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Operational Report for Barb Kondrick
City of Columbia Heights | [z,©©ä th 820 40 Ave NE Ph: 763-706-3690 -706-3691 www.columbiaheightsmn.gov Board of Trustees Patricia Sowada Chair Nancy Hoium Vice-Chair TO: Renee Dougherty, Library Director Catherine Vesley Secretary FROM: Barb Kondrick, Adult Services Librarian Steve Smith Barbara L. Tantanella SUBJECT: Adult Services October 2015 Operational Report Member at Large DATE: November 2, 2015 Gary Peterson Council Liaison Renee Dougherty I.Adult Programs and Displays Library Director a.The main floor lobby area contained an ongoing display for the new library and a display for Banned Books The Sister Cities of Columbia Heights created -American Heritage b.Adult book displays include: --in to (Books based on Sherlock Holmes characters), th Corpsas a tie-in to an Oct. 13 program featuring Bill Jamerson, writer, singer, songwriter). c.Five adults attended Senior Surf on Wednesday, Oct. 7. d.The Nonfiction Book Club met Friday, Oct. 16. Six adults attended e.The Library Book Club met Wednesday, Oct. 16, Staggerfordby Jon Hassler. Sixteen adults attended. f.Seventeen adult volunteers donated 70 hours in August. They delivered materials to at-home patrons, priced and prepared books for the sale cart, facilitated the non-fiction book club, served as greeters for library programs and completed various tasks in the library. g.At-home patrons checked out 40 items, delivered by volunteers and staff. II.Meetings, etc. a.The Friends met Wednesday, Oct. 7 at Basha Grill. b.The Library Board met Wednesday, Oct. 7. th c.Barb and Renee attended the MLA Annual Conference in St. Paul on Oct. 8 and th 9. d.Barb attended the Anoka County Services to Older Adults Programm meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 28. III.Projects a.Music CD weeding was completed. b.Supply orders and adult audiobook orders were placed. c.Copy for Heights Happenings was submitted.