HomeMy WebLinkAbout1654ORDINANCE NO. 1654 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE OF 2005 RELATING TO BREWER TAPROOMS AND BREW PUBS WITHIN THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS The City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Section 1 9.103 City Code of 2005, as it currently reads is amended as follows: BREW PUB. A restaurant that conducts the retail of on -sale malt liquor consumed and brewed on the premise. . 9.103 City Code of 2005 is hereby amended to read as follows: BREW PUB. A restaurant that conducts the retail of on -sale malt liquor consumed and brewed on the premise. Section 2 9.107 (53) City Code of 2005, is amended to add the following Specific Development Standard, and shall hereafter read as follows to wit: Brewer Taprooms and Brew Pubs. (a) All malt liquor production shall be within a completely enclosed structure. (b) Mechanical equipment shall be placed and /or screened so as to minimize the visual impact on adjacent properties and from public streets. (c) In zoning districts where off - street parking is required, a transportation management plan shall be submitted to address off- street parking, bus and freight loading, and traffic control. (d) Loading areas shall not be oriented toward a public street, nor shall loading docks be located on the side of any building facing an adjacent lot that is zoned residential. Where these districts or streets abut all sides of the property, the loading areas shall be screened by a solid wall or opaque fence with a minimum height of six feet, in addition to any required landscape buffer. (e) Trash and /or recycling collection areas shall be enclosed on at least three sides by an opaque screening wall or fence no less than six feet in height. The open side of the enclosure shall not face any public street or the front yard of any adjacent property. (f) By- products and waste from the production of malt liquor shall be properly disposed of off the property. (g) The premises, all adjacent streets, sidewalks and alleys, and all sidewalks and alleys within 100 feet of the use shall be inspected regularly for the purposes of removing litter found thereon. (h) The facility shall meet all applicable building and fire codes, and be licensed as required, by the State of Minnesota or Anoka County. Section 3 9.110 (E) (2) City Code of 2005, as it currently reads is amended as follows: (E) GB, General Business District. (1) Purpose. The purpose of the GB General Business District is to provide appropriate locations for general retail sales, services and other commercial developments that benefit from their proximity to other Ordinance No. 1654 City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance Page 2 commercial uses. These areas are located away from residential neighborhoods, along arterial roadways and are accessible primarily by automobile. (2) Permitted uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses are permitted within the GB, General Business District: (a) Community center. (b) Government office. (c) Government protective service facility. (d) Public park and /or playground. (e) Recreational facility, indoor. (f) Recreational facility, outdoor. (g) School, vocational or business. (h) School, performing /visual /martial arts. (i) Auditorium /place of assembly. (j) Automobile convenience facility. (k) Automobile and motorcycle repair, minor. (1) Banquet hall. (m) Billiards hall. (n) Bowling alley. (o) Car wash. (p) Clinic, medical or dental. (q) Clinic, veterinary. (r) Day care facility, adult or child. (s) Financial institution. (t) Food service, convenience (fast food). (u) Food service, limited (coffee shop /deli). (v) Food service, full service (restaurant /nightclub). City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance (w) Funeral home. (x) Greenhouse /garden center. (y) Health or fitness club. (z) Hotel /motel. (aa) Laboratory, medical. (bb) Liquor store, off -sale. (cc) Museum or gallery. (dd) Office. (ee) Retail sales. (ff) Service, professional. (gg) Shopping center. (hh) Studio, professional. (ii) Studio, radio and television. (jj) Theater, live performance. (kk) Theater, movie. (II) Motor vehicle parts store. Hq- (mm) Brewer taproom r exeeediRg "„Q==F„'r Of AIt " — -„ (nn) Brew pub. 9.110 (E ) (2) City Code of 2005, is hereby amended to read as follows: (E) GB, General Business District. Page 3 (1) Purpose. The purpose of the GB General Business District is to provide appropriate locations for general retail sales, services and other commercial developments that benefit from their proximity to other commercial uses. These areas are located away from residential neighborhoods, along arterial roadways and are accessible primarily by automobile. (2) Permitted uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses are permitted within the GB, General Business District: (a) Community center. City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance (b) Government office. (c) Government protective service facility. (d) Public park and /or playground. (e) Recreational facility, indoor. (f) Recreational facility, outdoor. (g) School, vocational or business. (h) School, performing /visual /martial arts. (i) Auditorium /place of assembly. 0) Automobile convenience facility. (k) Automobile and motorcycle repair, minor. (1) Banquet hall. (m) Billiards hall. (n) Bowling alley. (o) Car wash. (p) Clinic, medical or dental. (q) Clinic, veterinary. (r) Day care facility, adult or child. (s) Financial institution. (t) Food service, convenience (fast food). (u) Food service, limited (coffee shop /deli). (v) Food service, full service (restaurant /nightclub). (w) Funeral home. (x) Greenhouse /garden center. (y) Health or fitness club. (z) Hotel /motel. (aa) Laboratory, medical. Page 4 City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance (bb) Liquor store, off -sale. (cc) Museum or gallery. (dd) Office. (ee) Retail sales. (ff) Service, professional. (gg) Shopping center. (hh) Studio, professional. (ii) Studio, radio and television. (jj) Theater, live performance. (kk) Theater, movie. (II) Motor vehicle parts store. (mm) Brewer taproom (nn) Brew pub. Section 4 9.110 (F) (2) and (3) City Code of 2005, as it currently reads is amended as follows: Page 5 (F) CBD, Central Business District. (1) Purpose. The purpose of the CBD, Central Business District is to provide for the development and redevelopment of the established downtown core, including a mix of retail, financial, office, service and entertainment uses. Residential units are allowed within this district when located above a first floor commercial use. (2) Permitted uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses are permitted within the CBD, Central Business District: (a) Multiple - family residential, when located above a first floor commercial use. (b) Community center. (c) Government offices. (d) Government protective services facility. (e) Public parks and /or playgrounds. (f) Recreational facility, indoor. (g) Recreational facility, outdoor. (h) School, vocational or business. (i) School, performing /visual /martial arts. (j) Auditorium /place of assembly. City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance Page 6 (k) Banquet hall. (1) Billiards hall. (m) Bowling alley. (n) Clinic, medical or dental. (o) Clinic, veterinary. (p) Licensed day care facility, adult or child. (q) Financial institution. (r) Food service, convenience (fast food). (s) Food service, limited (coffee shop /deli). (t) Food service, full service (restaurant /nightclub). (u) Health or fitness center. (v) Hotel or motel. (w) Laboratory, medical. (x) Liquor store, off -sale. (y) Museum or gallery. (z) Office. (aa) Retail sales. (bb) Service, professional. (cc) Studio, professional. (dd) Studio, radio or televisions. (ee) Theater, live performance. (ff) Theater, movie. year. (gg) Brewer taprOGM, nGt exceeding 3,500 baFFels of malt liquer a (3) Conditional uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses maybe allowed in the CBD, Central Business District, subject to the regulations set forth for conditional uses in § 9.104, Administration and Enforcement, and the regulations for specific uses set forth in § 9.107, Specific Development Standards: (a) Arcade. (b) Outdoor sales and /or display. (c) Outdoor storage. (d) Parking ramp. (e) Club or lodge. (f) Fences greater than six feet in height. 9.110 (F) (2) and (3) City Code of 2005, is hereby amended to read as follows: (F) CBD, Central Business District. (1) Purpose. The purpose of the CBD, Central Business District is to provide for the development and redevelopment of the established downtown core, including a mix of retail, financial, office, service and entertainment uses. Residential units are allowed within this district when located above a first floor City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance Page 7 commercial use. (2) Permitted uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses are permitted within the CBD, Central Business District: (a) Multiple - family residential, when located above a first floor commercial use. (b) Community center. (c) Government offices. (d) Government protective services facility. (e) Public parks and /or playgrounds. (f) Recreational facility, indoor. (g) Recreational facility, outdoor. (h) School, vocational or business. (i) School, performing /visual /martial arts. (j) Auditorium /place of assembly. (k) Banquet hall. (1) Billiards hall. (m) Bowling alley. (n) Clinic, medical or dental. (o) Clinic, veterinary. (p) Licensed day care facility, adult or child. (q) Financial institution. (r) Food service, convenience (fast food). (s) Food service, limited (coffee shop /deli). (t) Food service, full service (restaurant /nightclub). (u) Health or fitness center. (v) Hotel or motel. (w) Laboratory, medical. (x) Liquor store, off -sale. (y) Museum or gallery. (z) Office. (aa) Retail sales. (bb) Service, professional. (cc) Studio, professional. (dd) Studio, radio or televisions. (ee) Theater, live performance. (ff) Theater, movie. (3) Conditional uses. Except as specifically limited herein, the following uses may be allowed in the CBD, Central Business District, subject to the regulations set forth for conditional uses in § 9.104, Administration and Enforcement, and the regulations for specific uses set forth in § 9.107, Specific Development Standards: (a) Arcade. (b) Outdoor sales and /or display. City of Columbia Heights - Ordinance (c) Outdoor storage. (d) Parking ramp. (e) Club or lodge. (f) Fences greater than six feet in height. (g) Brewer taproom (h) Brew pub. Section 5 This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days after its passage. First Reading: 02 -11 -2019 Offered by: Novitsky Seconded by: Murzyn, Jr. Roll Call: 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion Carried Second Reading: 02 -25 -2019 Offered by: Murzyn, Jr. Seconded by: Novitsky Roll Call: All Ayes Date of Passage: 02 -25 -2019 Ltvt-'- Donna Schmitt, Mayor Attest: Katie Bruno, City Clerk /Council Secretary Page 8 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1654 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE OF 2005 RELATING TO BREWER TAPROOMS, AND BREW PUBS WITHIN THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. The City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota has adopted Ordinance No. 1654. The purpose of this Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by regulating brewer taprooms, and brew pubs in commercial areas within the City of Columbia Heights. This is a summary of Ordinance No. 1654. A printed copy of the entire text of the Ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the City Planner, or by standard or electronic mail. Ordinance No. 1654 was adopted by the City Council of Columbia Heights on February 25, 2019. Attest: 4�otu bm/tv Katie Bruno, City Clerk /Council Secretary Mayor Donna Schmitt AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Elise Strecker being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that he /she is the Publisher's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: SF Col Hgts Frid MoundsView NB with the known office of issue being located in the county of: HENNEPIN with additional circulation in the counties of: RAMSEY and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) once each week, for 1 successive week(s); the first insertion being on 03/15/2019 and the last insertion being on 03/15/2019. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. By: Designated Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/15/2019 by Elise Strecker. Itv\ 04_ Notary Public ,..wru; •, i3AHLENE MARIE MACPHERSON Notary Public t:= Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31, 2024 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $25.40 per column inch Ad ID 915261 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1654 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE OF 2005 RELATING TO BREWER TAPROOMS, AND BREW PUBS WITHIN THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. The City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota has adopted Ordinance No. 1654. The purpose of this Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by regulating brewer taprooms, and brew pubs in commercial areas within the City of Columbia Heights. This is a summary of Ordinance No. 1654. A printed copy of the en- tire text of the Ordinance is avail- able for inspection by any person during regular office hours at the office of the City Planner, or by standard or electronic mail. Ordinance No. 1654 was adopt- ed by the City Council of Columbia Heights on February 25, 2019. /s/ Donna Schmitt Mayor Attest: /s/ Katie Bruno City Clerk/Council Secretary Published in the Sun Focus March 15, 2019 911436