HomeMy WebLinkAboutjan-12-agendaCITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA TRAINING ROOM, PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2011 5:30 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL 2. CONSENT AGENDA These items listed are considered to be routine by the Park & Recreation Commission and will be enacted as part of the consent agenda by one motion. A. Approval of November 17, 2010 Minutes B. Approval Payment of Bills LETTERS AND REQUESTS A. Letter of appreciation regarding the Tobacco Free Policy Attached is a letter of appreciation regarding the Tobacco Free Policy and the responsiveness of the Park & Recreation Commission from resident Grace Lee. 4. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. REPORTS None at this time. A. Recreation Director B. Public Works Director /City Engineer C. Commission Members 7. PUBLIC MEETING 6:00 P.M. A. 2011 Ramsdell Park Design Development Attached are the Memo, Design Development Estimate and Plan from Staff. 8. ADJOURNMENT The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706 -3611, to make arrangements. (TDDn06 -3692 for deaf only). City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission November 17, 2010 Eileen Evans called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Tom Greenhalgh; Justin Grussing; Stan Hoium; Kevin McDonald; Marsha Stroik Staff Present: Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director /City Engineer; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director; Deanna Saefke, Secretary; Gary Peterson, Mayor Also Present: Brittney McFadden, Tobacco -Free Youth Recreation Program; Kevin Moe, observing Graduate Student APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Stroik, second by Hoium, to approve the consent agenda. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. LETTERS AND REQUESTS A. Request for an open bar on April 9, 2010 for a wedding reception B. Request for an open bar on February 12, 2011 for a wedding reception Windschitl indicated that this date changed to February 5, 2011. Windschitl replied both receptions fall into the criteria of operating a responsible, professional bar. The first reception is expecting around 200 people and the second reception around 175 people. Both receptions indicated having a responsible bartender. Motion by Hoium, second by McDonald, to approve request A & B to hold open bars for the wedding receptions on April 9, 2011 & February 5, 2011. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Tobacco -Free Park Policy Windschitl reminded the Commission from the previous meeting of the decision to take the City of Biwabik policy and critiqued it to our scenario. He stated the goal being to keep the smoking away from the youth areas in our park system. In particular the playground, park shelter, ball field areas where youth events are occurring, the beach, volleyball and wading pool areas. He indicated there were a few things removed from the Biwabik policy; one of them being the enforcement part because we do not have a park police program or have extra time in our police department for enforcement. The signage will be posted with the hope that residents will take an active part in some of their own enforcement. Windschitl indicated this subject was brought up by a resident because while she was at a City park with her child some one was smoking near the playground and wanted to say some thing but didn't due to a lack of signage and a policy. Park & Recreation Commission November 17, 2010 Page 2 Windschitl introduced Brittney McFadden from the Tobacco Free Youth Recreation Program if any Members had questions for her. She is attending the meeting instead of Derek Larson. Windschitl sent a copy of the policy to Larson to verify that requirements were met for the free signage from the organization. Larson replied that the criteria were met. McFadden discussed the usage of the three different types of signs that are offered by the Tobacco Free Youth Recreation Program. Windschitl stated that in most cases the tobacco restricting during youth activities will fit in most areas of the Parks. The Commission decided to use the "Tobacco Use is Not Allowed During Youth Activities" sign in majority of postings, and to use the "No Tobacco Use on This Park Property" sign as a secondary sign in specific areas designated for youth only activities. Motion by Grussing, second by Stroik, to adopt the Tobacco Free Park Policy. For Staff to determine the best use of the two signs "Tobacco Use is Not Allowed During Youth Activities" and "No Tobacco Use on This Park Property" as appropriate within the City Park system. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS A. Skating Rinks 2010/2011 Hansen reported Staff is beginning to prepare the ice rinks for the 2010/2011 Season. Beginning around seven years ago the number of rinks had been narrowed down to four parks due to budget cuts. Over the past few years the Parks crew has been observing usage of the rinks. Ostrander, Keyes and McKenna Parks are the primary parks with programs and consistent usage. Gauvitte Park does not have consistent usage. Staff is recommending not to make ice at that Park because there are no Recreation programs there and the three year observation indicates little to no usage. Evans asked about ice at Huset Park. Hansen replied that there was a special request last year for a community festival but besides that there is no ice maintained at Huset Park. Stroik asked if the warming houses will not be open. Hansen replied that was eliminated years ago due to budget cuts. Windschitl indicated that residents can apply for a park permit to use a warming house for winter activities or parties. Hansen indicated the three warming houses may be used upon request. Evans asked if the heat is turned off during the winter. Hansen replied that the buildings are heated minimally to prevent freezing, otherwise they would need to be winterized. McDonald asked if using volunteers to supervise the warming houses would work. Windschitl indicated that a background check would still need to be completed on a volunteer working with youth and that a staff person would still need to supervise the volunteer and the building. Motion by McDonald, second by Stroik, to open the ice rinks at Ostrander Park, Keyes Park and McKenna Park. To no longer make and maintain the ice rink at Gauvitte Park due to lack of use. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. Park & Recreation Commission November 17, 2010 Page 3 B. John P. Murzyn Hall 2012 rental rates Windschitl indicated a proposed change in the John P. Murzyn Hall rental rates of 5% on Saturdays in 2012. For 2011 majority of the Saturdays are currently reserved. Fridays and Sundays are typically a later booking as the Saturdays become unavailable. Windschitl indicated that a 25% resident discount is still available. Motion by Greenhalgh, second by Hoium, to approve the new rates for 2012 and rental standards as done in the past for John P. Murzyn Hall. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion Carried. REPORTS A. Recreation Director Windschitl indicated he will be giving a report on the Hylander usage and finances to the City Council in the next week. The latest edition of the Heights Happenings City newsletter had more information about using the gym and fitness room at the Hylander Center. He indicated that usage has increased during the mornings and the evening numbers have decreased since school has started, Youth Basketball will be using the Gym on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays but the fitness center will still be available for use to adults. The gym and fitness room will remain open on Wednesday evenings. Windschitl indicated the costs for maintenance and utilities has been less than projected. The hope is for more people to find out about the opportunities and take advantage of using the facility. Windschitl indicated the scheduled December Park & Recreation Commission meeting falls on the Wednesday prior to the Christmas vacation and would like to move the date up by one week to the 15 The Commission agreed that December 15 would work for the next meeting if needed. Evans asked when the City Council approves the budget. Peterson replied December 13. Windschitl indicated the Recreation Department had less than a 1% increase with step increases and annual increases budgeted with unions. He stated the format was changed to more of a City wide presentation to the Council on each Departments budget. Windschitl invited the Commission to stop in his office if they wanted to review the budget. Hansen indicated that all Departments were at or under a 1% increase. The water and storm sewer was at a negative increase. Peterson stated the Council will have a work session on the budget on November 29 and the Commission is invited. B. Public Works Director /CitLEngineer Hansen indicated the Huset Park memorial sign for Jerry Foss should be delivered this week and will be placed at the shelter. Windschitl asked what the sign will be made out of. Hansen replied aluminum. The Huset Park playground recognition sign will be changed slightly. Company logos are extremely hard to get and would need to be in a high definition in order to be placed on the sign. He indicated the sign will be slightly smaller than planned, around four feet by two and a half feet. An example of the updated sign was passed around. Stroik asked Park & Recreation Commission November 17, 2010 Page 4 for the cost of the sign. Hansen replied it should be less due to the decrease in size. Stroik asked where the sign will be placed. Hansen replied by the playground. Hansen asked if there are any thoughts on continuing to refer to Huset Park as the East or West side. Saefke replied that when people reserve the shelter or the Jefferson building Staff refers to the sides of Huset Park as the East with the building or the West with the new shelter. The building and the shelter are separate rentals. Windschitl replied that should continue internally but to the public to keep the whole park listed as Huset Park. Hansen indicated the Public Works staffing is down by three people. One position, a streets maintenance worker will not be filled in the near future. Tim Lurid, Park Foreman, will be out with a major surgery for at least six to eight weeks. A utilities employee will be out for three to five months undergoing cancer treatments. Evans asked how many trucks are put out for snow plowing. Hansen replied that it depends on the snow fall. Hansen stated the Sullivan Lake trail has been fixed. All work was done in- house, they pulled back the wall and repaved the trail. In the Spring the trail will be widened to ten feet. Peterson indicated he received a compliment from a resident on the tree trimming and trail work. C. Commission Members Peterson informed the Commission that the former Fire Department garage will be turned into a Golden Glove Gym. Evans asked who will run the gym. Peterson replied Brian Clerkin. The program will be open mostly for older kids and primarily only for youth. Evans asked if City Staff would be responsible. Peterson indicated no, City Staff will not be involved. Stroik asked if the group is renting from the City. Peterson replied yes, they will be covering the utilities. Greenhalgh asked when the railings on the Central Avenue pedestrian bridge will be installed. Hansen indicated the railings will be delivered tomorrow for the switchback and for the helix on November 30. Evans asked how many students used the bridge since it has been open. Hansen replied that all students used the bridge during the first week because police were patrolling the intersection. Pedestrian counts were done prior to the work being done on the bridge and the average is 300 students per day. A PR/Media campaign was done throughout the schools on the importance of using the bridge and all crosswalks because there are accidents every year. ADJOURNMENT Evans adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Deanna Saefke, Recreation Clerk Typist II 110810 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTN 2.14 COLORED PAPER,TAPE 101 -45200 2000 110810 S & T OFFICE PRODUCTS IN 6.03 COPY PAPER 101 -45200 2000 112210 FLANAGAN SALES INC 2,088.70 32 GAL RECYCLING CAN 101 -45200 2010 112210 SHI INC 31.53 OFFICE 2007 LICENSE 101 -45200 2011 110810 HEINRICH ENVELOPE CORP 9.76 WINDOW ENVELOPES 101 -45200 2030 110810 CERES ENVIRONMENTAL SRV( 1,619.16 RED HARDWOOD MULCH 101 -45200 2160 110810 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT 2,614.38 42A WEAR ASPHALT 101 -45200 2160 112410 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER- 56.05 3X100 SILT FENCE LABELLE 101 -45200 2160 110810 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER- 15.94 RESPIRATORS 101 -45200 2171 112210 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER- 16.99 ANTIFREEZE - SULLIVAN BLDG 101 -45200 2171 112210 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER- 11.16 TREE WRAP 101 -45200 2171 112210 NORTHERN SANITARY SUPPLY 20.36 GRAFFITI REMOVER 101 -45200 2171 112210 S & T OFFICE PRODUCTS IN 6.34 ROLL TOWELS 101 -45200 2171 112210 LYLE SIGNS INC 160.31 12 PARK CLOSED SIGNS 101 -45200 2171 110810 G & K SERVICES INC 35.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 101 -45200 2172 110810 G & K SERVICES INC 35.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 101 -45200 2172 112210 G & K SERVICES INC 35.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 101 -45200 2172 112210 G & K SERVICES INC 35.99 UNIFORM RENTAL 101 -45200 2172 111710 FETZER /KELLY 150.00 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT 101 -45200 2173 112210 BRAUER & ASSOCIATES LTD 4,119.50 RAMSDELL PARK DESIGN 101 -45200 3050 110810 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 63.00 110110 SFTY,ENVIR SVC 101 -45200 3105 111010 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIO 375.00 SKILLSET ASSESS PARKS 101 -45200 3105 110810 T- MOBILE INC 20.80 102010 563705899 101 -45200 3211 110810 T- MOBILE INC 20.80 102010 563706594 101 -45200 3211 113010 10 PROP & LIAB INS ALLOC 1,610.67 10 PROP & LIAB INS ALLOC 101 -45200 3600 113010 CITY U/B OCT 2010 836.89 UTILITIES- AUG,SEP,OCT 101 -45200 3820 113010 CITY U/B OCT 2010 57.10 UTILITIES- AUG,SEP,OCT 101 -45200 3820 113010 CITY U/B OCT 2010 248.12 UTILITIES- AUG,SEP,OCT 101 -45200 3850 112210 MARCO, INC 3.78 MAINT 102810- 112710 101 -45200 4000 110810 NSI MECHANICAL CONTRACTI 457.58 MOTOR ASSEMBLY RAMSDELL 101 -45200 4020 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 378.34 SAT RENT 10/10 HUSET 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 128.25 SAT RENT 10/10 SULLIVAN 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 128.25 SAT RENT 10/10 SILVER LK 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 49.16 SAT RENT 10/10 MCKENNA 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 49.16 SAT RENT 10/10 KEYS PK 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 49.16 SAT RENT 10/10 LABELLE 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 49.16 SAT RENT 10/10 GAUVITTE 101 -45200 4100 110810 ON SITE SANITATION INC 49.16 SAT RENT 10/10 PRESTEMON 101 -45200 4100 112210 ON SITE SANITATION INC 64.13 SAT RENT 11/10 SILVER LK 101 -45200 4100 112210 ON SITE SANITATION INC 24.58 SAT RENT 11/10 GAUVITTE 101 -45200 4100 112210 ON SITE SANITATION INC 24.58 SAT RENT 11/10 PRESTEMON 101 -45200 4100 113010 10 GARAGE SPACE ALLOC 5,244.25 10 GARAGE SPACE ALLOC 101 -45200 4100 21,004.23 101.45200 Total 113010 10 PROP & LIAB INS ALLOC 125.42 10 PROP & LIAB INS ALLOC 412 -45200 3600 125.42 412 -45200 Total 21,129.65 Grand Total NOVEMBER EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - 2010 Date IVendor Item I Amount Account 8- Nov -10 Menards 8- Nov -10 Minvalco Inc Teflon tape, screws, bits, caulk Tool tamper proof bits Lamp thermal protectors Lights, detergent JPM Security 10/16, 10/23, 10/23 Telephone Insurance Clean JPM Hood Wet & Dry Mops Wet & Dry Mops $82.20 $27.43 $106.88 $21.21 $353.71 $89.78 $593.08 $304.60 $45.27 $15.09 2171 2171 2171 2171 3050 3210 3600 4020 4100 4100 22- Nov -10 Viking Electric Supply 22- Nov -10 Menards 8- Nov -10 Wackenhut Corporation 3- Nov -10 Qwest Communications 30- Nov -10 10 Prop & Liab Ins Alloc 8- Nov -10 Precision Cleaning Inc 8- Nov -10 G &K Services In 22- Nov -10 G &K Services In Total $1,639.25 MEMO CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Kevin Hansen, Director of Public Works DATE: January 6, 2011 for Commission meeting of January 12, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011 Ramsdell Park Master Plan In 2008, the Park & Recreation Commission went through a process of public input and review, forming a basis for the creation of Master Plan for the redevelopment of Ramsdell Park completed and approved by the City Council at the end of 2008. While budgeted for construction in 2009 and 2010 Capital Improvements, the project was delayed in each of those years due to budget constraints. The City Council authorized the planning firm of Brauer and Associates to design and prepare Construction plans for Ramsdell Park for 2011 construction year. Approximately $300,000 is available in the Park Development Fund in 2011. Based on the Master Plan, attached please find the Design Development Plan for review and input. As has been conducted for the design development of both Silver Lake Beach and Sullivan Parks, the Master Plan identifies ultimate park development, while the design development will prioritize improvements based on available funding. Based on the Master Plan, the attached estimate details the recommended improvements and cost range for each. The priority recommended by staff to be included in the base bid is listed as follows: ➢ Ballfield ➢ Playground area (equipment purchased in 2010) ➢ Parking areas ➢ Stormwater treatment/site utilities (required) ➢ Walking trail ➢ Site Restoration The Commission may want to consider other improvements for alternate bids that were included in the Master Plan: ➢ Walking trail lighting ➢ Park shelter on concrete pad: $30,000 ➢ New concrete perimeter deck for wading pool: $20,000 ➢ Water service connections: $6,000 ➢ Drinking fountain: $6,000 ➢ Agg -lime outfield warning track & fencing: $27,500 ➢ Ballfield Irrigation: $15,000 ➢ Ballfield Batting Cage: $8,000 ➢ Ballfield Scoreboard: $9,000 ➢ Athletic Field Lighting: $90,000 ➢ Additional landscaping / site screening Other future improvements are identified as parking lot expansion and an in- ground concrete skate park — both on ISD 13 owned property. KRH:kh RAMSDELL PARK DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ESTIMATE City of Columbia Heights, MN General Site Construction: Removals General earthwork & erosion control Infiltration basins (stormwater treatment — required) Specialty basin soils Herbaceous plugs Wood fiber blanket Draintile New parking areas Asphalt pavement Concrete curbs Parking lot & site stormwater utilities Drainage improvements from Cul -De -Sac Restoration & landscaping Electrical Work Total: ................................ $210,000 — $235,000 Park Improvements: Playground Concrete walks Concrete curbs Equipment & installation Wood fiber surfacing Rubber surfacing Benches Draintile Asphalt trails, concrete walks & stairs Ballfield: Concrete pavement Agg -lime infield & warning track Backstop 8' high foulline fencing Players benches (2) Total: ................................ $125,000 — $150,000 Possible Alternates: Shelter building on concrete pad Water service connections Drinking fountain Agg -lime outfield warning track & fencing Ballfield Irrigation Ballfield Batting Cage Ballfield Scoreboard Total: .................................. $75,000 — $100,000 Page 1 - ITY OF COLUMBIA HE 1 ml "R os 0 R- n � � o A { D Z m Z m 2 . ° � ry' oP 0 0 J w A n H N_ O I F N % ova a a G I �3r `Y .'.� s � EL � 'a Q b c ° 5 N j J M _ 3 N N N N N Ib y, N N �• �'S4 a m a 3 3 � 0 6 O N C N N G S' ° nb N do N 5 1 A d has€ o o. t d Q.j A �Z v d N J nn . JOHNSON STREET NE 30m 6 — N (0 £ Ip N N F X0 3 �3r `Y .'.� s � EL � 'a Q b c ° 5 N j J M _ 3 N N N N N Ib y, N N �• �'S4 a m a 3 3 � 0 6 O N C N N G S' ° nb N do N ast 0 acT'Po T � J J_ J s G j N N 9� i� O S '° of N° N O 0 ��"siJO F °mo � ry a� � Sa�3 p c 630 as �. vmfJifa N a � J g O d V A ° ry ° SQ N c. C 031 �Z nn . JOHNSON STREET NE i J , ast 0 acT'Po T � J J_ J s G j N N 9� i� O S '° of N° N O 0 ��"siJO F °mo � ry a� � Sa�3 p c 630 as �. vmfJifa N a � J g �Z JOHNSON STREET NE i