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2009 Resolution list
RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-01 Interfund Transfers & Interfund loan terms 1-12-09 2009-02 Feas. Report Street Rehab Zone 4 1-12-09 2009-03 Feas. Report Seal Coating Zone 1C and 3B 1-12-09 2009-04 Adopt Water Emergency and Conservation Plan 1-12-09 2009-05 Rate order – max permitted basic programming 2-9-09 2009-06 Rate order – max permitted equipment/install rates 2-9-09 2009-07 Official Depositories 1-12-09 2009-08 Revoke – Pulled 2009-09 Revoke – 3947 Arthur St. 1-12-09 2009-10 Revoke - Pulled 2009-11 Revoke – 4601-03 Pierce Street 1-12-09 nd 2009-12 Revoke – 4338 2 Street 1-12-09 th 2009-13 Revoke – 230 44 Avenue 1-12-09 2009-14 Variance – Sonic – 4910 Central – parking setback 1-12-09 2009-15 Variance – Sonic – 4910 Central – side yard setback 1-12-09 2009-16 Variance – Sonic – 4910 Central – monument 1-12-09 2009-17 Applic. Block Grant – Demo 10 bldgs. 1-12-09 th 2009-18 Revoke 4156 5 Removed nd 2009-19 Revoke 4254 2 1-26-09 2009-20 Revoke 3923 Main Street 1-26-09 2009-21 Rental License Fee Increase 1-26-09 2009-22 Fire Department Fee Increase 1-26-09 nd 2009-23 2 Amendment to Restated Contract – Huset Park Dev. 2-09-09 2009-24 Reduce 2009 Budget 2-0909 2009-25 Feasibility Report Zone 4 – Alley – call 3-2-09 hearing 2-09-09 2009-26 Donation – Council – furlough 2-09-09 2009-27 Donation – Nawrocki – library 2-23-09 2009-28 ’09 Alley Reconstruction 3-2-09 2009-29 ’09 Seal Coat 3-2-09 2009-30 ’09 Street Rehabilitation 3-2-09 2009-31 Modify CDB TIF Plan 3-9-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-32 CUP LED sign – 4910 Central 3-9-09 2009-33 ’09 Street Rehab – Plans, Specs, Advertise 3-9-09 2009-34 Intent to bond Zone 4 Street Rehab 3-9-09 2009-35 MSAS Construction Fund request 3-9-09 2009-36 Street Striping 3-9-09 2009-37 Crack Sealing 3-9-09 2009-38 Seal Coating 3-9-09 2009-39 Not used 2009-40 Police budget correction 4-13-09 2009-41 Revoke 1022 42 ½ Ave Remove 2009-42 Abate 1037 Gould Ave 4-13-09 2009-43 Revoke 1214-1216 Cherry Lane 3-23-09 2009-44 2009 Street Reconstruction & Alley Reconstruction 4-13-09 th 2009-45 Revoke 4145-47 5 Street 3-23-09 2009-46 Levy one Alley light PIR677-42 4-13-09 2009-47 Inter-fund Loan Kmart TIF District removed 2009-48 Water Main Cleaning & Lining 4-13-09 2009-49 2009 Misc Concrete repair 4-27-09 2009-50 Acquire 4502 Washington 4-27-09 2009-51 Inter-fund Loan acquire 4502 Washington 4-27-09 2009-52 Revoke 4208 Madison 4-27-09 rd 2009-53 Revoke 3732 3 Ave 4-27-09 2009-54 Revoke 3814 Gauvitte 4-27-09 th 2009-55 Acquire 4108 7 Street 4-27-09 th 2009-56 Inter-fund Loan 4108 7 St. 4-27-09 2009-57 Revoke 5024 Madison St. 5-11-09 2009-58 CBD TIF Modification Kmart/Central Ave 5-11-09 st 2009-59 1 Amendment Private Redevelop – w/EDA 5-11-09 2009-60 CBD TIF Modification – University Ave. 5-11-09 2009-61 CUP Liquor Store LED Sign 5-11-09 2009-62 Applic. DEED Grant 3930 University 5-11-09 2009-63 Change May meeting date 5-11-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-64 Sump Pump Disconnect Program 5-26-09 2009-65 HRA Levy request from Anoka County $100,000 5-26-09 2009-66 HRA Levy Request Anoka Councilmember. $160,000 5-26-09 2009-67 Service Charge Fee Schedule – Fire 5-26-09 2009-68 Revoke Removed 2009-69 Revoke Removed nd 2009-70 Revoke 4207-09 2 5-26-09 2009-71 Revoke 960 43 ½ Ave. 5-26-09 2009-72 Waive Statutory Torte Liability Limits 6-8-09 2009-73 CUP Outdoor Sales 4340 Central 6-8-09 2009-74 Award $3,935,000 GO Public Fac Bond 6-8-09 2009-75 Award $930,000 GO TIF Bond 6-8-09 th 2009-76 Abate 4039 5 6-8-09 2009-77 Abate 4448 Quincy 6-8-09 2009-78 Abate 3930 University 6-8-09 2009-79 Revoke 4138 Quincy 6-8-09 2009-80 Revoke 3915 Tyler St. 6-8-09 2009-81 Pedestrian Bridge Grant 6-22-09 2009-82 Mutual Aid Agreement- Fire w/Anoka Councilmember. 6-22-09 2009-83 Mutual Aid Agreement – Fire w/MNDOT 6-22-09 2009-84 Modification to CBDG Revitalization Plan 6-22-09 2009-85 Revoke 4916 Tyler 6-22-09 th 2009-86 Revoke 4657-59 5 St. 6-22-09 th 2009-87 Revoke 1401 46 Ave 6-22-09 th 2009-88 Revoke 654-56 47 Ave 6-22-09 2009-89 Revoke 3723 Jackson St. 6-22-09 th 2009-90 Revoke 5009 4 St. 6-22-09 2009-91 Acquire 4448 Quincy 7-13-09 th 2009-92 Acquire 4522 5 St. 7-13-09 2009-93 Not used th 2009-94 Abate 961 37 6-22-09 2009-95 Abate 1421 Parkview Lane 6-22-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-96 Not read 2009-97 Not read th 2009-98 Abate 4850 4 St. 7-13-09 2009-99 Abate 5056 Washington St. 7-13-09 2009-100 Abate 4030 Quincy 7-13-09 2009-101 Fence variance 3969 Reservoir Blvd. 7-13-09 2009-102 Support Vet’s Clinic – City of Ramsey 7-13-09 2009-103 Not read th 2009-104 Revoke 1124-26 45 Ave 7-27-09 2009-105 Not read 2009-106 Revoke 1325 Pierce Terrace 7-27-09 2009-107 Not read 2009-108 Abate 4001 University Ave 7-27-09 2009-109 Abate 1401-03 Parkview Ln 7-27-09 th 2009-110 Accept donation of property 4147 7 Street 7-27-09 th 2009-111 Abate 1140-42 45 Ave 8-10-09 th 2009-112 Abate 4901 5 Street Not read 2009-113 Abate 4509 Fillmore St. 8-10-09 2009-114 Abate 4648 Polk St. 8-10-09 2009-115 Safe & Sober grant 8-10-09 2009-116 Purchase AS400 computer & installation 8-10-09 2009-117 5 ft. front yd set back variance 4621 Central 8-10-09 2009-118 5 ft. height variance monument sign 4621 Central 8-10-09 2009-119 CUP LED sign approval 3701 Central 8-10-09 2009-120 CUP LED sign denial 3701 Central 8-10-09 th 2009-121 Intent to bond – 675 37 Ave 8-10-09 2009-122 Condemnation – pedestrian bridge 8-24-09 2009-123 Revoke 4501 Polk St. 8-24-09 2009-124 Revoke 3928 Central Ave 8-24-09 2009-125 Revoke 4600 Polk St. 8-24-09 2009-126 Revoke 3801 Van Buren St. 8-24-09 2009-127 Revoke 4122 Madison St. 8-24-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-128 Revoke 4536 Taylor 8-24-09 2009-129 Revoke 543 Lomianki Ln 8-24-09 2009-130 Revoke Not read 2009-131 Abate 4544 Fillmore St. 8-24-09 st 2009-132 21 Century Grant 9-14-09 2009-133 2009 Sanitary Sewer #0904 9-14-09 2009-134 Budget levy – proposed 9-14-09 2009-135 Set back variance 9-14-09 2009-136 Police fees 9-14-09 2009-137 Revoke Not used 2009-138 Revoke Not used th 2009-139 Revoke 4928 4 St. 9-14-09 2009-140 Revoke 3809 Buchanan St. 9-14-09 2009-141 Abate Not used th 2009-142 Abate 1140-42 45 Ave 9-14-09 2009-143 Abate 1204-06 Cheery Ln 9-14-09 2009-144 Abate 3961 Johnson St. 9-14-09 2009-145 Abate 4030 Quincy 9-14-09 2009-146 Apply for Ped bridge grant 9-14-09 2009-147 Adopt 2010 Business License fees 9-28-09 rd 2009-148 3 Amendment EDA & CH & Huset Park Dev 9-28-09 2009-149 Spec Assessments to levy 9-28-09 rdth 2009-150 3 Extension 47 & Central Parking ramp 9-28-09 2009-151 Purchase agreement 4450 Van Buren Removed 2009-152 Revoke 4149 Monroe St. 9-28-09 2009-153 Abate Removed 2009-154 Abate 3957 Polk St. 9-28-09 th 2009-155 Abate 941 45 Ave 9-28-09 2009-156 Assessments Zone 1C & 3B Seal Coat 10-5-09 2009-157 Assessments ’09 Street Rehab & Alley Reconst 10-5-09 2009-158 Assessments Certify Petition & Waiver 10-5-09 2009-159 Assessments Delinquent accounts 10-5-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. nd 2009-160 Alley light 3906 2 St. 10-12-09 2009-161 Abate 4251 Jefferson 10-12-09 2009-162 Revoke 3826 Buchanan 10-12-09 rd 2009-163 Revoke 3732 3 St. 10-12-09 rd 2009-164 Purchase 3853 3 St. 10-12-09 2009-165 Plan approval shared parking 4301 Central 10-12-09 2009-166 4 ft. width variance garage 3704 Tyler 10-12-09 2009-167 Abate 1218-1220 Circle Terrace Blvd. 10-12-09 2009-168 Update 2009-150 – parking ramp Central 10-26-09 th 2009-169 Acquire 4110 6 Street 10-26-09 2009-170 Revoke Not read 2009-171 Not read 2009-172 Not read 2009-173 Revoke 1620 Innsbruck Parkway/tabled – closed 11-9-09 2009-174 Revoke 1204 -06 Cheery Ln 10-26-09 2009-175 Not read nd 2009-176 Revoke 3700 2 St. 10-26-09 2009-177 Abate 1204-06 Cheery Ln 10-26-09 th 2009-178 Abate 4308 5 St. 10-26-09 2009-179 Variance 4955 Central 10-26-09 2009-180 Limited Use Permit – pedestrian bridge 11-9-09 nd 2009-181 Revoke 4344 2 St. 11-9-09 2009-182 Abate 3930 University 11-9-09 2009-183 Final Plans – Pedestrian bridge & seek bids 11-9-09 2009-184 Prep Report Zone 5 Street Rehab 11-23-09 2009-185 Prep Report Zone 4 Seal Coat 11-23-09 2009-186 Purchase 4303 Reservior 11-23-09 2009-187 Revoke 4648 Polk St. 11-23-09 2009-188 Senior Special Assessment Deferment 11-23-009 2009-189 Abate 5000 Johnson St. 11-23-09 th 2009-190 Abate 1312 44 Ave 11-23-09 2009-191 Cancel December City Council meeting 11-23-09 RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION - 2009 RESOLUTIONSDATE OF NUMBERCOUNCIL MTG. 2009-192 Purchase 4135 Jefferson 11-23-09 2009-193 Execute agreement – MN Dept Safety – Grant program 12-14-09 2009-194 Snow & Ice Policy 12-14-09 2009-195 Planning fee schedule 12-14-09 2009-196 Murzyn Hall Rates 12-14-09 2009-197 2010 Budget – Levy 12-14-09 2009-198 Acquire 4606 Polk St. 12-14-09 2009-199 Anoka County Support of Broadband 12-14-09