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HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 2158z~sa - - ~, E ~ e r i t. a. ® , e ~ _ r vuher ttr~ basis ~f yrrt~rt is STI(l T E1 AGREE ENT made as of the Eighth day of December in the year Two Thousand Eight (Ira wards, irulieafe duv, mrsnl~x ctrtd :/ectr. J ADDiT1OPlS AND DELETiONS~ The author of this document has SET EEN the ®wner: added information needed for its (Nance crud address) completion. The author may also have revised the text of the original City of Col€tmbia Heights AIA standard form. An Additions and 590 40th Avenue Northeast Deletions Report that notes added Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3578 information as well as revisions to the standard form text is available and the Contractor: from the author and should be (Narrae arad acCdress) reviewed. A vertical line in the left margin of this document indicates Ovrerhead Door Co. of the Northland where the author has added 3195 Terminal Drive necessary information and where Eagan MN 55121 the author has added to or deleted from the original AIA text. For the following Project: This document has important legal (fne/ude detailed description ~f turnJect, iacatiort, address and scope.) consequences. Consultation with an attorney is encouraged with respect Columbia Heights Public Safety Center to its completion or modification. 825 41st Avenue Northeast The 1992 Edition of AIA Document Columbia Heights, N 55421 A201/CMa,General Conditions of New Public Safety Celrter the Contract for Construction, Construction Manager-Adviser The Construction Manager is: Edition, is adopted in this document (Nctrrte arad address) by reference. Do not use with other general conditions unless this EDS Builders, Inc. document is modified. 404A Saint Croix Trail North Lakeland, MN 55043 Init. The Architect is: (Nana~e and address) Buetow and. Associates, Inc. 2345 Rice Street Suite 210 St. Paul., MN 55113 The C)wner and Contractor agree as set forth below. AIA Uootartsent AiOitC aT~ - It ~ 2. Colayrlght Cc7 1982 by The American Institute at Archit2ets. Alf sights rose' d. AIA software at 11:43:16 on 12/30!2008 under Order No. t 000380482_1 which expires on t 2/4/20u9, and is not for resale. User Notes: This document was produced by (1109671036} 1 ARTICLE 1 THE CONT cT D~cU ENTS The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions}, Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed in this Agreement and IVIc>dificatians issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, aa7d are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations ar agreements, either written or oral. An enua~teratian of the Contract Document;, other than Ii!lodifications, appeizrs in Article 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WE3Rl4 t5F THIS c(JNTRACT The Contractor shall execute the entire Work described in the Contract Daeumerlts, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others, ar as follows: Section 00300 Bid Division CH3-08-I Apparatus Bay Doors, Garage Doors, Overhead Doors, Sectional Doors ARTICLE 3 DATE OF CCI ENCE~RENT AND SUt3STANTIAL CCI PE.ETICIN 3.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Section 3.2 is me<asured, and shall be the date of this Agreement, as first written above, unless a different date is stated below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner. (dt~~sert the date of coerunencern~erzt, if it differs from the date ~f ttris Agr-eerraerat ar;, if applicable, state drat the elate will Fief%red in a ratrtice to prc>reed.) Unless the date of commencement is established by a notice to proceed issued by the Owner, the Contractor shall notify the Owner, through the Construction Ivlanager, in writing not less than five days before commencing the Work to permit the timely filing of mortgages, mechanic's liens and other security interests. § 3.2 The Contractor sl~tall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Wark not later than (Insert the calendar date or nur~nber of calendar days after the date of coa~rlmeracernent. Also insert an,v r•eger~iremer2~ts fcrr earlier Sahstcaratial Completion of certain portions of the Work, if not stated elsewhere irr the Caretract f~ocurrxerrts.) August 3'l, 2009 Portion of Work Substantial Completion date subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. (Insert previsions, if any, for lic7r~idated damages relating to failure to complete ora time.) ARTICLE 4 CCDNTRACT SUMt 4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor in current funds for the Contractor°s performance of the Contract the Contract Sum of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars and zero Cents ($ 115,700.00 ), subject to additions and deductions as provided in the Contract Documents. § 4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the Contract Documents and are hereby accepted by the Owner: (Stute the r2un2fiers or identification of accepted alternates. If dec:isic>rts an. atlaer cztterracrtes core to be made h,v the ©wr2er subsegt~er~t to the ezeeuti~orr of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such vth~er alternates slaobE~irrg the arrrcrutat for each and the date cr~n~ti~l which that ca.rn~oa~rrt is s~alid. ) Init. AIA Documerrt A103lt aTM -'8992. CapvrBght O i 092 by The American institute of Architects. A88 righis reserved. t z ~~c + 2 e e: ~ .This document was produced by t AIA software at 11:43:16 on 12!30/2008 under Order No.1000380482_1 which expires on 12/4/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1109671036} 4.3 Unit prices, if any, are as follows: ~crlti~tt ldnit~ Prig ( 0.00) A12TILE 5 PRI2S ~~B~T 5.1 Based upon Applications fo7• Payment submitted by the Contractor to the Constructioa~ Manager, and upon Project Applications and Certificates for Payment issued by the Construction Manager and Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to tl7e Contractor as provided below and elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 5.2 T17e period covered by each Application for Payment shall be one calendar month ending on the last day of the month, or as follows: 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment is submitted to the Construction Manager not later than the Twenty-fifth day of a month, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not later than the 'Thirtieth day of the following month. if an Application. far Payment is received by the Construction Manager after the application date fixed shove, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than Sixty (, 60) days after the Construction Manager receives the. Application far Payment. § 5.4 Each Application for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Vahtes submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Wank. and be prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Construction Manager or Architect m<ay require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Construction Manager ar ®>rch.tect, shall be used as a bases far revle.vsng the Contractor's Applications far Payment. § 5.5 Applications for Payment shall indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. § 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress payment shall be computed as follows: § 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as determined by multiplying the rsarrantatrv vnrnntatinn of each nnrtinn of the nrk by tlaP sharp of the tntai C'nntrat_t Sum allocated ttl that r...J.. ,...~..:....~., t.........., t...... ........ J portion of the Work. in the Schedule of Values, less retainage of Five percent (5.00% ). Pending final determination of cost to the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute may be included as provided in Section 7.3.7 of the 4.~eneral Conditions; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stared off the site at a location agreed upon in writing}, less retainage of Five percent (5.00% ); § 5.6.3 Subtract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract. amounts, if any, far which the Construction Manager or Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided an Section 9.5 of the General Conditions. § 5.7 The progress payment amount. determined. in accordance with. Section 5.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to Ninety- five percent. (95.00% ) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Construction Manager recommends and the Architect determines for incomplete Work and unsettled. claims; and Init. AEA Uocurr ~ A1011Ct~aT~ - 7952. Copyright fl 1992 tsv The American Enstttute of Architects. Ali rt is res red. 3 Titis documeni was produced by / AIA software at 11:43:16 on 12/30/2008 under Order No.1000380482_1 which expires on 1214/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1109671036) § 5.7.2 Add, if final campletion of the Work is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additianal amounts payable in accardance with Sectian 9.1(}.3 of the General Conditions. § 5.~ Reduction ar limitation of retainage, if arty, shall be as follows: (If it is iraPeta~led, Irrior t~o 4S/~bstuntiul Cerraipletiorz of tfae er2~tire Work, to rechece or lir~nit the retct~irzEa~e resultir~g•(ratn the pereertta~es inserted in Sectlatts 5.6.1 attd 5.6.2 ctbave, attd this is mad exptained elseavltc>r•c: it2 the Catatrctc~t 13acutnertts, insert here provisions f'ar such reductiara ar litnitatiarx.) ARTICLE 6 ~IAIAL PAYMENT Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor when (1) the Contract has been fully pea-formed by the Contractor except for the Contractor's responsibility to coned nanconfaraning Work as provided in Sectian 12.2.2 c>f the General Conditions and to satisfy other requirements; if any, which necessarily survive final payment; and (2} a final Praject Certificate far Payment has been issued by the Construction Manager and Architect; such final payment shall be made by the Owner not. mare than 31} days after the issuance of the #inal Praject Certificate for Payment, or as fellows: After the contractor has satisfactorily completed all Haar-conformed work, fulfilled all final close-out. requirements in accardance with the Contract Documents. AfYTICL 7 ICELLANEOUS P~OVISIQNS 7.1 Where reference is made in this Agreement to a prevision of the General Conditions ar another Ccmtract Document, the reference refers to that provision as amended oa- supplementeel by other provisions of the Contract Documents. § 7.2 Payments due and unpaid under the Contract shall. bear interest from the date pay anent is due at the rite stated below, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing from time, to time at the place where the Project is located. (Insert ra~ie of irtteresta,r~reed upon, if a~rzy.) At legal rate of interest as set by Minnesota Statutes. (Usury Icaw~s and requirerrterats tan~der the Federal Trtath itt Lending Aet, siattila~r state attd lac: cal carzsaarner credit lan-~s and atlzer regu~latiorts at the Owner's attd Catttr-actcrr's principal plures of Utrsin~ess, tla~e laecatian of the Praject cttad eT~ot,t.:hero :r;ay ~a ~#e~•t tlta fi~rlidif~r irf tttic 17 rr71~irirTn, Tvgct7 actarir~e sj,a,~td /~e n~tiirnecl t,vith. recper~t to delehc'>rt.c Or naadificcatians, grad calm re,~a~rding requiretPaeta~ts suc•la crs written disclosures ar- waivers.) 7.3 Temporary facilities and services: (Here insert tern~poraayfacilities and services wlticlt are different front ar itt addition to these included elsewhere in the Cantraact Doc~tarttetats.J 'I'bis contractor is respc>arsible for all temparary facilities as identified in the Project Manual; including but not limited to leading, unloading, materials storage and protection, layout, clean-up, heisting, scaffolding, bracing, safety, barricades, guard rails, protectiarr of Work acrd surrounding Work, as specified. Location of site stared aaterials and temparary facilities shalt be coordinated with the Canstruction Manager/Site Representative. § 7.4 Other Provisions: (Here list arty special provisiarts caf~'ectirtg flee Contract.) See Exhibit A, attached. ARTICLE ~ TEfRMINATIt~N ClIZ SUSPEN s1~3N .9 The Contract may be terminated by the Owner or the Contractor as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions. Init. . t3ocuenent LitOt/CN Tea _ 1992. ~oaayrigFat C~? 1992 by The American Cnstitute of Architects. AI9 ri lts reserved. This document was produced by 4 t AIA software at 11:43:16 on 12/30/2008 under Order No.100038u482_i which expires on 12/4/2009, and is not for resale. User Nofes: (1109671036} § Ilm2 The Work may be suspended by the Owner as provided in Article 14 of the General Conditions Dcctaent Title Pages Division () Bidding and Contract 164 Requirements Division 1 General Requirements 38 § 9.1.4 The Specifications are those contained in the Project Manual dated as in Section 9.1.3, and are as follows: (E/t/rer lzst t~/ae ~/~ec~fiecrti~rzs here or refer to a~r~ e.xhihit att~rc•Fecl Co Pais A~reerraeni~.) Section Project ntlanual -Book One, Phase Three Project Manual, Book Two, Phase Three Tula Pages Bid Packages as prepared by 331 Buetow and Associates, lnc. dated October 30, 2008 Bid Packages as prepared by 305 Buetow and Associates, Inc. dated October 30, 2(}08 § 9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and a1•e dated October 3(}, 2008 unless a different date is shown below: (Er't7aer lzst the Drawings /2ere r?r refer to art ex/ii/i%t ut~tached l« tfais Rgree>«~nenG.) Niarn~er Title date A0.0 Cover Sheet. C2 Paving Plan (for reference) 9/26/2008 A2.1 Lower Level Floor Plan A2.2 Main Level Floor Plan A2.3 Mezzanine Floor Plan A3.I Building Elevations & Sections A3.2 Building Elevations A4.1 thru A4.5 Wall Sections A4.6 and A4.7 Stair & Elevator Sections & Enlarged Plans A4.8 Stair Sections and Details A4.9 Details & List of Abbreviations A5.1 Enlarged Floor Plans A6.I and A6.2 Interior Elevations A6.3 Lobby Elevations & Enlarged Lobby Plans A6.4 Interior Elevations & Details A7.1 Lower Level Reflected Ceiling Init. AIA Clocument At 01/~I ~T~, - 1 !. Gocryrlgtrt ~3 1992 by The American institute Architects. a rigF a reserved. .This document was produced by ~ AIA software at 11:43:16 on 11J30/2008 under Order No.1000380482_1 which expires on 12/4/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1 1 09671 036) Plan A7.2 Main Level Reflected Ceiling Plan A7.3 Mezzanine Reflected Ceiling Plan A8.1 Daor Schedule A8.2 Door and Frame Details F1.1 Lawer Level Furniture Plan (for reference only} F1.2 Main Level Furniture Plan (for reference only) S 1 thru S 11 Structural Steel MS1.1 Site Plan -Geothermal Wells and Plumbing M1.1 thru M9.1 Mechanical ES1 Site Plan -Lighting E1 thr~u E6 Electrical § 9.1.6 The addenda, if any, are as follows: Rlurnb~r Bate Pages 1 11/19/2008 37 2 1]/20/2008 1 3 11/25/2008 IS Portions of flddenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding req}.llremen$S are also P7,,,n,€,rat?d in this IArt2cle C}. 9.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract Documents are as follows: (List72ere arty addztiareal il~cumerats wFzieTt are i~itended try fr~rnt part af•the Contract Zhrcur~ierats. 77te General Co~~ditiorzs pr°ovide that bidding requiremer~ats su~c6a as adverti~setnent crr i~ttvitatiort tv bid, Lns~truction~s to Bidders°> salnpZe fortrrs and the Contras°tor's bid are rzrrt paf2 r?~tfze Con~trczc•t L}ucurner2ts ~r~nless ent~rnera~tec/ ir1 tdais Agreczrne/tt, TFaev s(zo/old be listed here araly if i.n~tetT~ded t~ be part ~f'the Corn~tr-ae•t L)ocu~re~t~ts.) This t~greement entered into as of the day and year first written above. Init. AIA ' scurraent d4t0YlG aT~ - 1992` ~otryright O 1992 by The American Institute of Architects. 1~i9 rights reserved. n~a~ r i AIA software at 11:43:16 on 12/30/2008 under Order No.1000380482_1 which expires on 1214/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: This document was produced by (11096710361 6 I IT T E I ST / T T E T C L HEIGHTS ~'I,TBLIC S ~' CNE COLIT HEIGHTS, INN OT Within five (5) working days after award of the Contract, this Contractor must submit to the Construction Manager, a list of materials, products, equipment, materials suppliers and subcontractors they will use to perform their portion of the project. 2. Within five (5) working days and prior to starting work on site, this Contractor must submit Insurance Certificates for the project in the amounts detailed in Specification Section 00810 -Supplemental and Special Conditions to General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. The Owner, Architect, and EDS Builders shall be named as additional insureds. 3. Within five (5) working days after award of the Contract, this Contractor shall submit a detailed schedule showing material deliveries, major work items, =.~~orking periods and projected completion of the contracted portion of the work. The Contractor's schedule shall be in accordance with Schedule Section 00210, unless otherwise noted in this agreement. 4. Within five (5) working days after award of the Contract, this Contractor shall provide a typed schedule of values on AIA Document G703 - Schedule of Values, with breakdown of material and labor as directed by the Construction Manager, and in compliance with Article 5.4 of this l.Uil ll ilia. 5. Within five (5) working days after award of the Contract, and prior to beginning work on-site, this Contractor must submit its safety program to the Construction Manager for review. 6. Prior to beginning work on-site, this Contractor shall submit to the Construction Manager's site office, material safety data sheets for all applicable materials to be used on-site. "/ . 1~he Contractor shah coordinate its safety program with that of tine other Contractors on the site as specified in the Contract Documents including all Government regulatory agencies having jurisdiction on this project. 8. Inclusions and/or exclusions noted in the Contractor's proposal are not included unless specifically stated in this agreement. 9. Contract Sum stated in Article 4.1 includes the cost of all necessary or required insurance, permits, sales tax (if applicable), royalties, patents, etc. ~>s8 ® ~ I` _ - - r. - rM 4 ~. r I I ~r r r- r~ i t lg~ PI~OJEGT {Nctrrte tznzl czr3dr-ess): Colurnhia Heights Public Safety Center 825 41st Avenue Northeast Columbia I-ieights, Ml"d 554? 1 TCD GC3NT CT~E: (Narrre ctracl uddr-esw/: Overhead Door Cca. of the Northland 3195 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121 GH,4NGE ORI3E~ NUENI3ER: OlZ CIf3- 08-1-1 INITIATION D,4TE: February 16, 2(x)9 PROJECT NUEEtS: BA 0806 / GONT GT DATE: December 08, 2008 CONTRACT FAR: CH3-08-1 Apparatus Bay Doors, Garage Doors, Overhead Doors, Sectional Doors OWNER: CCNSTRtJCTION MANAGER: ~ ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLO~fS: Reduce the amount oi' hand held transmitters and change them to a 2 ur 3 bttttcrn type (22 -three button, 15 -two button. Deduct `~ 580.00 Add a door embedded loop system to allow vehicles to exit on Door (}f}1. This adds a control patnel, timer to close, vehicle detector, floor embeddedt loop. Add X2,(')87.00 Total amount of change order Total Add 5,1,507.fx) The original Contract Sum was ~ 115,700.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ~ 0.00 i'he Cc>ratrac[ Sum prior to this Change Order was y i 15, 700.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 1,507.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be ~ 117,207.00 The Contract Time will be unchange d by Zero (0 }days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Charge Order itzerefore is Nt3TCE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contrast Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Consir•trcfion Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED B`! THE OIfVNER, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, ARCHITECT AND GONTRAGTOf7. EDS Builders, Inc Buetow and Associates, Inc. City of Columbia T-Iei~hts _.. _ _ r;n =~ _~3 ~: ;8 aT -- . ~__. _: s~spt._ t 4~ .. ~ he Ane.,ca[ ~ ~' ituto of c, :~. _, - t Is re;~r;ra~. - is docume,., was produced Gy '~ AIA software at 13:36:48 on 02/16/2009 under Order No.1000385206_1 which expires on 1!19/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: (3279946893} ~, ~ 404fi, Saint Croix Trail l~arth Lakeland, Minnesota 55043 Phone: 651-436-2426 -~ ~ 1821 University avenue ° Suite 204-5 St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 ° Phone: 651-998-0332 ~~ ~~: - Fax: 651-436-3918 ° e-merit: FIELD O ER DATE: February 12, 2009 FO # 13 PROJECT: Columbia Heights Public Safety Center 825 41St Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 VENDOR: Overhead Door Company, Tim Scott 3195 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121 Phone:612-363-3714 Fax:651-683-0625 CC: Field, Dave Olds, Larry Pepin, Gary Gorman You are hereby authorized to execute promptly this Field Order directive per the enclosed description and all applicable provisions of the General, Supplemental, and Special Conditions; Addenda; and all other Contract documents. Reduce the amount of hand held transmitters and change them to a 2 or 3 button type (22- three 'Guttorl, 15-t~vo button] for a credit of $580.x0. Add a floor embedded loop system to allow vehicles to exit on door #001. This adds a control panel, timer to close, vehicle detector, floor embedded Ioop for an add of $2,087.00. Supply and install 2' north of trench drain. ~Pe a4ta~lnerl r,~rae~~ng, if you have.any questions regarding this field order, please contact Doc Smith at 651-436- 2426 or 612-747-0976. Project Manager: Earl Doc Smith 1 ~`' Date ,; l ' 4 ~ ~ hk f. ~ -.•~~~ .., ... ___. I~~ _ / .',. ..~ ~~ .,,.,. s __ ear, ~„ ~,.«.,. ; ; ~ ., ~ . _....... .t..___ _ _._ !+ - kt ~ t f g ~. ~ =i .._.~ _._ - ~~: ~u i i I ~ ~ ' .. n y~ ! o ~ ~ ,. '.._..:. S _ __. - ~ __ l ~~~ ,,. _. ~ ~ ~ ! i ~~ i t ~ ~ ,i ~ 1 ~ ~ i''' ~ ~~d ~,~' ~, _ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~~ i ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[ ~ ~~. i ; ~~ ~_~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ _. ~ ~ ~~, .• _ . , - { _ ~. - . .~., x, . . ., .. m ~, <- P ~ ~ f _ . ~ 1 _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I _ `" ~m v ~ ter„. r"` _ ~ ;~,~ Y . ~ : ~ _ a" ;;.> .^, ~i ~ A ,.~ ~ - ` ~ .. a ~ I f 5~ i ' E ~ i I { i a S { ~ ~ ~ r S I ~ 6 d ~ f x 1 ~ I i i ~ 3 _ .s ~__ w .._ m ,. µ..,.... .~ .,...~ w r~ i e _., .._ ,.. _. _.. ..... i i f I } i ry~ u jI~ j/ p~pn( {} )/~~ ~J~Jpj} 8 Pip/.~n~ ~ 1 vl ' ' 1 ~l~ ++E I @' `/ 9 7 i i) e i ;. ~ ~] i 1 !, i} } j ,.., _ r ;'';} F}~ ~~J 5"~ _ ~{ ', # ~~ l~ ` ` f a d~'r7~...' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ! , ~ ~ .. ~'ti ~ ~ r ~ t (~( Ir ~cS' lf/~~ ~fI'CC~~ds't dac( INBOX 104essage Fro€v': David Olds <> Subject: Re: LOOP LOCATIONS Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 15:38:51 -0600 To: Doc Smith <> Doc, Lets install it to the manufacturers recommendations. The loop looks like a good idea in the police garage. Thanks David P. Olds, AIA BUETOW AND ASSOCIATES 2345 Rice Street, suite 210 St. Paul, Minnesota 55123 651 483-6701 On Feb 11, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Doc Smith wrote: For your review, please respond by Monday. Thanks, Doc --- the forwarded message follows --- From: "Tim Scott" <> Date: February 11, 2009 12:07:53 PM CST To: "Doc Smith" <doc@edsbuiidcrs.coe;e> Subject: LOOP LOCATIONS Hi Doc I have attached a sketch and some literature on loop systems. Page 7 has some good drawings showing the recommended loop depth and distance from metal objects. 1 have only included an exit loop in r?~y esti~rate since the door has photo eyes, sometimes safety loops are added as well. Thanks Pstirnator jPro~ect h4anager C3verl~ead >~Joor ~€s. ®f T'he 1'~ortf~Iarad Phone 651-683-0307 Fax 651-683-0625 Mabile 612-363-3714 A chrnent: Loop basics .pdf (423Kbytes} Attachrrtent: Oo( Fits loop location.pdf (207iCbytes} Rage 1 of I 4P1 1~t1.//~nail,~srr~ac,net/Sess1an12~~19-3~~1jC~T1ug1-l~vv ~~•hI.~kl~~/essage.~~ssp`?a~lbax=~... '?/1.112009 Y~ a .m °-' ..~. ~I Tlxere are a r~.un3ber of wa~Ts to detect vehicles, ranking from ease style detection to ultra-sonic, to tnd~~ctive lt~na~ ~F`a,r traffs~` co.~trol or dri{r,e-thy, ;p,~t •' ~,.n~ +,,,.a.~,.~~, ~, • ~~. a: r~ ~, a~tu'cicil ve rv~r~r e~a~~i€suiv~y l5 e to rtBc"~s`[ rGtt- a131e, bar none.'. ~n inductive loop vehicle detector system consists of three components: a loop ~prefon~xed or sa~T-cut}, loop extension cable at~d a detector. when installing or repairing an inductive loop system the smallest detail can mean the difference between reliable detection anal aa~ inter~nit- tent detection of vehicles. Therefore, attention to detail when installing or troubleshooting an inductive loop ~-ehicle detection systerr~ is absolutely critical. Detecfor Loop Extension Cabte Loop Device is be i _.. Triggered i;y ~ ®_ m .. Ceeecfar aid-~a;3a°¢, as ~ it ~r: bra general, a ccr~npacf car ~7ill cause ~ -eater i~zcrease i~~ frec~ue~~cy Chart a full sire car car truck.. 'his ~tccurs because flte metal surfaces ~n tl~te utlcler carriage c~fthe vehicle are cl€~ser to the 1~c~p. CCFi~tares 3 artd 4 illustrate hc~vv fhe ~r~er c~.rria~e e~~' a sports car is well u~ifhir~ fhe r~~a~_ 7'4P.fTEtl dtP.EC~ £~'~t11P ICS(t7! yf~4mn~red iv tliav cn~~e sa$stx$er ce~a• tffi RT +:..... +L,.~,++L,n ~•..,,.,..,1..,> L..,,",.,.,. - ~+ p~ .;~.+ ,.~ as c,y vt, ~.a tr. LVVEt E+. tkACLt IAtG k.d ~iE~l.EGif L~' Ltl `b°G is ~ eater v~ith the smaller vehicle. i%% - ~ -- , ~ ~ t~9egnetic Field _____---°ee 'Loop Magnetic Field "" ~----" ~40p Freq Time ~°'I~,~&i°~ ~ Freq Time <L~{et~ r$- ac tt`t $rsrr~a$t rt ez $n nlstex #t-s n4 +}R .~ -~ e±..r..~n..-, ...> .<L. r...~.,-,.. ~., t,...-, 1..,. ,,-'..s,.-..s L. .,s___ f. _ a.._-,... _.... $_.: ..,v..,, ,;, x.xe~.xv.~e=x ~ ev EkxcaE Eca~ Fab,a,paaE.:ata,y +.,kknAt~t: t~ vsvAy a,tri[~iti€GEtw uctvte~~t k`tNd3 vctti- cles ~tf fhe same txtake and r~tc~del, sct much. sct that ~ detecfor cats alt~~~st be designed to de- ferrtaine tl~e G~Tpe ~f vehicle ~~er the Ic~~tp. ~~~ Ikt„2Q§4i~EP t~~€~sw Z ~~~€a,~!~z~~~Ea~'s•~rc€E~e~s.~sdca€ 1' sq SPrect Metal i3t ptttne ofLoap. Easilc fletected. 1' sq Sheet Metal perpendacvlar to ttte Loop. that detectab3e. ~~a~c-~'~t ~~sr~ ~~ia°~ , E ° ~~st~p lea s~~; !- ct v i tt. %4$ttt.t I`a~se ~ ~•: .s~ oa ~~t~nsln ~'1~ ~,~~ ~4~~c1~ ~t~~t~r T'he roger installation and rr~a.terial is ca-itical! In gerseral, loop vehicle detectors front all manufacturers work under the sa~~e principle and will all work reliahly ifthe installation is done properly and the correct materials are used. vehicle detector features differ between rraanufacturers, aa7d most are straight forward. The following features need special con- si derati on. F'i~e ~. Screen shat of I3ia~astics Saft~~~are ~! - .~ ~ra~u~tE~ae L~~p , i __. Speaker 6~c~~t i~Y~ fi. Prayer lacatian of Iaa~~ to picl. u~ t1`ic:.tal of (rant a~ie. _--- ~~ - ~L ',. lnductiue lccp F~ it S~al~er Pcst i _ i i I~ I_j ~!.~~@`~ ~.. ~rt'L` iI2E"ii 5~1`visa'iP1~ t£~s ~~ "tE. °1~~11- 4.~f;4 4+'t4ly ~ !.~'~~ ~t.. «i:P2~ :., <~i?li:~ c.71~ ~.tka qii rtiv. ~„S€2£i72 a.~er ~aci~. ing radius. The driver finds it difficult in some drive-thru lanes to round the corner prig to the loop and as a result, the vel~iele becomes pcssitioned fu~l-rer away from the curb and not prop- erly positioned over the loop. Compound the poor position of the vehicle with the height of the vehicle and you have a diffic~~lt v~hicl~ try rt~r~r.t Leap ~ns~alla~a~ Follow closely the ~~an~tfacturers installation instructions far the saw-cut or p~-efo~-rned loop that you prarchased. ~aweve~•, there are a couple of important points to make with regard to saw-cut loop and preformed loop installation. It is ipo~~tant that when the installation is complete the loop be no more than 2" below the sur- face of the asphalt or concrete. T'he deeper the loop the less sensitive the laop detection system becomes. It is also impop-tant that the lead-in wires from the detector to the beginning of the loop be twisted a minimum of five times per foot. ~~®C`u~ ~~c~p Ii~s~a~atie~at when installing asaw-cut loop inspect the cable for any nicks in the pratective jacket. Reject and replace any nicked wire. 1'~Iever ~~ splice the loop wire exc.el3t to splice the loop extension cable to the loop lead ire ` `- . - -~- -- w~reS aid €~ splice tl2e ve- ~-c.tir i~r ~~r~ss hide detecto~• lead w-~r-es to `~~'l~t the extension cable. ~l- ways solder the connec- tions, never use a short cut SF~cll aS vV1re nuts. aft ' ~ ~ ~F~`~ 3ec?~ Rod 7'mS Becker R .'<nm ~~ --, ,~ ate, ~°~ 2, Curb f, L TO 1- I %L` ! ~~ `:. i ;Trench Pad For j Menu Board ~ i ~~~ ~ . k_.... __ ~µ:~4 ,~ ~ ~ ~~~~ i' ~ I I ~ - f2eturn ~~ad V~r'ir~ ~ ~ Curb Slot Slat Jaen making the loop pattern with a concrete sa~v, cut the co~~aers of the rectangle at a ~5-degree angle. phis reduces stress and the p€~ssibilityj of~nicking the wire outer jacket. <l~~Jays azse backer rod pressed into the saw-cuts to secure tl~e loop ~~ire before using tl~e street sealer. If l:sacker rod is ~xot used the loop wire will float in tl~e saw-cut slot ~~%hile the '~QO=~ ~~?, 2u~f; ~':?~€ °i .~°~~~a°ss~~sef~.asssea street se~le~- is curing, res~ltir~~ in air pocl~ets. ~~ air pocl~ets exist, the loop v~ire v~ill rr~ocre vahenever the p~ve- ~~ent vib~-~.tes ~r~cl false detections ~vil1 occur. lit°~"~~°~a~~ ~~~ 1`~xst~a~I~~~ ~` I ~ ~,~,~= u~ ~ ~,~ META3.-~~EE ac~~ae °F ~c ~ r~av~ ~~ ~ ~--- - z' ra z err sc~xxzr srA~ES ' ~, Mtr~ (4 RE6 ~I~EDj , - .... ( 2' M6N. pI 2' h99N. CEtR6 ~I~@9~'E; ~~. -icE Ct3E~RETE ~~ GRAVES 2" MAX. 2" ~t'~4Ef"~ ~~. text place the prefor°ed loop o~~to staSces in order to position tl~e loop 2" helo~~j the finished surface. ~~rs~~iv~~y Another 111isGOnCeption about loop sensitivity is that increasing the number of turns in the loop will increase sensitivity. Increasing or decreasing the number of turns does not affect sensitiv- ity. Increasing the number of turns increases stabilit~T. Three to eve turns is ideal for maintain- ing the proper stability and sensitivity Combination. 'I'~•~~bles~~tla~~ 1_°vlost detectors provide I:FI.~s that ~~~ill indicate a problelll °~ith the loop, such as a short or an open. It is possible for a problem to occur that will cause the error indicating LEIS to stay oll ~Ytd tiret the installation is i'k, but Slsiapiy 11ceCsis a. reset. i,lglltlllllg Gall Ga115e sttGll a prClblelll. ~IeCtr&`°al ,ata^rzaaas rata Gal.ise laaE3C: lth eCILlTprnent, espeGla~iy vetl2G~e detectors ~3eGaLise the ~oop is GLt$$lde. If problellls persist, Check the GonneGtiolls to the extension. Gable and to the loop lead-in €uires. I~ad Connections are a very Gomrnon problem with inductive loops. Ire addition to using diagnostic _ software to Capture oi" see a probietll as it oGGUi~s it call often be i15G t€`l help l~~;ate [`l7e l~}~~j aVellleflt ill <7rC~er to detellllil"le l~ it's bee?l propel"ly p€}sl- tiolled slid b~iried at tl;e right ~' nth. '?~mc Et;=?fl~~ i~sx`~r~ ~ Qaza;-.~lra~.~~~1`~°~,aca~cf~.;:~~a~ ~tia~y Inductive lc~cap detectican is relatively simple as a systeraa, but it is impcartant t€a arrra yaurself with the kncawledge of how it w€~rks and hcaw the pisses iiiteri-elate. there is nca cluesti€aia that a prcab- len~iatic installa.tian can be e~treanely frustrating, but i~ycau break it dawn tta basics it care be salved n-a~re efficiently. ul~s: €Jse a prefcarn-aed l~crp befcare paveraaent is installed. Ilse a saw®cut lc~cap when pavement has already been installed. ~ 'Che loop should be buried. nca rra~re than ~.9 belc;~a the asphalt psi- concrete surface. ~ hoc"place aify lc`5~p wire that 1-ias I1iGkS yr splices ire tl-ie iiisulat~ciai. I,Q~p vv~ire should be 14 ur 1F awg n~aachine tcool wire with I'E insulation. ~ I.,oops should be no less than three turns and. ~~~ greater tl°~an I"i~:Te. w lie aLlaiPVer of tizraiS aicireascS stability ofteis~ Sagixai Ever ivilg runs s~`sc'"vw'vert tl'ie lc;op a ~ _~_ ..< ai~t t~CC~6~€or. 'I'e aaurraer of turns does rant affect sensitivity- ~'~tea~sion cable should be 6 4, F, car 18 awg twisted/shielded 2-conductor cable with polyethylene jacket. the freaaea~cy increases as the teaal~erature of the detector incr~,ases =s,a 2d4~.€~;~`€ iR.t=2* ~` e>x~~;~€~ar~c~z~F`,-n~e~¢~~~.€ask~? Z I S& ~- r- r~ a-e - -. i i i PROJECT (Na~rr~e caul address): Columbia Heights Public Safety Center 825 41st Avenue Northeast: Caiumbia Heights, MEN' 55421 TO CONT CTOR IRTame ancf addre.c.S }: Overhead Door Co. of the Northland 3 i 95 Terminal Drive h;agan, MN 55121 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER:015 CH3- 08-]-2 INITIATION DATE: March 23, 2009 PROJECT NUMt3ERS: BA 0806! CONTRACT DATE: December 08, 2008 CONT CT FOR: CH3-08-I Apparatus Bay Doors, Garage Doors, Overhead Boors, Sectional Doors OItVNER: GONSTRLiGTION MANAGER: ARGHITEGT: CONTRAGTOR: FIELD; ^ OTHER: ^ THE CONT CT I CHANGED AS FOl.LO1lVS: Add twCr bands of windows tc? Door t)02. Add $1,092.00 The ariginaI Contract Sam w:fs ~ i 15,700.00 Net c hange by prevrausiy authorized Change Orders § 1,507.00 "I`he Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was ~ i 7 7,207.00 The Contract Sum. will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 1,092.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be ~ 1 18,299.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged by "Zero (0 }days. The date of Strhstantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is NOTE: This sumanary does oat t-ellect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construc[ior~ Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTtL SIGNED 63Y THE OWNER, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. LD,~s BUiliicr~, Irc. Bt3eiC~w and A~SOCiate~, nC. A.°,CHtTECT ; p'irm name; (Typed name} DATE: Overhead Door Co. of the Northland City of Columbia Hei®hts OWNER (Finn name) 59Ct 4vth Avenue Northeast., Co~~ttnbia Heights, iviN 55421-3878 ADDRESS ~~• ~, ~,, ,. t~v (sig€za}~~t-~~} f r Walter Hehst _. ~ , (Typed name} D .., ~ t t._ _.~ 19C'. Ooi '~ ' ~~"' ~ 4he i. ne can t , :-te c' Arr!~[`_ct: cSghts o r AIA software at 12:30:51 on 03/23/2009 under Order No.1000385206_1 which expires on 1 /19/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: This doc Pent was produced by (2181475776} d~e(-7aedse~nsultants.eom IBC~X l~/Iessage Hi Doc Please see attached regarding the window pricing. The floor loop is on. order and I will deliver it as soon as it gets here for the concrete guys to set in place before the pour. Tim Scott Estimator/Project Manager Overhead Door Co. Of TYie Northland Phone 651-683-0307 Fax 651-683-0625 Mobile 612-363-3714 -----Original Message----- From: Doc Smith [] Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 5:21 PM To: Tim Scott Subject: Re: Columbia Heights Public Safety is that two bands of window like next to the large dr. ? if not reprice On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:50:55 -0500 "Tim Scott" <> wrote: > Hi Doc > My quote is attached > Tim Scott > Est_imat~r/Project Manager > Overhead Door Co. Of The Northland > Phone 651-683-0307 > Fax 651-683-0625 > Mobile 612-363-3714 > -----Original Message----- > From: Doc Smith [ > Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 2.20 PM > To: Tim Scott > Subject: Columbia Heights Public Safety > > Please see attached Request for Proposal #23. > DOC -.~~_- A chrt~er~t; Caa! Fits e[ev.pdf (231Kbytes} Page 1 of 1'T 1 gT4C314Bd~w1 TTZf/Message.wssp?Iviailbc~x... 3/23/2009 r ,~. __ ~` ~`~ 404A Saint Croix Trail North Lakelanc9, Minnesota 55043 • Phone: 651-436-2426 ~_ 1821 University Avenue • Suite 204-S St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 • Phone: 651-998-0332 Fax: 651-436-3918 • e-mail: • P DATE: March 18, 2009 RFP #23 PROJECT: Columbia Heights Public Safety Center 825 41st Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55241 VENDOR: Overhead Door Company -Tim Scott 3195 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121 Phone:651-683-030 Fax: 651-683-0625 Please provide price by Monday, March 23, 2009, to add windows to Door 002. ~ if you have any glzestions regardia*ag thin request for proposal, please contact Doc Sn2i+,h at ?63-?88-0338 or 612--? ^7-09?6. ~~ f j~ ~~ _ ~__ Project Manager: ~~~~, r ___. `! ~,r ~ ~ Earl Doc Smith Date ~-~~~' _ _ _ ~ ~' _ --f ®. _ . - ~ .e ~ T~ -1992 ~~ PROJECT (Name a/ul address}: Colinnbia Heights Public Safety Cexiter 825 41st Avenue Northeast Columba 1-l:gl:ts, ~:~lh~ X54? i TO CONT CTOR (Name arld adca-ess) Overhead Door Co. of the Northland J t f7S Terminal Drt4'e Eagan, MN 55121 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 023 CH3- 08-1-3 INITIATION DATE: June 1 1, 2009 PROJECT NUMBERS: BA 080E / CONTRACT DATE: December 8, 2008 CONTRACT FOR: CH3-0-1 Apparatus I3ay Doors, Garage Doors, Overhead Doors, Sectional Doors OWNER: ~ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: ARCHITECT: CO"JTRACTr.~,R: FIELD: :^ THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: Supply 2t} gauge tlizsh doors in lieu of~ol`26 gauge ilusll doors. Add ~i5,221.00 1'he original C:c'3ntract Seim v'vtes $ 115.700.00 Net change by previously autllarized Change Orders $ 2,599.00 I he Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 118,299A0 The Contract Sum will he increased by this Change C?rder in the amount of $ 5,221.00 The new Contract Sum inetuding this Change Order will 1>e $ 123,520.00 1'hn Contract 'Time witl be unchanged by Zero {0) days. The date ot° Substantial ~:omplction as ofthe date ai this Change Order ihereibre is NOTE: 'this summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximuilt Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE OWNER, CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. F.DS 13uiiders, Inc. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (Fi~l~nz nan~aei 404A Saint Croix Trail North, Lakeland, MN 5504 ADDRESS BY 5'igrtcata~re~) Earl Doc Smith (Tvpect name) DATE: Overhead Door Co. of the Northland 023 CH3-08-1-3 GONTRACTOR (Fran rsume) 3195 Terminal Drive, Eagan, MN 55121 ADDRESS r BY (Signature) ~M ScoTT 6-/T-o~ (Typed name) DATE: 13uetow and Associates, Inc. City of Columbia Heights OWNER (Firm name) 590 40th Avenue Northeast, Columbia Heig MN 55421-3878 ADDRESS ~ - ,, 'fib . ~ _..Y d' F a i8 IF _ ~,a Walter Fehst (Typed name) AIA Document G701/CMaTM - 1992. Copyright O 1992 by The American Institute of Architects. Atl rights reserved. ~ s.,€~n>~,>t.~, ' 6 . E t'BE AIA software at 12:58:48 on 06/t 112009 under Ortler No.1000385206_1,which e~ires on 01/19/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: ~. ~ This dacumentwas produced by (1999788087} ~, ~` ~' 404A Saint Croix Trail North ° Lakeland, tV~innesota 55043 Phone: 651-436-2426 _ `~-- ~. 1821 University Avenue ° Suite 2.04-5 • St. Paul, Minnesata 55104 • Phone: 651-998-0332 Fax: 651-43b-3918 e-mail: • FIELD DATE: June 8, 2009 PO t#:31 PROJECT: Columbia Heights Public Safety Center 825 41st Avenue NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 VENDOR: Overhead Door Company -Tim Scott 3195 Terminal Drive Eagan, MN 55121 Phone:651-683-0307 Pax: 651-6$3-0625 CC: Dave Olds, Larry Pepin., G Gorman, Scott Nadeau You are hereby authorized to execute promptly this Field Order directive per the enclosed description and all applicable provisions of the General, Supplemental, and Special Conditions; Addenda; and all ether Contract documents. Proceed on supplying 20 gauge flush doors in lieu of 26 gauge flush doors at a cost of X5,221.00. A cha.-~zge order will follow. If you have any questions regarding this field order, please contact Doc Smith at 651-436- 2426 or 612-747-0976. ,~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Project Manager: ~- -~-'~~ ~-`' ~~~ C'~c°'~,~,,.,,~V Y~ ~ z Earl Doc Smith Date T" 'rte ir~i °r~~ er~c ~a~f ~~r any ~° ~rtlal~r~d 3195 Teraina! drive agars, 55121 zeiep~one: (~~~ } ~s3-o~o~ Fax: (851 } 883-0625 .lone (I2, 2f3~3 EDS Builders ~4d St Croix Trail North #A Lakeland, tvtlJ ~5~43 Attention: Doc Smith PF: C.'calumbia Heights Public Safety Dear fir; After reviewing my returned shop drawings, it is evident that 2d Ga. flush doors are now being asked for. Before the bid when I researched the 24€}t7 I viewed the II)C web site ar~d at the tune the door uas only described as a 2C Ga. door. Please see attached. Following the return of my shop drawings I noticed that they were marked up as ?q Ga., which is when I again looked at the IDC web site showing the 2LfItI/2~Of} as both 2fi Ga. I called IDC to clarify what the door was. `T`hey then informed me that the 240fl is 2(I Cra.t I told there that their web site stated it differently. They have since changed the web page describing the door. I provided rrry bid at a great price in good faith believing that the int'trrrriation Ifound on the IDC' web site was correct. I Dave no issue with providing a 20 Ga. flush door but I would expect to uct compensated for the upgrade to that door at the same mark up as my original laid. The upgrade corraes to an added Bost oI~ ~5,22I _~rJ. Sineerely~ ,~C Tim Scott Estimator.~Project rrtanager Overhead Door Co of tl~c 1~1«t-thland a distribufrr of C3verl~ead E}oar Corporatiors products ~'~. ~ ~ ~ r' ~~ ~°~ _~ E aae+e~~ ~ -- - v .. ~Ihen you need a closure that has the very Kest in enemy el~iciency and performance. Protects your building environment from the harshest climate extremes, saving yc3u money on heating anal: air conditioning. ~3ighti~hts * 2.6 I6slft3 density CFC-I I free polyurethane foam insulation o t)utstanding 1 _~ R-Value insulation rating E:omplete thern-aal Freak steps conductive energy Ions ® Attractive and 1 lush peblsle grain panel styles far attracti~-e appearances Exceptional strength from 26 ga. steel sandwich construction Itet~'t description. 592 Series Therrr~acore Ribbed (2"} Comm. Sectioll~i Doar Width: 24' 10°` Heigftt: 12` 1" Sqr List Price: ~ y_. _ ~ _ _ Multiplier: Bas 'l5t Discount Percer~tQge B5 Addit€or~al discount laerceattage filet Iterra Cost 9~t~ithout ~ Qttatttity Vendor C?ption Description U/M 1.00 ISE3 Glazing For SaStt a~i. t'CtianS, 1f2'° Insuiated Per Section 1.Of} Sash Section:lNhite Aluminum Interrrtediate, Qpen Far Glass Per Section 24.1 ~ Jamb Seal (4"v7100) Ln. Ft. 24.83 Tap Seal, dual flap (408972 Ln. Ft. 6.00 Bauble End Stiles Including I-dinges) (II~IC-NC) CHG} Per Section 1.00 Strut, HS-1 (.0313 X 2.25} Entire Door Per boor 1.t30 Powder Coat faint (Aluminum Sash Section C3nIy} F'er Section 2.Ot! Drawbar Plate, 24" Ea. 3flC}.0? 10fl,0E}4~ Cycle Springs Sq. Ft. 24.83 Saiid Shaft, 1" In Lieu 4f Tubing (STD} Ft. tiF#idth x.00 Lack, ~,4ntlock Cn Lack St~Ie, 16 af4" Roza (#2; Ea. 1.00 Low Headroam Track 111/ith 3" Track, Torstan Rear Ea. 12.08 Track, 3" Continuous Angle In (#6) STEEL JAMB Ft. Height Vendor O# C Feet Iterr: C€'-rat Ir:clutt Numk TL}i=L'~1 P'r' IVIiSGeilane4~tS Mat e!~fo F Man hours: Labor cost per Man hour: AI\ WEAT IVlark-up per labor snit v ClHDirect version 5.5.84 C~uota TSS-794 Last Sao°ed Date: Q5~2~f2~09 Page 1 of 2