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Certified Public Accountants and Consultants
To the Board of Commissioners
Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority
Columbia Heights, Minnesota 5542 ~
ha conjunction with our audit of the City's financial statements, we have prepared this
report to assist the EDA board in analyzing the financial activity of the EDA.
Eeonomac Development Authority
The EDA was established in January 199b. The EDA is a separate legal entity from the
City, however, because the Mayor and City Councilmrembers comprise the majority of the
EDA's governing board, the EDA is reported in the City's financial statements using the
blended method. Additionally, the EDA assumed oversight responsibility for the HRA. The
EDA and HRA financial statements are included as Special Revenue Funds of the City's
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Condensed balance sheets for the HRA and EDA fox 2007 and Z44b are as follov~s:
Business EDA Lease Parkview Parkview
Revolving EDA Revenue Villa Villa Rental 20x7 2006
Loan Admin. Bonds 2aa7B North South Housing Total Total
Cash and investments $37x,336 $48,899 $ - $553,596 $306,870 $40,688 $1,32x,388 $1,274,841
Other assets 94,521 988,828 5,x4a,0a0 187,149 16,591 - 6,337,089 1,1 I8,619
Total assets $464,857 $1,047,727 $5,a40,aaa $744,745 $323,461 $4x,688 $7,657,478 $2,393,46a
Liabilities and Fnnd Balance
~ Liabilities - in total $ - $1,411,358 $ - $91,239 $22,633 $ - $1,525,230 $1,533,555
Fnnd balance 464,857 X363,631 } 5,x40,000 649,5x6 3ax,828 40,688 6,132,248 859,905
Total liabilities and fund balance $464,857 $1,x47,727 $5,040,x00 $74x,745 $323,461 $40,688 $7,657,478 $2,393,460
Audit Management Letter
Business Loan Revolving Fund (299)
A comparison of the financial activity of this fund for 2005 through 2007 is as follows:
Feeslprogram revenue
investment income
Total revenues
$3, l 92
$526 $ -
~ 2,9so 70,583
Revenues over expenditures
Fund balance -January l
Fund balance -December 31
l 0,769 ~ 3,SOb 70,583
369,999 380,7b8 394,274
$380,7b8 $394,274 $4b4,857
This fund accounts for the Business Revolving Loan Fund (BRL.F)_ Also, prior to 2004
this fund accounted for HRA property tax levy. Beginning in 2004, the HRA t~ levy is
accounted for in Fund 204 - EDA Administrative Fund. As shown above, this fund has a
fund balance of $464,857. A portion of the fund balance ($306,426) relates to a loan to
In November 2007, the City council adopted Resolution 2007-214 establishing a new
fund (EDA Housing Maintenance Fund). The Resolution authorized the transfer of $306,426
from the Revolving Fund to this new fund to be used for The Housing Maintenance Program.
Audit Management Letter
A history of the fund balance is as follows:
Year Amount (Decrease)
1994 $2bS,307 $2b8,307
1995 53,521 (214,78b)
199b (15,447) (b8,9bS)
I 997 30,109 45,55b
1998 37,907 7,798
1999 442,374 3b4,4b7
2000 47$,7b0 7b,386
2041 532,293 53,533
2002 328,228 (204,Db5)
2003 353,255 25,027
2004 3b9,999 1 b,744
2005 38a,7b8 10,7b9
2006 394,274 l 3,50b
2007 464,557 70,583
Audit Management Letter
Anoka County CDBG Fund X202}
Financial activity of this fund for 2005 thxough 2007 is as follows:
$ - $ - $21,240
- 64,004 -
- - 115,000
31,986 - -
247,909 - 160,000
l , l 36 l ,000 -
2~1,031 6s,ooo 296,240
2,3os - 27,000
291,986 64,000 21,240
X13,263} 1,000 0
- 13,264 -
16,763 -
0 30,027 0
~ 13,263} 31,027 4
X29,636} X42,899} (11,872}
x$42,899} ($11,872} x$11,872)
Federal grant:
37th and Central Avenue Demo
40th Avenue improvements
Demo Apache Theatre
Burger King demolition
Industrial redevelopment
Total revenues
Other services and charges
Capital outlay
Total expenditures
Revenues over sunder}expenditures
ether financing sources (uses}:
Transfer from Municipal State Aid Fund
Sale of capital assets
Total other financing sources fuses}
Net change in fund balance
Fund balance deficit) -January 1
Fund balance ~de~cit} -December 3 ]
Audit Management Letter
Parkview Villa North ~PVVN) X203)
The financial activity of this fund far 2~~5 through 2~~7 is as follows;
2005 2ao6 2DO7
Federal grant:
Operating subsidy $121,270 $157,937 $159,624
Capital grant 104,237 105,802 185,287
Rents 300,778 301,897 314,558
Investment income 8,495 15,740 31,870
ether 3,505 4,249 8,932
Total revenues 538,285 585,625 7D0,271
Personal services 22,288 22,533 22,463
Supplies 27,865 46,768 70,797
ether services and charges:
Management services 114,674 l 35,552 140,160
Utilities l 21,821 l 35,235 130,322
Repair and maintenance 7D,572 37,965 48,220
PILOT 17,628 16,437 18,222
Insurance 22,966 14,3D4 14,233
All other 47,987 37,935 16,831
Capital outlay 86,200 115,3 l 1 127,2 l b
Total expenditures 532,001 562,040 588,464
~ Revenues over expenditures 6,284 23,585 1 l 1,807
Fund balance - January 1 507,830 514,114 537,b99
Fund balance -December 31 $514, l 14 $537,699 $649,506
Audit Management Letter
EDA_Administration X204}
This fund was established in 1996 to account for the financial activity associated with
business development and community redevelopment projects in the City.
A summary of the financial activity of this fund for 2005 through 2407 is as follows:
Market value homestead credit
lnvestmer~t income
Total revenues
Other services and charges
Capital outlay
Total expenditures
Revenues over expenditures
Other f nancing sources (uses}:
Transfers out:
Community Development (201 ~
Net change in fund balance
Fund balance (deficit) - January l
Fund balance (deficit} -December 31
$217,154 $223,480 $275,740
l 4,750 l 3,113 1 l ,695
790 961 -
232,694 237,554 287,435
12b - -
411,887 - -
412,013 0 0
(179,3 ~ 9} 237,554 287,435
(223,791 } X246,331 } (317,228}
(403,110) (8,777} (29,793)
78,049 (325,061 } (333,838}
($325,061 } ($333,838} ($363,b31 }
In accordance with accounting standards, the EDA reports land held for resale on its
balance sheet.
Audit Management Letter
Parkview Villa South X213}
The financial activity of this fund for 2005 through 2007 is as follows:
zoos zoo6 zoo?
Rents $2.33,831 $2bb,lz8 $283,229
Investment income 2,359 5T120 11,930
ether 2,431 3,343 4,523
Total revenues 238,b21 274,591 299,b82
Personal services 18,710 11,480 11,4$0
Supplies 7,785 11,198 20,088
Other services and charges:
Management services 57,301 70,491 73,052
Utilities 43,544 48,934 49,531
Repair and maintenance 32,405 21.048 27,78b
P1LOT 18,488 21,061 804
Insurance 5,$39 7,045 7,1 lb
Capital outlay - - 25,700
All other 37,284 5,139 4,379
Total expenditures 221,35b 19b,39b 219,93b
Revenues over expenditures 17,2b5 78,195 79,746
Fund balance -January 1 125,b22 142,887 221,082
Fund balance -December 31 5142,887 $221,082 $30D,828
During 200, the EDA approved the establishment of the PVVS Capital Improvement
Fund. This fund transferred $700,000 to the PVVS Capital Improvement Fund in 2001.
Audit Management Letter
Rentat Housin 235
This fund was established in ~ 996 to account for rental properties. A summary of the
2005 through 2007 financial activity is as follows:
2005 2006 2007
investment income $988 $1,410 $ -
Qther - - -
Total revenues 988 1,410 0
Other services and charges:
Other services and charges 15,000 -
Revenues over (under} expenditures (14,o 12} 1,410 -
Fund balance -January 1 53,290 39,278 40,b88
Fund balance -December 31 $39,278 $40,88 $40,688
~~~ T~~~~~ ~ ~~
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
June 19, 2008
Audit Management Letter