of $29,965. Total net The bar operation $15,203 while No. 2 decreased closed early in 1977 recorded ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Water Utility The Water Utility Fund had a net operating income of $44.084 in 1978 compared to a net income of $35,309 in 1977. The December 1977 rate increase was intended to recover some of the large profit decrease experienced in 1977 due to Minneapolis rate increases of 14.3% on January 1, 1977 and the anti- cipated increase on January 1, 1978 of 12.5 %. In 1978 a volume decrease of 2,092,900 cu. ft. to an annual usage of 84,097,400 cu. ft. was experienced. In addition, the fund transferred $31,800 to Debt Service Funds and expended $1,779 for Capital Outlay. Sewer Utility Pursuant to state law the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC), as of January 1, 1971, assumed ownership of all existing interceptors and treatment works needed to implement a comprehensive plan for the collection treatment and disposal of sewage in the seven county metropolitan area. Under terms of the law, the Commission is obligated to reimburse each local government for the current value cost of facilities acquired. The purchase price of the assets acquired by them was based on the depreciated replace- ment cost of December 31, 1970. On that date, the purchase price was determined to be $400,533. Payment of the purchase price is (scheduled over a period of 30 years-with interest accruing at 4% per year) by means of an offset against the annual sewer service billings from the Metro- politan Waste Control Commission. Each year a credit is received on the billing for this payment, totaling $22,272, of which $13,351 is principal and $8,921 is interest. At year end 1978 $293,722 remains in principal due on the assets acquired by the MWCC and is reflected on the balance sheet, Form H, as a deferred asset. In addition to the reimbursement for cost of facilities, the act empowers the Commission to defer certain reserve capacity costs when they are disproportionate to the economic resources of the local government unit involved. These costs are then allocated to all participating comm- unities upon the basis of population and assessed valuations. The pro- visions of deferment, essentially are designed to provide temporary economic relief to the governmental unit affected by the act, and are repayable. In 1971 and 1972 the City was assessed $44,522. In 1973 it was determined that these costs would be recovered, and the deferred receivable was set up. Payments were received as follows: These payments leave a principal of $35,183 which is also reflected as a deferred asset on the balance sheet. VI ITT Of COLUMBIA NEIOHTS, MINNESOTA #NNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT Principal Interest Total 1974 $ 761 $2,475 $ 3,236 1975 2,442 2,041 4,483 1976 3,222 1,464 4,686 1977 1,266 1,557 2,823 1978 1,648 1,298 2,946 $9,339 $8,835 $18,174 These payments leave a principal of $35,183 which is also reflected as a deferred asset on the balance sheet. VI ITT Of COLUMBIA NEIOHTS, MINNESOTA #NNUAL FINANCIAL KPORT The Sewer Utility Fund had a net income of $68,091 in 1978 compared to a net income of $56,275 in 1977, before recognition of MWCC adjustments for prior years. The 8.0% increase in MWCC disposal charges and city operating costs was covered by an 8.6% increase in revenue which resulted from a 11.1% rate increase on a reduced volume. In addition $69,084 was appropriated for sewer projects, $1,655 was expended for capital outlay and $30,000 was transferred to Debt Service Funds. CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS In 1978 five projects constructed at a cost of $236,644 were completed and assessed. Additionally, the Fifth Street Storm Sewer project was completed at a total cost of $536,583 and was funded by a $91,000 EDA Grant, a $271,210 appropriation from the Sewer Utility Fund, $30,000 of State -Aid, and assessments of $144,373• DEBT SERVICE FUNDS - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS During 1978, scheduled bond maturities of $285,000 were paid along with $74,302 in matured interest. There are $1,615,000 General Obligation bonds outstanding as of December 31, 1.978. Of the $346,100 deferred tax levies scheduled for collection in 1978, $85,600 was cancelled. A tax levy of $260,500 was made and 98.2% of the levy was collected in 1978. CENTRAL GARAGE FUND The Central Garage Fund was established in 1977 to record expenses of the service shop and to allocate such cost to the using departments. It is intended to maintain this fund on a self- sustaining basis. The two years of operating resulted in a $191 profit. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS Investment Trust Fund The Investment Trust Fund was created in 1974 to record all investment transactions except direct investments of temporary bonds of the City pur- chased by other funds. Interest earnings from these investments are allocated to all funds of the City, except construction accounts and the trust and agency funds, on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at December 31, at book value, is also allocated to the individual funds. The allocation of interest earnings to December 31, includes accrued interest receivable, which results in a cash overdraft in the fund of a like amount. mi CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Based on month end statistics, an average of 100% of total cash for all funds was invested throughout the year, but interest rates were down and the opportunity for gain by switching investment dried up. Interest earnings for the past five years is as follows: 1974 $101,498 1975 $ 87,612 1976 $121,051 1977 $114,186 1978 $119,918 I I I ITV OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA #NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT , would like to thank your office and the members of the City Council for their interest and support in planning and conducting the financial operations of the City. The preparation of this report on a timely basis could not be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the Finance Department. Special recognition should be given to William W. Starwarski, City Accountant, who assisted in preparing this report; to Laurie, Debbie, and Jackie for their precise typing of this document. Respectfully submitted, ?John E Finance Director IX [.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMPIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA FINANCIAL EPORT YEAR tNDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 F1.1"ANCIAL SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Auditor's Opinion Notes to Financial Statements Page 1 1 Deloifte H 1360 Northwestern National Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 291 -8110 Cable DEHANDS 1 AUDITORS' REPORT Honorable Mayor and. Members of the City Council, City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota. We have examined. the financial statements of the various funds and the general long -term debt account group of the City of Columbia Heights for the year ended. December 31, 1978, Listed in Section II of the foregoing table of contents. Our examina- tion was made in accordance with generally accepted. auditing standards and., accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and. such other auditing procedures as we considered, necessary in the circumstances. The City has not maintained. an accounting record. of its general fixed. assets. Accordingly, a statement of general fixed. assets, required. by generally accepted accounting principles, is not included in the financial report. 1 Fixed, assets of the Water Utility Fund. and. the Sewer Utility Fund have not been capitalized. and. depreciation has not been provided.. Accordingly, such amounts are not included. in the financial statements of these funds. In addition, current acquisitions of fixed. assets have been charged. to retained. earnings in the statements of changes in retained earnings of these fund.s. The amounts by which the financial statements of these funds would. change, if all fixed assets were properly capitalized and, depreciated, while material, cannot be determined. Because of the material effect of the fixed asset accounting for these funds, which is at variance with generally accepted. accounting principles, in our opinion, the financial statements of the Water Utility Fund. and the Sewer Utility Fund do not present fairly the financial position of these funds at December 31, 1978, or the results of their operations or changes in their financial position for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted. accounting ' principles. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements, other than the financial statements of the Water Utility Fund and the Sewer Utility Fund, present fairly the financial position of such funds and the general long -term debt account group of the City of Columbia Heights at December 31, 1978, and the results of operations of such funds and the changes in financial position of the Municipal Liquor Fund and the Ceneral Garage Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. The accompanying supplemental statements and schedules listed in Section II of the foregoing table of contents are not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but are presented as additional analytical data. Such supplemental statements and schedules have been subjected to the tests and other auditing procedures applied in the examina- tion of the financial statements listed in the foregoing table of contents and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Our examination did not include the statistical information presented in Section III. June 6, 1979 � Deloifte _ H MANAGER City of, Columbia HeighttZ 1360 Northwestern National Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 291 -8110 Cable DEHANDS Mr. Robert Bocwinsk:i August 27, 1979 City Manager City of Columbia. Heights 590 -- 40th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421 Dear Mr. Bocwinski: Enclosed are twelve copies of our Commentary Letter Report for the year ended December 31, 1978 for the City of Columbia Heights. Yours truly, DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS . v Michae�t.J . %1' fy�on Partner Enclosures i Deloifte ■ HaskinsAells Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota: 1360 Northwestern National Bank Building 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 291 -8110 Cable DEHANDS August 27, 1979 We have examined the financial statements of the City for the year ended December 31, 1978, and have issued our report thereon dated June 6, 1979. We have not performed any auditing procedures beyond the date of our opinion and, accordingly, this report is based on our knowledge as of that date and should be read with that understanding. As a part of our examination, we made a study and evaluation of the City's system of internal accounting control to the extent we considered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. Under these standards, the purposes of such evaluation are to establish a basis for reliance on the system of internal accounting control in determining the nature, timing, and extent of other auditing procedures that are necessary for expressing an opinion on the financial statements and to assist the auditor in planning and performing his examination of the financial statements. The objective of internal accounting control is to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance as to the safeguarding of assets against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a system of internal accounting control should not exceed the benefits derived and also recognizes that the evaluation of these factors necessarily requires estimates and judgments by management. There are inherent limitations that should be recognized in considering the potential effectiveness of any system of internal accounting control. In the performance of most control procedures, errors can result from misunderstanding of instructions, mistakes of judgment, carelessness, or other personal factors. Control procedures whose effectiveness depends upon segregation of duties can be circumvented by collusion. Similarly, control procedures can be circumvented intentionally by management either with respect to the execution L 2 ' and recording of transactions or with respect to the estimates and judgments required in the preparation of financial statements. Further, projection of any evaluation of internal accounting control to future periods is subject to the risk that the procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions and that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our examination of the financial statements made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, including the study and evaluation of the City's system of internal accounting control for the year ended December 31, 1978, that was made for the purposes set forth in the first paragraph of this report, would not necessarily disclose all weaknesses in the system t because it was based on selective tests of accounting records and related data. However, such study and evaluation disclosed the following condition which we believe is a material weakness. The City has not maintained detailed accounting records of its fixed assets. In order to provide adequate internal control over fixed assets, we recommend that the City continue its efforts to complete the accounting records for such assets. ' Because of the foregoing condition, a statement of general fixed assets required by generally accepted accounting principles was not included in the 1978 financial report. ' Also, because of the omission of fixed assets and related depreciation expense in the financial statements of the Water Utility and Sewer Utility Funds our report stated that such financial statements did not present fairly the financial position or results of operations of those finds. t On the following pages, we present for your consideration certain observations and recommendations on accounting and finance matters which came to our attention during the course of our examination. If you wish to discuss further any of our comments and suggestions, we will be pleased to do so at your convenience. Yours truly, zl",e �-Zgo�� 91i��� 3 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MATTERS FOR `IrHE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 CENTRAL GARAGE Observation: tOur examination of the operations of the Central Garage noted the following items: . Overhead expenses of the central garage such as linen, janitorial services, telephone, insurance and utilities are allocated based upon square footage used by various funds 1 and departments. Work orders for services provided by the central garage are not issued in numerical sequence, voided work orders are not retained and work orders are not properly summarized to support the journal entry recording monthly activity. ' Physical inventory adjustments for the central garage appeared to be in excess of those reasonably expected. For example, an adjustment for a shortage of $1,030 was required for ' solvents and antifreeze at December 31, 19781 compared to a total inventory amount of $2,425; however, this difference was not investigated as to its cause. ' Recommendations: ' We recommend the operations of the central garage be carefully monitored through regular review of the results of operations of this internal service fund. Such reviews would be facilitated if the following steps were taken: Rates should be set at levels which will recover all costs of the garage, including inventory -type items used in garage ' operations, and overhead expenses. Work orders should be numerically controlled, and properly summarized regularly to support accounting entries in the central garage fund. Physical inventory adjustments should be promptly investigated and resolved to the satisfaction of the finance department. 4 CENTRAL GARAGE (Continued) Observation: User departments were charged an additional x$3,500 in 1978 by the Central Garage Fund in order to prevent a large operating loss in that fund. Recommendation: Arbitrary charges made at year -end tend to distort the actual experience of the Central Garage Fund. Usage rates should be established, reviewed from time to time and adjusted as necessary, rather than make arbitrary lump -sum charges to user departments. FIXED ASSETS Observation: Except in the Municipal Liquor Fund, the City's fixed assets (land, buildings, equipment, etc.) are not recorded in the accounts, nor reported in the City's financial statements. Background: Generally accepted accounting principles require that fixed assets of enterprise funds be recorded and depreciated over their useful lives. In addition, all other fixed assets of a governmental unit are to be recorded in a general fixed asset account group. Recommendation: We recommend that the City inventory all fixed assets to which the City holds title and record those fixed assets in the proper funds or general fixed asset account group. Procedures should also be established to ensure the proper recording of additions and disposals of fixed assets. We further recommend the adoption of a capital- ization policy to establish the minimum dollar value of items to be accounted for as fixed assets. We understand that City officials are currently taking steps to establish fixed asset records, and we encourage continued effort in this area. ' 5 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND Observation: The inventory turnover for 1978, calculated as cost of sales divided by the average of the beginning and ending inventory balances, of th municipal liquor fund was 6.9 times per year and appears to be relatively low in comparison with that of other municipal liquor operations. In addition, several stock items appear to be very slow moving. Recommendation: The City should consider increasing inventory turnover by reducing the amount of liquor in stock, and regularly review items stocked with a view toward minimizing slow- moving items. Observation: The municipal liquor fund maintains x$10,000 in a change fund for i daily operations and cashing of customers' checks. Our review of ` daily receipts indicates this amount may be excessive. Though a small fee is charged for the privilege of cashing checks, the loss from bad checks amounted to $1, 574, and exceeded the fees collected during 1978 by $1,257. Recommendation: We suggest that the City evaluate the adequacy of the change fund to determine the optimum amount to be maintained. In addition, we recommend that the City re- evaluate its policy of cashing customer checks. R_EVE DE RECEIPTS Observation: Numerical sequence for the issuance of receipts is not maintained. This negates the effectiveness of the control provided by the use of prenumbered receipt forms. Recommendation: We recommend that strict adherence to numerical sequence in the ' recording of receipts be followed. This procedure provides important control and assurance that all receipts have been properly accounted for. Observation: During our examination of activities, the following Cash discounts (other always taken. E PURCHASES the City's purchasing and disbursement items were noted: "han for purchases of liquor) were not Required purchase orders, authorization on payment vouchers, and signatures and dates supporting the receipt of goods were occasionally missing. Informal bids, where required, were not attached to vouchers. In certain instances, checks payable to vendors are returned to department heads requesting the check. Recommendation: We recommend that the Council consider authorizing payment of invoices providing for cash discounts prior to Council approval if necessary to prevent loss of cash discounts. We further recommend that prior to the preparation of checks, the ' disbursement clerk ascertain that proper authorization for payment has been obtained from the applicable department head, that indication of receipt of goods or services has been obtained and, where required ' by City policy, that informal bids or quotes have been obtained. Also, good internal control procedures would dictate that signed checks should not be handled by individuals who can initiate the preparation of a check. Therefore, we recommend that, except in unusual circumstances, checks should not be returned to department heads for mailing. PAYROLL Observation: Our examination of the City's payroll procedures disclosed the following items: Documentation supporting the hiring and rate of pay for part - time or temporary employees was found to be missing in many instances. Supervisors' approval of employees time cards were not always obtained. ' All payroll preparation duties are performed by one individual who also handles signed payroll checks. 7 PAYROLL Continued) Recommendation: Adequate documentation supporting the employment of part -time employees should at a minimum consist of an employment application, W -4 "Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate," and some type of employment document, approved by the City official authorized to hire, supporting the rate of pay. We have been informed that this is now being done. All hourly employees' time cards should be signed by the employees ' as attestation to the correctness of the hours worked, and approved by their respective supervisors prior to payroll preparation. lJ Internal control over the payroll function would be improved if payroll checks were returned to someone other than the payroll clerk for distribution. Alternatively, other procedures, such as periodic surprise check distributions, could be implemented. INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS Observation: During our examination of interfund transactions, we noted that: The City has no formal policy relating to interfund loans. The Finance Director makes such loans at his discretion when a given fund has a temporary cash shortage. These loans are not approved by the City Council. Several transfers were made between funds during 1978 which lacked approval of the City Council. Recommendation: tWe recommend that all interfund transactions be reviewed and authorized by the City Council. In addition, a policy could be established authorizing the Finance Director to make temporary interfund loans up to a specified maximum amount without Council approval. I'. r 1 8 OTHER MATTERS Observation: The Finance Department was unable to locate several documents relating to financial transactions when such documents were needed for audit purposes. Recommendation: We recommend that the Finance Department maintain a readily accessible file of all contracts, agreements and other documents having financial significance. Observation: In 1978, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) changed its schedule of amortization of the City's Current Value Credit, but this change was not made in the City's accounting for MWCC ' charges. Recommendation: We recommend that the City use the same amortization schedule as ' the MWCC so as to provide for consistent accounting treatment between governmental units. 1 Observation: Services provided by employees or equipment belonging to one fund to another fund (sometimes the same fund, but a different department) are recorded as expenditures of the "home" fund initially, then billed to the receiving fund wherein the expenditure is recorded again while the "home" fund records revenue from an expenditure reimbursement. This procedure results in an overstatement of revenue and expenditures. ' Recommendation: A preferable accounting treatment of transactions involving loan of ' employees and equipment between departments or funds is to record the reimbursement of the "home" fund as a negative expenditure. In so doing, the original expenditure can be reported and compared to ' the budget if desired, but the department or fund can also receive credit for the reimbursement received to offset part of its expenditures. Further, revenue would not be recognized in such ' transactions. i n FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR 1979 Background: In 1978, the Minnesota Legislature enacted Laws 1978, Chapter 787 which requires cities such as Columbia Heights to follow generally accepted accounting principles in their accounting and financial reporting. Following enactment of this law, the State Auditor issued his publication "Minimum Reporting Requirements - City Financial Statements for Cities With 2,500 Population or More." In 1979, the National Council on Governmental Accounting (NCGA) 1 issued its Statement Number One, "Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Principles," which together with certain other materials constitute generally accepted accounting principles. The State Auditor's publication mentioned above is largely consistent with NCGA Statement Number One. Laws 1978, Chapter 787 also includes a requirement for financial statements to be published in a local newspaper. Recommendation: We recommend that the City begin planning now to prepare its 1979 annual financial report in the format recommended by the NCGA. Such a report will comply with State law. 0 0 0 61 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Note 1: SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNT POLICIES Basic of Accounting. The modified accrual basis of accounting is followed by all budgetary funds and trust and agency funds, except the Investment Trust Fund. All other funds are on an accrual basis of accounting, except that capital project funds encumber uncompleted contracts. Budgetary Accounting. Section 62 of the City Charter requires an annual budget. Budget revisions are authorized by the City Council in accordance with the city charter at the request of the City Manager. The accompanying statements of revenue and expenditures compared with budget estimates reflect these re- visions, if any. All appropriations lapse at the end of the budget year to the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered. Pooled Cash and Investments. The funds of the city are pooled into official depositories not identified with any particular fund. Idle funds not needed for current operations are invested from, and accounted for, in the Investment Trust Fund through a cash over- draft account. Investments are stated at amortized cost, which approximates market. The city distributes investment earnings according to the policies established in 1974 when the Investment Trust Fund was established. Interest earnings from these investments are allocated to all funds of the city except Capital Project funds and certain trust and agency funds on the basis of the average cash balances during the year. Investment principal at December 31, at amortized cost, is also allocated to the individual funds. The allocation of interest earnings at December 31, in- cludes accrued interest receivable, which results in a cash overdraft in the fund of a like amount. Receivables. Current taxes are accrued with an allowance for uncollectible amounts equal to 2 %. At year end actual uncol- lected current taxes are transferred to delinquent taxes and an offsetting adjustment is made to the uncollectible amounts. Delinquent taxes are recognized as revenue when received in cash. All other receivables have historically never been in default, and therefore, no allowance has been provided. Sales and income are recognized at various times: Liquor sales are recognized at the time of sale; Utility sales are recognized when billed with an accrual at year end for unbilled services; Miscellaneous accounts receivable are recognized when billed. See also Note 7. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) Inventories. Inventories are stated at cost. Fixed Assets. Fixed assets acquired through the Liquor fund are capatalized at historical cost and depreciated using the straight - line method over their estimated useful life. General fixed assets and fixed assets of the Water and Sewer utility funds have not been recorded. Taxes. The county remits tax collections in a manner that identifies each fund which levied the taxes except the debt service levy. A prorated basis determined by the ratio of each debt service levy to the total debt service levy is used to allocate the current and the delinquent taxes received. The total levy less the debt service levy is the basis for prorating the receipt of the Homestead Credit from the State of Minnesota. Note 2: The city has a liability as of December 31, 1978 for earned but unused vacation leave of approximately $89,0.27 (12,833 hours) which is payable when used or when termination occurs. In addition, there is a contingent liability for unused sick leave earned, approximately $357,213 (50,627 hours) which would be payable in the event sickness occurred or upon termination, 1/3 of earned sick leave (maximum 40 days) would be paid. Certain job classifications would be entitled the 1/3 payment of earned sick leave only if termination was for the reasons of retirement or death. Additionally, after an employee has accumulated the maximum of 120 days, 1/2 of the excess sick leave shall be granted as additional vacation leave at the end of each year. These liabilities are stated at the 1979 rate of pay and are not recorded as liabilities in the individual fund balance sheets. Note 3: The Columbia Heights Police Relief Association provides a pension plan for all sworn police officers hired prior to June 15, 1972. The Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association provides a pens ion plan fo r a l l regu l a r f i_r_e f-i_g.h- te- r_s— h_i_r-ed p -r -i -c r to— December - 31, 1974 and all volunteer firefighters. All public safety employees hired after aforementioned dates, under Minn. Stat. Chapter 374, are covered by Public Employees, Police and Fire Fund (a special fund of the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). Prior to the 1969 Relief Association city contributions were made without resulting in a substantial defi:iency reserves on an acturial basis. This reflected in the General Fund balance CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 2 Guidelines Act (State Law) the regard to acturial requirements, in the accumulation of deferred obligation is not sheet. MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 0 D NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) The following schedule of accrued liabilities was obtained from the latest acturial surveys dated December 31, 1976: Unfunded Funded Accrued Accrued Reserves Liability Liability Police Relief Association $552,579 $1,126,076 $1,678,655 Fire Department Relief Association $613,100 $ 369,332 $ 982,422 The city's contribution to the Police Relief Association was $78,500 for the year ending December 31, 1978, while the city's contribution to the Fire Department Relief Association was $47,000 for the same period. The city participates in a contributory pension plan under the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA), Minn. Stat. Chapter 353, which covers substantially all employees except those qualifying as temporary or seasonal employees or those public safety police and fire personnel covered by the relief associations. The city's contribution is a percent of salary which is determined by the particular plan to which each individual belongs. The city's contribu- tion for the coordinated plan (PERA and Social Security) to PERA is equal to 5.5% of the total salary of each individual (Employee share 4 %). For the basic plan, the city's contribution is equal to 10.5% of each individual's salary (Employee share 8 %). For the police and fire fund, the city's contribution is 12% of each individual's salary (Employee share 8 %). The pension cost including amortization of estimated prior service cost was $119,835 for the period ended December 31, 1978. It is state law that the city fund this pension cost as it accrues. Prior service cost is being amortized over a period of 40 years and is being funded as a percent of gross wages by all employers participating'in the state association. The amount of unfunded prior service cost attributable to individual reporting entities is not determinable. The city's contribution to the Federal Insurance Corporation of America (Social Security) for those individuals belonging to the coordinated plan is equal to 6.05% of the first $17,700 in 1978. The contribution to Social Security was $51,431 for the year ended December 31, 1978. In 1979, the Social Security contribution will be based on a 6.13% rate with the maximum contribution based on the first $22,900. CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 3 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) Note 4: All ad valorem levies for ing Fund Bonds issues have cash has been transferred all special assessments. both Permanent Improvement Revoly- been cancelled to date, and sufficient from the P.I.R. Fund which collects The resolution authorizing sale of the Water Bonds makes the following provision: "That the City will impose and collect charges for the service, use and availability of its municipal water system at the times and in the amounts required to produce, as a primary source of payment, net revenues at least 5% in excess of all principal and interest when due on bonds of this issue; that in and by said resouution the City has covenanted and agreed to levy a direct, annual, irrepealable, ad valorem tax upon all of the taxable property in said City, if necessary for the payment of such principal and interest; and that this bond together with all other indebtedness of the City outstanding on the date hereof, and on the date of its actual issuance and delivery, does not exceed any constitutional, statutory or charter limitation of indebtedness. No ad valorem levies have been made for the State -Aid Street bonds, however the City Council has irrevocably pledged and appropriated to the sinking fund from which bonds of this issue are payable ar amount of the moneys allotted and to be allotted to the City from its account in the Municipal State -Aid Street Fund of the State of Minnesota sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on all bonds of this issue when due; and that if any year the moneys so allotted and transferred to the sinking fund should be insufficient to pay all such principal and interest due in the following year the City is obligated to levy a direct, irrepealable, ad valorem tax upon all taxable property within its corporate limits. Approximately 25% of the ad valorem levies for the remaining four General obligation issues were cancelled in 1978 because of cash transfers from utility funds, and the City of Hilltop, interest earnings and /or sufficient sinking fund balances. CITY OF COLUMBIA YEIGNTS 9 MINNESOTA 4 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ' NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) Note 5: The statement of Operating Expenses of the Sewer Utility Fund reflects the sewage disposal charges as billed by the Metro- politan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) with an adjustment for actual flowages and operating costs that are determined in the subsequent year, and added to or deducted from the MWCC bill two years after the end of the fiscal year. The 1977 adjust- ment on the 1979 billing will be a $38,445 deduction and the 1978 adjustment on the 1980 billing will be a $17,544 deduction. The balance sheet of the Sewer Utility Fund reflects these adjustments for 1977 and 1978 as deferred liabilities /assets: due to /from the MWCC- operating cost adjustment. On a full accrual basis, the total treatment charges to the MWCC were $298,490 for 1978 and $262,264 for 1977. Note 6: The City had the usual and customary types of miscellaneous claims pending at year -end, mostly of a minor nature and usually all covered by insurance carried for that purpose. Note 7: The Municipal Liquor Fund received a $7,859 settlement from a class action liquor anti -trust case which was settled in late 1974. The city's portion is to be received in five equal pay- ments over the years 1975 through 1979 and are to be paid on or before December 31 of each year. The balance sheet, Form F, reflects the last payments due in 1979 totaling $1,572. D tCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 5 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 COMERED STATE 61E.1TS • ALL FUNDS The Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds, Form A, is presented to give an overview of the city's major aspects of financial condition and operations. It is emphasized that the figures contained in this statement are a combination of unlike pur- pose groups (funds) and should not be construed as indicative of the over -all financial position of the city. The financial condition and results of operation of each fund should be de- termined by reference to the financial statements for individual funds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Combined Balance Sheet - All Funds Form A 6 Combined Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements - -All Funds Form A -1 10 Statement of Cash and Security for Deposit Form A -2 12 Statement of Investments Form A -3 14 Combined Schedule of Bonds Payable Form A -4 16 See also the notes to Financial Statements and Financial State- ments for Individual Funds. COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS December 31, 1978 ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS Cash: Treasurer's Balance (deficit) -- Form A -1 Imprest cash and change funds Deposited with fiscal agents Investments (at cost) -- Forms A -1 and 3 Performance bond deposit Special assessments receivable Accounts receivable Unbilled accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Due from other funds Due from other governmental agencies Inventories Restricted assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance -- Form A -1 Deposited with fiscal agents Deferred Assets: Accounts receivable Contracts receivable Special assessments receivable Taxes receivable Land Buildings (net) Improvements other than buildings (net) Fixtures Equipment: Store (net) Office (net) Amount available in debt service funds Amount to be provided by future tax levies Total Assets and Other Debits CITY OF COLUMIBIA NE86NTS, MINNESOTA 6 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Capital Project Funds $ 81,703 $ 2,988 $ 75,183 1,075 50 853,040 99,000 635,000 64,631 8 985 277,830 $1,000,449 $ 379,876 $ 711,168 (Form B) (Form C) (Form D) #NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Enterprise Funds $ 25,954 10,100 272,450 8,773 2,910 229,220 38,445 103,258 (364) 25,862 35,183 293,722 16,735 101,568 20,339 7,692 10,059 642 Central Garage Fund $ 2,979 m 29,440 Trust and Agency Funds $ (18,775) 26,000 50,000 500 20,991 $1,202,548 $ 32,527 $ 78,716 Form E Form I Form J I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 7 Fo rm A Capital Project General Funds General Long -Term Special Debt Debt Assessment Service Account Bonds Funds Group $ (60) $ 21,480 54,158 113,367 217,000 66,142 13,774 206,050 6,540 436,962 176,800 451,070 1,163,930 $ 747,776 $ 564,437 $1,615,000 Form K Form L (Form M) ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1978 LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS Accounts payable Accrued salaries payable Matured bonds and interest payable Contracts payable Due to other funds Due to other governmental agencies Revenues collected in advance Bonds'payable -- Form A -4 Deposits Deferred Credit Total Liabilities and Other Credits RESERVE AND FUND BALANCES/ Reserves: Encumbrances Contributions: Municipality Fund Balance: Unappropriated Future interest on bonds Retained earnings Total Liabilities, Reserves and Fund Balances /Retained Earnings L.CITY OF COLUMBIA NEI6NTS, MINNESOTA Special Capital General Revenue Project Fund Funds Funds $ 12,616 $ 324 $ 1,275 13,278 2,112 1,592 54,182 105,415 6,700 5,878 3,013 5,247 $ 38,611 $ 66,331 $ 106,690 4,276 $ 4,603' 957,562 308,937 604,478 $1,000,449 $ 379,876 $ 711,168 (Form B) (Form C) (Form D) 8 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form A 30,000 273,506 451,070 15,360 691,196 191 $1,202,548 $ 32,527 $ 78,716 $ 747,776 $ 564,437 $1,615_,000 (Form E) (Form 1) (Form J) (Form K) (Form L) (Form M) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 9 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Capital Project General Funds General Long -Term Central Trust and Special debt Debt Enterprise Garage Agency Assessment Service Account Funds Fund Funds Bonds Funds _ Group $ 66,971 $ 724 $ - $ 847 $ $ 6,938 1,222 25,862 54,158 113,367 60,594 89,550 109,800 3,309 390 27,216 25,000 225,000 1,615,000 51,500 8,511 293,722 $ 511,352 $ 2,336 $ 78,716 $ 458,910 $ 113,367 $1,615,000 30,000 273,506 451,070 15,360 691,196 191 $1,202,548 $ 32,527 $ 78,716 $ 747,776 $ 564,437 $1,615_,000 (Form E) (Form 1) (Form J) (Form K) (Form L) (Form M) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 9 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS- -ALL FUNDS For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 General Fund Special revenue funds: Municipal State -Aid Street Recreation & Community Services Civil Defense Revenue Sharing Anti - Recession Aid C.E.T.A. Capital project funds Enterprise funds: Municipal Liquor Water Utility: Operating Water debt service Sewer Utility Permanent improvement Revolving: Financing Debt Service Central Garage Trust and agency funds General debt service funds Grand Totals _ Balance, January 1, 1978 Treasurer's Cash Investments Total $ 2,854 $ 822,276 $ 825,130 339 29,000 29,339 2,001 2,001 353 28,000 28,353 701 38,000 38,701 (24,748) (24,748) 1,851 368,000 369,851 10,659 102,000 112,659 396 78,000 78,396 96 9,000 9,096 587 18,450 19,037 (137,183) (137,183) 135,702 9,000 144,702 59 59 (14,825) (14,825) 2,114 306,000 308,114 $ (19,044) $1,807,726 $1,788,682 Form A -3) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 10 RMNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form A -1 Total Balance December 31, 1978 Transfers Available Disburse- Transfers Treasurer's Receipts In Cash ments Out Total Cash Investments $2,920,065 $ 3,149 $3,748,344 $2,580,605 $231,921 $ 935,818 $ 82,778 $ 853,040 104,982 134,321 7,887 126,393 41 41 77,202 67,850 147,053 133,922 13,131 1,131 12,000 15,824 44,177 25,483 18,694 2,694 16,000 183,758 222,459 123,206 20,790 78,463 7,463 71,000 8,580 8,580 8,580 301,270 276,522 284,813 (8,291) (8,291) 1,051,669 245,026 1,666,546 953,214 3,149 710,183 75,183 635,000 1,136,367 1,249,026 1,053,618 195,408 25,408 170,000 554,445 632,841 492,535 34,975 105,331 10,331 95,000 500 16,800 26,396 26,760 (364) (364) 543,405 562,442 452,353 102,324 7,765 315 7,450 561,622 133,727 558,166 568,155 112,000 (121,989) (121,989) 112,000 256,702 134,773 121,929 121,929 162,870 8,000 170,929 167,950 2,979 2,979 263,707 240,882 241,657 7,225 (18,775) 26,000 390,107 45,000 743,221 504,741 238,480 21,480 217,000 $8,276,373 $631,552 $10,696,607 $7,760,252 $631,552 $2,304,803 $202,313 $2,102,490 Balances Classified by Depository: Imprest Cash and Change Funds $ 11,225 Marquette State Bank of Columbia Heights 112,990 Twin City Federal 24,000 Home Federal Savings 54,098 Total $ 202,313 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 11 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT STATEMENT OF CASH AND SECURITY FOR DEPOSIT December 31, 1978 MAROUETTE NORTHEAST STATE STATE BANK OF BANK - COLUMBIA COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HEIGHTS OFFICE SECURITY FOR DEPOSIT THIRD NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK U.S. Treasury Notes $ 200,000 $ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 68,000 County Bonds 35,000 Municipal Bonds 250,000 Total $ 553,000 $ 500,000 90% of security applicable to pledge requirement 497,700 450,000 $ — F.D.I.C. and S.L.I.C. 40,000 100,000 100,000 Total Security $ 537.700 $ 550,000 $ 100,000 BANK BALANCE General account $ 345,732 Payroll account 63,435 Daily Interest saving accounts Total Cash Applicable to Security $ 409,167 Bank balances - General and payroll accounts $ 409,167 Add: Deposits in transit - General 49,705 Correct errors 4 Payroll withhold taxes in escrow 27,211 Deduct: Outstanding checks General $ 282,211 Payroll 90,649 NSF checks 237 373,097 Book Balance $ 112,990 (Form A -1) CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 12 MNIIAL FINANCIAL REPORT FIDELITY BANK AND TRUST CO. 100,000 $ 100,000 FIRST TWIN CITY HOME FEDERAL BROOKDALE FEDERAL SAVINGS STATE BANK 100,000 $ 100,000 24,000 r o b nnn 24,000 c oh nnn Form A -2 TOTAL $ - $ - $ 947,700 100,000 100,000 640,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $:.587.700 $ - $ - $ 345,732 63,435 54,098 50,000 128,098 $ 54,098 $ 50,000 (A) $ 537,265 54,098 487,265 49,705 4 27,211 373,097 $ 54,098 $ 191,088 $ 81,703 (A) Performance bond 2,988 for garbage service 75,183 contract - Dick's 25,590 Sanitary Service, Inc. 2,979 (18,775) (60) 21,480 $ 191,088 13 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Bank Balance by Funds General Fund -- Form B Special Revenue Funds Form C Capital Project Funds __ Form D Enterprise Funds -- Form E Central Garage Fund -- Form I Trust and Agency Funds -_ Form J Capital Project Funds _ Special Assessment Bonds -- Form K General Debt Service -_ Form L Total Treasurer's Cash CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Form A -2 TOTAL $ - $ - $ 947,700 100,000 100,000 640,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $:.587.700 $ - $ - $ 345,732 63,435 54,098 50,000 128,098 $ 54,098 $ 50,000 (A) $ 537,265 54,098 487,265 49,705 4 27,211 373,097 $ 54,098 $ 191,088 $ 81,703 (A) Performance bond 2,988 for garbage service 75,183 contract - Dick's 25,590 Sanitary Service, Inc. 2,979 (18,775) (60) 21,480 $ 191,088 13 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT STATEMENT OF INVESTMENTS December 31, 1978 [CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 14 $2,106,296 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Date Maturity Par Yield Acquired Date Value Repurchase Agreement 9.90 12- 4 -78 1- 2 -79 $ 350,000 Repurchase Agreement 9.90 12 -28 -78 1 -29 -79 250,000 Farm Credit Discount Notes 9.81 12- 4 -78 2- 2 -79 150,000 Repurchase Agreement 10.00 12 -28 -78 2 -28 -79 250,000 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 8.18 7- 5 -78 4- 2 -79 100,000 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 9.40 11- 1 -78 8- 1 -79 100,000 Federal Intermediate Credit Bank 10.00 12- 4 -78 9- 4 -79 200,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 8.87 10- 5 -78 11 -26 -79 150,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 9.65 11 -27 -78 8 -25-80 200,000 Federal National Mortage Association 8.70 7 -10 -78 10 -10 -80 150,000 City of Columbia Heights Bonds Storm Sewer of 1965 4.83 10- 1 -69 1- 1 -84 10,000 Ginny Mae 7.58 3 -23 -77 3- 1 -06 196,296 [CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 14 $2,106,296 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT e i Form A -3 Unamortized Unamortized Book Discount Premium Value Summary By Fund $ — $ — $ 350,000 General Fund - Form B $ 853,040 250,000 Special Revenue Funds - 1,327 148,673 Form C 99,000 250,000 Capital Project Funds - Form D 635,000 11 100,011 Enterprise Funds - 100,000 Form E Operations 272,450 200,000 Trust and Agency Funds - 333 149,667 Form J 26,000 357 200,357 General Debt Service Funds - 36 150,036 Form L 217,000 $2,102,490 2,550 7,450 (Schedule A -1) 196,296 $ 4,210 $ _ 4o4 $2,102,490 I.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 15 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED SCHEDULE OF B014DS PAYABLE December 31, 1978 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS PAYABLE: Permanent Improvement Revolving Bonds of 1969 Non - Callable Total P.I.R. Bonds of 1969 Permanent Improvement Revolving Bonds of 1972 Non - Callable Total P.I.R. Bonds of 1972 Total Special Assessment Bonds Payable GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: Water Bonds of 1965 All Callable after January 1, 1975 in inverse order at par and accrued interest plus a premium of $50 per bond Total Water Bonds of 1965 Park Bonds of 1962 Non - Callable Total Park Bonds of 1962 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 All Callable after January 1, 1980 in inverse order at par and accrued interest plus a premium of $50 per bond Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Interest Rates and 6.00% 2/1 - 8/1 4.00% 1/1 - 7/1 4. 10 ' 4.200 4.30%0 3.50% 1/1 - 7/1 3.50% 2/1 3.50 %b 1/1 - 7/1 3.50% 3.50% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% Final Issue Maturity Date Date 11 -1 -69 2 -1 -79 7 -1 -72 1 -1 -83 10 -1 -65 1 -1 -80 2 -1 -62 2 -1 -79 10 -1 -65 1 -1 -85 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 16 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form A -4 Annual Authorized Serial and Payments Issued Matured Outstanding $ - $ 590,000 $ 590,000 $ - 70,000 (79) 70,000 70,000 $ 660,000 $ 590,000 $ 70,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ - 50,000 (79) 50,000 50,000 50,000 (80) 50,000 So,000 50,000 (81) 50,000 50,000 5,000 (82) 5,000 5,000 $ 455,000 $ 300,000 $ 155,000 $ 225,000 $ - $ 235,000 $ 235,000 $ - 25,000 (79) 25,000 25,000 $ 260,000 $ 235,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ 295,000 $ 295,000 $ - 30,000 (79) 30,000 30,000 $ 325,000 $ 295,000 $ 30,000 $ - $ 315,000 $ 315,000 $ - 45,000 (79) 45,000 45,000 85,000 (80) 85,000 85,000 95,000 (81) 95,000 95,000 105,004 105,000 (82) 105,000 130,000 (83) 130,000 130,000 140,000 (84) 140,000 14o,000 $ 915,000 $ 315,000 $ 600,000 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 17 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT COMBINED SCHEDULE OF BONDS PAYABLE December 31, 1978 Total Capital Improvements Bonds of 1976 Total General Obligation Bonds Total Bonds Payable - All Funds CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 18 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Interest Final Rates and Issue Maturity Dates Date Date GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (Continued): State -Aid Bonds of 1969 2 -1 -69 2-1 -79 iJon- Callable 4.60% 2/1 - 8/1 Total State -Aid Bonds of 1969 City Garage Bonds of 1972 7 -1 -72 1 -1 -83 Non - Callable 4.00% 1/1 - 7/1 4.lo% 4.20% 4.30% Total City Garage Bonds of 1972 Capital Improvement Bonds of 1976 4 -1 -76 10-1 -83 Non - Callable 4.00% 4/1 -10 /1 4.15% 4.30% 4.45% 4.60% Total Capital Improvements Bonds of 1976 Total General Obligation Bonds Total Bonds Payable - All Funds CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 18 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form A -4 Annual Authorized Serial and Payments Issued _Matured Outstanding $ - $ 90,000 $ 90,000 $ - 10,000 (79) 10,000 10,000 $ 100,000 $ 90,000 $ 10,000 $ - $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ - 50,000 (79) 50,000 50,000 50,000 (80) 50,000 50,000 50,000 (81) 50,000 50,000 60,000 (82) 60,000 60,000 $ 510,000 $ 300,000 $ 210,000 $ - $ 255,000 $ 255,000 $ - 150,000 (79) 150,000 150,000 150,000 (80) 150,000 150,000 175,000 (81) 175,000 175,000 175,000 (82) 175,000 175,000 115,000 (83) 115,000 115,000 $1,020,000 $ 255,000 $ 765,000 $1,640,000 $1,865,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 19 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 GENERAL Ft.. . 0 The Home Rule Charter of the City of Columbia Heights provides in Section 69 Subdivision (c): "A General Fund for the support of such other funds and for the payment of such expenses of the city as the council may deem proper. Into this fund shall be paid all moneys not herein provided to paid (sic) into any other fund." TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Page, Comparative Balance Sheet Form B 20 Comparative Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Form B -1 21 Statement of Revenue - Estimated and Actual Form B-2 22 Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances Compared with Authorizations Form B -3 24 See also the Notes to Financial Statements. Fo rm B GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 and 1977 ASSETS 1978 1977 Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance $ 81,703 $ 1,779 Imprest cash and change funds 1,075 $ 82,7787 1,075 -2,-757 Total Cash -- Form A -1 Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 853,040 822,276 Taxes receivable -- delinquent 62,065 (62,065) 52,708 (52,708) Less: Allowance for uncollectible taxes Accounts receivable: 47,698 47,357 Unbilled Services 16,933 15,067 Other 5,606 Prepaid Insurance Total Assets $1,000,449 $ 893,160 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 12,616 $ 9,810 Accrued salaries payable 13,278 9,284 Accrued Social Security taxes payable 5,878 728 Contracts payable 1,592 323 Revenues collected in advance 5,247 4,950 Total Current Liabilities $ 38,611 $ 25,095 Reserves: Encumbrances $ 4,276 $ 4,237 Fund Balance: $ _ $ 34,483 Appropriated Unappropriated 957,562 829,345 Total Fund Balance -- Form B -1 $ 957,562 $ 863,828 Total Liabilities, Reserves and Fund Balance $1,000,449 $ 893,160 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 20 &NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -1 GENERAL FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 21 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1978 1977 Fund Balance, January 1 $ 863,828 $ 591,399 Add: Excess of revenues over expenditures and encumbrances for the year: Revenues -- Form B -2 $ 2,860,644 $ 2,738,002 Less: Expenditures and Encumbrances -- Form B -3 2,765,325 2,463,113 Excess $ 95,319 $ 274,889 Shop Inventory Sold to Central Garage $ — $ 15,800 Total Balance and Additions $ 959,147 $ 882,088 Deduct: Appropriation to Central Garage 1,585 18,260 Fund Balance, December 31 -- Form B $ 957,562 $ 863,828 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 21 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 General Property Taxes: Current ad valorem Delinquent ad valorem Penalties and Interest Forfeited tax sale apportionments Total General Property Taxes Licenses and Permits: Business Regulatory Licenses Non - Business Licenses and Permits Total Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures: Court Fines Other Total Fines and Forfeitures Revenue from Use of Money and Property: Interest Earnings -- Investment Trust Fund Rents Interest -- Certify Special Assessments Total Revenue from Use of Money and Property Revenue from Other Agencies: Shared State Taxes: Local Government Aid Property Tax Relief (Homestead) Municipal State Aid - Maintenance Attached Machinery Aid State Grant -- Shade Tree Aid Other Anoka County: Street Maintenance Silver Lake Beach County Court Parking Lot Total Revenue from Other Agencies Form B -2 $ 985,716 328,515 13,000 6,370 46,300 1,200 6,020 2,000 250 $1,389,371 $ 985,716 $ 360,988 32,473 14,225 1,225 Actual 630 12,709 (33,591) 5,638 Over Estimated Actual (2,000) (Under) Revenue Revenue Estimate $ 985,541 $ 924,480 $ (61,061) 12,506 12,506 3,000 3,971 971 362 362 $ 988,541 $ 941,319 $ (47,222) $ 17,925 $ 23,865 $ 5,940 33,000 53,005 20,005 $ 50,925 $ 76,870 $ 25,945 $ 38,000 $ 36,359 $ (1,641) 1,000 1,832 832 $ 39,000 $ 38,191 $ (809) $ 20,000 $ 38,208 $ 18,208 17,600 18,802 1,202 110 110 $ 37,600 $ 57,120 $ 19,520 $ 985,716 328,515 13,000 6,370 46,300 1,200 6,020 2,000 250 $1,389,371 $ 985,716 $ 360,988 32,473 14,225 1,225 7,000 630 12,709 (33,591) 5,638 4,438 6,020 (2,000) (250) $1,392,296 $ 2,925 NTY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 22 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -2 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL (CONTINUED) . For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA �3 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Actual Over Estimated Actual (Under) Revenue Revenue Estimate Other Revenue: Sale of Property $ 10,000 $ 1,168 $ (8,832) Miscellaneous 1,400 2,374 974 Contributions 7,943 7,943 Total Other Revenue $ 11,400 $ 11,485 $ 85 Charges for Current Services: General Government $ 2,400 $ 3,060 $ 660 Public Safety 22,390 22,996 606 Public Works 5,500 5,734 234 Library 1,850 2,044 194 Parks 4,500 7,269 2,769 Refuse Collection 309,000 260,823 (48,177) Other 200 45 (155) Total Charges for Current Services $ 345,840 $ 301,971 $ (43,869) Expenditure Reimbursements: Insurance premium refund $ - $ 15,270 $ 15,270 Construction labor reimbursement 5,000 8,839 3,839 Equipment rental reimbursement 15,000 13,039 (1,961) Other reimbursements 100 3,871 3,771 Total Expenditure Reimbursements $ 20,100 $ 41,019 $ 20,919 Transfers In: LaBelle Park $ - $ 373 $ 373 Grand Total $2,882,777 $2,860,644 $ (22,133) I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA �3 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 1978 Expenditures Unencumbered Appropriations and (Overexpended) (Revised) Encumbrances Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mayor and Council: Personal services $ 37,360 $ 37,400 $ (40) Other services and charges 35,950 34,458 1,492 Supplies 1,000 897 103 Total $ 74,310 $ 72,755 $ 1,555 City Manager: Personal services $ 62,495 $ 55,454 $ 7,041 Other services and charges 7,820 6,980 840 Supplies 500 434 66 Total $ 70,815 $ 62,868 $ 7,947 Finance- Clerk: Personal services $ 57,710 $ 56,456 $ 1,254 Other services and charges 20,545 17,650 2,895 Supplies Total $ 1,450 79,705 630 $ 74,736 820 $ 4,969 Elections: Personal services $ 6,460 $ 6,379 $ 81 Other services and charges 1,000 975 25 78 Supplies Total $ 100 7,560 $ 22 7,376 $ t84 Assessing: Personal services $ 45,510 $ 42,789 $ 2,721 Other services and charges 2,730 1,701 1,029 528 Supplies Total $ 660 48,900 $ 132 44,622 $ 4,278 Legal: Other services and charges $ 41,565 $ 36,789 $ 4,716 Human Rights: Other services and charges $ 1,605 $ 427 $ 1,178 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGIITS, MINNESOTA 24 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 PUBLIC SAFETY: 1978 Expenditures Unencumbered Police Protection: Appropriations and (Overexpended) (Revised) Encumbrances Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT (continued) $ 551,885 Planning: 558,647 $ (6,762) Personal services $ 17,500 $ 14,893 $ 2,607 Other services and charges 5,520 2,115 3,405 Supplies 2,135 1,814 321 Total 25,155 s 1 , 22 ,333 General Government Buildings: $ 624,215 $ Personal services $ 9,815 $ 9,454 $ 361 Other services and charges 33,750 31,643 2,107 Supplies 5,200 5,573 (373) Total $ 48,76T $ 6,670 $ 2,095 Total General Government $ 398,380 $ 365,065 $ 33,315 PUBLIC SAFETY: Police Protection: Personal services $ 551,885 $ 558,647 $ (6,762) Other services and charges 47,680 37,815 9,865 Supplies 24,650 22,783 1,867 Total $ 624,215 $ 619,245 $ 4,970 Fire Protection: Personal services $ 270,815 $ 262,720 $ 8,095 Other services and charges 22,735 16,271 6,464 Supplies Total 9,690 $ 303,270 7,753 $ 2 6,74 1,937 $ 16.4q6 Protective Inspection: Personal services $ 46,920 $ 46,622 $ 298 Other services and charges 17,595 16,684 911 Supplies 990 935 55 Total $ 65,505 $ 64,241 $ 1,264 Animal Control Other services and charges $ 8,000 $ 7,035 $ 965 Total Public Safety 5 1,000,960 $ 977,265 $ 23,695 .CITY .OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 25 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Tree Trimming and Removal: Personal services $ 19,600 $ 17,317 1978 Other services and charges 72,785 67,624 5,161 Expenditures Unencumbered 126 1,074 Appropriations and (Overexpended) Total (Revised) Encumbrances Balance PUBLIC WORKS: $ 512,785 $ 488,555 $ 24,230 SANITATION: Engineering: Refuse Collection and Disposal: Personal services $ 95,000 $ 92,872 $ 2,128 Other services and charges 9,355 6,354 3,001 Supplies 100 2,240 2,276 (36) Total 246,1'ST 106,595 101,502 5,093 Street Maintenance: Personal services $ 152,750 $ 151,132 $ 1,618 Other services and charges 44,340 42,418 1,922 Supplies 34,860 35,573 (713) Total 231,950 229,123 2, 27 Street Lighting: Personal services $ 1,900 $ 1,881 $ 19 Other services and charges 46,850 41,228 5,622 Total $ 48,750 $ 3,109 $ 5,6 1 Traffic Signs and Signals: Personal services $ 17,660 $ 17,284 $ 376 Other services and charges 9,630 7,699 1,931 Supplies 3,350 3,506 (156) Total $ 30,64o 2 9 2,151 Tree Trimming and Removal: Personal services $ 19,600 $ 17,317 $ 2,283 Other services and charges 72,785 67,624 5,161 Supplies 1,200 126 1,074 Capital outlay 1,265 1,265 Total 9 7,-F5-0 ,332 ,51 Total Public Works $ 512,785 $ 488,555 $ 24,230 SANITATION: Refuse Collection and Disposal: Personal services $ 7,315 $ 6,450 $ 865 Other services and charges 240,140 239,607 333 Supplies 100 129 (29) Total T---2 T7,555 246,1'ST $ 1,369 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 26 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 1978 Expenditures Unencumbered Appropriations and (Overexpended) (Revised) Encumbrances Balance SANITATION (continued): Weed Control: Personal services $ 700 $ 600 $ 100 Other services and charges 2,000 2,700 171 5 771 1,829 $ 1,929 Total Total Sanitation $ 250,255 $ 246,957 $ 3,298 LIBRARY: Personal services $ 72,825 $ 70,843 $ 1,982 Other services and charges 17,400 14,273 32,298 3,127 (198) Supplies Total $ 32,100 122,325 117,T71 $ ,911 MUNICIPAL PARKS: Administration and Maintenance: $ 193,700 $ 194,095 $ (395) Personal services Other services and charges 70,120 73,054 (2,934) (2,356) Supplies 13,250 15,606 Capital Outlay $ 2,300 279,370 2,269 31 $ 5,65 $ 2 5,02 Total Wading Pools: $ 100 $ 84 $ 16 Personal services (205) Other services and charges 1,100 31 531 5 569 Supplies $ 1,200 20 $ 380 Total Skating Rinks: Personal services $ 13,500 $ 13,993 $ (493) (399) Other services and charges 11,000 400 11,399 970 (570) Supplies 24,900 $ 26,362 1, 62 Total Total Municipal Parks $ 305,470 $ 312,206 $ (6,736) J .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 27 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form B -3 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS (CONTINUED) For the Year Ended December 31, 1973 1978 Expenditures Unencumbered Appropriations and (Overexpended) (Revised) Encumbrances Balance UNALLOCATED EXPENSE: Transfers $ 232,236 Insurance $ 16,800 $ 16,602 $ 198 Taxes and licenses 200 312 (112) .School crossing speed zone beacons 4,000 3,081 919 Clearing of lot at 4037 Van Buren for parking lot 2,600 (2,600) Vandalism 2,000 567 1,433 Other miscellaneous 71,849 2,465 69,384 Total Unallocated $ 94,849 $ 25,627 $ 69,222 TRANSFERS: Recreation $ 67,850 Capital Improvements fund 308 154,811 Huset Tennis Court fund 5,200 Sidewalk Repair fund 4,375 Total Transfers $ 232,236 Grand Total $ 2,917,260 $ 67,850 154,811 5,200 4,375 $ 232,236 $ 2,765,325 $ 151,935 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 28 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT HE CITY OF COLUM�j IA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUA FINANCIAL REPORT EAR tNDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 SPECIAL REIT ENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources as to finance specified activities as required by law or administrative regulation. The Revenue Sharing Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of general revenue sharing funds. Antirecession Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of anti - recession funds. The Recreation Fund is governed by a Recrea- tion Commission established by an agreement between the City and I.D.S. #13 School Board. The Civil Defense Fund is established to account for tax levies and federal reimbursements. The Municipal State -Aid Street Fund is maintained according to state statute for the maintenance and construction of streets on the Municipal State-Aid System. The C.E.T.A. Fund is established by federal legislation to account for the receipt and expenditure of funds under the comprehensive employment training act. TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet Analysis of Changes in Revenue, Expenditures and Fund Balance: Revenue Sharing Fund Anti- Recession Aid Fund Recreation.Community Services Fund Civil Defense Fund Municipal State-Aid Street Fund C.E.T.A. Fund See also the Notes to Financial Statements. Page Form C 29 Form C -1 31 Form C -2 32 Form C -3 33 Form C -4 34 Form C -5 35 Form C -6 36 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 ASSETS Cash: Treasurer's balance (overdraft) Imprest Cash Total Cash -- Form A -1 Investments at cost -- Form A -3 Accounts Receivable Due from Other Governmental Units: Due from Federal - Office of Revenue Sharing Due from State of Minnesota Due from Anoka County Total Assets LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCES Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Accrued salaries payable Accrued Social Security taxes payable Contracts payable Due to Bonds of 1976 Reserves: Encumbrances Fund Balance Total Liabilities, Reserves, and Fund Balances ,ITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 29 Total $ 2,983 50 .. 00; 45,379 219,829 12,622 $ 379,876 $ 324 2,112 3,013 54,182 6,700 4,608 308,937 $ 379,876 Revenue Sharing $ 7,463 $ 7,463 71,000 45,379 $ 123,842 $ 22 54,182 3,578 66,060 Form C -1) $ 123,842 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Funds Recreation & Municipal Community Civil State Services Defense Aid $ 1,081 $ 2,694 $ 41 50 $ 1,131 $ 2,694 $ 41 12,000 16,000 8 134 219,695 $ 13,139 $ 18,828 $ 219,736 $ 264 $ 38 $ - 794 6,700 12,081 (Form C -3) $ 13,139 1,030 17,760 213,036 (Form C -4) Form C -5) $ 18,828 $ 219,736 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 30 Fo rm C C.E.T.A. $ (8,291) $ (8,291) 12,622 $ 4,331 2,112 2,219 Form C -6) $ 4,331 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form C -1 REVENUE SHARING FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 73,286 Estimated Revenue Revenues: Revenue from Use of Money and Property: Interest earnings - Investment trust Fund $ 6,000 Revenue from Other Agencies: Federal Revenue Sharing $178,000 Total Revenue $184,000 Actual Revenue Actual Over (Under) Estimate $ 5,800 $ (200) $178,817 $184,617 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Expenditures: Capital Outlay: Public Safety Parks Transfers - Grant Match: Park Construction Street and Engineering Library General Government Professional Services: Downtown Development Other General Government Total Expenditures Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 Appropriations Expenditures $ 48,080 83,700 9,800 3,600 7,755 10,000 78,396 $2.41 ,331 $ 38,800 100,700 20,790 10,622 4,554 3,654 10,000 2,723 $1,31,843 $ 66,060 Form C $ 817 $ 617 Unexpended (Over - expended) Balance $ 9,280 (17,000) (20,790) (822) (954) 4,101 75,673 $ 49,488 31 ,ITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ANTI - RECESSION AID FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 Revenues: Federal Grant Total Balance and Additions Expenditures: Personal services Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 32 Form C -2 8,580 $ 3,580 $ 8,580 (Form C ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 1,996 Estimated Actual Revenue Revenue Revenues: Revenue from other agencies: Independent School District #13 $ 65,905 $ 67,105 Fees 8,300 10,097 Transfer from General Fund 67,850 67,850 Total Revenue $ 142,055 $ 145,052 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Expenditures: Personal services Other sevices and charges Supplies Capital outlay Other expenses: Playground Athletic supplies Beach program Traveling teams Total Expenditures Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 Appropriations Expenditures $ 109,728 11,845 3,182 500 2,000 2,700 5,900 5,200 $ 141,055 $ 102,851 13,080 2,534 795 2,002 2,695 5,849 5,161 $ 134,967 $ 12,081 Form C Form C -3 Actual Over (Under) Estimate $ 1,200 1,797 $ 2,997 Unexpended (Over - expended) Balance $ 6,877 (1,235) 648 (295) (2) 5 51 39 CITY OF 'Y"COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 33 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form C-4 CIVIL DEFENSE ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 30,.771 Actual Over Estimated Actual (Under) Revenue Revenue Estimate Revenues: Personal services $ 16,775 $ 13,877 General Property Taxes: Other services and charges 9,305 4,965 4,340 Supplies 2,960 Current ad valorem $ 6,450 $ 6,445 $ (5) Revenue from Other Agencies $ 38,025 $ 26,346 $ 11,679 Property Tax Relief (Homestead) $ 2,150 $ 2,155 $ 5 Federal Aid 7,200 3,235 (3,965) Total Revenue from Other Agencies $ 9,350 $ 5,390 $ (3,960) Interest earnings- Investment Trust Fund $ 200 $ 1,500 $ 1,300 Miscellaneous Total Revenue $ 16,000 $ 13,335 $ (2,665) STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Unexpended (Over - expended) Appropriations Expenditures Balance Expenditures: Personal services $ 16,775 $ 13,877 $ 2,898 Other services and charges 9,305 4,965 4,340 Supplies 2,960 1,770 1,190 Capital outlay 8,985 5,734 3,251 Total Expenditures $ 38,025 $ 26,346 $ 11,679 Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA $ 17,760 Form C 34 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL STATE -AID STREET FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 193,304 Revenues: State of Minnesota: Gasoline tax apportionment- Construction Interest Earnings- Investment Trust Fund Total Revenue Estimated Revenue Actual Revenue Form C -5 Actual Over (Under) $ 140,000 $ 145,800 $ 5,800 3,200 1,100 (2,100) $ 143,200 $ 146,900 $ 3,700 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Expenditures: Construction costs Transfers: Central Avenue Urbanization 5th Street Storm Sewer 5th Street & 38th Avenue Paving Fillmore: 47 -49th Avenue Total Expenditures Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 $ 24,500 $ 775 $ 23,725 30,000 25,000 254,000 $ 333,500 30,000 30,000 66,393 $ 127,168 $ 213,036 Form C (5,000) 254,000 (66,393) t InK 2z'? CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 35 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT C.E.T.A. FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 Revenues: Federal Grant Total Balance and Additions Expenditures: Personal services Other services and charges Supplies Total Expenditures Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 36 $ 260,509 557 408 Form C -6 261,474 $ 261,474 $ 261,474 Form C ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 CAPITAL PROJECT FU �DS Capital Project Funds are maintained to account for the construction of major capital facilities. Project appli- cations are a combination of several revenue sources,.such as municipal state -aid streets, special assessments, sewer utility fund, other governmental units, State and Federal Grants, etc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Page Combined Balance Sheet Form D 37 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Form D -1 39 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Form D -2 41 See also the Notes to Financial Statements. CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance -- Form A -t Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 Accounts receivable Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Contracts payable Fund balance -- Form D -1 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGRTS, MINNESOTA 37 . Total $ 75,t83 635,000 985 $711,168 $ 1,275 105,415 604,478 $711,168 ONNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form D Prestemon Capital Sullivan Tennis Courts Basketball Improvement Lake Huset Park Court C.P. 308 C.P. 807 C.P. 309 C.P. 310 $ 24,914 $ 40,890 $ 4,031 $ 5,348 221,000 414,000 985 $246,899 $454,890 $ 4,031 $ 5,348 $ 1,275 $ - $ - $ - 73,220 19,131 3,864 9,200 172,404 435,759 167 ( 3,852) $246,899 $454,890 $ 4,031 $ 5,348 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 38 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Project Authorization Fund Balance, January 1, 1978 Add: Increase in assessments Appropriations from other funds: General Fund Municipal State -Aid Revenue Sharing Sewer Utility Fund State Grant Interest Earnings - Investment Trust Fund Sale of property to Midland Insurance claim - water damage Prior years expenditures re- established Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Expenditures: Prior years Current year: Construction contracts Other project expenditures Transfer fund balance to General Fund Total Expenditures Fund Balance, December 31, 1978 Project Numbers C.P. 308 - Capital Improvements C.P. 807 - Sullivan Lake C.P. 309 - Tennis Courts Huset Park C.P. 310 - Prestemon Basketball Court C.P. 202 - LaBelle Park C.P. 304 - Central Avenue Urbanization 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 39 Total $ 297,918 72,409 158,111 30,000 20,790 36,125 20,790 46,600 382,673 4,441 821,919 $1,891,776 $ 821,919 304,465 160,540 374 $1,287,298 $ 604,478 Form D ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form D -1 I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 40 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Incomplete Projects Completed Projects C.P. 308 C.P. 807 C.P. 309 C.P. 310 C.P. 202 C.P. 304 $1,073,363 $225,000 $ 37,500 $ 9,280 $ - $ 130,000 $ 268,104 $153,554 $ - $ - $( 20) $(123,720) 72,409 152,911 5,200 30,000 '16,150 4,640 36,125 16,150 4, 61 +0 25,700 20,900 382,673 4,441 657,181 31,937 132,801 $1,108,337 $589,064 $ 37,500 $ 9,280 $( 20) $ 147,615 $ 657,181 $ 31,937 $ - $ - $ - $ 132,801 158,123 99,720 36,453 11;080 ( 911) 120,629 21,648 880 2,052 517 14,814 374 $ 935,933 $153,305 $ 37,333 $ 13,132 $( 20) $ 147,615 $ 172,404 $435,759 $ 167 $( 3,852) $ - $ - I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 40 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Cash - Treasurer's balance, January 1, 1978 Receipts: Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund Transfer Special Assessments less payable to P.I.R. Fund Proceeds from sale of property State Grant Appropriation from Revenue Sharing Appropriation from General Fund Appropriation from Sewer Utility Fund Appropriation from Municipal State -Aid Fund Reversal of investment trust allocation Repayment of loan from C.P. 202 and 304 Insurance claim - water damage Grant - U.S. Department of Commerce EDA HUD Grant - Balance Total Cash Available Disbursements: Construction contracts Other project expenditures Transfer Cash Balance and payable to General Fund Investment trust allocation Repayment of loan to C.P. 807. Total Disbursements Cash - Treasurer's balance, December 31, 1978 Project Numbers C.P. 308 - C.P. 807` - C.P. 309 C.P. 310 - C.P. 202 - c.P. 304 - Capital Improvements Sullivan Lake Tennis Courts Huset Park Prestemon Basketball Court LaBelle Park Central Avenue Urbanization Total $ 1,851 46,600 48,735 382,673 20,790 20,790 158,111 36,125 30,000 368,000 108,000 4,441 413,000 27,430 $1,666,546 $ 688,074 157,140 3,149 635,000 108,000 $1,591,363 $ 75,183 Form D CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 41 RNNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Incomplete Projects C.P. 308 C.P. 807 C.P. 309 t$ 640 $ 554 $ - 25,700 20,900 382,673 16,150 16,150 152,911 5,200 323,000 45,000 108,000 4,441 413,000 ' $919,692 $557,127 $ 37,500 $555,960 $ 80,589 $ 32,589 117,818 21,648 88o 221,000 414,000 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1 C.P. 310 4,640 4,640 $ 9,280 $ 1,880 2,052 $ 3,932 $ 5,348 Form D -2 .Completed Projects C.P. 202 C.P. 304 $ 303 $ 354 27,430 $ 27,733 $ 17,056 528 3,149 7,000 $ 27,733 48,735 36,125 30,000 $115,214 14,214 101,000 $115,214 42 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT $894,778 $516,237 $ 33,469 $ 24,914 $ 40,890 $ 4,031 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1 C.P. 310 4,640 4,640 $ 9,280 $ 1,880 2,052 $ 3,932 $ 5,348 Form D -2 .Completed Projects C.P. 202 C.P. 304 $ 303 $ 354 27,430 $ 27,733 $ 17,056 528 3,149 7,000 $ 27,733 48,735 36,125 30,000 $115,214 14,214 101,000 $115,214 42 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 ENTERPRISE FUNDS The Authority for hese types of funds is derived from Section 69 (b) of the City Gharter which allows for utility or other public service enterprise funds. Enterprise fund operations are financed solely by user charges. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Financial Statements: 43 Combined Balance Sheet Form E Municipal Liquor Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet Form F 45 Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form F -1 46 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense Form F -2 47 Comparative Statement of Revenue Form F -3 49 Comparative Statement of Operating Expense Form F -4 51 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form F -5 53 Statement of Fixed Assets and Depreciation Form F -6 54 Water Utility Fund: 58 Comparative Balance Sheet Form G Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form G -1 59 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense Form G -2 60 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position Form G -3 61 Statement of Changes in Assets Restricted for General Bond Debt Service Form G -4 62 Sewer Utility Fund: Comparative Balance Sheet Form H 63 Comparative Statement of Changes in Retained Earnings Form H -1 64 Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expense Form H -2 65 Comparative Statement of Changes in Financial Position .Form H -3 66 See also the Notes to Financial Statements. ENTERPRISE FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 Water Sewer Liquor Utility Utility Total Fund Fund Fund ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance $ 25,954 $ 15,308 $ 10,331 $ 315 Imprest cash and change funds 10,100 10,100 Investments (at cost) 272,450 170,000 95,000 7,450 Accounts receivable: Unbilled services 229,220 152,304 76,916 Special assessments: Current 6,614 6,614 Delinquent 2,159 2,159 Other 41,355 2,673 237 38,445 Inventories 103,258 99,636 3,622 Restricted Assets: Cash with fiscal agents 25,862 25,862 Cash - Treasurer's balance (364) (364) Total Current Assets $ 716,608 $ 297,717 $ 295,765 $ 123,126 Deferred Assets: Accounts receivable 35,183 35,183 Contracts receivable 293,722 293,722 Fixed Assets: Land 16,735 16,735 Buildings (net) 101,568 101,568 Improvements other than bldgs. (net) 20,339 20,339 Fixtures (net) 7,692 7,692 Equipment: Store (net) 10,059 10,059 Office (net) 642 642 TOTAL ASSETS $1,202,548 $ 454,752 $ 295,765 $ 452,031 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 43 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Water Liquor Utility Total Fund' Fund Fo rm E Sewer Utility Fund -- LIABILITIES, RESERVES; CONTRIBUTIONS - AND RETAINED EARNINGS - Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 66,971 $ 43,492 $ 23,251 $ 228 Accrued salaries payable 6,938 3,339 2,736 863 Due to other funds 37,850 9,350 28,500 Due to other governmental units 3,309 2,020 863 426 Current liabilities payable from restricted assets: Matured bonds and interest payable 25,862 25,862 Bonds payable 25,000 25,000 Total Current Liabilities $ 165,930 $ 48,851 $ 87,062 $ 30,017 Due to other funds - long term 51,700 51,700 Deferred credit 293,722 293'722 Reserves: Sur Tax - tower construction 214,609 214,609 General debt service (25,364) (25,364) Retained Earnings 501,951 405,901 (32,242) 128,292 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS I.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA $1,202,548 $ 454,752 $ 295,765 $ 452,031 44 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's Balance $ 15,308 $ 559 Imprest cash and change funds 10,100 10,100 Total Cash -- Form A -1 $$ 25,408 $ 10,659 Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 170,000 102,000 Accounts receivable 2,673 10,728 Inventory - Merchandise for resale (at cost) 99,636 100,288 Total Current Assets $297,717 $223,675 Deferred Assets: Accounts receivable - Judgement - Anti -trust suit settlement (less portion due within one year) $ - $ 1,572 Fixed Assets: Land $ 16,735 $ 16,735 Buildings 169,390 169,390 Improvements other than buildings 58,421 58,182 Office equipment 1,375 1,450 Store equipment 76,795 74,826 Total $322,716 $323 Less: Allowance for depreciation 165,681 156,425 Net Fixed Assets -- Form F -6 $157,035 $16T,1155 Total Assets $454,752 $389,405 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 43,492 $ 34,216 Accrued salaries payable 3,339 2,833 Accrued Social Security taxes payable 2,020 261 Total Current Liabilities $ 48,851 $ 37,310 Retained Earnings -- Form F -1 405,901 352,095 Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings $454,752 $389,405 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 45 ANNUAL. FINANCIAL. REPORT Form F -1 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 Retained Earnings, January 1 Add: Net income for the year -- Form F -2 Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Adjustment to fixed assets and allowance for depreciation Retained Earnings, December 31 -- Form F 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 46 1978 $352,095 53,806 $405,901 $405,901 1977 $319,833 32,792 $352,625 $ 530 $352,095 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMBINED ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 Sales Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Mdse. Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit on Sales Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales Less: Operating Expense -- Form F -4 Net Operating Income before Depreciation Less: Depreciation -- Form F -6 Net Operating Income (Loss) Additions to Income: Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund Machine commissions Check cashing Other Total Income Deductions from Income: Bad checks Cash short Total Deductions from Income Net Income to Retained Earnings Total All Stores On -Sale Store 1978 1977 1978 1977 $1,064,893 $1,034,928 $307,086 $310,390 $ 1.00,288 $ 138,895 $ 9,636 $ 8,942 691,408 625,974 93,917 94,490 $ 791,696 $ 764,869 $103,553 $103,432 99,636 100,288 10,954 9,636 $ 692,060 $ 664,581 $ 92,599 $ 93,796 $ 372,833 $ 370,347 $214,487 $216,594 35.01% 35.78% 69.9% 69.8% $ 321,789 $ 336,932 $190,105 $207,558 $ 51,044 $ 33,415 $ 24,382 $ 9,036 9,256 9,480 4,895 4,928 $ 41,788 $ 23,935 $ 19,487 $ 4,108 9,400 5,036 3,134 1,590 4,742 4,852 3,834 3,927 217 306 84 161 299 656 29 511 $ 56,446 $ 34,785 $ 26,568 $ 10,297 $ 1,574 $ 698 $ 1,374 $ 603 1,066 1,295 654 357 $ 2,640 $ 1,993 $ 2,028 $ 9�0 $ 53,806 $ 32,792 $ 24_,540 $ 9,337 Form F -1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 47 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT r � Form F -2 Off -Sale Stores Total No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1978 1977 1978 .1977 A 1978 1977 1978 1977 $757,807 $724,538 $ - $-29,267 $360,899 $325,625 $396,908 $369,646 $ 90,652 $129,953 $ - $ 47,225 $ 38,356 $ 37,360 $ 52,296 $ 45,368 597,491 531,484 $( 6,138) $ 11,224 (24,686) 290,418 257,670 307,073 298,500 $688,143 $661,437 $ - $ 22,539 $328,774 $295,030 $359,369 $343,868 88,682 90,652 $ 12,151 $ 14,150 $ 15,388 41,055 38,356 47,627 52,296 $599,461 $570,785 $ - $ 22,539 $287,719 $256,674 $311,742 $291,572 $158,346 $153,753 $ - $ 6,728 $ 73,- 180 $ 68,951 $ 85,166 $ 78,074 Form F -3) TForm F -3) 20.90% 21.22% - % 23.0% 20.3% 21.20 21.5% 21.10 $131,684 $129,374 $ 731 $ 12,866 $ 61,956 $ 55,697 $ 68,997 $ 60,811 $ 26,662 $ 24,379 $( 731) $( 6,138) $ 11,224 $ 13,254 $ 16,169 $ 17,263 4,361 4,552 1,109 1,574 1,233 1,103 2,019 1,875 $ 22,301 $ 19,827 $(1,840) $( 7,712) $ 9,991 $ 12,151 $ 14,150 $ 15,388 6,266 3,446 9o8 925 133 145 270 145 $ 29,878 $ 24,488 266 48 17 11 $(1,840) $( 7,370) 3,133 1,590 3,133 1,590 444 383 464 494 103 64 30 64 192 96 7$ 38 $ 13,863 $ 14,284 $ 200 $ 95 $ - $ - $ 100 412 938 152 207 $ 612 $ 1,033 $ - $ 152 $ 307 $ 29,266 $ 23,455 $(1,840) $( 7,522) $ 13,556 A Off -Sale Store No. 1 closed February 28, 1977 $ 55 397 $ 452 $ 13,832 $ 17,855 $ 17,574 $ 100 $ 4o 205 389 $ 305 $ 429 $ 17,550 $ 17,145 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 48 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND OFF -SALE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUE For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 TOTAL OFF SALE Total Liquor Sales $757,807 $334,457 Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales -- Form F -2 Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales NO. 1 Sales Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales NO. 2 Sales Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales NO. 3 Sales Cost of Sales: Inventory, Beginning Purchases Total Merchandise Available for Sale Less: Inventory, Ending Cost of Sales Gross Profit (Loss) on Sales Percentage of Gross Profit to Sales CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 49 $ 90,652 $ 76,445 597,491 254,806 $x,143 $331,251 88,682 72,590 $599,461 $258,661 $158,346 $ 75,796 20.90% 22.66% $360,899 $154,528 $ 38,356 $ 32,469 290,418 122,139 $32 F,77777 $15 +,T0$ 41,055 33,378 $2 $121,230 $ 73,180 $ 33,298 20.28% 21.55% $396,908 $179,929 $ 52,296 $ 43,976 307,073 132,667 $359,3C9-- 359,3 $16+3 47,627 39,212 $31$31 -172 $137?31 $ 85,166 L42,498 21.46% 21.62% #NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT C .1 u CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 50 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -3 1978 1977 Beer Other Total Liquor Beer Other $409,229 $ 14,121 $724,538 $334,421 $377,585 $ 12,532 $ 12,746 $ 1,461 $129,953 $111,370 $ 16,018 $ 2,565 329,265 13,420 531,484 219,'888 300,868 10,728 $3- 2F� $ 14,881 $661,437 $331,258 $316,886 $ 13,293 13,987 2,105 90,652 76,445 12,746 1,461 $332 -02T+ $ 12,776 $57- 0, 7 5 + $2�5 ,-� $3o To $ 1 $ 81,205 $ 1,345 $153,753 $ 79,608 $ 73,445 $ 700 19.84% 9.52% 21.22% 23.80% 19.45% 5.58% $ - $ - $ 29,267 $ 16,747 $ 12,173 $ 347 $ - $ - $ 47,225 $ 42,328 $ 4,272 $ 625 (24,686) (31,720) 7,292 ( 258) $ - $ - $ 22,539 $ 1- 0 $ 11,564 $ 367 $ - $ - $ 22,539 $ 10,608 $ 11,564 $ 367 $ - $ - $ 6,728 $ 6,139 $ 609 $( 20) - % - % 22.99% 36.66% 5.00% ( 5.76 %) $199,632 $ 6,739 $325,625 $145,175 $174,715 $ 5,735 $ 5,357 $ 530 $ 37,360 $ 31,200 $ 5,470 $ 690 162,118 6,161 257,670 113,376 139,227 5,067 $167,475 $ 6,691 $295,030 $144,576 $144,697 $ 5,757 7,010 667 38,356 32,469 5,357 530 $160,465 $ 6,024 $256,674 $112,107 $139,340 $ 5,227 $ 39,167 $ 715 $ 68,951 $ 33,068 $ 35,375 $ 508 19.62% 10.61% 21.17% 22.78% 20.25% 8.86% $209,597 $ 7,382 $369,646 $172,499 $190,697 $ 6,450 $ 7,389 $� 931 $ 45,368 $ 37,842 $ 6,276 $ 1,250 167,147 7,259 298,500 138,232 154,349 5,919 $17T $ 8,190 $343,868 $176,074 $160,625 $ 7,169 6,977 1,438 52,296 43,976 7,389 931 $167,559 $ 6,752 $291,572 $132,098 $153,23 $ 42,038 $ 630 $ 78,074 $ 40,401 $ 37,461 $ 212 20.06% 8.53% 21.12% 23.42% 19.64% 3.29% CITY Of COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 50 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMBINED ON -SALE AND OFF -SALE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 Total On -Sale No. 1 PERSONAL SERVICES: Salaries - regular employees $119,552 $ 65,469 $ - Salaries - overtime and part time employees 90,088 55,284 Interdepartmental labor services 985 463 City Contribution to PERA and FICA 20,344 11,436 Hospitalization - Life insurance 5,890 3,877 Workmen's and Unemployment Comp 7,241 4,908 372 Total Personal Services $244,100 $1Til, 3_7 $ 372 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: Contractural Maint. & Repair $ 3,094 $. 1,307 $ - Professional Services 28,709 27,050 359 Communications 2,127 1,321 Travel - subscriptions 709 233 Utility 10,878 5,811 Insurance s bonds 20,549 6,750 Other contractural services 2,265 1,415 Other charges 2,554 903 Total Other Services & Charges $ 70 ,TT5 $ 44,790 $ 359 SUPPLIES: General supplies $ 3,864 $ 938 $ - Bar supplies 2,940 2,940 Total supplies $6,804 $ 3,877 Total Operating Expense $321,789 $190,105 $ 731 Form F -2) CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGIITS, MINNESOTA 51 AIINIIAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -4 1978 1977 No. 2 No. 3 Total On -Sale No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 $ 24,646 $ 29,437 $139,205 $ 91,385 $ 3,636 $ 18,766 $ 25,418 18,123 16,681 76,344 40,300 1,799 19,032 15,213 211 311 1,435 418 64o 274 103 4,018 4,890 21,779 13,363 544 3,703 4,169 892 1,121 6,525 4,585 81 769 1,090 958 1,003 18,134 12,139 2,950 1,467 1,578 $ ,� $$ 53,44T $263,422 $162,190 $ 9,650 $ 4,011 $$ + $ 484 $ 1,303 $ 2,873 $ 903 $ 50 $ 839 $ 1,081 650 650 26,813 23,695 1,664 727 727 427 379 2,024 977 115 453 479 238 238 717 225 42 225 225 1,771 3,296 11,404 6,118 342 2,102 2,842 6,796 7,003 17,276 5,619 687 5,485 5,485, 499 351 2,476 1,479 82 364 551 792 859 2,380 1,198 190 505 487 $ 11,657 $$ 1T $ 65,963 $ 40,214 $ 3,172 $ 10,700 $ 11,877 $ 1,451 $ 1,475 $ 3,761 $ 1,368 $ 44 $ 986 $ 1,363 3,786 3,786 $$ 1,T-51 $$$ 1,475 $$ 7,547 $$ 5,154 $ 6 $ 1,363 $ 61,956 $ 68,997 $336,932 $207,558 $ 12,866 $ 55,697 $ 60,811 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 52 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -5, MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 53 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1978 1977 Source of Funds: Operations: Net income -- Form F -2 $ 53,806 $ 32,792 Items not requiring current outlay of funds - depreciation -- Form F -6 9,256 9,480 Total Operations $0 $ 42,272 Decrease in deferred assets 1,572 1,571 Total Source of Funds $ 64,634 $ 43,843 Application of Funds: Additions to fixed assets -- Form F -6 $ 2,133 $ 4,948 Increase in working capital 62,501 38,895 Total Application of Funds $ 64,634 $ 43,843 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) Various Elements of Net Change in Working Capital: Cash $ 14,749 $(15,668) Investments 68,000 102,000 Accounts receivable ( 8,055) 821 Inventory ( 652) (38,607) Accounts payable (11,541) ( 9,651) $ 62,501 $ 38,895 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 53 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND STATEMENT OF FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 On Sale /Lounge Store: Land Building Parking area Improvements other than buildings Fixtures Equipment: Store Office Total Off Sale No. 1 Store: Land Building Improvements other than buildings Fixtures Equipment: Store Office Total CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 54 Fixed Assets Balances Balances 1 -1 -78 Additions Transfers 12 -31 -78 $ 6,440 $ - $ - $ 6,440 66,417 66,417 8,335 8,335 27,430 27,430 30,182 30,182 13,284 13,284 735 735 $152,823 $ - $ - $152,823 $ 3,170 $ - $ - $ 3,170 32,713 32,713 10,627 10,627 5,756 5,756 $ 52,266 $ - $ - $ 52,266 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -6 Allowance for Depreciation Balances Depreciation Balances Net Asset 1 -1 -78 Taken Additions Deductions 12 -31 -78 Value $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 6,440 29,733 1,307 31,040 35,377 903 417 1,320 7,015 19,903 1,142 21,045 6,385 26,065 797 26,862 3,320 4,546 1,146 5,692 7,592 264 86 350 385 $ 81,414 $ 4,895 $ - $ - $ 86,309 $ 66,514 $ $ $ $ $ 1 14,742 651 15,393 17,320 7,143 434 7,577 3,050 5,732 24 5,756 $ 27,617 $ 1,109 $ - $ - $ 28,726 $ 23,540 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND STATEMENT OF FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION For the Year Ended December 31, 1978. Fixed Assets Balances Balances 1-1 -78 Additions Transfers 12 -31 -78 Off Sale No. 2 Store: Land $ 2,765 $ - $ - $ 2,765 Building .27,637 27,637 Improvements other than buildings 7,092 239 7,331 Fixtures 7,054 7,054 Equipment: Store 1,509 756 2,265 Office 404 404 Total $ 46,461 $ 995 $ - $ 47,456 Off Sale No. 3 Store: Land $ 4,360 $ - $ - $ 4,360 Building 42,623 42,623 Improvements other than buildings 4,698 4,698 Fixtures 14,791 14,791 Equipment: Store 2,250 1,138 75 3,463 Office 311 i 75) 236 Total $ 69,033 $ 1,138 $ - $ 70,171 Grand Totals $320,583 $ 2,133 $ - $322,716 Form F -5) Form F 56 ,ITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form F -6 Allowance for Depreciation Balances Depreciation Balances Net Asset 1 -1 -78 Taken Additions Deductions 12 -31 -78 Value $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,765 7,324 552 7,876 19,761 3,646 265 3,911 3,420 6,072 283 6,355 699 1,380 55 1,435 830 151 78 229 175 $ 18,573 $ 1,233 $ - $ - $ 19,806 $ 27,650 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,360 12,641 872 13,513 29,110 4,042 187 4,229 469 10,379 739 11,118 3,673 1,626 200 1,826 1,637 133 21 154 82 $ 28,821 $ 2,019 $ - $ - $ 30,84o $ 39,331 $156,425 $ 9,256 $ - $ - $165,681 $157,035 (Form F -2) Form F Form F .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 57 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form G WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 and 1977 ASSETS 1978 1977 Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance -- Form A -1 $ 10,331 $ 396 Investments (at cost) -- .Form A -3 95,000 MOOD Accounts receivable: Unbilled services 152,304 126,016 Special assessments: Current 6,614 8,338 Delinquent 2,159 1,357 Other 237 349 Meter inventory 3,622 3,815 Prepaid expense 549 Total Current Assets $270,267 $218,820 Restricted Assets: Cash with fiscal agent $ 25,862 $ 27,575 General bond debt service Cash - Treasurer's balance -- Form A -1 ( 364) 96 Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 9,000 Total Restricted Assets -- Form G -4 $ 25,-E98 $ 36,671 Total Assets $295,765 $255,491 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 23,251 $ 21,086 Accrued salaries payable 2,736 1,516 Accrued Social Security taxes payable 863 164 Contracts payable 12,974 Due to debt service funds: General obligation bonds 1965 9,350 4,950 Total $ 36,200 $x,690 Current Liabilities (Payable from Restricted Assets): Matured bonds and interest payable 25,862 27,575 Bonds payable - General Obligation (due within one year) 25,000 25,000 Total Current Liabilities $ 87,062 $ 93,265 Other Liabilities: Bonds payable - General Obligation (less portion due within one year) Water Bonds of 1965 $ - $ 25,000 Due to general obligation bonds of 1965 51,700 61,050 Total Other Liabilities $ 51,700 $- -86,05 0 Total Liabilities $138,762 $179,315 Retained Earnings -- G -1 Sur tax - Tower construction 214,609 166,007 General debt service 7 oc (25,364) (40,904) 7� )76 Unappropriated (32,242) (48,927) Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings $295,765 $255,491 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 58 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form G -1 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 Retained Earnings (Deficit), January 1, as previously $ (48,927) $ (29,303) reported. Adjustment to reclassify reserves for Sur -tax - Tower construction and General debt service 12.5,103 58,505 Retained Earnings, January 1, as adjusted 76,176 29,202 Add: Net income for the year -- Form G -2 101,330 81,100 Total Balance and Additions $ 177,506 $ 110,302 Deduct: Capital Outlay 1,779 17,301 Transfer to General obligation bonds: Garage bonds 15,000 15,000 Adjust repayment schedule - Loan from S.S. bonds 1965 549 Appropriation to Central Garage Fund - Permanent 3,175 12825 Total Deductions 20,503 34,126 Retained Earnings, December 31 -- Form G $ 157,003 L76,176 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 59 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form G -2 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 60 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1978 1977 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales $486,984 $440,256 Hydrant rental 500 500 Meter sales (less cost of sales) 254 1,622 Customer service 2,378 2,936 Penalties 2,644 2,478 Total Operating Revenue $492,760 $447,792 OPERATING EXPENSES: Source of supply $277,812 $251,473 Distribution: Personal services 102,981 102,167 Other services and charges 25,410 21,076 Supplies 19,335 18,169 Administration & General: Personal services 11,853 10,988 Other services and charges 10,969 8,255 Supplies 316 355 Total Operating Expenses $448,676 $412,483 OPERATING INCOME $ 44,084 $ 35,309 Add: Non - operating income: Interest earnings Investment Trust Fund 7,080 5,869 Certification delinquent utility bills 886 1,153 Miscellaneous 4,409 3,546 Total Income $ 56,459 $ 45,877 Deduct: Non - operating expense: Interest expense (bonds and loan) 3,731 9,292 Income before Water Tower sur -tax 52,728 36,585 Water Tower sur -tax 48,602 44,515 Net Income to Retained Earnings -- Form G -1 $101,330 $ 81,100 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 60 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT C 0 Form G -3 WATER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 Source of Funds: Net income -- Form G -2 Decrease in restricted assets Total Source of Funds 1978 1977 $101,330 $ 81,100 11,173 18,970 $112,503 $100,070 Application of Funds: Transfer to water debt service fund $ $ 16,915 Transfer to garage debt service fund 15,000 15,000 Appropriation to Central Garage 3,175 1,825 Adjust repayment schedule - Loan from S.S. Bonds 1965 549 Increase in fixed assets 1,779 17,301 Reduction of bonds payable 25,000 25,000 Reduction in amounts due other funds 9,350 4,950 Increase in working capital 57,650 19,079 Total Application of Funds $112,503 $100,070 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) Various Elements of Net Increase in Working Capital: Cash $ 9,935 $ (1,349) Accounts receivable 25,254 (14,907) Investments 17,000 28,000 Inventory (193) 535 Prepaid expense (549) (28,547) Accounts payable 8,890 (13,771) Due to other funds (4,400) 49,980 Matured bonds and interest payable 1,713 (862) I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 61 $ 57,650 $ 19,079 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form G-4 WATER UTILITY FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN ASSETS RESTRICTED FOR GENERAL BOND DEBT SERVICE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Cash General with Bond Fiscal Debt Total Agent Service Cash Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 27,671 $ 27,575 $ 96 Cash Receipts: Transfer from operating cash 16,800 16,800 Interest earnings 500 500 Sale of investments 91000 9,000 Transfer from General Bond Debt Service cash 26,725 26,725 Total Cash Available $ 80,696 $ 54,300 $ 26,396 Cash Disbursements: Principal payments $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ - Interest payments 3,438 3,438 Fiscal agents' fees 35 35 Transfer to fiscal agent 26,725 26,725 Total Disbursements $ 55,198 $ 28,438 $ 26,760 Cash Balance, December 31, 1978 $ 25,498 $ 25,862 $( 364) Investment Balance, January 1, 1978 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 Deductions 91000 9,000 Investment Balance, December 31, 1978 $ - $ - Total Restricted Assets, December 31, 1978 $ 25,498 $ 25,862 $( 364) (Form G) .CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 62 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 and 1977 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance -- Form A -1 Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 Accounts receivable: Unbilled services Due from Metropolitan Waste Control Commission operating cost adjustment 1977 Total Current Assets Deferred Assets: Due from Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Reserve capacity Interceptor acquisition contract Total Deferred Assets Total Assets LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued salaries payable Accrued Social Security taxes payable Due to Bonds of 1976 Fund Due to Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: operating cost adjustment (1976) Total Current Liabilities Deferred Credits: Revaluation gain: Interceptor acquisition by Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Retained Earnings -- Form H -1 Total Liabilities, Reserves, and Retained Earnings I .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 63 Form H 1978 1977 $ 315 $ 587 7,450 18,450 76,916 76,829 38,445 $123,126 $ 95,866 35,183 36,830 293,722 307,073 $328,905 $343,903 $452,031 $439,769 $ 228 $ 642 863 1,395 426 151 28,500 4,773 $ 30,017 $ 6,961 293,722 307,073 128,292 125,735 $452,031 $439,769 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form H -1 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 Retained Earnings, January 1 $125,735 $405,823 Add: Net income for the year -- Form H -2 106,536 51,502 Reimbursement by Other Governmental Unit: Prior year storm sewer construction 12,786 Total Balance and Additions $232,271 5470,111 Deduct: Appropriations to Capital Projects: Fifth street storm sewer $ 11,210 $260,000 Storm sewer projects 21,749 35,043 LaBelle park project 11,000 Central Ave. urbanization 36,125 Transfer to debt services funds 30,000 30,000 Appropriation to Central Garage 3,240 1,760 Additions to Fixed Assets 1,655 6,573 Total Deductions $103,979 $344,376 Retained Earnings, December 31 -- Form H $128,292 $125,735 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 64 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form H -2 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 Operating Revenues: Sewer service charges - general customers $485,861 $447,211 and interdepartmental Refunds and Reimbursements: Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: 2,886 2,886 Interceptor maintenance 1,956 765 S.A.C. charge refund Total Operating Revenues $490,703 $450,862 Operating Expenses: Disposal - Metro baste Control Commission $320,683 $287,359 Add (Deduct) experience adjustment for prior years 8 445) 4,773 ' Net Disposal charges 264,238 292,132 Collections: 89,745 86'542 Personal services 20,555 15,296 ' Other services and charges 19,792 13,179 Supplies Administration: 12,346 11,095 Personal services 8,919 6,945 Other services and charges 152 317 Supplies Total Operating Expenses $1115,747 $1 +25,506 Operating Income $ 74,956 $ 25,356 Add: Non - operating Income: 180 15,284 Interest Earnings - Investment Trust Fund Metro Waste Control Commission 8,921 8,921 t Interest on deferred current value credit 1,298 1,557 Interest on reserve capacity deferred charges 3,304 384 Other Miscellaneous Reimbursement from Fridley S.S. Project No. 12 17,877 Total Non - Operating Income $ 31,580 $ 26,146 $106,536 $ 51,502 Net Income -- Form H -1 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 65 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form H -3 SEWER UTILITY FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION For the Years Ended December 31, 1978 and 1977 1978 1977 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Net income -- Form H -2 $106,536 $ 51,502 Reimbursement by other Government unit: Prior year storm sewer construction 12,786 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission: Decrease in long -term contract receivable 13,351 4,433 Decrease in deferred receivable - Reserve capacity charge 1,647 1,267 Decrease in working capital 278,821 Total Source of Funds $121,534 $ 348,809 APPLICATION OF FUNDS: Decrease in deferred credit - revaluation gain on sale of fixed assets $ 13,351 $ 4,433 Appropriation to Capital Projects: Fifth street storm sewer 11,210 260,000 Storm sewer projects 21,749 35,043 LaBelle park project 11,000 Central Ave. urbanization 36,125 Transfer to debt service funds 30,000 30,000 Appropriation to Central Garage 3,240 1,760 Additions to fixed assets 1,655 6,573 Increase in working capital 4,204 Total Application of Funds $121,534 $ 348,809 Increase Increase r (Decrease) (Decrease) Various Elements of Net Change in Working Capital Cash $( 272) $( 3,417) Investments (11,000) (314,000) Accounts receivable 87 6,608 Accounts payable 671 3_,143 Due to Bonds of 1976 fund (28,500) Due from /to Metro Waste Control Commission 43,218 28,845 $ 4,204 $(278,821) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 66 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 INTRAG01"Et, MENTAL SERILITICE FUND The Central Garage Fund is a self sustaining fund providing service to other departments within the city and for which user fees are paid by the using department. This fund was established in 1977. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Financial Statements: ♦Central Garage Fund: Balance Sheet Form 1 67 Statement of changes in Municipality's Contribution Form 1 -1 68 Statement of changes in Retained Earnings Form 1 -1 68 Statement of Operations Form 1 -2 69 See also the Notes to Financial Statements. CENTRAL GARAGE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's Balance -- Form A -1 Accounts receivable Inventory (at cost): Material and supplies Total Current Assets LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued salaries payable Accrued Social Security taxes payable Total Current Liabilities Contributions: Municipality's contribution -- Form 1 -1 Retained Earnings -- Form 1 -1 TOTAL LIABILITIES, CONTRIBUTIONS AND RETAINED EARNINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA NE1GNTS, MINNESOTA 67 Form I 1978 1977 $ 2,979 $ 59 108 8 29,440 27,345 $ 32,527 $ 27,412 $ 724 $ 3,442 1,222 873 390 94 $ 2,336 $ 4,409 30,000 22,000 191 1,003 $ 32,527 $ 27,412 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form 1 -1 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN MUNICIPALITY'S CONTRIBUTION For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1978 Balance - January 1, 1978 1978 Contribution from user Funds: General Fund Water Utility Sewer Utility Balance - December 31, 1978 -- Form I CENTRAL GARAGE FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1978 Balance of Retained Earnings - January 1, 1978 Deduct: Excess of Costs over Net Billings to Departments - -Form Balance of Retained Earnings - December 31, 1978- -Form I ITV OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 68 $ 22,000 $ 1,585 3,175 3,240 $ 30,000 $ 1,003 812 $ 191 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form 1 -2 CENTRAL GARAGE FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1978 1978 BILLING TO DEPARTMENTS $164,451 Operating Costs: Parts and materials Mechanics Labor Other services and charges Supplies Contractual Services Total Operating Costs NET BILLINGS OVER (UNDER) OPERATING COSTS ADD: NON- OPERATING INCOME: Sale of Materials Net Income (Loss) -- Form 1 -1 $ 63,507 64,875 20,786 11,274 4,942 $165,384_ $( 933) $ 121 $( 812) CENTRAL GARAGE FUND COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Source of Funds: Net Income Contributions Total Source of Funds Application of Funds: Increase in working capital Total Application of Funds 1977 ;125,836 $ 38,657 57,803 16,746 9,003 $124,966 $ 920 $ 83 $ 1,003 1978 1977 $( 812) $ 1,003 8,000 22,000 $ 7,188 $ 23,003 $ 7,188 $ 23,003 S 7,188 $ 23,003 Increase Increase (Decrease) (Decrease) Various Elements of Net Change in Working Capital: Cash $ 2,920 $ 59 Accounts receivable 100 8 Inventory 2,095 27,345 ( Accounts payable 2,073 4,409) I .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 69 $ 7,188 $ 23,003 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 TRUT AND AGENCl FUNDS The Trust and Agency Funds of the city are primarily agency funds which account for the collection of receipts for other agencies, such as State of Minnesota building permit surcharges, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission S.A.C. charges, state -share insurance tax: etc. The agency funds, when collected, are then remitted to the proper agency. TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet Combined Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements See also the Notes to Financial Statements. Page Form J 70 Form J -1 71 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash - Treasurer's balance (deficit) Investments (at cost) - -Form A -3 Performance bond deposit Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: State taxes withheld - payable FICA taxes withheld - payable Deposits Total Liabilities .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 70 Total $(18,775) 26,000 50,000 500 20,991 $ 78,716 $ 16,297 10,919 51,500 $ 78,716 Investment $(20,991) 20,991 Fo rm J Escrow $ 2,216 26,000 50,000 500 $ 78,716 $ 16,297 10,919 51,500 $ 78,716 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form J -1 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 71 RNNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Permit Surcharge Investment And S.A.C. Total Trust Escrow Charges Cash - Treasurer's Balance $ (14,825) $ (14,325) $ (500) $ - January 1, 1978 Less: Investments allocated from other funds (1,800,276) (1,800,276) Balance $(1,815,101) $(1,814,601) $ (500) $ - Receipts: Gain on sale of Investments $ 94 $ 94 $ - $ - Interest on investments 105,772 105,772 Purchased interest received 3,341 3,341 Sale of investments 3,351,858 3,351,858 112,637 Deferred payment-withholding taxes 112,637 3,569 Permit Surcharges collected 3,569 35,244 S.A.C. charges collected 35,244 3,050 Deposits received 3,050 Total Receipts $ 3,615,565 $ 3,461,065 $115,687 $ 38,813 Total Cash Available $ 1,800,464 $ 1,646,464 $115,187 $ 38,813 Disbursements: Refund deposit $ 1,550 2,554 $ - 2,554 $ 1,550 $ - Purchase interest Interest allocated to other funds 119,917 119,917 Purchase of investments 3,666,024 3,640,024 26,000 85,421 Remittance of withholding taxes 85,421 Remittance of licenses and 3,569 3,569 fees to state Remittance of S.A.C. charge to 35,244 Metro Waste Control Commission 35,244 Total Disbursements $ 3,914,279 $ 3,762,495 $112,971 L 38 ,813 Balance $(2,113,815) $(2,116,031) $ 2,216 $ - Add: Investments allocated to $ 2,095,040 $ 2,095,040 $ _ $ - other funds Cash - Treasurer's Balance December 31, 1978- -Form J $ (18,775) $ _(20,991) $ 2,216 m $ CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 71 RNNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT i THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA i ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 CAPITAL PROJECT FIJ' IDS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to advance to local improvement funds the cost of improvements for which assessments are to be levied. Capital Project Funds - Special Assessment Bonds are established according to Chapter 8 of the home rule charter and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. They are used to record the proceeds of bonds used to construct public improvements which, in turn, are fully or partially assessed against individual benefited properties. TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Combined Balance Sheet Statement of Changes in Fund Balance Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements See also the Notes to Financial Statements. Page Form K 72 Form K -1 73 Form K -2 74 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance (deficit) -- Form A -1 Deposited with fiscal agent Accounts receivable Taxes receivable deferred Special assessments receivable: Delinquent Deferred Total Assets LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Contracts payable Deposits Matured bonds and interest payable Due to bonds of 1976 fund Total Current Liabilities Bonds Payable: Fund Balance: Future interest on bonds Unappropriated Total Liabilities and Fund Balance I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 72 Total $ (60) 54,158 13,774 176,800 66,142 436,962 $747,776 $ 847 60,594 8,511 54,158 1o9,800 $233,910 225,000 15,360 273,506 Form K Permanent Permanent Improvement improvement Revolving Revolving $(121,989) 13,774 66,142 436,962 $ 394,889 $ 847 60,594 8,511 109,800 $ 179,752 215,137 $747,776 $ 394,889 $121,929 54,158. 176,800 $352,887 54,158 $ 54,158 225,000 15,360 58,369 $352,887 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form K -1 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Fund Balance - Unappropriated, January 1, 1978 Add: Increase in assessments Interest and penalties on special assessments Administration charges to projects Direct billing for improvements Appropriations from: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Sewer Utility Fund State Aid Fund General Fund Prior year expenditures re- established Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Capital project expenditures Prior years Current year: Construction contracts Other project costs Administration costs Deferred tax levies (1978) cancelled Fiscal agent charges Appropriation to Permanent Improvement Revolving Bond Fund Adjust assessments Total Deductions Fund Balance - Unappropriated, December 31, 1978 -- Form K .CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA Permanent Permanent Improvement Improvement Revolving Revolving Total $ 301,526 $ 215,789 $ 85,737 208,635 208,635 33,171 33,171 30,369 30,369 126,823 126,823 112,000 112,000 32,959 32,959 96,393 96,393 4,375 4,375 580,594 580,594 $1,526,845 $1,329,108 $197,737 $ 580,594 $ 580,594 $ - 312,199 312,199 50,061 50,061 40,075 40,075 139,210 139,210 158 158 112,000 112,000 19,042 19,042 $1,253,339 $1,113,971 $139,368 $ 273,506 $ 215,137 $ 58,369 73 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form K -2 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Disbursements: Permanent Permanent Debt Service: Bonds matured $ 120,000 Improvement Improvement Interest expense 14,615 Revolving Revolving Fiscal agent charges Total Fund Bond Fund Cash -- Treasurer's balance, January 1, 1978 $ (1,481) $(137,183) $ 135,702 Receipts: 39,149 39,149 Special assessments: Collected by county: 40,194 40,194 Current Delinquent 6,024 6,024 Collected by city: Current 68,029 68,029 Prepayments 155,037 155,037 Penalties and Interest 1,595 1,595 Billing for improvements received 113,049 113,049 $ 134,773 Administration charges to projects 30,369 30,369 $ 121,929 Grant - U.S. Department of Commerce EDA 37,525 37,525 Transfers in from: ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 112,000 112,000 Appropriations from: Sewer Utility Fund 32,959 32,959 State -Aid Fund 96,393 96,393 General Fund 4,375 4,375 Temporary loan from bonds of 1976 Fund 109,800 109,800 Reversal of investment trust allocation 9,000 9,000 Total Receipts $ 816,349 $ 695,349 $ 121,000 Total Cash Available $ 814,868 $ 558,166 $ 256,702 Disbursements: Debt Service: Bonds matured $ 120,000 $ _ $ 120,000 Interest expense 14,615 14,615 158 Fiscal agent charges 158 321,538 321,538 Construction contracts payments 49,214 49,214 Other project expenditures 39,149 39,149 Administration costs Purchase special assessments from 845 845 General Fund Capital Project Funds 72,409 72,409 Transfer to: Permanent Improvement Revolving Debt Service 112,000 112,000 Repay temporary loan to bonds of 1976 85,000 85,000 Total Disbursements $ 814,928 $ 680,155 $ 134,773 Cash -- Treasurer's balance, December 31, $ (60) $(121,989) $ 121,929 1978 - -to Form K CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 74 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT �HE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 GENERAL DEBT SER1710E FUNDS General Debt Service Funds are used to account for the collection of tax levies and other revenues and to record the payment of principal and interest on outstanding General Obligation Bonds. TABLE OF CONTENTS Financial Statements: Page Combined Balance Sheet Form L 75 Statement of Changes in Fund Balance - Unappropriated Form L -1 77 Schedule of Funding Available and Funds Form L -2 79 Required See also Notes to the Financial Statements. GENERAL DEBT S.ERUICE FUNDS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1978 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Matured bonds and interest payable $ 113,367 Fund balance -- Form L -1 451,070 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 564,437 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 75 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Total ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: Treasurer's balance -- Form A -1 $ 21,480 Deposited with fiscal agent 113,367 Investments (at cost) -- Form A -3 217,000 Taxes receivable - delinquent 2,222 Less: Allowance for uncollectible taxes ( 2,222) Due from other funds 206,050 Due from other Gov't units 6,540 Total Assets $ 564,437 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Current Liabilities: Matured bonds and interest payable $ 113,367 Fund balance -- Form L -1 451,070 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 564,437 .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 75 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form L Capital Park Storm Sewer State Aid City Garage Improvement Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of 1962 1965 1969 1972 1976 $ 2,780 $ 6,451 $ 272 $ 5,507 $ 6,470 525 57,502 55,340 28,000 61,000 10,000 57,000 61,000 389 432 365 1036 ( 389) ( 432) ( 365) ( 1,036) 61,050 145,000 6,540 $ 31,305 $192,543 $ 109,272 $117,847 $212.470 $ 525 $ 57,502 $ - $ 55,340 $ - 30,780 135,041 10,272 62,507 212,470 $ 31,305 $192,543 $ 10,272 $117,847 $212,470 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 76 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - UNAPPROPRIATED For the Year Ended December 31, 1978 Fund Balance - Unappropriated, January 1, 1978, As Previously Reported Adjustment to eliminate Deferred Taxes Receivable, Bonds Payable and Future Interest on Bonds Fund Balance, January 1, 1978, As Adjusted Add: General property taxes: Collected by county Current ad valorem Delinquent ad valorem Interest earnings - Investment Trust Fund Appropriation from: Water utility fund Sewer utility fund Total Balance and Additions Deduct: Bonds Matured Interest on bonds Fiscal agent charges Total Deductions Fund Balance -. Unappropriated, December 31, 1978 -- Form L [.CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 77 Total $195,357 287,336 $482,743 255,715 4,181 23,172 15,000 - 30,000 $810,811 $285,000 74,303 438 $359,741 $451,070 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Form L-1 Capital Park Storm Sewer State Aid City Garage Improvement Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of Bonds of 1962 1965 1969 1972 1976 $ 391 $ 82,427 $ 42 $ 81,989 $ 30,508 33,100 53,088 20,920 (14,900) 195,178 $33,491 $ 135,515 $ 20,962 $ 67,089 $225,686 27,873 46,029 20,713 161,100 732 815 686 1,948 300 5,671 26 4,800 12,375 15,000 15,000 15,000 $62,396 $ 203,030 $ 20,988 $123,288 $401,109 30,000 45,000 10,000 50,000 150,000 1,575 22,905 690 10,680 38,453 41 84 26 101 186 $31,616 $ 67,989 $ 10,716 $ 60,781 $188,639 $30,780 $ 135,041 $ 10,272 $ 62,507 $212,470 CITY OF COLUMBIA NEIGNTS, MINNESOTA 78 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS SCHEDULE OF FUNDING AVAILABLE AND FUNDS REQUIRED December 31, 1978 Cash, Investments, and Receivables Deferred Tax Levies Levy /Payable Years: 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 Total FUNDING AVAILABLE Bonds /Future Interest Payable Bonds Future Interest FUNDS REQUIRED BALANCE [.CITY OF COLUMBIA NEWTS, MINNESOTA 79 Total $ 451,070 307,100 365,000 362,400 306,425 146,700 152,300 $ 1,639,925 $ 2,090,995 $ 1,615,000 208,36o $ 1, 23,360 $ 267,635 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT [.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK. INTENTIONALLY m ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT '1 1 1 1 1 �1 u II THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 311 1978 GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT GROUP OF ACCOUNTS General Obliqation Bonds of the City are summarized as follows: General Obligation Water Bonds Serviced by the Water Utility Fund, $ 25,000 Form G General Obligation Special Assessment Bonds serviced by Debt Service Funds - Special Assessment Bonds, 225,000 Form K General Obligation Bonds serviced by General Debt Service Funds 1,615,000 Form M Total General Obligation Bonds (Form A -4) $ 1,865,000 Statement of General Long -Term Debt Form M Page 81 Form M STATEMENT OF GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT December 31, 1978 AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED FOR THE PAYMENT OF GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT Amount available in debt service funds $ 451,070 Amount to be provided by future tax levies 1,163,930 Total Available and to be Provided $ 1,615,000 GENERAL LONG -TERM DEBT PAYABLE Serial Bonds Payable $ 1,615,000 In addition to the long -term debt exhibited in this statement, the City of Columbia Heights has a contingent liability against its full faith and credit on $225,000 of special assessment bonds recorded in the Capital Project Funds - Special Assessment Bonds. The general credit of the municipality is obligated only to the extent that liens foreclosed against properties involved in the special assessment district are insufficient to retire outstanding bonds. Also outstanding are $25,000 of 1965 dater General Obligation Bonds which are recorded in and serviced by the Water Utility Fund. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 81 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1978 STATISTICAL SECT101 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Assessed Value and Market Value of all Taxable Property Table I 82 Tax Rates Table II 84 City Tax Levy Table III 85 Tax Levies and Tax Collections Table IV 86 Special Assessment Collections Table V 86 Revenues - Other than Property Taxes and Special Assessments Table VI 88 Expenditures for Selected Functions Table VII 88 Summary of Debt Service Requirements to Maturity Table VIII 89 Statement of Legal Debt Margin Table IX 91 Schedule of Insurance in Force Table X 92 Principal City Officials and-Surety Bonds Table XI 94 Miscellaneous Statistical Facts Table XII 95 ASSESSED VALUE AND MARKET VALUE OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY YEARS 1972 THROUGH 1977 Population Real Property Assessed value Area -wide allocation: Contribution Distribution Market value Personal Property Assessed value Market - commercial Total Real and Personal Property Assessed value Market value Ratio of Total Assessed Value to Total Market value Per Capita Valuations Assessed value Market value [.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1972 1973 24,079 24,079 $ 53,793,085 $ 56,287,399 1974 23,503 $ 57,049,639 $155,846,893 $162,253,840 $164,040,324 $ 1,279,733 $ 1,278,820 $ 1,294,472 $ 2,975,380 $ 2,973,256 $ 3,010,400 $ 55,072,818 $ 57,566,219 $ 58,344,111 $158,822,273 $165,227,096 $167,050,724 :3467 :3484 :3492 $ 2,287 $ 2,391 $ 2,482 $ 6,596 $ 6,862 $ 7,108 82 RNNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT e Table I (1) 1975 and subsequent, property values include net amount allocated pursuant to the ''fiscal disparities law '', Laws 1971 Extra Session, Chapter 24, from area -wide (metropolitan) ''pool ''. .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 83 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1975 (1) 1976 1977 1978 23,316 22,324 21,890 21,300 $ 62,748,967 $ 67,746,917 $ 68,981,490 $ 71,691,406 $( 850,697) $( 850,697) $( 1,491,381) $( 1,400,000) $ 2,619,939 $ 2,355,131 $ 3,311,002 $ 2,377,093 $181,360,401 $198,140,355 $219,125,884 $248,901,043 $ 1,230,101 $ 1,220,899 $ 1,213,202 $ 1,221,501 $ 2,860,700 $ 2,839,300 $ 2,821,400 $ 2,840,700 $ 65,748,310 $ 70,472,250 $ 72,014,313 $ 73,800,000 $184,221,101 $200,979,655 $221,947,284 $251,741,743 :3569 :3506 :3245 :2932 $ 2,820 $ 3,157 $ 3,290 $ 3,465 $ 7,901 $ 9,003 $ 10,139 $ 11,819 (1) 1975 and subsequent, property values include net amount allocated pursuant to the ''fiscal disparities law '', Laws 1971 Extra Session, Chapter 24, from area -wide (metropolitan) ''pool ''. .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 83 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table II TAX RATES YEARS 1969 THROUGH 1978 Fiscal Metro Year City School County Council Other (B) Total 1969 60.10 180.74 59.28 1.28 308.20 1970 65.08 209.33 63.05 1.41 338.87 1971 66.77 211.08 62.78 1.43 342.06 1972 66.59 162.66 67.59 5.01 301.85 1973 20.14 49.88 19.81 1.79 .74 92.36 (A) 1974 20.10 53.49 18.47 2.52 .99 95.54 1975 22.40 54.12 19.96 4.42 .60 101.50 1976 21.75 49.16 19.73 2.73 .69 94.06 1977 20.41 47.26 19.84 3.00 .61 91.12 1978 22.13 46.53 22.02 2.73 .59 94.00 (A) Determination of assessed valuation calculation changed by state law enacted in 1971, Extra Session, Chapter 31, as amended (B) Rice Creek Watershed and 1/3 mill for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA aMINUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table III CITY TAX LEVY YEARS 1969 THROUGH 1978 (A) All for Storm Sewer Construction except 1976 the $100,000 is for settlement of Sullivan Lake law suit. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 85 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT City Bonds Fiscal Levy General Police Fire Civil and Year Total Fund Relief Relief Defense Interest Other (A) 1969 $ 836,234 $ 722,434 $ 20,800 $ 20,800 $ 2,000 $ 55,000 $ 15,000 1970 935,177 822,177 22,500 22,500 3,000 55,000 10,000 1971 1,134,670 972,960 30,150 24,000 11,000 81,560 15,000 1972 1,105,517 846,967 50,000 30,000 11,000 152,550 15,000 1973. 1,120,000 874,967 67,000 36,085 10,600 117,200 15,000 1974 1,156,540 899,045 67,000 42,700 17,000 115,795 15,000 1975 1,331,715 1,101,925 65,850 46,000 4,000 113,940 1976 1,429,510 896,270 66,000 47,000 20,24o 300,000 100,000 1977 1,441,044 1,069,044 66,300 47,000 35,700 223,000 1978 1,583,156 1,188,556 78,500 47,000 8,600 260,500 (A) All for Storm Sewer Construction except 1976 the $100,000 is for settlement of Sullivan Lake law suit. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 85 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Collected 1974 1975 1976 1977 1973 Total Tax Levy*_ $ 874,954 1,022,810 1,139,340 1,136,825 1,220,013 TAX LEVIES AND TAX COLLECTIONS Years 1974 Through 1978 Collections of Current Year's Taxes During Fiscal Period $ 863,795 995,242 1,117,070 1,123,704 1,186,640 Percentage of Levy Collected During Fiscal Period Collection of Prior Year's Taxes During Fiscal Period Total Collections 98.7 $ 10,136 $ 873,931 97.3 16,563 1,011,805 98.0 18,377 1,135,447 98.8 22,470 1,146,174 97.3 16,687 1,203,327 Tax levy has been adjusted by the 45% forgiveness (property .tax replacement) which is a revenue from other agencies and has been incorporated into Table VI SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COLLECTIONS Years 1975 Through 1978 Current Special Assessments Collected Percentage of Current Collected During Fiscal Period $ 49,149 Current Special Fiscal Assessment Becoming Due Period During Fiscal Period 1975 $ 90,045 1976 107,784 1977 114,673 1978 107,635 Current Special Assessments Collected Percentage of Current Collected During Fiscal Period $ 49,149 54.6% 60,320 56.0% 70,635 61.6% 68,029 63.2% Information for a limited numbers of years is presented as undo effort would be required to reconstruct this information from the prior system of record keeping. .CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 86 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT :e Delinquent Specials Collected During Fiscal Period (A) $ 71,642 67,434 65,345 46,218 Total Special Assessments Delinquent At End of Fiscal Period $ 116,642 111,221 98,553 66,142 Table IV Table V Deferred Special Assessments Collected Balance Fund Fiscal Period of Fiscal Period $ 75,305 $ 372,361 206,197 388,565 104,930 388,481 155,037 436,962 (A) The City bills the property owner directly when a special assessment installment becomes due. If the installment becomes delinquent, it is certified to the county for inclusion on the following years property tax statement and is shown as a delinquent collection. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 87 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Ratio Accumulated Ratio Delinquent of Total Accumulated Taxes to Collections Delinquent Current Year to Tax Levy Taxes Tax Levy .9988:1 $ 56,751 .0648:1 .9892:1 66,224 .0647:1 .9965:1 70,606 .0619:1 1.0082:1 59,211 .0520:1 .9863:1 64,287 .0527:1 Delinquent Specials Collected During Fiscal Period (A) $ 71,642 67,434 65,345 46,218 Total Special Assessments Delinquent At End of Fiscal Period $ 116,642 111,221 98,553 66,142 Table IV Table V Deferred Special Assessments Collected Balance Fund Fiscal Period of Fiscal Period $ 75,305 $ 372,361 206,197 388,565 104,930 388,481 155,037 436,962 (A) The City bills the property owner directly when a special assessment installment becomes due. If the installment becomes delinquent, it is certified to the county for inclusion on the following years property tax statement and is shown as a delinquent collection. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 87 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I k f Fiscal Yea r 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1876 1977 1978 Revenue From Other Agencies $ 428,538 667,175 514,253 817,715 1,285,224 1,070,363 1,304,408 1,635,915 1,883,756 2,059,462 REVENUES - OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Years 1969 Through 1978 Use of Money and Property $ 52,557 20,421 9,420 44,535 37,473 112,407 89,266 172,632 144,293 135,292 Charges for Service and Other Revenue $160,929 294,685 282,148 311,790 312,824 329,122 341,341 295,683 342,277 313,456 Licenses and Permits $40,016 35,278 41,438 33,823 37,216 41,259 47,807 62,079 71,228 76,870 EXPENDITURES FOR SELECTED FUNCTIONS Years 1969 Through 1978 Fines and $ 8,573 22,821 19,920 13,557 21,68o 20,181 29,573 47,096 50,406 38,191 Fiscal Year General Government Public Safety Public Works Sanitation Library 1969 $152,933 186,954 $ 398,874 468,848 $299,088 317,633 $ 78,805 166,834 $ 49,588 60,186 1970 1971 203,817 490,800 325,901 175,458 78,807 1972 226,527 605,120 357,504 196,700 75,500 1973 353,833 685,606 391,057 186,850 77,300 1974 311,850 860,723 457,316 208,752 82,500 1975 310,540 860,723 457,316 224,569 147,851 103,280 1976 1977 374,191 406,864 875,714 981,059 511,377 577,072 227,055 233,598 109,635 1978 424,527 1,070,279 606,541 246,957 121,968 Table VI Profits of Enterprises $321,956 341,996 287,261 238,732 308,080 361,747 298,283 261,837 127,166 175,885 Table VII Parks and _ - - - - a $249,785 400,795 291,204 333,047 369,402 420,323 463,877 512,066 537,332 676,027 1 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 88 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY December 31, 1978 $1,640,000 $209,234 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 89 Special Assessment Bonds Principal Interest $ 120,000 $ 8,465 50,000 4,365 50,000 2,315 5,000 215 $ 225,000 $ 15,360 &NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT General Obligation Bonds Principal Interest 1979 $ 310,000 $ 64,562 1980 285,000 53,357 1981 320,000 42,108 1982 340,000 29,157 1983 245,000 15,010 1984 140,000 5,040 $1,640,000 $209,234 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 89 Special Assessment Bonds Principal Interest $ 120,000 $ 8,465 50,000 4,365 50,000 2,315 5,000 215 $ 225,000 $ 15,360 &NNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Table VIII Total Principal Interest Total $ 430,000 $ 73,027 $ 503,027 335,000 57,722 392,722 370,000 44,423 414,423 345,000 29,372 374,372 245,000 15,010 260,010 140,000 5,040 145,040 $1,865,000 $224,594 $2,089,594 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 90 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT I n n u n STATEMENT OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN December 31, 1978 Assessed Value Debt Limit 6.67% of Assessed Value (Note A) Amount of Debt Limit Applicable to Debt Limit: Total bonded debt Less Note B: General obligation water bonds $ 25,000 Special assessment bonds 225,000 Total Debt Applicable to Debt Limit Legal Debt Margin $ 1,865,000 250,000 Table IX $ 73,800,000 * $ 4,922,460 $ 1,615,000 $ 3,307,460 Note (A) : M.S.A. Section 475.53 (Limit on Net Debt) "Subdivision 1. Generally. Except as otherwise provided in sections 475.51 to 475.70, no municipality, except a school district or a city of the first class, shall,incur or be subject to a net debt in excess of 6.67 percent of the assessed value." Note (B) : M.S.A. Section 475.51 Definitions: 'Subdivision 4. 'Net Debt' means the amount remaining after deducting from its gross debt the aggregate of the principal of the following: (1) Obligations issued for improvements which are payable wholly or partly from the proceeds of special assessments levied upon property specially benefitted thereby, including those which are general obligations of the municipality issuing them, if the municipality is entitled to reimbursement in whole or in part from the proceeds of the special assessments. (2) Warrants or orders having no definite or fixed maturity. (3) Obligations payable wholly from the income from revenue - producing conveniences. (4) Obligations issued to create or maintain a permanent improvement revolving fund. (5) Obligations issued for the acquisition, and betterment of public water -works systems, and public lighting, heating or power systems and of any combination thereof or for any other public convenience from which a revenue is or may be� derived. (6) Amount of all money and the face value of all securities held as a sinking fund for the extinguishment of obligations other than those deductible under this subdivision." Includes valuation from "fiscal disparity" legislation; Minnesota laws 1971, Extra Session, Chapter 24. See Table I. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 91 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1978 Type of Coverage All Risk Coverage under the Public and Institutional Property Policy (90% Coinsurance -$500 Deductible) Central Avenue On Sale 40th Avenue Liquor Store University Avenue Liquor Store Policy Period from to 1 -1 -78 12 -31 -78 Building or Structure Contents $ 15,000 45,000 55,000' $ 115,000 (90% Coinsurance -$500 Deductible) City Hall $1,200,000 $ 200,000 Library 508,450 167,200 City Garage 846,800 80,000 Liquor Store - Central 323,635 73,800 Liquor Store -40th Avenue 67,000 6,600 Liquor Store - University Avenue 109,600 9.990 Community Center 545,300 27,500 Parks (7) 484,150 1,800 Well House -La Belle Park 2,550 Bandstand 12,600 Bath House - Silver Lake 30,300 Warming Houses - Silver Lake 9,400 Lift Stations (3) 10,050 Water Tower 285,600 Pump Stations (2) 54,200 45,950 Warehouse- Cement 7,500 1,100 Warehouse -Metal 3,800 Water Meter Vault 3,000 $4,500,935 $ 616,940 ($100 Deductible) Personal property consisting of road construction equipment, maintenance equipment and other equip- ment stored in municipal buildings ($500 Deductible on Police and Fire only) Personal property consisting of motor vehicles I CITY OF COLUMBIA NEI6MTS, MINNESOTA 92 $ 648,040 $ 455,484 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Type of Coverage Boiler expolsion Workmen's Compensation Comprehensive Auto Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Uninsured Mororists Automobile Physical Damage Comprehensive Bus Liability Bodily Injury Property Damage Uninsured Motorists Comprehensive General Liability* Bodily Injury Property Damage Statutory Liquor Legal Libility Table X Policy Period from to 1 -1 -78 12 -31 -78 $100,000 per accident (City Hall, Field House, Municipal Service Building.) 1 -1 -73 12 -31 -73 Statutory 1 -1 -78 12 -31 -78 1 -1 -78 3 -31 -73 4 -13 -78 12 -31 -73 $50/300,000 $ 50,000 $25/ 50,000 $35/300,000/200,000 ($500 deductible on Police and Fire vehicles) $100/300,000 $ 50,000 $ 25/ 50,000 1 -1 -78 12 -31 -78 $300,000 ($250 Deductible) $ 50,000 1 -1 -78 12 -31 -78 $300,000 The comprehensive general liability - includes the following additional coverages: (a) Personel injury coverage to include false arrest, libel, slander, wrongful entry or eviction or invasion of right of privacy (b) Loss of business income (c) All employees as additional insureds (d) Comprehensive glass and neon sign breakage (e) Miscellaneous property floater. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 93 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Name Mayor and Council: Bruce G. Nawrocki E. "Sebe" Heintz Kenneth E. Hentges Walter S. Logacz Gayle R. Norberg Administration: Robert S. Bocwinski Timothy Yantos John E. Schedler Ronald Kalina Earl Gustafson George Brown Mildred Carlson Stuart Anderson Donald Johnson Max Thomas Arden Hovland Martin Gavic R.E. Petersen Gunner Pettersen (open) Mitch DeMars Donald Jolly John Murzyn Linda Hansen PRINCIPAL CITY OFFICALS AND SURETY BONDS Year Ended December 31, 1978 Official Title Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Table XI ' Amount of Surety Bond City Manager Administrative Assistant City Clerk- Treasurer - Finance Director- $ 25,000 Liquor Operations Manager City Attorney Public Works Director City Engineer City Assessor $ 25,000 Chief of Police Chief of Fire (A) Liquor Store Manager $ 25,000 Building Inspector Plumbing Inspector Heating Inspector Electrical Inspector City Planner Street Superintendent Water and Sewer Superintendent Park Superintendent Recreation and Community Services Director In addition to the positions lised above where bond amounts appear, the City has a $5,000 Faithful Performance Blank Position Bond on all City employees. (A) Similar coverage for Assistant Liquor Store Manager. I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 94 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 17 7 I u u 11 MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS 1978 Date of Incorporation Date of Adoption of City Charter Form of Government Fiscal Year Begins Area of City Miles of Streets and Alleys: Trunk Highways County Other Alleys Miles of Sewers: Storm Sewers Sanitary Sewers Watermain Miles Building Permits: 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Estimated Cost: 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 I.CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 95 Table X1 March 14, 1898 July 21, 1921 Council- Manager January 1 3.52 Square Miles 3.0 6.2 57.8 15.9 32.6 59.8 65.6 552 655 613 518 529 485 608 595 658 687 $ 1,864,357 1,251,172 4,044,282 2,180,740 2,032,525 2,916,519 3,148,524 3,412,415 4,701,644 6,996,678 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL FACTS (CONTINUED) Fire Protection: Number of Stations Number of Employees: Full time Volunteer Police Protection: Number of Stations Number of Employees Parks: City Parks Playground County Park Schools: Senior High Junior High Elementary Parochial Elementary Employees: (as of December 31, 1977) Regular Part time Temporary Elections: Registered voters - last general election Number of votes cast last general election Percentage of registered voters voting Population: 1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1965 (mid- decade census) 1970 (census) 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1973 I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA g6 Table X1 1 23 13 1 1 1 2 5 1 102 44 12 158 11,682 8,368 71.6% 123 2,968 5,613 6,035 8,175 17,533 23,283 23,997 24,079 24,079 23,503 23,316 22,324 21,890 21,300 MNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT