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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 17, 1964Park Board Meeting February 17, 1964 Meeting called to order by Chairman John P~k Roll Call: Members Present: Rak, ~Jelch, Novotn~v, Super, and Lewis Members Abs'ent: None The reading of the minutes were approved as mailed. A citizen group from Mathaire requested that some sort of protection for their yards be installed by the Park Board. Final action tabled. ~iurzyn and Lewis to prepare information on fencir4~ and shrubs. Discussion of the 1964 Budget to be laid over until the next regular meeting~ ~otion by Novotny, seconded by Super, to place ads in paper for sale of ~ileys. f~ll Motion by Novot~¥, seconded by Super, to get more bids on concrete flooring £or the youth center. ~ll ayes. ~rzyn to write a thank you letter to the Jr. Chamber of Commerce for L~udio System. ~otion by Suoer, seconded by Lewis, to ourchase ~l rubber matting for the bandstand and skating houses. All Discussion was held on the Lions Club request i~or a barbecue pit on west side of the Field House. Indication by the that they are not in favor of tearing up the lawn. Motion by S~er, seconded by Novotn~v, that the meeting be ~adJourned. Don Welch Secretary 188 ~lartes for February John Nur zyn D~u DeMars Rich Kudsk Ralph Volkm~n Vern Ro zmark Leonard Peltier Leland Entner Leslie Johnson Ambrose Neuman Mitro Dupay Leslie Christianson George Folta Rom~u helm John Gubanick Lonnie N6rling Richard Kud~k (overtime) Ralph Volkm~n (overtime) Leslie Johnson (extra labor) Rollin Johnson (extra labor) 593.72 467 467 .ac 467.20 467.20 428.00 400.00 97.50 11.70 191 .lO 201-50 16z .5o 167.70 llq. 24 .¢9 175 .co lel 5, o50. Bills Auth0ri~ed for. Paymen~ Lange Tank & Mainten~uce, Inc. N. E. Radio & TV Johnson Paper & Supply Company John Nut zyn Height s Hardware Home Gas Company Farnhams Cooks Paint & Varnish Company Tri County - Publications, Inc. George J. Ball Americ~u Linen Company Campus Jewelers Dales Poptcorn Grace Lee Products Peks, Inc. Purity Soap & 'Chemical Compan~ Royalton Heating Ganzer Dist. Coca Cola Company Cooks Paint & Varnish Company Gopher Glass Compa~4v Seven-Up Pepsi Cola Nonarch Chemicals, Inc. Ninneapolis Star & Tribune E. B. Crabtree American Linen Berglund Johnson 9.21 9.31 16.1? 18.8q 40..56 56.~o 106.68 £.9.4 2.00 q8 .t0 ~-.~5 32.4o 262.77 28.80 147 -79 18.20 359.55 7.68 19.20 lO.3O 11.60 15 .oo 7.5o z83.15 z.6o 465 973.53 Balance- j~nuary Olst, 1964. Recelo~s du~ing February. Hall rent Canteen Misc. receipts Dis burs~emeDt s dur in~ Fe_b~r~ ary~ Salaries- fixed - extra & 0.T. Office Supplies Canteen Supplies La~dry Building const~ction E~nipment- Tools Bui Iding suppll e s Telephone ~ Li~t & Power ~e]. Bui].di~ repairs & Maint. E~ipmen% re~rm & ~int. Hist. e~ense- general - butldi~ - alleys Skating ri~ mainten~ce Car allow~ce Skating ri~ salaries~ Baianca-~ February 29th,~ 1964 ....... February, i964 26o 777.72 ~15.67 ll.40 9n8.86 2.6o q45.70 ioi .22 115.28 125.76 7.50 £~6.42 ~i8.$~ 190 Park Bond Issue Account Dec. 1963- Jan., Feb. 1964 Balance - November 30, 1963 ............... 54,612.85 Receipts durin~ December, 1963 * · Adjustment - reimburse, of bond interest paym'ts, made 1962-63 · Adjustment - Park spec. assess. paid by Bond Issue Acc't. ~7,67£.75 · 14.799..89 28,472..64 83,085.~9 Disbursements durin~ December, 1963 Barton Contracting Axel Hartse Twin City Seed Compaz~ Ardell Clausen - Ls~d Purchase Twin City Testing Compsz~v Bergluud-Johnson, Inc. 510.00 ll, 483.19 337.50 4, 986.20 45.00 11, 7oo.0o Adjustment as per Park Supt. and City Mgr. - disburse, previously chgd. to Park Improvement 3,749.28 32:. 811.1~ Balance- January 1st, 1964 ......... ' · 50,274.32 Receipts durinE Jan~r~l, 1964 0.00 Disbursements ~durin~ January, t.964 Barton Contracting C. Herringer- Land Purchase Dobis & Kvalheim- Atty. Fees Berglund-Johnson, Inc, 9o.10 4,76~.79 699.17 4.225.50 9.778 Balance - January 31st, 1964 ........ '. · ...... 40,495.76 Park Bond I,¢SUOi~CI$. -- cgnt'd. Balance - Januar~r 31st, 1964 ...... . ........ 40,495.76 Receiots..durinK Feb.rusty, 1964 Emergency Debt Certificate - purchased by Sinking Fumd 600.00 q2, 600.,.00 7_3, 095.76 _Disburs,ements durin~ Febru~r.v. 1964 L~bor- 2-10-64 Council approv. Emma Beehler - Land Purchade Labor - 2-24-64 0ouncil approv. Chies Bros Contractors Arvid Carlson - Land Purchase Berglund-Johnson, Inc. 306.23 32, 600 141.42 638 -75 1, 200. O0 Balance - February 29, i964 .... o .......... 34,744.~6 Assessment Acc~ t., Dec. 1962 - Jan., Feb. 1964 Balance- November Tax levy D~~~ do~i~D~cember? ~!R~6~ Spec. assees. - Apache Heights 1~,19q.48 Adjustment- spec. assess, paid ,, 79..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ by Park Bond Issue ~cc~t. ~4, ~ ~ o 9~.~ D_tsh=.rsement s ~;j..~~.~.a,ry_-' ~ Balance- January ~lst, i9~64 ............ 0 Df s_'o~.r_s ement s. durinM Februar~ 0 · 0O Balance- February 29th, 1964 ........... ~rt~ Yu~d B!dz. Acc ~ t_, Bala~. November ~,0 196q (No receipts or disbursements during December ~6~ or January and February. ~,96~ ) Balaz:ce - February 29, 1964 ............ Park Bo. nd_ Retirement Acc~t. Dec. 1962- Jan., Feb. 1964 Bala~tce - November ~C, 1963 .......... 8, 0i4.14 Recetpt~ d~,rin~=D~ce~mber. 169~ Tsx levy _~.~~ ll. 941,94 20,556 .o8 D_~. ':rsemenfis d~a r in~_e~emb er ,__~9_6~ Ad,~ustment - Bond interest prey. paid 0y Park Bond issue Acc ~ ~__l~, 6~2 :.7_5 ~, 67 Balance- January ist, 1964 ........... Receipts d.~rin~. Janua..vT?. i.96~ ~.rsements ~_flauua~, . 19~ Interest on Park Bonds ~.082.68' Bal~ce - January ~l, 19~ ...... 0 . · . '~,$00.65 Baia~;ce - February 29, 1964 ......... i, 800,65