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2004 Resolution Index
2004 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG 2004-01 Minor Subdivision for Parkside Villa 1-12-04 2004-02 Support approval of CRT's 1-12-04 2004-03 SCADA System 1-26-04 2004-04 Loan from Council to EDA for purchase of NEI property 1-26-04 2004-05 Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant 2-9-04 2004-06 Accept Feasibility Report Zone 6 2-9-04 2004-07 Accept Feasibility Report Zone 7A 2-9-04 2004-08 Mutual Aid Agreement 2-9-04 2004-09 Primary Service Area Cooperative Service Agreement 2-23-04 2004-10 Establish Precincts 3-22-04 2004-11 Award JPA contract w/Coon Rapids - seal coating 3-8-04 2004-12 Award JPA contract w/Coon Rapids - street stripping 3-8-04 2004-13 2004 Zone 7A Street Rehab 3-8-04 2004-14 2004 Seal coat Zone 6 3-8-04 2004-15 Juvenile Accountability Grant 3-22-04 2004-16 Revocation rental license 1020 44th 3-22-04 2004-17 Declare intent to bond Zone 7A Rehab 4-12-04 2004-18 MSAS Funds for local transportation 4-12-04 2004-19 Pans/Specs/Order Bids Zone 7A 4-12-04 2004-20 SCADA 4-12-04 2004-21 Breathing Apparatus -Fire Dept. 4-26-04 2004-22 Abatement 3730 Tyler 4-26-04 2004-23 Charitable Gambling 4-26-04 2004-24 Award of Misc. Concrete Bid 5-10-04 2004-25 Revocation Rental license 3823 Polk St. 5-10-04 2004-26 AFSCME Contract 6-14-04 2004-27 Award Street Rehab Zone 7A 5-24-04 2004-28 SAC/WAC Fees 5-24-04 2004-29 Adopt 2005 Proposed Budget NOT READ 2004-30 Non-union Supervisor contract 6-14-04 2004-31 Non-union Essential/Confidential Contract 6-14-04 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG 2004-32 Adopt Teamsters-Sergeants Contract 6-14-04 2004-33 Reallocate CDBG Funds/NEI 6-14-04 2004-34 Mod TIF Dist. Establish Huset Park TIF 6-28-04 2004-35 Approve IAFF Contract 6-28-04 2004-36 Cable Renewal Process 6-28-04 2004-37 Civilian Emergency Response Team 7-26-04 2004-38 Proposed Budget for 2005 9-13-04 2004-39 PrimalT/General Election Judges 8-9-04 2004-40 Safe and Sober Campaign 8-9-04 2004-41 PMA Managers Assoc Agreement 9-13-04 2004-42 Election Judge Salaries 8-23-04 2004-43 Adopt Goals for City 8-23-04 2004-44 Adopt Mission Statement 8-23-04 2004-45 Adopt Proposed Rules of Conduct NOT READ 2004-46 2005 Business License Fees 8-23-04 2004-47 Referendum - build gymnasiums NOT READ 2004-48 2004 Law Enforcement Program 9-13-04 2004-49 2004 IUOE Labor Agreement 9-13-04 2004-50 Canvas 2004 Primary Election 9-15-04 2004-51 Subdivision 1813 40th Avenue 9-27-04 2004-52 Subdivision 1226 43rd Avenue 11-22-04 2004-53 Neg. Need Environmental Impact Statement - Ind. Park 9-27-04 2004-54 Elimination of Parcels TIF K-2 District 10-25-04 2004-55 Modification to Downtown CDB & est. Huset Park TIF 10-25-04 2004-56 Sharer-Richardson Private Redevelopment Contract 9-27-04 2004-57 Amount of Assessments to be levied 9-27-04 2004-58 Industrial Park Comp Plan Amendment 9-27-04 2004-59 MNDOT Drainage facilities 9-27-04 2004-60 inter-fund Loan for 3939 Central 9-27-04 2004-61 Designated Fund Balance to Fund 420 9-27-04 2004-62 Levy & Adopt Assessments Zone 6 Seal Coat 10-11-04 2004-63 Levy & Adopt Assessments Zone 7A Street Reconst. 10-11-04 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG 2004-64 Cert Delinquent Utility & Misc. Charges 10-11-04 2004-65 Police Department fees 10-11-04 2004-66 Abatement 4512 Cleveland 10-11-04 2004-67 Amend Charitable Gambling 10-25-04 2004-68 Lot Split 1600 41st & 450 Tyler 10-25-04 2004-69 Establish Penalties Police fees 10-25-04 2004-70 SACCC Joint Powers Agreement NOT READ 2004-71 Clean up Grant Application Phase #3 10-25-04 2004-72 Tax Base Revitalization Grant 10-25-04 2004-73 Abatement 4901 5t~ Street 10-25-04 2004-74 Bids - Bldg Demo & Phase I Clean Up - Ind. Park 10-25-04 2004-75 Revocation 1324 Circle Terrace 10-25-04 2004-76 Canvass 2004 General Election 11-3-04 2004-77 Revocation 1635 49tt~ Avenue 11-8-04 2004-78 Abatement 3730 Tyler St 11-8-04 2004-79 An'bitration Award - Police Officers 11-22-04 2004-80 Change December Council meeting date 11-22-04 2004-81 Reject bids for Water Tower fencing 11-22-04 2004-82 Sale TIF Refunding Bonds 11-22-04 2004-83 Reallocate CDBG funds 12-13-04 2004-84 2005 Budget, City Levy, HRA Levy 12-13-04 2004-85 Sr. Citizen Utility. - income guidelines 12-13-04 2004-86 Sr. Citizen Special Assessment Deferral 12-13-04 2004-87 Designate Official Depositories 12-13-04 2004-88 City Manager Compensation 12-13-04 2004-89 Prep: Zone 7B & Zone 1A Street Rehabilitation 12-13-04 2004-90 Additional Employer Health Insurance Contribution 12-13-04 2004-91 Feasibility Report & Prep of Plans/Specs Huset Parkway 12-13-04 2004-92 Establish Property Maintenance Inspection Fees NOT READ