HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/24/2012 - Regular Meeting CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Mayor Gaty L.Peterson 590 40th Avenue NE,Columbia Heights,MN 55421-3878 (763)706-3600 TDD(763)706-3692 Councilmembers Visit our website at:wwncci.columhia-heights.mn.us Robert A. Williams Bruce Nawrocki Tammera Dichm Donna Schmitt City Manager Walter R.Fehst The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 24, 2012 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk at 763-706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD./706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL/INVOCATION/APPOINT SECRETARY Invocation by Rev. Bob Lyndes, Crest View Communities A. Appoint City Council Secretary, Tori Leonhardt MOTION: Move to appoint Tori Leonhardt as City Council Secretary 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA (The Council, upon majority vote of its members, may make additions and deletions to the agenda. These may be items brought to the attention of the Council under the Citizen Forum or items submitted after the agenda preparation deadline.) 4. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, GUESTS A. Retirement - Patty Muscovitz, City Clerk B. Introduction of new Accounting Clerk II-Utilities, Jill Haley 5. CONSENT AGENDA (These items are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion. Items removed from consent agenda approval will be taken up as the next order of business.) A. Approve minutes of the September 10, 2012 City Council meeting p6 MOTION: Move to approve minutes of the September 10, 2012 City Council meeting. B. Accept Board and Commission meeting minutes p16 MOTION: Move to accept the August 1, 2012 minutes of the Library Board. C. Approve HVAC Preventive Maintenance Services for City Facilities p18 MOTION: Move to approve a new three year contract with Horwitz-NSI for HVAC Preventive Maintenance Services for City Facilities effective November 24, 2012 through November 23, 2015, at a cost of$46,489 for Year 1, $47,419 for Year 2, and $48,368 for Year 3; and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for same. 3 City Council Agenda Monday-,September 24,2012 Page 2 of 3 D. Adopt Resolution No. 2012-113, being a resolution authorizing Execution of Agreement with p19 Independent School District#13. MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2012-113,being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2012-113, being a resolution authorizing Execution of Agreement with Independent School District#13. E. Adopt Resolution 2012-114 being a Resolution Establishing Amount of City Share and Amount p25 of Special Assessments on Projects to be Levied MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2012-114, there being ample copies available for the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2012-114 being a resolution establishing amount of City share and amount of special assessments on projects to be levied. F. Approval of the attached list of rental housing licenses p27 MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for September 24, 2012 in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code. G. Approve Business License Applications p39 MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for September 24, 2012 as presented. H. Review payment of bills p40 MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statue 412.271, subd. 8 the City Council has received the list of claims paid covering check number 145048 through 145202 in the amount of $690,800.00. MOTION: Move to approve the Consent Agenda items. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Adopt Resolutions 2012-115, 4538 5th Street N.E., 2012-116, 4544 6th Street N.E., and 2012- p48 117, 1102 Gould Avenue N.E. being declarations of nuisance and abatement of violations within the City of Columbia Heights. MOTION: Move to close the public hearing and to waive the reading of Resolution Numbers 2012-115, 116, and 117 there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution Numbers 2012-115, 116, and 117 being resolutions of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights declaring the properties listed a nuisance and approving the abatement of violations from the properties pursuant to City Code section 8.206. B. Adopt Resolutions 2012-118, 3835 Tyler Street N.E., 2012-119, 679-81 46th Avenue N.E., p55 2012-120, 4806 Madison Street N.E., 2012-121, 4351 3rd Street N.E., 2012-122, 1301-03 Circle Terrace Boulevard N.E., and 2012-123, 939-41 42-1/2 Avenue N.E.,being Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving rental license revocation for failure to meet the requirements of the Property Maintenance Codes. MOTION: Move to close the public hearing and to waive the reading of Resolution Numbers 2012-118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 being ample copies available to the public. 4 City Council Agenda Monday,September 24,2012 Page 3 of 3 MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution Numbers 2012-118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 being Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code, Chapter 5A, Article IV, Section 5A.408(A) of the rental licenses listed. C. 2nd Reading of Ordinance 1609, being a Zoning Amendment as it Relates to Temporary Signs. p68 MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1609, being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 1609,being an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1490 City Code of 2005, adopting the proposed zoning amendments outlined in Ordinance 1609. 7. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Other Ordinances and Resolutions-none B. Bid Considerations -none C. New Business and Reports -none 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Report of the City Attorney 9. CITIZENS FORUM At this time, citizens have an opportunity to discuss with the Council items not on the regular agenda. Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes. Anyone who would like to speak shall state his/her name and address for the record. 10. ADJOURNMENT /4" r Walter R. Fehst, City Manager WF'tal 5 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2012 The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 PM on Monday, September 10, 2012 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL/INVOCATION Pastor Dan Thompson, Columbia Heights Assembly of God Church, gave the Invocation. Present: Mayor Peterson, Council member Williams, Council member Nawrocki, Council member Diehm, Council member Schmitt PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —recited ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO MEETING AGENDA Peterson removed item 6A, Resolution No. 2012-108, as the property has been brought into compliance. Under new business, Peterson added scheduling an executive session for labor negotiations on September 24 immediately following the City Council meeting. Motion by Nawrocki to add council corner to the agenda. Peterson called for a second. Motion died for lack of a second. PROCLAMATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, RECOGNITION, ANNOUNCEMENTS, GUESTS A. Recognition - Karen Moeller, Senior Citizens Coordinator Peterson stated that Karen Moeller started working for the City on September 11, 1986. He presented her with a plaque and thanked her for her fantastic service to the City. Moeller thanked those that in 1986 when Murzyn Hall was being refurbished thought to include a senior center. She thanked the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, the Recreation Department, and City Staff for their support to the program. She thanked the community and businesses/citizens for their support and donations. She thanked the seniors that she has worked with. They made the program successful. They are her lifetime friends. She will continue to see them as a Columbia Heights senior citizen. B. Proclamation- Patriot's Day Malcolm Watson, Chaplin of American Legion Post#203, read the Patriot's Day proclamation. This will be celebrated at the Spring Lake Park High School on September 20, 2012. C. Constitution Week - Sandy Connor- Daughters of the American Revolution Mayor Peterson read the Constitution Week proclamation. Conner read information on the history of Constitution Week and read information on the Daughters of the American Revolution organization. She thanked the City for their support of Constitution week. D. Introduction Senior Citizens Coordinator- Delynn Mulligan Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director, introduced Delynn Mulligan, the new Senior Citizen Coordinator and gave her background. He welcomed her to the Recreation Department. Mulligan thanked everyone and spoke of how fortunate she is to be in this position. 6 City Council Minutes Monday, September 10,2012 Page 2 of 10 E. Introduction- Tori Leonhardt, City Clerk Fehst introduced Tori Leonhardt as the new City Clerk. He indicated that previously she worked in Albertville, and she initially worked in our Finance Department/Utility Department. Leonhardt stated she is looking forward to this opportunity. Miscellaneous Diehm announced that on Saturday, September 29, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will be a Fire Department Open House. She listed all of the activities that will take place. The Explores will have their chili fundraising event at the same time. John Larkin, Assistant Fire Chief, stated that this year the two events will be combined. There will also be a kitchen fire simulator. Nawrocki indicated that the election will be during the hunting season and reminded everyone that absentee voting can be done at City Hall. Patty Muscovitz, City Clerk, indicated that residents may vote absentee through in person voting at City Hall or download an application from the Anoka County Elections web site to vote by mail. Catherine Vesley, 5431 Matterhorn Drive, spoke of the library fundraiser to be held on September 12`h. The Library Task Force report is due in January. The Buster Talbot fundraiser for the Anoka County Historical Society will be held on Thursday, September 20th from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Courtyards of Andover. Peterson stated that this Friday SACA is having Rock and Roll fundraiser at Murzyn Hall. Schmitt indicated it will feature the original lead singers from Journey and Toto. Diehm stated that a highlight of the Fire Station event will be the Dalmatian exhibit. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Walt Fehst took the Council members through the Consent Agenda items. A. Approve minutes of the August 27, 2012 City Council meeting. Motion to approve minutes of the August 27, 2012 City Council meeting. B. Accept Board and Commission meeting minutes Motion to accept the July 19 minutes of the Charter Commission. Motion to accept the August 8, 2012 minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion to accept the September 5, 2012 minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission. C. Approve Business License Applications Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for September 10, 2012 as presented. D. Review payment of the bills Motion that in accordance with Minnesota Statue 412.271, subd. 8 the City Council has received the list of claims paid covering check number 144874 through 145047 in the amount of $673,724.41. Motion by Nawrocki, second by Diehm, to approve the Consent Agenda items. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Adopt Resolution 2012-108, 2215 45th Avenue N.E., being a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights Approving Rental License Revocation for Failure to Meet the 7 City Council Minutes Monday, September 10,2012 Page 3 of 10 Requirements of the Property Maintenance Codes—removed as the property was brought into compliance. B. Adopt Resolution 2012-112 being Resolution for the Approval of a third accessory structure located at 3918 Ulysses St NE. Jeff Sargent, City Planner, stated the variance is for a third accessory structure. The owner has constructed a kennel to house his cats and was not aware they would need a permit. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval on a 4-0 vote. Sargent showed a site plan of the property. This structure is hard to view from other properties. Motion by Williams, second by Schmitt, to waive the reading of Resolution 2012-112, there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Williams, second by Schmitt, to adopt Resolution No. 2012-112, approving the third accessory structure for the property located at 3918 Ulysses St NE, subject to the conditions outlined in Resolution No. 2012-112. Diehm asked if there was any feedback received from the neighbors. Sargent stated there were a few calls. The only complaint was that the cats were wandering are all over the neighborhood. This will solve that issue. Diehm questioned the number of animals per household. Sargent stated we will need to see that it conforms to our ordinance and the number limitation. This is a duplex, so four cats would be allowed. The kennel cannot be altered to become a storage building. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Other Ordinances and Resolutions 1st Reading of Ordinance 1609, being a Zoning Amendment as it Relates to Temporary Signs. Sargent stated that the Planning Task Force began meeting in May. It consisted of one resident, three business owners, and Council member Schmitt. This request is a text amendment to our sign code allowing a grand opening sign to help businesses promote themselves in the community. Sargent stated this would not count toward the number of temporary signs allowed in a year.Nawrocki questioned the sign size limit. Sargent stated the limit is 50 square feet and the sign would be required to be flat against the building. Nawrocki requested to see agendas or minutes from this committee and be on the mailing list. Sargent stated the committee is no longer meeting. A list can be given to Council members. Motion by Diehm, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1609,there being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Diehm, second by Williams, to set the second reading of Ordinance No. 1609, for Monday, September 24, 2012, at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. B. Adopt Resolution 2012-111,being a resolution adopting a 2013 proposed budget, setting the proposed City levy, approving the HRA levy, and establishing a budget hearing date for property taxes payable in 2013. Motion by Diehm, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution 2012-111, there being ample copies available for the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Diehm, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution 2012-111,being a resolution 8 City Council Minutes Monday,September 10,2012 Page 4 of 10 adopting a 2013 proposed budget, setting the General, Library, and EDA proposed levy, establishing a budget hearing date for property taxes payable in 2013. of December 10, 2012 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, and approving the HRA levy. Fehst stated in keeping with the City's five year financial plan, the budget was presented in August. He indicated the plan is to offset the loss of Local Government Aid(LGA). The Legislature has discontinued Homestead Credit, from which we received$600,000. Fehst described Fiscal Disparities and stated it has been increasing more than anticipated. The effect was a decrease in property taxes to most residents,rather than the anticipated increase. The net result was a .25%percent increase,mostly from business and industry. When the Legislature deleted the Homestead Credit, they allowed a$30,000 credit on the value of the home to reduce the property value whereby the property tax was determined. Fehst stated that we still need to eliminate our need of LGA and need to continue on our five year plan. Fehst stated in 2003, when we lost our aid, we did not replace employees that left. The City Council did add back a police officer position. Employees were asked to take a two week, unpaid furlough to keep as many jobs as we could. The next year there was no pay increase. Last year there was a one percent increase in expenditures and this year the request for a two percent increase in expenditures. There will be an executive session on Monday, September 24 to discuss labor negotiations. This will be the first property tax increase in three years. Fehst stated this is an initial budget, to be followed by meetings with department heads to review the budget. The budget needs to be complete by the December meeting. Fehst stated that after the adoption of this levy the amount cannot be raised. Fehst complimented Finance Director Kloiber on the job he did on the budget. Nawrocki stated his disappointment that we have not spent more time on the budget. We have had one meeting covering general budget items. He questioned the resolution showing a $900,000 increase. Kloiber stated that the total levy increase would be $400,000. Nawrocki questioned what would increase. Kloiber indicated many items including capital outlay and he described depreciation. There is a two percent supported tax increase across all funds. Nawrocki asked if this includes the county levy. Kloiber stated this only includes the City's HRA levy, not the Anoka County HRA levy. Our Community Development department puts together program proposals that they submit to Anoka County for reimbursement. Fehst indicated that the HRA levy decreases annually. Kloiber stated that Council passes a resolution every five years to approve the County HRA levy. Nawrocki stated he would not vote for this resolution, as it continues to increase the budget. We need to look at budget details and make reductions in proposed expenditures. Nawrocki indicated that if this levy request is not approved tonight, the County will levy the same amount as last year. Fehst indicated responses to work session questions regarding a possible new library building or library building renovation. In 2002 there was $200,000 set aside from fund balances for expansion or a new building. With funds added by the Library Foundation, there is now $255,000. Fehst stated that Council member Schmitt asked what the tax would be if additional. funds were set aside in this budget. Fehst stated that an additional $100,000 would add $7.18 per year or$.60 per month on a$100,000 home. Fehst stated that with fiscal disparities, there would be a one year lag. A $200,000 home would pay about$15.00 a year. Williams stated the 2013 budget proposal follows the two year consecutive decrease of city tax for most residents. The HRA levy is decreasing for the fourth consecutive year. Schmitt indicated that the County levy will decrease and the School Board has indicated their levy will not increase. Schmitt stated that she is not really for raising taxes,but there is a great committee looking at a new library and there is interest to do this. It is silly that we have not been putting 9 City Council Minutes Monday, September 10,2012 Page 5 of 10 money aside since then, and combining this with grants or donations. If we had been saving money, we could have the cash to pay for a new library now. She indicated the desire to use some funds from the sale of Parkview Villa, but those funds may be limited to housing. We can, however, continue to add to the fund. Catherine Vesley thanked the Council for seriously working on this. The goal of the Foundation is to build a pool to attract grant funds. Williams stated that work session discussion included adding $500,000 to the fund. He questioned the amount needed to receive grants. We should have been adding funds every year. Kloiber stated a rough guide would be a fifty-fifty match. Vesley referred to the National Endowments. Williams stated that at a National Night Out survey he took, 22 residents were for and two residents were against a new library. Fehst stated that the gymnasium was built with money from fund balances and without increasing property taxes. He suggested we could again draw down the fund balances, where the current $200,000 came from. Fehst stated that we do not know the amount that would be needed. He felt that if the tax increase was under $50 a year, residents would be supportive. Schmitt asked Kloiber if there would be any surplus at the end of this year. Kloiber stated he does expect a surplus, as there would be a legal violation if we went over our budget. We could estimate the amount in December. Diehm stated that she serves as liaison to the Library Board and is a strong supporter of a new library. We have built a gym and a public safety building. We have chosen the projects we want to invest in. Investigation continues on the use of funds from the sale of Parkview Villa. If we have to use the funds for housing, it may lighten other areas of the budget. Diehm stated that she was not in favor of adding funds to the levy tonight, but is pleased to consider this as an important part of our future. Nawrocki stated that the $200,000 was intended to serve as a base for the Library Foundation to raise money to qualify for grant submissions. There is a fundraising dinner this Wednesday night. Nawrocki stated that the committee was set up to look at a new library and a city hall. He is not in favor of a new city hall. He referred to the interest payments required for the Public Safety building. The two new liquor stores add to our interest payments, with the hope to pay the debt service with profits. Before action is taken on a new library, we would need to know what this would add to the budget. Nawrocki stated that on National Night Out, two or three people expressed to him that we do not need a new library. The numbers from the committee should go out to all residents and should be based on a referendum vote. The library did a survey with a total of about 300 responses. Peterson stated we have a good group of people studying our library needs. They meet regularly and are doing a great job. Peterson referred to when the capital improvement fund was started and to building the gym without borrowing money. He stated his belief that our community should move ahead, but we are very careful how we spend our money. Peterson felt there would not be library buildings funds added tonight, but we may look at extra funds to be set aside for this. Schmitt agreed, as that would not increase the levy. Kloiber stated that any action is a starting point for the State's Truth and Taxation requirements. There are four additional meetings proposed after tonight to discuss the budget. Kloiber referred the question during last year's auditor reported on the CAFR regarding wage increases and the need to look at a larger picture than just one year. The 3.36% increase for 2013 averages out to 10 City Council Minutes Monday,September 10,2012 Page 6 of 10 0% over that last three years. Nawrocki requested that the chart on debt service accounts be copied for Council members. Upon vote: Schmitt, aye; Williams, aye; Diehm, aye;Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes— 1 nay. Motion carried. C. Bid Considerations—none D. New Business and Reports Motion by Williams, second Diehm,to set a labor negotiations executive session for September 24, immediately following the City Council meeting; and include budget work session meetings on October 1 and 29 at 7:00 p.m. There are special assessment hearings scheduled for October 1 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Report of the City Manager Fehst stated that he,the Mayor and the Police Captain will attend the School Board meeting tomorrow evening to share our League of Minnesota Cities award and our International Police award with them. Fehst indicated that Highway 65 improvements will begin on September 10th, and will include new fiber optic cable and signal improvements. Fehst mentioned that our Standard and Poors rating was increased by two levels proving good stewardship on behalf of the Council. Report of the City Attorney—nothing to report CITIZENS FORUM Peterson stated he flew on a C130 to visit the airbase in South Carolina. Minneapolis has eight flying Viking C130's. In South Carolina they have 56 C17's, which are huge. He described the tour and the work done at this base. It is very impressive seeing our service men and women in action. Don't forget our service men and women. Thank them for their service. Nawrocki requested a copy of the fire fighters annual report. Peterson stated"Don't take ourselves too seriously and do a random act of kindness". "Don't forget tomorrow is September 11". ADJOURNMENT Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Patricia Muscovitz CMC City Clerk 11 City Council Minutes Monday,September 10,2012 Page 7 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-112 RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ZONING CODE FOR STEVEN MAAS WHEREAS, a proposal (Case#2012-0902)has been submitted by Steven Maas to the City Council requesting a variance from the City of Columbia Heights Zoning Code at the following site: ADDRESS: 3918 Ulysses Street NE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: On file at City Hall. THE APPLICANT SEEKS THE FOLLOWING RELIEF: A variance for a third accessory structure per Code Section 9.106 (C)(1)(a). WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing as required by the City Zoning Code on September 5, 2012; WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community and its Comprehensive Plan, as well as any concern related to traffic, property values, light, air, danger of fire, and risk to public safety, in the surrounding area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the City Council accepts and adopts the following findings of the Planning Commission: 1. Because of the particular physical surroundings, or the shape, configuration, topography, or other conditions of the specific parcel of land involved, strict adherence to the provisions of this article would cause practical difficulties in conforming to the zoning ordinance. The applicant, however, is proposing to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the zoning ordinance. 2. The conditions upon which the variance is based are unique to the specific parcel of land involved and are generally not applicable to other properties within the same zoning classification. 3. The practical difficulties are caused by the provisions of this article and have not been created by any person currently having a legal interest in the property. 4. The granting of the variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or materially injurious to the enjoyment, use, development or value of property or improvements in the vicinity. FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached plans, maps, and other information shall become part of this variance and approval; and in granting this variance the city and the applicant agree that this variance shall become null and void if the project has not been completed within one(1) calendar year after the approval date, subject to petition for renewal of the permit. CONDITIONS ATTACHED: 1. All application materials,maps, drawings, and descriptive information submitted with the application shall become part of the permit. 2. The applicant must obtain a building permit for the kennel. 12 City Council Minutes Monday,September 10,2012 Page 8 of 10 3. The kennel must meet the minimum setback requirements for an accessory structure, being setback no closer than 3 feet from the side or rear property lines. 4. The kennel may house no more than 4 cats at any one time, with the understanding that no more than 2 cats may belong to the owners/tenants of each side of the duplex. 5. The kennel may not be altered in any manner in order to be used as a storage structure. RESOLUTION 2012-111 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2013,SETTING THE PROPOSED CITY LEVY,APPROVING THE HRA LEVY,APPROVING A TAX RATE INCREASE,AND ESTABLISHINGA BUDGET HEARING DATE FOR PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 2013. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA: that the following is hereby adopted by the City of Columbia Heights. Section A. The budget for the City of Columbia Heights for the year 2013 is hereby approved and adopted with appropriations for each of the funds listed below. • General Fund 10,632,442 Community Development Fund 231,249 Economic Development Fund 324,060 State Aid 171,677 Cable Television 103,312 Library 804,901 Infrastructure 152,297 Capital Improvement 294,228 Capital Equipment Replacement Funds 533,468 Construction Funds 2,157,000 Central Garage Fund 690,105 Liquor Operating 8,443,594 Liquor Capital/Non-Operating 557,347 Water Utility Fund 2,645,405 Sewer Utility Fund 2,339,047 Refuse Fund 1,800,656 Storm Sewer Fund 377,117 Data Processing 323,524 Debt Service Fund 2,487,817 Total Expense Including Interfund Transfers 35,069,246 Section B. The estimated gross revenues to fund the budget of the City of Columbia Heights for all funds, including general ad valorum tax levies and use of fund balances,as hereinafter set forth for the year 2013. Revenue General Fund 10,632,442 Community Development Fund 231,249 Economic Development Fund 324,060 State Aid 171,677 Cable Television 103,312 Library 804,901 Infrastructure 152,297 13 City Council Minutes Monday, September 10,2012 Page 9 of 10 Capital Improvement 294,228 Capital Equipment Replacement Funds 533,468 Construction Funds 2'157,000 Central Garage Fund 690\105 Liquor Operating 8,443,594 Liquor Capital/Non-Operating 557,347 Water Utility Fund 2'645,405 Sewer Utility Fund 2,339,047 Refuse Fund 1'800\656 Storm Sewer Fund 377'117 Data Processing 323'524 Debt Service Fund 2,487,817 Total Revenue Including|nterfundTransfers 35'069'246 Section C. The following sums of money are levied for the current year,collectable in 2013 upon the taxable property in said City of Columbia Heights,for the following purposes: Estimated General Fund Levy 7'973,404 Estimated Library Levy 777'000 Estimated EDA Fund Levy 84'811 Total 8'835,215 Section D. The City Council of the City of Columbia Heights hereby approves the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Tax Levy for the fiscal year 2013 in the amount equal to the lesser of a levy ata rate of.U185percent of taxable market value in the City or$209,790. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,MINNESOTA: That the public budget hearing is scheduled for December 10,2012 at approximately 7:00 p.m.in the City Council Chambers. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS,COUNTY OF ANOKA,MINNESOTA: That the County Auditor is authorized to fix a property tax rate for taxes payable in the year 2013 that is higher than the tax rate calculated for the Cityfor taxes levied in 2011 collectable in 2012. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City has adequate fund balances and reserves to pay bond principal and interest payments on General Obligation Bond Series 2006A in the amount of$106,739 and that the County Auditor is authorized to cancel the related Bond Levy in its entirety for taxes payable 2013. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City has adequate fund balances and reserves to pay bond principal and interest payments on General Obligation Bond Series 2008B in the amount of$225,000 and that the County Auditor is authorized to cancel$225,000 of the related Bond Levy for taxes payable in 2013,Ieaving a balance of$436,545 to be levied for taxes payable in 2013 for Series 2008B. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City has adequate fund balances and reserves to pay bond principal and interest payments on General Obligation Bond Series 2009A in the amount of$103,900 and that the County Auditor is authorized to cancel$103,900 of the related Bond Levy for taxes payable in 2013,leaving a balance of$129,161 to be levied for taxes payable in 2013 for Series 2009A. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Anoka County, Minnesota. Approved this 10th day of September 2012 Offered By: Williams d B 14 Seconded By: Diehm City Council Minutes Monday, September 10,2012 Page 10 of 10 This page left blank intentionally 15 APPROVED 9/5/12 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES August 1,2012 The meeting was called to order by Chair Patricia Sowada,at 6:31 p.m. Members present were:Nancy Hoium, Steve Smith,Patricia Sowada,Barbara Tantanella,and Catherine Vesley.Also present: City Council Representative Tami Diehm,Children's Librarian Mai Kao Xiong,and Recording Secretary Stacey Hendren. Not Present: Renee Dougherty,Interim Library Director. The minutes of the July 3,2012 Board meeting were approved as amended. The bill list dated 7/5/12 of 2012 bills was reviewed. It was moved,seconded,and passed that the bills be paid. The bill list dated 7/18/12 of 2012 bills was reviewed. It was moved,seconded,and passed that the bills be paid. Smith asked how books were selected for purchase. Xiong stated that standing orders for series,professional reviews, popular item lists,and other tools are used for selection. The 2012 accounting dated 8/1`12 was reviewed. The Board noted that the budget is at around 50%expended. Old Business: 1. Xiong updated the Board on the progress of the Library Task Force. A listening session was conducted on June 25",with an excellent turn-out. The Task Force was divided into three subgroups with prepared questions to promote discussion. The locations subgroup discussed cost,the visionary potential,a library as a magnet for city growth,the relationship with ICS,and considerations security for youth and the elderly. The technology subgroup discussed the need for computer spaces,technical assistance,multi-lingual services through technology,Twitter,Facebook,and the Boopsie App through Anoka County Libraries. The types of space subgroup received several positive comments about current programming and staff. Other discussion included more aesthetics,a coffee shop,additional computers,and making the library a community center point. Vesley commented that possible problems with a coffee shop are that most business occurs from 6-9 am,when libraries are closed. A partnership would need to keep in mind the needs of the coffee shop,and keep it as a separate entity. Tantanella wondered how a coffee shop would benefit the library.Vesley stated that they would pay rent. Xiong stated that the relationship would need to be explored to understand the larger scope and logistics. Diehm stated that conversations in the past with Dunn Bros. and Starbucks have indicated that they are only willing to build on the inbound side of Central with a drive-thru. The Library Task Force Survey ended July 21st. Library staff is compiling data and will notify the Board of the results. Currently,over 200 surveys have been recorded. Sowada wondered what the general feeling of the surveys was. That information is not known at this time. Xiong stated that the Task Force is currently touring libraries and looking at comparables. 2. Becky Loader,retired Library Director,and Dougherty met with the Finance Director and City Manager concerning the 2013 proposed budget. The budget contains a request for additional shelving in the Children's Department,and installation of a sump pump in the front stairwell. Walt Fehst,City Manager,is pursuing the possibility of having the sump pump installed in 2012. There were no other indicated changes. 1- 7/3/12 16 Smith wondered if the sump pump project would have to be approved by the City Council. Diehm stated that it depends on the total cost of the project. 3. The Library received 39 applications for the Library Page position, interviewed 6 applicants, and made 2 conditional offers. Chelsea Koth and Asiya Hassan started training on July 27'x'. The Board discussed the hours and duties of the Page position. Xiong highlighted the fact that Library Pages at Columbia Heights have more responsibilities and duties than in other library systems. New Business: 1. The June crossover statistics were reviewed by the Board. 2. The Board received the official notification as stated by Linda Magee concerning the status of the Library Director position. Preliminary reference checking was conducted on the finalists for Library Director,and after further communications with the candidates, it was mutually decided that neither one of the finalists are the appropriate fit for this position. If Board members have any questions,concerns,or comments they are directed to contact Fehst or Magee. The Board discussed their general feelings about the decision,the application process,and current staffing levels. 3. The Board reviewed the Unique Management Status Report for June. It was noted that the focus with the service is on getting materials returned. 4. Dougherty and Xiong represented the Library at the Community Picnic on July 25'h. Forty-three adults and 55 kids visited the Library table. The Board discussed the park dedication, food,activities,and evening. Xiong commented on enjoying the opportunities to be out in the community,make connections,and see people. The Board discussed the City Employee Picnic which took place on July 31s` Items from the Floor: 1. The Board was invited to the volunteer recognition on August 13'1'. Nineteen Volunteens have donated over 200 hours per month this summer. A recognition party will take place at the Library at 6:00, followed by a 7:00 presentation at the City Council meeting at City Hall. Hoium asked how many children and teens are registered for the summer reading club. Xiong stated that over 1,000 have registered and that participation this year is the highest ever. 2. The Board was notified that the Library Foundation will hold their annual spaghetti dinner on Wednesday, September 12'11, from 4:30-7pm. Tickets for the meal and raffle are now available. The Board thanked Mai Kao Xiong for her participation this evening. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Stacey R. Hendren Recording Secretary,Library Board of Trustees The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights services,programs, and activities. 2- 7/3/12 17 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING CITY NO: DEPARTMENT: MANAGER'S ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL ITEM: HVAC Preventive Maintenance BY: LINDA L. MAGEE BY: //%/ Services for City Facilities DATE: 9-14-12 DATE: NO: Late 2009, the City entered into a three year contract with Horwitz-NSI for the provision of HVAC Preventive Maintenance Services for various City facilities (City Hall, Library, Municipal Services Center, Liquor Stores, Pump Stations, Lift Stations, and Park Buildings). In June 2010, the City entered into a contract with Horwitz- NSI, for the provision of HVAC Preventive Maintenance Services for Murzyn Hall under the same terms and conditions as the contract for the other covered facilities. The Public Safety Building, at the time, was under a Preventive Maintenance agreement with Master Mechanical which runs through November, 2012. Master Mechanical, as you may recall, was the mechanical contractor for the new Public Safety Building. The three year contract with Horwitz-NSI for the covered City facilities runs through November 23, 2012. Staff is pleased with the quality of the services provided by Horwitz-NSI, and would recommend continuing with Horwitz-NSI for the provision of Preventive Maintenance Services for the current buildings for a period of three years and adding the Public Safety Building as well. By continuing the contract with Horwitz-NSI, we would incur no increase in the first year, a 2% increase in the second year, and a 2% increase in the third year. The following chart reflects the current annual fee charged by Horwitz-NSI along with the annual fee for each of the subsequent three years: CITY FACILITY CURRENT YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 City Hall, Library, Municipal Services Center, $28,761 $28,761 $29,336 $29,923 Liquor Stores, Pump Stations, Lift Stations, and Park Buildings Muryzn Hall $ 7,792 $ 7,792 $ 7,948 $ 8,107 Public Safety Building * $ 9,936 $10,135 $10,338 TOTAL $46,489 $47,419 $48,368 *Currently not under Horwitz-NSI RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve a new three year contract with Horwitz-NSI for HVAC Preven- tive Maintenance Services for City Facilities effective November 24, 2012 —November 23, 2015, at a cost of $46,489 for Year 1, $47,419 for Year 2, and $48,368 for Year 3; and to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a contract for same. COUNCIL ACTION: 18 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS - CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Consent ORIGINATING CITY MANAGER'S NO: 2012-113 DEPARTMENT: Recreation& APPROVAL Library ITEM: Grant agreement with ISD #13 for BY: Keith Windschitl & BY: a" v L' 21'Century Community Learning Centers Renee Dougherty DATE: Grant DATE: 9/24/2012 Background: The Recreation Department and Library are requesting approval to extend a grant agreement for funds awarded by the 21"Century Community Learning Centers Grant, administered by the Minnesota Department of Education, to Independent School District#13 (ISD#13). The same grant has been utilized in prior years, but the State Department of Education is now requiring a written agreement for the arrangement. The grant is for the purpose of providing certain youth academic and enrichment programs. These activities include, but need not be limited to: Recreation: School Out Field Trips, Moonshoe Players, Wild Wednesdays, Theater in the Park, TNT, SPARKS, Adventure Days Library: Culture and the Arts activities, READ Dogs, Summer Reading Programs Eligible expenses incurred by the City Recreation Department to provide the above program activities will be reimbursed by ISD #13 quarterly, not to exceed the following: • $45,000 for the 2012-2013 school year • $45,000 for the 2013-2014 school year No matching funds are required. Eligible expenses incurred by the City Library to provide the above program activities will be reimbursed by ISD #13 quarterly, not to exceed the following: • $12,000 for the 2012-2013 school year • $12,000 for the 2013-2014 school year No matching funds are required. Recommended Motion: MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2012-113, there being ample copies available to the public. MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2012-113, being a resolution authorizing Execution of Agreement with Independent School District#13. COUNCIL ACTION: 19 Resolution No. 2012-113 Authorizing Execution of Agreement With Independent School District#13 Be it resolved that the City of Columbia Heights will enter into a cooperative agreement with Independent School District#13 for funds awarded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant, administered through the Minnesota Department of Education. Mayor Gary L. Peterson and City Manager Walter R. Fehst are hereby authorized to execute such agreements and amendments, as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City of Columbia Heights. Passed this 24th day of September, 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the City of Columbia Heights on September 24, 2012. Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt, City Clerk 20 PARTNER SUBGRANT AGREEMENT Columbia Heights Public Schools and the City of Columbia Heights (Library) Columbia Heights Public Schools (ISD #13), and the City of Columbia Heights(the City)have committed to partner with each other to reach stated goals set by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant awarded to ISD# 13 by the State of Minnesota, and for that purpose, ISD # 13 and the City form this written agreement. 1. Term The term of this agreement is September 1,2012,to August 31,2014. 2. Activities Described within the work plan/budget/grant application of the aforementioned state grant awarded to ISD# 13 are certain youth academic and enrichment programs which the City of Columbia Heights agrees to provide through its Library during the team of this agreement. These activities include: • Culture and the Arts activities, • R.E.A.D. Dogs program, and • Summer Reading Programs. The City will recruit and select all program participants according to criteria in the work plan/grant application of the aforementioned state grant awarded to ISD# 13. The City strongly encourages participant referrals by ISD#13. 3. Amount of Subgrant Eligible expenses incurred by the City Library to provide the above program activities will be reimbursed by ISD #13 quarterly,not to exceed the following: $12,000 for the 2012-2013 school year $12,000 for the 2013-2014 school year The amount of federally-sourced funds provided by ISD#13 in this agreement is$12,000.00 annually from CFDA number 84.287c. The required matching funds provided by the City under this agreement are$0. 4. Reporting and Record Retention The City will accurately invoice ISD# 13 quarterly for reimbursement of eligible expenses,in sufficient detail to satisfy ISD# 13. In addition,the City will provide ISD# 13 with available demographic and program evaluation data necessary for ISD# 13 to complete required State and Federal Progress Reports in regard to activities provided by the City under this agreement. This will include information about project activities, accomplishments, progress toward goals,barriers and other data. 21 Partner Subgrant Agreement Columbia Heights Public Schools and City of Columbia Heights(Library) Page 2 Both ISD#13 and the City must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as it applies to data created,collected,received, stored, used maintained or disseminated under this agreement. The City must retain all supporting records such as timesheets, vendor invoices and participant lists in accordance with the City's state-approved record retention schedule. The City must make these records available for inspection by ISD # 13 and its designees, including ISD# 13's Minnesota Department of Education grant representative, during normal business hours during the retention period. 5. Termination Either ISD# 13 or the City may cancel this agreement at any time, with or without cause,upon written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the City will be entitled to reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred through the date the termination notice is received, subject to the limitations in section 3 above. ISD#13 is not obligated to reimburse any expenses incurred after the date such notice is received by the City. Signed this day of , 2012 by: Columbia Heights Public Schools Agency Representative City of Columbia Heights Agency Representative 22 PARTNER SUBGRANT AGREEMENT Columbia Heights Public Schools and the City of Columbia Heights (Recreation) Columbia Heights Public Schools(ISD #13), and the City of Columbia Heights (the City)have committed to partner with each other to reach stated goals set by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant awarded to ISD# 13 by the State of Minnesota, and for that purpose, ISD # 13 and the City form this written agreement. 1. Term The term of this agreement is September 1, 2012,to August 31,2014. 2. Activities Described within the work plan/budget/grant application of the aforementioned state grant awarded to ISD# 13 are certain youth academic and enrichment programs which the City of Columbia Heights agrees to provide through its Recreation Department during the term of this agreement. These activities include: • School Out Field Trips, • Moonshoe Players, • Wild Wednesdays • Theater in the Park • TNT • SPARKS, and • Adventure Days. The City will recruit and select all program participants according to criteria in the work plan/grant application of the aforementioned state grant awarded to ISD# 13. The City strongly encourages participant referrals by ISD#13. 3. Amount of Subgrant Eligible expenses incurred by the City Recreation Department to provide the above program activities will be reimbursed by ISD#13 quarterly,not to exceed the following: $45,000 for the 2012-13 school year $45,000 for the 2013-14 school year The amount of federally-sourced funds provided by ISD #13 in this agreement is$45,000.00 annually from CFDA number 84.287c. The required matching funds provided by the City under this agreement are$0. 4. Reporting and Record Retention The City will accurately invoice ISD # 13 quarterly for reimbursement of eligible expenses,in sufficient detail to satisfy ISD# 13. In addition,the City will provide ISD# 13 with available demographic and program evaluation data necessary for ISD# 13 to complete required State and Federal Progress Reports in regard to activities provided by the City under this agreement. 23 Partner Subgrant Agreement Columbia Heights Public Schools and City of Columbia Heights(Recreation) Page 2 This will include information about project activities, accomplishments,progress toward goals, barriers and other data. Both ISD#13 and the City must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as it applies to data created, collected,received, stored,used maintained or disseminated under this agreement. The City must retain all supporting records such as timesheets, vendor invoices and participant lists in accordance with the City's state-approved record retention schedule.The City must make these records available for inspection by ISD# 13 and its designees, including ISD# 13's Minnesota Department of Education grant representative,during normal business hours during the retention period. 5. Termination Either ISD# 13 or the City may cancel this agreement at any time, with or without cause,upon written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the City will be entitled to reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred through the date the termination notice is received, subject to the limitations in section 3 above. ISD #13 is not obligated to reimburse any expenses incurred after the date such notice is received by the City. Signed this day of , 2012 by: Columbia Heights Public Schools Agency Representative City of Columbia Heights Agency Representative 24 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: ADOPT RESOLUTION 2012-114 BEING BY: Kevin Hansen BY: 7 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF DATE: 9/18/12 DATE: CITY SHARE AND AMOUNT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON PROJECTS TO BE LEVIED Consistent with Minnesota Statutes and City Code, the City Council annually adopts a resolution prior to the Special Assessment Public Hearing regarding costs to be borne by the City for public improvement projects.The resolution establishes the amount of the City share and the amount of the special assessments for projects to be levied against benefiting properties in the City of Columbia Heights. The purpose of the resolution is to advise the general public of costs to be incurred by the City versus costs to be incurred by benefiting property owners. Adoption of the resolution is done annually and staff considers this a routine matter in order to comply with State Statutes and the City Code. Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2012-114, there being ample copies available for the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution 2012-114 being a resolution establishing amount of City share and amount of special assessments on projects to be levied. Attachment: Resolution 2012-114 COUNCIL ACTION: 25 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-114 BEING A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AMOUNT OF CITY SHARE AND AMOUNT OF SPECIAL ASESSMENTS ON PROJECTS TO BE LEVIED WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights by motion on the 13th day of August, 2012, ordered a special assessment hearing to levy the cost of improvements and; WHEREAS,the following projects will be specially assessed in October, 2012, and a portion of the costs may be borne by the City, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.061, and City Code 4.103, that the breakdown is as follows: PROJECT ESTIMATED ASSESSED ESTIMATED CITY PORTION PORTION _ TOTAL 2012 Street Rehabilitation, Project 1202 $9,230. $111,995. $121,225. 2012 Zone 6 Street Seal Coat,Project 1201 $12,610. $126,090. $138,700. 2012 Alley Construction, Project 1111 $16,700. $24,180. $40,880. 2012 Sidewalk Construction, Project 1209 - $14,245. $14,245. Passed this 24th day of September, 2012 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Tori Leonhardt, City Clerk 26 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY Fire MANAGER NO: APPROVAL ITEM: Rental Housing BY: Gary Gorman BY: ////, - Licenses NO: DATE: September 24, 2012 DATE:" Approval of attached list of rental housing applications. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for September 24, 2012 in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code. COUNCIL ACTION: 27 Print Rental Licenses to /Am FIRE DEPARTMENT ins - *ion Division approve by CC 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 10006 4105 4TH ST NE Havisto, Todd F11948 5458 Orchard Ave. N. $ 150.00 Crystal, MN 55429 10007 4607 PIERCE ST NE Wang, Xie F12100 5321 Windsor Ave $ 150.00 Edina, MN 55436 10012 3945 MAIN ST NE Nelson, Eric F12186 7401 Minnetonak Blvd. $ 150.00 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 10030 4344 2ND ST NE Sila, Frederick F11627A 10812 Fillmore St $ 150.00 Blaine, MN 55434 10031 4112 TYLER ST NE Wolnik, Helen F12115 6600 Pleasant Ave So. Apt#136 $ 150.00 Richfield, MN 55423-2305 10032 1011 41ST AVE NE Erickson, Larry F11944 3532 Rae Ln $ 150.00 Woodbury, MN 55125-9336 10037 4528 MONROE ST NE Ali, Syed F12117 5211 6th Street NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10043 4555 WASHINGTON ST NE Alarcon, Laura F12004 4546 Jefferson Street $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10065 2119 45TH AVE NE Sentyrz Jr., Walter F11884 1612 2nd Street N.E. $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55413-1138 10074 4135 JEFFERSON ST NE Starburst Properties, LLC F11832 88 108th Avenue NW $ 150.00 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 10078 4533 MADISON ST NE Moroz, Veronica F11803 15197 64th Ave. N $ 150.00 Maple Grove, MN 55311 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 1 28 A,,,,, COLUMBIA ������� �w���"����e�������m� HEIGHTS Print Rental Licenses to FIRE DEPARTMENT�� lo � t approve by CC � � �/�� . �~' . - � � .� �' - nzs*1st Avenue w.E.-Columbia Heights,ww 55421-Ph:7os'zon-81on-Fax:/m3-rmo'a^51 10084 808 49 1/2 AVE NE Larsen, Jeffrey F11987 1309 Bucher Ave $ 150.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 10007 4917 UNIVERSITY AVE NE Urban Enterprises F11760A 4542 Nicollet Ave Attn: John Stiles $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55419 10097 4917 UNIVERSITY AVE NE Zhou, Chen F11760A 6293 Peony Lane $ 150.00 Maple Grove, MN 55311 10000 4134 7TH STNE Warfa, Muhidin F12148 3853 Keyes Street $ 150.00 Columbia Heighto, MN 55421 10100 501 40TH AVE NE Risk, Theodore F11970 4063 146th AVE NE $ 150.00 Ham Lake, MN 55304 10110 4643 7TH STNE Abdullahi,Ahmed F11834 4837 7th STNE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10114 121444THAVENE Marquette, Joel F12161 4300 Reservoir Blvd. N.E. $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10118 4205 JEFFERSON ST NE Magadance, Frank F11931 3300 Lee Ave N $ 15O.00 Golden Valley, MN 55422 10123_FCC 5122 7TH ST NE Rudnitski, Kathy F12008 4618 4th Street N.E. $ 15O.UO Columbia Heighto, MN 55421 10127 221545THAVENE Kumran. Vivax F11798 464 Lake Wabasso St. $ 150.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 10140-RY 3807 GAUVITTE ST NE Greenway, Arvella F12079 829 Thornton St SE $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55414 0e/1e/2012 09:26 Page 2 29 COLUMBIA ����� ����/������0���4�� HEIGHTS Print Rental Licenses to FIRE DEPARTMENT approve by CC »$�� 11%S Division_ ____ 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN s542,'Ph:raa-7ooa1oe-Fax:rom'rve*1o` 10141 1221 44 1/2 AVE NE RPM Investments LLC F12142 1714 E. Hennepin Ave $ 15O.00 Minneapolis, MN 55414 10141 1221 44 1/2 AVE NE SooK, F12142 1221 44 1/2 AVE NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heighto, MN 55421 10151 412S CLEVELAND STNE Blood, Mary F12129 10900 177th Street NW $ 150.00 Elk River, MN 55330 10154 4139 JEFFERSON ST NE Youdon, Pasang F12166 1310 Rice Creek Road $ 150.00 Fridley, MN 55432 10183 4041 HAYES ST NE Bestland, Allen F12151 17979 Nixon Dr NW $ 150.00 Elk River, MN 55330 10166 4111 5TH STNE Jones, David F12080 10631 Maple Lane E $ 150.00 Corcoran, MN 55374 10170 4336 6TH STNE Wickstrom, Steven F12190 5040 Madison St. $ 150.00 Columbia Heighhs, MN 55421 10182 4328 6TH STNE Gurewitz, Michael F11520 PO Box 48201 $ 150.00 Plymouth, MN 55446 10101 4915 7TH ST NE Woods, James F11928 2571 Irene St. $ 150.00 Roseville, MN 55113 10204_FCC 3922 ARTHUR ST NE Williams, Jon F12132 16851 Potomac Street $ 150.00 Columbus, MN 55025 10200 3801 BUCHANANSTNE Kulzer, Ruth F12131 3320 17th Ave. S. Apt. #101 $ 150.00 Fargo, ND 58103 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 3 30 ISO 7 wor Print Rental Licenses to mm FIRE DEPARTMENT inspection Division approve by CC 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 10207 657 47TH AVE NE Bui, Thanh F11939 3200 Adair Ave N. $ 150.00 Crystal, MN 55422 10222 999 41ST AVE NE Bednarski, Russell F12092 922 Main Street Suite G $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55413 10231 3827 RESERVOIR BLVD NE Parker, Jason F12081 N100 WI6825 Revere Ln. $ 150.00 Germantown, WI 53022 10235 4257 VAN BUREN ST NE Bruegger, Armin F11907 4244 Monroe St $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10244 3923 MAIN ST NE Yesnes, Daniel F12028 14114 Canary LN $ 150.00 Minnetonka, MN 55345 10245 3815 VAN BUREN ST NE Allen, David F12144 PO Box 402 $ 150.00 Moose Lake, MN 55757-0402 10260 4101 5TH ST NE Shahsavand, Amir F11598 11371 Hastings Street N.E. $ 150.00 Blaine, MN 55449 10301 1010 43 1/2 AVE NE Tungseth, Scott F12168 348 Amazon Ave $ 150.00 Cincinnati, OH 45220 10304 4204 7TH ST NE Millington, Deane F12162 9008 211 st ST W $ 150.00 Lakeville, MN 55044 10307 5006 7TH ST NE Parker, Timothy F12027 750 Sullivan Way NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 10308 838 40TH AVE NE Sawochka, Linda F12097 838 40th Avenue $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 4 31 COLUMBIA ����� vAli ����������;����� HEIGHTS Print Rental Licenses to AA PS FIRE DEPARTMENT approve by CC __ -~- 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 10318 3802 2ND ST NE Smith, Steve F11925 17104 108th St. N.W. PO Box 156 $ 150.00 South Haven, MN 55382 10327 4O3O 7TH STNE Leem, Susan F12128 480 Cedar Street $ 150.00 St. Paul, MN 55101 10328 1070 GRANDVIEW CT NE Pederson, Krisanne F12037 7426 Ridgehill Road $ 150.00 Excelsior, MN 55331 10328 1070 GRANDVIEW CT NE Wolf, Mike F12037 7900 International Drive STE#200 $ 150.00 Bloomington, MN 55425 10334 4716 4TH ST NE Bella Homes LLC F12188 3712 48th Avenue S $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55407 10342 3800 VAN BUREN ST NE Rood|, Robert F11092 3925 Pillsbury Ave. S. $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55409 10346 1070 GRANDVIEW CT NE Kurak, Thomas F11690 15001 Sunfish Lake Blvd. $ 150.00 Ramsey, MN 55303 10348 1017 GOULD AVE NE Swanson, Troy F12120 3040 Casco Pt Rd $ 150.00 Wayzata, MN 55391 10354 3915 TYLER ST NE Hanson, Robert F12130 16910 The Strand $ 150.00 Minnetonka, MN 55345 10365 4918 TYLER ST NE Proulx, Guy F11973 3132 119th Court NE C/O John E. Proulx $ 150.00 Columbia Heighte, MN 55421 10370 4243 VAN BUREN ST NE Brown, Patrick F11704 9003 Vickors Crossing $ 150.00 Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 5 32 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Print Rental Licenses to ps mm FIRE DEPARTMENT approve by CC notion Division 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 10372 674 47TH AVE NE Sandell, Alexandria F11991 1405 27th Ave. N.E. $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55418 10385 1100 40TH AVE NE Rausch, Mike F11914 6768- 158th Avenue $ 150.00 Ramsey, MN 55303 10392 4200 5TH ST NE Larson, Elizabeth F12000 2718 Hemline Ave N. $ 150.00 Roseville, MN 55113 12011 1075 POLK CIR NE Collins, Roger F12082 63 Oakwood Drive $ 150.00 New Brighton, MN 55112 12021 4641 4TH ST NE Lund, James F12191 14035 Hillsboro Court $ 150.00 Savage, MN 55738 12023 943 42ND AVE NE Morocho, Nestor F12193 943 42nd Avenue N.E. Downstairs Unit $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12025 1241 CIRCLE TERRACE BLVD NE Kinch, Susan F12159A 1223 Circle Terrace $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12026 1815 41ST AVE NE Swanson, Todd F12104 1815 41ST AVE NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12036 1401 PARKVIEW LN NE Bunay, Juan F12106 1401 PARKVIEW LN NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12088 4516 TAYLOR ST NE King, Dorn F11776 4518 Taylor Street NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12090 950 44 1/2 AVE NE George, Gary F12083 950 44-1/2 Avenue $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 6 33 ism zam', Print Rental Licenses to approve by CC f:50-% Ines tion 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421 Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 12115 1057 POLK PL NE Rogers, Linda F11940 1057 Polk Place $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12124 5007 JACKSON ST NE Ochoa, Luis F11912 5007 Jackson Street NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12137 1109 42 1/2 AVE NE Sonnenberg, Dwight F12071 1109 42-1/2 Avenue NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12147 673 51ST AVE NE Olean, Greg F12065 673 51ST AVE NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12205 1201 42 1/2 AVE NE Odden, Robert F12153 1201 42-1/2 Avenue NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 12219-NC 4201 6TH ST NE Runke, Cheri F11873 4201 6th Street NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20002 1161 CHEERY LN NE Wilson, Craig F12196 12530 Dorchester Trail $ 150.00 Apple Valley, MN 55124 20020 4545 FILLMORE ST NE Stauch, Leland F12152 1155 Khyber Lane NE $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20030 3822 3RD ST NE Value Homes, LLC F11980 4435 Central Avenue $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20042 1316 CIRCLE TERRACE BLVD NE Pigman, Bridget F11755 PO Box 754 $ 150.00 North Branch, MN 55056 20052 660 47 1/2 AVE NE Larson, Dwight F12007 6317 Carvell Ave $ 150.00 Edina, MN 55435 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 7 34 ,9*.' Print Rental Licenses to approve by CC insposti ;' Division 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights.MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 20083 4645 WASHINGTON ST NE Anderson, Will F12009 6230 10th St. N. #430 $ 150.00 Oakdale, MN 55128 20087 4357 7TH ST NE Unke-Hanson, Janene F12077 187 17th Ave SW $ 150.00 New Brighton, MN 55112 20089 1211 CHEERY LN NE Chen, Jenn-Yuan F11870 6601 Sherman Lake Road $ 150.00 Lino Lakes, MN 55038 20093 4616 TAYLOR ST NE Cheng, David F12107 341 Naegele Avenue Up/Down $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20105 3807 PIERCE ST NE Dela, Aren F12185 12550 Zest St $ 150.00 Blaine, MN 55449 20111 4028 CLEVELAND ST NE Boyum, Clifford F12165 3127 Hafner Ct. $ 150.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 20113 3746 3RD ST NE Richter, John &Allison F11920 10407 Fernwood Ln N $ 150.00 Champlin, MN 55316 20153 1254 CIRCLE TERRACE BLVD NE Tohey, Jospeh F12063 544 Summit Street N.E. $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20162 966 44 1/2 AVE NE Ali, Mir F12111 2947 Bent Hill Drive $ 150.00 New Brighton, MN 55112 20162 966 44 1/2 AVE NE Khan, Hussain F12111 8403 Zanzibar Lane $ 150.00 Maple Grove, MN 55311 20164-NC 4000 HAYES ST NE Lysyj, Dada F12112 150 2ND Street N.E. #514 Unit#514 $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55413 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 8 35 .*Dm" Print Rental Licenses to approve by CC FIRE DEPARTMENT ins ection Division 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 20171 4650 WASHINGTON ST NE Washington Street Homeowners Assoc. LLC F12059 PO Box 32 $ 150.00 New Richmond, WI 54017 20173 4644 WASHINGTON ST NE Applegate Management Company F12009A PO Box 32 $ 150.00 New Richmond, WI 54017 20173 4644 WASHINGTON ST NE Anderson, Will F12009A 6230 10th St. N. #430 $ 150.00 Oakdale, MN 55128 20178 4420 MONROE ST NE McClellan, Duncan F12156 1767 18th Ave NW $ 150.00 New Brighton, MN 55112 20181 4654 WASHINGTON ST NE Anderson, Will F12059A 6230 10th St. N. #430 $ 150.00 Oakdale, MN 55128 20191 208 42ND AVE NE SMA Housing LLC F11583 562 78th Avenue NE $ 150.00 Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 20191 208 42ND AVE NE Urban Enterprises, Inc. F11583 4542 Nicollet Ave. $ 150.00 Minneapolis, MN 55419 20194 3810 3RD ST NE Anderson, Kim F12078 1080 Sherwood Rd. $ 150.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 20196 4532 FILLMORE ST NE Tohey, Joseph F11898 544 Summit Street N.E. $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20222 4343 2ND ST NE Grace&Truth Chapel F11743 200 44th Avenue $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20242 4624 TAYLOR ST NE Pomeroy, Wellyn F11713 740 107th Court N.E. $ 150.00 Blaine, MN 55434 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 9 36 COLUMBIA ������� .0(7, ��n����w���������m� HEIGHTS Print Rental Licenses to BA FIRE DEPARTMENT loop alien Division approve by CC mcs41st Avenue w.s.-Columbia Heights,ww 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 20252 3Q15 VAN BURENSTNE Trewartha, Robert F12119 6942 S. Triumph Lane $ 150.00 West Jordan, UT 84084 20284 1236 CIRCLE TERRACE BLVD NE Tohey, Joseph F12083A 544 Summit Street N.E. $ 150.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 20300 4340 QUINCY ST NE Gromek, Thomas F12116 14279 209th Street North $ 150.00 Scandia, MN 55073 30005 4220 4TH ST NE Brown, Michael F11763 6662 Chamberlain Draw $ 165.00 Woodbury, MN 55125 30007 4417 UNIVERSITY AVE NE DRS Rental Townhomes, LLC F12086 401 Robert Street N. STE. #150 $ 160.00 St. Paul, MN 55101 30024 4308 4TH ST NE Kortas, Margaret F12150 1813 Stinson Blvd. $234.00 New Brighton, MN 55112 30002 4650 JOHNSON ST NE Modell, Paul F12073 3441 Shore Drive $356.00 Excelsior, MN 55331 30083 3849 EDGEMOOR PL NE Valtierrez, Mario F11883 18932 Dunbury Avenue $ 18O.O0 Farmington, MN 55024 30088 3855 JACKSON ST NE Mikre, Joseph F11900 20334 E. Bethel Blvd. N.E. $ 188.00 Cedar, MN 55011 30077 4550 MADISON ST NE Owens, Robert F12157 40Q' 105thLane $ 160.00 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 30082 315 44TH AVE NE DRS Rental Townhomes, LLC F12087 401 Robert St. N. Suite#150 $ 18O.O0 St. Paul, MN 55101 09/1e/2012 09:26 Page 10 37 „AD. Print Rental Licenses to PAN FIRE DEPARTMENT approve by CC Inspection Division 825 41st Avenue N.E.-Columbia Heights,MN 55421-Ph:763-706-8156-Fax:763-706-8151 30096 1000 PETERS PL NE KSR Investements, LLC F11796 7260 University Ave. Suite#340 $ 356.00 Minneapolis, MN 55432 30096 1000 PETERS PL NE Hanson, Aimee F11796 7260 University Ave. N.E. Suite#340 $356.00 Fridley, MN 55432 30109 3850 STINSON BLVD NE DePalma, Barb F12140 3850 STINSON BLVD NE $1070.00 Columbia Heights, MN 55421 30148 4657 TYLER ST NE Rocha, Joanna F12125 1483 W Larpenteur Ave #2 $ 160.00 Falcon Heights, MN 55113 30161 4546 TYLER ST NE Yi, Myong F11830 824 E. 7th ST. $234.00 St. Paul, MN 55106 30179 3826 STINSON BLVD NE Klum, Cynthia F12137 1314 W. Royal Oaks Dr. $356.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 34002-NC 4655 5TH ST NE C.H. Properties F11795 6260 Norwood Lane $ 150.00 Maple Grove, MN 55369 35045-113 1000 41ST AVE NE Kapala, Paul F12147 2365 Ives Lane N. $ 150.00 Plymouth, MN 55441 Total#of Licenses 118 09/19/2012 09:26 Page 11 38 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT ORIGINATING DEPT.: CITY MANAGER NO: License Department APPROVAL ITEM: License Agenda BY: Shelley Hanson DATE: NO: DATE: September 18, 2012 BY: BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Attached is the business license agenda for the September 24, 2012 Council meeting. This agenda consists of applications for contractor licenses for 2012. At the top of the license agenda you will notice a phrase stating `Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application. This means that the data privacy form has been submitted as required. If not submitted, certain information cannot be released to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for September 24, 2012 as presented. COUNCIL ACTION: TO CITY COUNCIL September 24, 2012 *Signed Waiver Form Accompanied Application CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES -2012 BLDG *R2C LLC 10906 33RD St. Ln. N, Lake Elmo $60 *Pierce Refrig 1920 2ND Ave, Anoka $60 H-Man Concrete 2458 Sheldon St, Roseville $60 *Mid-City Mech 9103 Davenport St NE, Blaine $60 *J-Berd Mech 3308 Southway Dr, St Cloud $60 Sabor Plumbing 6549 147th St W, Savage $60 *Steinbrecher Co 13792 247th Ave, Zimmerman $60 *Crosstown Signs 16307 Aberdeen St, Ham Lake $60 39 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING OF: September 24, 2012 . STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ANOKA CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Motion: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8 the City Council has received the list of claims paid covering check number 145048 through 145202 in the amount of$ 690,800.00. These checks have been examined and found to be legal charges against the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, and are herby,recommended for payment. 40 Cn W * * * * * [-, 0 * * 0 FC 4, 4, 0 Pa * 4, H p * * r) W * * Z > * * O * 4' g U 4' * H * * p0 0 * * 0 N * * Cn -, 1-1 N * * Pa UU > -X 9' U� I * * 1 CO 0. * * H 0 0 0 0 * * (N H Ln rr * * U y( 0 in * 4, H00 ** Nko U * * (N C Q3, 4, 4, 0 -H O * 4, 0 N ,a 4, 4, Z 111 * 4, H 4, * * * * 4, H H H * * * * * 4, H a * * * * * * 4 ..0.041.1. .�41 41 41 4 4,0 41 * * a 1J .0 1J U A-1 .0 .0 1J 1J 1J 1J 1J -u J-) (I) 4, 4, H U -11• * 0000 * U P4 O * * 0 O an 1J * ZZZZ * 0 in -3 -3 U 15 -H * * H I-I 0 * Z Z Z Z * N OH * * H 0 ,x * * O U * g I g g4 * N k (1) * * \ (I) ,1 * * 4-1 d U 4, 4111341414, N 0P, * * \ N -H * 3 0 a) }a * ,-1 a a 4 * 0 -H Pa * * H * * .0 0 4, * 4, 4, 4, 4 0 -3 4, • w 0 * * * * * * • W * 4, 0 4, 4, a) -H Ill O H' * * r-H N -H H 01 1-41 4, * .0 • • o) 0 Q,0 H •. 4, * -H • (1) H 0 CO 00 4, * H • • 1J m • U •• U >+ In * * C • • 06 Ti • mu) •• * 3 O 1J • • • Q H • 0 Cl 0 0 * 3 -H 1J N . a) 0 a H 3 3 4.) 0 C • - 0 1 H • • W • • (1) •• • P; -H }-I0 H * * U a) •• O • (t) 1J 1�yJ a) • }-1 • • (t$ iJ a U 0 U N * 4, H P: U) U a)''t� 0 0 A • • • 0 . • 0 0 k 0 C r.I Z H * * a) Z Ti .0 O W W E • • • • • 0 W N rt W g 0 * * Cl) H 0 of co U C • • • (L) • '0 kJ PI.a Z N * 4, (U H 0 H H Z 1J • a) in • a)'0 a) an H-. * * 4-) Cl CJ) LYf a) (a (6 000 (U • a) W N 'Cl 0 0 [HO * - 0 0 x U C C.-- a) O-H.1 •Cl (tl 0 C H4 N * 3 0 -H ,-l'C1 U 14 N 0 U -r'Ll O U,- U a) ra H 0 U) * 4, (N 1J U C a) C 0 a) O 0 r--I a) 0 C h Urn * 3 (I) a, Z .1000.1 }aa) CCal Oa)H Cl C 4 0 -3' 4' 4' -3' 4'3 01 0 H W U cn h 07 U Pa [H H (N Z > 01 U H 01 un H H 0 O H 001H 00000HN 000lO Ln lD CO 0 CO 0 0 N O N 0 Ln 01 N 0 d' L.CI 01 0000 O 0 r in co 0io 0 H C O H Z 0 LC, 0000 Lf1001 003 0LDN N a' Lfl Ln ul a' ID CO 0 C C' HO N N Ln OLn ON0001 en Ln lDN 0000N 041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x 0 0 0 0 0 L1 l0 d lO O N 0 0 0 Lf1 0 CO Lf1 N N N N 0 0 O N O CO r'1 0 0 0 H �' �' N N N N LI) cO N lD c0 N N 01 0 0 O M LIl N d' Lf1 0 01 H en Ill O N O N 01 N N 01 0 0 H d' O Lfl M H O N O O N CO N H O N O H H H CO CO 01 01 0 O a ■0 H O H H l0 H CO C' V' f•1 CO 01 N N H LC) 0 0O O CO CO N rfl LI) CO 01 ■0 N N H H W 0 0 H N N H H N d' CO d' Cr H EN H d' N N aH N 0 0 Nt- U >✓ H O 41 0 0 H cr' 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N >, L/) 0 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ,a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\-,\\\\\\\•.,.\\\\\.\'-.',\\\\�,\\\.\------\\\\\\ H 0 x O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N.N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N U U H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 41 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Z 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 dl Q\ 01 01 01 01 01 C1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 C1 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 O1 CJ 0000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z H * CO 0 0 H N en O Ln l0 N CO 01 0 H N O a' Lf1 L.0 N CO 01 0 H N O cr' Lf1 l0 N CO 01 0 H N in d' LI) ,.0 N CO 01 0 H N en d' H x cr C' Li 1 In Lfl In LIl LID LIl LI) L/l LIl l0 \O l0 l0 00 ■0 ■0 l0 ■O k.0 N N N� N N L- l"- N N N CO 0 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Ol Ol 01 01 01 cn U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0) 1.11 Lfl L) LI) Lfl in in Ln In Ln Ln In in LIl LIl in Ln Ln L) 111 Ln Ln L) Ln Ln Ln Ln L) In LIl Ln Ln Ln 1.11 L11 Lfl Ln III LIl Ln Lfl Ln in Ln L) Ln Ln a x cr ':1-1 CP CO cP CP CP cl' 71' cl' 71' CP CP CP 71-. 71' 71' '71' 'I' CP 71' 7P cP 71' 73' ct' cf. 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H a1 N N NN H ill NH d+ 01 U) 01 Ol X Ul H H H LD CO lD CD H H x U U 0 a) 4 U H R W O W O4 c W Ww H CO z 0 Z ZUO Z Zaw EH X H o Z CO z U a Q U H Z H w w OW H W OHU , H ,a H 0 h7 H ,aXHH UUHHH H H 00 Z Xd' w UCZ a�t) Xzw H C) c=1 •• UU U wH > X P4 HZ warn U U (_D >+ aa 0 H •• w Z H U a w O a Z U H H rx U U co co Z Uorn o Ua W HHHq a H Z0Q U In 0 UH OU ZHUaazw CO W W W U) CO •• H H Zn x UHOUHHZ3 ZCOCUHH W U7 to 0 H HOHH U H U) UHHH W 0 ) 7ZU U CO U) isH a ,aHUxUC >+ cn •• U ,aaHUU Cl) U ,a 0.1x1 hZ- Z H 0 tZ I d' < £ U] W rx aHH U H z rxU , FCwr) U) HwHHr) rxl= COX0 r) UCrxa w x M U N a U W H PKG.1 PH IrlIr.004 U W H U H H U a W U ZH U) CO ZZ0U) U) W Hf, gaaHHU4, 0OrHZU) UZU) a w a ) o U W WOZOHHHHHgFZFCW W HHU W HOOZ ,a U U) z a ON U) U C000) W U) 1a g HU) UUHU CrU cn a3Uf, UUH U) a z U ) U]\ 0 I HHN CNOHHNUOOHN MCOIHHLfIHMC H 0 Z I Z E-H Ua\ 0000Hd' IO � OHNMO0000LnONLU DJ W Q I Q go W H I H N N N N N N M d d' d' d l0 1D l0 LD CD CD N CO W LU L H U Mr CQ H CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Public ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY Hearings Fire MANAGER NO: APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution For BY: Gary Gorman BY:jia7F Abatement DATE: September 17, 2012 DATE: NO: 12-115 to 12-117 Declaration of a nuisance and abatement of violations within the City of Columbia Heights is requested regarding properties at 2012-115—4538 5th Street 2012-116—4544 6th Street 2012-117— 1102 Gould Avenue for failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Code. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to close the public hearing and to waive the reading of Resolution Numbers 2012-115, 116, and 117 there being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution Numbers 2012-115, 116, and 117 being resolutions of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights declaring the properties listed a nuisance and approving the abatement of violations from the properties pursuant to City Code section 8.206. COUNCIL ACTION: 48 RESOLUTION 2012-115 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights declaring the property a nuisance and approving abatement of ordinance violations pursuant to Chapter 8,Article II,of City Code,of the property owned by Frank E. Oswald (Hereinafter "Owner of Record"). Whereas, the owner of record is the legal owner of the real property located at 4538 5th Street NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. And whereas, pursuant to Columbia Heights Code, Chapter 8, Article II, Section 8.206, written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed council action contained herein was sent via regular mail to the owner of record on August 30, 2012. Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on July 19,2012 an inspection was conducted on the property listed above. Inspectors found violations. A compliance order was sent via regular mail to the owner at the address. 2. That on August 30,2012 inspectors reinspected the property listed above. Inspectors noted that violations remained uncorrected. A compliance order and statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner listed in the property records. 3. That on September 11, 2012 inspectors reinspected the property and found that violations remained uncorrected. 4. That based upon said records of the Fire Department,the following conditions and violations of City Codes(s) were found to exist, to wit: A. Shall repair/replace the concrete block retaining wall that is falling over 5. That all parties,including the owner of record and any occupants or tenants,have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code Section 8.206(A) and 8.206(B). CONCLUSIONS OF COUNCIL 1. That the property located at 4538 5`h Street NE is in violation of the provisions of the Columbia Heights City Code as set forth in the Notice of Abatement. 2. That all relevant parties and parties in interest have been duly served notice of this hearing, and any other hearings relevant to the abatement of violations on the property listed above. 3. That all applicable rights and periods of appeal as relating to the owner of record,occupant, or tenant, as the case may be, have expired, or such rights have been exercised and completed. ORDER OF COUNCIL 49 1. The property located at 4538 5th Street NE constitutes a nuisance pursuant to City Code. 2. That a copy of this order shall be served upon all relevant parties and parties in interest. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 50 RESOLUTION 2012-116 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights declaring the property a nuisance and approving abatement of ordinance violations pursuant to Chapter 8,Article II,of City Code,of the property owned by Rolling Johnson (Hereinafter "Owner of Record"). Whereas,the owner of record is the legal owner of the real property located at 4544 6th Street NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. And whereas, pursuant to Columbia Heights Code, Chapter 8, Article II, Section 8.206, written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed council action contained herein was sent via regular mail to the owner of record on August 30, 2012. Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on July 25,2012 an inspection was conducted on the property listed above. Inspectors found violations. A compliance order was sent via regular mail to the owner at the address. 2. That on August 30,2012 inspectors reinspected the property listed above. Inspectors noted that violations remained uncorrected. A compliance order and statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner listed in the property records. 3. That on September 11, 2012 inspectors reinspected the property and found that violations remained uncorrected. 4. That based upon said records of the Fire Department,the following conditions and violations of City Codes(s) were found to exist, to wit: A. Shall patch the cement concrete retaining wall behind the garage B. Shall remove the dead tree (and all of the tree stump(s) in the _rear behind the garage, 2 of them 5. That all parties,including the owner of record and any occupants or tenants,have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code Section 8.206(A) and 8.206(B). CONCLUSIONS OF COUNCIL 1. That the property located at 4544 6th Street NE is in violation of the provisions of the Columbia Heights City Code as set forth in the Notice of Abatement. 2. That all relevant parties and parties in interest have been duly served notice of this hearing, and any other hearings relevant to the abatement of violations on the property listed above. 3. That all applicable rights and periods of appeal as relating to the owner of record,occupant, or tenant, as the case may be, have expired, or such rights have been exercised and completed. 51 ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The property located at 4544 6th Street NE constitutes a nuisance pursuant to City Code. 2. That a copy of this order shall be served upon all relevant parties and parties in interest. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 52 RESOLUTION 2012-117 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights declaring the property a nuisance and approving abatement of ordinance violations pursuant to Chapter 8,Article II,of City Code,of the property owned by Darryl E. Latzke (Hereinafter"Owner of Record"). Whereas,the owner of record is the legal owner of the real property located at 1102 Gould Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. And whereas, pursuant to Columbia Heights Code, Chapter 8, Article II, Section 8.206, written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed council action contained herein was sent via regular mail to the owner of record on September 6, 2012. Now,therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on July 30,2012 an inspection was conducted on the property listed above. Inspectors found violations. A compliance order was sent via regular mail to the owner at the address. 2. That on September 6, 2012 inspectors reinspected the property listed above. Inspectors noted that violations remained uncorrected. A compliance order and statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner listed in the property records. 3. That on September 12, 2012 inspectors reinspected the property and found that violations remained uncorrected. 4. That based upon said records of the Fire Department,the following conditions and violations of City Codes(s) were found to exist, to wit: A. Shall remove the uprooted tree (and all of the tree stump(s)) in the_yard at 1102 Gould Ave 5. That all parties,including the owner of record and any occupants or tenants,have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code Section 8.206(A) and 8.206(B). CONCLUSIONS OF COUNCIL 1. That the property located at 1102 Gould Avenue NE is in violation of the provisions of the Columbia Heights City Code as set forth in the Notice of Abatement. 2. That all relevant parties and parties in interest have been duly served notice of this hearing, and any other hearings relevant to the abatement of violations on the property listed above. 3. That all applicable rights and periods of appeal as relating to the owner of record,occupant, or tenant, as the case may be, have expired, or such rights have been exercised and completed. 53 ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The property located at 1102 Gould Avenue NE constitutes a nuisance pursuant to City Code. 2. That a copy of this order shall be served upon all relevant parties and parties in interest. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 54 CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Resolutions ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY Fire MANAGER NO: APPROVAL ITEM: Adopt Resolution For BY: Gary Gorman BY:, /4//1--- Revocation DATE: September 18, 2012 DATE: NO: 12-118 to 12-123 Revocation of the license to operate a rental unit within the City of Columbia Heights is requested against rental properties at 2012-118—3835 Tyler Street 2012-119—679-81 46th Avenue 2012-120—4806 Madison Street 2012-121 —4351 3rd Street 2012-122— 1301-03 Circle Terrace Blvd. 2012-123 —939-41 42-1/2 Avenue For failure to meet the requirements of the Residential Maintenance Codes. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to close the public hearing and to waive the reading of Resolution Numbers 2012-118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 being ample copies available to the public. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Resolution Numbers 2012-118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123 being Resolutions of the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code, Chapter 5A, Article IV, Section 5A.408(A) of the rental licenses listed. COUNCIL ACTION: 55 RESOLUTION 2012-118 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by SMA Housing, LLC (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas, license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 3835 Tyler Street NE Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on August 31, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now,therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on July 9, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, inspected the property described above and noted violations. A compliance letter listing the violations was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. 2. That on August 31, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights performed a reinspection and noted that violations remained uncorrected. . A statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the rental housing license application. 3. That on September 12, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights checked records for this property and noted that the violations remained uncorrected 4. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Property Maintenance Code were found to exist,to-wit: a. Shall replace the missing storm window - on front door 5. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F11887A is hereby revoked. 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on 56 the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder. 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 57 RESOLUTION 2012-119 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by SAR Investments, LLC (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas,license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 679-81 46th Avenue NE Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on September 6, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now,therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on August 1, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, inspected the property described above and noted violations. A compliance letter listing the violations was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. 2. That on September 6,2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights performed a reinspection and noted that violations remained uncorrected. . A statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the rental housing license application. 3. That on September 12, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights checked records for this property and noted that the violations remained uncorrected 4. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Property Maintenance Code were found to exist,to-wit: a. Shall remove all of the tree stump(s))in the yard to within 2-4 inches below ground level 5. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F11796A is hereby revoked. 58 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder. 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 59 RESOLUTION 2012-120 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by JRK Business Solutions, LLC (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas, license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 4806 Madison Street NE Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on September 4, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now,therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on August 2, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights, inspected the property described above and noted violations. A compliance letter listing the violations was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the Rental Housing License Application. 2. That on September 4,2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights performed a reinspection and noted that violations remained uncorrected. . A statement of cause was mailed via regular mail to the owner at the address listed on the rental housing license application. 3. That on September 13, 2012 inspectors for the City of Columbia Heights checked records for this property and noted that the violations remained uncorrected 4. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Property Maintenance Code were found to exist,to-wit: a. Shall repair/replace the screen(s) on the building 5. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F11574 is hereby revoked. 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder. 60 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 61 RESOLUTION 2012-121 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by Maria Hendren (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas, license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 4351 3`d Street N.E., Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on August 20, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on or about August 9, 2012 inspection office staff sent a letter requesting the owner of the property to submit a rental license application and schedule a rental inspection for this property. The letter was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 2. That on August 20,2012 inspection office staff reviewed the property file and noted that the property remained unlicensed. A Statement of Cause was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 3. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Residential Maintenance Code were found to exist, to- wit: a. Failure to schedule a rental property inspection. b. Failure to submit a rental license application and fees. 4. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number U4351 is hereby revoked; 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder; 62 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 63 RESOLUTION 2012-122 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by Federal National Mortgage Association (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas, license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 1301-03 Circle Terrace Boulevard N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on September 5, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now, therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on or about June 15, 2012 inspection office staff sent a letter requesting the owner of the property submit the rental license application for this property. The letter was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 2. That on September 5, 2012 inspection office staff reviewed the property file and noted that the property remained unlicensed. A Statement of Cause was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 3. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Residential Maintenance Code were found to exist, to- wit: a. Failure to submit renewal rental license application and fees 4. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F11438 is hereby revoked; 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder; 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first 64 day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 65 RESOLUTION 2012-123 Resolution of the City Council for the City of Columbia Heights approving revocation pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV,Section 5A.408(A)of that certain residential rental license held by Wells Fargo NA (Hereinafter "License Holder"). Whereas, license holder is the legal owner of the real property located at 939-41 42-1/2 Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, Minnesota, Whereas,pursuant to City Code,Chapter 5A,Article IV, Section 5A.408(B),written notice setting forth the causes and reasons for the proposed Council action contained herein was given to the License Holder on September 5, 2012 of an public hearing to be held on September 24, 2012. Now,therefore, in accordance with the foregoing, and all ordinances and regulations of the City of Columbia Heights, the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That on or about July 15, 2012 inspection office staff sent a letter requesting the owner of the property submit the rental license application for this property. The letter was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 2. That on September 5, 2012 inspection office staff reviewed the property file and noted that the property remained unlicensed. A Statement of Cause was mailed by regular mail to the owner at the address listed in the property records. 3. That based upon said records of the Enforcement Office, the following conditions and violations of the City's Residential Maintenance Code were found to exist, to- wit: a. Failure to submit renewal rental license application and fees 4. That all parties, including the License Holder and any occupants or tenants, have been given the appropriate notice of this hearing according to the provisions of the City Code, Chapter 5A, Article III 5A.306 and 5A.303(A). ORDER OF COUNCIL 1. The rental license belonging to the License Holder described herein and identified by license number F11377 is hereby revoked; 2. The City will post for the purpose of preventing occupancy a copy of this order on the buildings covered by the license held by License Holder; 3. All tenants shall remove themselves from the premises within 45 days from the first day of posting of this Order revoking the license as held by License Holder. 66 Passed this day of 2012 Offered by: Second by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk 67 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: September 24, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: Other Ordinances and ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER'S Resolutions Community Development APPROVAL NO: ITEM: 2nd Reading of Ordinance 1609,being a BY: Jeff Sargent, City Planner BY: ,//2, r Zoning Amendment as it Relates to Temporary g p ry DATE: September 18, 2012 74/(//2//if Signs. BACKGROUND: In early 2012,the City Council approved the establishment of the Community Development Steering Committee ("the Committee"). The task of the Committee was to conduct an extensive review of the Sign Code and Design Guidelines to determine whether these articles are still relevant in today's society. The Committee was in charge of overseeing any changes that might be made, with suggestions and recommendations to the City Staff, who would then forward the recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Committee was comprised of one resident, three business owners, one City Council member and one Planning Commission member. They met for six sessions beginning in May, 2012, and have come up with some suggestions for Zoning Amendments. At this time, City Staff is representing the Committee by proposing a Zoning Amendment as it relates to temporary signage. In order to promote new businesses that have moved into Columbia Heights,the Committee proposes the City to allow each new business to utilize one"Grand Opening"sign per business for a period of 60 days. This banner would not require a permit and would not count towards the total allotment of temporary banners (four) that a business may use in a calendar year. The purpose of this amendment is to allow new businesses the opportunity to advertise their new arrival in an attempt to establish themselves in the community. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing for the request on September 5,2012.The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Zoning Amendment with a 4-0 vote at the meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Move to waive the reading of Ordinance No. 1609, being ample copies available to the public. Move to adopt Ordinance No. 1609, being an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1490 City Code of 2005, adopting the proposed zoning amendments outlined in Ordinance 1609. Attachments: Ordinance 1609(2'd Reading Format);Draft Ordinance 1609(1'Reading Format), P+Z Report COUNCIL ACTION: 68 ORDINANCE NO. 1609 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1490, CITY CODE OF 2005 RELATING TO TEMPORARY SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS The City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Chapter 9, Article I, Section 9.106 (P)(7)of the Columbia Heights City Code, is proposed to include the following additions: § 9.106 SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (P) Sign regulations. The following uses are subject to specific development standards: (7) Temporary signs. The following standards shall apply to temporary signs in all zoning districts: (h) Grand opening signs. 1. Each new business is permitted one (1) grand opening sign, at the time when the new business is established in the city. 2. Grand opening signs do not require a permit. 3. Such signs do not count against the total number of temporary signs allowed per property per calendar year. 4. Grand opening signs are allowed for no more than sixty (60) consecutive days. 5. Grand opening signs must display a message consistent with the promotion of the grand opening of the new business. 6. Grand opening signs shall be no greater than fifty (50) square feet in area. 7. Such signs must meet all other applicable regulations for temporary signage in the city pertaining to placement on the property, maintenance, etc. [Sections § 9.106 (P)(7)(i-k) shall be renumbered accordingly] 69 Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days after its passage. First Reading: September 10, 2012 Second Reading: September 24, 2012 Date of Passage: Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest Tori Leonhardt City Clerk/Council Secretary 70 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. 1609 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1490, CITY CODE OF 2005 RELATING TO TEMPORARY SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS The City of Columbia Heights does ordain: Chapter 9, Article I, Section 9.106 (P)(7) of the Columbia Heights City Code, is proposed to include the following additions and deletions: § 9.106 SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (P) Sign regulations. The following uses are subject to specific development standards: (7) Temporary signs. The following standards shall apply to temporary signs in all zoning districts: (h) Grand opening signs. 1. Each new business is permitted one (1) grand opening sign, at the time when the new business is established in the city. 2. Grand opening signs do not require a permit. 3. Such signs do not count against the total number of temporary signs allowed per property per calendar year. 4. Grand opening signs are allowed for no more than sixty (60) consecutive days. 5. Grand opening signs must display a message consistent with the promotion of the grand opening of the new business. 6. Grand opening signs shall be no greater than fifty (50) square feet in area. 7. Such signs must meet all other applicable regulations for temporary signage in the city pertaining to placement on the property, maintenance, etc. [Sections § 9.106 (P)(7)(i-k) shall be renumbered accordingly] 71 Section 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days after its passage. First Reading: September 10, 2012 Second Reading: September 24, 2012 Date of Passage: Offered by: Seconded by: Roll Call: Mayor Gary L. Peterson Attest: Tori Leonhardt City Clerk/Council Secretary 72 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PLANNING REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2012-0903 DATE: September 5, 2012 TO: Columbia Heights Planning Commission APPLICANT: City of Columbia Heights LOCATION: City Wide REQUEST: Zoning Amendment for Temporary Signs PREPARED BY: Jeff Sargent, City Planner INTRODUCTION In early 2012,the City Council approved the establishment of the Community Development Steering Committee ("the Committee"). The task of the Committee was to conduct an extensive review of the Sign Code and Design Guidelines to determine whether these articles are still relevant in today's society. The Committee was in charge of overseeing any changes that might be made, with suggestions and recommendations to the City Staff, who would then forward the recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. The Committee was comprised of one resident, three business owners, one City Council member and one Planning Commission member. They met for six sessions beginning in May, 2012, and have come up with some suggestions for Zoning Amendments. At this time, City Staff is representing the Committee by proposing a Zoning Amendment as it relates to temporary signage. In order to promote new businesses that have moved into Columbia Heights, the Committee proposes the City to allow each new business to utilize one "Grand Opening" sign per business for a period of 60 days. This banner would not require a permit and would not count towards the total allotment of temporary banners (four) that a business may use in a calendar year. The purpose of this amendment is to allow new businesses the opportunity to advertise their new arrival in an attempt to establish themselves in the community. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN One of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan is to preserve and enhance the existing viable commercial areas within the community, and to promote reinvestment in properties by the commercial and industrial sectors. Allowing a "Grand Opening" sign would aide in the 73 City of Columbia Heights Planning Commission September 5, 2012 City of Columbia Heights, Temporary Signs Case # 2012-0903 enhancement of the commercial areas throughout the city. FINDINGS OF FACT Section 9.104(F)of the Columbia Heights zoning code requires that the City Council make each of the following four findings before approving a zoning amendment: 1. The amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. One of the goals of the Comprehensive Plan is to preserve and enhance the existing viable commercial areas within the community, and to promote reinvestment in properties by the commercial and industrial sectors. Allowing a "Grand Opening" sign would aide in the enhancement of the commercial areas throughout the city. 2. The amendment is in the public interest and is not solely for the benefit of a single property owner. The proposed amendment would apply to all commercial districts throughout the City. 3. Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property,the existing use of the property and the zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question are compatible with the proposed zoning classification. The amendment would not change the zoning classification of a particular property. 4. Where the amendment is to change the zoning classification of a particular property, there has been a change in the character or trend of development in the general area of the property in question, which has taken place since such property was placed in the current zoning classification. The amendment would not change the zoning classification of a particular property. RECOMMENDATION Motion: That the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed zoning amendment. Attachments • Draft zoning ordinance Page 2 74