HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 11, 1984COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY Report December Il, 1984 Circulation for the month of October is up from 1983: 1983 Adult 6,236 Juvenile 4,370 10,606 LIBGIS statistics for October is up from 1983: 1983 per day Reference 1,379 55.16 Directional A 130 5.2 Directional B 32 1.28 Working days 25 1984 5,944 5,O71 11,O15 1984 per day 1,450 55.77 273 10.5 17 .65 26 The children's department brought this fall session of story hour to a close with a grand total of 113 children registered in the three different age brackets. On November 23, 890 children were entertained at the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" while their parents went Christmas shopping. Thanks go to the Friends for the cider and donuts they provided for the November senior citizen program, which featured "Minnesota on Stage," a part of the 1984 Chatauqua Program. Starring Lance Belville, Eric Peltoneimi, and Susan Tillman, the program consisted of songs, monologues, and dialogues about life in Minnesota, and the performers held a short discussion with the audience afterward. Thanks go to Lucille McFail, Lorraine Reisewitz, Pauline Rusinyak, and Lee Wilkie for helping to serve. The Friends hosted a joint meeting on November 5 with the Friends of the Elk River Public Library. A tour of the library was given afterward by evening supervisor Marsha Tubbs. The library staff has attended demonstrations of automated circulation systems at the Fridley Library on November 6, 169 and 30. We are starting to understand the concept behind the hardware and are looking forward to learning more as time goes by. Many different types of bells now grace the display case in the brown room. Thanks go to Margaret Norberg and Diana Thompson for loaning them to us. "A Teddy Bear's Christmas" is in the display case of the children's depart- ment. Thanks go to Betty Grotheim for the loan of these bears. On November 30, 1984, Mitch DeMars retired from the Public Works Department of the City. Mitch worked for the City for over 32 years and has always been a reliable friend of the library. Thanks for all your help over the years and good luck as you start your well-deserved retirement! The staff wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY EXPENDITURES December 11, 1984 RENTS & LEASES: #11OO Swank Motion Pictures PlAINTENANCg & PEPAIR: #112o Calc-Type Copy Duplicating,,Products Gestetner Corp. 1019207 "Willie Wonka." 755534 posters . 67614-M 458086 32732 EXPERT & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: #1130 Sharon Uagen 8477 HEMBERSHIP: #1220 Minnesota Library Assoc. ()TILER CONT. SERVICES: $1290 American Linen Supply OFFICE SUPPLIES: #13OO, Gestetner Corp. GENERAL SUPPLIES: #1360 K-Mart BOOKS: ,136) Baker & Taylor Best Publications Better ttomes & Gardens BroDa rt Gale Research Co. Main Line Book Co. National Info. Data Center Oxford University Press Wallace-Homestead 108.50 2.OO Campbell-Logan Bindery 1-yr. maintemance contract Olivetti ET-221 one-month Service contract on Savin drive belt, repair of burner treatment of sick plant Bachman, Marguerite Loader, Rebecca Scudder, Joanne (all 1-yr memberships) 25.OO 40.00 40.00 M17041121 32784 ink, stencils, coverstock A270765 puffs, rick rack, bows, felt, plates LO5888845 M L15906644 M L19913OO8 M L28925595 M credit memo 188713 1985 Chase's annual events. Gifts of food. U277397 U287489 501326 89834 B 1985 National zip code director~. Oxford companion to children's literature. Oxford dictionary of nursery rhyme~. ].04106 3.00 107230 20.72 10955 20 books rebound 174.71 1,294.94 203.68 247.9O 6.26 188.10 27.62 110.50 T~o.5o 189.00 30.00 88.90 307.90 ] 0.00 10.00 1 O5. O0 105.OO 10.75 10.75 388.91 388.91 24.75 24.75 1914.97 17.45 18.11 215.72 81.50 13.29 24.95 63 .OO 23.72 127.80 2,500.51 PERIODICALS: //1.366 American Library Assoc. Kirkus Service, Inc. Mpls. Public Library & Info. Center AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAl.: //1367 Quality Books, Inc. EXPENDITURES December 11, 1984 - Page 2 - 45793 l-yr. subscription Booklist. 1-yr. subscriptfon Kirkus. 1341 1-yr. subscription to Star/Tribune index. 132589 AC/bk languages sets 47.00 125.OO 165.OO 337.00 91.O6 91 .O6 ITE__~N CODE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS PUBLIC LIBRARY Accounting, December 11, 1984 BUDGET SALARIES (REC.) 1010 $82,835 gA[,tPI~ (PART TIME) 1020 35,740 INTERDEP'T HELP 1050 790 PERA 1091 5,875 FICA 1.092 4,625 ttOSPiTALiZATiON 1093 3,650 ALLOCATED FRINGE 1094 235 WORKMEN,S COMP. 1095 175 RENTS & LEASES 11OO 500 ADV. PUB. PRINT 1110 - O - blAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1120 1,790 GARAGE 1124 lO0 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 1125 - O - EXPERT & PROF. SERVICE 1130 200 OTHER CHARCES 1190 75 COMMUNICATIONS 12OO 1,950 TRAVEL, CONF., SCHOOL '1210 1,325 MEMB ERStil P 1220 330 IITI LIT1 ES 1230 13,420 INSURANCE & BONDS 1260 1,575 OTttER CONT. SERVICES 1.290 9,235 OFFICE SUPPLIES 13OO 2,125 CENERAL SUPPLIES 1360 4,575 BOOKS 1365 30,000 PERIODICALS 1366 2,645 AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL 1367 2,750 $206,520 STRUCTURE 1520 20,300 EQUIPMENT 1540 2,580 ENCUMB. YR. TO DATE $74 781.96 32,195.44 1.044.~4 4,410.39 3 790.66 3 210.16 313.20 91.44 250.57 10.O9 1,483.O9 158.40 163.O0 41.19 1,529.01 944.22 105.OO 9,363.40 1,081.OO 5,874.47 1,988.O9 4,805.07 24,760.24 2,160.64 2,836.43 15,162.64 729.90 $229,400 EX___~PENDED }ALANC[ NOVEMBER 110.50 307.90 10.OO 105.OO 10.75 388.91 24.75 2,500.51 337.00 91.06 $8,053.04 3,544.56 -254.O4 1,464.61 834.34 439.84 -78.20 83.56 138.93 -10.O9 -.99 -58.40 27.00 33.81 420.99 380.78 120.OO 4,O56.60 494.00 3,349.78 -252.00 -254.82 2,7~9.25 147.36 -177.49 $25,242.42 5,137.36 1,850.10 $32,229.88