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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 23, 2005
MAY 23, 2005
The following are the minutes for the regular meeting ofthe City Council held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May
23,2005 in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 590 40th Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights, MN.
Present: Mayor Peterson, Councilmember Williams, Councilmember Nawrocki, Councilmember Ericson
Diehm, Councilmember Kelzenberg
Pastor Dan Thompson, Assembly of God Church, gave the invocation.
Nawrocki indicated that the Columbia Heights VFW would conduct the Memorial Day service on Monday,
May 30th, at 11 :30 a.m. at the City Hall flagpole.
A) Proclamation - Mediation Services for Anoka County Day
Mayor Peterson read the Proclamation and presented it to Nancy Emewein, Volunteer Mediator.
Emewein stated she has been a volunteer mediator for four year. She described the process, the groups
she works with, and the pleasure she receives from this service. Nawrocki questioned how they involve
people that do not want to be part of the process. Emewein stated they are given examples of successful
mediations; showed how the problem affects not only them, but everyone around them; and are
encouraged to know that peace is the greatest thing.
B) Presentations - none
C) Introduction of New Employees
1) Edward Raati, Public Works Maintenance
Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer introduced Mr. Raati and indicated that he filled a position
that has been vacant for a year. Raati is also a member of the National Guard. He thanked the
Council for the opportunity to work for the City.
2) Liz Bray, Recreation Program Coordinator
Keith Windschitl, Recreation Director introduced Ms. Bray. She has worked with the City on and off
for several years and will now be our full time recreation programmer. Ms. Bray thanked Council
for their welcome. Peterson indicated that Ms. Bray has a very positive attitude. Bray stated that the
Mayor has agreed to participate in the theater program this summer. Nawrocki stated that he also
worked with Ms. Bray and she is very dedicated.
Nawrocki presented a donation, from the VFW, to the Senior program for they anniversary
celebration. Windschitl thanked the group for the contribution on behalf of the Senior program.
Their celebration will be held in September.
D) Recognition
The Mayor welcomed the Metro All Conference Championship Columbia Heights High School
Girls Varsity Fast Pitch team and Head Coach Jeff Glackler.
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Coach Jeff Gladder indicated they have a 15 win - 4 loss record this year, up from three years ago
when he started and the record was 3-17. Playoffs for the State Tournament begin tomorrow.
Members of the team introduced themselves. The catcher thanked the Mayor for his efforts to build
the batting cage and the shed for their group. Glackler gave the tournament schedule and spoke of
team and individual accomplishments. The team will be featured on the "Sports Wrap" program this
Friday. Peterson stated it takes a hue team to win and congratulated them.
Other Business
Authorize support ofthe public process of Public Participation for Public Facilities, Community Center.
Peterson stated that many members ofthe audience are present for the last item on the agenda and being so
moved this forward on the agenda. He stated his involvement in several referendums for a community
center. The first option was for the citizens to raise one-half of the funds and the City to fund the other one-
half. The second referendum about five years ago also failed. Now we are discussing it again, but this would
fall into the timeframe of the School District's referendum this fall. Peterson stated that residents suggested
allowing the school referendum to be held before beginning this process. He indicated the need for a good
school system and the School District to improve their reputation. We do need a consultant to lead us
through the public process toward a community center, but we should put our energies toward the
referendum and table this to the second meeting in November. The process to gain citizen support should
come from the residents, putting forth their own energy. Following the school referendum, we can work
together with the School District toward approval of a cOlmnunity center. Peterson stated that there have
been reports of bad behavior in the City. Ifwe need to use some fund balance to allow our Police Officers to
be active in the problem areas, we should. Peterson stated his support for a cOlmnunity center and pursuing
the public interest process, but not until after the school's referendum.
Nawrocki referred to the staffmemo indicating the cost would be $125,000. This would only be the start of
the process. He stated that he had questioned where the funds would come from and now finds there is
$125,000 available, mostly from donations by the Boosters Club. It was his understanding that those funds
were to pay for uniforms, assisting with program fees for those unable to pay, and for scholarships. These
funds could have been used toward the loss ofLGA. Nawrocki indicated the question ofa community center
should be placed on the ballot this fall. It would be more cost effective to do a mailing to every house in the
community with a response card for them to indicate what parts ofthe proposal they agree with. The need
for two gyms has been shown. During campaigning he did not find residents supporting a community
center. It should be a joint project with the School District, with joint funding. A cOlmnunity center is
estimated at $10,000,000 dollars. The project has grown way out ofline.
Ericson Diehm stated her understanding to cut this short, but has a different philosophy that residents
support building a community center, and is disappointed that some people do not believe our residents are
smart enough to tell the difference between the school's referendum and a public planning process to find if
there is support for a community center. Residents are smart enough to realize that a school referendum and
cOlmnunity center will cost money.
Peterson stated his belief that the residents do not want the two items to come about at the same time, and
that the process can begin in the fall and peak in the spring. We need to work as a team. No one has been in
the process longer than he has and is more disappointed than he is. He questioned where the support was to
help keep the NEI building, which had a large potential. Peterson stated he makes this recommendation by
weighing all the issues and the consultant's suggestion to not move ahead right now.
Nawrocki stated appreciation for the Mayor's time and effort on this, and agreed with Ericson Diehm that
the citizens are smart enough to analyze both subjects and make a decision. Nawrocki referred to residents
approving the past school operational levy and construction bond.
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Motion by Williams to table the process of public participation for a public facility/Community Center until
the first City Council meeting in November. Second by Peterson.
Williams stated his support for a community center, but timing is everything. We have to do what is best for
our city, and it is best to take this one thing at a time.
Upon vote: Kelzenberg, nay; Williams, aye; Ericson Diehm, nay; Nawrocki, aye; Peterson aye. 3 ayes - 2
nays. Motion carried.
Nawrocki indicated he does not support the study, but wants information mailed to residents asking for a
response of their opinion. He stated he does not support a community center.
Nawrocki stated that the consent agenda should be items for general approval, but virtually everything ends
up on the consent agenda. People should hear the discussion relative to the subjects. Nawrocki requested
items 6, 7, 11 and 12 be removed for discussion.
City Manager Walt Fehst took Councilmembers through the Consent Agenda.
1) Approve City Council Meeting Minutes for May 9, 2005 regular City Council meeting
Motion to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2005, regular City Council meeting as presented.
2) Accept Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes
a) Motion to accept the May 2,2005 minutes of the Library Board.
b) Motion to accept the April 27, 2005 minutes of the Park & Recreation Commission
3) Establish a ioint Work Session with the School Board for Monday, June 6,2005 beginning at 7:00
p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Fehst stated the discussion with the School Board would include: operational levy referendum, how
we compare to other schools in the metro area in testing, and parking issues at the High School. This
meeting should last about one hour, followed by a staffwork session of about one and one-half
hours. Fehst listed items for discussion at the staff work session as: Liquor Store relocation, No Fault
Sewer Backup Insurance (with liability premiums of about $8,000), two replacement squad cars,
Resolution to speed up Inspection Policy enforcement, Resolution to set Housing Code Rental
License Fees, and a Resolution to set permits and fees relative to the State Fire Code. The School
Board could hold their regular meeting prior or following the joint meeting at City Hall.
Missy Lee, School Board member, stated she would speak to Nancy Kaldor regarding the meeting
times. Williams suggested possibly televising the meeting. Nawrocki stated desire to discuss the
need for gym space. He indicated that the operating referendum is a School Board issue and he is not
sure how involved we want to be in the process.
Motion to establish a joint City Council and School Board Work Session meeting for Monday, June
6, 2005 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
4) Authorize contractor name change from BFI Waste Systems of North America to Allied Waste
Systems of North America, LLC
Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to authorize the contractor name change from BFI
Waste Systems of North America to Allied Waste Systems of North America, LLC for the City
waste hauling contract in effect from January 1,2005 through December 31,2009.
Nawrocki stated there would be no change to the service. Fehst stated it is the same contract.
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Nawrocki questioned ifthere would be a single source recycling demonstration project. Fehst stated
he believed there would be and would include the information in the Green Sheet.
5) Concur with Mayor's appointment of Gary Gorman as Deputy Director of Civil Defense
Motion to concur with the Mayor's appointment of Gary Gorman to the position of Deputy Director
of Civil Defense effective May 23, 2005 and that Chief Gonnan is to be paid half of the salary
authorized by Resolution 93-14 for the year 2005, and be eligible for the full annual salary when he
becomes fully certified in emergency management.
Nawrocki asked ifthe time put in is above and beyond his time as Fire Chief. Fehst stated yes.
6) First reading of Ordinance 1485, being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853, City Code 1977
pertaining to Junk Vehicles. Removed
7) First reading of Ordinance 1486, being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853, City Code 1977,
pertaining to parking on Landscaped surfaces. Removed
8) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-25, being a Resolution to accept bid and award contract to Security
Fence for Water Tower Fence Restoration
Nawrocki asked if screening the structures is part of this fencing program? Fehst stated that Sprint
put a platform in an awkward place for the neighbor. Screening and plantings were put in. This is
just for the fencing.
Motion to waive the Reading of Resolution No. 2005-25, there being ample copies available to the
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2005-25 for 2005 Water Tower Fencing and Restoration, City
Project No. 0307 to accept the bids and award a contract with Security Fence of Minneapolis,
Minnesota based upon their low, qualified, responsible bid in the amount of$35,272.80.
WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for City Project No. 0307, Water Tower Fencing
Improvements, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law. The following bids were received
complying with the advertisement:
Security Fence Co.
Century Fence Co.
Keller Fencing Co.
WHEREAS, it appears that Security Fence & Construction, Inc., 1719 Madison Street NE, Minneapolis, MN
55413 is the lowest responsible bidder.
1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Security Fence &
Construction, Inc., in the name of the City of Columbia Heights, for the 2005 WATER TOWER FENCING
IMPROVEMENTS, City Project No. 0307, according to plans and specifications therefore approved by the
2. The City Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to return, forthwith, to all bidders, the deposits made with
their bids except the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until the
contract has been signed.
3. City Project #0307 shall be funded with Water Construction Fund, and Anoka County funds.
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9) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-27 being a Resolution for a cost share agreement for safety
improvement to the railroad crossing signal equipment on 3ih Avenue west of Stinson Blvd.
Fehst distributed a picture of what the improvement would look like. Nawrocki asked if the MnDOT
portion takes away from street funding received. Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer, stated that
these MnDOT funds are Federal funds.
Motion to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2005-27, there being ample copies available to the
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2005-27 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to enter into a
cost share agreement with Mn/DOT and the Soo Line Railroad Company for safety improvements to
the railroad crossing signal equipment on 3ih Avenue, west of Stinson Blvd.
RESOLUTION No. 2005-27
BE IT RESOL YED, that the City of Columbia Heights enter into an agreement with the Soo Line Railroad Company
(D/B/A) Canadian Pacific Railway Company) and the Commissioner of Transportation for the safety improvements of
cantilevers and circuitry to the existing gates at the intersection of37th Avenue N.E. (MSAS 0272) with the tracks of the
Soo Line Railroad Company on the Minneapolis/Columbia Heights municipal border, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and
appointing the Commissioner of Transportation agent for the County to supervise said project and administer available
Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36. The City's share of the cost shall be 5 percent of
the total signal cost.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Manager be and they are hereby authorized to execute said
agreement and any amendments thereto for and on behalf of the City.
10) Authorize staff to close Jefferson Street from June 20, through June 26, 2005 and the Police
Department to issue a parade permit for the Jamboree Parade on June 24, 2005 at 6:30 p.m.
F ehst stated that the parade route would be the standard route.
Motion to authorize staff to close Jefferson Street for the time period from Monday afternoon, June
20,2005 through Sunday, June 26,2005.
Motion to authorize the Police Department to issue a parade permit for the Jamboree Parade to be
held on Friday, June 24,2005 at 6:30 p.m. for the following streets: Central Avenue at 45th Avenue
to 40th Avenue, west on 40th Avenue to 5th Street and 5th Street to Mill Street.
11) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-28 being a Resolution calling for a public improvement hearing on June
13, 2005 for Huset Parkway Improvements - Removed
12) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-26 Revocation of Municipal Aid Street and Adopt Resolution No. 2005-
24 designating Municipal State Aid Street - Removed
13) Establish a hearing date of June 13,2005 for revocation or suspension of rental property license at
1000 Peters Place, 1133 45th Avenue, 3700 Jackson Street, and 4253 McLeod Street
Fehst stated that an inspection was set for the Peters Place building, but the owner did not show
up. The owner has not been cooperative.
Marilyn Wenz, 1000 Peters Place, gave the history of lack of cooperation and missed inspections.
Fehst stated the inspection was rescheduled and there would be fines attached. Wenz stated that
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today the courts reduced her rent because of the uncorrected problems. Fehst stated that Housing
Maintenance inspected the units individually, but will now meet with the building manager on
June 9th.
Motion to establish a hearing date of June 13,2005 for revocation or suspension of a license to
operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Sunshine Management at
1000 Peters Place N.E.
Motion to establish a hearing date of June 13, 2005 for revocation or suspension of a license to
operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Dorm Woods at 1133 45th
Avenue N.E.
Motion to establish a hearing date of June 13,2005 for revocation or suspension of a license to
operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against Timothy Taylor at 3700
Jackson Street N.E.
Motion to establish a hearing date of June 13,2005 for revocation or suspension of a license to
operate a rental property within the City of Columbia Heights against TJ2 Holdings at 4253
McLeod Street N.E.
14) Approve Business License Applications
Motion to approve the items as listed on the business license agenda for May 23,2005 as presented.
15) Approve Payment of Bills
Motion to approve payment of the bills out of the proper funds as listed in the attached check
register covering Check Number 112790 through 112994 in the amount of$I,590,748.24.
Motion by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to approve the Consent Agenda items, with the exception of
items 6, 7, 11 and 12. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
6) First reading of Ordinance 1485. being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853. City Code 1977
pertaining to Junk Vehicles.
Police Chief Tom Johnson stated that following the request to "tighten" our ordinance on junk
vehicles, a review was completed with the City Attorney. Currently, the owner is notified and given
one week to remove the vehicle. If it is not removed in one week, a court tag is issued. Both
ordinance revisions would cut down on the drain to our resources and require the person in violation
to comply in a shorter time. The new ordinance would require verification the violation exists,
issuance of an administrative tag, and would allow 96 hours for compliance. If the problem is taken
care of the administrative tag would be removed. Ifnot, the vehicle would be towed immediately.
This would result in fees for the administrative tag and a towing charge. The landscape surface
ordinance would be handled the same way.
Fehst stated that we give too much leeway to the few properties in town that do not comply. At the
next work session discussion will include cleanup enforcement through the housing maintenance
Nawrocki indicated that 96 hours is quick to require compliance, and that seven days is more
reasonable. Ifwe tow the car, we would have to store it. Jim Hoeft, City Attorney, stated the vehicle
would go to the towing company operating under the Impound Statute. It would be a compliance
incentive to drop the administrative tag.
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Fehst stated that logistically it might still be seven days before a vehicle is towed. Johnson stated that
Officers consider if the owner is working toward rectifying the problem, and would work with them.
There are always excuses, but we must take a hard line to get these vehicles removed. Fehst asked
for the definition of a junk car. Johnson stated it is a vehicle that is inoperable or unlicensed.
Motion Williams, second by Elicson Diehm, to waive the reading of Ordinance 1485, there being
ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion Williams, second by Elicson Diehm, to establish the second reading of Ordinance 1485,
being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853, City Code 1977 pertaining to Junk Vehicles for
Monday, June 13, 2005 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.
Nawrocki questioned the rules for recreational vehicles parked on residential property. Johnson
stated there is a separate ordinance for this. He stated that we must take a hard stand on these
violations, but we will still use common sense.
Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
7) First reading of Ordinance 1486. being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853. City Code 1977.
pertaining to parking on Landscaped surfaces.
Johnson indicated that the current ordinance states 96 hours for compliance. Officers velify the
violation exists, return in 96 hours and if not corrected issue a county tag, then return in a week and
issue another tag. This takes staff time and court time. This proposal issues an immediate
administrative tag. If corrected, the administrative tag would be dismissed. If not corrected, the
vehicle would be impounded.
Williams stated that a lot of people comment on this problem and want the Ordinance enforced.
Motion by Elicson Diehm, second by Ke1zenberg, to waive the reading of Ordinance 1486, there
being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Elicson Diehm, second by Kelzenberg, to establish the second reading of Ordinance
1486, being an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 853, City Code 1977 pertaining to Parking on
Landscaped Surfaces for Monday, June 13,2005 at approximately 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
Chaillbers. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
11) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-28 being a Resolution calling for a public improvement healing on June
13.2005 for Huset Parkway Improvements
Kathy Young, Assistant City Engineer, stated this healing would be for Huset Parkway road
improvements. Nawrocki asked ifthe people between 37th and 39th would be assessed for the work.
Young stated that property east of the proposed parkway is not scheduled for an assessment. It
would plimaIily be the responsibility of the City and the Developer. Nawrocki asked if assessments
would be paid from fund 881. Young stated that City funding would come from State aid. Nawrocki
stated that the other Developer in town is paying one hundred percent for the roadway and utilities in
his development. Williams stated that the Huset area is a very polluted site.
Motion by Williams, second by Elicson Diehm, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2005-28,
there being ample copies available for the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
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Motion by Williams, second by Ericson Diehm, to adopt Resolution No. 2005-28 being a Resolution
calling for a Public Improvement Hearing on June 13, 2005 for the Huset Parkway Improvements,
Project 0404.
Nawrocki objected, stating there is no need for a parkway. Utility rates were raised 50 percent and
now $500,000 to $600,000 ofthis will pay for one-half of the cost to serve this project.
Mark Roskop, 4151 Stinson, indicated that this is not just a retirement community; the young people
want the City to move forward with this development and a community center.
Upon vote: Kelzenberg, aye; Williams, aye; Ericson Diehm, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4
ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 2004-91, adopted by the City Council on December 13, 2004, a report has been
prepared by the Engineering Consulting Firm of SEH, with reference to the following improvements:
TO 40TH AVENUE -and this report was received by the Council on December 13, 2004.
WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost effective and
the Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting
property (frontage and/or parcel unit) as well as non-abutting property (frontage basis) on the closest intersecting street
for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost
of the improvement of$3,085,000.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Public Hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on June 13th,
2005, in the Council Chambers located at 590 40th Avenue N.E. at 7:00 p.m., and the City Manager shall give mailed and
published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law.
12) Adopt Resolution No. 2005-26 Revocation of Municipal Aid Street and Adopt Resolution No. 2005-
24 designating Municipal State Aid Street
Young stated that to accommodate the new Huset Parkway, it is proposed to add a State Aid
municipal road and revocate a current road. Nawrocki stated the new parkway would be the present
3 9th Avenue.
Motion by Kelzenberg, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2005-26 there
being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Kelzenberg, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. 2005-26 Revocation of
Municipal State Aid Street(s): 5th Street from 37th Avenue to 39th Avenue and 38th Avenue from
University Avenue Service Drive to 5th Street. Upon vote: Kelzenberg, aye; Williams, aye; Ericson
Diehm, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4 ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the streets hereinafter described as
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Municipal State Aid Streets should be revoked under the provisions of Minnesota Laws.
streets described as follows, to wit:
be, and hereby are, revoked as a Municipal State Aid Street of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of
Transportation of the State of Minnesota.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Deputy City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two
certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration.
Motion by Kelzenberg, second by Williams, to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2005-24, there
being ample copies available to the public. Upon vote: All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Kelzenberg, second by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. 2005-24 Designation of
Municipal State Aid Street: extension of 39th Avenue in a southwesterly direction to 37th Avenue.
Upon vote: Kelzenberg, aye; Williams, aye; Ericson Diehm, aye; Nawrocki, nay; Peterson, aye. 4
ayes - 1 nay. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Columbia Heights that the street hereinafter described should
be designated a Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Laws.
street described as follows, to wit:
be, and hereby is established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Street of said City subject to the approval of
the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Deputy City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward two
certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration and that upon his approval
of the designation of said street or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a Municipal
State Aid Street of the City of Columbia Heights.
Other Ordinances and Resolutions - none
Bid Considerations -none
Report of the City Manager
. The Drug Task Force issued a warrant for a house on Cleveland. The property had been abated because
oflack of care. The Fire Chief will meet with the City Attorney to see ifthe abatement process can be
continued. Nawrocki indicated desire to take action on the abatement tonight, as it is three weeks before
the next Council meeting. F ehst stated that the abatement could continue, depending on the date
approved by Council. The Deputy Clerk indicated that Council approved abatement of 4152 Cleveland
with Resolution No. 2004-66 on October 11, 2004. Hoeft stated that the abatement procedure could
continue without fitrther Council approval.
. Referred to graffiti of a swastika on a retaining wall, which is being addressed.
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. Spoke of a hit and run incident.
. There have been meetings with the Minneapolis Water Plant staff regarding chemical safety.
. Columbia Heights began our new integrated library system on May 17. This has been a three year
process allowing access to extended information at a faster speed.
. With the replacement of the master water meter on Stinson, we will check meter accuracy as we go on
. Because of the building that blew up in the City of Ramsey, it was mentioned that several older
communities have metal/steel/plastic lines that will have to be dug up and improved. A representative of
CenterPoint energy has indicated that Columbia Heights has none of these type lines in our private
sector and this will not affect us.
. Industrial park redevelopment review will go before the Planning COlmnission on June 7 and the City
Council on June 13. Phase II will go before the Planning Commission on July 6 and the City Council on
July II.
. Sarna is preparing a development agreement for the EDA, with plants to hold a public meeting on May
18. Nawrocki stated neighbors are upset with possible alley changes, which may cause utilization
. Businessmen met with John Slak, Shardlow Uban, to outline a planning process for downtown. He also
met with residents on May 19th at the Library. The infonnation will be consolidated and brought before
the City Council.
Report of the City Attorney - nothing
Aurora Johnston, 3977 Polk Street, stated disappointment that the Community Center was tabled without
discussion. She presented approximately 30 letters in support of the project, and reminded the Council that
there were about 100 people present at the town meeting in April. The idea was put on hold then because of
the school referendum, which failed, and now we are being asked to wait again. Supporters want an honest
opportunity to make a community center a reality. It would bring our children and seniors together in a safe
Williams stated the need to take one step at a time, as this is a matter of timing. \Xfilliams stated the center
would be a ten million dollar process.
Ericson Diehm stated that figure was only an ideal amount, and is not the whole truth. There were many
options offered. If certain Councilmembers want to hold up the process, they should just say so. Ericson
Diehm indicated that the first step suggested by the consultant was to research interest by the public for a
community center and the amenities desired. Let us have a public forum to make that choice.
Peterson indicated that Ms. Johnston's group has not come up with a large amount of support, funding, or a
recommendation for a community center. He encouraged them to do so and bring the infonnation to the City
Council. He questioned where their action was on the project, such as fund raising for this study. He stated
that he has personally raised some funds, but has not seen the same effort from the cOlmnunity. Peterson
stated his desire to work with the School Board. We need a positive view of Columbia Heights. Peterson
gave the history of past attempts to build a community center. He stated that he would support whatever the
community wants, and at this point citizens have asked that this be put on hold until after the school
referendum is passed.
Ericson Diehm stated her understanding that the Mayor believes in the process and indicated her confidence
that he will move forward on this in November.
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Harold Hoium, 5th Street, stated that the consent agenda should be read publicly. He gave his opinion on the
public process. We need to stop crime in the City.
. Disappointed on the vote for the community center study. The time to build it was 20 years ago. There
was support until there was a call that Huset Park was contaminated. This is for the future of our
community. What do we have to offer people to interest them in our community? Disappointed
supporters can not come up with the funds for the study. There were the required votes with the past
Council to build something at the NEI site. The Huset Park redevelopment plan is awesome; why wreck
it with center that could go elsewhere.
. Wished a Happy Birthday to his son, Joe, who turns 14 today.
. Councilmembers agreed to disagree.
. Met with Elaine Feeley and the Mayor. The deer are doing great in Northern Minnesota. She did what
the DNR stated was impossible. Asked that she continue working toward community issues.
. Graffiti has gotten worse. We remove it right a way. It is a sensitive issue.
. Referred to a letter congratulating the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Team from Mark Heinrich.
. Pray for peace and work together for the betterment of our City.
Ericson Diehm
. The Community Prayer Breakfast was a very nice event, with great representation of different faiths and
. Read the April food shelf numbers for SACA. The food shelf always has a need for contributions.
. Remember Memorial Day.
. High school graduation will soon take place. Our thoughts and best wishes go out to them.
. Attended the High School Scholarship Program. The VFW Post funded $6,000 in scholarships.
Compared the optimism of this to an earlier meeting with residents of a neighborhood about problems
with youth.
. Regarding comments that a community center should have been built 20 years ago; it was with the $1
million dollar Murzyn Hall.
. Need information this week for the Jamboree booklet ads. Fehst stated that staff would purchase a
quarter page ad.
. Referred to the $3.5 million dollar parkway. We allowed the electric company to butcher trees on Main
Street. We should spend the time and money to take corrective action with state aid on Main Street.
. Action should be taken for residents of the last four years that suffered sewage backup from city lines.
. Received a call regarding merchandise piled outside of the Unique Thrift store. This is an unnecessary
incentive for theft and needs to be cleaned up.
. Referred to the Sun Focus article on Centennial School and their challenge to do more with less. Fehst
stated that they have not been successful with their bond issue and the School District has had trouble
because of their financing.
. Requested more infonnation on alley access to the 40th and University proposed development.
. Received a Recycling Award from Anoka County. We need to commend the citizens, as they do the
. Will comment further on Fund 181 at budget time. Will want to know if there are other funds that do not
get reported in the monthly financial statement.
. Requested a copy of the 1004/1006 Gould, Salvation Anny, rental license.
City Council Minutes
May 23, 2005
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. Referred to an article on how DNA is handled in our State, this is related to the rape case at the local
pool hall.
. Will not be able to attend the Metro Municipalities meeting on Thursday, because of a personal
. Requested copies ofthe State Auditor's report on Brooklyn Park be given to Councilmembers. Fehst
stated it was distributed on April 29th.
. Pleased to hear there was a plan for the NEI site before demolition. Requested a copy of the plan. The
Huset site plan was for a state of the art baseball center, not a community center. The plan died because
the neighborhood did not want it.
. Attended St. Matthew's production of Bye-Bye Birdie. The production was all local talent and they were
amazing. This is a yearly event. Immaculate Conception Church holds "The Follies".
. The Community Prayer Breakfast was a success. Proceeds were added to the Columbia Heights activity
fund. Thank you to those who attended.
. Memorial Day ceremony will be at the City Hall Flag at 11 :30 a.m. on Monday, followed by lunch at the
Ericson Diehm indicated that there was not a work session last Wednesday as referred to. If the Mayor and
two Councilmembers were present we need to post the meeting in advance. Peterson stated there was
discussion on behavior problems in a neighborhood. There will be a meeting with another neighborhood on
June 21 st. He stated that he would be willing to use fund balance monies for additional police coverage in
these areas.
Nawrocki stated he was not sure how the meeting was set up. Councilmembers received letters from a
resident on Taylor. The resident told him about the meeting with Police Department Staff. Nawrocki
encouraged him to participate in a neighborhood watch program. When he received a call from another
neighbor on concerns, he told them about the Wednesday meeting and encouraged starting a neighborhood
watch program where volunteers watch for suspicious activities. Nawrocki encouraged people to call 911
when seeing any suspicious activity.
Nawrocki stated that the Community Development Director asked him to write a letter to the Governor on
the renter's property tax rebate. He read the response he received.
Peterson stated, "Don't take life to seriously and do a random act of kindness."
Mayor Peterson adjourned the meeting at 1 0:04 p.m.