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HomeMy WebLinkAboutminutes-november 2004 CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA MATHAIRE/MCKENNA ROOM, JOHN P. MURZYN HALL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2004 6:30 P.M. The City of Colmnbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Colmnbia Heights' services, programs and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the City Council Secretary at 706-3611, to make arrangements. (TDD/706-3692 for deaf only). 1. ROLLCALL 2. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with asterisks (****) are considered to be routine by the Park & Recreation Commission and will be enacted as part of the consent agenda by one motion. 3 ,****\ . \. ) APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 4, 2004 MINUTES APPROVAL PAYMENT OF BILLS 4. (****) 5. LETTERS AND REQUESTS A. REQUEST FOR FEES REDUCED FOR JPM RENTAL OF THE MAIN HALL Attached is a letter of request for reduced rental fees for the main hall at JPM. Pam Nelson from Consumer Surveys would like to use the main hall for food testing. This is a potential ongoing rental that may occur several times throughout the year and generate additional revenue for the facility. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LION'S CLUB BAR Members of the Lion's Club will be present to discuss Lion's Club bar operating procedures. B. JPM BUDGET City Manager, Walt Fehst, will discuss the Murzyn Hall budget and changes that would impact the future operations of Murzyn Hall. C. REQUEST FOR USAGE OF JPM KITCHEN BY MARINO CATERING COMPANY Attached is a letter of request for usage of JPM Kitchen by Marino Catering Company. P AGE TWO 7. 8. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. 2006 JPM RENTAL RATES Recreation Director, Keith \X/indschitl, \Xlill discuss I\1urZ'jn Hall rental rates for 2006. REPORTS A. Recreation Director B. Public Works Director/City Engineer C. Commission Members ADJOURNMENT P&RCOMM: AGENDA-NOY04 City of Columbia Heights Park and Recreation Commission October 4, 2004 The meeting was called to order by Eileen Evans at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members present: Eileen Evans; Jerry Foss; Tom Greenhalgh; Bruce Kelzenberg; Gary Mayer; Kevin McDonald; Marsha Stroik; Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director; Also present: Excused Absent: David Payne; Kevin Hansen, Public Works Director/City Engineer Absent: None APPROVAL CONSENT AGENDA Motion to approve consent agenda by Foss, second by Mayer. All ayes, motion carried. LETTERS AND REQUESTS REQUEST FOR RENTAL DATE CHANGE REQUEST FOR FEES WAIVED FOR MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, discussed the request for fees waived from Muscular Dystrophy. The lock up would be held dming the daytime homs and would not require additional staff time. Motion to waive fees by Foss, second by Greenhalgh. All ayes, motion carried. REQUEST FOR USAGE OF JPM KITCHEN BY MARINO CATERING Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reviewed with the Commission the letter of request for usage of JPM Kitchen by Marino Catering. It is undetermined on the amount of kitchen time Marino Catering would need for prepping. Motion by Foss, second by Greenhalgh to table the discussion until next Park and Recreation meeting and to have Eddie Matthes of Marino Catering present to answer questions. All ayes, motion carried. P AGE TWO OLD BUSINESS 2005 RECREATION BUDGET Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, discussed with the Commission the 2005 Recreation Budget. The total proposed budget for 2005 is the same as it was for 2004. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business at the time. REPORTS RECREATION DIRECTOR :Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, reported to the Commission pertaining to Commission Member 1\1arsha Stroik's question regarding United "'lay and stated that the City of Columbia Heights does not qualify for direct contributions because the City is not a 501 C3 organization. Recreation Director, Keith Windschitl, informed Commission Members that he recently attended a grant seminar. Currently the 21 5t Century Grant is in place for Youth Emichment programs through the Columbia Heights Recreation Department through June 2005. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m. Tina Foss, Park and Recreation Commission Secretary DATE 25-0ct ii-Oct 11-0ct 11-0ct 25-0ct 25-0ct 27-0ct 11-0ct 11-0ct EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - OCTOBER, 2004 ITEM bits, wire, kn ife,bleach ,fan, baskets, fuses,anchors cam locks stripper,plumbing parts,screws,ballast Cleaning supplies Premix uniforms, mops, linens VENDOR Menards ,~ . uOYle Home Depot Clark Pepsi G&K State of MN Sunburst chemicals dishwasher soap Brin glass display case glass COST $217.60 $11.16 $102.42 $413.08 $674.00 $1,018.49 $275.97 $196.35 $131.89 TOTAL $3,040.96 ACCOUNT 2171 2171 2171 2171 2990 4100 4395 2171 2160 EXPENSES - MURZYN HALL - SEPTEMBER, 2004 - DATE VENDOR ITEM COST ACCOUNT 27 -Sep Pepsi Premix $568.00 2990 29-Sep Excel energy electric $4,763.71 3810 - $568.00 TOTAL DATE PAID VENDOR 9/27/2004 J H LARSON ELECTRIC COMP 9/27/2004 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS, INC 9/27/2004 UNITED ELECTRIC CO. 9/27/2004 UNITED ELECTRIC CO. 9/27/2004 WW GRAINGER,INC 9/27/2004 ACE HARDWARE 9/27/2004 ACE HARDWARE 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 TRUGREEN CHEMLAWN 9/27/2004 RAPIT PRINTING - NEW BRI 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 9/27/2004 MINNESOTA PLAYGROUND INC 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 GOODIN CO. 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 9/27/2004 FMX TURF PRODUCTS 9/29/2004 XCEL ENERGY (N S P) 9/29/2004 VERIZON WIRELESS 9/29/2004 CENTER POINT ENERGY 9/30/2004 UTILITY CITY BILLS PAID 9/30/2004 GARAGE SPACE ALLOC.2004 9/30/2004 INSURANCE ALLOC.2004 9/30/2004 PBX MAINT.PHONE ALLoe. 9/30/2004 QWEST ALLOC.T1 L1NE:JAN- 9/30/2004 FUEL ALLOC.SEPT-2004 9/30/2004 GARAGE ALLOC.SEPT -2004 9/30/2004 GARAGE ALLOC.SEPT-2004 10/6/2004 MN DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIO 10/11/2004 OFFICE DEPOT PARK DEPT EXPENSES 17 SEP 04 - PRESENT DESCRIPTION M-TAP CORE AND COIL RED FIELD AGREGGATE 1000W QRAD,LAMPHOLDER FUSEHOLDERS MIDGET FUSES FASTENERS FASTENERS ANTIFREEZE ROPE ELECTRIC COVERS,DRILL BI BOLTS SULLIVAN PATHLlGHT PARTS COMBO WRENCHES,WASHERS CHEM LAWN SERVICES 2-PART LEAVE FORMS SWEEP CHAIN FOR SAW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT SHRINKWRAP DRINKING FOUNTAIN PARTS SOLDER HEAVY HASP FERTILIZER 08/04-09/04 91004 91304 UTILITY SERV.JUN,JUL,AUG GARAGE SPACE ALLOC.2004 INSURANCE ALLOC.2004 CK 108093 MARCO ALLOC.T1 L1NE:JAN-SEPT PARK PARKS PARTS PARKS LABOR AUG 31 ,2004-COMMUNICA TIONS 3-RING BINDERS, DIVIDERS AMOUNT FUND $79.42 101-45200-2171 $1,328.32 101-45200-2160 $136.81 101-45200-2171 $9.60 101-45200-2171 $159.70 101-45200-2171 $1.32 101-45200-2171 $1.32 101-45200-2171 $18.24 101-45200-2161 $8.97 101-45200-2171 $6.55 101-45200-2171 $7.74 101-45200-2171 $30.37 101-45200-2171 $8.91 101-45200-2171 $3,711.00 101-45200-3050 $32.00 101-45200-2030 $6.99 101-45200-2171 $28.90 101-45200-2171 $4,272.57 101-45200-2171 $15.98 101-45200-2171 $291.00 101-45200-2171 $10.49 101-45200-2171 $8.99 101-45200-2171 $1,970.70 101-45200-2160 $1,217.97 101-45200-3810 $15.04 101-45200-3210 $88.13 101-45200-3830 $1,381.17 101-45200-3850 $4,634.08 101-45200-4100 $1,870.25 101-45200-3600 $126.86 101-45200-3210 $149.34 101-45200-3210 $626.09 101-45200-2282 $1,689.53 101-45200-2280 $3,730.00 101-45200-4050 $64.48 101-45200-3210 $31.35 101-45200-2000 10/11/2004 GOODIN CO. 10/11/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 10/11/2004 MID-AMERICA SALES ASSOCI 10/11/2004 G & K SERVICES 10/11/2004 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 10/11/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 10/11/2004 BIFF'S,INC. 10/11/2004 FMX TURF PRODUCTS 10/13/2004 QWEST COMMUNICATIONS 10/13/2004 MN REC & PKASSOC - MRP 10/13/2004 CHOICE POINT SERVICES 10/20/2004 XCEL ENERGY (N S P) 10/25/2004 CURTIS 1000 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWA Y LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWA Y LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWA Y LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 ACE HARDWARE 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 10/25/2004 WW GRAINGER,INC 10/25/2004 HONEYWELL INC 10/25/2004 BUILDING FASTENERS 10/25/2004 BUILDING FASTENERS 10/25/2004 ACE HARDWARE 10/25/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 10/25/2004 BUILDING FASTENERS 10/27/2004 XCEL ENERGY (N S P) 10/27/2004 CENTER POINT ENERGY 10/31/2004 U/B CITY BILLS PAID #3 10/31/2004 INSURANCE ALLOC.2004 10/31/2004 GARAGE SPACE ALLOC.2004 11/8/2004 CENTRAL LANDSCAPING 11/8/2004 FLANAGAN SALES INC 11/8/2004 ACE HARDWARE 11/8/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 11/8/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F PARK DEPT EXPENSES 17 SEP 04 - PRESENT COPPER FITTINGS-POOL WASH ER, SCREW, LAGSH I ELD PITCHING RUBBERS UNIFORMS-PARK DEPT SFTY ENVRM SRVCS 10/04 FILM,LEATHER GLOVES SATELLITE KLEENUP PRO HERBICIDE CONF.10/27-28-TL DRUG TEST 08/04-09/04 LETTERHEAD TOOLBOX COVER,CHIP BRUSH,& JOU CHAINLlNK STAPLE PULLER PLANK COVER AND GLOVES PLEXIGLASS VINYL HOSE CHAIN FOR SAW#291-3 SAFETY LIFTING BELTS PARKS MAINT NUTS & BOLTS FOR RINK WASHERS FOR RINK FASTNERS GLOVES-PARK WORKERS NUTS/BOLTS-HOCKEY RINKS 09/04-10/04 .101204 U/B SERV.JUL,AUG,SEPT INSURANCE ALLOC.2004 GARAGE SPACE ALLOC.2004 SNOW SHOVELS TRASH RECEPTACLE LIDS HASP FOR ELECTRONIC BOX LUMBER HOCKEY RINK GLOVES 92204 $52.65 101-45200-2171 $6.16 101-45200-2171 $499.30 101-45200-2171 $69.93 101-45200-4100 $53.17 101-45200-3050 $81.86 101-45200-2171 $438.30 101-45200-4100 $872.24 101-45200-2161 $170.07 101-45200-3210 $175.00 101-45200-3105 $52.80 101-45200-3050 $189.06 101-45200-3810 $105.84 101-45200-2000 $7.95 101-45200-2171 $18.52 101-45200-2171 $17.96 101-45200-2171 $7.77 101-45200-2173 $16.67 101-45200-2171 $21.47 101-45200-2171 $11.95 101-45200-2171 $66.06 101-45200-2173 $402.64 101-45200-4020 $43.23 101-45200-2171 $14.63 101-45200-2171 $2.69 101-45200-2171 $11.96 101-45200-2171 $21.00 101-45200-2171 $1,465.72 101-45200-3810 $88.18 101-45200-3830 $401.43 101-45200-3850 $1,870.25 101-45200-3600 $4,634.08 101-45200-4100 $132.00 101-45200-2171 $1,043.00 101-45200-2171 $2.69 101-45200-2171 $499.00 101-45200-2160 $6.99 101-45200-2171 11/8/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 METRO WELDING SUPPLY 11/8/2004 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL 11/8/2004 VERIZON WIRELESS 11/8/2004 BIFF'S,INC. 11/8/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 11/8/2004 MENARDS CASHWAY LUMBER-F 11/8/2004 MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 11/8/2004 SYSTEMS SUPPLY INC. 11/22/04 (Encumbered) GERTENS GREENHOUSE 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MINNEAPOLIS SAW CO. 11/22/04 (Encumbered) TESSMAN CO 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MID CITY MECHANICAL 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MID CITY MECHANICAL 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MID CITY MECHANICAL 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MENARDS CASHWA Y LUMBER-F 11/22/04 (Encumbered) MSTMA PARKDEPTEXPENSES 17SEP04-PRESENT TWINE SAFETY GLASSES CASE COMP.OXYGEN,ACETYLENE TIP CLEAN,FLlNT,GLOVES COMPPRESSED OXYGEN COMP OXYGEN,ACETYLENE COMPRESSED OXYGEN SFTY.ENVRM SRVCS 11/04 'I 02604 SATELLITE ANTIFREEZE PAINT SUPPLIES WEED WHIPS PARTS PRINTER CARTRIDGE PLANTS-PARK LANDSCAPE HOSE FOR BLOWER-201-6 PROFESSIONAL ICE MELT TEST PRY PUMP HUSET TEST PRY PUMP RAMSDELL TEST PRY PUMP MCKENNA ANTIFREEZE-PARK FACILITY MEMBERSHIP 04,05-TL $4.08 101-45200-2171 $1.75 101-45200-2171 $48.00 101-45200-2171 $13.10 101-45200-2171 $6.50 101-45200-2171 $48.00 101-45200-2171 $6.50 101-45200-2171 $53.17 101-45200-3050 $7.52 101-45200-3210 $1,338.00 101-45200-4100 $12.18 101-45200-2171 $19.66 101-45200-2171 $21.14 101-45200-2171 $77.05 101-45200-2020 $463.20 101-45200-5130 $41.37 101-45200-2171 $858.00 101-45200-2161 $196.00 101-45200-4000 $196.00 101-45200-4000 $520.00 101-45200-4000 $5.91 101-45200-2161 $70.00 101-45200-4330 Novelnber 8,2004 Kei th Jolnl P. Murzyn Hall 530 Mill St. N.E. Colunlbia Heights, MN 55421 I am writing to request a rental rate reduction for the Hall/Kitchen/LaBelle LOlUlge for lnid-week rentals on an as needed/ as available basis. We are looking for sites tln'oughout the Twin Cities area to rent. We usually book 2-3 weeks out. I lUlderstand the Hall is a large room and that you have slnaller rooms available downstairs that would meet our needs, but we need a room right off the kitchen. We would nonnally seat 25- 40 people classroom style. The rates we have been paying have been anywhere fronl $125. - $450. We would be willing to pay $450 for rental. Please let us know if you can accommodate our needs. /.:Ph~ you, (~ \\00-v.__rL~v--- Pam Nelson Consunler Surveys (763) 764-5967 P.O. Box 14 Mpls, MN 55440 Catering Company P.O Box 68037 Mpls, MN 55418 612-910-3391 September 1, 2004 Columbia Heights Recreation Dept Attn: Keith 530 Mill St. N.E Columbia Heights , MN 55421 Dear Keith, Thank you for your time in discussing the possibility of Marino Catering Company renting the kitchen at Murzyn Hall. I am currently renting the kitchen at the Italian American Club for 300.00 per Month. I use the kitchen approximately 3 times a week for prep work. Usually about 12 hours a week. They have been quite accommodating however the kitchen is up nearly 2 flights of stairs. Winter is coming and I believe that this will be a problem with the stairs. I do have weekday events that sometimes need a hall and would be happy to refer Murzyn Hall or La Belle Lounge. I have always enjoyed catering at Murzyn Hall and would certainly try to work around the scheduled events. We would as we always have leave the kitchen in the condition that it was found. We will apply for all of the appropriate county licensing as you are in Anoka, and we have been licensed in Minneapolis. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, __.I _ ~~({~'-- JOHN P. MURZYN HALL RENTAL RATES Rentals in 2005 will pay the 2005 rate, and rentals in 2006 will pay the 2006 rate. RENTAL INFORMA TION 2005 RA TES 2006 RA TES (Sun - Fri) (Saturday) (Sun - Fri) (Saturday) Hail/Kitchen/LaBelle Lounqe $800.00 $1,000.00 $800.00 $1,000.00 Hall $675.00 $705.00 $675.00 $705.00 Kitchen $115.00 $120.00 $115.00 $120.00 LaBelle Lounge $200.00 $210.00 $200.00 $210.00 Gauvitte Room $170.00 $175.00 $170.00 $175.00 Prestemon Room $170.00 $175.00 $170.00 $175.00 Edgemoor Room $170.00 $175.00 $170.00 $175.00 Keves Room $170.00 $175.00 $170.00 $175.00 Youth Lounqe $170.00 $175.00 $170.00 $175.00 Maithaire/McKenna Room $240.00 $250.00 $240.00 $250.00 Senior Center $240.00 $250.00 $240.00 $250.00 Down Payment (non-refundable) $500/ $100 $500/ $100 $500/$100 $500/ $100 Damage Deposit $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 Security Deposit $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 CSO per hour $20.00 $20.00 $22.00 $22.00 Pre-Mix Deposit $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Pre-Mix per canister $22.00 $22.00 $25.00 $25.00 Earlv Entry Fee* $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 Custodial Charqe per hour '. $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 C02 System Usaqe Fee** $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 Events Lasting 2 hours or less 50% 50% 50% 50% Events Lastinq 4 hours or less 25% 25% 25% 25% Heights Resident Discount*** 25% 25% 25% 25% IAudioNisual equipment rental $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 * Subject to approval by Recreation Director and/or Park & Recreation Commission. ** For use of C02 system to tap kegs of beer. Fee waived if renter purchases pre-mix from the City or the Lion's Club provides bartending services. *** Columbia Heights Resident discount is exclusively limited to the renter or their parents, providing one is a Columbia Heights resident. Linen and Napkin rental is available upon request. Prices are as follows: $6.00 per hall table (60" rounds and banquet tables) $3.00 per bar table $ .50 per napkin Linen and Napkin rentals will need to be placed 2 weeks prior to your rental date. PUBLIC WORKS . CENTRAL GARAGE 8", . SEWERIW A TER , . ENGINEERING STREETS PARKS November 10,2004 Dear Prestemon Park Resident: During the last few years, the City of Columbia Heights has made a significant effort to create native and wetland plantings at Prestemon Park. The benefits of these plantings include improved water quality, reduced maintenance compared to turf areas, an aesthetically pleasing setting, and excellent wildlife habitat. Although these plantings require less maintenance than turf areas, they do still require some management. Among the tools for plant management, prescribed burning is the most effective, and least expensive tool. Additional detail about prescribed fires can be found on the included Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet. To maintain and improve the quality of the native and wetland plantings at Prestemon Park, the City of Columbia Heights has hired Bonestroo & Associates to conduct a prescribed fire this fall. The burn will be conducted in a small area around the pond and waterway by trained and experienced staff. The burn will take place between November 15 and November 19 on the first day where appropriate weather conditions occur, some time between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. This controlled burn will be supervised by persons experienced in the application of prescribed fire, and conducted under a permit issued by the Columbia Heights Fire Department. Likewise, necessary public officials will be notified immediately prior to starting the burns and following completion If you have any questions regarding this management activity, please feel free to contact me at 763/706-3700. Sincerely, CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Kevin Hansen, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer KH:jb cc: Walt Fehst, City Manager MEMO CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROIVl: Kevin Hansen, Director of Public VI arks DATE: November 18th, 2004 for Commission meeting of November 23rd, 2004. SUBJECT: Public Works: Parks Staff Report I will be unable to attend the November 23rd regular Park & Recreation as I will be in Colorado over the Thanksgiving Holiday. A Parks Maintenance report is therefore provided as follows: Prestemon Park: Attached is a resident information letter along with a fact sheet that was sent out to properties around Prestemon Park for a controlled burn. Completed just a few years ago, the area around the wetland and waterway was planted with both hydric and native type vegetation. In order to control weed growth and promote new planting growth, it is recommended that a controlled burn take place evelY couple of years. A permit was obtained from the Fire Department and neighboring COl'mnunities have been notified prior to the actual burn. Trye entire process should take two to four hours to complete. Update: originally scheduled for November 1 i'\ the burn has been rescheduled to the week of the 22nd due to extremely damp weather. 2004/05 Skatin2 Pro2ram: Based upon Council direction, our skating program will remain at the same rinks as last year, with a major change due to budgetary considerations - the warming houses will not be open and the seasonal warming house attendant program will not be provided. Staff estimates this will save approximately $20,000 to $22,500 in the 2005 Parks budget. Huset Park Master Plan: After a well received Open House/Public Meeting this fall, the final adoption of the plan, consistent with the Park & Recreation Commission's recommendation will be presented to the City Council on December 1 fh. We encourage the Commission's continued and strong support of this plan and invite you to that meeting. General: General Fall activities have been: . Layout and maintain 10 soccer fields and one football field including for new soccer fields for 2004. . Maintained Huset Field 5 for fall softball. . Repaired a broken water line at the McKenna wading pool. . Fall aeration. overseeding and fertilizing of Parks turf. . Multiple electrical repairs for: o Huset East Basketball lighting - repair short o McKenna Hockey - Replace ballast and repair broken wires o 5ullivan Picnic shelter lighting - repair broken wiring o McKenna, Keyes, and Ostrander - install timers for controlling skating lighting . Ramsdell - Removed hockey rink and graded, will dormant seed. . McKenna and Gauvitte - Replaced rotten and splinter boards with good boards from Ramsdell rink. o Painted McKenna Hockey rink . Major graffiti clean up at Sullivan Park (highly vandalized this year) . Winterize drinking fountain~ sprinkler system~ and Sullivan building. . Landscaping around new park signs, shrub plantings with room for annuals under center of sign. . Fall leaf mulching and clean up. . Put up Christmas decorations. . Assisted other departments as needed; examples include surveying and planting in construction area. . And routine maintenance including mowing and trimming, picking litter, emptying trash, and equipment maintenance. Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving! KRH:kh h/Public Works/kevinh/parks/P&R _ mlg/II /23/04/staff report,doc FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE APPLICATION OF PRESCRIBED FIRE .. Why is the City planning a prescribed fire at Prestemon Park? The City had planted native and wetland vegetation (hydric plantings) on this site a few years ago. Plants like tIns were native to Minnesota when the area was settled over 100 years ago. Prescribed fire is an important tool for preparing the site for planting, and occasional fires in the future will be necessary to maintain the health of the hydric plantings. Almost all of the plant communities native to Minnesota are adapted to periodic fire. For some communities such as prairies and oak savannas, fire is essential to maintaining the health of the plant community. When the original prairie vegetation covered much of the Midwest, fires were started by lightning, and by Native Americans, who used it as an aid in hunting. . How will the use of fire help in restoring and maintaining the area? It will help control problem species such as cotton wood seedlings, ragweed, knapweed, and other weeds that can invade the prairie and compete with the prairie plants. In the long term, it should reduce the amount of time spent in keeping undesirable weeds under control, and help to maintain an attractive area with a variety of hydric plantings. In general, prescribed burns are the most effective and least costly method for maintaining a healthy plantings. . How does fire help the plant community? Fire helps to: . recycle the nutrients stored in dead plant stems and leaves · stimulate growth of new shoots on existing plants . increase flowering . stimulate germination of prairie seeds in the soil . control undesirable plants; and · improve wildlife habitat. . Will the fire harm wildlife? Almost all wildlife can either move from the site or find areas such as bunows to hide from the fire. It is tlUe that occasionally an animal is overrun by the fire before it can find safe haven: this is the rare exception rather than the lUle. Biologists plan the timing and type of fires to minimize the change of harming wildlife, or their nests. For the long-term, fire benefits animals by maintaining or improving the overall wildlife habitat. On the day of the burn, there will be a lot of human activity at the park. TIns will encourage animals to leave temporarily, and find a mding place in adjacent habitats. . Are there alternatives to using fire? Yes, there are some alternatives to the application of prescribed fire. The two most commonly used practices are mowing and the application of herbicides. Mowing acmeves some results similar to fire but can be more expensive on a per-area basis and may disturb the soil which may enable weeds to establish. Chemical application could be used to spot control some non-native weeds, but this does not provide the benefits that prescribed fire does over the whole area of the planting, and is expensive. . How will smoke from the fire be managed? When getting ready for the burn, biologists create a plan that outlines what conditions must be present to prevent smoke from lingering in areas. Through proper planning and selection of wind direction, smoke can be managed so that it rises away from homes, roads, and other sensitive areas. . I've seen stories about wildfires in the news, will this fire be out of control? No, prescribed fires are planned by experienced professional staff who identify ahead of time the conditions necessary to safely conduct a prescribed fire. These include environmental factors such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction. Other important aspects of planning include the munber of people and types of equipment that will be on-hand at the burn, as well as what order the events will take place in. The Columbia Heights Fire Department staff has reviewed the Prescribed Burn Plan for Prestemon Park and found it provides a safe situation and have issued a burn permit. . When would a fire take place? Since a specific set of conditions must exist for the fire to be conducted, weather will dictate when the burn actually takes place. We hope to burn this year in November. Because of staff availability, and other issues, the fire is planned to be conducted some time between late morning and mid-afternoon. The burn will be conducted on the first weekday that weather and other conditions are met. General conditions require that the temperature be less than 80 degrees, the wind between 5 and 15 miles per hour, and the relative humidity between 20 and 80 percent. . What will we see after the burn is completed? How fast will the vegetation recover? Immediately after the burn, the ground will be black. Within five to ten days, you should see new green plant growth. Green-up will occur very quickly. When the burn has been completed, the City will be over seeding most of the site with additional prairie seeds and planting additional seedlings to ensure that the park has a variety of native flowering plants that bloom throughout the growing season. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS RECREATION DEPARTMENT 30 MILL STREET N.E.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. MN 55421-3878 (7631 706-3730 TOO (763) 706-3692 The following is the agenda for the regular meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission to be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23,2004 at John P. Murzyn Hall, MathaireIMcKenna Room, 530 Mill Street N.E., Columbia Heights, MN. I. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Consent Agenda 3. Approval of October 4,2004 Minutes 4. Approval Payment ofBilIs 5. Letters and Requests a. Request for fees reduced for JPM rental of Murzyn Hall 6. Old Business a. Columbia Heights Lion's Club Bar b. JPM Budget c. Request for usage of JPM kitchen by Marino Catering Company 7. New Business a. 2006 lPM rental rates 8. Reports a. b. Recreation Director Public Works Director/City Engineer Commission Members c. 9. Adjournment The City of Columbia Heights does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its services, programs, or activities. Upon request, accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all City of Columbia Heights' services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please calI the City Council Secretary at 706-3611 to make arrangements. (TDDI706-3692 for deaf only.) THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES