HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Financial StatementsCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1966 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Elected Mayor - Bruce Nawrocki Councilmen William Land Joseph J. Orendorff Robert G. King Dale Jeska Municipal Judge - Joseph E. Wargo Appointed City Manager - Malcolm 0. Watson Treasurer - Rosella C. Lawson Attorney - Spencer Sokolowski Engineer - George F. Brown * First Monday after the first Tuesday of July. Term of office expiration date* 1967 1967 1967 1969 1969 1969 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Independent certified public accountants' opinion 1 Comments 2 Balance sheet - All funds 8 Administration and special revenue funds Balance sheets 12 Administration Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 16 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 17 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 19 Police and Court Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 21 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 21 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 22 Fire Department Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 24 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 24 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 25 Civil Defense Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 26 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 26 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 26 Street Department Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 27 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 27 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 28 State Aid Funds Statements of cash receipts and disbursements 29 Bonds payable 30 Debt service requirements 30 Recreation Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 31 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 31 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 32 Park Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 33 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 33 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 34 Library Fund Analysis of changes in fund balance 35 Statement of revenue - Actual compared with budget estimates 35 Statement of expenditures - Actual compared with budget estimates 36 Statements of cash receipts and disbursements Band Fund 37 Building Fund 37 Flood Control Fund 39 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) P age Bond Funds Balance sheets 40 Statements of cash receipts and disbursements 41 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Balance sheet 42 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 43 General Debt Service Fund Balance sheet 44 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 46 Bonds payable 48 Debt service requirements 51 Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Balance sheet 52 Statement of income and retained earnings 53 Statement of operating expenses 55 Statement of operating income for individual stores 56 Statement of operating expenses for individual stores 58 Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 60 Public utility funds Balance sheets 61 Statement of income and fund balance Water Utility Operating Fund 62 Sewer Utility Operating Fund 64 Water System Improvement Fund Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 65 Statement of expenditures - Compared with appropriations 66 Miscellaneous information Statement of cash 67 Statement of United States Government securities placed in escrow by depository banks for the safeguarding of City funds 67 Summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements 68 Investment in City of Columbia Heights bonds 70 Accounts receivable from the State of Minnesota 70 Debt service requirements - All funds 71 Assessed valuations, tax levies and mill rates 72 Insurance coverage 73 Employees' surety bonds 75 G E O R G E M. H A N S E N COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 175 SOUTH PLAZA BUILDING WAYZATA BOULEVARD AT HIGHWAY 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55416 545 -5657 April 7, 1967 To the City Council of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We have examined the accompanying financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1966. Except as indicated in the following paragraph, our examination was made in ac- cordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The City does not maintain records of utility fixed assets. Consequently, balance sheets for the utility operating funds do not include fixed assets and depreciation thereon is not shown as an operating expense. Because of this, we are unable to express an opinion on the financial statements of ' the utility operating funds of the City. However, as far as our examination extended, cash transactions of these funds were found to have been properly recorded. In our opinion, the accompanying statements, except those of the utility operating funds, present fairly the financial position of the respective funds of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota at December 31, 1966 and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA The City of Columbia Heights as amended. The form of gov "Council- Manager Plan." The chief administrative officer proper administration of all popular vote and consists of officer. COMMENTS operates under a home rule charter adopted June 9, 1921 arnment established by this charter is known as the City Manager, who is appointed by the Council, is the of the City and is responsible to the Council for the affairs relating to the City. The Council is elected by five members including the Mayor, who is the presiding The City statements are presented under the modified cash basis whereby revenues are not considered as such until collected. Expenditures are recorded as soon as the liability is incurred. Accordingly, the receivables on the balance sheets are offset by a reserve identified as unrealized revenue. In the following statements included in the revenue caption "General property and other taxes" are property taxes, bank excise tax, mortgage registry tax and for- feited tax sale apportionments. A statement of General Fixed Assets has not been included in this report since general fixed asset records are not maintained. A condensed summary of operations for 1966 compared with 1965 with related percents or costs per capita -is presented below: REVENUE by fund Administration Police and Court Fire Department Civil Defense Street Department Recreation Park Library Total revenue EXPENDITURES by fund Administration Police and Court Fire Department Civil Defense Street Department Recreation Park Library Total expenditures 12221 $42,76 1966 1965 Cost per Amount Percent Amount Percent $219,298 22.2 $198,612 23.3 166,057 16.8 166,646 19.6 112,760 11.4 106,520 12.5 7,842 .8 14,040 1.6 226,787 22.9 136,083 15.9 36,433 3.7 32,828 3.9 162,937 16.5 171,271 20.1 55,998 5.7 262397 3.1 5988,112 100.0 2 'ice 100.0 Total expenditures 12221 $42,76 Cost per Cost per Amount capita Amount capita $206,140 $ 8.45 $231,765 $ 9.95 191,173 7.84 178,274 7.66 118,441 4.85 109,142 4.68 16,166 .66 9,725 .42 200,342 8.21 209,097 8.98 35,792 1.47 32,720 1.41 152,207 6.24 199,618 8.57 54.474 2.23 25,329 1.09 Total expenditures 12221 $42,76 ' 3 ' ADMINISTRAT'"'ON FUND The Administration Fund was established to account for all revenues and the activities ' financed by them which are not accounted for in some special fund. The principal sources of revenue which include property taxes, licenses and permits, and shared State taxes are used to provide basic governmental services such as general admin- istration and protective inspection. The City also accounts for its garbage collection ' services in this fund. Several functions ordinarily included as a part of an admin- istration or general fund are accounted for separately in special revenue funds by the City. For 1966 actual revenues were under budget by $24,417 and actual expenditures were under budget by $37,575. This reduced the fund deficit by $13,158 to a deficit of $13,193 at December 31, 1966. Detailed statements of revenue and expenditures show differences between actual and budget estimates. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special revenue funds are established to account for taxes and other revenues (except special assessments) set aside for a particular purpose. The City has fourteen funds of this nature. Following is a brief description of each fund. ' Police and Court Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of the Police Department and Municipal Court. The principal sources of revenue for this fund are general property taxes, fines and shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette). During the year ended December 31, 1966 the fund balance decreased from $23,782 to a deficit of $1,334. A decrease in property tax receipts and court fines were the main factors contributing to the fund deficit. ' Fire Department Fund - The operations of the Fire Department are accounted for in this fund. Financing is provided by transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating ' Fund, general property taxes and a portion of the liquor and cigarette tax apportion- ments from the State of Minnesota. During 1966, the fund deficit increased from $17,472 to $23,153. Civil Defense Fund - This fund was established to account for civil defense expend- itures. Portions of these expenditures are reimbursed by the Federal Government through the State Department of Civil Defense. A general property tax levy finances the City's share of these costs. Street Department Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for operations of the Street Department having to do with construction and maintenance of all City streets except State designated streets which is handled in separate State aid funds. The main sources of revenue are general property taxes, shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette), and transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund. A reduction of expenditures, compared with estimates, accounts for a substantial portion of the $26,445 reduction in fund deficit during 1966. ' State Aid Maintenance Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned by the City from the State of Minnesota for street maintenance are accounted for in this fund. A portion of each year's allotment is allocated to pay interest on State aid bonded indebtedness. An amount of $7,965 will be required from future revenue to cover ' expenses incurred to date. State Aid-Construction Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from ' the State of Minnesota for street construction are accounted for in this fund. A portion of allotments is pledged to pay State aid bonds as they mature. 4 State Aid Debt Service Fund - This fund was established to account for debt service on $120,000 State aid bonds issued January 1, 1963. Allocations are made from gasoline tax, street construction and maintenance allotments to pay bonds and in- terest thereon, respectively. Recreation Fund - This fund accounts for the City recreation program which is carried on in co- operation with Independent School District No. 13 under the direction of a five - member board. Park Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for the acquisition, improvement, maintenance and operation of park and playground facilities. The Park Fund is financed primarily by a general property tax levy and transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund. Additional revenue is derived from canteen receipts and rental of certain park facilities. A reduction in expenditures during the year reduced the amount of the fund deficit from $59,498 to $48,768. Library Fund - The operation of the City library is accounted for in this fund. General property taxes are the primary source of revenue. Band Fund - All monies levied or appropriated for band entertainment are accounted for in this fund. Mayor's Contingent Fund - This fund was established to account for payment of miscellaneous City promotion expenses incurred by the Mayor. Building Fund - The Building Fund is used to account for acquisitions, improvements and sales of land and buildings not accounted for in other funds. During 1966, a transfer of $19,000 was made to the Administration Fund. Flood Control Fund - This fund was established during 1965 to account for expenses incurred by the City for flood control. An advance of $75,015 was received from the State of Minnesota during the year for reimbursement of expenses. The fund also borrowed $31,000 from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund. This loan will be repaid when a final settlement on flood relief is made by the State of Minnesota. An ac- count receivable for flood relief was not set up as of December 31, 1966 because the amount was undetermined. BOND FUNDS Library Construction Fund - This fund was established in 1965 to account for the construction of an addition to the public library. Financing has been provided by the issuance of $90,000 in bonds and a grant of $40,000 from the State of Minnesota. Additional financing of approximately $20,900 will have to be provided by the City. Storm Sewer Construction Fund - The proceeds from the sale of the $350,000 and $915,000 Storm Sewer Bonds fund. The proceeds are to facilities. The accounting Improvement Revolving Fund struction Fund as monies ar of 1964 and 1965, respectively, are accumulated in this be used for construction of storm sewer drainage for the construction is being done in the Permanent and transfers will be made from the Storm Sewer Con- e needed. 5 ' Park Construction Bond Fund - On February 1, 1962 Park Bonds were issued in the amount of $325,000 for the acquisition of land and development of park and playground facil- ities. A separate account in the General Debt Service Fund has been established to handle debt service for this bond issue. Additional financing of $20,622 will have to be provided by the City to cover all expenses incurred in acquisition and development ' of park and playground facilities. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to account for special assessments and taxes levied to finance improvements or services deemed to benefit the proper- ties against which the assessments are levied. Primarily, transactions accounted for in this fund are: 1. Receipt of bond proceeds. 2. Disbursement of bond proceeds for construction work done. 3. Disbursement of storm sewer construction costs and the reimbursements for such costs from the Storm Sewer Construction Fund. ' 4. Collection of assessments against benefited property and collection of taxes for the City's share of improvements. ' S. Disbursement of assessment and tax collections to the General Debt Service Fund for payment of bonds and interest. ' GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND General debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for payment of general obligation bonds or other indebtedness and interest thereon. The ' General Debt Service Fund of the City of Columbia Heights has been divided into seven accounts. Following is a brief description of each account. ' Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account - This account is used for the payment of bonds and interest of all Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds. Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account - This account was established to handle debt service for the Municipal Building Bonds issued June 1, 1959. A tax levy to pay these bonds and applicable interest is collected in the Administration Fund and subsequently transferred to this account. Park Bonds of 1962 Account - Debt retirement (bonds and interest) of general ob- ligation bonds in the amount of $325,000 issued February 1, 1962 is being accounted for in this account. General property taxes are being collected in the Park Fund to provide the money required. Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account - This account was established during 1964 to ' handle the debt retirement of the $350,000 issue of Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964. General property taxes are being collected in the Storm Sewer Construction Fund to provide the money required. Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account - This account was established during 1965 to handle the debt retirement of the $915,000 issue of Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965. ' General property taxes along with special assessments will provide the necessary monies for payment of principal and interest. M Water System Bonds Account - Debt retirement of water revenue bonds is to be made from monies transferred from the Water Utility Operating Fund. Net revenues of the Water Operating Fund are pledged for the payment of interest and bond redemption. In the event these revenues are insufficient to pay bonds and interest, general taxes or transfers from other funds would be needed to produce the additional money re- quired. Library Bonds of 1966 Account - This account was established to handle the debt retirement for the $90,000 issue of Library Bonds of 1966. Transfers from the Library Fund are made to this account to provide the money required for payment of bonds and interest. MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND This fund was established to account for the operation of the City owned liquor stores. Prior year amounts are shown on the balance sheet and statement of income and retained earnings for purposes of comparison. Percentages and detailed state- ments by stores are included in the report as additional aids in reviewing results of operations. Shown below is a condensed summary of liquor store operations for 1964, 1965 and 1966. 1966 1965 1964 Percent Percent Percent of sales of sales of sales Sales Off sale $672,927 75.76 $634,339 74.69 $598,540 74.47 On sale 215,285 24.24 214,960 25.31 205,176 25.53 Total sales $888,212 100.00 $849,299 100.00 $803,716 100.00 Cost of sales (ex- cluding discounts) 630,690 71.01 5992969 70.64 575,380 71.59 Gross profit before discounts $257,522 28.99 $249,330 29.36 $228,336 28.41 Add discounts 312041 3.49 28,797 3.39 28,867 3.59 Gross profit $288,563 32.48 $278,127 32.75 $257,203 32.00 Operating expenses 182,532 20.55 1722235 20.28 1622285 20.19 Operating income $106,031 11.93 $105,892 12.47 $ 94,918 11.81 Other income and expense (net) 2,813 .32 12982 .24 4,241 .53 Net income 5108,844 12.25 5107,874 12.71 9 1 12.34 Percent of Percent of Percent of net income net income net income Transfers to other City Funds ,- 89,879 82 }58 $ 79,427 73.63 59,222 59.80 1 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND This fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for payment of Municipal ' Building Bonds dated December 1, 1956 and interest thereon. Revenue of the Muni- cipal Liquor Operating Fund was pledged to the retirement of these bonds. Accordingly, transfers were made from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund to meet debt service requirements. During 1965 final payment was made on the bonds and in 1966 the cash balance of $4,392 was transferred to the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund. PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS Water and sewer utilities operating funds - These funds account for the operations 1 of the City owned water and sanitary sewer systems. Fixed assets of these utilities are not included on the balance sheet and depreciation thereof is not shown as an operating expense since the City does not maintain fixed asset ledgers for the utility systems. During 1965 and 1966 revenue bonds in the amount of $310,000 were sold. Revenues of the Water Utility Operating Fund are pledged for payment of principal and interest on these bonds. ' Water System Improvement Fund - This fund was established in 1965 to account for the proceeds from the sale of Water System Bonds. The bond proceeds are used for con- struction and improvement of the City's water distribution system. Debt retirement ' is being accounted for in the General Debt Service Fund. An additional $87,020 will be required to finance construction obligations outstanding at December 31, 1966. 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Note 1 - Not included as an asset is an undetermined amount to be received as Federal aid for flood damage. Note 2 - General fixed assets owned by the City are not included in the financial statements since records thereof are not maintained. Adminis- tration and special revenue funds Combined (Page 12) ASSETS Cash $1,029,307 $ (196,541) Petty cash and change funds 3,135 735 Cash with fiscal agents 160,357 13,122 Investments, at cost City of Columbia Heights bonds (Page 70) 44,646 Emergency Debt Certificates (other City funds) 31,000 Accounts receivable Other City funds 139,081 State of Minnesota (Page 70) 104,581 104,581 Other 100,107 18,946 Accrued interest receivable 22,270 Taxes receivable Delinquent 28,361 25,093 Deferred 3,977,708 Special assessments receivable Delinquent (Principal and interest) 1362488 Deferred (Principal only) 1,065,669 Inventories, at cost 97,358 Prepaid expenses 1,538 Unassessed costs 72,462 Amounts to be provided by future revenues 728,112 270,642 Fixed assets (Municipal Liquor Operating Fund only) at cost, less accumulated depreciation 213,186 Total assets ,$7,955,366 $ 236,578 Note 1 - Not included as an asset is an undetermined amount to be received as Federal aid for flood damage. Note 2 - General fixed assets owned by the City are not included in the financial statements since records thereof are not maintained. 0 139,081 17,715 63,446 11,870 7,100 3,300 2,492 374 402 3,977,708 136,488 1,065,669 86,532 10,826 1,538 72,462 41,525 415,945 213,186 526,322 $1,556,284 $5,081,024 ,$ 364,328 $ 190,830 Permanent General Municipal Improvement Debt Liquor Public Bond Revolving Service Operating utility funds Fund Fund Fund funds Pa e 40 (Page 42) (Page 44 (Page 52) (Page 61 $ 439,435 $ 117,395 $ 492,190 $ 60,672 $ 116,156 2,400 147,235 44,646 31,000 139,081 17,715 63,446 11,870 7,100 3,300 2,492 374 402 3,977,708 136,488 1,065,669 86,532 10,826 1,538 72,462 41,525 415,945 213,186 526,322 $1,556,284 $5,081,024 ,$ 364,328 $ 190,830 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1966 Adminis- tration and special revenue funds Combined (Page 12) LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Other City funds $ 139,081 Public Employees' Retirement Association 58,091 $ 38,570 Other 86,210 19,676 Accrued interest payable 3,120 3,120 Accrued wages payable 2,425 916 Emergency Debt Certificates (other City funds) 31,000 31,000 Contract payable 26,637 26,637 Retained percentage on contracts 61,882 Deposits 15,671 Special assessments payable 92,203 84,417 Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest 160,357 13,122 Future maturities Bonds (Pages 30 and 44) 3,962,000 72,000 Interest 902,820 6,996 Reserves for Encumbrances 61,171 State aid construction 56,338 56,338 Payment of bonds and interest 1,619,743 Unrealized revenue 86,769 86,769 Unencumbered appropriation balance 378,496 Retained earnings 323,715 Fund balance (deficit) (1121363) (202,983) Total liabilities, reserves and fund balance $7,955,366 ,$ 236,578 11 1 Permanent General Municipal Improvement Debt Liquor Public Bond funds Revolving Fund Service Fund Operating Fund utility funds (Page 40) (Page 42) (Page 44 (Page 52) (Page 61) $ 139,081 $ 12,703 $ 6,818 $ 2,473 26,167 37,894 ' 1,509 ' 38,410 23,472 15,671 234 7,552 $ 147,235 3,890,000 ' 895,824 8,745 27,952 24,474 1,471,778 147,965 378,496 323,715 90,620 t$ 1 526,322 $1,556,284 $5,081,024 $ 364 ,328 $ 190,830 11 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1966 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 38,570 $ 37,844 Other 19,676 4,092 Accrued interest payable 3,120 Accrued wages payable 916 Emergency Debt Certificate - Storm Sewer Construction Fund 31,000 Special assessments payable 84,417 Adminis- Bonded indebtedness tration Matured bonds and interest Combined Fund ASSETS Cash (deficit) $(196,541) $ ( 9,451) Petty cash and change funds 735 350 Cash with fiscal agents 13,122 Accounts receivable 56,338 Other City Funds - Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 26,637 State of Minnesota 104,581 7,247 Other 18,946 12,945 Delinquent taxes receivable 25,093 3,116 Amounts to be provided by future revenues for Debt retirement 77,168 Fire truck 26,637 State aid maintenance 7,965 Payment of special assessments 84,417 6,496 Public Employees' Retirement Association Contribution 38,570 37,844 Flood control expenditures 35,885 Total assets LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 38,570 $ 37,844 Other 19,676 4,092 Accrued interest payable 3,120 Accrued wages payable 916 Emergency Debt Certificate - Storm Sewer Construction Fund 31,000 Special assessments payable 84,417 6,496 Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest 13,122 Future maturities Bonds 72,000 Interest 6,996 Reserves for State aid construction 56,338 Encumbrances 26,637 Unrealized revenue 86,769 23,308 Fund balance (deficit) (202,983) (13,193 Total liabilities, reserves and fund balance 2 j Note - Not included as an asset is an undetermined amount to be received as Federal aid for flood damage. 13 Police Fire Civil Street State Aid funds and Court Department Defense Department Main- Con- Debt Fund Fund Fund Fund tenance struction service $( 689) $(22,236) $ 6,816 $(115,607) $( 7,965) $( 5,513) $ 1,828 50 13,122 4,831 4,831 1,081 14,494 61,851 131 4,515 5,163 3,185 268 5,064 77,168 26,637 7,965 143 583 12 $ 8,748 U-2111UA) L__0_ $56,338 2 11 $ 695 $ 143 777 140 $ 583 $ 6,166 $ 13,122 72,000 6,996 $ 56,338 26,637 10,125 8,016 1,349 24,073 ( 1,334) (23,153) 6,816 (121,773) $ 9 486 12 0 S7 4 ( 91,534) L-22-11 11 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (CONTINUED) BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1966 ASSETS Recreation Fund Cash (deficit) $ 1,521 Petty cash and change funds 275 Cash with fiscal agents Accounts receivable Other City Funds - Municipal Liquor Operating Fund State of Minnesota Other 653 Delinquent taxes receivable 659 Amounts to be provided by future revenues for Debt retirement Fire truck State aid maintenance Payment of special assessments Public Employees' Retirement Association Contribution Flood control expenditures Total assets 10 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable Public Employees' Retirement Association Other $ 85 Accrued interest payable Accrued wages payable 346 Emergency Debt Certificate - Storm Sewer Construction Fund Special assessment payable Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest Future maturities Bonds Interest Reserves for State aid construction Encumbrances Unrealized revenue 1,312 Fund balance (deficit) 1,365 Total liabilities, reserves and fund balance 1 8 15 Park Library Fund Fund $ (44,137) $ ( 371) 50 10 2,415 4,831 646 56 6,203 1,435 77,921 I—LIE $ 4,251 $ 3,610 430 77,921 Mayor's Flood Band Contingent Building Control Fund Fund Fund Fund $ 428 $ 156 $ 444 $( 1,765) 3,000 35,885 $ 428 S 156 S 3,444 34,120 $ 3,120 31,000 9,264 6,322 $ 3,000 (48,768) 3,971) 428 156 444 $ 43,098 ,$ 428 S 156 ,$ 3.444 120 16 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1966 Add - Revenue Total beginning balance and revenue Deduct - Expenditures Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 Actual Actual over Budget (under) estimates estimates $(26,351) $(26,351) 219,298 243,715 24,417) $192,947 $217,364 $(24,417) 206,140 243,715 (37,575) 17 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND ' STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates General property and other taxes levied for Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 8,301 $ 7,000 $ 1,301 Other 69,828 831070 (13,242 Total general property taxes 78A129 90,070 $(11,941) Licenses and permits Business Amusement devices $ 685 $ 1,000 $( 315) Beer 1,289 1,400 ( 111) Bowling alley 85 85 Cigarette 1,321 1,600 ( 279) General Contractors 4,100 7,000 ( 2,900) Electrician 770 1,200 ( 430) Gas station 825 1,400 ( 575) Heating 1,125 1,000 125 ' Ice station 5 10 ( 5) Plumbing 1,325 1,600 ( 275) Restaurant 675 600 75 Retail sales 210 250 ( 40) Rubbish 65 50 15 Scavenger 50 ( 50) ' Solicitor 20 100 ( 80) Taxi 170 80 90 Theater 250 350 ( 100) Used car lot 90 150 ( 60) Vending machine 1,049 1,500 ( 451) Nonbusiness Bicycle 334 500 ( 166) Building 6,579 12,000 ( 5,421) Dog 683 1,200 ( 517) Electric 3,911 6,000 ( 2,089) 1 Heating 3,193 7,000 ( 3,807) Plumbing 2,350 5,000 ( 2,650) Sewer 1,328 4,000 ( 2,672) Special use 580 200 380 Miscellaneous 148 300 152) Total licenses and permits 33,165 55,625 $(22,460) Rents 600 600 Revenue from other agencies Shared State taxes Cigarette and liquor $ 11,176 $ 10,000 $ 1,176 Mobile home registration fee 355 355 ' Total revenue from other agencies 11,531 10,000 1,531 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Charges for current services Rezoning petitions $ 70 $ 150 $( 80) Garbage collection 58,389 63,000 ( 4'61Y) Garbage refunds 20 ( 20) Animal control Pound fees 180 300 ( 120) Board and pick up 131 250 ( 119) Parking meter collections 3,441 5,000 ( 1,559) Water inspections 520 1,300 ( 780) Sewer stub connections 22 50 28) Total charges for current services 62,753 70,070 7,317) Other Refunds and reimbursements Coffee break supplies $ 245 $ 200 $ 45 Payment of claims 250 ( 250) Salary reimbursements from other City funds 2,596 5,000 ( 2,404) Other 1,279 1,900 ( 621) Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 10,000 10,000 Transfer from Building Fund 19,000 19,000 Total other 33,120 17,350 15,770 Total revenue 21 2 2 1 $(24,41.7) 19 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET.ESTIMATES YEAR.ENDED DECEMBER 311 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 80,688 $100,000 $(19,312) Extra salaries 1,067 1,500 ( 433) Dog catcher (contract) 3,450 3,600 ( 150) City Attorney (retainer fee) 8,400 8,400 Inspection fees Electrical 2,876 4,000 ( 1,124) Health 374 1,700 ( 1,326) Heating 200 ( 200) Plumbing 200 ( 200) Election expenses Salaries 3,467 3,000 467 Supplies and expenses 2,625 7,000 ( 4,375) Garbage collection Contractual 45,789 45,000 789 Administrative expenses 1,193 1,200 ( 7) Salaries 2,962 2,800 162 Parking meter expenses Salaries 1,162 1,800 ( 638) Repairs 197 600 ( 403) Insurance 5 5 Supplies and miscellaneous 696 350 346 Parking lot expenses Land lease and purchase 1,585 19500 85 Parking curbs 35 100 ( 65) Other 159 300 ( 14 1) Travel expense - schools 848 800 48 Office supplies 2,624 3,000 ( 376) Postage 359 500 ( 141) Printing 1,989 2,000 ( 11) Engineering supplies 1,419 600 819 Water and sewer charges 42 50 ( 8) Equipment repair and maintenance 1,671 1,500 171 Building expenses 1,346 2,000 ( 654) Building supplies and service 2,613 2,500 113 Telephone 2,295 2,500 ( 205) Light and power 689 700 ( 11) Fuel 452 400 52 Insurance 1,037 1,400 ( 363) Audit 1,400 1,600 ( 200) Subscriptions, dues and memberships 1,390 1,000 390 Miscellaneous 190 300 ( 110) Refunds 211 400 ( 189) Car allowances 932 1,200 ( 268) 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 311 1966 Ac tua 1 over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Pop machine supplies $ 72 $ 100 $( 28) Water cooler supplies 480 400 80 Board of Equalization 5 5 Settlements 342 500 ( 158) Attorney's fees 70 100 ( 30) Engineering fees 40 1,000 ( 960) Gopher bounty 5 ( 5) Contract service 680 100 580 Special assessments 923 2,000 ( 1,077) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 6,160 7,000 ( 840) Capital outlay Equipment 4,815 4,000 815 Furniture or fixtures 903 2,800 ( 1,897) Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 13,413 20,000 6,587) Total expenditures 20 1 (37.575) ' 21 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ' POLICE AND COURT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Fund balance January 1, 1966 $ 23,782 $ 23,782 Add - Revenue 1661057 194,680 $(28,623) Total beginning balance and revenue $189,839 $218,462 $(28,623) Deduct - Expenditures 1912173 1941151 2,978) Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 8 24,311 $(25,645) ' STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 196.6 1 General property and other taxes levied for Police Relief Association $ 15,019 $ 15,300 $( 281) Other 97,413 114,621 (17,208 Total general property taxes $112,432 $129,921 $(17,489) Fines and forfeitures Municipal Court 19,255 30,660 (11,405) Parking meter fines 218 300 ( 82) Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor 11,176 10,000 1,176 Rent - 558 40th Avenue 760 720 40 Paper service fees 278 500 ( 222) Sale of photo copies 593 593 Refunds and reimbursements 1,435 2,000 ( 565) Miscellaneous 531 1,200 ( 669) Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 19,379 192379 Total revenue 1 0 $194,680 $(28,623) 22 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 312 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Municipal Court Regular salaries $ 11,471 $ 11,471 Extra salaries 778 700 $ 78 Jury duty 426 600 ( 174) Office supplies 165 300 ( 135) Postage 67 100 ( 33) Water and sewer charges 10 ( 10) Repairs and maintenance 91 100 ( 9) Building supplies and service 450 450 Telephone 360 360 Light and power 196 200 ( 4) Fuel 126 120 6 Insurance 18 20 ( 2) Audit 400 400 Prisoner care 50 ( 50) Miscellaneous 30 80 ( 50) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 340 340 Capital outlay - Furniture and fixtures 80 ( 80) Police department Regular salaries 129,760 130,178 ( 418) Holiday pay 5,192 5,127 65 Extra salaries 416 1,000 ( 584) Training school fees 824 1,000 ( 176) Travel, dues and subscriptions 448 600 ( 152) Office supplies 328 400 ( 72) Postage 48 45 3 Juvenile and investigator expense 240 240 Miscellaneous 60 200 ( 140) Patrol car operation 2,283 2,200 83 Water and sewer charges 61 50 11 Station supplies 950 1,500 ( 550) Equipment repairs and maintenance 259 200 59 Building repairs and expense 62 600 ( 538) Building supplies and service 1,502 1,200 302 Uniform items 915 900 15 Telephone 1,609 1,600 9 Light and power 540 650 ( 110) Fuel 686 600 86 Prisoner care 57 200 ( 143) Drunkometer test 300 300 Rent 1,770 1,400 370 Jail maintenance 31 200 ( 169) Patrol car repairs 4,089 3,400 689 Insurance 3,264 3,000 264 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Police department (Continued) 23 Radio service $ 547 $ 480 $ 67 Audit 500 500 Civil service fees and expenses 155 100 55 Miscellaneous 90 100 ( 10) Police Relief Association (general property taxes collected) 15,019 15,300 ( 281) Furniture and fixtures 156 500 ( 344) Equipment 4,094 51000 906) Total expenditures $194,151 ( 2.978) 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1966 Add - Revenue Total beginning balance and revenue Deduct - Expenditures Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 Actual $(17,472) Budget estimates $(17,472) Actual over (under) estimates 112,760 113,727 967) $ 95,288 $ 96,255 $( 967) 118,441 113,727 4,714 J ) $ ( 5.681) STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes levied for Firemen's Relief Association $ 14,997 $ 15,300 $( 303) Other 70,334 71,817 1,483) Total general property taxes $ 85,331 $ 87,117 $( 1,786) Shared State taxes Cigarette and liquor 11,176 10,000 1,176 Insurance premium 4,012 4,500 ( 488) Standby charges 100 ( 100) Insurance premium refunds 1,211 1,000 211 Miscellaneous 30 10 20 Transfers from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 111000 112000 Total revenue 1112,760 jLLL=2 $( 967) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 25 Actual over (under) estimates $ 400 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 242 347 114 176 92) 18) 7) 1 31) 310) 25) 91) 119 95) 38) 52) 20 59) 410 26 3,709 32) Budget Actual estimates Regular salaries $ 68,197 $ 67,797 Holiday pay 2,842 2,600 Extra salaries 547 200 Fire calls 6,114 6,000 Standby charges 256 80 Travel and schools 358 450 Membership dues 152 170 Water and sewer charges 63 70 Laundry 151 150 Supplies 469 500 Equipment 1,690 2,000 Furniture and fixtures 75 100 Hydrant rental 4,000 4,000 Telephone 1,609 1,700 Light and power 919 800 Fuel 605 700 Building repairs and maintenance 762 800 Civil service fees and expense 8 60 Equipment repairs and maintenance 920 900 Radio service 291 350 Insurance 3,910 3,500 Audit 400 400 Miscellaneous 126 100 Columbia Heights Firemen's Relief Association (general property and insurance premium taxes collected) 19,009 15,300 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 4,968 5,000 Total expenditures $113,727 25 Actual over (under) estimates $ 400 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 242 347 114 176 92) 18) 7) 1 31) 310) 25) 91) 119 95) 38) 52) 20 59) 410 26 3,709 32) 26 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Fund balance January 1, 1966 Add - Revenue Total beginning balance and revenue Deduct - Expenditures Fund balance Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates $ 15,140 $ 15,140 7,842 15,620 7,778) $ 22,982 $ 30,760 $( 7,778) 16,166 15,620 546 S 6 X816 15,140 $1 8,24) STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes $ 3,584 $ 3,456 $ 128 Federal aid 4,093 5,400 ( 1,307) Miscellaneous receipts 165 264 ( 99) Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund ( 6,500 6,500) Total revenue S 7,842 1 20 $( 7778) STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 312 1966 Regular salaries $ 6,100 $ 6,350 $( 250) Extra salaries 510 900 ( 390) Travel and dues 426 700 ( 274) Office supplies and postage 157 400 ( 243) Equipment 6,926 4,000 2,926 Equipment maintenance 78 400 ( 322) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service 780 ( 780) Telephone 346 280 66 Light and power - sirens 48 100 ( 52) Rent 550 600 ( 50) Insurance 454 480 ( 26) Miscellaneous expense 121 180 ( 59) Audit 100 100 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 350 350 Total expenditures 1 1 20 ,$ 546 27 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ' STREET DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates 1 Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1966 $(148.,218) $(148,218) Add - Revenue 226,787 231,560 4,773) Total beginning balance and revenue $ 78,569 $ 83,342 $( 4,773) Deduct - Expenditures 200,342 231,560 (31,218) Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 $121 <773) 8 21 ) 2 1 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes $122,476 $124,960 $( 2,484) ' Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor 22,352 20,000 2,352 Equipment rental 41,159 28,000 13,159 Salary reimbursements from other City funds 6,808 20,000 (13,192) ' Charges for labor and materials 1,757 2,000 ( 243) Street repair deposits 494 2,000 ( 1,506) Miscellaneous 123 4,000 ( 3,877) County street maintenance agreement 2,308 2,600 ( 292) Insurance refunds 2,310 6,000 ( 3,690) Transfers from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 27,000 224000 5,000 Total revenue 5226 787 231 0 ( 4.773) W- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STREET DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 86,839 $110,000 $(23,161) Extra salaries 5,952 10,000 ( 4,048) Equipment operations 8,617 7,000 1,617 Water and sewer charges 79 100 ( 21) General supplies 1,107 2,000 ( 893) Shop supplies and expense 1,408 2,000 ( 592) Street signs 1,200 1,500 ( 300) Street supplies and materials 23,584 15,000 8,584 Equipment repair and maintenance 9,805 8,000 1,805 Shop equipment 549 700 ( 151) Shop equipment repair 101 100 1 Equipment 18,412 20,000 ( 1,588) Equipment rental 1,760 4,000 ( 2,240) Traffic control - Street marking 825 1,500 ( 675) Telephone 351 310 41 Light and power 590 600 ( 10) Street lighting 21,691 22,000 ( 309) Traffic signals 1,874 2,100 ( 226) Fuel 456 750 ( 294) Insurance 7,704 8,600 ( 896) Audit 300 500 ( 200) Miscellaneous 327 400 ( 73) Traffic light maintenance 719 500 219 Traffic signal installation 4,000 ( 4,000) Payment of claims 61 100 ( 39) Tree removal 231 2,000 ( 1,769) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 5,800 7,800 ( 2,000) Total expenditures 5200,342 231 0 $(31,21a) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATE AID FUNDS STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash balance January 1, 1966 Receipts Shared State gasoline tax alloted for Street maintenance Street construction Payment of bonds Payment of interest on bonds Reimbursement of costs from other City funds Transfer from State Aid Maintenance Fund for payment of interest and service charges Total receipts Total beginning cash and receipts Disbursements Regular salaries Material Equipment rental Contract payments Engineering fees and expenses Extra construction costs Transfer to State Aid Debt Service Fund for payment of interest and service charges Bond maturities Interest on bonds Fiscal agent's service charges Total disbursements Cash balance December 31, 1966 Debt Maintenance Construction Service $(12,536) $(97,986) 2 127 $ 11,841 $ 93,449 $12,000 2,094 143 233 1,962 14,078 93,682 $13,962 1,542 4,304) $16,089 $ 1,149 $ 326 4,151 681 1,385 137 565 6 65 289 1,962 $12,000 2,244 17 9,507 1A209 $14,261 29 30 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL STATE AID BONDS DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1966 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Municipal State Aid Street Bonds maturing $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2.50% 1/1/68 -69 $24,000 $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2.70 1/1/70 -71 24,000 $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2.90 1/1/72 -73 24,000 Total $7 Note - January 1, 1967 maturities are considered as matured December 31, 1966. DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Year Total Principal Interest 1967 $13,944 $12,000 $ 1,944 1968 13,644 12,000 1,644 1969 13,344 12,000 1,344 1970 13,020 12,000 1,020 1971 12,696 12,000 696 1972 122348 121000 348 ,78,996 2 000 L-6 Note - January 1 maturities are considered matured December 31 of the preceding year. The above amounts are payable in the year shown. 31 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Contribution from Independent School District No. 13 Recreation fees, donations, dance receipts, etc. Insurance premium refund Total revenue $16,013 $16,300 $( 287) 16,300 16,300 4,040 4,500 ( 460) 80 300 220) $( 967) Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Fund balance January 1, 1966 $ 724 $ 724 Add - Revenue 36,433 37,400 967) Total beginning balance and revenue $37,157 $38,124 $( 967) Deduct - Expenditures 35,792 37,400 (1,608) Fund balance December 31, 1966 ,$ 734 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Contribution from Independent School District No. 13 Recreation fees, donations, dance receipts, etc. Insurance premium refund Total revenue $16,013 $16,300 $( 287) 16,300 16,300 4,040 4,500 ( 460) 80 300 220) $( 967) 32 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Actual Regular salaries $ 8,400 Extra salaries 19,520 Police duty 200 Travel 45 Office supplies 446 Magazine and books 20 Equipment room and communication center 307 Playground and preschool equipment and material 1,251 Athletic equipment, materials and trophies 1,425 Entry fees 141 Preschool program 181 Miscellaneous equipment 8 Telephone 300 Insurance 375 Audit 300 Miscellaneous expenses 340 Referee fees, pin setters 1,702 Transportation 301 Beach supervision Mentally retarded program Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 530 Actual over Budget (under) estimates estimates $ 8,343 19,847 150 125 400 75 800 1,400 1,200 80 400 50 300 300 300 250 1,600 150 800 300 530 Total expenditures 3 2 $37,400 57 ( 327) 50 ( 80) 46 ( 55) ( 493) ( 149) 225 61 ( 219) 42) 75 90 102 151 ( 800) ( 300) •1: 33 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 312 1966 STATEMENT OF REVENUE — ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Revenue from the use of money and property Hall rent Other rents Canteen Interest on investment Reimbursement from Anoka County for beach construction Refunds Miscellaneous Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total revenue $137,948 $151,899 $(13,951) 6,271 6,500 ( 229) Actual 100 ( 28) 5,211 over 211 Budget (under) 1,500 Actual estimates estimates Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1966 $(59,498) $(59,498) 1,000 Add - Revenue 162,937 176,599 13,662) Total beginning balance and revenue $103,439 $117,101 $(13,662) Deduct - Expenditures 1523207 178,599 (26,392) Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 (48 "768) (61.498) STATEMENT OF REVENUE — ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Revenue from the use of money and property Hall rent Other rents Canteen Interest on investment Reimbursement from Anoka County for beach construction Refunds Miscellaneous Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total revenue $137,948 $151,899 $(13,951) 6,271 6,500 ( 229) 72 100 ( 28) 5,211 5,000 211 100 ( 100) 1,500 1,500 655 1,000 ( 345) 280 1,000 ( 720) 111000 11,000 5162,937 $176,599 1 2) 34 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Regular salaries Extra salaries and overtime pay Police duty Travel, dues and licenses Office supplies Water and sewer charges Canteen supplies Laundry Building supplies Building repairs and maintenance Miscellaneous building expenses Telephone Light and power Fuel Equipment repairs and maintenance Insurance Audit Miscellaneous Wading pool supplies Skating rink expenses Regular salaries Maintenance Refunds Car allowance Weed control Regular salaries Machinery and expenses Landscaping and greenhouse Ball Park lighting Furniture and fixtures Machinery equipment and tools Building construction Park improvements Special assessments Miscellaneous budgets Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 2,900 24,001 2,900 29,150 Total expenditures $152,207 $178,599 ( 5,149) 5(26,392) Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates $ 54,484 $ 55,744 $( 1,260) 6,355 7,000 ( 645) 140 160 ( 20) 43 80 ( 37) 97 75 22 473 400 73 3,561 3,500 61 46 75 ( 29) 764 700 64 1,618 2,275 ( 657) 82 150 ( 68) 327 350 ( 23) 1,180 1,100 80 1,867 2,100 ( 233) 2,415 1,500 915 2,364 2,500 ( 136) 300 300 248 500 ( 252) 737 800 ( 63) 3,864 4,500 ( 636) 2,043 1,400 643 40 50 ( 10) 187 250 ( 63) 1,260 2,000 ( 740) 219 200 19 466 500 ( 34) 245 300 ( 55) 10 200 ( 190) 534 1,000 ( 466) 12,196 19,315 ( 7,119) 14,797 17,755 ( 2,958) 12,344 19,660 ( 7,316) 110 ( 110) 2,900 24,001 2,900 29,150 Total expenditures $152,207 $178,599 ( 5,149) 5(26,392) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIBRARY FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor Fines Photo copies Miscellaneous receipts Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total revenue $ 37,818 $ 40,064 $( 2,246) Actual 15,000 1,763 1,169 over 469 237 Budget (under) 11 Actual estimates estimates Fund balance (deficit) January 1, 1966 $( 5,495) $( 5,495) $ 67,164 Add - Revenue 55,998 67,164 11,166) Total beginning balance and revenue $ 50,503 $ 61,669 $(11,166) Deduct - Expenditures 54,474 67,164 (12,690) Fund balance (deficit) December 31, 1966 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 General property and other taxes Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor Fines Photo copies Miscellaneous receipts Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total revenue $ 37,818 $ 40,064 $( 2,246) 16,763 15,000 1,763 1,169 700 469 237 300 ( 63) 11 100 ( 89) 11,000 11,000) S 55,998 $ 67,164 11 1 ) 35 36 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIBRARY FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,1966 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 6,000 $ 6,000 Extra salaries 9,228 9,200 $ 28 Water and sewer charges 63 50 13 Books and magazines 9,845 12,000 ( 2,155) Supplies 1,817 2,000 ( 183) Postage 2 50 ( 48) Building and equipment repair and maintenance 136 400 ( 264) Building supplies and service 1,934 1,500 434 Telephone 261 210 51 Light and power 1,322 1,000 322 Fuel 633 1,000 ( 367) Insurance 121 200 ( 79) Audit 100 150 ( 50) Travel and dues 78 100 ( 22) Miscellaneous 54 150 ( 96) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 920 920 Furniture and fixtures 1,220 1,400 ( 180) Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 20,740 30,834 (10,094) Total expenditures L-5 67,16L 12 ) 37 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BAND FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash balance January 1, 1966 $ 513 Receipts Transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 500 Total beginning cash and receipts $ 1,013 Disbursements Band services $ 310 Transportation 235 Supplies 40 Total disbursements 585 Cash balance December 31, 1966 42 BUILDING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash balance January 1, 1966 $20,122 Disbursements Building repair and maintenance $ 672 Miscellaneous 6 Transfer to General Fund 19,000 Total disbursements 19,678 Cash balance December 31, 1966 $ 444 39 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FLOOD CONTROL FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 312 1966 Cash balance January 1, 1966 $19,627 Disbursements Salaries and labor $ 5,325 Sewer line inspection 8,188 Equipment rental 4,696 Materials 3,099 Other 84 Total disbursements $21,392 Cash balance December 31, 1966 40 ASSETS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BOND FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash Investment - Emergency Debt Cer- tificate (Flood Control Fund) Accrued interest receivable Delinquent taxes receivable Amounts to be provided by future revenues for Library construction Park construction Total assets LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND APPROPRIATION Liabilities Accounts payable Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund - For storm Combined $439,435 31,000 11,870 2,492 20,903 20,622 $526,322 Library Storm Sewer Park Con- Con- Con- struction struction struction Fund Fund Fund $(12,158) 20,903 $472,215 31,000 11,870 2,492 $(20,622) 20,622 $517,577 $ -0- sewer construction $139,081 $139,081 Reserve for encumbrances 8,745 $ 8,745 Unencumbered appropriation balance 378,496 378,496 Total liabilities, reserve and appropriation $526,322 J__8 4 5517,577 41 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA $ 1,367 BONDS FUND 823 $ 777 STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 4,000 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Material 487 487 Library Storm Sewer Park 1,856 Construction Construction Construction Combined Fund Fund Fund 250 Contract payments Cash balance January 1, 1966 $1,003,082 81,824 $ 932,882 $(11,624 Receipts 2,355 Repayment of temporary bank loan General property and other taxes $ 92,273 $ 2,107 $ 79,396 $ 10,770 State of Minnesota - Grant 40,000 40,000 Transfers for payment of bond Proceeds from sale of bonds 90,000 90,000 principal and interest to Proceeds of temporary bank loan 200,000 200,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Sale of land and building 17,400 17,400 Transfers from 20,979 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 11,000 11,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Sewer Utility Operating Fund 40,000 39,728 40,000 Transfer to Permanent Improvement Permanent Improvement Revolving Revolving Fund - Advance for Fund - Interest earned in.1965 8,500 8,500 construction costs Interest on investments 27,689 500,000 27,689 Repayment of Emergency Debt Total receipts $ 526,862 $143,107 $ 355,585 28,170 Total beginning balance 89,000 32,600 Interest on Emergency Debt and receipts $1,529,944 $224,931 $1,288,467 16,546 Disbursements Regular salaries $ 1,367 $ 1,367 Professional services 823 $ 777 $ 46 Engineering fees and expense 4,000 4,000 Material 487 487 Equipment rent 1,856 1,856 Land purchase 1,879 1,879 Appraisal fee 250 250 Contract payments 140,862 138,779 2,083 Other improvement costs 2,355 2,355 Repayment of temporary bank loan 200,000 200,000 Interest on temporary bank loan 1,119 1,119 Transfers for payment of bond principal and interest to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 20,979 20,979 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 44,333 44,333 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 39,728 39,728 Transfer to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund - Advance for construction costs 500,000 500,000 Repayment of Emergency Debt Certificate 121,600 89,000 32,600 Interest on Emergency Debt Certificate 8,737 6,129 2,608 Miscellaneous 134 49 50 35 Total disbursements $1,090,509 $237,089 $ 816,252 37,168 Cash'balance December 31, 1966 $ 439,435 $(12.151) ,$ 472,215 $(20,622) 42 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1966 ASSETS Cash $ 117,395 Accounts receivable Storm Sewer Construction Fund 139,081 Other 17,715 Accrued interest receivable 7,100 Delinquent taxes receivable 374 Special assessments receivable Delinquent (principal and interest) 136,488 Deferred (principal only) 1,065,669 Unassessed costs Storm Sewer 11,426 Other 61,036 Total assets $L556,284 LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Liabilities Accounts payable - Other $ 2,473 Retained percentages on contracts 38,410 Deposits 15,671 Reserves for Payment of bonds and interest 1,471,778 Encumbrances 27,952 Total liabilities and reserves $1,556,284 (1) Bonded indebtedness (principal and interest) corresponding to bond proceeds used to finance storm sewer construction is to be paid by a general property tax levy and special assessments. Taxes for this purpose in the amount of $56,300 were levied for collection in 1967. (2) Substantially all of other unassessed costs are to be assessed against benefited property. (3) The City is following the practice of transferring from this fund to the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Account) amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from the account and canceling corresponding annual collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown in the account. u CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA t PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 43 Cash balance January 1, 1966 $ 79,656 Receipts General property and other taxes $ 2,081 Special assessments 1 Collected by City $451,514 Collected by County Principal 111,339 1 Interest and penalties 5,366 568,219 Proceeds from sale of bonds 550,000 Interest on investments 12,653 ' Special assessment searches and other receipts 1,263 Other governmental units - Share of costs 35,062 ' City's share of improvements (reimburse- ment from other City Funds for unassessed costs of completed or canceled projects) 1,699 ' Transfer from Storm Sewer Construction Fund Payment of principal and interest on bonds 20,979 Reimbursement of construction costs 500,000 Emergency Debt Certificate maturity 89,000 ' Interest on Emergency Debt Certificate 6,129 Total receipts 1,787,085 ' Total beginning cash and receipts $1,866,741 Disbursements Contract payments $1,198,101 Equipment rental 47,989 Regular salaries 39,410 Materials 32,386 Extra construction costs 2,773 Insurance 987 Audit 500 1 Appraisal fees 630 Engineering salaries 20,794 Administrative expenses 8,479 Legal fees 4,749 Engineering expenses 170 Condemnations and land purchases 7,206 Advertising 315 ' Miscellaneous 57 Transfers to General Debt Service Fund 376,300 Storm Sewer construction Fund 8,500 Total disbursements 1,749,346 ' Cash balance December 31, 1966 $ 117,395 43 44 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1966 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Total Account ASSETS Cash $ 492,190 $ 353,579 Cash with fiscal agents 147,235 55,759 Investments, at cost City of Columbia Heights Bonds 44,646 44,646 Accrued interest receivable 3,300 3,300 Deferred taxes receivable* 3,977,708 1,721,130 Amount to be provided by future revenues 415,945 7.416 Total assets ,$,5,081.024 $2,185,830 LIABILITIES AND RESERVE Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest $ 147,235 $ 55,759 Future maturities Bonds 3,890,000 1,890,000 Interest 895,824 240,071 Reserve for payment of bonds and interest 147,965 Total liabilities and reserve $5081,024 $2,185,830 * The City is following the practice of canceling current collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown for all bond issues except the Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account and Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account, since amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from these accounts are transferred from other City funds. 1 Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account $ 13,653 12,175 ' 97,850 ' 12 $ 12,175 ' 90,000 14,355 ' 7,148 5123.678 1.451.172 liaiOu $ 870 $ 40,163 $ 16,075 $ 4,255 $ 17,938 295,000 315,000 915,000 310,000 75,000 70,990 47,670 430,020 83,971 8,747 50,740 90,077 5366,860 5453,573 $1.451,172 22 101 68 45 Storm Storm Park Sewer Sewer Water Library Bonds Bonds Bonds System Bonds of 1962 of 1964 of 1965 Bonds of 1966 Account Account Account Account Account $ 29,987 $ 46,010 $ 32,947 $ 12,749 $ 3,265 870 40,163 16,075 4,255 17,938 320,350 367,400 1,402,150 68,828 15.653 381.222 11.654 1.451.172 liaiOu $ 870 $ 40,163 $ 16,075 $ 4,255 $ 17,938 295,000 315,000 915,000 310,000 75,000 70,990 47,670 430,020 83,971 8,747 50,740 90,077 5366,860 5453,573 $1.451,172 22 101 68 45 46 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Disbursements Bond maturities $ 445,000 $370,000 Interest on bonds 145,904 57,345 Fiscal agents` service charges 931 612 Total disbursements $ 5912835 $427,957 Cash balance December 319 1966 $ 492,190 5353,579 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Combined Account Cash balance January 1, 1966 $ 512,164 $367,032 Receipts Transfers from Administration Fund $ 13,413 Park Fund 24,001 Library Fund 20,740 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 84,061 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 376,300 $376,300 Water System Improvement Fund 2,128 Water Operating Fund 12,252 Accrued interest on bonds sold 3,758 2,996 Emergency Debt Certificate matured 32,600 32,600 Interest on Emergency Debt Certificate 2,608 2,608 Total receipts $ 571,861 $414,504 Total beginning balance and receipts $1,084,025 $781,536 Disbursements Bond maturities $ 445,000 $370,000 Interest on bonds 145,904 57,345 Fiscal agents` service charges 931 612 Total disbursements $ 5912835 $427,957 Cash balance December 319 1966 $ 492,190 5353,579 1 1 Municipal 1 Bui Id ing Bonds of 1959 Account 14 032 $13,413 $13,413 '$27,445 ' $10,000 3,770 22 $13,792 47 Storm Storm Park Sewer Sewer Water Library Bonds Bonds Bonds System Bonds of 1962 of 1964 of 1965 Bonds of 1966 Account Account Account Account Account $30,561 $47,072 $421097 $11,370 $24,001 $20,740 $44,333 $39,728 $ 2,128 12,252 272 490 $24,001 $44,333 $39,728 $14,652 $21,230 $54,562 $91,405 $81,825 .$26,022 $21,230 $15,000 $35,000 $15,000 9,532 10,325 $48,756 $13,237 2,939 43 70 122 36 26 $24,575 $45,395 $482878 .$13,273 $17A965 $ 9¢987 IIL1 12L-L265 47 M CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1966 $ 240,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing January 1, 1968 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/68 $ 50,000 $100,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70' 1/1/69 -73 500,000 $ 550,000 Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account $1,890,000 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing December 1, 1967 12/1/56 3.60% 12/1/67 $ 5,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $50,000 per year 9/1/57 4.50 12/1/67 -72 $ 300,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $55,000 per year 6/1/59 3.50 6/1/67 -69 $ 165,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing July 1, 1967 7/1/60 3.50 7/1/67 $ 60,000 $60,000 per year 7/1/60 3.70 7/1/68 -71 240,000 $ 300,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing October 1, 1967 10/1/61 3.00 10/1/67 $ 80,000 October 1, 1968 10/1/61 3.00 10/1/68 50,000 $50,000 per year 10/1/61 3.20 10/1/69 -70 100,000 $50,000 per year 10/1/61 3.40 10/1/71 -72 100,000 $ 330,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $40,000 per year 1/1/63 2.80 1/1/68 -70 $ 120,000 $40,000 per year 1/1/63 3.00 1/1/71 -73 120,000 $ 240,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing January 1, 1968 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/68 $ 50,000 $100,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70' 1/1/69 -73 500,000 $ 550,000 Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account $1,890,000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ' GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1966 (CONTINUED) 1 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Municipal Building Bonds maturing $10,000 per year 6/1/59 3.50% 12/1/67 -69 $ 30,000 $10,000 per year 6/1/59 3.90 12/1/70 -72 30,000 $10,000 per year 6/1/59 4.00 12/1/73 -75 302000 Total Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account $ 90,000 Park Bonds of 1962 Account Park Bonds maturing $15,000 per year 2/1/62 2.70 2/1/67 -68 $ 30,000 $20,000 per year 2/1/62 2.70 2/1/69 -70 40,000 $20,000 per year 2/1/62 3.10 2/1/71 -72 40,000 ' $25,000 per year 2/1/62 3.10 2/1/73 -74 50,000 $25,000 per year 2/1/62 3.40 2/1/75 -77 75,000 $30,600 per year 2/1/62 3.50 2/1/78 -79 60,000 Total Park Bonds of 1962 Account $ 295,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account ' Storm Sewer Bonds maturing $35,000 per year 12/1/64 2.80 12/1/67 -69 $ 105,000 $35,000 per year 12/1/64 3.00 12/1/70 -72 105,000 ' $35,000 per year 12/1/64 3.10 12/1/73 -75 105,000 Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account $ 315,000 49 50 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1966 (CONTINUED) $ 260,000 Water System Bonds of April 1, 1966 maturing $25,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/72 -73 $ 50,000 Total General Obligation Water Revenue Bond Account $ 310,000 Library Bonds of 1966 Account Library Bonds maturing $15,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/68 -72 $ 75,000 *Plus additional interest at the rate of 0.90% per annum on all bonds for the period from June 11, 1966 to July 1, 1967. Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable :•1 111 Note - January 1, 1967 maturities are considered as matured December 31, 1966. Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account Storm Sewer Bonds maturing $30,000 per year 10/1/65 3.10% 1/1/71 -73 $ 90,000 January 1, 1974 10/1/65 3.20 1/1/74 30,000 January 1, 1975 10/1/65 3.20 1/1/75 35,000 January 1, 1976 10/l/65 3.40 1/1/76 35,000 $40,000 per year 10/1/65 3.40 1/1/77 -78 80,000 January 1, 1979 10/1/65 3.40 1/1/79 45,000 January 1, 1980 10/1/65 3.50 1/1/80 45,000 January 1, 1981 10/1/65 3.50 1/1/81 85,000 January 1, 1982 10/1/65 3.50 1/1/82 95,000 January 1, 1983 10/1/65 3.60 1/1/83 105,000 January 1, 1984 10/1/65 3.60 1/1/84 130,000 January 1, 1985 10/1/65 3.60 l/l/85 140,000 .Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account $ 915,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bond Account Water System Bonds of October 1, 1965 maturing January 1, 1971 10/1/65 3.10 1/1/71 $ 35,000 $25,000 per year 10/1/65 3,10 1/1/72 -73 50,000 $25,000 per year 10/1/65 3.20 1/1/74 -75 50,000 $25,000 per year 10/1/65 3.40 1/1/76 -79 100,000 January 1, 1980 10/1/65 3.50 1/1/80 25,000 $ 260,000 Water System Bonds of April 1, 1966 maturing $25,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/72 -73 $ 50,000 Total General Obligation Water Revenue Bond Account $ 310,000 Library Bonds of 1966 Account Library Bonds maturing $15,000 per year 4/1/66 3.70* 1/1/68 -72 $ 75,000 *Plus additional interest at the rate of 0.90% per annum on all bonds for the period from June 11, 1966 to July 1, 1967. Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable :•1 111 Note - January 1, 1967 maturities are considered as matured December 31, 1966. 51 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Year Total Principal Interest 1967 $ 570,640 $ 415,000 $155,640 1968 548,740 430,000 118,740 1969 538,708 435,000 103,708 1970 534,440 445,000 89,440 1971 533,861 460,000 73,861 1972 443,016 385,000 58,016 1973 169,070 125,000 44,070 1974 170,295 130,000 40,295 1975 166,400 130,000 36,400 1976 122,425 90,000 32,425 1977 119,365 90,000 29,365 1978 126,205 100,000 26,205 1979 122,775 100,000 22,775 1980 104,800 85,000 19,800 1981 111,824 95,000 16,824 1982 118,500 105,000 13,500 1983 139,720 130,000 9,720 1984 145,040 140,000 5,040 $4,785P82 $3P890,000 5895 8/ Note - January 1 maturities are considered matured December 31 of the preceding year. The above amounts are payable in the year shown. 52 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1966 AND 1965 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS 1966 1965 Cash $ 60,672 $ 46,291 Petty cash and change funds 2,400 Account receivable - Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund 4,392 Insurance premium refund receivable 1,394 Inventories, at cost 86,532 79,263 Prepaid insurance 1,538 2,366 Total current assets $151,142 $133,706 FIXED ASSETS, at cost Land and improvements $ 34,915 $ 34,681 Buildings and improvements 182,821 180,174 Furniture and equipment 73,106 71,310 Total cost $290,842 $286,165 Less accumulated depreciation 77,656 68,298 Total fixed assets (net) $213,186 $217,867 Total assets 64 32 3 3 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Administration Fund $ 3,674 Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 12,703 11,332 Other 26,167 30,643 Accrued wages payable 1,509 1,174 Special assessments payable 234 Total current liabilities $ 40,613 $ 46,823 RETAINED EARNINGS Invested in fixed assets (net fixed assets) $213,186 $217,867 Net working capital (current assets les current liabilities) 110,529 86,883 Total retained earnings $323,715 $304,750 Total liabilities and retained earnings 36 3 8 $351,573 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 AND 1965 Transfers to other City funds Administration Fund Police and Court Fund Fire Department Fund Street Department Fund Park Fund Band Fund Library Construction Fund Storm Sewer Construction Fund Adjustments Amounts in excess of debr service requirements transferred to Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund Retrospective insurance refund applicable to prior years (10,000) (19,379) (11,000) (27,000) (11,000) ( 500) (11,000) Retained earnings end of year 3 3 71 1965 $634,339 214.960 $849,299 599,969 $249,330 28,797 $278,127 172.235 $105,892 2,344 362) $107,874 269,364 8,091) ( 6,393) (10,282) (10,211) ( 1,000) (21,000) (22,450) 5,545 1,394 13L4,7 Percent of sales 74.69 25.31 100.00 70.64 29.36 3.39 32.75 20.28 12.47 .28 .0 ) 12.71 53 1966 Percent of sales Sales Off sale $672,9:,/ 75.76 On sale 215228- 24.24 $888,212 100.00 Cost of sales (excluding discounts) 6302690 71.01 Gross profit before discounts $257,522 28.99 Add - Discounts 31,041 3.49 Gross profit $288,563 32.48 Operating expenses 182,532 20.55 Operating income $106,031 11.93 Other income and (expenses) Other income (including vending machine sales) 2,813 .32 Interest Net income $108,844 12.25 Retained earnings beginning of year 304,750 Transfers to other City funds Administration Fund Police and Court Fund Fire Department Fund Street Department Fund Park Fund Band Fund Library Construction Fund Storm Sewer Construction Fund Adjustments Amounts in excess of debr service requirements transferred to Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund Retrospective insurance refund applicable to prior years (10,000) (19,379) (11,000) (27,000) (11,000) ( 500) (11,000) Retained earnings end of year 3 3 71 1965 $634,339 214.960 $849,299 599,969 $249,330 28,797 $278,127 172.235 $105,892 2,344 362) $107,874 269,364 8,091) ( 6,393) (10,282) (10,211) ( 1,000) (21,000) (22,450) 5,545 1,394 13L4,7 Percent of sales 74.69 25.31 100.00 70.64 29.36 3.39 32.75 20.28 12.47 .28 .0 ) 12.71 53 55 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 AND 1965 1966 1965 Percent Percent of sales of sales Salaries and wages $129,656 14.60 $123,878 14.59 Contributions to Public Employees' Retirement Association 9,171 1.03 8,046 .95 Employees' welfare 3,111 .35 2,982 .35 Laundry 1,588 .18 1,401 .16 Bar supplies 1,119 .13 1,085 .13 Store supplies 2,434 .27 2,355 .28 Office supplies 257 .03 96 .01 Store expenses 6,449 .73 7,271 .86 Telephone 637 .07 710 .08 Utilities 7,042 .79 7,496 .88 Insurance and bonds 7,111 .80 3,754 .44 Depreciation 9,932 1.12 10,009 1.18 Maintenance and repair 3,129 .35 2,252 .27 Licenses and memberships 96 .01 100 .01 Independent auditing 800 .09 800 .09 Total operating expenses 2 2 2D._51 $172,235 20.28 56 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING INCOME FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Sales Cost of sales (excluding discounts) Gross profit before discounts Percent of sales Add - Discounts Percent of sales Gross profit Percent of sales Operating expenses Percent of sales Operating income Percent of sales Total all stores Total $888,212 $672,927 6302690 543,830 $257,522 $129,097 28.99% 19.18% 31,041 26,385 3.49% 3.92% $288,563 $155,482 32.48% 23.10% 182,532 84,613 20.55% 12.57% $106,031 $ 70,869 11.3% 10.53% 57 Off sale stores On sale No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 store $299,062 $178,399 $195,466 $215,285 237,538 147,512 1583780 86,860 $ 61,524 $ 30,887 $ 36,686 $128,425 20.57% 17.31% 18.77% 59.65% 11,516 7,667 7,202 4,656 3.85% 4.307. 3.687. 2.16% $ 73,040 $ 38,554 $ 43,888 $133,081 24.42% 21.61% 22.45% 61.81% 34,457 23,957 26,199 97,919 11.52% 13.43% 13.40% 45.48% $ 38,583 $ 14,597 $ 17,689 $ 35,162 12.901 8.18% 58 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING EXPENSES FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Total all stores Total Percent of sales Salaries and wages $129,656 $ 57,420 8.53 Contributions to Public Employees' Retirement Association 9,171 4,060 .60 Employees' welfare 3,111 938 .14 Laundry 1,588 417 .06 Bar supplies 1,119 Store supplies 2,434 1,731 .26 Office supplies 257 239 .04 Store expense 6,449 1,948 .29 Telephone 637 637 .09 Utilities 7,042 4,715 .70 Insurance and bonds 7,111 5,263 .78 Depreciation 9,932 5,012 .75 Maintenance and repair 3,129 1,549 .23 Licenses and memberships 96 84 .01 Independent auditing 800 600 .09 Total operating expenses 1 2 2 S 84,613 12157 On sale Percent of sales $ 72,236 33.55 5,111 I 2,173 1.01 1,171 .54 1,119 .52 703 .33 18 .01 4,501 2.09 2,327 1.08 1,848 .86 4,920 2.29 1,580 .73 12 Off sale stores .09 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Percent Percent Percent of sales of sales of sales $ 22,762 7.61 $ 17,156 9.62 $ 17,502 8.96 1,609 .54 1,213 .68 1,238 .63 458 .15 240 .14 240 .12 169 .06 107 .06 141 .07 1,628 .54 22 .01 81 .04 92 .03 61 .03 86 .04 1,041 .35 310 .17 597 .31 ' 306 .10 164 .09 167 .09 1,835 .61 1,032 .58 1,848 .95 21229 .75 12487 .83 1,547 .79 ' 12825 .61 1,248 .70 1,939 .99 274 .09 689 .39 586 .30 29 .01 28 .02 27 .01 200 .07 200 .11 200 .10 On sale MWIMMI 59 Percent of sales $ 72,236 33.55 5,111 2.37 2,173 1.01 1,171 .54 1,119 .52 703 .33 18 .01 4,501 2.09 2,327 1.08 1,848 .86 4,920 2.29 1,580 .73 12 .01 200 .09 MWIMMI 59 M CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash balance January 1, 1966 $ 4,392 Disbursements - Transfer to Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 4,392 Cash balance December 31, 1966 $ -O- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITY FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1966 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Customers Other Delinquent taxes receivable Inventory - Water meters, at cost Total assets Water Utility Operating Combined Fund 61 Sewer Water Utility System Operating Improvement Fund Fund $116,156 $134,705 $ 20,363 $(38,912) 63,224 39,725 23,499 222 222 402 402 10,826 102826 JLJL 912) LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 6,818 $ 3,409 $ 3,409 City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 33,329 10,372 22,957 Other 4,473 3,698 613 $ 162 Retained percentage on contracts 23,472 23,472 Special assessments payable 72552 4,674 22878 Total current liabilities $ 75,644 $ 22,153 $ 29,857 $ 23,634 DEFERRED LIABILITY - City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 92 92 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES 24,474 24,474 FUND BALANCE (deficit) 902620 163,325 14,315 (87,020) Total liabilities and fund balance $190,830 I 4 8 44 2 4 $08,912) Note - Fixed assets are not shown in this statement since their cost or present value was not available. Accordingly, depreciation is not included as an operating expense. 62 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Operating revenue Water sales $249,937 Hydrant rental 4,000 Meter sales 4,942 Service connections 2,155 Penalties 2,374 Refunds and reimbursements 248 Meter repairs and special service 964 Miscellaneous 176 Total operating revenue $264,796 Operating expenses (see footnote) Water purchases $132,783 Regular salaries 30,264 Extra salaries 5,256 Office supplies 324 Postage 592 Meter repair parts 255 Plumbing supplies 1,547 Meters 4,408 Supplies 1,121 Equipment repair and maintenance 2,952 Tank service 540 Telephone 524 Light and power 4,044 Fuel 299 Rent 150 Main repair and maintenance 2,493 Hydrant repair and maintenance 2,724 Insurance 816 Audit 300 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 3,263 Miscellaneous 229 Total operating expenses 194,884 Operating income $ 69,912 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Operating income (carried forward) Other expense Interest on special assessments Interest on revenue bonds Net income Fund balance, January 1, 1966 Deduct Capital outlay expenditures Special assessments Equipment Furniture and fixtures Transfer to General Debt Service Fund Less interest expense on revenue bonds (above) Fund balance, December 31, 1966 $ 69,912 68 10,655 10,723 $ 59,189 114,211 3,763 4,701 14 $ 12,252 (10,655) 1,597 10,075 16 32 63 64 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SEWER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Operating revenue - Sewer rental $125,004 Operating expenses (see footnote) Regular salaries $ 32,963 Extra salaries 1,885 City of Minneapolis Sewage disposal and maintenance charges 41,846 Storm water disposal charges 1,282 Office supplies 124 Postage 281 General supplies 6,230 Equipment repair and maintenance 2,663 Telephone 304 Light and power 563 Fuel 255 Rent 150 Insurance 2,929 Audit 300 Maintenance 2,280 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 3,263 Miscellaneous 24 Total operating expenses 97,342 Operating income $ 27,662 Other income and (expense) General property taxes 1,828 Interest on special assessments 207) Net income $ 29,283 Fund balance, January 1, 1966 34,006 Deduct Capital outlay expenditures (8,974) Transfer to Storm Sewer Construction Fund (40,00 ) Fund balance, December 31, 1966 S 14.315 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash balance, January 1, 1966 Receipts Proceeds from sale of bonds Interest on investments Total receipts Total beginning balance and receipts Disbursements Regular salaries Extra salaries Professional services Appraisal fee Materials Equipment rent Engineering fee Land Miscellaneous Contract payments City of Minneapolis Connection to Hilltop Reservoir Perpetual lease of portion of Hilltop Reservoir capacity Reimbursement to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Trunk portion of main Transfers to General Debt Service Fund - Interest during construction period Water Utility Operating Fund - Engineering fee paid in 1965 Total disbursements Cash balance, December 31, 1966 $247,037 $ 50,000 9,119 59,119 $306,156 $ 7,813 236 460 250 1,546 235 6,000 1,183 376 216,251 4,702 91,600 11,679 2,128 609 $345,068 $(38,912) 65 M. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - COMPARED WITH APPROPRIATIONS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Appropriations Bond proceeds $310,000 Interest earned on investments 9,119 Total $319,11 9 Less Expenditures Prior years $363,391 Current year 18,279 Total expenditures $381,665 Encumbrances outstanding December 31, 1966 24,474 Total expended and encumbered $406,139 Excess of expenditures and encumbrances over appropriations 87 02 ) 67 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ' STATEMENT OF CASH - DECEMBER 31, 1966 Treasurer cash Cash in banks Regular checking accounts Columbia Heights State Bank, Columbia Heights, Minnesota $ 222,985 Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 6,322 Certificates of deposit and savings certificates Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 400,000 1 Temporary investments - United States government obligations 4002000 Total treasurer cash $1,029,307 STATEMENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES PLACED IN ESCROW BY DEPOSITORY BANKS FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF CITY FUNDS DECEMBER 31 1966 Face amount of ' Depository banks Escrow banks securities Columbia Heights State Bank, Marquette National Bank, $ 218,000 Columbia Heights, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Third Northwestern National Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, 1,1003000 Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Additional coverage of $159000 is provided at each depository bank by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Note - Minnesota Statutes require a depository to pledge sufficient collateral to cover funds on deposit. The amount pledged by the Columbia Heights State Bank was $11,785 short of requirement at December 31, 1966, M CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS - ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1966 Cash I balance Receipts January 1, Debt Interfund 1 1966 certificates transfers Other Fund Administration $( 26,376) $ 32,673 $ 190,299 Police and Court 24,719 19,379 146,678 Fire Department ( 16,689) 11,000 101,760 Civil Defense 15,253 7,842 Street Department ( 141,908) 27,000 202,295 State Aid Maintenance ( 12,536) 14,078 Construction ( 97,986) 93,682 Debt Service 2,127 1,962 12,000 Recreation 784 36,433 Park ( 53,037) 11,000 151,937 Library ( 3,270) 55,998 Band 513 500 Mayor's Contingent 156 Building 20,122 Flood Control 19,627 Library Construction 81,824 11,000 132,107 Storm Sewer Construction 932,882 48,500 105,966 Park Construction ( 11,624) 28,170 Permanent Improvement Revolving 79,656 $ 89,000 520,979 1,177,106 General Debt Service Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account 367,032 32,600 376,300 5,604 Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account 14,032 13,413 Park Bonds of 1962 Account 30,561 24,001 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account 47,072 44,333 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1965 Account 42,097 39,728 Water System Bonds of 1965 Account 11,370 14,380 272 Library Bonds of 1966 Account 20,740 490 Municipal Liquor Operating 43,891 4,392 892,643 Debt Service 4,392 Water Utility Operating 81,319 609 267,259 Sewer Utility Operating 38,513 127,534 Water System Improvement 247,037 59,119 Total $1,741,553 121 0 $1,221,8U $3,809,272 M Disbursements Debt Interfund Total certificates transfers Other Total Cash balance December 31, 1966 $ 222,972 $ 13,413 $ 192,634 $ 206,047 $( 9,451) 166,057 191,465 191,465 ( 689) 112,760 118,307 118,307 ( 22,236) 7,842 16,279 16,279 6,816 229,295 202,994 202,994 ( 115,607) 14,078 1,962 7,545 9,507 ( 7,965) 93,682 1,209 1,209 ( 5,513) 13,962 14,261 14,261 1,828 36,433 35,696 35,696 1,521 162,937 24,001 130,036 154,037 ( 44,137) 55,998 20,740 32,359 53,099 ( 371) 500 585 585 428 156 19,000 678 19,678 444 21,392 21,392 ( 1,765) 143,107 $ 89,000 148,089 237,089 ( 12,158) 154,466 605,040 10,093 615,133 472,215 28,170 32,600 4,568 37,168 ( 20,622) 1,787,085 384,800 1,364,546 1,749,346 117,395 414,504 427,957 427,957 353,579 13,413 13,792 13,792 13,653 24,001 24,575 24,575 29,987 44,333 45,395 45,395 46,010 39,728 48,878 48,878 32,947 14,652 13,273 13,273 12,749 21,230 17,965 17,965 3,265 897,035 93,552 786,702 880,254 60,672 4,392 4,392 -0- 267,868 12,252 202,230 214,482 134,705 127,534 40,000 105,684 145,684 20,363 59,119 2,737 342,331 345,068 ( 382912) $5,152,761 $121,600 1.221,889 $4,521,518 $5,865,007 $1,029.307 70 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA INVESTMENT IN CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Owned by General Debt Service Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, dated July 1, 1960 Park Bonds, dated February 1, 1962 Total Maturity Interest Matured date rate value Cost 7/1/71 3.70% 2/1/77 3.40 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - STATE OF MINNESOTA DECEMBER 31, 1966 Liquor tax apportionment Cigarette tax apportionment State aid allocation for street construction Federal aid through State Department of Civil Defense for Personnel and Administrative Expense Program Condemnation of City owned land $ 40,000 $ 39,646 5,000 5,000 000 $ 16,065 22,584 61,851 1,081 3,000 Total 10 1 71 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS (PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST) - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Note - January 1 maturities are considered matured December 31 of the preceding year. The above amounts are payable in the year shown, Municipal State Aid Bonds Debt General Debt Year Total Service Fund Service Fund 1967 $ 584,584 $13,944 $ 570,640 1968 562,384 13,644 548,740 1969 552,052 13,344 538,708 1970 547,460 13,020 534,440 1971 546,557 12,696 533,861 1972 455,364 12,348 443,016 1973 169,070 169,070 1974 170,295 170,295 1975 166,400 166,400 1976 122,425 122,425 1977 119,365 119,365 1978 126,205 126,205 1979 122,775 122,775 1980 104,800 104,800 1981 111,824 111,824 1982 118,500 118,500 1983 139,720 139,720 1984 145,040 145,040 $4.864.820 $4,7850824 Note - January 1 maturities are considered matured December 31 of the preceding year. The above amounts are payable in the year shown, 72 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ASSESSED VALUATIONS, TAX LEVIES AND MILL RATES (Shown by year of collectibility) 1964 1965 1966 1967 Assessed Valuations Real estate $7,925,381 $8,687,633 $ 9,189,319 $ 9,331,589 Personal property 928,614 1,041,908 12091,958 12084,546 Total $8.853.995 $9,729F,541 $10.281.277 $10,416,135 Tax levies Administration $ 63,297 $ 512,260 $ 61,071 $ 94,400 Police 104,623 114,636 161,500 Police Relief Association 8,850 Firemen's Relief Association 8,850 Fire 69,074 87,185 82,000 Civil Defense 8,865 10,021 3,393 3,500 Street 102,392 124,918 122,900 Recreation 12,057 16,347 17,500 Park 122,516 151,855 142,150 Library 24,024 25,005 40,200 33,650 Bonds 2,039 2,043 1,953 Storm sewer bonds 27,482 50,010 79,988 56,300 Storm sewer construction 10,000 Sewer and water 4,964 7,395 1,953 4,000 Deferred liabilities 35,620 University Avenue signals 21,900 Total $ 559.033 $ 606,734 $ 683499 $ 785,420 Mill Rates Administration 7.15 52.65 5.94 9.06 Police 11.82 11,1.5 15,50 Police Relief Association 1.00 Firemen's Relief Association 1.00 Fire 7.80 8,48 7.87 Civil Defense 1.00 1.03 .33 .34 Street 11.56 12.15 11,80 Recreation 1.36 1.59 1.68 Park 13.84 14.77 13.65 Library 2.71 2.57 3.91 3.23 Bonds .23 .21 .19 Storm sewer bonds 3.10 5.14 7.78 5.41 Storm sewer construction .96 Sewer and water .56 .76 .19 .38 Deferred liabilities 3.42 University Avenue signals 2,10 Total 63.13 6 2.36 66.48 75,40 7.3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA INSURANCE COVERAGE DECEMBER 31, 1966 Co- insurance Fire and extended coverage City hall, fire and police departments Building 90% $172,300 Contents 90 20,500 Community center Building 90 126,250 Contents 90 5,000 Public library Building 90 120,000 Contents 90 10,000 Municipal liquor stores Buildings 90 156,000 Contents 17,000 Liquor stock 125,000 Sign 2,000 Park recreation building Building 90 5,500 Contents 90 500 City garage Building 90 13,200 Contents 90 11,000 Recreation building 3,600 Warehouse Building 90 2,800 Contents 90 600 Warming house and shelter buildings Buildings 90 29,100 Contents 90 500 Lift station buildings 90 550 Water standpipe 90 68,000 Pumping stations 90 300 Street equipment ($50 deductible) 58,505 Comprehensive liability Bodily injury Automobiles 50/300,000 Except automobiles 50/300,000 Property damage Automobiles 300,000 Except automobiles 300,000 Minnesota Statutory Liquor Law liability 50/300,000 Boiler and Machinery 50,000 Business interruption - City liquor stores 125,650 Money and securities - broad form Inside premises 6,500 Outside premises 6,500 Comprehensive glass coverage standard Workmen's compensation statutory Comprehensive general liability for recreation employees and volunteer workers - property damage and personal injury 300,000 75 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA EMPLOYEES'SURETY BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1966 Rosella C. Lawson City Treasurer $5,000 Pauline M. Glatzmaier Clerk of Municipal Court 1,000 All employees, except those listed above are covered by an honesty blanket position bond of $5,000 with an additional $5,000 on the municipal liquor store manager. Note - Floyd C. Lawson resigned effective July 1, 1966 as City Assessor. Ralph Bauer was appointed Assessor. No bond has been secured for Mr. Bauer as required by State law,