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bill list of November 26, 2007b
COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY Expenditures November 26, 2007- B 2025:Automated Circulation System Supplies Anoka County Library 1189 1961 October Notices 100.00 100.00 3050: Expert & Professional Services Anoka County Library 1190 1961 October Cataloging 470.53 470.53 2170: Program Supplies American Library Association 11720113 001 History Lives Set 38.00 Upstart- Division of Highsmith 1206546-001 National Lib Wk 29.35 67.35 2180: Books Baker & Taylor 2019654242 2309JS Books 3.89 2019654243 2309JS 16.20 2019686815 2309JS 6.49 2019686816 2309JS 25.24 2019707573 2395A 14.38 2019707573 2417J 11.71 2019707573 2427J 26.44 2019707573 2428A 14.38 2019723599 2309JS 26.87 5008325742 2444RS 25.26 170.86 Brodart H642019 2443RS 44.90 H661736 2445RS 33.83 H675230 2447RS 15.56 94.29 Thomson Gale 15405920 2424AD 25.56 15410675 2298AS 49.43 15421747 2298AS 98.11 15433252 2298AS 25.47 198.57 463.72 2181: Periodicals, Magazines & Newspapers EBSCO Publishing 1215970 Mag Sub 1 year 22.95 22.95 2185: Compact Discs Random House, INC 1083922641 043832 Books on CD 16.00 16.00 2188: Microform MN Historical Society MF-1736 Microfilm 32.50 32.50 2189: DVDs Baker & Taylor Entertainment H14463460 044272 DVDs 890.72 Midwest Tape 1509409 044251 DVDs 42.98 1514122 044251 DVDs 126.94 169.92 1060.64 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY Expenditures November 26, 2007- B 4000:Maintenance and Repair EMC 2407 044261 Urinal Repair 321.00 Heights Electric INC. 6399 044263 Fixture Repair 151.50 Schindler Elevator Corp 8101945700 1960 Preventative Main. 269.19 Summit Fire Protection Co. INC 1249088 044233 Sprinkler Service 400.00 1141.69