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2013 Resolution Index
RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2013 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2013-01 Designate depositories 1/14/13 2013-02 Accept contributions 1/14/13 2013-03 Parking Variance 4347 Central Ave 1/14/13 2013-04 Abate— 1036 Gould Ave 01/14/13 2013-05 Revoke 4056 5th St—PULLED 2013-06 Revoke 1000 Peters Place—PULLED 2013-07 Revoke 3911 Van Buren St- PULLED 2013-08 230 44 ' Ave- 01/28/13 2013-09 Abate 3843 Hayes St 01/28/13 2013-10 Abate 5011 University Ave—PULLED 01/28/13 2013-11 GIS Joint Powers Agreement Andover/Fridley/CH 01/28/13 2013-12 Amendment#1 Water Agreement Mpls/CH 01/28/13 2013-13 GreenStep Cities 01/28/13 2013-14 AFSCME Contract 02/11/13 2013-15 Non-Union Supervisory 02/11/13 2013-16 Non-Union Essential & Confidential 02/11/13 2013-17 Feasibility report Street Rehab - Innsbruck City Proj 1302 02/11/13 2013-18 Preliminary/Final Plat 47th and Central 02/11/13 2013-19 Subordination—City Mortgage Wells Fargo 02/11/13 2013-20 Ordering Improvements—Concrete Streets Project 1302 03/04/13 2013-21 Site Plan Outdoor Seating 4920 Central Ave 03/11/13 2013-22 Approving Specs & Ordering advertisement for bids 2013 03/11/13 concrete street rehab 2013-23 Intent to Bond City project 1302 0311/13 2013-24 Municipal State Aid—Construction funds local 04/08/13 transportation uses 2013-25 Intent to Bond—Reimburse expenditures 04/08/13 2013-26 Inter-fund loan from CH HRA 04/08/13 2013-27 Accepting/Award Bids City Project 1300 Concrete repairs 04/22/13 2013-28 Accepting/Awarding Bids City Project 1302 Concrete 04/22/13 rehab RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION- 2013 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2013-29 Revoke 3865 Keyes Street 04/22/2013 2013-30 CUP 1555 40 th Avenue NE 05/13/2013 2013-31 Void 2013-32 Reschedule CC Meeting of May 27, 2013 05/13/2013 2013-33 Reclassify a project budget bldg. fund 411 to fund 701 05/13/2013 2013-34 Variance 4421 51 Street 05/28/13 2013-35 PW—Accept Feasibility Report 2013 Water main cleaning 05/28/13 2013-36 Void 2013-37 Revoke 1331-33 Circle Terr Pulled 2013-38 Void 2013-39 Abate 1331-33 Cir Terr Pulled 2013-40 Abate 3857 Quincy St Pulled 2013-41 Abate 4206 Van Buren St 05/28/13 2013-42 Revoke 1836-39th Avenue NE 05/28/13 2013-43 MOU Public Manager's Association 06/10/13 2013-44 City Managers Comp and Benefits 06/10/13 2013-45 Pulled 2013-46 Labor Agreement Inter Union of Operating Eng Local No. 6/24/13 49 2013-47 Pulled 2013-48 Pulled 2013-49 Revoke 1331-33 Circle Terrace Blvd 06/24/13 2013-50 Pulled 2013-51 Revoke 4242 Madison Street NE 06/24/13 2013-52 Pulled Pulled 2013-53 Abate 4721 Upland Crest 06/24/13 2013-54 Abate 1331-33 Circle Terrace Blvd 06/24/13 2013-55 Abate 546-38th Avenue NE 06/24/13 2013-56 Abate 666-401h Avenue NE 06/24/13 2013-57 IAFF Agreement 07/08/13 2013-58 Abatement 950 47th Avenue NE 07/22/13 2013-59 4504 Monroe Street 07/22/13 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2013 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2013-60 Abatement 4322 3' Street 07/22/13 2013-61 3919 Van Biffen PULLED 2013-62 4931-33 Jackson Street 07/22/13 2013-63 Revocation 1 t� -Stmt PULLED 2013-64 4116 Reservoir 07/22/13 2013-65 111-32 34 45 A PULLED 2013-66 5 01 48 -A-ve PULLED 2013-67 Cable Franchise Renewal 09/23/2013 2013-68 Abatements 4500 7t' Street 08/26/2013 2013-69 4244 4th Street 08/26/2013 2013-70 42125 1h Street 08/26/2013 2013-71 1635 491h Avenue 08/26/2013 2013-72 131244 1 Avenue 08/26/2013 2013-73 546 38t' Avenue 08/26/2013 2013-74 LELS Officer Contract 10/14/2013 2013-75 Adopting 2014 Proposed Budget 09/09/2013 2013-76 Est. Amount of City Share & Special Assessments Levied 09/23/2013 2013-77 Assessment Roll and Levy of Spec Assessments Deliquent 10/07/2013 2013-78 Revocation 3915 Ulysses 09/23/2013 2013-79 445 5 -&#eet PULLED 2013-80 37Er 3 _&tF e4 PULLED 2013-81 4528 Monroe 09/23/2013 2013-82 Abatements 4931-33 Jackson 09/23/2013 2013-83 4954 -Street PULLED 2013-84 3912 Reservoir 09/23/2013 2013-85 3915 Ulysses 09/23/2013 2013-86 Sales & Issuance of Rev. Bonds 09/23/2013 2013-87 Assessment Levy for Concrete Streets Project 1302 10/14/2013 2013-88 Petition and Waiver 10/14/2013 2013-89 Feasibility Study for Alley Rehabilitation 10/14/2013 2013-90 Abatement 1312 44th Avenue 10/28/2013 2013-91 Abatement 4217 Central Avenue 10/28/2013 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2013 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2013-92 Abatement 4811 Central Avenue 10/28/2013 2013-93 Abatement 1635 49th Avenue 10/28/2013 2013-94 Removed 2013-95 Revocation 4518-20 Fillmore 10/28/2013 2013-96 Revocation 4030 Quincy Street 10/28/2013 2013-97 Revocation 4056-58 5th Street 10/28/2013 2013-98 Sale of General Obligation Improvement &Utility Bonds 10/28/2013 2013-99 Post Issuance Compliance Procedure & Policy for Tax- 10/28/2013 exempt Gov. Bonds 2013-100 Amendment No 2 Water Agreement with Mpls 11/12/2013 2013-101 Inter-fund loan CDCI to ACCDP 11/12/2013 2013-102 Transfer& appropriate 2013 Gen. Fund to Cap. Equip. 11/12/2013 Repl. Gen Gov Fund 2013-103 Adopt 2014 Budget 12/09/2013 2013-104 Cancel December 23, 2013 City Council Meeting 11/25/2013 2013-105 Est. Senior Citizen & Hardship Assessment Deferral 12/9/2013 2013-106 2014 Temporary& Seasonal Wage Adjustments 11/25/2013 2013-107 Abatement 4954 6th Street 11/25/2013 2013-108 Abatement 4030 Quincy Street 11/25/2013 2013-109 Revocation 1221-23 Circle Terrace 11/25/2013 2013-110 Revocation 1200-02 Circle Terrace 11/25/2013 2013-111 Countywide Hazardous Mitigation Plan 12/09/2013 2013-112 Income Limit for Senior Citizens Utility Rates 12/09/2013 2013-113 Comp Rates for CH FD Paid On Call Division 12/09/2013 2013-114 Labor Agreement Local 342, Police Sergeants 12/09/2013 2013-115 Accepting Bids &Award Contract 2013 Sewer Lining 12/09/2013 City Proj. 1304 to Insituform Technologies USA 2013-116 Petition & Order Preparation of Report 43' & Benjamin & 12/09/2013 Arthur St 2013-117 Site Plan for New Restaurant 4001 University Avenue 12/09/2013 2013-118 2013-119