HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 Proposed Detail Budget The City of Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET f , CFtl, ; li .� ADMINISTRATION CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 2013 PROPOSED DETAILED BUDGET FOR ADMINISTRATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration Functional Area Summary Page..................................... 1 Proposed Expense and Narrative for Mayor-Council (101-41110)............... 2 Detail Expense for Mayor-Council.................................................... 3-4 Summary of Cost Factors for Mayor-Council....................................... 5 Proposed Expense and Narrative for City Manager(101-41320).................. 6 Detail Expense for City Manager....................................................... 7-8 Summary of Cost Factors for City Manager.......................................... 9 Proposed Expense and Narrative for City Clerk (101-41410)...................... 10 Detail Expense for City Clerk........................................................... 11 Summary of Cost Factors for City Clerk.............................................. 12 Proposed Expense and Narrative for Assessing (101-41550)...................... 13 Detail Expense for Assessing........................................................... 14 Summary of Cost Factors for Assessing.............................................. 15 Proposed Expense and Narrative for Legal Services (101-41610)............... 16 Detail Expense for Legal Services..................................................... 17 Summary of Cost Factors for Legal Services........................................ 18 Reviewer's Notes (Blank Pages)......................................................... 19-20 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Administration City Legal Mayor-Council City Manager Clerk Assessing Services 101 101 101 101 101 Revenue 30999 Taxes 130,567 325,469 66,829 115,790 113,187 31999 Licenses&Permits 0 0 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 15,000 37,390 7,677 13,302 13,003 33999 Charge for Services 0 0 0 2,000 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 0 0 0 60,000 35999 Miscellaneous 1,392 3,470 712 1,234 1,207 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 0 0 0 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 51,871 2,139 0 0 Total Revenue 146,959 418,200 77,357 132,326 187,397 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 95,109 391,710 61,685 6,144 0 1999 Supplies 2,005 1,375 2,430 70 0 2999 Other Services and Charges 43,491 22,987 7,805 125,355 186,657 4999 Capital Outlay 0 0 5,000 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 5,500 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 146,105 416,072 76,920 131,569 186,657 Summary Total Revenue 146,959 418,200 77,357 132,326 187,397 Total Expense 146,105 416,072 76,920 131,569 186,657 Change to Fund Balance 854 2,128 437 757 740 -1- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:MAYOR-COUNCIL 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41110 MAYOR-COUNCIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 89,518 94,122 95,107 95,109 95,109 - 1999 Supplies 350 1,439 1,400 2,005 2,005 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 41,185 39,559 43,744 43,491 43,491 - 4999 Capital Outlay - _ _ - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 870 5,708 5,500 5,500 5,500 TOTALS:MAYOR-COUNCIL 131,922 140,829 145,751 146,105 146,105 - Activity Description The City Council is the legislative branch of city government.The Council is responsible for the establishment of policies and the adoption of local ordinances and resolutions.The Council has full authority over the financial affairs of the city, and provides for the collection of all revenue and other assets,the auditing and settlements of accounts, and the safekeeping and disbursement of public monies.They appoint the City Manager and members of various advisory boards and commissions. The Council consists of a Mayor who is elected for a two-year term and four Councilmembers who are elected at large for staggered four-year terms. Objectives 1)To provide quality services with limited funding. 2)To understand and adapt to the demographic changes taking place in the City. 3)Promote the City in a positive way. Budget Comments The Mayor-Council budget increased by$354. Supplies: Minor equipment increase by$50, Computer equipment increase of$650(if new laptop required for future councilmember,Vehicle Repair add$5. Supplies:Computer supplies decreased by$100. Other services and charges increased by$253: Increase-Other communication and telephone(as required by the Finance Dept.)$523, Boards and Commissions increase by$1,500(required funds available to Charter Commission in the event of ballot question education),Subscription/Membership increase by$711(LMC and Mediation Services), employee recognition increase by$100 for recognition of returning military personnel. Other services and charges: Postage decreased by$100,insurance decreased by$2,097,volunteer recognition decrease by$100. -2- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41110 MAYOR-COUNCIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 1 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 45,098 44,925 45,000 45,000 45,000 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1030 VACATION&SICK - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 22 22 - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,252 1,870 1,860 1,860 1,860 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 1,726 2,201 2,959 2,960 2,960 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 40,230 45,027 45,180 45,180 45,180 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 90 77 108 109 109 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE _ - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 89,518 94,122 95,107 95,109 95,109 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 54 6 250 250 250 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 33 - 200 250 250 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 1,021 350 1,000 1,000 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 145 12 150 50 50 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 50 50 50 - 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES 28 251 100 100 100 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 85 144 300 300 300 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 5 5 - 5 5 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 350 1,439 1,400 2,005 2,005 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,959 18 2,220 1,700 1,700 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 105 509 1,000 1,000 1,000 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 103 101 175 205 205 3211 CELL PHONES - _ 3220 POSTAGE 299 240 300 200 200 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - 223 223 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - _ 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 40 42 100 100 100 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 19,748 19,748 19,748 17,651 17,651 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 4,995 3,520 3,050 3,050 3,050 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 14 577 - _ _ 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 113 64 4100 RENTS&LEASES _ _ _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 150 150 150 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 13,675 14,362 15,901 16,612 16,612 - 4374 EMLOYEE RECOGNITION - 55 - 100 100 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 135 302 400 300 300 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - 300 300 300 - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - 21 400 1,900 1,900 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 41,185 39,559 43,744 43,491 43,491 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ _ -3- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41110 MAYOR-COUNCIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 4,534 4,500 4,500 4,500 8200 SUNSHINE FUND 870 1,174 1,000 1,000 1,000 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 870 5,708 5,500 5,500 5,500 - TOTALS:MAYOR-COUNCIL 131,922 140,829 145,751 146,105 146,105 -4- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CITY COUNCIL BUDGET 101-41110 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Mayor 13,800 11,439 25,239 13,800 11,439 25,239 Four Councilmembers 31,200 38,667 69,867 31,200 38,670 69,870 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 45,000 50,106 95,106 45,000 50,109 95,109 Total 0.00 0.00 45,000 50,106 95,106 45,000 $0,109 95,109 Supplies Envelopes,paper,misc. 250 Minor equipment 250 Computer equipment 1,000 Computer supplies 50 Printing&printed forms 50 General supplies 100 Food supplies 300 Vehicle repair 5 Other Services&Charges Truth in Taxation Notices by County, 1,700 Subscriptions, Memberships to: translators,anti-spam, League of MN Cities 14,000 Training and Education activities 1,000 Mediation Serv.Anoka County 2,012 Telephone 205 Sister Cities International 400 Other communications 223 Miscellaneous 200 Postage 200 Volunteer recognition 300 Legal Notices 100 Employee recognition 100 Liability and property insurance 17,651 Misc.Civic Affairs 300 Repair&Maint.,Clock Tower,Copies 3,050 Comm.&Boards&Charter 1,900 Misc.charges 150 Contingencies&Transfers Misc. expenditures not otherwise budgeted 4,500 Sunshine Fund 1,000 -5- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41320 CITY MANAGER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 384,663 381,180 391,474 391,710 391,710 - 1999 Supplies 1,950 2,330 1,200 1,375 1,375 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 15,577 14,839 24,031 22,987 22,987 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - _ - - TOTALS:CITY MANAGER 402,190 398,349 416,705 416,072 416,072 - Activity Description This department is responsible for the administration of all activities,functions,and programs of the City in accordance with the policies and guidelines adopted by the City Council. Duties of the department include planning,organizing, directing,and coordinating the operations of all departments,with the exception of the Police Department. This department is responsible for personnel,labor relations,and employee relations functions of the City. Objectives Improve communications with employees via all employee meetings. Budget Comments The City Manager budget decreased by$633 from 2012 to 2013. Personal Services increased by$236,due to an increase in FICA contribution and Workers'Compensation Insurance Premium. Supplies increased by$175,due to a $275 increase in Computer Equipment for a 24"monitor,offset by a$100 decrease to Printing and Printed Forms. Other Services and Charges decreased by$1,044 due to a$28 decrease to Expert and Professional Services,a$250 decrease to Other Communications, and a$1,011 decrease to Insurance and Bonds for property and liability insurance, offset by a$245 increase to Telephone and Telegraph for costs allocated to this budget for the central telephone system. -6- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41320 CITY MANAGER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 298,622 293,403 305,582 305,582 305,582 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 83 19 250 250 250 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 4,261 4,495 - - - 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 6,655 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - _ _ _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 20,802 21,496 22,072 22,072 22,072 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 21,821 21,700 21,962 22,166 22,166 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 300 241 - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 30,360 31,689 32,844 32,844 32,844 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,760 1,536 2,164 2,196 2,196 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 384,663 381,180 391,474 391,710 391,710 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 139 134 300 300 300 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 110 153 - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,263 1,713 - 275 275 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 284 293 500 500 500 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 42 - 100 - - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES 27 - 100 100 100 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 35 37 100 100 100 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 49 - 100 100 100 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,950 2,330 1,200 1,375 1,375 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,836 543 4,478 4,450 4,450 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 994 858 3,495 3,495 3,495 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 859 1,033 501 746 746 - 3211 CELL PHONES 150 (21) 500 500 500 - 3220 POSTAGE 299 253 500 500 500 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 677 1,011 761 761 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 244 285 400 400 400 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 73 557 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT 2,428 4,397 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,686 3,686 3,686 2,675 2,675 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 769 722 800 800 800 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 25 - 250 250 250 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 1,417 970 1,410 1,410 1,410 - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 1,797 877 3,000 3,000 3,000 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' 15,577 14,839 24,031 22,987 22,987 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ - _ -7- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41320 CITY MANAGER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - _ TOTALS:CITY MANAGER 402,190 398,349 416,705 416,072 416,072 - -g- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA B U DG ET 2013 FUND NUMBER CITY MANAGER BUDGET 101-41320 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe City Manager 1.00 1.00 138,079 28,777 166,856 138,079 28,995 167,074 Asst.to City Mgr./HR Dir, 1.00 1.00 97,199 24,695 121,894 97,199 24,705 121,904 Admin Asst.-HR 1.00 1.00 54,345 18,144 72,489 54,345 18,150 72,495 Subtotal 3.00 3.00 289,623 11,616 361,239 289,623 71,850 31,473 Labor Allocation From: 101-41410 0.40 0.40 22,809 7,426 30,235 22,809 7,428 30,237 Total 3.40 3.40 312,432 79,042 391,474 312,432 79,278 391,710 Supplies Notebook,appt.books,folders,notepads 300 Training books&supplies 100 (1)24" Monitor 275 Misc.general supplies 100 Computer paper,labels,diskettes,cartridges, Coffee,juice,snacks for visitors toner,etc. 500 &meetings 100 Other Services&Charges Hotel,Airfare,Transportation& Medtox Drug Testing 1,700 Meals at various conferences 1,500 New Employee Physicals 1,500 Employment Ads 2,500 City-wide staff training 1,250 Liability/Property Insurance 2,675 Training and educational activities: Copying costs 800 MPELRA Conference 200 Miscellaneous Charges 250 LMC Conference 350 Various Professional Memberships ICMA Conference 1,060 &Subscriptions: Employment Law Institute 800 Int'I Assoc.of Admin. Professionals 130 MN Safety Council Workshops 200 MuniciPals 25 IAAP Seminars 250 Citizens League 25 City Manager's Conference 225 Twin Cities North Chamber 215 Public Finance Seminar 240 League of MN Cities Directories 110 LMC Safety Seminar 20 MN City/Co. Mgmt.Association 135 Other 150 Metro Area Mgmt.Association 45 Main Telephone Trunk Line 746 Pioneer Press 60 Cellular Phone Charges 500 Business Journal 90 Postage 500 IPMA 150 Other Communications(Courier,UPS,etc.) 200 MPELRA 150 Data Charges-Comcast 489 Miscellaneous 275 Anti-Spam Service 72 Costs associated w/Employee Local Travel Expense 400 Recognition Program 3,000 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None -9- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CITY CLERK 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41410 CITY CLERK Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 99,285 61,619 106,475 61,685 61,685 - 1999 Supplies 5,166 189 3,105 2,430 2,430 2999 Other Services&Charges 4,362 3,836 10,148 7,805 7,805 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - 5,000 5,000 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - 4,000 - - - TOTALS:CITY CLERK 108,813 65,644 123,728 76,920 76,920 - Activity Description The City Clerk provides assistance to the Mayor,City Council,and City Manager;organizes and directs elections, serves as the responsible authority for compliance with the MN Data Practices Act,maintains the City Code, prepares and assembles Council meeting agendas and materials,takes and transcribes minutes of the City Council meetings, maintains records and files of official city documents,oversees the boards and commissions, serves as the Sunshine Fund Coordinator,serves as backup to the Administrative Assistant,and is the department liaison to the Sister City Committee.With the exception of special elections, elections are only held in even numbered years.This is the reason for the significant difference from one year to the next. Objectives 1. Serve the Mayor,City Council,and City Manager in a support capacity. 2. Review and revise, as needed,the Data Practices Policy 3.Create a policy to assist with retention of City Contracts. 4.Continue to add to and improve the City web site to better disseminate public information. 5.Keep current on election laws and regulations. Budget Comments The City Clerk's budget decreased by$46,463. Personal Services decreased by$44,445,as no monies are needed for election judges or interdepartmental labor in non-election years. Supplies decreased by$675,as no monies were budgeted for election supplies. Minor equipment decreased by $350,as required Absentee Ballot election equipment has been purchased. Other Services&Charges decreased by$2,343.Training increase by$310 to include MCFOA Clerk training-if necessary, postage decrease$150 in non-election year,legal publishing decrease by$2,600 to better reflect actual usage, and a$97 increase to insurance and bonds,due to an increase in property and liability insurance. Capital Outlay,$5,000 added to reflect the City portion of new election ballot counting machines,maintenance,and Modus Election program, to be purchased by Anoka County(with payments divided over a ten year period). -10- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41410 CITY CLERK Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 33,362 33,917 34,214 34,214 34,214 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 14,042 13,895 14,113 14,113 14,113 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 29,917 - 36,630 - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - _ _ 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,727 980 - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 4,249 - 4,385 - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 3,589 3,517 3,796 3,478 3,478 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 3,948 3,474 6,836 3,697 3,697 1300 INSURANCE 5,870 5,562 5,796 5,796 5,796 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 581 273 705 387 387 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 99,285 61,619 106,475 61,685 61,685 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25 19 80 80 80 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,226 - 1,350 1,000 1,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,560 141 1,000 1,000 1,000 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 12 100 100 100 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 197 - 325 50 50 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 89 17 150 100 100 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 69 - 100 100 100 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 5,166 189 3,105 2,430 2,430 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,802 2,886 4,400 4,400 4,400 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 200 100 350 660 660 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - _ _ 3211 CELL PHONES _ - 3220 POSTAGE 222 - 200 50 50 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - _ _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 60 111 250 250 250 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 287 287 - - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 286 - 2,800 200 200 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 403 403 403 500 500 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 69 14 1,470 1,470 1,470 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 100 100 100 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 100 100 100 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 35 35 35 35 35 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - 40 40 40 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE: 4,362 3,836 10,148 7,805 7,805 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 5,000 5,000 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 5,000 5,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 4,000 - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - 4,000 - - TOTALS:CITY CLERK 108,813 65,644 123,728 76,920 76,920 -11- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA B U DG ET 2013 FUND NUMBER CITY CLERK BUDGET 101.41410 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Tota I Total F.T.E Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe City Clerk 1.00 1.00 57,023 18,565 75,587 57,023 18,570 75,593 Imaging Technician 0.50 0.50 14,113 2,214 16,327 14,113 2,216 16,329 Subtotal 1.50 1.50 71,136 20,779 91,914 71,136 20,786 91,922 Allocation to: City Manager -0.4 -0.4 -22,808 -7,426 -30,235 -22,809 -7,428 -30,237 Total 1.10 1110 48,328 13,353 61,679 48,327 13,358 61,685 Supplies Envelopes,paper, labels,misc. 80 Minor equipment 1,000 Computer equipment/laptop 1,000 Computer supplies 100 Printing&printed forms 50 General supplies 100 Food supplies 100 Other Services&Charges Capital Outlay Expert Services-City Code 4,400 Election equipment-voting 5,000 Training-Clerk/MCFOA 660 machines,maintenance, Modus Postage 50 Election program Local Travel 250 Legal Notice Publishing 200 Insurance&bonds 500 Repair&Maint.Service/ 1,470 Agenda Manager program Rents&Leases 100 Misc. charges 100 Membership-MCFOA 35 Commission&Boards 40 -12- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:ASSESSING 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41550 ASSESSING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 207 7,174 6,103 6,144 6,144 - 1999 Supplies - 69 - 70 70 2999 Other Services&Charges 116,163 116,425 123,540 125,355 125,355 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:ASSESSING 116,370 123,668 129,643 131,569 131,569 - Activity Description The Assessing Department provides tax and homestead information,and processes homestead applications. Through a joint powers agreement with Anoka County,the County provides for the assessment of property in Columbia Heights. The City contracted with the County for special assessment billing services beginning in 2003. Objectives Negotiate new contract for assessment services. Budget Comments The Assessing budget increased by$1,926 from 2012 to 2013. Personal Services increased by$41,due to adjustment in health insurance premiums for 2013. Office Supplies increased by$70,based on past expenditures allocated to this budget. Other Services and Charges increased by$1,815,due to a$1,800 increase to Expert and Professional Services, based on a renewed assessment agreement with the county,and a$325 increase to Legal Notice Publishing,offset by a $275 decrease in Postage and a$35 decrease to Insurance and Bonds for liability and property insurance. -13- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41550 ASSESSING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - 1,163 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - 2,048 - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 57 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - _ 1030 VACATION&SICK - _ _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 181 2,574 4,872 4,872 4,872 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 13 419 354 354 354 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 14 438 372 372 372 1300 INSURANCE - 440 467 507 507 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 35 38 39 39 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 207 7,174 6,103 6,144 6,144 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 69 - 70 70 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - _ _ _ _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - _ _ 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - _ 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - _ _ 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - _ _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 69 - 70 70 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 115,693 115,286 121,600 123,400 123,400 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - _ _ _ 3220 POSTAGE 329 676 1,000 725 725 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 322 - 325 325 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 140 140 140 105 105 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1 1 800 800 800 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES - _ _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE. 116,163 116,425 123,540 125,355 125,355 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - _ _ TOTALS:ASSESSING 116,370 123,668 129,643 131,569 131,569 -14- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BU DG ET 2013 FUND NUMBER ASSESSING BUDGET 101-41550 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total I F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 4.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation From:Public Works Secretary II-A, Public Works 0.06 0.06 2,672 886 3,558 2,672 926 3,598 Assessing Clerk 0.05 0.05 2,200 345 2,545 2,200 346 2,546 Total 0.11 0.11 4,872 1,231 6,103 4,872 1,272 6,144 Supplies Binders,paper,envelopes 70 Other Services&Charges Assessment contract 123,400 Postage 725 Legal Notice Publishing 325 Liability/Property Insurance 105 Copying Costs 800 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None -15- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:LEGAL SERVICES 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41610 LEGAL SERVICES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies - _ _ _ _ 2999 Other Services&Charges 167,540 167,540 186,716 186,657 186,657 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - _ _ _ TOTALS:LEGAL SERVICES 167,540 167,540 186,716 186,657 186,657 - Activity Description The Legal Services Department handles all civil lawsuits and prosecution for the City. These services are currently under retainer with the law firm of Barna,Guzy,and Steffen, Ltd. This department also budgets for outside labor attorney services. Objectives Maintain current service level under current contract terms. Budget Comments The Legal Services budget decreased by$59 from 2012 to 2013,due to a decrease in Insurance and Bonds for liability and property insurance. -16- City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41610 LEGAL SERVICES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3041 ATTORNEY FEES-CIVIL PROCESS 50,508 50,508 50,510 50,510 50,510 - 3042 ATTORNEY FEES-PROSECUTION 116,816 116,816 116,650 116,650 116,650 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER - - 18,000 18,000 18,000 - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - _ _ _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 216 216 216 157 157 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 1,340 1,340 1,340 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP - - - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE! 167,540 167,540 186,716 186,657 186,657 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - _ _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - _ _ _ TOTALS: LEGAL SERVICES 167,540 167,540 186,716 186,657 186,657 -17- CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LEGAL SERVICES BUDGET 101.41610 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0100 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0100 0.00 Supplies None Other Services&Charges Barna,Guzy,&Steffen Ltd.contract: Liability&Prop.Insurance 157 General Legal Representation(Civil) 50,510 Miscellaneous Charges 1,340 Prosecution 116,650 Other Attorney Fees(Labor attorney,etc.) 18,000 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers None -1 g- 4 Heights The City of Columbia 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET r 1 1►, s ��� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/EDA And PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET Community Development/Inspections Summary Page 1 Proposed Expense and Narrative for Protective Inspections (Fund 201) 2 Detail of Expenses for Protective Inspections 3 Summary of Costs for Protective Inspections 5 Proposed Expense and Narrative for Community Development/EDA (Fund 204) 6 Detail of Expenses for Community Development/EDA 7 Summary of Costs for Community Development/EDA 9 Reviewer's Notes 10 City of Columbia Heights,Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Community Development Community Development EDA 201 204 Revenue 30999 Taxes 0 294,601 31999 Licenses&Permits 161,800 0 32999 Intergovernmental 0 0 33999 Charge for Services 0 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 400 0 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 37,000 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 0 Total Revenue 162,200 331,601 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 197,798 288,484 1999 Supplies 2,620 725 2999 Other Services and Charges 14,567 17,005 4999 Capital Outlay 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 16,264 17,846 Total Expenses 231,249 324,060 Summary Total Revenue 162,200 331,601 Total Expense 231,249 324,060 Change to Fund Balance -69,049 7,541 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42400 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 191,234 227,345 197,460 197,798 197,798 - 1999 Supplies 1,660 3,120 5,875 2,620 2,620 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 13,373 13,324 13,574 14,567 14,567 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 12,666 13,110 12,832 16,264 16,264 - TOTALS:PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 218,934 256,899 229,741 231,249 231,249 - Activity Description 1)Building permitting, plan review and inspection 2)Liquor,contractor,cigarette,misc.licensing 3)Land use permitting and zoning code enforcement 4) Initial rental and vacant property inspections 5)Staffing Planning Commission Objectives 1)Maintain effective and timely building inspections 2)Maintain housing integrity through rental and abandoned property inspections 3) Maintain neighborhood stability through building and zoning inspections 4)Implement the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan Budget Comments 1) Reduction from$3,000 to zero for computer equipment as the department received new computers in 2012. 2)Increase in repair and maintenance to reflect GIS upgrade and license 3)Majority of non-personal service expenditures are internal charges 4)Overall budget reflects almost a 1%decrease 5)Expenditure over revenues is$65,633. Fund 201 is self contained and does not rely on general fund.The revenue stream is"imperfect" meaning that year to year expenditure/revenue outcomes vary greatly.As such,Fund 201 maintains a fund operating reserve for"loss years." December 2011 201 fund balance is $214,458 with an anticipated use of$135,000 for budget offsets in FY 2012 and 2013, leaving approximately$79,458 for FY 2014. It is anticipated that by 2014 the Huset Park Redevelopment will have been restarted with$100,000 of permitting fees needed to complete the project,creating a balance in expenditure to revenues and possible additions to the operating reserves. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 424001 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 173,624 172,954 152,338 152,338 152,338 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1,244 1,174 700 700 700 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 4,444 2,912 - - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - 1060 MILEAGE ALLOWANCE - 30 - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV (36,782) - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 12,175 12,564 11,034 11,034 11,034 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 13,436 13,374 11,707 11,707 11,707 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 22,091 23,437 20,472 20,796 20,796 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,003 902 1,209 1,223 1,223 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 191,234 227,345 197,460 197,798 197,798 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 469 418 600 475 475 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 1,479 3,000 - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 208 - 300 300 300 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - 327 200 50 50 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES 3 3 500 420 420 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 34 11 75 125 125 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 125 60 200 250 250 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 820 821 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,660 3,120 5,875 2,620 2,620 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER - - - - - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUCACTIVITIS 573 649 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT 1,500 1,165 - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 379 371 - 791 791 - 3211 CELL PHONES 820 973 993 432 432 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,090 1,160 1,100 1,200 1,200 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 203 - 760 760 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 53 44 150 150 150 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 275 - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 463 765 750 750 750 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 2,531 2,531 2,531 1,267 1,267 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 2,637 2,478 3,500 4,967 4,967 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 306 470 300 300 300 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - (135) - - - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 847 946 800 900 900 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 413 458 450 450 450 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - 39 300 300 300 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 43 - 200 100 100 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 13,373 13,324 13,574 14,567 14,567 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 201 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 424001 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 12,666 13,110 12,832 12,848 12,848 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 3,416 3,416 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 12,666 13,110 12,832 16,264 16,264 - TOTALS:PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 218,934 256,899 229,741 231,249 231,249 - 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 201-42400 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Planner 1.00 1.00 75,785 21,521 97,306 75,785 21,528 97,313 Sec.II Permits 1.00 1.00 48,147 15,623 63,770 48,147 16,276 64,423 Building Official 1.00 1.00 70,301 20,659 90,960 70,301 20,666 90,967 sA r ���J���0 I,1figh gi l.:Il 11 iq a 11 1 ir l V 3,1,.1.,I . ::.V,..... _ 1 9 " :,,: ' 4 2 P3 � 1203 Labor Allocation From: 204-46314 Director 0.20 0.20 20,771 5,191 25,962 20,771 5,193 25,964 Labor Allocation To: 204-46314 Planner (0.50) (0.50) (37,893) (10,760) (48,653) (37,893) (10,764) (48,657) 204-46314 Sec.II Permits (0.50) (0.50) (24,074) (7,811) (31,885) (24,074) (8,139) (32,213) m, 9i nl , Ill�w:i p '"' ; 460 m ;14��lii;l r3i 3 „; NNld{ j°4,III - I 1 T�ta,�lulli, iii Illail �g�i, �� l��ll��,�l 1���i 2,2 ���I�IIuII,III�II�IIII�Zr �u��til�dw,;�153,037 44,49-.3,,I�uPl�,lr�l�.a�97..... �h�Gw.�:�::.,M �.::.�.,.,t1��IL Supplies 2000 $475 Miscellaneous office supplies as needed 2020 $300 Computer related supplies as needed 2030 $50 Receipt forms 2171 $420 Fax machine purchase and water 2280 $250 Unscheduled minor repair for inspection vehicle 2282 $1,000 Historical average for gas for inspection vehicle 2175 $125 Food for public meetings and Citizen Academy Other Services&Charges 3050 $1,200 Audit fee 3105 $1,000 Required building training for certificate and planning seminars 3210 $791 Telephone-internal charge 3211 $432 Cell phones for building inspector and planner during summer inspections 3220 $1,200 Planning reports,legal notices and building permit over dues- internal charge 3250 $760 Internal charge for internet and laptop communication card 3310 $150 Field trips and seminars done by private car 3500 $750 Planning Commission notices 3600 $1,267 Insurance-internal charge 4000 $4,967 Cost for copier,permit works and GIS 4050 $300 Garage costs for inspection vehicle 4310 $900 Costs for building permits using credit cards 4330 $450 Cost for building memberships-]CC 10K,AMBO plus Anoka Union, Real Estate Journal 4380 $300 Planning Commission seminar fees 4390 $100 Carlicense Contingencies&Transfers 7100 $12,848 Internal labor charge 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 204 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46314 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTH Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 253,707 215,093 288,883 288,484 288,484 - 1999 Supplies 1,063 3,334 4,300 725 725 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 16,571 13,584 20,974 17,005 17,005 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - ` 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 63,666 103,110 25,997 17,846 17,846 - TOTALS: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENI 335,008 335,120 340,154 324,060 324,060 Activity Description 1)Staffing EDA and HRA Commissions 2)Development and implementation of redevelopment projects 3) Design and implementation of housing programs 4) Resource and funding investigation 5)Special studies 6)Business development 7) Marketing and communication Objectives 1)Implement the goals of the Economic Development Authority 2)Monitor and implement programs to ensure that foreclosed properties do not adversely affect neighborhood integrity. 3) Develop programs or activities that increase assessed value 4)Communicate the assets of the community 5) Enhance the commercial corridors of the City Budget Comments 1)Reduction in expenditures of$21,092 based on no transfer to fund 420,no computer cost since department received new computers in 2012 and a 20%decrease in expert and professional services. 2)Revenues are significantly reduced from 2012 reflecting 1)Sale of Parkview Villa with only one quarter of administrative reimbursement retained and 2) HRA Levy reduced due to market value decrease.Value of HRA levy could decrease further based on the State's final decision on "marketable vs.taxable"value.Since the HRA levy is a formula based on"value" the budget may need to be revised.Similar to Fund 201,a fund operating reserve is maintained. Expenditure over revenue is targeted at$16,000 and fund 204 operating reserves will be used for any off-sets. Fund 204 cash balance at the end of FY 2011 is$163,392 with outstanding receivables of$59,000 6 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 204 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46314 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 194,992 196,433 225,679 225,679 225,679 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 91 58 700 700 700 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 2,003 1,337 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - (37,000) - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 13,649 14,517 16,351 16,382 16,382 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 14,946 15,221 17,318 17,319 17,319 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - - 1300 INSURANCE 20,278 21,401 27,048 26,592 26,592 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 6,384 1,973 - - ' 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,264 1,154 1,787 1,812 1,812 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 253,707 215,093 288,883 288,484 288,484 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 580 499 800 475 475 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 269 2,806 3,125 - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 208 - 300 200 200 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES 6 - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 28 75 50 50 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,063 3,334 4,300 725 725 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3045 ATTORNEY FEES-OTHER - - 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 7,104 4,536 10,341 8,000 8,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 664 659 2,000 1,500 1,500 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 608 645 992 805 805 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,047 603 500 600 600 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 361 676 268 268 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 269 357 300 300 300 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 125 100 100 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 139 473 250 250 250 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,790 3,790 3,790 2,232 2,232 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 892 705 - 750 750 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,436 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURR. - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 2 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 95 965 500 500 500 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS 525 490 500 700 700 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 16,571 13,584 20,974 17,005 17,005 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5191 ASSETS FOR RESALE - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 204 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46314 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 1 1 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 12,666 13,110 12,831 12,848 12,848 - 7410 TRANSFER OUTTO COMM DEVELOPMENT - - - - - 7413 TRANSFER TO CAP IMP DEVELOPMENT 51,000 90,000 13,166 - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 4,998 4,998 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 63,666 103,110 25,997 17,846 17,846 - TOTALS:ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHO 335,008 335,120 340,154 324,060 324,060 - 8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BU DG ET 2013 FUND NUMBER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 204-46314 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Comm. Dev. Director 1.00 1.00 103,854 25,954 129,808 103,854 25,965 129,819 Asst.Comm. Dev.Director 1.00 1.00 81,329 22,389 103,718 81,329 22,399 103,728 .,,.�... I� 'ay,N'"� �71: ..,III 2131, 5261111 5 1 8 .rl b 364 �� 233 , 7 at�l. N ��u!J16�!I15 18s'l% 881 � III � �. .I IIII�IIIIIGI �! . , �bt... Labor Allocation From: 201-42400 Planner 0.50 0.50 37,893 10,760 48,653 37,893 10,778 48,672 201-42400 Sec. Permit 0.50 0.50 24,074 8,592 32,666 24,074 8,592 32,228 Labor Allocation To: 201-42400 Director (0.20) (0.20) (20,771) (5,191) (25,962) (20,771) (5,191) (25,964) ,.:, °,7' I II I...;: a ',1,: hlu,1• I I.i`! I ,..i_ III �'rllU ',:glll Cllry, .q. � i'I''P I,,,': ...' y III"'y:�: �Ip?"'1111 �j288�431 ITiQ. :� '�T�lllVlllll I I !,,'III, y I II`�I�!II II ' IIII 1 ( I 1 '��I'dl'!�I,,80 III ill I,a��121801 I�:!�.; '1225,g3791i II IIII,u,l162,5D,�1„IIIJ�,I 288y88:311!!ii�hl!li��6�:����ll���ll�! mi62,543,nlyll��ll�� .:,,.$,., I ta:.�l1 I I III Supplies $475 Miscellaneous office supplies for the year $50 Food for citizen academy and open houses $200 For possible computer accessories Other Services&Charges $2,100 Expert and Professional Fees-auditor fee $5,900 For pre-development services $1,500 Seminars by EDAM,Sensible Land,Real Estate,St.Thomas Business $805 Telephone-internal charge $600 Postage-internal charge for correspondence to HRA,EDA bids,RFP's Ordinance Adm. $268 Other communication-internal charge $300 Local travel-inspections,field visits and misc.seminars $100 EDAM summer conference $250 Ordinance amendments,property sales,RFP's $2,232 Insurance-internal charge $750 Copier cost and contract $1,000 Proposed carpet to replace duct tape $500 Subscription membership-MNAPA, EDAM,and Real Estate Journal $700 Commissions and Boards-EDA Commission meeting per diem Contingencies&Transfers $12,848 Admin.Transfer-internal charge 9 r � The City of � Columbia Heights � 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET 1 FINANCE Table of Contents Finance Department 2013 Proposed Detail Budget Finance Functional Aread Summary Page 1 Finance Proposed Expense and Narrative 2 Detail Expense 3 Summary of Costs 5 Water Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 7 Detail Expense 8 Summary of Costs 9 Sewer Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 10 Detail Expense 11 Summary of Costs 12 Storm Sewer Administration Proposed Expense and Narrative 13 Detail Expense 14 Summary of Costs 15 Information Systems Proposed Expense and Narrative 16 Detail Expense 17 Summary of Costs 18 Information Systems Capital Equipment Replacement Proposed Expense and Narrative 19 Detail Expense 20 Summary of Costs 21 Reviewer's Notes Blank Pages 22 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Finance Storm Cap Equip Finance Water Sewer Sewer IS Data Proc 101 601 602 604 720 437 Revenue 30999 Taxes 382,403 0 0 0 0 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 800 0 0 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 43,931 0 0 0 0 0 33999 Charge for Services 0 1,643 0 0 0 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 4,077 432 1,125 8 0 61000 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 141,582 101,945 1,179 0 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 328,490 0 0 1,273 325,000 0 Total Revenue 759,701 143,657 103,070 2,460 325,000 6,000 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 688,600 0 0 0 243,985 0 1999 Supplies 11,600 1,503 1,503 0 3,381 0 2999 Other Services and Charges 49,500 20,900 20,900 1,200 68,158 0 4999 Capital Outlay 7,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 0 127,647 127,647 0 8,000 30,000 Total Expenses 757,200 152,550 152,550 1,200 323,524 30,000 Summary Total Revenue 759,701 143,657 103,070 2,460 325,000 6,000 Total Expense 757,200 152,550 152,550 1,200 323,524 30,000 Change to Fund Balance 2,501 -8,893 -49,480 1,260 1,476 -24,000 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:FINANCE 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41510 FINANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 658,301 650,259 641,400 688,600 688,600 - 1999 Supplies 8,659 9,846 12,900 11,600 11,600 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 41,572 46,511 50,800 49,500 49,500 4999 Capital Outlay - - 15,000 7,500 7,500 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - 1,600 - - TOTALS: FINANCE 708,532 706,616 721,700 757,200 757,200 - Activity Description The purpose of the Finance Department is to account for all financial operations of the City and to report on those operations. The Finance department is responsible for budgeting,financial reporting, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, utility billing, purchasing, liquor operations,and information systems within City operations. Objectives In mid-2011,five of the nine staff FTE's in the department turned over. During 2012,the department's main objective is to develop staff's expertise in their new primary functions,while maintaining the continuity of the day-to-day operations within the department. With that established, in 2013 the department will begin to place more emphasis on cross-training these new staff to be able to provide the range of back-up functions necessary in a small department. Additionally,the fresh look at existing work processes that will occur when cross-training new staff will lend itself to the department's ongoing objective of continually improving its work processes. Budget Comments The total Finance Department expense budget proposed for 2013 is$35,500 more for 2012; however, this offset by an additional transfer-in in the revenue budget,to yield a net change of 0%for 2013. This offsetting change is only the result of simplifying the method(s) by which the Liquor Fund reimburses the Finance department for administrative labor. So for 2013,the direct charge of 0.75 of full-time equivalent(FTE) labor to the Liquor Fund shown in the 2012 column of the Summary of Cost Factors schedule has been reclassified to be part of the large annual transfer- in from the Liquor fund to the General Fund for administrative labor. If one was not aware of this change in method,the Summary of Cost Factors schedule might lead one to the mistaken conclusion that the number of FTE in the Finance department increased for 2013. The number of FTE budgeted in the department for 2013 is actually a decreased of 0.25 FTE. This reflects the elimination of the part-time meter reader position. Existing manual-read commercial meters will be replaced with radio-read meters sometime in approximately the next year. Commercial customers are submitting self-read data during the interim period, and manual final readings for residential customers are being performed by other finance department staff within their existing schedules. Other budget highlights include: • An increase in personnel costs caused by 5 of 9 FTE in the department still going through the existing labor contract steps, including the 3 positions in the department with the highest pay ranges. • Capital outlay for 2013 decreased by the$7,500 budgeted in 2012 for the department's share of a large production copier used to produce utility bills,etc. • Each of the other major nonpersonnel categories decreased $1,300 to$1,600. This reflects numerous small changes,the most notable of which is the elimination of the department cell phone at$600 per year. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41510 FINANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 473,452 462,828 467,600 499,400 499,400 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 29,507 16,533 16,900 19,400 19,400 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 3,561 10,707 - - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 5,991 780 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY 364 7,518 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 3,233 - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 34,582 35,559 34,900 37,600 37,600 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 39,590 37,152 37,000 39,900 39,900 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 200 241 - - - 1300INSURANCE 62,444 76,032 77,800 85,100 85,100 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1,999 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 3,379 2,909 4,200 4,200 4,200 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 658,301 650,259 641,400 688,600 688,600 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,547 1,225 2,000 1,600 1,600 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 217 824 400 500 500 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2,603 4,733 6,000 5,500 5,500 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2,321 1,662 2,500 2,000 2,000 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 1,508 672 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 462 729 500 500 500 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 8,659 9,846 12,900 11,600 11,600 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 9,448 7,697 11,500 10,000 10,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 2,483 963 2,400 2,000 2,000 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,006 987 1,000 1,300 1,300 3211 CELL PHONES 617 315 600 - - - 3220 POSTAGE 2,377 2,557 2,500 2,800 2,800 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 1,242 1,500 1,200 1,200 3310 LOCALTRAVELEXPENSE 195 174 300 300 300 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 161 213 300 300 300 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 1,010 1,452 1,500 1,500 1,500 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 1,620 1,620 1,700 2,100 2,100 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES 16,416 15,460 20,600 21,300 21,300 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - 9,535 - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 4,436 3,032 4,500 4,500 4,500 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 286 436 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,518 681 1,300 1,200 1,200 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - 149 100 - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 41,572 46,511 50,800 49,500 49,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 15,000 7,500 7,500 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,000 7,500 7,500 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41510 FINANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 1,600 - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 1,600 - - - TOTALS: FINANCE 708,532 706,616 721,700 757,200 757,200 - 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER FINANCE BUDGET 101-41510 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Finance Director 1.00 1.00 97,419 25,297 122,716 103,119 25,869 128,988 Asst. Finance Director 1.00 1.00 76,841 22,018 98,859 79,610 22,128 101,738 Acctg.Coordinator 1.00 1.00 53,405 18,341 71,746 53,738 18,066 71,804 Payroll Accountant 1.00 1.00 50,214 17,830 68,044 52,016 17,784 69,800 Acctg.Clerk I: Utility 1.00 1.00 42,150 16,575 58,725 42,483 16,299 58,782 Acctg.Clerk II: Utility 1.00 1.00 44,001 16,866 60,867 43,460 16,453 59,913 Budget Coordinator 1.00 1.00 44,001 15,306 59,307 44,334 15,678 60,012 Receptionist/Switchboard 1.00 1.00 41,588 14,927 56,515 41,921 15,298 57,219 Secretary II 1.00 1.00 38,480 16,000 54,480 41,713 16,178 57,891 Acctg Clerk 1 0.50 0.50 18,356 2,880 21,236 19,406 3,047 22,453 Meter Reader 0.25 - 7,706 1,588 9,294 - - 9.75 9.50 514,161 167,628 681,789 521,800 166,800 688,600 Allocation to Liquor -0.75 - -29,661 -10,728 -40,389 - - - Total 9.00 9.50 484,500 156,900 641,400 521,800 166,800 688,600 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Office Supplies 2000 Non-standard paper and desk supplies 1,600 Minor equipment 2010 Punches, calculators,organizers,etc. 500 Computer hardwr&softwr 2011 Standard replacement cycle estimate:2 PC 1,700 Replacement for Windows update: 2 PC 1,700 Misc.software/printer/other 2,100 Subtotal 5,500 Computer supplies 2020 Printer toner cartridges&backup tapes 2,000 Printing&forms 2030 Check stock,W2&1099 Forms 1,500 General supplies 2171 Various 500 Expert&prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual 7,000 Consultations on technical finance issues, such as TIF,arbitrage, PR tax, etc. 2,500 CAFR external review fee 500 Subtotal 10,000 Training 3105 MN GFOA conference fee @1 200 non-supervisory staff: govt accting seminar 300 40 hrs continuing educ to re-certify CPA 1,500 2,000 Education reimbursement 3120 1 staff in qualifying program 1,000 Telephone allocation 3210 Per rounded prep manual estimate 1,300 Postage 3220 Per rounded prep manual estimate+nonstd mailings 2,800 Other communications 3250 Per rounded prep manual estimate 1,200 Local travel 3310 Staff mileage reimb between City buildings etc 300 Out-of-town travel 3320 MNGFOA @1, National GFOA @ none 300 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER FINANCE BUDGET 101-41510 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Legal publishing 3500 State-required Financial summaries 1,500 Insurance 3600 Per rounded prep manual estimate 2,100 Repair&maintenance 4000 Software support: ACS application software base agreement 13,500 ACS support not in base agreement 1,500 IBM AS400 operating system 1,500 Laserfiche 1,200 Hardware support: IBM AS400 2,000 Copy machine maint: 105%of 2011 actual 1,300 Other maintenance: facsimile signer,etc 300 Subtotal 21,300 Misc 4300 Bank charges,ACH fees,stop pmts, positive pay,etc 4,500 Subscrip&memberships 4330 Professional Associations: MNCPA @1 150 MNGFOA @2 100 GFOA @2 350 Publications: GASB&GAAP updates 600 subtotal 1,200 Other equipment 5180 Replace folder/inserter machine used for mailings 7,500 Total nonpersonnel expenses-both pages 68,600 Total department expenses-both pages 757,200 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:WATER UTILITY 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49440 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - - 1999 Supplies 1,181 1,969 1,806 1,503 1,503 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 18,486 16,680 18,900 20,900 20,900 4999 Capital Outlay - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 121,568 134,463 133,344 127,647 127,647 - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY 141,235 153,112 156,550 152,550 152,550 Activity Description The Administration Department of the Water Utility Fund accounts for 33.3%of the costs associated with the utility billing process costs associated with meter reading.The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund- 33.3%and the Refuse Utility Fund 33.3%;the remaining costs for meter reading are allocated to the Sewer Utility Fund. Objectives Objectives for the utility billing process for 2013 include developing and implementing a number of process improvements to increase efficiency. Examples include adapting commercial customers and staff to radio-read meters, printing bills with lower cost methods, an initiative to promote customer auto-payments(ACH),and (subject to Council approval)a convenience fee for credit card use to reduce the cost of credit card fees and staff time currently passed through to customers that do not pay by credit card. Budget Comments The proposed water administration budget for 2013 is a decrease of $4,000 or 2.6%from the 2012 budget.The decrease primarily from a reduction in the annual transfer out from this department to the general for its administrative labor. This transfer is 54%of the department's entire budget. This decrease was somewhat offset by an increase in maintenance agreements for software and equipment. 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49440 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 31 98 100 100 100 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 905 - 100 100 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - 100 - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 65 - 200 300 300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 745 685 800 800 800 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6 - 6 3 3 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 76 (31) 300 100 100 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 257 313 300 100 100 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,181 1,969 1,806 1,503 1,503 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,852 3,214 3,900 3,300 3,300 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - - - 3211 CELL PHONES 105 107 100 100 100 - 3220 POSTAGE 5,733 4,263 5,700 5,900 5,900 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 24 - 100 100 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES 1,626 2,092 1,700 3,600 3,600 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 375 475 500 300 300 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 130 - - - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 5,893 6,145 6,000 7,000 7,000 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 902 230 1,000 600 600 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 18,486 16,680 18,900 20,900 20,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 86,568 89,463 88,344 82,647 82,647 - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 121,568 134,463 133,344 127,647 127,647 TOTALS:WATER UTILITY 141,235 153,112 156,550 152,550 152,550 8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER WATER UTILITY ADMIN.&GENERAL BUDGET 601.49440 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None - - - - 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Office Supplies 2000 Non-standard paper and desk/filing supplies 100 Minor equipment 2010 Punches,paper cutters,organizers,etc. 100 Computer supplies 2020 Cables, power adapters,etc.for laptop&handheld 300 Printing&forms 2030 U/B envelopes&perforated laser paper for bills 800 General supplies 2171 Rounding 3 Vehicle repair&parts 2280 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 100 Gas,oil,lubricants 2282 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 100 Expert&prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual 3,300 Cell phones 3211 Allocated to meter-reading 100 Postage 3220 Prep manual est(for metered&bulk)+est rate increase 5,900 Other communications 3250 800 MHZ radio connection fees 100 Repair&maintenance 4000 Sensus meter-reading software support 800 Maint agrmnt:old folder/inserter 2013 800 Maint agrmnt: new folder/inserter 2014-15 800 Est maint/repair: handheld/laptop/VXU 500 Planetpress software support(bill printing) 400 Copy machine maint: @ 2011 actual 300 Subtotal 3,600 Garage labor&burden 4050 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 300 Credit Card Fees 4310 Also includes bank chgs on all electronic U/B pmts 7,000 Equipment depreciation 4930 On handheld VXU 600 Other equipment 5180 Replace folder/inserter machine used for mailings 2,500 Oper transfer out-labor 7100 Per prep manual 82,647 Transfer out to info sys 7370 Per prep manual 45,000 Total department expenses 152,550 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:SEWER UTILITY ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49490 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies 1,170 3,120 1,806 1,503 1,503 2999 Other Services&Charges 18,434 16,443 18,900 20,900 20,900 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 121,566 134,462 133,344 127,647 127,647 TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY 141,170 154,025 156,550 152,550 152,550 Activity Description The Administration Department of the Sewer Utility Fund accounts for 33.3%of the costs associated with the utility billing process and one-half of the costs associated with meter reading.The remaining costs for utility billing are allocated to the Water Utility Fund-33.3%and the Refuse Utility Fund 33.3%;the remaining costs for meter reading are allocated to the Water Utility Fund. Objectives Objectives for the utility billing process for 2013 include developing and implementing a number of process improvements to increase efficiency. Examples include adapting commercial customers and staff to radio-read meters, printing bills with lower cost methods, an initiative to promote customer auto-payments(ACH),and(subject to Council approval)a convenience fee for credit card use to reduce the cost of credit card fees and staff time currently passed through to customers that do not pay by credit card. Budget Comments The proposed sewer administration budget for 2013 is a decrease of $4,000 or 2.6%from the 2012 budget.The decrease primarily from a reduction in the annual transfer out from this department to the general for its administrative labor. This transfer is 54%of the department's entire budget. This decrease was somewhat offset by an increase in maintenance agreements for software and equipment. 10 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49490 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 21 98 100 100 100 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 905 - 100 100 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 1,141 100 - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 65 - 200 300 300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 745 685 800 800 800 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6 - 6 3 3 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 76 (21) 300 100 100 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 257 313 300 100 100 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,170 3,120 1,806 1,503 1,503 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 3,852 3,214 3,900 3,300 3,300 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - - 3211 CELL PHONES 53 - 100 100 100 3220 POSTAGE 5,733 4,263 5,700 5,900 5,900 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 24 - 100 100 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1,626 2,092 1,700 3,600 3,600 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 375 475 500 300 300 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 5,893 6,144 6,000 7,000 7,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 902 230 1,000 600 600 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 18,434 16,443 18,900 20,900 20,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 2,500 2,500 2,500 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 86,566 89,462 88,344 82,647 82,647 - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 121,566 134,462 133,344 127,647 127,647 TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY 141,170 154,025 156,550 152,550 152,550 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SEWER UTILITY ADMIN.&GENERAL BUDGET 602.49490 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None - - - - 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0100 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Office Supplies 2000 Non-standard paper and desk/filing supplies 100 Minor equipment 2010 Punches,paper cutters,organizers,etc. 100 Computer supplies 2020 Cables,power adapters,etc.for laptop&handheld 300 Printing&forms 2030 U/B envelopes&perforated laser paper for bills 800 General supplies 2171 Rounding 3 Vehicle repair&parts 2280 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 100 Gas,oil, lubricants 2282 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 100 Expert&prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual 3,300 Cell phones 3211 Allocated to meter-reading 100 Postage 3220 Prep manual est(for metered&bulk)+est rate increase 5,900 Other communications 3250 800 MHZ radio connection fees 100 Repair&maintenance 4000 Sensus meter-reading software support 800 Maint agrmnt:old folder/inserter 2013 800 Maint agrmnt: new folder/inserter 2014-15 800 Est maint/repair: handheld/laptop/VXU 500 Planetpress software support(bill printing) 400 Copy machine maint: @ 2011 actual 300 Subtotal 3,600 Garage labor&burden 4050 Reflects projected elimination of manual reads 300 Credit Card Fees 4310 Also includes bank chgs on all electronic U/B pmts 7,000 Equipment depreciation On handheld VXU 600 Other equipment 5180 Replace folder/inserter machine used for mailings 2,500 Oper transfer out-labor 7100 Per prep manual 82,647 Transfer out to info sys 7370 Per prep manual 45,000 Total department expenses 152,550 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STORM SEWER ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL 604 STORM SEWER Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49690 ADMINISTRATION&GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 1 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - 1999 Supplies - - - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:STORM SEWER 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 Activity Description The Administration Department of the Sewer Utility Fund accounts for costs directly associated with this fund. At this time, there are no allocated costs for the utility billing process or meter reading in this fund. Objectives The Storm Sewer Administration Department is only a passive collecting point in the accounting system for certain direct costs.As such,it does not have objectives other than to fulfill this record keeping role. It is not a department that is staffed directly or indirectly(such as through a labor allocation.) Budget Comments The proposed storm sewer administration budget for 2013 is a$300 decrease from the 2012 budget. The only item in this budget is a share of the annual audit costs. 13 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 604 STORM SEWER Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49690 ADMINISTRATION &GENERAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 3220 POSTAGE - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - - - - - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - - - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR - - - 7370 TRANSFER OUTTO INFO SYSTEMS - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - TOTALS:STORM SEWER 1,444 1,205 1,500 1,200 1,200 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STORM SEWER ADMIN.&GENERAL BUDGET 604.49690 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Account Name Code Additional Detail Amount Expert&prof svcs 3050 Audit fee per prep manual 1,200 Total department expenses 1,200 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:INFORMATION SYSTEMS 720 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49980 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 1 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 217,906 240,070 245,400 243,985 243,985 1999 Supplies 24,134 7,418 7,792 3,381 3,381 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 67,927 72,669 70,633 68,158 68,158 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 535,000 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTALS: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 844,967 320,156 331,825 323,524 323,524 - Activity Description The IS department provides information system implementation, management,support, and training to the City employees. With the City's dependence on IS,it is imperative to have staff on hand to support and develop the system. Modern information technologies and training increase City employees' productivity and reduce overall cost of information system ownership. Major IS components: 1.Servers and data storage devices. 2. Network devices, including wireless networks and Internet access. 3. Phone and voice mail systems. 4. Desktop and portable computers. 5. Printers, networked copiers/scanners and other output devices. 6. Databases. 7. Laserfiche document imaging system. 8. Office applications(word processing,spreadsheets, presentations, e-mail and scheduling). 9.Special departmental applications. 10. Official City Website. Objectives 1. Ensure efficient, secure,and reliable operation of the City information system. 2.Support City Library staff and patrons. 3. Provide Internet access to the public documents in Laserfiche system. 4. Provide reliable and secure Internet access for City employees. 5.Train users and IS staff to better use City information system. Budget Comments Budgeted expenses for 2013 are$8,301 less than in 2012. Major changes: Personnel expenses are$1,415 less due to staff turnover and new employee starting at the lower pay rate. -Supplies are$4,411 less due to lower need for backup media and minor computer equipment. "Other communications" are$1,248 more due to reallocation of Comcast Internet connection expenses and inclusion of usage fee for the Anoka County fiber system that is scheduled to be in operation in 2013. -"Repair& Maintenance Services" are$3,037 less due to replacement of physical servers with virtual. 16 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 720 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Actual Acloptecl Department City Manager Council 49980 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 159,297 183,826 187,148 185,910 185,910 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 7,717 - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 37 - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,550 (2,438) - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - 2,466 - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 11,116 13,249 13,476 13,386 13,386 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 11,901 12,872 14,317 14,222 14,222 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 241 - - - 1300INSURANCE 23,118 28,804 28,980 28,980 28,980 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,071 1,049 1,479 1,487 1,487 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 217,906 240,070 245,400 243,985 243,985 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 80 72 107 107 107 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 93 15 321 107 107 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 23,780 7,048 5,344 2,750 2,750 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 82 134 1,924 321 321 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES 21 139 96 96 96 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 79 - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 9 - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 24,134 7,418 7,792 3,381 3,381 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11,834 21,217 11,950 11,540 11,540 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 199 2,796 4,500 4,500 4,500 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 1,500 - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 28 54 130 321 321 3211 CELL PHONES 1,570 1,380 1,800 1,800 1,800 3220 POSTAGE 3 50 120 120 120 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 5,930 7,115 1,900 3,148 3,148 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 558 582 660 660 660 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - - 133 133 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 26,281 18,676 26,659 23,622 23,622 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 100 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 204 255 314 314 314 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 21,320 20,545 21,000 22,000 22,000 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 67,927 72,669 70,633 68,158 68,158 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FUND 535,000 - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 8,000 8,000 8,000 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 535,000 - 8,000 8,000 8,000 - TOTALS: INFORMATION SYSTEMS 844,967 320,156 331,825 323,524 323,524 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER INFORMATION SYSTEMS BUDGET 720.49980 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe IS Director 1.00 1.00 85,653 23,068 108,721 85,649 23,076 108,725 Asst. IS Director 1.00 1.00 59,462 18,959 78,421 59,465 18,965 78,430 IS Technician 1.00 1.00 42,033 16,225 58,258 40,796 16,034 56,830 3.00 3.00 187,148 58,252 245,400 185,910 58,075 243,985 Total 3.00 3.00 187,148 58,252 245,400 185,910 58,075 243,985 Supplies Office supplies 107 Capital Outlay Minor equipment 107 Budgeted in 437.49980 fund Misc.software and hardware 2,100 Backup media 650 Contingencies&Transfers Misc.computer supplies 321 Contingencies for unforeseen equipment Training supplies 96 maintenance and replacement 3,755 Allowance for future changes in labor agreements 4,245 Other Services&Charges Servers and network support 4,200 Databases support 4,200 Laserfiche support 2,800 ExpertsExchange.com subscription 100 Misc.service subscriptions 240 IS staff training 4,500 CenturyLink local&long distance 237 Marco maint.contract prorated 84 IS staff cell phones with data 1,800 Postage 120 Comcast Internet use 2,200 Anti-spam service 48 County fiber optic connection 900 Local travel 660 Liability&property insurance 133 Laserfiche software maint. 9,521 Data storage maint. 4,055 Network firewalls maint. 1,657 Virtual server infrastructure backup and management software maint. 1,600 Anti-virus software maint. 1,411 Physical server maint. 1,300 Security Log and Event Manager appliance maint. 966 Wireless network maint. 912 Network management software maint. 900 Misc. maint. 1,200 Copier 100 Books,subscriptions 314 Depreciation 22,000 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: IS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 437 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49980 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - 44,738 10,688 - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 28,108 30,000 30,000 30,000 TOTALS: IS CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT - 72,846 40,688 30,000 30,000 Activity Description Capital Equipment Replacement fund is used for IS hardware and software purchases with a cost of a unit in the amount set by City procedures for fixed assets or more and a life expectancy of one year or longer. Objectives Replace IS components that are no longer supported by vendor and are not compatible with newer components. Keep using existing IS components as long as they can be efficiently supported. Budget Comments Budgeted expenses for 2013 are$10,688 less than in 2012 and include capital equipment replacement in case of contingencies. 19 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 437 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49980 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 44,738 10,688 - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 44,738 10,688 - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 28,108 - - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 30,000 30,000 30,000 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 28,108 30,000 30,000 30,000 TOTALS: IS CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT 72,846 40,688 30,000 30,000 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER IS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BUDGET 437.49980 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contingencies&Transfers Contingencies for unforeseen major IS components replacement 30,000 21 The City of Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET - ,�;� --- LL- FIRE 2013 FIRE BUDGET OUTLINE ❖ FUNCTIONAL AREA SUMMARY PAGE OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES 1 ➢ FIRE(101.42200) • Proposed Expense and Narrative 2 • Detail Expense 3 • Summary of Costs 5 PROPERTY INSPECTIONS(101.42300) • Proposed Expense and Narrative 7 • Detail Expense 8 • Summary of Costs 10 ➢ FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(439.42200) • Proposed Expense and Narrative 11 • Detail Expense 12 • Summary Costs 13 ❖ REVIEWER'S NOTES 14 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Fire Emergency Weed Property Cap Equip Fire Management Control Inspections Fire 101 101 101 101 439 Revenue 30999 Taxes 780,059 0 0 156,151 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 124,800 0 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 176,614 0 0 17,939 0 33999 Charge for Services 91,000 0 0 0 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 8,316 0 0 1,665 1,500 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 0 0 0 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 Total Revenue 1,180,789 0 0 175,755 1,500 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 972,939 0 0 166,396 0 1999 Supplies 61,100 0 0 3,132 25,000 2999 Other Services&Charges 141,650 0 0 5,205 0 4999 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 1,175,689 0 0 174,733 25,000 Summary Total Revenue 1,180,789 0 0 175,755 1,500 Total Expenses 1,175,689 0 0 174,733 25,000 Change to Fund Balance 5,100 0 0 1,022 (23,500) 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:FIRE 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42200 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 894,925 926,451 964,955 972,939 972,939 - 1999 Supplies 63,076 68,035 64,100 61,100 61,100 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 129,542 156,687 139,184 141,650 141,650 - 4999 Capital Outlay _ - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - _ TOTALS:FIRE 1,087,543 1,151,173 1,168,239 1,175,689 1,175,689 - Activity Description The Fire Department provides medical care,fire suppression, public education,and inspection services for the citizens of Columbia Heights. The Fire Department also supplies the City of Hilltop with fire and medical service through a contract agreement. The Fire Department will continue to work with neighboring communities to share resources through auto aid and mutual aid agreements along with sharing of personnel for County and regional teams. Emergency Management works side by side with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Minnesota Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,and the Anoka County Emergency Manager to provide emergency management for the protection of public safety,health,and welfare in our City during emergencies and natural disasters. Objectives Continue our pro-active approach in fire and EMS services. Continue our involvement in County and regional teams and sharing of resources with neighboring communities. Continue our involvement in the emergency management organizations and training to keep current with government requirements and programs. Budget Comments Fire Department will be able to maintain services and current staffing levels within the 2%budget increase proposed for 2013. Budgets of utilities for the Public Safety Building continues to change as we are getting a better history of usage. Annual maintenance costs of the building continue to rise as warranties expire and annual maintenance is needed. Columbia Heights, Fridley and St.Anthony Fire Departments are planning a collaborative training program to start in 2013. Part of our program is to send representative(s)to the national Fire Department Instructors Conference. This conference is for fire/EMS training officers and instructors. An increase in the Out of Town Travel Expense,line 3320 is proposed. An increase in line 4000 Maintenance Costs is needed as testing and certification of equipment continues to rise along with many maintenance agreements for equipment and software. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42200 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 487,539 496,881 502,045 502,044 502,044 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 30,303 32,255 34,888 36,688 36,688 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - _ _ 1013 PART-TIME OTHER 34,404 44,686 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 44,475 41,508 42,000 42,000 42,000 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 9,366 1,650 - - _ _ 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 4,014 6,711 4,842 4,842 4,842 1041 COURT PAY - - 600 600 600 1042 FIRE PAY 15,358 17,939 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 1043 TRAINING PAY 14,031 16,393 17,000 17,000 17,000 - 1044 COLLEGE INCENTIVE PAY 13 14 15 15 15 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 7,023 12,775 13,291 16,345 16,345 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 77,864 81,480 82,233 80,959 80,959 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 13,349 15,168 15,978 16,350 16,350 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - _ 1240 FIRE PENSION CONTRIBUTION 66,739 65,554 85,000 85,000 85,000 1300 INSURANCE 54,368 61,768 61,912 65,091 65,091 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1,484 231 - - _ _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 34,594 31,436 35,151 36,005 36,005 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 894,925 926,451 964,955 972,939 972,939 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,755 1,008 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 6,036 17,399 8,000 8,000 8,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 4,526 3,045 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 305 41 500 500 500 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 300 300 300 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - _ _ 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 2,403 1,296 3,000 3,000 3,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 10,029 8,324 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 7,676 4,442 8,000 6,000 6,000 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 10,903 12,208 9,000 8,000 8,000 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 460 756 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2180 BOOKS 410 385 800 800 800 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 6,994 6,793 7,000 7,000 7,000 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 11,580 12,338 11,000 11,000 11,000 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 63,076 68,035 64,100 61,100 61,100 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 5,125 5,289 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 9,098 10,158 10,000 11,000 11,000 - 3110 TRAINING&SCHOOL - 50 - - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 3,609 3,819 3,500 4,000 4,000 3211 CELL PHONES 3,728 3,466 4,000 4,000 4,000 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42200 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3220 POSTAGE 342 938 500 500 500 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 28 1,806 100 2,700 2,700 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 14 15 300 300 300 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 500 1,500 1,500 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 100 100 100 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 20,961 24,038 20,544 15,340 15,340 - 3810 ELECTRIC 37,649 39,316 37,000 34,800 34,800 - 3820 WATER 1,289 1,558 1,500 2,000 2,000 - 3830 GAS 8,289 7,380 9,000 9,000 9,000 - 3850 SEWER 2,074 2,611 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 18,792 24,634 21,000 25,000 25,000 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,553 16,841 10,000 10,000 10,000 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD, 10,291 10,341 7,440 7,440 7,440 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 603 391 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 240 - - _ 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 139 96 300 270 270 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 2,540 2,660 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - _ _ _ 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 180 1,280 900 1,200 1,200 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 129,542 156,687 139,184 141,650 141,650 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - TOTALS: FIRE 1,087,543 1,151,173 1,168,239 1,175,689 1,175,689 - 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BU DG ET 2013 FUND NUMBER FIRE/EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BUDGET 101.42200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 103,782 32,607 136,389 103,782 32,742 136,524 Assistant Fire Chief 1.00 1.00 81,665 27,633 109,298 81,665 27,739 109,404 Captain III 1.00 1.00 72,345 24,545 96,890 72,345 24,639 96,984 Captain III 1.00 1.00 72,360 24,549 96,909 72,360 24,643 97,003 Captain III 1.00 1.00 72,345 24,034 96,379 72,345 24,776 97,121 Journeyman Firefighter 1.00 1.00 67,159 24,448 91,607 67,159 24,535 91,694 Journeyman Firefighter 1.00 1.00 67,159 24,448 91,607 67,159 24,535 91,694 Journeyman Firefighter 1.00 1.00 67,159 22,888 90,047 67,159 23,623 90,782 Overtime 45,000 9,716 54,716 45,000 9,777 54,777 Fire Secretary 0.88 0.88 36,320 5,675 41,995 38,320 5,993 44,313 PT Clerk Typist II 0.50 0.50 22,000 3,452 25,452 22,000 1,859 23,859 Paid-on-Call Firefighters 87,000 91,656 178,656 87,000 91,656 178,656 Interdepartmental Labor Rec 13,291 2,457 15,748 16,345 4,475 20,820 5PiiW WFE" r _; 9.38 9.38 807,585 318,108 1,125,693` 812,639 ; 320,992: 1,133;531 Labor Allocation To: 101-42300 Property Insp. 1.78 1.78 (122,905) (37,833) (160,738) (123,105) (37,588) (160,693) Total 11,16 11.16 ;: 684,6$0}rY 280,275 964,955 689,534 f 3,404: 972;93$ Supplies Amount 2000: Paper,folders,pens, envelopes 1,500 2010:Pagers,radios,fire and medical equipment,furniture 9,000 2011:Computer hardware&software replacement 4,000 2020: Replacement ink cartridges and misc.supplies 500 2030: Printed forms 300 2170: Explorer program,public educ. Materials,open house 3,000 2171:Cleaning supplies, EMS supplies,linens,oxygen,fire supplies 10,000 2172: Uniforms,badges,jackets, name tags 7,000 2173: Protective jackets,pants,boots,gloves,helmets,and hoods 10,000 2175:Food/beverages at calls,meetings and training 1,000 2180:Code books,training manuals 800 2280: Repair parts for vehicles 7,000 2282: Fuel; lubricants,and fluids for vehicles 11,000 Other Services and Changes Amount 3050: Physicals,psychological exams,medical director 6,000 3105:Schools,seminars,EMT training,CPR training,outside instructors 11,000 3210:City phones,Anoka County dedicated line 4,000 3211:Cell phones, mobile phone cards 4,000 3220: Postage 500 3250:Other communications other than cell phones 2,700 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER FIRE/EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BUDGET 101.42200 3310: Local travel expenses,mileage 300 3320:Out of town travel expenses,mileage,hotels and meals 1,500 3500:Legal notices 100 3600:Property and liability insurance 15,340 3810: Electrical service for warning sirens and PSB. 35,400 3820:Water for Fire half of PSB 2,000 3830: Natural gas for Fire half of PSB 9,000 3850:Sewer for Fire half of PSB 2,500 4000:Annual pumper,pumps, ladders,SCBA testing/certification;fire equipment repairs,extinguisher service,software and copier contracts 25,000 4020: Building Maintenance 10,000 4050:City shop labor 7,440 4100: Rents and leases 1,000 4310:Credit card fees 270 4330: Memberships in various organizations,subscriptions 3,000 4390:Ambulance radio licenses 1,200 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:PROPERTY INSPECTIONS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42300 PROPERTY INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 156,442 156,751 166,434 166,396 166,396 - 1999 Supplies 2,057 2,768 2,006 3,132 3,132 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 4,744 5,192 6,168 5,205 5,205 - 4999 Capital Outlay - _ _ - _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - _ TOTALS:PROPERTY INSPECTIONS 163,243 164,711 174,608 174,733 174,733 Activity Description Property Inspections incorporates all rental property licensing and inspections, long grass/weed inspections,nuisance inspections and property maintenance inspections under one budget. Objectives Provide timely and efficient inspection services in order to maintain property values. Continue partnering with other City departments to provide coordinated inspection services. Continue to evaluate staffing needs and upgrade software and computer equipment to operate an efficient program. Continue with summer inspection help during busier summer inspection months. Budget Comments The number of licensing inspections continues to grove and the need for property maintenance Inspelbolls continues to increase. Changes implemented in 2012 has provided more efficiency. Summer months still are the busiest months and budget proposes to keep summer help. 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42300 PROPERTY INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 95,303 94,630 96,473 96,473 96,473 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 22,546 23,086 23,432 23,632 23,632 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 4,399 3,810 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 397 375 - - _ _ 1044 COLLEGE INCENTIVE PAY 1 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 15,593 15,864 15,938 15,979 15,979 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,993 2,988 3,618 3,633 3,633 - 1300INSURANCE 9,839 11,280 12,248 11,814 11,814 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 5,371 4,718 6,725 6,865 6,865 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 156,442 156,751 166,434 166,396 166,396 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 742 683 700 700 700 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 339 715 300 500 500 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 15 - 200 1,000 1,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 435 464 300 332 332 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - - 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES 32 85 200 200 200 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 87 409 - - - _ 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 407 412 306 400 400 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 2,057 2,768 2,006 3,132 3,132 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11 - - - _ 3105 TRAINING &EDUC ACTIVITIES - _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - _ 3211 CELL PHONES 880 998 1,300 1,000 1,000 3220 POSTAGE 3,084 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 317 1,548 1,368 705 705 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - 500 500 500 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 452 646 - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 4,744 5,192 6,168 5,205 5,205 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES z City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42300 PROPERTY INSPECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - _ _ TOTALS: PROPERTY INSPECTIONS 163,243 164,711 174,608 174,733 174,733 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER PROPERTY INSPECTIONS BUDGET 101.42300 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Seasonal 0.21 0.21 5,000 696 5,696 5,000 703 5,703 Subtotal 0 210 21i 5 000 696 -jW.� .: 5,fi96 5,000 '-703' 5;703. Labor Allocation From: 101.42200 Fire Fire Chief 0.10 0.10 10,378 3,260 13,638 10,378 3,273 13,651 Assistant Fire Chief 0.60 0.60 48,999 17,573 66,572 48,999 16,669 65,668 Fire Secretary 0.09 0.09 3,632 568 4,200 3,832 600 4,432 PT Clerk Typist II 0.45 0.45 19,800 3,107 22,907 19,800 3,109 22,909 Firefighters 0.54 0.54 37,096 12,111 49,207 37,096 13,269 50,365 Overtime 9,120 1,214 4,214 3,000 668 3,668 -EM Total 1.99 1.99 134,025 ,38;529 166;.434 128,105 38,29.1__ 166,396 Supplies Amount 2000: Paper,folders, pens, envelopes 700 2010:Cameras and supplies 500 2011:Computer hardware&software replacement 1000 2020: Replacement ink cartridges and misc.supplies 332 2171:Other inspection supplies 200 2282:Fuel,lubricants,and fluids for seasonal vehicle 400 Other Services and Changes Amount 3211: Mobile phone cards 1,000 3220: Postage 3,000 3600: Property and liability insurance 705 4000:Software and copier contracts 500 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 439 FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42200 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies 10,077 - 15,000 25,000 25,000 - 2999 Other Services&Charges - 11,117 - - - _ 4999 Capital Outlay - 89,000 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMEN 10,077 11,117 104,000 25,000 25,000 Activity Description The Fire Capital Equipment Replacement Fund was established to fund the long term ongoing capital equipment needs using State refunded excess PERA funds. Objectives Replace equipment as needed in accordance with the Fire Department replacement schedule. Budget Comments Replacement of assorted minor equipment and protective clothing as per the replacement plan. Minor equipment includes hose,nozzles/adapters, pagers,fans, radios,and EMS equipment. Due to budget cuts in recent years the department is behind in equipment replacement. II City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 439 FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 422001 FIRE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 15,000 25,000 25,000 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 10,077 - - - _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 10,077 - 15,000 25,000 25,000 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - 11,117 - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - 11,117 - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - 89,000 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 89,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - _ _ _ TOTALS: FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 10,077 11,117 104,000 25,000 25,000 - 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER FIRE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BUDGET 439.42200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal ' 000 FOD(7 � 0 " ;;_ 0 0 — The City of Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET {�ffi [,iiV � GENERAL GOVERNMENT Table of Contents General Government Buildings 2013 Proposed Detail Budget General Government Buildings Functional Area Summay Page 1 General Government Buildings Proposed Expense and Narrative 2 Detail Expense 3 Summary of Costs 5 Recognition/Special Events Proposed Expense and Narrative 7 Detail Expense 8 Summary of Costs 10 Contingencies Proposed Expense and Narrative 11 Detail Expense 12 Summary of Costs 13 Transfers Proposed Expense and Narrative 14 Detail Expense 15 Summary of Costs 16 Cable Television Proposed Expense and Narrative 17 Detail Expense 18 Summary of Costs 20 Capital Improvement General Government Buildings Proposed Expense and Narrative 21 Detail Expense 22 Summary of Costs 23 Capital Improvement Murzyn Hall Proposed Expense and Narrative 24 Detail Expense 25 Summary of Costs 26 Capital Improvement Library Proposed Expense and Narrative 27 Detail Expense 28 Summary of Costs 29 Proposed 411 Expenditures Memo 30 Capital Building Hylander Center Proposed Expense and Narrative 32 Detail Expense 33 Summary of Costs 34 Reviewer's Notes Blank Pages 35 City of Columbia Heights,Minnesota BUDGET 2013 General Government Hylander Gen Gov. Recognition/ Cable Capital Imp Capital Imp Capital Imp Center Buildings Spec Events Contingencies Transfers TV Gen Gov.Bldg. Library Murzyn Cap. Bldg. 101 101 101 101 225 411 411 411 418 Revenue 30999 Taxes 156,121 34,495 161,924 174,262 0 0 0 0 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 17,935 3,963 18,602 20,020 0 0 0 0 0 33999 Charge for Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 9,664 368 1,726 1,858 176,600 0 8,158 0 0 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,178 0 0 Total Revenue 183,720 38,826 182,252 196,140 176,600 0 17,336 0 0 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 42,000 0 0 0 5,423 0 0 0 0 1999 Supplies 16,500 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 2999 Other Services&Charges 112,200 38,600 0 0 30,908 0 0 0 0 4999 Capital Outlay 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 31,000 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 181,194 195,000 66,881 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 182,700 38,600 181,194 195,000 103,312 0 31,000 0 0 Summary Total Revenue 183,720 38,826 182,252 196,140 176,600 0 17,336 0 0 Total Expenses 182,700 38,600 181,194 195,000 103,312 0 31,000 0 0 Change to Fund Balance 1,020 226 1,058 1,140 73,288 0 13,664 0 0 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDIN Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 6,324 41,336 40,716 42,000 42,000 - 1999 Supplies 21,292 17,064 13,500 16,500 16,500 2999 Other Services&Charges 111,113 96,066 91,396 112,200 112,200 - 4999 Capital Outlay - 28,475 37,000 12,000 12,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:GENERAL GOVERNMENT E 138,729 182,941 182,612 182,700 182,700 Activity Description This department covers the general maintenance of City Hall. The major expenses in this budget are utilities,janitorial expenses, building maintenance, and HVAC. Beginning in the 2012,this is also the home department for the facility maintenance supervisor and part-time janitorial staff used for all City buildings. These staff costs are then allocated to each of the various department budgets for the buildings maintained. Objectives The on-going objective of this department is to maintain City Hall in a condition that is safe and respectable. Beginning in 2012,this department has the expanded objective of coordinating maintenance of the City's eight principal buildings and providing cost-effective janitorial services. Budget Comments The total 2013 budget for this department is approximately the same as for 2012. The major changes in individual line items are: -A$22,000 decrease in#5180 Other Equipment,reflecting copy machines budgeted for 2012 but not for 2013. -An increase of$14,000 in line item 4020 Building Maintenance and Repair,to reflect the average actual costs for city hall for the last two full years for which data is available. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 3,714 18,286 17,160 18,300 18,300 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 351 13,166 14,821 14,200 14,200 1030 VACATION&SICK 754 688 - - _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR! 220 49 - - _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 300 2,283 2,308 2,300 2,300 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 318 2,480 2,447 2,500 2,500 1300 INSURANCE 558 3,546 2,835 3,500 3,500 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE F 109 839 1,145 1,200 1,200 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 6,324 41,336 40,716 42,000 42,000 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,453 2,813 2,700 3,000 3,000 2010 MINOR EQUIPMEMNT 1,844 6,395 2,500 5,000 5,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 11,348 1,116 2,500 2,000 2,000 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 131 - - _ _ _ 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,000 1,000 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - 240 - - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERI 89 - - _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,879 4,547 4,000 4,800 4,800 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 75 _ _ _ 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 62 64 100 - - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 488 813 500 700 700 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 21,292 17,064 13,500 16,500 16,500 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV - 804 - - _ 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVIITES - - - _ _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 3,572 3,365 859 900 900 - 3211 CELL PHONES - 20 - 500 500 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,634 1,690 1,700 2,000 2,000 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - 200 200 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 699 800 800 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - _ _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 2,650 2,648 2,648 2,800 2,800 - 3810 ELECTRIC 17,311 18,235 20,677 20,000 20,000 3820 WATER 1,333 1,433 1,400 1,500 1,500 - 3830 GAS 9,705 9,210 10,190 10,700 10,700 - 3850 SEWER 1,745 1,767 1,832 1,800 1,800 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 6,305 11,503 6,630 10,100 10,100 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 73,489 50,547 52,156 66,700 66,700 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 571 636 584 600 600 - 4060 INTERDEPARTMENTAL COPIER (8,017) (8,051) (8,200) (8,000) (8,000) - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 763 1,141 900 1,200 1,200 - 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4300 MISC.CHARGES 32 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 20 420 20 400 400 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - _ - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CP 111,113 96,066 91,396 112,200 112,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - 15,000 12,000 12,000 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 28,475 22,000 - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 28,475 37,000 12,000 12,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING US - - - - - TOTALS:GENERAL GOVERNME 138,729 182,941 182,612 182,700 182,700 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101.41940 CITY HALL BLDG.OPERATIONS SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 49,028 17,130 66,158 50,972 19,084 70,056 PT Custodians 2.15 2.27 59,286 10,956 70,242 64,961 12,051 77,012 Subtotal 3.15 3.27 108,314 28,086 136,400 115,933 31,135 147,068 Labor Allocation To: Public Safety bldg 101.42100 -0.38 -0.43 -12,610 -3,137 -15,747 -16,345 -4,475 -20,820 101.42200 -0.38 -0.43 -12,610 -3,137 -15,747 -16,345 -4,475 -20,820 Murzyn Hall - 101.45129 -0.37 -0.19 -14,548 -4,303 -18,851 -7,392 -2,140 -9,532 Library - 240.45500 -0.68 -0.65 -20,910 -4,671 -25,581 -20,012 -4,482 -24,494 Liquor stores - 609.49791,2,3 -0.05 -0.12 -2,452 -7,276 -3,308 -6,117 -2,291 -8,408 Municipal Service Center - 701.49950 -0.40 -0.57 -13,203 -3,247 -16,450 -17,222 -3,772 -20,994 Total 0.89 0.88 31,981 2,315 40,716 32,500 9,500 42,000 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Copy paper&standard office Supplies-per trend $3,000 2000 Minor Equip-carts,chairs,tables,small tools per trend 5,000 2010 Computer equip: Replace maint staff PC on windows XP 800 Replace security sys laptop on windows XP 800 Conf rm/council chambers wireless&peripherals 1,200 2,000 2011 Printing-City envelopes 1,000 2030 General supplies-light bulbs,trash bags,cleaning supplies,etc. 4,800 2171 Garage allocation-gas/oil/tube 700 2282 Supplies subtotal $16,500 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101.41940 CITY HALL BLDG.OPERATIONS Nonpersonnel Expenses(continued) Description Amount Object code Telephones per rounded prep manual est+elev line $900 3210 Cell phone-1@ est rate 500 3211 Postage per prep manual(meter costs @ aged rate) 2,000 3220 Other Communications: Comcast svcs per prep manual 200 3250 Travel-local mileage per trend 800 3310 Property&Liability Insurance per rounded prep manual est 2,800 3600 Electric per trend 20,000 3810 Water per trend 1,500 3820 Gas per trend 10,700 3830 Sewer per trend 1,800 3850 Other Maint&Repair(not bldg): Konica Copier agreement 9,000 PlanetPress software support-1 of 2 1,000 Ricoh copier agrmnt replaced by U/B printer - Vacuum repairs 100 10,100 4000 Bldg Maintenance and Repair: Fire alarm&extinguish 1,000 Window cleaning 500 Pest control 500 Elevator inspection agreement 1,000 Elevator repairs&/or upgrades 5,000 Replace 4-5 leaking windows 1,000 Doors/security system maint 1,500 Electrical-ballasts&various 2,500 Plumbing-various 2,500 Painting/patching/masonry 2,500 Concrete&asphalt 2,500 HVAC base agreement 11,200 HVAC not covered 10,000 Convert training room to hardcopy archive 5,000 Roof/basement water issues 5,000 Variance from individual estimates above 15,000 Subtotal=average of last 2 years actual exp 66,700 4020 Garage labor 600 4050 Interdept copier credit:for centrally-paid copier agreement -8,000 4060 Rent-rugs 1,200 4100 Tax&Licenses: Elevator license 300 Elevator operator permit 100 400 Other services&charges subtotal $112,200 Replace 2 small HVAC units,east side,floor 1&2 12,000 5120 Capital outlay subtotal $12,000 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENTS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45050 RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENTS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies 2,273 - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 35,374 38,607 38,055 38,600 38,600 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - _ TOTALS: RECOGNITION/SPECIAL 37,648 38,607 38,055 38,600 38,600 - Activity Description This department was established to budget and account for various activities that do not specifically fall under other departments. Examples of these activities are employee and volunteer recognition,fireworks,the City Beautification program,and the City newsletter. The Beautification project is supported by a core group of volunteers who care about this City and work to make it better. They embody"Heights Pride". With staff and city support,this group beautifies the city parks,public buildings,and Central Avenue business district through plantings of flowers and shrubs. Objectives The newsletter provides essential information to residents. The plants and flowers in our parks and public areas clearly beautify the city and show a heightened sense of community pride. The citizen volunteers form a genuine bond as a group and are proud of their contributions to their city. These attractive plantings improve the impression our city creates to visitors, long-time residents,and new-comers alike. The fireworks display at the Jamboree is generally considered the capstone activity to the largest community event of the year. Budget Comments The 2013 budget for this department is$545 or 1.4%more than for 2012. The major elements of this change are: $400 reduction in annual insurance expense -$550 increase in the amount alloted for fireworks to offset reduced private donations in recent years $300 estimated inflation increase for mailing the newsletter Additional Note: The Recreation portion of the newsletter is edited/prepared by the Recreation Department. The general City portion is contracted out at the cost of$5,000 as shown on the Summary of Cost Factors page within this book. 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45050 RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION - - - - - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION - - - - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - -1300 INSURANCE - - - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSAT - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE P - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERI - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,273 - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 2,273 - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV - - - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 3220 POSTAGE - - - _ 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - 3440 NEWSLETTER 24,161 24,475 25,000 25,300 25,300 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 805 805 805 400 400 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 41 63 - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 1,208 1,517 1,300 1,300 1,300 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - 4372 CITY FLOAT - - - - - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 3,160 5,747 6,000 6,100 6,100 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIR! - - - - - 4378 SPECIAL EVENTS 6,000 6,000 4,950 5,500 5,500 - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - - - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES - - - - - 8 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45050 RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CH 35,374 38,607 38,055 38,600 38,600 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING US - - - _ _ TOTALS: RECOGNITION/SPECI, 37,648 38,607 38,055 38,600 38,600 - 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER RECOGNITION/SPECIAL EVENTS BUDGET 101.45050 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Newsletter-Print/mail entire newsletter $20,300 Newsletter-Edit general City portion 5,000 $25,300 3440 Insurance 400 3600 Beautification Project-planting materials,etc. 1,300 4200 Employee recognition events: Summer picnic 3,200 Winter luncheon 2,500 Other 400 6,100 4374 Fireworks 5,500 4950 Other services&charges subtotal $38,600 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CONTINGENCIES 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49200 CONTINGENCIES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies - 2999 Other Services&Charges - 22,214 - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 10,188 - 50,000 181,194 181,194 TOTALS:CONTINGENCIES 10,188 22,214 50,000 181,194 181,194 Activity Description This department was established to budget and account for activities not budgeted under other departments. Objectives The objective of the Contingency department is to allow for sufficient flexibility in the overall budget to adapt to items which cannot be projected/forecasted with sufficient certainty to be detailed in the budget. Budget Comments One of the significant differences in contingent events between 2013 and 2012 is that for 2013 no labor agreements are settled (at this writing.) 11 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49200 CONTINGENCIES Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHA 22,214 - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEM - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES 10,188 50,000 181,194 181,194 8200 SUNSHINE FUND - - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USE! 10,188 - 50,000 181,194 181,194 TOTALS:CONTINGENCIES 10,188 22,214 50,000 181,194 181,194 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101.49200 CONTINGENCIES DEPT. SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Allowance for both General Fund costs not estimable at this time, and for significant unexpected variances from the estimates included in other departments of the General Fund 181,194 8100 Contingencies subtotal $181,194 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:TRANSFERS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49300 TRANSFERS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges 4999 Capital Outlay 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 185,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 - TOTALS:TRANSFERS 185,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 Activity Description This department was established to account for budgeted transfers-out from the General Fund to other City funds. Objectives The main objective of this department is to gradually fund capital projects and equipment replacement over time.This allows for a more consistent tax levy and more orderly budgeting process.So when the need to replace a large capital item occurs, it does not create large swings in the amount available for operating purposes. Budget Comments The budget proposed for 2013 for this department is the same as 2012. 14 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49300 TRANSFERS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 7230 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP PARKS 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQUIP REPLA 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TOINFRASTRUCT 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 185,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 - TOTALS:TRANSFERS 185,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 - 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER GENERAL GOVERNMENT 101.49300 TRANSFERS DEPT. SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Transfer to Fund 412 Capital Improvements-Parks $50,000 7230 Transfer to Fund 431 Capital Equip Replacement-Gen Govt 50,000 7270 Transfer to Fund 430 Infrastructure 50,000 7330 Transfer to Fund 720 Information Systems 45,000 7370 Transfers out subtotal $195,000 16 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CABLE TELEVISION 225 CABLE Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49844 TELEVISION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 2,042 2,274 6,320 5,423 5,423 - 1999 Supplies 70 4,493 700 100 100 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 58,129 39,969 29,914 30,908 30,908 4999 Capital Outlay - 10,054 - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 56,668 66,668 66,881 66,881 66,881 TOTALS:CABLE TELEVISION 116,909 123,458 103,815 103,312 103,312 - Activity Description This activity administers the Columbia Heights'cable franchise ordinance,which includes rate regulation activities,franchise renewals,transfers of ownership,enforcement of customer service standards, and ensuring compliance of the cable company with the terms and conditions of the franchise. Additionally, information is placed and programming is produced on the government access channel. Objectives 1. Administer franchise. 2. Expand amount of information and programming on the government access channel. Budget Comments The Cable Television budget decreased by$503 from 2012 to 2013. Personal Services decreased by$897, due to no monies budgeted for Telecommunications Secretary. Supplies decreased by$600, due to a$600 decrease in monies budgeted for General Supplies. Other Services and Charges increased by$994,due to a$5,206 increase to Other Communications for Comcast Data Charges allocated to this budget and a$258 increase to Repair and Maintenance Services due to an increase in monies budgeted for Tightrope Support for live streaming and on-demand video, and monies budgeted for Civic Plus website support,maintenance, and hosting fee offset by a decrease in copying costs, a$400 decrease to Expert and Professional Services for the auditor's fee, a$700 decrease to Training and Educational Activities, a$2,000 decrease to Out of Town Travel Expense,a$490 decrease to Insurance and Bonds for liability and property insurance,a$130 decrease to Subscriptions and Memberships, and a$750 decrease to Commissions and Boards. 17 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 225 CABLE Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49844 TELEVISION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - _ _ _ _ 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1,846 2,091 5,675 5,000 5,000 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SEI - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 21 - 49 - - - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 141 160 435 383 383 1300 INSURANCE 22 10 116 - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PRE 12 12 45 40 40 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ _ - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 2,042 2,274 6,320 5,423 5,423 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - _ _ _ 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 200 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 4,145 - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - 36 _ 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - _ _ 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIAL - - _ _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 70 111 700 100 100 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - _ _ _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 70 4,493 700 100 100 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 56,609 4,015 13,500 13,100 13,100 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 1,300 600 600 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - _ _ _ 3220 POSTAGE 3 - - - _ 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 2,258 2,704 7,910 7,910 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 50 50 50 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 2,000 - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 134 - - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 910 910 910 420 420 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 169 32,786 7,750 8,008 8,008 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - _ _ _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - _ _ _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - 600 470 470 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - 750 - - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 305 - 350 350 350 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHAI 58,129 39,969 29,914 30,908 30,908 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 10,054 - - - 18 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 225 CABLE Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49844 TELEVISION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 10,054 - - - _ OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 21,668 21,668 21,881 21,881 21,881 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUN 16,210 - - - _ _ 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQUIP REPLA - - - _ _ 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEM! 18,790 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - _ _ 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 56,668 66,668 66,881 66,881 66,881 - TOTALS:CABLE TELEVISION 116,909 123,458 103,815 103,312 103,312 19 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CABLE BUDGET 225.49844 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Intern 0.20 0.20 5,000 423 5,423 5,000 423 5,423 Telecomm.Secretary 0.03 0.00 675 222 897 Subto tal 0.23 0.20 5,675 645 6,320 5,000 423 5,423 Supplies DVD's 100 Other Services&Charges Legal Costs 5,000 Website Support, Maintenance Auditor's Fee 1,600 &hosting fee 3,308 Contracted Video Production Services 5,000 Tightrope support for Gov't Access Equipment Training 1,500 Cablecast&Carousel 3,000 MACTA Fall&Annual Conf. Registration 600 Copying Costs 200 Data Charges-Comcast 7,910 NATOA Membership 470 Mileage Reimbursement,parking 50 ASCAP(American Society of Liability&Property Insurance 420 Composers,Authors,& Tightrope support for live Publishers)license 350 streaming&on-demand video 1,500 Capital Outlay None Contingencies&Transfers Transfers out of various staff time 21,881 engaged in cable activities Transfer to Information Systems 45,000 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS CAPITAL OUTLAY 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLD Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUIL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies - 10,579 - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 263 - - 4999 Capital Outlay - 115,554 170,000 - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - _ TOTAL:GENERAL GOVERNMEW 263 126,133 170,000 - Activity Description Fund 411 was established to account for building improvements not included in operating budgets. At this time,this fund has no specific revenue source. The City Council has committed funds here as they have become available over time, creating a fund balance available for building improvements. Dept 41940 within fund 411 accounts for the City Hall portion of this fund's expenditures. Objectives The objective each of the departments within Fund 411 is to fund building improvements,when they are necessary, without burdening operating budgets to do so. At this time,the City's planning in this area is only informal. Future objectives include formalizing this long-term planning process for building improvements. Budget Comments With the completion of the city hall security improvements in 2011 and boiler replacement in 2012,there are no items/projects budgeted in this department for 2013. 21 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLDG Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 41940 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDIN Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SER 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES - - - SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 10,579 - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIAL' 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 10,579 - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 950 - - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES (687) - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHAR 263 - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5110 LAND - - - 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 115,554 170,000 - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 115,554 170,000 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7330 TRANSFER OUTTO INFRASTRUCT - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - TOTALS:GENERAL GOVERNMENT 263 126,133 170,000 - - 22 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER 2012 CAP IMP GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS BUDGET 411.41940 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Tota I Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code There are no items budgeted for this department for 2013. 23 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDG-MURZYN HALL 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45129 MURZYN HALL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges - 4999 Capital Outlay 30,266 - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - TOTAL:CAP IMP GEN GOV 30,266 Activity Description Fund 411 was established to account for building improvements not included in operating budgets. At this time,this fund has no specific revenue source. The City Council has committed funds here as they have become available over time,creating a fund balance available for building improvements. Dept 45129 within fund 411 accounts for the Murzyn Hall portion of this fund's expenditures. Objectives The objective each of the departments within Fund 411 is to fund building improvements,when they are necessary, without burdening operating budgets to do so. At this time,the City's planning in this area is only informal. Future objectives include formalizing this long-term planning process for building improvements. Budget Comments As in the prior two years,there are no capital items budgeted for Murzyn Hall for 2013 in this department. 24 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLDG Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45129 MURZYN HALL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHAF - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT 30,266 - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - 6210 MISCELLANEOUS FISCAL CHARGE' - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 30,266 - - - TOTALS:CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDG 30,266 - - 25 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDGS. BUDGET-MURZYN HALL 411.45129 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code There are no items budgeted for this department for 2013. 26 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDG-LIBRARY 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLD Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - 1999 Supplies - 2,440 - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 950 3,772 - - - 4999 Capital Outlay 34,971 34,468 25,000 46,000 31,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 12,262 - - - - TOTAL:CAP IMP GEN GOV BLC 48,183 40,680 25,000 46,000 31,000 - Activity Description Fund 411 was established to account for building improvements not included in operating budgets. At this time,this fund has no specific revenue source. The City Council has committed funds here as they have become available over time, creating a fund balance available for building improvements. Dept 45500 within fund 411 accounts for the Library portion of this fund's expenditures. Objectives The objective each of the departments within Fund 411 is to fund building improvements, when they are necessary, without burdening operating budgets to do so. At this time,the City's planning in this area is only informal. Future objectives include formalizing this long-term planning process for building improvements. Budget Comments Capital outlay budgeted in this department for 2013 consists of$19,000 to replace carpeting in the Library's adult reading room and$12,000 to re-splash the exterior stucco. The need for these items is described in an attached memo from the Library Director dated 5/25/2012. 27 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 411 CAPITAL IMP-GEN GOVT. BLDG Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,744 - - - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIAL' - 696 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 2,440 - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 950 - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - 2,072 - - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - 1,700 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHAR 950 3,772 - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 34,468 25,000 46,000 31,000 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 34,971 - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 34,971 34,468 25,000 46,000 31,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7435 TRANSFER OUT TO:OTHER 12,262 - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 12,262 - - - - TOTALS: CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDG' 48,183 40,680 25,000 46,000 31,000 28 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP IMP GEN GOV BLDGS. BUDGET-LIBRARY 411.45500 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Replace carpet in adult reading room $19,000 Re-splash exterior stucco 12,000 Design and install sump pump system for exterior stairwell to basement,including removing existing concrete and establishing new connection to storm sewer system 15,000 City Manager change -15,000 Capital outlay subtotal $31,000 5120 29 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMO TO: Wait Fehst, City Manager Joe Kloiber, Finance Director FROM: M. Rebecca Loader, Library Director SUBJECT: Proposed 411 expenditures for Library building for budget year 2013 DATE: May 25, 2012 The Library consists of the original building built in 1960 and the expansion built in 1965. Many re-modeling projects have kept the building safe and up to code requirements. As with any building, and especially any hard-used public building, maintenance and upkeep are essential. For proposed budget year 2013, 1 am requesting the following capital building expenditures be considered from fund 411 for the Library: • Carpet replacement in Adult Reading Room $19,000 • Re-splashing of exterior stucco $12,000 • Installation of sump pump in northern basement stairwell $15,000 $46,000 The Adult Reading Room measures 52'x 90' (4,680 square feet). Last carpeted in 1992,the Adult Reading Room withstands considerable wear from high traffic as the majority of the adult collection is housed within its walls. The current carpeting is separating from the backing and has formed rolls in various places. It has been re-stretched and repaired many times. The Library has replaced the lobby carpeting with carpet tiles and I recommend that carpet tiles be used in the Adult Reading Room. Carpet tiles are manufactured in a commercial grade that withstands heavy traffic and has the distinct advantage of being able to have a single the replaced without compromising the integrity of the entire install, as it is with roll carpeting. Such a project would need to be coordinated with the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor and Public Works, as the book stacks in the Adult Reading Room are primarily casement types and require special moving accommodations. For budget purposes, cost estimates of$3.50 and $4.00 per square foot were used. The upper range amount of$18,720 was rounded off to $19,000. The exterior of the building is a combination of concrete block and stucco panels. The caulking around the panels is re-applied on a regular basis. The wood trim and background stripes around the stucco panels are painted black, and they are re-painted on a regular basis. The stucco panels are showing hard wear from many years of exposure to an extreme climate, An 30 estimate was given for budgeting purposes to include 2 coats of stucco, minor repairs, preparation of the panels and clean-up in 2012. This amount is indicated above. The northern basement stairwell provides an emergency egress from the basement of the Library, where the Children's Department is located. Around 20 years ago, the drain at the bottom of the stairwell was enlarged to accommodate an increased amount of run-off and ground water. No problems had been encountered until recently. There may be several issues contributing to the extreme water problems recently experienced when water poured into the Library basement: 1.)the scupper and downspout from the roof are inadequate and in disrepair, 2.)the main sanitary sewer line was re-lined last year, and 3.)the connection the Library is the same type that required residents to install sump pumps. This situation needs to be remedied to prevent future incidents. A rough estimate of design, construction,and installation would be $15,000. Please let me know if you have questions. 31 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: HYLANDER CENTER CAPITAL BUILDING 418 HYLANDER CENTER CAPITA Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45130 HYLANDER CENTER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 4999 Capital Outlay - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 761,019 TOTAL: HYLANDER CENTER 761,019 Activity Description Fund 418 was closed in 2010. It is only included here for comparative purposes. It was established to account for the construction of the Hylander Center gymnasium facility in partnership with School District 13. Objectives Fund 418 was closed in 2010. It is only included here for comparative purposes. It was established to account for the construction of the Hylander Center gymnasium facility in partnership with School District 13. Budget Comments Fund 418 was closed in 2010. It is only included here for comparative purposes. It was established to account for the construction of the Hylander Center gymnasium facility in partnership with School District 13. 32 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 418 HYLANDER CENTER CAPITAL BLDG Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manage Council 45130 HYLANDER CENTER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - 3220 POSTAGE - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 3820 WATER - - 3850 SEWER - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER FINANCING USES 7990 RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFER OUT 761,019 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 6999 TOTALS: OTHER FINANCING USES 761,019 - - - TOTALS: HYLANDER CENTER CAPITAL 761,019 - - 33 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT-GEN.GOV. BLDGS. BUDGET 418.45130 HYLANDER CENTER CAPITAL BLDG. FUND SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe None Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Labor Allocation To: None Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code This fund was closed in 2010 and is only included here for comparative purposes. 34 The City of Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET 4 A 11,04 rM! - iF - r LIBRARY IL Detail Budget Book Table of Contents Functional Area summary (total revenue & expense).........1 Department expense (budget narrative)............................2-3 Budget Worksheet (line item detail expense)...................4-5 Certification of minimum local support...........................6-8 Library Levy and Maintenance of Effort history.................9 Localper capita .................................................................10 Explanation for 411 expenditures for Library..............11-12 LibraryStatistics................................................................13 Summary of costs factors .............................................14-15 Reviewers' notes...........................................................16-17 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota 2013 Library Revenue 30999 Taxes 777,000 31999 Licenses&Permits 0 32999 Intergovernmental 0 33999 Charge for Services 8,401 34999 Fines&Forfeits 16,000 35999 Miscellaneous 3,500 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 Total Revenue 804,901 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 586,525 1999 Supplies 105,630 2999 Other Services and Charges 70,712 4999 Capital Outlay 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 42,034 Total Expenses 804,901 Summary Total Revenue 804,901 Total Expenses 804,901 Change to Fund Balance 0 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:LIBRARY 240 LIBRARY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 525,742 548,490 594,361 586,525 586,525 1999 Supplies 98,717 100,953 100,843 105,630 105,630 2999 Other Services&Charges 86,356 80,930 71,453 70,712 70,712 4999 Capital Outlay - 18,430 - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 18,864 29,869 31,718 42,034 42,034 TOTALS:LIBRARY 729,678 778,672 798,375 804,901 804,901 - Activity Description In 2012,the Library Board participated in strategic planning,which resulted in an updated five-year plan and mission statement. The Library's new mission statement is"to serve a diverse community's needs for access to resources, information,and technology in a welcoming environment." In addition,the Library Board adopted a vision for the future: "Columbia Heights Public Library: a center of the community where services and collaborative programs are available and partnerships thrive." A variety of library-related programs and services (e.g.story times,reading clubs, book discussions, cultural programs,at-home delivery, Internet access, audio books, music on CDs, DVDs,book/CD combinations, periodicals,specialized electronic databases,eBooks,eAudios,etc.)are offered for patrons of all ages from preschool through senior citizen. Full-time and part-time staff provide service during the 55 hours per week the facility is open to the public. As a city-owned and operated library,the Columbia Heights Public Library participated in the MELSA regional system through a contract with the Anoka County Library,the Statewide Borrowers'Compact,and METRONET. These cooperative agreements enable Columbia Heights patrons to gain access to special services and scholarly materials available at other participating libraries. Objectives From the Columbia Heights Public Library Five Year Strategic Plan (2012-2016); adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on March 7,2012. I. Access: The Library will be a link between the community and resources. A. Library building will be usable by all patrons. B. Delivery options for library services will offer convenience and greater availability for patrons. II. Environment: The Library will be a safe and welcoming place. A. Library space will be appealing and inviting. B. Utilize environmentally sound practices whenever possible. III. Resources: The Library will accommodate the changing needs of the community. A. Meet community library needs through technology,collections, and programs. B. Outstanding public service. IV. Visibility: The Library will strive to educate the community concerning the Library's purpose. A. Make residents aware of the library services available. B. Help community to recognize significant return on investment(RO1)that Library provides. V. Sustainability: The Library will anticipate the future while providing service in the present. A. Pursue partnerships with organizations to benefit the community. B. Library will build a framework for the future. 2 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 Budget Comments The 2013 proposed budget includes the following changes: 1. Personnel: Decrease of 1.34%from adopted 2012 budget to proposed 2013 budget. No labor agreements are settled for 2013. Employees continue to progress through approved ranges. Library Director salary is entered at the midpoint of the 2012 range. Staff hours include 55 hours per week of public service for 40 weeks,53 hours per week of public service for 12 weeks,and training and substitute coverage. The part-time temporary employees'pay rates include a potential 1%cost of living adjustment and continued progress through the ranges. The Library Clerk position has been increased by 4 hours per week to accommodate increased responsibilities for statistics,the website, and social media. Major impact continues to be made by the cost for the part-time custodian salary and benefits and for a percentage of the Facility Maintenance Supervisor salary and benefits. 2, Supplies: Increase of 4.75%from adopted 2012 budget to proposed 2013 budget. Increases in Minor Equipment (2010: $2,187)Computer Equipment(2011: $225), General Supplies(2171: $500 cleaning supplies), Food Supplies (2175: $50 volunteer recognition refreshments), eBooks(2183: $3,400 added line item for new format), and Compact Discs(2185: $500 added expense for CD books). Decreases in ILS Supplies(2025: $75), Books(2180: $1,000 transferred to eBooks),and Electronic Databases (2182: $1,000 fewer directly billed subscriptions). The proposed 2013 budget includes a$3,600 request for shelving that would provide expansion possibilities for the Young Adult(YA) section of the materials collection. Currently shelved in the hallway adjacent to the Children's Department in the lower level,the YA area is over-crowded and has no place for teens either to sit or to browse the shelves for materials. The Children's Librarian has analyzed the available space and has proposed changing out existing steel casement 42" shelving units with steel cantilevered 84"shelving units thereby expanding the area available for YA materials into the Children's Department. No change in remaining line items in the Supplies section of the proposed budget,where expenditures will remain at the 2012 levels. 3. Other Services &Charges: Decrease of 1.03%from adopted 2012 budget to proposed 2013 budget. Increases in Expert/Professional Services(3050: $623), Local Travel(3310: $150), Electric(3810: $390), Repair and Maintenance Services (4000: $181), and Plaques and Awards(4375: $100). Decreases in Telephone(3210: $396), Other Communications(3250: $618), Insurance(3600: $727),Gas(3830: $434), and Building Maintenance(4020: $10). No change in remaining line items in the Other Services&Charges section of the proposed budget. Expenditures will remain at the 2012 levels. Highlights of changes include: addition of$500 for adult performers, $500 increase in shared maintenance fees for Integrated Library System(ILS: SIRSI/DYNIX), educational reimbursement request of $1,500, more reasonable charges for Comcast services, decrease in premium for building insurance, reduced costs for gas due to more energy efficient boiler installed in 2011,and need for painting of the Adult Reading Room. 4. Capital Outlay: No Capital Outlay projects were included in the 2013 budget. 5. Other Financing Uses: Increase of 32.52%from adopted 2012 budget to proposed 2013 budget. Increases in Operating Transfer Out--Labor(7100: $34)and Contingencies(8100: $10,282). No increase in Transfer Out to Information Systems. Funds in Contingencies are included for unbudgeted, unexpected items which may or may not include potential labor agreements. 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 240 LIBRARY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 285,590 282,614 310,535 300,368 300,368 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 132,937 132,974 136,079 140,380 140,380 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 340 598 838 838 838 - 1030 VACATION &SICK (2,304) 5,159 - - - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERVICE 2,182 18,807 24,078 22,512 22,512 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 28,802 30,923 34,061 33,498 33,498 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 32,443 32,911 36,072 35,503 35,503 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 241 - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 42,840 41,297 48,300 49,073 49,073 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - 34 - - - _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 2,813 2,932 4,398 4,353 4,353 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 525,742 548,490 594,361 586,525 586,525 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 931 1,144 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 438 3,639 2,493 4,680 4,680 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2,767 1,827 2,575 2,800 2,800 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 767 86 800 800 800 - 2025 ACS SUPPLIES 3,093 2,525 2,500 2,425 2,425 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 904 846 900 900 900 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 653 987 800 800 800 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 8,164 7,450 6,400 6,900 6,900 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 12 57 50 100 100 - 2180 BOOKS 63,189 63,356 64,000 63,000 63,000 - 2181 PERIODICALS, MAG,NEWSPAPERS 5,943 5,484 5,500 5,500 5,500 - 2182 ELECTRONIC DATABASES 874 918 1,500 500 500 - 2183 E-BOOKS - - - 3,400 3,400 - 2184 VIDEO CASSETTES - 63 - - - 2185 COMPACT DISCS 4,637 5,582 5,500 6,000 6,000 - 2187 BOOK/CD SET 726 623 600 600 600 - 2188 MICROFORM - - 100 100 100 - 2189 DVD 5,486 6,229 6,000 6,000 6,000 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - 25 25 25 - 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 135 136 100 100 100 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 98,717 100,953 100,843 105,630 105,630 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 14,378 17,379 16,104 16,727 16,727 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 202 - 500 500 500 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,858 2,293 2,636 21240 2,240 - 3220 POSTAGE 387 376 400 400 400 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 779 2,549 2,974 21356 2,356 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 534 488 400 550 550 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 315 - _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 150 234 200 200 200 - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - _ _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 8,739 8,739 8,739 8,012 8,012 - 3810 ELECTRIC 10,553 10,848 11,000 11,390 11,390 3820 WATER 602 359 500 500 500 - 4 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 240 LIBRARY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45500 LIBRARY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3830 GAS 5,444 5,031 5,716 5,282 5,282 3850 SEWER 598 447 600 600 600 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1,600 842 1,314 1,495 1,495 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 39,006 29,801 17,345 17,335 17,335 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - - 100 100 100 4100 RENTS& LEASES 709 698 700 700 700 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 500 495 525 525 525 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - 51 100 200 200 - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - 300 100 100 100 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 86,356 80,930 71,453 70,712 70,712 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 18,430 - - - _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 18,430 - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 11,914 12,269 11,718 11,752 11,752 - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 5,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 7435 TRANSFER OUT TO:OTHER 1,950 2,600 - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 10,282 10,282 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 18,864 29,869 31,718 42,034 42,034 - TOTALS: LIBRARY 729,678 778,672 798,375 804,901 804,901 5 NALhinesotOlj Department of State Library Services ic 0 1500 Highway 36 West at EduL Roseville,MN 55113 - Phone:651-582-8881 Fax: 651-582-8752 Email:nancy-malton0state mn us August 2012 Dear County Auditor-Treasurer or City Clerk: Minnesota Statutes Sec. 134.34 and 134.341 require that the Division of State Library Services,Minnesota Department of Education,certify annually the minimum amount of local support necessary from your county or city during the next calendar year for continued participation in your regional public library system. Your state-certified level of library support is the minimum level required by state law for the regional public library systems to continue to receive federal and state aid funds. A county or city may increase support beyond the minimum amount to meet local library needs and goals. Please note that regional public library systems, contracts, agreements or budgetary needs may call for amounts larger than the minimums certified to you by this office in the enclosed certification. In legislative session 2009, the statutory formula was modified to allow for including the lesser. of the second or third preceding year's "Dollars Provided" for library operating expenses as reported by the regional public library systems in their application for kegional Library Basic System Support. For 2011, the revised formula allowed for calculating the .82%percent of the adjusted net tax capacity by taking the average of the second,third,and fourth year preceding (2007, 2008, and 2009. for 2011 calculations) adjusted net tax capacities. In legislative session 2011,the statutory formula was modified to a 10%reduction,of the 2011 official state-certified level of library support amount. The 90%of the 2011 state-certified level of library support amount is the base amount for 2013. Funds raised by cities and counties are counted separately for certification purposes. Cities receiving county funds for library operations cannot report funds credited to a county towards the city`s state-certified level of library support, Minn. Stat. 134.34, Subd. 1 states that: "In no event shall the Department of Education require any city or county to provide a higher level of support than the level of support specified in this section in order for a system to qualify for a regional library,basic system support grant. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a city or county from providing a higher level of support for public libraries than the level of support specified in this section." 6 Recent studies document the increasing use of libraries, especially for access to resources for e-government,job seekers,distance learners,and home schoolers. The cost of providing library services to meet these demands is also increasing. In support of local efforts, the State Legislature continues to invest in libraries through the Regional Library Basic System Support aid;Regional Library Telecommunications Aid and statewide programs such as the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM), Reciprocal Borrowing and Returning, and the Minitex resource sharing and delivery systems. We thank you for your ongoing support for this vital local service and encourage you to provide generously to strengthen your communities. Reductions in library budgets have an impact on the quality and quantity of services provided to the public. The enclosed state-certified level of library support form states the minimum amount of local support for operating purposes in 2013 for eligibility to participate in a regional public library system. If there are questions about this certification,please contact me. Sincerely.yours, VJ Nanc Kay+Waon Birecto nd State Librarian nanc walton@state.mn.us Encl. Certification form. M-In waft Department of State Library Services 1500 Highway 36 West E d Uir c a Roseville,MN 55113 Phone:651-582-8881 Fax: 651-582-8752 Email:nancy.walton(@state.mn.us August 2 012 CERTIFICATION OF MINIMUM LOCAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT:2013 This is to certify the 2013 minimum level of financial support to be provided for operating expenses for public library services and to be eligible for participation,in the regional public library system programs pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,Chapter 134.34 for: t The state-certified level of library support for 2013 is$ PT This amount represents the equivalent of 40%of the official 2011 state-certified level of library support For counties, the property in those portions of the county excluded for the purpose of determining the library levy and providing the minimum amount is as follows: 8 City of Columbia Heights Library Budget 2013 Library Levy and Maintenance of Effort figures 9/2012 MOE YEAR LEVY 500,244 2002 591,588 2003 (budgeted) 433,585 + 175,750 (LGA)=609,335 433,585 2003 (revised) 433,585 + 141,850 (LGA)=575,435 532,429 2004 433,585 + 150,062 (LGA)=583,647 517,892 2005 438,835 + 150,062 (LGA)=588,897 583,647 2006 478,319 + 150,062 (LGA)=628,381 588,897 2007 504,748 + 150,062 (LGA)=654,810 628,381 2008 551,699+ 150,062 (LGA)=701,761 654,810 2009 573,215 + 155,914 (LGA)=729,129 599,890 2010 738,393 641,706 2011 757,620 577,535+ 2012 765,195 577,535 2013 777,000* + 90% of 2011 *proposed s City of Columbia Heights Library Budget 2013 Per Capita for Columbia Heights Public Library Under local contracts, the Columbia Heights Public Library must also meet a per capita requirement for operating expenditures equal to/or greater than that set by the Anoka County Library for the preceding year. Anoka County Library's projected per capita for 2012 is $24.33 (levy-only local support). Based on the requested levy for 2013, Columbia Heights Public Library's total per capita would be $39.85. For 2013, the per capita equals $3.32/month. "Notes about the 2013 figures: $777,000 divided by 19,496 (new 2010 population figure for Columbia Heights) equals $39.85 per capita for Columbia Heights. This is an increase of$.60 per capita from 2012. 10 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY MEMO TO: Walt Fehst, City Manager Joe Kloiber, Finance Director FROM: M. Rebecca Loader, Library Director SUBJECT: Proposed 411 expenditures for Library building for budget year 2013 DATE: May 25, 2012 The Library consists of the original building built in 1960 and the expansion built in 1965. Many re-modeling projects have kept the building safe and up to code requirements. As with any building, and especially any hard-used public building, maintenance and upkeep are essential. For proposed budget year 2013, 1 am requesting the following capital building expenditures be considered from fund 411 for the Library: • Carpet replacement in Adult Reading Room $19,000 • Re-splashing of exterior stucco $12,000 • Installation of sump pump in northern basement stairwell $15,000 $46,000 The Adult Reading Room measures 52' x 90' (4,680 square feet). Last carpeted in 1992,the Adult Reading Room withstands considerable wear from high traffic as the majority of the adult collection is housed within its walls. The current carpeting is separating from the backing and has formed rolls in various places. It has been re-stretched and repaired many times. The Library has replaced the lobby carpeting with carpet tiles and I recommend that carpet tiles be used in the Adult Reading Room. Carpet tiles are manufactured in a commercial grade that withstands heavy traffic and has the distinct advantage of being able to have a single tile replaced without compromising the integrity of the entire install, as it is with roll carpeting. Such a project would need to be coordinated with the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor and Public Works, as the book stacks in the Adult Reading Room are primarily casement types and require special moving accommodations. For budget purposes, cost estimates of$3.50 and $4.00 per square foot were used. The upper range amount of$18,720 was rounded off to $19,000. The exterior of the building is a combination of concrete block and stucco panels. The caulking around the panels is re-applied on a regular basis. The wood trim and background stripes around the stucco panels are painted black, and they are re-painted on a regular basis. The stucco panels are showing hard wear from many years of exposure to an extreme climate. An 11 estimate was given for budgeting purposes to include 2 coats of stucco, minor repairs, preparation of the panels and clean-up in 2012. This amount is indicated above. The northern basement stairwell provides an emergency egress from the basement of the Library, where the Children's Department is located. Around 20 years ago, the drain at the bottom of the stairwell was enlarged to accommodate an increased amount of run-off and ground water. No problems had been encountered until recently. There may be several issues contributing to the extreme water problems recently experienced when water poured into the Library basement_ 1.)the scupper and downspout from the roof are inadequate and in disrepair, 2.)the main sanitary sewer line was re-lined last year, and 3.)the connection the Library is the same type that required residents to install sump pumps. This situation needs to be remedied to prevent future incidents. A rough estimate of design, construction, and installation would be $15,000. Please let me know if you have questions. 12 City of Columbia Heights Library Budget 2013 Gatecount 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 January 9,412 8,379 8,167 7,664 8,866 8,592 February 8,838 8,206 8,433 7,927 8,445 9,133 March 10,685 9,963 10,095 11,494 10,405 10,180 April 9,760 10,432 9,856 10,091 9,537 9,696 May 10,367 9,689 8,455 9,765 9,029 9,933 June 12,264 11,978 11,870 13,324 12,188 12,071 July 11,776 12,365 12,960 13,006 11,177 12,085 August 12,107 10,137 10,471 12,003 12,242 11,907 September 9,401 9,434 9,089 9,275 8,810 October 11,813 10,498 8,935 10,066 9,575 November 8,512 8,220 8,571 8,562 8,314 December 7,115 8,281 7,319 7,403 8,023 122,050 117,582 114,221 120,580 116,611 83,597 Internet 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 January 1,131 1,240 1,239 1,009 1,259 1,445 February 1,038 1,021 1,255 1,008 1,126 1,324 March 1,188 1,295 1,412 1,392 1,512 1,504 April 1,259 1,355 1,356 1,193 1,358 1,368 May 1,512 1,360 1,148 1,122 1,275 1,357 June 1,498 1,466 1,421 1,220 1,593 1,587 July 1,513 1,464 1,426 1,479 1,560 1,530 August 1,653 1,353 1,199 1,617 1,888 1,673 September 1,332 1,339 1,228 1,459 1,465 October 1,456 1,522 1,309 1,506 1,583 November 1,040 1,197 1,180 1,362 1,390 December 1,013 1,266 1,026 1,185 1,329 15,633 15,878 15,199 15,552 17,338 11,788 Circulation 2007 2008 *2009 2010 **2011 **2012 January 10,092 9,900 9,165 9,587 9,879 10,193 February 9,336 9,401 9,362 9,175 9,240 10,632 March 11,693 11,561 10,692 12,327 11,941 10,954 April 10,078 10,850 10,166 10,499 9,948 10,279 May 9,964 9,668 8,807 9,472 9,153 10,095 June 12,357 12,234 12,055 13,991 12,363 12,951 July 12,785 13,247 12,773 13,224 12,067 12,293 August 11,065 10,684 10,461 12,271 12,508 12,772 September 8,848 10,085 9,577 10,620 9,713 October 10,366 11,079 9,700 10,812 9,731 November 9,760 8,811 9,367 10,069 9,493 December 8,341 8,775 8,580 8,809 9,015 124,685 126,295 120,705 130,856 125,051 *Reduced hours **Includes a-books 13 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIBRARY BUDGET 240.45500 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel No labor agreements are settled for 2013. Library Director salary is entered at the midpoint of the 2012 range. Employees are progressing through steps of approved ranges. Library Clerk position is increased 4 hours per week. Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Library Director 1.0 1.0 98,622 25,134 123,756 89,898 23,774 113,672 Children's Librarian 1.0 1.0 64,649 19,773 84,422 61,277 19,250 80,527 Adult Services Librarian 1.0 1.0 62,237 19,394 81,631 64,166 19,703 83,869 Clerk Typist II A 1.0 1.0 44,277 16,576 60,853 44,277 16,580 60,857 Clerk Typist If C 1.0 1.0 41,588 16,154 57,742 41,588 16,158 57,746 Library Clerk 0.8 0.9 32,169 5,047 37,216 36,150 5,652 41,802 4 Library Supervisors 0.62 0.62 26,600 4,174 30,774 26,860 4,217 31,077 Library Aide 0.35 0.35 9,115 1,430 10,545 8,285 1,301 9,586 9 Library Pages 2.75 2.75 68,195 10,700 78,895 69,085 10,847 79,932 Subtotal 9.52 9.62 447,452 118,382 565,834 441,586 117,482 559,068 Labor Allocation To: Public Works 2,500 462 2,962 2,500 463 2,963 Maintenance 21,578 3,987 25,565 20,012 4,482 24,494 Total 9.52 9.62 471,530 122,831 594,361 464,098 122,427 586,525 Supplies Copier paper 600 Light bulbs 150 Office supplies 400 Maintenance items 100 12 padded folding chairs 480 Cleaning supplies 800 2 white folding tables 300 Misc. 150 Blinds for Board room 300 Food supplies 100 Replace 3 staff desktop pcs 2,400 Books 63,000 Printer 400 Periodicals 5,500 Computer supplies 800 Electronic Databases 500 ILS supplies 2,425 Ebooks 3,400 Printing 900 Compact Discs 6,000 Program supplies 800 Book/CD sets 600 Security system markers 2,000 Microfilm 100 Book supplies 800 DVD's 6,000 Paper products 600 Vehicle Repair 25 Book covers,CD cases 2,300 Purchase for Resale 100 Shelving YA collection 3,600 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIBRARY BUDGET 240.45500 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Other Services and Charges Adult Performers 500 Carpet cleaning 1,000 Juvie Performers 0 Firenet 400 Integrated Library System 12,500 Elevator 1,400 Auditor 1,600 Fire extinguishers 125 Unique Management 1,200 Plumbing/Electrical 1,200 Software licenses 500 Windows 600 Telecom related pro services 427 Fidelity(Activity Room) 1,350 Training 500 Orkin 350 Educational Reimbursement 1,500 Dalco Roofing 1,000 Telephone 2,240 Cleaning blinds 210 Postage 400 Cleaning mats 500 Comcast 2,200 NSI/Horwitz 3,800 Postini 156 HVAC repairs 1,500 Local travel 550 Misc. repairs 1,900 Advertising Other 200 Paint Adult Reading Rm 2,000 Insurance 8,012 Garage 100 Electric 11,390 Ameripride 700 Water 500 Professional memberships 525 Gas 5,282 Volunteer recognition 200 Sewer 600 Elevator license 100 Copier Contracts(2) 1,495 Capital Outlay none Contingencies and Transfers Operating Transfer out 11,752 Transfer to IS 20,000 Contingencies 10,282 15 The City of •i Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET I LIQUOR Table of Contents Liquor 2013 Proposed Detail Budget Liquor Operating Summary Page 1 Liquor Store#1 Proposed Expense and Narrative 2 Detail Expense 3 Summary of Costs 5 Liquor Store#2 Proposed Expense and Narrative 7 Detail Expense 8 Summary of Costs 10 Liquor Store#3 Proposed Expense and Narrative 12 Detail Expense 13 Summary of Costs 15 Liquor Non-Operating Summary Page 17 Proposed Expense and Narrative 18 Detail Expense 19 Summary of Costs 20 Reviewer's Notes 21 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Liquor-Operating Store#1 Store#2 Store#3 609 609 609 Revenue 30999 Taxes 0 0 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 0 0 0 33999 Charge for Services 0 0 0 34999 Fines& Forfeits 0 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 11,000 10,000 3,000 36999 Sales and Related Charges 4,059,000 3,740,000 1,259,000 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 0 0 Total Revenue 4,070,000 3,750,000 1,262,000 Cost of Goods Sold -3,096,800 -2,864,800 -980,700 Net Operating Income 973,200 885,200 281,300 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 445,356 377,070 145,908 1999 Supplies 3,123,600 2,885,700 988,150 2999 Other Services and Charges 232,588 194,272 47,950 4999 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 1,000 1,000 1,000 Total Expenses 3,802,544 3,458,042 1,183,008 Summary Total Revenue 4,070,000 3,750,000 1,262,000 Total Expenses 3,802,544 3,458,042 1,183,008 Net Income 267,456 291,958 78,992 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:LIQUOR STORE#1 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49791 LIQUOR STORE#1 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 409,885 448,238 444,960 445,356 445,356 - 1999 Supplies 2,812,317 2,848,372 3,121,660 3,123,600 3,123,600 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 222,923 239,238 233,696 232,588 232,588 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#1 3,445,124 3,535,848 3,801,316 3,802,544 3,802,544 Activity Description Municipal liquor stores started after Prohibition as a means for cities to control the distribution of alcohol in their communities. Later,cities found their municipal liquor stores could also be a method of generating needed non-tax revenue.Today,the primary purpose of municipal liquor stores is to control the distribution of alcohol-while simultaneously generating income for the community. Since 1984,the Top Valu I store has had the further goal of providing the community with an outstanding selection of products at very competitive prices through a high-volume low-price strategy. Additionally,when the current Top Valu I facility was constructed in 2007-2008 at 4950 Central Avenue NE,the City Council chose to construct the building to very strict design guidelines,so that this store will be a leading example for other businesses in the community for many years. Our City's three-store municipal liquor operation is the 5th largest in Minnesota,and growing.It has provided funds for City infrastructure,equipment,and mitigation of the negative effects of alcohol in the community through activities such as D.A.R.E. Objectives The main objective for Top Valu I for 2013 will be to maintain steady growth by continuing to establish the Top Valu brand as a point-of-destination shopping experience for wine,beer and spirits. This will be achieved primarily by continuing to offer one of the best product selections in the state,at attractive stores with a comfortable environment. Various 2013 promotions,tastings and other special events,including the outdoor grilling promotion conducted by the Columbia Heights Athletic Booster will further this point-of-destination shopping experience. Plans for 2013 include further developing the capacity to notify interested customers of such events through email and/or social media. The past concern that signage adequately communicates to Central Avenue motorists that this facility is a liquor store will also continue to be monitored in 2013. Budget Comments Cost of goods sold expense for Top Valu I is budgeted each year to reflect the most recent sales projections available. The primary changes in the expenses to operate the store for the 2013 budget as compared to 2012 include: -A decrease of$15,975 of interdepartmental personnel and fringe costs reclassified to be part of the administrative labor transfer out from department 609-49794 to the General fund. -An increase$24,361 in other personnel costs consisting of: •Staff reclassified between stores to reflect actual location worked. •Increased building maintenance supervisor hours allocated to Liquor. •Staff going through contract steps. -Computer equipment increase of$8,500 for replacement of point-of-sale terminals and PCs. This is approximately half of the replacements required due to a forced upgrade to Windows7 by August 2014. When comparing individual line items for this department to the 2012 budget,note that the amounts for line item 4000 Repair and Maintenance Services,and line item 4020 Building Maintenance were inadvertently transposed for 2012. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49791 LIQUOR STORE#1 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 159,366 172,846 169,474 176,984 176,984 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 130,068 131,911 134,989 134,095 134,095 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - _ _ 1013 PART-TIME OTHER 27,726 32,904 28,843 35,075 35,075 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - - - - - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME 301 65 - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 2,470 7,939 - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 4,144 4,465 7,773 8,112 8,112 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - _ _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 5,044 10,623 14,328 2,294 2,294 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 22,737 25,466 25,682 25,690 25,690 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 25,409 27,163 27,188 27,276 27,276 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 22,336 27,114 29,654 28,449 28,449 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 4,922 2,549 - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 5,362 5,194 7,029 7,381 7,381 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ _ _ 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 409,885 448,238 444,960 445,356 445,356 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 584 526 700 600 600 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,706 173 3,500 2,300 2,300 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT (1,115) 4,710 2,500 11,000 11,000 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,483 1,030 2,000 1,300 1,300 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 8,130 9,950 10,000 10,500 10,500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 626 388 550 700 700 - 2199 DELIVERY 23,110 23,467 25,000 25,600 25,600 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 1,190 27 585 400 400 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 220 273 225 200 200 - 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 1,067,929 1,061,529 1,250,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 1,186,526 1,212,964 1,270,000 1,270,000 1,270,000 - 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 382,908 409,151 415,000 460,000 460,000 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC TAX 40,817 35,759 44,000 42,000 42,000 - 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARETTES 32,466 28,908 33,000 31,000 31,000 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 50,372 45,250 51,000 50,000 50,000 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC NTAX 13,431 13,987 13,600 18,000 18,000 - 2600 REFUNDS&LOSS ON DEPOSITS (65) 280 - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 2,812,317 2,848,372 3,121,660 3,123,600 3,123,600 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,652 2,090 2,561 2,100 2,100 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 506 542 550 900 900 - 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49791 LIQUOR STORE#1 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 5,557 11,110 1,814 1,950 1,950 3211 CELL PHONES 420 433 420 220 220 3220 POSTAGE 32 36 - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 1,779 1,928 1,487 2,450 2,450 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 106 414 585 450 450 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 208 810 175 175 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 10,951 11,794 16,500 13,493 13,493 - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 15,148 16,619 16,619 15,500 15,500 - 3810 ELECTRIC 27,535 30,175 28,912 30,500 30,500 - 3820 WATER 782 1,367 821 1,000 1,000 - 3830 GAS 6,349 6,247 6,666 7,000 7,000 - 3850 SEWER 592 609 622 650 650 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 2,034 3,516 11,000 3,400 3,400 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 10,014 15,931 3,624 13,000 13,000 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 823 210 450 450 450 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR - - 50 - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 1,483 1,480 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 225 1,000 - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 51,802 49,459 53,000 53,000 53,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,717 1,816 1,900 1,850 1,850 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 126 66 205 - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 65,909 65,909 66,000 66,000 66,000 - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 16,606 17,053 16,600 17,000 17,000 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' 222,923 239,238 233,696 232,588 232,588 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#1 3,445,124 3,535,848 3,801,316 3,802,544 3,802,544 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#1 BUDGET 609.49791 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Liquor Operations Mgr 1.00 1.00 96,901 26,025 122,926 96,901 26,064 122,965 Store Manager 1.00 1.00 60,319 19,834 80,153 60,319 19,859 80,178 Asst Store Managers 1.00 2.00 54,520 18,854 73,374 109,040 37,751 146,791 PT Store Supervisors 0.84 0.98 28,843 4,880 33,723 35,075 5,949 41,024 PT Cashiers&Stockers 4.96 4.45 134,989 22,841 157,830 134,095 22,672 156,767 Subtotal 8.80 9.43 375,572 92,434 468,006 435,430 112,295 547,725 Labor Allocation From: Store 3 609.49793 0.12 - 13,957 4,963 18,920 - - - Finance 101.41510 0.34 - 13,347 4,828 18,175 - - - GG Bldgs 101.41940 0.02 0.05 981 342 1,323 2,294 859 3,153 Labor Allocation To: Store 2 609.49792 -0.38 -0.68 -36,822 -9,891 -46,713 -53,178 -15,569 -68,747 Store 3 609.49793 -0.12 -0.42 -11,628 -3,123 -14,751 -27,984 -8,791 -36,775 Total 8.78 8.38 355,407 89,553 444,960 356,562 88,794 445,356 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Office Supplies-per trend $600 2000 Minor Equip-carts,shelving,display fixtures,etc 2,300 2010 Computer equip: replace 3 PCs 2,400 replace 3 POS terminals 6,000 peripherals/other computer equip 2,600 11,000 2011 Computer Supplies: Thermal paper rolls for Registers, Creditcards,ATMs 1,300 2020 General supplies-bags,signs,water,etc 10,500 2171 Food-events&inventory shifts 700 2175 Vehicle Parts,etc-1/3 van 400 2020 Gas, Oil, Lubricants-1/3 van 200 2280 Cost of Goods Sold&Delivery 3,096,600 2XXX Supplies subtotal $3,123,600 Continued Next Page 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#1 BUDGET 609.49791 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Nonpersonnel Expenses(continued) Description Amount Object code Audit Fee per prep manual 2,100 3050 Training:3 @MMBA conference x store% 550 2 @MLBA conference x store% 175 Required allstaff training x store% 175 900 3105 Telephones per prep manual 1,950 3210 Cell Phones-1/2 @$35/mo 220 3211 Other Communications: Comcast svcs per prep manual 2,450 3250 Travel-local mileage per trend 450 3310 Travel-Conference mileage 2 trips x store% 175 3320 Advertising per detail schedule 13,493 3420 Property&Liability Insurance per prep manual 15,500 3600 Electric per trend 30,500 3810 Water per trend 1,000 3820 Gas per trend 7,000 3830 Sewer per trend 650 3850 Other Maint: Copier @ new Konica rate 500 RITE software suppt x store% 2,700 Snowblower/baler/pallet jack 700 3,400 4000 Bldg Maintenance: Fire alarm&extinguish 850 Window cleaning 500 Pest control 400 Elevator agreement$600+any repairs 1,000 Doors/security system maint 600 Fertilizer&mulch svc 1,250 Lawn sprinkler maint 250 HVAC base agreement 3,700 Cooler repair not covered 2,000 Other bldg,elec,&plumbing repairs 2,450 13,000 4020 Garage labor-1/3 van 450 4050 Rent-rugs,towels, mops 1,500 4100 Credit Card Fees 53,000 4310 Subscriptions&Memberships: MMBA Dues-1/3 1,700 MLBA Dues-1/3 100 Wine Spectator magazine 50 1,850 4330 Depreciation per trend 83,000 49XX Other services&charges subtotal $232,588 Vandalism allowance 1,000 8110 Contingencies&transfers subtotal $1,000 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:LIQUOR STORE#2 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49792 LIQUOR STORE#2 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 359,439 362,850 400,934 377,070 377,070 1999 Supplies 2,556,853 2,652,816 2,916,910 2,885,700 2,885,700 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 188,927 190,202 194,392 194,272 194,272 4999 Capital Outlay - - - _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#2 3,105,219 3,205,868 3,513,236 3,458,042 3,458,042 Activity Description Municipal liquor stores started after Prohibition as a means for cities to control the distribution of alcohol in their communities. Later,cities found their municipal liquor stores could also be a method of generating needed non-tax revenue.Today,the primary purpose of municipal liquor stores is to control the distribution of alcohol-while simultaneously generating income for the community. Since 1983,the Top Valu II store has had the further goal of providing the community with an outstanding selection of products at very competitive prices through a high-volume low-price strategy. Additionally,when the current Top Valu II facility was constructed in 2007-2008 at 2105 37th Avenue NE,the City Council chose to construct the building to very strict design guidelines,so that this store will be a leading example for other businesses in the community for many years. Our City's three-store municipal liquor operation is the 5th largest in Minnesota,and growing.It has provided funds for City infrastructure,equipment,and mitigation of the negative effects of alcohol in the community through activities such as D.A.R.E. Objectives The main objective for Top Valu II for 2013 will be to maintain steady growth by continuing to establish the Top Valu brand as a point-of-destination shopping experience for wine, beer and spirits. This will be achieved primarily by continuing to offer one of the best product selections in the state,at attractive stores with a comfortable environment. Various 2013 promotions,tastings and other special events,such as the recent and very unique offering of a hard-cider tasting will further this point-of-destination shopping experience. Plans for 2013 include further developing the capacity to notify interested customers of such events through email and/or social media. Budget Comments Cost of goods sold expense for Top Valu II is budgeted each year to reflect the most recent sales projections available. The primary changes in the expenses to operate the store for the 2013 budget as compared to 2012 include: -A decrease of$15,975 of interdepartmental personnel and fringe costs reclassified to be part of the adminstrative labor transfer out from department 609-49794 to the General fund. A decrease of $7,889 in other personnel costs consisting of: •Staff reclassified between stores to reflect actual location worked. •Increased building maintenance supervisor hours allocated to Liquor. •Staff going through contract steps. -Computer equipment increase of$6,500 for replacement of point-of-sale terminals and PCs. This is approximately half of the replacements required due to a forced upgrade to Windows?by August 2014. When comparing individual line items for this department to the 2012 budget,note that the amounts for line item 4000 Repair and Maintenance Services,and line item 4020 Building Maintenance were inadvertently transposed for 2012. 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49792 LIQUOR STORE#2 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 163,201 150,556 172,193 160,656 160,656 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 110,110 115,697 113,464 117,653 117,653 1013 PART-TIME OTHER 8,218 11,337 8,550 11,961 11,961 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - - - - - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME - 38 - - - 1030 VACATION&SICK (1,064) 4,267 - - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 4,687 3,938 7,900 7,362 7,362 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 4,105 8,104 14,328 2,294 2,294 - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 20,233 20,931 22,850 21,661 21,661 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 22,872 22,478 24,207 22,943 22,943 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - - 1300INSURANCE 22,226 21,218 31,200 26,324 26,324 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 4,851 4,287 6,242 6,216 6,216 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 359,439 362,850 400,934 377,070 377,070 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 228 108 300 200 200 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,193 2,291 2,500 2,300 2,300 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,243 3,909 1,500 8,000 8,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 1,316 788 1,500 1,100 1,100 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6,531 7,223 8,000 8,500 8,500 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 355 202 300 400 400 - 2199 DELIVERY 20,035 20,787 23,000 22,600 22,600 2280 VEHICLE PARTS - - 585 400 400 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - 225 200 200 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 855,990 912,909 960,000 1,015,000 1,015,000 - 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 1,175,559 1,191,636 1,360,000 1,248,000 1,248,000 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 357,078 378,489 415,000 428,000 428,000 - 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC TAX 34,387 29,935 36,000 33,000 33,000 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARETTES 31,460 28,217 32,000 33,000 33,000 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 59,875 63,392 61,000 69,000 69,000 - 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC NTAX 10,597 13,317 15,000 16,000 16,000 2600 REFUNDS&LOSS ON DEPOSITS 5 (387) - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 2,556,853 2,652,816 2,916,910 2,885,700 2,885,700 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,699 2,128 2,465 2,100 2,100 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 406 542 450 900 900 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 6,498 9,409 1,274 1,220 1,220 3211 CELL PHONES - - - 220 220 - 8 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49792 LIQUOR STORE#2 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3220 POSTAGE - - - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 3,299 2,148 946 2,100 2,100 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 474 575 585 575 575 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 176 810 175 175 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 9,024 9,386 13,500 10,132 10,132 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 11,926 13,392 13,392 12,000 12,000 - 3810 ELECTRIC 24,540 27,044 25,767 27,000 27,000 3820 WATER 1,111 985 1,260 1,200 1,200 - 3830 GAS 4,491 4,500 4,716 4,800 4,800 3850 SEWER 577 594 606 700 700 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 3,967 1,592 7,500 3,200 3,200 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 6,585 7,056 3,221 11,000 11,000 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - - 450 450 450 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR - - 45 - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 1,677 1,722 1,700 1,700 1,700 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 225 1,200 - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 49,019 45,666 51,000 51,000 51,000 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,667 1,766 1,900 1,800 1,800 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 75 20 205 - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 50,571 50,571 51,000 51,000 51,000 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 10,322 10,704 10,400 11,000 11,000 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' 188,927 190,202 194,392 194,272 194,272 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 8110 VANDALISM - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#2 3,105,219 3,205,868 3,513,236 3,458,042 3,458,042 - 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#2 BUDGET 609.49792 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Store Manager 1.00 1.00 60,319 19,834 80,153 60,319 19,859 80,178 Asst Store Manager 1.00 1.00 54,520 18,854 73,374 54,520 18,876 73,396 PT Store Supervisors 0.25 0.33 8,550 1,447 9,997 11,961 2,028 13,989 PT Cashiers&Stocker 4.20 3.93 113,464 19,198 132,662 117,653 19,954 137,607 Subtotal 6.45 6.26 236,853 59,333 296,186 244,453 60,717 305,170 Labor Allocation From: Store 1 609.49791 0.38 0.68 36,822 9,891 46,713 53,179 15,568 68,747 Store 3 609.49793 0.55 - 28,432 10,107 38,539 - - - Finance 101.41510 0.34 - 13,347 4,828 18,175 - - - GG Bldgs 101.41940 0.02 0.05 981 342 1,323 2,294 859 3,153 Labor Allocation To: None Total 7.74 6.99 316,435 84,501 400,936 299,926 77,144 377,070 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Office Supplies-per trend $200 2000 Minor Equip-carts,shelving,display fixtures, etc 2,300 2010 Computer equip: replace 2 PCs 1,600 replace 2 POS terminals 4,000 peripherals/other computer equip 2,400 8,000 2011 Computer Supplies: Thermal paper rolls for Registers,Creditcards,ATMs 1,100 2020 General supplies-bags,signs,water,etc 8,500 2171 Food-events&inventory shifts 400 2175 Vehicle Parts,etc-1/3 van 400 2020 Gas,Oil, Lubricants-1/3 van 200 2280 Cost of Goods Sold&Delivery 2,864,600 2XXX Supplies subtotal $2,885,700 Continued Next Page 10 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#2 BUDGET 609.49792 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Nonpersonnel Expenses(continued) Description Amount Object code Audit Fee per prep manual $2,100 3050 Training: 3 @MMBA conference x store% 550 2 @MLBA conference x store% 175 Required allstaff training x store% 175 900 3105 Telephones per prep manual 1,220 3210 Cell Phones-1/2 @$35/mo 220 3211 Other Communications: Comcast svcs per prep manual 2,100 3250 Travel-local mileage per trend 575 3310 Travel-Conference mileage 2 trips x store% 175 3320 Advertising per detail schedule 10,132 3420 Property&Liability Insurance per prep manual 12,000 3600 Electric per trend 27,000 3810 Water per trend 1,200 3820 Gas per trend 4,800 3830 Sewer per trend 700 3850 Other Maint: Copier is N/A - RITE software suppt x store% 2,700 Snowblower/baler/pallet jack 500 3,200 4000 Bldg Maintenance: Fire alarm&extinguish 850 Window cleaning 500 Pest control 400 Elevator agreement is N/A Doors/security system maint 500 Fertilizer&mulch svc 1,250 Lawn sprinkler maint 500 HVAC base agreement 3,300 Cooler repair not covered 1,700 Other bldg,elec,&plumbing repairs 2,000 11,000 4020 Garage labor-1/3 van 450 4050 Rent-rugs,towels, mops 1,700 4100 Credit Card Fees 51,000 4310 Subscriptions&Memberships: MMBA Dues-1/3 1,700 MLBA Dues-1/3 100 Wine Spectator magazine - 1,800 4330 Depreciation per trend 62,000 49XX Other services&charges subtotal $194,272 Vandalism allowance 1,000 8110 Contingencies&transfers subtotal $1,000 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:LIQUOR STORE#3 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49793 LIQUOR STORE#3 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 137,510 136,907 137,522 145,908 145,908 - 1999 Supplies 883,566 949,087 954,680 988,150 988,150 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 41,131 45,911 42,392 47,950 47,950 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#3 1,062,206 1,131,905 1,135,594 1,183,008 1,183,008 Activity Description Municipal liquor stores started after Prohibition as a means for cities to control the distribution of alcohol in their communities.Later,cities found their municipal liquor stores could also be a method of generating needed non-tax revenue.Today,the primary purpose of municipal liquor stores is to control the distribution of alcohol-while simultaneously generating income for the community. The store operated under the name Heights Liquor is located at 5225 University Avenue NE. It is much smaller and older than our high-volume stores operated under the Top Valu brand. Heights Liquor is run profitably as a small neighborhood convenience operation. Our City's three-store municipal liquor operation is the 5th largest in Minnesota,and growing.It has provided funds for City infrastructure,equipment,and mitigation of the negative effects of alcohol in the community through activities such as D.A.R.E. Objectives The main objective for Heights Liquor for 2013 will be to maintain profitability using its neighborhood convenience store model. This will be achieved primarily by tailoring the limited number of products that can be stocked in this small facility specifically to the store's customer base. The discount purchasing opportunities created by the high volumes at the other two stores will be utilized by this store,when applicable. Budget Comments Cost of goods sold expense for Heights Liquor is budgeted each year to reflect the most recent sales projections available. The primary changes in the expenses to operate the store for the 2013 budget as compared to 2012 include: -A decrease of$3,550 of interdepartmental personnel and fringe costs reclassified to be part of the administrative labor transfer out from department 609-49794 to the General fund. An increase of$11,936 in other personnel costs consisting of: >Staff reclassified between stores to reflect actual location worked. >Increased building maintenance supervisor hours allocated to Liquor. >Staff going through contract steps. Computer equipment increase of$2,200 for replacement of point-of-sale terminals and PCs. This is approximately half of the replacements required due to a forced upgrade to Windows?by August 2014. -Other services and charges increase of$5,500 from an increase in the portion of the City's Comcast connection and a projected increased in repairs at this facility built in 1961. When comparing individual line items for this department to the 2012 budget,note that the amounts for line item 4000 Repair and Maintenance Services,and line item 4020 Building Maintenance were inadvertently transposed for 2012 12 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49793 LIQUOR STORE#3 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 19,134 17,753 20,013 26,757 26,757 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 60,008 57,435 61,835 58,827 58,827 - 1013 PART-TIME OTHER 27,261 30,211 28,360 32,684 32,684 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 13 - - - 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME 470 99 - - - 1030 VACATION &SICK 974 61 - - - 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 443 409 921 1,227 1,227 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1,200 2,219 3,456 1,529 1,529 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 7,548 7,796 8,298 8,761 8,761 - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 8,956 8,904 8,766 9,258 9,258 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 9,613 10,303 3,587 4,347 4,347 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,902 1,704 2,286 2,518 2,518 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 137,510 136,907 137,522 145,908 145,908 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 121 49 130 100 100 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,631 (45) 1,500 400 400 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 248 1,498 600 2,800 2,800 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 506 394 550 450 450 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 2,893 2,824 3,000 3,200 3,200 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 135 71 120 100 100 2199 DELIVERY 6,489 5,698 6,600 7,500 7,500 2280 VEHICLE PARTS - - 130 400 400 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - 50 200 200 - 2510 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LIQUOR 294,460 340,323 325,000 355,000 355,000 - 2520 COST OF GOODS SOLD-BEER 435,496 445,038 465,000 452,000 452,000 - 2530 COST OF GOODS SOLD-WINE 36,250 47,516 40,000 48,000 48,000 2550 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC TAX 16,226 14,785 18,000 19,000 19,000 2553 COST OF GOODS SOLD-CIGARETTES 29,252 26,956 30,000 31,000 31,000 - 2559 COST OF GOODS SOLD-LOTTERY 55,280 58,075 58,000 61,000 61,000 2590 COST OF GOODS SOLD-MISC NTAX 4,599 5,905 6,000 7,000 7,000 - 2600 REFUNDS&LOSS ON DEPOSITS (21) - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 883,566 949,087 954,680 988,150 988,150 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,495 2,029 2,409 2,100 2,100 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 406 259 350 300 300 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 2,057 4,908 28 800 800 - 3220 POSTAGE - - - - 13 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49793 LIQUOR STORE#3 Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 564 676 1,900 1,900 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 62 74 130 100 100 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 63 180 50 50 3420 ADVERTISING ENTERPRISES 70 70 100 - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS 3,387 3,774 3,774 3,900 3,900 - 3810 ELECTRIC 8,429 9,449 8,850 9,400 9,400 - 3820 WATER 159 182 167 300 300 3830 GAS 1,063 963 1,116 1,200 1,200 3850 SEWER 235 249 247 300 300 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 592 806 2,000 800 800 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3,217 3,750 1,205 5,300 5,300 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - - 100 100 100 - 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR - - 10 - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 655 655 750 700 700 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 400 - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 12,183 11,894 13,500 13,500 13,500 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,667 1,766 1,900 1,800 1,800 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 20 20 50 - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - _ _ _ _ 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 852 852 850 1,800 1,800 - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 3,584 3,584 3,600 3,600 3,600 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE! 41,131 45,911 42,392 47,950 47,950 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - _ _ _ - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - _ _ _ 8110 VANDALISM - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: LIQUOR STORE#3 1,062,206 1,131,905 1,135,594 1,183,008 1,183,008 - 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#3 BUDGET 609.49793 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Asst Store Mar 1.00 51,694 18,376 70,070 - PT Store Super 0.83 0.91 28,360 4,799 33,159 32,684 5,543 38,227 PT Cashiers&: 2.29 1.97 61,835 10,462 72,297 58,827 9,977 68,804 Subtotal 4.12 2.88 141,889 33,637 175,526 91,511 15,520 107,031 Labor Allocation From: Store 1 609 0.12 0.42 11,628 3,123 14,751 27,984 8,791 36,775 Finance 101 0.08 - 2,966 1,073 4,039 - - - GG Bldgs 101 0.01 0.03 490 172 662 1,529 573 2,102 Labor Allocation To: Store 1 609 (0.12) - -13,957 -4,962 -18,919 Store 2 609 (0.55) - -28,432 -10,106 -38,5381- 1 3.66 3.33 114,584 22,937 137,521 121,024 24,884 145,908 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Office Supplies-per trend $100 2000 Minor Equip-carts,shelving,display fixtures,etc 400 2010 Computer equip: replace 0 PCs replace 1 POS terminal 2,000 peripherals/other computer equip 800 2,800 2011 Computer Supplies: Thermal paper rolls for Registers, Creditcards,ATMs 450 2020 General supplies-bags,signs,water,etc 3,200 2171 Food-events&inventory shifts 100 2175 Vehicle Parts,etc-1/3 van 400 2020 Gas,Oil, Lubricants-1/3 van 200 2280 Cost of Goods Sold&Delivery 980,500 2XXX Supplies subtotal $988,150 Continued Next Page 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR STORE#3 BUDGET 609.49793 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Nonpersonnel Expenses(continued) Description Amount Object code Audit Fee per prep manual $2,100 3050 Training:3 @MMBA conference x store% 200 2 @MLBA conference x store% 50 Required allstaff training x store% 50 300 3105 Telephones per prep manual 800 3210 Cell Phones-N/A - 3211 Other Communications: Comcast svcs per prep manual 1,900 3250 Travel-local mileage per trend 100 3310 Travel-Conference mileage 2 trips x store% 50 3320 Advertising per detail schedule - 3420 Property&Liability Insurance per prep manual 3,900 3600 Electric per trend 9,400 3810 Water per trend 300 3820 Gas per trend 1,200 3830 Sewer per trend 300 3850 Other Maint:Copier is N/A - RITE software suppt x store% 600 Snowblower/baler/pal let jack 200 800 4000 Bldg Maintenance: Fire alarm&extinguish 50 Window cleaning 100 Pest control 400 Elevator agreement is N/A - Doors/security system maint 300 Fertilizer&mulch svc 50 Lawn sprinkler maint - HVAC base agreement 1,241 Cooler repair not covered 500 Other bldg,elec,&plumbing repairs 2,659 5,300 4020 Garage labor-1/3 van 100 4050 Rent-rugs,towels, mops 700 4100 Credit Card Fees 13,500 4310 Subscriptions&Memberships: MMBA Dues-1/3 1,700 MLBA Dues-1/3 100 Wine Spectator magazine - 1,800 4330 Depreciation per trend 5,400 49XX Other services&charges subtotal $47,950 Vandalism allowance 1,000 8110 Contingencies&transfers subtotal $1,000 16 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Liquor Non-Operating Non-Operating 609 Revenue 30999 Taxes 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 0 32999 Intergovernmental 0 33999 Charge for Services 0 34999 Fines&Forfeits 0 35999 Miscellaneous 0 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 Total Revenue 0 Cost of Goods Sold 0 Net Operating Income 0 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 0 1999 Supplies 0 2999 Other Services and Charges 0 4999 Capital Outlay 18,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 539,347 Total Expenses 557,347 Summary Total Revenue 0 Total Expenses 557,347 Net Income -557,347 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: LIQUOR NON-OPERATING 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49794 LIQUOR NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - 1999 Supplies - - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 4,134 - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - (75) 200,000 18,000 18,000 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 504,624 488,955 482,667 539,347 539,347 TOTALS: LIQUOR NON-OPERATING 508,758 488,880 682,667 557,347 557,347 Activity Description To improve the analysis of results at each of the three stores,activity that is not a function of store operations is accounted for separately in the non-operating department 49794. Of course,the four departments 49791 through 49794,form the total reported in the Liquor Fund 609. Objectives At this time it is expected that the improvements to the Store#3 building and parking lot budgeted in 2012 will be completed in 2012. There are no physical goals specific to 2013 for this department.As in prior years,this non-operating department continues to function as the department in the Liquor fund that records transfers to other funds. Budget Comments The 2013 budgeted expenses for the Liquor Non-Operating department are a decrease of$125,320 from the 2012 budget. This primarily reflects a reduction in capital outlay. For 2012, exterior and parking lot improvements for store 3 were budgeted at$200,000. Whereas for 2013, display lighting is budgeted for replacement at store 1 for$10,000 and at store 2 for$8,000. This change is somewhat offset by the reclassification of$35,500 of interdepartmental labor from the store personnel section of the Liquor budget into the administrative labor transfer-out to the General fund. 18 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 609 LIQUOR Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49794 LIQUOR NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,134 - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE! 4,134 - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - 200,000 18,000 18,000 5180 EQUIPMENT - (75) - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - (75) 200,000 18,000 18,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 46,624 53,955 51,667 87,334 87,334 - 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 364,000 390,000 386,000 390,000 390,000 - 7310 TRANSFER OUT TO DARE 9,000 - - - - - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TO INFRASTRUCTURE 50,000 - - - - - 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 17,013 17,013 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 504,624 488,955 482,667 539,347 539,347 - TOTALS: LIQUOR NON-OPERATING 508,758 488,880 682,667 557,347 557,347 - 19 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER LIQUOR NON-OPERATING BUDGET 609.49794 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 Nonpersonnel Expenses Description Amount Object code Replace display lighting-Store#1 $10,000 5120 Replace display lighting-Store#2 8,000 5120 Capital outlay subtotal $18,000 Transfer to Debt Service-per prep manual: Principal 170,000 Interest 218,000 Agentfees 2,000 390,000 7160 Transfer to General Fund-admin labor per prep manual 87,334 7330 Transfer to Info Systems Fund per prep manual 45,000 7370 Contingency 17,013 8100 Contingencies&transfers subtotal $539,347 20 The City of Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET �IA t i i 5���1'A 1.•O�'' L a�•�j 7tL pFPicER' i 1921 POLICE Columbia Heights Police Department E Scott Nadeau, Chief of Police `M �� 2012 Budget Table of Contents Budget 2012 Summary................................................................1 101.42100 Police.........................................................................2 101.42160 Police Community Programs ....................................7 101.42700 Animal Control .......................................................10 270.42160 Police Community Programs (former fund #)........13 431.42100 Police Capital Equipment .......................................16 Reviewer's Notes ......................................................................19 City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota BUDGET 2013 Police Police Police Animal Community Capital Police Control Programs Equipment 101 101 101 431 Revenue 30999 Taxes 2,758,789 14,534 0 0 31999 Licenses&Permits 35,000 0 0 0 32999 Intergovernmental 664,531 1,670 1,000 0 33999 Charge for Services 222,000 0 0 0 34999 Fines& Forfeits 81,000 0 0 0 35999 Miscellaneous 29,410 155 0 60,000 36999 Sales and Related Charges 0 0 0 0 39199 Transfers&Non Rev Receipts 0 0 0 50,000 Total Revenue 3,790,730 16,359 1,000 110,000 Expenses 0999 Personal Services 3,407,536 0 4,995 0 1999 Supplies 133,620 300 13,005 12,550 2999 Other Services&Charges 231,537 15,963 2,400 0 4999 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 69,919 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 0 0 0 0 Total Expenses 3,772,693 16,263 20,400 82,469 Summary Total Revenue 3,790,730 16,359 1,000 110,000 Total Expenses 3,772,693 16,263 20,400 82,469 Change to Fund Balance 18,037 96 19,400) 27,531 1 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:POLICE 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 3,197,397 3,201,608 3,382,537 3,407,536 3,407,536 - 1999 Supplies 144,849 133,254 131,000 133,620 133,620 2999 Other Services&Charges 202,156 243,735 226,997 231,537 231,537 - 4999 Capital Outlay - 14,791 - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS: POLICE 3,544,402 3,593,388 3,740,534 3,772,693 3,772,693 - Activity Description This is the general budget for day-to-day operations in the Police Department. This part of the budget covers personnel costs,general supply costs, and other services and charges. The Police Department provides public safety and crime prevention services to the citizens of Columbia Heights and Hilltop. This includes police patrol, investigations, a Drug Task Force officer,School Liaison Officers(Dist.#13 and NE Metro Dist.#916),traffic enforcement, code enforcement, and administration. Objectives The Mission Statement of the Police Department is as follows: The Columbia Heights Police Department is committed to active partnerships with the community in order to protect life and property, innovatively solve problems, and enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve. Budget Comments Personnel: The 2013 budget reflects authorization for 28 licensed officers. This includes a School Liaison officer whose salary is covered through an agreement with NE Metro District#916 for the Alternative Learning Center at 40th and Central. This officer works with youth,investigates youth related crimes and supplements the department's proactive efforts during the summer months. Overall proposed personnel costs are up as a result of step and longevity increases by individual employees as set by union contract. In addition, $20,821 was included in this section for in-house maintenance expenses. Supplies: The Supply section of the 2013 budget was calculated based on 2012 amounts, plus 2%. Changes in amounts were made between line items to accommodate necessary expenditures, including$3,150 to 2012 Computer Equipment for one laptop and three desktop computers recommended for replacement. Line item 2173 Protective Clothing is up significantly over the 2012 budgeted amount due to the number of ballistic vests which are due for replacement. Other Services and Charges: The Other Services and Charges section of the 2013 budget was calculated based on 2012 amounts, plus 2%. This year's budget includes an amount of$5,000 under 3120 Educational Reimbursement to cover tuition reimbursement to the department's employees who are enrolled in academic institutions. This addition reflects the value the department places on higher education for its employees and new requirements for promotion to supervisory positions. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 2,193,287 2,187,185 2,357,445 2,362,421 2,362,421 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 45,889 45,471 40,893 40,893 40,893 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - _ _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 108,483 103,681 74,334 75,820 75,820 1023 OVERTIME-OTHER 16,238 22,472 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 40,230 26,069 - - - _ 1031 HOLIDAY PAY 11,022 12,218 15,352 15,527 15,527 - 1041 COURT PAY 15,569 9,408 28,871 28,871 28,871 1043 TRAINING PAY 7,676 3,987 6,986 6,994 6,994 1045 LONGEVITY 32,683 34,188 37,851 42,942 42,942 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - 3,434 - - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 7,069 12,333 12,610 16,345 16,345 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 320,348 325,910 344,923 346,871 346,871 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 51,167 51,725 56,599 56,707 56,707 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 300 723 - - - 1300INSURANCE 278,111 307,330 320,490 325,686 325,686 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - _ _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 69,324 55,475 81,183 83,459 83,459 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - _ _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 3,197,397 3,201,608 3,382,537 3,407,536 3,407,536 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,004 3,228 3,000 3,000 3,000 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 6,691 2,426 2,500 2,000 2,000 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 10,168 53 2,750 3,150 3,150 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 2,290 2,219 2,000 1,000 1,000 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 2,654 2,613 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES 6,741 8,621 6,800 6,000 6,000 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - _ _ _ 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - 196 - - _ _ 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 11,487 7,866 11,000 8,000 8,000 2172 UNIFORMS 12,778 16,136 13,800 14,000 14,000 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 5,408 3,922 5,580 9,500 9,500 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 508 772 600 770 770 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 20,680 15,924 18,870 14,000 14,000 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 62,441 69,277 62,100 70,200 70,200 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 144,849 133,254 131,000 133,620 133,620 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 9,473 21,551 21,000 21,500 21,500 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 12,599 11,841 10,000 13,000 13,000 - 3120 EDUCATIONAL REIMBURSEMENT - - - 5,000 5,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 11,986 11,408 12,450 12,000 12,000 3211 CELL PHONES 5,686 6,241 6,000 6,500 6,500 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,214 1,887 2,300 2,200 2,200 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42100 POLICE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 3,370 3,785 3,677 3,677 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 496 453 500 500 500 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 293 2,278 500 700 700 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 150 - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 61,776 70,675 66,018 54,473 54,473 3810 ELECTRIC 36,830 38,612 40,000 40,543 40,543 - 3820 WATER 576 708 650 800 800 3830 GAS 432 418 800 439 439 3850 SEWER 864 1,088 1,000 1,200 1,200 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 12,466 12,634 16,800 12,000 12,000 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 2,965 18,707 1,500 19,000 19,000 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 30,465 26,525 30,000 24,000 24,000 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR 162 1,825 1,200 2,000 2,000 4100 RENTS&LEASES 1,781 1,638 2,844 2,400 2,400 4300 MISC.CHARGES 8,003 8,460 5,600 5,705 5,705 - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 3 9 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,700 955 1,000 1,000 1,000 4342 PROPERTY DAMAGE - - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - - - - 4390 TAXES& LICENSES 1,388 2,451 2,900 2,900 2,900 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE. 202,156 243,735 226,997 231,537 231,537 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 14,791 - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 14,791 - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - TOTALS: POLICE 3,544,402 3,593,388 3,740,534 3,772,693 3,772,693 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER POLICE BUDGET 101.42100 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Chief of Police 1.00 1.00 110,997 31,005 142,002 109,914 30,874 140,788 Captain 1.00 1.00 87,621 26,428 114,049 86,759 26,321 113,080 Sergeants 4.00 4.00 340,471 100,745 441,216 343,956 101,768 445,724 Corporals 2.00 2.00 151,776 46,844 198,620 152,687 51,233 203,920 Police Officers 18.00 18.00 1,336,406 414,810 1,751,216 1,338,609 419,268 1,757,877 27th Officer-Fed grant 1.00 1.00 66,085 20,758 86,843 73,308 23,398 96,706 28th Officer-Alt Sch Liaison 1.00 1.00 63,660 20,292 83,952 70,944 22,942 93,886 Inv/Liaison/Corp pay 14,784 1,786 16,570 14,784 1,796 16,580 Overtime-Regular 74,334 14,258 88,592 75,820 14,633 90,453 POP Overtime 5,000 605 5,605 5,000 609 5,609 OT Police Community Pgms 4,105 790 4,895 4,187 808 4,995 Office Supervisor 1.00 1.00 52,129 17,809 69,938 52,133 17,814 69,947 Information Systems Spec 1.00 1.00 48,988 17,316 66,304 49,229 17,358 66,587 Records Technicians 2.00 2.00 88,002 29,946 117,948 88,002 32,162 120,164 Clerk Typist 1.00 1.00 43,439 16,445 59,884 38,281 14,727 53,008 Comm Svc Officer 1.00 1.00 42,150 17,334 59,484 42,150 17,363 59,513 PT Comm Svc Officer 1.00 1.00 40,892 7,475 48,367 40,892 7,504 48,396 Insurance Schlemmer 0 8,100 8,100 0 729 729 Insurance Bugos 0 8,100 8,100 0 8,748 8,748 Estimated Furlough 0 0 0 -4,000 -1,000 -5,000 Interdept Labor-Mtnc 12,610 3,137 15,747 16,345 4,476 20,821 Total 35.00 35.001 2,583;449 803,983 3,387,432 T 2,599,000 813,531 3;412,531 Labor Allocation To: Police Comm Pgms 101-42160 (4,064) (800) (4,864) (4,187) (4,995) Total 35.00 35.00 2,579,385 803,183 3,382,568 2,594,813 813,531 3,407,535 Supplies Paper, pens,notebooks,envelopes,folders: 3,000 Ammo&taser cartridges: 5,000 Misc.small equip(e.g. replacement digital recorders): 2,000 Batteries, keys,misc.supplies: 500 Replacement computers(1 laptop,3 desktop): 3,150 Rubber gloves&anti-bacterial wipes: 500 Printer toner,flash drives,misc.: 1,000 Evidence&Intox supplies&drug kits: 500 Forms, business cards: 2,000 Range&Training Room supplies: 500 Training ammo, mace&taser cartridges: 6,000 Fingerprinting&misc.squad supplies: 600 New/replacement uniforms-officers: 13,400 Datamaster supplies(breath test device): 400 New/replacement uniforms-civilians: 600 New/replacement vests: 9,500 Food Supplies for mtgs.: 770 Vehicle Repair/Parts: 14,000 Gas,oil and lubricants: 70,200 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER POLICE BUDGET 101.42100 Other Services&Charges Shared costs for Central Records: 16,000 Liability and Property Insurance: 54,473 Car wash contract: 2,200 Detox transports: 1,000 Building security mtnc: 500 Pawn shop query fees: 300 CJDN quarterly charges: 2,600 Possible hiring/testing fees: 1,000 Radio Service contract w/Anoka Co: 2,600 Misc: 1,000 Konica Minolta copier: 2,100 AIS report writing room copier: 1,900 Law Enf Driving course: 4,600 Misc. mtnc fire exting/bikes/etc.: 1,000 Police training course fees: 4,500 Misc. mtnc to equipment: 1,300 Civilian training course fees: 800 Datamaster recertification 300 Building Maintenance: 19,000 Executive Training Institute 800 Field Training Officer certification 500 Garage, labor charges: 24,000 Street Safe course 1,000 Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement 500 Vehicle repair: 2,000 Educational Reimbursement 5,000 Garage space allocation: 642 Central telephone service: 4,867 Range and miscellaneous rentals: 500 Wireless Internet Access svc: 4,113 Janitor supplies(rugs&towels): 1,258 MDT Access fee: 3,020 DTF shared cost: 5,600 Cellular telephones: 6,500 Tobacco compliance purchases: 105 Postage:central mailings: 1,700 Subscriptions and memberships: 1,000 Postage:specialized mailings: 500 (MN Chiefs, IACP,Anoka Co Chiefs, MN Multi Hsg, MN Crime Prev Assoc., MOCIC, NATW, [APE, PLEAA) Comcast: 3,677 POST and vehicle licenses: 2,900 Local travel expense: 500 Out of town travel expense: 700 Electric: 40,543 Water: 800 Gas: 439 Sewer: 1,200 Capital Outlay Contingencies&Transfers 6 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42160 POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - 8,636 4,895 4,995 4,995 - 1999 Supplies - 9,770 12,705 13,005 13,005 2999 Other Services&Charges - 694 2,400 2,400 2,400 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 19,099 20,000 20,400 20,400 - Activity Description The Community Programs budget funds police-related community activities such as DARE, Police Reserves, crime prevention and outreach programs such as the Cops-N-Kids program serving the youth of the community,as well as National Night Out and Neighborhood Watch. Prior to 2012,this activity was budgeted in the separate Fund 270-Police Community Programs. Under the recently issued Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No.54,this activity must now be reported within the General Fund. Over 95%of the funding for this activity consists of transfers-in from the Liquor operations. Objectives Our objectives in the Community Programs fund are to have two officers trained in DARE and to administer the DARE program in city elementary schools. The Community Programs fund also absorbs costs related to: 1) the Police Reserve program including training, uniforms and equipment, 2) community-based initiatives like Neighborhood Watch and National Night Out, 3) crime prevention and community outreach,such as Cops-N-Kids and other youth outreach and accountability programs Budget Comments The 2012 Community Programs budget is$20,400,which is a 2%increase over the 2012 budgeted amount of$20,000. 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42160 POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - - - - _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 6,703 4,105 4,187 4,187 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - _ _ _ 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 955 591 603 603 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION - 94 60 61 61 1300 INSURANCE 720 - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 165 139 144 144 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - 8,636 4,895 4,995 4,995 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 63 250 250 250 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 250 250 250 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - - _ _ 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 5,459 5,405 5,705 5,705 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,963 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2172 UNIFORMS 1,096 3,300 3,300 3,300 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,188 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 9,770 12,705 13,005 13,005 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 94 - _ _ _ 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - 600 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 3220 POSTAGE - - - _ _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 100 100 100 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - _ _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - 400 400 400 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - 400 400 400 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - _ _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE - 694 2,400 2,400 2,400 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - _ _ _ TOTALS: POLICE COMMUNITY PROGI - 19,099 20,000 20,400 20,400 - 8 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BUDGET 101.42160 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe 101-42160-1020 4,105 790 4,895 4,187 808 4,995 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 4,105 790 4,895 4,187 808 7993 Total 0.00 0.00 4,105 790 4,895 4,187 808 4,995. Supplies Office Supplies: 250 copy paper and misc supplies for Neighborhood Watch, Natl Night Out, DARE, Police Reserves,etc Printing and Printed forms: 250 flyers and brochures for community events or DARE Program Supplies: 5,705 DARE t-shirts,workbooks and other supplies, promotional items for National Night Out, promotional items for Neighborhood watch and community picnic General Supplies: 1,000 Misc items for programs and Police Reserves Uniforms: 3,300 Reserve uniform items(current membership 20) Food Supplies: 2,500 food for events such as Block Capt Appreciation Night,community picnic,Jamboree parade roll call(pre-parade meeting w/other communities'Reserves and CSO's Other Services and Charges Training: 1,500 DARE training and training costs for Reserves Local Travel Expense: 100 Misc. local travel expense items Subscriptions, Memberships: 400 memberships in Minnesota DARE and NNO Volunteer Recognition: 400 Items for Neighborhood Watch and Police Reserves 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:ANIMAL CONTROL 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42700 ANIMALCONTROL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies - 333 300 300 300 2999 Other Services&Charges 13,512 11,398 15,963 15,963 15,963 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:ANIMAL CONTROL 13,512 11,730 16,263 16,263 16,263 - Activity Description The City of Columbia Heights contracts with Camden Pet Hospital, 140144th Avenue North, Minneapolis. Their services include animal shelter,euthanasia, adoption and clinic services. This contract was renewed in July 2010 and runs through July 2013. Early in 2013,options will be researched to discern whether this contract would be renegotiated,or a contract pursued with another vendor,and a recommendation will be made to the City Council. Animal control is primarily handled by Community Service Officers, or sworn officers when a CSO is not on duty. Objectives The Animal Control contract with Camden Pet Hospital provides for state-of-the-art animal services at a reasonable cost for our community. Budget Comments Due to the City's ongoing contract with Camden Pet Hospital for animal control services,the 2013 amount for this budget section remains the same as in 2012, 2011 and 2010. Because the current contract with Camden Pet will expire at the end of June 2013, options for an animal control contract will be researched and a recommendation made as to renewing with Camden Pet Hospital or contracting with a new vendor. 10 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42700 ANIMAL CONTROL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SE - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - - - - SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 333 300 300 300 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 333 300 300 300 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 13,406 11,292 15,857 15,897 15,897 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 106 106 106 66 66 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 2999 TOTALS: OTHER SERVICES&CHP 13,512 11,398 15,963 15,963 15,963 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - TOTALS:ANIMAL CONTROL 13,512 11,730 16,263 16,263 16,263 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET 101.42700 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0:00 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Supplies General supplies: 300 food and cleaning supplies for kennel Other Services and Charges Expert and Professional Service! 15,897 contract fees to Camden Pet for animal control services Insurance and Bonds: 66 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 270 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42160 POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAM Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 9,761 - 1999 Supplies 9,743 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 30 - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 36,370 - - TOTALS: POLICE COMMUNITY Pf 55,903 - Activity Description Beginning in 2012 this activity is budgeted under 101.42160 General Fund. Objectives Beginning in 2012 this activity is budgeted under 101.42160 General Fund. Budget Comments Beginning in 2012 this activity is budgeted under 101.42160 General Fund. 13 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 270 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42160 POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 35 - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 7,463 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 1,055 - - - - - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 98 - -1300 INSURANCE 880 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 231 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 9,761 - - - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 118 - - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 3,063 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 520 - - 2172 UNIFORMS 4,623 - - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,419 - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 9,743 - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 3220 POSTAGE - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 30 - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - - - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 30 - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND 36,370 - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 36,370 - - - - TOTALS: POLICE COMMUNITY PROGI 55,903 - - - - 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER POLICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BUDGET 270.42160 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0;00 0.00 0.00 0;00 0.00 0.00 This department is now reported under General Fund 101 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 431 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42100 POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies - 11,501 13,450 12,550 12,550 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay 94,913 80,490 67,103 69,919 69,919 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS: POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPP 94,913 91,991 80,553 82,469 82,469 Activity Description The Capital Equipment budget for 2013 includes two marked vehicles for patrol use,various equipment for those vehicles and related set-up costs. Objectives To manage the Capital Equipment Replacement fund in a way that allows us to obtain the best equipment for the best value that meets the needs and requirements of the department. Budget Comments The Capital Equipment Fund includes equipment required to keep our technology and fleet current and to keep our personnel safe in their duties. In 2013, it is recommended that two marked squad cars be purchased. The purchase of two marked squad cars per year allows the department to keep the fleet in better working order,and aids in controlling costs on replacement parts. The police department is budgeting for the purchase of one Sedan and one Utility vehicle for 2013.The Utility vehicle has fuel efficiency nearly identical to the Sedan(16 MPG in city v. 17 MPG).The purchase prices are also very comparable,with the Utility a marginal$1,900.00 more than the Sedan.The advantages presented by the Utility include the added space for both occupants and gear, and increased maneuverability in poor weather conditions.The police department intends to make use of the Utility as a supervisor vehicle.The added room will be used to carry additional equipment and supplies to include entry tools and other bulky gear. 16 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 431 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 42100 POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 4,000 4,000 4,000 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 11,501 9,450 8,550 8,550 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - - - _ _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 11,501 13,450 12,550 12,550 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHP - - _ _ CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 82,598 61,443 50,000 51,093 51,093 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 12,316 19,047 17,103 18,826 18,826 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 94,913 80,490 67,103 69,919 69,919 OTHER FINANCING USES 7435 TRANSFER OUT TO:OTHER - - - _ _ 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USE - - - - _ TOTALS: POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPP 94,913 91,991 80,553 82,469 82,469 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER POLICE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 431.42100 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 OAO 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Supplies Minor Equipment: 4,000 2 Dual DL radars Computer Equipment: 8,550 includes 2 squad computers$8,200, replacement batteries$350 Capital Outlay Vehicles: 51,093 1 Ford Interceptor Sedan and 1 Ford Interceptor utility vehicle Item Total Strip Out Old Squad 800 Build New Squads 4,000 Recessed Cage 1,098 Shop Supplies 500 Grill lights 320 UTMD siren box 870 Console 700 Computer mount 258 dock station for cf31 1,200 arm rests 240 Secondary cage for SUV 500 Window bars/door covers 1,200 Push Bumpers 600 console base plate 240 Trunk trays 500 Trunk organizers 600 Power Tamers 300 Seat Covers 1,000 Squad Graphics 1,200 Light Bar/lighting package 2,700 Sub Total 18,826 18 1 �l The City of 1-1 Columbia Heights 2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET ............ ............. I ' PUBLIC WORKS IL CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS: DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) Public Works Functional Area Summary Pages 1-3 REVENUE SECTION 212 State Aid Maintenance 4 402 State Aid Construction 5 412 Capital Improvements Parks 6 601 Water Utility 7 602 Sewer Utility g 603 Refuse Fund 9 604 Storm Sewer Utility 10 651 Water Construction Fund 11 652 Sewer Construction Fund 12 653 Storm Sewer Construction Fund 13 701 Central Garage 14 OPERATING EXPENSES 101-43100 Engineering Department 15-18 101-43121 Street Department 19-22 101-43160 Street Lighting Department 23-25 101-43170 Traffic Signs and Signals 26-28 101-45200 Parks Department 29-32 101-46102 Tree Trimming (Urban Forestry) 33-39 212-43190 State-Aid Maintenance 40-43 430-46323 Infrastructure Fund 44-46 601-49400 Water Source of Supply 47-49 601-49430 Water Distribution 50-53 601-49449 Water Utility Non-Operating (Debt service) 54-56 602-49450 Sewer Collections 57-60 602-49480 Sewer Disposal 61-63 602-49499 Sewer Utility Non-Operating (Debt service) 64-66 603-49510 Refuse Disposal 67-69 603-49520 Refuse Collection and Disposal 70-72 603-49530 Recycling 73-76 603-49540 Hazardous Waste 77-79 604-49650 Storm Sewer Collections 80-83 604-49699 Storm Sewer Utility Non-Operating(Debt service) 84-86 701-49950 Central Garage 87-90 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 431-43100 Capital Equipment Replacement—Engineering 91-93 431-43121 Capital Equipment Replacement—Street 94-96 431-45200 Capital Equipment Replacement—Parks 97-99 432-49499 Capital Equipment Replacement—Sewer 100-102 433-49449 Capital Equipment Replacement—Water 103-105 434-49950 Capital Equipment Replacement—Garage 106-108 438-49699 Capital Equipment Replacement—Storm Sewer 109-111 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 402-43191 State-Aid Construction 112-114 411-49950 Central Garage Building (MSC) Capital Improvement 115-117 412-45200 Parks Capital Improvement 118-120 651-49449 Water Construction 121-123 652-49499 Sewer Construction 124-126 653-49699 Storm Sewer Construction 127-129 ra 0 00 cc N O O ri N O r-I O O M ri m 00 'IT W N 00 N ',t O O H n -* N �' V1 m M r- ct lD O O 00 m 00 Ln Y ri m 0O "1 ^ ^ C � O CL 0 0 R* co ri a) O m 00 N ri N M N ri O N w M 1, l0 Il lD r- 00 'IT ri O r-I lG r-I m CY C1 l0 a) to c V) N a) O � M ri ri M I� lD M M aJ ri ri ri ri E cI L kD CMC) C w CCD -4 m0000 m -1m 00 N n n a) V1 m N Ln W Ln lD 00 C lD Vl n O M M 00 V1 O Ln V1 ri n 00 Lr) ri 1Izi-1 00 00 00 U O H r0 r-1 O r-I O O 1, O O CT) N O 1� O O M C') a) O +-+ m u) O ri (3) N 00 w l0 O) tD M O m M O Ln rq Lr) w O N ri N G1 UD N� l�0 Il r-I t.0 l0 l0 l0 l0 C � � p c-I ri ri r-I ri ri M J L 00 N O L Ln O w O OlzT co to lD O N O O 00 v) 00 N = V �t O r-I O N 00 m m N 0 � 00 ct M r6 Lr) O 1, O n 0) -:T r-I w O (14 a) N N E _ KT 00 m 00 N N O ^ Ln r, r, 00 rN-1 V v) R CO a ^ r'i 00 � ri ri 00 00 00 c-I O aL i U Ln O T U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0) 0 Kt O O M a) M w 00 N ri O a) O ri IZT ri M d' I- m V) O N n Ln Ln Ln LO O O r-I M m l0!) 00 1-4 - On � N O`p M M N M m m tw C W V) a+ U L L� aJ LOn v d ro u ar s c U N U Y Y U -0 1= to E m c , a) c a� m o L aJ > 2S O U '6 06 co 3 aai O v 0' LL �° H ra v Ln O ovn x CL d C a) rz W W N c = L m c d' W pp rz> X a1 aJ c6 41 to a1 O 0/ Cl i Q t !? 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O 4! > LL to i Ol — vl N o d Qj x w N O N 06 — N w rn 0 .N N M CC uu G1 vl OLA OL4 4J en C L fII C _ pp QJ N t0 O1 N N O O1 w O0 O_ N ' +� fp f6 = X v + cO 3 Q L O t Z != y 0 0 s CC J U I L N � d W d Ln O D U F H V 01 01 m Ol Ol 0) 01 m > Ol Ol 01 01 m G i 01 Ql Q7 Ql Ol Ql Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol Ot Ol X (p Ol 01 O1 m 0) m m ri dl Ol 01 0) 0) W E O r-1 N M ct Ln lD Ol O -1 N L m D am+ M m m m m M m H H N City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33418 Gas Tax Appointment-Maintenanc 145,988 154,598 154,490 218,950 - - 34303 Public Works Service - 968 - - - 36210 Interest on Investments - - 36219 Change in Fair Value - - 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue - 90 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - 39209 Transfer In-State Aid - 39243 Transfer In-State Aid - - _ _ Total Revenue 145,988 155,656 154,490 218,950 - 4 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed I Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33160 Federal Grant - - 33165 Federal Grant Pass Through 1,963,727 134,795 - - - 33419 Municipal State Aid Street Constr. 327,574 428,965 300,000 600,000 - - 33422 State Grant-Aid - - _ _ 36210 Interest on Investments - - - _ _ _ 36219 Change in Fair Value - - - _ _ _ 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue - - - _ _ _ 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - 5,000 - - - - 39201 Transfer In-PIR Fund - - - _ _ _ 39203 Transfer In-General Fund - - - _ _ _ Total Revenue 2,291,301 568,760 300,000 600,000 - - 5 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PARKS Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 32196 Park Dedication Fees 15,724 - 1,500 1,500 - - 33422 State Grant-Aid - _ _ 33630 School District - 92,323 33641 Other Government Grants 35,490 - - - 36210 Interest on Investments 4,400 3,400 5,500 5,500 - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (1,100) 1,900 - - 36220 General Government Rents - - 5,000 5,000 - - 36230 Contributions _ _ _ 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue - 773 39100 Sale of Land - _ _ 39203 Transfer In-General Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - 39219 Transfer In-Liquor Fund - - _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - 39250 Transfer In-Storm Sewer Cons - - _ 39310 Bonds Proceeds - _ _ Total Revenue 104,514 148,396 62,000 62,000 - - 6 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 34303 Public Works Service 31,618 28,064 55,000 28,500 - - 36210 Interest on Investments 9,000 12,000 5,000 5,000 - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (2,200) 6,600 1,000 - - - 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2,236 810 5,000 1,000 - - 36293 SAC Charges Collected 16,400 1,200 5,500 1,500 - - 37100 Water Service Charge 2,221,029 2,273,207 2,243,526 2,309,950 - - 37110 Interdepartmental Water Charge 15,202 17,003 12,500 15,000 - - 37150 Water Turn Off/On 30,815 26,675 25,500 25,000 - - 37160 Penalties 54,953 55,819 50,000 55,000 - - 37165 Water Connection Fee 41,939 42,248 42,000 42,250 - - 37170 Repair Water Meters, Cards 2,584 2,924 3,500 3,000 - - 37175 Customer Service - - - _ _ _ 37180 Sales Meters/Remote Units 15,296 6,190 12,500 5,000 - - 37181 Radio Meter Surcharge - - - _ _ _ 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset - - - - _ _ 39102 Recovery of Loss - - - _ _ _ 39110 Bad Checks Collected - - - _ _ _ 39120 Recovery Damage City Property - - - - _ _ 39130 Equipment Rental - - - _ _ _ 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - - - _ _ 39201 Transfer In-PIR Fund - - - - _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - - _ _ 39221 Transfer In From Sewer Fund - 2,943 - - - - 39233 Transfer In-Cap Equip - - - _ _ _ 39248 Transfer In-Water Cons - 103,820 - - - - Total Revenue 2,438,871 2,579,502 2,461,026 2,491,200 - - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33422 State Grant-Aid 33641 Other Government Grants - - _ _ 36210 Interest on Investments 22,100 15,200 20,000 10,000 - - 36211 Interest Current Value Credit 1,143 - - - 36212 Interest on Reserve Capacity - - _ _ _ _ 36219 Change in Fair Value (5,400) 8,400 3,500 2,500 - - 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2,189 2,710 1,250 2,250 - - 36293 SAC Charges Collected 125,650 40,280 2,250 2,500 - - 36400 Principal Repayment-Loans - - _ _ _ _ 37175 Customer Service - _ _ 37210 Sewer Service Charge 1,439,344 1,458,855 1,509,656 1,540,634 - - 37211 Interdepartmental Sewer Charge 6,681 5,727 5,000 5,000 - - 37250 SAC Charge Refund - - _ _ 37260 Penalties - _ _ 37270 Interceptor Maintenance 20,458 16,280 17,500 17,500 - - 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset - - _ _ 39130 Equipment Rental - _ _ _ 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - - _ 39201 Transfer In-PIR Fund - - _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - _ 39233 Transfer In-Cap Equip - _ _ _ 39237 Transfer In-Storm Sewer Fund - - _ _ 39249 Transfer In-Sewer Cons - - _ _ 39320 Capital Contributions 234,668 - - - Total Revenue 1,846,833 1,547,454 1,559,156 1,580,384 - - s City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33422 State Grant-Aid - - - - 33600 County Grant 36,653 66,163 50,000 66,163 - - 36210 Interest on Investments 13,700 13,500 10,000 - - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (3,300) 7,500 - - - - 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 25,513 41,654 5,000 41,654 - - 37310 Refuse Service Charge 1,516,233 1,640,674 1,594,376 1,674,095 - - 37311 Interdepartmental Refuse Charge 566 (150) 500 (150) - - 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset - - - - - 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - - - - 39201 Transfer In-PIR Fund - - - - - 39202 Transfer In-Recycling - - - - _ _ Total Revenue 1,589,365 1,769,340 1,659,876 1,781,762 - - 9 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 34303 Public Works Service - 84 - - - - 36210 Interest on Investments - - 36219 Change in Fair Value - - - _ 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2,266 654 3,000 2,500 - - 37410 Storm Sewer Service Charge 342,820 349,880 375,297 370,500 - - 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset - - - _ _ _ 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - - - _ _ 39201 Transfer In-PIR Fund - - _ _ _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - - _ _ 39233 Transfer In-Cap Equip - 86,184 - - - 39250 Transfer In-Storm Sewer Cons - - - _ _ _ 39320 Capital Contribution - 8,750 - - - Total Revenue 345,086 445,552 378,297 373,000 - - 10 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 651 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33600 County Grant 36210 Interest on Investments 36219 Change in Fair Value 36225 Non-Dwelling Rents 3,508 - - - - 37180 Sales Meters/Remote Units - 8,556 260,000 260,000 - - 37181 Radio Meter Surcharge 33,392 68,107 - - - - 39203 Transfer In-General Fund - - - _ 39222 Transfer In-Water Fund 846 14,837 100,000 82,000 - - 39225 Transferin-Refuse - - - _ 39256 Transfer In-Water Debt Service - - - _ 39310 Bonds Proceeds - - 265,000 265,000 - - Total Revenue 37,746 91,501 625,000 607,000 - - 11 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 652 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33422 State Grant-Aid 33641 Other Government Grants 34303 Public Works Service - - _ _ 36210 Interest on Investments 15,200 11,300 10,000 10,000 - - 36216 Loan Interest 8,362 4,332 - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (3,700) 6,300 - - - 39221 Transfer In-Sewer Fund 44,135 175,324 180,000 150,000 - - 39310 Bonds Proceeds - - 150,000 335,000 - - Total Revenue 63,996 197,256 340,000 495,000 - - 12 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION Ft Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33422 State Grant-Aid - - 200,000 - - - 33641 Other Government Grants - - - 34303 Public Works Service - - - 36210 Interest on Investments 4,200 2,600 5,000 - - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (1,000) 1,500 - - - - 36292 Fee In Lieu of Stormwater Imp - - - - _ _ 39203 Transfer In-General Fund - - - - _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - - _ _ 39221 Transfer In-Sewer Fund - - - - _ _ 39237 Transfer In-Storm Sewer Fund 965 20,148 - 100,000 - - 39290 Residual Equity Transfer - - - _ _ _ 39310 Bonds Proceeds - - 260,000 285,000 - - Total Revenue 4,165 24,248 465,000 385,000 - - 13 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Revenue Budget Worksheet 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 00 REVENUE Revenue Revenue Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 33165 Federal Grant Pass Through - - 36210 Interest on Investments 8,400 8,600 - - - 36219 Change in Fair Value (2,000) 4,800 - - 36290 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 6,577 7,333 6,250 7,500 - - 38400 Sales of Gasoline& Fuel 154,957 167,160 145,000 172,500 - - 39101 Gain/Loss Sale Fixed Asset - - _ _ 39102 Recovery of Loss 39140 Other Refunds & Reimbursements - - - _ 39180 Garage Labor& Burden 195,050 174,719 195,000 185,000 - - 39185 Allocation of Service Center 263,685 270,928 265,000 275,000 - - 39203 Transfer In-General Fund - - _ _ 39220 Transfer In-Capital Improvements - - - _ 39221 Transfer In-Sewer Fund - - _ _ 39222 Transfer In-Water Fund - - _ _ 39233 Transfer In-Cap Equip - _ _ _ 39247 Transfer In-Special Project Revenu 42,000 - - - _ 39253 Trasfer In-Cap Imp GenGov - 155,000 - 45,000 - - 39290 Residual Equity Transfer - - - _ 39320 Capital Contributions - 33,272 - 39400 Rents& Leases-Garage 2,009 12,260 2,500 - - - Total Revenue 670,678 834,072 613,750 685,000 - - 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:ENGINEERING 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 202,688 208,724 279,784 282,019 282,019 1999 Supplies 13,789 15,338 18,648 17,200 17,200 2999 Other Services&Charges 51,595 55,000 45,723 47,794 47,794 - 4999 Capital Outlay 57,851 26,123 - 1,500 1,500 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - 16,154 - - - - TOTALS: ENGINEERING 325,923 321,339 344,155 348,513 348,513 - Activity Description This department provides engineering services for public improvement projects. These activities include feasibility analysis, construction design, assessments,construction contract administration and project inspection.A major change in 2003 was the addition of a new mandate for the administration of the NPDES Phase II requirements; and assuming all responsibilities of the assessing department/functions in 2009. Other activities include general engineering, record keeping, GIS implementation, digital and hardcopy of file maintenance,and public contact. Objectives 1. Continue updating and development of the computerized pavement management program for street zone work. 2. Continue development of City Works software for automation of utility records, maintenance and complaint tracking program at Public Works. 3. Develop networking and sharing of other database sources for increased accuracy of owner information. 4. Develop a maintenance plan for the concrete streets in the Innsbruck area. 5. Develop departmental strategic plan. Budget Comments The proposed 2013 Engineering budget is$348,514, a 1.3% or$4,359 increase from the 2012 budget. Major line items contributing to the increase: 1. Personnel increased by$2,236 due to insurance and workers comp increases. 2.$1500 is budgeted to replace furniture in the MSC. 3. Maint and repair services increased by over$1,000 for maint agreements for engineering software programs and hardware devices. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 15 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - _ _ - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 140,227 151,043 202,482 202,688 202,688 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 8,161 7,059 2,640 2,648 2,648 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,214 2,838 8,696 8,696 8,696 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 90 550 4,657 4,701 4,701 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 13,700 (15,139) - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - 18,038 - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 51 - - - _ _ 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION 10,295 11,489 15,121 15,140 15,140 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 10,938 11,855 16,714 16,668 16,668 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 200 482 - - - 1300INSURANCE 13,688 19,677 27,664 29,519 29,519 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 1,179 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 945 831 1,810 1,959 1,959 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 202,688 208,724 279,784 282,019 282,019 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 744 606 1,616 980 980 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 319 594 1,850 1,000 1,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 3,358 3,357 2,723 3,700 3,700 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 112 386 1,061 720 720 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 126 89 276 200 200 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 51 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 677 410 652 650 650 2172 UNIFORMS - 73 31 30 30 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 150 52 404 270 270 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 125 - 27 20 20 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2,974 2,859 4,596 3,780 3,780 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 5,203 6,913 5,361 5,850 5,850 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 13,789 15,338 18,648 17,200 17,200 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 10,092 17,138 4,382 6,450 6,450 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,025 1,185 793 790 790 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 1,607 1,387 1,660 1,623 1,623 3211 CELL PHONES 1,329 1,612 1,616 1,070 1,070 - 3220 POSTAGE 625 906 250 844 844 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 48 51 299 299 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 16 - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - 464 808 630 630 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 5,225 5,225 5,225 3,858 3,858 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 6,013 3,310 4,831 5,930 5,930 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 6,946 5,443 6,717 6,710 6,710 4100 RENTS&LEASES 16,600 17,038 18,202 18,400 18,400 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - _ _ - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 1,303 972 993 1,000 1,000 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - _ - _ 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - _ - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - 25 20 20 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 829 256 170 170 170 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 16 - - - - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 51,595 55,000 45,723 47,794 47,794 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - 1,500 1,500 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 12,001 - - - 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 57,851 14,122 - - _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 57,851 26,123 - 1,500 1,500 OTHER FINANCING USES 7120 TRANSFER OUT:MN STREET CONST - - _ _ _ 7175 TRANSFER OUT TO PIR PROJ FND - 16,154 - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES _ _ 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 16,154 - - _ TOTALS: ENGINEERING 325,923 321,339 344,155 348,513 348,513 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER ENGINEERING BUDGET 101-43100 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.15 0.15 17,555 4,165 21,720 17,555 4,102 21,658 ACE 0.68 0.68 54,536 14,938 69,474 54,519 15,060 69,579 Superintendent Eng Tech IV 1.20 1.20 81,318 23,613 104,931 81,318 24,323 105,641 Shop foreman Foreman Eng Tech III 0.75 0.85 44,559 14,213 58,772 44,803 15,289 60,092 Maint III Maint workers Admin Asst Secretary 0.25 0.25 11,843 3,875 15,718 11,865 4,041 15,906 PT Clerk 0.10 0.11 4,840 756 5,596 4,848 762 5,610 Seasonals 0.38 0.40 8,696 976 9,672 8,696 982 9,678 Subtotal 3.51 3.64 223,347 62,536 285,883 223,604 64,559 288,164 Labor Allocation To: Assessment Clerk (0.04) (0.05) (2,200) (343) (2,543) (2,200) (346) (2,546) Secretary (0.06) (0.06) (2,672) (884) (3,556) (2,672) (925) (3,598) Total 3.41 3.53 218,475 61,309 279,784 218,732 63,288 282,020 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 1,000 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 6,450 survey&inspections 1,000 Consultants for special design/testing 2,000 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 3,700 GIS contract 3,826 Misc upgrades/replacement 2,450 Telecom service 624 Tech Computer replacement 1,250 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 790 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS TOTAL: 200 Required Engineering courses&certifications 790 Printing&printed forms(permits) 100 3220 POSTAGE TOTAL: 844 Postcards for meetings,hangers, petitions 100 City Hall Postage 594 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 650 Other 250 Surveying supplies 260 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 5,930 Drafting supplies 390 KIP copier 2,000 Software repairs 1,200 Misc equipment repairs 600 CH copier costs 97 CarteGraph/autocad systems maint 2,033 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 18,400 MSC allocation 17,354 Other equipment rentals 1,046 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 1,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 1,500 Office furniture 1,500 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STREETS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 439,286 361,154 443,065 472,496 472,496 - 1999 Supplies 154,978 137,801 183,214 174,130 174,130 2999 Other Services&Charges 157,424 205,612 185,982 185,622 185,622 - 4999 Capital Outlay 9,153 30,855 7,000 15,000 15,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - _ _ TOTALS:STREETS 760,841 735,423 819,261 847,248 847,248 Activity Description The street department provides for the maintenance of city Rights-of-Ways including streets, alleys and storm sewer. These services include patching,surface repairs, bituminous paving,street sweeping,snow plowing and removal, ice control, miscellaneous projects as required,and public contact. In 2006 was the addition of public storm sewer maintenance as mandated by the NPDES Phase II requirements. Objectives 1. Continue crack sealing asphalt streets in prior street rehab zones. 2. Continue street repair/patching in prior zones of the street rehab program. 3. Complete the alley rehabilitation program begun in 2008(thin overlays), shifting to concrete panel reconstruction. 4. Continue evaluation of the equipment used and application rates of straight salt for street ice control cost effectiveness. 5. Develop developmental strategic plan. Budget Comments The overall 2013 budget for the Street Department is$847,249,an increase of$27,988 or 3.4%,from 2012. Major line items contributing to the increase: 1.Salaries increased by$29,432 due to step increases, charge out allocations(project and department), insurance and workers comp increases. 2. Uniforms increased by over$1,700. They were incorrectly charged to Rentals, but will now be budgeted on the Uniform line item. 3.Gas, Oil,and Lubricants increased by over$1,100. 4. Garage labor increased by over$600 due to repairs. 5.Other communications increased by over$200 following Prep manual instructions. 19 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 296,101 245,707 294,262 314,964 314,964 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,132 2,356 3,300 3,300 3,300 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 5,172 4,061 9,332 9,332 9,332 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 37,933 14,066 21,032 20,889 20,889 1030 VACATION&SICK 1,052 1,574 - - _ _ 1050 SEVERANCE PAY _ _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 35 - - - _ _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 20,686 18,818 22,933 24,421 24,421 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 22,592 19,576 25,084 26,601 26,601 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - _ _ 1300 INSURANCE 36,792 42,992 45,591 50,343 50,343 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 590 - - _ _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 15,101 12,006 21,531 22,646 22,646 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 439,286 361,154 443,065 472,496 472,496 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 310 271 303 310 310 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 478 550 8,329 4,730 4,730 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 303 - 1,398 - - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 44 - 132 130 130 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 58 37 33 50 50 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 101 100 100 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 29,712 19,951 45,457 45,440 45,440 2161 CHEMICALS 40,355 33,086 43,753 36,720 36,720 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 183 553 748 760 760 - 2172 UNIFORMS 1,547 1,984 - 1,770 1,770 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,116 1,291 1,293 1,300 1,300 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 8 _ 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 43,931 43,469 47,016 47,020 47,020 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 36,940 36,600 34,651 35,800 35,800 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 154,978 137,801 183,214 174,130 174,130 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,731 970 2,373 2,380 2,380 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,381 2,262 835 850 850 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 70 117 117 - 3211 CELL PHONES 1,029 970 947 990 990 - 3220 POSTAGE _ _ _ 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 145 52 299 299 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 - - _ 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - _ _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 13,487 13,487 13,487 13,141 13,141 - 3810 ELECTRIC 279 234 293 246 246 - 3820 WATER 823 204 492 520 520 - 3850 SEWER 670 310 476 490 490 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES 4,541 55,117 23,593 23,610 23,610 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 53,635 50,937 52,348 53,000 53,000 - 4080 VEHICLE REPAIR _ _ _ _ 4100 RENTS&LEASES 79,375 80,970 90,755 89,679 89,679 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES 186 20 - - - - - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 69 8 103 110 110 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 218 - 158 190 190 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 157,424 205,612 185,982 185,622 185,622 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ _ _ - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 15,293 7,000 - 5185INFRASTRUCTURE - - - 15,000 15,000 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 9,153 15,562 - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,153 30,855 7,000 15,000 15,000 - TOTALS:STREETS 760,841 735,423 819,261 847,248 847,248 - 21 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STREETS BUDGET 101-43121 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.14 0.14 16,385 3,886 20,271 16,385 3,829 20,214 ACE Superintendent 0.14 0.13 10,735 2,960 13,695 10,735 2,961 13,696 Eng Tech IV Shop foreman Foreman 0.73 0.73 44,389 15,860 60,249 44,389 16,393 60,782 Eng Tech I I I Maint III 0.02 0.02 1,130 369 1,499 1,130 383 1,513 Maint workers 4.20 4.51 233,007 87,333 320,339 253,949 95,753 349,702 Admin Asst 0.07 0.06 3,691 1,224 4,915 3,308 1,097 4,405 Secretary 0.12 0.12 5,957 1,944 7,901 5,957 2,025 7,982 PT Clerk 0.07 0.07 3,300 515 3,815 3,300 517 3,817 Seasonals 0.40 0.43 9,332 1,048 10,380 9,332 1,055 10,387 Subtotal 5.89 6.21 327,926 115,139 443,064 348,485 124,013 472,498 Total 5.89 6.21 327,926 115,139 443,064 348,485 124,013 472,498 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 4,730 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 2,380 locators,street saws, power tools, 1,580 Soil tests(MN requirement) 0 jackhammers Drug/Alcohol testing 470 Hand tools 780 GIS contract 940 Safety equipment 1,570 ILC safety consultant 940 Road temp sensor 800 Telecom services 30 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 850 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 45,440 Local 49er equipment training 270 Hot mix asphalt(patching,alley overlays) 35,040 OSHA operation of earth moving equipment 270 Winter mix asphalt 1,000 Street maintenance workshops 310 Bituminous materials 3,530 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 23,610 Aggregates 2,020 Concrete repair(Street/alley panels) 12,000 Black dirt and Sod 500 Seal Coat share 6,190 Alley repair materials 3,350 Crack sealing 4,450 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 36,720 Debris disposal 970 Sidewalk deicing chemicals 560 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 89,679 Road de-icing chemicals 36,160 MSC rental 82,469 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 760 Misc-traffic control,equipment,tools 7,210 Blades-router,concrete/asphalt saw 470 Misc(LP,shovels, rakes,etc) 290 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 15,000 rear yard fence repair/replacement 15,000 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 22 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STREET LIGHTING 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43160 STREET LIGHTING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 2,200 2,705 5,613 5,522 5,522 - 1999 Supplies - 386 758 680 680 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 138,034 150,014 152,679 160,067 160,067 4999 Capital Outlay - - - _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - _ _ _ TOTALS:STREET LIGHTING 140,234 153,105 159,050 166,269 166,269 - Activity Description This activity provides for the energy costs related to intersection, mid-block, and alley lighting. This activity also includes maintenance and repair of city-owned street lights. Objectives 1. Implement maintenance contracted services for new city-owned street lighting on Huset Parkway and Grand Avenue. 2. Review street lighting along 40th and 41st Avenues for upgrades, replacement or as a minimum, needed repairs. 3. Evaluate replacement of city-owned and maintained lights in Labelle,Sullivan and Prestemon Parks. 4. Evaluate viability of developing Street Light Utility city wide. Budget Comments The 2013 proposed Street Lighting budget is$166,269 an increase of$7,219 or 4.5%from 2012. The only line item increase of this budget is electricity for street lighting of over$7,500. 23 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43160 STREET LIGHTING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1,573 2,103 4,182 4,084 4,084 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 132 132 132 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 113 150 312 304 304 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION 109 155 329 319 319 1300 INSURANCE 362 246 550 573 573 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 42 50 108 110 110 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 2,200 2,705 5,613 5,522 5,522 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 581 580 580 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 386 101 100 100 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 76 - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 386 758 680 680 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE& BONDS - 180 3800 UTILITY SERVICES - - 149,711 - - 3810 ELECTRIC 137,806 149,807 - 157,297 157,297 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES 228 207 2,778 2,770 2,770 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - - - - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - 10 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 138,034 150,014 152,679 160,067 160,067 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:STREET LIGHTING 140,234 153,105 159,050 166,269 166,269 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STREET LIGHTING BUDGET 101-43160 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Director 0.01 0.01 878 208 1,086 820 191 1,011 ACE 0.00 0.00 202 55 257 162 44 206 Superintendent 0.01 0.01 398 109 507 398 109 507 Maint III 0.05 0.05 2,837 926 3,763 2,837 960 3,797 Subtotal 0.07 0.07 4,315 1,298 5,613 4,217 1,304 5,521 Total 0.07 0.07 4,315 1,298 5,613 4,217 1,304 5,521 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 580 Base plates, ballasts, bulbs 580 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 100 Bulbs, bolts, misc 100 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 0 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 2,770 Repair&service of city owned lights 2,770 4100 RENTS&LEASES TOTAL: 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 25 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Deparent City Manager Council tm 43170 TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 61,428 64,243 55,889 56,393 56,393 1999 Supplies 7,403 19,945 10,708 12,320 12,320 2999 Other Services&Charges 11,359 13,324 15,228 14,850 14,850 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - _ TOTALS:TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS 80,190 97,512 81,825 83,563 83,563 Activity Description This activity provides for the installation and maintenance of city controlled signs and signals. This account group also provides for street striping and traffic counting. Objectives 1. Complete the physical coordinate location(GPS'ing)and development of a computerized sign inventory. 2. Complete Federally mandated Traffic Sign Maintenance Program. 3. Continue programmed replacement of regulatory signs in street rehab zones. 4. Upgrade regulatory signs to high intensity-VIP diamond grade on State Aid Streets Street Zone work areas. 5. Repainting of Trunk Highway signals for proper maintenance and appearance on Central and University Avenues. Budget Comments The overall budget proposed in 2013 is$83,564,a 2.1%increase of$1,739,from the 2012 adopted budget. Major line items contributing to the increase: Vehicle repair and parts increased by over$1,600 and Garage labor increased by over$400. These line items are experiencing increases due to repairs of aging equipment. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 26 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43170 TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 42,092 43,206 35,359 35,416 35,416 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 4,183 5,620 6,363 6,363 6,363 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 805 828 1,497 1,497 1,497 1030 VACATION&SICK 123 773 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,972 3,269 2,653 2,657 2,657 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 3,385 3,701 3,306 3,307 3,307 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - _ _ 1300 INSURANCE 6,524 5,571 5,224 5,637 5,637 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,345 1,275 1,487 1,516 1,516 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 61,428 64,243 55,889 56,393 56,393 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9 9 54 30 30 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 300 2,510 1,101 450 450 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - 51 - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - _ _ 2161 CHEMICALS - - 51 50 50 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,311 7,914 6,313 6,350 6,350 - 2172 UNIFORMS 251 444 - 340 340 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 182 221 152 200 200 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 1,177 7,232 1,731 3,400 3,400 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 1,174 1,616 1,255 1,500 1,500 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 7,403 19,945 10,708 12,320 12,320 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 96 - - - - - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 145 234 152 150 150 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - _ _ 3211 CELL PHONES 245 339 216 210 210 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 48 46 40 40 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 780 780 780 506 506 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 514 1,101 3,283 3,270 3,270 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 1,410 2,679 1,413 1,830 1,830 4100 RENTS& LEASES 8,139 8,143 9,309 8,824 8,824 - 4300 MISC. CHARGES - - - - _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 29 - 29 20 20 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 11,359 13,324 15,228 14,850 14,850 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - _ TOTALS:TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS 80,190 97,512 81,825 83,563 83,563 27 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER TRAFFIC SIGNS&SIGNALS BUDGET 101-43170 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.01 0.01 878 208 1,086 935 218 1,154 Superintendent 0.01 0.01 398 109 507 398 109 507 Maint III 0.63 0.63 35,581 11,637 47,218 35,581 12,070 47,651 Seasonals 0.28 0.29 6,363 715 7,078 6,363 719 7,082 Subtotal 0.93 0.94 43,220 12,669 55,889 43,277 13,116 56,394 Total 0.93 0.94 43,220 12,669 55,889 43,277 13,116 56,394 SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 450 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Other minor equipment 450 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 0 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 50 Industrial road cleaning chemicals 50 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 6,350 Traffic counter supplies 130 Traffic paint 3,500 Channel posts 900 Signal lamps 200 Street name signs 400 LED lamps 580 safety cones/flashers 640 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 0 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 150 MNDOT traffic control 150 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 3,270 Arterial striping 850 Traffic counter maint 500 Traffic control sign service 700 MPLS signals maint 1,220 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 8,824 MSC rental expenses 8,294 Other equipment rentals 530 28 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:PARKS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 443,036 449,992 470,702 459,782 459,782 1999 Supplies 77,978 68,428 97,312 97,420 97,420 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 213,988 210,762 205,075 206,641 206,641 4999 Capital Outlay - 19,756 6,000 10,000 10,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 292 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTALS: PARKS 735,293 748,938 780,089 774,843 774,843 Activity Description This activity provides for the maintenance of: A. 15 city parks B. 3 public wading pools C. 4 skating and 4 hockey rinks; D. 12 softball/baseball diamonds E. 2 tennis courts F. 12 buildings and other recreational facilities G. park trails. This department also provides landscape maintenance for all municipal buildings, other city-owned properties, easement areas,and the planning, implementation and construction of various park improvements. Objectives 1. Continue park redevelopment based upon approved Master Plans and available funding. 2. Continue pursuing DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant and other funding for park redevelopment. 3. Continue to develop/encourage neighborhood input regarding park improvements. 4. Improve the general condition of athletic fields-drainage and weed control. 5. Continue Master Planning for parks and engage public input/review process. 6. Develop developmental strategic plan. Budget Comments The 2013 Parks proposed budget is$774,842, an decrease of$5,247 or-(0.7)% from the 2012 adopted budget. Major line item decreases include: 1. Personnel decreased by$11,000. 2. Natural gas and electric charges decreased over$2,000 for those line items. 3. Minor Equipment was decreased by over$1,000. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 29 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 282,260 264,649 292,710 281,026 281,026 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 2,760 2,372 3,300 3,300 3,300 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 47,059 75,696 54,828 54,828 54,828 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 5,713 4,304 11,980 11,980 11,980 - 1022 OVERTIME-SEASONAL - - _ _ _ 1030 VACATION&SICK 4,168 3,437 - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1,280 - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 20,254 19,446 22,169 21,323 21,323 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 25,014 25,198 27,756 26,802 26,802 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - _ _ _ 1300 INSURANCE 40,677 42,176 46,199 48,944 48,944 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 3,995 4,378 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 9,857 8,336 11,760 11,579 11,579 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ _ _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 443,036 449,992 470,702 459,782 459,782 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 317 294 626 620 620 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 8,684 8,880 8,607 7,600 7,600 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 35 967 35 - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 44 - 202 200 200 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 194 67 462 460 460 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 101 100 100 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 20,101 8,193 28,280 28,280 28,280 2161 CHEMICALS 4,745 2,964 3,631 3,610 3,610 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 11,569 12,993 16,839 16,780 16,780 2172 UNIFORMS 1,455 2,075 492 1,760 1,760 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 399 762 1,659 1,650 1,650 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 8 18 10 10 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 13,578 15,028 17,675 17,670 17,670 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 16,858 16,197 18,685 18,680 18,680 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 77,978 68,428 97,312 97,420 97,420 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11,166 17,344 6,831 6,820 6,820 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,670 1,336 1,370 1,370 1,370 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 98 21 40 146 146 - 3211 CELL PHONES 494 486 814 810 810 3220 POSTAGE - 2 _ _ _ 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 133 52 299 299 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 158 151 - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - _ _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 20 235 202 210 210 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 19,328 19,328 19,328 19,042 19,042 - 3810 ELECTRIC 15,227 14,460 15,988 15,183 15,183 - 3820 WATER 5,787 6,203 5,426 6,250 6,250 - 3830 GAS 4,300 3,787 5,215 3,976 3,976 - 3840 REFUSE - _ _ _ _ 3850 SEWER 1,589 1,997 1,499 1,690 1,690 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 40,806 30 33,472 30,651 30,640 30,640 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 77 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,723 3,630 5,148 5,180 5,180 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR SURD. 38,093 31,924 31,968 33,995 33,995 4100 RENTS&LEASES 72,372 75,013 79,119 79,620 79,620 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - _ 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - 458 666 660 660 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS 27 - - - - 4380 COMMISSION &BOARDS 193 - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 936 783 758 750 750 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ - _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 213,988 210,762 205,075 206,641 206,641 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - 10,672 6,000 10,000 10,000 - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS - 9,084 - - _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 19,756 6,000 10,000 10,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7230 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS - - _ _ 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 8110 VANDALISM 292 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 8200 SUNSHINE FUND - _ - _ 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 292 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - TOTALS: PARKS 735,293 748,938 780,089 774,843 774,843 31 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER 101-45200 PARKS BUDGET SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.14 0.14 16,385 3,886 20,271 16,385 3,829 20,214 Superintendent 0.14 0.14 11,133 3,070 14,203 11,133 3,072 14,205 Foreman 0.92 0.92 54,876 19,049 73,925 54,876 19,087 73,963 Maint workers 3.85 3.85 211,290 71,596 282,886 200,154 72,425 272,578 Admin Asst 0.07 0.06 3,856 1,278 5,134 3,309 1,097 4,406 Secretary 0.15 0.15 7,148 2,332 9,480 7,148 2,429 9,578 PT Clerk 0.07 0.07 3,300 515 3,815 3,300 515 3,815 Seasonals 2.38 2.53 54,828 6,157 60,985 1 54,828 6,195 61,023 Subtotal 7.72 7.86 362,816 107,883 470,699 351,133 108,649 459,782 Total 7.72 7.86 362,816 107,883 470,699 351,133 108,649 459,782 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTINUED 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 7,600 Tennis, Bball, hockey,soccer nets 350 Replace mowers,weed whips,snow blowers 2,810 signs 1,350 Hedge trimmers,other parks maint equipment 1,790 Fence hardware and parts 740 Hot Boxes 2,000 SERVICES AND CHARGES Fertilizer spreader 1,000 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 6,820 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Drug and alcohol testing 1,000 2070 TRAINING AND INSTR SUPPLIES TOTAL: 100 GIS contract 850 Seasonal safety training aids 100 Safety consultant/training 1,660 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 28,280 Other parks consultations 3,300 Lumber and cement 3,834 Telecom services 10 Treated wood ties,guard rails 935 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 1,370 Shrub bed mulch 3,086 Pool operator certification 384 Dirt 2,899 Pesticide applicator certification 329 Grass seed 3,086 Local 49er equipment training 219 Shrubs, bushes 1,029 Earth moving equipment training 219 Soft step wood fiber 2,899 Turf management training 219 Wood fiber or sand for playgrounds 1,255 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 30,640 Beach maint supplies 655 trees and weed maint 17,710 Aggregates and lime for ball fields 2,899 Misc concrete repairs 3,400 Asphalt and base materials 3,834 Annual fire extinguisher inspections 2,040 Irrigation system parts 842 CityWorks maint contract(1/4) 680 Misc supplies 1,029 Software maint contracts(1/4) 680 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 3,610 Misc Park facilities repair and maint 6,130 Fertilizer(weed and feed) 1,290 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 5,180 Ice control 950 Park bldgs maint 4,087 Wadding pools chemicals 1,290 HVAC contract 1,093 Misc chemicals 80 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 79,620 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 16,780 MSC rental expenses 65,930 Hand tools 180 Parks Satellite rentals 10,770 Electrical supplies 2,140 Handicap satellite rentals 2,920 Plumbing supplies 180 Park bldgs maint supplies 2,380 CAPITAL OUTLAY Parks repair maint hardware 470 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 Door replacements and parts 2,140 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 10,000 Padlocks,keys 350 Huset#5 Press Box siding and roof 5,000 Paint 1,110 Security lighting at Huset East playground/ball 5,000 Playground hardware and parts 3,970 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: Skating and playground Matts .§180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:TREE TRIMMING 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46102 TREE TRIMMING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 41,350 47,772 69,943 70,139 70,139 - 1999 Supplies 1,311 7,462 2,041 2,370 2,370 2999 Other Services&Charges 58,543 45,815 57,649 64,463 64,463 - 4999 Capital Outlay - _ _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - _ _ _ _ TOTALS:TREE TRIMMING 101,205 101,049 129,633 136,972 136,972 Activity Description This activity provides for tree trimming, removal of hazardous,diseased, or dead trees(on city-owned properties except for parks),and replanting of new trees. It includes shaping and maintaining boulevard trees in a healthy condition, removal of downed branches,and clearing obstructed signs. It also provides for disease eradication, hazardous tree inspections, corner visibility, and brush in the alley inspections. Objectives 1. An EAB contingency was added to the budget for the treatment of City owned Ash trees. 2. Concentrate on boulevard tree trimming by residential street rehabilitation zones. 3. Trim sidewalk and street sign locations. 4. Contractual trimming at parks with paved walking paths to maintain safe pathways. 5. Contractual training(Arborists)for improving staff tree trimming techniques. 6. Focus management of the DED inspection program to maximize eradication and safety with limited funding. 7. Develop a tree care program for Huset Parkway area and University service drive. Budget Comments The proposed 2013 Tree Care and Maintenance budget is$136,791,an increase of$7,338 or 5.7%,from the adopted 2012 budget. Major line item contributing to the increase was Expert services at over$7,400 for Ash Bore treatments of City owned trees. 33 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46102 TREE TRIMMING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 31,070 34,636 49,802 49,645 49,645 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 57 62 - - _ _ 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 220 1,935 - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 831 661 2,245 2,246 2,246 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - _ _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,232 2,568 3,749 3,738 3,738 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,285 2,674 3,981 3,960 3,960 1300 INSURANCE 3,501 4,461 7,410 7,745 7,745 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 472 - - - _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 683 776 2,756 2,805 2,805 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE _ _ - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 41,350 47,772 69,943 70,139 70,139 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13 8 51 50 50 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 4,476 143 500 500 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - _ _ _ 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES _ 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 101 100 100 - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 182 2,254 505 500 500 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 57 72 212 210 210 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 606 600 600 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES _ - _ 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS - - 269 260 260 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 1,058 653 154 150 150 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,311 7,462 2,041 2,370 2,370 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - 3,535 11,030 11,030 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 165 495 752 750 750 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - _ _ _ 3220 POSTAGE 1,021 1,020 1,020 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 38 30 30 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,170 1,170 1,170 523 523 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 57,173 43,934 49,903 49,890 49,890 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. - 196 1,174 1,170 1,170 4100 RENTS&LEASES - _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 35 - 56 50 50 - 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 20 _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 58,543 45,815 57,649 64,463 64,463 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 34 - - - - - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL cil Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Coun 46102 TREE TRIMMING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - _ _ TOTALS:TREE TRIMMING 101,205 101,049 129,633 136,972 136,972 35 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER TREE TRIMMING BUDGET 101-46102 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.02 0.02 2,633 624 3,258 2,576 602 3,178 Superintendent 0.10 0.10 8,327 2,251 10,578 8,327 2,252 10,579 Foreman 0.08 0.07 4,231 1,501 5,732 4,231 1,535 5,766 Maint III 0.01 0.01 565 185 750 565 191 756 Maint workers 0.56 0.56 31,496 11,771 43,267 31,379 12,031 43,410 Secretary 0.10 0.10 4,794 1,564 6,358 4,813 1,636 6,449 Subtotal 0.87 0.86 52,046 17,896 69,943 51,891 18,247 70,138 Total 0.87 0.86 52,046 17,896 69,943 51,891 18,247 70,138 SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 500 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 Tree trimming tools 500 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 500 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Replacement trees,Arbor Day 500 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 210 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TOTAL: 600 OSHA required PPE 600 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 11,030 Arborist services 2,800 Diseased tree consultations 730 Ash Bore tree treatments for parks 7,500 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 750 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 49,890 Removal and disposal of diseased/haz public trees 17,630 Removal and disposal of diseased/haz private trees 26,440 Tree planting services 4,400 Other services 1,420 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 0 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 50 36 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: DUTCH ELM SANITATION 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46103 DUTCH ELM SANITATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 465 663 - 1999 Supplies - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - TOTALS: DUTCH ELM SANITATION 465 663 - Activity Description This activity has been included under 101.46102 Tree Trimming for several years. Objectives This activity has been included under 101.46102 Tree Trimming for several years. Budget Comments This activity has been included under 101.46102 Tree Trimming for several years. 37 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46103 DUTCH ELM SANITATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 375 525 - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 26 38 - - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 27 31 -1300 INSURANCE 35 67 - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1 2 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 465 663 - SUPPLIES 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - _ OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITES - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 3220 POSTAGE - _ _ 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - _ 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - _ TOTALS: DUTCH ELM SANITATION 465 663 38 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER DUTCH ELM SANITATION 101.46103 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STATE AID MAINTENANCE 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43190 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 92,365 84,691 49,264 49,113 49,113 1999 Supplies 14,846 6,712 21,921 21,050 21,050 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 44,421 29,334 92,908 101,514 101,514 4999 Capital Outlay - - - _ - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - 1,000 - - - TOTALS:STATE AID MAINTENANCE 151,631 121,737 164,093 171,677 171,677 Activity Description This activity provides for the maintenance and repair of state aid streets and ROW as designated within the City and is funded by the Municipal State Aid system. Objectives 1. Continue the implementation of the 5-year Capital Improvement Program,originally developed in 1999,and periodically updated,as part of the certified status of local streets. 2. Retain 'certified' complete status for our local MSAS. 3. Perform street ratings on MSA sections to develop a S-A rehabilitation strategy. 4. Crack seal state aid streets(Joint City contract) Budget Comments The proposed 2013 budget is$171,677, an increase of$7,584 from 2012 or 4.6%. The Major line item contributing to the increase was in Repair and Maint services of over$15,000 for increased construction/repair work of S-A streets, structures, and landscaping. 40 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43190 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 46,777 50,436 30,446 30,178 30,178 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 17,703 12,583 7,954 7,954 7,954 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1,873 675 726 726 726 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 2,946 2,525 - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 3,356 3,697 2,249 2,230 2,230 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 5,569 4,633 2,992 2,956 2,956 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 12,047 8,157 4,042 4,188 4,188 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,993 1,984 855 881 881 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 92,365 84,691 49,264 49,113 49,113 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13 - 151 70 70 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,891 996 2,525 1,000 1,000 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,140 1,141 505 1,000 1,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 505 250 250 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 51 20 20 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 3,751 1,359 5,550 5,550 5,550 2161 CHEMICALS 1,042 - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 4,382 1,808 12,120 12,120 12,120 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 9 10 10 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - _ 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 625 1,409 505 1,030 1,030 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 14,846 6,712 21,921 21,050 21,050 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 191 1,204 9,595 9,500 9,500 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 540 - 3,030 1,500 1,500 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 10 10 10 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 11 - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - _ _ 3810 ELECTRIC 6,218 7,189 19,086 15,000 15,000 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 37,032 20,367 55,989 71,500 71,500 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 440 563 2,937 1,750 1,750 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 1,947 1,940 1,940 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - 152 152 152 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 162 162 162 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 44,421 29,334 92,908 101,514 101,514 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7210 TRANSFER OUTTO GENERAL FUND - 41 1,000 - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 212 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43190 STATE AID MAINTENANCE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 1,000 - - - TOTALS:STATE AID MAINTENANCE 151,631 121,737 164,093 171,677 171,677 42 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STATE AID MAINTENANCE BUDGET 212-43190 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.03 0.03 3,412 805 4,217 3,556 824 4,381 ACE 0.14 0.14 11,493 3,149 14,642 11,550 3,190 14,740 Superintendent 0.04 0.04 3,168 875 4,043 3,168 875 4,043 Foreman 0.05 0.05 3,009 1,038 4,047 3,009 1,040 4,049 Maint III 0.06 0.06 3,390 1,108 4,498 3,390 1,150 4,540 Maint workers 0.12 0.12 6,700 2,270 8,970 6,231 2,277 8,508 Seasonals 0.35 0.37 7,954 893 8,847 7,954 898 8,852 Subtotal 0.79 0.81 39,126 10,138 49,264 38,858 10,254 49,113 Total 0,79 0.81 39,126 10,138 49,264 38,858 10,254 49,113 SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 1,000 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 Eng/maint equipment 1,000 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 1,000 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Drafting,GIS,surveying Misc 1,000 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 5,550 Mulch for Central Ave beds 2,550 street materials 3,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 12,120 Street light,Traffic Signals, Back lit Bulbs 3,370 Temporary signage 750 U Channel sign posts 2,100 Sign mounting brackets 1,850 Banners/Flags for Central Ave 3,250 Misc supplies 800 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 9,500 Street JPAs 3,000 Consulting/design services 5,000 other expert services 1,500 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 1,500 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 71,500 Signal Maint 6,999 Street Striping 5,894 Concrete repairs 8,048 Catch Basin repairs 7,663 Misc construction 30,511 Landscaping&Tree maintenance/plantings 9,385 RT vision/AutoCad maint 3,000 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 1,940 43 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 430 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 46323 CAP IMP EXPENSE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - 86,947 77,943 77,943 1999 Supplies - _ - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 12,575 250 8,850 7,850 7,850 4999 Capital Outlay 111,424 - 65,000 65,000 65,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - 1,504 1,504 TOTALS: INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 123,999 250 160,797 152,297 152,297 Activity Description The City's street rehabilitation program was initiated with funding from liquor funds in 1996, and with annual transfers,will perpetuate the continued investment into the maintenance and improvements of the City's streets.An additional source of revenue was secured in 2000, on a 2-year renewable cycle,with the certification of the City State-Aid Street System, making available limited state aid funding. Objectives The Infrastructure Fund supports city costs to perpetuate the city-wide street rehab program. Two entire cycles of the city-wide zones has been completed. The program has been temporarily suspended in 2013 and 2014 to focus on other State-Aid needs and develop a Concrete Street Rehabilitation Program and a Alley Reconstruction Program. Budget Comments The Infrastructure Fund budget for 2013 is$152,298 which supports city costs to perpetuate the city-wide street rehab program. This budget is used to estimate and separately show the capital expenses for the street portion of construction projects. 44 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 430 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 46323 CAP IMP EXPENSE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES - - 63,782 56,658 56,658 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR - 2,399 2,399 2,399 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - - 4,768 4,253 4,253 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION - 5,072 4,512 4,512 1300 INSURANCE - 9,282 8,487 8,487 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 1,644 1,634 1,634 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - 86,947 77,943 77,943 SUPPLIES 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - 1999 TOTALS: SUPPLIES - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 5,900 4,900 4,900 - 3220 POSTAGE 2,950 2,950 2,950 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 12,575 250 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 12,575 250 8,850 7,850 7,850 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - - 65,000 65,000 65,000 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 111,424 - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 111,424 65,000 65,000 65,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7175 TRANSFER OUT TO PIR PROJ FUND - - - - - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - 1,504 1,504 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - 1,504 1,504 TOTALS: INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 123,999 250 160,797 152,297 152,297 - 45 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BUDGET 430-46323 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.03 0.03 3,317 792 4,109 3,231 763 3,994 ACE 0.11 0.11 8,481 2,323 10,804 8,481 2,343 10,824 Eng Tech IV 0.34 0.34 23,067 6,753 29,820 23,067 6,896 29,964 Foreman 0.05 0.05 3,314 1,194 4,507 3,314 1,234 4,548 Eng Tech III 0.25 0.15 14,853 4,737 19,590 7,815 2,601 10,417 Maint workers 0.23 0.23 13,151 4,964 18,115 13,151 5,049 18,199 Subtotal 1.01 0.91 66,183 20,763 86,945 59,059 18,886 77,946 Total 1.01 0.91 66,183 20,763 86,945 59,059 18,886 77,946 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 0 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 0 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 0 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 4,900 Audit services 4,900 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 0 3220 POSTAGE TOTAL: 2,950 City Hall Postage 2,900 Other 50 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 0 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 0 4300 MISC CHARGES TOTAL: 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE TOTAL: 65,000 City Share Sealcoat costs 65,000 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 46 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:WATER UTILITY SOURCE OF SUPPLY 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49400 SOURCE OF SUPPLY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 1,034,837 1,192,653 1,236,346 1,285,800 1,285,800 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - _ 4999 Capital Outlay _ - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY SOURCE C 1,034,837 1,192,653 1,236,346 1,285,800 1,285,800 Activity Description This department covers potable water purchased from the City of Minneapolis for resale to the residents of Columbia Heights. Amounts will vary from year to year based upon demand. In 2004,the City entered into a long-term contract with the City of Minneapolis establishing rates for the next 30 years. Objectives 1. Continue valving/isolation and directional flushing of our system zones distribution piping to improve water quality issues. Budget Comments The estimated cost of water purchased from the City of Minneapolis is$1,285,800, a 4%increase from 2012 budgeted. Staff estimates annual consumption based upon past usage and the contract rates with Minneapolis. 47 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49400 SOURCE OF SUPPLY Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Iterr Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 1,034,837 1,192,653 1,236,346 1,285,800 1,285,800 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,034,837 1,192,653 1,236,346 1,285,800 1,285,800 - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY SOURCE OF SUPPLY 1,034,837 1,192,653 1,236,346 1,285,800 1,285,800 48 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER WATER UTILITY SOURCE OF SUPPLY BUDGET 601-49400 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:WATER UTILITY DISTRIBUTION 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49430 DISTRIBUTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Iten Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 363,915 366,602 366,388 369,362 369,362 - 1999 Supplies 70,516 71,792 82,918 91,110 91,110 2999 Other Services&Charges 396,598 396,546 486,979 478,244 478,244 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 25,000 25,000 25,000 31,339 31,339 TOTALS:WATER UTILITY DISTRIBUTION 856,029 859,940 961,285 970,055 970,055 Activity Description This activity provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's entire water distribution system, including the water tower,water mains, hydrants,valves, meters, pump stations(2), sprinkler systems(3), and providing locate services for City utilities as required by the Gopher State One Call system. Objectives 1. Continuation of watermain cleaning and lining program, performed cooperatively with the City of Minneapolis to improve water quality. 2. Implement the commercial water meter replacement program. 3. Continue tracking and documenting water quality complaints and develop remedial response alternatives. 4. Perform C-factor testing on segments of water system to develop future areas of cleaning and lining. 5. Maintain system by leak detecting,testing water samples, repair water main breaks, pumps, valves hydrants,etc. 6. Develop a strategic plan. Budget Comments The proposed 2013 budget is$970,055, representing a 0.9%increase of$8,770 from the 2012 adopted budget. Major line items contributing to the increase: 1.Computer equipment increased over$5,000 for SCADA computer system upgrades/replacement and field laptop replacement for meter testing/repairs. 2. Building maint increased by over$2,500 as used to be charged to Repair and Maint services. 3. Minor equipment increased by over$2,000 to replace a diaphragm pump. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 50 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49430 DISTRIBUTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 245,153 250,029 244,827 244,732 244,732 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,075 3,136 4,950 4,951 4,951 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,826 3,697 8,166 8,166 8,166 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 27,568 19,037 20,348 21,671 21,671 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,105 2,240 - - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - _ 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 35 - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 19,149 19,585 19,447 19,531 19,531 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 20,672 20,102 21,290 21,324 21,324 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - - - 1300INSURANCE 32,836 41,292 38,080 39,541 39,541 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 613 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 7,783 7,484 9,280 9,446 9,446 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 363,915 366,602 366,388 369,362 369,362 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 266 315 460 460 460 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,634 5,744 6,315 8,330 8,330 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 495 1,715 525 6,030 6,030 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 85 110 278 280 280 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 553 486 1,178 1,180 1,180 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 106 110 110 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 18,378 31,111 31,784 32,000 32,000 - 2161 CHEMICALS 369 388 448 450 450 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7,752 4,661 8,144 8,250 8,250 - 2172 UNIFORMS 395 521 735 740 740 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,249 513 993 1,130 1,130 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 43 - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 11,697 13,623 13,809 14,000 14,000 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 7,109 8,003 9,285 9,290 9,290 - 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 19,533 4,558 8,858 8,860 8,860 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 70,516 71,792 82,918 91,110 91,110 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 16,233 12,387 23,528 25,050 25,050 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 2,207 1,990 2,653 2,660 2,660 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 102 100 201 220 220 - 3211 CELL PHONES 499 502 729 730 730 - 3220 POSTAGE 103 78 46 100 100 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 249 395 304 310 310 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 84 59 - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE 12 24 - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - - - - _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 318 221 531 540 540 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 19,943 19,943 20,952 12,219 12,219 3810 ELECTRIC 18,825 20,618 20,766 21,649 21,649 - 3830 GAS 1,536 1,182 1,695 1,241 1,241 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 37,966 46,754 105,986 104,060 104,060 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3,406 1,980 121 2,700 2,700 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 20,712 20,797 21,220 21,220 21,220 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 22,684 51 23,437 25,236 25,505 25,505 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49430 DISTRIBUTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4300 MISC.CHARGES 840 204 - 530 530 - 4320 WATER CONNECTION FEES 40,536 40,536 44,566 44,570 44,570 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 602 806 1,857 1,860 1,860 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 754 46 588 680 680 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 14,599 13,740 15,000 14,400 14,400 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 25,207 20,700 35,000 31,200 31,200 - 4950 INFRASTRUCTURE DEPRECIATION 169,181 170,046 166,000 166,800 166,800 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 396,598 396,546 486,979 478,244 478,244 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FD 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 6,339 6,339 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 25,000 25,000 25,000 31,339 31,339 TOTALS:WATER UTILITY DISTRIBUTION 856,029 859,940 961,285 970,055 970,055 52 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER WATER UTILITY DISTRIBUTION BUDGET 601-49430 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.14 0.14 16,385 3,886 20,271 16,385 3,829 20,214 ACE 0.03 0.03 2,423 664 3,087 2,423 669 3,092 Superintendent 0.20 0.20 15,904 4,387 20,291 15,904 4,388 20,292 Foreman 0.51 0.51 31,110 9,899 41,009 31,110 10,248 41,358 Maint workers 3.43 3.44 188,195 63,904 252,099 189,424 65,260 254,684 Admin Asst 0.09 0.09 4,962 1,645 6,607 4,962 1,646 6,608 Secretary 0.13 0.13 6,195 2,021 8,216 6,195 2,105 8,301 PT Clerk 0.11 0.11 4,950 773 5,723 4,951 774 5,725 Seasonals 0.35 0.38 8,166 917 9,083 8,166 923 9,089 Subtotal 4.99 5.03 278,290 88,096 366,386 279,520 89,842 369,363 Total 4.99 5.03 278,290 88,096 366,386 279,520 89,842 369,363 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 8,330 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 25,050 Hydrant replacements 3,890 GIS contract 5,490 MXU replacements 1,480 Water testing 2,400 Other equipment&system parts 960 Leak Detection&water breaks 4,190 Diaphragm pump 2,000 Coliform testing 490 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 6,030 Meter testing 1,990 other water computer equipment 530 Drug&alcohol testing 490 SCADA computer replacement 4,000 CCR preparation 3,000 meter repair/testing laptop replacement 1,500 Telecom services 70 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS TOTAL: 1,180 Gopher state one call 2,930 Consumer Report 610 Systematic leak detection 4,000 Water quality report insert 570 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 2,660 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 32,000 Safety consultant and training 1,200 Hydrants repair parts 10,000 Earth moving equipment training 200 Asphalt,aggregates,soils for water breaks 11,000 Local 49er equipment training 200 Parts for fountains and sprinklers 1,000 Various water operator schools/certs 1,060 Watermain fittings and repair parts 10,000 3500 Legal notice publishing TOTAL: 540 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 450 Consumer and water quality publishing 540 Water testing 450 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 104,060 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 8,250 Cityworks software maint 1,500 MXU battery replacement 1,250 SCADA maint contract 7,150 Other supplies 7,000 Win 911 software maint contract 1,290 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE TOTAL: 8,860 SCADA system repairs 5,200 Water meters/parts for service lines 8,860 Water break repairs/restoration services 23,310 Stop box repairs 65,610 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4020 BUILDING MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 2,700 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 25,505 5185 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 MSC rental 23,575 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Special equipment rentals 1,930 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 1,860 53 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:WATER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies _ 2999 Other Services&Charges - _ _ 4999 Capital Outlay _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 176,846 344,338 291,000 237,000 237,000 - TOTALS:WATER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 176,846 344,338 291,000 237,000 237,000 Activity Description This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Water debt service fund. Objectives This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Water debt service fund. Budget Comments This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Water debt service fund,$237,000 budgeted for 2013. 54 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 601 WATER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 176,000 328,000 291,000 237,000 237,000 - 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - 1,500 - - - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND 846 14,837 - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 176,846 344,338 291,000 237,000 237,000 TOTALS:WATER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 176,846 344,338 291,000 237,000 237,000 55 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER WATER UTILITY NON-OPERATING BUDGET 601.49449 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 56 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49450 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 218,749 229,764 351,092 326,778 326,778 - 1999 Supplies 27,013 35,457 48,799 54,190 54,190 2999 Other Services&Charges 253,083 272,738 309,768 308,845 308,845 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 25,000 25,000 25,000 31,074 31,074 TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS 523,845 562,958 734,659 720,887 720,887 Activity Description This activity provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's sanitary sewer collection system. Included in this activity are inspections and repairs of manholes, trunk and main sewer lines, and lift stations(4). Annual sewer flows are between 550 and 575 million gallons to MCES treatment facilities. Objectives 1. Continue 1/1 program development in Collection District 2 for the removal of clear water flows outside the main lines. 2. Continue aggressive sanitary sewer cleaning program on a 3-year repeating cycle city-wide,and trouble lines annually. Initiated in 2004. 2. Continue sanitary sewer system evaluations through the new televising and reporting program. 3. Continue annual sanitary sewer lining program. 4. Continue manhole inspections with televising inspection reports resulting in the rehab of existing sewer line structures throughout the City. 5. Develop developmental strategic plan. Budget Comments The 2013 Sewer Collections proposed budget is$720,887 which is a-(1.9)%decrease of $13,722 from 2012. Major line items contributing to the decrease: 1. Liability insurance decreased by over$1,500. 2. Repair and maintenance services was reduced by$1,500. 3. Equipment depreciation reduced by over$800. 4.Adding 5%to 2011 actual electric charges resulted in a decrease of over$500 from 2012 budgeted. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 57 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49450 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 158,926 165,457 244,423 226,321 226,321 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,218 2,615 4,950 4,951 4,951 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,364 2,390 8,166 8,166 8,166 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 1,575 6,921 7,913 6,732 6,732 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,707 1,822 - - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 35 - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 11,319 12,521 18,517 17,121 17,121 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 12,223 12,684 20,306 18,771 18,771 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA 100 - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 20,454 21,971 38,031 36,509 36,509 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 613 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 3,215 3,382 8,786 8,207 8,207 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 218,749 229,764 351,092 326,778 326,778 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 382 325 580 580 580 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 228 5,790 6,026 6,030 6,030 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 495 1,861 515 4,520 4,520 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 195 58 781 790 790 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 69 87 77 90 90 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 520 520 520 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 7,715 2,183 6,676 6,690 6,690 2161 CHEMICALS - - 221 230 230 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,231 1,634 7,725 7,740 7,740 2172 UNIFORMS 959 1,056 1,765 1,770 1,770 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 669 593 1,144 1,150 1,150 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 8 - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 5,076 12,298 12,932 14,240 14,240 - 2282 GAS, OIL, LUBRICANTS 7,992 9,562 9,837 9,840 9,840 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 27,013 35,457 48,799 54,190 54,190 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4,846 4,081 30,750 30,750 30,750 - 3105 TRAINING& EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,373 964 1,560 1,560 1,560 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 68 66 - 70 70 3211 CELL PHONES 1,272 922 1,170 1,170 1,170 3220 POSTAGE - 67 14 50 50 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS 249 700 298 480 480 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 84 59 - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 24 - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 53 60 60 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 16,893 16,893 17,400 15,826 15,826 - 3810 ELECTRIC 8,973 9,499 10,550 9,974 9,974 3830 GAS 560 570 775 599 599 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 4,202 28,139 24,720 23,220 23,220 - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,931 3,031 450 2,490 2,490 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 7,556 6,009 9,734 9,740 9,740 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 27,845 31,028 30,542 30,876 30,876 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 840 176 - 510 510 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 152 58 - 208 210 210 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49450 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 58 - 44 60 60 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 1,141 282 1,500 1,200 1,200 - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 47,986 37,937 56,000 55,200 55,200 - 4950 INFRASTRUCTURE DEPRECIATION 127,054 132,291 124,000 124,800 124,800 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 253,083 272,738 309,768 308,845 308,845 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FUND 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 6,074 6,074 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 25,000 25,000 25,000 31,074 31,074 TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS 523,845 562,958 734,659 720,887 720,887 59 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS BUDGET 602.4945 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.14 0.14 16,385 3,886 20,271 16,385 3,829 20,214 ACE 0.03 0.02 2,019 554 2,573 2,019 558 2,577 Superintendent 0.20 0.20 15,904 4,387 20,291 15,904 4,387 20,291 Foreman 0.49 0.49 29,522 9,599 39,121 29,522 9,946 39,468 Maint workers 3.23 2.91 177,348 61,858 239,206 158,612 56,624 215,236 Admin Asst 0.09 0.08 4,962 1,645 6,607 4,415 1,463 5,878 Secretary 0.13 0.13 6,195 2,021 8,216 6,195 2,105 8,301 PT Clerk 0.11 0.11 4,950 773 5,723 4,951 774 5,725 Seasonals 0.35 0.38 8,166 917 9,083 8,166 923 9,089 Subtotal 4.77 4.46 265,451 85,640 351,091 246,169 80,609 326,779 Total 4.77 4.46 265,451 85,640 351,091 246,169 80,609 326,779 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 6,030 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 30,750 Abrasive saw 1,210 GIS contract 6,100 Jetter Nozzles 2,160 Private line inspections/testing 9,200 Root saw 2,660 Drug&alcohol testing 700 Gopher State one call 5,850 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 4,520 Safety consultant/training 2,200 SCADA computer replacement 4,000 Sewer Testing 6,700 Other sewer computer eq 520 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 1,560 2070 TRAINING AND INSTRUCTIONAL Annual sewer operator schools 1,000 SUPPLIES TOTAL: 520 49ers training 560 Sewer televising instruction materials 520 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 23,220 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 6,690 Cityworks maint contract 1,520 Excavation materials 2,000 Surveillance system repairs 1,750 Manholes,frames,Grates 3,300 Safety meters repair/certification 1,000 Manhole covers 1,390 Misc concrete repairs 1,500 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 230 Misc electrical repairs 2,300 Degreasers and disinfectant 230 SCADA system repairs 5,250 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 7,740 Win 911 software maint contract 400 Small Eq and Tool replacement 380 Lift station repairs 8,000 Jetter supplies 4,500 Granite software maintenance 1,500 Televising unit supplies 1,880 4020 BUILDING MAINT 2,490 General supplies 980 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 30,876 MSC rental expenses 28,736 Special equipment rental 2,140 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 210 60 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: SEWER UTILITY DISPOSAL 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49480 DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies 866,612 901,096 1,024,622 1,065,610 1,065,610 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY DISPOSAL 866,612 901,096 1,024,622 1,065,610 1,065,610 Activity Description This department provides for fees paid to the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services for sewage treatment disposal. Costs will vary from year to year based upon flows. Objectives Rates from the MCES have begun a modest increase over the last couple of years. Rates began climbing in 2004 and it is anticipated that rates will increase by 3.5%to 5.5%over the next several years. Budget Comments The proposed 2013 Sewage Disposal budget is$1,065,610. This represents a 4.0%estimated increase from the 2012 adopted budget to account for MCES annual rate increases and surcharges. 61 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49480 DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2900 METRO SEWER BOARD CHARGE 866,612 901,096 1,024,622 1,065,610 1,065,610 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 866,612 901,096 1,024,622 1,065,610 1,065,610 - TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY DISPOSAL 866,612 901,096 1,024,622 1,065,610 1,065,610 - 62 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SEWER UTILITY DISPOSAL BUDGET 602-49480 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 63 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Iter Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 46,634 179,767 400,000 400,000 - TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 46,634 179,767 - 400,000 400,000 Activity Description This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Sewer debt service fund. Currently there are no Sewer bonds outstanding. Objectives This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Sewer debt service fund. Currently there are no Sewer bonds outstanding. Budget Comments This proposed budget includes a one-time$400,000 transfer to rebalance the sanitary sewer fund and the storm sewer fund, relative to how these two activities were split out from a single fund in 1999. When these two activities were separated, none of the existing cash was allocated to the storm sewer activity. All of the cash was allocated to the sanitary sewer activity. Consequently,the storm sewer fund has needed to issue bonds and pay interest expense to make system improvements since its inception. Whereas,the sanitary sewer fund has not only been able to pay cash for all of its system improvements over the last decade, but also it has earned significant investment income during that time. This$400,000 transfer is approximately equal to the interest expense incurred by the storm sewer fund since the separation of the two activities in late 1999. It is also approximately equal to the remaining internal and external debt owed by the storm sewer fund. 64 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 602 SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 17 - - - 7175 TRANSFER OUT TO PIR PROJ FUND 2,482 - - - - 7210 TRANSFER OUTTO GENERAL FUND - 4,443 - 400,000 400,000 - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND 44,135 175,324 - - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 46,634 179,767 - 400,000 400,000 - TOTALS:SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 46,634 179,767 400,000 400,000 65 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING BUDGET 602-49499 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:REFUSE DISPOSAL 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49510 REFUSE DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies 1,238,703 1,381,227 1,424,837 1,540,510 1,540,510 - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - - TOTALS:REFUSE DISPOSAL 1,238,703 1,381,227 1,424,837 1,540,510 1,540,510 - Activity Description Contracted costs and billings for refuse, recycling and yard waste collection and disposal are separated and accounted for in this department to enable tracking of actual costs for each area,and to facilitate accurate reporting to state and county agencies as required. The City negotiated a new five year contract with Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest through December 2014. Under this contract,the hauler provides all households and multi-dwelling properties with garbage carts, dumpsters, and single sort recycling has been introduced. Residents may request a change of service level by calling city staff. Objectives 1. Promote responsible waste practices,through training and education,to reduce municipal solid waste tonnages. 2. Provide cost-effective options for disposal of problem items. 3. Publicize the disposal options available for residents. Budget Comments The Refuse Disposal Budget is$1,540,510,a 8.1%increase from 2012. This increase reflects a contractual 3.5%increase over 2012 with Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest and to reflect the 42%increase of tipping fees at the Anoka County RRT disposal site since 2009. 2010-2011 actual expense increased by over 11%. The refuse line item#2910 accounts for both contractor service costs and tipping fees for disposal of solid waste. Typically 40% of the total is tipping fees and 60%is contractor charges. 67 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49510 REFUSE DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2910 REFUSE 876,955 991,811 1,038,729 1,120,740 1,120,740 - 2920 RECYCLING 218,943 234,312 233,941 250,710 250,710 - 2930 YARD WASTE 142,805 155,104 152,167 169,060 169,060 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 1,238,703 1,381,227 1,424,837 1,540,510 1,540,510 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - TOTALS: REFUSE DISPOSAL 1,238,703 1,381,227 1,424,837 1,540,510 1,540,510 - 68 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER REFUSE DISPOSAL BUDGET 603-49510 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT: REFUSE COLLECTION&DISPOSAL 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49520 REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 1 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 44,110 43,041 33,672 33,648 33,648 1999 Supplies 833 148 1,013 520 520 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 16,053 16,063 17,658 17,429 17,429 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 70,236 82,180 80,230 81,603 81,603 TOTALS: REFUSE COLLECTION& DISPOSAL 131,231 141,432 132,573 133,200 133,200 Activity Description This activity administers the total refuse collection and disposal program and includes expenses other than the contract costs. Contracted costs are separated for clarity in tracking and reporting; however,they do remain a function of this budget as a whole. Objectives 1. Promote the unique aspects of the City contract and encourage residents to effectively use the services available to them as Columbia Heights residents. 2. Encourage a greater use of the low-volume option for those who require only the very basics in disposal services. 3. Work with owner/managers/caretakers and tenants of multi-unit facilities to provide all the disposal services they need in the most cost-effective manner,thereby reducing the number of complaints from and about these buildings. Budget Comments The Refuse Collection &Disposal budget remains flat at a 0.5%change from 2012, an increase of$628. Line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 70 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49520 REFUSE COLLECTION&DISPOSAL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 Li PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES _ _ _ _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 31,954 33,491 22,731 22,731 22,731 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1,028 1,087 3,300 3,300 3,300 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 152 424 424 424 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR _ _ _ 1030 VACATION&SICK 900 (241) - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 35 - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,270 2,472 1,877 1,877 1,877 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,494 2,270 2,023 1,997 1,997 1300 INSURANCE 5,030 3,631 3,120 3,120 3,120 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 189 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 210 178 197 199 199 - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 44,110 43,041 33,672 33,648 33,648 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 93 34 140 140 140 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - _ _ _ 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 612 500 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 76 80 80 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 120 114 297 300 300 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 7 _ _ _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 833 148 1,013 520 520 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,926 1,607 2,823 2,430 2,430 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - _ _ 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH _ - 3211 CELL PHONES - - 149 - - 3220 POSTAGE 2,984 2,255 3,295 3,300 3,300 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 1 - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER _ 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 823 823 822 535 535 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES 197 223 212 220 220 4100 RENTS&LEASES 6,725 6,916 6,964 7,044 7,044 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES _ _ _ 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 3,396 4,239 3,393 3,900 3,900 4395 STATE SALES TAX _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 16,053 16,063 17,658 17,429 17,429 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - _ _ 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - _ _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 35,236 35,680 35,230 35,272 35,272 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - 1,500 - - _ 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 35,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 1,331 1,331 - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 70,236 82,180 80,230 81,603 81,603 - TOTALS: REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL 131,23T 141,432 132,573 133,200 133,200 - CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER REFUSE COLLECTION &DISPOSAL BUDGET 603-49520 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.06 0.06 7,022 1,666 8,688 7,022 1,641 8,663 Superintendent 0.05 0.05 3,976 1,097 5,073 3,976 1,097 5,073 Admin Asst 0.21 0.21 11,733 3,893 15,626 11,733 3,894 15,627 PT Clerk 0.07 0.07 3,300 515 3,815 3,300 515 3,815 Seasonals 0.02 0.02 424 47 471 424 47 471 Subtotal 0.41 0.41 26,455 7,218 33,673 26,455 7,194 33,649 Total 0.41 0.41 26,455 7,218 33,673 26,455 7,194 33,649 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 0 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 2,430 Auditors fee 1,600 Other services 830 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 0 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 220 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 7,044 MSC rental 7,044 Other rentals 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 72 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:REFUSE FUND RECYCLING 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49530 RECYCLING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 39,773 33,014 40,304 42,969 42,969 - 1999 Supplies 4,625 3,047 8,630 5,360 5,360 2999 Other Services&Charges 25,459 25,275 25,152 34,590 34,590 4999 Capital Outlay - - 12,100 - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 35,236 35,679 35,230 35,272 35,272 - TOTALS: REFUSE FUND RECYCLING 105,092 97,015 121,416 118,191 118,191 - Activity Description This activity provides administrative oversight of the recycling contract between the City and Veolia ES Solid Waste Midwest.The City contracts with the hauler to collect items in the single sort collection program, plus tires and scrap metal at the recycling drop-off center. The City continues to meet and exceed the recycling tonnage goals set by the Metropolitan Council and Anoka County through the SCORE grant program. Objectives 1. Continue to educate residents to all the items that can be recycled curbside,and at our Recycling Drop-off Center,and the numerous other options available within the community. 2. Continue to work with multiple dwelling units in our community to educate renters and owners alike to all the recycling opportunities available. 3 Work closely with Kiwanis and Golden K Kiwanis groups and residents to effectively utilize our Recycling Center. 4. Utilize SCORE grant funds for improvements to Recycling Center access, surface and security. Budget Comments The Recycling budget for 2013 is$118,191 a decrease of$3,225 or-2.7%from 2012. Major line items that contributed to the decrease: 1. Capital improvement decreased by over$7,500 as the Recycling Center improvement will be completed in 2012. Other line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 73 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49530 RECYCLING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 30,204 24,312 27,585 29,610 29,610 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 1,002 1,181 3,386 3,400 3,400 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 939 424 424 424 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 20 - 82 36 36 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,185 1,849 2,237 2,382 2,382 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,241 1,823 2,408 2,534 2,534 1300 INSURANCE 3,341 2,751 3,947 4,329 4,329 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 780 159 235 254 254 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 39,773 33,014 40,304 42,969 42,969 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 50 40 61 70 70 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,024 115 - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 577 - 1,508 - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 76 80 80 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 2,638 94 524 1,370 1,370 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - 2,754 3,500 3,500 3,500 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 86 45 146 150 150 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 251 - 115 190 190 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - - - - 2920 RECYCLING - - 2,700 - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 4,625 3,047 8,630 5,360 5,360 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4,944 4,607 3,025 2,530 2,530 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 20 20 650 650 650 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - _ 3211 CELL PHONES 17 - - - - 3220 POSTAGE 2,899 2,272 2,900 2,900 2,900 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - _ _ 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 242 250 250 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - 303 310 310 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - - - - _ _ 3810 ELECTRIC 953 2,372 1,001 2,491 2,491 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 3,886 3,627 2,890 3,390 3,390 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 644 1,095 500 800 800 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 9,326 9,582 9,648 9,759 9,759 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 2,470 1,379 3,892 3,900 3,900 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - 2,700 2,700 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - 20 101 110 110 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - _ _ 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 300 300 - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION - - - 4,800 4,800 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 25,459 25,275 25,152 34,590 34,590 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING& IMPROVEMENT - - 7,500 - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 4,600 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY -74 12,100 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49530 RECYCLING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER FINANCING USES 7100 OPER.TRANSFER OUT-LABOR 35,236 35,679 35,230 35,272 35,272 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 35,236 35,679 35,230 35,272 35,272 - TOTALS: REFUSE FUND RECYCLING 105,092 97,015 121,416 118,191 118,191 75 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER REFUSE FUND RECYCLING 603-49530 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.06 0.06 7,022 1,666 8,688 7,022 1,641 8,663 Superintendent 0.06 0.05 4,374 1,206 5,580 4,374 1,206 5,580 Admin Asst 0.26 0.30 14,322 4,751 19,072 16,344 5,427 21,771 Secretary 0.04 0.04 1,949 628 2,577 1,906 647 2,553 PT Clerk 0.07 0.07 3,386 529 3,915 3,400 531 3,931 Seasonals 0.02 0.02 424 47 471 424 47 471 Subtotal 0.51 0.54 31,477 8,827 40,303 33,470 9,499 42,969 Total 0.51 0.54 31,477 8,827 40,303 33,470 9,499 42,969 SUPPLIES CAPITAL OUTLAY 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Recycling center repair materials 0 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES TOTAL: 3,500 Educational materials 1,000 Misc. Recycling information handouts 2,000 Recycling containers liners for parks 500 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 150 Labeling materials 40 Recycling center supplies 50 Recycling center facility materials 20 Sand and Ice melt 20 First aid supplies 10 Misc.supplies 10 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 2,530 Auditors fee 1,600 Other 930 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 650 Training 325 Recycling conferences 325 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 3,390 Recycling Center repair 3,390 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 9,759 MSC space rental expenses 9,759 4300 MISC CHARGES 2,700 Yard waste disposal from street leaves 2,700 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 110 76 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA B U DG ET 2013 DEPARTMENT:REFUSE FUND HAZARDOUS WASTE 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49540 HAZARDOUS WASTE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 494 1,132 2,934 2,935 2,935 1999 Supplies - 8 606 600 600 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 2,179 1,576 5,277 5,220 5,220 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS: 2,673 2,716 8,817 8,755 8,755 Activity Description This activity administers the handling of hazardous waste generated by the City of Columbia Heights residential properties. Such items include fluorescent lamps,solvents, waste and automotive fluids, paints/chemicals, and illegally dumped electronic and other problem materials. Anoka County provides household hazardous waste services primarily through a year-round drop-off facility located in Blaine that serves the entire county. Objectives 1. Continue to coordinate twice a year collection of fluorescent bulbs from residents,small businesses, and city buildings to facilitate proper disposal. 2. Promote and encourage residents to use the Anoka County Household Hazardous Waste drop-off facility. 3. Educate residents to those items that are hazardous,costly to dispose of,and accepted only at a licensed disposal facility,and what options may be available to purchase more wisely. Budget Comments The Hazardous Waste budget decreased by-(0.7)%from 2012. This represents an essentially flat budget from 2012 with a decrease of$61. 77 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 603 REFUSE FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49540 HAZARDOUS WASTE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 221 605 2,203 2,203 2,203 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - 91 - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 161 172 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 27 56 159 159 159 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 28 60 169 169 169 1300 INSURANCE 47 137 386 386 386 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - - - _ _ 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 11 10 17 18 18 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - _ _ _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 494 1,132 2,934 2,935 2,935 SUPPLIES 2070 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - 101 100 100 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 8 303 300 300 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 202 200 200 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - _ _ 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 8 606 600 600 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,729 1,500 3,609 3,060 3,060 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 303 300 300 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - _ _ 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - _ _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES 450 76 1,289 1,860 1,860 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - - - _ _ _ 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 76 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - _ _ _ 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 2,179 1,576 5,277 5,220 5,220 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - _ _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - _ TOTALS: REFUSE FUND HAZARDOUS WASTE 2,673 2,716 8,817 8,755 8,755 78 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER REFUSE FUND HAZARDOUS WASTE BUDGET 603-49540 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Admin Asst 0.04 0.04 2,203 731 2,935 2,203 732 2,936 Subtotal 0.04 0.04 2,203 731 2,935 2,203 732 2,936 Total 0.04 0.04 2,203 731 2,935 2,203 732 2,936 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 0 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES TOTAL: 0 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 300 Barrels for Ballasts 150 Containers for Fluorescent bulbs 53 Spill Kits 100 SERVICES AND CHARGES 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 3,060 Fluorescent bulb recycling 940 Ballast Disposal 330 Oil filter recycling 850 Disposal of solvents, paints, misc. 940 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 300 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 0 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 0 4300 MISC CHARGES TOTAL: 1,860 dispose illegally dumped items 1,290 Disposal of material dumped on public land 570 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 79 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STORM SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49650 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 102,680 118,813 103,874 105,097 105,097 1999 Supplies 18,073 13,751 44,214 47,200 47,200 2999 Other Services&Charges 137,235 133,283 157,488 166,823 166,823 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,797 6,797 TOTALS:STORM SEWER UTILITY C 262,988 270,847 310,576 325,917 325,917 - Activity Description This department provides for the operation and maintenance of the City's storm sewer system, including NPDES Phase II permit requirements(pollution prevention), inspection and repair of storm sewer pipes,catch basins, manholes,and drainage ponds, and surface water related activities. Objectives 1. Implement NPDES Phase II requirements for activities and reporting system-3rd Generation Plan anticipated in 2013. 2. Update surface water management plan following new membership in MWMO. 3. Support the maintenance activities in the Streets Department. 4. Rehab existing structures and/or main lines throughout the City. 5. Storm sewer system evaluation: manhole sewer line inspections. 6. Develop developmental strategic plan. Budget Comments The proposed 2013 budget is$325,916 a 4.9%increase of$15,340 from the 2012 adopted budget. Major line items contributing to the increase: 1. Repair and maint services were increased by$6,900 to include annual scheduling for spring burning of ponds and storm water overflow areas for native plant maintenance. 2. Minor equipment total increased by$5,000 for the purchase of a'Jon boat'(used to skim trash off of ponds&lakes),and replacement of pond/lake aerator systems. 3. Expert and Professional services increased by over$2,000 due to increased storm water line cleaning. 4. Computer equipment increased by over$1,900 for upgrades/replacement of the SCADA computer system. 80 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49650 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 78,236 88,770 76,107 76,165 76,165 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 114 420 - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 691 1,317 - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 246 1,503 2,922 2,922 2,922 1030 VACATION&SICK 96 (512) - - - 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 35 - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 5,475 6,527 5,691 5,694 5,694 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 5,728 6,771 6,047 6,035 6,035 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 10,517 12,276 10,285 11,402 11,402 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 236 - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,305 1,742 2,822 2,879 2,879 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 102,680 118,813 103,874 105,097 105,097 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 140 28 206 170 170 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 10,687 15,680 15,680 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 35 - 51 2,000 2,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 82 44 71 70 70 - 2030 PRINTING& PRINTED FORMS 35 8 519 270 270 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 101 - - - 2160 MAINT. &CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 6,298 8,306 14,500 14,500 14,500 - 2161 CHEMICALS 161 - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - 2,525 2,520 2,520 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 330 2,238 3,030 3,030 3,030 2172 UNIFORMS 552 1,000 368 360 360 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING - - 101 50 50 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 8,490 2,126 7,180 5,310 5,310 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS - - 3,250 1,620 1,620 2990 COM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 1,950 - 1,625 1,620 1,620 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 18,073 13,751 44,214 47,200 47,200 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 11,575 9,083 27,108 29,410 29,410 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 1,183 2,094 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - - - 3211 CELL PHONES 248 257 500 370 370 - 3220 POSTAGE - - - - - - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - 25 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE 21 20 50 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER - - 275 130 130 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING 50 - 43 43 43 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,930 1,930 1,930 1,314 1,314 - 3810 ELECTRIC 2,724 3,369 2,860 3,537 3,537 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 6,793 2,873 7,650 14,550 14,550 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - - - - - - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 7,206 2,586 8,553 8,550 8,550 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES 28,651 81 28,197 29,206 29,529 29,529 - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49650 COLLECTIONS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 2,127 1,390 2,288 2,280 2,280 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVICAFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 400 35 400 210 210 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 10,426 17,546 10,100 10,800 10,800 4950 INFRASTRUCTURE DEPRECIATION 63,904 63,904 64,000 63,600 63,600 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 137,235 133,283 157,488 166,823 166,823 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FUND 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 1,797 1,797 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,797 6,797 TOTALS:STORM SEWER UTILITY COLLEC 262,988 270,847 310,576 325,917 325,917 - 82 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STORM SEWER UTILITY COLLECTIONS BUDGET 604-49650 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.04 0.04 4,389 1,041 5,430 4,447 1,039 5,485 ACE 0.02 0.02 1,615 442 2,058 1,615 446 2,062 Superintendent 0.06 0.06 4,771 1,316 6,087 4,771 1,317 6,088 Eng Tech IV 0.46 0.46 31,145 8,599 39,744 31,145 9,319 40,463 Foreman 0.17 0.17 10,594 3,850 14,444 10,594 3,983 14,576 Maint workers 0.38 0.38 21,378 7,906 29,284 21,378 8,184 29,562 Admin Asst 0.05 0.05 2,754 914 3,668 2,754 914 31668 Secretary 0.05 0.05 2,383 777 3,160 2,383 808 3,191 Subtotal 1.23 1.23 79,029 24,845 103,875 79,087 26,010 105,095 Total 1.23 1.23 79,029 24,845 103,875 79,087 26,010 105,095 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 15,680 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 29,410 Misc tools 430 Televise storm system 1,026 Pond floatables containment 8,250 Goose control 3,079 Aerator replacements 6,000 Audit fee 0 Jon Boat 1,000 NPDES consultant 11,804 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 2,000 Storm line cleaning 10,000 SCADA computer replacement 2,000 GIS contract 3,500 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 14,500 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 2,500 Excavation materials 1,381 Safety consultant/training 1,150 Erosion control materials 5,524 NPDES training 1,350 Manholes,frames,Grates 7,595 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 14,550 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 0 City works maint contract 800 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES TOTAL: 2,520 Misc concrete repairs 800 Rain Barrel program 1,500 Misc electrical repairs 550 SWPPP volunteer supplies 1,020 Erosion Control 4,000 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 3,030 Spring burn for ponds and overflow areas 7,200 Small tools,sweeper brooms 3,030 Algae&cattail treatments 1,200 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 29,529 MSC rental expenses 28,719 Special equipment rentals 810 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP TOTAL: 2,280 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 0 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 0 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 83 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STORM SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - 1999 Supplies - - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 396 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 43,965 79,148 63,000 50,000 50,000 TOTALS:STORM SEWER UTILITY NON-OPEF 43,965 79,544 63,000 50,000 50,000 Activity Description This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Storm Sewer debt service fund. Objectives This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Storm Sewer debt service fund. Budget Comments This budget primarily accounts for transfers to the Storm Sewer debt service fund budgeted at$50,000 for 2013. 84 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 604 STORM SEWER UTILITY Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 396 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - 396 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 43,000 59,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - - - - - 7290 TRANSFER OUT TO CONSTR FUND 965 20,148 - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 43,965 79,148 63,000 50,000 50,000 TOTALS:STORM SEWER UTILITY NON-OPEF 43,965 79,544 63,000 50,000 50,000 85 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STORM SEWER UTILITY NON-OPERATING BUDGET 604-49699 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CENTRAL GARAGE 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 195,161 205,740 220,083 225,345 225,345 1999 Supplies 191,993 195,647 189,703 214,040 214,040 2999 Other Services&Charges 174,820 161,976 222,846 171,913 171,913 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - 4,600 36,000 36,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 65,250 40,500 39,000 42,807 42,807 - TOTALS:CENTRAL GARAGE 627,224 603,863 676,232 690,105 690,105 Activity Description Central Garage provides preventive general maintenance and repair for all city-owned vehicles and equipment. The City currently has over 300 pieces of equipment that are maintained on a regular basis. This is an internal service fund with revenue generated by charges to other departments for all repair and maintenance services performed by members of this department. This department budget also covers regular maintenance costs for the MSC. Objectives 1. Maintain building for various City department uses. 2. Purchase vehicle parts, petroleum, oil, lubricants,and services for City vehicles and equipment. 3. Maintain shop equipment. 4. Update or replace Computerized Fleet Maintenance software. 5. Install new fire monitoring panel for MSC building compatible with overall City monitoring system. Budget Comments The Public Works garage and MSC operating budget proposed for 2013 is$690,105 which represents a 2.1%increase of $13,873 from the 2012 budget. Fuel pricing is anticipated to increase resulting in a$26,697 increase from the 2012 adopted budget. The major line item increase of over$31,000 was for Infrastructure to upgrade the MSC fire alarm system,to upgrade/replace the fleet and fuel management systems, and for remodeling the training/lunch room in the MSC. Other Line items of the budget have decreased or remained relatively flat to maintain minimal budget increases. 87 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 138,820 136,171 146,835 146,231 146,231 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 3,351 2,716 4,973 4,950 4,950 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 4,293 446 1,697 1,697 1,697 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 579 632 2,255 2,255 2,255 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 3,792 6,031 - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 713 13,185 13,884 17,222 17,222 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 9,969 11,002 12,099 12,293 12,293 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 11,400 11,569 12,977 13,169 13,169 1300 INSURANCE 18,220 20,354 19,884 21,822 21,822 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 118 - - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 3,905 3,635 5,479 5,706 5,706 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 195,161 205,740 220,083 225,345 225,345 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 298 301 379 380 380 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 2,083 3,042 7,540 5,890 5,890 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 4,481 57 1,250 - - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES 182 168 333 340 340 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 124 55 255 260 260 - 2070 TRAINING&INSTR SUPPLIES - - 51 60 60 - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 1,653 1,889 4,343 4,350 4,350 - 2161 CHEMICALS 1,347 997 1,118 1,140 1,140 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 12,672 12,212 13,780 13,780 13,780 - 2172 UNIFORMS 3,375 4,319 3,375 3,850 3,850 - 2173 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 150 259 303 310 310 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 8 - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 7,905 3,752 9,869 9,870 9,870 - 2282 GAS,OIL, LUBRICANTS 2,766 2,860 2,974 2,980 2,980 - 2800 COST OF GOODS SOLD-GAS& FUEL 154,957 165,730 144,133 170,830 170,830 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 191,993 195,647 189,703 214,040 214,040 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 6,402 13,566 37,381 5,390 5,390 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES 528 1,013 1,263 1,270 1,270 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 217 192 195 205 205 - 3211 CELL PHONES 247 323 270 300 300 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 15 20 20 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 2,081 2,433 3,580 3,580 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 13,403 13,403 13,403 9,787 9,787 - 3810 ELECTRIC 20,005 22,633 22,640 23,765 23,765 - 3820 WATER 1,897 2,078 1,912 1,990 1,990 3830 GAS 18,646 15,968 21,578 16,766 16,766 3850 SEWER 2,787 2,923 2,687 2,860 2,860 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 10,459 4,940 19,962 19,980 19,980 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 38,147 21,804 29,644 24,660 24,660 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 10,707 8,627 9,596 9,670 9,670 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 1,915 643 5,748 3,300 3,300 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 88 - - - - City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 701 CENTRAL GARAGE Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 10 106 110 110 4376 MISCELLANEOUS CIVIC AFFAIRS - - - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 221 166 253 260 260 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 4910 BUILDING DEPRECIATION 43,500 45,867 41,700 42,000 42,000 4930 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 5,740 5,740 12,060 6,000 6,000 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 174,820 161,976 222,846 171,913 171,913 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 4,600 - - 5185INFRASTRUCTURE - - - 36,000 36,000 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 4,600 36,000 36,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7210 TRANSFER OUT TO GENERAL FUND - 1,500 - - - - 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG 36,250 - - - - 7270 TRANSFER TO CAP EQP REPL FUND 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 7370 TRANSFER OUT TO INFO SYSTEMS 25,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 3,807 3,807 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 65,250 40,500 39,000 42,807 42,807 - TOTALS:CENTRAL GARAGE 627,224 603,863 676,232 690,105 690,105 89 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CENTRAL GARAGE BUDGET 701-49950 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Director 0.04 0.04 4,389 1,041 5,430 4,331 1,012 5,343 Superintendent 0.01 0.01 799 220 1,019 799 220 1,019 Shop foreman 1.00 1.00 67,324 20,470 87,794 67,324 21,165 88,489 Maint III 1.23 1.23 68,776 22,593 91,369 68,776 23,438 92,214 Admin Asst 0.12 0.11 6,610 2,193 8,803 6,064 2,012 8,075 Secretary 0.03 0.02 1,191 389 1,580 1,191 405 1,596 PT Clerk 0.11 0.11 4,973 776 5,749 4,950 774 5,724 Seasonals 0.07 0.08 1,697 191 1,888 1,697 192 1,889 Subtotal 2.61 160 155,759 47,873 203,632 155,132 49,218 204,349 Labor Allocation for Interdept labor MNTC 0.28 0.54 13,884 2,566 16,450 17,222 3,774 20,996 Total 2.89 3.14 169,643 50,439 220,082 172,354 52,992 225,345 SUPPLIES SERVICES AND CHARGES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 5,890 3050 EXPERT AND PROFESSIONAL SERV TOTAL: 5,390 Minor Garage equipment replacement 4,040 Audit fee 1,600 Add one 800 Mhz radio 1,850 Drug&alcohol testing 1,100 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 Safety consultant 2,690 2160 MAINT&CONST MATERIALS TOTAL: 4,350 3105 TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL ACT TOTAL: 1,270 Shop&MSC repair parts 4,350 DOT vehicle inspections certifications 270 2161 CHEMICALS TOTAL: 1,140 New equipment maintenance training 1,000 Parts Wash 160 4000 REPAIR AND MAINT SERVICES TOTAL: 19,980 Solvents 160 Overhead crane inspection 870 Brake Fluid,Card cleaner,aerosol 160 Fuel tank inspection 870 Spray washer fluid 160 CFA maint support contract 2,700 Floor and engine degreaser 250 Misc shop repairs(pumps,electric,etc) 12,180 vehicle wash soap 250 Fuel Master support 1,700 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES TOTAL: 13,780 Engine diagnostic reader 1,660 Maintenance supplies(bolts, rods, Lp, etc) 6,600 4020 Building Maintenance TOTAL: 24,660 Other shop supplies,tools 7,180 HVAC contract 6,930 Tox-alert maintenance contract 2,880 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other general maintenance 5,230 5110 LAND TOTAL: 0 HVAC repairs(not in contract) 5,000 5120 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT TOTAL: 24,000 Marco Maint contract 4,620 Training room construction/remodel 10,000 Fire alarm system upgrade 14,000 4100 RENTS AND LEASES TOTAL: 3,300 5130 IMPROV OTHER THAN BLDG TOTAL: 12,000 Shop towels, rugs rental 1,450 CFA/Fuel programs major update/replace 12,000 Shop equipment/tool rentals 1,850 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT TOTAL: 0 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIPS TOTAL: 110 90 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - 1999 Supplies - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - 4999 Capital Outlay 18,097 - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT 18,097 - Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the General fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling of long term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when larger, more costly equipment will need to be purchased. This, in turn,eliminates the highs and lows of budgeting as an equal dollar amount is set aside each year. Objectives No Capital Equipment requests in 2013. Budget Comments Item&Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Engineering Capital Equipment Replacement: No requests for 2013. 91 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43100 ENGINEERING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 18,097 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - _ 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,097 TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT 18,097 - 92 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING BUDGET 431-43100 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 93 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STREETS 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 1 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - 1999 Supplies - 5,632 - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - 4999 Capital Outlay 181,954 112,137 170,705 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - 8,750 - - - TOTALS: CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENTS 181,954 126,519 170,705 - - Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the General fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling of long term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when larger, more costly equipment will need to be purchased. This, in turn, eliminates the highs and lows of budgeting as an equal dollar amount is set aside each year. Objectives No Capital Equipment requests in 2013. Budget Comments Item&Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Streets Capital Equipment Replacement: No requests for 2013. 94 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43121 STREETS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 5,632 - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 5,632 - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - _ CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 181,954 7,051 170,705 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 105,087 - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 181,954 112,137 170,705 OTHER FINANCING USES 7195 TRANSFER OUT STORM SEWER UTILITY - 8,750 - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 8,750 - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STR 181,954 126,519 170,705 95 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STREETS BUDGET 431-43121 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 96 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT PARKS 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges - - _ 4999 Capital Outlay 129,143 32,543 22,075 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - _ TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT PARKS 129,143 32,543 22,075 Activity Description This activity provides for the maintenance of: A. 15 city parks B. 3 public wading pools C. 4 skating and 4 hockey rinks; D. 12 softball/baseball diamonds E. 2 tennis courts F. 12 buildings and other recreational facilities G. park trails. This department also provides landscape maintenance for all municipal buildings, other city-owned properties, easement areas, and the planning, implementation and construction of various park improvements. Objectives No Capital Equipment requests in 2013. Budget Comments Item &Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Parks Capital Equipment Replacement: No requests for 2013. 97 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 431 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT PARKS Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - 22,075 - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT 129,143 32,543 - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 129,143 32,543 22,075 OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT PARKS 129,143 32,543 22,075 98 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT PARKS BUDGET 431-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT SEWER 432 CAP EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT SEWER Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed I Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges - _ _ _ 4999 Capital Outlay - 133,167 133,167 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers _ _ _ TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT SEWER - - 133,167 133,167 Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the Sewer fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long-term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased,eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Objectives 1. Replace 1993 Vactor used to clean manholes, sewer pipes,catch basins, inlets/outlets, and for potholing. Split between sewer, water,and storm water. Total cost$350,000. 2. Utility foreman truck. Currently uses old Fire Dept. utility truck. Split with water/sewer total cost$33,000. Budget Comments Item&Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Sewer Capital Equipment Replacement: 1.Vactor cost to Sewer Equipment fund:$116,667. 2. Foreman Utility Truck cost to Sewer Equipment fund:$16,500. 100 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 432 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT SEWER Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 4395 STATE SALES TAX 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES 133,167 133,167 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 133,167 133,167 - OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT SEWER 133,167 133,167 101 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT SEWER NON-OPERATING 432-49499 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION PURCHASE ORIGINAL PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL DATE COST COST MANAGER ADOPTED PROPOSED 5150 #110 Vactor 1993 $116,667 5150 Utility foreman truck $16,500 TOTAL: $133,167 JUSTIFICATION: 1.Vactor used to clean manholes,sewer pipes,catch basins,inlets/outlets,and for potholing. Split between sewer,water,and storm water. Total cost$350,000. 2. Utility foreman truck. Currently uses old Fire Dept. utility truck. Split with water/sewer total cost$33,000. 102 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER 433 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges - _ _ _ 4999 Capital Outlay - 133,166 133,166 6999 Contingencies&Transfers _ _ _ TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER - 133,166 133,166 - Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the Water fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long-term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Objectives 1. Replace 1993 Vactor used to clean manholes,sewer pipes, catch basins,inlets/outlets, and for potholing. Split between sewer, water, and storm water. Total cost$350,000. 2. Utility foreman truck. Currently uses old Fire Dept. utility truck. Split with water/sewer total cost$33,000. Budget Comments Item &Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Water Capital Equipment Replacement: 1.Vactor cost to Water Equipment fund:$116,666. 2. Foreman Utility Truck cost to Water Equipment fund:$16,500. 103 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 433 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - - 133,166 133,166 4999 TOTALS: CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 133,166 133,166 OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER - - 133,166 133,166 - 104 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT WATER BUDGET 433.49449 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES ITEM# ITEMDESCRIPTION PURCHASE ORIGINAL PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL DATE COST COST MANAGER ADOPTED PROPOSED 5150 #110 Vactor 1993 $116,666 5150 Utility foreman truck 1996 $17,636 $16,500 TOTAL: $133,166 JUSTIFICATION: 1.Vactor used to clean manholes,sewer pipes,catch basins,inlets/outlets, and for potholing. Split between sewer,water and storm water. Total cost$350,000. 2. Utility foreman truck. Currently uses old Fire Dept. utility truck. Split with water/sewer total cost$33,000. 105 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE 434 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49950 GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed r Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies _ 2999 Other Services&Charges - _ _ _ 4999 Capital Outlay - - 13,000 13,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - _ _ TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE - - - 13,000 13,000 Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the Central Garage fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long-term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased,eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Objectives Replace 1997 Tennant floor scrubber used for maintaining MSC shop floor. Budget Comments Item&Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Garage Capital Equipment Replacement: 1.Tennant floor scrubber cost:$13,000. 106 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 434 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49950 GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - 1210 P.E.R.A. CONTRIBUTION - - 1220 F.I.C.A. CONTRIBUTION - - - - -1300 INSURANCE - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES - SUPPLIES 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING - - - 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - 13,000 13,000 5190 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY 13,000 13,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE - 13,000 13,000 107 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT GARAGE BUDGET 434-49950 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ITEM# ITEM DESCRIPTION PURCHASE ORIGINAL PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL DATE COST COST MANAGER ADOPTED PRQPQSED 5180 #312 Tennant floor scrubber 1997 $8,500 $13,000 TOTAL: $13,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1.Tennant floor scrubber used for maintaining MSC shop floor. 108 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM SEWER 438 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM S Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies 2999 Other Services&Charges - _ - _ 4999 Capital Outlay - 116,666 116,666 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - 86,184 - - - _ TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENTS 86,184 116,666 116,666 Activity Description The Capital Equipment fund was established to fund long-term capital equipment needs in the Storm Sewer fund. This was accomplished by preparing a detailed 20-year projection of the City's equipment needs and scheduling long-term replacement. Thus,the City can set aside an equal amount of funding to provide a reserve for future years when large, more costly equipment will need to be purchased, eliminating the highs and lows in budgeting as an equal amount is set aside each year. Objectives Replace 1993 Vactor used to clean manholes,sewer pipes, catch basins, inlets/outlets, and for potholing. Split between sewer, water, and storm water. Total cost$350,000. Budget Comments Item &Projected Cost The following requests have been made for Storm Sewer Capital Equipment Replacement: 1.Vactor cost to Storm Water Equipment fund:$116,667. 109 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 438 CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM SEWER Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - 116,666 116,666 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 116,666 116,666 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7195 TRANSFER OUT STORM SEWER UTI - 86,184 - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 86,184 - - - TOTALS:CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM S - 86,184 - 116,666 116,666 110 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAP EQUIP REPLACEMENT STORM SEWER BUDGET 438-49699 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASES ITEM# ITEM PURCHASE ORIGINAL PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION DATE COST COST MANAGER ADOPTED PROPOSED 5150 #110 Vactor 1993 $116,666 TOTAL: I 1 1 $116,666 JUSTIFICATION: Vactor used to clean manholes,sewer pipes,catch basins, inlets/outlets,and for potholing. Split between sewer, water,and storm water. Total cost$350,000. 111 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 43191 STATE AID GEN'L.CONSTRUCTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 1999 Supplies - 2999 Other Services&Charges - - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - 300,000 600,000 600,000 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 121,000 122,000 2,400 - - - TOTALS:STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 121,000 122,000 302,400 600,000 600,000 - Activity Description This fund is used for capital improvement projects on the City's municipal state aid streets. In 1999,the City was asked by the Office of State Aid to provide a detailed five year program,explaining how Columbia Heights plans on spending down its excessive MSA fund balance.Consistent with that request,a 5-year plan was developed.The fund balance was brought down to zero with the Central Avenue construction project in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Objectives 1. Update 5-year Capital Improvement Project listing. 2. Continue to coordinate with MNDOT for replacement of traffic signals along University and Central Avenues. 3. Develop rehabilitation strategy for S-A streets based on 2012 street ratings. 4. Inspect and rate State Aid Streets for reconstruction and major repair projects as needed. Budget Comments State aid funds were used for the 49th and Central Avenue pedestrian bridge,bringing the fund balance down to zero in 2012. Budgeted projects for 2013: 1. MNDOT is replacing signals along University and Central Ave and the City's share is estimated to be$300,000. 2. Mill and overlay for various sections of State Aid streets$300,000. 112 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 402 STATE AID CONSTRUCTION Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 43191 STATE AID GENT.CONSTRUCTION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - - - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - 300,000 600,000 600,000 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 300,000 600,000 600,000 - OTHER FINANCING USES 7160 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS 121,000 122,000 2,400 - - - 7330 TRANSFER OUT TO BONDS - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 121,000 122,000 2,400 - - TOTALS:STATE AID CONSTRUCTION 121,000 122,000 302,400 600,000 600,000 113 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STATE AID MAINTENANCE BUDGET 402-43191 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL COST MANAGER ADOPTED PROPOSED 5185 Signal replacements Cost share of replacing signals hwy.65&47 $300,000 5185 SA Streets Mill&Overlay SA streets $300,000 TOTAL: $600,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1. MNDOT is replacing the signals along Central and University Aves of which the City's share is estimated to be $300,000 in accordance with current agreements. 2.Mill &Overlay State Aid streets based on 2012 pavement ratings. 114 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAPITAL IMP CENTRAL GARAGE 411 CAPITAL IMP GEN GOV BLDG. Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - 1999 Supplies - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 1,562 - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - - 144,000 45,000 45,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - 188,272 - - - - TOTALS:CAPITAL IMP GEN GOV BLDG. 1,562 188,272 144,000 45,000 45,000 Activity Description Fund 411 was established to account for building improvements not included in operating budgets. At this time,this fund has no specific revenue source. The City Council has committed funds here as they have become available over time,creating a fund balance available for building improvements. Dept 49950 within fund 411 accounts for the Municipal Service Center portion of this fund's expenditures. Objectives Continue to budget minor projects under the 701 Garage operating fund especially for projects under$15,000. Budget Comments The only project budgeted for 2013 is to build a lighted canopy over the fueling station, used by all City departments$45,000. 115 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 411 CAPITAL IMP GEN GOV BLDG. Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49950 CENTRAL GARAGE Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,562 - - - 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 1,562 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5120 BUILDING&IMPROVEMENT - - 144,000 45,000 45,000 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 144,000 45,000 45,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7300 TRANSFER TO CENTRAL GARAGE - 188,272 - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - 188,272 - - - TOTAL CAPITAL IMP GEN GOV BLDG. 1,562 188,272 144,000 45,000 45,000 116 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAPITAL IMP GEN GOV BLDG. BUDGET 411-49950 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CITY COUNCIL COST MANAGER ADOPTED PROP PROPO ED 5185 Fuel pumps Add lighted fuel canopy over fuel pumps $45,000 TOTAL: $45,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1. MSC Fueling station has limited lighting while fueling of City vehicles and can provide an additional security measure in the area as well. 117 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:CAP IMP PARKS 412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - 1999 Supplies - 30,142 - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 1,505 1,505 26,505 12,728 12,728 4999 Capital Outlay - - 30,000 205,500 205,500 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:CAP IMP PARKS 1,505 31,647 56,505 218,228 218,228 - Activity Description This activity provides for capital improvements in the City's park system, including major improvements and major repairs/replacements to park buildings, playgrounds, recreational facilities,and park amenities. Objectives 1.ADA upgrades as required by Federal law, must be completed to open pools for 2013. 2. Labelle Park improvements based on 2012 Master Plan recommendations. 3. Master Plan preparation for McKenna park improvements,through the Park and Recreation Commission and public involvement process. 4. Ramsdell Park lighting improvements. Budget Comments Requested Park improvement projects for 2013: 1. Pool improvements to meet ADA requirements for three wading pools:$90,000. 2. Labell park reconstruction/improvements: $100,000. 3. McKenna park master plan study/preparation:$12,500. 4. Ramsdell park lighting improvements: $15,500. 118 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 412 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45200 PARKS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 30,142 - - - 2160 MAINT.&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 30,142 - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - 25,000 12,500 12,500 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 1,505 1,505 1,505 228 228 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 1,505 1,505 26,505 12,728 12,728 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5180 OTHER EQUIPMENT - - - - - 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - 30,000 205,500 205,500 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 30,000 205,500 205,500 - OTHER FINANCING USES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - TOTALS:CAP IMP PARKS 1,505 31,647 56,505 218,228 218,228 119 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PARKS BUDGET 412-45200 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CITY PROPOSED MANAGER COUNCIL LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION COST PROPOSED ADOPTED 5185 Pools ADA upgrades to wading pools(3) $90,000 5185 Labelle Park improvements/reconstruction $100,000 3050 McKenna Master Plan Preparation $12,500 5185 Ramsdell jAdditional lighting/improvements $15,500 TOTAL: $218,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1.ADA upgrades as required by Federal law, must be completed to open pools for 2013. 2. Labelle Park improvements based on 2011 Master Plan recommendations. 3. Master Plan preparation for McKenna park improvements,through the Park and Recreation Commission and public involvement process. 4. Ramsdell Park lighting improvements. 120 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND NON-OPERATING 651 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies - 110,789 - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges - 117,040 280,000 272,000 272,000 4999 Capital Outlay - 345,000 335,000 335,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 103,820 - - - TOTALS:WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND N 331,649 625,000 607,000 607,000 Activity Description This fund covers capital improvements to the City's water distribution system and the reconstruction and/or repairs to the distribution system including mains, pumping stations,water tower,and operational control valves. Objectives 1. Coordinate repair/replacement of water mains that are in the street reconstruction zones or major improvement projects. 2. Commercial water meter replacements with addition of MXUs or consideration of a fixed base system. 3. Continue cooperative Water Main Cleaning and Lining Program with the City of Minneapolis annual program. 4. 10-year update of the water system model to identify system needs for future capital planning and identify operational problems with recommended corrections. 5. Pump Station#3 improvements. Upgrades, major repairs, and component replacements needed to modernize facility use and operation and increase efficiencies. Budget Comments To continue addressing the rehabilitation of an aging water system, below are the proposed 2013 Water Construction projects: 1. Pump Station#3 improvement project:$92,000. 2.Water main cleaning and lining program $255,000. 3. Replace commercial water meters and MXUs(propose to charge back to property owners)$260,000. 121 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 651 WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49449 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 1,069 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 109,720 - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 110,789 - - - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 20,000 12,000 12,000 - 4000 REPAIR& MAINT.SERVICES - 117,040 260,000 260,000 260,000 - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - 117,040 280,000 272,000 272,000 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - 345,000 335,000 335,000 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 345,000 335,000 335,000 OTHER FINANCING USES 7180 TRANSFER OUT TO WATER UTIL 103,820 - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 103,820 - - - TOTALS:WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND N - 331,649 625,000 607,000 607,000 122 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND NON-OPERATING BUDGET 651-49449 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION PROPOSED CITY COST MANAGER COUNCIL PROPOSED ADOPTED 3050/5185 PS#3 Pump Station#3 improvements $92,000 5185 Main Cleaning&Lining 12013 Watermain cleaning and lining $255,000 4000 Comm meter replacement lReplace commercial water meters $260,000 TOTAL: $607,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1.PS#3 improvements. Upgrades,major repairs,and component replacements needed to modernize facility use and operation. 2.Annual Water Main cleaning and lining program for water distribution and quality improvement. 3.Commercial water meters and readers. Most of these meters are past their expected operating cycle which can cause a loss in accuracy. In addition,most of these meters are still read by hand vs.transmitted to a reader. GRANTS&OTHER FUNDING METHODS: Bonding cycle PIR assessment 123 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NON-OPERATING 652 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - 1999 Supplies - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 28,739 - - - - 4999 Capital Outlay - 375,000 545,000 545,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - TOTALS:SEWER CONSTRUCTION - 28,739 375,000 545,000 545,000 Activity Description This fund supports capital improvements to the City's sanitary sewer system and major repairs in the sanitary sewer collection system including mains, lift stations, and manholes. Objectives 1. Coordinate repair/replacement of sewermains that are in the street reconstruction zones or major improvement projects. 2. Chatham lift station improvements/reconstruction. The facility is deteriorated and requires major replacement/upgrades of several mechanical and electrical systems, plus structural improvements including the force main. Critical infrastructure that prevents backups of sewer lines on the unserviceable or below grade of the system. 3.Annual Sanitary Sewer Lining sewer cleaning,disposal, and system improvements. 4. Measures to reduce 1/1 as directed MCES(Metro Council Environmental Services, i.e.the sewage treatment plant operator). 5.Conduct smoke testing of sewer district#2 to identify areas where excess 1/1 is occurring for cross connection removal. Budget Comments To continue addressing the rehabilitation of an aging sewer system, below are the proposed 2013 Sewer Construction projects: 1.Sewer main lining program $150,000 2. MCES required 1/1 reduction improvement program$25,000 3.Sewer line smoke testing$20,000. 4. Reconstruct Chatham lift station$350,000 124 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 652 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49499 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT& PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 28,739 - - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 28,739 - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5185 TRANSFER OUT TO SEWER UTILITY - - 375,000 545,000 545,000 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - 375,000 545,000 545,000 TOTALS:SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND 28,739 375,000 545,000 545,000 125 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NON-OPERATING BUDGET 652-49499 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe & Fringe Salaries ' Fringe &Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CITY PROPOSED MANAGER COUNCIL LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION COST PROPOSED ADOPTED 5185 Annual Lining Program 2013 Sewer main lining $150,000 5185 Annual 1/1 Program 1/1 reduction improvements $25,000 5185 Dstr#2 flow testing ISewer smoke testing:Collection distr#2 $20,000 5185 Chatham lift station I Reconstruct Chatham lift station $350,000 TOTAL: $545,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1. Chatham lift station improvements/reconstruction. The facility is deteriorated and requires major replacement/upgrades of several mechanical and electrical systems, plus some structural improvements including the force main. This is a critical piece of infrastructure that prevents backups of sewer lines on the unserviceable or below grade of the sewer system. 2.Annual Sanitary Sewer Lining sewer cleaning,disposal,and system improvements. 3. Measures to reduce 1/1 as directed by MCES(Metro Council Environmental Services, i.e.the sewage treatment plant operator). 4.Conduct smoke testing of sewer district#2 to identify areas where excess 1/1 is occurring for cross connection removal. GRANTS&OTHER FUNDING METHODS: 1.Sanitary Sewer Construction Fund 2. Bonding Cycle 3. PIR Assessments 126 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services - - - - - 1999 Supplies 460 - - - - 2999 Other Services&Charges 20,148 20,000 20,000 20,000 4999 Capital Outlay - 385,000 385,000 385,000 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION Fl - 20,608 405,000 405,000 405,000 - Activity Description This fund supports capital improvements and major repairs in the storm sewer collection system,flood mitigation, and other surface water related activities. Objectives 1. Jackson Pond Reconstruction: Following the engineering report accepted by the City Council in 2008, convert Jackson pond from a wet pond to a dry pond with pump to improve the flood protection of the area and reduce pipe surcharging of the 60 inch storm line in 44th Avenue. Has been budgeted previously in 2011&2012 work, but not conducted. 2. Continue the annual program of replacing or upgrading catch basins, manholes and storm pipe in the street rehabilitation zones. 3. Silver Lake SWPPP and erosion control improvements. 4. Update Surface Water Management Plan-following jurisdictional water plan updates by the Rice Creek Watershed and the Mississippi Water Management Organization. Budget Comments Consistent with the 10 year Capital Implementation Plan prepared during the establishment of the storm water utility, below are the proposed 2013 Storm Sewer Construction projects: 1. Reconstruction of Jackson Pond$225,000(partial). 2.Silver Lake storm water runoff pond reconstruction$160,000(partial) 3. Update WRMP: $20,000. 127 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 653 STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND\ Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 49699 NON-OPERATING Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - 460 - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES - 460 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 20,000 20,000 20,000 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 20,148 - - - 4100 RENTS& LEASES - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - - - - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES - 20,148 20,000 20,000 20,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5185 INFRASTRUCTURE - 385,000 385,000 385,000 - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - 385,000 385,000 385,000 - TOTALS:STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION F' - 20,608 405,000 405,000 405,000 - 128 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NON-OPERATING BUDGET 653-49699 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe & Fringe Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CITY PROPOSED MANAGER COUNCIL LINE# TITLE DESCRIPTION COST PROPOSED ADOPTED 5185 Jackson Pond Pond reconstruction storm water improvement $225,000 5184 Silver lake SWPPP IPond reconstruction storm water improvement $160,000 3050 WRMP Isurface water management plan $20,000 TOTAL: $405,000 JUSTIFICATION: 1.Jackson Pond Reconstruction: Following the engineering report accepted by the City Council in 2008,convert Jackson pond from a wet pond to a dry pond with pump to improve the flood protection of the area and reduce pipe surcharging of the 60 inch storm line in 44th Avenue. Has been budgeted previously in 2010&2011 work, but not conducted. 2.The Storm Water runoff into Silver lake requires pond reconstruction for pollution control, prevent erosion leading to the lake,and eliminate short circuiting. 3. Update Surface Water Management Plan-following jurisdictional water plan updates by the Rice Creek Watershed and the Mississippi Water Management Organization. GRANTS&OTHER FUNDING METHODS: 1a.Bonding cycle. 1b.200k cost share for Jackson Pond. 2.Cost share with RCWD 129 The City of Columbia Heights r2013 PROPOSED DETAIL BUDGET 1 RECREATION City of Columbia Heights 2013 Proposed Detailed Budget Table of Contents Recreation Summary Changes to Fund Balance....................................................... 1 Department Budgets Administration(101-45000).................................................... 2 Youth Athletics (101-45001)................................................... 6 Adult Athletics (101-45003)................................................... 10 Youth Enrichment (101-45004)................................................ 13 Traveling Athletics (101-45005)............................................... 16 Trips & Outings (101-45030)................................................... 19 Senior Citizens (101-45040)................................................... 22 Murzyn Hall (101-45129)...................................................... 25 Gym Fund (101-45130)......................................................... 30 Reviewer's Notes BlankPages....................................................................... 33-34 Ln p m O 0 w O O to Ln O O O to O 00 C) O O 0 ^O %D 4J L 1\ rl O 00 N Ch n O O n N n d C p n Lr� 06 001 M N O LM lD Ln Tv N N t\ 01 01 Ol = U O O c+'1 0 0 0 0 f\ tD O 01 O tD ei n ri to C m N O e-1 n mm n Ln O n O to N 11 ei i f0 p O r-I Q1 .•1 �"I Ln ri N -1 N rNI N N N N G ri 0 N 0 0 1M 0 0 00 � O 00 O O N tD N O C ri O LD O 0 1\ ON Ln 00 00 TT M 'c N O 1.0.; n Ln o m r, N � Ln U U O p O ry 0 0 n O M O O O Ol O 01 06 � N N n M rl 14 C O N M LO N O 00 00 00 °' � LA Ln Ln I- O r-I O 1\ 0 0 Ln O O M v O N n Ct N LO O O to 00 tD ri •N •v p N N n 0 lD M O O 0 0 •E ri r-I M M M Y Q f6 Y N° m p 0 o p 0 00 M C 00 N O r-I r-1 tD 0 1p O O N M N ei C v d' It O cr M Ln O O to -1 tD IA C s r-I 1` N O M O N OL p M r-I LM M Ln N n Vf Ln Ln 0 L -1 M H Ln Ln Ln rMI C C s O O LU OJ F- m O 00 0 0 r-I O O M 2 W L 00 O O N ri V O to 00 m m m -1 f6 Q Y M M O r-I 00 00 Ln M n 00 n rl D C' 7 (U Q H rM-1 N N -1 r-I LA Ln Ln E 00 <-0 -C -I r-I N N N O Q U w O rN-I O tD 00 0 0 0 0 0 T -It O tD 0 0 0 n O n N 0 rl ++ U O> M O ri O T ON M M CD M U O 0) p r-I N M N � 00 M M M Ln I 0 s H >- QY N O 00 0 0 Tt 0 0 m C 0) (n O O 01 O a) M n O Q1 01 Ol O O 0] Ln O O Ln O Ln 01 11 W 01 tD M 'O ^ m N M Ln c-i M M Ln M N 00 N ri 00 m p0 n fr1 -IF M l- 1--I N Ln e-I (N ei H ri u ri N N N N Y °- yI N w V) OA u to O1 4J L m w u c M > U fa m n U N u v c v ~ m L v ;� �, m p v N o2$ 0) d = Ln w 00 G1 �Zy u (T6 N C LL L L 06 v > ai C v o v °?S fO m —0 H c � In O � � Lu . OA 0o N N C - f0 C 40 Q Q1 Y C X N_ L) C L C CC t0 X 01 O O Y f0 0 d O O Z J U LL G N I— 3 W D_ Lo O D U of � U Ol Ol Ql 01 Ol 01 Q1 01 41 O) 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 0) 01 Ol 01 0) 01 01 O) 01 01 Q i 0) O) 01 01 01 01 01 r-I d Ol Ol O) 0) 0) O ri N m t{' Ln to 0) d' O ri N tD ui M m M m M m m m M 0 O F- of CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45000 RECREATION ADMINISTATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 163,067 159,946 157,980 158,300 158,300 - 1999 Supplies 6,555 6,545 9,559 9,559 9,559 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 16,359 23,688 17,330 18,193 18,193 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - 27,317 27,317 - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:RECREATION ADMINISTI 185,981 190,179 184,869 213,369 213,369 - Activity Description This activity provides recreational opportunities and services to the residents of Columbia Heights. The Recreation Department is comprised of eight main areas in which the Director,fifty percent full time Clerk-Typist II,and one half- time Recreation Clerk disperse their time. Each of the eight areas has its own separate budget. This category provides salaries for the department as well as supplies and contractual services for the department. Recreation Administration also funds space allocation to the Murzyn Hall budget for office space. Objectives 1.Continue to improve customer service. 2. Evaluate existing recreational programming needs of the community and create recreation programs to meet those needs. Budget Comments The Recreation Administration total budget has increased by$28,500. Personal Services has had an increase of$320. Other Services increased$863. This budget provides$2,933 for Murzyn Hall office space allocation. This budget also has recreation van replacement of$27,317. 2 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45000 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - _ 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 104,130 104,228 104,899 104,897 104,897 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 21,250 18,472 19,714 19,714 19,714 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - _ _ 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 468 292 250 250 250 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 4,619 4,774 - - - _ 1050 SEVERANCE PAY - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 8,782 8,907 9,052 9,037 9,037 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 9,966 9,524 9,552 9,552 9,552 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - _ 1300 INSURANCE 13,176 13,173 13,710 14,034 14,034 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 676 575 803 - - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - 816 816 - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 163,067 159,946 157,980 158,300 158,300 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES 730 431 1,000 1,000 1,000 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 400 400 400 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 678 1,087 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2020 COMPUTER SUPPLIES - - 400 400 400 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS 37 142 400 400 400 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 19 24 100 100 100 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 127 332 159 159 159 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 8 89 100 100 100 - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR AND PARTS 2,019 885 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2282 GAS,OIL,LUBRICANTS 2,937 3,555 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 6,555 6,545 9,559 9,559 9,559 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 25 4,412 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 200 200 200 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 563 344 403 321 321 - 3211 CELL PHONES 243 557 - 500 500 - 3220 POSTAGE 1,052 1,066 1,100 1,100 1,100 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - 790 946 642 642 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - 50 50 50 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - _ _ 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 30 534 3500 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLISHING - - _ _ 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 3,397 3,397 3,397 2,997 2,997 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 1,556 2,461 1,600 2,500 2,500 - 4050 GARAGE, LABOR BURD. 3,859 4,023 3,000 3,000 3,000 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 3,728 3,728 3,384 2,933 2,933 - 3 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45000 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 1,617 1,695 1,700 2,000 2,000 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 218 629 200 600 600 - 4374 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - - - - - - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION - - - - - - 4380 COMMISSION&BOARDS - - 200 200 200 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 73 52 50 50 50 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 100 100 100 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 16,359 23,688 17,330 18,193 18,193 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5150 VEHICLES - - - 27,317 27,317 - 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - 27,317 27,317 - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:RECREATION ADMINISTRAT 185,981 190,179 184,869 213,369 213,369 - 4 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER RECREATION ADMINISTRATION BUDGET 101-45000 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Recreation Director 1.00 1.00 82,178 22,528 105,706 83,178 22,535 105,713 Clerk Typist II Rec 1.00 1.00 43,939 14,994 58,933 43,939 15,617 59,556 Recreation Clerk Part T 0.50 0.50 19,714 3,093 22,807 19,715 3,095 22,809 Subtotal 2.50 2.50 145,831 40,615 187,446 146,832 41,247 188,078 Labor Allocation To: Murzyn Hall 101-45129 (0.50) (0.50) (21,970) (7,496) (29,466) (21,970) (7,808) (29,778) Total 2.00 2.00 123,861 33,119 157,980 124,862 33,439 158,300 Supplies Paper 550 Letterhead 200 Computer equipment 2,000 Envelopes 200 Computer print cartridges 400 Office equipment 400 Misc.computer supplies 200 Keys 50 Gas,oil,lubricants 2,500 Misc.office supplies 100 Misc. program supplies 100 Misc. printing 100 Misc.general supplies 159 Food supplies 100 Vehicle repair&parts 2,500 Other Services&Charges Telephone service 321 Software support 681 Staff training&education 200 Network support 100 Other communications 642 Professional affiliation 600 Local travel 50 Repair&maintenance 2,500 JPM space allocation 2,933 Park&Rec Comm 200 Garage labor&burden 3,000 Postage 1,100 Credit card fees 2,000 Insurance&bonds 2,997 Sales tax 100 Taxes&licenses 50 Cell phones 500 Telecom 219 Capital Outlay Rec.van replacement 32,500 5 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:YOUTH ATHLETICS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted DepartmeE2013 nager Council 45001 YOUTH ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed sed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 22,154 18,478 22,718 22,744 22,744 1999 Supplies 3,425 2,256 4,200 4,200 4,200 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 10,406 7,164 8,937 8,386 8,386 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - _ TOTALS:YOUTH ATHLETICS 35,985 27,897 35,855 35,330 35,330 - Activity Description This activity classification encompasses recreational programs provided to youth. These programs consist of children and adolescents K-12. Programs fall under several sport-specific headings,including baseball,softball, basketball, football,soccer,volleyball,and wrestling. All programs are participation-oriented,with the focus on fun,socialization, and athletic skill development. These particular programs provide the youth of Columbia Heights with supervised play opportunities at local gym facilities and neighborhood parks. This category also provides one-forth of the Recreation Coordinator salary,gym supervisors and officials. Youth Athletics also provides office space to the J.P.M. budget. Objectives 1.Develop coaches'clinics to better train youth coaches. 2. Develop youth teams at all grade levels at all parks. 3.Expand soccer leagues to include more age divisions. 4.Conduct an informational meeting for parents before the start of each season. 5.Develop a preschool soccer and t-ball league. Budget Comments The 2013 Youth Athletics budget has decreased$525. 25%of the Recreation Coordinator salary is included within this budget. One reason this budget has not had major increases is due to the significant donation of athletic equipment made by the Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters Association. The Youth Athletic budget also provides$2,891 for space allocation to J.P.M. 6 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45001 YOUTH ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1000 ACCRUED SALARIES - - - - - - 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 10,471 10,433 10,536 10,537 10,537 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - - - - - - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 6,441 3,949 8,850 8,850 8,850 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 571 264 300 300 300 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 2,071 1,365 - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 850 860 786 778 778 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 1,337 1,120 1,506 1,506 1,506 1300 INSURANCE 153 156 338 363 363 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION - 168 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 259 162 402 410 410 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 22,154 18,478 22,718 22,744 22,744 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 57 117 - - - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - - - - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 153 43 500 500 500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 3,048 1,982 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 167 114 200 200 200 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 3,425 2,256 4,200 4,200 4,200 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 4,486 1,561 4,000 4,000 4,000 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 33 - 100 100 100 3211 CELL PHONES 43 - - - - - 3220 POSTAGE - - - - - - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 50 50 50 - 3320 OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 251 251 251 145 145 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - - - - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 3,675 3,675 3,336 2,891 2,891 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 848 447 100 100 100 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 270 450 300 300 300 - 4375 VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION 800 780 700 700 700 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 100 100 100 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' 10,406 7,164 8,937 8,386 8,386 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 7 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45001 YOUTH ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:YOUTH ATHLETICS 35,985 27,897 35,855 35,330 35,330 - g CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER YOUTH ATHLETICS BUDGET 101-45001 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Tota I Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Building Supervisor 3,000 337 3,337 3,000 340 3,340 Baseball 600 67 667 600 68 668 Basketball 1,700 191 1,891 1,700 192 1,892 Football 500 56 556 500 56 556 Soccer 1,100 124 1,224 1,100 124 1,224 Softball 550 62 612 550 62 612 Volleyball 1,400 157 1,557 1,400 158 1,558 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 8,850 994 9,844 81850; 1,000 9,850 Labor Allocation From: Adult Athletics-45003 0.25 0.25 10,537 2,337 = 10,837 2,057 12,894 Total 0.25 0.25 19,387 3,331 22,718 19,687 - 3,057 22,744 Supplies Food supplies 200 General supplies 3500 Athletic supplies 500 Other Services&Charges Telephone 100 Volunteer coach recognition 700 Insurance&bonds 145 Clinician&officials fees 4,000 Sales tax 100 Local travel 50 League registrations 300 J.P.M.space allocation 2,891 Program Activities 100 Capital Outlay none 9 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:ADULT ATHLETICS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45003 ADULT ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 13,293 12,744 12,875 12,894 12,894 - 1999 Supplies 536 1,419 1,000 1,500 1,500 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 11,555 9,728 11,892 11,345 11,345 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:ADULT ATHLETICS 25,384 23,890 25,767 25,739 25,739 Activity Description This activity encompasses recreational programs provided to adults in Columbia Heights. Leagues are administered in summer,fall,and winter. An annual summer softball tournament is held during the Columbia Heights Jamboree.This activity also provides one-forth of the Recreation Coordinator salary and covers costs of umpires and referees. J.P.M. budget is also paid for space allocation for office space and storage space. Objectives 1. Explore options of developing additional leagues for adults. Budget Comments The total Adult Athletics budget for 2013 has decreased by$28.00. Murzyn Hall budget also received space allocation from Adult Athletics in the amount of$2,891. This budget also provides one-forth of the Recreation Coordinator salary. 10 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45003 ADULT ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 10,461 10,433 10,537 10,537 10,537 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 384 184 - - - - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 571 264 300 300 300 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERB - - - - - - 1080 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR CR - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 765 768 786 779 779 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 874 832 829 829 829 1300 INSURANCE 153 156 338 362 362 - 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 3 40 - - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREN 82 66 85 87 87 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 1800 INTERDEPARTMENTAL FRINGE CR - - - - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 13,293 12,744 12,875 12,894 12,894 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - - - - - 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS - - - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - 500 500 500 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 536 1,419 500 1,000 1,000 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 536 1,419 1,000 1,500 1,500 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 6,205 4,686 7,000 7,000 7,000 - 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - - - - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 150 150 150 3220 POSTAGE - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 206 206 206 104 104 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 540 - 500 500 500 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 3,675 3,675 3,336 2,891 2,891 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - 380 - - - - 4300 MISC.CHARGES 380 - - - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 549 781 600 600 600 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 100 100 100 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARC 11,555 9,728 11,892 11,345 11,345 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5170 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - - - - - 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:ADULT ATHLETICS 25,384 23,890 25,767 25,739 25,739 11 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER ADULTATHLETICS BUDGET 101-45003 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Athletic Coordinator 1.00 1.00 43,350 8,148 51,498 43,349 8,225 51,575 Subtotal 1.00 1.00 43,350 8,148 51,498 43,349 8,225 51,575 Labor Allocation To: Youth Ath.&Tray.Ath. -0.75 -0.75 -32,512 -6,112 -38,623 -32,512 -6,169 -38,681 Total 0.25 0.25 10,838 2,036 12,875 10,837 2,056 12,894 Supplies Trophies 100 Softballs 400 General Supplies 1000 Other Services&Charges Officials 7,000 League sanctioning 600 Insurance&bonds 104 State sales tax 100 Telephone 150 J.P.M. space allocation 2,891 Repair 500 Capital Outlay none 12 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:YOUTH ENRICHMENT 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45004 YOUTH ENRICHMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 16,338 15,642 35,121 35,156 35,156 - 1999 Supplies 800 1,348 2,700 2,700 2,700 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 20,418 20,498 19,818 17,206 17,206 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - _ _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - _ _ _ TOTALS:YOUTH ENRICHMENT 37,556 37,488 57,639 55,062 55,062 - Activity Description This activity classification encompasses recreational,academic,athletic,and enrichment programs provided to the youth age 3-13. These offerings are participation-oriented,with the focus on fun,socialization,achievement,and skill development. Dance and Tumbling runs throughout the fall,winter,and spring sessions. Special events that are family-oriented and run throughout the year are Bunny Brunch,Safety Camp,Halloween Spooktacular,and Breakfast with Santa. The Traveling Puppet Wagon,which was funded through a grant from the Medtronic Foundation in 1998 has been operating for the last fourteen years. The Puppet Wagon travels to neighborhood parks and performs a variety of family-based puppet shows. Youth Enrichment funds office,storage and program space within the Murzyn Hall budget. This budget also provides one-forth of the Recreation Coordinator salary. Objectives 1.Improve and expand preschool(4-6 years old)programming opportunities. 2.Maintain and improve special event programs. 3.Plan and coordinate Safety Camp for 2013. Budget Comments The Youth Enrichment budget has decreased by$2,577 due to the reduction of J.P.M.cost. This budget provides $15,673 for space allocation to the Murzyn Hall budget. One-forth of the Recreation Coordinator salary is paid from this budget. 13 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45004 YOUTH ENRICHMENT Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 10,471 10,432 10,537 10,537 10,537 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,132 2,850 20,000 20,000 20,000 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 571 264 300 300 300 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 765 768 786 778 778 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 1,085 1,036 2,359 2,360 2,360 1300 INSURANCE 153 156 338 363 363 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 161 135 801 818 818 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 16,338 15,642 35,121 35,156 35,156 SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 200 200 200 - 2030 PRINTING &PRINTED FORMS - - - - - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 373 966 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 17 103 100 100 100 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 410 280 400 400 400 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 800 1,348 2,700 2,700 2,700 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - 120 100 100 100 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 100 100 100 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 32 - 100 100 100 3211 CELL PHONES 43 - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 434 434 434 233 233 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 19,909 19,909 18,084 15,673 15,673 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - - 400 400 400 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP - 35 - - - - 4378 SPECIAL EVENTS - - 500 500 500 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 100 100 100 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE! 20,418 20,498 19,818 17,206 17,206 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - TOTALS:YOUTH ENRICHMENT 37,556 37,488 57,639 55,062 55,062 - 14 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER YOUTH ENRICHMENT BUDGET 101-45004 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Gymnastics 3,000 337 3,337 3,000 340 3,340 Playgrounds 10,000 1,123 11,123 10,000 1,130 11,130 Puppeteers 4,000 449 4,449 4,000 452 4,452 New Activities Instructor 3,000 337 3,337 3,000 340 3,340 Subtotal 0.00 0.40 20,000 2,246 22,246 20;000 2,262 22,262 Labor Allocation From: Adult Athletics 0.25 0.25 10,837 2,038 12,875 10,837 2,057 12,894 Total 0.25 0.25 30,837 4,284 36,121 30,837 4,319 35,156 Supplies Food supplies 400 Athletic equipment 500 Playground equipment 900 New activities equipment 300 Gymnastics supplies 200 General supplies 100 Program supplies 300 Other Services&Charges Telephone 100 Staff training 100 Insurance&bonds 233 Program activities 400 Tax 100 *Special Events Halloween Spooktacular 125 Breakfast with Santa 125 Winter Fest 125 Bunny Brunch 125 J.P.M.space allocation 15,673 Professional services 100 15 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:TRAVELING ATHLETICS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45005 TRAVELING ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 12,875 12,500 16,434 16,454 16,454 - 1999 Supplies 659 1,055 3,425 3,425 3,425 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 8,150 11,935 11,298 10,767 10,767 - 4999 Capital Outlay - _ - _ _ _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - _ TOTALS:TRAVELING ATHLETICS 21,684 25,491 31,157 30,646 30,646 - Activity Description This activity classification encompasses competitive athletic opportunities offered to Columbia Heights'youth in grades 3-12. Teams are formed in basketball,baseball,and softball,with players selected by ability after pre-season tryouts. Teams are organized and equipped through the Recreation Department,which is unique in the metro area. Teams compete within Minnesota Youth Athletic Services sanctioned leagues. This category also provides one-forth of the Athletic Coordinator salary as well as league fees for team memberships. Traveling Athletics also has money budgeted for space allocation for office space and storage space to the Murzyn Hall budget. Objectives 1.Look for alternative organizations for teams to be sanctioned by. 2.Develop coaches clinics to better train youth coaches. 3.Better classifications for traveling basketball teams so they will be more equally matched against other communities. Budget Comments Traveling Athletics budget has had a decrease of$511.Twenty-five percent of the Recreation Coordinator's salary is budgeted under Personal Services. Space allocation of$2,891 was also provided to the Murzyn Hall budget. 16 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45005 TRAVELING ATHLETICS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 10,471 10,433 10,537 10,537 10,537 - 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES - - 3,200 3,200 3,200 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 571 264 300 300 300 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - _ 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 765 768 786 778 778 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 845 818 1,074 1,073 1,073 1300 INSURANCE 153 156 338 363 363 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 70 61 199 203 203 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - _ - _ 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 12,875 12,500 16,434 16,454 16,454 - SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMEMNT - - 200 200 200 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 100 100 100 - 2070 TRAINING& INSTR SUPPLIES - - 50 50 50 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - 566 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 659 363 1,000 1,000 1,000 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - 126 75 75 75 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 659 1,055 3,425 3,425 3,425 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 1,698 1,760 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - 50 50 50 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 100 100 100 3410 ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT - - 50 50 50 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 212 212 212 126 126 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 3,675 3,675 3,336 2,891 2,891 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - 4,328 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 4300 MISC.CHARGES - 100 - - - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION, MEMBERSHIP 2,565 1,860 4,000 4,000 4,000 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 50 50 50 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE: 8,150 11,935 11,298 10,767 10,767 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - _ TOTALS:TRAVELING ATHLETICS 21,684 25,491 31,157 30,646 30,646 - 17 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2012 FUND NUMBER TRAVELING ATHLETICS BUDGET 101-45005 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Building Supervisor 2,800 314 3,114 2,800 316 3,116 Baseball 200 22 222 200 22 222 Basketball 200 22 222 200 22 222 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 3,200 358 31558 3,200 360 3,560 Labor Allocation From: Adult Athletics-4500: 0.25 0.25 10,837 2,038 12,876 10,837 2,057 12,894 Total 0.25 0.25 14,037 2,396 16,434 14,037 2,417' 16,454 Supplies Minor equipment 200 Printed forms 100 General supplies 1,000 Training materials 50 Food supplies 75 Program supplies 2,000 Other Services&Charges League officials 2,000 Advertising 50 Traveling mileage 100 Baseball sanction fees 2,000 Basketball sanction fees 2,000 JPM space allocation 2,891 Insurance&bonds 126 State sales tax 50 Program Activities 1,500 Telephone 50 Capital Outlay none 18 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:TRIPS&OUTINGS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45030 TRIPS&OUTINGS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 18,561 18,611 18,863 17,727 17,727 - 1999 Supplies 195 378 350 350 350 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 42,253 39,870 41,241 40,703 40,703 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - - TOTALS:TRIPS&OUTINGS 61,009 58,858 60,454 58,780 58,780 - Activity Description Trips and Outings include one-day and extended trips for senior citizens. These are advertised through quarterly trip flyers mailed to participants. It continues to be one of our most popular offerings and is a self-sustaining program. This activity provides twenty-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary. Trips and Outings also budgets monies for office space allocation to Murzyn Hall. Objectives 1. Provide seniors with a well-planned and well-executed trip schedule of both one-day extended trips and small group excursions. Budget Comments Trips and Outings budget has decreased$1,674. Twenty-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary is budgeted within the Trips and Outings budget. Murzyn Hall also received$2,319 for space allocation. Personal services decreased$1,136 due to entry level rate for new Senior Coordinator. 19 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45030 TRIPS&OUTINGS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 14,132 14,078 14,218 13,241 13,241 - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV - - - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 997 1,013 1,031 952 952 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 1,114 1,112 1,088 1,013 1,013 1300 INSURANCE 2,225 2,325 2,415 2,415 2,415 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 94 83 111 106 106 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 18,561 18,611 18,863 17,727 17,727 SUPPLIES 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 100 100 100 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 44 63 50 50 50 - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 150 314 100 100 100 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 195 378 350 350 350 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - - 3220 POSTAGE - - 100 100 100 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 425 425 425 244 244 - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 5,743 5,494 4,676 4,319 4,319 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 36,085 33,951 36,000 36,000 36,000 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 40 40 40 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE: 42,253 39,870 41,241 40,703 40,703 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:TRIPS&OUTINGS 61,009 58,858 60,454 58,780 58,780 - 20 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER TRIPS&OUTINGS BUDGET 101-45030 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe subtota 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 Labor Allocation From: Senior Cit.-45040 0.25 0.25 14,218 4,645 18,863 13,241 4,486 17,727 Total 0.25 0.25 14,218 4,645 18,863 13,241 4;486, 17,727 Supplies Trip flyers sent out quarterly 100 Program Supplies 50 General supplies(name tags,cups) 100 Food Supplies 100 Other Services&Charges Postage for mailing trip flyers 100 Buses for trips 2,000 Trips&transportation booked as one 36,000 Insurance&bonds 244 State sales tax 40 J.P.M.space allocation 2,319 Capital Outlay none 21 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:SENIOR CITIZENS 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45040 SENIOR CITIZENS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 1 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 61,716 60,385 61,039 56,754 56,754 - 1999 Supplies 2,815 3,058 3,200 3,200 3,200 2999 Other Services&Charges 20,631 21,080 19,603 17,538 17,538 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - _ 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - - TOTALS:SENIOR CITIZENS 85,162 84,523 83,842 77,492 77,492 Activity Description The Senior Center is located in Murzyn Hall and provides a wide variety of programs to individuals 55 years and older in the community. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. This program provides seventy-five percent of the Senior Citizen Coordinator salary. The Senior Citizen budget also provides space allocation for Murzyn Hall for office,storage and Senior Center space. Objectives 1.To provide social,educational,and recreational programs to seniors in the community. To serve as a center that provides resource information regarding senior issues and concerns. 2.To provide the opportunity for senior exercise programs. Budget Comments The total Senior Citizens budget has decreased by$6,350 mostly due to an entry level Senior Coordinator. Seventy-five percent of the Senior Coordinator salary is budgeted under this budget. There was a charge of$12,449 for space allocation to Murzyn Hall. 22 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45040 SENIOR CITIZENS Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 42,376 42,236 42,655 39,406 39,406 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 3,888 3,749 4,000 3,519 3,519 - 1030 VACATION&SICK 1,840 493 - - - - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 2,941 3,039 3,092 2,857 2,857 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 3,689 3,623 3,570 3,284 3,284 1300 INSURANCE 6,675 6,975 7,245 7,245 7,245 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 308 270 477 443 443 - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 61,716 60,385 61,039 56,754 56,754 SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 50 50 50 - 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT - - 50 50 50 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 50 50 50 - 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 982 1,401 1,100 1,100 1,100 - 2171 GENERALSUPPLIES - 164 50 50 50 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES 1,833 1,493 1,900 1,900 1,900 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 2,815 3,058 3,200 3,200 3,200 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 2,976 2,724 3,000 3,000 3,000 3105 TRAINING&EDUC ACTIVITIES - - 150 150 150 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH - - - - _ _ 3220 POSTAGE 611 633 600 700 700 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - 50 50 50 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 589 589 589 339 339 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES - 542 - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES 15,850 15,822 14,364 12,449 12,449 - 4200 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - - - - - _ 4300 MISC.CHARGES 249 360 300 300 300 - 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 147 191 250 250 250 - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 210 218 200 200 200 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 100 100 100 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 20,631 21,080 19,603 17,538 17,538 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - _ _ OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - _ TOTALS:SENIOR CITIZENS 85,162 84,523 83,842 77,492 77,492 - 23 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER SENIOR CITIZENS BUDGET 101-45040 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Senior Citizen Coordinator 1.00 1.00 56,873 18,580 75,453 52,541 17,908 70,449 Senior Aerobic Instructor 3,000 307 3,307 2,805 317 3,122 Senior Aerobic Instructor 1,000 143 1,143 714 81 795 Subtotal' 1.00 1100 60,873 .19,030 79,903 56,060 18,306 74,366 Labor Allocation To: Trips&Outings-45030 -0.25 -0.25 -14,218 -4,646 -18,864 -13,135 -4,477 -17,612 Total 0.75 0,75' 46,655- 14,384 61,039 42,925 13;829 56,754 Supplies Senior newsletter issued monthly 50 Food supplies 1,900 Office supplies 50 Minor office equipment 50 Program supplies 1,100 General supplies 50 Other Services&Charges Defensive Driving/Speakers/Educational 3,000 Golden Age Club Holiday Dinner 300 Training 150 Postage 700 Local travel 50 Insurance&bonds 339 Subscription&membership 250 Taxes&licenses 200 State sales tax 100 J.P.M.space allocation 12,449 24 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:MURZYN HALL 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45129 MURZYN HALL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 1 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 105,039 102,061 143,101 121,306 121,306 - 1999 Supplies 10,577 18,131 25,450 25,450 25,450 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 8,605 32,075 33,776 41,759 41,759 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers 22,786 22,536 22,536 22,536 22,536 - TOTALS:MURZYN HALL 147,007 174,803 224,863 211,051 211,051 - Activity Description In an average year,Murzyn Hall (JPM) is used approximately 2,500 hours for classes/activities, 1,500 hours for weddings,and 1,000 hours for meetings. Approximately 20%of the users are charged while the remaining 80%are fee waived or charged a minimal fee to offset custodial costs. JPM operates seven days a week and runs near full capacity throughout the year. Murzyn Hall budget provides salaries for the Head Custodian,part-time custodians,and fifty percent of the Clerk-Typist II position. Objectives 1.Develop a JPM preventative maintenance plan. Budget Comments The Murzyn Hall budget has decreased$13,812. Personal Services had a decrease of$21,795 due to the reduction of part-time custodian hours. Other Services was increased$7,983 to include basement floor replacement and kitchen refrigerator replacement.Space allocation credit received from the recreation budgets is$42,047. A transfer out to bonds is also included in the Murzyn Hall budget. 25 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45129 MURZYN HALL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1010 REGULAR EMPLOYEES 24,331 21,514 21,719 21,720 21,720 - 1011 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES 48,411 47,849 80,000 69,165 69,165 - 1020 OVERTIME-REGULAR 468 292 250 250 250 1021 OVERTIME-PART-TIME 213 - - - - 1030 VACATION&SICK 305 - - - - - 1070 INTERDEPARTMENTAL LABOR SERV 9,465 11,603 14,549 7,392 7,392 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 5,783 5,876 8,442 7,124 7,124 - 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 6,316 6,216 8,914 7,537 7,537 - 1225 FLEX BENEFIT FICA - - - - - 1300 INSURANCE 7,235 6,152 5,670 5,147 5,147 1400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 611 885 - - - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 1,899 1,675 3,557 2,971 2,971 - 1700 ALLOCATED FRINGE - - - - - 0999 TOTALS:PERSONAL SERVICES 105,039 102,061 143,101 121,306 121,306 - SUPPLIES 2000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - - 100 100 100 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 3,568 3,846 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 2011 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT - 4,168 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2030 PRINTING&PRINTED FORMS - - 250 250 250 2160 MAINT&CONSTRUCT MATERIALS 34 3,289 900 900 900 - 2161 CHEMICALS - - 200 200 200 2170 PROGRAM SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2171 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6,664 5,599 14,000 14,000 14,000 2172 UNIFORMS - - 500 500 500 - 2175 FOOD SUPPLIES - - - - - - 2280 VEHICLE REPAIR&PARTS 21 - - - - - 2990 COMM. PURCHASED FOR RESALE 290 1,228 3,500 3,500 3,500 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 10,577 18,131 25,450 25,450 25,450 - OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. 5,327 6,370 14,470 14,470 14,470 3210 TELEPHONE&TELEGRAPH 3,115 2,657 3,218 2,632 2,632 - 3220 POSTAGE - - 100 100 100 - 3250 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS - - - 93 93 - 3310 LOCAL TRAVEL EXPENSE - - - - - - 3430 ADVERTISING OTHER 495 495 600 600 600 - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS 7,117 7,117 7,117 7,174 7,174 - 3810 ELECTRIC 19,918 23,675 21,000 22,500 22,500 3820 WATER 919 1,051 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 3830 GAS 7,250 6,209 9,000 9,450 9,450 3850 SEWER 1,805 1,907 1,895 1,895 1,895 - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 2,701 5,272 5,000 5,000 5,000 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 9,633 27,186 16,092 16,092 16,092 - 4050 GARAGE,LABOR BURD. 77 - (48,516) - - - 4100 RENTS&LEASES (51,159) (51,289) - (42,047) (42,047) - 4310 CREDIT CARD FEES 1,136 845 1,500 1,500 1,500 - 26 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45129 MURZYN HALL Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 4330 SUBSCRIPTION,MEMBERSHIP 10 20 - - - - 4390 TAXES&LICENSES 260 560 300 300 300 - 4395 STATE SALES TAX - - 500 500 500 - 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE 8,605 32,075 33,776 41,759 41,759 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - _ OTHER FINANCING USES 7240 TRANSFER OUT TO CAP IMP BLDG 22,786 22,536 22,536 22,536 22,536 - 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - _ 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES 22,786 22,536 22,536 22,536 22,536 - TOTALS: MURZYN HALL 147,007 174,803 224,863 211,051 211,051 - 27 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER MURZYN HALL BUDGET 101-45129 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe PT Custodians/Total 80,000 14,784 94,784 69,165 12,830 81,995 Subtotal 0,00 0.00 80,000 14,784 94,784 69,165 12,830 811995 Labor Allocation From: Rec.Administration-45000 0.50 0.50 21,970 7,495 29,465 21,970 7,808 29,778 Interdepart.Labor 14,549 4,303 18,852 7,392 2,141 9,533 1R)tal 0.50 0.50 116,519 26,582 143,101 98,527 22,779 121,306 Supplies Table&chair replacements 2,000 Floor mats 500 Chemicals 200 Toilet products 2,000 Light bulbs 1,100 Paint 1,500 Silverware 600 Pop 3,500 Lumber 200 Uniforms 500 Ceiling tiles 400 Bags 1,500 Printing&printed forms 250 Office supplies 100 Batteries 800 Computer equipment 1000 Mops&towels 400 Cleaning supplies 2,200 Building&construction supplies 2,000 Paper towels 1,000 Other equipment 3500 Misc.tools&equipment 200 Other Services&Charges Telephone 2,632 Advertising 600 Rent credit from Rec. -42,047 NSI contract 8,335 Insurance&bonds 7,174 Other repair&maintenance 5,000 Sewer 1,895 Water utility 1,500 Contracted services 100 Electric 22,500 Taxes&licenses 300 Gas 9,450 Postage 100 Sales tax 500 Credit card fees 1500 Security 13,906 Other communications 93 Telecom 464 Floor replacement lower 4,000 Refrigerator replacement 3,757 Other Financing Uses Transfer Out to Bonds(Honeywell Project) 22,536 28 x CD Cf) V- 0) LLLL ° ,000 aO0 M Ci (A � 6 �ta vi LL (0 N .00 00 " 00 V � 0 V- 0o & N CNCN Ni'Jr CO CN L o to co r0 O oq r 0 fn U t" Lfl CD tV N r t- to A T`. 0 0 0�0 to N Lo Lt) r tac9 r_ O O O r � m 0 OD O 4 R o 0 0 Z ` w U') Lo Ln O d - Q co O w CO) to 0 a +t7 to r I co Q,,,, J Q C)too 0 0 W w ' L Ls Ca V v �.. 0 b 0- o o tq 0 °Cc d 3 �0 0 0 0 U7) r 0) J O o Q n. a cn a ° H � 0O00 0 801 a 0 0 tq o OOOC� OMON W ° im L 0 OR ° ca ro CD>,Co 0 0 0 0 . 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G) F- O s+ O G> U Q> V vJ 2 U 7 O CL Qs Q ` y 4+ U ca _Q'^ to Gil OU 2 a� fA E O +, O (Ano +_T+ _ O 'U o Li 3 > y .E 2 c o a o E a� �, `-' N R U yt m 4' m O o O 'C d L1 to C O 0 C m O � o � o O S Z otS � s is Q u o �- ` m N C � � ,0 cno: y- Q >- F- Fcn -� a � mGCQmUia. waaSU axU > cnfJf- p � F- _ > HNSinSt9 > CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 DEPARTMENT:HYLANDER CENTER 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department City Manager Council 45130 HYLANDER CENTER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 0999 Personal Services 4,586 8,665 23,696 23,710 23,710 - 1999 Supplies 109 24 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 2999 Other Services&Charges 56,422 55,238 75,000 70,060 70,060 - 4999 Capital Outlay - - - - - 6999 Contingencies&Transfers - - - - - TOTALS:HYLANDER CENTER 61,117 63,927 100,696 95,770 95,770 - Activity Description The Community Center has the staff and utilities to maintain and operate the Hylander Center gym and fitness room. This budget includes utilities and cleaning that is serviced by the School District and then paid from this account. Objectives 1.Develop an advertising campaign to gain additional users. 2.Continue to expand revenue by operating tournaments. Budget Comments The Community Center budget decreased$4,926 due to a reduction in maintenance costs. Insurance has increased to $2,660. Other line items are consistent with the 2012 budget. 30 City of Columbia Heights 2013 Budget Worksheet 101 GENERAL Actual Actual Adopted Department Manager Council 45130 HYLANDER CENTER Expense Expense Budget Proposed Proposed Adopted Line Item Description 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 PERSONAL SERVICES 1012 SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 4,091 7,350 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 1210 P.E.R.A.CONTRIBUTION 65 560 1,450 1,450 1,450 1220 F.I.C.A.CONTRIBUTION 313 562 1,530 1,530 1,530 - 1510 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE PREM 117 192 716 730 730 - 0999 TOTALS: PERSONAL SERVICES 4,586 8,665 23,696 23,710 23,710 - SUPPLIES 2010 MINOR EQUIPMENT 109 24 2,000 2,000 2,000 - 1999 TOTALS:SUPPLIES 109 24 2,000 2,000 2,000 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES 3050 EXPERT&PROFESSIONAL SERV. - - - - - - 3600 INSURANCE&BONDS - 6,378 - 2,660 2,660 - 3810 ELECTRIC - - - - - 3830 GAS - - - - - 4000 REPAIR&MAINT.SERVICES 56,422 9,302 - - - 4020 BUILDING MAINTENANCE - 39,558 75,000 67,400 67,400 2999 TOTALS:OTHER SERVICES&CHARGE' 56,422 55,238 75,000 70,060 70,060 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 4999 TOTALS:CAPITAL OUTLAY - - - - - - OTHER FINANCING USES 8100 CONTINGENCIES - - - - - 6999 TOTALS:OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - TOTALS:HYLANDER CENTER 61,117 63,927 100,696 95,770 95,770 - 31 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA BUDGET 2013 FUND NUMBER HYLANDER CENTER BUDGET 101-45130 SUMMARY OF COST FACTORS FOR THE COMING YEAR Explanation of Personnel 2012 Adopted 2013 Proposed Total Total F.T.E. Total Total Comp Total Total Comp Position Title 2012 2013 Salaries Fringe &Fringe Salaries Fringe &Fringe Gym Supervisors 20,000 3,696 23,696 20,000 3,710 23,710 Subtotal 0.00 0.00 20,000 3,696 23,696 20,000 3,710-- 23,710 Total 0.00 0.00 20,000 3,696 23,696 20,000 3,710 23,710 Supplies Minor equipment 2,000 Other Services&Charges Insurance 2,660 Maintenance 67,400 Capital Outlay None 32