HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 6, 2005 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES December 6, 2005 The meeting was called to order by Chair, Barbara Miller at 7:00 p.m. Those members present were Patricia Sowada, Lynette Thomson, Nancy Hoium, Barbara Miller, Bruce Kelzenberg, Catherine Vesley, and Becky Loader. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes of the November 1, 2005, Board meeting as mailed. Bill list dated 11/14/05 II was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 11/28/05 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 12/12/05 was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that they be paid. Bill list dated 12/12/05 II was reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed that they also be paid. The accounting was reviewed. Tom Sherohman, Library Foundation Board President, was at the meeting and made a presentation about the upcoming Foundation Fund Raiser to be held 12/18/05 at the Heights Theatre. He also addressed the status of the grant application with the Minnesota Regional Arts Council (MRAC). At this time, the presentation has been made to MRAC, but there is no information as to what may be granted. Old Business: 1. Update on Wi-Fi was presented. The cabling bid is in, and installation will take place the week of December 18. The agenda item from the Anoka County Library Board meeting concerning wireless recommendations was reviewed. The goal is to have WiFi activated by February or March. 2. PC management update: Cabling is scheduled to coincide with the cabling for WiFi. Equipment has been ordered, a floor plan has been finalized and signs and note cards advertising the upcoming changes are being produced. Northtown is scheduled to be the first branch to implement the new system; Columbia Heights is tentatively scheduled for January implementation. 3. 2006 proposed budget update was discussed. The information provided for the City Council by Finance Director, William Elrite, was reviewed. The Board also reviewed the document prioritizing requested add- backs. 4. Report on the MELSA meeting for State Plan for Libraries was presented. Becky attended the meeting intended for administrators. The State strategic plan is under review. The hope is to re-vitalize the State Library Agency, and to address the mission of the changing role of libraries in the future. 5. Landscaping at the Library has been put on hold until spring, when the project will be completed. The front of the building is finished. The Board would like to thank Kevin Hansen and Bill Elrite for having the Library included in the overall landscaping improvements within the City. 6. The Board would still like to have some type of sculpture for the courtyard. 1 New Business: 1. The following fund transfers were requested: a. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $155.00 from 2000 (Office Supplies) to 2020 (Computer Supplies). b. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $100.00 from 2024 (ACS Supplies) to 2020 (Computer Supplies). c. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $450.00 from 3050 (Expert & Professional Services) to 3310 (Local Travel Expense). d. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $4,990.00 from 5170 (Office Equipment) to 3050 (Expert & Professional Service). e. It was moved, seconded and passed to transfer $622.00 from 5170 (Office Equipment) to 2010 (Minor Office Equipment). 2. The Internet policy was discussed. With the installation of the new PC management software, some changes have to be made to the policy concerning time limits, and minor wording changes. After review, it was moved, seconded, and passed to accept the revised Internet policy as presented. 3. The Board was advised of a staff update. There are 2 vacant page positions at this time. One page was terminated for an unexcused absence, and the other page resigned because she was moving out of the area. The status of these two positions is currently undecided. 4. The Anoka County Library policy concerning a grace period for 10 day books was discussed. 5. The policy of Anoka County Library concerning the collection of Social Security numbers from customers on a voluntary basis was reviewed. The numbers are necessary for their participation in the County’s Revenue Recapture program. 6. The school levy passed in the November election, the NEI site was discussed and the article from the Sun Focus newspaper dated 12/1/05 was reviewed. 7. The Ramsey County Library newsletter highlighting the $71,174.00 raised by their Friends Group was reviewed. 8. The Public Hearing concerning the 2006 budget was reviewed. The article from the Star Tribune about property taxes was discussed. 9. The memo from the Department of Education concerning State Library System Memberships and eligibility for State services was reviewed. The participation in regional library systems was discussed. 10. The Board was advised that there will be additional policy decisions to be discussed at the January meeting. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanine M. Schmidt Secretary to the Library Board of Trustees. The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights services, programs, and activities. 2