HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/04/2012 Commission Interviews CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Mayor Gary L.Peterson Cuuneilmembers Robert A. Williams 590 40"'Avenue NE,Columbia Heights,MN 55421-3878 (763)706-3600 TDD(763)706-3692 Bruce Nawmcki Visit our website at:www.ci.columbia-heijhts.mn.us Tamn,eS mitt Donna Schmitt City Manager Walter R.Fehst ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING * * * * * * * * * * * * to be held in the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Meeting of: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: JUNE 4, 2012 Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M. Location of Meeting: CONFERENCE ROOM 1 Purpose of Meeting: COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 1. Three interviews for one open position on the Planning and Zoning Commission and one open position on the Traffic Commission. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk at 763-706-3611 to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Mayor CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Getty Peterson C ouneilm embers Robert A.Williams 590 40th Avenue NE,Columbia Heights,MN 55421-3878 (763)706-3600 TDD(763)706-3692 Bruce Nawiocb' Visit our website at:www.ci.columbia-heiihts.mn.us Tanmeera Dielnn Boma Schmitt City Manager Walter R.Fehst ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING 9: * * k k * k k * * * k to be held in the CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS as follows: Meeting of: COLUMBIA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: JUNE 4, 2012 Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M. Location of Meeting: CONFERENCE ROOM 1 Purpose of Meeting: WORK SESSION 1. Executive Session—personnel 2. GreenSteps program presentation 3. Mississippi WMO: Board appointment 4. ADA regulations for city pools The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Clerk at 763-706-3611 to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf or hearing impaired only) Minnesota GreenStep Cities Page 1 of 2 Search Home I The 28 best practices I How to become a GreenStep City I Model Ordinances I City log-in I Contact/Feedback Stay Connected El 4,, Steps to becoming recognized as a GreenStep city Of Minnesota's 855 cities,approximately 500 are under 1,000 in population,83%are under 5,000 in population,and 35 have a population over 25,000.With such a diversity of cities,no one set of process steps will fit all cities in organizing work to become a GreenStep City.Depending on your city,work may start mostly at the city staff,citizen commission or city council level and fit well into existing plans and efforts,moving later to incorporate and leverage work efforts by civic organizations.Or the impetus for implementing GreenStep best practices may start with a civic group and be mostly done by community members and community organizations,with the city council in a supportive and active role as needed. Thus the abbreviated list of organizing steps below must be seen as a rough guide,to be adapted by each city.For more details under each step, download the full Organizing Steps Guide. Build community knowledge and interest. 4,1440'' • What are the Anyone can start this. benefits ' • Determine into which category your city fits. to being a • Become familiar with GreenStep best practices. GreenStep city? • Talk with key people and organizations in your city. -- - ----- —°- -- • Invite,as needed,a GreenStep program representative to your city. • Conduct an inventory of completed,planned and desired best practices. �' What • Discuss with an official city body. f Category is A, my t:ity in,. �' ..,,,,' Approve a city council resolution to work toward GreenStep Cities �° ka� .. PP Y p „yv..:,r,... recognition. y4' Use the sample resolution. What's • Introduce a resolution to the city council. required to be • Specify a GreenStep coordinator and a few best practices to implement. a GreenStep fi • E-mail your city resolution and GreenStep contact information to the MPCA. City? Congratulations!You are now a Step One GreenStep Cityl Use Step One recognition artwork/materials(found on r a, 4i your city log-in page)to let others know of your accomplishment.Formal recognition of Step One cities takes place each June at the annual League of Minnesota Cities conference. a'` ' Et r P a f t°1 k tiLi Post initial information on the GreenStep Cities web site via your log- 4 20: in page ` • Enter simple information about your city. • Provide brief detail on best practices previously implemented. �Ar1 x4 p�;.:t4 't4 Get organized to begin work on implementing best practices. • As needed,educate city staff and officials about sustainability. • Convene a small working group. • Specify implementation action(s)and a few lead people. • Prepare a simple work plan for implementing selected best practices. • Present the best practice plans to a city body or to the city council as appropriate. Implement best practices. ,SS • Keep everyone moving and celebrate success. • Clarify,as needed,what constitutes completing an action with the MPCA GreenStep program coordinator. • Briefly describe implemented best practices on the GreenStep web site. http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/steps.cfm 6/1/2012 Minnesota GreenStep Cities Page 2 of 2 Congratulations!When you have implemented any 4,6 or 8 best practices(depending on your city category)you are now a Step Two GreenStep City!Use Step Two recognition artwork/materials(found on your city log-in page)to let others know of your accomplishment.Formal recognition of Step Two cities takes place each June at the annual League of Minnesota Cities conference. Keep working on best practices. • Implementing a particular best practice action may take months or one to two years. rt} • Be alert to opportunities to complete multiple best practice actions at once. • Check back with the city council as needed. • Report yearly to community members. • As your work proceeds,give us feedback on the program. Congratulations!When you have implemented 8,12 or 16 best practices(depending on your city category) distributed across the five topical areas and including a few required best practices,you are now a Step Three GreenStep City!Use recognition artwork/materials(found on your city log-in page)to let others know of your accomplishment.Formal recognition of Step Three cities takes place each June at the annual League of Minnesota Cities conference. GreenStep Cities Step Four at • GreenStep Cities Step Four program requirements will be developed during 2012,as we learn from ,{�isUd cities during 2010 and 2011,that challenge recognized GreenStep Cities to implement more actions and thus be recognized for these accomplishments.We think GreenStep best practices will result in multiple benefits for your city and that you'll want to continuously work on best practices that make your city more sustainable. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ( Contact I Web site policy http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/steps.cfm 6/1/2012 The GreenStep 28 best practices Buildings and Lighting Land Use • Make planning and tracking 1. Efficient Existing Public 16. Comprehensive Plan and ',4,,, :, easier: download this Buildings: Benchmark _f Implementation: Adopt a spreadsheet that lists all 168 energy usage, identify fir In Comprehensive Plan and tie unique actions for all 28 best ;savings opportunities, and egulatory ordinances to it. practices. 1work with utilities and others to implement cost-effective energy and 17. Efficient City Growth: Promote An online version (see view- (sustainability improvements. (financial and environmental only example) can be shared sustainability by enabling and with, and edited by, multiple 2. Efficient Existing Private encouraging higher density housing staff members, citizens and ;Buildings: Provide incentives for land commercial land use. elected officials. E-mail Amir !energy, water and sustainability Nadav, Great Plains Institute,improvements in existing structures. 18. Mixed Uses: Develop efficient and for online access rights. bealthy land patterns. • Cities that implement a 3.New Green Buildings: Construct € minimum number of best hew buildings to meet or qualify under 9. Efficient Highway-Oriented practices organized into these la green building framework. 'Development: Adopt commercial five topical areas will be ' development and design standards for recognized as a GreenStep 14.Efficient Building & Street ighway road corridors. City. See What's required to be 'Lighting and Signals: Improve the a GreenStep City? iefficiency of public lighting and '10. Conservation Design: Adopt • Cities should claim credit for signals. development ordinances or processes best practices already that protect natural systems. implemented. Adding best a5. Building Reuse: Create economic practices over time will garner land regulatory incentives for additional recognition. ;redeveloping and repurposing existing • For each best practice, and ;buildings before building new. depending on city category (A, B or C), a city needs to complete one or more actions from a list associated with the best practice. See What category is my city in? Transportation !Environmental Management Economic and Community 11. Complete Green Streets: OO� X115. Purchasing: Adopt !Development Create a network of !environmentally preferable 24. Benchmarks & multimodal green streets. purchasing policies and ;Community Engagement: practices. [Adopt outcome measures 12. Mobility Options: Promote active 1 for GreenStep and other transportation and alternatives to 16. Urban Forests: Increase city tree city sustainability efforts, and engage single-occupancy car travel. ;and plant cover. ;community members in ongoing education, dialogue, and campaigns. 13. Efficient City Fleets: Implement a117. Efficient Stormwater city fleet investment, operations and ;Management: Minimize the volume 25. Green Business Development: maintenance plan. of and pollutants in rainwater runoff 'Support expansion of the green business sector in your city. 14. Demand-Side Travel Planning: 118. Parks and Trails: Support active Implement Travel Demand ;lifestyles by enhancing the city's green 26. Renewable Energy: Remove Management and Transit-Oriented 'infrastructure. barriers to and encourage installation Design. ( of renewable energy generation 119. Surface Water Quality: Improve ;capacity. 'local water bodies. 27. Local Food: Strengthen local food 20. Efficient Water and Wastewater and fiber production and access. Facilities: Assess and improve city drinking water and wastewater 28. Business Synergies: Ifacilities. k1kN� etwork/cluster businesses to achieve better energy, economic and 11.Septic Systems: Implement an environmental outcomes. (effective management program for 1 !decentralized wastewater treatment €systems. 22. Solid Waste Reduction: Increase waste reduction, reuse and recycling. l 23. Local Air Quality: Prevent 'generation of local air contaminants. CITY COUNCIL LETTER Meeting of: June 4, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER NO: PUBLIC WORKS ITEM: ADOPT RESOLUTION 2012-070 FOR BY: Kevin Hansen BY: APPOINTMENT TO THE MISSISSIPPI DATE: May 31, 2012 DATE: WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION At the March 26, 2012 regular Council meeting, the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the Mississippi Water Management Organization (MWMO) was approved. The cities of Fridley and Hilltop also approved the JPA. The five current members are the cities of Lauderdale,Minneapolis, Saint Anthony Village,and Saint Paul,and the Minneapolis Park&Recreation Board.Each of those cities also had to reauthorize the agreement for the watershed to move the agreement forward for final approval—which has now occurred. To comply with the amended Joint Powers Agreement that establishes joining the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, the City of Columbia Heights was designated to have one board member, along with the City of Fridley, for a total of seven (7) board members. The City Council should approve a resolution appointing a City representative to serve as a member of the organization. Councilmember Schmitt has expressed an interest in the MWMO and has been attending their meetings over the last year. The attached resolution appoints City Councilmember Donna Schmitt as the City representative. Recommended Motion: Move to waive the reading of Resolution 2012-070, there being ample copies available for the public. Recommended Motion: Move to adopt Resolution 2012-070 being a resolution appointing Councilmember Donna Schmitt as the City representative to the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. Attachment: Resolution 2012-070 COUNCIL ACTION: RESOLUTION 2012-070 RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MISSISSIPPI WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, the City of Columbia Heights entered into an amended Joint Powers Agreement to join the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, and WHEREAS, the City is to appoint one representative as a member of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, and WHEREAS, the appointed member is also to be designated as the sub district representative of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights, County of Anoka, that City Councilmember Donna Schmitt is hereby appointed as the City representative to the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. Passed this th day of June, 2012 Offered by: CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Seconded by: Roll Call: BY Mayor Gary L. Peterson Patricia Muscovitz, CMC City Clerk New ADA Requirements for City Pools: Effective Date Delayed http:11www.lmc.org/page/l/pooldelay.jsp 00 LEAGUE of MINNESTIES CTA CI New ADA Requirements for City Pools: Effective Date 7`elayed The U.S. Department of Justice has extended the deadline to next January to comply with new accessibility rules for swimming pools. (Published May 31, 2012) Cities now have more time to comply with new accessibility standards for existing city swimming pools. The effective date is now Jan. 31, 2013. However,newly constructed or altered pools must be in compliance with the new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)requirements as of March 15, 2012. The effective date for all city pools to meet the new requirements was initially March 15 and was then delayed to May 21. Another delay was announced last week. • Learn more from the ADA website(link to:http:// vH:ada,gov/regs2OlO.'ADArcgs201ZYinalrule_existingpoofs FR_may2J.htm) (cities are covered by Title II) By next January, under the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, there must be specific accessible ways to enter city swimming pools. The Standards apply to wading pools and spas too,but many of those already have compliant sloped entries. The ADA aims to establish a comprehensive prohibition of discrimination based on disability. For cities, it's not just about physical access. Title II of the ADA applies to state and local governments and requires that people with disabilities also have access to public programs,not just buildings. For example, if a city offers swimming lessons at a community pool, a child who uses a wheelchair must be able to participate in that program. Because of this program access, many smaller public pools may already have installed an accessible entry,making the pools compliant with the 2010 Standards.However, if a city must modify pools to make their programs accessible,the 2010 Standards are the new reference point. The "accessible means of entry"required by the 2010 Standards means pools must have pool lifts,pool stairs, or sloped entries, and either a transfer wall or a transfer system. (A transfer wall is a wall along an accessible route that allows a person to leave a wheelchair, for example, and lift or move their bodies onto the wall and then into a pool.) The Standards require a different number of accessible entries based on the size of the pool. The 2010 Standards require that larger pools—those with 300 or more linear feet of pool wall—have at least two accessible means of entry. At least one entry must be a sloped entry or a pool lift;the other could be a sloped entry,pool lift, transfer wall, or transfer system. Smaller pools,with less than 300 linear feet of pool wall,must have one accessible entry. There are only a few exceptions to the new requirements. If a public entity can demonstrate that it is structurally impracticable to meet the standard for new pools,then full compliance is not required. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, adaptations are "structurally impracticable" only in those 1 of 2 5/31/2012 2:22 PM New ADA Requirements for City Pools:Effective Date Delayed http:llwww.lnic.orgipage'1ipooldelayjsp rare circumstances when the unique characteristics of terrain prevent the incorporation of accessibility features. Even then,achieving compliance is required to the extent possible. Another exception relates to cost and mostly applies to existing pools. If a city demonstrates that making existing swimming pools accessible would be an undue financial and administrative burden,the exception protects the city from excessive compliance costs.Deciding what constitutes an undue financial and administrative burden is a city-specific question requiring legal advice from the city attorney, i Access technical specifications for each type of entry(search"swimming")(Link to:http:Pwwwada.gov /regs201 0/2010ADAStandards/2010ADAstandards.htm) Read the current issue of the Cities Bulletin(Link to:http:/,"wwi lmc.org/page/lcities-bulletin-news1Lttcrjsp) Your LMC Resource Jeanette Behr Research Manager (651)281-1228 or(800) 925-1122 jbehr @1mc.org(Link to:maiito:jbehrelmc.org) Meet our city vendors! Online Master ti 4 n uE b .: ".:'.. Administration Marl-h 20s Atm( And Ma) it)" 2 1tgtrooi' 1. (Link to:http://ww w.lmc.org/ads/102706) Copyright X2012 League of Minnesota Cities,145 University Ave.W,Saint Paul,MN 55103-2044 I Phone:(651)281-1200 I Toll-Free:(800)925-1122 2 of 2 5/31/2012 2:22 PM MIUMAIS§MPIMIMENN : I: '\t , . 'Y'''' • / — C., (03 Z G. , ', 3 k a L 5 1 • . , or c m r- 7:7 . P. 3 aft : :,7-!,. is, DJ owl sms. c ; NM i rl 0 x ,, )::: . 3 i ... M Al 0 , , • ,. PI = rit • ry 0 ., _........../ CL ft N* 0 0 411 3 IV .9 ors cn ID ,;/V —. . tn r4, , / a 1.0 0 0 = T4 mg .0 i .. 0 1/ alp 0 CD ., DI. 0. 111 IMI0 MO• NII Dua 'r Vi sinsom co vt . = ,..) ..... ..... CL) Ct. CI) cr ...M!,.., cr ..... c Cs M r) o fit D Da I-- 0 tX1 c -0 Cl. m 1.3. MED• 03 r. ^^1 '4 MO rp n 0,1 . m I'D M it CU 50 fit ,f. CI op rt ..... U, et 0 CrQ = mg crl 4 • MB V = Z 13) MEM m4, m CT 0 M rt 3 -, p• z...,, I'D o C) CD op ^ = 8 < M 4 .44 mom c ko It. 0 to w = D h., .., ,C wax. a* el to ..... C .4 O. 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CD -t, t. 0 (TO 40 0 0 (1) TS (1) •-s, (..,./ (r) Z Minneapolis Park&Recreation Board-Farview Park Wading Pool Replacement Page 1 of 2 IS a } f ct L y a E� , 3 '`�"7�� rJ ... iit1C&ui'YgC' gay`' De,sign&! rune^ Farview Park Wading Home * Gal Pool Replacement Current Projects Archived Projects Meeting Dates Farview Park Wading Pool Replacement Funding Community The wading pool at Farview Park is being replaced and relocated.The MPRB has allocated, as part Engagement of its 2011-2016 approved capital Improvement program, $500,000 for replacement of the pool Planning Process and related site improvements. New water-saving and other updated engineering features will eliminate the plumbing and water seepage issues that closed the 1950s-eara pool in 2010.The Design&Planning new site of the zero-depth-entry pool, near the park side entry to the recreation center, will allow Links for better site surveillance as well as natural shade from existing trees. Additional components of Construction Permit the project include new restrooms and pool mechanical room as an exterior addition to the park building, and the relocation of the existing rain garden. Sign up to receive project updates via email. Project Phase/Closures of Park Facilities Current Activity Contact Information Community Engagement Background Project Phase/ Closures of Park Facilities Project Phase: Construction is set to begin late May or early June of 2012. If all goes as planned, opening of the pool is anticipated for the first week of August. Closures of Park Facilities:The park will be open during construction, but no pool will be available until August. Park visitors are asked to stay away from the construction area. Back to top Current Activity— (released or decided upon for the project) DATE Phase 3/21/12 Construction Bid Award Approval,Item VI.6(click on resolution to see staff report) 6/1/11 Design Schematic Design Approval,Page 3,Item 4.3 5/18/11 Design Public hearing 5/6/11 Design Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board to hold public hearing for proposed new wading pool at Farview Park 3/9/11 Design Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board seeks input for new wading pool at Farview Park 12/13/10 Funding Adoption of 2011 Budget/CIP 4'Sign up to receive project updates via email. Back to top Contact Information Contact Cliff Swenson, Project Manager, Planning at cswenson @minneapolisparks.org or 612-230- 6473. Back to top Community Engagement A Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was held March 31,2011 to gather ideas and suggestions from the Farview community.The CAC helped determine the site of the new pool in the park and pool features to be included,and also provided ideas and suggestions on options for rest rooms and other site amenities. http://www.minneapolisparks.org/default.asp?PageID=1360 6/1/2012