HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 Proposed Detail Budget OMNI "Ipohe Cloty AMW .Am, AW of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Administration CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 2003 PROPOSED DETAILED BUDGET FOR ADMINISTRATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Narrative Activity Description............................................................. l [)bjectiveS.........''...,..'.............................'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ] Budget Comments............................................................... 5 Summary Data Mayor-Council /l0}-4]ll0\.................................................... 7 City Manager(l0}-4l320)...................................................... 8 Assessing (]0l-4]550)....,.,,....^............,...........,......,.,........... g Te*o| Services (101-41610).................................................... lU Detail Revenue Administration Revenue......................................................... ll Detail Expense Mayor-Council Detui}ed Expenses....,...—.....—.....—............. ]] Mayor-Council (}01-41110) Summary of Cost Fact0rS..........—..—. 15 City Manager Detailed Expenses................................................ 17 City Manager(101-41370) Summary uf Cost Factors....................... 19 Assessing Detailed Expenses.—...--..—.-..--.—........—......... 20 Legal Services Detailed Expenses (l0l-4l6]0)............................... 21 Reviewer's Notes CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Administration Budget Narrative Activity Description Mayor-Council 101-41110 The City Council is the legislative branch of city government. The Council is responsible for the establishment of policies and the adoption of local ordinances and resolutions. They appoint the City Manager and members of various advisory boards and commissions. The Council consists of a Mayor who is elected for a two-year term and four Councilmembers, who are elected at large for staggered four-year terms. City Manager 101-41320 This department is responsible for the administration of all activities, functions, and programs of the City in accordance with the policies and guidelines adopted by the City Council. Duties of the department include planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating the operations of all departments, with the exception of the Police Department. This department is responsible for personnel, labor relations, and employee relations functions of the City. Assessing 101-41550 The Assessing Department provides tax and homestead information, and processes homestead applications. Through a joint powers agreement with Anoka County, the County provides for the assessment of property in Columbia Heights. The City contracted with the County for special assessment billing services beginning in 2003. Legal Services 101-41610 The Legal Services Department handles all civil lawsuits and prosecution for the City. These services are currently contracted under retainer with the law firm of Barna, Guzy, and Steffen, Ltd. This department also budgets for outside labor attorney services. 2004AdminComments.xls 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Administration Budget Narrative Objectives for 2004 Mayor-Council 101-41110 1. Promote the City in a positive way. 2. Conduct goal setting retreat. 3. Implement public Web access to City Code. City Manager 101-41320 1. Improve two-way communications with the public. 2. Implement Phase 2 of CityView Human Resources Module. Assessing 101-41550 1. Research feasibility of public Web access to special assessment information. 2. Fully implement CityView Assessment Module. Legal Services 101-41610 1. Assess and evaluate provision of prosecution services. 2004AdminComments.xls 3 BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Budget Comments Mayor-Council 101-41110 The Mayor-Council budget decreased by$9,892 from 2003 to 2004. Personal Services decreased by$576, due to a decrease in overtime budgeted. Other Services and Charges decreased by$8,316, primarily due to a $4,400 decrease in expert and professional services, a $500 decrease in training and educational activities, and a $2,716 decrease in insurance and bonds, offset by minor increases and decreases to other line items. Other Financing Uses decreased by$1,000, due to a decrease in contingencies. City Manager 101-41320 The City Manager budget decreased by$19,919 from 2003 to 2004. Personal Services decreased by$7,508 due to no monies or associated fringe budgeted for an intern, and a decrease in overtime budgeted. Supplies decreased by$5,675, due to a decrease in monies budgeted for computer equipment. Other Services and Charges decreased by $6,736, primarily due to a $2,000 decrease to expert and professional services, a $4,000 decrease to advertising employment, and minor decreases to other line items. Assessing 101-41550 There was no change to the Assessing budget from 2003 to 2004. Monies are budgeted for contracted property appraising services through Anoka County($95,000) and contracted special assessment billing services through Anoka County ($6,000). Legal Services 101-41610 The Legal Services budget decreased by$8,882 from 2003 to 2004. Paralegal civil process decreased by$1,000 due to no monies budgeted based on past expenditures; attorney fees-other decreased by$2,000; legal notice publishing decreased by$50; insurance and bonds decreased by$132; miscellaneous charges decreased by$4,700; and subscriptions and memberships decreased by$1,000. 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Mayor-Council Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Mayor-Council Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-41110 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 115,780 123,770 111,102 110,526 110,526 Supplies 1,805 893 2,050 2,050 2,050 Other Services and Charges 69,957 73,837 81,362 73,046 73,046 Capital Outlay 1,565 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 703 255 16,500 15,500 15,500 Total Expenses 189,810 198,755 211,014 201,122 201,122 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Assessing Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Assessing Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-41550 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 35,836 14,415 0 0 0 Supplies 55 34 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 89,136 95,822 101,000 101,000 101,000 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 125,027 110,271 101,000 101,000 101,000 9 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 Administration Revenue Legal Mayor-Council City Manager Assessing Services 101 101 101 101 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 119,185 149,177 59,822 90,483 31014 Area-Wide Taxes 31,762 39,752 15,941 24,112 33401 Local Government Aid 44,501 55,702 22,338 33,786 33405 PERA Increase Aid 642 805 323 488 34107 Special Assessment Searches 0 0 50 0 35101 Court Fines 0 0 0 35,000 36210 Interest on Investments 5,032 6,299 2,526 3,821 39207 Admin Overhead-Comm. Dev. 0 5,870 0 0 39210 Administration Overhead-Library 0 1,467 0 0 39212 Administration Overhead-Cable TV 0 59,330 0 0 39214 Administration Overhead-Liquor Fund 0 3,666 0 0 39215 Administration Overhead-Water Fund 0 3,666 0 0 39216 Administration Overhead-Sewer Fund 0 3,666 0 0 39217 Administration Overhead-Refuse Fund 0 31,693 0 0 39218 Administration Overhead-Recycling 0 31,694 0 0 Total Revenue 201,122 392,787 101,000 187,690 Expenses Personal Services 110,526 352,295 0 0 Supplies 2,050 4,025 0 0 Other Services and Charges 73,046 36,467 101,000 187,690 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 15,500 0 0 0 Total Expenses 201,122 392,787 101,000 187,690 Summary Total Revenue 201,122 392,787 101,000 187,690 Total Expenses 201,122 392,787 101,000 187,690 Change to Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 11 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41110 MAYOR-COUNCIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 79,070 81,726 82,604 82,604 82,604 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES _ _ _ _ _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1,163 409 1,000 250 250 1030 VACATION&SICK 463 1,125 - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - (17,362) (17,062) (17,062) 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 4,119 4,380 4,458 4,369 4,369 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 6,224 6,463 6,152 6,340 6,340 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 16 - 245 - - 1300 INSURANCE 24,524 29,464 38,520 38,520 38,520 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 202 203 435 409 409 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ _ _ 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - (4,950) (4,904) (4,904) - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 115,780 123,770 111,102 110,526 110,526 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 299 314 300 300 300 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 537 79 - - - _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 676 204 - - - _ 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 73 250 250 250 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS 96 180 250 250 250 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 33 - 250 250 250 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 164 38 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - 5 _ _ _ 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - _ _ _ TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,805 893 2,050 2,050 2,050 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11,311 13,630 9,500 5,100 5,100 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 4,271 2,235 4,000 3,500 3,500 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 570 599 501 451 451 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 1,000 1,100 1,100 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - _ _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 688 764 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 2,704 2,063 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - _ _ _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 468 - 500 500 500 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 13,760 20,892 27,159 24,443 24,443 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 158 - 50 50 50 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. - 38 - - - _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES - 6,177 - - _ 4300 MISC. CHARGES 64 - 500 250 250 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 34,593 26,302 29,502 29,502 29,502 - 4371 QUEEN EVENTS - - - - _ _ 4372 CITY FLOAT - 4373 BUS MAINTENANCE _ _ 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - 35 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 MAYOR-COUNCIL BUDGET 101-41110 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Frin e &Fringe Mayor 0.20 0.20 9,000 7,652 16,652 9,000 7,602 16,602 4 Councilmembers 0.80 0.80 31,200 29,784 60,984 31,200 29,776 60,976 Council Secretary 1.00 1.00 43,404 12,374 55,778 42,654 12,260 54,914 Subtotal 2.00 2.00 83,604 49,810 133,414 82,854 49,638 132,492 Labor Allocation From: Labor Allocation To: 10141320 (040) (0.40) (17.362) (4.950) (22.312) (17.062) (4.904) (21.966) Total 1.60 1.60 66,242 44,860 111,102 65,792 44,734 110,526 Supplies Audio cassettes,paper,misc. 300 Computer paper,labels,diskettes,cartridges 250 Business cards for Mayor/Councilmembers Miscellaneous printing 250 Cups,napkins,other misc supplies 250 Refreshments for city-sponsored events,meetings,etc. 1,000 Other Services&Charges Updates to City codes 1,500 Subscriptions,Memberships to Placement of City Code on Internet 800 various associations: Cost for Company to Host on Internet 300 Facilitator for goal-setting retreat 2,500 Values First 5,600 Attendance at conf/seminars for Assoc of Metro Municipalities 5,500 Mayor/Councilmembers/Deputy City Clerk 3,500 League of MN Cities 11,000 Portion of main telephone trunk line 351 Suburban Rate Authority 900 Long distance charges 100 Mediation Sery of Anoka County 1,852 Postage 1,100 Nat League of Cities 1,200 Local travel expense 1,000 Sister Cities Int'I 450 Travel expense associated with attendance Miscellaneous 3,000 at conf/seminars/meetings 4,000 Legal notice publishing 500 Plaques,engraving,etc.for volunteers/ Liability&property insurance 24,443 bd/commission members 500 Typewriter repair 50 Civic Affairs contributions 600 Miscellaneous charges 250 Human Sery&Charter Comm Ann Dinner 1,350 Sales Tax 700 Caoital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers Misc Expenditures not otherwise budgeted 14,000 Sunshine Fund 1,500 2004AdminComme nts.xis 15 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41320 CITY MANAGER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 238,985 254,839 261,397 261,397 261,397 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - - _ _ 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - 5,000 - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 228 211 1,500 250 250 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 5,262 2,025 - - - _ 1050 SEVERANCE PAY _ _ _ 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 1062 MISC REIMBURSEMENT - _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 5,965 - 17,362 17,062 17,062 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - _ _ - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 11,952 13,565 14,904 14,835 14,835 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 18,702 19,647 19,536 19,400 19,400 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 20 - 530 - - 1300 INSURANCE 22,804 25,689 25,680 25,680 25,680 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - _ _ _ _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 2,546 2,719 2,344 2,167 2,167 1520 WORKERS COMP BENEFIT PAYMENT - - _ _ _ 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 3,147 - 4,950 4,904 4,904 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - _ _ _ _ TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 316,213 325,295 359,803 352,295 352,295 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 588 244 600 600 600 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 66 _ _ _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 766 4,195 7,000 1,325 1,325 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 213 211 600 600 600 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS - 172 400 400 400 - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - 500 500 500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 26 16 300 300 300 - 2172 UNIFORMS - 200 - - - _ 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 102 40 300 300 300 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,695 5,145 9,700 4,025 4,025 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV, 3,669 5,537 10,700 8,700 8,700 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,318 1,274 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 415 549 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,750 1,886 3,031 2,740 2,740 - 3220 POSTAGE 828 881 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 78 71 200 200 200 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 606 572 750 750 750 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 632 945 1,425 1,425 1,425 - 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT 15,881 13,742 12,000 8,000 8,000 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 175 - - _ _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - _ _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,240 1,883 2,447 2,202 2,202 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 80 - 250 50 50 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 250 250 250 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 CITY MANAGER BUDGET 101-41320 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Frin e &Frin e City Manager 1.00 1.00 105,093 20,766 125,859 105,093 20,485 125,578 Asst.to City Manager 1.00 1.00 75,536 16,784 92,320 75,536 16,761 92,297 Admin.Secretary 1.00 1.00 43,904 12,444 56,348 42,654 12,260 54,914 Spec.Proj.Coord. 1.00 1.00 44,964 12,590 57,554 44,964 12,576 57,540 Intern 0.25 0.00 5,000 410 5,410 0 0 0 Subtotal 4.25 4.00 274,497 62,994 337,491 268,247 62,082 330,329 Labor Allocation From: 10141110 0.40 0.40 17,362 4,950 22,312 17,062 4,904 21,966 Labor Allocation To: Total 4.65 4.40 291,859 67,944 359,803 285,309 66,986 352,295 Supplies Notebook,appt books,folders,notepads 600 Training books/films 500 Cityview support 1,000 Misc general supplies 300 Computer monitor 325 Coffee,juice,snacks for Computer paper,labels,diskettes,cartridges 600 visitors and meetings 300 Forms,business cards,etc. 400 Other Services&Charges Metro Clinic of Counseling(EAP Services) 2,200 Postage 1,200 Medtox Drug Testing 1,500 Other Communications(courier, 200 New Employee Physicals 2,000 UPS,Pager) City-wide staff training 3,000 Local Travel Expense 750 MPELRA Conference Registration 250 Hotel,Air Fare,Transportation& LMC Conference Registration 500 Meals at Various Conf 1,425 ICMA Conference Registration 500 Employment Ads 8,000 Misc Conferences/Seminars(MuniciPals,PSI, Liability/Property Insurance 2,202 Employment Law Institute,etc.) 1,250 Typewriter Repair 50 Education Reimbursement 1,000 Miscellaneous Charges 250 Main Telephone Trunk Line 2,040 Various Prof Mbrships& Long Distance Charges 200 Subscriptions for City 2,500 Cellular Phone Charges 500 Costs Associated with Employee Recognition Program 4,000 Sales Tax 950 Capital Outlav None Contingencies&Transfers None 19 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41610 LEGAL SERVICES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2011 TOTALS: SUPPLIES - - _ _ _ _ OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 50,447 52,540 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 3042 ATTORNEY FEES-PROSECUTION 110,706 113,365 110,700 110,700 110,700 - 3043 PARA LEGAL-CIVIL PROCESS - - 1,000 - - 3044 PARA LEGAL-PROSECUTION - _ _ _ _ _ 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER 17,497 1,638 22,500 20,500 20,500 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - - _ _ 3051 EXPERT& PROF CIVIL PROCESS - - - - _ _ 3052 EXPERT& PROF PROSECUTION _ _ _ _ _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 50 - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 670 1,017 1,322 1,190 1,190 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES 3,369 925 10,000 5,300 5,300 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 3 13 1,000 _ _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 74 - - - - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 182,767 169,498 196,572 187,690 187,690 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,132 - - - - _ 5170 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,132 - - - - - TOTALS: LEGAL SERVICES 183,899 169,498 196,572 187,690 187,690 - TOTALS: GENERAL 183,899 169,498 196,572 187,690 187,690 - GRAND TOTALS: 183,899 169,498 196,572 187,690 187,690 - 21 � City of Columbia Heights 2004 Proposed Detail Budget Table of Contents Budget Narrative ActivityDescription................................. ...................................................................................1'1 Objectives................................................................................. ................ ............................... -3 BudgetComments............................. ......................................................................................1-5 Summary Data Elections /1O1-4141O\......................................... ................................. ....................................2-1 Finance (1U1-41510).............................. ........... ................. ...................................................2'2 Water Administration K601 -------------------------------2-3 Sewer Administration (S02-4949O)-------------------------------2-4 Storm Sewer Administration ........... .......... .......... ................. ........ .....................2-5 Information Systems (72O-4SS8{).................. ... .......................................................... ........2'S ISImaging (720-49981)............................................................ ...... .... .................. ...............2-7 IS |nbonnsd (720-4S882)..---------- ......................... .................. .................... ..........2'8 Detail Revenue Finance Department Revenue---------------------------------3'1 Detail Expense Elections Detailed Expenses........................ ............ ...... .......................................... ............4-1 Elections Summary of Cost Factors...................................... .........--........ ............................4-2 FinanceDetailed Expenses ......... ..................................................................................... .......4-3 Finance Summary ofCost Factors............... ................. ........ ............................. .................—4'5 Water Administration Detailed Expenses---------------------------'4-7 Water Administration Summary of Cost Factors........................ ...... ........................................ 4-8 Sewer Administration Detailed Expenses........................................................................... .......4-S Sewer Administration Summary ofCost Factors....................... ........................................... 4'10 Storm Sewer Administration Detailed Expenses-----------------------.4-11 Storm Sewer Summary of Cost Factors................................................................ ................'4-13 Information Systems Detailed Expenses............................ .....................................................4-14 Information Systems Summary ofCost Factors-----------------------'4-1O Information Systems Imaging Detailed Expenses ----------------------'4-18 Information Systems Imaging Summary ofCost Factors..........................................................4-1S Information Systems Internet Detailed Expenses-----------------------4'2O Information Systems Internet Summary ofCost Factors -------------------.4'21 Reviewer's Notes CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Activity Description Elections 101-41410 The purpose of this department is to conduct elections for the city, state and federal elections. Part-time election judges are hired to work at the polling locations on election day. The balance of responsibilities for elections is that of the Finance staff. There will be a primary election and a general election (including Presidential) in 2004. Finance 101-41510 The purpose of the Finance Department is to account for all financial operations of the City and to report on those operations. The Finance Department is responsible for budgeting, financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, utility billing, purchasing, liquor operations, and data processing within the City. Water Admin &General 601-49440 The Administration Department of the Water Utility Fund accounts for 33.3% of the costs associated with the utility billing process and one-half of the costs associated with meter reading. The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund -33.3% and the Refuse Utility Fund - 33.3%, and the remaining costs for the meter reading are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund. Sewer Admin &General 602-49490 The Administration Department of the Sewer Utility Fund accounts for 33.3% of the costs associated with the utility billing process and one-half of the costs associated with meter reading. The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Water Utility Fund-33.3% and the Refuse Utility Fund -33.3%, and the remaining costs for the meter reading are allocated to the Water Utility Fund. Storm Sewer Admin &General 604-49690 The Administration Department of the Storm Sewer Utility Fund accounts for costs directly associated with this fund. At this time, there are no allocated costs for the utility billing process and meter reading. Page 1-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Activity Description Information Systems 720-49980 The IS department provides information system's implementation, management, support, and training to the City and IS staff. With the City's dependence on information system, it is imperative to have staff on hand to support and develop the system. Modern information technologies and training increase City employees'productivity and reduce overall cost of information system ownership. IS Imaging 720-49981 The optical imaging system provides the City with superior document organization, storage and retrieval capabilities. It enhances our ability to store and share information, enabling us to better server the public. IS Internet 720-49982 Internet connections enable City employees to use e-mail for communication with public, to access government and commercial information systems and Web-sites. The City's Web site provides easily accessible and up-to-date information to the public. Page 1-2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Objectives Elections 101-41410 To keep current on all election laws and rules. To recruit more election judges and to have a pool of judges from which to draw. Finance 101-41510 One of the Finance Department's main objectives for 2003 was to complete the implementation of GASB 34: Basic Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments. During 2004, Finance will continue to further enhance policies and procedures for GASB 34, purchasing, capital assets and infrastructure to streamline the time involved and to provide for better use of City funds. Water Admin & General 601-49440 One of the Water Administration &General objectives for 2004 is to pursue alternative billing methods, including postage and mail-stuffing systems for greater efficiency and cost savings. Sewer Admin &General 602-49490 One of the Sewer Administration&General objectives for 2004 is to pursue alternative billing methods, including postage and mail-stuffing systems for greater efficiency and cost savings. Storm Sewer Admin&General 604-49690 One of the Storm Sewer Administration &General objectives for 2004 is to pursue billing methods, including postage and mail-stuffing systems for greater efficiency and cost savings. Page 1-3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Objectives Information Systems 720-49980 1. Continue implementation of CityView database system to increase staff productivity(simplify and secure access to the documents, consolidate data storage). 2. Increase network throughput by upgrading core network equipment. 3. Improve information system support and maintenance by upgrading network management software. 4. Train users and IS staff to better use City information system. IS Imaging 720-49981 1. Add City documents to the Laser Fiche imaging system on the ongoing basis. 2. Provide secure and reliable operation of the imaging system. IS Internet 720-49982 1. Support City Web site. 2. Provide Internet access to the public CityView and Laser Fiche documents. 3. Provide fast, reliable, and secure Internet access for City employees. Page 1-4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Budget 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Budget Comments Elections 101-41410 The proposed budget for 2004 is $1,735 over actual 2002 expenditures. This is due to a slight increase in personal costs, insurance, and printing costs. The other large expenditure is the payment to Anoka County of$8,105 for the final installment paying for the 9 new Accu-votes. Finance 101-41510 The proposed Finance Department Budget decreased by$29,055 from the 2003 adopted Budget. Due to cuts in Local Government Aid, the Finance Department is proposing to restructure the department, resulting in the lower personnel costs. Other cuts include out-of- state travel, office supplies, etc. Water Admin & General 601-49440 The proposed Water Administration & General Budget decreased by the net amount of$949, primarily due to the evaluation of actual costs. The increase is due to the increase in the Administrative Labor transferred each year to the general fund to cover the cost of administrative staff time. Decreases are from expert and professional services for 2004, which reflect actual expenses in prior years. Sewer Admin &General 602-49490 The proposed Sewer Administration & General Budget decreased by the net amount of$525, primarily due to the evaluation of actual costs. The increase is due to the increase in the Administrative Labor transferred each year to the general fund to cover the cost of administrative staff time. Decreases are from expert and professional services for 2004, which reflect actual expenses in prior years. Storm Sewer Admin &General 604-49690 The proposed Storm Sewer Administration & General Budget increased by$296. The increase is due to the increased cost of postage and audit costs. Pagel-5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Budget 2004 Functional Area of Finance Budget Narrative Budget Comments Information Systems 720-49980 The proposed budget for 2004 is $231,667 (increased from 2003 by$29,488- 15%). This increase is fully offset by decrease in IS Imaging and IS Internet budgets, so the total IS budget has decreased by$2,817. It includes funding for: -general IS support and maintenance -hardware to increase network throughput -hardware and software to improve IS security -upgrade of network maintenance software -training for users and IS staff -computer equipment and supplies IS Imaging 720-49981 The proposed budget for 2004 is $11,054 (decreased from 2003 by$8,884 -45%). It includes funding for: -imaging system support and maintenance -imaging media IS Internet 720-49982 The proposed budget for 2004 is $29,024 (decreased from 2003 by$23,421 -45%). It includes funding for: -support of City Web-site -support of Internet access for employees -upgrade of Internet connection services Page 1-6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Elections Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Elections Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-41410 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 27,495 0 28,084 28,084 Supplies 228 1,266 0 1,000 1,000 Other Services and Charges 659 540 0 670 670 Capital Outlay 6,406 6,823 8,105 8,105 8,105 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 7,293 36,124 8,105 37,859 37,859 Page 2-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Administration Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Water Administration Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 601-49440 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 1,060 1,408 2,000 2,000 2,000 Other Services and Charges 6,718 7,018 10,136 10,079 10,079 Capital Outlay 0 0 1,000 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 113,135 119,366 122,914 123,022 123,022 Total Expenses 120,913 127,792 136,050 135,101 135,101 Page 2-3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Storm Sewer Utility Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Storm Sewer Utility Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 604-49690 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 1,233 3,760 4,056 4,056 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 1,233 3,760 4,056 4,056 Page 2-5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of IS Imaging Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted IS Imaging Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 720-49981 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 5,734 0 0 Supplies 3,602 1,371 1,000 1,000 1,000 Other Services and Charges 10,042 7,280 10,204 7,954 7,954 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 3,000 2,100 2,100 Total Expenses 13,644 8,651 19,938 11,054 11,054 Page 2-7 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 Finance Revenue Elections Finance Water Sewer Storm Sewer IS 101 101 601 602 604 720 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 22,435 188,265 0 0 0 0 31014 Area-Wide Taxes 5,978 50,168 0 0 0 0 32182 Pet Licenses 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 33401 Local Government Aid 8,377 70,298 0 0 0 0 33405 PERA Increase Aid 121 1,016 0 0 0 0 36210 Interest on Investments 948 7,949 1,154 5,554 26 0 36211 Interest Current Value Credit 0 0 0 858 0 0 36219 Change in Fair Value 0 0 0 5 0 0 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 0 5 0 0 37100 Water Service Charge 0 0 114,567 0 0 0 37110 Interdepartmental Water Charge 0 0 1,154 0 0 0 37150 Water Turn Off/On 0 0 538 0 0 0 37160 Penalties 0 0 2,308 0 0 0 37165 Water Connection Fee 0 0 1,231 0 0 0 37170 Repair Water Meters, Cards 0 0 154 0 0 0 37175 Customer Service 0 0 19 0 0 0 37180 Sales Meters/Remote Units 0 0 385 0 0 0 37210 Sewer Service Charge 0 0 0 121,554 0 0 37211 Interdepartmental Sewer Charge 0 0 0 1,212 0 0 37250 SAC Charge Refund 0 0 0 757 0 0 37410 Storm Sewer Service Charge 0 0 0 0 2,813 0 39203 Transfer In-General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 39207 Admin Overhead-Comm. Dev. 0 42,035 0 0 0 0 39208 Transfer In-Cable TV 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 39210 Administration Overhead-Library 0 9,396 0 0 0 0 39214 Administration Overhead-Liquor 1 0 26,316 0 0 0 0 39215 Administration Overhead-Water 1 0 74,356 0 0 0 0 39216 Administration Overhead-Sewer 1 0 74,356 0 0 0 0 39217 Administration Overhead-Refuse 0 34,882 0 0 0 0 39218 Administration Overhead-Recyclii 0 34,882 0 0 0 0 39219 Transfer In-Liquor Fund 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 39221 Transfer In-Sewer Fund 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 39222 Transfer In-Water Fund 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 39223 Transfer In-Garage Fund 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 39225 Transfer In-Refuse 0 0 0 0 0 45,000 Total Revenue 37,859 614,918 121,510 129,945 2,839 310,000 Expenses Personal Services 28,084 532,177 0 0 0 139,035 Supplies 1,000 11,285 2,000 2,000 0 53,834 Other Services and Charges 670 61,456 10,079 12,440 4,056 64,876 Capital Outlay 8,105 10,000 0 0 0 7,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 123,022 123,022 0 7,000 Total Expenses 37,859 614,918 135,101 137,462 4,056 271,745 Summary Total Revenue 37,859 614,918 121,510 129,945 2,839 310,000 Total Expenses 37,859 614,918 135,101 137,462 4,056 271,745 Change to Fund Balance 0 0 (13,591) (7,517) (1,217) 38,255 Page 3-1 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41410 ELECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 20,367 - 20,480 20,480 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - 4,777 - 5,000 5,000 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 109 - 104 104 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - 2,242 - 2,500 2,500 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - 27,495 - 28,084 28,084 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 87 10 - 50 50 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 1,000 - 500 500 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 141 - - 150 150 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - 40 - 50 50 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 6 - 50 50 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 209 - 200 200 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 228 1,266 - 1,000 1,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 28 87 - 100 100 - 3220 POSTAGE - - - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 43 - - 50 50 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 58 85 - 100 100 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 105 159 - 185 185 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - - - - - ° 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - 184 - 200 200 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 425 26 - 35 35 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 659 540 - 670 670 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 6,406 6,823 8,105 8,105 8,105 - 5180 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,406 6,823 8,105 8,105 8,105 - TOTALS: ELECTIONS 7,293 36,124 8,105 37,859 37,859 - TOTALS:GENERAL 7,293 36,124 8,105 37,859 37,859 - GRAND TOTALS: 7,293 36,124 8,105 37,859 37,859 - Page 4-1 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41510 FINANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 320,067 357,175 388,918 371,747 371,747 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 65,996 59,874 57,466 57,466 57,466 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 262 214 - - - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME 21 - - - - - 1022 OVERTIME-SEASONAL - - - - - - 1030 VACATION &SICK 6,647 7,502 - - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - - 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - 1,857 - - - - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - (1,857) - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 19,960 22,983 24,238 23,276 23,276 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 30,233 32,939 33,762 32,499 32,499 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 35 - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 31,919 38,944 51,360 44,940 44,940 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - 7,666 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 2,113 2,098 2,477 2,249 2,249 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - (1,297) - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 477,252 528,097 558,221 532,177 532,177 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,676 1,578 2,000 1,700 1,700 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 816 185 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 756 7,458 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 3,734 2,470 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS 2,914 3,260 3,000 3,200 3,200 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 633 492 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 349 - 350 350 350 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 34 - 35 35 35 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 10,912 15,443 11,385 11,285 11,285 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 10,557 7,790 16,396 16,150 16,150 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,832 1,218 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 274 - 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,628 1,806 3,642 3,187 3,187 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,384 1,655 1,364 1,563 1,563 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 178 273 100 100 100 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 251 90 150 150 150 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 353 317 3,500 1,600 1,600 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 1,691 3,948 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,820 3,916 5,090 4,581 4,581 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 10,589 12,949 18,000 18,000 18,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 1,423 2,459 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,827 2,539 2,600 2,600 2,600 - Page 4-3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 FINANCE BUDGET 101-41510 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Finance Director 1.00 1.00 92,102 18,670 110,772 92,102 18,712 110,814 Asst Finance Director 1.00 1.00 63,744 15,166 78,910 63,744 15,146 78,890 Accountant 1.00 1.00 50,521 13,352 63,873 52,071 13,549 65,620 Acctg Clerk: Acct Payable 1.00 1.00 37,940 11,625 49,565 38,156 11,644 49,800 Acctg Clerk III: Payroll 1.00 1.00 40,376 11,960 52,336 40,376 11,948 52,324 Acctg Clerk ll: Utility 1.00 1.00 35,910 11,347 47,257 35,910 11,336 47,246 Acctg Clerk ll: Liquor PT 0.75 0.75 25,859 3,548 29,407 25,859 3,540 29,399 Acctg Clerk I: Utility 1.00 1.00 34,391 11,139 45,530 34,391 11,128 45,519 Receptionist 1.00 1.00 33,934 11,076 45,010 33,934 11,066 45,000 Secretary II 0.63 0.63 23,501 3,224 26,725 23,501 3,218 26,719 Meter Reader 0.25 0.25 8,106 730 8,836 8,106 722 8,828 Subtotal 9.63 9.63 446,384 82,120 558,221 448,150 82,335 560,159 Less: 2004 Staff reduction 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 (27,982) Total 9.63 9.63 446,384 82,120 558,221 448,150 82,335 532,177 Page 4-5 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager Council 49440 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 43 65 100 100 100 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 350 350 350 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 50 50 50 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 790 1,072 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 - 2172 UNIFORMS - - - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 104 102 250 250 250 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 123 170 150 150 150 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,060 1,408 2,000 2,000 2,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,599 2,821 3,233 3,131 3,131 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 723 765 453 800 800 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,503 2,492 3,000 2,698 2,698 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 25 25 25 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 18 - 25 25 25 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 375 450 375 375 375 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 296 250 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 91 123 200 200 200 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 100 100 100 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 69 26 100 100 100 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 11 7 25 25 25 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 33 84 100 100 100 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 6,718 7,018 10,136 10,079 10,079 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - 1,000 - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 1,000 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 68,135 74,366 77,914 78,022 78,022 - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 113,135 119,366 122,914 123,022 123,022 - TOTALS:ADMINISTRATION &GENERAL 120,913 127,792 136,050 135,101 135,101 - TOTALS: WATER UTILITY 120,913 127,792 136,050 135,101 135,101 - GRAND TOTALS: 120,913 127,792 136,050 135,101 135,101 - Page 4-7 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager Council 49490 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 253 - 350 350 350 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 50 50 50 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS 789 1,072 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 - 2172 UNIFORMS - - - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 104 102 250 250 250 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 123 170 150 150 150 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,270 1,343 2,000 2,000 2,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,650 2,880 3,295 3,190 3,190 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 710 748 453 800 800 3220 POSTAGE 4,607 4,616 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 25 25 25 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 18 - 25 25 25 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 375 375 375 375 375 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 296 251 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 4 - 200 200 200 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - 100 100 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - 26 - 100 100 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 11 7 100 25 25 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 38 43 100 100 100 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 8,709 8,946 12,073 12,440 12,440 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - 1,000 - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 1,000 - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 68,134 74,364 77,914 78,022 78,022 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 113,134 119,364 122,914 123,022 123,022 - TOTALS:ADMINISTRATION &GENERAL 123,113 129,653 137,987 137,462 137,462 - TOTALS: SEWER UTILITY 123,113 129,653 137,987 137,462 137,462 - GRAND TOTALS: 123,113 129,653 137,987 137,462 137,462 - Page 4-9 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager I Council 49690 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS - - - - - - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - - - - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2172 UNIFORMS - - - - - - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - - - - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - - TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 1,233 1,411 1,366 1,366 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - - - 3220 POSTAGE - - 2,349 2,690 2,690 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS - - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - 1,233 3,760 4,056 4,056 - REPAIR SERVICES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - - - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT - - - - - - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. - - - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR - - - - - - 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS - - - - - - Page 4-11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 STORM SEWER ADM BUDGET 604.49690 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Personnel expenses are shown as Transfer Out: Labor, line item 7100 Other Services&Charges Expert& Professional: Audit 1,366 Postage: Mailing of bills, letters, etc 2,690 Total Services 4,056 Total Storm Sewer Administration $4,056 Page 4-13 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 720 DATA PROCESSING Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager Council 49980 DATA PROCESSING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Descri tion 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 5,725 9,100 9,100 TOTALS: DATA PROCESSING 172,150 179,421 202,179 231,667 231,667 - TOTALS: DATA PROCESSING 172,150 179,421 202,179 231,667 231,667 - GRAND TOTALS: 172,150 179,421 202,179 231,667 231,667 - Page 4-15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 FINANCE BUDGET 720-79980 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR CNI fee 300 Sales tax 3,953 Office furniture depreciation 7,500 Capital Outlay Core network switch 7,000 Contingencies&Transfers Contingencies 2,100 Page 4-17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 FINANCE BUDGET 720-49981 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Supplies Imaging media 1,000 Other Services&Charges LaserFiche support 2,250 LaserFiche software maintenance 4,295 Scanner maintenance contract 1,000 Sales tax 409 Capital Outlay none Contingencies&Transfers Contingencies 2,100 Page 4-19 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 FINANCE BUDGET 720-49982 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Supplies T1 line equipment 3,000 Other Services&Charges Internet connection and Web-site support 7,500 Web-hosting 600 T1 upgrade support 900 Internet DSL connection 1,800 Internet T1 connection 8,400 CityView Web access software maintenance 2,500 LaserFiche Web access software maintenance 1,095 Sales tax 429 Capital Outlay none Contingencies&Transfers Contingencies 2,800 Page 4-21 C� The Cit, of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Police COLUMBIA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPOSED 2004 POLICE DEPARTMENT BUDGET Budget Review by City Council, September 29, 2003 Agenda 1. Changes in expenditures: overview by budget area A. Personnel B. Supplies C. Other Services D. Capital E. Contingencies F. DARE Program G. DARE jr. Hig,, P,.,,,,.,..,,,, Removed from budget H. Animal Contract I. Grants 2. 2004 Capital Items 3. General Budget Discussion Budget Meeting 2003 PERSONNEL Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 SALARY $1,731,663 $1,708,893 $1,772,929 $1,855,532 $1,769.786 FRINGE $ 448,135 $ 468,072 $ 452,012 $ 476,252 $ 450,282 TOTAL $2,179,798 $2,176,965 $ 2,224,941 $2,331,784 $2,220,068 -.12% -4.5% +4.6% -4.1% Contracts are settled through the end of 2003 Major Changes Personnel 2003: Personnel costs show a 4.1 % decrease from 2003 or$111,716. The largest portion of this is the reduction from 25 to 24 officers and the fact that three officers left our department via retirement or moving onto other departments in late 2002 and 2003. This also reflects the retirement of Jim Montague from our Records Section and the replacement of him with a part time person. The reduction of one officer also affects the following lines, 1020 overtime, 1031 Holiday Pay, 1041 Court Pay, 1210 Pera Contribution, 1300 Insurance, and 1510 Workers Comp. Lines that have increased include, 1010 Part Time Employees, 1045 Longevity, 1220 RIC.A. Contribution. 2 Budget Meeting 2003 SUPPLIES: Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 $76,500 $81,050 $84,100 $84,600 $84,600 +5.6% +3.6% +.006% 0% Major Changes Supplies in 2003: Line 2020 Computer Supplies increased by$500, Line 2170 Program Supplies decreased by$400, Line 2172 Uniforms decreased by$500, and line 2173 Protective Clothing increased by$400. The rest of the line items have no increase over 2003. 3 Budget Meeting 2003 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES: Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 $165,591 $176,780 $202,176 $228,063 $221,144 +6.3% +12.5% +11.3% -3% Major Changes Other Services and Charges in 2004: Overall our proposed budget in the other services and charges area shows a 3% decrease in this area or$6,919.00. Line 3210 Telephone and Telegraph reflects a$3795 increase this is for telephone service to the Police Department. We get this number from the Finance Department. Line 3600 Insurance and Bonds, shows a $8961 decrease, line 4050 Garage Labor Burden, shows a$1400 increase, line 4100 Rents and Leases, shows a$2392 increase, Line 4300 Misc. Charges, shows a $500 decrease, and line 4342 Property Damage, shows a$250 decrease. The rest of the lines show no increase to minimal increases for costs of goods and services. 4 Budget Meeting 2003 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Proposed 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 $3,250 $2,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 -23% +44.4% 0% 0% Major Changes Capital Outlay in 2004: We have included $3,500 for the replacement of stair pads and painting in the common hallway leading to the fire department and training room and up to the City Council Chambers in 2004. $1000 for the replacement of a workstation to make them ergonomically correct. 5 Budget Meeting 2003 2004 DARE PROGRAM: For 2004 the following budget is proposed for DARE: No changes are proposed same budget as 2003 $5,375 6 Budget Meeting 2003 2004 DARE GREAT PROGRAM: We are dropping this program for 2004 savings $3450 7 Budget Meeting 2003 2004 ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET: We have reduced this budget by$680. The reduction is in line 3050 Expert&Professional Services. 8 2003 Budget Meeting 2004 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT: For 2004 the following Capital Equipment Purchases are proposed: 1. Two full size vehicles - $50,000 2. Misc equipment for squads Two prisoner safety dividers - $ 2,000 Two Squad Light Bars - $ 2,000 3. Taxes - $ 3,478 Total $57,478 This is a reduction of$57,983 when compared to the 2003 budget. 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (Department Name) Police Department Budget Narrative Activity Description Police (Department Name) 101-42100 (Account Number) This is the general budget for the day-to-day running of the Police Department. This part of the budget covers personnel costs, general supply costs, other services and charges costs, and capital outlay expenses. The Police Department provides public safety services to the citizens of Columbia Heights and Hilltop. This includes police patrol, investigations, traffic enforcement, code enforcement, animal control, unusual occurrences, Homeland Security efforts, and administration. Animal Cor(Department Name) 101-42700 (Account Number) Animal containment measures are provided to the City of columbia Heights by the Camden pet hospital. 1401 44th Avenue North. This includes animal shelter services, euthanasia services, adoption services, and clinic services. The capturing, transporting and temporary shelter of stray animals is performed by Community Service Officers and, at times, Columbia Heights Police Officers. DARE Proj (Department Name) 270-42160 (Account Number) The DARE program is a very important and vital part of the education or the 5th grade children of Columbia Heights and Hilltop. It teaches the pitfalls of drugs and the illegal use of chemicals, tobacco products, and alcohol. The program is very effective at building self-esteem and confidence in its suudents and teaches defenses to peer pressure and other social problems. It also establishes a relationship between the students and the officer teaching the course. Budgetcommentsforms.xis-2004-A1 A.As 10 Law Enforc(Department Name) 276 (Account Number) The Police Department received a $17,241 Equipment block Grant in 2003. We are hoping to receive another grant in 2004. If we do we will use the money to purchase equipment we would not be able to afford within our current budget. State of Mi (Department Name) 278-42103 (Account Number) If this grant is available in 2004,we will apply for it. In the past the grant has been for approximately$10,000 and is used for Graffiti Clean up and Project Safety Net costs. Police Cap(Department Name) 431-42100 (Account Number) The Capital equipment budget for 2004 includes two full sized marked squads, two replacement light bars, and two prisoner safety dividers. Budgetcommentsforms.xls-2004-A1 A.xls 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (Department Name) Police Department Budget Narrative Objectives Police (Department Name) 101-42100 (Account Number) 1. To maintain the level of police service in the community with less resources. 2. To continue to work closely with other agencies in our area towards Homeland Security issues in the area of training and equipment. 3. To continue to search out alternative housing locations for the Police Department that more closely fit our space needs. 4. To mainatin our fleet and equipment at a high useable and ready level. 5. To begin replacement of three to four year old computers in the department. Animal Cor(Department Name) 101-42700 (Account Number) To continue to develop our close working relationship with Camden Pet Hospital in our effort to provide state of the art animal services at a resonable fee for our community. DARE Proj (Department Name) 270-42160 (Account Number) Out objectives in relationship to the DARE program are to keep an adequate number of DARE officers trained in order to keep the DARE program available to all 5th Grade students in our jurisdiction. We also wish to maintain the high level of training and ongoing positive working relationships between the schools and our department. Budgetcommentsforms.xis-2004-A1A.xls 12 Local Law (Department Name) 276 (Account Number) If the grant is available in 2004,we will reapply for it. State of Mi (Department Name) 278-42103 (Account Number) If the grant is available in 2004, we will reapply for it. Police Cap (Department Name) 431-42100 (Account Number) To manage the Capital Equipment Replacement fund in a way that allows us to obtain the best equipment, for the best value,the the department, that meets the needs and requirements of the department. Budgetcommentsforms.xis-2004-A1 A.xls 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (Department Name) Police Department Budget Narrative Budget Comments Police (Department Name) 101-42100 (Account Number) Personnel The 2004 budget reflects one less officer for 2004 than we had originally budgeted in the 2003 budget. This would give us 24 authorized licensed officers.The following lines show slight increases other wise the lines are identical or less than the 2003 budget. Line 1010 Regular Employees pay is reduced by$246,906 in salaries. This reduction is the result of not filling one police officer position and the inside CSO position held by Jim Montague. Line 1011 Part Time Employees is increased by$30,000. This is to cover the costs of hiring someone part time in the records section to perform scanning of documents and to asssit in the records section as needed. We will save approximately $15,000 annually by hiring a part time employee(s)at less than 30 hours per week to perform this function. Line 1020 overtime has gone down $1750. This is due to the reduction from 25 to 24 officers and less CSO's. Line 1031 Holiday Pay shows a$2420 decrease due to less officers and CSO's. Lines 1041 and 1043 are reduced by$793 each due to the reduction in officers. Line 1045 Longevity shows a slight increase, $26 this is due to officers moving through the longevity steps. Line 1210 PERA Contribution reduced by$6,349 due to officer and cso reduction. Line 1220 FICA Contribution shows a slite increase of$1,750. Line 1300 Insurance reduced by$14,440 due to better rates and reduction in officers and cso. Line 1510 Workers Comp. Ins reduced by$6,441 due to better rates and reduction of officers and cso. Overall reductions in personnel Services equals $248,116 Supplies has the same total overall amount of$84,600 that we submitted in 2003. We have adjusted some the indivival lines to reflect greater needs in some areas. Other Services and Charges shows a $6919 reduction. This is mostly due to a substanial reduction in line 3600 Insurance & Bonds. There are some slight increases in the following lines,4050 Garage, Labor Burden $1,400 increase, and Rents and Leases line 4100 has a $2392 increase. Capital Outlay This area shows the same overall amount as 2003. Budgetcommentsforms.xls-2004-A1 AZZ.xls 14 Animal Contrc(Department Name) 101-42700 (Account Number) We have reduced the 2004 animal control budget by$680. DARE Projec(Department Name) 27042160 (Account Number) We are submitting the same costs for 2004 as we did in 2003. No increase Local law Enf(Department Name) 276 (Account Number) If the grant becomes available in 2004,we will apply for it again State of Minn,(Department Name) 278-42103 (Account Number) If the grant becomes available in 2004,we will apply for it again Police Capita (Department Name) 431-42100 (Account Number) The Capital Equipment Replacement fund includes equipment required to keep our technology and fleet current and to keep our personnel safe in their duties. We must also look at setting aside dollars for the purchase of portable and mobile radios for the new 800 Mghz radio system that will go on line in 2004. The County will purchase the initial radios for us we will be responsible for replacement cost after the initial purchase. Budgetcommentsforms.xls-2004-A1 AZZ.xIs 15 Population #of Sworn Arrests #of Part I #of Part II %of Crime Officers Crimes Crimes Cleared Columbia Heights 18,719 23 1,627 897 2,050 51% (Hilltop) 700 87 210 19,419 984 2,260 Anoka 18,270 29 938 785 1,236 39% Champlin 22,431 22 748 533 989 51% Crystal 22,942 27 994 922 972 54% Golden Valley 20,499 28 485 644 1,029 47% Hastings 18,399 25 672 528 999 48% Hopkins 17,239 25 458 402 600 43% New Brighton 22,444 27 762 671 876 45% New Hope 21,097 29 899 619 1,174 57% Robbinsdale 14,275 21 601 669 876 41% Savage 21,342 24 619 632 1,062 47% Shakopee 20,789 29 1,348 750 1,291 51% South St.Paul 20,384 25 874 779 1,707 41% West St. Paul 19,613 26 945 1,092 1,210 37% 16 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ _ - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,477,997 1,581,785 1,855,532 1,608,626 1,608,626 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - - - 30,000 30,000 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES _ _ _ _ _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 73,725 82,770 38,000 36,250 36,250 - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - - - - - - 1022 OVERTIME-SEASONAL - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 10,356 19,244 - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 59,192 64,993 57,331 54,911 54,911 - 1041 COURT PAY 10,712 7,902 15,860 15,067 15,067 - 1043 TRAINING PAY 7,744 7,443 15,860 15,067 15,067 - 1045 LONGEVITY 18,042 21,358 25,515 25,541 25,541 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - _ _ 1062 MISC REIMBURSEMENT - - - - - 1065 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - 500 500 500 - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR (10,037) (10,127) (10,451) (10,451) (10,451) - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 141,729 154,296 161,477 155,128 155,128 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 35,949 35,837 38,343 40,093 40,093 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 18 - 1,240 - - - 1230 POLICE PENSION CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 146,000 184,572 211,860 197,420 197,420 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - _ _ - - _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 54,096 57,599 63,332 56,891 56,891 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 13 - 250 250 250 - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR (4,949) (5,064) (5,225) (5,225) (5,225) - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 2,020,586 2,202,609 2,469,424 2,220,068 2,220,068 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,723 1,316 2,250 2,250 2,250 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 4,547 2,513 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,149 2,611 4,500 4,500 4,500 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2,848 3,814 2,500 3,000 3,000 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 1,498 1,262 1,550 1,550 1,550 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES 1,828 2,540 2,800 2,800 2,800 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - - _ 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 742 752 3,400 3,000 3,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,958 5,876 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 12,390 10,377 11,750 11,250 11,250 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,150 2,148 3,600 4,000 4,000 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,195 976 1,750 1,750 1,750 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 13,726 17,648 16,500 16,500 16,500 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 26,054 23,947 24,500 24,500 24,500 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 74,808 75,780 84,600 84,600 84,600 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 15,490 7,015 15,500 15,500 15,500 - 17 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 11,021 13,630 12,500 12,500 12,500 3110 TRAINING&SCHOOL _ _ _ _ 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 7,927 11,116 11,595 11,595 11,595 3220 POSTAGE 1,298 1,343 2,000 2,000 2,000 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 678 715 750 750 750 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 1,478 1,726 1,500 1,500 1,500 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 2,372 2,370 . 3,500 2,500 2,500 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 50 50 50 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 50 50 50 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 45,330 68,926 89,603 80,642 80,642 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 19,379 17,178 32,000 32,000 32,000 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 22,239 26,044 25,000 26,400 26,400 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR - (496) 500 500 500 4100 RENTS&LEASES 19,526 21,142 23,915 26,307 26,307 4300 MISC. CHARGES 21 34 1,500 1,000 1,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,072 1,757 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 4342 PROPERTY DAMAGE - - 500 250 250 - 4349 INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE - _ _ _ _ _ 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - - 150 150 150 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 131 400 400 400 - 4380 COMMISSION &BOARDS - - 100 100 100 - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 235 120 300 300 300 4395 STATE SALES TAX 3,567 2,318 3,650 3,650 3,650 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 151,633 175,067 228,063 221,144 221,144 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - 2,000 3,500 3,500 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - - _ _ 5150 VEHICLES - 145 - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 2,899 - 1,500 - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,899 145 4,500 4,500 4,500 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7130 TRANSFER OUT TO FED POL GRNT 6,309 1,916 - - - 7250 TRANSFER OUT TO PENSION RESV - - 7311 TRANSFER OUT STATE POLICE GR 1,071 893 7360 TRANSFER OUT TO FAST COPS - - - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - 8200 SUNSHINE FUND 5 12 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 7,385 2,821 - - - TOTALS: POLICE 2,257,311 2,456,422 2,786,587 2,530,312 2,530,312 - TOTALS: GENERAL 2,257,311 2,456,422 2,786,587 2,530,312 2,530,312 - GRAND TOTALS: 2,257,311 2,456,422 2,786,587 2,530,312 2,530,312 - 18 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted IDepartment Manager Council 42700 ANIMAL CONTROL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - _ _ - SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 64 103 550 550 550 - 2171 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 64 103 550 550 550 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11,627 12,354 14,500 13,820 13,820 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 55 84 100 100 100 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 23 5 1,000 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 11,704 12,443 15,600 14,920 14,920 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - _ - - _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - _ _ _ _ TOTALS:ANIMAL CONTROL 11,769 12,547 16,150 15,470 15,470 - TOTALS: GENERAL 11,769 12,547 16,150 15,470 15,470 GRAND TOTALS: 11,769 12,547 16,150 15,470 15,470 - 19 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 270 DARE PROJECT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42160 POLICE-DARE PROJECT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - - - SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 100 100 100 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 3,260 2,305 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 26 - 400 400 400 - 2172 UNIFORMS _ _ _ _ - _ 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2 76 100 100 100 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 3,288 2,381 3,200 3,200 3,200 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 50 4 - - - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,000 990 800 800 800 - 3220 POSTAGE 11 - - _ _ _ 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 1,582 1,200 800 800 800 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 175 175 200 200 200 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - 175 175 175 4395 STATE SALES TAX 26 100 200 200 200 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 2,844 2,470 2,175 2,175 2,175 - TOTALS: POLICE-DARE PROJECT 6,132 4,851 5,375 5,375 5,375 TOTALS: DARE PROJECT 6,132 4,851 5,375 5,375 5,375 - GRAND TOTALS: 6,132 4,851 5,375 5,375 5,375 - 20 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 270 DARE PROJECT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42161 GREAT PROGRAM Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item —Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - 2,500 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 150 - - TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - 2,650 - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 500 - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 150 - - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 150 - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - 800 - - TOTALS: GREAT PROGRAM - - 3,450 - - TOTALS: DARE PROJECT - - 3,450 - - GRAND TOTALS: - - 3,450 - - 21 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 276 LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GRANT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense I Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1010 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2172 UNIFORMS 2280 VEHICLE PARTS TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 4395 STATE SALES TAX TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 5180 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTALS: POLICE TOTALS: LOCAL LAW ENFORCE BLK GR) GRAND TOTALS: 22 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,698 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,698 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4390 TAXES& LICENSES - _ _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 535 - 5,961 3,478 3,478 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 535 - 5,961 3,478 3,478 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 997 - - _ _ 5150 VEHICLES 57,559 29,383 84,500 50,000 50,000 - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 24,589 26,563 - - - _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 6,530 - 25,000 4,000 4,000 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - 59,534 - - _ _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 88,678 116,477 109,500 54,000 54,000 - TOTALS: POLICE 90,911 116,477 115,461 57,478 57,478 - TOTALS: CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL 90,911 116,477 115,461 57,478 57,478 - GRAND TOTALS: 90,911 116,477 115,461 57,478 57,478 - 23 a N r N 0 LL] t0 N Q) 01 0 a t0 to LO LO N of t to N COON N O to O 0)07 O M M M M O O O N 0 t0 Lo LO W N 10 0 r W 0 O �coo O Jar mtOO O Ln V e}rrn .- N OoCL LD LbM a!a! 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Q LU aw N ►- (n o0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 00 o 0000000 00000 OLO O S w a'w Ln W (n Ln N Ln Ln Ln l0 In Ln Ln Ln to (f) tO 117 Ln Ln l0 117 n r n r r Ln r Ln O �QW 000nrinrrrr�nrnrnr-L�r�nn .-.-e-.- � r�� ci S 0 W O O m �OS� � W J (nom vtD O CO(0 cD(0 cD c04J 000000(DO o OOtO St OOOr 0O NN tD O a'W(0ON MLR r- (A O) c) 00) 070010) m O) O Q1 c)Ol Ol(D0 LDS LOr ncl M n V Q W�a(D aO tDrrrrrrrrnrrrnrrrrst to Lf7M W'-MN M(o M LL O JYo3 O'S t1D of M MM M M MMM MM MM MM MM c'MM�t N .- Ih Mrm (DN M Lq O n F � LU V W w g jwc ac6i w °'m amacioE c dg7 Q a� a = U O10 (O Q Z N U O c � O L_p O O O p LL O Q � n O� i CID no O O W n S O I X m 1 Q f-N>Z Jm2m ZY F- W U c m z N N N N N d N d N N N N N 0 a Z q a0 ° 0 a e Z 0 o 3 m n n ncn o 0 o Q Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q UU000000000000000 UU E E E a a �W O Z N a L 5 is 6 m m m a m m m m E > LL U aaaaaaaanaaa aaa - nii_zzU�u. 24 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 Police Revenue Police Animal Control DARE Police 101 101 270 431 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 1,145,171 9,167 0 0 31014 Area-Wide Taxes 305,162 2,443 0 0 32110 Liquor, Wine & Beer License 48,000 0 0 0 32120 Cigarettes 3,000 0 0 0 33401 Local Government Aid 427,604 3,423 0 0 33405 PERA Increase Aid 6,180 49 0 0 33416 State Law Ofc Training 10,000 0 0 0 33421 Insurance Premium Tax-Police 175,000 0 0 0 33630 School District 43,000 0 0 0 34201 Special Police Services 225,000 0 0 0 34203 Public Safety-Police Report 4,000 0 0 0 35101 Court Fines 35,000 0 0 0 35102 Administrative Tags 15,000 0 0 0 36210 Interest on Investments 48,353 388 0 5,189 39203 Transfer In-General Fund 0 0 0 6,574 39214 Administration Overhead-Liquor Fund 28,080 0 0 0 39217 Administration Overhead-Refuse Fund 5,882 0 0 0 39218 Administration Overhead-Recycling 5,881 0 0 0 39219 Transfer In-Liquor Fund 0 0 0 6,574 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements 0 0 9,000 0 39221 Transfer In-Sewer Fund 0 0 0 0 39222 Transfer In-Water Fund 0 0 0 0 39223 Transfer In-Garage Fund 0 0 0 0 39224 Transfer In-Contribution 0 0 0 0 39225 Transfer In-Refuse 0 0 0 0 39226 Transfer In-Community Development 0 0 0 0 39227 Transfer In-HRA 0 0 0 0 39228 Transfer In-Data Processing 0 0 0 0 39229 Transfer In-Fast Cops 0 0 0 0 39230 Transfer In- EDA 0 0 0 0 39231 Transfer In-Section 8 0 0 0 0 39232 Transfer In-Library 0 0 0 0 39234 Transfer In-Contribution 0 0 0 0 39237 Transfer In-Storm Sewer Fund 0 0 0 0 39239 Transfer In-Energy Management 0 0 0 0 39400 Rents& Leases-Garage 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue 2,530,312 15,470 9 000 18,337 Expenses Personal Services 2,220,068 0 0 0 Supplies 84,600 550 3,200 0 Other Services and Charges 221,144 14,920 2,175 3,478 Capital Outlay 4,500 0 0 54,000 25 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 2,530,312 15,470 5,375 57,478 Summary Total Revenue 2,530,312 15,470 9,000 18,337 Total Expenses 2,530,312 15,470 5,375 57,478 Change to Fund Balance 0 0 3,625 (39,141) 26 Grants Listing—Page 1 Grant# Approved Amount Intent of Grant #1 S-275 COMPLETED $40,000 '92-'93 New officer hires (2) State, Office of Drug Policy $40,000 '93-'94 Nelson,Fischer #2F-272 COMPLETED $135,623 New officer hires(2) #94-DM-CX-0108 DOJ Klosterman,Bonesteel #3F-273 $75,000 3 years New officer hire 95-CF-WX-3204 COPS FAST Jaret Stoffregen 8-28-95 to 2-2-96 (Applied for extension to Nov. 30, 1998) Joe Sturdevant 5-6-96 COMPLETE JANUARY 1, 1999. #4S-274 COMPLETED $30,000 Overtime and equipment COPS/Overtime 7-1-96 to 6-30-97 #5F-276-42100 COMPLETED $20,349 Equipment: (2)video cameras 96-LBVX-2491 Block Grant 10/1/96- & (2)laptop computers 12/31/96 #617-277 COPSMORE '96 $43,238 Evidence Techn. $26,145 97-CM-WX-0474 COMPLETED Equip.: lap top computers$17,093 Supplement--Extended to 5/31/99 $26,145 Civilian personnel (1/2 time CSO) #7F/COPSMORE'96 $88,350 Photo imaging system Fridley authored #9F COMPLETED $1,000 DARE Grant #lOF COMPLETED $2,000 DARE Grant #1IF-276-421 10 Approved 10-01-97 $21,986 COMPLETED Equipment. 97-LBVX-2058 (1998 LLEBG grant) 10-1-97 to 9-30-99 Fund 271 was transferred to Fund 276 #12S-278 Approved 8-21-97 $12,155 Juv. Justice Funds, work crew supervisor COMPLETE 12-21-98 supervisor supplies, graffiti cleanup #14S-274 Approved 12-30-97 $30,000 Overtime COMPLETE 12-98 11-1-97 to 10-31-98 #15F 98-LBVX-2058 (1999 LLEBG grant) $24,605 1999 Equipment Block Grant 10/1/98-9/30-2000 276-42111 COMPLETED #16F Approved 9/1/98-8/31/99 15,145 Equipment(Award$411,358 w/match$3,787) 4498-CM-WX-1653 (277-42120 COMPLETED Requested extension to 6-30-01 #17F Approved 11/1/98-11/1/99 $20,000 Overtime Grant #274 State of MN Comm. Oriented Policing COMPLETE 27 Grants Listing — Page 2 Grant# Approved Amount Intent of Grant #18S Juvenile Account. Incentive Block Gr. $10,454 Project Safety Net, Graffiti cleanup 90268 Extended to June 1999 278-42100 COMPLETE program #19S Juvenile Account. Incentive Block Grant Project SafetyNet,graffiti cleanup supv 278-42101 1/1/99-12/31/99 COMPLETE #20 Year 2000 Overtime $10,000 Awarded 11-4-99 274-42100-1020 COMPLETE 21F SBP99 School Based Partnership $92,342 Awarded 8-1-99 279-42100-1010 #1999SBWX0026 extension to 7-31-01 COMPLETE 8-02 #22F 99002448 Vest Grant $2,975 ($1,487.50 award) Vest purchase reimbursement #23 DENIED $37,()75 Family 3,1'alues,MN J�avenile justiee #24 DOJ,LLEBG Block Grant 2000LB-BX-0190 $23,945+$2,661match Block Grant,equipment 10/1/99-9/30/2001 Fund#276-42112 COMPLETE CLOSED #25 Juv. Accountability Incentive Grant $10,444 Juvenile Programs 1/1/2000-12/31/2000 Fund #278-42102 COMPLETE #26 McKnight Foundation Grant $16,000 Children,Families, Communities #27 FY 2000 L.E. Block Grant $21,578+$2,398 match Awarded 9-6-00 2000-LB-BX-0594 Fund#276-42113 10-01-99 to 9-30-01 COMPLETE CLOSED #28 Juv. Accountability Incentive Grant $9,874 w/match$1,097 Awarded FY 2000-2001 Fund#278-42103 +$2,000 Conference COMPLETE #29 FY2001 LE Block Grant 2001-02 $22,698 w/match$2,522 Awarded 7-20-01 200 1-LB-BX-2643 Fund#276-42114 10-1-2000 to 9-30-2002 COMPLETE #30 Juv. Accountability Incentive Block Grant $9,640 w/match$1,071 Awarded FY 2002-2003 Fund#278-42104 4-01-2002 to 9-30-2003 Extended to 9-30-2004 #31 FY 2002 LE Block Grant 2002-03 $17,241+$1,916 match Awarded 7-10-02 2002-LB-BX-1304 Fund#276-42115 10-01-2001 to 9-30-2003 #32 Juv. Accountability Incentive Block Grant $8,035 w/match$893 Awarded 12-02 FY 2003-2004 Fund#278-42105 4-01-2003 to 3-31-2004 mld 1-0-3 Highlighted grants/applications still open 28 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Police Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Police Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-42100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 2,020,586 2,202,609 2,473,480 2,220,068 2,220,068 Supplies 74,808 75,780 84,600 84,600 84,600 Other Services and Charges 151,633 175,066 228,063 221,144 221,144 Capital Outlay 2,899 145 4,500 4,500 4,500 Contingencies &Transfers 7,385 2,821 0 0 0 Total Expenses 2,257,311 2,456,421 2,790,643 2,530,312 2,530 312 29 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Animal Control Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Animal Control Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-42700 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 64 103 550 550 550 Other Services and Charges 11,704 12,443 15,600 14,920 14,920 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 11,768 12,546 16,150 15,470 15,470 30 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of DARE Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted DARE Project Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 270-42160 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 3,288 2,381 3,200 3,200 3,200 Other Services and Charges 2,844 2,470 2,175 2,175 2,175 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 6,132 4,851 5,375 5,375 5,375 31 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Police Capital Equipment Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Police Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 431-42100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 1,698 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 535 0 5,961 3,478 3,478 Capital Outlay 88,678 116,477 109,500 54,000 54,000 Contingencies & Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 90,911 -116,477 115,461 57,478 57,478 32 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004(Department Name)BUDGET (Account Number) SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Frin e &Fringe Salaries Frin e &Fringe Chief 1.00 1.00 89,714 19,490 109,204 89,714 19,267 108,981 Captain 1.00 1.00 70,904 15,768 86,672 70,904 15,545 86,449 Sergents 3.00 3.00 205,564 48,254 253,818 199,984 47,897 247,881 Corporals 3.00 3.00 184,499 45,252 229,751 184,499 45,681 230,180 Police Officers 17.00 16.00 1,010,718 253,665 1,264,383 950,680 236,132 1,186,812 Chiefs Secretary 1.00 1.00 38,381 11,685 50,066 38,381 10,824 49,205 Support Services Supr 1.00 1.00 45,044 12,082 57,126 45,454 12,643 58,097 Records Tech 2 2 70,806 22,555 93,361 67,956 22,144 90,100 Community Service Off 3 2.5 98,663 34,904 133,567 95,593 27,935 123,528 Clerk Typist 1 1 33,057 10,956 44,013 33,057 10,946 44,003 Investigator/Liaison/Corp 1 9,240 1,268 10,508 9,240 1,268 10,508 Subtotal 32.00 31.501 1,856,590 475,879 2,332,469 1,785,462 450,282 2,235,744 Labor Allocation From: (Fund#,Department#) (Fund#,Department#) (Fund#,Department#) Labor Allocation To: (Fund#,Department#) (Fund#,Department#) (Fund#,Department#) Total . -32.00 31.50 1,856,590 475,879 2,332,469 1,785,462 - -450,282 2,235,744 Su lies Ribbons,toner,tapes,computer supplies 2500 Mis office equipment 5000 Explorer supplies,uniforms 1000 New/replacement uniform program 10,100 Crime prevention supplies signs, 1500 Vehicle repairs and parts 17000 printing Gas,oil,and lubricants 24500 Bike program supplies and equipment 500 Replacement vests 4000 FTO Program supplies and equipment 300 Replacement computer equipment 4500 Paper,pencils,pens,disks,police rep report 2250 Printing legal updates flyers and 1550 forms leterhead traffic laws Replacement of officer tape recorders 500 Training Room flip charts and markers 200 Ammo.Targets,misc range equipment 5000 VCR Tapes,narcotic test kits 850 Extinguishers,card keys,first aid supplies 300 Batteries 450 Training manuals,video cassettes fax 1500 machine supplies,camera supplies Evidence,fingerprint supplies 1100 Budgetcommentsforms.xls-2004-Al AZZ.xIs 33 Other Services&Charges Bomb Squad call outs 500 Garage Labor Burden 26400 Blood Test 750 Computer hardware/softwear 32000 Psychological exams 1200 Maintenance Contracts Hepatitis B shots 500 Conference and seminar registration 3600 Promotional exam fees 2500 police courses tuition and fees 11600 Annual Property auction 1000 Explorers Breezy point Conference 900 Minn Chiefs,IACP 2000 Rents and Leases 26307 Anoka Co chiefs fees Insurance and Bonds 80642 Juv Crime Prevention 4000 Sales Tax 3650 proactive activities Educational reimbursement 1000 Vehicle Changeovers 4000 Travel out of town conferences 2500 and Graphics Taxes and Licenses 300 Telephone and Cell phor 11595 Pagers 750 Postage 2000 Water Cooler Rental 480 Other Misc costs 420 Capital Outlay Finish Carpet in Inv. 2000 One Work Station 1000 Replace Squad Room 1500 Floor Contingencies&Transfers Budgetcommentsforms.xls-2004-A1 AZZ.xls 34 C� The City of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET ii Library N�l =IN' IM I mi l�', W, MINWIM w UITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY 820 40TH AVENUE N.E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421-2996 Board of Trustees (763) 706-3690; TDD (763) 706-3692 Barbara Miller 'AOTM7 Chair Patricia Sowada Vice-Chair David Holmgren Secretary Nancy Hoiurn Member at large Catherine Vesley Member at large Julienne Wyckoff Council Liaison M. Rebecca Loader Library Director BUDGET WORK SESSION Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are September 29, 2003 available upon request when the request is made 7:00 p.m. at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/763-706-3692 for AGENDA deaf or hearing impaired only) 1. Call to order (Mayor Wyckoff) 2. Introduction and remarks (Barbara Miller) 3. t Overview of budget (Becky Loader) A. Budget narrative (green) 1) Maintenance of effort 2) Local per capita B. Summary data (goldenrod) C. Detail revenue (blue) D. Detail expense (lilac) 1) 2004 proposed budget work sheet 2) Summary of cost factors 3) Comparison of Library budgets and major changes E. Reviewer's notes (white) 4. General budget discussion 5. Items from the floor MRL/jm s THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNiT, EMPLOYER Detail Budget Book Table of Contents Activity description..........................................................................1 Objectives for 2004..........................................................................2 Budget comments.............................................................................3 Certification of minimum local support.......................................4-5 Localper capita................................................................................6 Summaryby class............................................................................7 Library revenue................................................................................8 2004 proposed budget worksheets.............................................9-10 Summary of cost factors .......................................................... 11-12 Comparison of Library budgets and major changes......................13 Reviewer's notes...................................................................... 14-15 / CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Library Budget Narrative Activity Description Library 240-45500 (Account Number) The library's mission statement is to "provide free access to informational and recreational materials for the patrons in a barrier-free environment." A variety of library- related programs (e.g. storytimes, reading clubs, homebound delivery, etc.) are offered for patrons of all ages from preschool through senior citizen. Five full-time and 16 part- time staff provide service during the 60 hours per week the facility is open to the public. As a City-owned and operated library, Columbia Heights participates in the MELSA regional system through a contract with the Anoka County Llbrary, the Statewide Borrower's Compact , and METRONET. This enables Columbia Heights patrons to gain access to special services and scholarly materials available at other participating l v budget comment forma CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Library Budget Narrative Objectives Library 240-45500 1. To explore the possibilites of a new facility within the structure of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Redevelopment Plan, and priorities set by the City Council. 2. To continue to pursue cooperative ventures with Independent School District#13, the Anoka County Library, the Anoka County Historical Society, and the Columbia Heights Historical Society. 3. To identify sources of alternative revenue to support general library services. 2 budget comment forms � CITY[)F COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area mf Library Budget Narrative � Budget Comments Library 24D-456OO No personnel contracts are settled for 2004. Personal Services are all represented at 2003 rates of pay, benefits, and progression through established ranges. A wage and benefit freeze for 2004 is anticipated. The Supplies section includes$1,100 to replace one staff PC and reductions of about$2,000 in various supply items. This section also includes elimination of the microfilm subscription to the Minneapolis Star Tribune ($3,000). A new line item for Electronic Databases (2182) has been added to accommodate new technology. Other Service Charges includes the following increases: 1.) 5% increases in 3810(Electric) and 3830 (Gas); 2.) $807 in 4020 (Honeywell); 3.) $300 reduction in publicity; 4.) minimum building repairs (decreased by $2,500 by eliminating painting exterior wooden cap, restrooms, and main floor lobby; and by $3,000 by eliminating resurfacing of countertops in boardroom, kitchen and workroom. Capital requests include the one-time license fee for the ILS (Integrated Library System) upgrade. Contingencies and Transfers includes$3,000 in 8100 (Contingencies)to cover unbudgeted items. _ 3 " budget comment forms LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT&SERVICES T:651/582-8881 F: 651/582-8874 &e rp%a rTlm e n-L 7"Educatio' n RECEIVE-0 ap August 2003 ACCOUIts Payable COL,�V.t,IBJ4 Dear City Clerk or County Auditor: Minnesota Statutes Sec. 134.34 and 134.341 affect city and county funding for participation in regional public library systems. The law requires that the Department of Education certify annual- ly to you the minimum amount of local support necessary during the next calendar year for your city or county for continued participation in your regional public library system. Library Maintenance of Effort by participating cities and counties is required by state law for the regional public library systems to continue to receive federal and state aid funds. Once required minimum levels are met,a city or county may increase support to whatever level it chooses. Please note that in most regional public library systems, contracts, agreements or budgetary needs may call for amounts larger than the minimums certified to you by this Office in the enclosed Certification. The minimum level of local support is determined in one of two ways. The minimum level is the larger amount of- (1) 90 per cent of the dollar amount provided for public library service in 2002 as specified in M.S. 134.34 and modified for 2004 and 2005 only in MNSession Laws, I"Special Session, Chapter 9, Article 6, Section 1, Subdivision 4; or, (2) The dollar amount equivalent to the lesser of either: (a) .82 per cent of the adjusted net tax capacity of all participating areas for the second preceding year(2002 adjusted net tax capacity,payable 2003,is used for 2004,for example)as specified in Minn. Stat. 134.34, Subd. 1; or (b) $10.08 per capita in 2004 for the population of areas taxed for public library service as specified in Minn.Stat. 134.34,Subd. 1. Since the estimated population figures for 2002 have not been released,2004 library Maintenance of Effort calculations are based upon the 2001 estimated figures from the State Demographer. If an adjusted net tax capacity decreases, there is also a provision to allow the 2002 dollars provided amount to be decreased by the same percentage that the tax capacity has decreased. For 2004 and 2005 calculations,MN Session Laws, I"Special Session, Chapter 9,Article 6, Section 1, Subdivision 4 allows for the Dollars Provided amount from the second preceding year to be 4 LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT&SERVICES T:651/582-8881 F:651/582-8874 L u a-t- ion --JUC T August 2003 CERTIFICATION OF MINIMUM LOCAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT: 2004 This is to certify that the minimum level of financial support for operating purposes of public library service for: for eligibility to participate in the regional public library system grant program pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec. 134.34 is $ in 2004. This amount represents the equivalent of- .82 percent of 2002, payable 2003 adjusted net tax capacity $10.08 per capita 90%of 2002 amount provided (as per 2003 MN Session Laws, I't Special Session, Chapter 9, Article 6, Section 4, Subd. 4 for 2004 and 2005) 2002 amount provided adjusted to reflect tax capacity decrease(if more than 10%) Other For counties, the property in those portions of the county excluded for the purpose of determining the library levy and providing the minimum amount is as follows: Nancy Kay Walton State Programs Library Development & Services Specialist Library Development& Services naiicy.walton 2cstate.mn.us 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA I PUBLIC LIBRARY 820 40TH AVENUE N.E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421-2996 Board of Trustees (763) 706-3690; TDD (763) 706-3692 Barbara Miller Chair Patricia Sowada Vice-Chair r=1 David Holmgren Secretary Nancy Hoium .. Member at large Catherine Vesley Member at large Julienne Wyckoff Council Liaison M.Rebecca Loader Library Director Under local contracts the Columbia Heights Public Library must also meet a per capita rate for operating expenditures equal to/or greater than that set by the Anoka County Library for the preceding year. Anoka County Library's projected per capita for 2003 is $22.71 (levy-only local support). Based on the requested levy for 2004 Columbia Heights Public Library's total per capita would be $23.41. 6 THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER � CITY OF COLUMBIA HEKGHTSK�|NNESOTA ' i BUDGET 2004 � Summary by Class Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Library Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 240-45500 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 383.086 415,421 428.302 434.073 434.073 Supplies 90.106 100.779 98.625 91.025 91.625 Other Services and Charges 71.728 74.236 81.652 81.710 81.710 Capital Outlay 7.761 4.205 43.050 10.000 10.000 Contingencies&Transfers 8,727 209292 22,071 13863 13863 Total Expenses -80%933- 679,7 --63t271 631,271 ' _ 7 v � City ofColumbia Heights, MiAO8SOfG Library Revenue Actual Actual Adopted City Manager Budget Budget Budget Proposed 2001 2003 2003 2004 Revenue 31010 Current AdValorem 547.767 581'588 433,585 433.585 33401 Local Government Aid O O 175,750 150.002 34110 Library-Photocopies 2.032 1.783 2.400 2.400 34120 Library-Other 634 848 700 800 . 34130 Library-Video 2.544 2.812 2.800 2.800 34140 Library-Collections 51 67 100 100 34150 Library`Booh8ega 75 95 100 100 34160 Libnsry'PhntorCopiee 397 434 OOO 800 35103 Library Fines 11.982 11.672 15.000 15.000 36210 Interest onInvestments 8.922 5.744 6,000 4.500 36218 Change in Fair Value 520 1.412 O 1.400 36280 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 230 O 200 200 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset 0 O 25 25 38140 Other Refunds &Reimbursements O O 8 25 Total Revenue 573,164 616,265 037260 611,897 Expenses Personal Services 383.086 415.421 428.302 434.073 Supplies 90.186 100.779 98.625 91.625 B Other Services and Charges 71.728 74.236 81.652 81.710 Capital Outlay 7.761 4.205 49.050 10.000 � Contingencies &Transfers 8.727 208.292 22.071 13.863 Total Expenses 561,498 803,933 679,700 Summary Total Revenue 573.164 616,265 637.260 611.897 ,Total Expenses 561.498 803.833 678.700 831.271 Change bo Operating Fund Balance 11686 - � O ' City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 240 LIBRARY Actual I Actual I Adopted IDepartment Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - ' - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 223.154 231.874 237.555 238.400 238.400 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 86.940 104.829 106.883 111.187 111.187 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 571 514 684 684 684 ' 1030 VACATION&SICK 2'889 (428) - - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - ' ' - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1.785 2.297 2.500 2.500 2.500 - 1218 P.E.R.A.CONTR|BUT|ON 12.748 14,503 19,084 18.388 19.309 - 1220 F.|.C.A. CONTR|8UT|DN 24.701 26.739 28.219 26.797 26,787 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - 182 ' - - 1300 INSURANCE 28.465 33.123 32,100 32.100 32.100 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 133 - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREN1 1.737 2.035 1,865 1.786 1.786 ' 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 894 1,135 1.250 1.250 1.250 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 383.086 415.421 428.302 484,073 434.073 ' SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2.030 1'604 2.000 1.600 1.800 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 607 2.838 800 - ' - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,215 10.562 1.500 1.100 1.100 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 767 828 800 800 GOO - 2025 ACS SUPPLIES 3.494 1^060 2.500 2'000 2.000 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS 1.212 1,349 1,508 1.000 1.000 - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - - ' - � 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 1.834 1.685 2.000 2'000 2.000 - ' 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4.813 4.629 5'100 4.900 4.900 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 78 84 100 100 100 - 2180 BOOKS 58'814 60.559 62.000 00.008 60,000 ' 2181 PERIODICALS, MAG. NEWSPAPERS 5.083 5.001 5.600 6.800 5.800 - 2182 ELECTRONIC DATABASES - - - 2.000 2.000 ' 2183 AUDIO CASSETTES 1.618 1.110 1.800 1.600 1.600 - 2184 VIDEO CASSETTES 3.089 2.487 3'000 3.000 3.000 ' 2185 COMPACT DISCS 2.032 2.388 2.500 2.800 2.800 - 2188 ST0RYT|K8Ek4ED|A 298 262 1.000 - - - 2187 8OOKT7APESET 166 202 500 - - - 2188 MICROFORM 2.830 3.342 3.000 ' - ' 2189 OVO - - 3.000 3.000 3,000 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 13 2 25 25 25 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - , 2980 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 107 107 100 100 100 ' ' TOTALS: SUPPLIES 00.198 100.779 08.625 91.825 91.625 - - - - - - ' OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - ' - 3058 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV, 10'031 9.551 14.858 14.958 14.958 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUCACTIVITIES BO 219 500 100 100 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - ' - ' - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELESRAPH 1,890 2.186 3,628 3.298 3.288 - 3220 POSTAGE 274 276 261 299 299 9 � � i City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed � 240 LIBRARY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 2,136 4,281 4,200 4,200 4,200 3310 LOCALTR/YVELEXPENSE 183 152 200 100 100 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - ' 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 831 738 1.100 800 800 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - ' 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 4.830 5.325 6.823 6.231 6.231 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - 38 - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC 10'984 9,517 11,533 12.110 12.110 ' 3820 WATER 217 220 250 250 250 - 3830 GAS 5.381 4,267 5.050 5.930 5.830 ' 3840 REFUSE - - - - ' - 3850 SEWER 206 292 325 325 325 - 4000 REPAIR&MA|NT. SERVICES 25'288 29.571 23.710 24.290 24,290 ' 4020 HONEYWELL K4A|NTCONTRACT 7,995 6.873 6,684 7.481 7.491 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 108 64 100 100 100 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 285 286 300 300 300 - 4300 K8{SC. CHARGES 7 - 100 100 100 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 611 467 430 430 430 - 4375 PLAQUES&AWARDS 283 50 400 400 400 - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 200 73 400 - - - 4380 TAXES&LICENSES ' - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1 - - - - ' TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 71.728 74.236 81.852 81.710 81,710 - CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - 22.700 - - - 5180 |k8PROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 7.761 4.205 26.350 10.000 10.000 ' 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 7.761 4'205 49.050 10.000 10.000 - - - - ' - - OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT'LABOR 8,727 9.292 14'071 10.868 10.863 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND ' - - - - - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPLFD - 200.000 - - - ' 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 7.000 3,000 8.000 - 8110 VANDALISM ' - 1.000 - - - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 8.727 209.292 22.071 13'803 13.863 ' TOTALS: LIBRARY 581.499 803.833 679.700 031.271 631.271 - TOTALS: LIBRARY 581.499 803.933 679.700 631'271 631.271 - - - - ' - - GRAND TOTALS: 561.499 803.833 678.700 631.271 631.271 - _ lO " CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 �FUND NUMBER 2UU4 LIBRARY BUDGET � 240-45500 � SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Some employees tdi Explanation ofPersonnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Library Director 1.00 1.00 76,106 16,862 92,968 76,106 16,839 92,945 Children's Librarian 1.00 1.00 46,404 12,787 59,191 46,404 12,773 59,177 Adult Services Specialist 1.00 1.00 46,404. 12,787 59,191 46,404 12,773 59,177 Clerk-Typist 11 (A) 1.00 1.00 35,341 11,268 46,609 36,186 11,374 47,560 Clerk-Typist 11 (J) 1 00 1.00 33,984 11,083 45,067 33,084 11,072 45,056 Library Clerk 0.75 0.75 21,656 2,972 24,628 22,638 3,099 25,737 4 Library Supervisors 0.65 0.65 23,355 3,205 26,560 24,178 3,310 27,488 8 pages 3.02 3.02 55,014 7,548 62,562 56,896 7,789 64,685 Library Aide 0.35 0.35 6,838 938 7,776 7,475 1,023 8,498 345, 86, 52 430,323 Labor Allocation From: 4 (Fund Department#) (Fund Department#) (Fund Department#) Labor Allocation To: Public Works 0.10 0.10 2,500 1,250 3,750 2,500 1,250 3,750 ITotal 9-.8T 9.87 347,602 80,700 _42$,302__- Z52,771 81j302 434,073 Supplies � ' Copier pape 500 Paper products 500 Office supplies 500 Book covers, ovcases 1.300 Printer cartridges 150 Light bulbs 300 � Stationery 250 Maintenance items 500 Misc. 500 Food supplies 100 PC workstation 1.100 Books 60,000 Computer supplies 800 Electronic databases 2.000 ACS supplies 2.000 Periodicals 5.800 Printing 1.000 Audio cassettes 1.800 . Program supplies Ouvie} 1250 Video cassettes 3.000 Program supplies(adu|t) 300 Compact discs 2.800 ' Public relations 450 OVD 3.000 Security system markers SOO Purchase for resale 108 Book supplies 1.100 Other Services&Charges Sewer 325 Performers 1.300 Mihauon¢nad 838 " budget~ Il Training 100 Orkin 280 Postage 299 Misc. repairs, painting 1.000 Insurance 8,231 Membership 430 Gas 5.930 Local travel 100 � � Toshiba contract 700 ACS system 4.000 " Windows washed 660 Catalog charges 8.000 Plumbing/electrical 800 Publicity 800 Sprinkler test 170 Water 250 American Linen 300 Janitors 18'000 Garage 100 Elevator contract 700 Auditor 1.605 Laxvnoare 200 Telephone 3.286 Honeywell 7.491 T-1 line 4.200 Volunteers 400 Electric 12.110 Floor maintenance 1'200 Capital Outlay Automation license 10'000 10,000 One time license portion payment for ILS (Integrated Library System) upgrade to client-server platform, Contingencies&Transfers Administrative overhead 10.863 Contingencies 3lKI0 13,863 Az Contingencies hoba used for unbudgebmditems. " 12 budget comment forms COUNCIL/BOARD BUDGET MEETING Comparison of Library Budgets and major changes ACTUAL ACTUAL ADOPTED AMENDED PROPOSED 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 383,086 415,421 428,302 423,302 434,073 SUPPLIES 90,196 100,779 98,625 96,925 91,625 OTHER SERVICES 71,728 74,236 81,652 80,952 81,710 CAPITAL 7,761 4,205 49,050 18,550 10,000 CONTINGENCIES/TRANSFERS 8,727 209,292 22,071 26,071 13,863 6 645,800 631,271 MAJOR POINTS: • Difference between adopted 2003 and proposed 2004 is -7.13%. • Only movement through approved ranges and resulting benefit changes are included in Personal Services. • Maintenance of effort for 2004 is $532,429 (90% of 2002 dollars: $591,588). • Select items that received significant cuts • Office chairs $1,000 (2010) • Patron brochures, Summer Reading Club materials $ 500 (2030) • Storytime media $1,000 (2186) • Microforms: Star/Tribune on microfilm $3,000 (2188) • Painting $2,500 (4000) • Cabinet resurfacing $3,000 (4000) • General repairs $ 500 (4000) 13 C� The City of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET a Recreation Fig im =I City of Columbia Heights 2004 Proposed Detailed Budget Table of Contents Budget Narrative Activity Description............................................................. 1-2 Objectives........................................................................ 3-4 Budget Comments............................................................... 5-6 Summary Data Administration (101-45000).................................................... 7 Youth Athletics (101-45001)................................................... 8 Adult Athletics (101-45003)................................................... 9 Youth Enrichment (101-45004)................................................ 10 Traveling Athletics (101-45005)............................................... 11 Trips & Outings (101-45030)................................................... 12 Senior Citizens (101-45040)................................................... 13 Murzyn Hall (101-45129)...................................................... 14 Detail Revenue Recreation Department Revenue.............................................. 15 Detail Expense Administration................................................................... 16-19 Youth Athletics.................................................................. 20-22 Adult Athletics................................................................... 23-25 Youth Enrichment............................................................... 26-28 Traveling Athletics............................................................... 29-31 Trips & Outings.................................................................. 32-34 Senior Citizens.................................................................... 35-37 John P. Murzyn Hall............................................................. 38-42 Reviewer's Notes BlankPages........................................................................ 43-44 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Recreation Budget Narrative Activity Description Traveling Athletics 101-45005 This activity classification encompasses competitive athletic opportunities offered to Columbia Heights'youth in grades 5-12. Teams are formed in basketball, baseball, and softball, with players selected by ability after pre-season tryouts. Teams are organized and equipped through the Recreation Department,which is unique in the metro area. Teams compete within Minnesota Youth Athletic Services sanctioned leagues. This category also provides one-third of the Athletic Coordinator salary as well as league fees for team memberships. Traveling Athletics also has money budgeted for space allocation for office space and storage space to the Murzyn Hall budget. Trips and Outings 101-45030 Trips and Outings include one-day and extended trips for senior citizens. These are advertised through quarterly trip flyers mailed to participants. it continues to be one of our most popular offerings and is a self-sustaining program. This activity provides twenty-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary. Trips and Outings also budgets monies for office space allocation to Murzyn Hall. Senior Citizens 101-45040 The Senior Center is located in Murzyn Hall and provides a wide variety of programs to individuals 55 years and older in the community. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This progam provides seventy-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary. The Senior Citizen budget also provides space allocation for Murzyn Hall for office storage and Senior Centers ace. Murzyn Hall 101-45129 In an average year, Murzyn Hall (JPM) is used approximately 2,500 hours for classes/ activities, 1,500 hours for weddings, and 1,000 hours for meetings. Approximately 20%of the users are charged while the remaining 80%are fee waived or charged a minimal fee to offset custodial costs. JPM operates seven days a week and runs near full capacity throughout the year. Murzyn Hall budget provides salaries for the Head Custodian, part-time custodians and fi percent of the Clerk-Typist 11 position. 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Recreation Budget Narrative Objectives Traveling Athletics 101-45005 1. Look for alternative organizations for teams to be sanctioned by. 2. Work with high school to encourage more youth to participate in traveling athletics. 3. Develop a baseball tournament to be played during the Lion's Jamboree. Trips and Outings 101-45030 1. Provide seniors with a well-planned and well-executed trip schedule of both one-day extended trips. Senior Citizens 101-45040 1. To provide social, educational, and recreational programs to seniors in the community. To serve as a center that provides resource information regarding senior issues and concerns. 2. To provide the oeportunity for senior exercise pro2rams. Murzyn Hall 101-45129 1. Develop a JPM preventative maintenance plan. 2. Continue to develop a plan for roof improvement. 3. Continue to work with the Lion's Club to improve customer service. 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Recreation Budget Narrative Budget Comments Traveling Athletics 101-45005 Traveling Athletics budget increased due to the addition of the one-third of the Athletic Coordinator salary. Space allocation of$2,814 was also provided to the Murzyn Hall budget. The total increase for this budget was $18,458. The last column on the budget work sheet indicates the final budget revisions that were made to this budget. Trips and Outings 101-45030 Trips and Outings budget has increased due to twenty-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary added to this budget. Murzyn Hall also received $729 for space allocation. The total increase for this budget was $15,495. The last column on the budget work sheet indicates the final budget revisions that were made to this budget. Senior Citizens 101-45040 Senior Citizens budget has decreased due to reallocating of some of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary to Trips and Outings. There was a charge of$12,877 for space allocation to Murzyn Hall. The total budget has decreased $1,957. The last column on the budget work sheet indicates the final budget revisions that were made to this budget. Murzyn Hall 101-45129 The Murzyn Hall budget has decreased significantly due to the space allocation credit received from the recreation budgets in the amount of$40,139.There were increases in Honeywell, gas and electric. Custodial staff time was reduced as well as the time of the Clerk Typist II. The total decrease of the Murzyn Hall budget is$64,936. The last column on the budget work sheet indicates the final budget revisions that were made to this budget. 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Recreation Admin Budget 2004 Adopted Department Revised Adopted Administration& General Actual Actual Budget Proposed Budget Budget 101-45000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 142,955 153,155 199,210 149,805 122,188 Supplies 4,006 2,887 5,950 5,950 5,664 Other Services and Charges 11,083 15,038 19,257 18,332 21,186 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 158,044 171,080 224,417 174,087 149,038 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Adult Athletics Budget 2004 Adopted Department Revised Adopted Adult Athletics Actual Actual Budget Proposed Budget Budget 101-45003 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 3,230 2,089 7,761 7,748 23,423 Supplies 2,778 3,165 2,750 2,750 2,750 Other Services and Charges 15,073 16,920 14,817 14,800 17,614 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 21,081 22,174 25,328 25,298 43,787 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Traveling Athletics Budget 2004 Adopted Department Revised Adopted Traveling Athletics Actual Actual Budget Proposed Budget Budget 101-45005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 3,533 1,346 7,443 7,429 23,104 Supplies 52 513 1,025 1,025 1,025 Other Services and Charges 7,870 4,689 14,167 14,150 16,964 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 11,455 6,548 22,635 22,604 41,093 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 — Summary by Class Functional Area of Senior Citizens Budget 2004 Adopted Department Revised Adopted Senior Citizens Actual Actual Budget Proposed Budget Budget 101-45040 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 60,764 63,385 67,516 68,617 53,823 Supplies 1,774 2,743 2,950 2,950 2,950 Other Services and Charges 4,283 3,685 8,114 6,973 19,850 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 66,821 69,813 78,580 78,540 76,623 13 M M N o 0 0 0 00 O 0 d0 0 0 LO O r cc CO t- CO r M r 0 U') O LO N M M - 0 O C� O N r t- 00 L (d M M CO " �i M Ni O M = p O N M O N M r Cl) co N co LO e° 00 It M O O O cc) O O O O O d' O M 0 0 0 O M O M M O N r O C0 LO N Lo LO N et N r N U') N CO L (0 LO d 00 CD Ln (O d C _ C N O M O r r M N O O OCT (O r a) *= r to r t� C/) U cr. co 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CY) O O O O O O N "T O Ln t- 0 0 00 (rO N 06 co � � r- M O r (0 r LO OCT Ili L6 � r t- O M 0) 00 NN 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 co o "' LO It O O M et M 0) Cl) th 0 0 U') M to 0 N M O (00 0 00 - r N N O N Ch !- ( r N r CO > 0 N N r ct N — r F- Q C r- CC M NIct O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 LM 0 It O N O O (0 O CD 1� M N T-1 O (rj r r 0 C.0 t` M G M O S O u') M LO M r M N (n E r 00 N M 00 N L() N O rl N 11 Lfy p -O O NMN M r C W C d Q1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M M O et O O Il- 00 V CV N r � �4) Iq r- d NO O N 0 p N LO N M N ti M tf) M 0 = Q Z r N r Ct N d' r ® Q co CD 000 0 1- O O (D d~' (o Od0 et et O Qy V d O 00 CO CO r (c r v U o N 00 OMO w M o v- O .0 r U O (77 C9 co It M 0 0 co r- 00 C CO 0- LO CO t0 O � O O O CA co O_ N O LO d' O M � M N t- O r Cl) It r O M M Ln O O 0 0 0 m L6 6 ti O co N M N � 6 N r U r r r r r N N U U N N Z7) .-C U C N Q3 Q " N O :.+ Q Q06 d U u� (U = m u) V m E Q O � O O N N O (� +-+ E U c H m d X O O C C C C C a CU v U 06 tv d = N F- b 43 N N N O U C C u- C9 CA d' Q= a' �' CA X N 'L C_ CA (n U > CU p ., y, c E E E Q) Q) y- w (D N c q) %i O d X w av o . . . � cLa X v o - N D = o - >0 � O w L, o 0 0 0 0 M m a0i o d d xa a> a � m o m 0 0 m � c) ¢ � acnaaaaa 1: Ux >- __ (D w � (nOc� 00 CX m �— �— c3 O CT r LC) O r r r r r r N M d• O w E r r O O M 0 0 0 0 O 00 d M O r E O O M M M ef' � qt et It ;t et It It N O O O M M M co Cl) co M M M M M co Cl) M M 15 S � zy nor AA 0 my NIP WA mp • 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 457 477 500 500 500 500 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 18 98 50 50 50 50 4395 STATE SALES TAX 288 318 450 450 450 450 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 11,083 15,038 19,257 18,332 18,332 21,186 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - _ - - _ 5170 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - _ TOTALS:ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL 158,044 171,080 224,417 174,087 174,087 149,038 TOTALS:GENERAL 158,044 171,080 224,417 174,087 174,087 149,038 GRAND TOTALS: 158,044 171,080 224,417 174,087 174,087 149,038 18 Athleti* cs• You- th Mi'm ............ ,.gg %•J%it fi .i •rf.•: ..Y}ant}• i :::. v$,•$'•::ri•:::v+•fi; rJ.}v,.•.:{.:{;.:i.:. }tSSji?}+:: .fv. v:•�f':I: -- • �w is?:i:?3'•E }}jj 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 Youth Athletics Budget 101-45001 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Athletic Coordinator 0 0.33 0 0 0 11,905 3,770 15,675 Building Supervisor 3,000 329 3,329 3,000 323 3,323 Baseball 1,600 175 1,775 1,600 172 1,772 Basketball 2,700 296 2,996 2,700 291 2,991 Football 500 55 555 500 54 554 Soccer 1,100 120 1,220 1,100 118 1,218 Softball 550 60 610 550 59 609 Volleyball 1,480 162 1,642 1,480 159 1,639 Wrestling 500 55 555 500 54 554 New Activities 500 55 555 500 54 554 Subtotal 0.00 0.33 11,930 1,307 13,237 23,835 5,054 28,889 Total 0.00 0*33 11,930 1,307 13,237 23,835 5,054 28,889 Supplies Food supplies 100 Coaches training supplies 300 Athletic supplies 200 Other Services&Charges Telephone 100 Volunteer coach recognition 3,000 Insuance&bonds 283 Rents&leases 300 Seasonal staff travel 50 Clinician&officials fees 1,000 Sales tax 200 Local travel 50 League registrations 800 J.P.M.space allocation 2,814 Capital Outlay none 22 • ._ i +yg�� Adult Athleti cs _ 16 � z g•���yyy 23 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 Adult Athletics Budget 101-45003 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Athletic Coordinator 0.33 0 0 0 11,905 3,770 15,675 Building Supervisor 4,050 444 4,494 4,050 436 4,486 Full Court Basketball 700 77 777 700 76 776 Softball 2,244 246 2,490 2,244 242 2,486 Subtotal 01.00 0.33 6,994 767 7,761 18,899 4,524 23,423 Total 0.00 0.33 6,994 767 7,761 18,899 4,524 23,123 Supplies Trophies 750 Softballs 1,750 General Supplies 250 Other Services&Charges Basketball officials 4,000 Softball officials 7,000 Softball sanctioning 2,000 Basketball sanctioning 500 Training 100 Insurance&bonds 150 State sales tax 150 Rents&leases 800 Telephone 100 J.P.M. Space allocation 2,814 Capital Outlay none 25 Yo uth Enrichment CITY 0F COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 Youth Enrichment Budget 1O1-45OO4 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation ofPersonnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Gymnastics 3,038 333 3,371 3,038 326 3,364 Playgrounds 5,974 655 6,629 5,974 642 6,616 Puppeteers 3,996 438 4,434 3,996 430 4,426 New Activities Instructor 1,000 110 1,110 1,000 108 1,108 ISubtotal 0.00 0.001 14' ,008 1,536 15,544 14,008 1,506 15,514 ITotal 0.00 0.00 14,008 1,536 15,544 14,008 1,506 15,5141 Supplies Food supplies 300 Athletic equipment 500 Playground equipment 908 New activities equipment 800 Gymnastics supplies 100 General supplies 200 Other Services&Charges Telephone 100 Staff training 280 Insurance&bonds 75 Rents&leases 200 Seasonal travel 50 Program activities 400 Tax 100 *Special Events HaUuweenSpooktacu|ar 500 ` Breakfast with Santa 500 VWnberFemt 500 Bunny Brunch 500 Safety Camp 1000 J.P./N.space allocation 15.237 Capital Outlay none 28 t 0 e 0 � 1 �t \J f v a ' I 0 'raveling Athleti" cs ,ago&& i 29 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 Traveling Athletics Budget 101-45005 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Athletic Coordinator 0 0.33 0 0 0 11,905 3,770 15,675 Building Supervisor 4,824 529 5,353 4,824 519 5,343 Baseball 978 107 1,085 978 105 1,083 Basketball 906 99 1,005 906 97 1,003 Subtotal 0.00 0.331 6,708 735 7,443 18,613 4,491 23,104 Total 0.00 0.33 6,708 735 7,443 18,613 4,491 23,104 Supplies Minor equipment 350 Printed forms 100 General supplies 100 Training materials 100 Food supplies 75 Program supplies 300 Other Services&Charges League officials 3,800 Advertising 50 Traveling mileage 100 Baseball sanction fees 2,000 Basketball sanction fees 3,000 NEI rental charges 5,000 Insurance&bonds 150 State sales tax 50 J.P.M.space allocation 2,814 Capital Outlay none 31 r Mme : IN ON Aopm IN Am OR MW *M ". INS.,. 20 on M _ ,a INS M El t 62 �y r CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUM13PR 2004 Trips&Outings Budget 101-4543 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2063 Ado ted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp osition Title 2003 2004 Salaries - Fri _ e &'Erin a Salaries Fri2ge &Fringe Senior Citizen-Coordinator {#00 0,25 0 0 0 11,601 3;x93 14,794 Subtotal -11.00 025 0 ' O { 11,6{11 3.193 14,794 Total X1:0{} 0.25 O "0 11,601 3;193 `14,794 Stt 11 S &rip flyers sent out quarterly_ -100 General su liies(name togs,-cup-S)`. 100 Food supplies spec al treats before trips; 150 Other Seakas&Charges Poslaoejor mailing trip flyers 500 Buses for trips 6,500 Trips&transportation booked as one 31;000 insurance&bonds 248 State sales tax 40 J.P.M.space allocation 729 Cat))tai tk lay none_ 34 �` Fn+.�.,, "'� /y .+1m�}^•. "f x�.. c'�. j,+X•kyv''A%'t' x 3 c1likil k..OolltlLclls AMP Alm. AW r 35 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 Senior Citizen Budget 101-45040 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Senior Citizen Coordinator 1.00 0.75 45,420 12,652 58,072 34,803 9,580 44,383 Senior Aerobic Instructor 0.25 0.25 4,364 358 4,722 4,364 356 4,720 Senior Aerobic Instructor 0.25 0.25 4,364 358 4,722 4,364 356 4,720 Subtotal 1.50 1.251 54,148 13,368 67,5161 43,531 10,292 53,823 Total 1.50 1.25 54,148 13,368 67,516 43,531 10,292 53,823 Su lies Senior newsletter issued monthly 100 Food supplies 1,900 Office supplies 100 Minor office equipment 100 Program supplies 700 General supplies 50 Other Services&Charges Defensive Driving/Speakers/Educational 4,500 Rentals-Bus for special outings/movie rentals 400 Golden Age Club Holiday Dinner 300 Staff training expense 150 Postage 100 Local travel 250 Travel expense-National Conference 300 Insurance&bonds 373 Subscription&membership 250 Taxes&licenses 250 State sales tax 100 J.P.M.space allocation 12,877 37 o. 3 ' ' 6 1 Y John -r. Mu.1- Y .11 tiae-% ll R 38 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 10,563 6,227 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 21,536 17,973 18,003 20,178 20,178 20,178 4050 GARAGE,LABOR SURD. 43 - 500 500 500 500 4100 RENTS&LEASES 24 19 - - - (40,139) 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 150 260 200 200 200 200 4395 STATE SALES TAX 3,658 3,609 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 77,152 75,399 71,818 74,770 74,770 34,631 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT _ _ 2,000 _ _ _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,058 - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 2,190 - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,248 - 2,000 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - - - - - 8110 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - _ _ _ _ - TOTALS: MURZYN HALL 231,942 234,540 249,022 243,347 243,347 184,086 TOTALS:GENERAL 231,942 234,540 249,022 243,347 243,347 184,086 GRAND TOTALS: 231,942 234,540 249,022 243,347 243,347 184,086 40 p,. r• o 04 IT NT Nt oLO 000dON � � - °- °o 00 r v ai `�' TN � c`nv � t�3 16sl 6 p N c i R 0 ® 5 co a 0 a t ♦�♦ O o saw I o io4 0n o a o o C M to V ''"" O l(') C V LC) ..V .a I T T LO T co a a a N N o \° \o \o `O io \o c 0 gcco LO N LO .°- 1i) coa � r i T T- {, r cc c E O o 0 IM o 0 It ca o 00 0° 00 00 \ \ \ �. 1- a ® � .� r�- � rr TOtO� a Q vs Lh o `° o c V d r O C Q ® r J Q c,LO o c o CD U-1 LO W r `V N o° a I =o o � o c c U') T a W Q ° o O i- ci cOi o 0 0 -o 0° o o c W d � cv0000000c� a a () r O o - o a o 0 If) � v- � O r M ° Y r o \ co n U) 11- 0 � o 0 a I\ r o°- o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,,0 LO 00 In O tzT N r M 1(5 t1) 1p IR to � tf) O tY? O O 00 O :r YCrp MCO00N M UjLO co OO OT O MO \o \a \ \° .o \o \0 \o \ o � `� o 0 0 0 \ �o \ �u o 0 o a o o a o 0 m R � a - o Oo o - o o u U{ u a 0 o a �? cf? tntno - ,t, a i,� N t17Mtt> CONN0 QONt1i N tt� M 116 C5 00 C3 O '- R^� N IM cj O G1 ,a. Q to VJ G1 al _ Q O 4 O p Q W .5 ® v ,A =� wZ 9= o m 0 > O Q@ C O 4) U d ca >c'm U B Z Q n U. sca m0U. m0. a U2a1U ® raS = > = f = cn �1- - City of Columbia Heights 2004 Proposed Detail Budget Table of Contents Budget Narrative ActivityDescription.....................................................................................................................1-1 Objectives..................................................................................................................................1-3 BudgetComments.....................................................................................................................1-5 Summary Data General Government Buildings (101-41940)..............................................................................2-1 Recognition/Special Events (101-45050) ...................................................................................2-2 Contingencies (101-49200)........................................................................................................2-3 Transfers (101-49300) ...............................................................................................................2-4 Cable Television (225-49844)....................................................................................................2-5 Refuse Disposal (60349510) ....................................................................................................2-6 Refuse Collection & Disposal (603-49520).................................................................................2-7 Recycling (603-49530)...............................................................................................................2-8 Hazardous Waste (603-49540)..................................................................................................2-9 Detail Revenue General Government Revenue ..................................................................................................3-1 Detail Expense General Government Buildings Detailed Expenses....................................................................4-1 General Government Buildings Summary of Cost Factors.........................................................4-3 Recognition/Special Events Detailed Expenses.........................................................................4-4 Contingencies Detailed Expenses..............................................................................................4-6 Transfers Detailed Expenses.....................................................................................................4-7 Cable Television Detailed Expenses..........................................................................................4-8 Cable Television Summary of Cost Factors.............................................................................4-10 Refuse Disposal Detailed Expenses ........................................................................................4-12 Refuse Collection & Disposal Detailed Expenses.....................................................................4-13 Refuse Collection & Disposal Summary of Cost Factors..........................................................4-14 General Recycling Detailed Expenses.....................................................................................4-15 General Recycling Summary of Cost Factors...........................................................................4-17 Hazardous Waste Detailed Expenses......................................................................................4-18 Hazardous Waste Summary of Cost Factors ...........................................................................4-19 Reviewer's Notes BlankPages ..............................................................................................................................5-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Activity Description General Government Buildings 101-41940 General Government Buildings includes the maintenance and repair of City Hall and the premises it occupies. This includes cleaning and repair services, utilities, elevator service, plumbing, rug rental, mechanical repairs, and remodeling costs. Recognition/Special Events 101-45050 This department was established to budget and account for various activities that do not specifically fall under other departments. Examples of these activities are the City Float and Royalty Events, employee and volunteer recognition, fireworks, the City Beautification program, and the City newsletter. Cable Television 225-49844 This activity administers the Columbia Heights'cable franchise ordinance, which includes rate regulation activities, franchise renewals, transfers of ownership, enforcement of customer service standards, and ensuring compliance of the cable company with the terms and conditions of the franchise. Additionally, programming is produced on the government access channel. A Telecommunications Commission serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council. Refuse Disposal 603-49510 Contracted costs and billings for refuse, recycling and yard waste collection and disposal are separated and accounted for in this department to enable tracking of actual costs for each area and to facilitate accurate reporting to state and county agencies as required. The City's five year contract with BFI Waste Systems continues through December 2004. As part of this contract, the hauler provides all single and double households with wheeled garbage carts. Three levels of service are available to provide options for residents. Residents may request a change of service level by calling city hall. At this time 85% of residents have selected the full service option, 7% chose the 60 gallon limited service and 4% prefer the 30 gallon low-volume service. The subsidized "senior rate"for low income seniors is utilized by 4% of households. Page 1-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Activity Description Refuse Collection & Disposal 603-49520 This activity administers the total refuse collection and disposal program and includes expenses other than the contract costs. Contracted costs are separated for clarity in tracking and reporting; however, they do remain a function of this budget as a whole. Recycling 603-49530 This activity provides administrative oversight of the recycling contract between the City and BFI Waste Systems, Inc. The City contracts with the hauler to collect nine items in the curbside collection program, plus tires and scrap metal at the recycling drop-off center. The City continues to meet and exceed the recycling tonnage goals set by the Metropolitan Council and Anoka County. The City residents recycle an average of 175 tons per month through city programs. Hazardous Waste 603-49540 This activity administers the handling of hazardous waste generated by the City of Columbia Heights. Such items include fluorescent lamps, solvents, waste and automotive fluids, and paints and chemicals. While this budget functions as a service to the Public Works Department, it is administered through the Refuse Fund. This fund does not deal with household hazardous waste generated by residents. Anoka County provides those services primarily through a year-round drop-off facility located in Blaine that serves the entire county. Page 1-2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Objectives for 2004 General Government Buildings 101-41940 This department handles the maintenance and security of City Hall. Recognition/Special Events 101-45050 1. Maintain cost-effective special event/recognition programs that benefit the residents of Columbia Heights. 2. While plants and flowers clearly beautify the city and give a heightened sense of community pride, the volunteer citizens form a genuine bond and clearly feel pride in their contributions to the city. These attractive plantings give an excellent impression of our city to visitors and newcomers alike. Cable Television 225-49844 1. Conduct needs assessment, technical audit, and performance review in conjunction with franchise renewal process. 2. Purchase new equipment and replace existing equipment as needed to enhance in-house and public presentation and communications. Refuse Disposal 603-49510 1. Continue to monitor the need for any rate adjustment that may be justified by changes in disposal costs or markets. 2. Promote responsible waste practices, through training, and education, to reduce the ever growing muncipal solid waste tonnages. Page 1-3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Objectives for 2004 Refuse Collection & Disposal 603-49520 1. Continue to actively promote the unique aspects of the current contract and encourage residents to effectively use the services available to them as Columbia Heights residents. 2. Encourage a greater use of the low-volume option for those who require only the very basics in disposal services. 3. Work with owner/managers/caretakers and tenants of multi-unit facilities to provide all the disposal services they need in the most cost effective manner, thereby reducing the number of complaints from and about these buildings. 4. Routinely monitor known problem areas to decrease their negative impact and resolve issues in a timely anner. Recycling 603-49530 1. Continue to educate residents to all the items that can be recycled curbside, at our Recycling Drop-off Center, and the numerous other options available within the community. 2. Continue to work with multiple dwelling units in our community to educate renters and owners alike to all the recycling opportunities available. 3 Work closely with Kiwanis and Golden K Kiwanis groups and residents to effectively utilize our Recycling Center. 4. Contact new residents to encourage their participation in our recycling programs. 5. Continue to keep the "New Resident Packet'current to optimize its usefulness as a welcome and informative piece of information on our city. 6. Monitor the feasibility and success of the one-cart recycling system and any possible advantages for our residents. 7. Add beverage recycling containers seasonally to heavily used parks. Hazardous Waste 603-49540 1. Continue to coordinate twice a year collections of fluorescent bulbs from residents and city buildings to facilitate proper disposal. 2. Work with Public Works and maintenance staff to explore non-toxic, non-hazardous options as are deemed reasonable. 3. Promote and encourage residents to use the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste drop-off facility. 4. Work with Anoka County staff to best serve our residents in all housing styles. 5. Educate residents which items are hazardous, costly to dispose, and accepted only at a licensed disposal facility, and what options may be available to purchase more wisely. Page 1-4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Budget Comments General Government Buildings 101-41940 The proposed budget for 2004 is $7,153 less than the adopted budget for 2003. This is the required cut even though we are requesting $20,000 for a better security system for City Hall. Recognition/Special Events 101-45050 The Heights Happenings City Newsletter is budgeted at$19,000 for 2004. The publication is done by the Recreation Department with the publishing contracted out. The Special Events line item is budgeted at$3,000 for the fireworks during the Jamboree. The show cost is $6,000 with $3,000 coming from donations the Recreation Director receives from the community. The Beautification team is very aware of tax dollars being spent and has made solid efforts in the past three years to obtain perennials for many of the plantings to minimize costs to the City. In addition, donations of plants from the core group of volunteers and neighbors has been encouraged with great success. We are confident that we can maintain the high quality of our efforts and reduce city costs by$1,000 for 2004. A new City float was purchased in 2003 and debuted at the Columbia Heights Jamboree parade in June. The Royalty program is managed by parent volunteers. The City budgets$5,000 for the float and $6,000 for the royalty events annually. Both the City float and the Royalty program provide recognition for the City of Columbia Heights and involve members of the community. The total budgeted amount of$11,000 has remained the same over the past few years. The volunteers who manage the float and royalty events have put forth sincere efforts to cut costs. Fund raisers are also done during the year to aid with the costs of this program. Cable Television 225-49844 The Cable Television budget increased by$66,453 from 2003 to 2004. Personal services decreased by$51, due to a decrease in workers compensation insurance premium and allocated fringe. Supplies increased by$4,558, primarily due to monies budgeted for a digital video camera, LCD projector, and an upgrade to the software and equipment for the Library access channel. Other Services and Charges increased by$55,946, primarily due to an increase in monies budgeted for expert and professional services for the cable franchise renewal process. Capital Outlay increased by$6,000 for the purchase of a non-linear edit system. Page 1-5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of General Government Budget Narrative Budget Comments Refuse Disposal 603-49510 The Refuse Disposal Budget increased by$210 from 2003 to 2004. Based on average billings and the 2004 contract with BFI Waste Systems, Inc., costs for refuse disposal increased by $400, while costs for recycling increased $990, and costs for yard waste collections decreased by$1,180. Refuse Collection & Disposal 603-49520 The Refuse Collection & Disposal Budget decreased by$689 from 2003 to 2004. Supplies decreased by $90, and Other Services and Charges decreased by$653, due to minor increases and decreases to various line items. Other Financing Uses increased by$54 due to an increase in Transfer Out-Labor, based on movement through the wage schedules. Recycling 603-49530 The Recycling budget increased by$651 from 2003 to 2004. Supplies increased by$2,925, primarily due to the need to replace an oil filter crusher. Other Services and Charges decreased by$1,140, due to minor changes in various line items. Depreciation decreased by$588. Other Financing Uses increased by$54, due to an increase in Transfer Out-Labor, based on movement through the wage schedules. Hazardous Waste 603-49540 The Hazardous Waste budget increased by$275 from 2003 to 2004, due to minor increases in various line items, offset by minor decreases in various line items. The primary cost in this budget is for the disposal of various materials used in the City buildings. Page 1-6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of General Government Buildings Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted General Government Buildings Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-41940 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 10,494 11,298 15,000 10,850 10,850 Other Services and Charges 107,267 101,175 143,546 120,543 120,543 Capital Outlay 0 1,681 0 20,000 20,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 117,761 114,154 158,546 151,393 151,393 Page 2-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Contingencies Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Contingencies Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-49200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 1,521,679 300,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Total Expenses 1,521,679 300,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 Page 2-3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cable Television Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Cable Televison Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 225-49844 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 1,828 1,973 6,434 6,383 6,383 Supplies 1,267 2,302 9,602 14,160 14,160 Other Services and Charges 19,324 90,926 41,608 97,554 97,554 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 Contingencies &Transfers 104,333 408,549 109,330 109,330 109,330 Total Expenses 126,752 503,750 166,974 233,427 233,427 Page 2-5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Refuse Collection & Disposal Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Refuse Collection & Disposal Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 603-49520 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 272 201 1,460 1,370 1,370 Other Services and Charges 11,119 12,764 15,960 15,307 15,307 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies & Transfers 105,980 111,276 117,402 117,456 117,456 Total Expenses 117,371 124,241 134,822 134,133 134,133 Page 2-7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Hazardous Waste Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Hazardous Waste Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 603-49540 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 300 300 300 Supplies 0 0 600 600 600 Other Services and Charges 2,670 1,959 5,675 5,950 5,950 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 2,670 1,959 6,575 6,850 6,850 Page 2-9 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 General Government Revenue Gen Gov Recognition Buildings Spec/Events Contingencies Transfers Cable TV Refuse 101 101 101 101 225 603 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 80,174 27,501 59,259 75,452 0 0 31014 Area-Wide Taxes 21,364 7,328 15,791 20,106 0 0 32150 Sewer 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 32161 Contractors License 0 0 0 12,500 0 0 32168 Other Professional &Occup 0 0 0 100 0 0 32178 Other amusement Licenses 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 32181 Conditional Use 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 32188 Other Business Licenses 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 32191 Sprinler Permit Fees 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 32192 Building& Moving Permits 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 32194 Heating Permits 0 0 0 23,000 0 0 32195 Plumbing Permits 0 0 0 17,000 0 0 33401 Local Government Aid 29,937 10,269 22,127 28,174 0 0 33405 PERA Increase Aid 433 148 320 407 0 0 33610 County Street Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 42,000 36210 Interest on Investments 3,385 1,161 2,503 3,186 0 0 36211 Interest Current Value Credit 0 0 0 0 1,000 21,000 36255 Prior Year Fees 0 0 0 0 133,000 0 36260 2% Surcharge Retention 0 0 0 300 0 0 36290 Other Miscellaneous RevenL 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 37311 Interdepartmental Refuse Cl- 0 0 0 0 0 1,242,700 37410 Storm Sewer Service Charg( 0 0 0 0 0 4,500 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 39120 Recovery Damage City Prop 100 0 0 0 0 0 39140 Other Refunds& Reimburse 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue 151,393 46,407 100,000 338,725 134,000 1,310,200 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 6,383 1,200 Supplies 10,850 0 0 0 14,160 1,300,420 Other Services and Charges 120,543 46,407 0 0 97,554 46,435 Capital Outlay 20,000 0 0 0 6,000 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 100,000 338,725 109,330 189,912 Total Expenses 151,393 46,407 100,000 338,725 233,427 1,537,967 Summary Total Revenue 151,393 46,407 100,000 338,725 134,000 1,310,200 Total Expenses 151,393 46,407 100,000 338,725 233,427 1,537,967 Change to Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 (99,427) (227,767) Page 3-1 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,864 6,566 8,100 6,500 6,500 - 2010 MINOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - 500 - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 409 - - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 282 500 300 300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 551 446 600 450 450 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 186 - 300 - - - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,893 3,592 5,000 3,600 3,600 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 2 - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - - - - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 10,494 11,298 15,000 10,850 10,850 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,834 10,190 9,000 10,000 10,000 3105 TRAINING &EDUC ACTIVITIES 80 - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 4,341 (13,292) 5,000 5,000 5,000 3220 POSTAGE 2,041 2,476 2,400 2,217 2,217 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 500 - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 5,330 8,396 10,914 9,823 9,823 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC 20,833 17,971 21,500 18,870 18,870 - 3820 WATER 1,005 759 750 800 800 - 3830 GAS 10,031 8,174 10,000 8,583 8,583 - 3840 REFUSE - - - - - - 3850 SEWER 1,168 1,056 1,200 1,050 1,050 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 41,607 40,876 60,500 37,500 37,500 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 21,015 18,850 18,882 21,163 21,163 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. - 102 - 50 50 - 4060 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COPIER CR (14,822) (736) (5,000) (1,000) (1,000) - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 790 797 900 800 800 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES 25 - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 540 530 500 500 500 - 4342 PROPERTY DAMAGE - - 500 - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 202 20 500 100 100 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 5,247 5,006 5,500 5,087 5,087 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 107,267 101,175 143,546 120,543 120,543 - Page 4-1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 General Government Buildings BUDGET 101-41940 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation From: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies Office supplies 6,500 General supplies 3,600 Printing& printed forms 450 Other Services&Charges Honeywell contract 21,163 Insurance 9,823 Electric, water, gas&sewer 28,253 Postage 2,217 Expert and professional services 10,000 Repairs and maintenance of building 37,500 Cleaning of building 20,652 Maintenance of various machines 5,000 Elevator service 800 Repairs and maintenance of building 11,000 Capital Outlay Security system for City Hall 20,000 Contingencies&Transfers None Page 4-3 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45050 RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENTS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 4378 SPECIAL EVENTS 7,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 4379 SILVER LAKE BEACH 955 175 - - - - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 426 327 - - - 4381 BACK TO THE PARKS PROGRAM - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,627 597 - 1,658 1,658 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 49,551 37,226 53,368 46,407 46,407 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - 18,000 - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 18,000 - - - TOTALS: RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVEN 51,667 38,933 71,368 46,407 46,407 - TOTALS: GENERAL 51,667 38,933 71,368 46,407 46,407 - GRAND TOTALS: 51,667 38,933 71,368 46,407 46,407 - Page 4-5 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49300 TRANSFERS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER FINANCING USES 7130 TRANSFER OUT TO FED POL GRNT - - - - - - 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - - 7200 TRANSFER OUT TO PARATRANSIT - - 7220 TRANSFER OUT TO HRA - - - - - - 7230 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP PARK - - 50,000 - - - 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG 50,000 1,190,052 80,000 - - - 7250 TRANSFER OUT TO PENSION RSV - - - - - - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 7280 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP PROJ - - - - - - 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE 15,000 - - - - - 7310 TRANSFER OUT TO DARE - - - - - - 7320 TRANSFER OUT TO PARKING RAMP - - - - - - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TO INFRASTRUCT - - - - - - 7340 TRANSFER OUT TO COMP ABSENCE - - - - - - 7350 TRANS OUT ENERGY MGT - - - - - - 7360 TRANSFER OUT TO FAST COPS - - - - - - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 7380 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM POLICE - - - - - - 7390 TRANSFER OUT TO LIBRARY - - - - - - 7410 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM DEVELOP 250,000 250,000 250,000 238,725 238,725 - 7412 TRANSFER OUT TO RENTAL HOUSG - - - - - - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 - TOTALS:TRANSFERS 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 - TOTALS: GENERAL 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 - GRAND TOTALS: 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 - Page 4-7 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 225 CABLE TELEVISION Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager I Council 49844 CABLE TELEVISION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING & IMPROVEMENT - - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 6,000 6,000 - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 6,000 6,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER. TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 54,333 - 59,330 59,330 59,330 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - 58,549 - - - - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - 300,000 - - - - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 104,333 408,549 109,330 109,330 109,330 - TOTALS: CABLE TELEVISION 126,752 503,750 166,974 233,427 233,427 - TOTALS: CABLE TELEVISION 126,752 503,750 166,974 233,427 233,427 - GRAND TOTALS: 126,752 503,750 166,974 233,427 233,427 - Page 4-9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 CABLE TELEVISION BUDGET 225-49844 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Capital Outlav Non-linear edit system 6,000 Contingencies &Transfers Transfers out of various 59,330 staff time engaged in cable activities Transfer to Data Processing 50,000 Page 4-11 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49520 REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5 - 420 380 380 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 40 40 40 - 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS 107 201 800 800 800 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 160 - 200 150 150 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 272 201 1,460 1,370 1,370 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,300 1,410 1,612 1,561 1,561 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 225 225 225 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 220 225 307 300 300 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,304 2,308 2,100 2,250 2,250 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 3 50 50 50 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES - - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 75 75 75 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 50 125 125 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,800 5,770 7,501 6,751 6,751 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES - - 100 100 100 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 45 44 350 310 310 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 801 - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 2,631 2,978 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 18 25 90 60 60 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 11,119 12,764 15,960 15,307 15,307 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER,TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 60,980 66,276 72,402 72,456 72,456 - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND - - - - - - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 105,980 111,276 117,402 117,456 117,456 - TOTALS: REFUSE COLLECTION& DISP 117,371 124,240 134,822 134,133 134,133 - TOTALS: REFUSE FUND 117,371 124,240 134,822 134,133 134,133 - GRAND TOTALS: 117,371 124,240 134,822 134,133 134,133 - Page 4-13 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 603 REFUSE FUND Actual I Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49530 GENERAL RECYCLING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 418 388 1,000 600 600 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 209 194 500 300 300 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 627 581 1,500 900 900 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20 7 75 50 50 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,992 - 500 3,500 3,500 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 107 201 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 100 100 100 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 46 - 950 1,100 1,100 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7 916 700 500 500 - 2280 VEHICLE PARTS - - - - - - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 2,172 1,123 3,525 6,450 6,450 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,950 6,044 5,812 6,161 6,161 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 140 125 500 300 300 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 286 290 307 330 330 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,304 2,308 2,800 2,550 2,550 - 3310 LOCALTRAVELEXPENSE 115 88 230 200 200 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 400 - - 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES - - 75 75 75 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 50 50 50 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - - - - - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC - - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - - 600 600 600 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 796 338 1,600 800 800 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 1,552 1,752 2,275 2,518 2,518 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 20 46 200 200 200 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 154 16 300 225 225 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 13,316 11,007 15,149 14,009 14,009 - DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 300 300 300 300 300 - 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 1,157 1,157 1,157 1,157 1,157 - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 10,782 9,712 10,300 9,712 9,712 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION - - - - - - TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 12,238 11,169 11,757 11,169 11,169 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING & IMPROVEMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - Page 4-15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 RECYCLING BUDGET 603-49530 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Personal Services Interdepartmental Labor 600 Allocated Fringe 300 Supplies Recycling Office Supplies 50 Markers/Labels/Laminating 50 Oil Filter Crusher 3,500 Cell Phonecharger 60 Envelopes & Statements for Utility 200 Gloves 25 Informational Brochures & Flyers 1,000 Recycling Center Supplies 50 Maintenance & Construction Materials 100 Tools, Small Hand Tools 20 Miscellaneous Recycling Supplies 100 Sand & Ice Melt 20 Container Liners for Parks 300 Cleaning Supplies 30 Recycling Containers 700 First Aid Supplies 20 Miscellaneous Supplies 25 Maintenance Supplies 200 Other Services & Charges Auditor's Fee 1,561 Repair and Maintenance 600 Kiwanis Staffing of Recycling Center 2,400 Labor Cost for Recycling Services & Yardwaste Disposal from Streets 2,200 Oil Crushing 800 Training/Workshops 300 Utility Copying Costs 200 Portion of Main Phone Line, Long Distance 269 Department Copying Costs 200 Recycling Center Phone 61 Garage Space Allocation 2,118 Postage for Utility Mailings 1,350 Subscriptions & Memberships 200 Department Postage 1,200 Sales Tax 225 Mileage Reimbursement 200 Recycling Promo Ads 75 Phone Listing in Directory 50 Depreciation Building Depreciation 300 Depreciation on Improvements (oil tank) 1,157 Equipment Depreciation (street sweepers) 9,712 Capital Outlay None Contingencies &Transfers Transfers Out for Staff Engaged in Refuse Related Activities 72,456 Page 4-17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 HAZARDOUS WASTE 603-49540 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Personal Services Interdepartmental Labor 200 Allocated Fringe 100 Supplies Training & Instructional Supplies 100 Spill kits (Containment) 300 Gloves & Respirator Cartridges 200 Other Services & Charges Fluorescent Lamp Recycling/Disposal 1,200 Seminars, Conferences 300 Ballast& Monitor Disposal 150 Mileage Reimbursement 50 Crushed Oil Filter Collection & Recycling 900 Miscellaneous Charges 200 Disposal of Solvents, Paints, Miscellaneous Anoka County License 150 Hazardous Waste 1,500 Hazardous Waste Base Tax 100 Testing of Oil Tank 1,100 Hazardous Waste Generator(VSQG) License 250 Sales Tax 50 Page 4-19 C'\ The City r,7 of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET r r„ Liquor momomm, = I'll a lwl�l MI =I limi mill I City OfColumbia Heights 2O04 Proposed Detail Budget Table of Contents Budget Narrative Activity Description................................................... ....'.... 1-1 Objectives ..............—............—.—...........—....—'''''''''''''' 1-3 Budget COO1n18OtS ............................................................ 1-5 Summary Data Liquor Store #1 (609-49791).....—....................................—. 2-1 Liquor Store #2 792\............................................... 2-2 Liquor Store #3 (609-49793)................................................ 2-3 Liquor Store Non-Operating (609-49794)............................... 2-4 Capital Equipment Replacement Liquor Store #1 9791\... 2-5 Capital Equipment Replacement Liquor Store #2 (436-4g792)... 2-6 Capital EQUiDOO8Ot Replacement Liquor Store #3 (436-49793)... 2-7 Detail Revenue LiquorRevenue...................................................................3-1 Detail Expense Liquor Store ;¥1 Detailed Expense ........................................... 4-1 Liquor Store #1 Summary Of Cost Factors ................................. 4-4 Liquor Detailed ExD8DS8.........................—......—..... 4-5 [iqUO[ Store #2 Summary DfCost F8ctO[S................................../4-7 Liquor Store #3 Detailed ExD8nS2..—......-................................4-8 Liquor Store #3 Summary OfCost F@CtOnG .................................. [iQUOr Non-Operating Detailed Expense .................................... 4-11 Capital Equipment Replacement [iQUOr Store #1 .......................—.4-12 Capital EnUipOl2Of Renl8C80M8Ot Liquor Store #2-..—..............--.4-13 Capital Equipment R�»nl8QBMD8Mt Liquor Store #3.—................—.../4-1z1 Reviewer's Notes CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Activity Description Top Valu 1 609-49791 This department accounts for the operations of the Liquor Store on 44th and Central Avenue. This store opened in December 1984 and has been very profitable ever since. It was the City's first venture into a large volume type liquor store. The store offers good pricing in a desirable shopping environment. The competitive pricing of the store has attracted customers from neighboring areas. The surrounding businesses have changed over the years; our neighbor Walgreen's has moved and has been replaced by a Dollar Tree and Rainbow Foods has a new ownership group. Top Valu II 609-49792 The City opened this Liquor Store at 37th and Stinson Avenue, in April 1993. Business has picked up steadily and we anticipate that it will be a more profitable in the future years. Heights 6G9-49793 The City of Columbia Heights built and opened this store in 1964. In 1986 the store underwent significant renovation and improvements with the addition of a new cooler, lighting, and floor tile. This store is operated as a small convenience operation with more profitable markups than the two larger volume stores. This store does a high volume of summer business in the evening and has outgrown the size of the store. Liquor Non-Operating 609-49794 This department was established o account for the liquor operation expenditures that are not directly related to any of the three liquor stores. The four major expenditures in this department are the transfer out to the Capital Equipment Replacement Fund to fund all General Fund capital equipment needs, transfer our to the Infrastructure Fund for street rehabilitation projects, and transfer out to the Information Systems Fund. Top Valu I Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49791 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Activity Description Top Valu It Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49792 Heights Liquor Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49793 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Objectives for 2004 Top Valu 1 609-49791 1. Upgrade our security system to help ensure the safety of our staff and customers. 2. Continue to target nationally advertised items with wide customer appeal. 3. Upgrade our cash registers and computer system to efficiently serve our customers. 4. Locate a new site for this store on Central Avenue to one that has a good sight lines from the road, adequate off street parking, and sufficient land for a proper size store. Top Valu II 609-49792 1. Upgrade our security system to help ensure the safety of our staff and customers. 2. Continue to target nationally advertised items with wide customer appeal. 3. Upgrade our cash registers and computer system to efficiently serve our customers. Heights 609-49793 1. Upgrade our security system to help ensure the safety of our staff and customers. 2. Continue to target nationally advertised items with wide customer appeal. 3. Upgrade our cash registers and computer system to efficiently serve our customers. 4. Locate a new site for this store on University Avenue to one that has a good sight lines from the road, adequate off street parking, and sufficient land for a proper size store. Liquor Non-Operating 609-49794 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Objectives for 2004 Top Valu I Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49791 Top Valu II Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49792 Heights Liquor Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49793 1- �-t CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Budget Comments Top Valu 1 609-49791 The budget for Top Valu I has decreased by$344,262 from the 2003 adopted budget. This is due to a failure to achieve projected increases in sales. This will result in a reduction in cost of goods to be replaced. We believe this is partly due to the increase in competition from a new liquor store in the area, as well as a continual reduction in the traffic flow to the businesses around us at this site. Top Valu II 609-49792 The budget for Top Valu I has increased by$71,772 from the 2003 adopted budget. This is due to a projected increase in sales and in the value of the cost of goods to be replaced. Heights 609-49793 The budget for Heights Liquor has decreased $142,473 from the 2003 adopted budget. The sales at this store have been consistent and strong. But due to limited size of the store, the growth anticipated for 2003 was not achieved. Liquor Non-Operating 609-49794 t—� CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Liquor Budget Narrative Budget Comments Top Valu I Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49791 Top Valu II Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49792 Heights Liquor Capital Equipment Replacement 436-49793 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Liquor Store#1 Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Liquor Store#1 Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 609-49791 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 275,276 306,071 331,423 324,055 324,056 Supplies 2,467,580 2,356,237 2,728,580 2,388,610 2,388,610 Other Services and Charges 220,404 213,020 233,776 236,852 236,852 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 2,963,260 2,875,328 3,293,779 2,949,517 2,949,518 a-1 to City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 436 CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49793 LIQUOR STORE#3 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 4395 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY _ - TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#3 - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQI - - - - - - GRAND TOTALS: - _ tl 1�� CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Liquor Store#3 Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Liquor Store#3 Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 609-49793 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 142,394 140,641 178,131 162,686 162,686 Supplies 1,130,061 1,115,811 1,261,125 1,125,650 1,125,650 Other Services and Charges 35,823 39,234 35,814 43,261 43,261 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 Total Expenses 1,308,278 1,295,686 1,475,070 1,332,597 1,332,597 oZ'J CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip Replacement Liq Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Replace-Liq Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 436-49791 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 2,048,668 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 2,048,668 0 0 0 a° J CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip Replacement Liq Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Replace-Liq Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 436-49793 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 61,666 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 61,666 0 0 0 0 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 Liquor Revenue Store#1 Store#2 Store#3 Non-Operating ®� 609 609 609 609 Revenue 37700 Discounts-Store#1 (1,500) 0 0 0 37720 Sales-Liquor 985,000 0 0 0 37725 Sales-Beer 1,500,000 0 0 0 37726 Sales-Wine 325,000 0 0 0 37728 Sales-Miscellaneous Taxable 38,000 0 0 0 37729 Sales-Non Taxable 23,000 0 0 0 37730 Sales-Cigarettes 78,000 0 0 0 37739 Sales-Lottery 118,000 0 0 0 37740 Cash Over/Short# 1 (1,500) 0 0 0 37800 Discounts Store#2 0 (1,000) 0 0 37820 Sales-Liquor 0 710,000 0 0 37825 Sales-Beer 0 1,295,000 0 0 37826 Sales-Wine 0 330,000 0 0 37828 Sales-Miscellaneous Taxable 0 38,000 0 0 37829 Sales-Non Taxable 0 20,000 0 0 37830 Sales-Cigarettes 0 58,000 0 0 37839 Sales-Lottery 0 58,000 0 0 37840 Cash Over/Short#2 0 (1,000) 0 0 37920 Sales-liquor 0 0 462,000 0 37925 Sales-Beer 0 0 813,000 0 37926 Sales-Wine 0 0 66,300 0 37928 Sales-Miscellaneous Taxable 0 0 20,100 0 37929 Sales-Non Taxable 0 0 11,400 0 37930 Sales-Cigarettes 0 0 69,000 0 37939 Sales-Lottery 0 0 46,000 0 37940 Cash Over/Short# 3 0 0 (800) 0 Total Revenue 3,064,000 2,507,000 1,487,000 0 Cost of Goods Sold 2,376,500 1,939,850 1,121,500 0 Net Operating Income 687,500 567,150 365,500 0 Expenses Personal Services 324,055 239,249 162,686 0 Supplies 2,388,610 1,946,460 1,125,650 0 Other Services and Charges 236,852 155,281 43,261 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 1,000 1,000 212,062 Total Expenses 2,949,517 2,341,990 1,332,597 212,062 Summary Total Revenue 3,064,000 2,507,000 1,487,000 0 Total Expenses 2,949,517 2,341,990 1,332,597 212,062 Net Income 114,483 165,010 154,403 (212,062) a. 1 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49791 LIQUOR STORE#1 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 LABOR COSTS 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 218,318 206,677 249,907 192,274 192,274 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 77,644 102,708 97,158 101,410 101,410 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 1,528 - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 616 207 800 - - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME 193 422 200 - - TOTALS: LABOR COSTS 296,771 311,542 348,065 293,684 293,684 - FRINGE BENEFIT COSTS 1030 VACATION &SICK 3,566 531 - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 5,148 5,743 6,172 4,412 4,412 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - _ 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 750 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 7,313 6,060 8,000 16,262 16,262 - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR (82,922) (69,333) (84,325) (45,786) (45,786) - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 17,216 21,003 19,534 16,484 16,484 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 28,107 30,793 26,937 22,804 22,804 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 39 - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 28,866 28,496 38,520 25,680 25,680 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - 280 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 6,600 7,263 6,677 5,277 5,277 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 3,788 2,436 4,000 8,131 8,131 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR (39,967) (38,744) (42,157) (22,893) (22,893) - TOTALS: FRINGE BENEFIT COSTS (21,496) (5,471) (16,642) 30,371 30,371 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37 510 300 500 500 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 172 911 500 900 900 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,725 1,034 2,000 1,600 1,600 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 30 789 350 800 800 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - - - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - - - - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - _ _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5,644 7,685 8,970 8,000 8,000 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 77 252 200 260 260 - 2181 PERIODICALS, MAG, NEWSPAPERS - 45 - 50 50 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 7,684 11,226 12,320 12,110 12,110 - COST OF GOODS SOLD 2199 DELIVERY 10,360 8,458 11,500 9,000 9,000 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 746,581 747,091 822,000 750,000 750,000 - 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 1,246,184 1,180,527 1,385,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 - 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 223,223 204,201 238,900 206,000 206,000 - 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC TAX 44,264 23,908 47,360 25,000 25,000 - 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARET 69,448 70,203 70,150 70,500 70,500 - 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 117,710 95,389 128,350 100,000 100,000 - 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MSC NTAX 4,445 14,912 13,000 16,000 16,000 - 2591 COST OF GOODS SOLD-NONTAX - - - - - - 11-1 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 436 CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49791 LIQUOR STORE#1 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Descri tion 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4395 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - - - - - 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - _ - - _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - _ _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - _ TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#1 - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQI - - - - - - GRAND TOTALS: _ - _ - - _ ie CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 LIQUOR BUDGET 609-49793 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 1.00 43,782 13,017 56,799 43,782 12,965 56,747 Asst Liquor Mgr 0.00 1.00 0 0 40,614 12,492 53,106 Cashiers&Stock Clerks 3.00 3.00 58,529 8,820 67,349 58,529 8,750 67,279 Subtotal 4.00 5.001 102,311 21,837 124,1481 142,925 34,207 177,132 Labor Allocation From: 609-49791 0.48 0.80 43,992 21,991 65,983 48,080 14,349 62,429 Labor Allocation To: 609-49791 0.20 0.40 (8,000) (4,000) (12,000) (16,262) (5,091) (21,353) 609-49792 (16,262) (5,091) (21,353) Total 4.68 6.20 138,303 39,828 178,131 158,481 38,374 196,855 Supplies Cash Register Tape 250 Computer Equip/Supplies 1,100 Delivery of Merchandise 3,500 Food Supplies 50 Minor Equipment 600 Office Supplies 100 Paper Bags 1,850 Periodicals/Newspaper 50 Printer/Copier Supplies 150 Other Services&Charges Advertising 300 Depreciation 852 Audit Fees 1,561 Miscellaneous Charges 5,500 Credit Card Fees 7,500 Postage 216 Honeywell Contract 3,719 Rent 1,850 Insurance&Bonds 5,403 Repairs and Maintenance 5,000 Telephone 700 State Sales Tax 900 Training Activities 150 Subscription& Membership 270 Travel 700 Taxes and Licenses 103 Utilities 7,937 Capital Outlay Contingencies&Transfers Vandalism 1,000 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49793 LIQUOR STORE#3 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 31,055 25,124 42,540 81,912 81,912 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 45,595 59,748 58,514 58,514 58,514 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 182 _ - _ _ 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - - - - - - 1030 VACATION &SICK 1,841 (3,705) - - _ _ 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 997 764 1,257 2,499 2,499 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - _ - _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 32,999 29,872 43,992 22,893 22,893 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - (8,000) (32,524) (32,524) - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 3,245 2,855 5,658 7,904 7,904 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 5,056 4,143 7,826 10,933 10,933 - 1300 INSURANCE 5,700 5,153 6,420 12,840 12,840 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 445 889 1,933 2,530 2,530 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 16,955 15,616 21,991 11,447 11,447 - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR (1,494) - (4,000) (16,262) (16,262) - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 142,394 140,641 178,131 162,686 162,686 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37 36 100 100 100 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 172 578 125 600 600 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,095 809 1,200 1,000 1,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 87 250 100 100 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS - - - - - - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,240 1,945 2,500 2,300 2,300 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 34 - 50 50 50 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 3,578 3,455 4,225 4,150 4,150 - COST OF GOODS SOLD 2199 DELIVERY 3,570 3,240 3,750 3,500 3,500 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - - 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 318,783 330,839 363,500 335,000 335,000 - 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 622,197 617,576 690,600 620,000 620,000 - 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 49,211 44,942 55,600 45,000 45,000 - 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MSC TAX 19,018 13,025 21,500 13,000 13,000 - 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARETTE 52,675 49,699 54,800 50,000 50,000 - 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 57,085 45,140 61,650 48,000 48,000 - 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MSC NTAX 3,978 6,766 5,500 7,000 7,000 - 2599 CASH DISCOUNT - - - - _ - 2600 REFUNDS&LOSS ON DEPOSITS (35) 1,130 - - - - TOTALS:COST OF GOODS SOLD 1,126,483 1,112,357 1,256,900 1,121,500 1,121,500 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,706 2,070 1,612 1,561 1,561 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 82 150 200 150 150 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - - - - 6\ (^. 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 5 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 564 - 700 700 700 - 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 4,867 7,717 5,000 7,500 7,500 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 4,370 7,701 10,011 9,010 9,010 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - _ _ - - 3810 ELECTRIC 15,125 13,253 16,630 17,462 17,462 - 3820 WATER 120 120 120 125 125 - 3830 GAS 2,954 1,804 2,190 2,200 2,200 - 3840 REFUSE - - 450 300 300 - 3850 SEWER 363 363 400 381 381 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 4,804 4,741 - 6,800 6,800 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 4,081 3,299 3,305 3,704 3,704 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 69,510 62,625 82,000 70,000 70,000 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES 5,513 3,492 6,000 4,500 4,500 - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 13,489 16,551 - 17,500 17,500 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 393 267 400 300 300 - 4360 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT _ - _ _ - _ 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 103 83 103 300 300 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,527 1,407 1,680 1,500 1,500 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 134,331 130,528 132,791 145,779 145,779 - DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 3,350 3,009 3,123 3,009 3,009 - 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 445 - 148 - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 7,982 7,193 7,030 6,493 6,493 - 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 1,643 - - - - TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 13,420 10,202 10,301 9,502 9,502 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - - - - - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - _ _ - _ 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - _ _ - - _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ - - - _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8110 VANDALISM - 675 - 1,000 1,000 - 8110 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - 675 - 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#2 2,065,269 2,190,569 2,270,218 2,341,990 2,341,990 TOTALS: LIQUOR 2,065,269 2,190,569 2,270,218 2,341,990 2,341,990 GRAND TOTALS: 2,065,269 2,190,569 2,270,218 2,341,990 2,341,990 , o CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 LIQUOR BUDGET 609-49791 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Liquor Manager 1.00 1.00 72,336 17,321 89,657 76,312 17,829 94,141 Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 1.00 44,001 13,051 57,052 44,001 12,998 56,999 Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 1.00 44,001 13,051 57,052 44,001 12,998 56,999 Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 0.00 42,528 12,829 55,357 0 0 0 Cashiers&Stock Clerks 3.50 4.50 83,050 12,516 95,566 85,350 12,760 98,110 Store Supervisor 1.00 1.00 32,322 11,206 43,528 32,322 11,252 43,574 Full Time Cashier 1.00 0.00 21,141 9,485 30,626 0 0 0 Part-Time Accountant 0.5 0.5 14,858 2,209 17,067 16,110 2,408 18,518 Subtotal 10.00 9.00 354,237 91,668 445,905 298,096 70,245 368,341 Labor Allocation From: 609.49793 0.45 8,000 4,000 12,000 16,262 5,091 21,353 Labor Allocation To: 609-49793 (0.48) (0.60) (40,333) (20.166) (60,499) (22,893) (5,348) (28,241) 609-49792 (0.48) (0.60) (43,992) (21,991) (65,983) (22,893) (5,348) (28,241) Total 9.04 8.25 277,912 53,511 331,423 268,572 64,640 333,212 Supplies Cash Register Tape 1,000 Computer Equip/Supplies 2,400 Delivery of Merchandise 9,000 Food Supplies 260 Minor Equipment 900 Office Supplies 500 Paper Bags 6,500 Periodicals/Newspaper 50 Printer/Copier Supplies 500 Other Services&Charges Advertising 8,000 Depreciation 1,589 Audit Fees 1,561 Miscellaneous Charges 4,500 Credit Card Fees 20,000 Postage 216 Honeywell Contract 4,241 Rent 150,000 Insurance&Bonds 15,360 Repairs and Maintenance 6,500 Telephone 2,550 State Sales Tax 1,950 Training Activities 250 Subscription&Membership 400 Travel 700 Taxes and Licenses 103 Utilities 18,932 Capital Outlay Contingencies&Transfers Vandalism 1,000 2599 CASH DISCOUNT 2600 REFUNDS&LOSS ON DEPOSITS (2,318) 323 - - - - TOTALS: COST OF GOODS SOLD 2,459,896 2,345,011 2,716,260 2,376,500 2,376,500 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - - - - 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,493 3,030 1,612 1,561 1,561 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 145 210 400 250 250 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - - _ _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,812 2,548 2,000 2,550 2,550 - 3220 POSTAGE 198 198 189 216 216 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - _ _ _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 564 - 700 700 700 - 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 4,949 8,824 5,500 8,000 8,000 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 7,450 13,129 17,067 15,360 15,360 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 22,611 27,940 27,468 28,637 28,637 - UTILITY EXPENSE 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - _ _ _ - 3810 ELECTRIC 15,877 14,707 16,200 17,010 17,010 - 3820 WATER 215 237 240 245 245 3830 GAS 905 1,075 1,000 1,050 1,050 - 3840 REFUSE - - 900 - - - 3850 SEWER 577 597 600 627 627 - TOTALS: UTILITY EXPENSE 17,574 16,617 18,940 18,932 18,932 - REPAIR SERVICES 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 5,392 3,927 9,600 6,500 6,500 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 4,527 3,778 3,784 4,241 4,241 - TOTALS: REPAIR SERVICES 9,919 7,705 13,384 10,741 10,741 - RENTS AND LEASES 4100 RENTS& LEASES 137,109 134,606 163,250 150,000 150,000 - 4100 TOTALS: RENTS AND LEASES 137,109 134,606 163,250 150,000 150,000 - MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4300 MISC. CHARGES 5,599 3,558 6,000 4,500 4,500 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 21,116 19,075 - 20,000 20,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 393 297 400 400 400 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 103 83 103 103 103 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,647 1,765 1,800 1,950 1,950 - TOTALS: MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 28,859 24,777 8,303 26,953 26,953 DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 1,983 1,575 1,983 1,589 1,589 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS - (100) _ _ - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 705 0 448 - - - 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 1,643 (100) - - - - TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 4,332 1,375 2,431 1,589 1,589 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - _ - - _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip Replacement Liq Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Replace-Liq Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 436-49792 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 48,666 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 48,666 0 0 0 a— � CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Liquor Non-Operating Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Liquor Non-Operating Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 609-49794 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 10,000 3,264 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 6,000,000 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 213,000 217,954 261,981 212,062 212,062 Total Expenses 223,000 221,218 6,261,981 212,062 212,062 vZ- y CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Liquor Store#2 Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Liquor Store#2 Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 609-49792 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 212,692 224,889 223,816 239,249 239,250 Supplies 1,704,826 1,824,275 1,903,310 1,946,460 1,946,460 Other Services and Charges 147,751 140,730 143,092 155,281 155,281 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 675 0 1,000 1,000 Total Expenses 2,065,269 2,190,569 2,270,218 2,341,990 2,341,991 1-� TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#1 2,963,260 2,875,328 3,293,779 2,949,517 2,949,517 - TOTALS: LIQUOR 2,963,260 2,875,328 3,293,779 2,949,517 2,949,517 GRAND TOTALS: 2,963,260 2,875,328 3,293,779 2,949,517 2,949,517 - City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49792 LIQUOR STORE#2 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 78,789 82,258 85,080 85,080 85,080 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 41,275 57,192 42,900 58,000 58,000 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - - _ - _ _ 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - 76 - - - 1030 VACATION &SICK 1,870 (352) - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 2,497 2,686 2,790 2,790 2,790 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 40,330 36,370 40,333 39,156 39,156 - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 5,404 5,855 7,231 8,066 8,066 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 8,212 8,393 10,004 11,159 11,159 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - _ - _ 1300 INSURANCE 12,598 12,846 12,840 12,840 12,840 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 998 1,896 2,472 2,582 2,582 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 20,718 17,669 20,166 19,576 19,576 - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 212,692 224,889 223,816 239,249 239,249 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 37 78 100 80 80 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 242 641 550 650 650 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,305 586 1,500 800 800 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 176 250 200 200 - 2161 CHEMICALS - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,072 4,660 4,450 4,800 4,800 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 68 - 100 80 80 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 5,724 6,140 6,950 6,610 6,610 - COST OF GOODS SOLD 2199 DELIVERY 7,694 6,813 7,850 7,850 7,850 - 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 480,871 518,405 529,000 550,000 550,000 - 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 894,934 962,036 1,002,000 1,025,000 1,025,000 - 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 167,054 195,410 195,500 220,000 220,000 - 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC TAX 34,068 21,766 37,130 22,000 22,000 - 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARETTE 52,409 44,944 54,950 46,000 46,000 - 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 56,439 54,982 61,520 55,000 55,000 - 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MSC NTAX 6,821 12,840 8,410 14,000 14,000 - 2599 CASH DISCOUNT - - - - - - 2600 REFUNDS& LOSS ON DEPOSITS (1,186) 939 - - - - TOTALS:COST OF GOODS SOLD 1,699,103 1,818,135 1,896,360 1,939,850 1,939,850 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4,634 4,890 1,613 1,561 1,561 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 82 150 300 150 150 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,635 1,861 1,700 1,570 1,570 - 3220 POSTAGE 198 198 189 216 216 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - - CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 LIQUOR BUDGET 609-49792 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 1.00 44,001 13,051 57,052 44,001 12,998 56,999 Asst Liquor Mgr 1.00 1.00 43,839 13,027 56,866 43,839 12,974 56,813 Cashiers&Stock Clerks 4.00 4.00 42,930 6,469 49,399 58,030 8,675 66,705 1 Subtotal 6.00 6.001 130,770 32,547 163,3171 145,870 34,647 180,517 ! ILaborAllocation From: ;609-49791 0.48 0.30 51,980 16,797 68,777 22,461 5,348 27,809 i609-49793 0.00 0.40 16,262 5,091 21,353 'Labor Allocation To: i Total 6.48 6.70 182,750 49,344 232,094 184,593 45,086 229,679 Supplies Cash Register Tape 450 Computer Equip/Supplies 1,000 Delivery of Merchandise 7,850 Food Supplies 80 Minor Equipment 650 Office Supplies 405 Paper Bags 3,800 Printer/Copier Supplies 225 Other Services&Charges Advertising 7,500 Depreciation 9,502 Audit Fees 1,561 Miscellaneous Charges 4,500 Credit Card Fees 17,500 Postage 216 Honeywell Contract 3,704 Rent 70,000 Insurance& Bonds 9,010 Repairs and Maintenance 6,800 Telephone 1,570 State Sales Tax 1,500 Training Activities 150 Subscription&Membership 300 Travel 700 Taxes and Licenses 300 Utilities 20,418 Capital Outlay Contingencies&Transfers Vandalism 1,000 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,468 1,241 1,500 1,300 1,300 - 3220 POSTAGE 198 198 189 216 216 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - _ _ 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 700 700 700 - 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 209 - 300 300 300 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 2,620 4,618 6,003 5,403 5,403 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC 5,796 5,819 6,277 6,591 6,591 - 3820 WATER 60 62 72 68 68 3830 GAS 941 739 1,035 1,087 1,087 - 3840 REFUSE - - - _ _ _ 3850 SEWER 182 182 202 191 191 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 1,036 6,676 4,490 5,000 5,000 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 4,094 3,313 3,318 3,719 3,719 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 1,392 1,728 1,400 1,850 1,850 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES 5,428 3,492 6,000 5,500 5,500 - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 6,396 6,325 - 7,500 7,500 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 392 267 400 270 270 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 103 83 103 103 103 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 740 919 815 900 900 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 32,843 37,881 34,616 42,409 42,409 - DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 1,452 1,352 852 852 852 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 235 - 235 - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 129 (0) 111 - - 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 1,164 - - - - TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 2,980 1,352 1,198 852 852 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - - - - ° 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8110 VANDALISM - - - 1,000 1,000 - 8110 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#3 1,308,278 1,295,686 1,475,070 1,332,597 1,332,597 - TOTALS: LIQUOR 1,308,278 1,295,686 1,475,070 1,332,597 1,332,597 GRAND TOTALS: 1,308,278 1,295,686 1,475,070 1,332,597 1,332,597 - U -Qi City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49794 LIQUOR NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 3,264 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 10,000 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 5110 LAND 2,000,000 - - - 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - 4,000,000 - - - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHAR 10,000 3,264 6,000,000 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT- LABOR 72,000 63,954 57,981 58,062 58,062 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - - - - - - 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG - - _ _ _ _ 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 - 7280 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP PROJ - - - - - - 7310 TRANSFER OUT TO DARE 6,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TO INFRASTRUCT - - 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 213,000 217,954 261,981 212,062 212,062 TOTALS: LIQUOR NON-OPERATING 223,000 221,218 6,261,981 212,062 212,062 - TOTALS: LIQUOR 223,000 221,218 6,261,981 212,062 212,062 - GRAND TOTALS: 223,000 221,218 6,261,981 212,062 212,062 - �i-11 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 436 CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49792 LIQUOR STORE#2 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ - - - _ 4395 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - - _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#2 - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-LIQI - - - - - - GRAND TOTALS: - - - - - - y-0� C� The City'of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Fire CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (FIRE) Budget Narrative Activity Description Fire 101-42200 The Fire Department provides medical care, Fire suppression, and inspection services for the citizens of Columbia Heights. We also provide by contract Emergency medical services to the city of Hilltop. We maintain a full licensed Basic Life Support Ambulance and have the ability to transport patients to area hospitals, although transport services are not currently provided, Civil Defense 101-42500 This program provides Emergency Management for the protection and promotion of public safety. Health and welfare in our city during emergencies and natural disasters. The director and secretary attend meetings to maintain requirements for State and Federal funding of the program. This program also monitors hazardous materials sites in our city and is responsible for planning and preparation for mitigation and response to disasters. In the oast this vrogram has also Drovided funding for the annual Police and Fir g Reserve Fire Capitol Equipment 431-42200 The Fire Capital Equipment Replacement-General Fund was established to fund the long- term ongoing capital equipment needs in the General Fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long- term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, expensive equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the hi ohs and lows in budgeting as an ecival amount is set aside each year. Civil Defense Capital Equipment 431-42500 The Civil Defense Capital Equipment Fund was established to fund long-term ongoing capital equipment needs in the General Fund. Summary 2004 budget CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (FIRE) Budget Narrative Objectives Fire 101-42200 1. Continue the pro-active approach in the Emergency Medical Services so that we may provide the highest possible service to the citizens of Columbia Heights and Hilltop. 2. Continue the Inspection program and begin the pre-planning of all commercial structures in the City of Columbia Heights. 3. Reorganize existing staff to provide the level of service we have in the past with the ,shortfall of I position. Civil Defense 101-42500 1. Keep the Police and Fire Reserve trained and equipped in a professional manner for emergency assistance, security, traffic, and crowd control. 2. Continue our involvement in the emergency management professional organizations and training to keep current with government requirements and programs. 3. Continue to re-write the City Emergency Operations Plan. Fire Capital Equipment 431-42200 Replace the vehicles and equipment that are scheduled for replacement keeping consistent with the City's long term plan. Civil Defense Capital Equipment 431-42500 1. Replace the equipment that has become antiquated and no longer serves a useful purpose to the city's long term plan. Summary 2004 budget 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of (FIRE) Budget Narrative Budget Comments Fire 101-42200 Due to the reduction of LGA and MVHC. The Fire Department reduced the 2003 budget by 5%. Reductions for the 2004 budget remain in the proposal status however this proposal would include a 4.51%decrease from the already decreased 2003 budget. Civil Defense 101-42500 Civil Defense cuts will include the annual Police and Fire Recognition dinner held at the Channhassen dinner theater. This will decrease the budget by approximately$4,000.00 Fire Capitol Equipment 431-42200 The Fire Department is proposing the purchase of a replacement for Engine#3. This engine is a 1977 general, This truck has many mechanical issues which need consideration. It would take several thousand dollars to make this truck mechanically sound again. Therefore it is the Fire Departments proposal to replace this truck and the antiquated equipment in 2004 at a cost to the City of$350,000.00. Civil Defense Capital Equipment (Account Number) No proposed purchases for the year 2004. Summary 2004 budget 3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Fire Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Fire Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-42200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 744,986 777,595 799,447 764,282 764,282 Supplies 57,156 40,779 51,800 50,800 50,800 Other Services and Charges 49,183 62,188 62,325 63,825 63,825 Capital Outlay 12,978 0 3,000 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 864,303 880,562 916,572 878,907 878,907 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Civil Defense Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Civil Defense Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-42500 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 20,853 21,179 17,994 21,526 21,526 Supplies 2,292 3,282 3,695 3,750 3,750 Other Services and Charges 6,910 9,710 13,284 9,289 9,289 Capital Outlay 0 0 50,000 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 30,055 34,171 84,973 34,565 34,565 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip-Gen Fund Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Fire Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 43142200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 350,000 350,000 Contingencies&Transfers 0 20,000 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 20,000 0 350,000 350,000 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip-Fire Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 43942200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 109 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 45,941 72,430 136,268 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 46,050 72,430 136,268 0 0 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Civil Defense Cap Equip Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 43142500 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 145 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 50,000 0 0 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 0 50,145 0 0 8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA Budget 2004 Fire Revenue Capital Fire Civil Defense Equipment 101 101 431 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 456,480 19,002 0 31014 Area-Wide Taxes 121,641 5,063 0 32125 Multiple Dwellings 60,000 0 0 33170 Civil Defense Reimbursement 0 2,500 0 33401 Local Government Aid 170,449 7,095 0 33405 PERA Increase Aid 2,463 103 0 33415 State Fire Training 600 0 0 34202 Special Fire Services 48,000 0 0 36210 Interest on Investments 19,274 802 31,595 39203 Transfer In-General Fund 0 0 40,028 39219 Transfer In-Liquor Fund 0 0 40,028 Total Revenue 878,907 34,565 111,651 Expenses Personal Services 764,282 21,526 0 Supplies 50,800 3,750 0 Other Services and Charges 63,825 9,289 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 350,000 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 Total Expenses 878,907 34,565 350,000 Summary Total Revenue 878,907 34,565 111,651 Total Expenses 878,907 34,565 350,000 Change to Fund Balance 0 0 (238,349) 9 City of Columbia Heights 2404 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 42200 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 462,052 473,181 494,515 500,723 500,723 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 20,702 21,204 21,970 22,235 22,235 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1013 PART-TIME OTHER 17,217 27,049 29,000 18,000 18,000 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 55,819 62,736 43,000 27,000 27,000 - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - - - - - _ 1030 VACATION&SICK 10,322 8,986 - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 3,055 3,087 17,342 17,342 17,342 - 1041 COURT PAY - - 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 1042 FIRE PAY 29,190 29,922 28,000 18,000 18,000 - 1043 TRAINING PAY 15,310 16,373 18,000 18,000 18,000 - 1044 COLLEGE INCENTIVE PAY 14 7 15 15 15 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - 1062 MISC REIMBURSEMENT - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1,246 - 785 785 785 - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR (3,785) (3,900) (3,900) (3,900) (3,900) - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 48,201 49,806 51,583 50,713 50,713 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 14,273 15,504 12,626 11,001 11,001 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 4 - - - - - 1240 FIRE PENSION CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 45,746 48,738 57,780 57,780 57,780 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 27,569 26,851 29,481 27,338 27,338 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR (1,950) (1,950) (1,950) (1,950) (1,950) - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 744,986 777,595 799,447 764,282 764,282 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 670 493 500 500 500 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 7,677 6,477 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 3,932 4,367 8,000 6,000 6,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 295 313 800 800 800 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 297 566 500 500 500 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 671 874 1,700 1,700 1,700 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,804 7,508 8,400 8,400 8,400 - 2172 UNIFORMS 2,636 4,449 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 15,218 3,908 7,000 7,000 7,000 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 853 358 400 400 400 - 2180 BOOKS 980 23 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 8,482 6,906 7,000 8,000 8,000 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 4,642 4,538 5,000 5,000 5,000 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 57,156 40,779 51,800 50,800 50,800 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,586 6,105 3,640 3,640 3,640 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 6,075 8,471 7,375 7,375 7,375 - 3110 TRAINING &SCHOOL - - - - - - 10 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 3,894 3,491 4,142 4,142 4,142 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,874 1,887 3,150 3,150 3,150 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 1,434 1,858 950 950 950 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 141 147 250 250 250 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 1,348 1,537 2,200 2,200 2,200 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 40 125 125 125 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 10,960 16,641 21,633 21,633 21,633 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 6,968 12,332 7,500 9,000 9,000 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 6,274 5,388 6,500 6,500 6,500 - 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR - 400 - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 1,951 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - - _ _ - _ 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 2,087 2,557 1,700 1,700 1,700 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - _ - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 246 - 160 160 160 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2,344 1,334 1,500 1,500 1,500 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGI 49,183 62,188 62,325 63,825 63,825 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING &IMPROVEMENT 3,975 - - - - - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - 5150 VEHICLES - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,313 - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 7,690 - 3,000 - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,978 - 3,000 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7250 TRANSFER OUT TO PENSION RESV - - - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - 8110 VANDALISM - _ _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS: FIRE 864,303 880,562 916,572 878,907 878,907 - TOTALS: GENERAL 864,303 880,562 916,572 878,907 878,907 GRAND TOTALS: 864,303 880,562 916,572 878,907 878,907 - 11 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Departmen Manager Council 42500 CIVIL DEFENSE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line ltem Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 13,877 14,149 14,351 14,351 14,351 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 3 9 - - - - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 5 6 - - - - 1300 INSURANCE - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 6,969 7,014 3,643 7,175 7,175 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 20,853 21,178 17,994 21,526 21,526 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 200 200 200 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 244 200 200 200 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 84 70 100 100 - 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS - - - - - - 2070 TRAINING & INSTR SUPPLIES 372 274 400 400 400 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 476 233 225 250 250 - 2172 UNIFORMS 1,386 2,375 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 57 72 100 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - - - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 2,292 3,282 3,695 3,750 3,750 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 655 1,400 1,400 1,400 - 3105 TRAINING &EDUC ACTIVITIES 90 580 500 500 500 - 3110 TRAINING&SCHOOL - - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 880 724 650 650 650 - 3220 POSTAGE 9 10 112 112 112 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 48 - 75 75 75 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 556 - 500 500 500 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 85 129 167 167 167 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC 566 519 675 675 675 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 816 2,423 4,145 4,145 4,145 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR KURD. - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 660 780 780 780 780 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 33 250 135 135 135 - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 3,082 3,478 4,000 - - - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 85 162 145 150 150 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGI 6,910 9,710 13,284 9,289 9,289 - 12 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 50.000 - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 50,000 - - - TOTALS: CIVIL DEFENSE 30.055 34.171 84`973 34.565 34.585 - TOTALS: GENERAL 30'055 34^171 84.973 34.565 34.585 - GRAND TOTALS: 30.055 34.171 84'973 34.566 34,585 - 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2OD4(F|RBBUDGET (10142200) SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation nfPersonnel 2003 Adopted 2004 ProRosed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 83,496 18,427 101,923 84,996 18,371 103,367 Assistant Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 61,500 15,264 76,764 64,508 15,490 79,998 Captain 111 1.00 1.00 66,686 16,010 82,696 63,486 15,318 78,832 Captain 111 1.00 1.00 66,686 16,010 82,696 63,486 15,318 78,832 Captain 111 1.00 1.00 66,686 16,010 82,696 63,486 15,318 78,832 Journeyman Firefighter 1.00 100 60,745 16,036 76,781 59,045 15,547 74,623 Journeyman Firefighter 1.00 1.00 60,545 16,005 76,550 59,045 15,547 74,623 Firefighter 11 1.00 1.00 54,577 15,060 69,637 53,577 14,699 68,307 Part Time Secretary 0.50 0.50 21,970 3,015 24,985 22,235 3,044 25,279 Firefighter EMT 75,000 8,447 83,447 54,000 6,840 60,840 Clerk Typist 11 1.00 1.00 34,736 11,256 45,992 35,036 11,216 46,252 Subtotal 9.50 9.501 652,627 151,540 804,1671 622,900 146,708 769,785 Labor Allocation From: (Fund Department#) (Fund Department Labor Allocation To: ITotal 9.50 9,50 648,727 150,940 799,667 619,000 145,105 764,282 SUPRIies List supplies $AMOUNT List supplies $AMOUNT Toner, paper,folders 500 Uniforms, Fu|VUmo&Paid oncall $3.500 Pagers, radios, nozzles 8.008 Helmets, masks, boots, gloves $7.000 . 8oftwana(CUy/ev) 6,000 Food et extended fire scenes $400 Labels, disks, printer cartridges(laser&inkjud) 000 Fire Code, UBC. medical manuals $1.008 Fire permits, stationary 500 Repair parts for vehicles $8.000 Cadet program, Driver bnQ videos, Pub fire sfty 1.700 Gas,oil for apparatus $5.000 ' Cleaning supplies, batteries,fire smt, EP|pens 8.400 _ Summary of Costs FD 2004 14 Other Services&Charges $AM}LVVT Physicals, instructors 3,648 Vc~Tech training, State Fire School, Hsing/Naint 7.375 City phone,cell phones, pagers 4.142 Postage .15U � Tie line bo Anoka Communications 950 � YNGLConferencea 250 State Chiefs, Housing Meint 2.200 Legal Notice 125 Property&Liability Insurance 21.633 0CBA tests, Defihmaint. Software maint 9.080 City Shop labor 6.500 Mp|s Training Tower 1.500 NFPA, |AFO' NSRM/A. Metro Chiefs 1.700 Iapi kIutlay Replacement ambulance $350.000 Contingencies&Transfers Summary of Costs FD 2004 15 ' C� The City of Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Community Development Table of Contents Budget Narrative Green Summary Data Yellow Detail Revenue Blue Detail Expense Pink Reviewer's Notes White CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Community Development Activity Description Protective Services 201-42400 Protective Services include: >Building permitting, plan review and inspection >Liquor, contractor, cigarette, misc. licensing >Land use permitting and code enforcement The purpose of these services are to protect and promote the general health and safety of the community. These activies fall under the purview of the Planning Commission and City Council, Community Development Services 201-46310 Community Development Services include: >Redevelopment >Housing rehabilitation and replacement >Economic Development These activities fall under the purview of the Economic Development Authority and City Council. Community Development Block Grant 202-46350 The Community Block Grant are federal funds the City applies for, through a competitive process, from Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority. These funds are used primarily for housing rehabiliation, redevelopment and public services. Economic Development Authority 204-46314 The Economic Development Authority levies funds to support the activies identified under Community Development Services. Community Development Budget Comments Forms 2004 Housing and Redevelopment Authority 299-46320 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority oversees the operation on Parkview Villa North and South apartment buildings. Parkview Villa North 203-46330 Parkview Villa North(PVVN) is a 101 units of public housing, located at 965 40th Avenue northeast. PVVN provides housing for low-income senior and disabled persons. PVVN was constructed in 1975 with funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. PVVN is managed by the Crestview Corporation. Capital Fund Program 203-46331 The Capital Fund Program is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. These funds are received annually for capital improvements and Parkview Villa North Parkview Villa South 213-46340 Parkview Villa South (PVVS) is a 45-unit rental apartment building located at 965 40th Avenue northeast. PVVS serves low-income seniors age 55 and older. PVVS was constructed in 1991. Parkview owned by the Economic Development Authority and managed by the Crestview Corporation. 2 Community Development Budget Comments Forms 2004 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Community Development Objectives Protective Services 201.42400 >Update building and planning permit forms and place them on the City's web site. >Review and update contractor licensing. Community Development Services 201.46310 Redevelopment >Continue to pursue the redevelopment of the industrial park, kmart,40th and University, 37th and Central, 39th and Central, and 37th and Stinson. Economic Development >Implement the Central Avenue Design Guidelines. >Implement the Business Revolving Loan Fund Program. >Facilitate the implementation of a Central Avenue merchants association. Home Improvement and Replacement >Acquire, demolish and construct new, or rehab up to 13 existing single-family homes using $240,000 of grant money the City received from the Metro Council. >Work with Rising to New Heights to continue the Home Remodeling Fair. >Provide access to rehab and new home buyer information and funding through the lGreater Metropolitan Housing Corporation. Parkview Villa North 203.46330 >Continue to implement the 15-year capital improvement plan. Parkview Villa South 213.46340 >Continue to implement the 15-year capital improvement plan. Community Development Budget Comments Forms 2004 3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Community Development Budget Comments Protective Services 201.42400 Community Development Services 201.46310 Parkview Villa North 203,46330 The Parkview Villa North budget for 2004 includes a 3% increase for most line items. Most utilities were increased 10%from the previous year's budget. Parkview Villa South 213.46340 4 Community Development Budget Comments Forms 2004 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Protective Inspections Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Protective Inspections Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 201-42400 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 174,007 154,578 173,846 149,287 149,287 Supplies 1,868 7,146 13,850 10,892 10,892 Other Services and Charges 14,735 31,985 29,395 75,691 75,691 Capital Outlay 2,386 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 7,335 5,913 8,113 13,711 13,711 Total Expenses 200,331 199,622 225,204 249,581 249,581 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Community Development Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Community Development Admin Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 201-46310 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 57,145 90,768 106,041 144,758 144,758 Supplies 1,692 1,489 2,675 4,249 4,249 Other Services and Charges 6,263 11,667 20,370 59,455 59,455 Capital Outlay 0 0 600 475 475 Contingencies &Transfers 9,170 5,913 8,113 13,712 13,712 Total Expenses 74,270 109,837 137,799 222,649 222,649 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Anoka County CDBG Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Anoka County CDBG Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 202-46350 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 10,070 3,204 0 0 0 Supplies 388 21 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 61,737 85,488 0 1,016 1,016 Capital Outlay 70,691 327,056 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 5,913 0 0 0 Total Expenses 142,886 421,682 0 1,016 1,016 3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Parkview Villa North Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Parkview Villa North Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 203-46330 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 10,335 9,095 16,251 23,526 23,526 Supplies 27,201 10,221 22,054 21,738 21,738 Other Services and Charges 273,411 258,758 304,391 315,118 315,118 Capital Outlay 11,563 0 6,357 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 7,335 7,884 11,454 13,518 13,518 Total Expenses 329,845 285,958 360,507 373,900 373,900 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Economic Development Auth Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Economic Development Auth Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 204-46314 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 30,852 53,107 72,999 0 0 Supplies 649 3,882 2,770 0 0 Other Services and Charges 52,435 36,182 53,346 0 0 Capital Outlay 568 1,550 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 22,281 107,884 11,454 222,648 222,648 Total Expenses 106,785 202,605 140,569 222,648 222,648 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Parkview Villa South Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Parkview Villa South Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 213-46340 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 2,768 6,263 12,388 10,083 10,083 Supplies 15,479 6,359 9,328 10,822 10,822 Other Services and Charges 146,353 141,363 168,275 169,608 169,608 Capital Outlay 4,894 9,089 15,183 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 703,670 5,914 8,590 6,964 6,964 Total Expenses 873,164 168,988 213,764 197,477 197,477 6 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota Budget 2004 Community Development Revenue Community Anoka Cty Parkview Villa EDA Parkview Villa Development CDBG North South 201 202 203 4 Revenue 31010 Current Ad Valorem 0 0 0 84,965 0 31011 HRA Current Ad Valorem 0 0 0 137,683 0 33160 Federal Grant 0 0 90,000 0 0 34114 Excess Utilities 0 0 5,000 0 2,600 36210 Interest on Investments 0 0 5,000 0 6,000 36220 General Government Rents 0 0 280,000 0 180,000 36225 Non-Dwelling Rents 0 0 0 0 8,000 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 0 0 3,500 0 1,500 39203 Transfer In-General Fund 249,582 0 0 0 0 39230 Transfer In- EDA 222,648 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue 472,230 0 383,500 222,648 198,100 Expenses Personal Services 294,045 0 23,526 0 10,083 Supplies 15,141 0 21,738 0 10,822 Other Services and Charges 135,146 1,016 315,118 0 169,608 Capital Outlay 475 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 27,423 0 13,518 222,648 6,964 Total Expenses 472,230 1,016 373,900 222,648 197,477 Summary Total Revenue 472,230 0 383,500 222,648 198,100 Total Expenses 472,230 1,016 373,900 222,648 197,477 Change to Fund Balance 0 (1,016) 9,600 0 623 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed j 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND Actual Actual Adopted Depart Men manager Council 42400 PROTECTIVE INSPECTION Expense Expense Budget Propose d Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 64,215 103,788 46,404 46,404 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 15,938 26,817 18,279 27,050 27,050 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 704 1,056 - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 690 1030 VACATION&SICK - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 11 - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 103,632 26,481 14,721 39,591 39,591 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR OR - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 154 5,111 6,750 4,062 4,062 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 1,590 7,197 9,160 5,619 5,619 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - 178 - - INSURANCE SURANCE 8,920 12,840 6,420 6,420 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 756 879 375 375 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 51,989 13,324 7,251 19,766 19,766 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE OR - - - - TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 174,007 154,578 173,846 149,287 149,287 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 186 340 250 198 198 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 178 8,000 6,334 6,334 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 900 5,246 700 554 554 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 300 238 238 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 241 1,169 900 713 713 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 500 396 396 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - 150 - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 354 117 400 440 440 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 27 - 100 1,584 1,584 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 85 20 2,000 - - - 2282 GAS,OIL,LUBRICANTS 75 76 550 435 435 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,868 7,146 13,850 10,892 10,892 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 21 - - - - - 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER 3,066 - 5,000 3,959 3,959 - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 627 21,177 5,000 56,160 56,160 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 2,194 452 4,100 3,246 3,246 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 20 - 800 633 633 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,802 2,303 1,800 728 728 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,094 1,128 1,101 1,260 1,260 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 29 75 200 158 158 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 180 - 400 317 317 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 77 45 2,000 1,584 1,584 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,100 4,707 6,119 5,507 5,507 - 3840 REFUSE - - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1,179 1,065 800 633 633 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR SURD. 376 255 350 277 277 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 9 42 75 - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 100 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 395 85 400 317 317 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 238 316 300 238 238 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - 15 350 277 277 4395 STATE SALES TAX 327 323 500 397 397 4700 CREDIT INVESTIGATION - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 14,735 31,985 29,395 75,691 75,691 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,251 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1,135 - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,386 - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 7,335 5,913 8,113 13,711 13.711 - 7100 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 7,335 5,913 8,113 13,711 13,711 - TOTALS:PROTECTIVE INSPECTION 200,331 199,622 225,204 249,581 249,581 - TOTALS:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F, 200,331 199,622 225,204 249,581 249,581 - GRAND TOTALS: 200,331 199,622 225,204 242,716 249,581 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46310 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTADMIN Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 193,033 130,884 165,170 172,089 172,089 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,253 3,641 17,760 17,160 17,160 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 18,647 28,307 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 2,198 997 2,000 2.000 2,000 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 4,580 3,136 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1,096 1,013 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR (143,894) (75,350) (82,818) (62,008) (62,008) 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 11,548 8,852 9,244 10,577 10,577 1215 DEFERRED COMP CONTRIBUTION _ _ 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 17,639 12,717 14,128 14,630 14,630 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 9 - 19 1300 INSURANCE 18,990 12,588 19,260 19,260 19,260 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,993 1,150 2,070 2,008 2,008 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - 506 - _ 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR (71,947) (37,675) (40,792) (30,958) (30,958) TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 57,145 90,768 106,041 144,758 144,758 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 331 325 325 851 851 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 106 84 500 1,283 1,283 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 900 566 1,200 1,029 1,029 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 10 - 100 158 158 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - 305 200 356 356 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 61 154 100 453 453 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 182 13 100 2280 VEHICLE PARTS - - _ 2282 GAS,OIL,LUBRICANTS 102 42 150 119 119 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,692 1,489 2,675 4,249 4,249 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - 7,918 7,918 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,000 3,321 5,000 23,549 23,549 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 244 347 2,795 2,846 2,846 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 28 3,083 3,312 3,424 3,424 3220 POSTAGE 392 426 700 791 791 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 50 99 99 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 90 390 50 515 515 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT - - - - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 100 475 475 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,270 1,929 2,507 9,373 9,373 3810 ELECTRIC - - - - 3820 WATER 3830 GAS 3840 REFUSE 3850 SEWER - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1,978 1,904 5,000 6,334 6,334 4050 GARAGE,LABOR SURD. - - 50 4100 RENTS&LEASES 0 37 50 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 62 49 90 269 269 4342 PROPERTY DAMAGE - - - - - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 1,425 1,425 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 316 1,834 1,834 4395 STATE SALES TAX 200 181 350 603 603 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - - 4600 LOANS&GRANTS 4700 CREDIT INVESTIGATION - - - - 4800 COLLECTION LOSSES - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 6,263 11,667 20,370 59,455 59,455 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND - - - - - - 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT 600 475 475 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - TOTALS.CAPITAL OUTLAY 600 475 475 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 9,170 5,913 8,113 13,712 13,712 7200 TRANSFER OUT TO CDBG - - - - 7280 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP PROD - - - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 9,170 5,913 8,113 13,712 13,712 TOTALS:COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A 74,270 109,837 137,799 222,649 222,649 TOTALS.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FU 74,270 109,837 137,799 222,649 222,649 GRAND TOTALS: 74,270 109,837 137,799 222,649 222,649 2 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 202 ANOKA COUNTY CDBG Actual Actual Adopted Departmen Manager Council 46350 HRA ANOKA COUNTY CDBG Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 6,722 2,113 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION - - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 2 (2) - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 3,346 1,093 - TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 10,070 3,204 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - _ - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 3 2160 MA1NT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 153 21 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 232 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 388 21 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3020 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FEES - - 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER 504 - - _ _ _ 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,388 4,960 - 1,016 1,016 - 3070 HUMAN SERVICES CONTRACTS - - - _ _ 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 3220 POSTAGE - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 88 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,400 2,126 3830 GAS - 9 3840 REFUSE - - 3850 SEWER - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 42,128 78,391 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 130 1 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - - 4600 LOANS&GRANTS 10,100 4700 CREDIT INVESTIGATION - - _ _ _ _ TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 61,737 85,488 - 1,016 1,016 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND 70,691 327,056 - - - 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 70,691 327,056 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR - 5,913 - - - 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - - - - - 7220 TRANSFER OUT TO HRA - 7280 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP PROJ - 7410 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM DEVELOP - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 5,913 - - - _ TOTALS:HRA ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 142,887 421,682 - 1,016 1,016 - TOTALS:ANOKA COUNTY CDBG 142,887 421,682 - 1,016 1,016 - GRAND TOTALS: 142,887 421,682 - 1,016 1,016 - 3 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46330 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES _ 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 6,890 6,081 10,888 15,692 15,692 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR OR - _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION _ - 1220 F.LC.A.CONTRIBUTION _ 1300 INSURANCE 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - - _ 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 3,445 3,014 5,363 7,834 7,834 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE OR - - _ TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 10,335 9,095 16,251 23,526 23,526 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 263 203 650 602 602 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 843 1,423 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 15,613 250 250 250 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 400 400 400 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 100 100 100 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - 50 50 50 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 2,287 1,888 6,000 6,164 6,164 - 2161 CHEMICALS _ - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7,936 6,649 11,219 10,674 10,674 2172 UNIFORMS - - 50 50 50 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 258 58 335 448 448 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 27,201 10,221 22,054 21,738 21,738 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3020 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FEES - - _ 3040 LEGAL FEES - 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 196 - 670 670 670 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 8,475 1,602 1,366 1,322 1,322 - 3060 MANAGEMENT SERVICES 104,390 104,009 110,160 116,150 116,150 3100 PROTECTIVE SERVICES - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 250 250 250 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 2,135 1,879 3,000 3,105 3,105 - 3220 POSTAGE 331 332 261 299 299 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 358 222 500 500 500 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 50 50 50 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 150 150 150 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 154 46 250 250 250 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 15,700 24,024 31,232 29,022 29,022 - 3810 ELECTRIC 31,688 29,854 35,700 39,270 39,270 - 3820 WATER 7,113 7,177 8,000 8,400 8,400 - 3830 GAS 32,087 24,721 39,900 43,890 43,890 - 3840 REFUSE 2,829 2,832 2,875 3,000 3,000 - 3850 SEWER 5,337 5,363 5,500 5,500 5,500 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 35,728 29,495 33,647 36,000 36,000 4030 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE - - 3,500 100 100 4100 RENTS&LEASES - 100 100 100 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - 100 100 100 4300 MISC.CHARGES 500 100 100 100 100 4315 PILOT 19,247 22,092 19,565 19,565 19,565 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 188 132 250 250 250 4335 TENANT SERVICES - 250 350 350 - 4349 INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE - 1,000 1,000 1,000 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - _ 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 385 126 375 375 375 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 726 773 690 400 400 4395 STATE SALES TAX 5,317 3,869 4,500 4,500 4,500 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - - - _ 4850 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 527 109 450 450 450 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGI 273,412 258,758 304,391 315,118 315,118 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - - 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,760 690 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 9,803 5,667 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 11,563 6,357 - . OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 7,335 7,884 11,454 13,518 13,518 7431 TRANSFER OUT SPECIAL PROJECT - - - - 8110 VANDALISM _ _ TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 7,335 7,884 11,454 13,518 13,518 - TOTALS:PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 329,845 285,959 360,507 373,900 373,900 TOTALS:PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH 329,845 285,959 360,507 373,900 373,900 GRAND TOTALS. 329,845 285,959 360,507 373,900 373,900 4 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 203 PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46331 CIAP GRANT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - 10 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - 5 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - 16 SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 2171 TOTALS: SUPPLIES - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 3,800 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - 8,152 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - 11,952 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - - _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 18,206 - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - 18,206 - - - - TOTALS:CIAP GRANT - 30,173 - - - - TOTALS: PARKVIEW VILLA NORTH - 30,173 - - - - GRAND TOTALS: - 30,173 - - - - 5 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 204 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RUTH Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46314 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 20,567 35,445 48,909 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 10,285 17,662 24,090 _ TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 30,852 53,107 72,999 _ SUPPLIES _ 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 151 365 750 - _ 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 340 51 1,120 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 2,853 100 - _ 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 100 - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - 357 250 - _ 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 158 38 250 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 216 200 2280 VEHICLE PARTS _ - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 649 3,882 2,770 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - _ _ 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER 18,112 144 10,000 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 20,204 24,763 24,743 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 701 623 800 - - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 561 - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 950 11000 - 3220 POSTAGE 8 219 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 35 - 60 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 75 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 106 42 600 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT _ _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 3,869 64 500 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 4,040 6,134 7,974 3810 ELECTRIC - 25 _ 3820 WATER _ 32 _ 3830 GAS - 571 _ _ 3840 REFUSE - 38 _ 3850 SEWER - 66 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 2,736 370 3,000 4050 GARAGE,LABOR SURD. - _ _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 50 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 100 185 250 4342 PROPERTY DAMAGE - _ 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION _ 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 860 1,361 1,800 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 10 1,610 2,000 - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 142 155 200 - 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES - 4600 LOANS&GRANTS - _ _ 4700 CREDIT INVESTIGATION - - 75 4800 COLLECTION LOSSES - _ _ TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 52,435 36,182 53,346 - - CAPITAL OUTLAY _ _ 5110 LAND - 1,550 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 568 - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 568 1,550 OTHER FINANCING USES - - _ 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 9,169 7,884 11,454 7200 TRANSFER OUT TO CDSG 13,112 - - - _ 7410 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM DEVELOP - 222,648 222,648 7413 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP DEVELOPT - 100,000 - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 22,281 107,884 11,454 222,648 222,648 TOTALS:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A 106,786 202,605 140,569 222,648 222,648 TOTALS:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAL 106,786 202,605 140,569 222,648 222,648 GRAND TOTALS: 106,786 202,605 140,569 222,648 222,648 6 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 213 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46340 PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES _ _ - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1,845 4,192 8,300 6,725 6,725 1300 INSURANCE _ 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 923 2,070 4,088 3,358 3,358 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 2,768 6,263 12,388 10,083 10,083 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 106 88 350 602 602 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 69 331 885 1,282 1,282 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 11,394 - 200 200 200 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 200 200 200 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 50 50 50 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 25 25 25 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 394 3,072 3,200 3,036 3,036 - 2161 CHEMICALS _ _ - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,389 2,840 4,248 5,257 5,257 2172 UNIFORMS _ _ 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 127 28 170 170 170 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 15,479 6,359 9,328 10,822 10,822 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 45 - 330 330 330 - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,781 695 596 578 578 - 3060 MANAGEMENT SERVICES 52,103 51,913 54,028 51,570 51,570 - 3100 PROTECTIVE SERVICES _ _ _ - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 150 150 150 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 903 992 1,500 1,617 1,617 3220 POSTAGE 95 144 122 139 139 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 176 82 250 250 250 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 40 40 40 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 100 100 100 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 23 55 55 55 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 7,850 11,833 15,383 12,930 12,930 -- 3810 ELECTRIC 19,389 16,529 22,633 24,896 24,896 - 3820 WATER 3,516 3,535 3,969 4,047 4,047 - 3830 GAS 19,853 13,900 19,371 22,374 22,374 - 3840 REFUSE 341 861 1,410 1,410 1,410 - 3850 SEWER 2,638 2,642 2,908 2,965 2,965 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 16,438 19,229 14,700 24,060 24,060 - 4030 EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE - - 10,500 3,000 3,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - 50 50 50 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 42 - 75 75 75 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 58 50 50 50 4315 PILOT 13,706 14,757 14,595 14,595 14,595 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 37 37 125 125 125 - 4335 TENANT SERVICES - 100 100 100 - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - _ 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 182 65 200 200 200 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 1,387 1,410 1,395 500 500 4395 STATE SALES TAX 3,805 2,571 3,500 3,262 3,262 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES _ _ 4850 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS 66 90 140 140 140 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 146,353 141,364 168,275 169,608 169,608 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - 12,000 - - 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS _ 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - 350 _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4,894 9,089 2,833 - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,894 9,089 15,183 - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 3,670 5,914 8,590 6,964 6,964 7411 TRANSFER OUT TO PVVS 700,000 - _ _ _ 8110 VANDALISM _ _ _ TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 703,670 5,914 8,590 6,964 6,964 TOTALS:PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 873,164 168,988 213,764 197,477 197,477 TOTALS:PARKVIEW VILLA SOUTH 873,164 168,988 213,764 197,477 197,477 GRAND TOTALS: 873,164 168,988 213,764 197,477 197,477 7 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 299 HOUSING&REDEVELOP RUTH Actual Actual Adopted Departmen Manager Council 46320 HRA ADMINISTRATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - 1215 DEFERRED COMP CONTRIBUTION - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - 1300 INSURANCE - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS ' 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES ' 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - 2280 VEHICLE PARTS - - TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - ' OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 3220 POSTAGE - - ' 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - ' 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT - ' 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - 3810 ELECTRIC - 3820 WATER - 3830 GAS ' 3840 REFUSE - 3850 SEWER - 4000 REPAIR&MAiNT.SERVICES - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR SURD. 4100 RENTS&LEASES 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 12 12 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 4600 LOANS&GRANTS 4,211 - 4700 CREDIT INVESTIGATION - ' 4800 COLLECTION LOSSES - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 4,223 12 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND - 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR - - ' 7280 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP PROD 94,752 77,000 - 7410 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM DEVELOP 12,000 34,702 111,648 7413 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP DEVELOPT - 270,877 7420 TRANSFER OUT TO EDA - - - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 106,752 382,579 111,648 TOTALS:HRA ADMINISTRATION 110,975 382,591 111,648 TOTALS:HOUSING&REDEVELOP AUTH 110,975 382,591 111,648 GRAND TOTALS: 110,975 382,591 111,648 8 C�1 The City ry of 1� Columbia Heights 2004 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Public Works mommw Immi I Will loll PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CENTRAL GARAGE SEWERIWATER 637 38TH AVENUE N. E., COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN 55421-3806 (763) 706-3700 FAX 706-3701 ENGINEERING STREETS PARKS BUDGET MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET OUTLINE October 20,2003 Agenda 1. Narrative Summary and 2004 Public Works Objectives 2. Proposed 2004 Budget Summary Data 2. Proposed 2004 Public Works Revenue 3. Proposed 2004 Public Works Expenses-Departmental Review: A. General Fund a. Personnel b. Engineering c. Streets d. Street Lighting e. Traffic Signs/Signals f. Turf Control g. Parks h. Tree Care and Maintenance B. State Aid a. Maintenance C. Water a. Source of Supply b. Distribution D. Sewer A. Collections B. Disposal E. Storm Sewer A. Collections G. Garage A. Central Garage H. Infrastructure 1. Capital Equipment Replacement/Improvements J. Columbia Heights Equipment Listing 5. General Budget Discussion and Questions THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES E m TDD (763) 706-3692 TABLE OF CONTENTS Public Works Budget Narrative • Budget Narrative-Activity Description Pages 1-6 • Budget Narrative-Department Objectives Pages 7-12 • Budget Narrative-Budget Comments Pages 13-18 Public Works Revenue Overview • Public Works Revenue Overview Pages 19-37 Public Works Expenses Overview • Personal Services Pages 38-39 • Engineering Pages 40-42 • Streets Pages 43-45 • Street Lighting Pages 46-47 • Traffic Signs and Signals Pages 48-49 • Turf Control Pages 50-51 • Parks Pages 52-58 • Tree Maintenance and Care Pages 59-65 • State Aid Maintenance Pages 66-67 • Infrastructure Fund Pages 68-69 • Water Pages 70-75 • Sewer Pages 76-81 • Storm Sewer Pages 82-84 • Central Garage Pages 85-88 Capital Equipment and Improvement Funds • Engineering Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 89-90 • Street Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 91-92 • Traffic Signs and Signals Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 93-94 • Parks Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 95-96 • Sewer Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 97-98 • Water Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 99-100 • Central Garage Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 101-102 • Water Construction Fund Pages 103-104 • Sewer Construction Fund Pages 105-106 • Storm Sewer Construction Fund Pages 107-108 • Storm Sewer Capital Equipment Replacement Pages 109-110 Equipment • Columbia Heights Capital Equipment Listing Attachment A CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Public Works 101-43000 This activity covers the wages and fringe benefit costs for both permanent and seasonal public works employees. The overall budget is mainly distributed to Public Works departments and other departments as appropriate. Engineering 101-43100 This department provides engineering services for public improvement projects. These activities include feasibility analysis, construction design, construction contract administration and project inspection. Other activities include general engineering, record keeping, GIS implementation, digital and hardcopy of file maintenance, and public contact. Streets 101-43121 The street department provides for the maintenance of city streets, alleys, including patching, surface repairs, bituminous paving, street sweeping, snow plowing and removal, ice control, miscellaneous projects as required, and public contact. Street Lighting 101-43160 This activity provides for the energy costs related to intersection, mid-block, and alley lighting. This activity also includes maintenance and repair of City-owned street lights. Traffic Signs &Signals 101-43170 This activity provides for the installation and maintenance of city controlled signs and signals. This account group also provides for street striping and traffic counting. Turf Control 101-43260 This activity provides for the operations necessary for the enforcement of the City's ordinance for weed and turf control. Activities include regularly scheduled site inspections city-wide and contracted abatement of weed and turf ordinance violations. Page 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Tree Care and Maintenance 101-46102 This activity provides for the tree trimming of trees, removal of hazardous or dead trees on all city-owned and private properties, and replanting of new trees. It includes shaping and maintaining of boulevard trees in a healthy condition, removal of downed branches, and clearing obstructed signs. It also provides for private property or hazardous tree inspections, corner visibility, and brush in alley inspections. Funds from this department also cover the cost to remove and replant diseased trees from city property and right-of-ways. Dutch Elm Sanitation 101-46103 This activity has been merged with Tree Care and Maintenance for 2004. Dutch Elm Replanting 101-46104 This activity has been merged with Tree Care and Maintenance for 2004. Parks 101-45200 This activity provides for the maintenance of: A. 15 City Parks; B. 3 public wading pools; C. 8 skating and 5 hockey rinks; D. 12 softball/baseball diamonds; E. 3 tennis courts; F. 12 buildings and other recreational facilities. This department also provides landscape maintenance for all municipal buildings, and the planning, implementation and construction of various park improvements. Page 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Engineering Capital Equipment 431-43100 The capital equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the general fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling of long term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. State Aid Maintenance 212-43190 This activity provides for the maintenance and repair of State Aid streets designated within the City and is funded by the MSA system. Water Utility Source of Supply 601-49400 This department covers potable water purchased from the City of Minneapolis for resale to the residents of Columbia Heights. Actual expenditures were $983,112 and $910,316 in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Amounts will vary from year to year based upon demand. Water Distribution 601-49430 This activity provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's entire water distribution system, including mainlines, hydrants, valves, meters, pump stations (2), sprinkler systems (3), and decorative fountains (2). Sewer Utility Collections 602-49450 This activity provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's sanitary sewer collection system. Included in this activity are inspections and repairs of manholes, main and lateral sewer lines, and lift stations (4). Annual sewer flows are between 550 and 600 million gallons to MCES treatment facilities. Page 3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Sewer Utility Disposal 602-49480 This department provides for fees paid to the Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services for sewage treatment disposal. Actual expenditures were $660,588 and $669,354 in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Costs will vary from year to year based upon flows. Storm Sewer Utility 604-49650 This department provides for the operation and maintenance of the city's storm sewer system, including inspections and repairs of storm sewer pipe, catch basins, manholes, and drainage ponds, and surface water related activities. Central Garage 701-49950 Central Garage provides preventive general maintenance and repair of all city vehicles and equipment. The City currently has 305 pieces of equipment that are maintained on a regular basis. This is an internal service fund with revenue generated by charges to other departments and funds. State Aid Construction 402 This fund is used for capital improvement projects on the City's municipal state aid streets. The fund balance was brought down to zero with the construction of the Central Avenue Construction project in 2002. Parks Capital Improvements 412 This activity provides for capital improvements in the City's park system, including major repairs/improvements to park buildings, playgrounds, recreational facilities, and park amenities. Page 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Infrastructure 430-46323 This fund was set-up in 1992 for the rehabilitation of the City's street system, with money transferred from the Liquor Fund. The fund initiated the City's street rehabilitation program in 1996 and with annual transfers, will perpetuate the continued investment into the maintenance and improvements of the City's streets. An additional source of revenue was secured in 2000, on a 2-year renewable cycle, with the certification of the City State-Aid Street System. Water Construction 651 This fund covers Capital Improvements to the City's Water Distribution System and the reconstruction and/or repairs to the distribution system including mains, pumping stations, water towers, and operational control valves. Sewer Construction 652 This fund supports Capital Improvements to the City's Sanitary Sewer System and major repairs in the sanitary sewer collection system including mains, lift stations, and manholes. Storm Construction 654 This fund supports Capital Improvements and major repairs in the storm sewer collection system, flood mitigation, and other surface water related activities. Sewer Capital Equipment 432 The capital equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the general fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Page 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Activity Description Water Capital Equipment 433 The capital equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the general fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Garage Capital Equipment 434 The capital equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the general fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Storm Sewer Capital Equipment 438 The capital equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the general fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long term replacement. Thus, the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Page 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives Public Works 101-43000 1. Maintain services levels with reduced staffing due to funding shortfalls. 2. Review seasonal pay ranges to attract and retain seasonal employees. 3. Evaluate and modify the overall usage and distribution (by dept) of seasonal employees. 4. Fill Utility Maintenance position. 5. Fill Assessment/Clerical position on a part-time basis. 6. Continue to evaluate PW staffing needs by department. Engineering 101-43100 1. Review and update financial analysis of Street Rehabilitation Zone Program. 2. Continue update and development of the computerized pavement management program for street zone work. 3. Continue development of City Works software for utility maintenance and complaint tracking program at Public Works. 4. Continue conversion of plat drawings into scanned images. 5. Develop departmental strategic plan. Streets 101-43121 1. Crack seal asphalt streets in prior street rehab zones. 2. Continue street repair/patching for Zone 7 of the street rehab program. 3. Continue evaluation of the use of less sand and straight salt for ice street ice control. 4. Develop developmental strategic plan. Street Lighting 101-43160 1. Review street lighting along 40th and 41 st Avenue for upgrades, replacement or as a minimum, needed repairs. 2. Evaluate replacement of City-owned and maintained lights in Sullivan and Prestemon Parks. Page 7 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives Traffic Signs &Signals 101-43170 1. Develop computerized sign inventory. 2. Upgrade regulatory signs to high intensity-VIP diamond grade on State Aid Streets. 3. Upgrade regulatory signs to high intensity-VIP diamond grade on Street Zone Work areas. 4. Continue replacement of antiquated traffic counters. Weed Control 10143260 1. Review budget reduction effects on the policy to provide a more pro-active approach to weed control, specifically related to complaints and following the city objective of improving the overall appearance of the city. 2. Continue efforts on a turf maintenance program for the University Avenue corridor, now that the City of Fridley has eliminated the cooperative program of cutting and trimming. Tree Care and Maintenance 101-46102 1. Concentrate on boulevard tree trimming by residential street rehabilitation zones. 2. Trim sidewalk and street sign locations. 3. Contractual trimming at LaBelle and Sullivan Park to maintain safe pathways. 4. Contractual training (Arborists) for improving staff tree trimming techniques. 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of a City contribution (25/75) or cost share between the city and property owners for private DED tree removals. 6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the DED inspection program. 7. Research NSP/Tree Trust Replacement Program (removal of trees under power lines). 8. Improve the selection of tree planting sites. 9. Educate the tree recipients on the importance of maintaining the trees during the past five years. Dutch Elm Sanitation 101-46103 This activity has been merged with tree care and maintenance. Page 8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives Dutch Elm Replanting 101-46104 This activity has been merged with tree care and maintenance. Parks 101-45200 1. Improve the timing of park projects that may impact seasonal park activities. 2. Continue pursuing DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant funding for park redevelopment. 3. Continue to develop a program that involves neighborhood input regarding park improvements. 4. Improve the general condition of softball fields-drainage and weed control. 5. Develop a plan for bike paths that provides connectivity with city and county parks consistent with design team recommendations. Streets Capital Equipment 431-43121 1. Replace Spinner Sander on Truck#099 $ 2,900 2. Replace One Large Leaf Mulcher $25,000 Parks Capital Equipment 431-45200 1. Replace#220 Dodge 250 3/4 Ton Truck $ 38,000 2. Replace#215 Riding Ball Field Groomer/Painter $ 10,000 State Aid Maintenance 212-43190 1. Continue the implementation of the 5-year Capital Improvement Program developed in 1999 as part of the certified status of local streets. 2. Retain 'certified'complete status for our local MSAS. Page 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives Water Utility Source of Supply 601-49400 Complete the long term contract negotiations with the City of Minneapolis. Sewer Utility Disposal 602-49480 Rates from the MCES have declined slightly or stayed flat over the last couple of years. It is anticipated that rates will increase by 3.5% for 2004. Sewer Capital Equipment 432 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pick-up with gate $15,000 2. Replace Unit#130 Ford 3/4 Ton Club Van $25,000 Shared one-half with Water Capital Equipment Water Capital Equipment 433 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pick-up with gate $15,000 2. Replace Unit#130 Ford 3/4 Ton Club Van $25,000 Shared one-half with Sewer Capital Equipment Storm Sewer Capital Equipment 438 No requests for 2003 budget. Central Garage 701-49950 1. Begin the planning and architectural design for building and site improvements to the MSC building. 2. Continue to improve the training and data availability on the CFA software program for the City Fleet Maintenance Program. Page 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives State Aid Construction 402 1. Crack Seal and Sealcoat State-Aid Streets 2. Mill &Overlay of various state-aid streets consistent with the 1999 5-year MSA CIP. Parks Capital Improvements 412 Capital Outlay Proiects-listed in priority: Grant Eligible Projects-Listed in priority: None 1. Huset Park-2002 Master Plan Recommendations - Reconstruct and/or-Add Amenities. Water Distribution 601-49430 1. Begin the implementation of security improvements for the water distribution system. 2. Complete training on the SCADA System Implementation. 3. Continue negotiation for the interconnection to City of Hilltop. 4. Review and develop a large meter replacement program for commercial and industrial users. Sewer Utility Collections 602-49450 1. Continue the rehab of existing sewer line structures throughout the City 2. Continue sanitary sewer system evaluations through an aggressive televising and reporting program. 3. Continue manhole inspections with the televising inspection reports. Storm Sewer Utilities 604 1. Complete the installation and startup of a new SCADA System. 2. Rehab existing structures and/or main lines throughout the City. 3. Storm sewer system evaluation: manhole sewer line inspections. Page 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Objectives Water Construction 651 1. Complete the installation and startup of a new SCADA System. 2. Coordinate repair/replacement of watermains that are in the street reconstruction zones or major improvement projects such as Central Avenue. Storm Sewer Construction 654 1. Reconstruct or repair problem areas in the storm sewer system that were identified in 1999. 2. Implement 1st phase of 1/1 study in residential areas (review grant eligible for sump pump disconnect). 3. Continue the annual program of replacing or upgrading catch basins, manholes and storm pipe in the street rehabilitation zones. Page 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Public Works 101-43000 The overall personnel budget for 2004 is $2,052,083 for salaries and fringe benefits, a decrease of$64,400 over the adopted 2003 budget. The budget balances to zero as 100% of salaries and fringe benefits are allocated to various departments in the city. Engineering 101-43100 The proposed 2004 Engineering budget is $307,484; an $11,592 decrease from the 2003 budget. The primary area accounting for the decrease is not filling the assessing/clerical position budgeted for in 2003. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained flat. Capital outlay has also been decreased from the 2003 adopted budget. Streets 101-43121 The overall 2004 budget for the street department is $656,492 a decrease of 4.90%from 2003. Seasonal staffing has been reduced along with other line items in the budget having decreases or remaining flat. Capital Outlay requests for 2004 have been reduced to$0. Street Lighting 101-43160 The 2004 proposed street lighting budget is $120,860, a decrease of$5,556 from 2003. Overall, the 2004 budget remains flat from 2003. This also assumes no major increases for the electric rates for street lights. Traffic Signs & Signals 101-43170 The overall budget proposed in 2004 is $70,606, a decrease of$2,645 from the 2003 budget. Page 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Turf Control 101-43260 The proposed 2004 Turf Control budget is projected at$ 13,902, a decrease of$2,526 from 2003. Time spent by the city maintenance crews will be held flat and administrative time is anticipated to decrease which may result in a more reactive approach. Decreased time will be spent maintaining the University Avenue Corridor and public right-of-ways. Public Works has assumed responsibility for property inspections as well as program administration. Tree Care and Maintenance 101-46102 The proposed 2004 Tree Care and Maintenance budget is $96,412, or a decrease of 7.74% from the adopted 2003 budget. This continues the new functional area that combines three departments: Tree Trimming, Dutch Elm Sanitation and Dutch Elm Replacement as was established in the 2003 budget. Dutch Elm Sanitation 101-46103 This activity has been merged into the Tree Care and Maintenance portion of the 2004 budget. Dutch Elm Replanting 101-46104 This activity has been merged into the Tree Care and Maintenance portion of the 2004 budget. Parks 101-45200 The 2004 Parks proposed budget is $711,407, a decrease of$40,029 or 5.53% over the 2003 adopted budget. Seasonal staffing has been reduced along with other line items in the budget having decreases or remaining flat. Capital Outlay requests for 2004 have been reduced to$0. Page 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Engineering Capital Equipment 431-43100 No requests have been made for 2004. Streets Capital Equipment 431-43121 Item & Proiected Cost The following requests have been made for Streets Capital Equipment Replacement: 1. Replace Spinner Sander on Vehicle#099 $ 2,900 2. Replace one Large Leaf Mulcher $25,000 Traffic Signs and Signals Capital Equipment 431-43170 No requests have been made for 2003. Parks Capital Equipment 431-45200 Item & Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Parks Capital Equipment Replacement: 1. Replace#220 Dodge 250 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck $ 38,000 2. Replace unit#215 Ballfield Groomer/line painter $ 10,000 State Aid Maintenance 212-43190 The proposed 2004 budget is $166,431, a decrease of 6.25% from last year. Staff time is allocated for recertifying the City's State-Aid System. This allows the use of State-Aid funding on local streets and provides an additional revenue source for the City's Infrastructure fund to be used in the Street Rehabilitation Zone work. Page 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Water Utility Source of Supply 601-49400 The proposed budget for the year 2004 is $946,750, which is based upon the budgeted amount of water purchased in 2002/2003, plus an estimated four and one half percent increase from the City of Minneapolis. Water Distribution 601-49430 The proposed 2004 Water Distribution budget is $599,722, a decrease of$35,321 from the 2003 adopted budget. Most line items have remained flat from 2003. Capital Outlay has also decreased with the only request to replace the failing master meter and ancilliary reading devices. Water Capital Equipment 433 Item & Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Water Capital Equipment Replacement: 1. Replace#125 Chevrolet 2500 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck $ 15,000 2. Replace unit#130 Ford E250 3/4 Ton Club Van $25,000 Sewer Utility Collections 602-49450 The 2004 Sewer Collections proposed budget is $489,726, which is an increase of $37,374 from 2003. Sewer Utility Disposal 602-49480 The proposed 2004 Sewage Disposal budget is 729,131. This represents a 0% increase from 2003 due to Met Council Environmental Services continued streamlining of operations. Page 16 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Sewer Capital Equipment 432 Item & Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Sewer Capital Equipment Replacement: 1. Replace#125 Chevrolet 2500 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck $ 15,000 2. Replace unit#130 Ford E250 3/4 Ton Club Van $25,000 Storm Sewer Utility 604-49650 The proposed 2004 budget is $225,508, a decrease of$6,904 from the 2003 adopted budget. Storm Sewer Capital Equipment 438 No requests have been made in 2004. Central Garage 701-49950 The Public Works garage budget proposed for 2004 is $473,271 which represents an $24,059 decrease over the 2003 adopted budget. Capital outlay remains the same with continued funding for a building fund for recommended improvements to the Municipal Service Center Building in 2004. Most other budget areas are flat from the 2003 budget. State Aid Construction 402 In 1999, the City was asked by the Office of State Aid to provide a detailed five year program, explaining how Columbia Heights plans on spending down its excessive MSA fund balance. Consistent with that request, a 5-year plan was developed. With the completion of Central Avenue, the balance has been spent down to$0. This year's 2004 State Aid Construction budget follows that plan and primarily is represented by seal coating of state aid streets in various locations of the City. Page 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Functional Area of Public Works Budget Narrative Budget Comments Parks Capital Improvements 412 The 2004 proposed Parks Capital Improvement budget is $64,000, a significant decrease of from 2003. The proposed work program is focusing on improvements to Huset Park, following the completion of the Huset Park Master Plan. To further the available dollars in that fund, staff will apply for grant monies through the DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Program. Potential projects have been identified and listed in priority order. Infrastructure 430-46323 The Infrastructure Fund supports city costs to perpetuate the city wide street rehab program. Zones 1,2,3, 4, 5 6A, and 6B have been completed. The rehabilitation of the last zone, with city streets west of Central Avenue and south of 40th, Zone 7 is planned for construction in 2004. An additional source of funding from the City's State-Aid account is available with continued certification by MNDOT of our State-Aid system. Water Construction 651 The 2004 Water Construction budget is $352,000 to continue the focus on rehabilitation of an aging system. Work includes pipe replacement in the Zone 7 Street Rehabilitation area and security improvements to the City's Water Distribution System. Sewer Construction 652 The 2004 Sewer Construction budget is proposed at$262,500 to continue addressing the rehabilitation of an aging sewer system. Work includes manhole and pipe rehabilitation in the Zone Street Rehabilitation area. The program also includes increasing the annual budget to $75,000 for continued lining of deficient pipes to address root or clear water inflow. Storm Construction 654 The 2004 Storm Sewer Construction budget was established to be consistent with the 10 year Capital Implementation Plan prepared during the establishment of the Storm Water Utility. The plan includes specific improvement project flood mitigation areas and/or Street Zone and annual maintenance or planning activities. Page 18 00000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 Q L C o LO Lri Ln Ln �S W N N (3) U COO (DNLOM00000000MMMOOOON LO (D (DOOti N r` LO et I�t d d N 00 M t- L() N O O LO M LO N L ch O O O N r O r- O r 0 0 00 D) 00 0) O � N O (O O C N O M O M (D' cli It O r LO O Lo N r M N LO N (D (1) � O r NhN N rN " Q 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 O O O L '5 O O O O O Q1 c LO LO 0 (�6 W (M r N d' 't c) a ,t co U O O O (D 000 (D (D N N 07 (D r LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M r o r O r M M (M O d' N �t (D 0 O d' M r 00 r- 00 'I (D r- 00 N (D O 000 ti 00 O QOO r Cl) r O a) r M d M (D t` d r c1 00 r N O CO O 00 r M M 0 r N r V) r O M r O N LO N (D zz O Cl d N O N (D d (D r r r r r O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O — 0000 — O r C O O O LO(A •a LO N - d L d � CQ C4 0 OC N L M N O r (D LN (D a) a) r r r r r r r cu CN cli} O C) 0)N 00ON0000000000000000Moo00 0C) 00It 00 't � -O Q 00 () O h — 0 r ti r (`") C) N C =3 (D M M 00 Cn � d' r` N N -0 O C W (�) N MM l� rN N 0NN m � M D v U a) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O — 0000 — O r M 4 L O O O tom- 00 r` O r` N 0 G. 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Q oe c w U)) QUO 'S = fin 'Scr0wo = (¢nF` t` t` F- > wau) ODU CL L) (D d x m 0 O N O r M O O O O O LO O LO 0 0 r O M M r N W E r r N r r r M 0 r LO (D (D � ~ M N N N N N N N +�-° w E d' rt d• N N N N r r r r r r- (M7 M M M M M M M M M (~ M M M M (r-- M M M M C'O') F- Fo- t/3 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Engineering Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Engineering Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-43100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 197,338 172,448 266,893 261,673 261,673 Supplies 12,185 16,888 12,850 10,615 10,615 Other Services and Charges 36,620 40,938 37,333 33,695 33,695 Capital Outlay 2,030 0 2,000 1,500 1,500 Contingencies &Transfers 171,272 89,136 0 0 0 Total Expenses 419,4'45 19;410, '31`x;076 307483 `307;483 , Page 20B CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Streets Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Streets Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-43121 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 252,794 288,043 355,810 342,039 342,039 Supplies 114,325 126,250 137,975 136,175 136,175 Other Services and Charges 132,496 132,415 181,534 178,278 178,278 Capital Outlay 15,472 2,000 15,000 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 20,113 1,500 0 0 0 Total Expenses '535;200 °550;268 =: 69.0;319, 656;492 . 656,492 Page 20C CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Street Lighting Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Street Lighting Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-43160 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 980 318 4,588 3,950 3,950 Supplies 0 94 900 1,275 1,275 Other Services and Charges 112,554 106,283 120,928 115,635 115,635 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 113;534; 106;69,5 126;416, 12Q860 . -_ 120',860 Page 20D CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Traffic Signs &Signals Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Traffic Signs & Signals Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-43170 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 37,773 47,343 49,328 48,352 48,352 Supplies 13,071 8,330 9,900 7,700 7,700 Other Services and Charges 8,075 9,998 14,023 14,554 14,554 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 58;919 65;671 t -73;251 70 =' Page 20E CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Weed Control Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Weed Control Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-43260 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 6,264 6,737 12,389 10,272 10,272 Supplies 0 0 250 300 300 Other Services and Charges 3,118 1,043 3,789 3,330 3,330 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses -9,382 7;780 ,' .16;428 .13;902 _ - 13;902 Page 20F CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MN BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Parks Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Parks Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-45200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 362,283 366,176 471,937 453,568 453,568 Supplies 67,996 72,158 80,300 79,200 79,200 Other Services and Charges 144,691 160,580 183,100 176,639 176,639 Capital Outlay 7,342 0 14,100 0 0 Contingencies & Transfers 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 Total Expenses >5:82;312, :=598,914 ;.;=75-1;437 71:1;407 71:1`;407 Page 20G CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Tree Maintenance&Care Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Tree Maintenance&Care Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-46102 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 19,067 38,956 47,542 48,292 48,292 Supplies 1,892 3,006 3,100 1,900 1,900 Other Services and Charges 16,921 12,752 53,858 46,220 46,220 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses ',37;880 54j714. 1"04`500 _ 96;412 96;412 Page 20H CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Dutch Elm Sanitation Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Dutch Elm Sanitation Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-46103 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 8,659 8,466 0 0 0 Supplies 71 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 29,878 43,082 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 38,608 51,548 0 0 0 Page 201 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Dutch Elm Replanting Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-46104 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 1,175 1,920 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 8,047 5,959 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 9,222 7,879 0 0 0 Page 20J CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of State Aid Maintenance Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted State Aid Maintenance Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 212-43190 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 33,145 20,393 24,775 33,271 33,271 Supplies 1,710 2,450 20,000 23,000 23,000 Other Services and Charges 20,975 24,133 93,460 100,160 100,160 Capital Outlay 51,791 4,984 33,000 10,000 10,000 Contingencies &Transfers 7,180 92,724 0 0 0 Total Expenses ;1:14;$0,1 '1A4684 171;235. 106;431 , r:" :166,431 Page 20K CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of State Aid Construction Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted State Aid Construction Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 402 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 12,141 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 129,314 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 230,112 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 371;567 0 >_ 0 0 `.0 Page 20L CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Parks Cap Improvement Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Parks Capital Improvement Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 412-45200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 5,624 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 6,690 304 15,892 0 0 Capital Outlay 16,399 20,486 260,100 64,000 64,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 28,713 2Q,790 275;992 64',000 64,000 Page 20M CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Infrastructure Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Infrastructure Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 430-46323 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 62,120 66,871 66,871 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 13,645 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 Capital Outlay 212,007 0 85,000 85,000 85,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 144,380 0 0 0 Total Expenses 225-,652,' , ,--, 144;380 1,55;120 -159 87f fi59 Page 20N CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Engineering Capital Equip Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Engineering Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 431-43100 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 513 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 7,878 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 0 8,391 0 0 Page 200 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Streets Capital Equipment 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Streets Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 431-43121 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 138 0 3,543 1,814 1,814 Capital Outlay 52,215 0 54,500 27,900 27,900 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 52;353 Q. 58;043 29;714 : 29;714: Page 20P CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip Rep-Traffic Signs Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Cap Equip Rep-Traffic Signs Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 431-43170 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 2,878 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 43,848 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 46;726 C 0 Q 0 `; Page 20Q CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Parks Cap Equip 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Revised Parks Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 431-45200 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 4,260 0 2,470 0 0 3,120 Capital Outlay 65,531 4,680 38,000 0 0 48,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 69,791 4,680 40,470 0 0 51,120 Page 20R CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Sewer Capital Equipment Budget 2003 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Sewer Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 432-49499 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 237 780 0 0 Capital Outlay 22,926 3,650 12,000 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses -22;926 `: . 3;887 . ` 42;780: Page 20S CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Capital Equipment Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Revised Water Capital Equipment Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 433-49449 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 1,987 0 0 0 0 2,600 Capital Outlay 24,060 0 0 0 0 40,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 26,047 0 0 0 0 42,600 Page 20T CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Cap Equip Rep-Storm Sewer 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Capital Equip Rep-Storm Sewer Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 438-49699 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 237 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 3,650 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 3;887 0 0 0 Page 20U CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Utility Source of Supply Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Water Utility Source of Supply Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 601-49400 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 983,112 910,316 907,500 946,750 946,750 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 983,112 :910;31:6 ,. : : °;907;500 v -- =946;, ` 946::,750 - Page 20V CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Distribution Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Water Distribution Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 601-49430 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 233,385 250,014 288,247 271,891 271,891 Supplies 56,438 63,223 43,900 46,000 46,000 Other Services and Charges 297,913 319,849 232,034 238,831 238,831 Capital Outlay 0 0 34,500 18,000 18,000 Contingencies &Transfers 28,549 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Total Expenses =616;285 `658;086. . 1623;681 F59.9;722 Page 20W CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Non-Operating Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Water Non-Operating Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 601-49449 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 Total Expenses 74;641 =, 74;641 t 74;641 74;649. 7.4,641 ;. Page 20X CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Collections Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Collections Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 602-49450 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 165,232 161,636 190,313 202,775 202,775 Supplies 22,063 23,591 30,350 25,825 25,825 Other Services and Charges 217,659 215,884 191,689 224,126 224,126 Capital Outlay (1,500) 0 10,000 12,000 12,000 Contingencies &Transfers 28,010 25,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 Total Expenses 431;464 426;111 452;352 489;.726 489,,726 '; Page 20Y CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Disposal Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Disposal Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 602-49480 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 660,588 669,534 729,131 729,131 729,131 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses :660;688 669534 ., 729;131 729;:131 _° 729,131 Page 20Z CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Sewer Non-Operating Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Sewer Non-Operating Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 602-49499 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 1,500 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total Expenses 5;500 5;000 5x000 5OOQ :' 15,000 Page 20AA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Storm Water Utility Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Storm Water Utility Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 604-49650 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 51,545 54,509 62,400 68,086 68,086 Supplies 11,672 26,099 23,175 22,100 22,100 Other Services and Charges 23,911 51,052 51,637 50,122 50,122 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 85,200 95,200 52,300 52,300 52,300 Total Expenses 172,328 226,860 189,512 192,608 192,608 Page 20BB CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Storm Water Non-Operating Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Storm Sewer Non Operating Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 604-49699 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 125,000 110,500 110,500 Total Expenses 0 0 :;125;000 1,1:0;500 ._ 110;500 Page 20CC CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Water Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Water Non-Operating Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 651-49449 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 331,000 264,500 264,500 Contingencies &Transfers 1,641,540 209,717 0 0 0 Total Expenses 1=;641;540 209;7;17 33.1,000 - =254;500 .=-_ =-264500 . Page 20DD CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Sewer Construction Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Sewer Construction Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 652-49449 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 150,000 175,000 175,000 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 0 0 = 150;000 175;000 fi75;000` Page 20EE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Storm Sewer Construction Fund 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Storm Sewer Construction Fund Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 653-49699 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 135,000 150,000 150,000 Contingencies &Transfers 432,091 362,210 0 0 0 Total Expenses 432;09=1 362;2'10 135,000 150 000, -< . . 150,000_ <, Page 20FF U8 -i C ® ® A N CD (D N N N 3 of D O W N 00 00 O — co -* -* 3 O �I W (n O O O O O O x CD 0 -q -A m 000co -um M �Q -i -i > G) cncn00S ;u _° O O O a) k (D � p� N Cll p � � � CD =��' CD NO t�D CD N o fw VOi = (D lCD to m CD N CQ Cn CD � UUi R0 (D CD (D(D O Cn (D c CD X (D O m v cD r -, -� o r CD �, o (D = N c CD (n Cn G) o o m m v < prom (n �' ( ° mm _ U) w � m CL U' w fD (Q � m CD CD < W CL v Cn (D m W Po 5- c c m C7 v m ate@ m v m m m C C) CD o < CD (p n CD CD CD c Q m m N 0) Cn (D O O m Cn N W N 0� N O O W N W N O N 00 N O (D _. - — pp p (D -P O 0) O O N O co O 0o v J 00 — co O Cl N O 0) -• 0 0 0 0 0 0 �I O O •P 0c0 000 0c0 O W O O 000 N � � 0 (D 4 00 O 00 .P (n J01 W O W O Ui Cn -• Cn N n Cn N O N Cn 0u W O CA O N O O Cn O 00 V 00 �I O Cn O " co O O v O O O CD `G 4 " P s 0 0 N O CD X 0 0 0 CD Cat O O O O O � O C n n G) a O v n C -P -A P Cl 4�- Cn Ut (n Cn O O G co u (OD O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 CD 70 0 ® Q iV U! 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(D Cn C O a? fl? � 0 0 0 0 --� O O -• --� m X 0 —i 0 0 O Cn -o m < o o O M c m x c� m n O m o C CD CD X to m O CD (n v CD O c � — n o0 0- D = to c ai l< CD < < c° m v v O N Ro v N cn Sp - CD O CD CD O 0.W a cn 3 c< y CD m cn (Q CCDD _r C0) CD D c ° CD cr M. cn m cc W W W N W 0 0 O W — CT O CA .P 00 O CD W O -a J Cb 00 N -' CD P A .A Cn O Cn CA A 0-) CD O Cn N M. 00 00 00 O Cfl — v 00 CD 00 W Cn -a O co W W O O Cn Cat W W .A O O O O O co 00 Cn co n C �. O CA D) — — W 0) W -z Cn Cn Cn -4 W .P Cn -� N W CD D) O CD -� O O O CA co O N Cn Cn Cn O 00 CO O n A A P N " O .P Cn O .A co .A O O Cn n' O co CD O -4 --4 W O W O Co Co " D) O C O N N N O O co Cn CO N co O O O O O m P C) 00 C) -v g m 3 sv o C CAD cQ = CD O co CD CD 0 O C37 -� W O N Cat CNJt W 000 CD CD O -co O 00 CA N CD 00 co O W CA N 0) (C] CD N 0 CA O) W -I Cn D) CD O -I W CD Cn = O O O O O O Cn Cn O O CD 0 0 0 00 0 -! O) CO CD = —I CD cn O O O O �l 00 O -a Cn Cn D) CA 0 Cn -4 W CA �I N Cn Cb CQ O O O Cn O Cn O CA N N Cn -P 000 000 -PION CA0000000 W O cn O O :3 CD W Cl) W W O W N v -' -i CD to O CD W W N (.0 W Cn V Cfl W O Q O O O W O -1 O O -1�1 .A Cn .P ONN NOOOO N N -+ 000000 P p0O CD CD CD -Al .P CD Cn O (D CA Cn CA Cn Cb m N CA Cfl -A W j 3. CD N .P N Cn N 00 — N O N N N O O O O N N O O O O O O 000 CO3i co i _� -� J v Can Cn -t N C) -a -a N 0 Cfl W v N v N -' P P O 0) N Cn .J, co N .PP W Cn O O O O W O m O O N " .P -1 0 r4 -! -4 0 0 CD 0 00 vJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cn M O Cn CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Central Garage Budget 2404 Adopted Department Revised Adopted Central Garage Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 701-49950 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 151,250 144,462 165,268 163,619 163,619 Supplies 79,451 75,448 99,550 94,300 79,300 Other Services and Charges 140,972 129,001 132,512 135,852 135,852 Capital Outlay 0 0 5,500 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 94,000 94,500 94,500 94,500 94,500 Total Expenses 465,673 443,411 497,330 488,271 473,271 0 Page 20GG FUND NUMBER 2004 General Fund Revenue 101 Adopted Department City Manager General Fund Revenue Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 Charges for Services INTERGOVERNMENTALREVENUE 34107 Special Assess Searches 95 95 200 200 200 34303 Charges for Services 10,811 10,811 15,000 15,000 15,000 34405 Weed Cut Nuisances 2,841 2,841 5,000 4,000 4,000 34408 Shade Tree 3,060 3,060 6,500 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 0 0 33997 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV <= 16,8(37 1680T, = 267Z1Q - 2470t} 24,70t1' Totals:Charges for Service = 16,8A7 t:6 8QT 26 7(10 24,70D -`24 70(t Totals:Charges for Service INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE Page 21 FUND NUMBER 2oO4 STATE AID MAINTENANCE BUDGET Adopted Department City Manager STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 33000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 53410 Gas Tax Appoint-Muint 129.570 140.904 172.000 152.500 152.500 39423 Transfer In State Aid O 352 O 0 O 33997 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV V9V7 TOTAL STATE AID MAINTENANCE REV TOTAL STATE AID MAINTENANCE EXP INCREASE(osoeExSs)TO FUND BALANCE - Revenue Narrative Cities are able to take 25%of their State-Aid Construction allotment up front for maintenance costs on designated State-Aid Routes.This revenue can be used to cover such costs as street repair,ROW maintenance,snow plowing,ice control,and sweeping.Columbia Heights has typically received 25%. This provides a greater amount available for local construction projects. Page 22 FUND NUMBER 2004 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION BUDGET 402 Adopted Department City Manager STATE AID CONSTRUCTION Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 33000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 33419 Mun.State Aid Street Construction 266,701 2,815,603 104,500 266,000 266,000 33422 State Grant-Coop Agreement 0 0 37,000 114,000 114,000 33997 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV 266;701 x,815 603 ",.,141,590 389,000 . 380;000 Project 9912 Central Avenue = 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 85 39140 Other Ref.&Reimbursement 0 48,920 0 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 61 49,005 0 0 =Q 369243 Project 9920 Backlit St.Signs 8,880 369243 Transfer in State Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project 9818 Retaining Wall 33419 MN State Aid Construction 6,993 39243 Transfer in State Aid 0 27,009 0 0 0 0 :34;002 9997 TOTAL STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 266,701 `907,490 14'1,590 380,000 `-380,000 Page 23 402 2004 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION Revenue Narrative State Aid Construction funds allocated to Columbia Heights. The following represents funds the State has allocated to Columbia Heights and which the City has not yet used. Allocation balance as of 12/31/03(estimated) 0 2004 Allotment(estimated) 592,839 Advance Encumbrance Repayment(2004) 67,000 2003 Project Encumbrance Carryover 210,000 Unencumbered construction fund allocation 315,839 Summary The reconstruction of Central Avenue in 2002 has reduced the fund balance to zero.In addition,borrowing in advance requires repayment to be withdrawn first,reducing available amounts for construction.Carryover for the local construction 2003 Street Zone Program work and 2004 local construction Street Zone Program work will leave a-0-balance by the end of 2004. Currently there is not a penalty for carrying a large balance in the Unencumbered Construction Fund in determining the City's "Total Apportionment Needs". The annual allotment for the Construction and Maintenance Funds is based on the City's percentage of"Total Apportionment Needs" (Population Apportionment and Money Needs Apportionment)compared to the rest of the Municipal State Aid System, Page 24 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT-MSC BUILDING FUND 411 Adopted Department City Manager CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT-MSC BUILDING Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 36219 Change In Fair Value 36290 Other Misc.Revenue 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,000 4,000 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39203 Transfer In From General Fund 15,600 15,000 80,000 0 0 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 39223 Transfer In From Garage Fund 59,400 60,500 60,500 60,500 60,500 INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 75,000 75,500 140,500 60,500 60,500 9997 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT MSC BUILDING 78,500 79,000 144,000 64,500 64,500 Page 25 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS BUDGET 412 Adopted Department City Manager CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 44,138 36,542 7,500 7,500 7,500 36219 Change In Fair Value 3,313 8,981 36230 Contributions 0 18,750 36290 Other Misc.Revenue 2,000 5,200 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 49,451 69,472 7,500 7,500 7,500 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39219 Transfer In From General Fund 0 0 50,000 0 0 INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 0 0 50,000 0 0 9997 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS 49,451 69,472 57,500 7,500 7,500 Page 26 FUND NUMBER 2004 INFRASTRUCTURE BUDGET 430 Adopted Department City Manager INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 33422 State Grant 0 0 0 0 0 36101 Special.Assess. Collect City 0 0 0 0 0 36210 Interest On Investments 38,678 38,678 0 0 0 36219 Change In Fair Value 2,903 2,903 0 0 0 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 0 0 230,000 266,000 266,000 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 41,581 .41,581 <230,000 266,Q00 266,000, 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39203 Transfer In From General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 39219 Transfer In From Liquor Fund 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 0 0 0 0 0 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN &NON REV RECEIPTS - ,0_ 0 50,000 50;000 - >:50,000 9997 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 41;581 41;581 280,000 =316,000 - 316,000' Page 27 FUND NUMBER 2004 INFRASTRUCTURE BUDGET 430 Adopted Department City Manager INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36101 Special.Assess.Collect City 0 0 0 0 0 36210 Interest On Investments 0 0 0 0 0 36219 Change In Fair Value 0 0 0 0 0 36290 Other Misc.Revenue 170,000 170,000 230,000 266,000 266,000 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS = -170,0043 -__ 170 000 -`.=230,000 =266,000 :- ---266,000- 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39203 Transfer In From General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 39219 Transfer In From Liquor Fund 42,500 42,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 0 0 0 0 0 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS -2,500- '_ 54,000 =%000 .- 50,000° 9997 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND -212,50V, 212,500= °280;004 316 000._ 316,004- Revenue Narrative The Infrastructure Fund was originally created by transfers by the City Council from undesignated General Fund balances. Future transfers from the General Fund may be limited or unavailable.An additional source of revenue,over 2 year cycles, is the City's State-Aid account through certifying our local street system,reviewed on a 2-year cycle by MNDOT. Page 28 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAPITAL EQUIP REPLACE-PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET 431 Adopted Department City Manager CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed GENERAL FUND 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 91,500 91,500 39,466 2,682 2,682 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 91,500 91,500 39,466 2,682 2,682 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39101 Gain/Loss Fixed Asset 39203 Transfer In From General Fund 0 0 19,110 3,398 3,398 39219 Transfer In From Liquor Fund 55,000 55,000 38,220 3,398 3,398 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 0 0 0 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 0 0 0 39223 Transfer In From Garage Fund 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 55,000 55,000 57,330 6,796 6,796 9997 TOTAL CAP'L EQUIP REPL-PW REV 146,500 146,500 96,796 9,478 9,478 Page 29 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-SEWER BUDGET 432 Adopted Department City Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed SEWER 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 21,506 20,156 18,000 20,000 20,000 36219 Change in Fair Value 1,614 4,954 0 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 23,124 25103 == 18,000 20,000 20,000` 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN &NON REV RECEIPTS 25,000, °, 25;000 2&,000 :25;000 25,000. 9997 TOTAL CAP EQUIP REPLACE-SEWER REV 48;120 , 50;109 43,000 45,000 45,000, TOTAL CAP EQUIP REPLACE-SEWER EXP 0 0, 12;780 12=780 = 12;780 INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 48,1120 50;109 30,220 -` 32,220, 32,220- Page 30 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-WATER BUDGET 433 Adopted Department City Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 16,059 15,047 12,000 15,000 15,000 36210 Change in Fair Value 1,205 3,698 0 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 17;264 '=18,745= 12,000 15;000 15-,'00& 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS X5,000 25,000 -26;000 >" 25;000 25,000 9997 TOTAL CAP EQUIP RELACEMENT-WATER REV 42;264 43 745, 37;004 40;000 40,000 TOTAL CAP EQUIP RELACEMENT-WATER EXP 73,165 0•-' 0 0 0 TOTAL CAP EQUIP RELACEMENT- 38,526 ::7,097 37;004 --4;0,Q00 =' 40,000 Page 31 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-GARAGE BUDGET 434 Adopted Department City Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36210 Interest On Investments 971 1,097 2,000 2000 2,000 36219 Change in Fair Value 73 269 2,000 500 500 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 1,044 ` =_:'1;366 2;000 2;500 -2;50Q 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 0 0 0 0 0 39223 Transfer In From Garage Fund 4,000 4,000 4,000 4000 4,000 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS =4,000 4000 "-4,000 ` 4,000 4;000 9997 TOTAL CAP EQUIP REPL-GARAGE REV 44 ,' 5,366 .` 8 000 6,500 :650Q_ 5,0 TOTAL CAP EQUIP REPL-GARAGE EXP INCREASE (DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 6,000 =` =5;366 8,000 6;500 ': 6,500 Page 32 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-STORM SEWER BUDGET 438 Adopted Department City Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM SEWER Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 172 455 750 750 750 36219 Change in Fair Value 13 112 500 300 300 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 185 -567`' 1,250 1,050 1;050' 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39237 Transfer In From Storm Water Fund 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 5,800 -5,800'-_, 6,800 5;800 580Q 9997 TOTAL CAP EQUIP RELACEMENT-STORM WATER REV 5,985 6 367 7,050 61 850- 6,850 Page 33 FUND NUMBER 2004 WATER BUDGET 601 Adopted Department City Manager WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 25,699 6,877 25,000 13,846 13,846 36219 Change in Fair Value 1,929 1,690 0 0 0 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 31 28 0 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 27,659 8,595 25,000 13,846 15,000 37000 SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 37100 Water Service Charge 1,294,341 1,236,200 1,299,678 1,374,726 1,374,726 37110 Interd.Water Charge 16,838 15,814 15,000 13,846 13,846 37150 Water Turn Off/On 7,090 13,000 5,000 6,462 6,462 37160 Penalties 31,118 32,774 29,000 27,692 27,692 37165 Water Connection Fee 16,455 16,466 15,000 14,769 14,769 37170 Repair Meter,Cards 2,368 2,652 2,000 1,846 1,846 37175 Customer Service 0 0 250 231 231 37180 Sales Meters/Remote Units 11,904 6,432 4,500 4,615 4,615 37997 TOTAL SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,380,114 1,323,337 1,370,428 1,444,187 1,444,187 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39101 Gain/Loss Fixed Asset 0 0 39140 Other Ref.&Reimbursement 0 30 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 1,665,600 209,717 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 1,665,600 209,747 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL WATER UTILITY REVENUE 3,073,373 1,541,679 1,395,428 1,458,033 1,458,033 TOTAL WATER UTILITY EXP 1,326,422 1,314,585 1,531,181 1,621,113 1,621,113 INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 1,746,951 227,094 -135,753 -163,080 -163,080 Page 34 FUND NUMBER 2004 SEWER BUDGET 602 Adopted Department City Manager SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 58,776 62,600 25,000 49,446 49,446 36211 Interest Current Value Credit 9,642 8,839 12,000 7,642 7,642 33422 State Grant 0 198 0 0 0 36219 Change in Fair Value 4,411 15,385 50 45 45 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 0 50 50 45 45 36291 Columbia Heights History 0 0 0 0 0 36293 SAC Charges Collected 19,056 2,759 0 0 0 36400 Principal Repayment-Loans(Storm Sewer) 0 10,000 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 91,885 89,830 47,100 57,178 57,178 37000 SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 37210 Sewer Service Charge 1,203,169 1,191,945 1,213,777 1,082,223 1,082,223 37211 Interd. Sewer Charge 12,161 12,166 12,000 10,788 10,788 37270 Interceptor Maintenance 9,344 5,226 7,885 6,743 6,743 37997 TOTAL SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,224,674 1,209,338 1,233,662 1,099,754 1,099,754 39000 TRANSFERS IN &NON REV RECEIPTS 39101 Gain/Loss Fixed Asset 0 0 0 0 0 39140 Other Ref.&Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 53,946 210,965 0 0 0 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 0 0 0 0 39237 Transfer In From Storm Sewer Fund 0 10,000 0 0 0 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 53,946 220,965 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL SEWER UTILITY REVENUE 1,370,505 1,520,133 1,280,762 1,156,932 1,156,932 TOTAL SEWER UTILITY EXP 1,181,066 1,162,070 1,176,482 1,223,857 1,223,857 Total Sewer Utility 189,439 358,063 104,280 (66,925) (66,925) Page 35 FUND NUMBER 2004 STORM UTILITY BUDGET 604 Adopted Department City Manager STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 501 1,239 8,000 1,974 1,974 36219 Change in Fair Value 38 304 0 0 0 36212 Interest on Reserve Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 0 0 0 0 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 539 1,543 8,000 1,974 1,974 37000 SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 37410 Storm Utility Service Charge 172,654 172,975 188,000 210,187 210,187 37211 Interd. Sewer Charge 0 0 0 0 0 37270 Interceptor Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 37997 TOTAL SALES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES 172,654 172,975 188,000 210,187 210,187 39000 TRANSFERS IN &NON REV RECEIPTS 39101 Gain/Loss Fixed Asset 0 0 0 0 0 39140 Other Ref. &Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 432,091 362,210 0 0 0 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 0 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 432,091 362,210 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL SEWER UTILITY REVENUE 605,284 536,728 196,000 212,161 212,161 TOTAL SEWER UTILITY EXP 0 239,730 232,412 303,108 303,108 Total Storm Water Utility 605,284 296,998 (36,412) (90,947) (90,947) Page 36 FUND NUMBER 2004 CENTRAL GARAGE BUDGET 701 Adopted Department City Manager CENTRAL GARAGE FUND Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 30000 REVENUE 36000 MISCELLANEOUS 36210 Interest On Investments 7,052 0 9,000 5,000 5,000 36219 Change In Fair Value 529 36290 Other Misc. Revenue 295 238 1,500 1,500 1,500 36997 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 7,876=`; 238 .' 10,500 `6,500 ;_6,500- 38000 ALLOCATIONS 38400 Sales Of Gasoline And Fuel 66,508 57,543 75,000 75,000 75,000 38997 TOTAL ALLOCATIONS 66,508 -. 57,543 75,000 75,000 75,000 39000 TRANSFERS IN&NON REV RECEIPTS 39101 Gain/Loss Fixed Asset 0 0 0 0 0 39140 Other Ref. &Reimbursement 252 352 0 0 0 39180 Garage Labor&Burden 114,082 143,133 155,975 175,975 175,975 39185 Allocation of Service Center 163,573 184,762 220,209 220,209 220,209 39203 Transfer In From General Fund 15,000 0 0 0 0 39220 Transfer In From Capital Improve. 0 0 0 0 0 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund 39222 Transfer In From Water Fund 39223 Transfer In From Garage Fund 39400 Rents And Leases 2,631 2,432 4,000 3,000 3,000 39997 TOTAL TRANS IN &NON REV RECEIPTS ,295 538 ,330;679 = .3801-18"----_=399,184 -399;184' 9997 TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE FUND REV 366,9&- 388 460 465;684 480;684 480,684; TOTAL CENTRAL GARAGE FUND EXP 418,194 - : 508803 "488;771 '468;279 488;271 INCREASE(DECREASE)TO FUND BALANCE 48, 72 '= -120-1343 ---23,087 -7,587 - -7,587 Page 37 FUND NUMBER 2004 PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET 101-43000 Department City Manager PUBLIC WORKS Actual Actual Adopted Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 Regular Employees 1,205,172 1,281,441 1,480,324 1,479,869 1,479,869 1012 Seasonal Employees 100,601 81,330 121,592 105,000 105,000 1020 Overtime Regular Employees 89,295 75,383 80,200 70,200 70,200 1022 Overtime Seasonal Employees 0 0 0 0 0 1030 Vacation & Sick Leave Pay 22,952 986 0 0 0 1050 Severance Pay 0 0 0 0 0 1065 Meal Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 1080 Interdepartmental Labor Credit _. 1210 PERA Contribution 68,390 74,514 81,862 83,433 83,433 1220 FICA Contribution 105,354 110,845 110,545 122,919 122,919 1225 Flex Benefit FICA 86 0 2,218 2,218 2,218 1300 Insurance 141,170 154,453 199,020 199,020 199,020 1400 Unemployment Compensation 0 32 1510 Workers Comp. Insurance Premium 42,128 40,019 40,731 44,655 44,655 1800 Interdepartmental Fringe Credit 1997 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 0 0 0 0 0 Page 38 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 FUND NUMBER 2004 PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET 101-43000 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe P.W. Director 1.00 1.00 92,268 19,441 111,709 95,510 19,694 115,204 A.C.E 1.00 1.00 65,928 15,465 81,393 65,928 15,445 81,373 P.W. Supt 1.00 1.00 64,920 16,011 80,931 64,920 15,800 80,720 Admin.Asst 1.00 1.00 44,964 12,608 57,572 44,964 12,576 57,540 P.W. Secretary 1.00 1.00 39,656 12,083 51,739 39,956 11,891 51,847 Clerk Typist II 1.00 0.00 30,231 10,568 40,799 0 0 0 Eng Tech IV 2.00 2.00 112,096 28,563 140,659 112,096 28,185 140,281 Eng Tech III 1.00 1.00 49,101 13,248 62,349 49,100 13,141 62,241 Foreman 3.00 3.00 149,691 44,277 193,968 149,691 44,572 194,263 Maintenance Worker 15.00 15.00 647,681 203,385 851,066 662,229 208,522 870,751 Maint III 3.00 3.00 140,513 43,236 183,749 140,513 42,749 183,262 Shop Supervisor 1.00 1.00 54,941 15,947 70,888 54,962 15,802 70,764 Seasonal 1 2.471 3.001 105,000 11,508 116,508 105,000 11,288 116,288 Subtotal 33.471 33.001 1,596,990 446,340 2,043,3301 1,584,869 439,665 2,024,534 LABOR ALLOCATION FOR THE COMING YEAR 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Labor Allocation To: 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe*' & Fringe Salaries Fringe `* & Fringe Elections 0.06 0.06 (2,345) (1,172) (3,517) (2,345) (1,172) (3,517) Fire 0.01 0.01 (391) (195) (586) (635) (195) (830) Police 0.02 0.02 (782) (391) (1,173) (1,026) (391) (1,417) Library 0.07 0.07 (4,500) (2,228) (6,728) (2,500) (1,250) (3,750) Engineering 3.81 181 (178,771) (88,122) (266,893) (175,234) (86,439) (261,673) Recreation 0.44 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 0 Streets 5.97 5.97 (231,675) (124,135) (355,810) (220,966) (121,073) (342,039) Street Lighting 0.06 0.06 (3,064) (1,524) (4,588) (2,364) (1,586) (3,950) Traffic Signs&Signals 0.72 0.72 (31,241) (18,087) (49,328) (33,077) (15,275) (48,352) Weed Control 0.28 0.28 (8,273) (4,116) (12,389) (7,309) (2,963) (10,272) Parks 8.52 8.52 (331,466) (140,471) (471,937) (317,742) (135,826) (453,568) Tree Maintenance 0.70 0.70 (30,826) (16,716) (47,542) (30,890) (17,402) (48,292) State Aid Maintenance 1.00 1.00 (17,690) (7,085) (24,775) (24,601) (8,670) (33,271) Infrastructure 0.00 0.00 (44,291) (22,176) (66,467) (44,479) (22,392) (66,871) Water-Distribution 4.83 4.83 (192,165) (96,082) (288,247) (181,260) (90,631) (271,891) Sewer-Collections 3.03 3.03 (126,875) (63,438) (190,313) (135,183) (67,592) (202,775) Storm Sewer 1.23 1.23 (41,600) 20,800 (20,800) (47,215) (20,871) (68,086) Garage 2.44 2.44 (105,684) (59,584) (165,268) (109,079) (54,540) (163,619) Charge to PIR 0.00 1 0.00 (44,668) (22,334) (67,002) (26,920) (13,441) (40,361) Total 33.191 33.19 (1,396,307) (624,722) (2,043,363) (1,362,825) (648,268) (2,024,534) "THIS COLUMN INCLUDES VACATION,SICK AND HOLIDAY PAY. Page 39 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION &SICK - 1,707 - _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 133,281 112,143 178,771 175,234 175,234 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 64,056 58,598 88,122 86,439 86,439 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 197,338 172,448 266,893 261,673 261,673 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,497 1,059 2,000 1,500 1,500 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,945 1,616 1,000 500 500 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 3,218 5,424 3,000 2,000 2,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,305 1,009 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 415 588 500 250 250 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - 186 _ _ _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 953 2,289 2,000 1,615 1,615 - 2172 UNIFORMS - 198 100 100 100 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 98 79 200 100 100 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 107 25 100 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 986 3,308 1,500 2,000 2,000 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 1,661 1,107 1,250 1,250 1,250 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 12,185 16,888 12,850 10,615 10,615 - OTHER SERVICES &CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 10,458 9,534 5,500 4,250 4,250 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 2,634 2,583 1,550 1,500 1,500 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 3,240 2,450 2,500 2,295 2,295 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,091 58 363 363 363 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 19 24 49 50 50 - 3310 LOCALTRAVELEXPENSE 334 162 375 450 450 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 411 842 750 - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 425 - 300 300 300 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,100 1,670 2,171 2,171 2,171 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 1,894 4,533 5,250 5,250 5,250 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 1,636 4,045 2,018 2,018 2,018 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 9,885 11,216 13,307 13,307 13,307 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - 1,000 1,000 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 2,028 2,584 1,750 - _ _ 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - 454 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 6 _ 4380 COMMISSION &BOARDS 348 - 500 - - _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 41 50 50 50 50 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,077 728 900 691 691 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 36,620 40,938 37,333 33,695 33,695 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,030 - 2,000 1,500 1,500 - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,030 - 2,000 1,500 1,500 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - 87,931 - _ _ _ 8120 PIR PROJECTS-CLOSED 171,272 1,205 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 171,272 89,136 - _ _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 419,445 319,410 319,076 307,483 307,483 - Page 40 1U1'431OO SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation ofPersonnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe P.W. Director 0.13 0.13 9,811 4,905 14,716 10,811 5,406 16,217 Admin.Asst. 0.16 0.16 5,416 2,708 8,124 5,416 2,708 8,124 P.W. Secretary 0.28 0.28 7,812 3,906 11,718 7,715 3,858 11,573 Clerk Typist 11 0.09 0.09 2,141 1,071 3,212 0 0 0 Eng.TechIV 0.75 0.75 35,345 17,672 53,017 34,545 17,273 51,818 Eng.TechIV 0.75 0.75 35,187 17,593 52,780 34,787 17,394 52,181 Eng.Tech 111 0.75 0.75 30,825 15,413 46,238 30,225 15,113 45,338 Seasonal(1) 0.03 0.03 4,212 842 5,054 4,212 928 5,14 0 Supplies Other Services&Charges Copier toner&office supplies 1.588 Expert and professional services Minor Equipment Consultants for special design&testing 1.000 Misc Minor Equipment 500 G|G Range Rider Contract 3.250 Consultant to scan projects-Laser Fiche O ooannmgo Computer Equipment Training and educational activities Technical software upgrades-City View 1.500 Software training 400 miso hardware equipment upgrades nou niOht-m-knmw and other training n and replacement aPvwA|nnConference O Computer Supplies mPvVA spring and fall conference /ao mivo computer supplies&toner cartridges 1.280 CeAwronfevrnce 350 Printing&Preprinted Forms Educational reimbursement n Printing and printed forms(pe,mitn) uso Telephone and telegraph 2,295 Postcards for meetings,hangers, petitions 0 Postage 383 General Supplies Other communications oo Surveying supplies znO Local travel expenses 450 Drafting supplies,film 1.305 Out or town travel expenses 0 and developing Legal notice publishing soo Protective Clothing 100 Insurance&Bonds 2.171 Uniforms 100 Food Supplies 100 Page 41 101-43100 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Other Services&Charges continued Vehicle repair and parts Maintenance 2,000 Repair and maintenance services Transfer squad into Eng Dept 0 Minolta copier 1,200 Gas,oil,lubricants 1,250 Software Maintenance 3,050 Misc Repairs 1,000 Garage labor 2,018 Rents and leases 13,307 Subscription membership(12) 1,000 Commission and boards 0 Taxes and licenses 50 State sales tax 691 Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Outlay Office Equipment $1,500 Capital Equipment None Page 42 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION &SICK - 1,731 - _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 169,286 189,378 231,675 220,966 220,966 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 83,508 96,934 124,135 121,073 121,073 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 252,794 288,043 355,810 342,039 342,039 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 138 156 150 150 150 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,652 1,241 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 417 - 400 500 500 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 23 100 100 100 - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES 45 - 100 100 100 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 30,487 36,503 37,800 35,850 35,850 - 2161 CHEMICALS 25,961 29,099 25,000 26,000 26,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 5,233 7,220 11,000 11,000 11,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 123 801 175 175 175 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 140 355 1,200 1,200 1,200 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 19 79 50 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 33,942 39,296 38,000 39,000 39,000 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 16,167 11,479 22,000 20,000 20,000 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 114,325 126,250 137,975 136,175 136,175 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,296 3,512 6,350 5,300 5,300 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 153 633 1,400 700 700 - A20 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 500 - _ _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,213 1,299 1,300 1,500 1,500 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 19 24 50 50 50 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 27 52 200 200 200 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 75 - 300 - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 264 286 300 300 300 - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 14,530 22,161 28,809 25,928 25,928 - 3810 ELECTRIC 179 156 - _ 3820 WATER 263 166 3850 SEWER 249 255 - _ 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 8,850 6,032 6,000 5,000 5,000 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 40,502 36,411 50,534 50,534 50,534 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR 4,671 - 5,000 7,000 7,000 4100 RENTS&LEASES 49,726 54,405 71,841 73,816 73,816 4300 MISC. CHARGES 163 835 2,500 1,500 1,500 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 135 275 200 200 200 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 459 - _ 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 44 91 250 250 250 4395 STATE SALES TAX 8,131 5,364 6,000 6,000 6,000 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC, 132,496 132,415 181,534 178,278 178,278 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,282 _ _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 14,190 2,000 15,000 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,472 2,000 15,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - 1,500 - 120 FIR PROJECTS-CLOSED 20,113 - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 20,113 1,500 - - _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 535,200 550,209 690,319 656,492 656,492 - Page 43 101-43121 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp [Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe P.W. Director 0.17 0.1_71 12,830 6,415 19,245 12,830 6,415 19,245 P.W.Supt - 0.22 0-221 10,800 6,202 17,002 10,800 6,202 17,002 --- ------- Admin Assistant 0.17 0.17 5,610 3,222 8,832 5,610 3,222 8,832 P.W.Secretary 0.15 0.15 4,361 2,505 6,866 4,361 2,505 6,866 Clerk Typist 11 0.09 0.09 2,464 1,415 3,879 0 0 1 0 Maint Worker 0.82 0.82 28,945 16,201 45,146 28,945 16,201 45,146 Maint Worker 0.81 0.81 8, 92 17,510 46,102 28,592 17,510 46,102 Maint Worker 0.90 0.90 31,768 15,285 47,053 31,768 15,285 47,053 Maint Worker 1.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Foreman 0.92' 0.92 33,780 19,400 53,180 33,780 19,400 53,180 Maint Worker 0.81 0.81 28,592 16,342 44,934 28,592 16,342 44,934 Maint Worker 0_81 0.81 27,442 16,342 43,784 27,442 16,342 43,784 Seasonal(2) 0.10 0.10 16,491 3,298 19,789 8,246 1,649 9,895 'total: .;6:97 5;37_ ��'16Z5 124,16;; 355,$10 ::220x966 ,'�21,a7�:=. . 342.,a3�:' Supplies Other Services&Charges Office Supplies 150 Expert&Professional: Minor equipment: Soil tests(State of MN requirement) 600 Small tools,shovels,rakes,chains, 2,000 Drug&alcohol testing 1,000 locators,etc. GIS Range Rider Contract 1,250 Computer Equipment 500 ILC Safety Training 1,400 Computer Supplies 100 DTN Weather Contract 1,050 Training and educational materials 100 Training and Educational Activities: Maintenance and Construction: Local 49er Equipment Training 0 Hot mix asphalt 14,750 OSHA Operation of Earth Moving Equip 700 Sand for ice control 6,000 Educational Reimbursement: Joint&crack sealant material 5,000 North Hennepin P1W Program 0 Bituminous materials 3,600 Dept share of phone system&duty pager 1,500 Black dirt&sod(repair plow damage) 500 Postage 0 Winter mix;asphalts 4,000 Other Communications 50 Aggregates 2,000 Local travel expenses for seminars-trainings 200 Out of town travel exp,for seminars-training 0 Chemicals: Publishing equipment notice for bids 300 Sidewalk deicer/cleaning chemicals 1,000 Insurance&bonds 25,928 De-icing chemicals 25,000 General Supplies: Repair and Maintenance Services: Cutting Edges 6,900 Misc concrete repair 4,000 ?lades-router,concrete saw,asphalt cutter 2,000 Misc repairs 1,000 .Page 44 Supplies for crackfilling machine 600 Garage labor 50,534 Supplies for pothole patcher 400 L.P.gas for crack sealer&pothole patcher 500 Rents and Leases: Miscellaneous materials 600 Garage space rental 69,566 Shirts for seasonal employees 175 Rent barricades,equip.,tools,etc. 2,000 Protective clothing&Gear 1,200 G&K Uniform Rental 2,250 Food supplies 100 0 Vehicle repair and parts 39,000 Miscellaneous Charges: Gas,Oil, Lubricants Misc debris disposal(blacktop,concrete) 1,500 Fuel 18,000 Various subscriptions and memberships 200 Motor Oil 1,500 Lubricants 500 Misc Civic Activites: 0 Taxes&Licenses 250 Capital Outlay Sales tax 6,000 Other Equipment: I Contingencies&Transfers Transfer Out to Cap Equip Repl Fund 0 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases(Listed under fund 431 } 0 1. Replace Spinner Sander on#099D 3,000 2.Leaf Mucher for Blvd Trees 25,000 Page 45 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43160 STREET LIGHTING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 634 121 3,064 2,364 2,364 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 346 198 1,524 1,586 1,586 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 980 319 4,588 3,950 3,950 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - _ _ - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 94 900 1,275 1,275 - 2281 VEHICLE REPAIR(ACCIDENTS) - - _ _ TOTALS: SUPPLIES - 94 900 1,275 1,275 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 75 - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 470 714 928 835 835 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - 107,500 107,500 - 3810 ELECTRIC 104,736 99,962 112,000 1,500 1,500 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 1,327 - 2,000 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 151 - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 5,795 5,608 6,000 5,800 5,800 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARS 112,554 106,283 120,928 115,635 115,635 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - _ 5130 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - GRAND TOTALS: 113,533 106,696 126,416 120,860 120,860 - Page 46 101-43160 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation ofPersonnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2002 2003 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Maint 111 0.06 0.06 3,064 1,524 4,588 2,364 1,586 3,950 Supplies Replace base plates-City Owned Lights 400 Ballasts 500 Bulbs 225 Misc.repair parts 150 Other Services&Charges Insurance and Bonds 835 E|octricu0xtr 107.500 Repair and Maintenance Services 1.500 State Sales Tax 5.000 Capital Outlav None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 47 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43170 TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 25,395 31,468 31,241 33,077 33,077 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 12,379 15,875 18,087 15,275 15,275 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 37,773 47,343 49,328 48,352 48,352 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 100 50 50 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 300 200 200 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - 100 100 100 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - _ 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - 2161 CHEMICALS - - 50 50 50 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES _ - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 9,759 6,750 7,800 6,050 6,050 - 2172 UNIFORMS - 100 50 50 50 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 49 100 150 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2,632 365 750 500 500 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 631 1,016 600 600 600 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 13,071 8,330 9,900 7,700 7,700 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - _ _ 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 29 29 160 150 150 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 110 110 110 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 50 - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - _ 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 230 349 453 408 408 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES _ - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 629 2,791 3,700 3,700 3,700 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR KURD. 1,473 608 1,656 1,656 1,656 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 5,111 5,565 7,159 7,795 7,795 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - 14 35 35 35 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 603 643 700 700 700 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 8,075 9,998 14,023 14,554 14,554 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER FINANCING USES 8110 VANDALISM _ 8110 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 58,919 65,672 73,251 70,606 70,606 Page 48 101-43170 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation ofPersonnel 2003 Total 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Maint 111 0.70 0.70 27,028 17,244 44,272 28,865 41433 43,298 Seasonal 0.04 0.02 4,212 872 5,084 4,212 +71842 5,054 33 077' Supplies Other Services&Charges Office Supplies oO Insurance 408 Minor equipment 200 Repair and Maintenance Services Cleaning chemicals oO Arterial striping 900 General Supplies Traffic counter maintenance 300 Traffic counter supplies 500 Safety equipment(cunon.flashers,stringers,et( 700 Minco||anounmo|o 200 Suotcx|iva roll goods 400 Traffic paint 2.000 Sign blanks&hardware 500 Channel posts 500 Paint,banner&light poles,semaphores 300 Lamps for signals 100 Yearly Sign Truck-Boom Truck Inspection 250 Street name signs 500 (shared 1/2 with State-Aid) Bike Path signs 0 Other repair&maintenance 350 LED Red Lamps 500 Garage Labor and Burden 1.056 Replacement signs 1.750 Rents&Leases Uniforms 50 Garage space rental 8.895 Protective Clothing&Gear 100 G&x Uniform&coverall rental 800 voxide Parts 500 Taxes&licenses 35 Gas,Oil,and Lubricants 600 State Sales Tax 700 Other Services&Charges Training a Educational Activities Mwo0T seminars(a) 150 Telephone&Telegraph 110 Local Travel Expense n Capital Outla None Page 49 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43260 WEED CONTROL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SER1v 4,176 4,583 8,273 7,309 7,309 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 2,088 2,154 4,116 2,963 2,963 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 6,264 6,737 12,389 10,272 10,272 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES _ _ _ 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 150 100 100 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 100 200 200 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - 250 300 300 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,951 997 3,500 3,000 3,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 50 75 75 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - _ _ 3220 POSTAGE - - 80 102 102 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - _ _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER _ - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - _ _ 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 30 46 59 53 53 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES - - _ 4300 MISC. CHARGES 4360 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 137 - 100 100 100 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC, 3,118 1,043 3,789 3,330 3,330 - GRAND TOTALS: 9,382 7,780 16,428 13,902 13,902 - Page 50 101-43260 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe PW Dir 0.01 0.01 897 447 1,344 897 449 1,346 PW Supt 0.02 0.02 1,364 679 2,043 1,364 682 2,046 Admin Asst 0.06 0.06 2,744 1,365 4,109 2,744 1,372 4,116 Clerical 0.02 0.02 964 480 1,256 0 0 0 Seasonal 0.08 j 0.08 2,304 1,146 3,450 2,304 461 2,765 To#at, 0:1:1:_: :.0:E9 : =: .$2 963: '10,272: Supplies Minor Equipment- 100 Weed Whips General Supplies 200 Other Services&Charges Expert&Professional Services: Insurance and bonds 53 City wide abatement program 3,000 Sales tax 100 Training-educational Activities 75 Postage 102 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 51 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION &SICK - 1,731 - - _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 242,014 242,449 331,466 317,742 317,742 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 120,270 121,995 140,471 135,826 135,826 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 362,283 366,176 471,937 453,568 453,568 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 180 332 500 500 500 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,607 3,081 4,600 4,900 4,900 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 430 - - 400 400 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 23 400 200 200 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS - 218 200 200 200 - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES 108 - 100 100 100 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 22,178 25,895 21,000 21,600 21,600 - 2161 CHEMICALS 4,793 2,439 7,000 7,000 7,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 18,517 20,344 24,000 21,950 21,950 2172 UNIFORMS 538 1,060 750 750 750 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 529 575 650 500 500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 19 105 100 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 10,180 11,920 12,000 12,000 12,000 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 6,882 6,167 9,000 9,000 9,000 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 67,996 72,158 80,300 79,200 79,200 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES ,050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,904 14,834 14,550 12,250 12,250 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 2,206 3,055 2,400 2,600 2,600 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 500 - _ _ 3210 TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH 3,992 3,682 4,600 31339 3,339 3220 POSTAGE 10 - 50 50 50 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 19 24 - 50 50 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 154 572 150 150 150 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 75 84 250 - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 119 608 300 300 300 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 13,060 19,183 24,937 22,443 22,443 3810 ELECTRIC 13,205 11,132 13,000 12,500 12,500 - 3820 WATER 2,863 2,114 3,200 3,000 3,000 - 3830 GAS 6,662 4,811 6,850 5,800 5,800 - 3850 SEWER 1,552 1,537 1,800 1,600 1,600 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 10,680 9,725 17,000 13,000 13,000 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 1,875 1,565 1,568 1,757 1,757 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. 15,893 27,526 23,391 23,391 23,391 4100 RENTS& LEASES 48,312 48,298 62,754 68,109 68,109 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - 500 500 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 508 397 300 300 300 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 1,071 - - - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 10,240 4,371 300 300 300 4395 STATE SALES TAX 5,362 5,989 5,200 5,200 5,200 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 144,691 160,580 183,100 176,639 176,639 - Page 52 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 7,342 5150 VEHICLES _ 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 14,100 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,342 - 14,100 OTHER FINANCING USES 7230 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP PARK - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 8200 SUNSHINE FUND _ _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - 2,000 2,000 2,000 - TOTALS: PARKS 582,312 598,913 751,437 711,407 711,407 - TOTALS: GENERAL 582,312 598,913 751,437 711,407 711,407 - GRAND TOTALS: 582,312 598,913 751,437 711,407 711,407 - Page 53 101-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe P.W.Director 0.17 0.17 12,830 6,415 1 19,245 12,830 6,415 19,245 P.W.Supt. 0.22 0.22 11,779 6,013 17,792 11,779 5,890 17,669 Admin.Assistant 0.17 0.17 6,439 3,903 10,342 6,439 3,220 9,659 P.W.Secretary 0.15 0.15 4,756 2,429 71185 4,756 2,378 7,134 Clerk Typ. II/Pur.Clerk 0.09 0.09 2,396 1,522 3,918 0 0 0 Foreman 0.95 0.95 39,858 19,929 59,787 39,858 19,929 59,787 Maint Worker 0.91 0.91 35,333 17,667 53,000 35,333 17,667 53,000 Maint Worker 1.00 1.00 37,311 18,656 55,967 37,311 18,656 55,967 Maint Worker 0.92 0.92 30,394 15,197 45,591 30,394 15,197 45,591 Maint Worker 0.99 0.99 31,554 16,529 48,083 31,554 15,777 47,331 Maint Worker 1.00 1.00 30,672 15,336 46,008 30,672 15,336 46,008 Winter Seasonal(12) 1.07 0.00 Summer Seasonal(12 1.13 1.13 Seasonals 2.10 1.94 88,144 16,875 105,019 76,816 15,363 92,179 Total _: 8,68 8.52 331,466 140,x1.79 471,939: 317,74 135;86 453;5£8: Supplies Other services&charges Office Supplies 500 Minor Equipment: Expert and professional services: Replace mowers,weed whips, 3,500 Prof. Fertilization of trees& 8,000 snowblowers,etc weed control Generator-2000 Watts 1,000 Drug&alcohol testing 1,000 Replace 24 in Hedge Trimmer 400 GIS Range Rider Contract 1,750 ILC Safety Training Program 1,500 Computer Equipment-Monitor 400 Computer Supplies 200 Training and Educational Activities: Printing and Printed Forms 200 Pool operator certification 300 Training&Instructional supplies: Pesticide applicator certification 300 Book,videos,and audio cassettes 100 Local 49ers Equipment Operator's 600 Maintenance and construction: Training Lumber and cement 5,000 Earth moving equipment training 600 Treated wood ties,guard rails& 1,500 Turf management training 600 playgrounds Sod 700 Page 54 101-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Supplies Misc Training Seminars 200 Black Dirt 1,800 Educational Reimbursement: Grass Seed 3,200 North Hennepin Community College 0 Shrubs,bushes,etc. 900 Telephone and Telegraph Softstep Wood Fiber- 3,000 Park House Phone Service 1,397 Wood Fiber or Sand for Playgrounds 1,000 MSC Phone Service 1,942 Maintenance supplies for beach 500 Postage 50 Ball field agg lime 2,000 Other Communications 50 Asphalt&base material 1,000 Local Travel 150 Irrigation system-parts 500 Out of town travel 0 Misc supplies 500 Legal notice publishing 300 Chemicals: Insurance&bonds 22,443 Fertilizer(weed&feed) 4,000 Electric 12,500 Weed Control(Roundup) 500 Water 3,000 Wadding pool chemicals 2,000 Gas 5,800 Misc Chemicals-graffiti remover 500 Sewer 1,600 Program Supplies 0 Repair and Maintenance Services: General Supplies: Misc Concrete Repairs 2,000 Hand tools 500 Replace Park House Doors 4,000 Electrical supplies 3,000 Annual Fire extinguisher inspection 1,000 Plumbing supplies 500 City Works Maint Contract(1/4) 500 Supplies for park buildings 3,300 MS Office Maint Contract 500 Building maint.repairs-benches,etc 650 Misc outside contracts for Replace doors,hinges,etc. 3,000 repair&service 5,000 Padlocks,keys,repair locks,etc. 500 Honeywell Contract 1,757 Paint-buildings,pools,rinks 1,000 Garage labor Burden 23,391 Replacement parts for play ground 5,500 Rents and Leases equipment Garage Space Rental 55,609 Matts-skating&playgrounds 2,000 Satellite Rental(various parks) 8,000 Nets-tennis,basketball, hockey, 500 Handicap Satellite Rental 2,000 soccer G&K Uniform Rental 2,500 Sign replacement 500 Misc Charges 500 Fence materials 1,000 Subscription memberships 300 Misc Civic Activities: Public Works Day 0 Uniforms 750 Commissions&boards 0 Protective Clothing 500 Taxes and license 300 Food supplies 100 Sales Tax 5,200 Vehicle&repair parts 12,000 Gas,Oil,Lubricants Fuel 7,500 Motor Oil 1,000 Lubricants 500 Page 55 101-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Capital Outlay Replace Windows at warming houses 0 Contingencies&Transfers Vandalism 2,000 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases-Listed in priority City Adopted Purchase Original Proposed Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2003 Replace#220 Dodge 250 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truckw/Utillity 1992 20,000 38,000 38,000 Box Replace Riding Ball Field Groomer/Painter 1998 6,762 10,000 10,000 Page 56 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense, Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 5,624 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 5,624 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 5,375 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,316 304 15,892 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 6,691 304 15,892 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND _ 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 8,800 - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 5,313 11,686 256,000 64,000 64,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 11,085 - 4,100 - _ _ 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - - _ TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,399 20,486 260,100 64,000 64,000 - GRAND TOTALS: 28,713 20,790 275,992 64,000 64,000 - Page 57 412-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Supplies Other Services&Charges Sales Tax 0 Capital Outlay-Listed in Priority Possible Grant Eligible Projects-Listed in Priority 1. Prestemon Park-Remove Tennis Court 1.Huset Park 2002 Master Plan Recommendations 128,000 2. Ramsdel Park Remove Hockey Rink-Install Skatinc 0 Reconstruct/Add Amenities such as playground& 3 Sullivan Park-Reshingle Picnic Shelter 0 Picnic shelter 4 Sullivan Park-Reconstruct Picnic Shelter 0 City Cost(1/2 total improvement cost): 64,000 5 Sullivan Park-Reconstruct Playground Equipment 0 Totals 0 Equipment Requests-Listed in Priority 0 Contingencies&Transfers None Page 58 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46102 TREE TRIMMING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 12,876 26,187 30,826 30,890 30,890 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 6,191 12,769 16,716 17,402 17,402 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 19,067 38,956 47,542 48,292 48,292 - SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 1,919 600 - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - _ 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 35 311 600 - - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 89 282 600 600 600 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 46 - - _ _ 2280 VEHICLE PARTS 1,513 75 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 255 374 300 300 300 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,892 3,006 3,100 1,900 1,900 - OTHER SERVICES &CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 13,387 10,518 44,500 39,500 39,500 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 175 - 2,100 1,000 1,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE &TELEGRAPH - - 15 15 15 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 54 63 63 ,250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 14 15 - - _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 3 1 20 - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 76 _ - - _ 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 180 273 1,073 966. 966 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES 647 84 180 180 180 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR KURD. 1,645 912 621 621 621 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - 350 350 350 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 270 - - _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 56 91 275 275 275 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - 400 - - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 814 782 4,000 3,250 3,250 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 16,921 12,752 53,858 46,220 46,220 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - _ 5180 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY _ _ - GRAND TOTALS: 37,880 54,715 104,500 96,412 96,412 - Page 59 FUND NUMBER 2004 TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE BUDGET 101-46102 Adopted Department City Manager TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE BUDGET Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 100 PERSONAL SERVICES o 0 0 1070 Interdepartmental Labor Service 12,876 26,187 s x 1700 Allocated Fringe 6,191 12,769 Q Q a 1997 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 19,067 38,956 1999 SUPPLIES A .Q A 2000 Office Supplies 0 0 °' °' °' C 0 0 2010 Minor Equipment 0 1,919 c c c 2011 Computer Equipment 0 0 Q Q a 2070 Training & instructional Supplies 0 0 CD `D v v m 2171 General Supplies 35 311 2173 Protective Clothing & Gear 89 282 m m m 2175 Food Supplies 0 46 2280 Vehicle Parts 1,513 75 m CD m 2282 Gas, Oil, Lubricants 255 374 E 2997 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,892 3,007 2999 OTHER SERVICE CHARGES v 3050 Expert& Professional Services 13,387 10,518 0 0 m m m 3105 Training & Educational Activities 175 0 3210 Telephone &Telegraph 0 0 CD CD CD 3220 Postage 0 0 °C° C: 3250 Other Communications 14 15 m (D (D .D 3310 Local Travel Expenses 3 1 3500 Legal Notice Publication 0 76 3600 Insurance& Bonds 180 273 4000 Repair& Maintenance Services 647 84 4010 Repair& Maintenance Shop Equipment 0 0 4050 Garage, Labor Burden 1,645 912 4100 Rents & Leases 0 0 4300 Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 4330 Subscription, Membership 56 91 4376 Miscellaneous Civic Affairs 0 0 4395 State Sales Tax 814 782 4997 TOTAL OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 16,921 12,752 0 0 0 5180 Other Equipment 0 0 0 0 6997 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 8997 TOTAL CONTINGENCIES &TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL TREE TRIMMING 37,880 54,715 0 0 0 Page 60 101-46102 2004 TREE MAINTENANCE AND CARE BUDGET SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe PW DIRECTOR 0.00 0.04 1,764 902 2,666 1,826 939 2,765 PW SUPT 0.05 0.09 6,006 3,068 9,074 6,006 3,194 ,200 4 PW SEC 0.00 0.08 3,033 1,586 4,619 3,033 1,651 4,684 FOREMAN 0.06 0.07 3,241 1,827 5,068 3,241 1,902 5,143 Maint-Worker 0.21 0.22 9,611 5,332 14,943 9,611 5,551 15,162 Maint Worker 0.07 0.09 3,968 2,176 6,144 3,968 2,265 6,233 Maint Worker 0.08 0.09 3,204 1,826 5,030 3,204 1,901 5,105 T }J44 Supplies Minor Equipment: Training and Educational Activities 1,000 Chain saw replacement 0 Telephone and Telegraph 15 General Supplies-Spary Paint-Misc. Supplies Postage 63 Protective clothing&Gear 600 Insurance and Bonds 966 Vehicle parts 1,000 Repair and Maintenance Services 180 Gas, Oil, Lubricants 300 Garage labor Burden 621 Other Services&Charges Rents and Leases 350 Expert&professional services: Miscellaneous Charges 0 *Contractual removal of diseased, Subscription Membership 275 hazardous or damaged blvd trees. Misc Civic Affairs-Arbor Day 0 *Approx cost to remove 150 trees 30,000 State Sales Tax 4,000 *Outside Inspection of Aerial Lift 500 *Tree Plantings: Estimated cost to plant 30 trees- 7,000 *Arborist Services 2,000 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases 0 Page 61 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46103 DUTCH ELM SANITATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine [ten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 5,786 5,640 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 2,873 2,826 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 8,659 8,466 SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 71 - 2171 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 71 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 27,186 39,237 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 630 875 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - _ 3220 POSTAGE _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 6 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - _ 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 260 395 4300 MISC. CHARGES _ _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 25 25 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,771 2,550 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC. 29,878 43,083 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ 5180 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTALS: 38,608 51,549 Page 62 2004 DUTCH ELM SANITATION 101-46103 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2002 2003 Salaries Fringe & Fringe 0 0 0 Salaries 0 Fringe 0 & Fringe P.W.Director 0.01 0.01 p 0 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 P.W.Supt 0 0 0 P.W.Sec. 0.07 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 Maint II 0 0 0.03 0.03 0 0 0 0 Maint II 0 0 Maint II 0.03 0.03 0 0 0 0 ... ... ...............:.: .:.:.:.:. _ -...,::.;c,.:::r:_:::::i•:,:.:;:°:;i:.,:;'s;_:._-_'.�;5='�"'.fj[i�c.ii:;;�?�.::;;:-":;::;si >: i>�SFjic�-=��i �`: Supplies p General Supplies: Training and Educational Activities: Spray paint/misc.supplies Tree Inspector Recertification Telephone and Telegraph 0 Other Services&Charcaes Postage 0 Local Travel 0 Expert and Professional Services: p insurance-Bonds 0 Contractor cost for removal of approx 0 Subscription and memberships 150 trees. 0 Sales tax Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 63 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46104 DUTCH ELM REPLANTING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 774 1,280 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 401 640 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 1,175 1,920 SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES _ 2171 TOTALS: SUPPLIES _ _ OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,872 5,800 3220 POSTAGE _ 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 68 - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 105 159 4300 MISC. CHARGES _ _ 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1 _ TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC. 8,047 5,959 CAPITAL OUTLAY X180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ 5180 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 9,221 7,879 Page 64 101-46104 Dutch Elm Replacement SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2002 2003 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe PW Dir 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 PW Supt 0.02 0.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 PW Sec 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Foreman 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maint 11 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maint I 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maint 11 0.01 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :.:Total €10$ Supplies General Supplies 0 Other Services&Charges Expert&professional services, 0 (Tree Plantings) Postage 0 Insurance and Bonds 0 Misc.Charges 0 Misc Civic Affairs 0 (Arbor Day Celebration) State Sales Tax 0 Capital Out None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 65 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43190 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA 21,420 13,651 17,690 24,601 24,601 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 11,725 6,743 7,085 8,670 8,670 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 33,145 20,393 24,775 33,271 33,271 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 539 250 250 250 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,710 - - 2,200 2,200 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - 790 500 500 500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 1,121 19,250 20,050 20,050 - 2280 VEHICLE PARTS _ _ TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,710 2,450 20,000 23,000 23,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 420 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,400 100 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 4 - 100 300 300 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 220 _ _ _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 100 100 100 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - _ 3810 ELECTRIC 8,192 4,559 23,600 24,600 24,600 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 9,690 17,520 60,750 66,250 66,250 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. - _ _ _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES - 500 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 150 150 150 - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,690 814 260 260 260 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC. 20,975 24,133 93,460 100,160 100,160 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 32,263 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 5150 VEHICLES _ 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 19,528 4,984 23,000 - _ _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 51,791 4,984 33,000 10,000 10,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS 6,516 92,724 - _ _ _ 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - _ 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE 664 - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 7,180 92,724 - _ _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 114,801 144,684 171,235 166,431 166,431 - Page 66 212-43190 2004 STATE AID MAINTENANCE SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe PW Dir 0.02 0.02 1,731 894 2,625 1,910 931 2,841 Assist City Eng 0.04 0.04 2,936 1,476 4,412 2,936 1,537 4,472 Foremen (2) 0.05 0.05 1,132 578 1,710 1,132 602 1,734 Maint Worker( 0.20 0.20 3,398 1,734 5,132 3,398 1,805 5,203 Maint Worker( 0.05 0.05 2,265 1,157 3,422 2,265 1,204 3,469 Seasonals(3) 0.17 0.17 6,229 1,246 7,475 12,960 2,592 15,552 '' 3 X71 vtali (#s3 fl: 3 1 �g1 7`01 ; 4 601 3.. . .. . .. ,....... , . ;. Supplies Other Service and Charges Expert and Professional Services 3,000 Misc Equipment 250 Training and educational activities 4,000 Computer for PWD 2,200 Local travel expense 300 Maintenance and construction materials 500 Legal notice publishing 100 Misc Materials 500 Electric for Traffic Signals and Street Lights General Supplies 800 Traffic Signals/Lighting 13,600 Misc supplies 250 Central Avenue Street Lights 11,000 Street Light,Traffic Signal,and Back-lit Lighting Bulbs 5,500 Repair and Maintenance Services: Temporary signage 500 Annual Boom Truck Inspection 250 U Channel Posts 1,500 Signal maintenance 5,000 Street sign mounting brackets 1,000 Upgrade Street Lights for NSP 5,000 Banners:Central Avenue 10,000 Drainage Improvements-University Ave 25,000 Repair concrete panels on Stinson-37th-40th 10,000 Capital Outlay Crack Sealing MSA Streets 17,500 None 0 Mowing University Avenue:Split w/Fridley 3,500 (Univeristy Ave between 37th to 53rd) Contingencies&Transfers Rents and Leases 1,500 Misc Charges 150 None State Sales Tax 260 Transfer to General Fund None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 67 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 430 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46323 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENSE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERA - - 40,537 44,479 44,479 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - 21,583 22,392 22,392 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - 62,120 66,871 66,871 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 13,645 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 3220 POSTAGE _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 13,645 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 212,007 - 85,000 85,000 85,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ 7170 TRANSFER OUT TO PROJECTS - 144,380 - _ _ _ TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 212,007 144,380 85,000 85,000 85,000 - GRAND TOTALS: 225,652 144,380 155,120 159,871 159,871 - Page 68 430 2004 INFRASTRUCTURE SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Employee 2003 2004 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe P.W. Director 0.05 0.05 5,382 2,707 7,800 5,570 2,818 8,388 A.C.E. 0.05 0.05 5,123 2,576 7,425 5,123 2,682 7,805 Eng.Tech IV 0.30 0.25 11,782 5,891 17,673 11,782 5,891 17,672 Eng.Tech IV 0.30 0.25 11,729 5,864 15,525 11,729 5,864 17,593 Eng.Tech III 0.30 0.25 10,275 5,138 15,413 10,275 5,138 15,413 221 T6; 22,3 G3,836 ?t4,4T . 66,8 Supplies None Other Services and Charges City View Maintenance Contract 2,000 Anoka County Assessing 6,000 Capital Outlay Anticipated City share of reconstruction costs 85,000 Contingencies &Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 69 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council +9400 SOURCE OF SUPPLY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine [ten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 983,112 910,316 907,500 946,750 946,750 - 2990 GRAND TOTALS: 983,112 910,316 907,500 946,750 946,750 - Page 70 FUND NUMB00 2004 WATER-SOURCE OF SUPPLY BUDGET 601-49400 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel Supplies Water purchased from the City of Minneapolis 946,750 (4.5% increase over 2003 budget) Other Services & Charges None Capital Outlay None Contingencies &Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 71 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 9430 DISTRIBUTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted me Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION&SICK (6,559) 2,400 - _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 163,884 163,960 192,165 181,260 181,260 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 76,060 83,654 96,082 90,631 90,631 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 233,385 250,014 288,247 271,891 271,891 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 605 604 800 800 800 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,356 3,089 1,200 - _ _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,944 870 200 - _ _ 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 47 209 300 300 300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 88 1,557 3,200 3,200 3,200 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES 45 26 100 100 100 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 9,495 16,622 15,500 15,500 15,500 - 2161 CHEMICALS 1,516 1,159 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12,218 8,570 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 114 282 50 50 50 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 144 277 500 50 50 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 41 65 50 - _ _ 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 10,096 22,105 3,500 8,500 8,500 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 3,807 2,942 4,000 3,500 3,500 - 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 14,924 4,846 5,500 5,000 5,000 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 56,438 63,223 43,900 46,000 46,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 14,550 14,977 18,493 13,031 13,031 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 3,091 1,413 5,000 3,000 3,000 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 500 500 500 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,187 1,132 1,300 1,800 1,800 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,133 2,124 2,006 2,698 2,698 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 16 24 300 - _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 194 144 100 100 100 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 164 161 500 - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 238 239 500 500 500 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 23,570 35,887 46,653 41,987 41,987 - 3810 ELECTRIC 15,198 14,983 16,000 15,500 15,500 - 3830 GAS 1,466 1,180 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 11,852 13,257 8,000 5,500 5,500 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 226 189 189 - _ _ 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD, 9,632 18,909 7,000 10,000 10,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 12,638 14,124 18,723 19,645 19,645 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 150 - _ - 4320 WATER CONNECTION FEES 33,290 33,009 34,000 32,000 32,000 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,354 2,630 1,660 1,660 1,660 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 170 42 110 110 110 4395 STATE SALES TAX 3,321 3,430 3,500 3,000 3,000 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARS 134,291 157,879 167,684 154,031 154,031 - DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 19,300 18,681 8,800 19,300 19,300 - 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 126,647 129,464 45,000 45,000 45,000 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 15,489 13,825 10,000 19,000 19,000 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 2,187 - 550 1,500 1,500 - TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 163,622 161,970 64,350 84,800 84,800 - Page 72 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49430 DISTRIBUTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 34,500 18,000 18,000 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE 3,549 - - _ _ _ 8110 VANDALISM _ _ _ TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 28,549 25,000 59,500 43,000 43,000 - TOTALS: DISTRIBUTION 616,285 658,086 623,681 599,722 599,722 - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY 616,285 658,086 623,681 599,722 599,722 - GRAND TOTALS: 616,285 658,086 623,681 599,722 599,722 Page 73 601-49430 WATER DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total P.W.Director 0.16 0.16 12,075 6,037 18,112 12,870 6,435 19,305 P.W.Supt 0.14 0.14 9,149 4,575 13,724 9,149 4,575 13,724 Admin.Asst. 0.19 0.19 7,524 3,762 11,286 7,524 3,762 11,287 P.W.Secretary 0.15 0.15 5,110 2,555 7,665 5,110 2,555 7,665 Clerk Typist II Pu 0.19 0.19 5,289 2,644 7,933 0 0 0 Maint 111 1.00 1.00 41,428 20,714 62,142 41,428 20,714 62,142 Foreman 0.36 0.36 15,445 7,722 23,167 15,538 7,769 23,307 Maint Worker(5) 2.64 2.50 96,145 48,073 144,218 89,641 44,821 134,462 2f'! > g 't 4$3 :;�.:4.69 ,:..1.92,'�6�...: 630=. , ......-3-.....-. Supplies Other Services &Charges continued..... Office Supplies 800 Training&educational activities: Minor Equipment ILC Safety Training 1,300 0 Mobile earth moving training 300 Local 49ers-equipment operators training 400 13 various conferences-schools 1,000 Educational Reimbursement: Computer Equipment 0 North Hennepin Community College 500 Telephone&Telegraph(Mobile Phones-Pagers 1,800 Computer Supplies 300 Postage 2,698 Printing and Printed Forms: Other Communications: CCR-Printing 3,200 Other Communication Services 0 Training and Instruction Supplies 100 Local Travel Expenses 100 Maintenance and Construction Materials Out of Town Travel Expenses 0 Hydrants&Repair Parts 7,500 Advertising Other 0 Replacement from excavating curbs, 3,000 Legal Notice Publishing 500 Repair parts for fountains&sprinkler systems 1,000 Electric 15,500 Watermain fittings&repair parts 4,000 Gas 3,000 Chemicals: Repair and Maint Services: Testing chemicals and disinfectants 1,000 Gopher State One Call 900 General Supplies 8,000 City Works Software Maint Contract 800 Uniforms 50 Repairs to master control panel 3,500 Protective Clothing 50 Master panel alarm-contract 300 Food Supplies 0 Honeywell Contract 212 Vehicle Repair&Parts 8,500 Garage and Labor Burden 10,000 Gas,oil,lubricants 3,500 Rents and Leases: Commodity purchased for resale 5,000 Garage Rental 18,395 Rental of Special Equipment 750 G&K Uniform Rental 500 Page 74 601-49430 WATER DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Other Services&Charges Expert and professional services: Misc Charges 0 Water quality testing 1,400 Subscriptions,Memberships: Coliform testing 1,500 AWWA Membership 1,000 Special water tests 500 MN Rural Water Association 200 Outside testing of older meters 500 APWA Membership 250 Drug&alcohol testing 500 Other Subscriptions/memberships 210 Preparation of CCR 2,000 Misc Civic Affairs: Auditor's Fee 3,131 Public Works Day 0 Taxes&Licenses 110 Capital Outlay 1. Implement Master Meter Repairs&Remote 18,000 Reading Transfer Out to Cap Equip Repl Fund $25,000 Improvements Other than Buildings None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases (Listed under Fund 433) 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck w/Lift Gate $15,000 (split 50/50 with the Sewer Dept.) 2. Replace Unit#130 E250 3/4 Ton Ford Club Van $25,000 Page 75 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49450 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION&SICK (6,559) 2,400 - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SER% 116,003 105,247 126,875 135,183 135,183 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 55,788 53,989 63,438 67,592 67,592 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 165,231 161,636 190,313 202,775 202,775 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 188 348 400 500 500 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 50 4,092 1,800 1,000 1,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,577 870 100 800 800 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 47 303 800 1,500 1,500 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 24 98 100 100 100 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 100 500 500 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 367 1,235 5,200 3,500 3,500 - 2161 CHEMICALS 415 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 8,436 10,175 11,200 8,100 8,100 - 2172 UNIFORMS - 294 100 300 300 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 24 190 500 500 500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 91 105 50 25 25 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 6,710 1,832 5,000 4,000 4,000 - 2282 GAS,OIL,LUBRICANTS 4,134 4,047 4,000 4,000 4,000 - TOTALS:SUPPLIES 22,063 23,591 30,350 25,825 25,825 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,699 11,599 10,262 12,490 12,490 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 876 1,362 1,500 1,500 1,500 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 500 - - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,200 1,146 1,400 1,800 1,800 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 2,006 2,698 2,698 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 19 24 180 25 25 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 112 114 100 100 100 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 164 161 500 - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 50 50 50 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 13,630 20,737 26,958 24,262 24,262 3810 ELECTRIC 8,212 5,802 9,000 5,000 5,000 - 3830 GAS 479 427 600 600 600 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 4,752 5,099 8,000 12,812 12,812 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 226 189 189 6,500 6,500 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 6,209 2,706 8,000 8,000 8,000 4100 RENTS&LEASES 30,588 34,480 22,184 25,022 25,022 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 100 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 175 322 200 200 200 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 9,438 9 60 60 60 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,436 1,637 2,500 1,750 1,750 - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARC, 85,215 85,811 94,289 102,869 102,869 - Page 76 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49450 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 2,257 1,739 1,800 2,257 2,257 - 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 104,212 105,163 75,000 95,000 95,000 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 24,504 23,171 20,000 24,000 24,000 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 1,471 - 600 - - TOTALS:DEPRECIATION 132,444 130,073 97,400 121,257 121,257 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - _ 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS 5150 VEHICLES (1,500) 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 10,000 12,000 12,000 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY (1,500) - 10,000 12,000 12,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE 3,010 - _ _ _ TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 28,010 25,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 TOTALS:COLLECTIONS 431,464 426,111 452,352 489,726 489,726 TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY 431,464 426,111 452,352 489,726 489,726 - GRAND TOTALS: 431,464 426,111 452,352 489,726 489,726 - Page 77 602-49450 2004 SEWER COLLECTIME SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total P.W.Director 0.16 0.16 12,075 6,037 18,112 12,870 6,435 19,305 P.W.Supt 0.23 0.23 13,469 3,735 20,204 13,940 6,970 20,911 Admin.Asst. 0.19 0.19 7,524 3,762 11,287 7,524 3,762 11,286 P.W.Secretary 0.15 0.15 5,110 2,555 7,665 5,110 2,555 7,665 Clerk Typist II 0.19 0.19 5,289 2,644 7,933 0 0 0 Foreman 0.45 0.45 19,306 9,653 28,958 19,306 9,653 28,958 Maint Worker(5) 1.7 1.84 64,103 32,051 96,154 76,433 38,217 114,650 3x4 ;:. $?1., ' 12 875 '6fl;437 190,3,t� 1:35.!$2 6 ';592 .. 07:7a Supplies Other Services&Charges continued Office Supplies 500 Educational Reimbursement: North Hennepin Community College 0 Minor Equipment: Telephone&Telegraph:Dept share Abrasive Saw 1,000 of phone system,pager,cell 1,800 Postage 2,698 Computer Equipment-Printer 800 Other Communications 25 Computer Supplies(Arc View License) 1,500 Local Travel Expense 100 Printing&Printed Forms 100 Out of town travel expenses 0 Training and Instruction supplies 500 Legal Notice Publishing 50 Maintenance&Construction Materials: Insurance Bonds 24,262 Excavation Materials 1,000 Electric Utilities 8,000 Manholes, Frames,Grates 2,500 Gas Utilities 600 Utillity Dept Chemicals: Repair&Maintenance Services: Degreasers and Disinfectant 1,000 Honeywell Maintenance Contract 212 General Supplies: City Works Maint Contract 800 Small Equipment&Tool Replacement 300 Surveillance System Repairs 2,000 Rodder Supplies 4,500 Surveillance System-Alarm Monitoring 800 Vactor Supplies 1,000 Misc.Concrete Repairs 1,000 General Maintenance Supplies 300 Misc.Electrical Repairs 500 Uniforms 300 Repairs to Master Control Panels 6,500 Protective Clothing 500 Garage&Labor Burden 8,000 Food Supplies 25 Rents&Leases: Vehicle Repair and Parts 4,000 Garage Space Rental 22,422 Gas,Oil,Lubricants 4,000 G&K Uniform Rental 2,000 Other Services&Charges Rental of barricades,tools 600 Expert&Professional Services: Misc Charges 0 GIS Range Rider Contract 3,500 Subscription,Memberships 200 Auditor's Fee 3,190 Misc Civic Affair-Open House 0 Drug&Alcohol Testing 1,000 Taxes&License 60 Gopher State One-Call 2,500 State Sales Tax 1,750 Safety Management Program(ILC) 2,300 Annual Sewer Schools 1,500 Page 78 602-49450 2004 SEWER COLLECTIME SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Capital Outlay 1. Replacement Isolation Valves for Silver Lake $12,000 Lift Station Transfer Out to Cap Equip Repl Fund $25,000 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases (listed under fund 432) 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck w/Lift Gate $15,000 (split 50/50 with the Sewer Dept.) 2. Replace Unit#130 E250 3/4 Ton Ford Club Van $25,000 3. Replace Unite#125A Snow Plow Tx 6" $3,000 Page 79 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council x9480 DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2900 METRO SEWER BOARD CHARGE 660,588 669,354 729,131 729,131 729,131 - 2900 TOTALS: SUPPLIES 660,588 669,354 729,131 729,131 729,131 - 2900 GRAND TOTALS: 660,588 669,354 729,131 729,131 729,131 - Page 80 602-49480 2002 SEWER DISPOSAL SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel Supplies Treatment charges 758,848 Credit for current value 0 Credit for Hilltop Interceptor -29,717 Other Services&Charges None Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None - Page 81 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49650 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 34,084 36,358 41,600 47,215 47,215 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 17,461 18,151 20,800 20,871 20,871 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 51,545 54,509 62,400 68,086 68,086 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 156 83 400 200 200 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 303 377 900 900 900 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,577 846 100 700 700 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 47 129 800 - - _ 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - 29 100 100 100 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 6,667 12,750 5,500 5,500 5,500 - 2161 CHEMICALS - 1,175 2,200 1,200 1,200 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 911 293 2,000 2,500 2,500 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,544 4,416 7,000 4,750 4,750 - 2172 UNIFORMS - 345 100 - _ _ 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 19 282 375 100 100 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES (9) 15 100 50 50 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 457 5,357 1,500 5,000 5,000 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - 2,000 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 11,672 26,099 23,175 22,100 22,100 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,097 5,027 4,411 4,300 4,300 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 33 135 2,600 1,000 1,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 870 870 870 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 2,349 2,690 2,690 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 16 24 100 - _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 93 96 75 100 100 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 200 - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 50 50 50 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - 4,082 3,674 3,674 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC- 2,239 5,283 14,737 12,684 12,684 - REPAIR SERVICES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 3,846 603 5,350 5,650 5,650 - 4020 HONEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT - - 206 206 206 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. 818 9,187 9,000 8,000 8,000 - TOTALS: REPAIR SERVICES 4,664 9,790 14,556 13,856 13,856 - RENTS AND LEASES 4100 RENTS&LEASES 1,721 674 21,684 22,922 22,922 - 4100 TOTALS: RENTS AND LEASES 1,721 674 21,684 22,922 22,922 - MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4300 MISC. CHARGES _ 20 _ - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP - 19 100 100 100 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 210 - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 260 - 60 60 60 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,038 1,068 500 500 500 TOTALS: MISCELLANEOUS CHARGE 1,298 1,317 660 660 660 DEPRECIATION 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENTS 13,989 33,988 - _ - _ TOTALS: DEPRECIATION 13,989 33,988 OTHER FINANCING USES _ 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 46,500 46,500 46,500 46,500 46,500 7190 TRANSFER OUT TO SEWER UTIL - 10,000 - _ - _ 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 5,800 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND 32,900 32,900 - _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 85,200 95,200 52,300 52,300 52,300 GRAND TOTALS: 172,328 226,860 189,512 192,608 192,608 - Page 82 604-49650 2004 STORM SEWER UTILITY SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total PWD/CE 0.07 0.07 2,569 1,284 3,723 2,659 1,329 3,988 Assist City Eng 0.08 0.08 2,936 1,468 4,255 2,936 1,468 4,404 P.W.Supt 0.13 0.13 4,770 2,385 6,914 4,770 2,385 7,155 P.W.Secretary 0.05 0.05 1,835 918 2,659 1,835 918 2,753 Foreman 0.20 0.20 8,580 4,290 10,637 8,632 4,316 12,948 Maint Worker 0.57 0.59 20,910 10,455 31,365 26,384 10,455 36,839 Supplies Other Services&Charges continued Office Supplies 200 Telephone&Telegraph:Dept share Minor Equipment: of phone system,pager,cell 870 Replacement Centrifugal Pump#121 900 Postage 2690 Other Communications 0 Local Travel Expense 100 Computer Equipment- 700 Out of town travel expenses 0 Computer Supplies(Arc View&City Works) 0 Legal Notice Publishing: Printing&Printed Forms 100 Silver Lake Aeration System 50 Training&Instructional Supplies 100 Insurance Bonds 3,674 Maintenance&Construction Materials: Electric Utilities 0 Excavation Materials 1,000 Gas Utilities 0 Manholes,Frames,Grates 4,500 Repair&Maintenance Services: Chemicals: GIs Range Rider Contract 3,500 Algae control-LaBelle,Secondary Pond 1,200 Gopher State One-Calls 600 and Silver Lake City Works Maint Contract(1/3) 800 Program Supplies: Misc.Concrete Repairs 500 Water Quality Education Program 2,500 Misc. Electrical Repairs 250 General Supplies:Small Equipment Honeywell Maintenance Contract 206 Vactor Supplies 750 Rents&Leases: Supplies for Closed Circuit TV 0 Garage Space Rental 22,422 Uniforms 0 G&K Uniform Rental 500 Protective Clothing 100 Rental of barricades,tools 0 Food supplies 50 Misc Charges 0 Vehicle&repair parts 5,000 Subscription,Memberships 100 Gas,oil,lubricants 1,000 Misc Civic Affair-Open House 0 Taxes&License 60 State Sales Tax 500 Page 83 604-49650 2004 STORM SEWER UTILITY SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Other Services&Charges Expert&Professional Services: Goose Control(Silver Lake,Secondary Ponds) 1,300 Geocode Physical Structures 0 NPDES regulations 3000 Training&Educational Activities Mobil Earth Equipment Operators training 0 OSHA-Competent Person Safety training 0 Safety Management Program(ILC) 1,000 Contingencies&Transfers Transfer Out to Storm Sewer Improv Bonds $46,500 Transfer Out to Cap Equip Repl Fund 5,800 Transfer out to Storm Sewer Construction Fund $32,900 Capital Outlay No requests for this year- Page 84 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Department Revised Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,288 3,239 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SER 100,027 92,719 105,684 109,079 109,079 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 47,935 48,504 59,584 54,540 54,540 - TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 151,250 144,462 165,268 163,619 163,619 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 151 107 300 - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 911 2,814 1,400 1,400 1,400 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 918 - 2,200 - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 291 500 300 300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - 287 100 200 200 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES 45 - 150 75 75 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 1,642 711 1,200 1,000 1,000 2161 CHEMICALS 514 681 1,650 1,775 1,775 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 1,133 1,333 4,000 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,865 7,485 3,500 7,600 7,600 - 2172 UNIFORMS 57 260 100 200 200 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 200 200 200 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 13 5 50 50 50 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 3,265 7,315 600 3,500 3,500 - 2282 GAS,OIL,LUBRICANTS 2,608 794 3,600 3,000 3,000 - 2800 COST OF GOODS SOLD-GAS&FUEL 63,329 53,365 80,000 75,000 60,000 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 79,451 75,448 99,550 94,300 79,300 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,656 8,968 6,525 4,923 4,923 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 3,868 1,096 4,000 3,150 3,150 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 500 - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 852 906 1,086 1,300 1,300 - 3220 POSTAGE 163 144 142 162 162 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 1,291 335 570 570 570 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 18 8 100 100 100 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 102 - 600 - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,550 5,390 7,007 6,307 6,307 - 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - - - - 3810 ELECTRIC 15,686 14,643 13,000 13,750 13,750 - 3820 WATER 567 373 650 - - - 3830 GAS 15,096 1,813 10,000 15,000 15,000 - 3840 REFUSE - - - - - - 3850 SEWER 1,398 3,020 1,000 3,000 3,000 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 17,670 21,153 21,700 20,700 20,700 - 4010 EQUIP PARTS,REPAIR&MAINT 115 - 2,000 1,000 1,000 - 4020 80NEYWELL MAINT CONTRACT 13,945 11,638 11,657 13,065 13,065 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 4,656 8,847 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 3,035 3,845 4,100 4,250 4,250 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 52 - 100 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 108 151 425 225 225 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 120 90 250 250 250 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 8,075 9,072 7,000 8,000 8,000 - 4800 COLLECTION LOSSES - - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHAR 98,021 91,490 96,412 99,752 99,752 - DEPRECIATION 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 29,243 25,196 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 4920 DEPRECIATION ON IMPROVEMENT: 4,895 4,819 5,100 5,100 5,100 - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 5,763 5,365 4,500 4,500 4,500 - 4940 OFFICE FURN DEPRECIATION 3,050 2,130 1,500 1,500 1,500 - TOTALS:DEPRECIATION 42,951 37,511 36,100 36,100 36,100 - Page 85 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Drtment Revised Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - 5,500 - - - 5130 IMPROV.OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - - - - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 5,500 - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUN[ - - - - - - 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG - 60,500 60,500 60,500 60,500 - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE 60,000 - - - - - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 - TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 94,000 94,500 94,500 94,500 94,500 - TOTALS:CENTRAL GARAGE 465,673 443,411 497,330 488,271 488,271 - TOTALS:CENTRAL GARAGE 465,673 443,411 497,330 488,271 488,271 - GRAND TOTALS: 465,673 443,411 497,330 488,271 488,271 - Page 86 701-49950 CENTRAL GARAGE SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2003 Adopted 2004 Proposed Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Admin Asst 0.16 0.16 6,227 3,487 9,714 6,227 3,114 9,341 Shop Foreman 1.00 1.00 47,264 25,583 72,847 47,264 23,632 70,896 Maint III 1.00 1.00 39,657 23,391 63,048 42,546 21,273 63,819 Maint III 0.24 0.24 9,518 5,614 15,132 10,023 5,012 15,035 Trta[ `..2:44 . 2.44_?. . 1:(35,6$5:: 5$;584 X55,269:=: ::'1A9;Q7 . Supplies Other Services&Charges continued Office Supplies 250 Training and Education Minor Equipment: DOT vehicle inspections-recertification 150 Small testing equipment 1,400 MSC Conferences/training 3000 Replace Shop Computer 0 Educational Reimbursement: 0 Computer Supplies 300 Telephone&Telegraph Printing and printed forms 200 Dept share of phone costs 1300 Training and instructional supplies 75 Postage 162 Maintenance&construction materials 1,000 Other Communications Chemicals: Radio lines 570 Parts Wash 200 Local Travel Expenses 100 Solvents 200 Out of Town Travel Expenses 0 Brake fluid,carb cleaner,aerosol 300 Legal Notice Publishing 0 spray Insurance and Bonds 6,307 washer fluid 100 Electric Utility 13,750 floor and engine degreaser 400 Water utility 500 vehicle wash soap 575 Gas Utility 15,000 Program Supplies: Sewer Utility 3,000 Shop operating supplies too small to 0 Repair and Maintenance Services account for on work orders Janitorial Service 4800 Overhead door service 3,700 General Supplies: Overhead crane inspection 300 Routine maintenance supplies 4,000 Fuel tank inspection 300 (nuts,bolts,welding rods,gas, paint,light bulbs,etc.) Tox-alert maintenance contract 350 Small tools 3,000 CFA maint-support service 1400 Uniforms 200 Mist;(gas pumps,fire extinguisher,electrica 8,050 Protective Clothing&Gear: FuelMaster Support Service 800 Ear&eye protection,safety vests,etc 200 City Works-Support Service 0 Food Supplies 50 Repair&Maintenance Shop Equipment 1,000 Vehicle Parts 3500 Gas,oil,lubricants 3000 Honeywell Maintenance Contract 13,065 Gas 53,000 Garage Labor&Burden 4000 Page 87 Diesel Fuel 7,000 Rents&Leases G&K Uniform Rental 2,000 G&K Coverall Rental 800 Rental of shop towels&rugs 1,450 Expert and Professional Services: Audit fee 3,123 Subscription&Memberships 225 Drug&alcohol testing 500 Misc Civic Affairs-Open House' 0 GIS Range Rider contract 0 Taxes&Licenses 250 Safety Management Training-ILC 1300 State Sales Tax 8,000 Depreciation Building 25,000 Depreciation Improvements 5,100 Depreciation Other Equipment 4,500 Capital Outlay and Equipment Purchases for City Shop in 2004 No requests for 2004. Proposed building Improvements-Scheduled for 2005 1. MSC Building Repairs!Improvements 2. Construct Canopy wllights for fuel island 3.. Replace Gas Pumps Contingencies&Transfers Transfer to Cap Equip Replacement-Garage 4,000 Transfer to Data Processing Department 30,000 Transfer to Cap Improvements-MSC Bldg 60,500 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases None Page 88 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT -ENGINEERING BUDGET 431-43100 Adopted Department City Manager Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Engineering 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2999 OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 4395 State Sales Tax 0 0 513 0 0 4997 TOTAL OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 0 4999 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 Building & Improvement 0 0 0 0 0 5130 Improvements Other Than Buildings 5150 Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 5170 Office Equipment 0 0 7,878 0 0 5180 Other Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 6997 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY C 0 "7,87$ 0 (` 9997 0 Page 89 431-43100 2004 CAPITAL EQUIP ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Sales Tax o Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases - Listed in priority City Adopted Purchase Original Proposed Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2004 No Capital Equipment purchase requests in 2004. Equipment Replacement None Other Services & Charges None Capital Outlay None Page 90 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT OTHER SERVICES &CHARGES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX 138 - 3,543 1,814 1,814 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 138 - 3,543 1,814 1,814 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 52,215 - - _ - _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 54,500 27,900 27,900 - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 52,215 - 54,500 27,900 27,900 - GRAND TOTALS: 52,353 - 58,043 29,714 29,714 - Page 91 431 43121 2004 CAPITAL EQUIP STREETS SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Sales Tax 1,814 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases-Listed in priority City Adopted Purchase Original Proposed Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2004 1. Replace Spinner Sander on Veh#099D 1998 1,900 2,900 2,900 2. Purchase of one Leaf Mulcher N/A N/A 25,000 25,000 Equipment Replacement 1. Replace Spinner Sander on Truck#099D The existing spinner sander was purchased in 1998. The current spinner sander on vehicle#099 has been found to be ineffective at placing the proper amount of salt onto the roadways. A replacement sander would improve the City's salt sanding operation by making sure the proper amount of street salt is distributed. Capital Outlay 1.Purchase of One Leaf Mulcher Due to the potential closing of the areas compost sites,Public Works recommends the purchase of a large leaf mulcher that would be used to mulch leafs from the City's boulevard trees. A compost machine would allow city staff to compactg the leafs and more effectively transport the waste to a reuseable energy facility or alternative compost site. Page 92 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43170 TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 28 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2,850 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 2,878 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 43,848 - - _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY 43,848 - - _ GRAND TOTALS: 46,726 - - _ Page 93 431-43170 2004 Traffic Signs & Signals Capital Equipment SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Other services and charges Sales Tax 0 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases- Listed in priority City Adopted Purchase Original Proposed Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2004 No Capital Equipment purchase requests in 2004. Equipment Replacement None Other Services&Charges None Page 94 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 431 CAF EQUIP REPLACE-GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Revised Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Budget Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 4,260 - 2,470 - 3,120 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 4,260 - 2,470 - 3,120 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - 38,000 - 48,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 65,531 4,680 - - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 65,531 4,680 38,000 - - - TOTALS: PARKS 69,791 4,680 40,470 - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACE-GENERA) 69,791 4,680 40,470 - 48,000 - GRAND TOTALS: 69,791 4,680 40,470 - 51,120 - Page 95 431-45200 2004 Park Capital Equipment SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Other services and charges Sales Tax 3,120 Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases-Listed in priority City Adopted Purchase Original Proposed Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2004 1. Replace#220 Ford F250 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck 1992 20,000 38,000 38,000 2. Replace#215 Riding Ball Field Groomer/Painter 1998/used 6,762 10,000 10,000 Projected Cost. 48,000 48,000 Capital Equipment Replacement 1. Replace#220 Ford F250 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck This unit was purchased in 1992 with an estimated life span of 10 years. Staff recommends replacing unit#220 with a 3/4 ton crew cab pick-up. The crew cab would provide an efficient means of transporting seasonal employees to the different job sites. 2. Replace#215 Riding Ball Field Groomer/Painter This unit was purchased used 1998 with an estimated life span of 5 years. Staff recommends replacing unit#215 with a similiar ballfield groomer and painter for maintaining the City's athletic fields. Capital Outlay No capital outlay requests for 2004. Page 96 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 432 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-SEWER Actual Actual I Adopted Department Revised Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Budget Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 780 - 2,795 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 0 - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 0 - 780 - 2,795 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - - - 40,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 12,000 - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 12,000 - 40,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7190 TRANSFER OUT TO SEWER UTIL 22,926 - - - - - 7190 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 22,926 - - - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACE-SEWER 22,926 - 12,780 - 42,795 - GRAND TOTALS: 22,926 - 12,780 - 42,795 - Page 97 432 2004 CAP EQUIP/OUTLAY REPLACEMENT FUND -SEWER SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department. Supplies None Other Services&Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased $2,795 Capital Outlay Replacement Fund Purchases (Sewer/Water Department Shared Costs) 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck w/Lift Gate $15,000 Justification Vehicle#125 will be transferred to the Parks Department as a replacement for truck#229. Public Works Department purchased the Ford F250 2 x 4 3/4 Ton pick-up w/utility box in 1977. Vehicle#229 is twenty-six years old and it is becoming very difficult for the city shop to obtain replacement parts for this vehicle. The truck body for#229 is rusting out and is in poor condition. The Public Works Department would like to dispose of vehicle#229 in a public auction and transfer veh#125 to the Parks Department. Truck#125 is in very good operating condition and would be an improved means of transporting and hauling work tools and employees to and from the different work sites. (Sewer/Water Department Shared Costs) 2. Replace Unit#130 E250 3/4 Ton Ford Club Van $25,000 Justification Unit#130 will be transferred to the Park Department as a replacement for unit#202, 1985 Ford E-150 1/2 ton van. Unit#130 will be used by the Park Dept to transport seasonal employees and athletic field supplies. 3, Replace Unit#125A Snow Plow Tx 6" $3,000 Justification The purchasing of a plow unit for vehicle#125 will allow staff members to use the vehicle for snow removal operations during the winter months. Page 98 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 433 CAP EQUIP REPLACE-WATER Actual Actual Adopted Department Revised Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Budget Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 30 - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 1,958 - - - 2,600 - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 1,987 - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - - - 40,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - 40,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7180 TRANSFER OUT TO WATER UTIL 24,060 - - - - - 7180 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 24,060 - - - - - TOTALS: CAP EQUIP REPLACE-WATER 26,047 - - - - - GRAND TOTALS: 26,047 - - - 42,600 - Page 99 433-49430 2004 CAPITAL EQUIP/OUTLAY REPLACEMENT FUND-WATER BUDGET SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Supplies None Other Services & Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased $2,600 Capital Outlay Replacement Fund Purchases Description (Sewer/Water Department Shared Costs) 1. Replace Unit#125 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck w/Lift Gate $15,000 Justification Vehicle#125 will be transferred to the Parks Department as a replacement for truck#229. Public Works Department purchased the Ford F250 2 x 4 3/4 Ton pick-up w/utility box in 1977. Vehicle#229 is twenty-six years old and it is becoming very difficult for the city shop to obtain replacement parts for this vehicle. The truck body for#229 is rusting out and is in poor condition. The Public Works Department would like to dispose of vehicle#229 in a public auction and transfer veh# 125 to the Parks Department. Truck#125 is in very good operating condition and would be an improved means of transporting and hauling work tools and employees to and from the different work sites. (Sewer/Water Department Shared Costs) 2. Replace Unit#130 1996 Ford E250 3/4 Ton Club Van $25,000 Justification Unit#130 will be transferred to the Parks Department as a replacement for unit#202, 1985 Ford E-150 1/2 ton van. Unit#130 will be used by the Park Department to transport seasonal employees and athletic field maintenance tools. Page 100 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-GARAGE BUDGET 434 Adopted Department City Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2999 OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 4395 State Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 4997 TOTAL OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 4999 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 Building & Improvement 5130 Improvements Other Than Buildings 5150 Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 5170 Office Equipment 5180 Other Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 6997 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 0 6999 CONTINGENCIES &TRANSFERS 7300 Transfer Out to Central Garage 0 4,000 4,000 0 0 8997 TOTAL CONTINGENCIES &TRANSFER 0 4,000 4,000 0 0 9997 TOTAL CAP EQUIP REPL-GARAGE 0 4,000 4,000 0 0 Page 101 434-49950 2004 CAP EQUIP REPL FUND-GARAGE BUDGET SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department Capital Equipment Replacement Fund Purchases-Listed in priority Purchase Original Proposed City Manager Budget Item Description Date Cost Cost Proposed 2004 There are no requests for 2004 Other Services&Charges None Capital Outlay None Contingencies &Transfers Transfer Out to Cap Equip Repl Fund $0 Page 102 F_ City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 651 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual I Adopted Department Revised Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004..___I_ 2004 2004 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - 5120 BUILDING &IMPROVEMENT - - 31,000 39,500 39,500 - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 300,000 225,000 312,500 - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 331,000 264,500 352,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7180 TRANSFER OUT TO WATER UTIL 1,641,540 209,717 - - - - 7350 TRANS OUT ENERGY MGT - - - - - - 7431 TRANSFER OUT SPECIAL PROJECT - - - - - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 1,641,540 209,717 - - - TOTALS: NON-OPERATING 1,641,540 209,717 331,000 264,500 264,500 - TOTALS:WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND 1,641,540 209,717 331,000 264,500 264,500 - GRAND TOTALS: 1,641,540 209,717 331,000 264,500 264,500 - Page 103 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department. Supplies None Other Services &Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased Capital Outlay: Construction 1. Water System Improvements: $225,000 a.Annual Replacement of watermain in the Street Rehabilitation Program 225,000 b.Conduct C-factor testing to identify problem water mains in the Street Zone areas 0 2. Water System Security $39,500 a. Water Tower Perimeter Fencing 18,500 b. Water Tower Access Control 12,000 c. Water Tower&Pump House Lighting 9,000 3. Scada System Implementation $87,500 a. New Scada System and Controls 62,500 b. Replace Radio Communications w/Remote Sites 25,000 Description: 1. Concurrent with the Street Rehabilitation Program, problem water mains are identified and prioritized for replacement. 2. Staff is recommending specific improvements to the water tower site fencing and lighting to improve water system security. 3. Implement the recommendation of the 2003 Scada System Plan Page 104 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 652 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Revised Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 150,000 175,000 100,000 - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND - - - - _ _ TOTALS: NON-OPERATING - - 150,000 175,000 100,000 - TOTALS: SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND - - 150,000 175,000 100,000 - GRAND TOTALS: - - 150,000 175,000 100,000 - Page 105 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department. Supplies None Other Services &Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased $0 Capital Outlay: Construction 1. Sanitary Sewer System Improvements: $100,000 a.Annual Replacement of sewer pipes in the Street Rehabilitation Program 75,000 b.Annual Replacement of sewer manholes in the Street Rehabilitation Program 25,000 2. Annual Sewer Lining Program $75,000 a. Sanitary Sewer Lining(Lining of prioritized sanitary mains based upon televised inspections). 75,000 3. Scada System Implementation $87,500 a. New Scada System and Controls 62,500 b. Replace Radio Communications w/Remote Sites 25,000 Description: 1. Concurrent with the Street Rehabilitation Program, problem sewer mains are identified and prioritized for physical replacement,where pipe lining is not a feasible option. 2.This is a continuation of an annual program to line sanitary sewer pipes that are cracked, eroded, deteriorated, or have root intrusion. 3. Implement the recommendation of the 2003 Scada System Plan Page 106 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCT. FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - _ _ _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - _ _ _ TOTALS: SUPPLIES - - _ _ OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - _ 3050 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARC - - _ _ REPAIR SERVICES 4000 REPAIR& MAINT. SERVICES - - _ _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES - _ _ TOTALS: REPAIR SERVICES - - _ MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ 4395 TOTALS: MISCELLANEOUS CHARGE: - - _ CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - _ _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 135,000 150,000 150,000 - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 135,000 150,000 150,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7190 TRANSFER OUT TO SEWER UTIL - - _ _ _ _ 7195 TRANSFER OUT STORM SEWER UTI 432,091 362,210 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 432,091 362,210 - - _ _ GRAND TOTALS: 432,091 362,210 135,000 150,000 150,000 - Page 107 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department. Supplies None Other Services &Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased $0 Capital Outlay: Construction 1. Storm Sewer System Improvements: $75,000 a.Annual Replacement of storm sewer pipes in the Street Rehabilitation Program 50,000 b.Annual Replacement of storm sewer manholes in the Street Rehabilitation Program 15,000 c.Annual Replacement of storm sewer catch basins/casting in the Street Rehabilitation Program 10,000 2. Central Avenue-Joint with Hilltop a. Improvements on Central @ 49th Avenue(1/2 shared with City of Hilltop) $25,000 3. Storm Sewer Lining Program $50,000 a. Storm Sewer Lining(Labelle Trunk:Labelle Pond to 44th Avenue). 50,000 Description: 1. Concurrent with the Street Rehabilitation Program, problem sewer mains are identified and prioritized for replacement,where pipe lining is not a feasible option. 2.With the Walgreens Development, Hilltop required funds to be established to improve the storm 3.This is a continuation of an annual program to line storm sewer pipes that are cracked, eroded, deteriorated, have root intrusion, or are inaccessible for replacement. Page 108 FUND NUMBER 2004 CAP EQUIP REPLACE FUND -STORM SEWER BUDGET 438 _ Adopted Department'ity Manager CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT FUND-STORM Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed WATER 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2999 OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 4395 State Sales Tax 0 237 0 0 0 4997 TOTAL OTHER SERVICE CHARGES 0 237 0 0 0 4999 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 Building&Improvement 5130 Improvements Other Than Buildings 5150 Vehicles 5170 Office Equipment 5180 Other Equipment 0 3,650 0 0 0 6997 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 3,650 0 0 0 9997 TOTAL CAP'L EQUIP REPL FUND STORM WAT 0 3,887 0 0 0 Page 109 438 2004 CAP EQUIP/OUTLAY REPLACEMENT FUND -STORM SEWER SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel There are no paid personnel for this department. Supplies None Other Services&Charges Sales tax on capital equipment purchased $0 Capital Outlay Replacement Fund Purchases Description Page 110 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted ine Iten Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES - _ _ 2010 MINOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - _ TOTALS: SUPPLIES - _ _ OTHER SERVICES &CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 3041 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARS REPAIR SERVICES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES 4000 TOTALS: REPAIR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 4395 TOTALS: MISCELLANEOUS CHARGE: CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ _ 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - - 5150 VEHICLES - _ _ 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - _ _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES - - _ _ 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS - - 125,000 110,500 110,500 - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - - _ _ 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND - - _ _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - 125,000 110,500 110,500 - GRAND TOTALS: - - 125,000 110,500 110,500 - Page 111 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - _ _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - _ _ 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - _ TOTALS: SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - _ _ 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - _ 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - - - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - - 5150 VEHICLES _ - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - _ - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND - _ _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 - TOTALS: NON-OPERATING 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 - GRAND TOTALS: 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 74,641 - Page 112 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT - _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - _ TOTALS:SUPPLIES _ _ OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - _ 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - _ 5150 VEHICLES 1,500 - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,500 - - _ _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - _ _ 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND - _ _ TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - TOTALS: NON-OPERATING 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - GRAND TOTALS: 5,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - Page 113 v N tLf) O N W M M N 00 OD (n O (r� O 0) _ O N M 0 "' O (0 N m _ N N 00 O CO S O co LL p O CO N N CO -� ; to m M N N C0 R O > N =� t` M G M t0 f) M r m w t� oo W O 1-- N M ti M O N Q. 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Registration 1200 MACTA Membership 550 NATOA Conference Registration 500 NATOA Membership 450 Long distance calls 50 Annual Holiday Dinner 700 Mileage Reimbursement, parking 150 Sales Tax 1,250 Hotel, air, transportation, & meals for NATOA Conference 1,500 Public Hearing Notices 150 Page 4-10 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 225 CABLE TELEVISION Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49844 CABLE TELEVISION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 333 259 - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 1,025 1,537 5,000 5,000 5,000 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 386 58 900 900 900 - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - _ _ - _ _ 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 83 116 383 383 383 - 1300 INSURANCE - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 3 27 26 26 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - 124 74 74 - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 1,828 1,973 6,434 6,383 6,383 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 122 89 50 50 50 - 2010 MINOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,051 2,085 4,617 8,100 8,100 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - 2,400 3,860 3,860 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - 50 50 - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - _ _ _ - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 53 86 2,235 1,850 1,850 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 42 42 300 250 250 - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,267 2,302 9,602 14,160 14,160 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS - - - - - - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 9,937 87,363 29,287 86,247 86,247 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 814 393 1,700 1,700 1,700 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 50 50 50 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - - 3310 LOCALTRAVELEXPENSE 101 63 180 150 150 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 1,223 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES - _ _ - - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 68 - 50 150 150 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 680 1,032 1,341 1,207 1,207 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 90 105 2,500 2,000 2,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 122 147 600 600 600 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - 1,800 1,000 1,000 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 985 1,155 1,200 1,000 1,000 - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - 506 700 700 700 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX 62 164 700 1,250 1,250 - 4600 LOANS&GRANTS 5,242 - - - - - TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 19,324 90,927 41,608 97,554 97,554 - Page 4-8 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet Department Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted IlDepartment Manager Council 49200 CONTINGENCIES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1030 VACATION&SICK - - _ - - _ 1031 HOLIDAY PAY - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - - 4360 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - 7220 TRANSFER OUT TO HRA - - - - - - 7230 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP PARK - - - - - - 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG 1,517,757 - - - - - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP REPL FD - - - - - - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TO INFRASTRUCT - - - - - - 7350 TRANS OUT ENERGY MGT - - - - - - 7360 TRANSFER OUT TO FAST COPS - - - - - - 7370 TRANS TO DATA PROCESSING - - - - - - 7410 TRANSFER OUT TO COMM DEVELOP - - - - - - 7413 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP DEVEL - 300,000 - - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES 3,922 - - 100,000 100,000 - 8200 SUNSHINE FUND - - - - - - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 1,521,679 300,000 - 100,000 100,000 - TOTALS: CONTINGENCIES 1,521,679 300,000 - 100,000 100,000 - TOTALS: GENERAL 1,521,679 300,000 - 100,000 100,000 - GRAND TOTALS: 1,521,679 300,000 - 100,000 100,000 - Page 4-6 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45050 RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENTS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 589 1,268 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - - - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - _ _ 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE - 85 - - - - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - - - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 589 1,353 - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 15 - - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 91 - - - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,527 160 - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 90 - - - - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - TOTALS: SUPPLIES 1,527 355 - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER - - - - - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,200 - - - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - 3220 POSTAGE 4,871 - 5,000 - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 11 - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - _ _ 3440 NEWSLETTER 15,243 17,964 19,000 19,000 19,000 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 230 349 453 249 249 4000 REPAIR&MAINT. SERVICES - - _ - _ _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES 2,035 - 2,415 - - - 4200 BEAUTIFICATION ACTIVITIES 832 2,185 7,500 6,500 6,500 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - 439 - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - 25 - - - - 4371 ROYALTY EVENTS 8,530 6,833 6,000 6,000 6,000 4372 CITY FLOAT 2,495 1,547 5,000 5,000 5,000 4373 BUS MAINTENANCE - - - - - - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4,107 3,756 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - 17 - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4377 HEIGHTS PRIDE - - - - - Page 4-4 City of Columbia Heights 2004 Budget work sheet City Manager Proposed 101 GENERAL Actual Actual I Adopted Department Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND - - - - - - 5120 BUILDING &IMPROVEMENT - - - - - 5130 IMPROV. OTHER THAN BUILDINGS - 1,681 - 20,000 20,000 - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - 1,681 - 20,000 20,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - - - - TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS: GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUIL 117,761 114,155 158,546 151,393 151,393 TOTALS: GENERAL 117,761 114,155 158,546 151,393 151,393 - GRAND TOTALS: 117,761 114,155 158,546 151,393 151,393 - Page 4-2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Recycling Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Recycling Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 603-49530 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 627 581 1,500 900 900 Supplies 2,172 1,123 3,525 6,450 6,450 Other Services and Charges 25,554 22,176 26,906 25,178 25,178 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 60,980 66,277 72,402 72,456 72,456 Total Expenses 89,333 90,157 104,333 104,984 104,984 Page 2-8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Refuse Disposal Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Refuse Disposal Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 603-49510 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 1,229,432 1,251,827 1,291,790 1,292,000 1,292,000 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 1,229,432 1,251,827 1,291,790 1,292,000 1,292,000 Page 2-6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Transfers Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Transfers Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-49300 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies & Transfers 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 Total Expenses 415,000 1,540,052 480,000 338,725 338,725 Page 2-4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2004 Summary by Class Functional Area of Recognition/Special Events Budget 2004 Adopted Department City Manager Adopted Recognition/Special Events Actual Actual Budget Proposed Proposed Budget 101-45050 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2004 Expenses Personal Services 589 1,353 0 0 0 Supplies 1,527 355 0 0 0 Other Services and Charges 49,551 37,225 53,368 46,407 46,407 Capital Outlay 0 0 18,000 0 0 Contingencies &Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 51,667 38,933 71,368 46,407 46,407 Page 2-2