HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 6, 2010
October 6, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chair Patricia Sowada, at 6:30 p.m. Members present were: Nancy Hoium,
Patricia Sowada, Barbara Tantanella, Lynette Thomson, and Catherine Vesley. Also present: City Council
Representative Bruce Kelzenberg, Becky Loader, Stacey Hendren and Friends of the Library member Bob Odden.
The minutes of the August 4, 2010, Board meeting were approved as mailed.
The minutes of the September 2010, Board meeting were approved as mailed.
The bill list dated 8/23/10 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that the bills be paid.
The bill list dated 9/13/10 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that the bills be paid.
The bill list dated 9/27/10 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that the bills be paid.
The bill list dated 10/11/10 was reviewed from the floor. It was moved, seconded and passed that the bills be
The 2010 accounting dated 10/6/10 was reviewed.
Old Business:
1. Loader presented the proposed 2011 budget booklet to the Board. A page-by-page summary was given
highlighting the Maintenance of Effort figures, proposed General Building expenditures, Library revenue
and expenditures and the breakdown by detail. The first budget hearing with the City Council will take
place on October 12, 2010, and Finance Director Bill Elrite has developed a new format for the budget
presentation. Loader has created a 2-page summary that divides the budget into categories based on
essential items, required items, necessary items, and essential general maintenance.
2. A question was raised about approval of bills and minutes via email. Based on a recommendation from
the City Attorney, all items were re-approved this month.
New Business:
1. The crossover statistics for July were reviewed. It was noted that this month’s circulation is over 13,000.
Total Interlibrary Loan’s for 2010 have already surpassed the 2009 number according to Ramon Gomez,
Library Clerk.
2. Due to recommendations from staff, a survey was conducted to determine the most desirable day for Staff
Day 2011. The Closed and Holiday Schedule has been revised to reflect the new date, Thursday, May 12,
Hoium made a motion to accept the revised holiday and closed day schedule. The motion was carried.
3. The Library recently underwent an insurance appraisal of the building and its contents. The insurance
rate of the appraisal is based on replacement value and the rate will reflect the increased value.
4. The Board discussed the changes in how libraries are imaging themselves, and appreciated the article
from the MN League of Cities.
5. Police Chief Nadeau thanked the Library for their recent participation at the community picnics. Loader
stated the Library appreciated the opportunity to meet the public in a setting where all City services were
represented. Toys and tattoos were given out as well as information on the many services the Library
provides. The Board appreciated the note from Chief Nadeau and the opportunity provided.
6. The Board appreciated the article on Libraries and technology. The Board discussed the constant desire
of the public for more technology, and the Libraries role in providing hardware vs. product.
7. The Federal State Aid Law may reduce the probability of unallotment reductions to City aid this
December. The Board discussed how the Library budget no longer relies on LGA and how any funds
received would affect the City. Finance Director Bill Elrite will keep us apprised of any new
Items from the Floor:
2. The Library Board meeting schedule for 2011 was presented to the Board. All meetings will take place
on the first Wednesday of the month.
3. Loader presented a copy of the thank you letter sent to Linda Ernst for the purchase of a CD for the
Library collection. The CD features the Shangilia Youth Choir of Kenya, which performed in Columbia
Heights as part of the 21 Century grant.
4. The Board was notified that on September 29, 2010 a police report was filed after the Library’s cleaner
found the front door unlocked after closing time. An officer was called and the building secured.
5. The Southwest emergency door has been replaced. A steel plate on the bottom of the door was added as
extra protection from the elements.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey R. Hendren
Secretary, Library Board of Trustees.
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