HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 & 1962 Financial Statementsy CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. MINNESOTA ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Term of office expiration date* Elected (four years term): Mayor - Warren A. Armstrong Councilmen: Edward Chies (succeeded by Bruce Nawrocki) C. L. Mc Cline Joseph J. Orendorff Robert G. King (re- elected in 1961) Bruce Nawrocki Municipal Judge - Joseph E. Wargo Appointed: City Manager - Malcolm 0. Watson Treasurer - Rosella C. Lawson Attorney - Stewart F. Kvalheim Engineer - George F. Brown *First Monday after the first Thursday of July. 1963 1961 1963 1963 1965 1965 1963 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Independent certified public accountant's opinion Comments Balance sheets - all funds Administration and special revenue funds: - Balance sheets Summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements Detailed statements of cash receipts and disbursements: Administration Fund Police and Court Fund Fire Department Fund Civil Defense Fund Street Department Fund State Aid Construction Fund Recreation Fund Park Fund Library Fund Band Fund Poor Fund Building Fund Storm Sewer Construction Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: Balance sheet Statements of cash receipts and disbursements General Debt Service Fund: - Balance sheet Statements of cash receipts and disbursements: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Park Bonds of 1962 Account Bonds payable Debt service requirements Municipal Liquor Operating Fund: Balance sheet Statements of income and retained earnings Statement of operating expenses: 1961 1962 Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund: Balance sheet Statements of cash receipts and disbursements Bonds payable Debt service requirements Page 1 2 8 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 33 34 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Water and sewer utilities operating funds: Balance sheets 39 Statements of cash receipts and disbursements: Water Utility Operating Fund 40 Sewer Utility Operating Fund 42 Miscellaneous information: Summary statements of cash receipts and disbursements: 1961 43 1962 44 Statement of cash 45 Statement of United States Government securities placed in escrow by depository banks for the safeguarding of City funds 45 Investment in City of Columbia Heights bonds 46 Accounts receivable from the State of Minnesota 46 Debt service requirements - all funds 47 Assessed valuations, tax levies and mill rates 48 Insurance coverage 49 Employees surety bonds 50 ill G E O R G E I� M . H A N S E N COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 5501 EXCELSIOR BLVD. MINNEAPOLIS 19, MINNESOTA WALNUT 7 -6708 May 2, 1963 To the City Council of Columbia Heights, Minnesota We have examined the accompanying financial statements of the respective funds of the City of Columbia Heights for the two years ended December 31, 1962. We did not observe the beginning inventory of liquor store merchandise and the scope of our examination was further limited by lack of information as to the cost or present value of fixed assets of the water and sewer utilities operating funds and the general fixed properties of the City. Otherwise, our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accord- ingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary. A statement of general fixed assets is not included in this report since informa- tion as to the cost or present value of the assets was not. available. Because of limitations as to the scope of our examination, we are unable to express an opinion on the following statements included in the report: ' 1. 1,Lnicipal Liquor Operating Fund - Statements of income and retained earnings (Page 35) - Since we did not observe the beginning inventory of the liquor store merchandise, we are unable to express an opinion as to the results of operations of the liquor stores. 2. Water. and Sewer Utilities Operating Funds - Balance sheets (Page 39) - Lack of physical property records of the utility systems precludes our expressing ' an opinion as to the financial position of these utility funds. Although we are unable to express an opinion on the above statements for the reasons shown, as far as our examination extended, cash transactions were found ' to have been properly recorded and balance sheets for the respective funds, except utilities, were properly prepared to show the financial position of the funds on the accrual basis of accounting whereby revenues are taken into account as ' earned and expenditures are considered as such as soon as the liability is incurred. In our opinion, these statements, except those enumerated above on which we do ' not express an opinion, present fairly the financial position of the respective funds of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota at December 31, 1962 and the results of their operations for the two years then ended,"�in conformity with generally accepted governmental accounting principles. K CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA COMMENTS The City of Columbia Heights operates under a home rule charter adopted June 9, 1921 as amended. The form of government established by this charter is known as the "Council- Manager Plan ". The City Manager, who is appointed by the council, is the chief achninistrative officer of the city and is responsible to the council for the proper administration of all affairs relating to the City_, Thes_oun.c _ is a ec e — y popu ar vote and consists of five members including the mayor, who is the presiding officer. The following comments explain the purposes of the respective City funds and give pertinent information concerning operations, revenues, expenditures and other significant matters. Administration Fund The Administration Fund is used to account for all revenues, and the activities financed by them, which are not accounted for in some special fund. The principal sources of revenue are (1) general property taxes, (2) licenses and permits, (3) shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette) and (4) garbage collection service charges. Expenditures are for (1) general administration, (2) protective inspec- tion (building, heating, electrical, health, plumbing, etc.,), (3) garbage collec- tion, (4) City's contribution to Public Employees Retirement Association (other than that paid by liquor, water and sewer operating funds), (5) transfers to General Debt Service Fund (Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account) for debt retirement and (6) other functions. Several functions ordinarily included as a part of an administration or general fund are accounted fur separately in special revenue funds by the City of Columbia Heights. The Administration Fund showed an unappropriated surplus deficit of $20,950 at December 31, 1962 as determined on the accrual basis whereby revenues are taken into account as earned and expenditures are considered as such as soon as liabil- ities are incurred. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are established to account for taxes and other revenues (except special assessments) set aside for a particular purpose, The City of Columbia Heights has eleven funds of this nature. Following are brief descrip- tions of each. Police and Court Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of the Police Department and Municipal Court. The principal sources of revenue for this fund are general property taxes, fines and shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette). The fund had an unappropriated surplus balance of $40,026 at December 31, 1962. Fire.Department Fund - The operations of the Fire Department are accounted for in this fund. Financing is provided by transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund and a portion of the liquor and cigarette tax apportionments 1. from -the State of Minnesota. 3 Civil Defense Fund - This fund was established to account for the civil defense expenditures. Portions of these expenditures are reimbursed by the Federal Government through the State Department of Civil Defense. A general property tax levy finances the City's share of these costs. Street Department Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for operations of the Street Department having to do with construction and maintenance of all City streets except construction of State designated streets which is handled in the State Aid Construction Fund. The main sources of revenue are general property taxes and shared State taxes (liquor, cigarette and gasoline) State Aid Construction Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from the State of Minnesota for street construction are accounted for in this fund. Recreation Fund - This fund accounts for the City recreation program which is carried on in cooperation with Independent School District No. 13 under the direction of a five member board. Park Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for the acquisition, improve- ment, maintenance and operation of park and playground facilities. The Park Fund is financed primarily by a general property tax levy. Additional revenue is derived from bowling alley and canteen receipts and rental of certain park facilities. On February 1, 1962 Park Bonds were issued in the amount of $325,000 for the acquisition of land and development of park and playground facilities. A separate account in the General Debt Service Fund has been established to handle debt service for this bond issue. Library Fund - The operations of the public library are supported by a general ' property tax levy. The fund shows an unappropriated surplus deficit of $2,593 at December 31, 1962, as determined on the accrual basis of accounting. Construction of a new library building was completed in 1961. Band Fund - All monies levied or appropriated for band entertainment are accounted for in this fund. Mayor's Contingent Fund - This fund was established to account for payment of miscellaneous City promotion expenses incurred by the Mayor. No receipts or disbursements were recorded in the fund during the two years ended December 31, 1962. Building Fund - The Building Fund is used to account for acquisitions and sales of land and buildings not accounted for in other funds. Storm Sewer Construction Fund - The cost of constructing storm sewer drainage facilities in various areas of the City is accounted for in this fund. The financing provided has been derived primarily from general property taxes and transfers from the Sewer Utility Operating Fund. 4 During 1962 the storm sewer construction costs totaled $133,675 and the revenues ,' of the fund were approximately $20,000. The fund showed an unappropriated surplus deficit balance of $108,423 at December 31, 1962. Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to account for special assess- ' ments levied to finance improvements or services deemed to benefit the properties against which the assessments are levied. Primarily, the transactions accounted for in this fund are —( "r) receipt of— bow- proceeics, (2 -) disbursements —bond pro- ' ceeds for construction work done, (3) collection of assessments against benefited property and (4) disbursement of assessment collections to the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account) for payment of bonds and interest. ' Note that.the amount of deferred special assessments represents principal only. The City computes interest annually to be collected with current installments. ' General Debt Service Fund General debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for payment of general obligation bonds or other indebtedness and interest thereon. The General Debt Service Fund of the City of Columbia Heights has been divided into three accounts. Following is a brief description of each, ' Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account - This account is used for the payment of bonds and interest of all Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account - This account was established to handle debt service for the Municipal Building Bonds issued June 1, 1959. A tax levy ' to pay these bonds and applicable interest is collected in the Administration Pund and subsequently transferred to this account. Y ' Park Bonds of 1962 Account - Debt retirement (bonds and interest) of general obligation bonds in the amount of $325,000 issued February 1, 1962 is being accounted for in this account. General property taxes are to be collected in ' the Park Fund to provide the money required. Municipal Liquor Operating Fund ' This fund is maintained to account for the operations of the City owned liquor stores. Percentages of sales and detailed statements by stores are included in this report as aids in reviewing the results of operations for the two years ' ended December 31, 1962. Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund ' This fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for payment of Municipal Building Bonds dated December 1, 1956 and interest thereon. Revenue of the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund was pledged to the retirement of these bonds.. ' Accordingly, transfers are being made from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund to meet debt service requirements. Water and Sewer Utilities Operating Funds These funds account for the operations of the City owned water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems. General A statement of General Fixed Assets has not been included in this report due to lack of valuation information. The financial statements which follow have been prepared to set forth (1) individual fund balance sheets, (2) cash receipts and disbursements and (3) other information. V 5 Public utilities operating funds (Page 39) $ 88,361 63,369 610 4,861 $157, 201 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA i I BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS Administration Permanent DECEMBER 31, 1962 and special Combined General ASSETS ' Cash (Page 44) $ 504,037 Municipal Cash with fiscal agents 46,503 Fund City of Columbia Heights Bonds, at cost (Page 46) 94,395 Debt service Accounts receivable: (Page 26) (Page 28) Other City funds 181,085 $(82,625) State of Minnesota (Page 46) 118,845 ' Other 118,838 Accrued interest receivable 11,717 7,035 Taxes receivable: 9,750 44,645 Delinquent 18,149 23,642 Deferred 3,466,350 Special assessments receivable: 118,845 Delinquent 253,167 ' Deferred (principal only) 1,295,926 Inventories, at cost 64,636 3,130 Prepaid expenses 1,317 ,400 1 Bonds authorized - unissued (issued January 1, 1963)* 120,000 Unassessed costs 414,042 Amount to be provided to pay Municipal ' Building Bonds and interest 16,924 Fixed assets (Municipal Liquor Operating Fund only) at cost less accumulated depreciation 135,818 ' Total asse.ta $6,861,749 ' *Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds of $400,000 authorized but unissued at December 31, 1962 (issued January 1, 1963) are excluded from the balance 59,775 sheet for- reasons of comparison between the reserve for payment of bonds and .:, interest in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and debt service require- ments of the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund .r= Account) . 414,042 r.E 16,924 Public utilities operating funds (Page 39) $ 88,361 63,369 610 4,861 $157, 201 0 i I Administration Permanent and special Improvement General revenue Revolving Debt Service Municipal liquor funds funds Fund Fund Operating Debt service (Page 8) (Page 26) (Page 28) (Page :34) (Page 37) $(82,625) $ 338,948 $ 100,877 $ 43,200 $ 15,276 39,468 1 7,035 9,750 44,645 40,000 23,642 157,443 118,845 13,496 39,346 2,627 3,130 4,331 3,856 ,400 1 16,906 633 1 3,466,350 253,167 1,295,926 59,775 1,317 120,000 414,042 16,924 135,818 $213,394 $2,355 510 $3 81 $28. 3, X37 t r i I Public utilities operating funds (Page 39) $ 88,361 63,369 610 4,861 $157, 201 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1962 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities: - Accounts payable: Other City .funds Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association Columbia Heights Police Relief Association Public Employees Retirement Association City of Minneapolis,,.Minnesota Other Accrued wages payable Accrued interest payable Contracts payable Retained percentage on contracts Special assessments payable Deposits Emergency certificates of indebtedness payable Bonded indebtedness: Matured bonds and interest Future maturities - Bonds (Pages 31 and 38) Interest Reserves for: Street construction and payment of bond principal Payment of general obligation bonds and interest shown as liabilities of the Permanent Improve- ment Revolving Fund Bonds Account Retirement of Revenue bonds Retained earnings' Unappropriated surplus Total liabilities, reserves and surplus 1 7 7 Administration Permanent Public and special Improvement General utilities revenue Revolving Debt Service Municipal liquor funds operating funds Fund Fund Oper ting Debt service funds Combined (Pape 8) (Pape 26) (Pape 28) (Pape 34) (Pape 37) (Pape 39) $ 181,085 $ 560 $ 170,485 $ 10,040 266 266 266 266 52,812 34,921 9,;923 $ 7,968 32,800 32,800 46,067 15,809 422 23,221 6,615 22,631 16,099 189 3,622 2,721 400 400 1,929 973 956 10,504 162 9,055 1,287 69,793 69,045 355 393 13,023 13,023 40,000 40,000 34,387 $ 27,352 $ 7,035 2,9701000 2,940,000 30,000 544,738 542,538 2,200 74,588 74,588. j 2,161,380 2,161,380 14,817 14,817 286,176 221,159 65,017 304,087 70� 303,382 $6,861,749 $2134 $2,355,510 $3,813,272 $283 137 $ 39,235 $157,201 at 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1962 1 ASSETS Cash (Page 44) Accounts receivable: Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Municipal Liquor Operating Fund State of Minnesota (Page 46) Other ' Accrued interest receivable Delinquent taxes receivable Bonds authorized- unissued (issued January 1, 1963) ' Total assets ' LIABILITIES, RESERVE AND SURPLUS Liabilities: ' Accounts payable - General Debt Service Fund Columbia Heights Fire Department Relief Association Columbia Heights Police Relief Association ' Public Employees' Retirement Association Other Accrued wages' payable ' Contracts payable. Retained percentage on contracts Special assessments payable Reserve for street construction and payment of bond principal Unappropriated surplus (deficit) Total liabilities, reserve and surplus Police Fire Civil Street State Aid Administration and Court Department Defense Department Construction Combined Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund $(82,625) $ 20,132 $ 34,856 $ 1,635 $ 4;714 $(21,975) $(130,938) 13,602 10,040 10,040 118,845 5,618 6,741 5,618 3,793 9,549 85,526 13,496 9,484 389 342 1 50 2,359 3,130 t 16,906 4,179 3,943 266 307 4,548 120,000 120,000 $213,394 $ 49,453 $ 45,929 $ 7,861 $ 8;864 $( 5,519) $ 74,588 $ 560 $ 560 I 266 $ 266 266 $ 266 34,921 34,66-5 $ � 256 15,809 5,761 829 923 142 $ 1,902 16,099 3,080 4,808 1,286 122 4,459 973 123 1 850 162 12? 69,045 26,0811 74,588 $ 74,588 705 (20,950.) 40,026 5,386 8,344 (12,730) $213,394 $ 49,453 $ 45,9'29 $ 7,861 i $ 81864 $( 51519) $ 74,588 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (CONTINUED) BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1962 Recreation Park Fund $113,269 754 3,130 2,201 $119,354 $ 5,453 1,639 35 42,964 69.263 $119, 354 Library Fund $( 2,289) 54 680 $ 628 410 2,593) $( 11_555) i� 1 1 Band Fund $ 134 $ 134 $ 126 8 $ 134 I Mayor's I Fund ASSETS Storm Sewer Cash (Page 44) $ 2,470 Accounts receivable: Construction Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund State of Minnesota(Page 46) Fund Other 64 Accrued interest receivable 142 Delinquent taxes receivable Total assets $__2676 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS 2,000 Liabilities: $ 39 Accounts payable 295 Accrued wages payable Retained percentage on contracts $(108j_423) Special assessments payable Unappropriated surplus (deficit) 2,342 Total liabilities and surplus $ 2,676 Park Fund $113,269 754 3,130 2,201 $119,354 $ 5,453 1,639 35 42,964 69.263 $119, 354 Library Fund $( 2,289) 54 680 $ 628 410 2,593) $( 11_555) i� 1 1 Band Fund $ 134 $ 134 $ 126 8 $ 134 I Mayor's I Storm Sewer Contingent Building Construction Fund Fund Fund $ 212 $ 19,820 $(124,665) i 13,602 2,000 640 $ 212 $ 19,820 $(108j_423) $ 212 $ 212 $_19.L820 $(108,423) $ 19,820 $(108,423) 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 I Cash 10 Administration Fund ' Police and Court. Fund balance Fire Department Fund balance Civil Defense Fund Page Street Department Fund Receipts State Aid Construction Fund ' Recreation Fund $ 1,151 Park Fund ' Library Fund 14 Band Fund ' Poor Fund 34,479 16 4,984 Mayor's Contingent Fund 79,396 Buildin g Fund 17 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 8,098 7,743 6,401 18 ( 8,331) 220,253 198,144 13,778 19 (26,093) I 126,920 I Cash 10 i Cash Cash balance balance balance Page January 1, 1961 Receipts Disbursements December 31, 1961 11 $ 1,151 $213,344 $206,598 $ 7,897 14 17,927 142,846 126,294 34,479 16 4,984 79,176 79,396 4,764 17 6,046 8,098 7,743 6,401 18 ( 8,331) 220,253 198,144 13,778 19 (26,093) I 126,920 (153,013) 20 3,003 20,992 20,888 3,107 21 (14,777) 59,854 64,461 (19,384) 23 ( 1,251) 15,863 17,056 ( 2,444) 24 150 1,000 915 235 24 15 15 212 i' 212 25 ( 4,819) 21,517 368 16,330 25 (22,486) 45,000 29,323 6,809) $ 44 269) $827,943 ; $878,121 $(941447) r I 10 i Cash balance Receipts Disbursements December 31k 1962 $ 219,793 $ 207,558 $ 20,132 137,124 136,747 34,856 93,897 97,026 1 9 635 11,727 13,414 4,714 175,136 I 210,889 (21,975) 45,364 23,289 (130,938) 22,548 23,185 2,470 389,497 256,844 113,269 18,406 I 18,251 ( 2,Y89) 500 i 601 134 I 212 3,625 1 135 19,820 21n819 139,675 (124,665) $1,139,436 $1,127,614 $12 625) II 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 1962 Receipts: - General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale approtionments) levied for: Public Employees Retirement Association $ 30,863 $ 24,560 Other 73,900 81,223 Total general property taxes $104,763 $105,783 Licenses and permits: — Business- Amusement devices $ 375 $ 830 Beer 1,180 1,428 Cigarette 596 589 Electrician 1,035 900 — Gasoline 810 945 Heating 840 855 Plumbing 1,575 1,425 Heating 125 Retai'1.` sales 214 164 THeat're o . 250 .'Restaurant 170 ' ::. Used, car lot 100 31 Bowling alley 85 Miscellaneous 223 290 Nonbusine•ss- ' Bi:cyc l'e 202 218 Bu U... ing 11, 242 10,235 Bog 1,538 1,306 ' - Ele`c'tric :'; { 6,285 5,978 Heatin 5,044 6,908 Plumbing , . 1,501 4,310 ' Sewet�:a = `: �' 1,295 3, 094 Water igspecti .on 595 930 Miscel.IA&ous• 517 662 Total licenses grid permits $ 35,542 $ 41,353 ' Revenue frc ►i ise of money and ¢Toperty. Interest 334$ 167 Rent," 600 Total rev nue from use of money and ;; Pxgexty °��4 -�- ;. 767 --- Revenue frot other agencies: Shared S a %iraices 4 � garet ee and liquor' ?f '$ 1096;11 $ 896 �- M6i t' age. r•egiistr'y,' 4 27- ?n 764 T-otya' r, vv'6 die frq'r other agencies $ 14, CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts (Continued): - Other revenues: Garbage collection Dog pound fees and board Parking meter collections Salary reimbursements from other City funds Other refunds and reimbursements Miscellaneous Total other revenues Transfer from Poor Fund Total receipts Disbursements: - Regular salaries Extra salaries Dog catcher - contract Inspection fees: Building Heating Electrical Health Plumbing Election expenses: Salaries Supplies and expenses Garbage collection: Cbntractual Administrative expenses Salaries Refunds Telephone Light •and power Fuel Bonds and insurance Dues and memberships Refunds Car allowance Ambulance contract Pop machine supplies Coffee - break °supplies Parking meter expenses: Salaries Supplies 1961 1962 $ 41,072 $ 44,757 370 618 6,015 4,990 7,247 4,585 1,537 370 1,011 910 $ 57,252 $ 56,230 $ 15 $213,344 $219,793 $ 69,712 $ 69,838 1,224 1,088 3, 200 3,200 5,644 5,149 4,341 5,449 5,203 7,568 1,200 1,200 205 175 1,419 2,304 427 724 34,900 ., 38,046 711 .::,. 1,153 2, 456 is 2,665 2,. 1,952 2,398 581 677 343 330 r' 1,028 1,272 639 788 899 299 741 986 100 221 139 443 458 1,794 1,764 115 2 12 l CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 13 1961 1962 Disbursements (Continued): - Parking meter expenses (Continued): Repairs $ 52 $ 157 Mileage 34 0 Insurance 31 Miscellaneous 10 Parking curbs 150 Office supplies 1,934 2,029 Postage 372 417 Printing 2,444 1,245 Engineering supplies and expenses 682 998 Water and sewer charges 30 30 Equipment 2,853 788 Equipment repair and maintenance 703 603 Furniture and fixtures 658 97 Public Employees Retirement Association contributions 25,034 30,200 Building expense 3,422 1,036 Building supplies and service' 1,402 1,353 Engineering fees 245 Pop machine payments 165 165 General Fund7.disbursements (special assessments) 10,342 3,107 Parking meter payments 787 Parking ;meter supplies 30 Post audit 473 Travel .expenses - schools 256 405 Building construction, 500 Municipal parking lot 975 Contract service 170 Miscellaneous.; 378 157 Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 15,115- 14,950 Total disbursements $206,598 $207,558 Excess of receipts over disbursements $ 6,746 $ 12,235 Cash balance beginning;of year 1,151 7,897 Cash balance end of year $ 7,897 $ 20,132 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 Receipts: - General property taxes (including penalties,. interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) levied for: Police Relief Association $ 6,398 Other 94,827 Total general property taxes $101,225 Fines and forfeitures 30,220 Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor 10,611 Paper service fees 289 Claims Refunds and reimbursements 15 Miscellaneous 140 Sale of equipment 346 Total receipts $142,846 Disbursements: - Police Department: $ 81,626 Holiday pay 3,232 Special duty Extra salaries 781 Travel expenses 121 Dues and memberships 106 Off ..ice supplies 574 Postage..- 108 Miscellaneous supplies 708 Furniture and fixtures 26 ,.Patrol car operation 2,863 Water sewer charges 23 Equipment 6,741 Equipment repairs 190 Building repair and maintenance 113 Building supplies and service 924 Uniform items 135 Telephone 1,190 Light and power 399 Police Relief Association tax levy 6,398 Fuel 222 Drunkometer 400 Patrol car repair 1,627 Bonds and insurance 1,940 Radio service 700 Post audit Ambulance service Civil Service fees and expenses 1962 $ 6,875 91,211 $ 98,086 26,207 10,896 347 457 758 373 $137,124 $ 86,576 3,426 881 1,407 359 123 895 158 419 214 2,386 23 5,758 168 1,446 816 52 1,702 453 6,875 226 260 2,111 2,755 423 315 300 24 14 b CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINUED) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Disbursements (Continued): - Police Department (Continued): Prisoner care Jail maintenance and expenses Miscellaneous Total Police Department Municipal Court: Regular salaries Extra salaries Jury duty Office supplies Postage Miscellaneous supplies Furniture and fixtures Equipment Equipment repair .Building supplies and service Water and sewer charges Telephone Light and power Fuel .Prisoner care Bonds and insurance Re.'fun ds Aidif Building Total Municipal Court Total disbursements Excess of receipts over disbursements Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year 1961 $ 220 $111,367 $ 10,558 657 246 246 37 13 11 404 102 392 8 448 180 134 1,478 5 8 $ 14,927 $126,294 $ 16, 552 17,927 $ 34,479 1962 $ 80 926 312 $121,869 $ 10,669 713 888 258 72 2 16 389 7 357 200 119 400 48 25 315 400 $ 14,878 $136,747 $ 377 34, 479 $ 34,856 15 �� I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Disbursements: Regular salaries $ 47,929 1961 Holiday pay 1962 Receipts: - Special duty 145 Extra salaries General property taxes (including penalties, 134 Fire calls 5,519 7,279 interest and forfeited tax sale apportion- 286 390 Memberships and dues 90 ments) levied for: Water and 'sewer charges 6"1 59 Laundry Firemen's Relief Association $ 6,398 $ 6,875 Other 1,516 45 Furniture and fixtures 70 Total general property taxes $ 6,443 $ 6,945 Shared State taxes: 2,542 Light and power 582 741 Cigarette and liquor 495 9,293 Building repairs 13,317 Insurance premium Equipment repairs and maintenance 3,280 710 3,525 Claims 1,219 Bonds and insurance 2,496 170 Sale of equipment 9,679 127 Radio maintenance 27 Miscellaneous Standby charges 33 75 Post audit Total $ 19,176 $ 23,984 Transfers from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 188 60,000 Total disbursements 69,913 Total receipts $ 79,176 $ 93,897 Disbursements: Regular salaries $ 47,929 $ 55,360 Holiday pay 2,024 2,257 Special duty 145 Extra salaries 22 134 Fire calls 5,519 7,279 Travel. expens'es 286 390 Memberships and dues 90 217 Water and 'sewer charges 6"1 59 Laundry 88 57 Miscellaneous supplies 628 556 Equipment 1,516 5,428 Furniture and fixtures 51 Hydrant rental 4,000 4,000 Telephone 1,860 2,542 Light and power 582 741 Fuel 495 511 Building repairs 261 915 Equipment repairs and maintenance 599 710 Building improvements 698 1,219 Bonds and insurance 2,496 3,189 Firemen's Relief Association contributions 9,679 10,400 Radio maintenance 324 380 Standby charges 75 Post audit 315 Civil service expense 61 Miscellaneous 188 86 Total disbursements $ 79,396 ;... $ 97,026 Receipts over (under) disbursements $( 220) $( 3,129) Cash balance beginning of year 4,984 4,764 Cash balance end of year $,-4 764 $ 1,635 16 r<, .i 17. , CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE FUND 11 ;ASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS STATEMENTS OF YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 w961 1962 Receipts: General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportion- ments) $ 5,748 $ 8,864 Federal aid 2,347 2,863 Miscellaneous 3 Total receipts $ 8,098 $ 11,727 Disbursements: Regular salaries $ 3,745 $ 4,804 Training instructors salaries 650 354 Travel 356 370 Office supplies 349 140 Postage 43 37 Equipment 492 6,079 Equipment repairs and maintenance 960 115 Telephone-, 150 150 Light and power 48 48 Maintenance and service 600 600 Insurance 125 346 Mileage 38 15 Public Employees Retirement Association contributions 153 189 Car allowance 9 Audit 158 Miscellaneous 34 Total disbursements $ 7,743 $ 13,414 Receipts over (under)disbursements $ 355 $( 1,687) Cash balance beginning of year 6,046 6,401 Cash balance end of year $ 6,401 $ 4,714 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STREET DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DRCEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: - 1961 1962 General property taxes (including penalties, 172 10,796 interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $120,866 $1109913 Shared State taxes: 7,683 8,663 Cigarette and liquor 15,948 15,738 Gasoline (allotment® for m8intannneo) 12,735 12,360 Equipment rental 51,815 20,470 Salary reimbursements from other City funds 9,347 5,793 Sale of materials 7,029 165 Street repair deposits 1,320 790 'County street maintenance agreement 704 820 Claims 97 1,845 Sale of equipment 250 7 Miscellaneous 142 120 Light and power 560 $168,856 Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 13,579 6,280 Total receipts $220,253 $175,136 Disbursements: Regular salaries $100,875 $ 98,664 Extra .salaries 172 10,796 Engineering work 247 502 Gas, oil, tires, tubes and batteries 7,683 8,663 General supplies 1 323 1,169 Shop suppLie °s and expenses 1,178 1,292 Street signs 2,463 1,469 Shop equipment 398 40 Shop equipment repair 54 165 Street supplies and materials 33,418 34,387 Equipment repairs 5,659 5,881 Equipment 17,605 10,049 Equipment rental 4,120 4,556 Telephone 237 298 Light and power 560 522 Street lighting 13,579 17,212 - Traffic signals 321 468 Fuel 430 473 Insurance 6, 219 8,462 Traffic light maintenariee 266 826 Water and sewer charges 6&: 70 Traffic signal installation 3,239 Audit 472 Claims 146 379 Tree trimming 333. 270 Miscellaneous 790 565 _Total disbursements $198,14&., $210,889 Receipts over (under) disbursements $ 2231109--" Cash balance beginning of year 8,331) 13,778 Cash balance end of year $ 13,778 $ 21,975) r CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATE AID CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 Receipts - Gasoline tax allotments from the State of Minnesota Disbursements: Contract payments Materials Labor Engineering fees Equipment rental Miscellaneous Total disbursements Receipts over (under) disbursements Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year �3. ., $107,688 9,942 4,012 2,886 2,305 87 $126,920 $026,920) (26,093) $(153,1_0 13 ) 1962 $ 4.5, 364 $ 18,193 3,292 1,804 $ 23,289 $ 22,075 (153,013) $VD,938) Y!y 19 4r S CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) Contribution from Independent School District No. 13 Recreation fees, donations, dance receipts, etc. Total receipts Disbursements: Regular salaries Extra salaries Police duty Office supplies and equipment Playground equipment and material Athletic equipment and trophies Entry fees Miscellaneous equipment Telephone Petty cash Referee fees Transportation Miscellaneous supplies Insurance Audit Travel Engineering expense Postage Total disbursements Receipts over (under) disbursements Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year j 1961 $ 9,309 9,400 2,283 $ 20,992 $ 6,790 10,438 110 386 927 776 90 60 311 261 666 40' 3 3.: 1962 $ 10,055 10,087 2,406 $ 22,548 $ 7,192 11,737 90 243 695. 967 83 32 300 262 835 115 224 315 52 39 4 $ 23,185 $( 637) 3,107 $ 2, 470 ti •j 20' 21 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND STATEMEh,S OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 1962 Receipts: - General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $ 45,258 $ 51,418 Rent 4,406 5,032 Bowling 6,360 4,245 Canteen 3,680 3,743 Sale of bonds 325,000 Miscellaneous 150 59 Total receipts $ 59,854 $389,497 Disbursements: Regular salaries $ 32,287 $ 38,159 Police duty 220 215 Office supplies 265 32 Postage 108 8 Water and sewer charges 369 348 ' Canteen supplies 2,686 2,668 Laundry 173 65 Park improvements 5,428 8,747 Building supplies 578 555 ' Alley supplies 372 450 Alley repairs 7 312 Machinery and equipment 3,753 159 Furniture r and fixtures e 49 Telephone 504 388 Light and power 1,299 1,222 ' Fuel 2,136 2,184 Building repair and maintenance 863 2,295 Equipment maintenance and repair 1,560 816 Bonds and insurance 1,732 2,670 ' General miscellaneous expense 97 262 Miscellaneous expenses - building 59 65 Miscellaneous expenses - alleys 44 Skating rink maintenance 662 631 Refunds 25 15 Pinsetter payroll cash :account v 1,917,.° 1,341 ' Land purchases 25"1". 163,026 Car allowance 170,-, 216 Weed control salaries. 1,578 Weed control machinery and equipment. 152 156 Ball park lighting 176 255 Appraisal fees 939 150 Skating rink salaries 2,665 2,957 Park improvement supplies 2,161 Travel, dues, license 49 Building - park improvement supplies 716 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINUED), YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 19!fL ' Disbursements (Continued): Soil testing Park property special assessments Bond issue expense Miscellaneous Audit Transfer to General Debt Service Fund Attorney fees Total disbursements Receipts over (under) disbursements Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year 1961 1962 $ 110 12,922 100 $ 46 47 315 6,146 4,494 $ 64,461 $256,,844 $ ( 4,607) $132,653 (14,777) (19,384 $ 19 384) $113,269 • Y 22 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIBRARY FUND STATEMENTS OF 'ASH RECEIPTS.'UD DISBURSEMENTS YEARS . >.iiDEL• DECEMBER 31; 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) Fines Miscellaneous Total receipts Disbursements: Regular salaries Extra salaries Janitor salaries Books and magazines Supplies Telephone Light and power Fuel Insurance Furniture and .equipment Building supplies Water and sewer charges Repairs and maintenance Postage Audit Dues and tfavel Miscellaneous "Total disbursements Receipts over (under) disbursements Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year 1961 1962 $ 15,312 $ 18,035 494 328 57 43 $ 15,863 $ 18,406 $ 9,300 $ 9,438 1,903 2,616 676 3,164 3,458 230 249 201 201 343 338 547 469 93 132 234 620 104 457 2.7 28 113 71 10 2 158 12' 14 . •99 $ 17,056 $ 18,251 $( 1,193) " $ 155 1,251) ( 2,444) 2,289) 23 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA - BAND FUND t' STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 ' 1961 1962 Receipts - Transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund $ 1,000 $ 500 ' Disbursements: Regular salaries $ 300 $ 300 Extra salaries 50 50 ' Equipment 331 167 Supplies 97 69 Miscellaneous 137 15 ' Total disbursements $ 915 $ 601 Receipts over (under) disbursements $ 85 $( 101) ' Cash balance beginning of year 150 235 Cash balance end of year $ 235 $ 134 POOR FUND STATEMENT OF CASH DISBURSEMENT ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 ' Disbursement - Transfer to Administration Fund (to close fund) $ 15 Cash balance January 1, 1961 15 ' Cash balance December 31,1961 $ -0- f cj 25 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BU,,ILDING FUND STATEMENTS OF CAS --" ECE1PTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED :DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 1962 Receipts: Land sales $ 21,494 $ 3,625 Miscellaneous 23 Total receipts $ 21,517 $ 3,625 Disbursements: Land purchase $ 200 Appraisal fees 30 $ 35 Engineering and attorney fees 35 100 Miscellaneous 103 Total disbursements $ 368 135 Excess of receipts over disbursements $ 21,149 $ 3,490 Cash balance beginning of year 4,819) 16,330 Cash balance end of year $ 16,330 $ 19,820 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH-RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 1962 Receip'ts General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportion- $ 10,000 $ 19,819 ments) Transfer from Sewer Utility Operating Fund 35,000 Survey reimbursement from the City of Fridley 2,000 Total receipts $ 45,000 $ 21,819 Disbursements: Construction costs y $ 29,323 $133,675 Survey 6,000 Total disbursements $ 29,323 ;;:.$139,675 Receipts over (under) disbursements $ 15,677 ;--1 .17, 856) Cash balance beginning of year. 2( 2,486) ( 6,809) Cash balance end of year $( 6,809) $U.24,665) a. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND' BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS Cash (Page 44) City of Columbia Heights bonds, at cost (Page 46) Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable Special assessment receivable: Delinquent (principal, interest and penalties) Deferred (principal only) Unassessed costs: Storm Sewer Other Total assets LIABILITIES AND RESERVE Liabilities:- Accounts-payable: Other City funds General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account) Storm Sewer Construction Fund Other Accrued wages payable Contracts payable Retained percentage on contracts Deposits Reserve for payment of bonded indebtedness shown as a liability of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Account of the General Debt Service Fund ,4 4+ Total liabilities and reserve $ 338,948 9,750 39,346 4,331 253,167 1,295,926 181,930 (1) 232,112 (2) $2;.355,510 $ 156,883 13,602 422 189 9,56 9;:.P55 13, 023` 2,161, 380 (3) $2,355,510 (1) Bonded indebtedness (principal and interest) corresponding to bond proceeds used to finance storm sewer construction is-to be paid by. =a general property tax levy. Taxes for this pux.p.ose in the amount-of-$24,000 were levied for collection in 1963.- (2) Substantially a1V of other unassessed costs are to be assessed against benefited property. (3) The City is following the practice of transferring from this fund to the General Debt Service; Fund (Permanent Improvement :Revolving Fund Account) amounts equal to bond and "interest payments made from the.account and cancelling corresponding annual collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown in the account. (4) Permanent Improvement Revolving F%ind' bonds in the amount of $400,000 authorized but unissed at December 31, 1962 were issued as of January 1, 1963. 26 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND STATEMENTS OF,CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDLD DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Disbursements: Construction costs 1961 1962 Receipts: - 165,000 General property taxes (including penalties, 4,032 interest and forfeited tax sale apportion- 65,457.' 275,000 ments) $ 850 ­'A4 192 Special assessments: 410 - :58 Principal 476,865 $618,279 Interest 1,034 1,406 Water and sewer connection fees 1,585 1,031 Interest on investments 402 1,015 Escrow deposits 8,915 Sale of emergency debt certificates 165,000 Sale of bonds 6500000 Reimbursements of construction costs from other City funds 25,277 Sale' of investments (cost) 19,825 Miscellaneous 75 124 'Total receipts $1,304,726 $666,957 Disbursements: Construction costs $ 633,410 $430,145 emergency debt certificate 165,000 Interest on emergency debt certificate 4,032 Transfers to General Debt Service Fund 65,457.' 275,000 Escrow deposit refunds 7i345 ­'A4 192 Miscellaneous 410 - :58 Total disbursements $ 875,654 ':.;:', $7191 395 Receipts over (under)- disbursements $ 429,072 $(52,438) Cash balance beginning of year (37,686) 391,386 Cash balance end of year $ 391,386 $338,948 27 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 6a GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS Cash (Page 44) Cash with fiscal agents City of Columbia Heights bonds, at cost (Page 46) Accounts receivable: Administration Fiend Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Accrued interest receivable Taxes receivable: Delinquent Deferred Total assets LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Bonded indebtedness: Permanent Municipal Matured bonds and interest $ 27.,352 $ 25,527 ;$ 1,740 $ 85 Future maturities- ,:'.' (Page 31) 2,940,000 -2 ) f 485 000, 1:3;0 000.: '.- :325 000 Interest 542,538 398,125 '31;;235�� .x.12:3,178 Unappropriated surplus 303;:382 250,314'. 2`3; 005,: ' 30, 063 Total liabilities and surplus $3j813 272 $3,158966 $18,5'A 980 $468, 326 } * The City is following the practice of cancelling current collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivahl.e shown in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account since amounts equal to bond and. interest payments made from this account o are transferred from the.'Permanent 7mprvernent Revolving Fund. Improvement Building Park Revolving Bonds Bonds Fund Bonds of 1959 of 1962 Total Account Account Account $ 100,877 $ 99,296 $( 560) $ 2,141 39,468 25,168 14,215 85 44,645 44,645 560 560 156,883 156,883 3,856 3,856 633 633 3,466,350 2,828,485* 1711765 466,100 $3,813,272 $3,158,966 $185,980 $468,326 Matured bonds and interest $ 27.,352 $ 25,527 ;$ 1,740 $ 85 Future maturities- ,:'.' (Page 31) 2,940,000 -2 ) f 485 000, 1:3;0 000.: '.- :325 000 Interest 542,538 398,125 '31;;235�� .x.12:3,178 Unappropriated surplus 303;:382 250,314'. 2`3; 005,: ' 30, 063 Total liabilities and surplus $3j813 272 $3,158966 $18,5'A 980 $468, 326 } * The City is following the practice of cancelling current collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivahl.e shown in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account since amounts equal to bond and. interest payments made from this account o are transferred from the.'Permanent 7mprvernent Revolving Fund. 29 { CITY OF COLUMBIP, HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ai GENERAL DEBT SrRVICE FUND - PEWJANE't�'IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN3,?,BONDS ACCOUNT STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: - General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) Special assessments: Principal Interest City of Fridley (sewer connection contract): Principal Interest Interest on investments Accrued interest on bonds sold Refund Transfers from Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Sale of investments (cost). Total receipts Di s bu'r semen t Bond maturities :Interest bn bonds Fiscal agents service charges Refunds' Purchase of investments Total disbursements Excess of disbursements over receipts Cash balance beginning of year Cash balance end of year 1961 1962 $ 15,164 $ 16,098 20,193 95,170 517 713 12,670 6,335 792 158 6,478 9,281 1,284 $436, 883 486 $ 57,584 $ 31,872 $ 65,457 $275.000 $165,000 $ 99,296 $288,041 $306,872 $271,500 $336,000 94,274 :, 95,170 564 713 146 $366 , $431,883 1.6;5;1000 ' 51000 $436, 883 $(?4.3 4!x) $a30, 011) 472.75Q' 229,307 $229,307 $ 99,296 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVIC�'�P ^?ND - MUNICIIV,FK, U S LDING BONDS OF 1959 ACCOUNT STATEMF,a �, 9rF CAS ^,RE IPTiS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR:•'�k, DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: Accrued interest on bonds sold Transfer from Park Fund Total receipts Disbursements: Interest on bonds Fiscal agents service charges Total disbursements Excess of receipts over disbursements Cash balance beginning-of year Cash balance end of year .r 15, F' ia: $ 1961 1962 Receipts - Transfers from Administration Fund $ 15,115 $ 14,950 Disbursements: 6,126. Bond maturities $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Interest on bonds 5,650 2,141 4,950 Fiscal agents service charges —0— 25 $_22 141 Total disbursements $ 15,675 $ 14,950 Excess of disbursements over receipts $( 560) $ -0- Cash balance beginning of year -0- 560) Cash balance end of year $( 560) $( 560) -= GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND - PARK BONDS OF 1962 ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 3.1, 1962 Receipts: Accrued interest on bonds sold Transfer from Park Fund Total receipts Disbursements: Interest on bonds Fiscal agents service charges Total disbursements Excess of receipts over disbursements Cash balance beginning-of year Cash balance end of year .r 15, F' ia: $ 2,.141 6,146 $ 8, 287 6,126. 20 $ '6,146 $ 2,141 —0— $_22 141 ' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DE 'i SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1962 Permanent Improvement Revolvin Fund Bonds Account ' Water Utility Improvement Bonds maturing: July 1, 1963 July 1, 1964 Permanent Improvement Revolving ' Fund Bonds maturing $9,000.00 per year Permanent Improvement Revolving ' Fund Bonds maturing $20,000.00 per year ' Permanent'Iinprovement Revolving Fund Boinds`�mat icing $35;•000`.00 per year Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing: $20,000.00 per year ' December 1, 1967 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund _Bond's maturing: September 1, 1963 $56,000,.00 per year Permanent Improvement Revolving ' Fund Bonds maturing: $55;000.00 per year $55,000.00 per year Permanent Improvement Rvolving Fund Bonds maturing: ' $90,000.00 per year July 1, 1967 $60,000.00 per year Issue Interest date rate 7/1/52 7/1/52 7/1/52 8/1/53 9/1/55 12/1/56 12/1/56 9/1/57 9/1/57 6/1/59 6/1/59 7/1/60 7/1/60 7/1/60 2.60% 2.60 2.60 3.25 3'. 10 3.60 3.60 4.00 4.50 3.00 3.50 3,50 3.50 3.70 Maturity date 7/1/63 7/1/64 7/1/63 -64 8/1/63 -64 9/1/63 -66 Principal $ 6,000 1,000 $ 7,000 $ 18,000 $ 40,000 $ 140.,000 12/1./b3 -;66 '; $ 80,000 12/1./67:'. 3,000 r: $.• '8.5'000 r 12/1./63 ; ..`. ",'_•.}. $;...<.y (50..•000 12/1/64 -7.2 .`:``• : ; "; . ":450.;'000 $, 500,000 6/1/63 -65 $ 165,000 6/1/66 -69 220,000 $_385L000 7/1/6.3 -66 $ 360,000 7/1-[67 60, 000 7/1/68 -7.1'• 240,000 $_660, 000 3It, ;v' °;;,; �r is i CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1962 (CONTINUED) Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Principal $ 400,000 50,000 100,000 100.000 $ 650,000 $2,485,000 Municipal Building Bonds of Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Improvement Revolving Municipal Building Bonds _Permanent Fund Bonds Account (Continued) maturing :_' Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing: 6/1/59 3.00 12/1/63 -65 $80,000.00 per year 10/1/61 3.00% 10/1/63 -67 October 1, 1968 10/1/61 300 10/1/68 $50,000.00 per year 10/1/61 3.20 10/1/69 -70 $50,000.00 per year 10/1/61 3.40 10/1/71 -72 Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Principal $ 400,000 50,000 100,000 100.000 $ 650,000 $2,485,000 Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Municipal Building Bonds maturing :_' $10'.0.061 "0'0 per year 6/1/59 3.00 12/1/63 -65 $ 30,000 $10,00'0:00 per year 6/1/,59. 3.•50 12/1/66 -69 40,000 $1.0,'•000.00 per year .-6/l/59 3''.90 12/1/70 -72 30,000 $10,000.00 per year 6/1/59 4•x00 .12/1/73 -75 30,000 Total Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account $ 130,000 Park Bonds of 1962 Account Park Bonds maturing: $15,000.00 per year 2/1/62 2.70* 2/1-/•65 fib *r $ '60;000 $20,000.00 per year 2/1/62 •2.70* 2/1 /fig 10 -,' 40,000.:' _ $20,000.00 per year 2/1/62 .3.10* 2/1%71- .72_':r °'1 '.`..` :< -40,000' $25,000.00 per year 2/1/62 3.10 *. 2/1/73 -74: .,; ;�.; ' :50,000 _ $25,000.00 per year 2/1/62 3.40* 2/1/75 -77. 3..`.;. 75;,.000 $30,000.00 per year 2%1/62 3.50* 2/1/78- 79=?:_ ; .'. '�'' 60;000 ' Total Park Bonds of 1962 Account " `$ .325•, 00.0 ' * Additional interest of 1.50% per annum was payable for the period May 13, 1962 to February 1, 1963. , Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable $2,940,000 Note - All bonds were issued without option of payment prior to maturity dates. 33 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1962 4 Year Total Principal Interest 1963 $ 478,790 $ 375,000 $103,790 1964 458,018 370,000 88,018 1965 431,350 355,000 76,350 1966 419,462 355,000 64,462 1967 327,520 275,000 52,520 1968 282,910 240,000 42,910 1969 279,193 245,000 34,193 1970 216,270 190,000 26,270 1971 209,230 190,000 19,230 1972 141,410 130,000 11,410 1973 41,045 35,000 6,045 1974 40,115 35,000 5,115 1975 39,225 35,000 4,225 1976 28,375 25,000 3,375 -19771''. 27, 5-25'< 25,000 2,525 1978 ; -, • 31, 575 : `' 30,000 1,575 1979 ., 30,525 30,000 525 $3,482,538 $2,940,000 $5421538 34 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash (Page 44) $ 43,200 City of Columbia Heights Emergency Certificate of Indebtedness, at cost (Page 46) 40,000 Accounts receivable 2,627 Accrued interest receivable 400 Inventories, at cost 59,775 Prepaid expenses 1,317 Total current assets $147,319 FIXED ASSETS, at cost Land and improvements $ 26,213 Buildings 102,150 Furniture and equipment 50,851 Total cost $179,214 Less accumulated depreciation 43,396 Total.fixed assets (net) $135,818 TOTAL.ASStTS $2831137 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable: Administration Fund $`10,640 Public Employees' Retirement Association 9,9,23 Other 23,.22.1 Accrued wages payable 39622. Special assessments payable .`355' Total current liabilities $ 479161 RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT OF REVENUE BONDS 149817 RETAINED EARNINGS 221,159 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS $283,137 Note— In December, 1962 the City signed a contract for the construction of a new liquor store building at a cost of $40,363. It is estimated that the total cost of the building including architect fees and fixtures will approximate $55,000. z:. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Percent of sales Operating expenses Percent of sales Operating .income Percent of sales .Other .income Wand (expenses) : Other income(inct4ding vending machine sales) Interest on bongs Interest on special assessments .i . Net income' :.Retained earnings .beginning of year Transfers to other.'.,;:City fud.: Fire Department Fun d"" Street Department Fund Band Fund V , Appropriation to Nortb', Aiburban Hospital Association Library u iding construction costs-paid ai<redM1 earnings end of year See note, ,on balance sheet. ��• ,fir `�(.. ", q� 1,218 ( 1,761) ( .35).. 35 I£� k { t � k �' 1 9 6 1 I 1 9 b 1 S t o r e s S t o r e s Total On Sale Off Sale #1 Off Sale #2 Total On Sale Off Sale #1 Off Sale #2 $682,761 $201,853 $308,370 $172,538 $681,922 $200,879 $299,050 $181,993 450,594 82,044 235,596 132,954 452,934 83,007 229,639 140,288 $232,167 $119,809 $ 72,774 $ 39,584 $228,988 $117,872 $ 69,411 $ 41,705 34.00% 59.35% 23.60% 22.94% 33.58% 58.68% 23.21% 22.92% 139,424 86,220 33,984 19,220 141,148 I 87,199 34,382 19,567 20.41% 42.72% 11.02% 11.14% 20.70% 43.41% 11.50% 10.75% $ 92,743 $ 33,589 $ 38,790 $ 20,364 $ 87,840 $ 30,673 $ 35,029 $ 22,138 13.59% 16.63% 12.58% 11.80% 12.88% 15.27% 11.71% 12.17% 1,218 ( 1,761) ( .35).. 35 I£� k { t � k �' On sale CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA .• .2.11 of sales $ 63,445 M111'T.CIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND 4,319 2.14 STATEME-1 SATING EXPENSES FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES .45 2,518 tLaR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 629 .31 67 .03 3,766 Total Laundry. , -1„ 125 Percent 961 Bar supplies 2,121 of sales Salaries and wages 1, -214 $100,048 14.65% Contributions to Public Employees Retirement Association 6,812 1.00 Employees welfare ' 14 1,059 .15 Laundry 1,070 .16 Bar supplies Telephone 2,518 .37 Store supplies 1,581 .23 Office supplies .88 171 .03 Store expense 2,700 4,332 .63 Telephone 554 .08 Utilities Depreciation 6,062 .89 Rent 4,323 2,900 .42 Insurance and bonds .14 4,865 .71 Depx- .eciation 137 6,501 .95 1 Maintenance and repair 813 .12 Licenses and memberships 138 .02 20.70% f� $1391424 20.41/, On sale 2,955 2,210 3,917 548 38 $ 86, 220 YEAR Percent .• .2.11 of sales $ 63,445 31.44% 4,319 2.14 905 .45 903 .45 2,518 1.25 629 .31 67 .03 3,766 1.87 2,955 2,210 3,917 548 38 $ 86, 220 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1962 .• .2.11 Percent _ Salaries and wages $ 23,837 �:�- ,$104 ,- 676 1.5.35% $ 66,666 °.. Contributions to Public Employees Retirement Association '' 6,.639 :97 /x,229 Employees welfare 72 T;:099 :,.16 -:943 Laundry. , -1„ 125 .17 961 Bar supplies 2,121 1,214' .18 1, -214 Store supplies :.• .O1 1,697 .25 692 Office supplies ' 14 14 Store expense 4,084 .60 3,117 Telephone 635 .09 Utilities 6,013 .88 3,018 Rent 2,700 .40 Insurance and bonds 2,801 .41 1,344 Depreciation 6,913 1.01 4,323 Maintenance and repair 929 .14 501 Licenses and memberships 137 .02 35 Independent auditing 472 .07 142 $141,148 20.70% $ 87,199 .. a See note balance sheet. i Y 1.46 1.09 1.94. .27 .02 42.72% Off sale1 #1 .• .2.11 Percent '.47 of sales $ 23,837 7.73% 1,621 I .53 154 I .05 139 .04 947 I .31 72 ) .02 322 .10 366 .12 2,036 I .66 2,210 .72 2,121 .69 118 .04 41 :.• .O1 $ 33,984 11.02% 33.19 %`L $-24 4 5 3 .• .2.11 1,554 '.47 156. 3 -. 48 141 .60 38 .34 996 .01 1.55. 764 395 1.50 1 985 43.41% $ 34,382 8.18°x" .52 .05 .05 .33 .27 .13 .66 .45 .70 j .08 .01 .07 11.50% Off sale #2 Percent of sales $ 12,766 7.40% 872 .51 28 5 32 244 188 1,071 2,900 445 463 147 59 $ 19 -220. $ 13,557 856 23 9 203 240 .1, 010 :x;•700 113 486 188 64 118 .01 .02 .14 .11 .62 1.68 .26 .27 .09 .03 11.14% . -7.475 ...47 .01 .01 . .11 .13 .55 1.48 .06 .27 .10 .04 .07 $.199567 10.75% 36 9 .67 1,344 2.15 2,104 .25 240 .02 38 .07 212 43.41% $ 34,382 8.18°x" .52 .05 .05 .33 .27 .13 .66 .45 .70 j .08 .01 .07 11.50% Off sale #2 Percent of sales $ 12,766 7.40% 872 .51 28 5 32 244 188 1,071 2,900 445 463 147 59 $ 19 -220. $ 13,557 856 23 9 203 240 .1, 010 :x;•700 113 486 188 64 118 .01 .02 .14 .11 .62 1.68 .26 .27 .09 .03 11.14% . -7.475 ...47 .01 .01 . .11 .13 .55 1.48 .06 .27 .10 .04 .07 $.199567 10.75% 36 37 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS Cash (Page 44) $ 15,276 Cash with fiscal agent 7,035 Amount to be provided by transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 16.924 Total Assets $ 39,235 LIABILITIES Bonded indebtedness:- ` Matured interest $ 7,035 Future maturities: Bonds (Page 38) 30,000 Interest 2,200 W. l'ities' $ 39,235 STATEMENTS OF CASH,,' IPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS: ENDED DECEMBER 31,,.1961 AND 1962. 1961. Receipts - "Trani 'e s from Municipal `. Liquor Operating ,! $ 12;, 012 $ 11*, 645 Disbursements Bond pxincapa- r::;: '$ 10 000 - $ L0, 000 Bond interest ` 1bX 0 1,440 r't ; Fiscal' : agent • service charged 19 Total disbursements $ 11J09'59 93 c�ess of` recespts "ver disbursements $ 203 ^$ 186' �E sh balance be}Ann`.ing of year 14A8 !" 1*5, 090 Cas balanced of year $j $ 1,276 K.'cse —gyp r •i .,o- y� '. ,n Rf �?,2- �g-a fi''��`�'r r,.a NtL � xj, - :21 ?"� rid .�r,.. _ �.i, -5',• ®1 38 CITY OF COLUMBIA REIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1962 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Municipal Building Bonds maturing $10,000.00 per year 12/1/56 3.70% 12/1/63 -65 DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Principal $ 30,000 DECEMBER 31, 1962 Year Total Principal, Interest 1963 $ 11,090 $ 710, 000-. $ 1,090 1964 10,740 :10, -000' 740 1965 10,370 10,000 370 $ 321.200 $ 30900.0 $ 1&=200. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES OPERATING FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1962 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash (Page 44) Accounts receivable: Village of Hilltop, Minnesota Customers Other Delinquent taxes receivable Inventory - Water meters, at cost TOTAL ASSETS Combined $ 88,361 8,844 54,082 443 610 4,861 $157, 201 Water $ 37,435 37,588 307 610 4.861 $ 80,801 Sewer $ 50,926 8,844 16,494 136 $_76L400 39 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES,;,:: Accounts payable: Public Employees' Retirement Association, $ 7._,968 $ 3,984 $ 3,984 City.of Minneapolis, Minnesota' ::.28;264 9,793 18,471 Other.: 6,615 5,918 697 Accrued wages payable 2,721 1,656, 1,065 Accrued interest payable 400 Retained percentage on contracts • 1,287 :'- : r` 250'. +.': ,: .1, 037 Special assessments payable 393" 53 :340 Emergency Certificates of Indebtedness payable, 4 %, due October 1, 1963 40, 000. `40, 000 - Total current liabilities $ 87,648 $ 62,'0.54 $ 25,594.. DEFERRED LIABILITY - City of :Minneapolis, Minnesota 4,536 4,536 RETAINED EARNINGS 65,017 18,747 46,270 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS $1571201 $ 80,801 $ 7b,400 Note - =`Fixed assets are not shown in this statement since their cost or present value was not available. ■ Ce CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: Water collections Hydrant rentals Meter sales Service connections Penalties Meter repairs Special services Payment of claims General property taxes Sale of Emergency Certificates of Indebtedness Sale of equipment Refunds Total recei.p.ts y Disbursements: y Water purchases Regular salaries Extra salaries " Engineers salaries Office supplies Postage Meter repair parts Subscriptions Plumbing supplies Meters General supplies Equipment Equipment repairs and maintenance Equipment rental Telephone Light and power Fuel Main repair and maintenance Main repair parts Hydrant maintenance Insurance Refunds Car allowance Collection fees Engineering servi.'ce Travel expenses - schools Furniture and fixtures Main repair labor 1961 1962 $176,422 $175,509 4,000 4,000 10,698 10,431 5,595 3,657 2,126 2,261 394 370 247 323 761 376 8., 800 17,747 299 40,000 ,1,'805 70 999 56 $200,243 $254,800 $151, 504 $129,421 34,673 36,201 149 1,596 131 545 223 {,,.',. 3212, ; 415 .. 107.. 74 5. 2, -509 r 2.,, 585... 8., 800 5, 594 299 67:3 ,1,'805 5, 239 999 2,402 783 225 .; 356 467 4,158 3,606 38 190 4,494 1,899 1,761 667 1,021 1,269 1,126 1,703 .179 519 5 609 76 61 944 146 26 133 26,212 41 r r' CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS-, ri b TA IANR WATER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (CONTINUED) tYEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 1961 1962 ' Disbursements (Continued): Special assessment $ 31 Audit 158 ' Tank service 640 Thawing water service 163 Public Employees Retirement Association contribution 566 Miscellaneous $ 219 216 ' Total disbursements $216,681 $224,474 Receipts over (under) disbursements $(16,438) $ 30,326 ' Cash balance beginning of year 23,547 7,109 ' Cash balance end of.,year $ 7,109 $ 37,435 1 • I 41 a CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIG,-;iS, MINNESOTA SEWER UTILIT`iEFiATING FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEI'.TS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 AND 1962 Receipts: General property taxes (including penalties, interest and forfeited tax sale apportionments) Disposal collections Miscellaneous Total receipts Disbursements: Regular salaries Extra salaries Engineers salaries Travel Office supplies Postage General supplies Equipment Equipment repairs Telephone Light and power City of Minneapolis - Sewage disposal and maintenance -charges Storm water disposal charges Prorata share of Metropolitan Sewage Bonds and interest Bonds and insurance Maintenance Audit Public Employees Retirement Association contribution Refunds Miscellaneous .Transfer to Storm Sewer Construction Fund Total disbursements Receipts over (under) disbursements • 7 Cash balance beginning -of year Cash balance end of year 1961 1962 $ 7,873 $ 1,985 78,796 84,964 57 251 $ 86,726 $ 87,200 $ 29,355 $ 30,305 68 512 133 95 34 174 81 226 173 470 2,016 2,558 1,577 1,465 2,109 237 298 590 460 26,105:. :; •;, 27, 345 -944 984 2;'058` `(3a" 1, 003 1,133 "" 2,136 237 ;; ",165 158 566 4 36 533 654 $ 66,324 35,000 $101,324 $ 70,673 $(14,598) $ 16,527 48,997 34,399 $ 34,399 $ 508926 42 is '< 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA i SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS ° ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 i R e c e i p t s D i s b u r �s e m e n i s Cash Investment I Cash balance maturities Interfund Investment Interfund balance Fund 1 1 61 (cost) transfers Other Total purchases transfers Other Total 12/31/61 Administration $ 1,151 $ 15 $ 213,329 $ 213,344 $ 15,115 $ 191,483 $ 206,598 $ 7n$97 17 927 142 846 142 846 126,294 126,294 34,479 Police and Court � Fire Department 4,984 60,000 19,176 79,176 79,396 79,396 4,764 098 7,743 7,743 6,401 6 046 8,098 8 Civil Defense' n 9 Street Department ( 8,331) 220,253 220,253 198,144 198,144 13,778 State Aid Construction (26,093) 1 126,920 126,920 , (153,013) ° Recreation 3,003 20,992 20,992 20,888 20,888 3,107 59,854 59,854 ( 19,384) Park .- (14,777) 64,461 64,461 Library ( 1,251) 15,863 15,863 17,056 17,056 ( 2,444) Band 15 15 150 1,000 1,000 915 915 235 Poor j 15 Mayor's Contingent 212 212 Building ( 4,819) 21,517 21,517 368 368 16,330 486) 35,000 iP 000 45 000 29,323 29,323 ( 6,809) Storm Sewer Construction (22n D , Permanent Improvement Revolving (37,686) 1,30 ,726 1,304,726 65,457 819.,.197 875,654 391,386 General Debt Service: Permanent Improvement ,Revolving Fund a 47 2 7 50 $165 ,OdU: • 65 457 5 584 288 041 " $165,, 000 366, 484 '531, 48 229, 301, Bonds Account "{ a a n a Municipal Building Bonds of 1959'Account 15,115 15"115 - I 15,675 15,67 ( 560) Municipal Liquor operating 44,083 683, 979 683, 979 73, -012 581, 313 654,71 7.3fl 737 Liquor Debt Service t r" `fir; 14, 887' 12, 012 12.,4012 ... 11,809 11, S;f� ti 15,090 23,547 20),243 200,243 �' Water Ufi=l.ity' Opera -30 '� 216, 681 216,��� 7p'109 Sewer .Utility Operating y ' w 48, 997 ' " 8 126' 86, 726 35A000 66, 324 141 '32 4` 32 .' 34, _�� 399 a� , . '. $522, 309 $165, 000. $18$, 599 $3 065 186 $3, 418, 785 $165, 000 $188D 599 i : $2n 931, 47 r `� $3A 28'5, 073' $656A 021 Total :z Nq�a r K 1 - .•h ; • .. it . � - .. 7�! Z�� � f t � ' rb.+N1CY1 S . - 9 � �, . •1,.l.' I- • ., i. YYh.�__�. ., � . t -tomb - - •,F } .S .. t5 '4 i1y 3", •^ ' ?6f'+� ✓r,.- 'S1 1t S 3 S-�ny .i>�"t '-L� .. t . - ! £ �. ' -GT4� 5'47 Pju v' ;1 { L•' ;•Ai... 1,7 'r;� tRw-X'Ct,�T' MV!, �,a� •iii, � , 9 r �. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS -- ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1962 R e c e i p t s Investment maturities Interfund (cost) transfers Other Total $ 219,793 Cash 131,124 balance $ 69,913 23,984 1162 Administration $ 2,897 Police and Court 34,479 Fire Department 4,764 Civil Defense 6,401 Street Department 13,778 State Aid Construction (153,013) Recreation 3,107 Park ( 19,384) Library ( 2,444) Band 235 Mayor's Contingent 212 Building 16,330 Storm Sewer Construction ( 6,809) Permanent Improvement Revolving 391,386 General Debt Service: -- 'Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, Account 229,307 Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account ( 560) Park Bonds of 1962 Account Municipal Liquor-Operating 73,737` Liquor Debt Service 15;090.. (dater Utility Operating 7,1.09. Sewer Utility Operating - 34,399 Total $656,021 R e c e i p t s Investment maturities Interfund (cost) transfers Other Total $ 219,793 $ 219,793 131,124 137,124 $ 69,913 23,984 93,897 11,727 11,727 6,280 168,856 175,136 45,364 45,364 22,548 22,548 389,497 389,497 18,406 18,406 500 500 D i s b u r s e m e n t s Investment Interfund purchases transfers 1 Other Total $ 14,950 $ 192,608 $ 207 558 i I ; 6,146. i 3,625 3,625 21,819 21,819 $ 19;825 641,132 666,957 275,000 4 2-75,000 3L, 872 306, 872 =$' , 5,000 - 14,9.50_ 1.4'9Sp' 1. 6';;x1:46 2,141 8, 287 $ 19,825 i •A i Fyr C_� h• � V .... 1 � �1 �Y 683, 845. 663,845 I . ' • 40;7000 88,338 � 119645-'. 11,645 i :•. 254,800 .254-400 ! <:. 8Y, 200 87200 j $384,434 $2, 769, 733. -:,£3,173 9.92. $ 45, 000 $384,434 • x ti. _ 4, M" V4 'I rp 136,747 97,026 13,414 210,889 23,289 23,185 250,698 18,251 601 135 139,675 444,395 431,883 14,950 6,146 586,044 11,459 224,474 70,673 $2,896,542 136,747 97,026 13,414 210,889 23,289 23,185 256,844 18,251 601 135 139,675 719,395 .4.36, 883 , 950 6,146.. 714,382, 11,459 224,474 _70.673 Cash balance 12/31/62 $ 20,132 34,856 1,635 4,714 ( 21,975) (130,938) 2,470 113,269 ( 2,289) 134 212 19,820 (124,665) 338,948 99,296 ( 560) 2,141 ,43, 20:0 15,27-6 37a4J53 . 50;'`926` $3, 3258 976 $504 0�37 44 45 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CASH - DECEMBER 31, 1962 Treasurer cash:- Change funds $ 2,685 Cash in banks: Regular checking accounts - Columbia Heights State Bank, Columbia Heights, Minnesota 47,922 Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota 13,092 Certificates of deposit and savings certificates - Chicago -Lake State Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 100,000 Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota 237,062 Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 103,276 Total treasurer cash (Page 44) $504,037 Cash with fiscal agents! American National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota $ 36,750 First National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 7,443 Northwestern National Bsnk,; "''Mi nneap.olis, Minnesota•.; 2,310 Total.cash` Vith,,listal agents 46,503 Totel. _casik '' $550, 540 Fr � . STATEMENT :OF UNITED :STATE•S'GOiT;E.RNPt-NT; SECURITIES iR ,tint PLAG D IN ESCROW BY DEPOSITORY $AWIS FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF CITY FUNDS„ DECEMBER 31, 1962' toy �} ,4 �` f -. < a� 4•r i- _ x, Depository bank Escrow bank Chicago-Lake St -ate Bank r Mar uerte tVa'_y.�d )a 6tik r per. $ "Minnea dl-is,. Minnesota( Mkpne�'�aU� ,.'Mi.t��resota Ifo 0001"*` Coliribia Height a��ta�te ink,' MarquetteNat�:�3 Columbia He vgti x &n`ne.s k Minne of is a Mai s seta °'� 3 33�a, 0 % - yin Fidelity Bank and Tn"t. Cqr ,_any, Fe de. ��,i xve Bank, t "° � r Minneapolis; - Minnesota _' Minneapolis,n ,. 345.,0(10 Third.,Northwestiern, Natio Bank Fedeta' l Rese fi� ank, if a Min; ne'apolisa.. Minnesot .y e�ap'b 1 b s.,p ,'' nne s -.' °Ot);; OOQ. Additional .coveg'a�;000 "s� r�d�datie�osa�ary bank 6y the• , fit;. ' t j Federal IJEx t I r pas� ��on,�k I i'F', }'m '3, °. •4?`�V' Ef. i r St'u.. •E .t'' x TV r ;� • _ .ski'.. __ �. .. r. } .. .. — — i 46 CITY O1 LOL 3IA - 'INNESOTA INVESTMENT IN C . "Y OF : OLUM, IA HEIGHTS BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1962 Maturity Interest Matured date rate value Cost Owned by Permanent Improvement Revolvin_D nd Ianicipal Building Bonds dated June 1, 1959 12/1/62 2.80% $ 10,000 $_92750 Owned bj General Debt Service Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, dated July 1, 1960 7/1/71 3.70% $ 40,000 $ 39,645 Park Bonds, dated February 1, 1962 2/1/77 3.40 52000 5,000 Total $ 45,000 $ 442645 Owned by Yb - icipal Liquor Operating Fund dater Department fnergency Certificate of Indebtedness 10/1/63 4.00% $_.!a -OLW0 $ 402000 Total investment in City of Columbia Heights bonds $_95,000 $ 94,_395 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - STATE OF MINNESOTA' DECEMBER 31, 1 %62 i Liquor tax apportionment x' $ 10,344 Cigarette tax apportionment -17,182 State aid allocation for street construction 85,•526 Joint storm sewer survey .2,000 Federal aid through State Department of Civil Defense: Personnel and Administrative Expense Program 864 City Hall standby generator (50°x, reimbursement) 2,929 $1182 845 i� 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MTP;NESOTA DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1962 Year Total Principal Interest 1963 $ 489,880 $ 385,000 $104,880 1964 468,758 380,000 88,758 1965 441,720 365,000 76,720 1966 419,462 355,000 64,462 1967 327,520 275,000 52,520 1968 282,910 240,000 42,910 1969 279,193 245,000 34,193 1970 216,270 190,000 26,270 1971 209,230 190,000 19,230 1972 141,410 130,000 11,410 1973 41,045 35,000 6,045 1974 40,115 35,000 5,115 1975 39,225 35,000 4,225 1976 28,375 25,000 3,375 1977 27,525 25,000 2,525 1978 31,575 30,000 1,575 1979 30,525 30.000 525 $3514,738 $2,970,000 $5444Z38 K , 9 48 CITY OF CC 'JMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESITA ASSESSED VALUATIOB':, TAX LEVIES AND MILL RATES (shown by year of collectibility) 1961 1962 1963 Assessed valuations: Real estate $5,557,135 $5,952,735 $7,373,855 Personal property 932,526 924,918 1,001,593 Total $6,489,661 $618771653 $8,375,448 Tax levies: Administration $ 75,008 $ 73,615 $ 67,683 Public Employees Retirement Association 31,500 24,439 26,045 General Fund 6,985 Police 92,845 91,007 100,294 Court 3,206 Police Relief Association 6,481 6,868 7,585 Firemen's Relief Association 6,481 6,868 7,585 Civil Defense 5,815 8,966 8,000 Street 122,367 110,430 121,593 Recreation 9,400 10,088 11,212 Park 45,834 51,498 91,348 Library 15,589 18,140 18,060 Bonds 16,000 16,000 5,000 Storm sewer bonds 24,000 Storm sewer extensions 10,000 20,000• + 1,000 Sewer and water 8,000. 20,000 39,OOQ Total $_4484 $ 464,904 $ 528,405 Mill Rates: Administration 11.55 10.70 8.08 Public Employees Retirement Association 4.85 3.55 3.11 General Fund 1.02 Police 14.31 13.23 11.97 Court .49 Police. Relief Association 1.00 1.00 .90 Firemen's Relief Association 1.00 1.00 .90 Civil Defense .90 1.30 .95 Street 18.86 16.06 14.5.2 Recreation 1.45 1.47 1.34 Park 7.06 7.48 10.91 Library 2.40 2.64 2.16 Bonds 2.47 2.33 .60 Storm sewer bonds 2.87 Storm sewer extensions' 1.54 2.91 .12 Sewer and water 1.23 2.91 4:.,66 Total 69.11 67.60 63.09 CITY OF COLU11BIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA INSURANCE COVERAGE DECEMBER 31, 1962 — Fire and extended coverage: City hall, fire and police departments- ' Buil ding $172,300 Contents 20,500 Community center- Building 126,250 ' Contents 5,000 Public library- Buil ding 26,000 ' Contents 5,000 Municipal liquor store Building 91,000 Liquor stock 105,000 ' Park recreation building - Building 5,500 Contents 500 ' City garage - Building 13,200 Contents 11,000 ' Recreation building 3,600 Warehouse- Building :2,800 Contents 600 ' Warming house building SOQ Water standpipe 68,000 Lift station buildings 550 ' Pumping stations -�z300 Street equipment ($50 deductible) 58.,.505 Comprehensive liability: , Bodily injury- Automobiles 100/200,000 Except automobiles 1001200,000 ' Property damage Automobiles 25,000 Except automobiles 25/ -50, 000 -• ' ' Minnesota Statutory Liquor Law 11ability 100/200,000 4 ' Boiler and Machinery 50,000 ' Business interruption - City'xliquor stores 125,650 Money and securities - broad form: ' Inside premises 6,500 Outside premises 6,500 a�► Comprehensive glass coverage f standard w: Workmen's compensation statutory Comprehensive general liability for recreation employees and volunteer workers- property damage and personal injury 300,000 49 CIT'A OF C0LJr1B'LA 1 ;HT ,. i i- %" lESOIA EMPLOtEES 51;RETY SO:;DS DECEk-Z- -R 31, 1952 Rosella C. Lawson City Treasurer Floyd C. Lawson Assessor Pauline M. Glatzmaier Clerk of Municipal Court ' All employees, except those listed above are covered by an honesty blanket position bond of $5,000 with an additional $5,000 on the municipal liquor store manager. 1 4 1 •' .i 50 $ 5,000 1,000 1,000