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HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDA MIN 09-25-00 SpecialCOLUMBIA HEIGHTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 CALL TO ORDER - The Regular Meeting of the Columbia Heights Economic Development Authority (EDA) was called to order by President Ruetfimann at 6:41 p.m., Monday, September 25, 2000, in Conference Room One, City Hall, 590 40a Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, Minnesota. ROLL CALL Commission Members Present: Commission Members Absent: Staff Present: Robert Ruettimann, Patricia 1indra, Marlaine Szurek, Don 1olly, Gary Peterson, Sulienne Wyckoff, and 1ohn Hunter Walt Fehst, Executive Director Ken Anderson, Deputy Executive Director Randy Schumacher, Community Development Assistant Shirley Barnes, Crest Vigw Corporation 1. Adoption of Resolution 2000-14 regarding Section 8 Administrative Transfer. Mr. Schumacher addressed the EDA Board asking for the EDAto adopt Resolution 2000-14 for the Section 8 Administrative Transfer. To date, all Section 8 participant files are in order, re-certifications and physical inspections of all units have been completed. City staff has been working closely with both Metropolitan I-IRA staff and the local HUD office to fulfill all transition criteria in order to meet the projected October transfer date. Under state statue, a city may, be resolution, authorize another housing authority to act on its behalf with respect to any powers, as its agent, such as administration of its Section 8 Program. Formal action on such a resolution is required for this transition to take place. MOTION by Gary L. Peterson, seconded by Marlaine Szurek, to adopt Resolution 2000-14, transferring all administrative responsibilities for the operations of the Columbia Heights Section 8 Program and authorize all other related letters of intent be submitted to the appropriate agencies. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Adoption of HRAfEDA and Metropolitan Council's Transfer Agreement. Mr. Schumacher explained that the pink copy of this Agreement should be used and the HRA and EDA tonight are both adopting this Agreement to cover all standards by both HUD and the Metropolitan Council. The proposed agreement is a product of the Columbia Heights staff, Metropolitan HRA, and our Section 8 consultants. The agreement covers all aspects of the administrative transfer of the Columbia Heights Section 8 program over to the Metropolitan HRA. If everything goes as planned, the Liveable Communities Committee will be reviewing the agreement on Monday night, October 2, 2000, then the projected date of transfer is November 1, 2000. The client files will be delivered to Metropolitan HRA on October 4, 2000. It affects only the administration of the Section 8 Program, and makes no reference or has no impact on the annual contributions contract from HUD. MOTION by Pat Jindra, seconded by John Hunter, to enter into the Agreement governing the transfer of Federal Section 8 Housing Assistance Program administration within the City of Columbia Heights and have the President and. Executive Director execute same. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED.' In discussion, Walt Fehst stated that Randy Schtunacher should be commended for his hard work in organizing and following through with this transfer of Section 8. 3. Adoption of Resolution 2000-15 and Modified Redevelopment Plan for CBD Redevelopment Project and TIF Plan. Mr. Anderson explained that the Resolution before them is a redevelopment TIF district which has a maximum term of 25 years. The district boundaries include 4157 Jackson Street, (Ostrander residence), 825 41't Avenue (NEI College of Technology), 4156 Central Avenue (City Wide Locksmithing), and 4150 Central (EDA property, formerly the Columbia Professional Building). The proposed budget for TIF eligible expenditures can be found on page 5 of the TIF Plan and are conservatively estimated to be $4,330,000. The actual cost will be actually less than this amount. This TIF district is subject to a local contribution (LGA penalty) of 5% of the annual TIF generated funds which must be provided from unrestricted money and cannot be taken from TIF. The Metropolitan Council grant of $545,000 can be used as the local contribution of the City which means no City funds need to be allocated for the local contribution requirement. Dan Greensweig of Kennedy and Graven, Chartered and Keith Jans of Real Economic Development Authority Minutes September 25, 2000 Page 2 Estate Equities was present at the meeting to answer any questions from the Board. The City Council has this on their agenda for tonight's meeting to conduct a Public Hearing but, at this time staff is recommending that this item be tabled and continued at a future meeting to allow the developer more time to move forward with the property acquisition and to make sure there aren't any changes that need to be made to the Agreement. However, staff is asking the EDA to adopt the Resolution tonight and forward it to the City Council for their Public Hearing. MOTION by Marlaine Szurek, seconded by Gary L. Peterson, to waive the reading of EDA Resolution 2000-15, there being ample copies available to the Public. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Marlaine Szurek, seconded by Gary L. Peterson, to adopt Resolution 2000-15, being a Resolution approving a modified redevelopment project and a Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District (Redevelopment) No. 9 (Transition Block Redeveld/~ment Project - Crest View/Real Estate Equities). All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Approve Relocation Proposal from Wilson Development Services. Mr. Anderson explained that the EDA received a letter on August 30, 2000, from Daniel Wilson, Wilson Development Services regarding the Relocation of residents at 3718 Central Avenue N.E., Columbia Heights. This property was one of two properties that the EDA was looking at purchasing. There are two residents living in the home. Dan Wilson's letter states an amount of $750.00 for time and material to evaluate the EDA's possible relocation liabilities. Staff is asking that the EDA approve payment to Wilson Development Services in the amount of $750.00 for relocation services. In discussion, President Ruettimann asked what the status was of the resident at 3722 Central that the EDA was contemplating purchasing? Randy Schumacher reported that the person in the home is willing to move or relocate. The City is asking her for a waiver of Relocation costs. Which means that we would not be responsible for relocation costs. : MOTION by Julieune Wyckoff, seconded by Pat Jindra, to award the proposal to provide relocation services at 3718 Central Avenue N.E. for a fee not to exceed $750.00 to Wilson Development Services; and furthermore, to authorize the President and Executive Director to enter into an Agreement for the same. All Ayes. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Julienne Wyckoff, seconded by Pat lindra, to adjourn the meeting at 7:01p.m. All ayes. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Bakken Recording Secretary H:kEDAminutes\Special Mtg.9-25-2000