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2017-01-04 P&Z
CHi COLUMBIA - HEIGHTS Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting January 4, 2017 7:00pm Columbia Heights City Hall 590 40th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 1. Call to Order and Roll Call. a. Approval of December 6, 2016, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 2. Public Hearings a. Case # 2017 -0101, Site Plan Review Vacant Parcels on 51't Court NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Aisling Fitness, LLC b. Case # 2017 -0102, Preliminary Plat Vacant Parcels on 51't Court NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Aisling Fitness, LLC c. Case # 2017 -0103, Zoning Amendment 820 40th Ave NE., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Mulata Associates, LLC d. Case # 2017 -0104, Variance 3801 Hart Blvd., Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Scenic Sign Corporation 3. Adjourn 01 -04 -17 MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION DECEMBER 6, 2016 7:00 PM The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chair Szurek. Commission Members present- Buesgens, Fiorendino, Hoium, and Szurek. Members absent: Schill Also present were Elizabeth Holmbeck (Planner), and Shelley Hanson (Secretary) along with Council Liaison, John Murzyn. Motion by Buesgens, seconded by Hoium, to approve the minutes from the meeting of November 1, 2016. All ayes. MOTION PASSED. PUBLIC HEARINGS CASE NO.: 2016 -1201 APPLICANT: Thomas Brama LOCATION: 4400 Stinson Blvd REQUEST: Preliminary/Final Plat Holmbeck stated that a few months ago, Brama sought approval for a Plat that proposed 7 lots, that was later approved for 6. At this time, Thomas Brama has requested a revised Preliminary and Final Plat for the property located at 4400 Stinson Blvd. NE. The site is currently comprised of 2 lots. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing lot line, and re -plat the property to result in five single family residential lots. Once the plat has been approved, the applicant is proposing to keep the existing home on one of the newly created lots and build 4 new single family residential homes on the remaining newly created lots. ZONING ORDINANCE The site is currently comprised of two lots. The properties are located in the Rl, Single Family Residential Zoning District. The properties to the north, south and west are also located in the Rl, Single Family Residential Zoning District. The properties to the east are located in the City of St. Anthony. CaZ1 u7 ri7I�:I�1���1I The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for Low Density Residential Development. The City's Comprehensive Plan aims to identify new areas that can support single family housing and to encourage newer higher valued housing opportunities to provide move -up housing for existing and new residents. Re- platting the property to allow for the construction of new single family homes is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. DESIGN GUIDELINES The subject property is not located in the Design Guideline Overlay District and as such, is not governed by the Design Guideline standards. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (L), (M) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines conditions that must be met in order for the City to grant a Preliminary and Final Plat. They are as follows: P & Z Minutes Page 2 December 6, 2016 (a) The proposed preliminary plat conforms with the requirements of § 9.115. The proposed Preliminary Plat meets the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance (b) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the comprehensive plan. This is correct. The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for low - density Residential. (c) The proposed subdivision contains parcel and land subdivision layout that is consistent with good planning and site engineering design principles. This is correct. The proposed subdivision meets the City's requirements in terms of lot dimension and lot width. (d) The Final Plat substantially conforms to the corresponding Preliminary Plat. This is correct. Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary and Final Plat for the property located at 4400 Stinson Boulevard NE. Ouestions from Members: The members had no questions at this time. Public Hearing Opened. Szurek asked people who wished to speak to limit their comments to 3 -5 minutes and to provide their name and address for the record. Scott & Kathy Weckwerth from 4417 Benjamin St said they live right behind the site. They purchased their home there because of the large wooded lots in the neighborhood. They enjoy the quiet, natural surroundings they have, and believe the addition of 4 homes on that site will change the entire neighborhood, and will also detract from the adjoining Park/beach area that serves surrounding communities. She said most people in the area have double lots and if everyone decides to split their lots and develop them, it will change the natural look of the area which is hard to find in a City setting, and possibly affect the values of the properties in the area. Szurek told them the owner has met all the requirements of the City Codes and Comprehensive Plan and it is his right to develop the property as he wishes, as it would be the right of any owner who can meet those same requirements. She stated that there is never a guarantee that properties, or a view, will stay the same. Szurek asked the owner, Tom Brama, what improvements he has made to the existing home. He said he put in new windows, heating system, and remodeled the interior. He still has to replace the siding and also has to run a new sewer line to the house as the existing one has collapsed. Brama told members he plans on living in that house once he gets that done. P & Z Minutes Page 3 December 6, 2016 Public Hearing Closed. Fiorendino told the audience that the Planning & Zoning Commission is a recommending body only and that the City Council is the approving body for this case. The Commission reviews the facts to ensure it meets the Codes and requirements in place and makes a recommendation based only on that. Szurek confirmed that their job is to make a recommendation based on what the present rules are in relation to the request. Hoium asked Holmbeck what the minimum lot size is. She stated it is 8,400 sf and the new proposed lots will be 12,000+ sf. Motion by Fiorendino, seconded by Buesgens, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 1016 -119, there being ample copies available to thepublic. All ayes. MOTIONPASSED. Motion by Fiorendino, seconded by Buesgens, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Preliminary and final Plat, for the property located at 4400 Stinson Boulevard NE. subject to certain conditions of approval that have been found to be necessary to protect the public interest and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Zoning and Development Ordinance, including: 1. All required state and local codes, permits, licenses and inspections will be met and in full compliance. 2. Before a building permit can be issued, the applicant shall meet the requirements outlined in the attached report from the Public Works Director /City Engineer, dated November 23, 2016 3. The private driveway will need to be constructed to hold the weight of a fire vehicle, approximately 45,000 to 50,000 lbs. Construction plans for the driveway must be approved by the Fire Chief. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost of filing and recording written easements with the Anoka County Recorder's Office. 5. An approved Preliminary Plat shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the City Council approval. In the event that a Final Plat is not submitted to the City Council within this time period, the Preliminary Plat will become void. 6. Upon approval of a Final Plat, the applicant shall be responsible for filing and recording the Final Plat with the Anoka County Recorder's Office within one year of the date of City Council action. In the event that a Final Plat is not recorded within this time period, the Final Plat will become void. All ayes. MOTIONPASSED. The following Resolution will go to the City Council December 12, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-119 A resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Thomas Brama for the property located at 4400 Stinson Blvd. NE. Whereas, a proposal (Case # 2016 -1201) has been submitted by Thomas Brama to the City Council requesting Preliminary Plat Approval from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: P & Z Minutes Page 4 December 6, 2016 ADDRESS: 4400 Stinson Blvd. NE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Approval per Code Section 9.104 (L) (M). Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on December 61,2016; Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Preliminary Plat and Final Plat upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (L) (M) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines conditions that must be met in order for the City to grant a Preliminary and Final Plat. They are as follows: (a) The proposed Preliminary Plat conforms to the requirements of City Code Section 9.115. (b) The proposed Subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (c) The proposed Subdivision contains parcel and land subdivision layout that is consistent with good planning and site engineering design principles. (d) The Final Plat substantially conforms to the corresponding Preliminary Plat. Further, be it resolved, that the attached plans, maps, and other information shall become part of this Preliminary Plat and Final Plat Approval; and in granting approval the City and the applicant agree that the Plat shall become null and void if the project has not been completed within one (1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal. CONDITIONS 1. All required state and local codes, permits, licenses and inspections will be met and in full compliance. 2. Before a building permit can be issued, the applicant shall meet the requirements outlined in the attached report from the Public Works Director /City Engineer, dated November 23, 2016. 3. The private driveway will need to be constructed to hold the weight of a fire vehicle, approximately 45,000 to 50,000 lbs. Construction plans for the driveway must be approved by the Fire Chief. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost of filing and recording written easements with the Anoka County Recorder's Office. 5. An approved Preliminary Plat shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the City Council approval. In the event that a Final Plat is not submitted to the City Council within this time period, the Preliminary Plat will become void. 6. Upon approval of a Final Plat, the applicant shall be responsible for filing and recording the Final Plat with the Anoka County Recorder's Office within one year of the date of City Council action. In the event that a Final Plat is not recorded within this time period, the Final Plat will become void. P & Z Minutes Page 5 December 6, 2016 CASE NUMBER: 2016 -1202 APPLICANT: Indigo Sign Works, Holiday Station Stores DEVELOPMENT: Monument Sign for Gas Station LOCATION: 4259 Central Avenue NE. REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit- Dynamic LED Sign Holmbeck explained that Indigo Sign Works on behalf of Holiday Station Stores is requesting a Conditional Use Permit per Code Section 9.106 (P) (13) (C) to allow a dynamic light emitting diode (LED) sign in conjunction with a commercial establishment for the property located at 4259 Central Avenue NE. Holiday Station Stores is repainting the building and canopy on the site to reflect the store's modern look. The current white will be replaced with a light beige color and the pylon sign will be removed. The applicant is requesting to replace the pylon sign with a monument sign, which will include an LED component which will allow the business to display business related advertising. A dynamic LED sign would include any components of a sign that appear to have movement or that appear to change, caused by a method other than physically removing and replacing the sign or its components. This also includes any moving, flashing, blinking or animated display and any display that incorporates LED lights manipulated through digital input, "digital ink" or any other method or technology that allows the sign face to present a series of images or displays. ZONING ORDINANCE The property located at 4259 Central Avenue NE is zoned GB, General Business. The properties to the north, south and west are zoned General Business and Limited Business, and the properties to the east are zoned One and Two Family Residential. Dynamic LED signs are permitted in the General Business Zoning District as a Conditional Use in conjunction with a commercial establishment. A rendering of the proposed sign, and location map is attached for review. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designates this property for commercial uses. The proposed sign is consistent with the types of uses guided for this zoning district. DESIGN GUIDELINES The subject property is located within the Design Guideline Overlay District, and is governed by the "Highway District" standards within the Design Guidelines. The following standards are specific design requirements for signs in the Design Guideline Overlay District: Signs should be architecturally compatible with the style, composition, materials, colors and details of the building, and with other signs on nearby buildings. Signs should be an integral part of the building and site design. Wall and projecting signs should be positioned so they are an integral design feature of the building, and to complement and enhance the building's architectural features. Signs should not obscure or destroy architectural details such as stone arches, glass transom panels, or decorative brickwork. P & Z Minutes Page 6 December 6, 2016 Signs may be placed: • In the horizontal lintel above the storefront windows • Within window glass, provided that no more than 25 percent of any individual window is obscured • Projecting from the building • As part of an awning • In areas where signs were historically attached Wall signs should generally be rectangular. In most cases, the edges of signs shall include a raised border that sets the sign apart from the building. Individual raised letters set onto the sign area surface are also preferred. Projecting signs may be designed in a variety of shapes. Sign colors shall be compatible with the building facade to which the sign is attached. No more than three colors should be used per sign, unless part of an illustration. To ensure the legibility of the sign, a high degree of contrast between the background and letters is preferable. A combination of soft/neutral shades and dark/rich shades are encouraged. Sign materials should be consistent or compatible with the original construction materials and architectural style of the building facade on which they are to be displayed. Natural materials such as wood and metal are more appropriate than plastic. Neon signs may be appropriate for windows. External illumination of signs is permitted by incandescent, metal halide or fluorescent light that emits a continuous white light. Light shall not shine directly onto the ground or adjacent buildings. Neon signs are permitted. Internally lit box signs and awnings are not permitted, with the exception of theater marquees. Variable electronic message signs are not permitted, with the exception of existing time /temperature signs. Ground or monument signs are encouraged rather than pylon signs. Sign materials, colors and architectural detailing should be similar to those of the principal building. The area around the base of the sign should be landscaped. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (H) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines nine conditions that must be met in order for the City Council to grant a Conditional Use Permit. They are as follows: (a) The use is one of the conditional uses listed for the zoning district in which the property is located, or is a substantially similar use as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Dynamic LED signs are specifically listed as a Conditional Use in the GB, General Business Zoning District. (b) The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial uses. The use is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan as the sign is proposed for a commercial establishment. (c) The use will not impose hazards or disturbing influences on neighboring properties. The proposed use will not result in any additional noise and should not disrupt neighboring properties. In order to mitigate any potential disturbances, the City's Zoning Code outlines specific development standards that address the operation of dynamic LED signs. P & Z Minutes Page 7 December 6, 2016 (d) The use will not substantially diminish the use of the property in the immediate vicinity. The use of property in the immediate vicinity will not be diminished by the placement of an LED sign at 4259 Central Avenue NE. (e) The use will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the appearance of the existing or intended character of the surrounding area. The applicant will have to abide by specific development standards as they relate to LED signs. These standards will help ensure compatibility with the appearance of the existing surrounding area. (f) The use and property upon which the use is located are adequately served by essential public facilities and services. This is correct (g) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets and to provide for appropriate on -site circulation of traffic. The use of a dynamic LED sign at this location is not anticipated to affect traffic. (h) The use will not cause a negative cumulative effect, when considered in conjunction with the cumulative effect of other uses in the immediate vicinity. The dynamic LED sign will have to adhere to specific development standards. It is intended that the use will not cause a negative cumulative effect. (i) The use complies with all other applicable regulations for the districts in which it is located. This is correct. Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed dynamic LED sign for Holiday Station stores, located at 4259 Central Avenue NE. Ouestions from Members: Hoium asked if the new sign would interfere with vehicles turning off 43d Ave. Holmbeck told members that Condition #9 addresses this matter. She showed members a map of the area depicting a 30 foot sight triangle to prevent visual obstructions, and she stated that the Sign Contractor is also aware of this. Holmbeck told members that she will make sure the Building Official also checks on this when he does his footing inspection before the sign is actually placed to ensure compliance. Fiorendino asked when construction of the sign would taketelace. The contractor stated they will proceed as soon as it is approved by the City Council on December 12 . He also assured members that the new sign will be placed further away from the street than the existing sign is. Szurek reiterated that she doesn't want the new sign blocking visibility of vehicles turning south off 43`d Ave. P & Z Minutes Page 8 December 6, 2016 Public Hearing Opened. No one wished to speak on this matter. Public Hearing Closed. Motion by Buesgens, seconded by Fiorendino, to close the public hearing and waive the reading of Resolution 2016 -120, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. MOTIONPASSED. Motion by Buesgens, seconded by Fiorendino, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Council approve the Resolution No. 2016 -120 for a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed dynamic LED sign for the property located at 4259 Central Avenue NE., subject to certain conditions of approval that have been found to be necessary to protect the public interest and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Zoning and Development Ordinance, including: Dynamic LED signs are allowed only on monument signs for conditionally permitted uses in all zoning districts, with the exception of the PO, Public District, in which LED signage may be utilized in existing pylon signs. Motor fuel stations may display dynamic LED signs as part of the pylon sign to promote motor fuel prices only. Such motor f eel price signs do not require a conditional use permit. All dynamic LED signs may occupy no more than 60% of the actual copy and graphic area. The remainder of the sign must not have the capability to have dynamic LED signs, even if not used. Only one, contiguous dynamic display area is allowed on a sign face. 2. A dynamic LED sign may not change or move more often than once every ten seconds for commercial, industrial uses, or public uses, and no more than once every ten minutes for religious and /or educational institution uses, except one for which changes are necessary to correct hour - and - minute, date, or temperature information. 3. A display of time, date or temperature information may change as frequently as once every f ve seconds, however information displayed not relating to the date, time or temperature must not change or move more often than once every ten seconds for commercial, industrial uses, or public uses, and no more than once every ten minutes for religious and /or educational institution uses. 4. The images and messages displayed must be static, and the transition from one state display to another must be instantaneous without any special effects. Motion, animation and video images are prohibited on dynamic LED sign displays. 5. The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves, without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign. 6 Dynamic LED signs must be designed and equipped to f eeze the device in one position if a matrunction shall occur. The displays must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it ma�finctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this section. P & Z Minutes Page 9 December 6, 2016 7. Dynamic LED signs may not exceed a maximum illumination of 5, 000 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours and a maximum illumination of 500 nits (candelas per square meter) between dusk to dawn as measured from the sign's face at maximum brightness. Dynamic LED signs must have an automatic dimmer control to produce a distinct illumination change from a higher illumination level to a lower level for the time period between one -half hour before sunset and one half -hour after sunrise. 8. Dynamic LED signs existing on the effective date of Ordinance 1593, passed April 25, 2011, must comply with the operational standards listed above. An existing dynamic LED sign that does not meet the structural requirements may continue as a non - conforming sign subject to § 9.105(E). 9. Traffic visibility. No planting, structure or other obstruction shall be placed or allowed to grow on corner lots in a manner that will impede vision on the intersecting rights -of -way, in accordance with the following sight triangle: No planting or structure in excess of 30 inches above the abutting curb line shall be permitted within the sight triangle, defined as the area beginning at the intersection of the projected curb line of two intersecting streets, then 30 feet along one curb line, diagonally to a point 30 feet from the point of beginning on the other curb line, then back to a point of beginning. A Site Triangle Map is attached. The Building Official or City Planner will conduct a site inspection at the time a building permit and sign permit is issued to ensure compliance. All Ayes. MOTIONPASSED. The following Resolution will go to the City Council December 12, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. 2015-120 A Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Conditional Use Permit for a dynamic LED sign for Holiday Station Stores located at 4259 Central Avenue NE. Whereas, a proposal (Case # 2016 -1202) has been submitted by Indigo Sign Works on behalf of Holiday Station Stores to the City Council requesting a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: 4259 Central Avenue NE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING: A Conditional Use Permit per Code Section 9.106 (P) (13) (c), to allow a dynamic LED sign to be located in the General Business Zoning District. Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on December 6'", 2016; Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Conditional Use Permit upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: P & Z Minutes Page 10 December 6, 2016 FINDINGS OF FACT (a) The use is one of the conditional uses listed for the zoning district in which the property is located, or is a substantially similar use as determined by the Zoning Administrator. (b) The use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. (c) The use will not impose hazards or disturbing influences on neighboring properties. (d) The use will not substantially diminish the use of the property in the immediate vicinity. (e) The use will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a manner that is compatible with the appearance of the existing or intended character of the surrounding area. (f) The use and property upon which the use is located are adequately served by essential public facilities and services. (g) Adequate measures have been or will be taken to minimize traffic congestion on the public streets and to provide for appropriate on -site circulation of traffic. (h) The use will not cause a negative cumulative effect, when considered in conjunction with the cumulative effect of other uses in the immediate vicinity. (i) The use complies with all other applicable regulations for the districts in which it is located. Further, be it resolved, that the attached plans, maps, and other information shall become part of this Conditional Use Permit and approval; and in granting this Conditional Use Permit the City and the applicant agree that this permit shall become null and void if the project has not been completed within one (1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal of the permit. The Conditional Use Permit is subject to certain conditions of approval that have been found to be necessary to protect the public interest and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Zoning and Development Ordinance, including: CONDITIONS 1. Dynamic LED signs are allowed only on monument signs for conditionally permitted uses in all zoning districts, with the exception of the PO, Public District, in which LED signage may be utilized in existing pylon signs. Motor fuel stations may display dynamic LED signs as part of the pylon sign to promote motor fuel prices only. Such motor fuel price signs do not require a conditional use permit. All dynamic LED signs may occupy no more than 60% of the actual copy and graphic area. The remainder of the sign must not have the capability to have dynamic LED signs, even if not used. Only one, contiguous dynamic display area is allowed on a sign face. 2. A dynamic LED sign may not change or move more often than once every ten seconds for commercial, industrial uses, or public uses, and no more than once every ten minutes for religious and/or educational institution uses, except one for which changes are necessary to correct hour - and - minute, date, or temperature information. 3. A display of time, date or temperature information may change as frequently as once every five seconds, however information displayed not relating to the date, time or temperature must not change or move more often than once every ten seconds for commercial, industrial uses, or public uses, and no more than once every ten minutes for religious and/or educational institution uses. 4 The images and messages displayed must be static, and the transition from one state display to another must be instantaneous without any special effects. Motion, animation and video images are prohibited on dynamic LED sign displays. 5. The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves, without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign. P & Z Minutes Page 11 December 6, 2016 6. Dynamic LED signs must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction shall occur. The displays must also be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop the dynamic display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this section. 7. Dynamic LED signs may not exceed a maximum illumination of 5,000 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours and a maximum illumination of 500 nits (candelas per square meter) between dusk to dawn as measured from the sign's face at maximum brightness. Dynamic LED signs must have an automatic dimmer control to produce a distinct illumination change from a higher illumination level to a lower level for the time period between one -half hour before sunset and one half -hour after sunrise. 8. Dynamic LED signs existing on the effective date of Ordinance 1593, passed April 25, 2011, must comply with the operational standards listed above. An existing dynamic LED sign that does not meet the structural requirements may continue as a non - conforming sign subject to § 9.105(E). 9. Traffic visibility. No planting, structure or other obstruction shall be placed or allowed to grow on comer lots in a manner that will impede vision on the intersecting rights -of -way, in accordance with the following sight triangle: No planting or structure in excess of 30 inches above the abutting curb line shall be permitted within the sight triangle, defined as the area beginning at the intersection of the projected curb line of two intersecting streets, then 30 feet along one curb line, diagonally to a point 30 feet from the point of beginning on the other curb line, then back to a point of beginning. A Site Triangle Map is attached. The Building Official or City Planner will conduct a site inspection at the time a building permit and sign permit is issued to ensure compliance. CASE NO: 2016 -1203 APPLICANT: 500, LLC., Property Owner LOCATION: 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40`h Avenue REQUEST: Zoning Amendment - Rezoning Holmbeck told members that 500 LLC., owner of the property at 3989 Central Avenue NE. has petitioned the City of Columbia Heights to change the zoning designation of site from `Central Business' to `Mixed Use'. This change would accommodate the relocation of Prodeo Academy to the site. Prodeo Academy, a kindergarten — fourth grade charter school currently located within First Lutheran Church, would occupy a portion of the first and second floors, and the entire third floor, serving as an anchor tenant in the building. Nancy Aleksuk, representative of the owner, states that retail and commercial uses are anticipated for the Central Avenue - facing portion of the first floor of the building, and that commercial office users are anticipated to occupy upper- stories of the building. Aleksuk anticipates bringing exterior renderings of the property before the Planning and Zoning Commission in early 2017 as part of the official Site Plan approval process. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104(F)(5) requires four findings of fact to be made when a zoning amendment petition is made. The findings of fact are as follows: (a) The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan P & Z Minutes Page 12 December 6, 2016 The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for "Commercial". It has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area that mixed use zoning is consistent with, and primarily comprised of commercial development. In Columbia Heights, mixed use zoning permits residential, commercial and institutional uses. Currently, both commercial and residential uses are permitted on this property. (b) The amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. The Northeast Business Center is the largest commercial building in Columbia Heights, and serves as an anchor for our downtown area. The building is unique in that it is the only multi -story, non - residential building along the Central Avenue corridor. Allowing a mix of uses to facilitate occupancy and redevelopment of the building is in the public's interest. (C) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. Unfortunately, the building is currently vacant and not in use. The proposed redevelopment will include only uses that are permissible within the Mixed Use Zoning District. (D) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its current zoning classification. Increasingly, multi -story buildings are including a wide variety of users, including educational institutions. In fact, an educational institution had occupied this building (despite an inconsistency with the Central Business Zoning classification) in the past. Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed rezoning of the property located at 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40th Avenue, based on the aforementioned findings of fact. Ouestions from members; Buesgens said she thinks a Mixed Use Zoning is appropriate for this site. She thinks it will draw other business to the area. She does, however, have concerns about the cars and buses that will line up to drop off and pick up students. She said she believes this will cause congestion on Central and 40`" Avenue which are both very busy at that time of day. Holmbeck said staff had the same concerns also, but re- zoning the property to Mixed Use probably makes the best sense long term for this corner. She told members that the owner will need to provide detailed information on how they will address the increased traffic due to parents and buses, as well as where the loading and unloading zone will be as part of their Site Plan approval process. The Re- zoning opens up the building for other possibilities as it will add permitted uses from the General Business District, the Limited Business District, as well as the existing Central Business District. She explained that it allows for office use, retail, as well as educational /institutional, and that the site must have at least two of these uses. P & Z Minutes Page 13 December 6, 2016 Fiorendino asked what the Mall to the north is zoned. Holmbeck told him it was zoned Central Business District as are most of the properties along Central from 30 to 42nd Avenue. Fiorendino asked what the history of the property has been for commercial use. Holmbeck said it was originally used as office space and the entire building had been leased out. However, over time tenants moved out and other uses were added, but it is now outdated and is entirely vacant since NE Bank moved out. Fiorendino said he has concerns about putting a school in there for a variety of reasons. He asked Holmbeck to again explain the process they will need to go through in order for that to happen. Holmbeck said the owners will need to go through the Site Plan process, whereby they will need to provide renderings of all interior and exterior changes, information about where office space will be located, where retail space would be located and specific information about play areas, ingress and egress of the occupants, as well as traffic patterns, parking, etc. This will all be reviewed by the Commission for approval of the Site Plan. Szurek said she travels near 41 S` Avenue & Tyler where the school is presently located and noted how congested it is during drop off and pick up times. She said she believes it will be worse at this site since Central and 40`s Ave are both busy streets. She doesn't feel buildings such as these, or spaces in malls, are appropriate locations for schools because they lack room for buses and play areas for kids. Szurek stated she doesn't understand why schools want to locate in these types of facilities. She understands the building owner wanting to fill the building, but doesn't think this is a good use. The activity and noise generated are not conducive to attracting other office or retail tenants. Public Hearine Onened Randy Valtinson from 5027 7d' Street said if they meet the rules he would like to see the building occupied and updated. Joe Mack from 3943Van Buren said the businesses that were in that building left because they didn't like the Alternative School that was located there. They got tired of the kids hanging out in areas around the building and felt it had an impact on the employees and patrons of the other businesses. Nancy Aleksuk from 500 LLC and Swervo Development was present to answer questions. Rick from Prodeo Academy was also present to address questions regarding the relocation of the school. They said they plan to use the alley at the back of the building for the school buses and parents to drop off or pick up students. Szurek said the plan looks good on paper, but doesn't believe they will be able to control where parents park to do this. They will pull up wherever they can and it will only add to the congestion at that intersection at the most congested times of the day. Aleksuk said they believe they have enough room in the alley to stack 4 buses, plus vehicles. Szurek said she doesn't feel that is a safe plan to have kids walking in between vehicles and buses, plus it would block the alleyway which she thought was a public access. Beusgens agreed that traffic will be an issue if a school is placed in this building, especially if they plan on expanding. Fiorendino asked what other uses would be permitted in this building. Holmbeck again told members that office space, retail, and institutional business uses that are now permitted in General Business, Limited Business, or Central Business Districts. P & Z Minutes Page 14 December 6, 2016 Public Hearing Closed. Motion by Buesgens, seconded by Fiorendino, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2016 -108, there being ample copies available to the public. All ayes. MOTIONPASSED. Motion by Buesgens, seconded by Fiorendino, that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the City Council approve Resolution No. 2016 -108, rezoning the property located at 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40th Avenue from 'Central Business' to 'Mixed Use'. All ayes. MOTIONPASSED. The following Resolution will go to the City Council December 12, 2016. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-108 A Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Zoning Amendment for the property located at 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40th Avenue Whereas, a proposal (Case # 2016 -1203) has been submitted by 500, LLC to the City Council requesting a Zoning Amendment from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40th Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. REQUEST: Zoning Amendment (rezoning). Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on December 6'h, 2016; Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Rezoning upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT (a) The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (b) The amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. (c) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. (d) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its current zoning classification. P & Z Minutes Page 15 December 6, 2016 Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights hereby rezones the property at 3989 Central Avenue, 3889 Central Avenue, 950 40th Avenue to "Mixed Use ". OTHER BUSINESS 1. Vacancy on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Since Connie Buesgens has been elected to the City Council her seat will be vacated after she is sworn in at the January 9a' Council meeting. Applications will be taken, interviews held, and a new member will be appointed sometime in January or February. 2. Buesgens asked if the City has a tool to measure illumination of LED signs. Since we are getting more and more of these, she felt it is important to have a tool so that Staff can make sure they are in compliance. The other members agreed that staff should look into obtaining one. Holmbeck said shew ill bring it up to the Director. 3. Buesgens asked if other members thought it appropriate to request a moratorium be placed on the issuance of any additional rental licenses to give staff time to gather information on the percentage of properties that are now rental, the density of rentals in neighborhoods, and whether future licenses should be controlled in some way. She said the higher the number of rental properties, and the density of that number in any one area, have a direct correlation to Police and Fire Services. Her goal is to keep neighborhoods healthy. Holmbeck said she will try to add this to the City Council Work Session in January to see if the City Council is interested in pursuing this idea. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Respectfully submitted, Shelley Hanson Secretary CH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PLANNING REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2017 -0101 DATE: December 22, 2016 TO: Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission APPLICANT: Aisling Fitness, LLC DEVELOPMENT: Planet Fitness LOCATION: Unassigned addresses. Three vacant lots located on 51st Court NE. See attached location map. REQUEST: Site Plan Approval PREPARED BY: Elizabeth Holmbeck, City Planner INTRODUCTION On behalf of Planet Fitness, Aisling Fitness, LLC has applied for Site Plan Approval per Code Section 9.104 (N), for the vacant site located behind La Casita and White Castle. The site is currently comprised of three vacant lots, which do not have assigned addresses: (Property Identification Numbers (PIN): 25- 30 -24 -23 -0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30- 24 -22- 0066). The applicant is proposing to construct a fitness facility on the 2.1 acre site. The proposed site plan accommodates a 20,094 square foot one story fitness facility building. The applicant is proposing to construct the building on the south end of the site and have parking on the north end of the site. The proposal includes 146 parking stalls, with landscaped islands and a number of landscaping improvements throughout the site. Overall the proposal meets the City's Zoning Code and Design Guideline Standards. A narrative provided by the applicant, is attached for your review. ZONING ORDINANCE The site is currently comprised of three properties which are located in the General Business Commercial Zoning District. The properties to the north are located in the City of Fridley. The properties to the east are located in the One and Two Family, and Built as Duplexes Residential Zoning District. The properties to the south and west are located in the General Business Commercial Zoning District. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for commercial land use. Commercial development on the longstanding vacant commercial property is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. DESIGN GUIDELINES The subject property is located within the Design Guideline Overlay District, and is governed by the "Highway District" standards within the Design Guidelines. The intent of the Design Guidelines is to make the City more aesthetically appealing, by requiring a set of minimum standards for new construction along Central Avenue and 40th Avenue. The minimum standards were created by a task force of City Officials, business owners and residents, and adopted into the City Code by the City Council. In general, the proposed building meets the spirit of the Design Guidelines for the Highway District. Signage will be addressed when the applicant or tenant applies for a Sign Permit. Signage must be consistent with Design Guidelines and with City Code. The following components are requirements of the Design Guidelines Highway District and how the applicant has attempted to meet the guidelines: • Buildings may be set back a maximum of 85 feet from the sidewalk, in order to allow for two rows of parking and drive aisles plus landscaped frontage. Due to the fact that the site is narrow the proposed building is to be situated on the south end of the property, with parking to the north. There isn't currently a sidewalk located on 51st Court NE. The City will be working with adjacent businesses to connect current sidewalks to the businesses along 51St Court NE. Planet Fitness is required to ensure pedestrian connections are provided from the buildings rear fire exit and main front entrance sidewalk to the street where future connections will be in place. There will be a landscaped frontage on 51st Court NE. • The primary facade(s) of buildings of 40 feet or more in width should be articulated into smaller increments through the techniques such as using of different textures or contrasting, but compatible, materials; dividing storefronts with separate display windows and entrances or incorporating arcades, awnings, window bays, balconies or similar ornamental features. The proposed primary fagade of the building will be articulated into smaller increments with different vertical and horizontal panels, and windows. • Building height shall be a minimum of 22 feet. The proposed building will be 24' tall. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 3 Where commercial or office uses are found on the ground floor, at least 20 percent of the ground floor facade fronting Central Avenue and 15 percent of any two side or rear facades shall consist of window and door openings. The proposed plan meets this guideline on the front and west side of the building, however there are no windows on the rear side or east side of the building. • The building should have a well- defined front facade with primary entrances facing the street. The proposed building will have a well- defined front and side facade. Due to the narrowness of the lot, the primary entrance is facing north towards the parking lot rather than 51'` Court NE. • Building colors should accent, blend with, or complement surroundings. The colors that are proposed are neutral, and the accenting bolder colors coincide with the company's recognizable brand. Overall, the colors presented should complement the surrounding area. • No more than two principal colors may be used on a facade or individual storefront. Bright or primary colors should be used only as accents, occupying a maximum of 15 percent of building facades, except when used in a mural or other public art. The proposed building will consist of two primary colors: purple and yellow. All buildings should be constructed of high - quality materials, including the following: Brick, Natural Stone, Stucco Precast concrete units and concrete block, provided that surfaces are molded, serrated or treated with a textured material in order to give the wall surface a three dimensional character. Jumbo brick may be used on up to 30 percent of any facade, provided that it is used only on the lower third of the building wall. The proposal meets this guideline. The building will be constructed with precast concrete wall panels with a painted finish to meet this guideline. • Architectural details such as ornamental cornices, arched windows and warm -toned brick with bands of contrasting color are encouraged in new construction. The proposal generally meets the intent of this guideline. Parking areas adjacent to public streets or sidewalks shall be screened with a combination of landscape material and decorative fencing or walls sufficient to screen parked cars on a year -round basis while providing adequate visibility for pedestrians. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 4 The proposed landscape plan includes a variety of trees and shrubs to be planted around the perimeter of the site, which should provide adequate screening. SITE PLAN 1. Parking The proposed plan identifies 146 parking stalls for the fitness facility. Staff believes this number is adequate. Planet Fitness has done previous studies to determine the amount of parking that is necessary. The number of stalls proposed for this site is based on previous fitness facility usage and takes into account peak times of the year, such as after the holidays. 2. Access The site will be primarily served by two access points off Central Avenue onto 51St Court. The property itself will be served by one access off 5151 Court and 52nd Ave. NE. Since submitting the site plan documents, the applicant has purchased the property directly due north for additional parking and to provide an additional access point to the site. This property is in the City of Fridley and the applicant is currently working with Fridley to obtain the necessary permits to do site work. With the applicant acquiring this additional property, there will be an additional access point off of 52nd Ave. NE. to the property, which will provide more flexibility for exiting and entering the site, alleviating some of the traffic on 5155 Court and on Central Avenue. 3. Landscape The proposed landscaping materials are shown on the attached Landscape Plan. The applicant is proposing to plant trees and shrubs which will complement the layout of the development. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (N) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines four findings of fact that must be met in order for the City to approve a Site Plan. They are as follows: a. The Site Plan conforms to all applicable requirements of this article. The applicable Zoning Code requirements are achieved. b. The Site Plan is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for commercial development. The proposed Site Plan for the property is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. c. The Site Plan is consistent with any applicable area plan. There is no area plan for this parcel. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 5 d. The Site Plan minimizes any adverse impacts on property in the immediate vicinity and the public right -of -way. The proposed Site Plan meets all the minimum setback requirements and general development standards outlined in the Zoning Code. Therefore, the properties in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development should not be adversely impacted. RECOMMENDATION Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2017 -PZ01, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion: Move to adopt Resolution No. 2017 -PZ01, being a resolution approving a Site Plan, for the proposed Planet Fitness subject to the following conditions: 1. The building and site shall be meet all requirements found in the Fire Code and the Building Code. 2. Trash and /or recycling collection areas shall be enclosed on at least three sides by an opaque screening wall or fence no less than six feet in height. The open side of the enclosure shall not face any public street or the front yard of any adjacent property. 3. Mechanical equipment shall be placed and /or screened so as to minimize the visual impact on adjacent properties and from public streets and adjacent residential properties. 4. The applicant shall meet the requirements outlined in the attached report from the Public Works Director /City Engineer, dated December 21, 2016. 5. The applicant will be responsible for installing two new stop signs to calm traffic exiting /entering the Planet Fitness property and the La Casita property. 6. The sidewalk currently shown wrapping around the south west side of the building will be continued and connect with the front (north) sidewalk, which will empty onto 515t Court NE. 7. All City Storm Water Management requirements shall be achieved for this property. 8. Site and elevation plans included in this submittal, dated December 5, 2016 shall become part of this approval. 9. All other applicable local, state, and federal requirements shall be met at all times. ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 2017 -PZO1 Application Applicant's Narrative Location Map Public Works Report Storm Water Management Report Site Plans RESOLUTION NO. 2017 — PZ01 A resolution of the Planning and Zoning Commission approving a Site Plan for the construction of a Fitness Center on the Three (3) vacant lots located at 515` Court NE within the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota. Whereas, a proposal (Case #2017 - 0101) has been submitted by Aisling Fitness, LLC, on behalf of Planet Fitness, to the Planning and Zoning Commission, requesting Site Plan Approval from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: Three (3) vacant lots located at 515` Court NE (Property Identification Numbers (PIN): 25- 30 -24 -23 -0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30- 24 -22- 0066). LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING PERMIT: Site Plan approval for the construction of a Planet Fitness Center located on the three (3) vacant lots located at 5155 Court NE (Property Identification Numbers (PIN): 25- 30 -24 -23 -0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30- 24 -22- 0066). Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required bythe City Zoning Code on January 4, 2017; Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission has considered the advice and recommendations of City staff regarding the effect of the proposed Site Plan upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, be it resolved, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Columbia Heights after reviewing the proposal, accepts and adopts the following findings: 1. The site plan conforms to all applicable requirements of this article. 2. The site plan is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The site plan is consistent with any applicable area plan. 4. The site plan minimizes any adverse impacts on property in the immediate vicinity and the public right -of -way. Further, be it resolved, that the attached conditions, maps, and other information shall become part of this permit and approval; and in granting this permit the city and the applicant agree that this permit shall become null and void if the project has not been completed within one (1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal of the permit. Resolution No. 2017 -PZ01 CONDITIONS: Page 2 1. The building and site shall be meet all requirements found in the Fire Code and the Building Code. 2. Trash and /or recycling collection areas shall be enclosed on at least three sides by an opaque screening wall or fence no less than six feet in height. The open side of the enclosure shall not face any public street or the front yard of any adjacent property. 3. Mechanical equipment shall be placed and /or screened so as to minimize the visual impact on adjacent properties and from public streets and adjacent residential properties. 4. The applicant shall meet the requirements outlined in the attached report from the Public Works Director /City Engineer, dated December 21, 2016. 5. The applicant will be responsible for installing two new stop signs to calm traffic exiting /entering the Planet Fitness property and the La Casita property. 6. The sidewalk currently shown wrapping around the south west side of the building will be continued and connect with the front (north) sidewalk, which will empty onto 51s` Court NE. 7. All City Storm Water Management requirements shall be achieved for this property. 8. Site and elevation plans included in this submittal, dated December 5, 2016 shall become part of this approval. 9. All other applicable local, state, and federal requirements shall be met at all times. Passed this 4th day of January, 2017 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Ayes: Abstain: Shelley Hanson, Secretary MarlianeSzurek, Chair CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION To be filled out by City: CASE NO.: APPLICABLE ORDINANCE NO.: 9.104 (M) PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: To be filled out by Applicant PROPOSED NAME OF DEVELOPMENT: PROJECT ADDRESS /LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF LETTER OF COMPLETION: APPROVAL DATE PER STATUTE: REVIEW PERIOD EXTENDED: Planet Fitness 51 st Street Court LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (attach separate page if necessary): Lot 1, Blockl Columbia Court and Lots 2 and 3. Block 1 Columbia Court PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Undeveloped PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Commercial- Fitness Center REASON FOR REQUEST (please attach a written narrative describing your proposal, the intended use of the property, andjustification for your request) APPLICANT 4 l.! (w -AL�k i% -t9Gt. PHONE 6/0 '65-1—Wjt FAX E -MAIL t2Qe 6pQ CaV60 V J PAGER CELL# ADDRESS l�J �a I6 u � p' ,'S GU� --R ( / 0 r� CITY �Vy.Q STATE �t ZIP ( % J FEE OWNER OF PROPERTY 7/icRp� CCU c% 1� o �izG ADDRESS 'D!�F�rr�(�r LZ PHONE 7& FAX 7C37f CITY r.. G 1,743 STATE ZIP Page 1 of 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY PLANNER AND REVIEW OF APPLICATION AND NECESSARY MATERIALS BEING SUBMITTED. ENGINEERING APPROVAL MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED AND MUST MEET ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS SET BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR CONTAINED IN THE CITY CODE. ITEMS TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT WITH APPLICATION A. Application Checklist B. Schedule of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings ITEMS TO ACCOMPANY SITE PLAN APPLICATION A. Site Plan submittals as required in the attached application checklist, showing what is proposed for the property. APPLICATION FEES: A. $250.00 Site Plan Review Fee $ 25c) . 00 2-SQ. OO TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED $ CITY RECEIPT NUMBER W y u -1 3 DATE RECEIVED 2115'1(0 Acknowledgement: The undersigned hereby represents upon all of the penalties of law, for the purpose of inducing the City of Columbia Heights to take the action herein requested, that all statements herein are true and that all work herein mentioned will be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Columbia He:jg[its and the State of Minnesota: Revised 2005 Gt a 13� A 0-151L Approved by the Columbia Heights Planning Commission on Approved by the Columbia Heights City Council on Page 2 of 2 Project Narrative Planet Fitness Columbia Heights, MN Prepared By: Aisling Fitness, LLC, Edward Farr Architects, and HTPO December 5, 2016 For Submission of: Site Plan Preliminary Plat Introduction Aisling Fitness, LLC; Edward Farr Architects and HTPO have prepared the enclosed submittal package for Planet Fitness located at the currently undeveloped lot along 51" Street Court. We are seeking Site Plan and Preliminary Plat approval. Project overview The total proposed building area is 20,094 square feet, one story and is situated on an approximately 2.1 acre site. The building's health fitness club use is a permitted use in the `GB', General Business Zoning District. The site also lies within the Highway Design District. No change in zoning is requested. Site Setbacks Building and parking setbacks meet or exceed minimum ordinance requirements around the perimeter. No setback variances are requested. Preliminary Plat The plat will consolidate Lot 1, Block 1, Columbia Court and Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 Columbia Courts. Existing drainage & utility easements exist on the lot that were recorded during previous plats of the subdivision. Utilities The site will be graded to drain stormwater toward the internal parking lot areas while preserving the existing ditch along the east property line. The existing ditch at the northern boundary will be partially filled but the existing inlet in the NE corner will be avoided along with adding a new inlet at the NW comer. We understand the City may be reconstructing the sewer utilities along the northern boundary line and so the timing of any such work should be coordinated with this development. The SE corner of the proposed building is set into the ground slightly to maintain reasonable slopes out to the street. A drainage swale is planned for the east and south side of the building to direct incoming water around the building. The parking lot is graded to minimize steep slopes and provides ADA compliant parking and loading areas at the front of the building. There is a proposed underground retention BMP that will serve to limit the rate and amount of stormwater leaving the site, the building roof will also be piped to this BMP. The proposed building will be served by connecting sanitary sewer and water to the existing public utilities located in 51st Court with connections and restorations meeting City standards. According to the Fire Chief, existing fire hydrant coverage is acceptable for fire protection and therefore no new hydrants are planned. The site will be accessed off of 51 st Court during construction and an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan has been prepared. Landscaping Plants such as yellow twig dogwood for winter color, Elm and Linden for fall color and yellow hosta for spring and summer color were used to enhance the Planet Fitness yellow color scheme. The parking lot will be screened from the residences by placing a 6 -foot staggered solid white maintenance free vinyl fence 3' and 6' off the curb of the parking lot. Fence sections that are 6 feet from the curb will be planted with yellow twig dogwood and overstory trees on the parking lot side. The area behind the fence has overhead utility lines as well as underground utilities and will remain a drainage swale. It will be seeded with tall grasses and forbs. Overstory trees will line 51 st Court and continue north helping to shade the parking lot. The north area of the parking lot is covered by a utility easement containing underground utilities and therefore no trees were placed in this easement, however this is a good area for snow storage. Vehicular Traffic and Parking The site will be accessed via one driveway entrance to be located off of 51St Street Court. The number of parking stalls to be provided on site is 146. This number is based on corporate experience for the size of facility being planned and provides for peak parking demand which follows the winter holidays. Architectural Design and Building Materials The facade will be constructed with high quality, commercial grade, low- maintenance materials. Facade materials will include smooth faced architectural precast concrete wall panels with a painted finish and energy efficient aluminum & glass windows. The building entrance and building corners along 515 Street Court will be articulated with taller precast panels painted in the distinctive corporate colors and also incorporate horizontal articulation. The building `clear height' inside is planned for approximately 18' high above the floor, resulting in a typical building height of 24' measured from floor grade up to the top of wall. Some walls extend to 26' and 28' high as dimensioned on the exterior elevations. This help to break up the mass of the building and also provides screening for the rooftop mechanical units which will be set back from the roof edge. The proposed building height is less than the 35 feet allowed per zoning. Pertaining to building codes and fire codes, the buildings will be constructed to Type II -B standards, non - combustible, and protected with a sprinkler system. Site Signage Conceptually, we anticipate Planet Fitness logo signs where indicated on our elevations. A ground mounted monument sign will be placed near the site entrance along 51" Street Court. Incidental directional signage will be provided as needed within the parking lot. A more detailed site signage plan will be provided during the building permit application. Site Lighting Site lighting fixtures will use metal halide or LED lamps in architectural fixture housings with sharp cutoff light distribution features to limit light spill off the property. Double headed, pole - mounted fixtures will be provided down the middle of the parking lot as indicated on our site plan. In addition, the building entrance will have architectural down - lighting underneath the entrance canopy to provide proper illumination near the entry door. A more detailed site lighting plan will be engineered and provided during the building permit application. Trash & Recycling Storage Trash and recycling material will be stored in a trash enclosure. The enclosure will be built of the same painted precast wall panels used on the building and will be 8 feet tall to fully screen containers within the enclosure. End of Narrative Subject Vacant Parcels I; { 1.0 19s W 1Y] 390 189 IBe 4 195 ° U1 15 ' i316 Si,1 1 5305 5300 1 32ND An NE _ 12NDAVENE 5301 1 � mso i 1 W 1340 v I 5116 ]B3 r !BJ 91 lA_ I SISJCT NE g c 503 ° i 5051 n Ed. 0 50643 Y 5039 OnV 5031 9°ln nvc NE 90 1a AVE xE 5011 i001 03/ 5021 5050 J - 5013 F9V 5001 yqq SOOU 5001 50TH AVE NE 11 501M AVE Nf ,S 00 � �MPL NI 04 a �vF S 1010 sO�o 1 out � +oeo sa JB a ms ° u - 1051 � E - PffRCE hR Nf ION I +t Of 1035 _ a - 1uo: � roJo pY55 - m m m m m o m B40 4955 1000 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Public Works Department TO: ELIZABETH HOLMBECK CITY PLANNER FROM: KEVIN HANSEN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER DATE: December 21, 2016 SUBJECT: Planet Fitness Plan Review I have reviewed the final plan submittal packet dated 11/16/15, and have the following requirements/comments for final plan approval: General / Plat • The City shall require a pre - construction conference prior to any land alteration activities beginning. Gradine • Provide the City with a copy of Site NPDES Construction Permit. • The grading (filling) on the north side of the development needs further review due to historical drainage. • The project SWPPP indicates a concrete vehicle washout(s) will be provided on -site. All liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washouts operations must be contained in a leak -proof containment facility or impermeable liner. The MNPCA guidance document wq- strm2 -24, attached, for washout guidance is attached. • Perimeter and entrance erosion control measures shall be installed and inspected by the Engineering department prior to site grading activities beginning. Coordinate erosion control measures with the Engineering department if building construction is initiated prior general site grading. • Site access during construction shall be limited to 51" Court and Central Avenue. • All slopes greater than 3:1 shall be provided erosion control blanket. • Catch basin inlet protection, such as Wimco's or equivalent shall be provided on catch basins until restoration is completed. The low point CB's immediately adjacent to the Development on the west side of 51" Court shall also be protected. ROW / Utilities • All utilities serving the Development shall be privately owned and maintained. The maintenance of the storm sewer pond shall be defined in a separate planning document and will require an easement. • All utilities (water main, sanitary sewer and storm sewer), shall meet the City of Columbia Heights specifications for materials and installation. • Site/Civil work shall be inspected by the City Engineering Department (connection to existing utility system). 24 -hour advance notice of an inspection is required. • The Storm Water Plan meets the requirements of the City. • Provide and record an easement over the storm water BMP in the parking lot. • The driveway is shown at 24 feet in width — due to the driveway location at the comer and the La Casita entrance proximity, staff recommends a 28 foot driveway opening. • Adjust any City utilities to proposed development grades. • Please add `stop' signs at the entrance(s) off 51" Court — (2), one each for La Casita and the new Planet Fitness entrance. • Provide a set of as -built drawings meeting City requirements at the completion of site /civil construction in both hardcopy and electronic (pdf) format. Please provide one full size and one 11 x 17 set of Civil Plans to the Engineering department prior to construction. If you have any questions or need finiher information, please contact me at (763) 706 -3705. C: Lauren McClanahan, Public Works Superintendent Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer KH:kb G: \UsmTublic Works \plan revims\2016\Planet Fitness—Final Site Plan doe Z _11 �1 Engineering- Surveying l Landscape Architecture To: City of Columbia Heights From: Charlie Howley, HTPO Date: 12/05/2016 Subject: Stormwater Management Design for Planet Fitness Overview Planet Fitness Columbia Heights, MN MEMO This memo has been prepared to describe the proposed stormwater management system for the Planet Fitness project located at 51' Court. The project is located within the area of the MWMO. Existing Conditions This project area of approximately 2.1 acres is currently an undeveloped grassy area with tree coverage in the northeast corner of the site. It is made up of 3 separate previously platted parcels and has drainage and utility easements around the perimeter of the property. There are two drain inlets and a storm sewer along the east property line that collect offsite runoff from the residential area to the east. This storm sewer connects to a trunk storm sewer that runs westerly from the site along the northern property line which is also the municipal boundary. There is a grade break at approximately the middle of the site that separates surface flow heading to the north from surface flow that heads to the west. There is approximately 6 feet of relief across the entire site, expect for a ditch that exists at the far north end above the trunk line. The surrounding land is fully developed commercial and residential areas. A geotechnical investigation has been performed on the site and the existing soils consist of Fill over- topping Till and Alluvium and are predominately HSG B and C soil types (Clayey Sand, Sand with Silt, Silty Sand, Sandy Lean Clay, Silty Clay). The site is somewhat conducive to infiltration practices, but more so at depth within the Till and Alluvium than the Fill found near the surface. Groundwater was observed in only one of the soil borings and was at a depth of 14 feet below the surface. To the best of our knowledge, there are no known areas of environmental contamination or wellhead protection zones located within the property. Proposed Conditions The proposed development is a single level, approximately 20,000 SF building and associated parking lot. The building is situated at the far southern end of the site with the parking area located between the building and the northern property line. Landscaping will be provided around the perimeter of the site and in islands. No retaining walls are proposed for the site although the SE corner of the building will be set slightly below grade. The development is not proposing to re -route the run -on from the property to the east, but rather keep intact the existing inlets and storm sewer infrastructure. Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc. 7510 Market Place Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Tel: (952) 829 -0700 HTPO Project No. 16 -105.1 Page 1 of 3 Z � Engineering -Surveying Landscape Architecture 0 It Stormwater Management Requirements Planet Fitness Columbia Heights, MN The City of Columbia Heights has adopted the standards and is the LGU for the MWMO. The basic standards are summarized here: • Runoff rates of the proposed conditions cannot exceed the existing conditions based on Atlas 14 rainfall data. • Volume control equal to abstraction of the first 1.1 inches of runoff from impervious surfaces, which also accounts for meeting the Water Quality standard. • Maintenance provisions • Erosion and Sediment Control provisions • Flood Protection provisions The area of disturbance for the proposed project is approximately 2 Acres and therefore a NPDES General Construction Permit from the MPCA will be required prior to performing any land disturbance. Approximately 1.5 Acres of new impervious will be created and thus the MPCA permit requirements must also be satisfied for permanent stormwater management. Rate Control The runoff rates from the proposed development are listed in Table 1.1, and are based on Atlas 14 rainfall distributions. The supporting HydroCAD calculations are attached. Event SITE Pre- Development (cfs) Proposed (cfs) 2 -yr (24 -hr) 2.4 0.2 10- yr(24 -hr) 5.6 2.5 100- yr(24 -hr) 14.1 10.3 Table 1.1 Water Quantity (Volume & Quality) The abstraction requirement and proposed retention volume provided are shown in Table 2.1. The draw down requirement of 48 hours is shown in Table 2.2 and is based on SM type soils found at the bottom of the system elevation. The proposed BMP is an underground pipe /chamber storage system to reach the better draining soils at depth. This type of system is also used due to the limited site area available for ponding. The bottom of the system is not within three feet of the groundwater table. Proposed Impervious (SF) Abstraction Required (CF) Retention Provided (CF) 67,485 6,186 8,580 Table 2.1 Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc. 7510 Market Place Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Tel: (952) 829-0700 HTPO Project No. 16 -105.1 Page 2 of 3 Z1� 1 Engineering • Surveying 1 Landscape Architecture Planet Fitness Columbia Heights, MN Infiltration Rate (in /hr) Depth of system below outlet (in) Drawdown Time (hrs) 0.45 20 44.4 Table 2.2 Other Provisions An Erosion and Sediment Control plan has been developed and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) will be prepared with the final plans. The SWPPP will need to be managed by the Contractor as part of the construction. The underground storage BMP has maintenance access ports located in the parking lot area which allows for access. Pre- treatment for the underground storage system is accomplished by sump structures at the catch basins. The proposed finished floor of the building is placed a minimum of 2 -feet above the 100 -year flood level of the BMP. Hansen Thorp Pellinen Olson, Inc. 7510 Market Place Drive, Eden Prairie, MIN 55344 Tel: (952) 529 -0700 HTPO Project No. 16 -105.1 Page 3 of 3 mNm W o W W C0 .�. tV N W m L11 O S2 II N 0- t- p�- Z.____ " "_ -___ tO C QMOfmCL __________._. L ry 6 0 °m t C O O � n � N N W N J W ry E a C 2 o m � . r E W C c y r i r au t I A A N N x w L U N 0 N N x J iV O N N C E (V O W qn0 II U�- hIWQ LN c � max rc mL u... _. --------- ~ � O Iwl WWa Y F a C m O C 4 Q avL�y $ m O 0 Q o o s a o a sa / �oR m Ege m :a J N � m de a Q' Y a n a 0 0 a` 0 � a � rc O � c N O W m II N 0- t- p�- Z.____ " "_ -___ QMOfmCL __________._. 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O N j N N W 20 ,{ C J C a C N O W O U O S' . 2Q 1 Oj rdN 0 7EU LLI'-' p OU O�� 11 II 11 II all KLLN OO rLL I d 12 w a d o O N N O 2. m w or nQ ¢25;0mtf mw E�rI� Cc�cud Oo'm in =v o mm >aa LLI d yw ax SSOaN ¢a aU > o p`Y NM 01 E 3;. Q[ Planet Fitness 51 st Court Columbia Heights, MN ZONING INFORMATION ZONING DISTRICT: 'GB' GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT DESIGN DISTRICT: HIGHWAY DISTRICT BUILDINGUSE: HEALTHIFITNESS CLUB (PERMITTED USE) MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 35FT (28 FT PROPOSED) SITE AREA: 92.913 SQUARE FEET (2.13 ACRES) MAXIMUM FLOOR AREA RATIO: 1.0 (20094192913 = 0.22 PROPOSED) BUILDINGSETBACKS FRONT: 15 FT (15 FT PROPOSED) SIDE: 0 FT (10 FT PROPOSED) REAR: 20FT(20FTPROPOSED) PARKING SETBACKS FRONT: 15 FT (15 FT PROPOSED) SIDE: 5 FT (5 FT PROPOSED) REAR: 5FT(5 FT PROPOSED) SCREENING: 80% OPAQUE SCREENING 6 FEET HIGH REQUIRED BETNEEN PARKING AREAS AND ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER AF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LLC 175 STRATFORD AVENUE, SUITE 310 WAYNE, PA 19087 PHONE: CONTACT: KEVIN MURPHY SURVEYOR- HTPO 7510 MARKET PLACE DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 PHONE: 952 -829 -0700 CONTACT: CHARLIE HOWLEY !�iT��IT�'TtL�ly OCCUPANCY SHEET INDEX CLASSIFICATION: GROUPA3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: IHV W /SPRINKLER BUILDING 1 AREA: 20,094 SQUARE FEET ALLOWABLE AREA: 3&000 SQUARE FEET ARCHITECT- EDWARD FARR ARCHITECTS 7710 GOLDEN TRIANGLE DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 PHONE: 952 - 943 -9660 CONTACT: DON ANDERSEN LANDSCAPING. HTPO 7510 MARKET PLACE DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 PHONE: 952 -829 -0700 CONTACT: JAN ANDERSON CIVIL ENGINEER. SHEET INDEX A0 COVER SHEET / CODE INFORMATION HTPO 7510 MARKET PLACE DRIVE C1 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 PHONE: 952 -829 -0700 UTILITY PLAN CONTACT: CHARLIE HOWLEY C2 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL C3 PRELIMINARY PLAT L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN Al ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3 FLOOR PLAN VICINITYMAP. Ih mbyceflF MWfhb Man. sp kafiw w mPod was pmpW by ft wu addy dmcrsuAxNfon aM that I am a tlW aM. sWA2M(ecM urMerrne laws ama Srare �a/7��� M.Mspfa �[�'W9�✓ EAwr4 A. Fart °af. mw 1} 16 ap_a.. 16362 Pm Mara . ♦ •, FARR ARCHITECTS INC macda.�r.;':.so-lm,� Thv:su.svm Steiner Conshuctien Services, M aal6 ra.uyaoae lal. w.�l' 6lrr vial CIreM Aisling Fitness, LLC _ . , 6 Planet Fitness 51 at Street Court Columbia Heights, MN /sc.x) F,, DV 6Pfl 1M W16 COVER SHEET / CODE INFORMATION Sheet Nub r 16.046 AO - - _ Single Family Residential r A. Trash Enclosure Fence Screening Parking ° 146 Stalls ti KOM Planet Fitness 20,094 SF o \ Rooftop Mechanical Units ° 51st Street Court Z• •fir. t: :. JL � r � ' � LaCasitas White Castle Site Plan December 5, 2016 EDWARD FARR Planet Fitness ARCHITECTS INC 51st Street Court, Columbia Heights, Minnesota — n c 0 a E 5 C U NOTES 1. THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL "C ". THIS UTLTY QUALITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF CI /ASCE 38 -02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINE FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EXISTING SURFACE DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 3. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 1.5 FT. VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER/STORM SEWER. MAINTAIN MINIMUM 10 FT. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER/STORM SEWER. 4. THE BENCHMARK FORTHE SITE IS THE TOP NUT OF HYDRANT FOUND JUST SOUTH OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, COLUMBIA COURT AND HAS AN ELEVATION OF 923.13 FEET, AS SHOWN HEREON. S. ADA PARKING AND LOADING ZONES SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0% IN ANY DIRECTION. ADA ACCESS PATH SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0% CROSS SLOPE OR 5.0% LONGITUDINAL SLOPE, EXCEPT FOR DESIGNATED PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING THEM. ALL REPAIRS NECESSARY DUE TO CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS SHALL BE MADE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. J. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE SIZE, LOCATION, AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITY CONNECTION POINTS AND EXISTINGTOPOGRAPHY. NOTIFYENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES AND DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL RESOLVED. 6. ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO FLOW LINE (TOP OF PAVEMENT). 9. TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES, SEE LA AND ESC PLAN. 10, RESTORE ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO EXISTING CONDITION OR BETTER. SEE IA PLAN FOR TURF RESTORATION. 11, MAINTAIN 7.S' MINIMUM COVER OVER WATERMAIN AND 7.0' OVER SANITARY SEWER. IF MINIMUM COVER CANNOT BE MET, NOTIFY ENGINEER AND DO NOT PROCEED UNTIL RESOLVED. PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION LEGEND CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1 MINNESOLA UW PEOUIgES E%GVA MTON YY TIE REGIIXIAL NMFl ATM CENIFA AT OF T XXX.X SPOT ELEVATION Ri 9uSIrvEUN(1S aVr NOT MORE - >xuu wuRTEVa00 CNENOaa w15 - 981- CONTOUR GOPHER STATE ONE CALL -))- STORM SEWER - w✓x pylivNaievauu.ag 1 -800- 262 -1166 -) SANITARY SEWER I - WATERMAIN Q 0 CATCH BASIN ® STORM MANHOLE o O CLEANOUT CG WATER VALVE F- DRAINAGE FLOW BMP 1 12" STORM @ 2.9% CB (48" 0) (UNDERGROUND RETENTION RIM 918.5 W/ ACCESS PORTS) GRADE SWALE AT BUILDING -. INV 914.0 BOTTOM 913.0 CB (48 0) PERIMETER ALONG EAST & RIM 91@ 5 OUT BACK CORNER OF SUMP 910.0 300 -YR HWE 917.5 INV 914.5 -- - H SIDES BUILDING SET BELOW -W_. _ - GO_AUTSIRDE DE, . . NEEDED 916 916 - 917_ 921 - 92, 918 -. _ - -. 0 - 10" ROOF DRAIN @ 1.5% -'A m ti� _:,,F I.NV. 916.0 °I � 12" STORM 3.6% m � I b I J 9rya FFE = 922.00 tl L 910.5 I INSTALL CB ON EXISTING t i 1 STORM SEWER O O O CB (60" (D) �N � � UO VO O UO y II. RIM 918.5 0 7 4 s INV912.05 -T - - -_r_ - ��_ 919.2 Qti q q M� ' 921.8 INV 910.0 W .920_ 921 .. �1S _ q. ate^ R y '8 .0 e (4 07 z�,r 10" STORM '@ 1.4% RIM 918) - I INV 914.0 T- SUMP 910.0 MH (48" 0) -5 RIM 920.1 ° SERVICE W/ GATE VALVE ER RIM 919_8 /1 INV 913.0 'J 6" PVC 5DR26 SANK RY EWER --- ,,- .______� INV 913.0 SERVICE @ 1.04 %, INSTALL l0" STORM @ 1.0% CUT& FILL QUANTITIES INSTALL MH ON EXISTING STORM SEWER MH (48" 0) UNDERNEATH EXISUN HELD WATERMAIN, CUT 2770 Cy RIM 917.5 FIELD VERIFY DEPTH FILL 1390 CY INV 912.0 Ln NET 1380 CY EXPORT 'ESTIMATED QUANTITIES ONLY, NOT FOR BIDDING PURPOSES `CUT /FILL FACTOR ADJUSTMENTS NOT INCLUDED `SUITABILITY OF EXISTING FOR RE -USE NOT REVIEWED - QUANTITIES OFFSET BY UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS NOT INCLUDED Z� ICI as 1s 0 u -- - .3CPfF iNFEET l hembyceRwfM1af fMs Plan, spesifisafiono mre dwas Pre mdby me orur rmy Cimsfsupervision aM f lfam a Culy lioen Engineer u rfh laws o/flle Sfafe o{ Ml,,.d. Chenes J. Ho , Dare i..ue We R. NU 42728 Du Steiner Construction Services, Inc. aela GVny Ptip lol Wga0 Mn5SW1 1 I I Engineenng•BUrvey ng �;1 LaMSCepa AMNtecture F NWN tl pp WEN OISON, Me. ]gym 4isling Fitness LLC Slane[ Fitness Ast Street Court 'Olumbia Heights, MN ,a,MFn, pDN, PR 13616 heat TlM 3RADING, DRAINAGE aND UTILITY PLAN Y l EFA:16 1TP0,16 -105 C 1 n m a i 5 0 f E S 3 C U NOTES 1. AREA OF DISTURBANCE =t2.0 ACRES. PRELIMINARY - NOT 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING FOR CONSTRUCTION THE NPDES CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT FROM THE MPCA. 3. INSTALLTEMPORARY ESC MEASURES PRIOR TO MOBILIZING FOR LAND DISTURBANCE OPERATIONS. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG I 4. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO THE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL LEGEND MNNOOTAU REOtJl S cowro MNCo!Ff INenecnoeN. NOnFlrw>tonrsavr/rmLNOT INFORMATION AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. P 5. SEE LA PLAN FOR PERMANENT TURF STABILIZATION. ROCK ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXIT IIVN FWR1EEn 111TCNENN WY& PmOPHER STATE GOPHER 6TATE ONE CALL IP INLET PROTECTION 1- 800 -262 -1766 $W STREET SWEEPING PERIMETER CONTROL (SILT FENCE OR EQUAL) I7 918'9 PROPOSE LDERGROUND ETENTION MP FOOTPRIfJI 7 1 3D 15 0 15 30 60 --- SCAM "FEET - -_ - -. I hereby certifietl that this plan, ape or NSoa Sr w report was prepared by /ea O/ ma ad/Ily(II/BCred EnWoaor thatI to ltlWy Licensho Eeginee/ moot, l» laws a/rhe $fare a hJl/IMSOrd QheNaSJ Havlev oa. Rry. NO. QMB an Steiner �a& Constriction Services, t11C. 3x14 Couny Rmi X01. v.BYaa. NN ea391 �R53� 4Ttr66fiD www�a�.�a 1 I EngineariN.Sumeying Lan Lantlscscape pe ArcM1 tecWre IIANfiENNN TOHORP PraINCN OLfioR. k. 4isling Fitness LLC planet Fitness ilst Street Court 'olumbia Heights, MN saxvf� !bM PR M1fi sear nne EROSION & SEDIMENT :ONTROL PLAN (TEMP) — I EFA:16.046 2 C iTP0:16 -105 G BEM Is w a' le N _ t GUY WIRE STAKE m 51St Couft ' 3 120° E I ULMUS IAPONICA X WILSONIANA " ED STAKING PUN C GREENSPIRE LINDEN INSTALL ONE WIRE PER STAKE, JL $EE STAKING PLAN 30° - 40° UYP•J F5-YD ONE FLAG PER WIRE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH 5 P CONT REMOVE BURLAP 4" DEEP WOOD MULCH M N FROM UPPER 1/3 BALL 22 #5 CONT ROOTBALL 2 "X2 "x24" WOOD GUYING STAKE, PLANTING SOIL I #5 CENT – CORNUS ALBA "BUDS YELLOW" rl a +` WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL 3-ED HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. TREE INSTALLATION TAXUS X MEDIA 'TAUNTON' YH 8 #1 CENT i HOSTA "AUGUST MOON" #1 CONT KARL FOERSTER GRASS CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFOIJA "KARL FOERSTER 10 -YD 4 LD ....... ....... ' INDICATES SODDED AREA _- 1i INDICATES SEEDED AREA ..... .� cc 1 I L* 1 0 II 3- _D r. 4 I; La II 4 LD 15 -YD i 1 CO 11 -1N ,0 0 'DI 5t a C 2 -0L� c°I -9 -LD BEM Is w a' le N _ t ii gong - ��__��_ Fir I i � .,1' GUY WIRE STAKE m 51St Couft ' 3 120° E I ULMUS IAPONICA X WILSONIANA " ED STAKING PUN C GREENSPIRE LINDEN ii gong - ��__��_ Fir I i � .,1' GUY WIRE STAKE TRUNK 120° 4 I ULMUS IAPONICA X WILSONIANA " ED STAKING PUN DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. GUY WIRE, GREENSPIRE LINDEN INSTALL ONE WIRE PER STAKE, JL $EE STAKING PLAN 30° - 40° UYP•J F5-YD ONE FLAG PER WIRE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH 5 P CONT REMOVE BURLAP 4" DEEP WOOD MULCH M N FROM UPPER 1/3 BALL 22 #5 CONT ROOTBALL 2 "X2 "x24" WOOD GUYING STAKE, PLANTING SOIL INSTALL 3 STAKES AT AN ANGLE #5 CENT AT 120° SPACING, SEE STAKING PUN CORNUS ALBA "BUDS YELLOW" rl 12 WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL GENERAL NOTES; SHOULD A PLANT BE UNAVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION, ALL SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE CITY. ANY EXISTING VEGETATION TO BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER THAT IS APPLICABLE WITH LOCAL CITY AND STATE REQUIREMENTS. SEE ENGINEERS GRADING AND UTILITY PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF BERMS, FENCE, RETAINING WALLS, AND PIPE LOCATIONS. ALL TREES SHALL RECEIVE SAUCERS AND MULCH WITH SHREDDED HARDWOOD INDIVIDUALLY AS PER PLANTING DETAIL. ALL SHRUB GROUPS SHALL RECEIVE A CONTINUOUS BEDUNE A MIN. 18" FROM THE ROOT - BALL OF THE PROPOSED PERIMETER PLANTS OF THAT GROUPING. FINAL SHAPE OF THE REDLINES ARE TO BE FIELD APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PLANTS SHALL MULCHED AS A CONTINUOUS MASS. ALL SHRUBS BEDS SHALL BE EDGED WITH A HEAVY E DUTY BLACK DIAMOND EDGING OR APPROVED EQUAL. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL PLANTING BEDS AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS TO A 4" DEPTH EXCEPT PLANTING BEDS ADJACENT TO THE FENCE. INSTALL A 1.5' WIDE STRIP OF ROCK 3" DEEP OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING IN LANDSCAPE AREAS WITHOUT PLANTING BEDS AND IN PUNTING BEDS AROUND THE FENCE. EDGE STRIP AND BEDS CONTINUOUSLY WITH HEAVY DUTY BLACK DIAMOND EDGE OR APPROVED EQUAL. ROCK SHALL BE 1.5 -2" CRUSHED LIMESTONE BROWN/TAN IN COLOR. PROVIDE OWNER WITH ROCK SAMPLES FOR THEIR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS INCLUDING ALL PUNTING BEDS, PARKING ISLANDS, AND SODDED AREAS SHALL HAVE AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. DESIGN BUILT BY CONTRACTOR. ALL AREAS WITHIN THE PROPERTY THAT ARE NOT SHRUB BEDS OR HARD SURFACED EXCEPT AS NOTED SHALL BE SODDED. ALL AREAS OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY LINES DISTURBED BY GRADING OR UTILITY INSTALLATION SHALL BE RETURNEDTO EXISTING CONDITION OR BETTER OR AS NOTED. PLANT SCHEDULE SYM OTY ST2F COMMON NAME LATIN NAME MIN. 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOOD MULCH GRADE EDGING RCIAL SCARIFY as GUY WIRE STAKE 6' B&B TRUNK PICEA GLAUCA DENSTATA 120° 1 -112" WIDE X 16" LONG 2.5" B&B 40 MIL POLY STRAP ULMUS IAPONICA X WILSONIANA " ED STAKING PUN DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. GUY WIRE, GREENSPIRE LINDEN INSTALL ONE WIRE PER STAKE, JL $EE STAKING PLAN 30° - 40° UYP•J TREE WRAPPING, ONE FLAG PER WIRE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH 5 P CONT REMOVE BURLAP 4" DEEP WOOD MULCH M N FROM UPPER 1/3 BALL 22 #5 CONT ROOTBALL 2 "X2 "x24" WOOD GUYING STAKE, PLANTING SOIL INSTALL 3 STAKES AT AN ANGLE #5 CENT AT 120° SPACING, SEE STAKING PUN CORNUS ALBA "BUDS YELLOW" PREPARE AREA 3X THE 12 WIDTH OF THE ROOTBALL NOTE: POTENTILLA FRUITICOSA "GOLDFINGER" STAKING TREES IS OPTIONAL. HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. TREE INSTALLATION PLANT SCHEDULE SYM OTY ST2F COMMON NAME LATIN NAME MIN. 4" SHREDDED HARDWOOOD MULCH GRADE EDGING RCIAL SCARIFY as 4 6' B&B SUCK HILL SPRUCE PICEA GLAUCA DENSTATA EM is 2.5" B&B ACCOLADE ELM ULMUS IAPONICA X WILSONIANA " ED 17 2.5- B&B GREENSPIRE LINDEN TILIA CORDATA " RE N PIR " JL 4 1.5' M5 JAPANESE TREE LILAC SYRINGA RETICULATA TJ 5 P CONT GOLD CONE JUNIPER JUNIPEROUS COMMUNIS "GOLD CONE" IN 22 #5 CONT BUFFALO JUNIPER JUNIPEREUS SABINA "BUFFALO" YD 70 #5 CENT BUDS YELLOW DOGWOOD CORNUS ALBA "BUDS YELLOW" PT 12 #5 CONT GOLDFINGER POTENTILIA POTENTILLA FRUITICOSA "GOLDFINGER" YW- 3 75 CONT JAPANESE SPREDING YEW TAXUS X MEDIA 'TAUNTON' YH 8 #1 CENT AUGUST MOON HOSTA HOSTA "AUGUST MOON" #1 CONT KARL FOERSTER GRASS CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFOIJA "KARL FOERSTER ....... ....... ' INDICATES SODDED AREA _- 1i INDICATES SEEDED AREA EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN �- PROPOSED FENCE 6' SOLID WHITE VINYL I hereby cerNNeA that this plan, spedfication w report was prepartN by me or untlernry Erect supervision arM MatIamatl lL#.vnss ftr ShEM A2IHtBLY Y/I(19f NIB IdW50((II6 $tdtB of Minnesota Jan Waaw Mn Os. Dore Nwe Dare Res. No 20883 ou — a '1 7" OF ROOTBMALL 4 5r51= MPACTED SOIL 's^l Steiner SUB GRADE Construction Services, to . w�.r miywm �oi.�gwussnl ms.ri sreao rclnncn.mm SHRUB INSTALLATION DECIDUOUS SHRUB, CONTAINER GROWN I Lann Nng.SYrveu ;1 LanCUape Architectlure HANS•ENN TNoNProPc1. PENN OLSON. M. CII.Nt Aisling Fitness, LLC PrOien 0 Planet Fitness 51st Street Court N Columbia Heights, MN Issued For stn SPR r2u16 Scale N feet o Jo so 90 sh wt TM Landscape PRELIMINARY - NOT Plan FOR CONSTRUCTION EFA16 r HTP0:16 -105 L1 Perspective - Southwest Corner © Building Perspective - Northeast Corner 5' REAR YARD PARKING SETBACK m a a L E C 3 ti TYPICAL PARKING STALL 9'x 18' ECHO ■ ■III■ 9 SITE LIGHTING LOCATEDIN PARKING LOT 1 1 146 TOTAL PARKING STALLS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL FENCE SCREENWALL� 5' SIDE YARD PARKING SETBACK LA CASITA PAINT STRIPING C� View From Central Avenue OD Overhead Perspective AO Building V REAR YARD 20' REAR YARD PARKING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK Y y, Q U Wm2 WZ 05 y¢ zm eta TRASH ENCLOSURE PLANET p1p1p1 FITNESS ED I SINGLE STORY / IL 20,094 sr I ROOF MOUNTED HVAC I SET BACK FROM WALL 11 PARAPET 1 y Y V�Q m 1 �vm aQ 0 J 0 U Rx Ro U �a �m _ N w WHITECASTLE © (ALONG CENTRAL AVENUE) 0 CODE REQUIRED SIDEWALK FOR EXIT DISCHARGE TO PUBLIC WAY I hereby rertifiM fhatfhis plan, sperificah'on or report was prepartN by me wuneermytlirecf supervision aM fhdf I dT a tlWy LiCen5etlA2Mfecf urxferfhe IBy50I the State of Minnesota EEwaNA Fert pay tzwrmta an. rvo. 18382 Pmiec( Manadw pu EDWARD FARR tIMLoYlm lrtvto4pme TA M2911 T/4 PlmPnie, 4invemuiJN c =.etllvaJVCao Steiner Conshlydiorl service s. inc. m,i CnM'de+o to,. tvayn,r wsav� �lnsae» ww. :ietncs.wn Aisling Fitness, LLC Planet Fitness 51st Street Court Columbia Heights, MN For Issuetl Dan saR IZl6/1016 Sheet Trtle ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN � 16.046 Al Building a ro a � 3 o N 1 0 N 3 6 5 1 0 W 11 SPR NORTH ELEVATION SCAIE: 3li2' =1' -0" 6 7 60 11 (BEYOND) WEE ST ELEVATION SCALE: Ya2' =1'-D' 0 N SEE! EAST ELEVATION scALe 3132 " =r-1r 7 9 3 10 13 3 4 4 3 6 0 0 io N N 8 4 0' 4' 8' 16' 1 12 g 5 1 4 14 g 5 6 4 2 a 2 SPR SOUTH ELEVATION 3/32' =1' -0' 2 5 16 15 6 0 0 D N 3 0 13 11 a 4. g. 76. 9 1 LL 14 0' 4' 8' 16' MATERIALSLErEND, 1O SMOOTH FORM -LINED PAINTED PRECAST CONCRETE. COLOR: WHITE O SMOOTH FORM -LINED PAINTED PRECAST CONCRETE. COLOR: LIGHT GRAY 3O SMOOTH FORM -LINED PAINTED PRECAST CONCRETE. COLOR: PURPLE O PAINTED PRECAST CONCRETE BAND. COLOR: YELLOW O PRE - FINISHED METAL FLASHING. COLOR: WHITE 6O PRE - FINISHED METAL FLASHING. COLOR: BLACK 7O WALL MOUNTED BUILDING SGNAGE. OPRE- Fl NISHED ANODIZED ALUMINUM WINDOW FRAM E. TINTED, LOW'E' INSULATED GLASS ROOFTOP MECHANICAL UNITS SET BACK FROM PARAPET WALLS. gONOT VISIBLE FROM ON GRADE PERSPECTIVE VIEW (REFER TO BUILDING RENDERINGS). I> ENTRANCE DOORS. PRECAST TRASH ENCLOSURE. SWINGING METAL GATES /100% 11 OPACITY. COLOR: WHITE 12 BACK OF PRECAST PARAPET BEYOND. NOT VISIBLE FROM ON GRADE O PERSPECTIVE VIEW (REFER TO BUILDING RENDERINGS). 13 PRE- FINISHED METAL ENTRANCE CANOPY. COLOR: YELLOW 14 SCORED HORIZONTAL JOINTS IN PRECAST PANELS. 15 INSULATED HOLLOW METAL EXIT DOOR. PAINTED WHITE I> WALL PACK LIGHTING FIXTURE FOR CODE REQUIRED EXIT ILLUMINATION. /hereby Der W thatfftisplan, specification or report ms prepamd by tvrlamaemy Ltl eer=i A M'f taM uno'ertha lam of the� �stater� or Mimesata ��Y - Edma A. Fart �Y. Did 12168616 RM,No. 16= ProievX Ma EDWARD AR At,( FI[TECTS INC. meoM,.n�au,n. rn vsa.«m Steiner — CoILShUCtlon SaYKM Inc. ae,q rvayaam,o,.xWa�,Nnsm1 aisxlsrasxw wm+.aelels.wn treat Aisling Fitness, LLC Praiea 6 Planet Fitness 51St Street Court Columbia Heights, MN lssuaa vo. Dare 6Pq fL5/At6 sheaf rra SPR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 16.046 A2 U CE a M u \J 1 hambyaeaified thatt1Vs#aa, spec aaaaarreportwaspmaeretlby ma I ma aWyC su ArNSion antl that I am a dJY licenxd Architect tmalar Memema Taws o/ me State Minmue EEwartl A. Fart qy izmrzo,s a.¢, xa. 18382 Pine MgmeapE ou EDWARD FARR ARCHITECTS INC Steiner �I Construction Seivtces, hie sn,e cu.sy wws,o�.wm»w..a sva, Aisling Fitness, LLC Ws p ' n et ness 51st Street Court Columbia Heights, MN l55ue9.E4L— o�r� 6GR ,)/ffi/N16 sneer me SPR FLOOR PLAN Fitie601u SheafNumte' 16.046 A3 CH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PLANNING REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2017 -0102 DATE: December 20, 2016 TO: Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission APPLICANT: Aisling Fitness, LLC DEVELOPMENT: Planet Fitness LOCATION: Unassigned addresses. Three vacant lots located on 51s` Court NE. See attached location map. REQUEST: Preliminary Plat Approval PREPARED BY: Elizabeth Holmbeck, City Planner INTRODUCTION On behalf of Planet Fitness, Aisling Fitness, LLC has requested Preliminary Plat Approval per Code Section 9.104 (L), for the vacant site located behind La Casita and White Castle. The site is currently comprised of three vacant lots, which do not have assigned addresses: Property Identification Numbers (PIN): 25- 30 -24 -23 -0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30 -24 -22 -0066. The applicant is proposing to remove the existing lot lines, and re -plat the property to allow for a fitness facility to be constructed on the south end of the site. State Building Code prevents constructing a new building over a property line. Furthermore, in order to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for the property, the lot lines must be removed. ZONING ORDINANCE The site is currently comprised of three properties which are located in the General Business Commercial Zoning District. The properties to the north are located in the City of Fridley. The properties to the east are located in the One and Two Family, and Built as Duplexes Residential Zoning District. The properties to the south and west are located in the General Business Commercial Zoning District. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan guides this area for commercial land use. Commercial development on the longstanding vacant commercial property is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 2 FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (L) (6) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines three conditions that must be met in order for the City to grant a Preliminary Plat. They are as follows: (a) The proposed Preliminary Plat conforms to the requirements of City Code Section 9.115. This is correct. (b) The proposed subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This is correct. (c) The proposed subdivision contains parcel and land subdivision layout that is consistent with good planning and site engineering design principles. This is correct. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary Plat request made by Aisling Fitness, LLC on behalf of Planet Fitness for the properties located on 51s` Court NE., (PIN: 25- 30 -24 -23 -0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25 -30- 24-22- 0066). Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2017 -03, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion: That the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for the three vacant properties located on 515` Court NE., (PIN:25-30-24-23- 0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30- 24 -22- 0066), subject to certain conditions of approval that have been found to be necessary to protect the public interest and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Zoning and Development Ordinance, including: 1. All required state and local codes, permits, licenses and inspections will be met and in full compliance. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost of filing and recording written easements with the Anoka County Recorder's Office. 3. An approved Preliminary Plat shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the City Council approval. In the event that a Final Plat is not submitted within this time period, the Preliminary Plat will become void. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 3 ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 2017 -03 Application Preliminary Plat RESOLUTION NO. 2017 -03 A resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Preliminary Plat for Aisling Fitness, LLC for the Three (3) vacant lots located at 5155 Court NE. Whereas, a proposal (Case # 2017 -0102) has been submitted by Aisling Fitness, LLC to the City Council requesting Preliminary Plat Approval from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: Three (3) vacant lots located at 51" Court NE (Property Identification Numbers (PIN): 25- 30- 24 -23- 0018, 25- 30 -24 -23 -0017, and 25- 30- 24 -22- 0066). LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING: Preliminary Plat Approval per Code Section 9.104 (L). Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on January 4, 2017; Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Preliminary Plat upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (L) (6) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines conditions that must be met in order for the City to grant a Preliminary Plat. They are as follows: (a) The proposed Preliminary Plat conforms to the requirements of City Code Section 9.115. (b) The proposed Subdivision is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (c) The proposed Subdivision contains parcel and land subdivision layout that is consistent with good planning and site engineering design principles. Further, be it resolved, that the attached plans, maps, and other information shall become part of this Preliminary Plat; and in granting approval the City and the applicant agree that the Plat shall become null and void if a Final Plat is not submitted to the City Council within one (1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal. CONDITIONS 1. All required state and local codes, permits, licenses and inspections will be met and in full compliance. 2. The applicant shall be responsible for the cost of filing and recording written easements with the Anoka County Recorder's Office. 3. An approved Preliminary Plat shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of the City Council City of Columbia Heights - Council Resolution Page 2 approval. In the event that a Final Plat is not submitted to the City Council within this time period, the Preliminary Plat will become void. ORDER OF COUNCIL Passed this 9th day of January, 2017 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Donna Schmitt, Mayor Attest: Katie Bruno, City Clerk /Council Secretary CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY / FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPLICATION To be filled out by City. CASE NO.: DATE RECEIVED: APPLIC. ORD.: 9.104(K) 9.104(L), 9.114(A) - 9.114(D) DATE LETTER OF COMPLETION: PRESENT ZONING: APPROVAL DATE PER STATUTE: PRESENT LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: REVIEW PERIOD EXTENDED: PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT To be filled out by Applicant: PROPOSED NAME OF PLAT: PROJECT ADDRESSILOCATION: PF Columbia Heights 51st Street Court LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (attach separate page if necessary) Lot 1 Block1 Columbia Court and Lots 2 and 3 Block 1 Columbia Court PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Undeveloped PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY. Commercial- Fitness Center REASON FOR REQUEST (please attach a written narrative describing your request and justification for approval. The narrative must fully describe the proposal to insure its compatibility with surrounding uses and its consistency with Zoning requirements and the .) he Comprehensive Plan APPLICANT "f COIIAA�bf Ari1P�a> PHONE 6(0-65q-6'Y FAX r� r _ E -MAIL `6M1k Cflrl�gsT (i.sq PAGER ji^ / CELL # ADDRESS � a ! .,Ve- S�,�,TL wo q Q^� CITY W t�j� STATE �' ZIPS 1.b C1 FEE OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS � °l1�7 �� Pik PHONE /b 3- WT35r FAX 7C- 3 79--/' 'fy CITY � G % ✓,ti, a, o, , Z )7`5_ STATE ZIP Page 1 of 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PRELIMINARY/ FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY PLANNER AND REVIEW OF APPLICATION AND NECESSARY MATERIALS BEING SUBMITTED. ENGINEERING APPROVAL MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED AND MUST MEET ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS SET BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR CONTAINED IN THE CITY CODE. ITEMS TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT WITH APPLICATION A. Application Checklist B. Schedule of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings ITEMS TO ACCOMPANY PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Plat submittals as required in the attached application checklist, showing how the property is to be subdivided. B. Two copies of a list of property owners within 350 feet of the subject property. ITEMS TO ACCOMPANY FINAL PLAT APPLICATION A. Plat submittals as required in the attached application checklist, showing how the property is to be subdivided. APPLICATION FEES: A. $500.00 Preliminary Plat Fee + escrow $ 5C�() . OO B. $100.00 Final Plat Fee $ I C x-p • 0O TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED $ (-(� C' cn . O O CITY RECEIPT NUMBER % ylo y3 DATE RECEIVED 12.61I Le Acknowledgement: The undersigned hereby represents upon all of the penalties of law, for the purpose of Inducing the City of Columbia Heights to take the action herein requested, that all statements herein are true and that all work herein mentioned will be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Columbia HeigTitS and toe State of Minnesota: -cam-- IQ13116 APPLICA T IGNATURE DATE Revised: 2005 Approved by the Columbia Heights Planning Commission on Approved by the Columbia Heights City Council on Page 2 of 2 NO i E wl w g 9 E a 5 9 C U I L _ Q Lot 1 Block 1 PF Columbia Heights � a4 I -.. wnaLa 1, Iw418G6mM6 twos rv,OR, c0..e. xl.wMl,, nm9 uu..rvm. u.. e..,M.a„ rou':w: Gmm'-11, .jlx. H.Mxu wm„ of to NI 3, town wum n nwaaaa sa mope. W „noes wM. r NIILHI s. 15000kEalnw M. NwP On. NuE1 Lai 1, to N. wA, If bINIIinq altM Noe to a'e ::,msemin:.n sou w aNww.J1 ml..w.n,.n.d. E.H. dm.n.rzJB.s1 xn, uwn sWm w SEIIIIII umumol :n e3a u Wn % Lot E e4a.:Md NO y ot I SamN tl nroiao4nbn1p1a . sC.UeYm n OaaNwn1<nS.W A bmblmWe n tZwJ y F .uMn , Lot It— III _ Wx 31., J. a 641. c.mmn. cauq Ao.of ccunry, xmn.wY. u,u.e rml.Mr Ibin�paart�asumM. Aad.— s0.1 .1,od.11 S1Y Of-NE, Col... Mlpxn IN 15031. MfMnenawcoiIt...dd.nl:.an: Mo. lot. i¢tois...NNf,u.otw..w.mm . a. nnaleN) I,. N.na lnor —un rov,c 000fm ,.11:. Gnn YM aru p93.91J. / -apuw M� ur 31330./ It- s. T. aumm zwlnq ro.4e mn.4 MRnr x GB IGn.,a mNnu mn,IC) r., u.Gr wfxumela XeenO...mq m,1 nud O-Im 2011. N. At.,mMS...wnnn nmx ILNo, .wl61 ..n nzxxemr.c[m I+.ftL.MNu.N.o. -.. rl.ne, npm ws ero,uegm,,,.ode mra nwv.mo.,ea wnam.eun u,mna L..awrv.rnuna., m. 6.,. .wnwn6.nx.. m,w IM, mn a.r aon.x.., zo1B. MrY 1. 5n.I.I'o nLo— L6m..... KMN ' .Nl..n. Z ---.Mw ]11 1s 0 IS 30 60 SC 'NFEEI /here YMMo,lf Mal Mfspfan, apeedrcafion w report wes prepa/eH by me" MOk rmydrecf supervision are Mat f am a M3fY Licen Laf M Surt,N o Imtlert`Mlaws OFM Shale&Uinr %OM Rory L Svnstelim ,M. No Mewto R.e. No. 44565 = Steiner �&0! Construcflon Services, Inc. ,el. Uwq NUx31,I. ww,ayulOIWV'S Po,T 1%3x1 arJ -ssso 1 1 I Eogineemg SXrveyM, It L-Mfd aRA ila Lana HAHSEN Tcw RL.14En QSM.Inc C &N Aisling Fitness LLC �tOiecf Planet Fitness 51st Street Court Columbia Heights, MN YREptlF% �a SGR IR51fi ideeLTlfle >reliminary Slat — Sfegtfth'..' EFA16.046 /+ iTpo.1 &105 C3 Linetype & Symbol Legend ® unulr xAXxols © aN mxomoxsa "MMM,,c —cn NAMINN SIOX x EOYMD — wM... ® E°NRUtv,v✓INGLE 0 NORxouXG —> a— £MRMYSEWG ® GJCw O/SW Monk EN m JElsxn -Iff wx mu R.. MImEJ JENMOXE MINXOI£ _ m ® ELEEINI[iMX w dMt m ELErnoc wX elEClvc1MEE ® GBLELEXE I EIECiMC YANXOLE —o —I —O —o— rygiq<IIGM 011 w �+ � WOODEN RNCENXE ® GEIE w BOX e XµE0EXO5ECIWH — a— a— , —M..I RM,:f.M m tu.. MEIER ® OxS VYVE fEXCE ® Is M., { MppOLGI EMIBOt RMT ® wAren nEJEN e a XAxexou Wo,EN VMLV, • IGVXO MoH xoHVXENr d XIyBA,R SEJI0.0X MMMNEM O P. 10. Q GEJ MOX MOXHMEM Of) reuuo Edl MI,cumox � a4 I -.. wnaLa 1, Iw418G6mM6 twos rv,OR, c0..e. xl.wMl,, nm9 uu..rvm. u.. e..,M.a„ rou':w: Gmm'-11, .jlx. H.Mxu wm„ of to NI 3, town wum n nwaaaa sa mope. W „noes wM. r NIILHI s. 15000kEalnw M. NwP On. NuE1 Lai 1, to N. wA, If bINIIinq altM Noe to a'e ::,msemin:.n sou w aNww.J1 ml..w.n,.n.d. E.H. dm.n.rzJB.s1 xn, uwn sWm w SEIIIIII umumol :n e3a u Wn % Lot E e4a.:Md NO y ot I SamN tl nroiao4nbn1p1a . sC.UeYm n OaaNwn1<nS.W A bmblmWe n tZwJ y F .uMn , Lot It— III _ Wx 31., J. a 641. c.mmn. cauq Ao.of ccunry, xmn.wY. u,u.e rml.Mr Ibin�paart�asumM. Aad.— s0.1 .1,od.11 S1Y Of-NE, Col... Mlpxn IN 15031. MfMnenawcoiIt...dd.nl:.an: Mo. lot. i¢tois...NNf,u.otw..w.mm . a. nnaleN) I,. N.na lnor —un rov,c 000fm ,.11:. Gnn YM aru p93.91J. / -apuw M� ur 31330./ It- s. T. aumm zwlnq ro.4e mn.4 MRnr x GB IGn.,a mNnu mn,IC) r., u.Gr wfxumela XeenO...mq m,1 nud O-Im 2011. N. At.,mMS...wnnn nmx ILNo, .wl61 ..n nzxxemr.c[m I+.ftL.MNu.N.o. -.. rl.ne, npm ws ero,uegm,,,.ode mra nwv.mo.,ea wnam.eun u,mna L..awrv.rnuna., m. 6.,. .wnwn6.nx.. m,w IM, mn a.r aon.x.., zo1B. MrY 1. 5n.I.I'o nLo— L6m..... KMN ' .Nl..n. Z ---.Mw ]11 1s 0 IS 30 60 SC 'NFEEI /here YMMo,lf Mal Mfspfan, apeedrcafion w report wes prepa/eH by me" MOk rmydrecf supervision are Mat f am a M3fY Licen Laf M Surt,N o Imtlert`Mlaws OFM Shale&Uinr %OM Rory L Svnstelim ,M. No Mewto R.e. No. 44565 = Steiner �&0! Construcflon Services, Inc. ,el. Uwq NUx31,I. ww,ayulOIWV'S Po,T 1%3x1 arJ -ssso 1 1 I Eogineemg SXrveyM, It L-Mfd aRA ila Lana HAHSEN Tcw RL.14En QSM.Inc C &N Aisling Fitness LLC �tOiecf Planet Fitness 51st Street Court Columbia Heights, MN YREptlF% �a SGR IR51fi ideeLTlfle >reliminary Slat — Sfegtfth'..' EFA16.046 /+ iTpo.1 &105 C3 COLUMBIA CH HEIGHTS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PLANNING REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2017 -0103 DATE: December 22, 2016 TO: Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission APPLICANT: Mulata Associates, LLC DEVELOPMENT: Commercial reuse of the former City Library Facility LOCATION: 820 40th Ave. NE. REQUEST: Zoning Amendment (Rezoning) PREPARED BY: Elizabeth Holmbeck, City Planner INTRODUCTION Mulata Associates, LLC has petitioned the City of Columbia Heights to change the zoning designation of the property located at 820 40th Ave. NE. from 'Public and Open Space' to 'Central Business'. This change would accommodate the relocation of an adult daycare to the site. Mulata Associates, LLC operates an adult daycare in St. Paul which has outgrown the current space. The applicant is planning to purchase the City's former Library building to allow for the daycare to operate in the building. In addition to the daycare, the applicant is proposing to use the building as a community center, when it is not being used as a daycare facility. In terms of the Rezoning request, rezoning the property to Central Business is in the best interest of the public and the future of the property. Right now the property can only be used for a 'public use' such as a government building or a non - profit. Allowing the property to be rezoned provides opportunities for a variety of commercial uses to operate on the parcel in the future. Due to the property's close proximity to the Central Business corridor, and from a long term planning perspective, approving the rezoning will provide a viable commercial property for the future. A list of the current permitted uses in the Public and Open Space and the Central Business District are attached for review. It is important to note that there are some conflicts regarding the specific types of uses that are being proposed for the building. The proposed uses do not meet the Specific Development Requirements that are called out in the City's Zoning Code for an Adult Daycare and Community Center. The Specific Development Requirements are a list of requirements for certain types of commercial, residential, and industrial uses. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 2 For example, a 'use' such as a daycare may be permitted in the zoning classification, but will also need to meet the Specific Development Requirements guided for that type of 'use'. The applicant must be aware that the uses which are currently proposed would not be allowed under the City's current code due to the fact that the Specific Development Standards are not met and that staff does not have the authority to waive these requirements. Staff has met with the applicant previously to explain this conflict; however the applicant has decided to proceed with the Zoning request. The Specific Development Requirements for an Adult daycare and a Community Center are attached for your review. The issue in this particular case is that the proposed uses do not meet the following standards: 1. For a Community Center, the parcel upon which the use is located shall have a lot area no less than four times the area of the building footprint. 2. For an Adult Day Care Center, at least 150 square feet of outdoor area for seating or exercise shall be provided for each adult under care. ZONING ORDINANCE The property is located in the Public and Open Space Zoning District. The properties located to the north and south are located in the Multiple Family Residential Zoning District. The properties to the west are located in the Limited Business Zoning District, and the properties to the east are located in the Central Business Zoning District. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan guides this property for Institutional Uses. It was unknown that a new library facility would be built, at the time the Comprehensive Plan was completed. Now that the new library facility is in operation, the former library is vacant and the City has no immediate public use for the property. The City should look for ways to make the property viable long term. Staff believes the rezoning request achieves this goal. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104(F) (5) requires four findings of fact to be made when a zoning amendment petition is made. The findings of fact are as follows: (a) The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan As previously stated, the Comprehensive Plan identifies and guides the property for Institutional Uses. However, staff believes that due to the fact the surrounding area is guided for transitional development and commercial development, and from a land -use perspective, the proposal makes sense for the long term viability of the parcel. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 3 (a) The amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. The property is currently vacant, and has been vandalized in the past few months. It is in the public interest that the property is being used for the highest and best possible use. Unfortunately, because the parcel is zoned for Public and Open Space, the types of uses that can operate on the site are strictly limited. Allowing a variety of commercial uses to operate on the site is in the public's interest. (b) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. The surrounding properties are a mix of commercial, residential, and institutional. Staff believes that overall the zoning classification of the property within the general area of the property is compatible with the proposed zoning classification. (c) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its current zoning classification. The parcel's current zoning classification reflects the City's planned land -use goals at the time the Comprehensive Plan Update was last updated. Since 2008, the City has built a new library facility, and now operates at a different location. Due to the subject property's proximity to Central Avenue and a growing trend in commercial development throughout the Twin Cities Metro, it is a smart long term strategy to rezone the parcel to meet the growing commercial property demand. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the proposed rezoning of the property located at 820 40th Avenue, based on the aforementioned findings of fact. Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2017 -04, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion: That the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 2017 -04, rezoning the property located at 820 40th Avenue NE from 'Public and Open Space' to 'Central Business'. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 4 ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 2017 -04 Application Applicant's Narrative Location Map Building Official's Report Current and Proposed Permitted /Conditional Uses Specific Development Requirements Preliminary Renderings Planned Future Land Use Map Zoning Map RESOLUTION NO. 2017 -04 A resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Zoning Amendment for the property located at 820 40th Avenue NE. Whereas, a proposal (Case # 2017 -0103) has been submitted by Mulata Associates, LLC to the City Council requesting a Zoning Amendment from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: 820 401h Avenue NE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. REQUEST: Zoning Amendment (Rezoning). Whereas, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing as required by the City's Zoning Code on January 4, 2017; Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Rezoning upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concerns related to compatibility of uses, traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety in the surrounding areas; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT (a) The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan (b) The amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. (c) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. (d) Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in its current zoning classification. Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights hereby rezones the property at 820 40th Avenue NE to "Central Business ". City of Columbia Heights - Council Resolution ORDER OF THE COUNCIL Passed this 91h day of January, 2017. Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Donna Schmitt, Mayor Attest: Katie Bruno, City Clerk /Council Secretary Page 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION To be filled out by City. CASE NO.: APPLICABLE ORDINANCE NO.: 9.104(F) PRESENT LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: REZONING ZONING AMENDMENT DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF LETTER OF COMPLETION: APPROVAL DATE PER STATUTE: REVIEW PERIOD EXTENDED: To be filled out by Applicant. PROJECT ADDRESS/LOCATION: 82,0 40+'*% Ave� �J C LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (attach separate page if necessary): see Ig�ac 4.e PRESENT ZONING OF PROPERTY: PROPOSED ZONING OF PROPERTl SECTION NUMBER OF TEXT TO BE REASON FOR REQUEST (please provide a written narrative that explains how the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of other property within the general area are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. Also describe whether there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area that has taken place since the property was originally placed in its current zoning classification. if applicable, provide the existing text that you are requesting be changed and provide the proposed text.) APPLICANT l��y, ?/A AS S9 �'/,0 �C PHONE 7(G3Z45 3j,604FAX 651- 253 -2, E -MAIL rj/7C�lj/jam (XJ /%l p7ir��i[l ��7, PAGER N�fC CELL #X5 s 3 ADDRESS 2i5 ( 12i d o GQh CITYS /ice / STATE / ZIP�j� r 2 FEE OWNER OF PROPERTY NIA Clii 1 04 �jlly+lbirn }EGi G1� {S ADDRESS 590 qo+" Ale , . PHONE (160Q- 706- 3(.pIl7 FAX CITY l-olI y b C4 STATE M tJ ZIP Page 1 of 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY PLANNER AND REVIEW OF APPLICATION AND NECESSARY MATERIALS BEING SUBMITTED. ITEMS TO BE GIVEN TO APPLICANT WITH APPLICATION A. Application Checklist B. Schedule of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings ITEMS TO ACCOMPANY REZONING / ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION A. Application submitted as required in the attached application checklist. B. Two copies of a list of property owners within 350 feet of the subject property (for rezoning). APPLICATION FEES: A. $545.00 Zoning Amendment TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED 114 S'= CITY RECEIPT NUMBER OLALO D DATE RECEIVED 12-A1110 Acknowledgement: The undersigned hereby represents upon all of the penalties of law, for the purpose of inducing the City of Columbia Heights to take the action herein requested, that all statements herein are true and that all work herein mentioned will be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Columbia Heiqhts and the State of Minnesota: I APPLICANT PROPERTY OWNER Revised 2005 DATE ,2/ia // (If different from Applicant) Approved by the Columbia Heights Planning Commission on Approved by the Columbia Heights City Council on Page 2 of 2 Proposal for Rezoning Central Business District The former Columbia Heights library located at 820 40th Ave Ne, Columbia Heights will be used as community Center, and licensed Adult and Child Care center. The building will be used as Community Center after hours and on the weekend for meetings and events. The parking will be utilized after working hours. There are parking are available in the back of the facility and off the street, if additional parking is needed we are talking to Immaculate Conception school across the street to share their parking lots. We will follow the city rules and state cardinal. For Adult and Child Care centers business hours will be from 8am to 8pm, we have center buses to pick up and drop off the clients. There is a drop off and pick up zone by the front entrance and back entrance close to the side walk. For the outdoor activities the center employees are transporting the clients to the public park and back to the center. The parking in the back of the building will be enough for the employees and for the center buses. The numbers of clients are determined by the building code and occupancy classification and follow the city requirements which will be determined by the city and State for license. Mulata Associate will be great asset to the community; we will be creating jobs and contributing to the economy. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions for concern. Thank you, Sham Hassan Subject Property 3974 3966 W 2 N O 40TH AVE NE - -' K-- E20 3977 3971 3970 4034 3966 3960 3959 W 2 � 6030 3957 3952 N i Ioza 1944 0 4020 � w Bozo 4000 3974 3966 W 2 N O 40TH AVE NE - -' K-- E20 3977 3971 3970 1967 3966 3960 3959 3957 3956 3957 3952 3948 1947 1944 o u 2 4032 � N N '1 2 m 4026 $ m 1°22 z 1018 4012 4000 631 663 40THAVENE 838 o m b 3982 a i y3975 3976 y = 3973 yt y 3970 � 2 3967 rrt m Q 79� 7961 3959 3962 3961 3955 3957 3956 3953 3951 3949 7916 3947 3943 7942 3963 3988 I \ 2964 cciwfila \ E SE �I¢Nse cwrex 1982 3970 ^ 3958 3960 1958 I 3959 4070 i 1948 3946 4026 39 4020 � w 4014 3988 I \ 2964 cciwfila \ E SE �I¢Nse cwrex 1982 3970 ^ 3958 3960 1958 I 3959 3952 3951 1948 3946 3932 m 39 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40n` Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 -3878 (763)706.3600 TDD (763) 706 -3692 Visit our website at. www.cixolumbia- he&htsma.us 12/27/2016 To: Elizabeth Holmbeck From: Lary Pepin Re: 820 4th Avenue Planning and Zoning review My comments are as follows: 1. The building will require a complete NFPA 13 fire suppression system throughout the entire building. 2. Submittal to the Anoka County Health Department for food service is required. 3. Submittal to the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services is required for licensure by the state. 4. Outside areas for each child and adult required to conform to the following requirements; a. 75 square feet of area for each child b. 150 square feet of area for each adult. If you have any questions please let me know. Mayor Gary L. Peterson Cound members Robert A. Mllimns Bruce Nawrocki John P. M=yn Don. Schmid City Manager Wafter R. Fehst PERMITTED USES BASED ON CURRENT ZONING § 9.114 (D) (1) PUBLIC AND OPEN SPACE PERMITTED USES BASED ON PROPOSED ZONING § 9.110 (F) (2) CBD, CENTRAL BUSINESS (a) County, regional and city parks. (a) Multiple - family residential, (b) Playgrounds, athletic fields, when located above a first floor recreational areas, and parking areas. commercial use. (c) Cemeteries. (b) Community center. (d) Publicly owned and operated (c) Government offices. facilities. (d) Government protective services (e) Essential services. facility. (e) Public parks and/or playgrounds. (f) Recreational facility, indoor. (g) Recreational facility, outdoor. (h) School, vocational or business. (i) School, performing/visual /martial arts. (j) Auditorium/place of assembly. (k) Banquet hall. (1) Billiards hall. (m) Bowling alley. (n) Clinic, medical or dental. (o) Clinic, veterinary. (p) Licensed day care facility, adult or child. (q) Financial institution. (r) Food service, convenience (fast food). (s) Food service, limited (coffee shop /deli). (t) Food service, full service (restaurant/nightclub). (u) Health or fitness center. (v) Hotel or motel. (w) Laboratory, medical. (x) Liquor store, off -sale. (y) Museum or gallery. (z) Office. (aa) Retail sales. (bb) Service, professional. (cc) Studio, professional. (dd) Studio, radio or televisions. (ee) Theater, live performance. (fl) Theater, movie. CONDITIONAL USES CONDITIONAL USES BASED ON CURRENT ZONING BASED ON PROPOSED ZONING § 9.114 (D) (2) § 9.110 (F) (3) PUBLIC AND OPEN SPACE CBD, CENTRAL BUSINESS (a) Public or semi- public recreational (a) Arcade. buildings and neighborhoods or (b) Outdoor sales and/or display. community centers. (c) Outdoor storage. (b) Non -city governmental and public (d) Parking ramp. regulated utility buildings and (e) Club or lodge. structures necessary (f) Fences greater than six feet in height. for the health, safety and general welfare of the community. § 9.107 SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. (C) (13) Community center. (a) The use shall be served by a minor collector or higher functional classification of roadway. (b) The parcel upon which the use is located shall have a lot area no less than four times the area of the building footprint. (c) To the extent practical, new construction or additions to existing buildings shall be complementary and compatible with the scale and character of the surroundings and exterior materials shall be compatible with those used in the immediate neighborhood. (d) An appropriate transition area between the use and adjacent property shall be provided by landscaping, screening and other site improvements consistent with the character of the community. (e) All accessory residential, school or day care uses shall be subject to the provisions of this article. (C) (16) Day care center. (a) The building and any exterior fenced areas shall meet the setback requirements for a principal structure in the zoning district in which the use is located. (b) The play area shall be located away from the main entrance to day care, and shall be contained with a fence constructed of masonry, painted or treated wood or metal, at least five feet in height. (c) For child day care facilities, at least 75 square feet of outside play area shall be provided for each child under care. (d) For adult day care facilities, at least 150 square feet of outdoor area for seating or exercise shall be provided for each adult under care. (e) The use shall provide a designated area for the short-term parking of vehicles engaged in loading and unloading of children or adults under care. The designated area shall be located as close as practical to the principal entrance of the building and shall be connected to the building by a sidewalk. (f) To the extent practical, new construction or additions to existing buildings shall be complementary and compatible with the scale and character of the surroundings and exterior materials shall be compatible with those used in the immediate neighborhood. (g) An appropriate transition area between the use and adjacent property shall be provided by landscaping, screening or other site improvements consistent with the character of the neighborhood. (h) The facility shall meet all applicable housing, building and fire codes and be licensed as required by the State of Minnesota. (i) Day care centers located in a school or religious institution building originally constructed for use as a school or religious institution shall be considered a permitted accessory use, provided the standards contained herein are met. 0) Day care centers located within an existing commercial or industrial facility and used only by employees of the operation conducted on the site shall be considered a permitted accessory use, provided the standards contained herein are met. ice T4 ZACICISaN 57. ►AE 1 v -F v 4 _ � f 1 -1 1 0 j MA ,I ILI P r t �t N , w y a c= ii -i—i Z I w -N I w -N Planned 2030 Future Land Use 2030 Comprehensive Plan City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota �.1 500 0 500 1,0001,500 Feet N Lt ! ^I Cpl i il'I'' C. , i— - sfiTlfmr� , 1 �.- 69iNAY�` Ott 1 I t 1 _ L t 43apA y I ? . II 11 i f �7 1 t 1 � I September 11, 2008 .� i City Limit Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density residential Transit Oriented Development University Mixed Use Figure 2 -2 - Commercial Transitional Development Industrial ® Park - Institutional Religious Institution Open Water - AERCE7 ....7.0. .. .. axroaraEbrl- i Y HI ManA Lake _ C ' 111E � d" 1 ,Y 'i I I, .f JI Iv- 1 i t LL I1 r_ __J =, 32N0'P T rJ.k. .� b;OOLn�P✓ � ea3itt�5f r. _..'_.tL.d1 4Uk.1 Bonestroo I:/ 332 /33207129 /gis /maps /2030ffu.mxd J. C7,wZz: 04 " � , , " ! 4I . ;; , � La CH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PLANNING REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2017 -0104 DATE: December 22, 2016 TO: Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission APPLICANT: Scenic Sign Corporation /New Perspectives Senior Living DEVELOPMENT: Monument Sign for Senior Apartments LOCATION: 3801 Hart Blvd. NE. REQUEST: Variance PREPARED BY: Elizabeth Holmbeck, City Planner INTRODUCTION At this time, Scenic Sign Corporation representing New Perspectives Senior Living is requesting a Variance to allow for the installation of a new monument sign for the property located at 3801 Hart Blvd. NE. The senior apartment complex, formerly known as the Lighthouse Apartments, has recently rebranded to be known as New Perspective Senior Living. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing monument sign on the property to reflect the new name of the building. The applicant is requesting a Variance to City Code to allow for a monument sign that exceeds the maximum allowed 16 square feet. The proposal calls for the sign face to be 52.25 square feet, with 10.4 square feet concrete pillars on either side of the sign face. The proposed sign is approximately 86 square feet in total. The Variance request is to allow the monument sign to exceed the dimensional requirements by 70 square feet. The existing monument sign is located on the west side of the property as you enter the parking lot and is 72 square feet in size. The applicant is proposing to rebuild the sign closer to the street (Hart Blvd.). According to the City's Zoning Code, monument signs for this zoning classification have a maximum permitted height of 8 ft. The proposed sign would meet this requirement, as it would be just over 6 ft. tall. A rendering of the existing sign and proposed sign, which includes dimensions and placement, is attached for consideration. ZONING ORDINANCE The property is located in the R -3 Multiple Family Residential Zoning District, as are the properties to the north. The properties to the west are zoned Public and Open Space. The City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 2 properties to the south and east are located in the General Business Commercial Zoning District. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan designates this zoning district for high density residential. DESIGN GUIDELINES The subject property is not located within the Design Guideline Overlay District FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104 (G) of the Zoning Ordinance outlines five conditions that must be met in order for the City Council to grant Variances. They are as follows: a) Because of the particular physical surroundings, or the shape, configuration, topography, or other conditions of the specific parcel of land involved, strict adherence to the provisions of this article would cause practical difficulties in conforming to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant, however, is proposing to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. The application provided does not identify specific difficulties in conforming to the Zoning Ordinance. The property does not appear to have topographical or other unique conditions that pose a practical difficulty in conforming to the Zoning Ordinance. b) The conditions upon which the variances are based are unique to the specific parcel of land involved and are generally not applicable to other properties within the same zoning classification. This parcel does not appear to have unique conditions as compared to the surrounding parcels. c) The practical difficulties are caused by the provisions of this article and have not been created by any person currently having a legal interest in the property. The application provided does not appear to identify a practical difficulty. d) The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan does not address signage for multiple family residential uses. e) The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or materially injurious to the enjoyment, use, development or value of property or improvements in the vicinity. City of Columbia Heights Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 2017 Planning Report Page 3 The proposed sign does not appear to be detrimental to the public welfare, use and development, or value of properties in the vicinity. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the City Council deny the Variance request for the proposed monument sign for the property located at 3801 Hart Blvd. The applicant has not submitted a reasonable request based on the Findings of Fact outlined in the City's Zoning Ordinance, which are required by the City Council in order to approve a Variance. Based on the application and renderings received for review, it is not evident there is a practical difficulty present in order to grant the Variance. While there appears to be no issue with the request to move the sign closer to the street (Hart Blvd) for visibility, no justification has been provided that demonstrates the need for such a large sign on the residentially zoned property. The commercially zoned properties to the south and east are only allowed up to 50 square feet of signage. For this reason, and because the Findings of Fact have not been met, the request is not justifiable. A sample resolution has been provided, should the Planning and Zoning Commission decide to recommend approval. Motion: Move to close the public hearing and recommend that the City Council deny the Variance request for a monument sign for the property located 3801 Hart Blvd., due to the Findings of Fact not being met. ATTACHMENTS Resolution No. 2017 -05 Application Applicant's Narrative Location Map Sign Renderings RESOLUTION NO. 2017 -05 A resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota, approving a Variance from certain conditions of the City of Columbia Heights Zoning Code for New Perspective Senior Living — 3801 Hart Boulevard NE. Whereas, a proposal (Case #2017 -0104) has been submitted by Scenic Sign Corporation, on behalf of New Perspective Senior Living, to the City Council, requesting a Variance from the City of Columbia Heights at the following site: ADDRESS: 3801 Hart Boulevard LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING: 1) Waiver to Section 9.106 (P) (10) (a) (2)- allowing an identification sign on the property that exceeds the maximum allowable square footage of 16 sq. ft. Whereas, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on January 4, 2017. Whereas, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed Variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concern related to traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety, in the surrounding area; Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council accepts and adopts the following findings of the Planning Commission: 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, or the shape, configuration, topography, or other conditions of the specific parcel of land involved, strict adherence to the provisions of this article would cause practical difficulties in conforming to the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant, however, is proposing to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The conditions upon which the variance is based are unique to the specific parcel of land involved and are generally not applicable to other properties within the same zoning classification. 3. The practical difficulties are caused by the provisions of this article and have not been created by any person currently having a legal interest in the property. 4. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Resolution No. 2017 -0105 4 5. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or materially injurious to the enjoyment, use, development or value of property or improvements in the vicinity. Further, be it resolved, that the attached conditions, plans, maps, and other information shall become part of this Variance and approval; and in granting this Variance the city and the applicant agree that this Variance shall become null and void if the project has not been completed within one (1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal of the variance. CONDITIONS 1. The proposed sign must be moved at least 6 feet to the west to remain out of the City Water Main Easement which runs along Hart Blvd ORDER OF COUNCIL Passed this 9th day of January, 2017 Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Donna Schmitt, Mayor Attest: Katie Bruno, City Clerk /Council Secretary CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS VARIANCE APPLICATION To be filled out by City: CASE NO.: APPLICABLE ORDINANCE NO.: 9.104 (G) PRESENT ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION To be filled out by Applicant: DATE RECEIVED: 1 �-� 1 W DATE OF LETTER OF COMPLETION: APPROVAL DATE PER STATUTE: REVIEW PERIOD EXTENDED: PROPOSED NAME OF DEVELOPMENT: NEW PERSPECTIVE SENIOR LIVING PROJECT ADDRESS /LOCATION: 3801 HART BLVD, COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED (attach separate page if necessary): LOT 1 BLOCK 1 HART LAKE ADDITION PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: MULTI - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: MULTI - FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REASON FOR REQUEST (Please attach a written narrative describing the variance being requested. The narrative should fully explain the hardship(s) that justifies variation from the strict application of the Code. The terms °hardship" or "undue hardship" typically refer to physical characteristics of the property, such as shape, soil conditions, or topography. Neither mere inconvenience, nor reduction in value alone, is sufficient to justify a variance. The inability to put property to its highest and best use is not considered a hardship or practical difficulty. The problem that justifies the variance must be caused by conditions unique to the property and beyond the control of the applicant. The applicant cannot create the condition that requires the variance.) APPLICANT SCENIC SIGN CORPORATION PHONE 320 252 9400 E -MAIL JUSTIN @SCENICSIGN.COM PAGER ADDRESS PO BOX 881 CITY ST CLOUD FEE OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS CITY FAX 320 252 4260 CELL # STATE MN ZIP HEALTH CARE REIT INC PHONE FAX STATE ZIP Page 1 of 2 56302 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS VARIANCE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY PLANNER AND REVIEW OF APPLICATION AND NECESSARY MATERIALS BEING SUBMITTED. A. Application Checklist B. Schedule of Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings ITEMS TO ACCOMPANY VARIANCE APPLICATION A. Submittals as required in the attached application checklist, describing the variance(s) proposed. B. Two copies of a list of property owners within 350 feet of the subject property. APPLICATION FEES: A. $200 Variance Fee TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED ZC)o .0 o CITY RECEIPT NUMBER CQ (43S DATE RECEIVED Z IICq Acknowledgement: The undersigned hereby represents upon all of the penalties of law, for the purpose of inducing the City of Columbia Heights to take the action herein requested, that all statements herein are true and that all work herein mentioned will be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Columbia Heights and the State of Minnesota: PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE (If different from Applicant) DATE COMMUIF Y DEVELOPMENT STAFFMEMSER AND TITLE J DATE fF (-- , Gt Plat ✓tom ✓" l 2 /Z�) Revised 2005 Approved by the Columbia Heights Planning Commission on Approved by the Columbia Heights City Council on Page 2 of 2 to Ins. l; j t,k o(- r har -�O�PAuj Serer tx jj W-e fi--e- se� -oaf 5z4' 1 po C� pu /ka-vv \,f Z� V\�A ry_. Subject Property ANC °i0�� LIGHT IS 12 INCH TALL STONE POST AND BASE HAVE REBAR GOING THROUGH THEM AND THE SIGN SO THAT THEY ARE ONE PIECE TOTAL SQFT OF SIGN - 72.50SF SIGN FACE - 35 SF "LIGHTHOUSE" COLUMN -17.5 SF "BASE" - 19.95 SF 70 in 5ft -10 in FACE MATERIAL: XX ADDITIONAL NOTES: ---------------- I T IIIP cl - 36" 3ft -0 in 160 in 13ft -4 in 72 in Eft -0 in I 66 in 5ft -5 in ELECTRICAL: THIS SIGN 15 INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND /OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES, THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUND AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. it I lk SCALE:I " =1' MAIN SIGN FACE IS 121NCHESTHICK Existing Sign 70 in 5ft -10 in BASE IS 16 INCH TALL 27 INCH WIDE SALESMAN: AARON USELMAN DATE: 12/27/16 LOCATION: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN SQ FT: DRAWN BY: TONY OLAUSON SCALE:SEE ABOVE �w iM1edrenrwarrsmamarmesugeamavermb epnmMOnampynynlMbvamlNparry rnaaemarsoawyaiusmarbewwesunleamaaeraeamm�are! oceraamyiynliwlceeoNermcepmmdebbympy�gmmw, abaeaaemwaaouaeresaaaereazanNaaaweargmroaproeuce. meaiemmmerwamnmmmrewpygnrroaeM1aamearemoveadomammamrialuxainprepanrgmcwciearwaenor repmEUaon.TOSUpponNeuwanarNea Nedimra9reesmiMemniryana M1ONScenicSgnAarMessrorellaNliry aamayezaMaMmeyreeamarmnybe inwrtaEinarrymyaladgnmmiMeEwMmpyrgM1linlnig ememimWrspmewoAproEUCeCOrpmnaM. � 14" 1 _2" 12" 601. 5, -On SCALE: 3/4" = 1' L /GNCO ®� `L_II I I 0 2 120" 10' -0" 94" 7,_10" 89" T -5" ELECTRICAL' THIS SIGN 15 INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REOUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND /OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES, THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUND AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. RED = PMS 202C BROWN= PMS 462C ACAPULCO GOLD METALLIC = MP21245 1s" BEIGE = PMS 7499C 1' -3" Fm —j— 41" S9NIOR LIVING 4„ aft -Sin 4" 24" 2'-0" TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR SIGN - 86.765F EACH COLUMN - 5 SF - l OSF TOTAL SIGN FACE - 76.76 SF ROUTERED .090 ALUMINUM FACE (FABRICATED LIKE REVERSE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS) 21NCH DEEP RETURN TO EACH SIDE OF FRAME 94" t a" i z 14.. X -RAY VIEW SCALE: 3/4" = V 65" 5' -5" r.ITUBE Proposed Sign ROUTERED.090 ALUMINUM FACE (FABRICATED LIKE REVERSE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS) 1 INCH DEEP RETURN TO EACH SIDE OF FRAME DECORATIVE TOP ROUTERED .090 ALUMINUM 2 INCHES DEEP EXPLODED VIEW: NOT TO SCALE 33" MAIN 21NCH STEELTUBE CABINET �SKUNNED WITH ALUMINUM 2 INCHES DEEP EXTRA ELEMENT: N/A RETAINER SIZE: XX LIGHTING TYPE: NONE POLE QUANTITY: XX SALESMAN: AARON USELMAN DATE: 11 /28/16 # OF FACES: 1 DIVIDER BAR SIZE: XX LED COLOR: N/A # OF EMC FACES: NONE FACE MATERIAL:.090 ALUMINUM FRAME MATERIAL: STEEL POLE TYPE: XX BRAND: N/A LOCATION: WEST FARGO, MN _ SQ FT: CABINET TYPE: CUSTOM PHOTO EYE: NONE POLE HEIGHT: XX ADDITIONAL NOTES: _ DRAWN BY: RYAN UNGER SCALE:SEE ABOVE meaienlNMerwamMaHal no han"M moo, has Eeen mmovM M1om anymammal usMIn"pals, M s ai motherly NON - LIT DOUBLE SIDED STEEL FRAME SKUN W/,090 ALUM. 4'-98 111 51-6" 4 5 132" FRAME x0v fo!v S�IEHHOIR M V E H a �NDEPENDEHT � ASS[ISTED � MEMORY CARE 12'.4" DISTANCE BETWEEN POLES 9 10 11 12 2" STEEL FRAME 6" ALUM. DECORATIVE BORDER FSKUN W/.090 ALUM. O.A.W. V-8" CAP f I I 3' CAP V-6" BRICK 61-6" POLE COVER O.A.H. Amount of Signs: 3 Sign Area Cantrold Height 11.625 4.750 0 53.972 5.750 11.625 4.750 Average CenWd Height is: 5.449 Total Combined Area (square footage) is: 77.222 Cantroid Height 5.449 ft Sign Arm: 77.222 sq ft Number of Support Columns: 2 Steel type: new Wind Pressure: 30.000 lbs/ sq It Section Modulus: 2.525 per column Schedule 40 pipe (in Inches.ROUND): 4.000 each column OR 3.500 Inch Steel SQUARE Tube:(O. 188 inch wall),each column Caisson type: Circular Base Diameter/Width: 2.000 It Vert Bearing Soil pressure: 1600 4 0 Lateral Sending Soil Pressure: 150 4 Est Sign Weight: 500.000 lbs Est. Column Weight: 500.000 lbs/eacin Footing Depth: 6,600 It per column Valid Footing Diameter. 2.00D It per column Concrete Yards: 0.624 yards per column x 2 = 1.248 yards total 21 120-6" CENTER OF TUBES 6' BRICK O.A.H. 11r.1i 4 5'-6" I_ 2' --- 15 INSTALL (2) 4" SQUARE STEEL TUBES FABRICATE AND INSTALL, (1) DOUBLE SIDED NON-LIT SIGN. SEE OTHER DRAWING, FOR COLOR AND GRAPHIC INFORMA