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CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA)
was called to order by Vice President Pat Jindra at 7:19 p.m. in Conference Room 1, City Hall, 590 40~ Avenue
NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota.
Commission Members Present:
Commission Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Patricia Jindra, Marlaine Szurek, Don Jolly, Julienne Wyckoff, and John
Robert Ruettimann, Gary L. Peterson
Walt Fehst, Executive Director
Ken Anderson, Deputy Executive Director
Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant
Anita Kottsick, Parkview Villa Public Housing Administrator
Shirley Barnes, Crest View Management
MOTION by Marlaine Szurek, seconded by Julienne Wyckoffl TIF Cashflow Report was moved from the
Closed Session to 9-C-2, Other Business. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED.
A. Move to adopt the consent agenda items as listed below.
1) Approval of'Minutes - regular meeting of October 17, 2000
MOTION by Don Jolly, secmided by Marlaine Szurek, to adopt the minutes of the October 17, 2000 regular
meeting as presented in writing. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED.
Financial Report and Payment of Bills
a. Financial Statement - October, 2000
b. Payment of Bills - October, 2000
MOTION by Don Jolly, seconded by Maria[ne Szurek, to approve Resolution 2000-18, a Resolution of the
Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) approving the financial statements for October, 2000
and approving payment of bills for October, 2000. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED.
B. Anita Kottsick, Parkview Villa Housing Admini.qtrator.
Anita stated that Millar, the elevator repair company, is working on completing the items listed on their punch
list. When Millar gets through with everything on the list Bill Gault and Anita will walk through the listed items
with a Millar representative.
In the south building a new ADA complaint phone was installed due to last months breakdown problems. Since
the new complaint phone has been installed there hasn't been any further problems with the elevator.
At Parkview Villa North two units experienced leaks in their hot water pipes. The first leak showed up with an
apartments sheet rock and the second leak showed up in the ceiling tiles on first floor and was tracked to a leak in
a shower on the ninth floor. Also apartment #104's heating system had a leak and was repaired after the header
on the boiler was replaced. There is a need for some patching and painting in this apartment because of the
repair work performed. Maintenance has been notified of this work to be done.
Economic Development Authority Minutes
November 14, 2000
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Fire Chief, Charlie Thompson, conducted a fire alarm test to see how long it took the monitoring company to
contact the fire department once the alarm was set off. The monitoring company contacted the Fire Department
within one minute of the alarm.
Anita stated that Parkview Villa residents have been notified of the phone number change for the Parkview Villa
North offices.
Maintenance is planning to replace the carpet in the foyer, patch the ceiling, paint and add some better signage
for using the security phone system area at Parkview Villa North.
As requested at last months EDA meeting, Anita has attacl~ed copies of the past Capitol Improvements meetings.
In closing she stated that she would be taking vacation from December 1 ph through the 15"' of which Karl will
be helping out in the office that week.
C. Other Resolutions - None.
D. Bid Considerations - None.
E. Other Business
1) Final Development Agreement for Transition Block - Dan Greeusweig, Kennedy and Graven,
Mr. Greensweig updated the EDA commissioners as to the status of the Final Development Agreement for the
Transition Block Project. He passed out an informational packet to the commissioners for review. The form of
the agreement between the parties involved will be available for adoption at the regular scheduled Council
meeting of November 27, 2000. A lot of what he passed out is very similar to what the EDA previously saw on
the preliminary agreement that the EDA recently approved. Mr. Greensweig will be sitting down with all of the
parties involved to come down to a final agreement for the development. He is recommending that a special
EDA meeting be held before the Council meeting on November 27, 2000 to approve the final agreement for this
In discussion, Jindra asked if an agreement has come forth with the locksmithing company? Chris Winter stated
that they did have a letter of intent to purchase the property. Fehst asked Greensweig and the developers to come
in tonight so that the commissioners would have some time to look over the agreement (final) before it is
finalized on November 27, 2000.
Walt Fehst asked Mr. Gre~usweig and the developers to come in tonight so that the commissioners would have
some time to look over the agreement (f'mal) before it is f'malized on November 27, 2000. Fehst visited eleven
other cities today to see how they are financing a project such as the one that we are about to approve. His
overall review of the visits was that they all came out okay on this type of development. Walt stated that you
could not tell were any of the affordable housing was located in the developments. The properties were all kept
up very neatly.
Hunter stated that he felt that it was something like 55 % of our population in the next 5 years that will be
seniors. Therefore, we need to create some housing options for these residents. Mr. Fehst stated that the only
problem that may arise is the NEI parking area on 41~. He asked the commissioners to table the adoption of the
Final Agreement until they look over the NEI area of the Final Agreement carefully before the November 27~'
meeting and then discuss it again.
Economic Development Authority Minutes
November 14, 2000
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Chris Winters, Real Estate Equities stated that they have been negotiating with NE1 on the 500 Parking spots for
them as part of the development and he has figured it out that they need about 250 or 225 on an average.
Shirley Barnes has heard many comments about the fact that there will be more senior housing for Columbia
Heights. However if we make more housing for seniors in the new development, then their homes will be
available for younger people to move into their homes. So this will be an opporumity for younger residents to
move into.
MOTION by Marlaine Szurek, seconded by Julienne Wyckoff, to set a special meeting of the Columbia Heights
Economic Development Authority for 5:30 p.m. on Mond.ay, November 27, 2000 in Conference Room 1, City
Hall, 590 40*h Avenue N.E. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED.
In discussion, Jolly stated that he will not be able to attend the meeting due to his flight coming in at 5 p.m. that
night and he will just be getting here in time for the Council meeting.
2) TIF Cashflow Report
Shelly Eldridge, Ehlers and Associates presented the report to the commissioners in great detail and answered
questions that the commissioners had. She presented three different Scenarios:
1. A Best Case Scenario- She looked at the market value at its best time then dropped it down by 5 % over 5
years, with no increase or decrease in the tax capacity rate, no further state classification rate compression and
the maximum state TIF Grant available through 2004.
2. Moderate Case Scenario- She looked at the growth in value at 0%, no increase or decease in the tax capacity
rate, no further State classification rate compression, reduced state TIF Grant available through 2004, and no
changes in MS, N7, P3/P4 - no growth in value in Scenario 1.
3. Not So Good Case Scenario- She looked at the growth in value at 0%, no increase or decrease in the tax
capacity rate, further State classification rate compression, State TIF Grant stable through 2004 and no changes
in MS, P3/P4 - majority of property is residential.
Ms. Eldridge explained that the data that she used to present these scenarios came from Anoka County,
Department of Revenue as well as some of the City records.
In discussion, Mr. Fehst stated as of today the City did get a total of $300,000 for TIF Cashflow for the year
3) Reconveyance of Forfeited Lands to State of Minnesota - Ken Anderson.
The properties are located at 4460 and 4470 Buchanan Street N.E. and 1330 44 1/2 Street N.E. The City
acquired the three properties in 1994 for public use for the purpose of subdividing the property for redeveloping.
The property at 4450 Bu6hanan Street N.E. was sold to a private party who defaulted on the terms of the Sale
and Development Agreement by not constructing a home on it. However, he is currently paying the taxes for the
property. Staff is recommending the EDA authorize the reconveyance of the properties to the State of
Marlaine Szurek stated that she has read over this approval and did not understand why we got the property
back. Mr. Anderson explained that the owner failed to payoff his part of the agreement. Mr. Fehst was
concerned if it was worth it to the City to fix the property and resell it seeing that this property is in an area that
has a soil problem. Marlaine stated that years ago, a family lived on that property and had to move because they
became sick. Mr. Hunter stated that we could also put in piling and build a slab home. Mr. Anderson felt that it
was too late to explore that option at this point.
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November 14, 2000
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MOTION by Marlalne Szurek, seconded by Julienne Wyckoff, to approve reconveyance of forfeited lands at
4460 and 4470 Buchanan Street N.E. and 1330 44 1/a Avenue N.E. to the State of Minnesota; and furthermore,
to authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for the same. All Ayes. MOTION
4) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Changes - Ken Anderson.
Ken stated that this was only a informational piece for the EDA. The plan will change next year in the way that
the funds are distributed. Jennifer Bergman from Anoka County notified staff by mail that the City will no longer
receive a set amount of funds on an annual basis. Rather, it will be necessary to submit an application that will
be competitively evaluated among other applications receiv, ed by all of the Cities in Anoka County Staff will be
attending a meeting in regards to this matter on December'14, 2000 that will explain how the program will work.
5) Approval of the Downtown Master Plan "Town Squaren Concept - Ken Anderson.
This item came before the EDA Board last month and was tabled until the commissioners had more time to
review the Concept. Two Scenarios were presented to the City Council; the Urban Green Concept and the Town
Square Concept. The City Council adopted the Town Square Concept at their meeting of August 14, 2000.
In discussion, Mr. Fehst recommended that the EDA Board not agree to this concept until staff could take a look
at it and make some necessary changes
MOTION by Julienne Wyckoff, seconded by Don Jolly, to table the approval of the Town Square Concept until
the staff can meet to make some changes to it. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED.
6) Approve Change Order No. 2 to Replace Worm and Gear for Elevator No.1 - Ken
A representative from Millar Elevator Service Company has submitted a proposal to replace the Worm and Gear
in Elevator #1 at Parkview Villa North. Ted Smith of Elevator Advisory Group, Inc., has indicated that this
work was not included in the original bid specifications because of the lack of funding available through the
CIAP Grants. The consultant and contractor both agree that the work is necessary to improve the safety and
performance of the elevator.
MOTION by John Hunter, seconded by Don Jolly, to approve Change Order No. 2 to replace Worm and Gear
for Elevator Number 1 at Parkview Villa North in the total amount of $12,360 with payment from Fund 203-
46331-4000; and furthermore, to authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an agreement for
the same. All Ayes. MOTION CARRI'ED.
A. Report of the Deputy Executive Director - Ken Anderson.
1) Set Date for Holiday Dinner.
Mr. Anderson requested that 6 p.m. on December 19~ after the EDA meeting, be set aside for the dinner. The
Commissioners requested that they go to Jax's Restaurant again this year. All Commissioners were in
agreement. Staff will make the arrangements.
Report of the Executive Director - NONE.
Committee/Other Reports- NONE.
Economic Development Authority Minutes
November 14, 2000
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The next EDA meeting is scheduled for 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at Sax Restaurant.
MOTION by John Hunter, seconded by Marlaine Szurek, to adjourn the meeting at 10:01p.m. All ayes.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Bakken
Recording Secretary
H:\EDAminutes\ 11-14-2000