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HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDA AGN 12-18-02CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 590 40th Avenue N.E.. Columbia Heights, MN 55421-3878 (763) 706-3600 TDD (763) 706-3692 Visit Our Website at: www. ci. cohonbia-heights, mn. us EDA COMMISSIONMERS Robert W. Ruettimann Patricia Jindra Marlaine Szurek Julienne Wyckoff Gary L. Peterson Bruce Nawrocki Bobby Williams ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY December 18, 2002 The following is the Agenda for the regular meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) to be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2002, Jax's Restaurant, Minneapolis, MN. The EDA does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its accommodation will be provided to allow individuals with disabilities to participate in all EDA services, programs, and activities. Auxiliary aids for handicapped persons are available upon request when the request is made at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the EDA Secretary at 706-3669 to make arrangements (TDD 706-2806) for deaf or hearing impaired CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. CONSENT AGENDA.(These items are considered to be routine by the EDA Board of Commissioners and will be enacted as part of the Consent Agenda by one motion.) A. Move to adopt the consent agenda items as listed below: 1) Approval of Minutes. a. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2002. 2) Financial Report and Payment of Bills. a. Financial Statement for November, 2002. b. Payment of Bills for November, 2002. MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 2002-20, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statement for November, 2002 and approving payment of bills for the month of November, 2002. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ADJOURNMENT Walter R. Fehst, Executive Director H:\edaAgenda\ 12-17-2002 The mission of the Columbia Heights Bconomic (Development Authority is to provide financialand technicalassistance and resources to residentia6 commercia6 and industrial interests to promote health, safety, welfare, economic development and redevelopment. THE CITY OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS Of DISABILITY IN EMPLOYMENT OR THE PROVISION Of SERVICES EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by Vice President, Jindra at 8:09 p.m., Tuesday, November 19, 2002, in the City Hall, Conference Room 1,590 40th Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Gary Peterson, Julienne Wyckoff, Bobby Williams and Bruce Nawrocki Robert Ruettimann Walt Fehst, Executive Director Bob Streetar, Deputy Executive Director Cheryl Bakken, Secretary Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes MOTION by Nawrocki, second by Williams, to adopt the minutes of the October 15, 2002, regular meeting as presented in writing. All ayes. Motion Carried Financial Report and Payment of Bills MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to approve Resolution 2002-16, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for October, 2002 and approving payment of bills for October, 2002. All ayes. Motion Carried. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION Renew Agreement with the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation (GMHC) Streetar stated GMHC has done an outstanding job this year providing residents with assistance in all aspects of housing. The agreement for 2003 is $12,500, which is a 25% increase from last year. This is due in part because they will be helping residents with not only the Rebate Incentive Program but with MHFA loan processing, along with all of the construction consults and other services as listed on the enclosed Housing Assistance Report. GMHC also purchased, demolished and built a new home at 4828 5t~ Street. Jennifer Bergman stated of the $50,000 requested from HUD for the Rehab Incentive Program for 2002, there is approximately $29,000 left. Some of the changes for 2003 are: O agreement is for a full year; 2) if service is terminated prior to the end of the year, the City would be reimbursed a prorated amount; 3) a marketing plan will be developed and agreed upon by March 15tn each year; and 4) GMHC will provide the following years fee by August 1't to help with the City's budgeting process. Nawrocla' stated there wasn't a clause in the agreement for termination and would like it added before the agreement is signed. Bergman stated, she will add it to the agreement and provide staff with a new one. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes November 19, 2002 Page 2 of 4 MOTION by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation to participate in their programs, with the amendment to add a termination clause stating either party can terminate within 30 days written notice; and furthermore, to authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. All ayes. Motion Carried. Adopt Resolution 2002-19, a Resolution finding a Parcel to be occupied by a Structurally Substandard Building Streetar stated the City acquired two blighted parcels and is working with the owner of the old Bridgeman 's site to be included in the redevelopment project area. One of the financial tools that can be used is Tax Increment Financing. In order to create this TIF district, the EDA must make a determination before the demolition or removal of these substandard buildings that certain conditions exit. Resolution 2002-19, must be passed indicating the parcel was occupied by one or more, substandard buildings and after demolition and clearance the EDA intends to include the parcel within the proposed TIF district. This would allow the EDA the opportunity in the future to qualify the site as a redevelopment district and receive additional funding sources for the project area. MOTION by Szurek, second by Wyckoff, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-19, there being an ample amount of copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Peterson, second by Williams, to Adopt Resolution 2002-19, a Resolution finding a Parcel to be occupied by a Structurally Substandard Building. All ayes. Motion Carried. Award Bid for Demolition of Homes at 3718 and 3722 Central Avenue NE Streetar stated staff obtained three quotes for the removal of 3 718 and 3 722 Central Avenue single-family homes: 1) Browns Contracting at $23,000; 2) Jay Brothers at $19,800; and 3) Belair Demolition at $18,5 75. Staff recommended approval of Belair's bid, which was the lowest, responsible bid for the removal of both homes. MOTION by Peterson, second by Szurek, to award the Demolition of the homes at 3718 and 3722 Central Avenue N.E. to Belair Demolition in the total amount of $18,575, and furthermore, to authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. All ayes. Motion Carried. Approve Appointment to Business Revolving Loan Fund Committee Nagel stated, staff has received an application from Robert Trewartha to complete our Business Revolving Loan Fund Committee. Trewartha is a Columbia Heights resident and a professor at the Minnesota School of Business. If appointed, the Loan Review Committee program will be implemented in January of 2003. MOTION by Szurek, second by Nawrocki, to Approve the Appointment of Mr. Robert Trewartha as a member of the Business Revolving Loan Fund Committee. All ayes. Motion Carried. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes November 19, 2002 Page 3 of 4 Adopt Resolution 2002-17, a Resolution Authorizing BRLF Signatures Nagel stated Resolution 2002-17 authorizes the President, Executive Director and the Finance Director to sign documents necessary to process the Business Revolving Loans for Columbia Heights businesses. MOTION by Szurek, second by Peterson, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-17, there being an ample amount of copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Peterson, to Adopt Resolution 2002-17, a Resolution Authorizing the EDA President and Executive Director as signatures for the Business Revolving Loan Fund disbursements. All ayes. Motion Carried. Adopt Resolution 2002-18, a Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $50,000 from HRA fund 299 to U.S. Bank for the Business Revolving Loan Fund Nagel stated Resolution 2002-18 authorizes the transfer of $50, O00 from HRA fund 299 to U.S. Bank for the Business Revolving Loan Funds, which will allow the program to start up again in January of 2003. MOTION by Szurek, second by Peterson, to waive the reading of Resolution 2002-18, there being an ample amount of copies available to the public. All ayes. Motion Carried. MOTION by Szurek, second by Peterson, to Adopt Resolution 2002-18, A Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $50,000 from HRA Fund 299 to U.S. Bank to be used for the Business Revolving Loan Fund. All ayes. Motion Carried. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Industrial Park Redevelopment- There was a joint City Council/EDA worksession held on November 13th to discuss the progress of the redevelopment plan to date. Checkpoint #2 will occur around the end of January. 40th & University- Staff will be closing on the gas station property on December 12th and has contacted a number of developers about the redevelopment opportunity on the one-acre site. United Properties has indicated some possible uses for the site including fast food, day care or a bank. Americana Community Bank was contacted for possible interest in the site and indicated they would discuss the site with management. Evaluate Options for the Disposition of Parkview Villa North- Staff met with HUD on October 18a to discuss options for the sale or transfer of Parkview Villa North. The most obvious option identified so far is the sale or transfer to Met Council or to Crest View Corporation. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes November 19, 2002 Page 4 of 4 37tb & Central- The owner of Puerta Vailerta hired an architect to develop a redevelopment proposal for the area along Central Avenue, north of the Olive Tree and South of Bobby and Steve 's. The preliminary proposal includes a 3-story, 22-unit market-rate, building with 13,000 square feet on the ftrst floor, and 22 units of market rate housing on the second and third floors. Staff will be bringing this project to the EDA for review once the architect has provided the additional ftnancial information. 39tb & Central- The Nathe Company, which is the owner of Burger King, contacted staff inquiring about redevelopment plans. They may be interested in moving to the old Hardees site. Staff will meet with their representatives soon. Design Guidelines Task Force- The Task Force had their first meeting on October 29th to discuss the purpose, expectations and time line for their activities. The next meeting is planned for November 20a at Murzyn Hall. Building Inspections Program - The State Building Code and Standards Division started their review of the City's building inspection service, which will take approximately 60-90 days. Kmart- Staff will be working with Jerry Herringer to develop a draft redevelopment concept for the Kmart site. Staff also contacted Herbergers at Apache Plaza to talk to Herringer about renting the building. Columbia Heights Business Center- Staff met with administrators of the Columbia Park Medical Group to negotiate a new agreement for maintenance of the City owned parking ramp. A draft agreement is being reviewed at this time. ADJOURNMENT Vice President, Jindra, adjoumed the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:~EDAmmutes2002\ 11-19-2002 P= Present A= Absent 2002 EDA ATTENDANCE Jan.15 Feb.19 Mar. 19 Apr. 16 May.21 June.18 Jul.16 Aug.20 Sept.17 Oct. 15 Nov.19 Dec.17 Jindra, Patricia P P P P P P P P P A P Nawrocki, Bruce P P P P P P P p p p p Peterson, Ga~ L. P P P P P P A P P P P Ruettimann, Bob P A P A P P P P P P A Szurek, Marlaine P P P P P P P P A P P Williams, Bobb}/ A P P P P A A P A P P W~ck0ff, Julienne P P P P P P p p p p p COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Meeting off December 17, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Agenda ORIGINATING EXECUTIVE NO: DEPARTMENT: EDA DIRECTOR APPROVAL ITEM: Financial Report and Payment of Bills BY: Bob Streetar BY: DATE: December 10, 2002 BACKGROUND: The bound Financial Report for November 1, 2002 Check Listing (green sheets), and draft Resolution 2002-20 are attached for review. The enclosed Financial Report lists the Revenue Guideline (pink sheets), the Expenditure Guideline (yellow sheets), Expenditure Guideline with Detail (white sheets), and Balance Sheet (blue sheets), for each fund and department. The report covers the activity in the calendar (fiscal) year from January 1 through November 30, 2002. The Check History shows each fund with an expenditure history during the month of November, 2002. The total disbursements by fund are shown at the top of the listing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff will be available to answer specific questions. If the report is satisfactorily complete, we recommend the Board take affirmative action to receive the Financial Report and approve the payment of bills. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 2002-20, Resolution of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the Financial Statement for November, 2002 and Payment of Bills for the month of November, 2002. EDA ACTION: H: \Consent2 0 0 2 ~NovemberFinRep2 0 0 2 EDA RESOLUTION 2002-20 RESOLUTION OF THE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) APPROVING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR NOVEMBER, 2002 AND PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2002. WHEREAS, the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) is required by Minnesota Statutes Section 469.096, Subd. 9, to prepare a detailed financial statement which shows all receipts and disbursements, their nature, the money on hand, the purposes to which the money on hand is to be applied, the EDA's credits and assets and its outstanding liabilities; and WHEREAS, said Statute also requires the EDA to examine the statement and treasurer's vouchers or bills and if correct, to approve them by resolution and enter the resolution in its records; and WHEREAS, the financial statement for the month of November, 2002 and the list of bills for the month of November, 2002 are attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the EDA has examined the financial statement and the list of bills and finds them to be acceptable as to both form and accuracy. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority that it has examined the attached financial statements and list of bills, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, and they are found to be correct, as to form and content; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the financial statements are acknowledged and received and the list of bills as presented in writing are approved for payment out of proper funds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this resolution and attachments are to be made a part of the permanent records of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority. Passed this __ day of __, 2002. MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: AYES: NAYS: Attest by: Robert Ruettimann, President Cheryl Bakken, Secretary H:\Resolutions2OO2\EDA2002-20 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: EDA and HRA Commissioners Robert Streetar, Community Development Director Mark Nagel, Housing Assistant Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant December 10, 2002 Community Development Monthly Update The purpose of this monthly report is to provide EDA and HRA Commissioners with a comprehensive update on the City's community development goals and activities. The City Council established the following community development goals in January of 2002. 1. Redevelop Industrial Park 2. Evaluate development of Lominanki Park 3.40th and University Redevelopment 4. Evaluate Options for Parkview Villa North 5. Improve the Housing Stock 6. Increase Tax Base 7.37th and Central Redevelopment 8.39th and Central Redevelopment 9. Promote Columbia Heights 10.40th and Jackson to Van Buren Redevelopment 10. (tie) 4201 Central Redevelopment Industrial Park Redevelopment Staff is working with United Properties and the planning firm of Hoisington Koegler to put together two redevelopment scenarios for the Council to review in February 2003. In addition, the Industrial Redevelopment Plan will incorporate the Huset Park study, so redevelopment and park plans are integrated and compliment each other. 40th and University Staff expects to close on the gas station property on December 16. Staff has contacted a number of developers to let them know about this redevelopment opportunity. This site is approximately 1 acre is size. United Properties, Inc. has indicated possible uses for the site include a fast food restaurant, day care or a bank. Evaluate Options for the disposition of Parkview Villa North Staff met with HUD on October 18 to discuss the options for the sale or transfer of Parkview Villa North (PWN). HUD indicated they supported Columbia Heights reviewing options for disposition. The most likely disposition options identified thus far are the sale or transfer of PVVN to the Met Council or the Crestview Corporation. Staff has contacted both the Met Council and the Crestview Corporation and both have indicated they would be interested in discussing the disposition of PVYN. In the event the City chooses to sell or transfer PWN to either the Met Council or the Crestview Corporation, the high level of service and the affordability must be maintained according to HUD. Staff believes either of these organizations is very capable of providing high quality housing to the residents of PWN. The Met Council will be touring the building on Friday December 13. Improving Housing Stock Home Improvement Fair The "Rising to New Heights" group has taken the lead on moving this project forward. Staff met with Jo Ann Student, Bruce Nedegaard and Mickey Rooney to discuss preliminary details. Formal planning will begin at the December 10 "Rising to New Heights" meeting. The intent of the fair is to increase and maintain the quality of housing by bringing together residents and local contractors, builders, remodelers, architects, and lenders to facilitate home improvements. The Home Improvement Fair is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 6, at the Columbia Heights Senior High School. Habitat for Humanity (H4H) A final "walk-thru" of the Quincy Street Twinhome was held on Monday, December 9 to insure that all of the terms of the Development Agreement had been met by H4H. Both of the homes have been sold and with closing dates schedules for December 20th and 26th. A family has been living in the 3913 Polk Street home for almost 2 months. Staff is writing a letter to H4H certifying that the terms of the Development Agreement have been met. Habitat for Humanity (H4H) Dedication On Saturday December 14 at 10:30am, H4H is holding a dedication for their new homes located at 4401 Quincy and 4405 Quincy St. N.E. Crestview on 42nd The Ribbon-Cutting for this 50-unit senior facility, which includes a 10-unit area for seniors with memory loss, is set for Friday, December 20th at 1:30 P.M. Some staff were able to take a tour of the new building during the Open House on November 30th and it will be an excellent addition to the wide range of senior housing opportunities available to Columbia Heights residents through Crestview. It really helps the redevelopment efforts along Central Avenue to have a new building, as well. 2 Discount Loan Proqram There are about 20% of these funds remaining to be committed through CRR/CEE, so a request was made to MHFA to extend the program past deadline of December 31, 2002. MHFA approved the request and the program will continue until all of the funds are expended. This is good news, because each dollar of loan funds expended generates 8 dollars in private investment. Staff is working with CRR/CEE on a mailing to each homeowner to advise them on the availability of these funds (a special thank you to the Fire Department for their help). As you may recall, this has been the most popular of housing rehab programs offered in the city. Unfortunately, MHFA is out of Rehab Loan Funds until September 2003, so there is little chance the program can continue after the remaining funds run out. Rental Rehab, Rental EnerRy Loan Programs The Rental Rehab and Home Energy Loan Programs, administered by CRR/CEE, have not had much activity. These are the only 2 programs that MHFA has aimed directly at improving rental housing here in Columbia Heights, so they are very important to efforts to improve housing stock. Together with CRR/CEE, the staff has been working on increasing the use of theses programs by Columbia Heights landlords - first, through a mailing sent to each rental property owner advising them of the availability of rental rehab funds, and, second, a presentation that will be made to the Rental Property Owners at their February, 2003 meeting. A special thanks to Community Police Officer Joe Sturdevandt for making this possible. In addition, a Cable TV program is in the works for next spring. Increase Tax Base Business Revolvinq Loan Fund Staff expects to begin the revolving loan fund beginning in January 2003. 37th and Central The owner of Puerta Vallarta has hired an architect that has prepared a redevelopment proposal for the area along Central Avenue, north of the Olive Tree, and South of Bobby and Steves. The preliminary proposal includes a 3-story building with 13,000 square feet of retail on the first floor, and 22 units of market-rate rental housing on the second and third floors. The rental units are 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms and rents start at $900 a month and run to $1,500 a month. Staff expects to bring this project to the EDA for review and comment once the architect has provided additional financial information to the City. 39th and Central The Nath Company contacted the City to inquire about redevelopment plans. Nath, the owner of the Burger King, has indicated they may want to move from their current location to the vacant Hardies on Central just south of 1-694. Nath is having an appraisal completed on the Burger King, which ought to give the City a good idea of the possible purchase price. If the City purchased the Burger King, this would greatly facilitate the redevelopment of this property. Promote Columbia Heights Design Guidelines Task Force On December 14, the task force will be touring a few metro area communities that have implemented design guidelines and have been successful in improving the look of their downtown. Additional Community Development Activity Kmart Staff is meeting with Jerry Herringer, part owner of the Kmart site on December 10, to talk about possible redevelopment scenarios. At the request of Mr. Herringer, Bruce Nedegaard has put together a redevelopment concept for the site. This concept includes a variety of market rate owner-occupied and some rental housing. Staff will report the results of the meeting with Mr. Herringer at the December 17 EDA meeting. 4607 Tyler Street Staff met with Terry Stacey of Agape New Life Ministries of Columbia Heights to discuss the possible sale of the 4607 Tyler Street four-plex. Staff is meeting with Minnesota Housing Resources on Wednesday December 11, as they are also interested in potential purchasing the four-plex. 2002 Annual Public Housinq Authority (PHA) Plan HUD has approved the HRA's Annual PHA Plan for 2002. The HRA is now up-to-date with their submittals. The 2002 capital fund program (CFP), which is approved separately, should be approved for a draw down shortly. The 2003 Annual PHA Plan, which was approved by the HRA at the October 15th Meeting has been submitted to HUD. Parkview Villa North Re-Roofing Project The repairs have been made between the North and South buildings, so there should be no more leaks there! The roofers are about nearing two-thirds completion on the North roof despite some very cold temperatures. Staff attended the December Resident Council meeting to update the seniors on the project. There has been no problems with odor, for any of the tenants. A new TV antenna will be purchased by the HRA and installed by the contractor before completion of the project. PWN Resident Survey Staff received the results of the annual survey of PWN residents, which is required by HUD, on October 22. The survey asks residents questions in five areas - maintenance and repair, communication, safety services, and neighborhood appearance and compares them to nationwide standards. The ratings for PWN residents for the five areas averaged 90% for 2001, which was higher than the 85% of 2000 and the national 4 PHA average of 80% for 2001. All PHA's must meet an average of 60% for all five categories, so PWN residents seem comparatively satisfied with the services. Columbia Heiqhts Business Center The new owners of the above office building are Best & Hempel, LLC. They purchased the building, along with the parking ramp and walkway lease agreements with the City, from Lake-State Properties (Gordon Awsumb) on October 30. Staff will be meeting with new owners in early December to discuss parking ramp maintenance and repair schedule and interior renovations to the building. Columbia Park Medical Group Parkinq Ramp Staff met with administrators for the medical group on October 4 to negotiate an extension of their lease agreement on the parking ramp behind their clinic on 40th and Central. A draft agreement that would extend the present terms another 10 years is being circulated. 2002 Annual PHA Plan HUD has approved both the Operating and Capital parts of the HRA's 2002 Annual PHA Plan, which means that the HRA is now up-to-date with their submittals for the first time in 6 years. The 2003 Annual PHA Plan, which was approved by the HRA at their October 2002 meeting, has been submitted to HUD for approval. There is discussion at the Federal level of severe cutbacks in public housing funding, so staff will monitor the HUD budget for any proposed cuts for 2003. January 2003 EDA Meetinq Because of vacations, staff would like to move the January 2003 EDA meeting from the 22nd to the 28th. This would also allow the City Council to hold their work session scheduled for the 21st on the 22nd, because Martin Luther King Day is on the 21st' 0 c- o o :~ w :~ tu w W iii ill E Z ::3 m o ~ :3 Z X Z z " _0 ,~ w i,i ~ I-' LU _z x ::3 ~ o LU "r 0 0 m Z UJ :3 IL Z o .J --I I.U LU >- o :Z: LU U. Parkview Villa Housing Complex 965 N.E. 404 Avenue, Columbia Heights, MN 55421 (763) 706-3800 Fax (763)788-3978 DATE: November 10, 2002 TO: Bob Streetar; Community Development Director Shirley Barnes; Chief Executive Officer; Crest View Corporation Commissioners; Columbia Heights HRA Board of Directors; Crest View FROM: William Jones, Housing Administrator November/December Management Report for Parkview Villa & 4607 Tyler PHYSICAL PLANT: No fire panel required at 4607 Tyler. The property owner next door to 4607 Tyler removed several large branches that we were going to have removed. I will be placing the Apt, at 4607 Tyler in the local papers. Parkview North and South The make-up Air is not working, We are accepting bids to repair both the north and south building, The boiler controls for both the north and south building also need to be replaced The ceiling in room 319 is under repair. Completed. We replaced eight zone valves in Parkview South. One of the hot water storage tanks has rusted through; we are accepting bids to replace it now. We are running on two. OCCUPANCY: 4607 Tyler Apt # 4 will be vacant on Nov 30/2002 NORTH BUILDING No open Apt. SOUTH BUILDING A?rest 317 Rented for December 15,2002 idents needed increased services Waiting list totals are as follows: Parkview Villa North 23 CH Residents 31 Non-residents 4607 Tyler 4 CH Residents 6 Non-residents Parkview Villa South 27 CH Resident 14 Non residents MISC: For informational purposes the Parkview Villa calendar and the Administrator's monthly update to residents is attached. Equal Housing Opportunity Agency OPPORTUNITY Owned by the City of Columbia Heights HRA Managed by Crest View Management Services Hi, everyone! It's great to be here. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Have a Merry Christmas RESIDENT COUNCIL NEWS The next Resident Council meeting will be held on Monday, DECEMBER 9, at 7:00pm in Community Room B HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The next E.D.A meeting will be held Tuesday, DECEMBER 17, 6:30pm at city hall REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT CENTER The scores for Park View Villa will be posted on the board by the elevator. PACKAGES We cannot sign for packages Christmas Party Information Parkview Christmas Dinner is Decemberl4,2002 Columbia Height Staff caroling on December 13,2002 Crestview Christmas part will be December 18,2002 SMOKING Please remember there is no smoking in the common areas qf this building. Also please remind all of your visitors of this rule. PARKVIEW ROOF Going ok Maintenance ISSUES If you have a maintenance issue after 5.00 p.m. you must call 763-706-3800 thank you. LAUNDRY ROOM GUIDELINES Please be sure to clean both the washers and dryers when you are done using. Don't leave a mess for the next person. COMMON AREA GUIDELINES Absolutely, no alcoholic beverages in the common areas. Be sure that your visitors are aware of this rule. -PARKING LOT Please drive carefully when leaving the garage and driving in the parking lot. D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 2 ' i;~!i?~;,~:i~ยข' SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9am Catholic 9am milkman 9.30 bus to cub foods 9:35 am-9:50am Mobile 1pm wellness Nurse 1.15 Catholic Mass 6p.m, potluck Communion mail 7pm bingo 7pm game night Service 7p.m. Non Denominational service 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 9am Catholic 9am milkman 9:30am Bus to Cub 9:35am-9:50am Mobile 7pm Game Night in 6:00pm Potluck Communion 7:00pm Resident Foods Mail 1pm Wellness Nurse comma A 7pm Non- Service Council 7pm Movie 10:30 NAPS 7pm Bingo City staff carciing at 1pm Denominational Service , Christmas Dinner at 5:30 in comma A 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9am Catholic 9am milkman 9:30am Bus to Cub 9:35arn-9: 50am Mobile 1pm Wellness Nurse : 7pm Game Night in 6:00pm Potluck Communion Foods Mailman 7pm Bingo Comma A 7pm Non- Service Crestview Christmas Denominational Service party from 2pm -4pm 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9am Catholic 9am Milkman 9:30 Bus to Cub Foods MERRY CHRISTMAS 1pm Wellness Nurse 7pm Game Night in 6:00pm Potluck Communion 7pm Movie 7pm Bingo Comma A 7pm Non- Service Denominational Service 29 30 31 9am Catholic 9am Milkman 9:30 Bus to Cub Foods Communion Service