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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/13/2012 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS
The following are the minutes for the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,
August 13, 2012 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights,
Mayor Gary Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmembers Williams, Nawrocki, Diehm, and Schmitt.
Pastor Dan Thompson, Assembly of God Church, gave the invocation remembering our cities who have
experienced violence in the past few months and asking for protection of our public safety officers.
Motion by Councilmember Diehm, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to appoint Carole Blowers
as Secretary Pro-Tern for the August 13, 2012 City Council meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Peterson stated a presentation from the owner of our local restaurant Royal Orchid, Warin, will
be added to the agenda.
Councilmember Nawrocki brought up the Thrive MSP 2040 Twin Cities region's long-range planning
effort (regional vision for the next 30 years). He also stated that at the last work session, the door on
Mill Street was locked, and asked the City Manager to look into that. Councilmember Nawrocki then
made a motion to add Council Corner to the agenda; there was no second to that motion.
Joe Ornellas, Public Works Maintenance Worker, was introduced by Kevin Hansen, Public Works
Director. Joe previously worked for the cities of St. Paul and Apache Junction, Arizona. He will be
working in the parks area.
Paid on call firefighters were introduced by Gary Gorman, Fire Chief. He introduced Jeff and
Alexander St. Martin (father and son). Numerous members of the Fire Department were present.
Councilmember Nawrocki asked how did the annual charity softball tournament go that benefits SACA.
Chief Gorman stated they had fun!
Mai Kao Xiong, Children's Librarian, announced each teen volunteer from the library. Pat Sowada and
Catherine Vesley from the Library Board were also present. Twelve volunteers were recognized who
put in over 550 hours of time volunteered!
Warin Sukhtipyaroge from The Royal Orchid, 4022 Central Avenue,brought Thai food samples for the
council and the audience. The Council recessed for a few minutes. The Royal Orchid has been open
for six months at this location. The business started in south Minneapolis ten years ago. The Mayor
thanked Warin for the treats, and the council meeting then resumed.
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Monday,August 13,2012
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Councilmember Nawrocki requested to remove items C, D, F, G, and H for discussion. City Manager
Walt Fehst took Councilmembers through the remaining consent agenda items.
A. Approve the minutes of the July 23, 2012 City Council meeting.
MOTION: Move to approve the minutes of the July 23, 2012 City Council meeting.
B. Accept Board and Commission minutes
MOTION: Move to accept the Library Board meeting minutes of July 3, 2012.
MOTION: Move to accept the Park and Recreation Commission meeting minutes of June 27,
C. Establish the Canvass of the 2012 Primary Election - Aug. 16 at 6:00 p.m. - REMOVED
D. Establish date for 2012 public special assessment levy hearing for: Zone 6 Seal Coat program,
Zone 7 Street Rehabilitation, alley and sidewalk construction, and delinquent accounts—
E. Approve Final Payment for Zone 6 Seal Coat Project No. 1201
MOTION: move to accept the work for 2012 Seal Coat, City Project No. 1201 and authorize
final payment of$148,138.50 to Allied Blacktop Company of Maple Grove, Minnesota.
F. Grant agreement with Anoka County for improvements to the Recycling Center—REMOVED
G. Adopt Resolution 2012-102 authorizing the City of Columbia Heights to enter into Traffic
Control Signal Agreements No. 01592R and 01593R with MnDOT and Anoka County—
H. Accept LaBelle Park Master Plan - REMOVED
I. Approve Business License Applications
MOTION: Move to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for August 13,
2012 as presented.
J. Approve Rental Licenses
MOTION: Move to approve the items listed for rental housing license applications for August
13, 2012 in that they have met the requirements of the Property Maintenance Code.
K. Review payment of the bills
MOTION: Move that in accordance with Minnesota Statute 412.271, subd. 8 the City Council
has received the list of claims paid covering check number 144442 through 144692 in the
amount of$1,701,010.58.
Motion by Councilmember Diehm, seconded by Councilmember Williams,to approve the Consent
Agenda items with the exception of items C, D, F, G, and H. Motion passed unanimously.
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Item C (Removed from consent): Discussion on establishing the canvass of the 2012 Primary Election
- August 16 at 6:00 p.m.
MOTION: Move to establish the Canvass of the 2012 Primary Election results for Thursday, August
16, 2012 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Councilmember Nawrocki asked if the canvassing of the primary election could be later than 6 p.m. on
the 16t''. After further discussion and considerations amongst councilmembers, Councilmember
Nawrocki made a motion to hold the canvass of the primary election results on Thursday, August 16, at
6 p.m., and after further discussion, amended it to 8 a.m. on Thursday, August 16. Motion was seconded
by Councilmember Williams, and motion passed unanimously.
Item D (Removed from consent): Discussion on establishing date for 2012 public special assessment
levy hearing for: Zone 6 Seal Coat program, Zone 7 Street Rehabilitation, alley and sidewalk
construction, and delinquent accounts
Councilmember Nawrocki stated he would like the public special assessment levy hearing on the
proposed projects to be held during the regular council meeting of Monday, October 8t" starting at
approximately 7 p.m. so it can be cablecast, and he made such a motion. There was no second to that
MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Schmitt, to establish Monday,
October 1, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project#1201
Zone 6 Seal Coat Project, to be held in the City Council Chambers, and to establish Monday, October 1,
2012 at 6:15 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project#1202 Zone 7 Street
Rehabilitation, to be held in the City Council Chambers, and to establish Monday, October 1, 2012 at
6:30 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing for City Project #1111 Concrete Alley
Construction, and City Project#1209 Sidewalk Construction, to be held in the City Council Chambers,
and to establish Monday, October 1, 2012 at 6:45 p.m. as the Public Special Assessment Levy Hearing
for Delinquent Accounts, to be held in the City Council Chambers. Motions passed unanimously.
Item F (Removed from consent): Discussion on grant agreement with Anoka County for
improvements to the Recycling Center
Councilmember Nawrocki had some questions regarding what items would not be picked up curbside.
Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, answered these questions as well as reviewed the entrance and
drive up area enhancements. Dan Thompson from the Kiwanis Club stated the enhancements will add
convenience especially on Saturdays, when there is a lot of traffic at the recycling center.
MOTION by Councilmember Diehm, seconded by Councilmember Schmitt, to accept the Recycling
Enhancement Grant in the amount of$50,000 with Anoka County for improvements to the Recycling
Drop-off Center, and, furthermore, to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to enter into an agreement
for the same. Motion passed unanimously.
Item G (Removed from consent): Discussion to adopt Resolution 2012-102 authorizing the City of
Columbia Heights to enter into Traffic Control Signal Agreements No. 01592R and 01593R with
MnDOT and Anoka County
Councilmember Nawrocki asked for an explanation of our total costs for these projects. Kevin Hansen,
Public Works Director, explained the city's cost is one-fourth of the total project cost or approximately
$131,000 ($66,000 per intersection= $55,000 plus engineering costs). Cost of the painting would be
approximately$1,800 per intersection.
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Monday,August 13,2012
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MOTION by Councilmember Diehm, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to waive the reading of
Resolution No. 2012-102, there being ample copies available to the public. Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Schmitt, to adopt Resolution
2012-102, being a resolution authorizing the City of Columbia Heights to enter into Agreement Nos.
01592R and 01593R with MnDOT and Anoka County for replacement and maintenance of the Traffic
Signal System on TH 47 at 40th Avenue and TH 65 at 49th Avenue. Motion passed unanimously.
Item H (Removed from consent): Accept LaBelle Park Master Plan
Councilmember Nawrocki asked what the estimated cost of the LaBelle master plan is and is this
budgeted for. Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director, answered between$450,000 and $600,000. The
cost of removing the boardwalk is in the budget for next year, and we have been successful in securing
grant monies. Mr. Hansen explained that public comments from hearings, direct mailings to property
owners, and informational meetings (including comments from residents in the senior housing area)
have been considered in the master plan—a rigorous process was used to get comments/feedback. Also,
the ideas from the two concept plans were incorporated into the master plan.
Candace Amberg, from Brauer and Associates, Ltd., was present and went over the plans with the
Council. She pointed out the need to update the older playground area on the north side. It is proposed
to put in a pre-school and elementary area, plant native vegetation for low maintenance, remove the
boardwalk for safety issues, add overlook sitting areas, add a memorial space, remove the overlook area
on 40t'', and remove old trees/vegetation and put in new trees and vegetation on the east side to stabilize
the shoreline. The priorities are removing the boardwalk (as it is a safety issue) and stabilizing the
Councilmember Nawrocki asked when the master plan was done (it was available at the May/June
informational meetings).
Councilmember Schmitt stated there are sources of monies available for such projects,but plans needs
to be in place to be able to apply for such monies.
MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Schmitt, to accept the Master Plan
as prepared by the Park Planning firm of Brauer and Associates, based upon a recommendation of the
Park and Recreation Commission. Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION by Councilmember Williams, seconded by Councilmember Schmitt, to authorize the
preparation of plans and specs for the boardwalk removal and shoreline restoration, based upon a
recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission. Motion passed unanimously.
• Councilmember Nawrocki again brought up the Thrive MSP 2040 Twin Cities region's long
range planning effort, and that we should be involved in providing input.
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Report of the City Manager:
• He has been notified that the Anoka County Historical Society is having a fundraiser dinner ($35
per person) in recognition of Ralph"Buster" Talbot in the evening on September 20, 2012 at The
Courtyards of Andover, and the Council is invited. Former Anoka County Sheriff Larry Podany
will be the master of ceremonies.
• The Local Government Officials are having a picnic/meeting on August 29 at Greenhaven Golf
Course. The Commissioners are serving the dinner.
• Councilmember Nawrocki questioned the number of participants at the local gym that was in a
recent green sheet (under Police Department).
• Councilmember Nawrocki asked for the locations where there have been issues with alcohol
• In response to Councilmember Nawrocki's question about the 2013 budget, it will be submitted
to the City Council at the next meeting.
• In response to Councilmember Nawrocki's question about the new City Clerk/Council Secretary
and his wish to talk with her, the City Manager stated that Tori Leonhardt currently works in
Finance/Utilities Department, and she will be our new City Clerk. An appointment could be set
up with her anytime and/or she could be asked to attend the next work session to meet the
council. The Council selects the Council Secretary, who is the City Clerk, and the City Manager
advised that such a motion could be made tonight if the Council desires to.
• The primary election tomorrow is Patty Muscovitz's last election before she retires in September.
The City Manager thanked her and all the employees from various departments who assist with
the elections.
Report of the City Attorney-None
The owner of a duplex at 4241 2nd Street N.E. appeared regarding an invoice he received from the city
for cutting his grass at that property.
The City Attorney explained the process regarding long grass (one warning, legal notice, the city will go
ahead and cut it if not taken care of and send an invoice for the cost, and the amount can be assessed
against the property if not paid). The homeowner thought the process should change. Councilmember
Nawrocki stated that process starts with the homeowner. The City Manager will look further into the
The Mayor encouraged everyone to get out and vote tomorrow at the Primary Election and to do a
random act of kindness.
The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
,66e-{,52- S72 /010,
Carole J. Blowers
Secretary Pro Tem
City Council Minutes
Monday,August 13,2012
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WHEREAS,the traffic control systems on TH 47 at 40th Avenue NE and TH 65 at 49th Avenue NE have reached their
useful life; and,
WHEREAS,MnDOT has planned to reconstruct the existing traffic controls systems; and,
WHEREAS,the cost of the improvements are apportioned based upon MnDOT's Signal Participation Cost Share Policy.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Columbia.Heights to enter into an
agreement with the State of Minnesota,Department of Transportation and the County of Anoka for the following
To provide for payment by the City to the State for the City's share of the costs of the Signal System,
APS,EVP System and Internally Lit Signs construction and other associated construction to be
performed on Trunk Highway No.47 (University Avenue) at 40th Avenue NE within the corporate
limits of Columbia Heights under State Project No. 0205-97 and State Aid Project No. 113-010-019
(TH 47=1565)and Trunk Highway No. 65 (Central Avenue) at 49th Avenue, State Project No.0207-
96 and State Aid Project No. 113-010-018 (TH 65=005),in accordance with the terms and conditions
set forth and contained in Agreement Nos. 01592R and 01593R,copies of which were before the City
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager be and hereby are authorized to execute such
agreements and any amendments, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City of Columbia Heights all of the
contractual obligations contained therein.