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2012 Resolution Index
RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2012 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2012-01 Designate depositories 1-9-12 2012-02 Accept contributions 1-9-12 2012-03 Community Development Block Grant 1-9-12 2012-04 Abate- 1036 Gould 1-9-12 2012-05 Zone 6 Seal Coat hearing 1-18-12 2012-06 Zone 7 Street Rehab hearing(with 4t Street) Not read 2012-07 Zone 7 Street Rehab hearing 1-18-12 2012-08 Abate—3900 Jackson 1-23-12 2012-09 Abate—4414 Quincy 1-23-12 2012-10 Revoke—4223 7t' St 1-23-12 2012-11 Revoke—5005 7t' St 1-23-12 2012-12 Revoke - 3807 Pierce Removed 2012-13 Revoke— 1827 41 s'Ave Removed 2012-14 MnDOT signal agreement 50t & Central 1-23-12 2012-15 Subordinate w/Sumit Mortgage 2-13-12 2012-16 CUP 836 40 'Ave 2-13-12 2012-17 Property Maintenance Fee update 2-27-12 2012-18 Plans Spec & bids '12 Street Rehab 2-27-12 2012-19 Intent to Bond—Zone 7 Street Rehab 2-27-12 2012-20 MSAF construction funds for transportation use 2-27-12 2012-21 Revoke 4054 2" St 2-27-12 2012-22 Abate 3809 Buchanan 2-27-12 2012-23 Re-establish Precinct Boundaries and polling places 2-27-12 2012-24 Grant application—trail project for Hart Lake 3-26-12 2012-25 Site Plan Review—O'Reilly 3-12-12 2012-26 CUP used auto sales 5009 University 3-12-12 2012-27 Amend license fee for on sale wine 3-12-12 2012-28 JPA for MWMO Miss. Watershed 3-26-12 2012-29 Award crack sealing 3-26-12 2012-30 Award Seal Coating 3-26-12 2012-31 Award Street striping 3-26-12 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2012 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2012-32 Parking restriction—49t'Ave 3-26-12 2012-33 Not read --- 2012-34 Revoke 4345 51h Street 3-26-12 2012-35 4008 2" Street 3-26-12 2012-36 4219 7th Street 3-26-12 2012-37 Green Step City 4-9-12 2012-38 Clean & line water main 4-23-1 2012-39 2012 Misc. Concrete 4-23-12 2012-40 2012 Street Rehab 4-23-12 2012-41 Revoke 1214 44t Ave 4-23-12 2012-42 45427 1h Street 4-23-12 2012-43 1113 Gould Ave 4-23-12 2012-44 4131 Jefferson Street 4-23-12 2012-45 1339 37 Gifele`T'effae° Not read 2012-46 Sidewalk 43' Avenue 4-23-12 2012-47 Alley Improvement 401h between Van Buren &Jackson 4-23-12 2012-48 Change May 28 Council mtg date—Memorial Day 5-14-12 2012-49 CUP outdoor storage 38413 r St 5-14-12 2012-50 Setback parking lot variance 81 38t' Ae 5-14-12 2012-51 Anoka Co. HRA funds—purchase of 3927 Central 5-14-12 2012-52 Bitiminous—Grandview Ct—public hearing 5-14-12 2012-53 Levy assessment—alley light—area 677-44 5-14-12 2012-54 Alley Construction Jackson &VanBuren—Feas rpt. 5-14-12 2012-55 Sidewalk construction N of 43d Quincy& Central 5-14-12 2012-56 Amend Res 2010-138 PW budget—parking maint. Funds 5-29-12 2012-57 Abate 4201 Washington Street 5-29-12 2012-58 Revoke 1124-2645th Ave 5-29-12 2012-59 113-2 45 5�9 12 not read 2012-60 434 -3 fit. 5-29-4-2-not read 2012-61 5085--7 St 5-29-4-2-not read 2012-62 3814 Gauvi 5-29-4-2-not read 2012-63 4 124 5"'-St 5-29-12-not read RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION- 2012 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2012-64 Revoke 5250 7"'41, 5 2 2-not read 2012-65 3820 14ayes St 5 29-1-2 not read 2012-66 4544 Madison St. 5-29-1 not read 2012-67 Sidewalk 43d Quindy& Central 5-29-12 2012-68 Concrete alley between Jackson &Van Buren 5-29-12 2012-69 Levy& Asses Grandview Court Improvements Tabled 2012-70 Appt to Miss Watershed Mgmt Organizations 6-11-12 2012-71 Repeal resolution 2009-72 6-11-12 2012-72 Revoke 4124 5t' St 6-25-12 2012-73 1241 Circle Terrace Blvd 6-25-12 2012-74 1019 37 'Ave 6-25-12 2012-75 208-21042 n St 6-25-12 2012-76 4536 6t' St 6-25-12 2012-77 500 40t'Ave 6-25-12 2012-78 37463 r St 6-25-12 2012-79 3849 Edgemoor PI 6-25-12 2012-80 Abate 4721 Upland Crest 6-25-12 2012-81 Appt. 2012 Election Judges 7-9-12 2012-82 Site Plan 5150 Central Ave 7-9-12 2012-83 Variance 5150 Central Ave 7-9-12 2012-84 Variance 4347 Central Ave 7-9-12 2012-85 Revoke 328 Ornedorff Way Removed 2012-86 3820 Van Buren St Removed 2012-87 43295 th St Removed 2012-88 4238 6t St Removed 2012-89 43442 D St 7-23-12 2012-90 4243 Van Buren St Removed 2012-91 3815 2 '/2 Ave Removed 2012-92 5005 7t' St 7-23-12 2012-93 41177 th St Removed 2012-94 38512" St Removed 2012-95 3963 Jackson St Removed RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION- 2012 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2012-96 Revoke 4433 5t' St Removed 2012-97 4546 Tyler St Removed 2012-98 3822 3' St Removed 2012-99 4030 Quincy St Removed 2012-100 4217 Quincy St Removed 2012-101 3731 Pierce St Removed 2012-102 MN DOT replace 47 & 65 traffic signals 8-13-12 2012-103 Appeal —37t Ave (Jeff's)? ? 2012-104 Primary canvass 8-17-12 2012-105 Revoke 981 43 %2 Ave 8-27-12 2012-106 1000 Peters PI Removed 2012-107 3849 Edgemoor PI Removed 2012-108 221545 1 Ave Tables removed 2012-109 37323 r St 8-27-12 2012-110 Abate 4054 2" St 2012-111 Set budget levy&Adopt proposed budget 9-10-12 2012-112 Variance 3818 Ulysses—3' Accessory structure 9-10-12 2012-113 21" Century Grant 9-24-12 2012-114 City Share of Assessments to levy 9-24-12 2012-115 Abate 4538 5" St 9-24-12 2012-116 4544 6" St 9-24-12 2012-117 1102 Gould St 9-24-12 2012-118 Revoke 3835 Tyler St 9-24-12 2012-119 679 81-46 -A-ve 9-24- 2 Pulled 2012-120 4806 Madison St 9-24- 2 Pulled 2012-121 43513' St 9-24-12 2012-122 1301-03 Circle Terrace Blvd 9-24-12 2012-123 939-4142 i/2 Ave 9-24-12 2012-124 Levy & Adopt assessment for zone 6 seal coat 10-1-12 2012-125 Levy & adopt assessment for street improvements 10-1-12 2012-126 Levy & Adopt assessment for concrete alley improvement 10-1-12 2012-127 Levy & Adopt sidewalk improvement 10-1-12 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2012 RESOLUTIONS DATE OF NUMBER COUNCIL MTG. 2012-128 Cert. 2012 Petition to Waiver Assessments 10/1/2012 2012-129 Assessment Roll & Levy special Assessment Del Accts 10/1/2012 2012-130 Variance Fence Height 3919 Reservoir Blvd 10/8/2012 2012-131 Rescheduling Regular Meeting 11/12/2012 10/22/2012 2012-132 Abate 939-941 42 '/2 Ave 10/22/2012 2012-133 Pulled— Abate 1312 '''' -A-ve 10/22/2012 2012-134 Zone 7— Seal Coat Proj. 1301 10/22/2012 2012-135 Zone 3 Concrete Street Rehab Proj. 1302 10/22/2012 2012-136 Sewer and Water Backups 10/22/2012 2012-137 Revoke 1349-51 Circle Terrace Blvd 10/22/2012 2012-138 Pulled—Aevoke1407 09 Gifele 10/22/2012 2012-139 Pulled—Revoke 4 4 27 moor-,, St 10/22/2012 2012-140 Pulled—Revoke 550 u„sot p,..,.,, 10/22/2012 2012-141 Canvass General Election Results 11/13/2012 2012-142 Housing & Redevelopment EDA activities 2013-2017 11/13/2012 2012-143 Abate 4057 Hayes St 11/26/2012 2012-144 Abate 3947 Polk St 11/26/2012 2012-145 Pulled—Abate 723 3 -Ave 2012-146 Abate 1331-33 Circle Terr 11/26/2012 2012-147 Abate 1820 491h Ave 11/26/2012 2012-148 Abate 1605 49th Ave 11/26/2012 2012-149 Pulled— 2012-150 Joint Powers Agreement Election Expenses 12/10/2012 2012-151 Cancel December 24, 2012 Meeting 12/10/2012 2012-152 2013 CDBG Funds 12/10/2012 2012-153 2013 Deed Funds 12/10/2012 2012-154 Site Plan 4001 University Ave 12/10/2012 2012-155 Adopt Budget 2013 12/10/2012 2012-156 Snow & Ice Control Policy 12/10/2012 2012-157 CHFD Shared Services Feasibility Study Grant 12/10/2012 2012-158 Establish Senior Citizens Hardship Assessment 12/10/2012 2012-159 Income Limit for Senior Citizen Rate 12/10/2012