HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDA Bylaws 1996
13 .....7J:.A WS 0 I: TEE
S..c':ion 1-
"C.Jlumbia Eeig.:.ts
NA.'dE 01: AUTEOR!TY. Tl':.e name
Eccc.oaric Deveiopme=.t Au~crity. ~
..A.. u t:..c ri 1'..7 is
<: ' ? OJ:'-rc- OJ:' A"~~OR'~" ~...... . . "
....l3c!:on _.. {; :.. .:. f: u;" ::. ~ ~ :.::.. ~ _e or::cgs at tlle At.:..t..:lcr~t"".J' 3.:'': at C~t""r
:~al1 ;:.. ,he City of Coiumbia ;leights, :vri"'~esota. The Au,hori"t""f .itaT hoid. i,s
=ee::::.~s at sucll ace::- -::lacs or ':JlaC9S a.s :t c.es:z=.ates 01/ ro:soiution.
- .... -"
S€c~on 3.. COMM:ISSrC~r:.::..s. ':'::.e A~'Chorit:' is g':"J'e:::-=.ed. ~y sevsn.
ccmcissione:::,s appointed. in t=.e :nanne:::o ;rss.::oi:ed. by C:t:,; C:n,:'.:lcil ~2SCLt.:.::Cn. >ra..
%-.J'!' (::::=.aoiic.g :l.esoiut::onl a=.d.lli::.::.esota 5,3.,:,:,,=5, Sec-::oc.s ..69,090:0..69. :081
(Act) .
<:~""'cn:l. OJ:'":'rc" r S'" \ r ~'... ,.....,.....,.." s"~;' ""~'~e ",. 0.....',....; "~l' ''''''c''
.........._ .. .., r;.... ....~_ ~'"\_. .. __ .-..__..........~ ...,..".......... -.. _.....~...c;o.;;;., "'44.00 -
s::al1 oe in :he for~ of a. circle aXlc shall 4.::es..:' :.::e ~ame of the ~.1,.u t.hori~"f and. ~'::'e vea:
. .
of i.tS org9..ci:aticcd
A.."'l.TICLE II - O~:: :cns
. \
Sec':ion 1. OI::!C:::3.S, The of::cs:'s of :he Au~horit"l a:'s the :?:-ss:c.en" ~e
~i":Cg-?-:gside!lt, the Sac:'stary, tb.e T':"sasu::'9:" and the Assis-:ant T-:9SS-":':'S:". T=.e
P-:.-ssicie!lt, V:ce ?~s:id.e!lt, T:"9asur9= a=.c. Sec:"s':a:y shall be elec,,;ec annu.ally J at ~e
~-"'lc.al meeting. T:..e Assis~a:c.t Tr~as"':'=9:" s::'a.i.l be elec:ed. at tl:e org-a.=.i:aco:c.al ,
::nes::.::..g of the Author:::' arld sb.all sS!:"1f'S u.~~ a::.otbe:- person is elected. oy ac~on
of::.e AUUOritTl. No c~cnrnissioner' me\.-- serve as ?-:-ssicie!lt and. ",rice P-:-ssic.e!lt at the
sa.=e ~e. T=.e ot'f:css of Sec:'stary a::c.. ...i..ssis-:a::.:: T:"S8S"..lrer :leee. r..ct be held. b~'" ~
commissione:- .
.. ~..~
<:,.... ~ "O"'o;:"S.-:"'-"~ "...... ':)-"s''':e,..t~"..,..: t. ,,""~crsot'."'2\"."'O~''''.
_e__on.. .....;'._ J,~.J::.....'t ~. .......e.... _ ...l...i. _ ,;0''' ....sJ.~....l?S a.. me_............= u...... .-".....'-- ....I.j.
:::<c'S":t as ot..~e:"i..,tse au't::..oriz.:ec. OV :"9scluticn. of :he ..~u't~ori.:v, :b.e ?-:-casic.er.: sig::s
coc.::=.ac~s, d.eeds a.z:.ci ot.=..e:- ir..s~~ime.::ts mac.e by ~b.e ~~ut.:.cri!:,,-. At eac=. ::::::ee~g J
the :?:-ssic.ent may s~=cr'..it :"scommend.a~:ccs a=.d. :::.t'.:r~aC:on cOI!csr~g t1:.e :usi::.ess,
af:a!.::s and policies of the ,Authorit"l. A ~ ~;:,e a:'..J::.ual ;:neeeng, the P:-ss:c.ent ;:nus,
s~bcci't to the Auucrit7' a rs:::ort su.m~e.:,i::::'='g ::.e activities a:lc. prcg-:s.c:s of :::.e
A~t.:.cri~"" fer tb.e 'Oe.s~ vas.::" and. co.c..:~::i::g :.:.e P,,::ssicie!lt's :-scoG'lme=.c.a~cc.s fer
Au(:crit:, activities for tb..e ens~1;~z vea:-.
. .. .
Sec::on 3. ~i!C:::"'??.:::SIDE,;.,{,!,. 'I'::'e Vics-?-:ssic.ent -cerfor:ns the du.::es of ~e
?,:,S'sid.e::..t in ~e absan.cs or incapaci.'::,r of t.:.e ?-:sside.:lt i and L"'l C2.sa of r=.e disacili~:r
or absancs of the .?:-~sic.ent, or in tb.e case of a '7acanc:r L.~ tb.e of:ics of '?-:ss:.c.e:::t,
t.l:e ~i:cs-?':ssid.e::.t ;e:-for':ls the du::es of t=.e ?':"ssicle.!lt untl a succsssor has ceen.
a;;ci!:.ced. and qualif:es .
Sec~on 4. S2CRZ!" AR Y. The Sec:oeca=:r ;e~for:ls the ciu.t:.es of a sac:"'3ta=:r
~o~ o'"e 'u."o~'_.
1. '" I..... .""1. ~ 1o...1.:.
Seccon 5. T:t~A.S~IR.'::?.. T::..e T=';9.s~=r::~ :..as the duties g:ven by ~::e Ac~.
c::.: s: 4:~
Secti?ll 6. . EXECUTIVE D [RECTO R. T~e Columbia Heig::l.ts City Manag~r is
the .E~ecu~ve D,rector or the Authot'ity and has g~net'al supet'vision over the
adllUIl.lstt'aClon or its business and affairs subject to the dir~ction or the Au'Chodt"/"
~d si~s c~nt::.-acts.' deeds a~d other instr'.lments mad: by the .Authot'ity. The
.:.xeC'.ltlve Du:'ector IS t'esponslole for the mallagement at the pt'o]ects and O"~neMl
af:ait's or Authot'ity under the direction or the Commissioners. "
Section 7. OTHER ADMINIST:tA TIVE OE'?'ICE:tS. Subdivision 1. Assistant
Secr~tat"r. The Au'Chority may desipate an assistant to the Sec:.'Stary to keep the
r~cot'ds or the Authority, record tl:le meetings or the Au'Chority in a jou:r::.al or
;It'oceedings to be kep t for that purpose and to ;:er:orm the duties of secreta;o:r under
the dir~ction or the Sec:retarv. The assistant :nust kee1:l in safe ~ustod'T the seal or
t.:.e Authodw and mav affL"<: the seal to cont:'9.cts and inst:".lments au'Chorized bv the
Authority. . , .
Subd. 2. Assis-:ant T-:'3ast:.:"'3:". :'11.e AS.3~s:anc Treas....:.:::s:- ot tlle Au.:;:ot'i~.j has
cus:Cc.v of funds of ~.J.e A ut:"lOritv . T:1.e ..-\ssis:a::.t Treasurs:- must de"Oosit the :~.Ilds
. . .
in the :lame or the Authoritv in a bai"lk or ba:"_<s selected 'ov the Authorit'/". The
!xec"':'::7e Direc'tor and the .~ssis:ant T-::,ss.su.:::e:- :nust sig=. orde:-s a=.d checks for the
payment of money and payout and disburse suc.:. monies under the direction or the
Authority. Except as ether'mse authot'ized by resolution or the Authority, orders
and checks must also be countersig:led 'o;/" t.:.e ?r~sident. The Assistant Tr~asur9r
must ;-ceep r~g'.llar books or accounts s.:.owi.ng Au'Chodty receipts and eX?ellditur~s
and r~llder to the Authority, at the all..'1ual meeting (and when requested by the
Autl:J.ority), an account of the financial condition of the Authority.
Subd. 3. De1:lutv' Exec~ti"'e Directcr. The Columbia Heights Co=unity
Develc-cment Dir9C!Or is the De,:::utv E:<ec",.::~:ve Jirsc!or and ~erfor:ns suc1'l duties and
services as s;::ecified by the E:~ec'.:.ti'7e Dir~c:or, subj~ct to direction or the
Authority. In the absence or inca~acity or the Execu tive Dir~ctor, the Deputy
Executive Director may sig:J. cont:'acts, deeds a...1.d othe!' inst=uments made by we
Section 8. -COMIlrN!~G A:lMl);!ST:tA!':VE OFFICES. Adm.i1l.ist::.-ati"'<:l.?r::c?s
may be combined.
Section 9. ADDITIONAL DUTIES. The cr::cers of the Authority per:or':n athe!'
duties and functions as may from time to time ::e r~quir~d by the Authot'ity, these
bylaws or the rules and !'~gulations or t.b.e Au:.."-ot'ity.
Section 10. VACANCIES. If the orf:c~ or President, Vice-?r~sident,
Trsasure:-, Assistant Treesursr or S~c:'eta::':r1::ec~me5 vacant, pursu.an.t to :m...'"lnesota
Statutes 351.02 or by othe!' provisions of la'''', the Authority must elect a successor
at the next r~g'-.llar meeting at' at a special meeting called for that purpose. The
successor serves for the unexpir~d ter':n or the orfice.
Section 1. ANNUAL ME:::TrNG. The a::nual meeting or the Authority is held
on the ,::~i",d Tuesday or Janua::"! 7: 0Cp.:n. at the regular me~dng place or the
Authority,. at t:"e Par!<"liefN' Villa H.:..ghris.e~
<::..:.6; 4 ~l
of its activities and of its receipts and e::cpenditures for the preceding calendar year.
The Authority shall, at the City's request, make available all records necessary to
conduct an audit of the Authority's finances.
Section 4. BUDGET. The Authority shall annually send its budg9t to the City
Council which budget includes a written estimate of the amount of money need by the
Authority from the City in order for the Authority to conduct .business du~..ng the
upcoming fiscal year.
Section 5. SERVICES. The Authority may cont:ract for services of
consultants, ag9nts and. others as needed to perform its duties and to exercise its
powers. The Au'Chority may also use 'the services of the City Attorney or biz'e a
general counsel, as determined by the Authority, The Authority may Ooot hire
temporary or permanent employees without prior approval or the City Council.
Section 6. AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWS. The bylaws or 'the Authoritv mav be
amended only with the approval or at least four commissioners at a regular Illeet<..ng
or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Janua:.7 8
, 1996.