HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 EDA AMLTautges Redpath, Ltd. Certified Poblic Accountants and Consultants To the Board of Commissioners Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421 In conjunction with our audit of the City's flnancial statements, we have prepared this report to assist the EDA board in analyzing the financial activity of the EDA. Econ~; ,D`opment Authority The EDA was established in January 1 X96. The EDA is a separate legal entity from the City, however, because the Mayor and City Councilmembers comprise the majority of the EDA's governing board, the EDA is reported in the City's financial statements using the blended method. Additionally, the EDA assumed oversight responsibility for the HRA. The EDA and HRA financial statements are included as Special Revenue Funds of the City's CAFR. Condensed balance sheets for the HRA and EDA for 2008 and 2007 are as follows: EDA FUNDS HRA FUNDS Housing Business Parkview Parkview Maint. Revolving EDA villa Villa Rental 2008 2007 Fund Loan Admin. North South Housing Total Total Assets: Cash and investments $231,502 $ - $93,609 $8$1,435 $439,598 $ - $1,646,144 $1,291,874 Other assets - - 537,713 $4,400 34,761 - 656,$74 1,296,859 Total assets $231,502 $0 $431,322 $965,835 $474,359 $0 $2,303,018 $2,588,733 Liabilities and Fund Balance: Liabilities - in total $ - $ - $455,214 $217,697 $63,264 $ - $736,175 $1,525,230 Fund balance 231,502 - 176,108 748,138 411,095 - 1,566,843 1,063,503 Total liabilities and fund balance $231,502 $0 $b31,322 $965,835 $474,359 $0 $2,303,018 $2,588,733 4810 White Bear Parkway White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55~ ~ 0 1651 426 7000 HZB Yaatges Redpath, Lttl_ is a member of International, a world-wide organization of accounting firms and business advisors. 651 426 5004 Fax I www.hlbtr.com Equal Opportunity Employer Business Loan Revolvin Fund 299 A comparison of the financial activity of this fund for 2006 through 2008 is as follows: Revenue and other sources: Feeslprogram revenue investment income Total revenue and other sources Expenditures and other uses: Transfers out Revenues over (under) expenditures Fund balance -January 1 Fund balance -December 3l 2aa6 2007 2oas $526 $ - $ - 12,980 70,583 2,590 13,506 70,583 2,594 - - 467,447 13,506 7x,583 (464,857} 380,768 394,274 464,557 $394,274 $464,$57 $0 In January 2009, the City council adopted Resolution 2009-1 approving the transfer of $161,02 i to the Economic Development Authority Administration Fund. Resolution 2009-1 also approved the transfer of the remaining fund balance, $306,426, to the Economic Development Authority Housing Maintenance Fund. Audit Management Letter EDA Administration Z04 This fund was established in ~ 996 to account for the financial activity associated with business development and community redevelopment prof ects in the City. A summary of the financial activity of this fund for 2006 through 2008 is as follows: Revenues: Taxes Market value homestead credit Investment income Total revenues Expenditures: Other: Other services and charges Capital outlay Total expenditures Revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses}: Transfers in: Business Revolving Loan Fund (299} Capital Improvement Fund (390} Capital Improvement Develapment Fund (420} Transfers out: Community Development (201 } Total other financing sources (uses} Net change in fund balance Fund balance (deficit} - January 1 Fund balance (deficit} -December 31 2oa6 2007 2aa5 $223,480 $275,740 $257,348 13,113 11,695 12,$92 961 - 2,008 237,554 287,435 272,248 - - 629 - - 36,076 0 0 36,705 237,554 287,435 235,543 - - 161,021 - - 15,038 - - 400,000 246,331 317,225 274,863 246,331 317,22$ 304,196 (5,777} (29,793} 539,739 325,ob1 333,838 (363,631 $333,838 $363,631 $17b,105 In accordance with accounting standards, the EDA reports land held far resale on its balance sheet. This fund has an interfund loan payable to the Capital Improvement Fund (420} in the amount of $400,000 to finance the land held for resale. Audit Management Letter Housing Maintenance Fund (408) This fund was established in 205 to account for the quality and quantity of housing in the City. A summary of the financial activity is as follows; Revenue and other sources: Transfers in: General Fund (101 } $13 8,000 Special Projects (226} 206,700 Rental Housing (235} 40,688 Business Revolving Loan (299} 306,426 Sheffield Redevelopment (410) 400,000 Total revenue and other sources 1,091,814 Expenditures and other uses: Loans and grants 80,7$0 Professional services 15,373 Transfers out: Sheffield Redevelopment (41 } 13 3,179 Public Safety Center Capital Bldg (417} 600,000 Capital Improvement Development (420) 30,9$0 Total expenditures and other uses 860,312 Net change in fund balance 231,502 Fund balance - January 1 Fund balance -December 31 $231,502 Audit Management Letter Parkview Villa North (PVVN} („Z03} The f~nanciai activity of this fund for 200 through 2~a8 is as follows: 2006 2007 2008 Revenues: Federal grant: Operating subsidy $157,937 $159,624 $185,506 Capital grant 105,802 185,287 70,980 Rents 301,897 314,558 316,990 Investment income 15,740 31,870 21,790 Other 4,249 8,932 10,919 Total revenues 585,625 700,271 606,185 Expenditures: Personal services 22,533 22,463 23,038 Supplies 46,768 70,797 21,860 Other services and charges 377,428 367,988 389,980 Capital outlay 115,311 127,216 72,675 Total expenditures 562,040 588,464 507,553 Revenues over expenditures 23,585 111,$07 98,632 Fund balance -January 1 5X4,114 537,699 649,506 Fund balance -December 31 $537,699 $649,506 $748,138 Audit Management Letter Parkview Villa South 213 The financial activity of this fund far 2006 through 2008 is as follows: 2006 2ao7 Zoos Revenues: Rents $266,128 $283,229 $296,120 Investment income 5,120 11,930 9,600 Other 3,343 4,523 S,Sb2 Total revenues 274,591 299,682 311,282 Expenditures: Personal services 11,480 11,480 12,230 Supplies 11,198 24,08$ 10,772 Other services and charges 173,718 162,6b$ 178,013 Capital outlay - 25,700 - Total expenditures 196,39b 219,93b 201,015 Revenues over expenditures 78,195 79,746 110,2b7 Fund balance -January 1 142,887 221,082 300,828 Fund balance -December 31 $221,082 $300,82$ $411,095 During 200 i, the EDA approved the establishment of the PWS Capital Improvement Fund. This fund transferred $700,000 to the PW S Capital hmprovement Fund in 200 Z . Audit Management Letter Audit Management Letter Rental Housln 235 This fund was established in 1996 to account for rental properties. A summary of the 2006 through 2008 financial activity is as follows: Revenue and other sources: Investment income Other Total revenue and other sources Expenditures and other uses: Transfers out Net change in fund balance Fund balance -January 1 Fund balance -December 31 Zoo6 Zoo? zoos $1,410 $ - $ - 1,410 0 0 - - 40,688 1,410 0 X40,688} 39,278 40,688 40,685 $40,685 $4a,65s $o This fund was closed in 2008 by a transfer to the Housing Maintenance Fund (408). ~~ r ~~ HLB TAUTGES REDPATH, LTD. White Bear Lake, Minnesota June 17, 2049