HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 19, 2002 AMENDED AND RESTATED
FEBRUARY /t ~ ,2002
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Name of Authori_ty. The name of the Authority shall be the "Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of Columbia Heights, Minnesota."
Seal of Authori _ty. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall
bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization.
Office of the Authori _ty; Place of Meeting. The office of the Authority shall be at such
place in the City of Columbia Heights, Minnesota as the Authority may from time to
time determine by resolution. Regular and special meetings of the Board of
Commissioners shall be open to the public and shall be held at such place in the City
as the Authority may fi:om time to time determine by resolution.
Powers of the Authori _ty. The Authority, by and in its corporate name, shall have and
exercise all powers, fimctions rights and privileges pursuant to City Ordinance No.
1442 (Allocation Ordinance), and such portion of the powers described in Minnesota
Statutes 469.001 to 469.047 as are allocated to the Authority under the Allocation
Authority. The business and affairs of the Authority shall be managed by or under the
authority of the Board of Commissioners, except as otherwise permitted by statute.
Number, Qualification and Term of Office. There shall be six Commissioners
appointed by the Mayor of Columbia Heights and approved by the City Council. All
Commissioners must be at least 18 years of age and must reside in the City of
Columbia Heights. At least one Commissioner shall be a member of the Columbia
Heights City Council. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.003,
subdivision 5, at least one Commissioner shall be a "resident board member" as
defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 24, part 974 (HUD Regulations). Any
Commissioner who is a City Council member shall serve a term equal to the
Commissioner's City Council term. All other Commissioners shall serve a term of
five years.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5.
Section 6.
Section 7.
Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board of Commissioners occurring by reason of death,
resignation, removal or disqualification shall be filled for the unexpired term by the
Mayor in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in Article II, Section 2.
Removal. For inefficiency or neglect of duty, or misconduct in office, a
Commissioner may be removed from office by the City Council in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.010.
Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be elected from among the
Commissioners and shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer. A
Commissioner shall not hold more than one of the above named offices at the same
Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners if
present. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board of Commissioners,
the Chair shall sign all contracts, deeds and other instruments made by the Authority.
At each meeting the Chair shall submit such recommendations and information as
considered proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of the Authority.
Vice Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or
incapacity of the Chair; and in case of resignation or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair
shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chair until such time as the Board of
Commissioners shall select a new Chair.
Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties of the office of
Secretary-Treasurer and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Commissioners in
the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Secretary-Treasurer may delegate the
responsibility for recording the Minutes of the Board of Commissioner meetings to the
Executive Director or to the Authority Office Secretary as is determined appropriate
by the Secretary-Treasurer.
Execution of Instruments. All deeds, contracts, promissory notes, bonds and
instruments of every kind, authorized by the Board of Commissioners shall be signed
by the Chair on behalf of the Authority as well as the Executive Director, and shall be
executed in the name of the Authority.
Additional Duties. The Officers of the Authority shall perform such other duties and
functions as may fi'om time to time be required by the Authority, or the By-Laws or
rules and regulations of the Authority.
Election or Appointment. The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected
annually from among the Commissioners of the Authority, and shall hold office for
one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.
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Section 8.
Vacancies. Should the office of Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary-Treasurer become
vacant, the Board of Commissioners shall elect a successor from its members at the
next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office.
The Columbia Heights City Manager is the Executive Director of the Authority. The Executive
Director shall have general supervision over the administration of the Authority's business and
affairs, subject to the direction of the Board of Commissioners. As assistant to the Secretary, the
Executive Director shall insure that proper records of the Authority are maintained. The Executive
Director (or his designee) shall act as Secretary of the meeting of' the Board of Commissioners and
shall keep a record of the proceedings in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purposes (the
Minutes of the proceedings are to be signed by the recorder plus the Authority Commissioner acting
as Chair at the meeting). The Executive Director shall perform all duties incident to the Executive
Director position as may be assigned by the position description as approved by the Board of
Section 1.
Depu_ty Executive Director. The Columbia Heights Community Development
Director is the Deputy Executive Director and performs such duties and services as
specified by the Executive Director, subject to direction of the Authority. In the
absence or incapacity of the Executive Director, the Deputy Executive Director may
sign contracts, deeds and other instruments made by the Authority.
Section 2.
Other Personnel. The Board of Commissioners may from time to time employ such
personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions as
prescribed by the Allocation Ordinance and the relevant portions of Minnesota
Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047. The selection and compensation of such
personnel (including the Executive Director) shall be determined by the Board of
Commissioners subject to the laws of the State of Minnesota. The Board of
Commissioners may also use the services of staff provided by the City as agreed to
between the Authority and the City from time to time.
Section 1.
Regular Meetings. Meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis without notice at the
regular meeting place (Parkview Villa) on the third, Tuesday in the months of January,
April, July and October at 6:30 P.M., unless the same is a legal Holiday, in which
event said meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day. In the event the
date/time/meeting place of a particular meeting must be changed, the Executive
Director may make such change deemed necessary by notifying all Commissioners of
the revised meeting time and date in accordance with the procedures for a special
Section 2.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Commissioners may be called by
the Chair, two members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Executive Director for
the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call (including
location of meeting) for a special meeting must be delivered to Commissioners at least
two days before the meeting, and notice of the meeting must be posted in the
Authority's offices at least three days before the meeting. At a special meeting no
business may be considered other than as designated in the call, except that if all the
members of the Authority are present at a special meeting, any business may be
transacted at such special meeting by unanimous vote.
Four Commissioners constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising
its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjoum fi:om time to time until a
quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Board of
Commissioners upon a vote of a majority of the Commissioners present.
Section 1.
Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Board of Commissions the
following shall be the Order of Business:
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Management Report.
4. Consent
5. All other items.
6. Adjournment
Upon direction of the Chair, or the motion by two members of the Board of Commissioners, any
resolution shall be in writing and shall be copied in the journal of the proceedings of the Board of
The voting on all questions coming before the Board of Commissioners shall be by the Chair calling
for yeas and nays on the questions and shall be entered upon the Minutes of each meeting. The
Chair and all members of the Board of Commissioners at every meeting of said Board of
Commissioners shall be entitled to a vote. In the event that any Commissioners shall have a
personal interest of any kind in a matter then before the Board of Commissioners, the
Commissioners shall disclose his/her interest and be disqualified fi:om voting upon the matter, and
the Secretary shall so record in the Minutes that no vote was cast by said Commissioner.
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The By-Laws of the Board of Commissioners shall be amended by Resolution only with the
approval of at least a majority of the Commissioners in office at any time.
These By-Laws were amended as the By-Laws of the Authority by the Board of Commissioners on
/9 dayof .p"~e~/~.o~ ,2002.
~heryl Bakken, Recording~
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