HomeMy WebLinkAboutsept-28-agendaCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA KEYE ROOM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2011 5:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT AGENDA These items listed are considered to be routine by the Park & Recreation Commission and will be enacted as part of the consent agenda by one motion. A. Approval of June 8, 2011 Minutes B. Approval Payment of Bills 3. LETTERS AND REQUESTS A. Letter of request for an open bar reception on Saturday, October 22, 2011, for 150 people. Attached is a letter of request with details for the reception from the groom, Ryan Kewatt, with approximately 150 guests. They will have either a member of the VFW or a responsible family member serve the alcohol. B. Letter of request for an open bar reception serving beer and wine, on November 5, 2011 for approximately 160 guests. Attached is a letter of request from the renter with details. C. Letter of request for a reduced rental rate for a once a month meeting of the Punschklubben, Swedish men's club submitted by Columbia Heights resident Charles Sanders. Attached is a letter with details of the Punschklubben group and activities during their meetings. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Ramsdell Park updates Public Works Staff will update on the progress of Ramsdell Park. Discuss Ramsdell Park as a possible meeting site for the October Park & Recreation Commission meeting. B. Future Park Development Public Works Staff will discuss future park development options. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. REPORTS A. LaBelle Park closing time Attached is a letter with correspondence from a resident regarding concerns with the LaBelle Park closing time. A. Recreation Director B. Public Works Director /City Engineer C. Commission Members The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706 -3611, to make arrangements. (TDD /706 -3692 for deaf only). City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission June 8, 2011 Eileen Evans called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. at Huset Park West. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Tom Greenhalgh; Justin Grossing; Stan Hoium; David Payne; Marsha Stroik Staff Present: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director /City Engineer; Gary Peterson, Mayor; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director; Deanna Saefke, Secretary APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Stroik, second by Payne, to approve the consent agenda. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. LETTERS AND REQUESTS A. Letter of request for an open bar reception on Sunday September 4 2011 usine a licensed caterer with a liquor license. Windschitl discussed the details of the request. He stated that the vendor is legitimate and willing to serve the alcohol along with catering the food at a discount for the client. Hoium asked about using the Lion's Club when there are more than 275. Windschitl replied that this renter is requesting to use a licensed vendor instead of the Lion's Club, but all drinks will be purchased through The Red Sea Bar & Restaurant, given to the guests for free. He feels that this will be a responsible event with the venue taking responsibility for the alcohol. The vendor will be required to provide a liquor license, catering license and serve the alcohol during the event. Payne indicated the concern for the number of guests, that this will take away a bar and potential money from the Lion's Club, but also does not want to lose the client either. Windschitl replied that the renter indicated they would try to find another location to use this vendor if this request was not approved. He stated that a Sunday in September is not a commonly rented day. Evans suggested that if the client does not provide a catering and liquor license from The Red Sea Restaurant then they must use the Lion's Club for the alcohol services. Motion by Payne, second by Hoium, to allow an open bar for September 4, 2011 with The Red Sea Restaurant being required to show a copy of their catering license and liquor license prior to the event. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. B. Letter of request for an open bar reception on July 31 2011 for approximately 150- 200 ug ests. Windschitl indicated that the client is serving beer and wine with many guests not drinking alcohol. They are residents of Columbia Heights, have rented the facility in the past and will be again in the next year. The client has provided a special event insurance policy listing the City as additional insured. Evans suggested requiring the renters to use Park & Recreation Commission June 8, 2011 Page 2 a trained bartender whether it is one that is preapproved or hire a bartender suggested by Murzyn Hall Staff. Motion by Hoium, second by Payne, to allow an open bar for July 31, 2011 provided that the renter use a trained bartender. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Ramsdell Park updates Hansen indicated that construction has just begun. City Staff has removed what playground equipment could be salvaged and used in other parks. Construction work will be conducted from the inside out to minimize disruption along Johnson Street. Hansen indicated that the completion date is projected at August 15` The August or September Park & Recreation Meeting could be held at Ramsdell Park with a grand opening. Hansen pointed out that the Police want to move the Curtis Ramsdell memorial from City Hall to Ramsdell Park. The Cooperative Cost Share Agreement was settled with the School District. Stroik asked about colors for the shelter. Hansen replied that it was previously mentioned to stay with the same colors as other shelters within the City or to use a blue color to match it in with the school. After viewing the colors it was decided to stay with the existing colors. Stroik asked about the playground style and colors. Hansen replied that the equipment is from Game Time, it will be a different style than that at Huset Park West and the colors will be more greens and browns with the same burgundy posts. NEW BUSINESS None at this time. REPORTS A. Recreation Director Windschitl reported the facility maintenance supervisor that was hired recently was located at Murzyn Hall and the City Manager has decided to move his office to City Hall as to better fit the position of supervisor for the full City buildings. Windschitl is now hiring for part-time positions during different hours of the day, This position would cover shifts for the cleanup or set up of an event in the morning, afternoon, evening or weekend times. The Hylander Center attendance numbers are increasing. A lot of adults use it in the mornings and at night for the fitness center or open gym in the evenings. Evans asked who supervises the facility at night. Windschitl replied that it is an employee who has worked for the Recreation Department for a few years and does a good job with the groups in the evenings. B. Public Works Director /City Engineer Hansen had nothing to report. Park & Recreation Commission June 8, 2011 Page 3 C. Commission Members Hoium asked about the results from a prior rental of Murzyn Hall for a 15 birthday party. Windschitl replied that with the large amount of kids at the party there is a lot of mess with a major problem being gum. Many of these types of parties are paying out of the damage deposit for the additional clean up needed the next day. It has helped having the Lion's Club do the bartending for the alcohol. Commission Members agreed with taking money for the additional cleanup when a mess is left behind. Payne thanked Windschitl for moving the Columbia Heights Athletic Boosters wagon for recent events. ADJOURNMENT Evans adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. to conduct a dedication to the donators of the Huset Park West playground and memorial recognition for former Commission Member Jerry Foss. Deanna Saefke, Recreation Clerk Typist II EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - 2011 MAY Date Vendor Item Amount Account 9-May-1 1 Trio Supply Company roll towel dispenser $37.41 2171 9-May-1 1 Menards marker, door bolt $6.20 2171 9-May-1 I Discount Steel Inc bolt for toilet mount $5.97 2171 25-May-1 1 Trio Supply Company Replace beater bar, belt $132.53 2171 9-May-1 1 Shamrock Group Pop & CO2 for bar $216.55 2990 23-May-1 I Shamrock Group Pop for bar $57.751 2990 9-May-1 1 JG4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 4/16 -23/11 $417.31 3050 23-May-1 1 G4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 4/28 - 5/6/11 $239.03 3050 23-May-1 1 Marco, Inc Phones stem Sppt $145.11 3050 18-May-11 Qwest Communications May telephone $90.05 3210 18-May-1 I MN Dept Admin Telephone $153.88 3210 31-May-1 1 11 Pop & Liab Ins Alloc 2011 Insurance $593.08 3600 31-May-1 1 U/B City Prop Sec 6/10/11 water $277.87 3820 11-May-1 I Center Point Energy Gas $828.791 3830 31 -May-1 I I U/B City Prop Sec Sewer $485.54 3850 9-May-1 1 Orkin Inc Pest Control 041911 $105.00 4020 9-May-1 1 Cardinal Services Toilet re ari JPM $110.00 4020 9-May-1 I G &K Services Inc wet, dry mops, linens $205.13 4100 23-May-1 1 G &K Services Inc napkins blue $57.71 4100 Total $4,164.91 EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - 2011 June Date Vendor Item Amount Account 1- Jun -11 Menards garden hose, caulk, batteries $42.08 2171 8- Jun -11 Golden Valley Supply Cc vin (rock ceiling tile $19.58 2171 22- Jun -11 Menards bolts, washers for door $12.32 2171 1- Jun -11 Shamrock pop for JPM $46.20 2990 15- Jun -11 Shamrock pop for JPM $92.40 2990 22- Jun -11 Shamrock pop & CO2 for JPM $93.151 2990 29- Jun -11 Shamrock CO2 tank for JPM $12.00 2990 1- Jun -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 5/14/11 $97.95 3050 8- Jun -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 5/20 -22/11 $436.91 3050 22- Jun -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 6/4/11 $107.75 3050 29- Jun -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 6/9 -10/11 $407.51 3050 8- Jun -11 MN Dept of Admin telephone $153.88 3210 30- Jun -11 Prop & Liab Ins Alloc Insurance $593.08 3600 1- Jun -11 Xcel Energy Electric $2,001.88 3810 22- Jun -11 Center Point Energy as $413.86 3830 1- Jun -11 Floors Northwest Inc Glitza floor finish JPM $1,317.29 4020 1- Jun -11 Orkin Inc Pest Control JPM 051711 $105.00 4020 1- Jun -11 G &K Services Inc mops, dust mops $30.72 4020 1- Jun -11 Renewed Hardwood Floors labor refinishing floor $1,000.00 4020 8- Jun -11 All Safe Fire & Security fire extin uisher sery $88.021 4020 8- Jun -11 NSI Mechanical Contracting JPM Maint 0511 -0811 $1,958.25 4020 15- Jun -11 Tru reen Chemlawn Ispring weed & feed JPM $58.36 4020 8- Jun -11 G &K Services Inc mo s wet & dry, linens $216.34 4100 15- Jun -11 G &K Services Inc mo s wet & dry, linens $91.63 4100 22- Jun -11 G &K Services Inc I mops wet & dry, linens $90.76 4100 Total $9,486.92 EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - 2011 Jul Date Vendor Item Amount Account 6- Jul -11 Trio Supply Company bags, cleaner, towel, t , bucket $1,199.40 2171 27- Jul -11 Voss Lighting office & hall lights $301.07 2171 20- Jul -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 06/17/11 $137.13 3050 27- Jul -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security 07/2 -3/11 $362.45 3050 20- Jul -11 Qwest Communications telephone $166.53 3210 27- Jul -11 Qwest Communications telephone $13.391 3210 31- Jul -11 Prop & Liab Ins Alloc insurance $593.08 3600 6- Jul -11 Xcel Energy electric $1,914.18 3810 20- Jul -11 Xcel Energy electric $2,961.06 3810 6- Jul -11 Center Point Energy as $177.54 3830 13- Jul -11 Schindler Elevator Corp revent main 0711 -0612 $636.24 4020 13- Jul -11 NSI Mechanical Contracting re ari a/c unit $267.00 4020 20- Jul -11 Orkin Inc pest control JPM $105.00 4020 13- Jul -11 G &K Services Inc wet d mops, linens $105.13 4100 20- Jul -11 G &K Services Inc wet & d mops $15.09 4100 27- Jul -11 JG&K Services Inc 1wet & dry mops 1 $15.091 4100 Total $8,969.38 August EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - 2011 Date Vendor Item Amount Account 31-Aug-1 I Trio Supply Cc Mop buckets $162.45 2171 31-Aug-1 I Windschitl /Keith Paint for JPMhall $117.84 2171 3-Aug-1 1 Shamrock Group Pop and CO2 for JPM $158.45 2990 3-Aug-1 1 G4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 7/4 & 7/16 $366.98 3050 10 -Au -11 G4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 7/22 $166.52 3050 24-Aug-1 1 G4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 730 & 7/31 $340.041 3050 31 -Aug-1 1 G4S Secure Solutions Security JPM 8/12/11 $235.08 3050 3-Aug-1 1 MN Dept. Admin Telephone $239.12 3210 3-Aug-1 1 Twin City Bridal Twin City Bridal 2012 membership $495.00 3430 31 -Aug-1 1 11 Prop & Liab Ins Alloc Insurance $593.08 3600 24-Aug-11 Xcel Energy Electric $293.72 3810 31 -Aug-1 1 Xcel Energy Electric $2,773.38 3810 10 -Au -11 Center Point Energy Gas $96.18 3830 3-Aug-1 1 NSI Mechanical Contracting Repair A/C JPM $267.00 4020 31 -Au -11 Firenet Systems, Inc Repair Fire Alam JPM $147.00 4020 31 -Aug-1 1 Orkin Inc Pest control $105.00 4020 31 -Aug-1 I Tee Jay North Inc Re ari JPM Front door $603.32 4020 3-Aug-1 1 G & K Services Inc Wet/Dry Mops, linens $113.54 4100 31 -Aug-1 1 G & K Services Inc Wet/Dry Mops, linens $183.27 4100 31 -Aug-1 1 CC Fee Allocation 8/11 CC Fee 8/11 $45.19 4310 Total 1 $7,502.16 Page 1 of 1 Deanna Saefke - Re: Fw: Re: Oct 22 Murzyn Hall From: Deanna Saefke To: ryan kewatt Subject: Re: Fw: Re: Oct 22 Murzyn Hall - -- On Mon, 7/18/11, ryan kewatt <rkewatt123@yahoo,com> wrote: From: ryan kewatt <rkewatt123 @yahoo.com> Subject: Re: Oct 22 Murzyn Hall To: "Deanna Saefke" < Deanna. Saefke @ci.columbia - heights.mn.us> Date: Monday, July 18, 2011, 4:01 PM Dear Park & Recreation Commision I am requesting to have an open bar at Murzyn hall on October 22nd 2011. We are estimating 150 guests, this will be a responsible event that will be serving beer, pop, and very little self brought hard liqour. At this time we haven't decided if a member of the VFW will be serving or a responsible member of the family will be doing it. If you need confirmation of who is serving please let me know. Ryan Kewatt about:blank 8/30/2011 John P. Murzyn Hall Attn: Deanna Saefke 530 Mill Street Columbia Heights, MN 55421 To: Park and Recreation Commission, This letter is to inform you of our wedding reception being held at John P. Murzyn Hall on November 5`" 2011. We will have approximately 160 people attend the reception. We would like to have the bar open at 5:30 dinner will be served as well. Our Reception will go until midnight and we plan to have coffee available for guests and will be closing the bar down at 11 pm. We have enlisted the help of a Lion's Club member by the name of Stan Hoium. This is a responsible member of the community, who has agreed to not drink and will serve the alcohol the evening of the reception. He has also agreed to card all people requesting alcohol to make sure they are of age to consume it. We are having an open bar of only beer and wine. Pop, water and coffee will also be served. Page 1 of 1 Deanna Lounge rental From: Deanna Saefke To: Charles Sanders Subject: Re: La Belle Lounge rental fee >>> Charles Sanders <mtkaskipper @yahoo,com> 9/19/20116:50 PM >>> Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commisson Hi, My name is Charles Sanders, I have been a resident of Columbia Heights for eleven years. I am writting to you on behalf of a club that I am a member of called Punschklubben. We are a Swedish mens' club that meets once a month to have a traditional Thursday evening meal of yellow pea soup and swedish pancakes, and to celebrate Swedish culture and language. We have met several times at Murzyn Hall and have been pleased with the facility as it meets our needs and has a fairly central twin cities location. We would like to continue to meet there with more frequency in the future. Like all organizations these days, we are experiencing increased financial stress in our attempts to keep the club viable. Some of our members have been suggesting we meet somewhere else. Others, including myself have been advocating Murzyn Hall as our best option. To assist in meeting this goal, I would like to request a 50% reduction in the rental fee we are currently paying. We do have to bring in some items you do not currently have,(ex. bowls), but we do all our own clean up, and treat the facility with care and respect. I gratefully thank you for any consideration that you can give us in this matter. This club has been in existance for almost 30 years with no negative incidents and is a very responsible group. As a potential benefit to Murzyn Hall, and the city, we bring in people from all over the metropoltain area, most of whom were not previously familiar with this area and its offerings. Recently, at one of our meetings there, one of our members told me that the main reason he came that night was to check out Murzyn Hall as he was looking for a place, for another group he was in, to meet. On behalf of the members of Punschklubben, I Thank you again for considering this request. I would also like to say thank you to all the staff of Murzyn Hall for all of their help, Sincerely Charles Sanders about:blank 9/20/2011 Hi Bobby, If you remember me, Dave Hase, I used to live at 3824 Van Buren St. You had come by years ago and spoke with my Mom and myself. You like my Coca -Cola ad in the kitchen too. I have sold the house and my Mom passed away in April. I now live in LaBelle Park II condos and directly behind my building is a basketball court. A poor design as the noise bounces off buildings on 3 sides. I understand LaBelle was slated to be renovated in 2011 but now it may be 2012. 1 have discussed this with Kevin Hansen and told him I would be interested in assisting in any way. In the meantime, I do not understand why any city park would need to be open past 10:00 pm. This is quite disturbing to neighbors and last night there was a group of youth bouncing a basketball at 10:35 at night! Try to sleep through that! I would like to see the park hours changed to suit the neighborhoods. Please let me know what I need to do to get this discussed and changed. Thanks! Dave Hase 1011- 41 Ave. NE #306 763 -788 -5735 Dave, I understand your concern for the late night basketball. Our City Ordinance states that parks are open until 11:00 p.m. The reason they are is because some of our active parks have men's softball in them until 10:15 or 10:30 p.m. We could bring this up to our Park and Recreation Commission at their next meeting. We can discuss this issue and see what other options there are. If you want to attend the next meeting it will be September 28. I can let you know more when we get closer. Thanks, Keith Keith Windschitl Recreation Director City of Columbia Heights 530 Mill St. NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 (763) 706 -3732 Hi Keith, Thanks for the response in regards to the basketball court noise late in the evening. I always thought the parks closed by 10:00 but wasn't aware of the softball hours. Of course, basketball is quite noisy with the constant bouncing of the ball. But what makes it much worse at LaBelle is the location of the court. I have been in contact with Kevin Hansen about this issue and also have stated to him I would be glad to be the neighborhood contact in regards to the redevelopment of LaBelle Park. I believe it is coming into issue in 2012. The court at LaBelle has one wing of my building (1011) on the west side of the court, and the other wing of 1011 on the north side with 1000 building on the south side. So, being surrounded on virtually 3 sides, it tends to amplify the basketball noise. I have had feedback from many other residents that would like to see the court moved to the east end of the 1011 building, next to the swings and other equipment. I believe that would help a lot as the court will not be surrounded by 3 story buildings for the noise to be amplified and bounce off of. We will see how that pans out on the redevelopment of the park. Thanks! DAVF HAV