HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Financial Statements1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1969 f 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Elected Mayor - Bruce Nawrocki Councilmen William Land Walter S. Logacz Eusebius Heintz Dale Jeska Appointed City Manager - Malcolm 0. Watson Clerk- treasurer - Alvin P. Theis Attorney - Spencer Sokolowski Engineer - George F. Brown Term of office expires January 1972 1972 1972 1974 1974 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Independent certified public accountants' opinion 1 Comments 2 Balance sheets - All funds 8 General Fund Balance sheet 10 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 11 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 12 Special revenue funds Balance sheets 18 Recreation Fund Statement of revenue, expenditures and fund balance 20 Civil Defense Fund Statement of revenue, expenditures and fund balance 21 State -aid funds - Statements of cash receipts and disbursements 23 Central Avenue Bridge Fund - Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 23 Storm Sewer Construction Fund Balance sheet 24 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 25 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Balance sheet 26 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 27 Debt service funds Balance sheets 28 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 30 Liquor Operating Fund Balance sheet 33 Statements of operating income 34 Analysis of changes in retained earnings 34 Statements of operating expenses 36 Public utility funds Balance sheets 38 Statement of income and fund balance Water Operating Fund 39 Sewer Operating Fund 40 Water System Improvement Fund - Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 41 Pension Fund - Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 41 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Miscellaneous information Statement of cash and security for deposits 42 Summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements - All funds 42 Bonds payable - All funds 43 Debt service requirements - All funds 45 Insurance coverage 46 Employees' surety bonds 46 Assessed valuations, tax levies and mill rates 47 GEORGE M. HANSEN COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 175 SOUTH PLAZA BUILDING WAYZATA BOULEVARD AT HIGHWAY 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 545 -5657 To the City Council of Columbia Heights, Minnesota April 22, 1970 We have examined the accompanying financial statements of the City of ' Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1969° Except as indicated in the following paragraph, our examination was made in ac- cordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing ' procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying statements, except for the utility funds ' which do not include fixed assets and related depreciation, present fairly the financial position of the respective funds of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota at December 31, 1969 and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting ' principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA The City of Columbia Heights as amended. The form of gov "Council- Manager Plan," The chief administrative officer proper administration of all by popular vote and consists presiding officer. COMMENTS operates under a home rule charter adopted June 9, 1921 ernment established by this charter is known as the City Manager, who is appointed by the Council, is the of the City and is responsible to the Council for the affairs relating to the City. The Council is elected of five members including the Mayor, who is the The City statements, except for the operating funds, are presented under the modified cash basis whereby revenues are not considered as such until collected. Expenditures are recorded as soon as the liability is incurred. Accordingly, the receivables on the balance sheets, except certain interfund balances, are offset by a reserve identi- fied as unrealized revenue. Statements for the operating funds are presented under the accrual basis of accounting. A statement of General Fixed Assets has not been included in this report since general fixed asset records are not maintained. GENERAL FUND The General Fund was established to account for the revenues and expenditures neces- sary to provide basic governmental services to the City such as general government, public safety and highways. In the following statements revenues are recorded by source, while expenditures are recorded by department. A plan of financial operation of the Fund is set forth in the annual budget adopted by Council. The General Fund statements are prepared to show the budget estimate, actual amount and balance. A condensed summary of revenue and expenditures for 1969 and 1968 is shown below, REVENUE General property taxes Licenses and permits Fines and forfeitures From other agencies Charges for current services Refuse collections Refunds Other revenues Transfers from Liquor Operating Fund 1969 1968 Budget Budget Actual estimates Actual estimates $ 754,354 $ 751,675 $ 715,658 $ 706,925 40,016 33,990 44,036 34,545 8,573 9,340 16,308 13,250 177,650 177,700 175,625 177,700 49,587 48,270 47,861 44,100 84,930 84,030 81,737 76,020 17,271 13,420 16,978 10,880 41,619 93,230 3,949 98,690 25,086 14,850 42,534 36,350 Total revenue 1.199.086 $1,226,505 $1,_,144,,686 1.198.460 3 ' EXPENDITURES 1969 1968(Restated) Budget Budget ' Actual estimates Actual estimates General government $ 147,076 $ 140,760 $ 143,564 $ 148,595 Public safety 380,140 395,880 350,123 341,845 Highways 293,231 274,200 245,968 240,880 Sanitation and waste removal 78,805 63,600 64,127 60,100 Library 49,588 49,695 44,926 44,975 Park department 193,722 175,705 153,873 171,105 Other 25,316 23,430 24,015 22,960 Transfers to other City funds 21,000 i ® Total expenditures $1.167.878 $1.123.270 $1,026.596 $1.051.460 The unrealized revenues shown on the balance sheet consist of taxes and other accounts receivable which will be recorded as revenue in the year collected. Expenditures for 1968 were restated to reflect an $8,000 liability to the State for reassessing. ' The General Fund deficit of $44,266 (as restated) at December 31, 1968 was reduced to a deficit of $13,057 at December 31, 1969. ' SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special revenue funds are established to account for taxes and other revenues (except special assessments) set aside for a particular purpose. Following is a brief description of each fund. Recreation Fund - This fund accounts for the City recreation program which is carried on in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 under the direction of a five - member board. Civil Defense Fund - This fund was established to account for civil defense expend- itures. Portions of these expenditures are reimbursed by the Federal Government through the State Department of Civil Defense. A general property tax levy and transfer from the Liquor Operating Fund finance the City's share of these costs. State -Aid Maintenance Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from the State of Minnesota for street maintenance are accounted for in this fund. A portion of each year's allotment is allocated to pay interest on State -aid bonded in- debtedness. An amount of $5,618 will be required from future revenue to cover expenses incurred to date. State -Aid Construction Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from the State of Minnesota for street construction are accounted for in this fund. A portion of allotments is pledged to pay State -aid bonds as they mature. During 1968, Apache Realty Fund made an interest free loan of $33,578 to the City in order to help finance the improvement of Stinson Boulevard. The City has pledged future construction allotments from the State of Minnesota for repayment of the loan. The loan is to be repaid in four equal annual installments beginning in 1972. State -Aid Bonds in the amount of $100,000 were sold during the year. Central Avenue Bridge Fund - This fund was established in 1969 to account for con- tributions received from citizens for construction of a footbridge over Central Avenue. Should the project be abandoned, contributions will be refunded. 4 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND The proceeds from the sale of the $350,000 and $915,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 and 1965, respectively, are accumulated in this fund and are to be used for construction of storm sewer drainage facilities. The accounting for the construction is being done in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and transfers are made from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund as monies are needed. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to account for special assessments and taxes levied to finance improvements or services deemed to benefit the proper- ties against which the assessments are levied. Primarily, transactions accounted for in.this fund are: 1. Receipt of bond proceeds. 2. Disbursement of bond proceeds for construction work done. 3. Disbursement of storm sewer construction costs and the reimbursements for such costs from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund. 4. Collection of assessments against benefited property and collection of taxes for the City's share of improvements. 5. Disbursement of assessment and tax collections to the General Debt Service Fund for payment of bonds and interest. During 1969, the City began construction of a watermain project estimated to cost in excess of $1,100,000. Financing has been provided from the sale of $660,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds and from a Federal grant, not to exceed $453,000, which is included in accounts receivable; additional temporary financing has been provided through sale of $170,000 in Emergency Debt Certificates. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for payment of general obligation bonds and other indebtedness thereon. The debt service funds have been presented to include the State -Aid Debt Service Fund and the General Debt Service Fund, the latter being divided into seven accounts. State -Aid Debt Service Fund Debt service for $120,000 State -aid bonds issued January 1, 1963 and $100,000 State -aid bonds issued November 1, 1969 is accounted for in this fund. Allocations are made from gasoline tax, street construction and maintenance allotments from the State of Minnesota to pay bonds and interest thereon, respectively. General Debt Service Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account - This account is used for the payment of bonds and interest of all Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds. Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account - This account was established to handle debt service for the Municipal Building Bonds issued June 1, 1959. Transfers from the Liquor Operating Fund are made to this account to provide the money required for payment of bonds and interest. Park Bonds of 1962 Account - Debt retirement (bonds and interest) of general ob- ligation bonds in the ammount of $325,000 issued February 1, 1962 is being accounted for in this account. Transfers from the Liquor Operating Fund are made to this account to provide the money required for payment of bonds and interest. r r r 5 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account - This account was established during 1964 to handle the debt retirement of the $350,000 issue of Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964. General property taxes are being collected to provide the money required. Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account - This account was established during 1965 to handle the debt retirement of the $915,000 issue of Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965. General property taxes, along with payments pledged by the Water Operating Fund, are being collected to provide the money required. The Village of Hilltop has agreed to pay $88,955 as its share of improvement cost. During 1969, $35,559 was received in the Storm Sewer Construction Fund from Hilltop. This amount has been included in the account receivable from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund. The balance will be repaid over the remaining life of the bond issue with interest on the unpaid balance. Water System Bonds Account - Debt retirement of water revenue bonds is to be made from monies transferred from the Water Utility Operating Fund. Net revenues of the Water Operating Fund are pledged for the payment of interest and bond redemption. In the event these revenues are insufficient to pay bonds and interest, general taxes or transfers from other funds would be needed to produce the additional money required. Library Bonds of 1966 Account - This account was established to handle the debt retire- ment for the $90,000 issue of Library Bonds of 1966. Transfers from the Liquor Operating Fund are made to this account to provide the money required for payment of bonds and interest. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND This fund was established to account for the operation of the City owned liquor stores. Percentages and detailed statements by stores are included in the report as additional aids in reviewing results of operations. Shown below is a condensed summary of liquor store operations for 1967, 1968 and 1969. Transfers to other City funds Percent of Percent of Percent of /1 111 0 MIA-goal :1 ' =11 111 1 1969 1968 1967 Percent Percent Percent of sales of sales of sales Sales Off sale $ 820,678 75.47 $ 786,963 76.06 $725,973 76.49 On sale 266,680 24.53 247,678 23.94 223,119 23.51 Total sales $1,087,358 100.00 $1,034,641 100.00 $949,092 100.00 Cost of sales 720,763 66.29 691,595 66.84 636,187 67.03 Gross profit $ 366,595 33.71 $ 343,046 33.16 $312,905 32.97 Operating expenses 228,062 20.97 204,753 19.79 190,103 20.03 Operating income $ 138,533 12.74 $ 138,293 13.37 $122,802 12.94 Other income and expense (net) 9,754 .96 9,995 .96 4,751 .50 Net income $ 148,287 13.70 S 148,288 14.33 $127,553 13 Transfers to other City funds Percent of Percent of Percent of /1 111 0 MIA-goal :1 ' =11 111 1 M PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS Water and Sewer utilities operating funds - These funds account for the operations of the City owned water and sanitary sewer systems. Fixed assets of these utilities are not included on the balance sheet and depreciation thereof is not shown as an operating expense since the City does not maintain fixed asset ledgers for the utility systems. During 1965 and 1966, revenue bonds in the amount of $310,000 were sold. Revenues of the Water Utility Operating Fund are pledged for payment of principal and interest on these bonds. Utility revenue is also pledged to repay a loan of $100,650 to the Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account. In accordance with the terms of a contract between the City of Columbia Heights, and the City of Minneapolis, dated July 1, 1965, Columbia Heights has agreed to lease perpetually from Minneapolis a 6,200,000 gallon volume share of capacity in the Minneapolis Hilltop reservoir for $458,000 payable in annual amounts of $91,600 with final payment due in 1970. At its option, Columbia Heights may also acquire an additional 1,000,000 gallon share of capacity from Minneapolis for $61,000. Sewer rental charges due the City of Minneapolis for 1969, reflected in the accompanying statements at $65,000, are in dispute. Minneapolis has proposed settlement of the charges for approximately $74,000. A condensed summary of 1969 utility operations with budget estimates presented for comparison is shown below. Expenses Source of supply Water $140,000 Sewer Budget Budget $ 51,223 Actual estimates Actual estimates Revenue Disposal Water sales $328,453 $268,500 65,000 52,200 Sewer rental 17,674 $188,946 $144,900 Other 5,555 6,700 1,758 30,000 Total revenue $334,008 $275,200 $190,704 $174,900 Expenses Source of supply $128,061 $140,000 Collection $ 51,223 $ 47,150 Distribution 68,782 45,520 Disposal 65,000 52,200 Administrative and general 17,674 23,930 9,968 16,500 Other 10,335 11,000 Total expenses $224,852 $220,450 $126,19i $115,850 Net income $109,156 $ 54,750 $ 64,513 $ 59,050 Capital outlay expenditures Water System Improvement Fund $ 50,000 Transfer to General Debt Service Fund $ 18,999 $ 30,000 Other 6,892 $ 16,050 6,265 29,050 Total capital outlay expenditures $ 56,892 $ 16,050 $ 25,264 59,050 Increase in fund balance 52,264 00 ,$ -0- ' PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS (CONTINUED) Water System Improvement Fund - This fund was established in 1965 to account for the preceeds from the sale of Water System Bonds. The bond proceeds are used for con- ' sturction and improvement of the City's Water distribution system. Debt retirement is being accounted for in the General Debt Service Fund. An amount of $50,000 was received in 1969 from the Water Operating Fund. The 1969: installment of the lease contract, referred to above, was paid to the City of Minneapolis in January, 1970. An additional $84,584 will be required to finance construction obligations outstanding at December 31, 1969. 1 Pension Fund - This fund was established to account for the collection of general property taxes levied and other revenue to pay for the City's share of the con- tributions to the Public Employees' Retirement Association and Social Security Administration. 7 q:3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1969 Special General revenue Combined Fund funds ASSETS Cash $1,552,060 $ 51,653 $ 75,938 Petty cash and change funds 3,125 450 275 Cash with fiscal agents 367,965 Investments, at cost 52,096 Accounts receivable Other City funds 178,616 15,092 19,501 Other 801,148 74,498 78,348 Taxes receivable Delinquent 20,727 17,890 587 Deferred 2,936,852 Accrued interest receivable 16,500 990 Special assessments receivable Delinquent (principal and interest) 124,890 Deferred (principal only) 440,716 Inventories, at cost 141,334 Prepaid expenses 16,469 Unassessed costs 235,255 Deferred charges 91,600 Emergency debt certificate authorized - Unissued 170,000 Amounts to be provided by future revenues 780,541 50,941 39,661 Fixed assets (Municipal Liquor Operating Fund only) at cost, less accumulated depreciation 189,250 Total assets $8,119PI44 2 2 0 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Other City funds $ 178,616 $ 349 $ 7,459 Other 513,062 130,281 35,913 Deposits 16,196 500 Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest 367,965 Future maturities Bonds 3,406,000 Interest 753,900 Reserves 2,357,805 93,441 161,494 Retained earnings 427,843 Fund balance (deficit) - 97,757 (13,057) 9,444 Total liabilities, reserves and fund balance $8,119,144 0 111"0 Note - General fixed assets owned by the City are not included in the financial statements since records thereof are not maintained. ' 9 ' Storm Sewer Permanent Municipal Con- Improvement Debt Liquor Public struction Revolving service Operating utility Pension Fund Fund funds Fund funds Fund $120,120 $ 559,267 $ 402,931 $123,912 $202,515 $ 15,724 2,400 367,965 7,450 44,646 763 349 141,535 1,376 460,003 55,548 132,751 208 34 1,637 371 2,936,852 1,980 8,580 1,980 2,970 124,890 440,716 139,529 1,805 2,624 135845 235,255 ' 91,600 170,000 689,939 189,250 ' 0 2 1.999.094 $4,641,052 0 $ 53,194 $ 19,501 $ 985113 1 142 $ 51,400 $ 31,852 263,474 15,696 367,965 3,406,000 753,900 77,185 1,931,998 93,687 427,843 855275 $ 16,095 1.999.094 $4,641,052 j 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1969 ASSETS Cash $ 51,653 Petty cash and change funds 450 Accounts receivable State -Aid Construction Fund 6,083 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 9,009 Other 74,498 Delinquent taxes receivable 17,890 Accrued interest receivable 990 Amount to be provided by future revenues for payment of special assessments 50,941 Total assets LIABILITY, RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE Liability - Accounts payable Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund $ 349 Special assessments 50,941 Other 79,340 Deposit payable 500 Reserve for unrealized revenue 93,441 Fund balance (deficit) (13,057) Total liability, reserve and fund balance I211.,514 I 11 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates General property taxes Taxes $ 576,272 State property tax relief fund Homestead tax aid 144,189 Exempt property tax replacement 31,885 Penalties and interest on taxes 21008 $ 754,354 $ 751,675 $ 2,679 Licenses and permits Business $ 18,610 $ 12,470 $ 6,140 Nonbusiness 21,226 20,720 506 ' Street use 180 800 J 620) $ 40,016 $ 33,990 $ 6,026 ' Fines and forfeitures Court fines $ 7,999 $ 8,800 $( 801) Other 574 540 34 $ 8,573 $ 9,340 $ ( 767) Revenue from use of money and property - Rents $ 1,380 $ 1,380 ' Revenue from other agencies - Shared taxes Per capita apportionment $ 83,633 $ 83,000 $ 633 Cigarette and liquor taxes 82,887 80,000 2,887 Mortgage registry 5,004 5,004 Mobile homes 106 106 Anoka County - Street maintenance 6,020 4,700 12320 Park improvement grants 10,000 (10,000) $ 177,650 $ 177,700 $( 50) Charges for current services General government $ 375 $ 170 $ 205 Public safety 1,981 1,500 481 Highways 19,006 23,000 ( 3,994) Library 1,898 1,500 398 Park 23,109 18,900 4,209 Parking meters 3,218 32200 18 $ 49,587 $ 48,270 $ 1,317 Refuse collections $ 84,930 $ 84,030 $ 900 Sale or compensation for loss of property $ 37,023 $ 90,000 $ (52,977) Refunds $ 17,271 $ 13,420 $ 32851 ' Other revenue $ 3,216 $ 1,850 $ 1,366 Transfer from Liquor Operating Fund $ 252086 $ 14,850 $ 10,236 ' Total revenue 1499.086 51.226.505 (27.41 ) 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BIDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Municipal Court Personal services $ 5,486 $ 5,840 Actual Contractual services 232 90 over Commodities 37 Budget (under) Other charges Actual estimates estimates General Government $ 5,755 $ 6,050 Mayor and Council Election and Voters Registration Personal services $ 9,780 $ 9,800 $( 20) Commodities Commodities 136 594 136 Other charges 4,551 3,166 2,700 1,851 Refunds Finance 328 300 28 $ 14,795 $ 12,800 $ 1,995 City Manager Personal services $ 10,953 $ 9,600 Personal services $ 29,411 $ 30,150 $( 739) Contractual services Commodities 1,242 2,030 1,005 237 ( 570) $ 30,653 $ 31,155 $( 502) Municipal Court Personal services $ 5,486 $ 5,840 $( 354) Contractual services 232 90 142 Commodities 37 100 ( 63) Other charges 20 ( 20) $ 5,755 $ 6,050 $ ( 295) Election and Voters Registration Personal services $ 2,572 $ 2,400 $ 172 Commodities 594 1,000 ( 406) $ 3,166 $ 3,400 $( 234) Finance Clerk - Treasurer Personal services $ 10,953 $ 9,600 $ 1,353 Contractual services 3,499 3,750 ( 251) Commodities 2,030 2,600 ( 570) Other charges 32 300 ( 268) Capital outlay 657 800 ( 143) Assessing Personal services 18,206 18,800 ( 594) Contractual services 744 300 444 Capital outlay 355 355 Commodities 39 39 Accounting Personal services 11,219 11,900 ( 681) Independent Accounting and Auditing 3,650 3,850 200) 51,384 $ 51,900 516) I 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED YEAR ENDED DECEMBER WITH BUDGET 31, 1969 ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates General Government (Continued) Legal Personal services $ 8,608 $ 8,200 $ 408 Contractual services 50 50) $ 8,608 $ 8,250 $ 358 Civil Service Commission - Other charges $ 660 $ 300 $ 360 Board of Equalization - Other charges $ 5 $( 5) Planning - Personal services $ 4,520 $ 3,000 $ 1,520 General Government Buildings Personal services $ 5,588 $ 4,200 $ 1,388 Contractual services 182768 15,940 2,828 ' Commodities 815 550 265 Capital outlay 2,364 3,210 846) $.27,535 $ 23,900 $ 3,635 Total general government 147,076 $140,760 6,316 ' Public Safety Police Protection Personal services $178,104 $185,150 $( 7,046) ' Contractual services 5,555 10,180 ( 4,625) Commodities 14,393 13,140 1,253 Other charges 24,002 23,140 862 Capital outlay 8,737 9,500 763) $230,791 $241,110 10,319) Fire Protection Personal services $ 89,338 $ 94,460 $( 5,122) Contractual services 2,523 2,400 123 Commodities 1,850 1,850 Other charges 25,070 25,110 ( 40) Capital outlay 3,044 31,000 44 $121,825 $126,820 $ ( 4,995) ' Protective Inspection Personal services $ 23,215 $ 24,150 $( 935) Contractual services 586 200 386 Other charges 123 123 $ 23,924 $ 24,350 $(_ 426) ' Animal Control - Contractual services $ 31,600 $ 3,600 Total public safety $380,140 $395,880 $(15,740) 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Highways Engineering Personal services Contractual services Commodities Other charges Capital outlay Street and Alley Personal services Contractual services Commodities Other charges Capital outlay Traffic Signs, Signals and Markings .Contractual services Commodities Other charges Capital outlay Street Lighting Contractual services Capital outlay Parking Meters Personal services Commodities Other charges Capital outlay Tree Trimming and Removal Contractual services Total highways Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates $ 30,064 $ 30,600 $( 536) 514 1,500 ( 986) 1,197 1,600 ( 403) 75 75 259 2,000. ( 1,741) $ 32,109 $ 35,700 $( 3,591) $126,218 $132,000 $( 5,782) 16,353 11,550 4,803 48,144 33,850 14,294 1,573 1,100 473 18,181 111000 7,181 $210,469 $189,500 $ 20,969 $ 4,042 $ 3,500 $ 542 2,354 2,200 154 63 100 ( 37) 8,114 12,000 3,886) $ 14,573 $ 17,800 $( 3,227) $ 24,060 $ 24,500 $( 440) 5,547 5,547 $ 29,607 $ 24,500 $ 5,107 $ 1,536 $ 1,300 $ 236 210 2,300 ( 2,090) 2,474 2,000 474 1,972 100 12872 6,192 $ 5,700 492 $ 281 $ 1,000 719) $293,231 $274,200 19,031 '1 L 15 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA $( 1,500) Other charges $ 406 8,544 300 106 GENERAL FUND $ 1,800 $ ( 1,394) STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) $ 15,205 Capital outlay YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 47 Total library $ 49,588 $ 492695 $ ( 107) Park Department Actual Parks over Personal services $ 78,691 Budget (under) Contractual services 5,377 Actual estimates estimates 8,380 Sanitation and Waste Removal ( 285) Other charges 322 380 Refuse Collection and Disposal Capital outlay 82,020 63,000 19,020 Personal services $ 2,808 $ 3,400 $( 592) Refunds Contractual services 73,800 57,000 16,800 6,389 Commodities 1,791 1,400 391 $165,145 $ 162181 $ 78,399 $ 61,800 $ 16,599 Weed Control Personal services $ 1,500 $( 1,500) Other charges $ 406 8,544 300 106 $ 406 $ 1,800 $ ( 1,394) Total sanitation and waste removal $ 78,805 $ 63,600 $ 15,205 Library Personal services $ 25,222 $ 23,920 $ 1,302 Contractual services 8,544 9,500 ( 956) Commodities 14,775 15,100 ( 325) Other charges 175 ( 175) Capital outlay 1,047 1,000 47 Total library $ 49,588 $ 492695 $ ( 107) Park Department Parks Personal services $ 78,691 $ 80,300 $( 1,609) Contractual services 5,377 4,750 627 Commodities 8,380 8,665 ( 285) Other charges 322 380 ( 58) Capital outlay 82,020 63,000 19,020 Sales tax collections 147 147 Refunds 50 ( 50) Merchandise for resale 6,389 8,000 1 611) $181,326 $165,145 $ 162181 Wading Pools Personal services $ 741 $ 600 $ 141 Commodities 784 400 384 $ 1,525 $ 1,0001 $ 525 Skating Rinks Personal services $ 8,244 $ 7,000 $ 1,244 Commodities 2,627 20500 127 10,871 9,500 $ 1,371 Bowling Alleys - Commodities $ 60 $( 60) Total park department $193,722 $175,705 $ 18,017 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Unallocated General Expense Other charges $ 25,316 $ 23,430 $ 1,886 Total expenditures 51,167,878 $1,123,270 5 44 X608 Excess of revenue over expenditures $ 31,208 $ 103,235 $ (72,027) Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1969 (31,195) (31,195) Adjustments to fund balance January 1, 1969 Transfer to reserve for unrealized revenue ( 5,070) ( 5,070) Accounts payable ( 8,000) ( 8,000) Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1969 (13. 057) $ 72,040 $85, 097) w CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1969 Combined ASSETS Cash $ 75,938 Petty cash and change funds 275 Accounts receivable State -Aid Debt Service Fund 19,501 Other 78,348 Delinquent taxes receivable 587 Amounts to be provided by future revenues for Reimbursement of expenses to General Fund 6,083 Repayment of loan from Apache Realty Fund 33,578 Total assets LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Other City funds General Fund $ 6,083 Water Operating Fund 1,376 Other 35,913 Reserves for Unrealized revenue 1,742 Authorized improvements 159,752 Fund balance (deficit) 9,444 Total liabilities, reserve and fund balance 2 3 19 $ 6,083 $ 1,376 $ 972 $ 170 34,771 516 1,226 158,074 $ 1,678 4,084 10,822 ( 5,618) $ 156 Civil Central Mayor's Recreation Defense State -aid funds Avenue Contingent Fund Fund Maintenance Construction Bridge Fund Fund $ 4,781 $ 10,992 $(13,743) $ 72,074 $ 1,678 $ 156 275 9,501 10,000 1,155 77,193 516 71 6,083 33,578 5.572 2 2 2 2) 198.928 S 156 $ 6,083 $ 1,376 $ 972 $ 170 34,771 516 1,226 158,074 $ 1,678 4,084 10,822 ( 5,618) $ 156 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE,EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Revenue General property taxes $ 17,544 $( 548) Contractual services State property tax relief fund 1,875 ( 707) Commodities 530 Homestead tax aid 30 4,411 2,143 2,685 Exempt property tax replacement Capital outlay 974 750 ( 156) Other expense $ 22,929 $ 23,000 $( 71) Contribution from Independent School 1,600 22 Athletic supplies 1,479 District No. 13 ( 121) 23,000 23,000 2,100 Fees Beach supervision 5,910 6,000 ( 90) Refunds $ 50,206 $ 52,078 78 ( 78) Total revenue $ 51,839 $ 52,078 $( 239) Expenditures Personal services $ 36,770 $ 37,318 $( 548) Contractual services 1,168 1,875 ( 707) Commodities 530 500 30 Other charges 2,143 2,685 ( 542) Capital outlay 594 750 ( 156) Other expense 179 150 29 Playground after school programs 1,622 1,600 22 Athletic supplies 1,479 1,600 ( 121) Referee fees 2,190 2,100 90 Beach supervision 3,531 3,500 31 Total expenditures $ 50,206 $ 52,078 $ ( 1,872) Revenue over (under) expenditures $ 1,633 $ 1,633 Fund balance January 1, 1969 2,451 2,451 Fund balance December 31, 1969 L— 21 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE,EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Revenue General property taxes $ 1,573 $ 8,890 $( 1,371) State property tax relief fund 644 1,400 ( 756) Homestead tax aid 392 650 ( 300) Exempt property tax replacement 85 1,910 420 Capital outlay $ 2,050 $ 2,000 $ 50 Federal aid 5,634 5,000 634 Interest earned 393 $ -0- 393 Refunds 15 5,606 15 Transfer from Liquor Operating Fund 10,000 10,000 ,� 2 Total revenue 18,092 $ 17,000 $ 1,092 Expenditures Personal services $ 7,519 $ 8,890 $( 1,371) Contractual services 644 1,400 ( 756) Commodities 350 650 ( 300) Other charges 2,330 1,910 420 Capital outlay 2,033 4,150 2,117 Total expenditures $ 12,876 _ $ 17,000 $( 4,124) Revenue over (under) expenditures $ 5,216 $ -0- $ 5,216 Fund balance January 1, 1969 5,606 5,606 Fund balance December 31, 1969 $ 10.822 L—L,�_U ,� 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 STATE-AID FUNDS Cash balance January 1, 1969 Receipts Shared State gasoline tax allotted for Street maintenance Street construction Payment of interest on bonds Proceeds from sale of bonds Interest earned Total receipts Disbursements Personal services Contractual services Commodities Other charges Transfer to State -Aid Debt Service Fund for payment of bonds and service charges Total disbursements Cash balance December 31, 1969 CENTRAL AVENUE BRIDGE FUND Receipts Donations Interest earned Cash balance December 31, 1969 Maintenance $ 201 $ 12,813 1,182 194 7.374 $ 21,563 $ 7,111 16,656 364 11.376 $ 35,507 Construction $ 32,478 $ 24,000 100,000 $124,000 $ 4,054 57,413 791 146 22,000 $ 84,404 2 07 $ 1,663 15 $ 1,678 23 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1969 ASSETS Cash Investments, at cost - City of Columbia Heights bonds Account receivable - Sewer Operating Fund Delinquent taxes receivable Accrued interest receivable Total assets LIABILITY AND RESERVE Liability - Accounts payable General Debt Service Fund General Fund Other Reserve for authorized improvements Total liability and reserve $120,120 7,450 763 208 1,980 $ 44,185 9,009 142 77,185 1122,,.521 25 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cash balance January 1, 1969 $ 70,182 Receipts General property taxes $ 11,406 State property tax relief fund Homestead tax aid 2,872 Exempt property tax replacement 633 $ 14,911 Interest earned 6,387 Village of Hilltop - Share of costs 35,559 Transfers from other City funds Liquor Operating Fund 17,900 Water Operating Fund 8,528 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 7,805 Total receipts $ 91,090 Disbursements Personal services $ 7,207 Contractual services 6,975 Commodities 521 Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 18,999 Investments purchased 7,450 Total disbursements $ 41,152 Cash balance December 31, 1969 2 20 26 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1969 Ii'6163 I[0 Cash $ 559,267 Accounts receivable General Fund 349 Other 460,003 Delinquent taxes receivable 34 Special assessments receivable Delinquent (principal and interest) 124,890 Deferred (principal only) 440,716 Accrued interest receivable 8,580 Unassessed costs Storm Sewer 27,789 Other 207,466 Emergency Debt Certificate Authorized - Unissued 170,000 Total assets $1,999,094 LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Liabilities Accounts payable $ 51,400 Deposits 15,696 Reserves for Encumbrances 1,108,866 Payment of bonds and interest 823,132 Total liabilities and reserves 1.999.094 (1) Bonded indebtedness (principal and interest) corresponding to bond proceeds used to finance storm sewer construction is to be paid by a general property tax levy and special assessments. Taxes for this purpose in the amount of $55,000 were levied for collection in 1970. (2) Substantially all of other unassessed costs are to be assessed against benefited property. (3) The City is following the practice of transferring from this fund to the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Account) amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from the account and canceling corresponding annual collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown in the account. 27 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cash balance January 1, 1969 $103,734 Receipts General property taxes $ 68 Special assessments Collected by City 200,965 Collected by County Principal 91,351 Interest and penalties 5,192 Interest on investments 11,827 Special assessment searches and other receipts 223 Private watermain charges 250 Sale of bonds 660,400 Refunds and reimbursements 1 Total receipts $970P277 Disbursements Personal services $ 29,266 Contractual services 74,972 Commodities 26,509 Other charges 20,895 Land purchases 3,485 Refunds and reimbursements 462 Purchase of delinquent utility.accounts receivable 3,748 Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 355,407 Total disbursements $514,744 Cash balance December 31, 1969 J2 W ASSETS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA DEBT SERVICE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31. 1969 Cash Cash with fiscal agents Investments, at cost City of Columbia Heights Bonds Accounts receivable Storm Sewer Construction Fund Water Operating Fund Other Taxes receivable Delinquent Deferred* Amount to be provided by future revenues Total assets LIABILITIES AND RESERVE Accounts payable State -Aid Maintenance Fund State -Aid Construction Fund Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest Future maturities Bonds Interest Reserve for payment of bonds and interest Total liabilities and reserve State -Aid Debt Service Combined Fund Total $ 402,931 $ 20,011 $ 382,920 367,965 12,672 355,293 44,646 44,646 44,185 44,185 97,350 97,350 55,548 55,548 1,637 1,637 2,936,852 2,936,852 689,939 163,054 526,885 $4,641,053 $ 9,501 $ 9,501 10,000 10,000 367,965 12,672 355,293 3,406,000 136,000 3,270,000 753,900 27,564 726,336 93,687 4.641.053 93,687 4.445.31 *The City is following the practice of canceling current collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown for all bond issues, except the Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account and Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account, since amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from these accounts are transferred from other City funds. 29 General Debt Service Fund Permanent Municipal Storm Storm Improvement Building Park Sewer Sewer Water Library Revolving Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds System Bonds Fund Bonds of 1959 of 1962 of 1964 of 1965 Bonds of 1966 1 Account Account Account Account Account Account Account $ 249,199 $12,512 $ 32,951 $ 42,819 $ 32,947 $ 10,892 $ 1,600 262,738 16,555 39,145 15,842 5,180 15,833 44,646 ' 18,333 25,852 97,350 55,548 ' 1,111 526 1,314,912 58,770 232,900 241,300 1,072,637 16,333 138,971 24,039 350,143 13,732 2,028,799 $�$Z, $289,890 ,$3 $1,300,702 LU,49& $ 262,738 $16,555 $ 39,145 $ 15,842 $ 5,180 $15,833 1,500,000 60,000 $245,000 210,000 915,000 310,000 30,000 266,061 5,145 44,890 22,575 334,965 51,035 1,665 6,137 52,655 34,895 1 2,028799 $97, IE2jU 3 2 $1,300,702 3 2 30 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA DEBT SERVICE FUNDS STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Disbursements Bonds maturities $447,000 State -Aid $435,000 Interest on bonds 105,041 Debt Service Fiscal agents' service sharges 832 Combined 811 Fund Total Cash balance January 1, 1969 $408,465 $ -0- $408,465 Receipts General property taxes $ 54,907 $ 54,907 Transfers from other,City funds Storm Sewer Construction Fund 18,999 18,999 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 355,407 355,407 Liquor Operating Fund 56,023 56,023 Water Operating Fund 10,391 10,391 Sewer Operating Fund 18,236 18,236 State -Aid Construction Fund 22,000 $ 22,000 State -Aid Maintenance Fund 11,376 11,376 Total receipts $547,339 $ 33,376 $513,963 Disbursements Bonds maturities $447,000 $ 12,000 $435,000 Interest on bonds 105,041 1,344 103,697 Fiscal agents' service sharges 832 21 811 Total disbursements T552,873 13,365 $539,508 Cash balance December 31, 1969 $382,92Q ' General Debt Service Fund 31 Permanent Municipal Storm Storm Improvement Building Park Sewer Sewer Water Library Revolving Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds System Bonds Fund Bonds of 1959 of 1962 of 1964 of 1965 Bonds of 1966 Account Account Account Account Account Account Account $271,973 $ 12,895 $ 33,716 $ 43,887 $ 32,947 $ 10,892 $ 2,155 $ 41,379 $ 13,528 $ 18,999 355,407 $ 12,356 $ 27,531 $ 16,136 $ 10,391 18,236 '$374,406 $ 12,356 $ 27,531 $ 41,379 $ 31,764 $ 10,391 16,136 ' $355,000 $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 35,000 $ 15,000 41,632 2,720 8,250 7,385 $ 31,685 $ 10,360 1,665 ' 548 19 46 62 79 31 26 $397,180 $ 12,739 $ 28,296 $ 42,447 $ 31,764 $ 10,391 $ 16,691 $249,199 2 12 $ 32,9a ,$ 42,819 2 0 2 33 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,.MINNESOTA LIQUOR OPERATING FUND BALANCE -SHEET - DECEMBER 311 1969 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash $123,912 Petty cash and change funds 2,400 Accrued interest receivable 1,980 Inventories, at cost 139,529 Prepaid insurance 2,624 Total current assets $270,445 FIXED ASSETS, at cost Land and improvements $ 34,915 Buildings and improvements 185,226 Furniture and equipment 74,584 Total cost $294,725 Less accumulated depreciation 105,475 Total fixed assets (net) $189,250 Total assets $459,695 LIABILITY AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITY Accounts payable - Other $ 31,852 RETAINED EARNINGS Invested in fixed assets (net fixed assets) $189,250 Net working capital (current assets less current liabilities) 238,593 Total retained earnings $427,843 Total liability and retained earnings 45 34 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING INCOME FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Percent of sales Operating expenses Percent of sales Operating profit Percent of sales Other income Percent of sales Net income Percent of sales Total all stores $1,087,358 720,763 $ 366,595 33.71% $ 228,062 $ 138,533 12.74% $ 9,754 .96% $ 148,287 13.70% ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN RETAINED EARNINGS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Retained earnings January 1, 1969 $ 379,556 Net income 1489287 Transfers to other City funds (100,000) Retained earnings December 31, 1969 $ 427.$43 Total $820,678 619,706 $200,972 24.48% $108,791 13.25% $ 92,181 11.23% On sale store $266,680 101,057 $165,623 6 2 ,10% $119,271 44.72% $ 46,352 17.38°/ 35 Off sale stores No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 $311,765 $215,628 $293,285 2322045 163,909 2232752 $ 79,720 $ 51,719 $ 69,533 25.57% 23.98% 23.707. 1 $ 41,013 $ 31,219 $ 36,559 13.15% 14.47% 12.46% ' $ 38,707 $ 20,500 $ 32,974 12.41% 9.50% 11.24% On sale store $266,680 101,057 $165,623 6 2 ,10% $119,271 44.72% $ 46,352 17.38°/ 35 36 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING EXPENSES FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Total Total all Percent stores of sales Salaries and wages $162,474 $ 75,753 9.2'5 Pension contributions 13,092 5,984 .73 Employees' welfare 4,121 686 .08 Laundry 1,599 369 .04 Bar supplies 1,012 122 .01 Store supplies 2,394 1,986 .24 Office supplies 303 273 .03 Store expense 9,363 2,973 .36 Telephone 725 654 .08 Utilities 8,192- 4,991 .61 Insurance and bonds 9,254 5,686 .69 Depreciation 10,035 5,093 .62 Maintenance and repair 4,729 3,637 .44 Licenses and memberships 117 95 .01 Professional services 652 489 .06 Total operating expenses 2 2 $108,791 13.25 Off sale stores No. 1 No. 2 Percent Percent $ 24,059 of sales $ 86,721 of sales $ 28,875 9.26 $ 22,819 10.62 2,141 .69 1,917 .88 388 .12 149 .07 154 .05 91 .04 122 .04 408 .15 1,188 .38 369 .17 135 .04 51 .02 843 .27 822 .38 332 .11 173 .08 1,600 .51 1,212 .56 2,638 .84 1,223 .56 1,700 .55 1,397 .64 702 .23 802 .37 32 .01 31 .01 163 .05 163 .07 $ 31,219 No. 3 On sale 37 Percent Percent of sales of sales $ 24,059 8.21 $ 86,721 32.53 1,926 .66 7,108 2.66 149 .05 3,435 1.28 124 .04 1,230 .46 890 .33 429 .15 408 .15 87 .03 30 .01 1,308 .45 6,390 2.40 149 .05 71 .03 2.,179 .74 3,201 1.20 1,825 .62 3,568 1.34 1,996 .68 4,942 1.85 2,133 .72 1,092 .41 32 .01 22 .01 163 .05 163 .06 rr 11,4-6 1112_,21 44.72 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1969 Note - Fixed assets are not shown in this statement since their cost or present value was not available, Accordingly, depreciation is not included as an operating expense. Water Water Sewer System Operating Operating Improvement Combined Fund Fund Fund ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash $202,515 $118,641 $ 76,858 $ 7,016 Accounts receivable State -Aid Maintenance Fund 1,376 1,376 Customers 132,751 99,197 33,554 Accrued interest receivable 2,970 1,815 1,155 Inventory - Water meters, at cost 1,805 1,805 Prepaid interest 13,845 13,845 Total current assets $355,262 $236,679 $111,567 $ 7,016 DEFERRED CHARGES 91,600 91,600 Total assets $$L2 $328,279 ,$111,567 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Storm Sewer Construction Fund $ 763 $ 763 City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 258,052 $101,452 65,000 $ 91,600 Other 5,422 4,100 1,322 Total current liabilities $264,237 $105,552 $ 67,085 $ 91,600 DEFERRED LIABILITY General Debt Service Fund - Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account $ 97,350 $ 97,350 FUND BALANCE (deficit) $ 85,275 $125,377 $ 44,482 $(84,584) Total liabilities and fund balance 446.862 2 2 Note - Fixed assets are not shown in this statement since their cost or present value was not available, Accordingly, depreciation is not included as an operating expense. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Operating revenue Water sales $328,453 Hydrant rental 4,000 Meter sales - Net (Gross $3,580 less cost of sales $3,119) 461 Service connections 381 Miscellaneous 713 Total operating revenue Operating expenses (see footnote) Source of supply - Contractual services $128,061 Distribution Personal services 48,329 Contractual services 10,531 Commodities 9,266 Other charges 656 Administrative and general Personal services 8,643 Contractual services 2,276 Commodities 1,032 Other charges 5,723 Total - operating expenses Operating income Other income and expense Interest earned 5,284 Interest on revenue bonds (15,619) Net income Fund balance, January 1, 1969 Add - Adjustment to unbilled accounts receivable January 1, 1969 Deduct Capital outlay expenditures Furniture $ 100 Equipment 6,792 Transfer to Water System Improvement Fund 50,000 Fund balance, December 31, 1969 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet. $334,008 $214,517 $119,491 (10,335 $109,156 28,821 44,292 56,892 39 40 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SEWER OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Operating revenue - Sewer rental $188,946 Operating expenses (see footnote) Collection Personal services $ 36,558 Contractual services 4,042 Commodities 8,985 Other charges 1,638 Disposal - Contractual services 65,000 Administrative and general Personal services 2,155 Contractual services 1,799 Commodities 371 Other charges 5,643 Total operating expenses $126,191 Operating income $ 62,755 Other income - Interest earned 1,758 Net income $ 64,513 Fund balance, January 1, 1969 5,233 Deduct Capital outlay expenditures ( 6,265) Transfer to General Debt Service Fund (18,999) Fund balance, December 31, 1969 ,$ 44,482 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet, 41 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cash balance January 1, 1969 $ 4,856 Receipts Transfers from Water Operating Fund $ 50,000 Interest on investments 105 Total receipts $ 50,105 Disbursements - Water system improvements $ 47,945 Cash balance December 31, 1969 PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cash balance January 1, 1969 36,868 Receipts General property taxes $ 20,285 State property tax relief fund Per capita apportionment 40,000 Homestead tax aid 5,101 Exempt property tax replacement 1,126 Transfers from other City funds 22,870 Total receipts $ 89,382 Disbursements - Retirement contributions $110,526 Cash balance December 31, 1969 $ 15,724 42 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CASH AND SECURITY FOR DEPOSITS - DECEMBER 31, 1969 Face amount of securities Cash pledged as collateral Cash in banks Columbia Heights State Bank, Columbia Heights, Minnesota - Checking account $ 121,673 S 168000 Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Checking account 2,335 Savings certificates 852,307 $ 900,000 Total cash in banks $ 976,315 U. S. Treasury bills 575,745 Total treasurer cash $1,552,060 Additional security of $20,000 is provided at each depository bank by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Note - Minnesota statutes require a depository to pledge sufficient collateral to cover uninsured funds on deposit. The amount pledged by the Third Northwestern National Bank was $18,106 short of requirement at December 31, 1969. SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS - ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1969 Cash balance Disburse- Cash balance Fund January 1, 1969 Receipts ments December 31, 1969 General Fund $( 14,051) $1,246,535 $1,180,831 $ 51,653 Special revenue funds Recreation 2,667 51,838 49,724 4,781 Civil Defense 5,690 18,092 12,790 10,992 State -Aid Maintenance 201 21,563 35,507 ( 13,743) Construction 32,478 124,000 84,404 72,074 Central Avenue Bridge 1,678 1,678 Mayor's Contingent 156 156 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 70,182 91,090 41,152 120,120 Permanent Improvement Revolving 103,734 970,277 514,744 559,267 General Debt Service 408,465 547,339 552,873 402,931 Liquor Operating 93,799 1,130,062 1,099,949 123,912 Public Utility funds Water Operating 66,462 351,258 299,079 118,641 Sewer Operating ( 3,211) 189,669 109,600 76,858 Water System Improvement 4,856 50,105 47,945 7,016 Pension Fund 36,868 89,383 110,527 15,724 X808,296 4.882.889 X4,139,125 $I- 552,060 43 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BONDS PAYABLE - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31. 1969 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date STATE -AID DEBT SERVICE FUND Municipal State -Aid Street Bonds January 1, 1971 1/1/63 2.70% 1/1/71 $12,000 per year 2,90 1/1/72 -73 $10,000 per year 2/1/69 4.20* 2/1/70 -74 $10,000 per year 4e50* 2/1/75 -77 $10,000 per year 4.60* 2/1%78 -79 *Plus additional interest at the rate of 1.20% per annum on all bonds for the period April 1, 1969 to February 1, 1970, Total State Aid Debt Service Fund GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds $50,000 per year 9/1/57 4,50 12/1/70 -72 Permanent Improvement Revolving Funds Bonds $60,000 per year 7/1/60 3,70 7/1/70 -71 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds $50,000 per year 10/1/61 3.20 10/1/70 $50,000 per year 3,40 10/1/71 -72 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds $40,000 per year Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds $100,000 per year Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds $100,000 per year February 1, 1975 February 1, 1976 $70,000 per year 1/1/63 3.00 4/1/66 3x70 11/1/69 5.70 5.70 5.75 6.00 Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Bonds Account 1/1/71 -73 1/1/71 -73 2/1/72 -74 2/1/75 2!1/76 2/1/77 -79 Principal $ 12,000 24,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 $ 136,000 $ 150,000 $ 120,000 $ 50,000 100,000 $ 150,000 $ 120,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 80,000 70,000 210,000 $ 660,000 $1,500,000 44 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BONDS PAYABLE - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31. 1969 W Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND (CONTINUED) Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Municipal Building Bonds $10,000 per year 6/1/59 3.90% 12/1/70 -72 $ 30,000 $10,000 per year 4.00 12/1/73 -75 30,000 Total Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account $ 60,000 Park Bonds of 1962 Account Park Bonds February 1, 1970 2/1/62 2.70 2/1/70 $ 20,000 $20,000 per year 3.10 2/1/71 -72 40,000 $25,000 per year 3.10 2/1/73 -74 50,000 $25,000 per year 3.40 2/1/75 -77 75,000 $30,000 per year 3.50 2/1/78 -79 60,000 Total Park Bonds of 1962 Account $ 245,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account Storm Sewer Bonds $35,000 per year 12/1/64 3.00 12/1/70 -72 $ 105,000 $35,000 per year 3.10 12/1/73 -75 105,000 Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account $ 210,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account Storm Sewer Bonds $30,000 per year 10/1/65 3.10 1/1/71 -73 $ 90,000 January 1, 1974 3.20 1/1/74 30,000 January 1, 1975 3.20 1/1/75 35,000 January 1, 1976 3.40 1/1/76 35,000 $40,000 per.year 3.40 1/1/77 -78 80,000 January 1, 1979 3.40 1/1/79 45,000 January 1, 1980 3.50 1/1/80 45,000 January 1, 1981 3.50 1/1/81 85,000 January 1, 1982 3.50 1/1/82 95,000 January 1, 1983 3.60 1/1/83 105,000 January 1, 1984 3.60 1/1/84 130,000 January 1, 1985 3.60 1/1/85 140,000 Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account $ 915,000 W I DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1969 Year CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Principal Interest 1970 ' BONDS PAYABLE - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) $ 126,498 1971 598,582 482,000 DECEMBER 31, 1969 604,119 507,000 97,119 1973 Issue Interest Maturity 1974 306,810 240,000 date rate date Principal GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND (CONTINUED) 218,642 170,000 48,642 1977 General Obligation Water Revenue Bond Account 170,000 41,010 1978 213,195 Water System Bonds of October 1, 1965 1979 t 205,105 180,000 25,105 January 1, 1971 10/1/65 3010% 1/1/71 $ 35,000 $25,000 per year 3.10 1/1/72 -73 105,000 50,000 $25,000 per year 3.20 1/1/74 -75 1984 50,000 $25,000 per year 3.40 1/1/76 -79 100,000 January 1, 1980 3.50 1/1/80 25,000 $ 260,000 1 Water System Bonds of April 1, 1966 $25,000 per year 4/1/66 3,70 1/1/72 -73 50;_000 Total General Obligation Water Revenue Bond Account $ 310,000 Library Bonds of 1966 Account Library Bonds ' $15,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70 1/1/71 -72 $ 30,000 Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable $3,270,000 Total bonds payable - All funds $3.406,000 ' Note - January 1, 1970 maturities are considered as matured December 31, 1969. I DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1969 Year Total Principal Interest 1970 $ 593,498 $ 467,000 $ 126,498 1971 598,582 482,000 116,582 1972 604,119 507,000 97,119 1973 311,705 235,000 76,705 1974 306,810 240,000 66,810 1975 277,350 220,000 57,350 1976 218,642 170,000 48,642 1977 211,010 170,000 41,010 1978 213,195 180,000 33,195 1979 t 205,105 180,000 25,105 1980 104,800 85,000 19,800 1981 111,824 95,000 16,824 ' 1982 118,500 105,000 13,500 1983 139,720 130,000 9,720 1984 145.040 140.000 5,040 $4,159,900 ,$3,406,000 $ 753,90C Note - January, 1 maturities are considered matured December 31 of the preceding year. 45 46 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. MINNESOTA INSURANCE COVERAGE DECEMBER 31, 1969 Major insurance coverage at December 31, 1969 is summarized below: Fire and extended coverage (90% Co- insurance) Buildings $ 953,560 Contents 94,100 Liquor stock 187,000 Scheduled equipment floater 80,350 Comprehensive liability Bodily injury Automobiles 50/100,000 Except automobiles 50/300,000 Property damage Automobiles 50,000 Except automobiles 50,000 Minnesota Statutory Liquor Law Liability 500,000 Boiler and Machinery 50,000 Business interruption - City liquor stores 125,650 Money and securities - Broad form Various Workmen's compensation Statutory Comprehensive general liability for recreation employees and volunteer workers - Property damage and personal injury 1,000,000 EMPLOYEES' SURETY BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1969 Alvin P. Theis City Treasurer $25,000 John S. Larson Assessor 500 All employees, except those listed above, are covered by an honesty blanket position bond of $5,000 with an additional $5,000 on the municipal liquor store manager. ' 47 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ASSESSED VALUATIONS, TAX LEVIES AND MILL RATES (Shown by year of collectibility) 1967 1968 1969 1970 Assessed valuations Real estate Personal property $ 9,331,589 1,084,546 $13,208,019 738,672* $13,161,859 751,938* $13,596,372 773,288* Total $10,416,13-5 $13.946.691 $13,913,792 14.369.660 Tax levies General Fund $ 694,120 $ 718,674 $ 719,794 $ 809,874 Recreation Fund 17,500 20,450 22,024 26,441 Civil Defense Fund 3,500 1,461 1,915 2,875 Storm Sewer Bonds 56,300 55,945 52,667 52,737 Storm Sewer Construction 10,000 10,663 14,363 19,253 Sewer and water 4,000 Pension Fund 25,124 25,471 23,997 ' Total $ 785,420 832;317 $ 836,234 _ 3 ' Mill rates General Fund 66.63 49.20 51.73 56.36 Recreation Fund 1.68 1.40 1.58 1.84 ' Civil Defense Fund .34 .10 .14 .20 Storm Sewer Bonds 5.41 3.83 3.79 3.67 Storm Sewer Construction .96 .73 1.03 1.34 Sewer and water .38 ' Pension Fund 1.72 1.83 1.67 Total 75.40 56.98 60.10 65.08 * Does not include personal property exempted under laws enacted in 1967 by the Minnesota Legislature.