HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 6, 2015 Minutes OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TRAFFIC COMMISSION MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Ed Carlson at 5:31 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Commissioners Ed Carlson, Leonard Olson, and Charles Tyler Members absent: Commissioners Brian Clerkin and Kevin Doty Staff Present: Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer Lenny Austin, Police Captain Carole Blowers Knoll, Administrative Assistant-HR Council Liaison: Donna Schmitt APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY PRO TEM Motion by Tyler, seconded by Olson to appoint Carole Blowers Knoll as Secretary Pro Tem. Motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Tyler, seconded by Olson, to approve the minutes of June 1, 2015, as presented. Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF TWO-WAY OR FOUR-WAY “STOP” SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF QUINCY STREET AND 43AVENUE STOPPING TRAFFIC ON QUINCY RD STREET OR 43AVENUE RD Residents present: rd Gerald & Lois Peterson, 707 43 Avenue NE Tom & Brittani Locker, 4300 Quincy St NE Susan Lowe, 4256 Jackson Street NE Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer, advised that at the Traffic Commission meeting on June 1, 2015, Commissioners called for a Public Hearing to consider changing the YIELD signs on Quincy Street to TWO-WAY or FOUR-WAY STOP signs. Ms. Susan Lowe submitted a request to City Council members regarding traffic control at the intersection of Quincy Street and 43Avenue. Residents are requesting the YIELD signs be replaced with TWO-WAY rd or FOUR-WAY STOP signs. The concern is the number of accidents. Several area residents attended the Traffic Commission meeting in June. At the meeting, residents felt a four-way stop at the intersection is needed. Traffic on Quincy Street stops at 42Avenue and 44Avenue. nd th Traffic on 43Avenue stops at Monroe Street and Central Avenue. rd Young advised that the intersection does not meet the guidelines in the MMUTCD for four-way stop signs. Since there were concerns about the steepness of the roads in that area, different locations were checked, and Madison and Jefferson were steeper than Quincy Street. Traffic Commission Minutes – July 6, 2015 Page 2 The Police Department reviewed the reported accident record at this intersection, as well as the surrounding intersections, from January 1, 2010 to May 15, 2015. Detailed information was provided in the agenda packet for the hearing this evening. There have been nine accidents at this intersection over the five year period. Seven of the nine accidents have been during winter months. Traffic on 43Avenue is almost twice the volume of traffic on Quincy Street, averaging 660 vehicles per rd day compared to 345. The downhill grades of other streets approaching stop signs are just as steep as or steeper than Quincy Street. The Police Department surveyed the speed of north bound vehicles on Quincy Street approaching 43 rd Avenue. The average speed, collected over several days and at various hours, was 19.5 mph. A member rd from the audience stated that 43 is where there are the most speeders. There was concern from the audience about the winter months when motorists end up in people’s yards. Some felt the yield signs should be replaced with stop signs, as the yield signs were not effective. Some felt four-way stops were the answer. The discussion tonight was to decide if there should be a two-way or four-way stop and where the stops rd should be located. Young stated that putting stop signs on 43 Avenue at Quincy Street would only be 330 feet apart from stop signs on Monroe Street, which is not appropriate. Captain Austin stated that there ndnd were no accidents at 42 and Jackson, and one accident at 42 and Quincy Street. rd Olson stated that 43 is the problem. Staff recommends two-way stop signs be installed. Carlson asked if anyone else wished to comment on the issue. Motion by Tyler, seconded by Olson to recommend to the City Council to install two-way STOP signs at rd the intersection of Quincy Street and 43 Avenue, stopping traffic on Quincy Street. Motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS REQUEST TO REMOVE YIELD SIGN AND INSTALL STOP SIGN ON UPLAND CREST AT HEIGHTS DRIVE Ms. Bonita Entsminger (4612 Heights Drive), a 20 year resident of the city, is requesting the YIELD sign on Upland Crest be changed to a STOP sign at the intersection with Heights Drive. The concern is that drivers are running the yield sign and presenting a danger to vehicles on Heights Drive. The Traffic Commission reviewed this intersection in July 2014. At that time, there had been no reported accidents in the last five years. The Commission denied the request based on the MMUTCD guideline of using a yield sign at intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times. Ms. Entsminger is requesting the Traffic Commission review the intersection again because of two recent accidents. In both accidents, southbound drivers did not slow down at the intersection, failed to negotiate the curve, and one hit a vehicle parked on Heights Drive and one hit a tree. Ms. Entsminger feels that if a stop sign was placed at the intersection, vehicles would approach the intersection at a slower speed and be able to negotiate the curve. Heights Drive is curved south of the intersection and straight north of the intersection. Upland Crest intersects Heights Drive at an angle. An aerial photo was attached with the agenda packet. Visibility for Traffic Commission Minutes – July 6, 2015 Page 3 both streets north of the intersection is good. Visibility south of the intersection is limited somewhat with the combination of the curve in Heights Drive, the angle of Upland Crest, and area landscaping. Each leg has a yellow PLAYGROUND sign with 20 MPH plaques (advisory). Ms. Entsminger stated several times that this is a park and there are children present often; something needs to be done. She stated the 20 MPH signs are ignored. Young stated that possibly a larger yield sign could be placed there. Tyler stated that kind of situation exists in numerous parts of the city, and the state is recommending that we do NOT install more stop signs in our city. It’s not an expense issue to put stop signs instead of the yield signs. Young stated that the more stop signs you put up, the less they are respected/obeyed. Captain Austin asked when the busiest times are in the area. Ms. Entsminger stated from 2 p.m. into the evening. It was suggested that the Police Department put up a speed trailer and monitor the speeds in the area and keep her informed, and report back to this commission on August 3, 2015. Motion by Carlson, seconded by Olson, to table this issue and have the Police Department monitor the area (Upland Crest at the intersection with Heights Drive) and discuss the issue at the August 3, 2015 Traffic Commission meeting. Motion passed unanimously. OTHER OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS REQUEST FOR STOP SIGN AT LINCOLN TERRACE AND PIERCE TERRACE Ms. Layla Rismoen (1493 Lincoln Terrace) has requested stop signs be installed at the intersection of Lincoln Terrace and Pierce Terrace. The concern is the speed of vehicles and the number of children in the area. Ms. Rismoen also requested information concerning installation of a speed hump. The required petition and cost information in accordance with the City policy is being provided to Ms. Rismoen. Pierce and Lincoln is a “T” intersection with through traffic on Pierce Terrace. Visibility at the intersection is good. Young stated that in order for a speed hump to be installed, 75% of the people between the closest traffic control must agree to the speed hump, which would include people on Johnson Street. Six people who live on Lincoln Terrace would have to fund it. Some commissioners expressed concern over a speed hump, citing safety issues and problems when there is snowplowing. It was suggested that since the Police Department would be putting up speed monitors fairly close to this location, perhaps they could monitor this area as well. Captain Austin asked what times would be the best; Ms. Rismoen stated the mornings and then from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Ms. Rismoen stated she just wants the best solution to the problem. Motion by Olson, seconded by Tyler to table this issue until more data from the Police Department is received. Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS A.CITY ENGINEER Young stated that the issue of parking on the west side of Monroe Street from 46½ Avenue to 47th Traffic Commission Minutes – July 6, 2015 Page 4 Avenue has been brought up again. Carlson stated this has been an ongoing problem since 1992. Captain Austin stated that the complainants did not wish to continue this issue by meeting with this Commission. Young stated a discussion with the complainants suggested Hilltop remove the “no parking” signs. Also, another issue is trash left in yards. It was learned in a discussion with the Hilltop City Clerk that parking is not allowed on ANY street in Hilltop. There used to be “no parking” signs thth along Monroe from 48 to 49, but many signs were stolen, and no more “no parking” signs have been posted. The City of Hilltop feels the no parking on Monroe Street is important for visibility of students walking to school. B.POLICE Nothing further. C.COMMISSIONERS Olson asked when there will be discussions regarding increased traffic expected from the new construction near 53rd and Central Avenues. He stated that MnDot needs to get involved as we will need traffic counts, etc. with the addition of Chipolte and other businesses in that area. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Olson, seconded by Carlson, to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Carole Blowers-Knoll Administrative Assistant-Human Resources