HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Financial Statements. I w r CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1964 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Elected Mayor - Warren A. Armstrong Councilmen William Land Joseph J. Orendor£f Robert G. King Bruce Nawrocki Municipal Judge - Joseph E. Wargo Appointed City Manager - Malcolm 0. Watson Treasurer - Rosella C. Lawson Attorney - Steward F. Kvalheim Engineer - George F. Brown *First Monday after the first Thursday of July. Term of office expiration date* 1965 1967 1967 1965 1965 1969 t r, CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE.OF CONTENTS Page Independent certified public accountants' opinion 1 Comments 2 Balance sheet - all funds 6 Administration and special revenue funds Balance sheets 10 Administration Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 14 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 15 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 17 Police and Court Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus .19 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 19 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 20 Fire Department Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 21 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 21 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 22 Civil Defense Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 23 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 23 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 24 Street Department Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 24 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 25 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 25 State Aid Funds Statements of cash receipts and disbursements 26 Bonds payable 27 Debt service requirements 27 Recreation Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 28 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 28 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 29 Park Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 30 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 30 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 31 Library Fund Analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus 32 Statement of revenue - actual compared with budget estimates 32 Statement of expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates 33 Statements of cash receipts and disbursements Band Fund 34 Building Fund 34 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 35 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) p Se Park Construction Bond Fund Balance sheet 36 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 36 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Balance sheet 37 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 38 General Debt Service Fund Balance sheet 39 Statements of cash receipts and disbursements Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account 40 Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account 40 Park Bonds of 1962 Account 40 Bonds payable 41 Debt service requirements 43 Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Balance sheet 45 Statement of income and retained earnings 46 Statement of operating expenses 47 Statement of operating income for individual stores 48 Statement of operating expenses for individual stores 50 Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund Balance sheet 52 Statement of cash receipts and disbursements 52 Bonds payable 53 Debt service requirements 53 Water and sewer utilities operating funds ]Balance sheets 54 Statement of income and fund balance Water Utility Operating Fund 55 Sewer Utility Operating Fund 56 Miscellaneous information Statement of cash 57 Statement of United States Government securities placed in escrow by depository banks for the safeguarding of City funds 57 Summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements 58 Investment in City of Columbia Heights bonds 60 Accounts receivable from the State of Minnesota 60 Debt service requirements - all funds 61 Assessed valuations, tax levies and mill rates 62 Insurance coverage 63 Employees surety bonds 65 u u GEORGE M. HAN5EN COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 8801 EXCELSIOR BLVD. MINNEAPOLIS 16. MINNESOTA WALNUT 7 -8709 June 8, 1965 To the City Council of Columbia heights, Minnesota We have examined the accompanying financial statements of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 1964. Except as indicated in the following paragraph, our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary. ' We are unable to include a statement of general fixed assets in this report because the City has not kept records of general fixed assets. In addition, the City does not maintain records of utility fixed assets. Conseuqently, balance sheets for the utility operating funds do not include fixed assets and depre- ciation thereon is not shown as on operating expense. Because of this we are unable to express an opinion on the financial statements of the utility operating -funds of the City. However, as far as our examination extended, transactions of ' these funds were found to have been properly recorded. On January 1, 1964 the City changed from the accrual basis of accounting on all ' funds, except the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund and the water and sewer utilities operating funds, to the modified cash basis whereby revenues are recorded when actually received and expenses are recorded as the liability is incurred. 1 In our opinion the accompanying statements, subject to the comments above relating to general fixed assets and the utility operating funds, present fairly the financial position of the respective funds of the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota at December 31, 1964 and the results of their operations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. K CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA COMMENTS The City of Columbia Heights operates under a home rule charter adopted June 9, 1921 as amended. The form of government established by this charter is known as the "Council- Manager Plan." The City Manager, who is appointed by the Council, is the chief administrative officer of the City and is responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all affairs relating to the City. The Council is elected by popular vote and consists of five members including the Mayor, who is the presiding officer. The following comments explain the purposes of the respective City funds and give pertinent information concerning operations, revenues, expenditures and other significant matters. Administration Fund The Administration Fund is used to account for all revenues, and the activities financed by them, which are not accounted for in some special fund. The principal sources of revenue are (1) general property taxes, (2) licenses and permits, (3) shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette) and (4) garbage collection service charges. Expenditures are for (1) general administration, (2) protective inspec- tion (building, heating, electrical, health, plumbing, etc.), (3) garbage collection, (4) transfers to General Debt Service Fund (Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account) for debt retirement and (5) other functions. Several functions ordinarily included as a part of an administration or general fund are accounted for separately in special revenue funds by the City of Columbia Heights. Special Revenue Funds Special revenue funds are established to account for taxes and other revenues (except special assessments) set aside for a particular purpose. The City of Columbia Heights has fourteen funds of this nature. Following are brief descriptions of each. Police and Court Fund - This fund accounts for the operations of the Police Department and Municipal Court. The principal sources of revenue for this fund are general property taxes, fines and shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette). Fire Department Fund - The operations of the Fire.Department are accounted for in 1 this fund. Financing is provided by transfers from the Municipal Liquor Oper- ating Fund, general property taxes and a portion of the liquor and cigarette tax apportionments from the State of Minnesota. Civil Defense Fund - This fund was established to account for civil defense expenditures. Portions of these expenditures are reimbursed by the Federal Government through the State Department of Civil Defense. A general property tax levy finances the City's share of these costs. 3 ' Street Department Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for operations of the Street Department having to do with construction and maintenance of all ' City streets except State designated streets which is handled in separate State aid funds. The main sources of revenue are general property taxes, shared State taxes (liquor and cigarette), and transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund. 1 State Aid Maintenance Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned by the City from the State of Minnesota for street maintenance are accounted for in this fund. A portion of each year's allotment is allocated to pay interest on State aid bonded indebtedness. Unused portions of State aid maintenance apportion - ments are being transferred to the State Aid Construction Fund, State Aid Construction Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from the State of Minnesota for street construction are accounted for in this fund. A portion of allotments is pledged to pay State aid bonds as they mature. State Aid Debt Service Fund - This fund was established to account for debt service on $120,000 State aid bonds issued January 1, 1963. Allocations are made from gasoline tax, street construction and maintenance allotments to pay bonds and interest thereon, respectively. Recreation Fund - This fund accounts for the City recreation program which is carried on in cooperation with Independent School District No. 13 under the direction of a five member board. ' Park Fund - The purpose of this fund is to account for the acquisition, improve- ment, maintenance and operation of park and playground facilities. The Park Fund is financed primarily by a general property tax levy and transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund. Additional revenue is derived from canteen ' receipts and rental of certain park facilities. Library Fund - The operations of the public library are supported by a general ' property tax levy. Band Fund - All monies levied or appropriated for band entertainment are ac- counted for in this fund. Mayor's Contingent Fund - This fund was established to account for payment of miscellaneous City promotion expenses incurred by the Mayor. Building Fund - The building Fund is used to account for acquisitions, improve- ments and sales of land and buildings not accounted for in other funds. Storm Sewer Construction Fund - The cost of constructing storm sewer drainage facilities in various areas of the City is accounted for in this fund. The financing provided has been derived primarily from general property taxes and transfers from the Municipal Liquor or Sewer Utility Operating Fund, Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 were issued December 1, 1964 in the amount of $350,000. The proceeds from the sale of these bonds were not received until January 1965. The amount of the bond issue is shown as a receivable of this fund. 4 Park Construction Bond Fund On February 1, 1962 Park Bonds were issued in the amount of $325,000 for the acquisition of land and development of park and playground facilities. A separate account in the General Debt Service Fund has been established to handle debt service for this bond issue. Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund The Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund is used to account for special assess- ments levied to finance improvements or services deemed to benefit the properties against which the assessments are levied. Primarily, the transactions accounted for in this fund are (1) receipt of bond proceeds, (2) disbursement of bond pro- ceeds for construction work done, (3) collection of assessments against benefited property and (4) disbursement of assessment collections to the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account) for payment of bonds and interest. Note that the amount of deferred special assessments represents principal only. The City computes interest annually to be collected with current installments. General Debt Service Fund General debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for payment of general obligation bonds or other indebtedness and interest thereon. The General Debt Service Fund of the City of Columbia Heights has been divided into four accounts. Following is a brief description of each. Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account - This account is used for the payment of bonds and interest of all Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds. Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account - This account was established to handle debt service for the Municipal Building Bonds issued June 1, 1959. A tax levy to pay these bonds and applicable interest is collected in the Administration Fund and subsequently transferred to this account. Park Bonds of 1962 Account - Debt retirement (bonds and interest) of general obligation bonds in the amount of $325,000 issued February 1, 1962 is being ac- counted for in this account. General property taxes are beifag collected in the Park Fund to provide the money required. Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account - This account was established during 1964 to handle the debt retirement of the $350,000 issue of Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964. Municipal Liquor Operating Fund This fund was established to account for the operation of the City owned liquor stores. Prior year amounts are shown on the balance sheet and statement of in- come and retained earnings for purposes of comparison. Percentages and detailed statements by stores are included as additional aids in reviewing results of operations. G� Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund This fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for payment of Municipal Building Bonds dated December 1, 1956 and interest thereon. Revenue of the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund was pledged to the retirement of these bonds, Accordingly, transfers are being made from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund to meet debt service requirements. Water and Sewer Utilities Operating Funds These funds account for the operations of the City owned water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems. It should be noted that fixed assets of these utilities are not included on the balance sheet and depreciation thereof is not shown as an operating expense since the City does not maintain fixed asset ledgers for the utility systems, General A statement of General Fixed Assets has not been included in this report since general fixed asset records are not maintained. The financial statements which follow have been prepared to set forth (1) in- dividual fund balance sheets. (2) analysis of changes in unappropriated surplus, (3) revenue - actual compared with budget estimates, (4) expenditures - actual compared with budget estimates and (5) other information. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1964- Adminis- tration and special revenue funds Combined (Page 101 ASSETS Cash $ 396,226 $(239,656) Cash with fiscal agents 89,185 13,410 Investments, at cost City of Columbia Heights bonds (Page 60) 44,645 Emergency Debt Certificates (Other City funds) 112,210 Accounts receivable Other City funds 49,692 26,754 State of Minnesota (Page 60) 81,961 81,961 Proceeds from sale of bonds 350,000 350,000 Other 108,579 14,295 Accrued interest receivable 8,821 Taxes receivable Delinquent 25,644 24,421 Deferred 2,839,570 Special assessments receivable Delinquent 205,983 Deferred (principal only) 1,010,297 Inventories, at cost 87,510 Prepaid expenses 1,413 Unassessed costs 243,921 Amounts to be provided by future revenues 335,303 252,749 Fixed Assets (Municipal Liquor Operating Fund only)p, at cost less accumulated depreciation 225,097 Total assets $6,216,057 523,934 rl Park Con- Permanent General Public struction Improvement Debt utilities Bond Revolving Service _Municipal liquor funds operating Fund Fund Fund Operating Debt service funds (Page 36 ) -(Page 37 ) (Page 39 ) (Page (Page 52) (Page 5&) $( 585) $ 157,996 $ 382,199 $ 15,872 $ 15,574 $ 64,826 75,775 44,645 79,610 32,600 22,191 747 32,801 61,483 3,759 5,062 553 670 2,839,570 205,983 1,010,297 83,398 4,112 1,413 243,921 42,172 40,382 225,097 41 587 $1,757,111 $3,420,980 325 780 $ 15,574 $131,091 L CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BALANCE SHEETS - ALL FUNDS (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1964 Adminis- tration and special revenue funds Combined (Page 10) LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities Accounts payable Other City funds $ 49,692 $ 22,221 Public Employees' Retirement Association 53,400 37,022 City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 31,402 Other 55,919 20,922 Accrued interest payable 2,570 1,592 Accrued wages payable 25,009 16,955 Emergency Debt Certificates (Other City funds) 112,210 79,610 Contracts payable 5,600 Retained percentage on contracts 7,639 3,546 Deposits 14,863 Special assessments payable 69,916 64,428 Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest 22,155 Future maturities Bonds (Pages 27, 42 and 53) 3,023,000 108,000 Interest 482,897 13,182 Reserves for Encumbrances 2,112 2,112 Payment of general obligation bonds and interest shown as liabilities of the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account) 1,725;430 Unrealized revenue 67,490 67,490 Payment 24,333 Unencumbered appropriation balance 150,858 150,858 Retained earnings 269,364 Unappropriated surplus (deficit) (58,800) (64,004) Fund balance 78,998 Total liabilitiesa reserves and surplus $6,216,057 523,934 t t t Park Con- Permanent General Public struction Improvement Debt utilities Bond Revolving Service Municipal liquor funds operating Fund Fund Fund Operating Debt service funds (Page 36) (Page 37) (Page 39 (Page 45) (Page 52 Pa e' 54 1,725,430 22,155 2,905,000 $ 109000 469,345 370 24,333 269,364 5,204 78,998 41 587 $1,757,111 $39420,980 325 780 15,574 $131,091 P] $ 14,319 $ 147 $ 12,682 $ 323 10,201 6,177 31,402 501 28,268 6,228 $ 978 334 5,172 2,548 32,600 5,600 2,409 1,664 20 14,863 93 5,395 1,725,430 22,155 2,905,000 $ 109000 469,345 370 24,333 269,364 5,204 78,998 41 587 $1,757,111 $39420,980 325 780 15,574 $131,091 P] 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1964 Adminis- tration Combined Fund ASSETS Cash $(239,656) $ 3,228 Cash with fiscal agents 13,410 Accounts receivable Other City funds Permanent Improvement -Revolving Fund 13,602 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account 147 Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 12,682 12,682 Water Utility Operating Fund 323 323 State of Minnesota (Page 60) 81,961 6,046 Proceeds from sale of bonds 350,000 Other 14,295 10,885 Delinquent taxes receivable 24,421 3,716 Amounts to be provided for Debt retirement 106,505 State aid construction 44,794 Payment of special assessments 64,428 9,138 Public Employees' Retirement Association Contribution 37,022 29,980 Total assets 523 934 75,998 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS Liabilities Accounts payable Other City funds Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund $ 22,191 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bands Account 30 Public Employees' Retirement Association 37,022 $ 29,980 Other 20,922 6,224 Accrued interest payable 1,592 Accrued wages payable 16,955 3,105 Emergency Debt Certificate 79,610 Retained percentage on contracts 3,546 102 Special assessments payable 64,428 9,138 Bonded indebtedness - future maturities Bonds (Page 27 ) 108,000 Interest 13,182 Reserves for Encumbrances 2,112 Unrealized revenue 67,490 20,647 Unencumbered appropriation balance 150,858 Unappropriated surplus (deficit) (64,004) 6,802 Total liabilities, reserves and surplus 523 934 75,998 t i t t 11 Police Fire Civil Street State Aid funds and Court Department Defense Department Main- "Con- Debt Fund Fund Fund Fund tenance struction service $ 40,391 $(11,661) $ 10,981 $(66,485) $ 10,819 $(949749) $ 1,248 13,410 147 6,595 6,046 1,025 9,892 52,357 166 2,737 5,283 2,458 404 5,229 106,505 44,794 6,557 485 52 435 3 400 12,895 48 627) $ 10,819 $ 2,402 $121,310 $ 6,557 $ 485 $ 877 1,059 11 $ 4,573 $ 3 4,104 2,130 145 4,146 117 $ 1,096 2,282 $ 30 108,000 13,182 12,044 8,504 1,429 17,858 35,410 (14,850) 10,825 (75,204) 9,723 98 52 435 3,400 12,895 $(48,627) 10 819 2 402 $121,310 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (CONTINUED) BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1964 Recreation Fund ASSETS Cash $ 1,143 Accounts receivable Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Proceeds from sale of bonds Other Delinquent taxes receivable 505 Amount to be provided for payment of special assessments Total assets 1 648 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Liabilities Accounts payable Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Other Accrued interest payable Accrued wages payable $ 527 Emergency Debt Certificate Retained percentage on contracts Special assessments payable Reserves for Encumbrances Unrealized revenue 505 Unencumbered appropriation balance Unappropriated surplus (deficit) 616 Total liabilities and surplus 1__11_648 t t t 1 1 1 1 1 $ 22,191 $ 2,300 $ 2,815 31%060 1,592 2,206 423 52 79,610 66 55,247 43 $ 2,112 5,426 1,077 20,122 130,736 (31,151) 6,563) 134 156 34 028 2,205) 134 $ 156 $ 22,234 $ 237,307 13 Mayor's Storm Sewer Park Library Hand Contingent Building Construction Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund $(26,645) $( 3,325) $ 134 $ 156 $ 22,234 $(127,125) 13,602 350,000 466 41 4,960 1,036 830 55,247 43 $ 34,028 $ (2 205) $ 134 $ 156 $ 22,234 237 307 $ 22,191 $ 2,300 $ 2,815 31%060 1,592 2,206 423 52 79,610 66 55,247 43 $ 2,112 5,426 1,077 20,122 130,736 (31,151) 6,563) 134 156 34 028 2,205) 134 $ 156 $ 22,234 $ 237,307 13 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 319 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustments $ 9,163 Adjustments 1. To set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis. (21,212) 2. To set up amount to be provided for payment of Public Employees' Retire- ment Association contribution. (Under City budgeting procedure this is con- sidered as an expense when paid) 66,100 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustments $ 54,051 $ 54,0511 Add - Revenue (Page 16) 198,797 213,482 $(14,685) Total beginning balance and revenue $252,848 $267,533 $(14,685) Deduct - Expenditures (Page 18) 246,046 236,983 9,063 Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 6,,802 30,550 $(23,748) CI' n r t 1 C 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) levied for Public Employees' Retirement Association $ 7,414 $ 6,501 $ 913 Other 57,018 56,757 261 Total general property taxes $64,432 $63,258 1,174 Licenses and permits Business Amusement devices $ 740 $ 1,000 $( 260) Beer 1,120 1,500 ( 380) Bowling alley 85 85 Cigarette 1,539 800 739 General Contractors 6,750 2,500 4,250 Electrician 1,195 1,000 195 Gas station 1,160 1,000 160 Heating 935 1,000 ( 65) Ice station 10 ( 10) Plumbing 1,600 1,500 100 Restaurant 587 200 387 Retail sales 230 150 80 Rubbish 55 50 5 Scavenger 50 50 Solicitor 85 100 ( 15) Taxi 80 60 20 Theater 400 250 150 Used car lot 107 100 7 Vending machine 1,438 500 938 Nonbusiness Bicycle 356 220 136 Building 10,834 11,000 ( 166) Dog 1,004 1,300 ( 296) Electric 6,151 7,000 ( 849) Heating 6,756 7,000 ( 244) Plumbing 4,939 6,000 (1,061) Sewer 3,774 3,500 274 Special use 150 200 ( 50) Miscellaneous 262 500 238) Total licenses and permits $52,382 $48,575 3,807 Rents 600 600 Revenue from other agencies Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor $11,090 $11,000 $ 90 Mortgage registry _ 5,575_ 5,575 Total revenue from other agencies $16,665 $11,000, $ 5,665 16 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 . Charges for current services Administration Filing fees Rezoning petitions Other Garbage collection Animal control Pound fees Board and pick up Parking meter collections Water inspections Sewer stub connections Total charges for current services Other Refunds and reimbursements Coffee break supplies Salary reimbursements from other City funds Other Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total other Total revenue Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates 198 797 $213,482 14,685) $ 10 $( 10) $ 105 200 ( 95) 1,021 1,000 21 53,097 502000 3,097 310 350 ( 40) 237 250 ( 13) 4,252 4,500 ( 248) 1,250 1,000 250 22 100 ( 78) 60 294 57,410 2,884 $ 197 $ 150 $`; 47 3,386 17,239 (13,853) 841 500 341 14,750 (1750) 4-424 32,639 $(28,215) 198 797 $213,482 14,685) t t 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 88,205 $115,868 $(27,663) Extra salaries 2,666 2,600 66 Dog catcher (contract) 3,440 3,600 ( 160) City Attorney (retainer fee) 7,200 7,200 Inspection fees Electrical 4,630 4,000 630 Health 2,190 2,190 Heating 4,892 5,000 ( 108) Plumbing 2,268 2,268 Election expenses. Salaries 3,320 2,600 720 Supplies and expenses 928 400 528 Garbage collection Contractual 42,075 40,531 1,544 Administrative expenses 1,064 1,100 ( 36) Salaries 2,760 3,000 ( 240) Parking meter expenses - Salaries 1,781 2,500 ( 719) Repairs 278 278 Insurance 4 30 ( 26) Parking survey 200 ( 200) Parking lot expenses Land lease and purchase 3,476 3,476 Supplies and miscellaneous 1,210 100 1,110 Salaries 556 400 156 Travel expense - schools 285 500 ( 215) Office supplies 1,979 3,000 ( 1,021) Postage 463 500 ( 37) Printing 803 3,000 ( 2,197) Engineering supplies 384 700 ( 316) Water and sewer charges 27 35 ( 8) Equipment repair and maintenance 1,319 1,000 319 Building expenses 750 500 250 Building supplies and service 1,947 1,600 347 Telephone 2,344 2,500 ( 156) Light and power 700 600 100 Fuel 376 600 ( 224) Insurance 1,013 1,200 ( 187) Audit 1,400 1,500 ( 100) Subscriptions, dues and memberships 1,010 800 210 Miscellaneous 148 100 48 Refunds 411 150 261 Car allowances 899 1,200 ( 301) 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES (CONTINUED) YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Pop machine supplies $ 116 $ 100 $ 16 Water cooler supplies 197 500 ( 303) Board of Equalization 8 5 3 Settlements 100 ( 100) Special census 1,720 1,720 Engineering fees 1,386 1,386 Gopher bounty 1 3 ( 2) Contract service 15 200 ( 185) Special assessments 1,552 2,460 ( 908) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 36,289 6,501 29,788 Capital outlay Office machines 680 2,500 ( 1,820) Other furniture or fixtures 506 1,000 ( 494) Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 14 L375 15,000 625) Total expenditures 246 046 236 983 9,063 ' 19 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 1 Ac tual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustment $ 43,405 Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis _(11,680) Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustment $ 31,725 $ 31,725 Add - Revenue (see below) 158,257 161,619 3,362) ' Total beginning balance and revenue $189,982 $193,344 $( 3,362) Deduct_ - Expenditures (Page 20 ) 154,572 161,619 7,047) ' Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 35 410 31 725 3,685 ' STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 ' General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) levied for Police Relief Association $ 8,260 .$ 8,850 $( 590) Other _105,075 _104,405 670 Total general property taxes $113,335 $113,255 $ 80 Fines and forfeitures Municipal Court 28,903 27,450 1,453 Parking meter fines 380 10 370 Driver license fees and court cost reimbursements 59 154 ( 95) Shared State taxes - cigarette and liquor 12,098 12,000 98 1 Paper service fees Refunds and reimbursements 399 1,923 400 600 ( 1) 1,323 Miscellaneous 1,160 500 660 Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 7,250 J 7,250) ' Total revenue 1158 257 jj§L619 3,362) RE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POLICE AND COURT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Ac tual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Municipal Court Regular salaries $ 10,725 $ 11,031 $( 306) Extra salaries 625 500 125 Jury duty 579 750 ( 171) Office supplies 210 300 ( 90) Postage 74 100 ( 26) Water and sewer charges 9 10 ( 1) Repairs and maintenance 58 200 ( 142) Building supplies and service 371 450 ( 79) Telephone 360 360 Light and power 206 200 6 Fuel 104 140 ( 36) Insurance 18 80 ( 62) Audit 300 300 Prisoner care 14 400 ( 386) Miscellaneous 28 28 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 336 318 18 Capital outlay - Furniture and fixtures 72 225 ( 153) Police department Regular salaries 107,832 108,928 ( 1,096) Holiday pay 4,199 3,897 302 Extra salaries 783 1,000 ( 217) Travel, dues and subscriptions 474 500 ( 26) Office supplies 227 750 ( 523) Postage 42 100 ( 58) Miscellaneous 240 400 ( 160) Patrol car operation 1,805 2,500 ( 695) Water and sewer charges 26 30 ( 4) Station supplies 1,124 2,000 ( 876) Equipment repairs and maintenance 184 300 ( 116) Building repairs and expense 370 2,400 ( 2,030) Building supplies and service 935 1,200 ( 265) Uniform items 113 20 93 Telephone 1,519 1,700 ( 181) Light and power 549 400 149 Fuel 448 400 48 Prisoner care 96 500 ( 404) Drunkometer test 80 80 Rent 1,260 1,260 Patrol car repairs 3,043 3,500 ( 457) Insurance 2,950 2,100 850 Radio service 436 500 ( 64) Audit 500 400 100 Miscellaneous 177 380 ( 203) Police Relief Association (general property taxes collected) 8,260 8,850 ( 590) Furniture and fixtures 86 86 Equipment 2,725 3,500 775) Total expenditures 154 572 $161,619 7,047) 1 21 CITY OF COLUMBIA.HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN,UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 1 Ac tual levied for over Actual Budget estimates (under) estimates $( 669) Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 67,424 68,988 1,564) Total general property taxes before adjustment $ 1,899 $( 2,233) Shared State taxes Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized Cigarette and liquor 11,090 11,000 revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account Insurance premium 4,098 4,000 98 for revenue on a modified cash basis 6,239) 250 Insurance premium refunds Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 1,000 1,206 Miscellaneous 1 after adjustment $( 49340) $( 4,340) 7,750 7,750 Add - Revenue (see below) 101,033 101,588 555 ' Total beginning balance and revenue $ 96,693 $ 97,248 $ 555 Deduct - Expenditures (Page 22 ) 111,543 101,588 9,955 ' Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 14 850) 4 340) 10,510) STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) levied for Firemen's Relief Association $ 8,181 $ 8,850 $( 669) Other 67,424 68,988 1,564) Total general property taxes $ 75,605 $ 77,838 $( 2,233) Shared State taxes Cigarette and liquor 11,090 11,000 90 Insurance premium 4,098 4,000 98 Fire calls 250 250 Insurance premium refunds 2,206 1,000 1,206 Miscellaneous 34 34 Transfers from Municipal Liquor Operating hand 7,750 7,750 Total revenue $101,033 $101,588 $ 555 22 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimated estimates Regular salaries $ 62,042 $ 61,525 $ 517 Holiday pay 2,562 2,425 137 Extra salaries 198 100 98 Fire calls 9,816 5,000 4,816 Standby charges 80 ( 80) Travel and schools 362 400 ( 38) Membership dues 122 200 ( 78) Water and sewer charges 53 60 ( 7) Laundry 126 100 26 Supplies 350 600 ( 250) Equipment 5,102 3,500 1,602 Furniture and fixtures 95 20 75 Hydrant rental 4,000 4,000 Telephone 1,940 1,660 280 Light and power 893 550 343 Fuel 607 700 ( 93) Building repairs and maintenance 295 2,200 ( 1,905) Cylinder rental 276 280 ( 4) Equipment repairs and maintenance 981 800 181 Building improvements 158 100 58 Radio service 251 840 ( 589) Insurance 3,567 29200 1,367 Audit 400 300 100 Miscellaneous 110 140 ( 30) Columbia Heights Firemen's Relief Association (general property and insurance premium taxes collected) 12,279 8,850 3,429 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 4,958 4,958 Total expenditures ILIL543 $101,588 .9,955 t t t t w i i 23 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE FUND ANALYSIS OF CHARGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustments $ 10,421 Adjustments to To set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and thereby account for revenue on a modified cash basis ( 2,374) 2. To set up amount to be provided for pay - ment of Public Employees' Retirement Association contribution (under City budgeting procedure this is considered as an expense when paid). 505 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustments $ 8,552 $ 8,552 Add - Revenue (see below) 14,219 14,069 150 Total beginning balance and revenue $ 22,771 $ 22,621 $ 150 Deduct - Expenditures (Page 24) _ 11,946 14,069 2,123) Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 10,825 8,552 2,273 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,.1964 General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $ 8,837 $ 8,897 $( 60) Federal aid 5,095 5,000 95 Insurance refund _ 287 172 115 Total revenue 14 219 14,069 $ 150 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA CIVIL DEFENSE FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 STREET DEPARTMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustment $(36,287) Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis. --(25,273) Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustment 61,560) $(61,560) Additions Revenue (Page 25) $190,254 $200,809 Actual Reserve for encumbrances December 31, 1964 1,430 over Total additions $191,684 Budget (under) Total beginning balance and additions Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 5,695 $ 5,680 $ 15 Extra salaries 485 900 ( 415) Travel and dues 404 690 ( 286) Office supplies and postage 274 600 ( 326) Equipment 2,858 3,000 ( 142) Equipment maintenance 69 442 ( 373) Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service 775 ( 775) Telephone 270 250 20 Light and power - sirens 44 348 ( 304) Rent 600 600 Insurance 622 360 262 Miscellaneous expense 186 186 Audit 100 100 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 339 324 15 Total expenditures $ 11,946 $ 14,069 2,123) STREET DEPARTMENT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustment $(36,287) Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis. --(25,273) Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustment 61,560) $(61,560) Additions Revenue (Page 25) $190,254 $200,809 $(10,555) Reserve for encumbrances December 31, 1964 1,430 1,430 Total additions $191,684 $200,809 9,125) Total beginning balance and additions $130,124 $139,249 $( 9,125) Deduct - Expenditures (Page 25) 205,328 212,409 ( 7,081) Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 $ T5 204) $(73,160) 2 044) i 1 25 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STREET DEPARTMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES ' YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $103,106 $1029309 $ 797 Shared State taxes - Cigarette and liquor 18,146 18,000 146 Equipment rental 31,712 24,000 7,712 Salary reimbursements from other City funds 5,340 35,000 (29,660) Oil reimbursements from other City funds 1,072 1,072 Charges for labor and materials 3,165 3,165 Street repair deposits 914 1,000 ( 86) County street maintenance agreement 2,508 2,400 108 1 Insurance refunds Other reimbursements 5,940 3,351 3,000 100 2,940 3,251 Transfers from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 15,000 15,000 1 Total revenue 190 254 $200,809, $(10,555) STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES 1 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Regular salaries $ 86,268 $102,617 $(16,349) Extra salaries 5,881 12,955 ( 7,074) 1 Equipment operations 6,891 6,000 891 Water and sewer charges 79 60 19 General supplies 1,668 1,000 668 Shop supplies and expense 1,710 1,500 210 1 Street signs 1,653 1,200 453 Street supplies and materials 25,401 15,000 10,401 Equipment repair and maintenance 7,465 6,000 1,465 1 Shop equipment repair 123 200 ( 77) Equipment 22,297 21,200 1,097 Equipment rental 5,172 2,000 3,172 Traffic control - Street marking 856 856 Telephone 304 300 4 Light and power 461 500 ( 39) Street lighting 20,511 21,500 ( 989) Traffic signals 1,930 2,400 ( 470) Fuel 514 700 ( 186) 1 Insurance Audit 6,819 400 8,500 400 ( 1,681) Miscellaneous 326 360 26 Traffic light maintenance 442 700 ( 258) 1 Refund 100 100 Payment of claims 90 50 40 Tree removal 214 214 Public Employees' Retirement Association 1 contributions 7,753 7,327 426 1 Total expenditures 205 328 212.409 7,081) 26 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATE AID FUNDS STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Debt Maintenance Construction Service Cash balance January 1, 1964 29,574 $(68,657) 1,383 Receipts $ 1,819 $ 22,940 Shared State gasoline tax alloted for Street maintenance $ 11,115 1,341 Street construction 273 $ 77,151 Payment of bonds 5,384 40,061 $ 12,000 Payment of interest on bonds 2,831 22,751 2,676 Transfer from State Aid Maintenance Fund 6,363 17,507 (excess costs on completed projects) 1 6,558 Transfer from Permanent Improvement 375 Revolving Fund Bonds, fiscal agent's 2,318 service charges - to be reimbursed 125 67 30 Total receipts .11 115 83,709 14,706 Total beginning cash and receipts 40,689 15.052 16,089 Disbursements Regular salaries $ 1,819 $ 22,940 Salary reimbursements to other City funds Administration Fund 42 1,341 Street Department Fund 273 2,254 Material 5,384 40,061 Equipment rental 2,831 22,751 Contract payments 6,363 17,507 Engineering fees and expenses 1 40 Condemnation awards and easements 375 Extra construction costs 2,318 Miscellaneous 125 67 City's share of improvements (unassessed Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund project) 6,474 Transfer to State Aid Construction Fund (excess costs on completed projects) 6,558 Transfer to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account 147 Bond maturities $ 12,000 Interest on bonds 2,820 Fiscal agent's service charges 21 Total disbursements 29,870 $109,801 14,841 Cash balance December 31, 1964 10 819 $(94,749) 1__L,248 t t 27 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL STATE AID BONDS DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1964 DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Year Issue Interest Maturity 1965 $ 14,676 date rate date Principal Municipal State Aid Street 2,388 1967 14,094 12,000 Bonds maturing 1968 13,794 12,000 1,794 $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2,40% 1/1/65 °66 $ 24,000 $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2050 1/1/67 -69 36,000 $12,000 per year 1/1/63 2.70 1/1/70 -71 24,000 $12,000 per year l/l/63 2A0 1/1/72 -73 24,000 Total 121 182 108 000 13 182 $108,000 DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Year Total Principal Interest 1965 $ 14,676 $ 12,000 $ 2,676 1966 14,388 12,000 2,388 1967 14,094 12,000 2,094 1968 13,794 12,000 1,794 1969 13,494 12,000 1,494 1970 13,182 12,000 1,182 1971 12,858 12,000 858 1972 12,522 12,000 522 1973 12,174 12,000 174 121 182 108 000 13 182 28 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER.31, 1964 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustment Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustment Add - Revenue (see below) Total beginning balance and revenue Deduct - Expenditures (Page 29) Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 Actual $ 2,266 509 ) Actual over Budget (under) estimates estimates $ 1,757 $ 1,757 27,690 26,317 1,373 $ 29;447 $ 28,074 $ 1,373 28,831 26,317 2,514 616 1,757 1,141) STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $ 12,035 $ 12,000 $ 35 Contribution from Independent School District No. 13 12,000 12,000 Recreation fees, donations, dance receipts, etc, 3,420 2,200 1,220 Insurance premium refund 235 117 118 Total revenue 27 690 26,317 1,373 t t 29 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA RECREATION FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 7,882 $ 7,822 $ 60 Extra salaries 14,668 13,825 843 Police duty 230 100 130 Travel 125 ( 125) Office supplies 234 350 ( 116) Magazine and books 10 75 ( 65) Playground and preschool equipment and material 997 750 247 Athletic equipment, materials and trophies 1,025 800 225 Entry fees 80 ( 80) Miscellaneous equipment 9 50 ( 41) Telephone 300 300 Insurance 425 300 125 Audit 300 300 Dues 94 94 Miscellaneous expenses 430 175 255 Referee fees 1,545 600 945 Transportation 137 150 ( 13) Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 545 515 30 Total expenditures 28 831 26,317 2,514 30 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustments Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustments Add - Revenue (see below) Total beginning balance and revenue Deduct - Expenditures (Page 31) Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 Actual $(44,948) 4,971) Ac tual over Budget (under) estimates estimates $(49,919) $(49,919) 143,820 _144,474 654) $ 93,901 $ 94,555 $( 654) 125052 144,474 (19,422) 31 151) 49 919) 18 768 STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $121,388 $122,374 $( 986) Revenue from the use of money and property Hall rent 5,874 6,000 ( 126) Other rents 52 500 ( 448) Canteen 3,670 5,000 ( 1,330) Insurance premium refund 1,733 200 1,533 Miscellaneous 1,103 400 703 Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 10,000 10,000 Total revenue 143 820 144 474 654) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Regular salaries Extra salaries and overtime pay Police duty Travel, dues and licenses Office supplies Water and sewer charges Canteen supplies Laundry Building supplies Building repairs and maintenance Miscellaneous building expenses Bowling expenses Telephone Light and power Fuel Equipment repairs and maintenance Insurance Audit Miscellaneous Wading pool supplies Skating rink expenses Regular salaries Maintenance Refunds Car allowance Weed control Regular salaries Machinery and expenses Appraisal, engineering and architect fees Ball Park Lighting Furniture and fixtures Machinery equipment and tools Building construction Park improvements Land purchased Special assessments Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions Transfer to General Debt Service Fund 31 Total expenditures $125,052 144 474 19,422) Ac tual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates $ 47,068 $ 50,491 $( 3,423) 5,907 225 5,682 160 150 10 60 50 10 59 50 9 379 400 ( 21) 2,106 3,000 ( 894) 38 75 ( 37) 530 700 ( 170) 1,023 800 223 33 150 ( 117 ) 22 260 ( 238) 327 400 ( 73) 953 1,600 ( 647) 2,309 2,500 ( 191) 2,011 1,200 811 2,184 2,300 ( 116) 300 300 252 500 ( 248) 285 285 3,994 4,000 ( 6) 968 800 168 20 50 ( 30) 177 200 ( 23) 1,422 1,500 ( 78) 181 200 ( 19) 200 ( 200) 276 250 26 202 50 152 6,533 7,750 ( 1,217) 2,381 2,700 ( 319) 7,463 109000 ( 2,537) 6,250 8,000 ( 1,750) 16,133 11,750 4,383 2,881 2,723 158 10,165 29,150 (18,985) Total expenditures $125,052 144 474 19,422) 32 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIBRARY FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 before adjustment $( 3,478) Adjustment to set up reserve for unrealized revenue as of January 1,, 1964 and account for revenue on a modified cash basis. 919) Unappropriated surplus January 1, 1964 after adjustment $( 4,397) $( 4,397) Add - Revenue (see below) 24,686 24,514 172 Total beginning balance and revenue $ 20,289 $ 20,117 $ 172 Deduct - Expenditures (Page 33) 26,852 24,514 2,338 Unappropriated surplus December 31, 1964 6 563) §L_4 1397) 2 166) STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $ 23,833 $ 23,964 $( 131) Fines 779 500 279 Donations 29 29 Insurance premium refunds 45 50 5) Total revenue 24,686 24 514 172 33 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA LIBRARY FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES - ACTUAL COMPARED WITH BUDGET ESTIMATES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Actual over Budget (under) Actual estimates estimates Regular salaries $ 8,455 $ 9,000 $( 545) Extra salaries 4,659 4,000 659 Water and sewer charges 22 30 ( 8) Books and magazines 8,343 6,643 1,700 Supplies 823 600 223 Postage 15 10 5 Building and equipment repair and maintenance 352 500 ( 148) Building supplies and service 564 500 64 Telephone 205 200 5 Light and power 449 400 49 Fuel 459 700 ( 241) Insurance 97 130 ( 33) Audit 150 150 Travel and dues 34 100 ( 66) Miscellaneous 109 200 ( 91) Public Employees` Retirement Association contributions 901 851 50 Furniture and fixtures 1,215 500 715 Total expenditures 26 852 JI& 514 2,338 34 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BAND FUND STATEMENTS OF.CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 $ 89 Receipts Transfers from the Municipal Liquor Operating Fund $ 1,000 Miscellaneous 17 Total receipts 1,017 Total beginning cash and receipts $ 1,106 Disbursements Band services $ 622 Transportation 180 Supplies 132 Auditorium rental ` 3$ Total disbursements 972 Cash balance December 31, 1964 134 BUILDING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 $23,064 Receipts - Sale of land 50 Total beginning cash and receipts $23,114 Disbursements Appraisal fees $ 95 Miscellaneous 4 Land 200 Platting costs 581 Total disbursements 880 Cash balance December 31, 1964 22 234 t CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 Receipts General property taxes (including bank excise tax and forfeited tax sale apportionments) levied for storm sewer bonds (due to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund) Proceeds from sale of Emergency Debt,Certificate Materials sold Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund Total receipts Total beginning cash and receipts Disbursements Regular salaries Engineering fees and expenses Materials Equipment rental Contract payments Miscellaneous expenses Transfer to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for principal and interest on-storm sewer bonds Total disbursements Cash balance December 31, 1964 $27,354 79,610 10 20,000 $ 1,276 1,354 175 405 87,264 76 73,803 35 $( 89,746) 126,974 $ 37,228 164,353 $(127,125) 36 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PARK CONSTRUCTION BOND FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1964 ASSETS Cash $( 585) Amount to be provided by future revenues 42,172 Total assets 1 587 LIABILITIES Contracts payable $ 5,600 Retained percentage on contracts 2,409 Accrued interest payable 978 Emergency Debt Certificate payable 32,600 Total liabilities 1 587 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 $50,274 Receipt - Proceeds from sale of Emergency Debt Certificate 32,600 Total beginning cash and receipt $82,874 Disbursements Land purchases $46,761 Regular salaries 499 Contract payments 32,251 Professional services 3,749 Miscellaneous 199 Total disbursements 83,459 Cash balance December 31, 1964 IC 585) CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND ' BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1964 t ASSETS Cash Investment - Storm Sewer Construction Fund Emergency Debt Certificate Accounts receivable Storm Sewer Construction Fund Other Accrued interest receivable Delinquent taxes receivable Special assessments receivable Delinquent (principal and interest) Deferred (principal only) Unassessed costs Storm Sewer Other Total assets LIABILITIES AND RESERVE Liabilities Accounts payable Storm Sewer Construction blind General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account) Other Accrued wages payable Retained percentages on contracts Deposits Reserve for payment of bonded indebtedness shown as a liability of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Account of the General Debt Service Fund Total liabilities and reserve $ 157,996 79,610 22,191 32,801 3,759 553 205,983 1,010,297 159,739 84.182 $1,757,111 $ 13,602 717 501 334 1,664 14,863 1,725,430 $1,757,111 37 (1) Bonded indebtedness (principal and interest) corresponding to bond proceeds used to finance storm sewer construction is to be paid by a general property tax levy. Taxes for this purpose in the amount of $50,010 were levied for collection in 1965. (2) Substantially all of other unassessed costs are to be assessed against benefited property. (3) The City is following the practice of transferring from this fund to the General Debt Service Fund (Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Account) amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from the account and cancelling corresponding annual collectible amounts of deferred taxes receivable shown in the account. 93 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 $ 455,295 Receipts General property taxes (including bank excise tax 79,610 and forfeited tax sale apportionments) $ 6,036 Special assessments 17,559 Collected by City $346,192 18,921 Collected by County 4,247 Principal 120,918 175 Interest and penalties 3,499 781 Audit 470,609 Private water and sewer connection fees 2,510 Interest on investments 27,880 Special assessment searches and 117 other receipts 283 Refunds and reimbursements 1,274 City °s share of improvements (reimbursement 112 from other City Funds for unassessed costs 27 of completed or cancelled projects 9,120 Transfer from Storm Sewer Fund for payment of 760 principal and interest on bonds 73,803 Total receipts 591,515 Total beginning cash and receipts $1,046,810 Disbursements Contract payments $ 94,766 Purchase of Storm Sewer Construction Fund . Emergency Debt Certificate 79,610 Equipment rental 14,167 Regular salaries 17,559 Materials 18,921 Extra construction costs 4,247 Refunds 175 Insurance 781 Audit 500 Engineering salaries 11,386 Administrative expenses 7,760 Engineering expenses 117 Easements 750 Purchase of delinquent utility accounts receivable 114 Advertising 112 Inspection mileage 27 Attorney fees 302 Damage claims 760 Miscellaneous 5 Transfers to General Debt Service Fund 636,755 Total disbursements 888,814 Cash balance December 31, 1964 $ 157,996 1 u u I CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1964 ASSETS Cash Cash with fiscal agents Investments, at cost City of Columbia Heights bonds (Page 60 ) Park Construction Bond Fund Bmergency Debt Certificate Accounts receivable State Aid Debt Service Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Accrued interest receivable Deferred taxes receivable` Amount to be provided by future revenues ITotal assets 1 U w 1 LIABILITIES AND RESERVE Accounts payable - State Aid Debt Service Fund Bonded indebtedness Matured bonds and interest Future maturities Bonds (Page 42) Interest Reserve for payment of bonds and interest Total liabilities and reserve Permanent Municipal Improvement Building Revolving Bonds Fund Bonds of 1959 Total Account Account 39 $ 382,199 $ 380,076 $( 18) $ 2,141 75,775 62,862 12,308 605 44,645 Storm Park Sewer Bonds. Bonds of 1962 of 1964 Account Account $ 382,199 $ 380,076 $( 18) $ 2,141 75,775 62,862 12,308 605 44,645 44,645 32,600 32,600 30 30 717 717 5,062 4,264 $ 798 2,839,570 1,891,420 126,500 378,650 443,000 40,382 5,713 34,669 $3,420,980 $2,416,614 $416,065 43 798 $ 147 $ 147 22,155 9,242 $ 12,308 $ 605 2,905,000 2,120,000 110,000 325,000 $350,000 469,345 284,695 22,195 909460 71,995 24,333 2,530 21,803 $3,420,980 2 416 614 Jj4L4 503 16 065 43 798 * The City is following the practice of cancelling current collectible amounts of de- ' ferred taxes receivable shown for all bond issues except the Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account since amounts equal to bond and interest payments made from these accounts are transferred from other City funds. 40 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENTS OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Cash balance January 1, 1964 Receipts ° transfers from Permanent Municipal Improvement Building Park Revolving Bonds Bonds Fund Bonds of 1959 of 1962 Combined Account Account Account $261,425 $259,284 2,141 Administration Fund $ 14,375 $ 14,375 State Aid Construction Fund 147 $ 147 Park Fund 10,165 $ 10,165 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund 636,755 636,755 Total receipts 661,442 $636,902 14,375 10,165 Total beginning balance and receipts $922,867 $896,186. 14,375 12,306 Disbursements Purchase of Park Construction Bond Fund Emergency Debt Certificate $ 32,600 $ 32,600 Bond maturities 410,000 400,000 $ 10,000 Interest on bonds 97,273 82,763 4,370 $ 10,140 Fiscal agent's service charges 765 717 23 25 Transfer to State Aid Debt Service Fund 30 30 Total disbursements $540,668 $516,110 14,393 10,165 Cash balance December 31, 1964 1 L8 2 199 $3809076 18) 2 141 t 41 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND" BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1964 $ 45,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $50,000 per year 9/1/57 4.50 12/1/6572 $. 400,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing June 1, 1965 6/1/59 3.00 6/1/65 $ 55,000 $55,000 per year 6/1/59 3.50 6/1/66 -69 220,000 2752000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $90,000 per year 7/1/60 3.50 7/1/65 -66 $ 180,000 July 1, 1967 7/1/60 3.50 7/1/67 60,000 $60,000 per year 7/1/60 3.70 7/1/68 -71 240,000 $ 480,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Issue Interest Maturity Fund Bonds date rate date Principal Permanent Improvement Revolving $80,000 per year 10/1/61 3.00 Fund Bands Account $ 240,000 October 1, 1968 10/1/61 Permanent Improvement Revolving 10/1/68 50,000 $50,000 per year Fund Bonds maturing 3.20 10/1/69 -70 100,000 $50,000 $35,000 per year 9/1/55 3.10% 9/1/65-66 $ 70,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $20,000 per year 12/1/56 3.60 12/1/65-66 $ 40,000 December 1, 1967 12/1/56 3.60 12/1/67 5,000 $ 45,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $50,000 per year 9/1/57 4.50 12/1/6572 $. 400,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing June 1, 1965 6/1/59 3.00 6/1/65 $ 55,000 $55,000 per year 6/1/59 3.50 6/1/66 -69 220,000 2752000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $90,000 per year 7/1/60 3.50 7/1/65 -66 $ 180,000 July 1, 1967 7/1/60 3.50 7/1/67 60,000 $60,000 per year 7/1/60 3.70 7/1/68 -71 240,000 $ 480,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $80,000 per year 10/1/61 3.00 10/1/65 -67 $ 240,000 October 1, 1968 10/1/61 3.00 10/1/68 50,000 $50,000 per year 10/1/61 3.20 10/1/69 -70 100,000 $50,000 per year 10/1/61 3.40 10/1/71 -72 1002000 $ 490, 000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds maturing $40,000 per year 111/63 2050 1/1/65 -67 $ 120,000 $40,000 per year 1/1/63 2.80 1/1/68 -70 120,000 $40,000 per year 1/1/63 3.00 1/1/71 -73 120,000 360,000 Total Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account $2,120,000 42 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1964 (CONTINUED) * Plus additional interest at the rate of 1.40% per annum on all bonds for the period March 1, 1965 to December 1, 1965. Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable $2,905,000 Note - All bonds were issued without option of payment prior to maturity dates. Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Municipal Building Bonds maturing December 1, 1965 6/1/69 3.00% 12/1/65 $ 10,000 $10,000 per year 6/1/59 3.50 12/1/66 -69 4030000 $10,000 per year 6/1/59 3,90 12/1/70 -72 30,000 $10,000 per year 6/1/59 4.00 12/1/73 -75 301000 Total Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account $ 110,000 Park Bonds of 1962 Account Park Bonds maturing $15,000 per year 2/1/62 2.70 2/1/65 -68 $ 60,000 $20,000 per year 2/1/62 2.70 2/1/69 -70 40,000 $20,000 per year 2/1/62 3.10 2/1/71 -72 4051000 $25,000 per year 2/1/62 3.10 2/1/73 -74 50,000 $25,000 per year 2/1/62 3.40 2/1/75 -77 75,000 $30,000 per year 2/1/62 3.50 2/l/78 -79 60,000 Total Park Bonds of 1962 Account $ 325,000 Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account Storm Sewer Bonds maturing, $35,000 per year, 12/1/64 2.80* 12/1/66 -69 $ 140,000 $35,000 per year 12/1/64 3.00* 12/1/70 -72 105,000 $35,000 per year 12/1/64 3.10* 12/1/73 -75 105,000 Total Storm Sewer Bonds of 1964 Account $ 350,000 * Plus additional interest at the rate of 1.40% per annum on all bonds for the period March 1, 1965 to December 1, 1965. Total General Debt Service Fund bonds payable $2,905,000 Note - All bonds were issued without option of payment prior to maturity dates. t CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA GENERAL DEBT SERVICE -FUND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Year Total Principal Interest 1965 $ 494,810 $ 395,000 $ 99,810 1966 513,247 430, 000 83,247 1967 419,325 350,000 69,325 1968 372,675 315,000 57,675 1969 366,858 320,000 46,858 1970 301,835 265,000 36,835 1971 292,585 265,000 27,585 1972 222,515 205,000 17,515 1973 119,900 110,000 9,900 1974 77,285 70,000 7,285 1975 75,310 70,000 5,310 1976 28,375 25,000 3,375 1977 27,525 25,000 2,525 1978 31,575 30,000 1,575 1979 30,525 30,000 525 $3,374,345 $2, 905, 000 69 345 43 L CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1964 (with prior year amounts for comparison) ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS 1964 1963 Cash $ 15,872 $ 13,154 Insurance premium refund receivable 839 Inventories, at cost 83,398 84,365 Prepaid insurance 1,413 1,640 Total current assets $100,683 99,998 FIXED ASSETS, at cost Land and improvements $ 34,231 $ 28,231 Buildings 180,174 143,753 Furniture and equipment 68,981 65,708 Total cost $283,386 $237,692 Less accumulated depreciation 58,289 49,783 Total fixed assets (net) $225,097 $187,909 Total assets I L2 5 780 $287,907 LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Administration Fund $ 12,682 $ 12,682 Public Employees` Retirement Association 10,201 10,209 Other 28,268 26,337 Accrued wages payable 5,172 4,340 Special assessments payable 93 224 Total current liabilities 56,416 53;792 RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT OF REVENUE BONDS 4,617 RETAINED EARNINGS Invested in fixed assets (net fixed assets less reserve for retirement of revenue bonds) $225,097 $183,292 Net working capital (current assets less current liabilities) 44,267 46,206 Total retained earnings $269,364 229,498 Total liabilities, reserve and retained earnings jq25 780 287,907 45 46 CITY.OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 (with prior year amounts for comparison) Sales Off sale On sale Cost of sales (excluding discounts) Gross profit before discounts Add - Discounts Gross profit Operating expenses Operating income Other income and (expenses) Other income (including vending machine sales) Interest Reimbursement from State for moving out of liquor store, less expenses Net income Retained earnings beginning of year Transfers to other City funds Fire Department Fund Street Department Fund Park Fund Band Fund Storm Sewer Construction Fund Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund Retained earnings end of year 1964 .27 1963 ( 739) ( .09) Percent 2,850 Percent of sales 12.34 of sales $598,540 74.47 $515,967 72.50 205,176 25.53 195,673 27.50 $803,716 100.00 $711,640 100.00 575,380 71.59 504,045 70.83 $228,336 28.41 $207,595 29.17 28,867 3.59 25,667 3.61 $257,203 32.00 $233,262 32.78 162,285 20.19 155,042 21.79 $ 94,918 11.81 $ 78,220 10.99 2,130 .27 2,513 .35 ( 739) ( .09) ( 1,095) ( .15) 2,850 .35 $ 99,159 12.34 $ 79,638 11.19 229,498 221,159 ( 7,750) (15, 000) (10,000) ( 1,000) (20,000) 5 543) 269 364 (70,699) ( 600) $229,498 During 1964, operationsof off sale Store No. 2 were moved to a new location about one block away due to State highway construction. e MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATING EXPENSES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 (with prior year amounts.for comparison) 1964 Salaries and wages Contributions to Public Employees' $116,338 Retirement Association 6,730 Employees' welfare 2,757 Laundry 1,255 Bar supplies 1,040 Store supplies 2,302 Office supplies 199 Store expenses 6,661 Telephone ' Utilities 7,982 Rent 2,025 Insurance and bonds 3,607 Depreciation 8,506 Maintenance and repair 1,258 Licenses and memberships ' Independent auditing 800 Total operating expenses 1964 $162,285 20.19 47 1963 Percent of sales $116,338 14.47 6,730 .84 2,757 .34 1,255 .16 1,040 .13 2,302 .29 199 .02 6,661 .83 723 .09 7,982 .99 2,025 .25 3,607 .45 8,506 1.06 1,258 .16 102 .O1 800 .10 $162,285 20.19 47 1963 $155,042 21.79 Percent of sales $112,230 15.77 6,827 .96 1,092 .15 1,181 .17 1,200 .17 2,115 .30 62 .O1 5,366 .75 799 .11 7,225 1.02 2,700 .38 4,374 .61 7,451 1.05 1,519 .21 201 .03 700 .10 $155,042 21.79 48 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING INCOME FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Sales Cost of sales (excluding discounts) Gross profit before discounts Percent of sales Add - Discounts Percent of sales Gross profit Percent of sales Operating expenses Percent of -sales Operating income Percent of sales Total all stores Total $803,716 $598,540 575,380 487,114 $228,336 $111,426 28.41% 18.62% 28,867 24,451 3.59% 4.08% $257,203 $135,877 32.00% 22.70% 162,285 75,815 20.19% 12.67% $ 94,918 $ 60,062 11.81% 10.03% n 1 Off sale stores On sale No. 1 No. 2 No, 3 store $287,326 $145,099 $166,115 $205,176 235,803 116,033 135,278 88,266 $ 51,523 $ 29,066 $ 30,837 $116,910 17.93% 20.03% 18.56% 56.98% 12,262 5,920 6,269 4,416 4.27% 4.08% 3.77% 2.15% $ 63,785 $ 34,986 $ 37,106 $121,326 22.20% 24.11% 22,33% 59.13% 31,523 21,233 23,059 86,470 10.97% 14.63% 13.88% 42.14% $ 32,262 $ 13,753 $ 14,047 $ 34,856 11.23% 9.48% 8.45% 16.99% 49 50 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR OPERATING FUND STATEMENTS OF OPERATING EXPENSES FOR INDIVIDUAL STORES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1963 Salaries and wages Contributions to Public Employees' Retirement Association Employees' welfare Laundry Bar supplies Store supplies Office supplies Store expense Telephone Utilities Rent Insurance and bonds Depreciation Maintenance and repair Licenses and memberships Independent auditing Total Total all Percent stores of sales $116,338 $ 51,138 8.55 6,730 2,934 .49 2,757 796 .13 1,255 245 .04 1,040 15 2,302 1, 273 .21 199 188 .03 6,661 3,231 .54 723 723 .12 7,982 5,088 .85 2,025 2,025 .34 3,607 2,672 .45 8,506 4,383 .73 1,258 414 .07 102 90 .02 800 600 .10 Total operating expense 162 285 75,815 12.67 Off sale stores No. 1 No. 2 No, 3 3,796 Percent 1,961 Percent 1,010 Percent 1,025 of sales 1,029 of sales 11 of sales $ 20,571 7.16 $ 14,899 10,26 $ 15,668 9,43 1,321 .46 741 .51 872 .52 399 .14 189 .13 208 .13 70 .02 71 .05 104 .06 15 .01 1,120 .39 86 .06 67 .04 72 .03 45 .03 71 .04 2,077 .72 297 .20 857 .52 343 .12 169 .12 211_ .13 1,967 .69 1,013 .70 2,108 1.27 2,025 1.40 1,277 .44 649 .45 746 .45 1,876 .65 623 .43 1,884 1.13 185 ,06 196 .13 33 .02 30 .01 30 .02 30 .02 200 .07 200 .14 200 .12 31 523 10.97 21 233 14.63 23 059 13.88 On sale 86 470 42.14 51 Percent of sales $ 65,200 31.78 3,796 1.85 1,961 .95 1,010 .49 1,025 .50 1,029 .50 11 .01 3,430 1,67 2,894 1.41 935 .46 4,123 2.01 844 .41 12 .01 200 .09 86 470 42.14 51 52 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 3L, 1964 ASSETS Cash JIL 574 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Bonded indebtedness - Future maturities Bonds (Page 53) $ 10,000 Interest 370 Unappropriated surplus 5,204 Total liabilities and surplus 15 574 STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Receipts o Transfer from Municipal Liquor Operating Fund 10,888 Disbursements Bond principal $ 10,000 Bond interest 740 Fiscal agent service charges 18 Total disbursements 10,758 Excess of receipts over disbursements $ 130 Cash balance January 1, 1964 15,444 Cash balance December 31, 1964 15 574 t w w t 53 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL LIQUOR DEBT SERVICE FUND BONDS PAYABLE - DECEMBER 31, 1964 Issue Interest Maturity date rate date Principal Municipal Building Bonds maturing December 1, 1965 12/1/56 3070% 12/1/65 j1pagoo DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS DECEMBER 31', 1964 Year Total Principal_ Interest 1965 lIP2370 119L-000 L 370 54 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES OPERATING FUNDS BALANCE SHEETS - DECEMBER 31, 1964 ..LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE Combined Water Sewer ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash $ 64,826 $ 37,256 $ 27,570 Accounts receivable Customers 61,385 42,960 18,425 Other 98 98 18,766 Delinquent taxes receivable 670 5,888 670 Inventory - Water meters, at cost 4,112 4,112 1,774 Total assets 131 091 84,426 46,665 ..LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Administration Fund $ 323 $ 323 Public Employees' Retirement Association 6,177 3,089 $ 3,088 City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 30,023 11,257 18,766 Other 6,228 5,888 340 Accrued wages payable 2,548 774 1,774 Retained percentage on contracts 20 20 Special assessments payable 5,395 1,366 _ 4,029 Total current liabilities $ 50,714 $ 22,717 $'27,997 DEFERRED LIABILITY - City of Minneapolis, Minnesota 1,379 1,379 FUND BALANCE 78,998 61,709 17,289 Total liabilities and fund balance 131 091 84,426 46,665 Note - Fixed assets are not shown in this statement since their cost or present value was not available. Accordingly, depreciation is not included as an operating expense. 1 1 E 0 r k 0 C CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA WATER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Operating revenue 55 Water sales $247,789 Hydrant rental 4,000 Meter sales 10,993 Service connections 4,811 Penalties 2,260 Meter repairs and special service 1,018_ Total operating revenue $270,871 Operating expenses (see footnote) Water purchases $166,829 Regular salaries 23,863 Extra salaries 3,814 Office supplies 534 Postage 574 Meter repair parts 455 Plumbing supplies 3,283 Meters 7,397 Supplies 691 Equipment repair and maintenance 2,862 Equipment rental 215 Tank service 440 Telephone 524 Light and power 4,677 Fuel 323 Rent 375 Main repair and maintenance 4,579 Hydrant repair and maintenance 942 Insurance 210 Audit 300 Public Employees' Retirement Association contributions 1,844 Miscellaneous 243 Total operating expenses 224,974 Operating income $ 45,897 Other income and (expense) Sale of equipment 20 Interest on special assessments 97) Net income $ 45,820 Fund balance January 1, 1964 20,452 Deduct - Capital outlay expenditures Trunk extension $ 933 Equipment 1,452 Furniture and fixtures 67 Water survey 2,111 4,563) Fund balance December 31, 1964 61 709 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet. 56 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SEWER UTILITY OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND FUND BALANCE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Operating revenue - Sewer rental $ 96,932 Operating expenses (see footnote) Regular salaries $ 31,626 Extra salaries 1,055 City of Minneapolis Sewage disposal and maintenance charges 34,004 Storm water disposal charges 928 Office supplies 215 Postage 367 General supplies 6,089 Equipment repair and maintenance 2,083 Equipment rental 209 Telephone 303 Light and power 443 Fuel 282 Rent 375 Insurance 1,797 Audit 250 Maintenance 2,013 Public Employees'. Retirement Association contributions 1,844 Miscellaneous 94 Total operating expenses 83,977 Operating income $ 12,955 Other income and (expense) General property taxes 2,886 Interest on special assessments ( 287) Sale of scrap 80 Net income $ 15,634 Fund balance January 1, 1964 2,506 Deduct - Capital outlay expenditures Equipment $ 824 Furniture and fixtures 27 851) Fund balance December 31, 1964 $ 17,289 Note - Depreciation is not included as an operating expense. See note on balance sheet. CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA STATEMENT OF CASH - DECEMBER 31,",1964 Treasurer cash Change funds Cash in banks Regular checking accounts Columbia Heights State Bank, Columbia Heights, Minnesota Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Certificates of deposit and savings certificates Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Total treasurer cash Cash with fiscal agents American National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota First National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota First National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Total cash with fiscal agents STATEMENT OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES ' PLACED IN ESCROW BY DEPOSITORY BANKS FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF CITY FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Depository banks Columbia Heights State Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Fidelity Bank and Trust Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota Third Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Escrow banks Marquette National Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis, Minnesota 57 $ 3,135 9,727 53,452 29,912 300,000 $396,226 $ 29,168 90 44,980 14.947 89,185 Face amount of securities $218,000 200,000 500,000 Additional coverage of $10,000 is provided at each depository bank by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Ell CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS - ALL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 Fund Administration Police and Court Fire Department Civil Defense Street Department State Aid Maintenance Construction Debt Service Recreation Pa rk Library Band Mayor's Contingent Building Storm Sewer Construction Park Construction Bond Permanent Improvement Revolving General Debt Service Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds Account Municipal Building Bonds of 1959 Account Park Bonds of 1962 Account Municipal Liquor Operating Debt Service Water Utility Operating Sewer Utility Operating Total Cash balance Receipts___ January 1, Interfund 1964 transfers Other $ 47,411 $ 198,797 35,541 158,257 131 $ 7,750 93,283 8,699 14,219 (50,426) 15,000 175,254 29,574 11,115 (68,657) 6,558 77,151 1,383 30 14,676 1,969 27,690 (46,222) 10,000 133,820 ( 4,002) 24,686 89 1,000 17 156 23,064 50 (89,746) 20,000 106,974 50,274 32,600 455,295 73,803 517,712 259,284 636,902 14, 37 5 2,141 10,165 13,154 817,198 15,444 10,888 300 275,413 18,871 100,002 $703,727 X06 * 47 1 $2,778,914 59 Cash Disbursements balance Investment Interfund December 31, Total purchases transfers Other Total 1964 $ 198,797 $ 14,375 $ 228,605 $ 242,980 $ 3,228 158,257 153,407 153,407 40,391 101,033 112,825 112,825 (11,661) 14,219 11,937 11,937 10,981, 190,254 206,313 206,313 (66,485) 11,115 6,558 23,312 29,870 10,819 83,709 147 109,654 109,801 (94,749) 14,706 14,841 14,841 1,248 27,690 28,516 28,516 1,143 143,820 10,165 114,078 124,243 (26,645) 24,686 24,009 24,009 ( 3,_325) 1,017 972 972 134_ 156 50 880 880 22,234 126,974 73,803 90,550 164,353 (127,125) 32,600 83,459 83,459 ( 585) 591,515 $ 79,610 636,755 172,449 888,814 157,996 636,902 .32,600 30 483,480 516,110 380,076 14,375 14,393 14,393 ( 18) 10,165 10,165 10,165 2,141 _ 817,198 64,638 749,842 814,480 15,872 10,888 10,758 10,758 15,574 275,413 238,457 238,457 37,256 1001002 91,303 91,303 27,570 $3,585,385 $112,210 $806,471 $2,974,205 $3,892,886. $396,226 60 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA INVESTMENT IN CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Nhturity Interest Matured date rate value Cost Owned by General Debt Service Fund Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds, dated July 1, 1960 7/1/71 Park Bonds, dated February 1, 1962 2/1/77 Total 3,70% $ 40,000 $ 39,645 3,40 5,000 5,000 45 000 44 645 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - STATE OF MINNESOTA DECEMBER 31, 1964 Liquor tax apportionment $ 11,221 Cigarette tax apportionment 17,358 State aid allocation for street construction 52,357 Federal aid through State Department of Civil Defense for Personnel and Administrative Expense Program 1,025 Total 81 961 Year 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 CITY OF COLUMBIA IiEIGHTS, MINNESOTA DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS (PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST) - ALL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Total $ 519,856 527,635 433,419 386,469 380,352 315,017 305,443 235,037 132,074 77,285 75,310 28, 37 5 27,525 31,575 30.525 $3,505,897 Municipal State Aid Bonds Debt Service Fund $ 14,676 14,388 14,094 13,794 13,494 13,182 12,858 12,522 12,174 121,182 General Debt Service Fund $ 494,810 513,247 419,325 372,675 366,858 301,835 292,585 222,515 119,900 77,285 75,310 28,375 27,525 31, 57 5 30,525 $3,374,345 Municipal Liquor Debt Service Fund $ 10, 37 0 $ 10,370 61 62 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ASSESSED VALUATIONS, TAX LEVIES AND MILL RATES (Shown by year of collectibility) Mill Rates Administration 1962 1963 1964 1965 Assessed valuations Real estate $5,952,735 $7,373,855 $7,925,381 $8,687,633 Personal property 924,918 1,001,593 928,614 1,041,908 Total $6,877,653 $8,375,448 $8,853,995 X59,729,541 Tax levies 1.00 .90 1.00 Administration $ 73,615 $ 67,683 $ 63,297 $ 512,260 Public Employees' Retire- 7.80 ment Association 24,439 26,045 1.00 1.03 General Fund 6,985 14.52 11.56 Police 91,007 100,294 104,623 Police Relief Association 6,868 7,585 8,850 Firemen's Relief Association 6,868 7,585 8,850 2.57 Fire 2.33 .60 69,074 .21 Civil Defense 8,966 8,000 8,865 10,021 Street 110,430 121,593 102,392 Recreation 10,088 11,212 12,057 .76 Park 51,498 91,348 122,516 63.13 Library 18,140 18,060 24,024 25,005 Bonds 16,000 5,000 2,039 2, 043 Storm sewer bonds 24,000 27,482 50,010 Storm sewer extensions 20,000 1,000 Sewer and water 202000 39,000 4,964 7,395 Total $ 464,904 $ 528,405 $ 559,033 606,734 Mill Rates Administration 10.70 8.08 7.15 52.65 Public Employees' Retire- ment Association 3.55 3.11 General Fund 1.02 Police 13.23 11.97 11.82 Police Relief Association 1.00 .90 1.00 Firemen's Relie -f Association 1.00 .90 1.00 Fire 7.80 Civil Defense 1.30 .95 1.00 1.03 Street 16.06 14.52 11.56 Recreation 1.47 1.34 1.36 Park 7.48 10.91 13.84 Library 2.64 2.16 2.71 2.57 Bonds 2.33 .60 .23 .21 Storm sewer bonds 2.87 3.10 5.14 Storm sewer extensions 2.91 .12 Sewer and water 2.91 4.66 .56 .76 Total 67.60 63.09 63.13 62.36 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ' INSURANCE COVERAGE DECEMBER 31, 1964 Major insurance coverage at December 31, 1964 is summarized below. Co- insurance Fire and extended coverage City hall, fire and police departments Building 90% $172,300 Contents 90 20,500 Community center Building 90 126,250 Contents 90 5,000 Public library ® Building 90 26,000 ® Contents 90 5,000 Municipal liquor stores Buildings 90 156,000 ' Contents 17,000 Liquor stock 125,000 Sign 2,000 ' Park recreation building Building 90 5,500 Contents 90 500 ' City garage Building 90 13,200 Contents 90 11,000 Recreation building 3,600 Warehouse Building 90 2,800 Contents 90 600 ' Warming house building 90 500 Water standpipe 90 68,000 Lift station buildings 90 550 Pumping stations 90 300 Street equipment ($50 deductible) 58,505 Comprehensive liability Bodily injury Automobiles 50/300,000 Except automobiles 50/300,000 Property damage Automobiles 300,000 Except automobiles 300,000 Minnesota Statutory Liquor Law liability 50/300,000 Boiler and Machinery 50,000 Business interruption - City liquor stores 125,650 Money and securities - broad form Inside premises 6,500 ' Outside premises 6,500 Comprehensive glass coverage standard Workmen's compensation statutory Comprehensive general liability for recreation employees and volunteer workers - property damage and personal injury 3001000 63 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA EMPLOYEES SURETY BONDS DECEMBER 31, 1964 Rosella C. Lawson City Treasurer Floyd C. Lawson Assessor Pauline M. Galtzmaier Clerk of Municipal Court All employees, except those listed above are covered by an honesty blanket position bond of $5,000 with an additional $5,000 on the municipal liquor store manager. $5,000 1,000 1,000 65